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Remember that you can dislike stuff without making it part of your personality. Report and ignore shitposters that only spam and argue in bad faith.

>General Info on Final Fantasy

>What version should I play?

>Final Fantasy Pixel Remaster Trailer

>Final Fantasy XVI Info
>Launch Trailer "Salvation"
>PC Trailer

>Final Fantasy VII Rebirth
>Final Trailer

>Final Fantasy VII Ever Crisis
>Dissidia Final Fantasy Opera Omnia
>Final Fantasy Brave Exvius: War of the Visions
>Final Fantasy Brave Exvius

>Final Fantasy XI

Previous thread: >>503967556
Good morning /ffg/
XV Royal is the best Final Fantasy
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Some people really need to figure out that you can dislike stuff without making it part of your personality. You don't have to go out of your way to remind everyone every time it comes up, and argue with anyone who does like it.
Based first post
said no one ever
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Crisis Core is more of a Final Fantasy game than XV and XVI.
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Wrong series.
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Ignis is cute but FFXVI has the hottest men in the series.
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I love Vanille.
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One true love and kissu hug! Canon and cute!
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Why is Kuya so gay?
Literally worst character in WoFF.
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Oh, so that's where all the hate for FFXVI comes from.
Characters weren't nigger enough, so Kotatsu is shitposting here.
Who the fuck is Kotatsu?
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Either that or there are just too many gay people defending it
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What is the lore of this nigga? Why is he so fuckin strong? He's really kicking my ass in FF7R.
You're reminding me of the guy on here who was having a fucking aneurism at the thought of this tag "unfairly" being applied to XVI because he was terrified it would lead to lower sales.
he just likes to poke ya
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Very embarrassing.

Is FFXVI anti-woke?
Have fun in Rebirth with the arena match with like 10 of them at once.
Embodiment of bitterness and anger of everyone you killed.
What with American journalist feeling the need to shove their own social issues into foreign games?
Don't they realize that other countries don't have the same issues that they do? It makes them barely better than these muslim country who cover women because you can't allow shoulders to show.
Americans in general are too self-centered to realize, let alone care, that other countries don't have the same issues than they do. That's why you see burgers ranting about presidential elections on Payday lobbies or whatever else.
my femra....
it doesn't matter...
Hey now, you can't post the best FF here, you'll trigger Sisi Jiang.
>lil bro can't read roman numerals
many such cases
>Why is he so fuckin strong?
Pure, seething hatred and a really sharp knife.
>bro can't even punctuation and thinks it can lectures its betters
See >>504670023
You triggered the fatherless, it's seething.
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Look at her go!
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So rebirth sold more than 3.3million that DD2 did..
Glad we have official confirmation of this
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Clerithfags foreverally btfo and delitized
Are they? I checked interview and he just said optional hug scene from part1 is connected to optional kiss scene from part2.
How is this something that 'btfo's' clerith's exactly
>So rebirth sold more than 3.3million
Oh, no, of course they aren't. I just wanted to make that awkward reference I don't expect anyone to get.
But for anyone paying attention to Cloud and Tifa's relationship instead of pretending it doesn't exist, it's a very natural escalation that will culminate in them fucking on a pile of rocks in part 3 after Tifa looks inside Cloud's heart and mind.
And Aerith is just dead.
The LTD has always been a ridiculous concept.
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Where is the post for the 3 million sales milestone then?
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The 10/10 FFXVI sold over 6 million units worldwide.
How many FF characters have kys themselves?
>muh sales
XV sold more than all of your flops combined
I said it earlier but I have to assume this is PS only.
Sometimes sales are the most important thing in the world. Sometimes they don't matter at all.
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>That's a really maniacal question lol
>Cloud embraces Tifa in an (((optional scene)))

Pretending the primary source doesn't exist is necessary for cuctis smooth brain masturbation, as always.
picrel explains well what that "growth" means. (MTL for illiterates: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Gd47VKlbwAEU7-y.png)
Celes tried
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>the kiss was the natural progression of Cloud and Tifa’s relationship from Remake to Rebirth
Next game has to show us Cloud's "growth" some way *wink wink*
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Finally some good fucking Turn-BASED.
Atlus shills and Redditbirthers on suicune watch?
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So what will XVI cultists have left to brag about now when they officially announce that Rebirth outsold XVI after TGA?
shame no one seems to care much
>wishful cope that never happened
Aerithkeks really seem to enjoy coping, don't they?
DD2 only sold 1.5M on PS
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XVI got a bigger sales boost in Europe.
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2x more like usual.
So why is it still at 3 million?
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>268% sales boost
>1k sales
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>only 1k sales
Noctis > Cloud's games
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>Redditbirth could only move 100 units
>The 10/10 FFXVI seems to have outsold it 10:1
oof that's gotta hurt
consistent with other markets as well
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Rebirth bros... We have a chance to hit the 2m sales milestone without demo players included. Please buy as many copies as you can afford while it's half off.
how come xvi wasn't amazon's choice?
>tranny still mad XVI has no blacks
>no nintendo games despite selling like wildfire
Something seems fishy. Especially with how fast XVI and Rebirth dropped off their sales charts.
It's PlayStation Partners only
>why isn't nintendo represented at a sony award show???
please understand, the average /ffg/ IQ is not very high
That's pathetic.
Nomura is done after part 3. They will probably keep him around for long enough to finish just for the couple thousand sales his name brings, but he's going to get forced into retirement afterwards.
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Meanwhile reality
I've never played FF IV or V
Buddy don't interrupt the unbreakable narrative the cult has come up with.
We went from 250+ to 1000+! Finally a cause for celebration!
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it was 50% off and has the same sales as metaflop KEK
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typically newer games sell more. I'm surprised rebirth is selling the same as metaphor
wasnt metaflop released last month, meanwhile rebirth was released in february?
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meanwhile bluey tripled your trash games lmao
21k during the biggest sale of the year. Impressive!
Only need about 50 more Black Friday sales to hit the coveted 3 million milestone!
jimbo isn't happy
If we include demo players we can probably hit it in 30/10ish.
Not again...
Can't believe Hamaguchi betrayed us Aerithsisters... he was supposed to be /ourguy/
>tifakek having another melty
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Clive... What a handsome man.
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You keep hiding it's price, wonder why
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My wife Eiko is too cute!
why are you geh
>price matters
kek you already lost and got raped. 3 million sales never ever lmao
When people say that FFXVI sold 3 million I say sales don't matter.
When people say Rebirth has a 260% increase* I care deeply.

*in Europe
Is that positive rebirth news?
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The best
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basically his MO every time and then reaffirm that everyone else is the one upset kek
Shame about losing UGOTY and CGOTY so the awards it did win can't matter or it means admitting defeat.
Where is can_opening_pepe when you need him
Also critics' choice, but we won't know if critic opinions matter until later this month.
that's a lot of green.
Also all dev comments don't matter now, not just Kitase and Nomura.
How do we spin this as a bad thing?
Well it couldn't outvote china and only got 2nd in UGOTY. I think that's telling
>FINAL FANTASY VII REBIRTH (PlayStation 5) (Includes Amazon Exclusive In-Game Shinra Bangle) - Golden Joystick Winner
>Golden Joystick Winner
Seems the tag didn't do enough to bring it to the 10/10 FFXVI's level. Better luck next Christmas!
winnie the pooh I KNEEL
Pretty sure China spite voted Helldivers too, thats the only way to explain it losing.
why does this shit exist
Probably, in UGOTY rebirth beat helldivers so it does make logical sense
I am the most not upset person on here
How come we've been so dead lately? Shitposters need not respond.
>Not a lot of news
>Doesn't seem to be many people playing FF games (or aren't sharing their progress if so, probably because lp anons were scared off)
>On a related note, rampant shitposting scaring off everyone who actually wants to talk about Final Fantasy
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Max and NSP both agree rebirth should be the base of FF going forward.
Who are we to disagree?
I can't decide between Stanger of Paradise or FF16. Help. Do I got for the CHAOS memes or the Attack on Totan ripoff?
I dunno about NSP, but how many FF games that aren't 7 has Max played?
I'd sooner go with Stranger of Paradise or something like that.
Can't speak for 16, but SoP has level-based story progression, gameplay reminiscent of Nioh with a focus on parrying, jobs and generally hefty customization and a lot to do gameplaywise.
Max played XVI
The only other FF game he streamed was Dissidia and only because it's a fighting game. He tried to play FFX but got filtered by mountain Seymour and dropped the game saying it was boring. The dude is a fraud.
And...? Anything else or just that and 7Re?
Yeah, that sounds about what I expected.
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Yea barry told me
>gameplay reminiscent of Nioh
Fucking sold. You better not be lying to me, anon. Nioh 2 and its DLCs were my jam.
You didn't really say why he was wrong, just an excuse to marginalize his opinion.
Games Max has played to completion:
>FF7 (allegedly)
>FF7 Remake
Games Max is currently playing:
>FF7 Rebirth
Games Max has tried and quit:
>FF Duodecim
>FF15 (fair)
This guy claims to be a huge FF fanboy since the PS1 days.
>This guy claims to be a huge FF fanboy since the PS1 days.
does he? I thought he always admitted he is simply a ff7 fanboy
Admittedly, I played Nioh second, but it's pretty close (and made by Team Ninja, so that's not a surprise). I'd say the biggest differences are that you have a dedicated parry mechanic as well as teammates (though you can turn those off).
Excuse me for being skeptical somebody says a particular game should be a base for a series and has barely played said series.
Did he at least get to normal Chaos?
Even I got to normal Chaos and I sucked at Duodecim.
>Excuse me for being skeptical somebody says a particular game should be a base for a series and has barely played said series.
You still haven't said why he was wrong.
no way he beat the original ff7 when the entire time he was streaming remake he was asking stupid shit like "I wonder if they'll actually explain what the hell SOLDIER is"
>"I wonder if they'll actually explain what the hell SOLDIER is"
they never really spoke about it in the og
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Unfortunately true
I haven't rebirth, so I can't say that he's wrong.
But I didn't directly say he's wrong. I questioned how many FF games he's played. And from the sounds of things, not many.
rabbi Max doesn't give a fuck about FF
his parents got him this influencer gig
makes me laugh that you lemmings eat up whatever he has to say
I just played through FFX for the first time, slogged my way through Tidus' constant whining and unlikable attitude to get to the Blitz Ball part of the game, and it fucking SUCKS.

How did they fuck it up this bad when they made it look so fucking cool in the opening CG?! Please tell me Tidus gets some personal growth and stops being a fag with daddy issues later in the game. At least Wakka is cool with his racism for sand niggers.
we should just accept the opinion of someone who has played more FFs. Lets ask FFautist1.
>he loves rebirth
bummer, obviously he just likes FF because he just likes anything with FF in it.
Who do we ask now? ugh i need an opinion that fits mine right now.
X has always been gay
speaking of chaos, could jack take out chaos from sailor moon stars?
The FF gachas are basically all dead and the gacha posters were like half the people in these threads.
Irrefutable, you may say.

>that many desperate reaching screengrabs
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I hate Shadow Lord's english voice...
Not as deep as I thought it would be.
SE should fire the new American VAs and switch to AI voiceovers or back to the UK actors that were doing it.
Kate strikes again. Since Heavensward the EN dub has been pretty good, but Yawnfail is just miss after miss.
Dumb dead whore.
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My beautiful wife Aerith, who I saved.
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Reunion at cobble streets.
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For me, I'm more into dumping rare barrifas.
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Why is she flaunting her armpits?
>including demo players
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GOTY status?
8 more days until Metaphor wins GOTY.
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The cute and canonical couples of FFVII!
metaphor is not GOTY material
nor is Rebirth.
Bad year for games, anything winning won't be above 7/10.
He played and completed Crisis Core: Reunion on stream. Also, reminder Rebirth sold more in a day than XVI did in 10 days, then again Metaphor sold 1 million in 5 hours, and we never heard from that again.
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Oh yeah? Where is the milestone update?
>mfw FFXVI sold 3 times as much as Metaphor and 69 times more than Rebirth.
You are so mad
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>Redditbirthkeks are now blatantly lying to cope
>with the fact that the fastest selling PS5 exclusive FFXVI outsold stillbirth 2:1
Nta but he's not lying about this it seems:
>Rebirth sold more in a day than XVI did in 10 days in Europe
The truth is, nobody knows exactly what Rebirth's and XVI's sales are today, but that doesn't stop you from shitposting for months and years, chatbot.
Midgar will be destroyed in part 3.
He also completed XV long ago and even said that the game's story was better than XVI.
>in Europe
So what like 4k copies lmao
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Narrative bros keep taking loss after loss, Rebirth sales are comparable to Wukong and SOTE, it's winning countless awards already, Hamaguci-San on camera saying they've been told by the company to make sure part 3 is the best it can be. Rebirth GOTY at TGA, pc port announced, Tifa in Tekken 8 announcement, it's going to be kino.
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FF TCG on mobile when? Maybe that will save Final Fantasy.
Both games are GOTY material, both are good, but Jimbo is wrong in saying Metaphor's story is better. Metaphor is less subtle both thematically and narratively. The writers from CS1 are good precisely because they assume that the player has at least basic intelligence, and is able to read between the lines. They let you interpret many things on your own, and that's their advantage and vulnerability. An advantage, because the team has learnt well from years of training to tell stories with hints and allusions, without overusing on the nose writing and too much exposition, something Atlus has obvious problems with. Vulnerability lies in the fact that because of such approach, modern audiences, lacking reading and interpretation skills, mistakenly consider the narrative in both Remake and Rebirth as nonsensical and devoid of substance.
I love when my Final Fantasy adds KH nonsense
It adds so much needed "depth" to plot points
that were previously well written and clear
we take all percentages and vague interpretations of regional sales data here at face value as long as it's a positive for Rebirth or negative for XVI.
What game are you talking about?
I think the funniest thing about this place is the hyperfixation on sales, even though the moment someone brings up XV sales it gets an immediate "who cares" which really shows how futile it all is. This is what happens when you have fans who are desperate to prove, objectively, their games are the BEST using numbers, because they're too insecure to actually discuss them with their own opinions because some mean bully might come along and disagree.
One of the most important themes of VII is the danger of replication and copying. It is for this reason that in the OG Cloud had to realise his identity and recognise that he is not Zack. The VII remake project was always destined to be different and unique, and apparently destined to explain this point through its meta-commentary for all those who failed to figure it out in 1997.

The very thematic nature of VII dictates that the remake trilogy can only remain itself, preserve its integrity and continue the legacy of its predecessor by becoming autonomous and separate from that very predecessor to which it will always be compared.
Watch as this anon will not explain what KH nonsense is without it sounding like FF nonsense.
That's OG Cloud and Zack in that scene
Does it go down easier from Famitsu?
Anon, it's a metaphor: the trilogy carries on the legacy of the OG just as Cloud takes on Zack's legacy at the end of CC, further going through a major internal schizo-redefinition that culminates in self-realisation as a unique, separated, autonomous entity.
Except CC is canon to OG first for 10+ years
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>realise his identity and recognise that he is not Zack
He already knows he's LARPing.
No even in Rebirth after remembering Zack he's still larping as a SOLDIER who's not Zack.
>Except CC is canon to OG first for 10+ years
Nobody denies that. What's your point?

My point is that the VII remake project itself is going through the same "arc" as Cloud in the OG. Imagine that the trilogy itself is like a character. Then the remake trilogy's "arc" is basically Cloud's arc from the OG.

Nothing in this page explicitly states that he knows he is not Zack. It does not follow from the fact that he is uncomfortable talking about Zack that he knows he's LARPing. Also this >>504762320.
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is this true
Canon and happened in the game. Peak Toriyama writing.
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Are we ready for Tifa in T8?
I don't play tekken so I don't give a fuck
I don't play Tekken but I do give a fuck. Please add Tifa in T8 and then add all of then in Fortnite frfr
This. All remake needed to do in order to be a work of genius was to be different from the original. And anyone who disliked it simply didn't understand it, or the original game. It doesn't actually matter what happens in the game, the important thing is that events play out differently.
NSP did say he wants part3 to go off the rails
>He already knows he's LARPing.
doesn't sure = knows?
Nomura is gay. He would never do cross over.
The story so far has been the exact same. It just has some extra stuff, but the story is the same. So this makes no sense.
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Square Enix should make a Star Wars game.
btw jimbo i dont know if you knew but Hamaguchi in a recent interview said you are valid
now you can finally rest in peace
He did? What did he say?
Without going into spoilers, the ending has sparked a lot of discussion amongst fans. Is the reaction what you expected?

Yes. We’ve had some people who are really positive towards the ending - they really liked it. On the other hand, we’ve had people who maybe weren’t so keen on it and had more negative things to say.

I think that both of those opinions are very valid and worthwhile, and to borrow something that Mr Kitase (FINAL FANTASY VII remake project producer) says, we wanted to inspire speculation and discussion among fans during the gap between the second and third game.

And people are still talking about it. You have positive takes and negative takes, interesting discussions and sometimes they all collide. That’s basically the response we wanted to achieve.
Tifa kiss is canon and his favorite moment so far.
Nice. As you know, I haven't said anything negative about the ending of Rebirth, but I'm glad to hear he's happy with the response.
Oh, you seem to have me confused for someone who engages with ship wars.
That sounds exactly like something a Ackrithkek would say through tears and snot streaming down his face.
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Just as Aerith and Zack's consciousnesses is always in Cloud's soul as a fond memory and source of inspiration, so OG VII lives ‘inside’ the VII trilogy as a legacy and endless source of inspiration, in the form of a series of canonical events and the thematic core of the entire story. Autonomy is not the goal in itself, but a condition of being able to take and carry on the legacy, and of course adding something of your own along the way (new combat system, a ton of mechanics, additional events important to the story etc).

This formula is kinda ideal in a sense: any innovation can be explained by the thematic idea of the value of individuality, any obedience to the canon is explainable by the idea of the value of legacy.
>As you know, I haven't said anything negative about the ending of Rebirth
Jimbo, we both know you have been fighting for the right of people of saying negative things about the remake without someone telling me "you know, i disagree with you because...". You finally got your answer. Hamaguchi himself said "your negative opinions are valid".
Its over.
>Just as Aerith and Zack's consciousnesses is

I don't envy your existence, but as long as this pissing match makes you "happy" by all means stick with it.
This. It's good no matter what happens.
>your negative opinions are valid
And what negative opinions about Rebirth have I expressed?
>you have get into theorycrafting, dude
>FFVII story is no longer about anything
What's wrong with theorycrafting?
Hamaguchi himself is ok with Rebirth being criticized, but I'm not.
Who are you pretending to be now
You can tell that post is a falseflag because nobody is actually like that. Haha.
all me btw
As long as nobody says what's wrong with theorycrafting, we're good.
I think Rebirth is a great game desu. I'm glad it's getting it's flowers.
Don't have any autistic grudge against it
Based. I prefer to talk about what I liked about it than to obsess over sales figures or award shows, but it is nice to see it getting a signal boost from these recent wins. If there's any justice it will take GOTY at the game awards, but even if it doesn't we know it's done well enough for SE to make part 3, and that's what matters.
To me what matters most is that SE showed they can still make a top tier game.
I think it's a good sign for XVII
As soon as SE make a mainline FF that balances its sidequests in a way that allows for a swift playthrough and story while keeping enough side material for the players who want 100 hours of play from it, everyone is going to say the glory days are back.
Even though I'd say Rebirth is already a return to the glory days, nailing that balance will be what gets the wider public to take notice.
You think Rebirth didn't have that balance?
If you skip the side content you can go through the game quite fast
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>Fucking kickass boss battle against Titan with a crazy climax
>Follow it up with doing literal fucking chores in the MSQ
I get the need for downtime and building rapore with the cast but these are the dullest fucking tasks they could've possibly come up with holy shit.

Honestly, I liked the Hunt Log but if the MSQ was going to be this dull they should've just integrated it into it instead.
It would have at least explained why it has to be CLIVE, the fucking leader, going to fetch fucking sand.
No chance of that happening, don't worry.
It did, that's why I say I think Rebirth is already delivering that. I just think, more than anything else, that's the balance they need to get right in order to get the general public to consider SE and FF back on top in the way they used to be.
Hmm I don't think it's about the gameplay really.
FF just had a lot of mediocre releases over the last 15 years.
It also failed to create a fanbase on the PC platform. Multiplatform release generates more discussion, more hype.. it's a snowball effect.
Look at DD2. The game is considered shit gameplay wise yet it sold well thanks to the multiplatform release and good marketing.
I think FF will be multiplatform much faster than before in future. Wasn't that one of the changes they announced when it was revealed the exclusivity deals weren't good for them financially? Which was a little embarrassing for me personally after I spent so many years arguing in threads about the exclusivity deals being good for SE. Turns out I was wrong, but I've always been good at admitting that when I need to.
The fact you are able to change your opinion as the market develops is important. You have to be adaptable and realize that the Playstation dying in japan isn't good if you want to get good sales.
Yes, SE were making the right decision then, and they're making the right decision now. I guess that means I was also right back then, and right again now. Thanks anon.
Personally I would have already released PC day one with remake.
Or at least XVI since yoshi has a PC fanbase in XIV.
The PC announcement will be overshadowed by Persona 6 announcement.
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Please don't post AIslop here, thanks.
That's because Rebirth has very little actual game
It sure is packed to the brim with minigame distractions though
>he didn't enjoy his wholesome date with Otto on the beach collecting sand
Let's see your play time of you skipped all the side content
It's a good game if you ignore all the bad parts.
That also applies to XV
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>xvi-kun tried to shit on other devs for bending the knee to Saudis
>meanwhile yoshitpiss literally this week
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look who came stumbling in
I feel fantasian is gonna flop based on how little likes and retweets its getting on their social media posts, nobody seems to care even that much when they go "from sakaguchi the creator of Final Fantasy is a new TURN BASED game with music by uematsu!

it's only in the hundreds, maybe good reviews will sway it
he said he's played 6, 7, 10, 11 a lot back in the day, 14arr, 15+dlc, 7r+ dlc, ff7cc, 7rebirth, ff16, sop beta and a chunk of the full game, Dissidia, ff tactics and watched advent children more than once
he finished ff15 and played all the dlc and said its top 3 ff
he beat 6, 7, 10, ff7r, tactics, ff16, rebirth and played all of 11
we love eceleb gossip here
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oh look the xvitroon is here gooking out
Looks like mobile slop.
gottem lol
done stumbling through the thread or have you got any more 17 hour posts you feel the need to reply to individually?
Are any of the pixel remasters worth getting or are they SOVLless cash grabs?
Are they straight ports of the consoles they first appeared on or do they have any bonus content?
Wasn't this released years ago on like iOS or something
HKmoron still projecting about you going to /gif/ to look up tranny porn?
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So the 18 month plan failed...
The Pixel Remasters are excellent and the definitive versions of I-VI.
They are faithful to the originals and do not include any bonus content from the various other releases.
I don't understand what it ever entailed. Letting positive word of mouth get around? lol. Putting the game on sale? Releasing DLC? PC release?
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>Letting positive word of mouth get around
Basically yes. Except no one cared after the first month.
Yoshida committed every sin he blamed XIV 1.0 for. Just replace MMO with Action/RPG.
he is a PR con man after all
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>someone says fpbp
>it's actually the first post
it's sad that this surprises me
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it's over
But those replies have always been to the first post in every thread.
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Aerith prettiest FF protagonist.
Common turnBASED W like always
Aerith is an filthy, ugly whore I'm afraid.
Cloud is the protagonist, didn't you see the fan roundtable? Some Aerithkek asked if Cloud or Aerith was the protagonist of Rebirth, and the answer was that the game is from Cloud's perspective and he's the protagonist.
Because fucking of course it is, how could you think Aerith is the main character?
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Have 18 months already passed? Time flies.
>almost 20k more all-time peak
This is quite surprising. I thought only Japan cared about DQ.
People already played XVI when it was released on PS5 a year ago, so they may not feel the need to play it again on PC.
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I loved Vanille, but I loved l'Éclair even more...
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Yet at the same time I loved l'Éclair, but I loved Vanille even more...
Weak cope, Nier Automata sold more on PC than it ever did on PS4.
XVI is a great game but I'm not buying it twice
thankfully it already outsold Rebirth 2:1
>Yoshi-P just got fired

still 17 days left

t-the plan can still work!!!!!
60% of dq3 players are from japan
over 3m people in japan already played dq3
And then you wake up.
First Tabata gets fired last week and now Yoshida... Japan is finally fighting back against mediocrity.
I wish.
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tabata got rehired
refired* sorry autocorrect
Don't worry anon, sometimes I make up things and present them as truth to make myself feel better too.
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Still employed at his own company JPGAMES which he's CEO of and still in business with Quantum Solutions who are funding Project JEWEL, who say no change is being made to the direction of that.

>November 15, 2024
>We have received a resignation offer from a director and would like to announce the following.

>1.Director Name
>Hajime Tabata
>2.Reason of Resignation
>Mr. Hajime Tabata has decided to resign from his position as director to focus on the management of JP GAMES, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as "JP GAMES"), where he serves as CEO. Given the significant responsibilities and fiduciary duties involved in being a director, including the duty of care and loyalty, he has chosen to step down.

>3.Date of Resignation
>November 30, 2024

>Regarding the capital and business alliance between the company and JP GAMES, discussions are planned to take place in the future, but no decisions have been made at this time. JP GAMES will continue to be an important partner for the company.

>Additionally, there will be no change to the direction for the company's RPG (Role-Playing Game) "Project JEWEL (provisional title)." The development of the game will continue in collaboration with JP GAMES.

They havn't updated the page but Tabata's only resigned from the board, not from business partnership, and he wasnt fired from anything, they even literally say he resigned from Quantum Solutionss board of directors to focus on his company JPGAMES

Btw Mistwalker is listed as one of JPGAMES main clients, as are Nintendo, Sony, Bamco and Epic Games
We know since only you ever spout the "tabata le fired!?!" lie to help yourself sleep
Never once said that. Grow up.
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i ain't reading that lol
tabata got fired again lmao
Oh so then it was just a yoshitpiss fag lying claiming tabata was fired when the official statement from Quantum Solutions says the development collaboration with jp games on project jewel will not change?

leave it to yoshitpissfags to lie about their perceived enemies
He's talking to himself now.
Imagine how based he'd be if he put this energy into defending 7R or XVI
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>Mr. Hajime Tabata has decided to resign from his position as director to focus on the management of JP GAMES, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as "JP GAMES"), where he serves as CEO. Given the significant responsibilities and fiduciary duties involved in being a director, including the duty of care and loyalty, he has chosen to step down.

>JP GAMES will continue to be an important partner for the company.

>Additionally, there will be no change to the direction for the company's RPG (Role-Playing Game) "Project JEWEL (provisional title)." The development of the game will continue in collaboration with JP GAMES.

More like you can't read
Literally says QS is still continuing to fund project JEWEL and work with JPGAMES and Tabata, and that it was Tabata who chose to resign from the board of QS, not fired from anything.
I read it. It's just legal jargon that says Tabata is being forced to resign (fired) for incompetence. Same deal as when SE canned him.
Yoshida drones always lie about devs on other games so they can prop up their failing mmo hack
I'm glad barrys biggest defender is here
Yeah, I've noticed that. Honestly there's nothing more pathetic than defending yoshitpiss.
Jap or english dub for strangers of paradise?
being overly defensive about any videogame is pathetic regardless of the game
>we're continuing our collaboration with jp games and jp games will continue to be an important partner to us, we also own jp games stock and will continue funding project jewel

>somehow this is tabata getting fired frkm qs, a company he only temporarily joined the board of directors on and which the statement says he is resigning so he can focus on jpgames which is literally making a game funded by quantum solutions

Meanwhile yoshitpiss was fired from dq10 and had his new ip cancelled and lost power as a producer became of yoshitpisses incompetence leading to SE losing 2 billion in value
Anything past V is dogshit
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>words words words
not reading allat kek
tabata got fireaga'd (fire 3'd for you boomers) jejmao
Anon, sshh! Don't say the quiet part too loud. You know how touchy he's been recently.
>Meanwhile yoshitpiss was fired from dq10
barry is here and acting like the biggest sperg as usual, but I think we should focus on XVI defender instead
I know he was fired from SE and Quantum Solutions. What's the 3rd time?
Nomura would have followed Tabata's footsteps and started his own company by now after all the shit Square done to him and his project but he mentioned in an interview that the reason he stays is because so many people in the company rely on him.
literally says he wasn't
I don't think you read it since it says they will continue their partnership with Tabata's company, which they also say he left his board of director position at quantum solutions specifically to focus on managing jpgames which is making an rpg funded by quantum solutions.
tl;dr tab ded
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Tsudaken or big locomotive
Tabby got fired.
Damn yoshitpiss got fired and his new ip cancelled
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The fact he's not on dq10 anymore

he was never fired and Quantum Solutions literally says they're continually to work with JP games and fund project JEWEL
Yoshitpiss was fired from dq10 and had his new ip cancelled
>The fact he's not on dq10 anymore
he stopped being directly involved when he got assigned the XIV directing role.
>almost zero va experience
>still more range than the nip with decades worth of roles
Explain this
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>words words words.jpg
kek you already know what im bout to say
didn't read lolmao
tabata unemployed roflcopter
thanks for the summary
project JEWEL sounds like an NFT scam
Dude isn't even bad why did he do so few characters over the years?
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big daddy Sakaguchi mogging yoshitpiss
yoshitpiss fired*
Every piece of news/review about Fantasian is funny because they're making sure no one remembers this is a port of an Apple Arcade game.
his new ip got cancelled and he was the only se dev who played western mmos which is the only reason he was given ff14
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>Additionally, there will be no change to the direction for the company's RPG (Role-Playing Game) "Project JEWEL (provisional title)." The development of the game will continue in collaboration with JP GAMES.
You're making up excuses but not addressing that you lied about him being fired from DQ10 when he got promoted to director and had to leave that title.
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You're talking about ff14 which is a metaverse scam made by someone fired from dq10 and who's new up was cancelled

project jewel sounds like a FF spiritual successor AAA console RPG made by FF, TWEWY, and KH devs
I hope Tabata finds a new job soon so he'll stop spamming how not fired he is all over 4chan.
>the cult classic mobile rpg
sounds like a reference to its mobile origins to me
No I'm not and that is literally what happened

He was fired from dq10
he was making a new ip with takai and soken
it got cancelled
ff10 crashed around the same time and nobody wanted to touch it with a ten foot pole
yoshitpiss was the only one who played western mmos and he's the only one who volunteered to take on ff14 because he had literally nothing else going for him
>He was fired from dq10
He got a new job and left DQ10.
You're stumbling around on your phone trying to make up a narrative that doesn't exist and will not post any evidence to back this up.
Shame yoshitpiss has no games in development while Tabata has 2 RPGs and lists mistwalker as a client, so confirmed partnership with Sakaguchi
yoshitpiss was fired from dq10
ask anyone on 5ch or futaba they'll tell you the same
You already replied to that post.
You can't speak or read japanese.
And you still won't post a single source.
he was fired from dq10
had a new ip cancelled
was the only one free and with Western mmo play history so he volunteered to take on ff14 because nobody else wanted to

he had literally no real to leave dq10 if he wasn't fired
he volunteered to go to ff14 because he had nothing else, not higher ups reassigning him
>he had literally no real to leave dq10 if he wasn't fired
You're stumbling over yourself on your phone and now you're admitting that all you have is conjectures and no source.
Yoshitpiss was objectively fired from dq10

see >>504827212
in japan they call him triple failure yoshida with dq10 failure Yoshida being his first failure as a dev
yoshitpiss was fired from dq10
this is proven fact
don't screencap your own posts.
Where's the source. An interview perhaps?
It’s going to happen again when Expedition 33 comes out. I don’t even know what the game is about, but the gameplay already looks ten times better than XVI and most people seem to agree.
Tabata is not handling his """resignation""" very gracefully.
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I thought he was fired
How is multiple people on 5ch with different IDs my own post? Looks like youre having a meltdown because yoshitpiss was fired from dq10
Yoshitpissfags aren't handling tabata actually making RPGs while yoshitpiss has nothing in the works very gracefully

you're thinking of yoshitpiss who was fired from dq10
>How is multiple people on 5ch with different IDs
*sidenote: xv-chan is known for using vpns to get around posting limits
**any excuse is therefore thrown out the window
***he doesn't have any concrete evidence for his claim
If we say """resignation""" maybe he will get back to prompting NFTs for his new """RPG""" and stop spamming 4chan about how not fired he is.
Just play along.
*No such thing has ever been proven, this is another made up lie from yoshitpiss fags
**Invalid as the prior statement is invalid
***Yoshitpiss was fired from DQ10, if he wasn't fired from DQ10 he'd still be on DQ10
>No such thing has ever been proven
Someone post the IRC screenshot lol
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But enough about nft lover yoshitpiss with 0 games in development
>irc screeshot
You mean the shooped irc screenshot where that you've been banned for multiple times for impersonal 4chan staff?
Its always cute how badly you type and your phone has to understand your gibberish.
Better to be a nft lover with 0 games in development than a nft lover with 2 nft games in development like Tabatha.
>he's literally doing everything in his power to suck Tabata's cock in defense
Why? Literally what do you gain? There's not even a game coming anytime soon so what is the point? At least Luminous had something to actually defend with Forspoken but there's nothing here.
How much money has JPGames made from their videogame library this year? I can't find any info online.
Tabata was fired from the original IP he was making after type-0.
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And yet with typos you still know what I'm referring to because you know you're pulling bullshit constantly
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0 nft games
1 traditional AAA console RPG
1 experimental online RPG

Meanwhile yoshitpiss at the company who released NFTs and friends with the head of the NFT division and open to NFTs

ironic coming from a yoshitpiss cum guzler
>he really did get shit on by mods
Yoshitpiss was fired from dq10
Tabata resigned from SE of his own accord
I wasn't talking about forspoken.
He was making a game before he got the XV job.
That game was cancelled. Sad but that happens a lot to tabata games.
That literally showing xvi-kun aka you ban evading for posting an irc image shoop that is flagged under impersonating 4chan staff
You have no idea who I am or what I think but if it helps soothe your deteriorating mental state go ahead.
>0 nft games
oh I see we're just straight up lying now
He was making ff type1 after type0, type1 which got shelved because it had barely 6 months of early concept art by the time he was asked to direct ffxv in july 2012

meanwhile yoshitpisses new ip was cancelled and he was fired from dq10
>He was making ff type1 after type0, type1 which got shelved
Nice try xvifag but you should probably just fuck off to your discord already.
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>And yet with typos you still know what I'm referring to
Not quite, I've got my top men still trying to decipher "chrono cross Rensselaer"
ANA thing isn't a game nor was any nft made by jpgames in it
The pic which is a shooped 4chan staff irc image that you xvifags shopped to be about your barry boogeyman
The Tabata expert skipped this post for some reason.
Proof it was shooped?
Who the fuck is tabata
It literally wouldn't exist without Tabata though, we'll say that's half a point
As for games you have Gemina and Ryugukoku, which are confirmed to support NFTs
Tabata was asked to take on XV in July 2012 and megre his team with Nomura's team, type1 was shelved after some barely 6 months of concept art and only 3 people on the game, and SE can restart type1 any time they want since any type0 staff at SE could take it on

nobody asked yoshitpiss to take on XIV, he had been fired from dq10 and just had his new ip cancelled and was the only one with knowledge of Western MMOs so he volunteered to take on ff14 which nobody else wanted
>random post not even from /ffg/
are xvifags losing it?
The fact the person posting it in those pics was banned for impersonating 4chan staff, thus the images are shoops.
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The savior of FF
Unfortunately yoshitpiss killed FF
>type1 was shelved after some barely 6 months of concept art and only 3 people on the game
>nobody asked yoshitpiss to take on XIV
Which is a lie.
>was banned for impersonating 4chan staff
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Not a game
jpgames made no NFTs
the software used was literally just UE5

keep coping

prototype test game thing

We know nothing about what that will actually look like aside from this artwork depicting its world view
sad but true
and the proof
They launched middleware with NFT support and now there's a NFT marketplace because of them.
A NFT game in development.
>We know nothing about what that will actually look like aside from this artwork depicting its world view
Yeah but we do know it supports NFTs.
Shelved, and since naora went freelance and still works on SE projects he can still work on type1 if it ever restarts

Tabata said himself type1 was shelved BECAUSE he was assigned to ffxv instead

Meanwhile yoshitpiss new ip was cancelled after he was fired from dq10 and he had nothing going on, do volunteered himself to take on ff14 because nobody else would and only he had western mmo play experience

The image
Tabata said he didn't want to direct FF7R though
Nice cope

nomura was fired from ffxv
>do volunteered himself to take on ff14
its over bro, your narrative crumbles.
so yoshitpiss volunteered himself and it wasnt higherups aasigning him to ff14
Give it to me in black and white. An exact quote from the man that says he "volunteered" for the job.
Surely a figure who has worked on the game for over a decade and gives frequent interviews has stated this.
>The image
that doesn't say what the were banned, just their posts were deleted.
You know all too well deleted posts don't equal a ban.
Over the years I’ve seen posts that say the FF5 sequel OVA suggests Bartz didn’t impregnate any members of his harem. And I’ve seen posts that say Bartz impregnated every member of his harem because the characters are all said to be distantly related (with each character a descendant of a different girl). Which is it?
You've never held a job, have you?
that's literally proof yoshitpiss voted himself to ff14 and wasn't assigned to ff14 by SE higher ups first

Tabata was assigned to ffxv by the fucking SE CEO

some random grunt 1.0 ff14 staff going "reee yoshitpiss pls help up you have no game in development right your new ip just got cancelled and you were fired from dq10? right? you're free right?" and yoshitpiss then volunteering himself to ff14 is just proof he wasn't assigned to ff14 by higher ups but went to it on his own decision to volunteer to it
>that's literally proof yoshitpiss voted himself to ff14
in what way?
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Not a game and no nft made by jpgames
Test game made for some web3 competition
And no nft exists for it
meanwhile official ff7 nfts exist with nomuras name attached
Not a game
See >>504836602
That literally indicates yoshitpiss volunteered to go to ff14 and that it wasn't higher ups who assigned him to it
>That literally indicates yoshitpiss volunteered to go to ff14
where does it say this?
The person posting it was banned multiple times for posting it
So you don't know the actual reason why it was deleted nor proof he was banned.
Concession accepted.
No, the devs pleaded with the higher ups to get Yoshida involved.
Free time well spent
Sorry, I was under the impression this was the Final Fantasy general, but now I see it’s the ‘endlessly talk shit about devs and make completely baseless assumptions about sales data’ general and you retards have no idea what Final Fantasy even is. I’ll be leaving.
How long does it usually take for Tabata to find a new job after being fired? I think I'm going to take a break from ffg until he finds employment and stops spamming.
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They have already removed the NFT crap btw
You are forgiven, it's an easy mistake to make.
You upset the shitposter.
>barry melty slowing down just in time for the shipper melties
FF9 was a lot better than I expected it to be based on the lack of discussion it gets.
I loved the cast, but wasn’t too impressed by the story or the villains.
Next I’d like to try something that focuses more on game mechanics than narrative.
FF2, FF3, FF5, or FF8?
You upset the VIIRgin spammer.
Final Fantasy is not Nier Automata.
>(low level grunt) hey yoshitpiss can you please help ff14?
>yoshitpiss (mid level grunt): ok.
>yoshitpiss: Hey higher ups can i take on ff14
>higher ups: eww you want that? whatever take it
The fact higher ups didn't assign him to it but instead he volunteered to do it
Oh oh oh oh I know this one. Pick FF5. I just finished it and it's my favorite so far.
I actually turned down exp rate to 0.5 because figuring out job combinations for the bosses was fun.
The only thing I didn't like was how some of the classes pretty much require meta knowledge like Chemist and Blue Mage.
still nomura nft
The fact that higher ups didn't assign him to fix it out the gate? he was little free at the time and took it on himself to which higher ups then said oh he wants to do it? sure
The devs pleaded with the higher ups to assign him to the job, and they moved him from DQ to FF
Nowhere has it been mentioned he was "fired", nowhere has it been mentioned he was looking for work, and nowhere has it been mentioned he volunteered for the position
>but instead he volunteered to do it
only you have stated this
yoshitpiss literally said ff14 staff were all like "who the hell is this guy" to him
yoshitpiss was free and volunteered himself onto the ff14 fix it train
Literally because of 4chan staff impersonating but keep coping

he hasn't been fired once
meanwhile yoshitpiss was fired from dq10 while he was away on a business trip
That's a rereleased version without the nfts, they didn't remove the nfts from the nft version
>Literally because of 4chan staff impersonating
Gonna need a link or image of this.
The video says some members of staff pleaded with the higher ups, champ
yoshitpiss was fired from dq10 while on a business trip then went into a "stray dog" pack with takai and minegawa where they had no game after yoshitpiss new ip was cancelled
while as a stray dog he volunteered to help on ff14 because he had literally nothing fucking else going on
yoshitpiss also got kicked off some arcade slop too lmao
all of these wild claims yet no link to prove them.
Look it up yourself
Real headcanon hours tonight, huh?
>prove my claim for me
So you lied again.
Another concession accepted.
Interesting story. Got the interview where this is discussed in detail? Especially the bit where he said he volunteered.

>1UP: Was it hard to get people to do this? I would imagine that after the initial launch, the team would have just been emotionally crushed. Was morale hard to deal with?

>NY: So yeah, when I first entered the team... I had been working with the Dragon Quest teams developing Dragon Quest games. And so I really did not know anyone on the team, and of course they didn't know me either. And so a lot of the people on the team were very wary -- "Who is this guy? What does he want to do?" But I thought that by showing them that I was dedicated to the project, showing them how hard that I was working, would be very important to them, to show that, yes, I'm not just coming in here and saying I'm going to do something, I'm actually going to do this.
Literally google it

The part where he literally had nothing going on and took it upon himself to get involved in ff14 because higher ups didn't ask him to?
>The part where he literally had nothing going on and took it upon himself to get involved in ff14 because higher ups didn't ask him to?
this says nothing about what you just claimed
What are you trying to dispute exactly?
>Some members of the 14 team pleaded with higher ups to get YoshiP on board."
>And so a lot of the people on the team were very wary -- "Who is this guy?"
are compatible with one another.
I'm not asking for your headcanon, I'm asking for hard evidence that confirms your claims
Yoko Taro will direct FF17
That literally says he didn't know anyone on ff14 team
I hope you realize that he didn't automatically become director+producer when he first joined the team.
this still doesn't say he volunteered for anything btw.
yoshitpiss didn't know anyone on ff14 team
yoshitpiss was free at the time because he had been fired from dq10 while away on business trip, and his "dark fantasy" ne ip was cancelled and he was kicked off the gyrozetter arcade game
while in his stray dog era of having literally no work he took it upon himself to get involved in ff14 to analyse the damage and then got to know a handful of people and then volunteered himself to ff14 because he had no other jobs

he was alright off dq10 and had his new ip cancelled before he went to ff14 of his own choice you retard

because he had western mmo experience the higher ups went "uhh yeah sure take ff14" since nobody else wanted it and the whole team was demoralised
>while in his stray dog era of having literally no work he took it upon himself to get involved in ff14
You still have yet to prove this.
I hope you realize that he literally went to ff14 on his own choice because he was part of the stray dog trio who had no job, and not because higher ups put him there first
>yoshitpiss didn't know anyone on ff14 team
This changes nothing about what was being discussed before
>the rest
Still waiting on that evidence, bucko
I just heard the news that the crypto scammer Tabata got fired again. Is that why I'm +$16000 on Etherium?
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>he's just reading the wiki page of Yoshida, hoping no one figures out the context of his claims.
lets recap
>He was fired from dq10
He was a temp director for the actual director but only left because the original director came back and because Square Enix didn't want two directors on the same project. Due to company policy.
>it got cancelled
The real reason being XIV was fucked and Square Enix assigned the three devs to go join the team to asses the damage.
>so he volunteered to take on ff14 because nobody else wanted to
A flat out lie, as SE assigned the trio to work on the game.
this aussie has once again proven he's a lying faggot who will never post where he gets his info from.
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Why does Squenix merchandising suck so bad?
Capcom does this shit effortlessly even for their more "HD" series like RE and SamWarr.
SE plushies look decent
But their figures were notoriously bad for years. I think it was play or kai arts something.
Then there's the price gauging of items like the kh3 chess set or the FF6 statue that cost like 3k or something.
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>There are accessories is XVI that completely and utterly change the way you play and Clive's animations
>The game barely mentions this
What the fuuuuuuck??
Turning the precision evade into a Phoenix Shift dodge then letting me do a Semi-Prime sword combo isn't "boosts damage after a Precision Dodge" motherfucker
Berserk Ring was literally the only good accessory in the game until the DLC came out.
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Square Enix have their own merch branch so a lot of their stuff is more or less forced to go through that, rather than them collabing with other companies where SE would only get a cut of the deal I guess.
It sucks because their merch line is pretty fucking bad. At least the figs, can't speak for plushies and other stuff. You pay a premium for something that doesn't look that good up close.
Non FF franchises have it a bit better, though that's not saying much. Bravely Default got pop-up parades (I picked up Edea here and a Ringabel, might need to get the other 2 party members at some point), and TWEWY got some prize figures a few years ago to coincide with the anime adaptation.
KH managed to escape Play Arts Kai hell with some Nendoroids, I'm guessing that only happened because of Disney though. I'd be shocked if we ever see FF7 Nendos or Figmas.
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>XIII-kun finally decided to play the XVI DLC
well well well
guess you'll have to revise your copypasta
Ultimaniac next?
Bravely Default is the quintessential Final Fantasy.
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You bet!
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EC fucking sucks but this is cute as hell
Not FF.
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Claire is the quintessential Goddess and Muse.

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