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Welcome to the Vidya Creepypasta General. Feel free to discuss video game-based creepypastas and their related content. And most importantly, h̷̰̰̋̈́̆a̴̦͘v̸̧̳̦̔͐e̷̞̜̟̕͝ ̶͇͘f̶̨̓͘ú̴̦̰̓͐ñ̴̜̠̦

ROOM #494 - "My Buddy Sandman" Edition

>/exeg/arbage Site & Archive

>Video Game Creepypastas & Gaming Urban Legends

>Official 4chan-Approved Creepypasta List

>Creepypasta Games, Web Series/ARGs, SlenderARGs and Fearvlogs

>Old Man Reads Vidya Creepypastas
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T339A8wlzgs Sonic.exe
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pRL0Rhyrz9g Mario World I HATE YOU
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pt2qpC2Ko-I Sonic 2 Genocide City

>/exeg/ Archives

>/exeg/ CyTube
https://cytu dot be/r/exegarbage

>Homemade/found pastas

>Room Template

>Previous Room
What if OSF X was in Sonic Speed Simulator?
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JC won.
What if OSF X met the Joker?
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called ligma
Decided to make a redesign of the starved satam robotnik I made a while back. Gave his body more of a combat look to it
Joker 2
Win what?
Coneheaded ass nigga
i like how this url has both "dnf" and "fnf" in it, double the references, double your fun
what does this mean
x is drunk
there is no further meaning
he looks like he ate a bee
here before the sex with rat lady guy
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He's aiming for the revolutionary experience of...
Walking to the right and dying
Is he ok?
joe is a burger king wagie who dedicates his life to attempted salvation of a shitpasta made by a furfag with an ego the size of saturn. of course he isn't okay
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it's been 2 years brother barely anyone cares about needlemouse... get with da times!
>get with da times!
but we have nothing currently.


What happened to that one joke version of sonic.exe? the one that looked like a more retarded version of goofy, i think that is the only way you can do sonic.exe right.
i mean there's speedduo64 which is p much just new needle, if people don't want to fuck wit dat just do a poorly drawn female version of it
>is p much new needle

so again, we have nothing better.
thank you daemon for drawing pendrive, i am eternally grateful you made his sprite look cool
do you really like blue pendrive or are you larping
if you think im obsessed with it then no i only thought about it because it's one of the first sonic creepypastas that came before that whole exe shit and wasn't made by a furry pedophile, + daemon's already done chinelin fanart on his newgrounds so if we're gonna have OSF and that i think it's kinda fair pendrive gets a chance in the spotlight

i would probably type more stuff but they'd say i'm yapping so idrc
He is a 12 year old currently being groomed that has a realistic panic attack whenever somebody says "exe" so he prefers the cool hip term of "sonicpasta" instead
I don't think 12 year olds are allowed on xitter
>he doesn't know
Thank God there's no way for somebody to lie about their age then. That was a close one!
that's a 14 year old not a 12 year old please learn to count
you don't want to end up like gaben
Look at the account creation date
>Joined January 2022
You're in 5th grade, you should at least have mastered basic addition by now
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>bad gmod edits + deviantart

2016 never left
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man how i wish exe devs would actually be truthful with their fans and give progress or teasers, "big plans for december" well you better be fuckin Santa Claus and say something till new years because you also said the yokubo comic was expected around january but no update on that
Get outa here before someone grooms you
Honestly the fact that this guy is buttbuddies with revie should be enough of a red flag.
If I work on OSF for more than 4 years, I'm going to kill myself
the game has 4/6 stages done so far. that alone shows it's closer to completion than most projects
This is what must be done to own the Chuds
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This community is full of faggots
faggot on faggot violence
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>Triki is the one who made NMI porn and caused Lucy to nearly kill herself by making art of Curse as a pedo
I don't fucking care what funkfags on twitter are doing kill yourself
everyone here is perfectly described by that word too
even you?
whoaaaa man like there was an evil copy of mario from the evil video game store and when i went into a pit instead of dying i went up into the sky and then a goomba with bloody eyes said "prepare to die nigger" and when i went to the video game store it wasn't there anymore because they lost the lease
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i won't deny the accusation
make him look like the red skull
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jesus christ...
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insanity.exe if /sthg/ wrote the story
i think it's taking so long because they don't know what to do and keep starting over and over again.
>that's what happens when you get unlimited time in your hands without consequences.
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>trannyfag almost ends xer life because of a drawing
nothing will ever make me side with triki, I'd rather kill myself
not even 100 posts in and already there's off-topic dramafaggotry. great
as per usual. isn't it interesting how exeg hates twitter yet posts screencaps of it here? curious, no?
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>Triki almost indirectly killed Lucy
LOL exexisters are so sensitive, first the MX hazbin hotel fanart now this?
the what
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>xitter meme
kill yourself funkfag
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Frazz gave away MX to Razz because he had a mental breakdown over he and MX being drawn over an abusive couple in Hazbin Hotel
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It's called X and it's a better site than 4cuck you dysgenic freak
start your conversation then don't wait chop chop
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Yo are there any plans for SMGDS' 2nd birthday?
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Would you prefer if it was bluesky instead?.

which mario creepypasta is the definition of cringe kino and which one do you think is underrated
yeah sure and you weren't raped by your uncle at the age of 7
different paint color
this is actually pretty fucking sick...mx shit aside
i'd do shit like this
I don't like razz but that's a cool windows ui, I want it
>yeah sure and you weren't raped by your uncle at the age of 7
you really should try to start recognizing what bait looks like
This goes out to nobody else but Hatcher
Phantasm has returned https://x.com/pr1ngd1ngle
This goes out to nobody else but Hatcher
i know its bait im just bored and took it anyway
>*kills your entire fucking poketeam with one move*
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It's hard to say, I could point out those obscure pastas from wikis that are bad, but that wouldn't be so interesting.
So... I'm gonna say this one: https://creepypasta.fandom.com/wiki/A_Haunting_Most_Mario
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Is revie still holding wechidnanon hostage
How and why? is just a sonic oc, no one owns them even if they cry like a little bitch when you use them "without their permission"
he got booted out to the eather as soon as shefki was available
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Where the fuck is he then
Banished to 1,000 years in the crystal for working on such a gay comic, trapped next to the other artist and metafag
nothing this weekend or the next, i have holiday traveling
merry christmas, /exeg/
merry christmas ya filthy animal
Merry Christmas.
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now do postman pat twitching in the corner like a maniac
Postman Pat was deliberately not included because he is an upstanding citizen who would never turn to alcohol drugs violence or sex (most importantly sex) and it would be impolite to defame him
he controls the vatican
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this isn't the peshay studio set
lemme guess. 16?
If you want a serious answer from what was said, it seemed like he and the rest of the team dipped out of exeshit entirely. I don't blame them for it
why didn't you dip out anon? what brings you to this place?
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Look at the absolute fucking insanity I was doing back in 2023. I didn't know you could flip tiles in Godot at the time, so this was my solution.
Waiting for OSF full release then I am out
The developers should not be making god damn comic books about gay side characters when they have a game to complete.
side content should be made AFTER the main content is finished.
more in-universe probably
are you doubting raven's vision
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no I'm doubting his ability to deliver a quality product that lives up to his unrealistic expectations
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no not at all! I can't wait to play sonic.exe 3d and watch tyrone get killed by a monster calling itself EXE 5 times while I already know all of its lore thanks to master Raven the third generously giving away the whole story to a wiki in all *her glory!
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Me? Doubting our mistress' capabilities? Why never! That would be blasphemy against our glorious Twitter exe overlords. I would never go against the words of our prophets Revie-chan and Joe-kun.
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i think there's only 2 anons who still want to fuck the rat lady, i know exeg has a few people in it but not like that.
A portal into really fucking gay faggot shit for trannys
why are you here then if you can't withstand standard sonic furfag shit. because that's a majority of shit posted here
>standard sonic furfag shit
But it's not! It's faggot tranny shit literally
there's a difference...?
what's wrong with the starved?
aside from it being a terrible concept on par with X himself?
>gay sex and normal sex are the same thing. i am very smart
X is a fun concept.
Starved is a funny concept.
Neither are good concepts.
No more drawfags
Yes! /exeg/-tan was a porn oc for trannys that wanted to see him get booty blasted which is why he was made by a tranny that drew porn depicting exactly that
>implying that sonic furfag shit and tranny faggot shit are not the same thing
a shell of it's former self, what a shame
you're bitching over standard sonic furry shit that's posted every fucking week
Does Hatcher count as a drawfag
The drawing itself that was posted is extremely harmless and not porn so I don't get the issue here. I am not saying he doesn't get fucked because he does, but these seems like nothing bad
why do you think shitposters seethe about him? It's because he has a spine
no, it's because he doesn't care, it's all irrelevant at the end of the day.
also because the shitposters are terminally online, so when they see someone that can shrug off their boring drivel, they panic.
it's a sfw sarah body pillow picture. what's wrong with that
The people that don't like Hatcher are not making arguments that shit is gay. They are saying Hatcher should be less edgy and that he's gonna destroy the project by not saying trans rights
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X stands with palestine because they are rapists
I'm not gonna listen to that
The character is conceptually faggoty even if you drew him liking women. He was designed by a faggot and it's obvious by the way he looks. He literally cannot be drawn straight
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>da heckin chud shitposters are actually the ones seething about hatcher offending twitter trannies!!
Just like exeg itself yeah
wait i need them to draw my ideas. I want a digital horror series call ben_drowned.exe NES about a cosmic horror named X that drowned and blamed its death on a man named Zackery. It sends him a copy of the legend of zelda tears of the kingdom for the NES. I imagine it getting tons of fan games but I need artist composers and programers and it all starts here.
this but unironically
It's time for an /exeg/-tan RETAKE that finally makes /exeg/-tan GOOD
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it's starts with
>terminally online users are not seething at another terminally online user that is 10% famous
OSF should have Auschwitz Zone
In honor of the downtrodden /exeg/-tan should be designed to maximize representation. He should be a big black disabled transgender woman that is on fentanyl and suffers from hemophilia which means he likes having sex with blood
I go off the schizophrenic narrative that there could be xitterfags larping as shitposters that want to see OSF crash and burn
How did wooden doors manage to contain OSF X?
no there should be a stage that is like the kino sunset heights but takes place in gaza and you kill everyone as X
remember when there was a discord orbiting this gen for no reason? weird huh
Nope, that's not true. You can look at the funkg Chatango as there are anonymous people that have complained about Hatcher being too edgy and make sure to not misgender people. Nobody there is complaining about Hatcher for the opposite reasons (he isn't chud enough). These people aren't playing 4D chess
File deleted.
>funkg Chatango
harbors a dipperfucker and has no leg to stand on
>banbuds seething about hatcher
This timeline rules
why does funkg niggertango care about exeg? it's been like, what, 2 years?
The malicious shitposters that are scaring away wholesome twitterbros are shitting on our hero hatcher for scaring away twitterbros
Sorry chud, that's nyarla.
that's not banbuds
read for more than 2 seconds
remember early exeg? that's what modern funkg is now
If a twitter screenshot cannot convey all of its info within a 2 second glance then it has failed
The greatest issue this general faces is over assuming intelligence. Every issue could be tied exactly to this. Revie is a great example of this because he is actually retarded. Name one time where intelligence was under assumed
Ok I regret to say the project may be postponed due to mental health issues but for my first request, I need some concept art.
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Fuck you, asshole.
Does this help?
OSF music slaves all post there and every week they get pinged with requests to tell hatcher to be less chuddy which is awesome
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The /funkg/ chatango was a real shock to the system for me. I was expecting the people there to be on the same tier as Syrolander or that wiki janny Pythex, as in they're safe edgy and try to fit in by being based 4channers or whatever. They failed to even meet that expectation by being open twitter trannies who hate 4chan and constantly complain about "main". I saw Nimbus ban someone for saying that it was retarded to have a watermelon emoji in your twitter username. I also saw Nimbus banning someone for saying Sonic.EXE FNF mods are bad. I saw people unironically going to bat for Sweet Baby Inc. They make 2023 /exeg/ look amazing
this is why I'm glad knowing exeg is straying away from it's original intent. to try and avoid this shit as much as possible
The name of this general stands for this https://youtu.be/Evr7v4xKcmc btw
>constantly complain about "main"
I like when people constantly complain about problems without trying any solutions
I can't read so you still failed
>Jeff the Unaliver
>Majora Ben
>Body Image Man
>check comment section
>author is trans
Hitler.exe bros, are we just like Ihsoy?
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Mario.exe is better than Sonic.exe because it has less baggage. Sonic.exe has a bunch of pedophile lore and a shillsquad of faggots, but Mario.exe is a true .exe of the PEOPLE! Nobody claims to "own" Mario.exe in general, just specific gay spin-offs like MX. The only common point of reference is the Coolrash game which is awesome and made by an autistic slav who is not a pedophile as far as anyone knows
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jesus, that's pathetic
so it's all connected? what a sludge fest.
I shouldn't be surprised yet I am. I guess I expected too much from them.
exeg already filters casuals and idiots, they don't last much here. They always complain about 'da negativity' or 'da no fun'
they're lazy
no, we are PROUD edge lords
is that moby dick
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Actually hatcher is anti OC shitposter enemy of the state because he rejected sabotage skin in OSF. Keep up with the narrative
did a roblox fag suggest that? I don't remember that being suggested here
yeah lets kill it
Writing is so intense you have to make something good or else they will cut off your penis
is the author a woman/tranny?
I'm gonna say woman because of the cutesy stuff a tranny wouldn't put like the heart pin and the anime mark Devil Mario has
decide for yourself
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I personally think there should be more creepypastas about games obviously made by a mentally ill schizo
hmm, yeah gonna go with woman
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definitely made by a woman
So, is anything planned for Christmas?
I suggest a collage of osfx fanart.
Krampus OSF X make it happen
A Very Impasta Christmas
what exeg artists should I BEG to?
official art when?
>official art when?
When I last minute ask Hatcher to make something on December 24th at 11:59 PM
hatcher is right there
Sonic defeating X with the power of his faith in our Lord Jesus Christ
>wiki janny Pythex
A lead janny on the Sonic.EXE wiki who LOVES OSF and is the reason OSF has a page on that wiki despite raids from /exeg/ and complaints from trannies. He was here seething at someone a couple of threads ago
okay so i have 1 artist... what others should I annoy? it's a group effort.
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I can't say that's Syrolander tier but I can see why he's a faggot
>and is the reason OSF has a page on that wiki
Do not discredit the scholar who is 03SW
just learn to draw it’s less of a hassle
pick up ibispaint
why ibispaint in particular
it's free and better than gimp
Krita is better, Ibispaint is for latinx
Don't listen to these cucks, get paint.net
fuck these niggers draw on paint.3d for the kinocringe
How do you osf devs deal with burnout
there's a thing called "taking a break"
disregard everyone else pirate painttool sai like a real man
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here's a little shitty 7 minute doodle before I go to bed :)
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that looks fucking decent. I love it
Side projects
where 1-2
not funny
stop erping with children and get to work on 1-2
Mario 85 > Sonic PC Port
why does she want to be a man so much?
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goodnight exeg
triki does a lot of things i like but also he's generally a snake from what i heard
is xir stupid?
what do you mean and
i'm gonna fucking rape you
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you can't
you might be right
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My two sentence horror is
>Hey guys, want to work on my 3D Fangame? I don't model or code.
my turn
kill fags! kill fags! kill fags! kill fags! kill fags! kill fags! kill fags!
try to see if you can get porcupine to awake from his tomb and draw something.
The team isn't majority composed of freaks that pick up as many mental illnesses as whores pick up men so they don't deal with people having anxiety targets about being misgendered or how they were called a faggot at school today
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Can you not reply to 30 things at once? This general needs to look very populated so I can pretend to be cool so you need to make six separate posts instead
Thank you anon
I love this person, he is so fucking stupid it's hilarious
He's like a pet lolcow to me
Sonic.exe didn't spend nine yeareals collecting cereals so I do not respect him
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then thou must perish
I don't recognize this art style. well done btw
>well done btw
i dont draw
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your artstyle looks familiar, i think i saw your old arts in the archive
I am not >>506458695
oh, but still
mother of harlots you are
can you make me a grilled cheese sandvich?
i hadn't been in this general in a while, but it's been a while. are you still breathing in this festive time of the year?
No, do it yourself.
Happy, happy, joy, joy
Happy, happy, joy, joy
Happy, happy, joy, joy, joy
I don't think you're happy enough
That's right! I'll teach your grandmother to suck eggs!
If'n you ain't the granddaddy of all liars
Think of the little critters of nature
They don't know that they're ugly
That's very funny, a fly marrying a bumblebee
I told you, 'I'd shoot', but you didn't believe me
Why didn't you believe me?
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good morning gentlemen
krita's okay
however, i prefer sai v2
i remember showing lacey to a friend once after playing the steam version and he had to outright ask me "is this supposed to be serious"
same here as somebody that uses it
OSF retake incoming
truly this individual will put hatcher in his place
familiarity and habit
PC Port Status
>working on smth for the next video
take your bets bros what JC lore will joe use this time
>what JC lore will joe use this time

He will never use something made from JC, he is trying to make the ultimate experience with this game, he wants this to be the most perfect sonic.exe game it could ever be.

(i can't believe he really thinks like that)
I don't even know enough to care at this point
tfw chatgpt can just throw you a pasta
shameless friendship rip off
OSF previously used up 386.8 megabytes of video memory due to the inefficient storage of graphics. Now, it uses only 5.42 megabytes.
new Luigikid upload
so Joe is considering playing sprunki, but mostly if his fans say he should

How does exeg feel about this?
are we condemned to just random e-celeb stalking now
this isnt even funny like the jasper cherry blood thing what am i supposed to say other than "ok"
shut your fucking mouth
Nobody here cares about Joe, he's boring. He has never done anything funny ever
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he picked the name israelfox3 once that was funny
i mean, if they didn't care they would probably not even mention his name or keep posting about whatever he does like that one OMT video with raven
you can't exactly say something and do the opposite of what you said
>like that one OMT video with raven
that's the reason people posted that video, if it was just joe himself it's more likely than not it'd take a month for it to be posted
somewhat true, but you can argue that raven is just as boring as joe in the way that both of them have the same standards n similarities, i feel as if people just cared for the fact it was the second time raven's voice was ever shown outside of that one deleted interview back from the exe 2.0 days
hmmm then who's the least boring out of them? genuine question
No its that revie has a more distinct (read: annoying) personality and is quick to throw stones from glass houses, giving us more to talk about in terms of him being an obnoxious tranny that is clinically incapable of delivering on a promise
>>506529612 (me)
Also making fun of his scrawny nerd voice is very entertaining
that's more boring than them in general, and aside from them having us get something to talk about... which is scrapping the barrel of whatever the fuck to do here. I could watch a running sink and it would be equally entertaining than that.
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look who's in the bottom left corner
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On a surface level they are similar but there's more to it than that
Joe humour is significantly harder to land than most other e-celeb humour because it feels like he does less stuff that's deserving of ridicule in comparison. Don't get me wrong you can still make fun of him for praising our hyena LORD JC but even then it's easier to make fun of Revie for that. There's more material with Revie such as the dead comic, the retarded decision to make SP2017 3D, the past with /exeg/, and of course the love for JC's holy scripture with green peppered pizza
This is even reflected in their flagship characters. Lord X is just X but older, not very remarkable. EXE is multiverse autism with vague biblical references (Revie has probably never read the Bible) and inside references like Xenophanes' pet rabbit
Joe doesn't have as much because he doesn't seem to be as quick to make a fool of himself as some others are. The closest I can think of is Green Mountain which is so obviously him if you do some digging, as well as the Pastra livestream where he had to make a bunch of empty promises, but that's something that's easier to make fun of Revie for
You give me "Joe is gonna play Sprunki" and what kind of response do you expect to get? That I want to fuck the cat? Because I do
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>You give me "Joe is gonna play Sprunki" and what kind of response do you expect to get? That I want to fuck the cat? Because I do
holy fucking based
gay nigger says "disingenuous"
>I want to fuck the cat
What cat are you talking about
You actually took the time to write an entire fucking post about the differences between 2 bloody evil sonic loving people and which one has more material to make fun of? Y'know what, i respect that

Also the response i was expecting is iunno, the fact that a burger king worker man that has so much talent yet wastes it on 2011 sonic creepypasta shit wants to play a popular scratch game that isn't even good and was made by a 15 year old, but what you said was pretty unpredictable so i guess that's enough

Anyways i'm gonna go back to playing hotline miami 2
There's little to make fun of Joe about compared to Revie in terms of who's using their talent to just waste it on a old story, and you straight up explained the difference between Lord X and EXE?

Man, I wish there was other shit to talk about if Joe playing Sprunki is all there is to it.
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Any insane girl can be made better with a good dicking
how quick do you want to end it
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crazy girls are freaky in bed
Well if there's nothing to talk about why don't we create something to talk about

I dunno, get ms paint and draw something
Get notepad and write something, anything, a quick story or an haiku

Or talk about stuff you like or whatever

B3313 is a fucking awesome sm64 hack
B3313 was discussed to hell (and even played in sm64coop) 1 year ago. Not much to talk aside from the dev team consisting of actual, genuine schizophrenics
why does he have blue eyes in this gif
Are we really that out of topics to talk about
Yes it is time for /exeg/ to die and all of its users to migrate back to /funkg/
not really
in your dreams faggot
looks like fucking shit, what do you see in this
/exeg/ is at it's core a shitpost general. Implying otherwise would be stating that creepypastas didn't completely die out in 2013 which is false
Well for the current topic for whatever revie was smoking, I want a whiff out of that because I can't understand how for being able to last this long while not being able to deliver whatever shit they were trying to serve being radio silent tackling things they're not prepared to do.
And Joe's just Joe.

JC's holy bible can only carry em that long if they have nothing else on the table.
She cute
They'd hate that though, not worth it. i don't wanna see the millionth "fuck sonic.exe/fuck friday night funkin" post there's already more than enpugh
He's Aryan
https://youtu.be/Is5HWptJ_Y0 Halfway there
>He's Iranian
is that lilac
In other news some random nobody on Xitter is gonna do the first OSF retake I'm so excited
Running through the dark, it's a twisted game,
Sonic.exe, ain't nothing the same,
Eyes bleeding red, got that evil grin,
Chasing down my fears, where do I begin?

Sonic.exe, in the shadows he creeps,
Nightmare comes alive, in my dreams he leaps,
Can't escape the terror, can't outrun the dread,
Sonic.exe, living in my head

Pixelated screams, echoes in the night,
Lost in the code, can't find the light,
Glitches in my mind, reality's a blur,
Sonic.exe, he's the monster, I'm sure

Heartbeats racing, can't catch my breath,
Every step I take, closer to my death,
Game over screen, but it's just the start,
Sonic.exe, tearing me apart
Robots are people too chud
>Triki draws a heckin unwholesome image of pedophile's character
>Shefki works with Triki on stuff
Similar to what happened with floombo, revie is going to be retarded and kick Shefki from the comic
Calling it now
I don't think Jasper is within Revie's clique so I doubt this will happen
I don't think revie gives enough of a shit what shefki does. if he wants to get that fucking comic done he'll have to bite the bullet
True... i love speaking to robots that have no emotions, feelings and conciousness whatsoever
No, it's just gonna be like with IHW where he's bound and gagged and has to tread on eggshells to be a good little cuck
slap this onto suno.ai
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>i wish raven made ME wear the gimp suit....
>posted his barely-disguised fetish award
How many sides would a rayugon have?
S1000000011111 or however many zeroes his old xitter had
he actually uses that? lmao
you are not smart nor funny
the idea behind sonic autism being so strong cosmic space niggers want to cosplay as him is funny
Joe draws pretty well.

also, Wenda is hot and I have low standards because I masturbate to zoomer furry artstyle
dont put your dick in crazy
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>new zoomerslop furry shit
nigga what? next your gonna say you're into dandys world
if he fails to entertain /exeg/, i will cut his balls and trannify him
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you could had sex with any women in the fictional world, and you chose a basic looking "cat"
apparently it's some rhythm game (incredibox mod?) made by a teenager. vinny played it a while back and he was sadly exposed to lullaby music. specifically insomnia
i know what sprunki is (sadly) i'm just surprised that he's into that shit
He's trying pretty hard to commit to using it
what's so special about bsky anyway, heard twitterfags fled over something Elon did
It's like X but for pedophiles because Elon is too chuddy and doesn't ban people for misgendering CWC
It's literally just xitter but with more censorship and a smaller, gayer userbase
OSF X drinks
Amy X does crack
Postman Pat is schizophrenic and owns a shotgun
Fireman Sam will save the day
There was a claim going around that Elon would make artists have no choice to back out from their "masterpieces" being scraped by AI.
Turns out that wasn't even true, and they just made a big deal out of nothing. Kek!
>It's like X but for pedophiles
pot calling the kettle black
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2hubros... it's time
What's this?
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M85 but touhou
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is this some kind a of joke?
what the hell is sprunki?
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Joes and Raven are the same person, he has a split personality disorder and i can prove it.
it doesn't even have tits or hip. what's next you wanna fuck mickey mouse? you brain has been through enough deep frying get off the internet.
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>what's next you wanna fuck mickey mouse?
get out
quirk out
somebody should fucking kill you
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They tried
it's a blank slate
also minnie is hot, don't deny it
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the fuck? im going to suicide mouse myself. its all your fault i believed there was some hope in the world but apparently not. the only thing could change this is if you get off the internet and fix your life. Goodbye :(
Real suffering is not known
okay bye happy travels
>an exeg user tells me to get off the internet
oh the irony
Revie is Joe's horcrux, same with the rest of the PC Port cabal.
Eggman.exe mickymouse creepypasta B-sides suicide V3 week...
mmm rape fetish
who the fuck is "duffy"
minnie is just mickey with eyelashes in and a bow. no fanart does not count.
and a pussy so it counts
i think we have actually seen minnie naked before in canon. unless her pussy is pitch black, she does not have one. same logic for mickey.
he skin is pitch black so her pussy is pitch black as well
simple as that
to sum it up, an m85 fan character. If i'm being honest with you, i think it's a fun side character. even if it is just pointless interaction art.
What if sonic pc port comes out, and it's good? Think about it, Joe has had 4 years of prepping this game with a team of people. The odds are in its favor.
then one or two anons will play it, then a few days later it's back to your regular doomposting
why is she Scottish
Some people are Scottish, anon
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i miss chromaeden man
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should I know who that is
he made that one rather long pasta that was storytimed a while ago
this seijo ki exe fella
an apateon comic
did he dip or something
yeah he just dipped
my guess is he finished what he set out to do
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did he fall off?
I should kick your fucking ass
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>look up in archives
seijo ki was never in an fnf mod thougheverbeit
rayuhuh? rayuhuh?
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>this post is off-topic
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...you call this shitposting?
It has eyesockets
If there's a hole there's a goal
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and a mouth
and ears
yes that is in fact, a woman
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i wanna fuck mickey mouse
On EVERYONE'S soul we're excited for this
if the final product is your typical pretentious twitter exe slop, I will demand your organs
>at least his story since my friends aka his co-owners aren't done with the reference sheets for him
every single fucking time
The "story" is gonna be 3 maybe 4 paragraphs at best
slendytubbies 0 is a thing apparently.
He has a troon scar on the right of his torso there
saggy tits male edition?
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slendybros we are so fucking back
If this literal who doesn't provide the entertainment we need, we're going to break your balls
He comes >>506625201
He will save exeg...
do you think Luigikid will play OSF again when the next update comes out
probably not, although he might play it when the final updates gets released
He keeps playing MSA
What's MSA?
Metal Sonic Apparation, a Power Star Archives clone made by a subhuman third worldern slavshit serb pedophile
that's not a meme btw TurboTH is a confirmed groomer and alleged abuser
At this point I assume everyone is.
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i have no hopes for this
this is a teenager isn't it
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iirc OSF was said to have tried at using mickey mouse's image so i wouldn't be surprised if he actually wanted to do that
*osf x

It would be awesome if i could edit messages
Hypershit is for niggers so no
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I think I finally realized why sonic.exe "games" are mostly repetitive slop that don't innovate. it's likely because the underage retards making them treat it like a low quality one-and-done horror movie script instead of a horror survival game like Amnesia or F.E.A.R where your efforts to fight to stay alive are rewarded. and Joe's retarded statement about how he wants PC Port to be "an experience" only strengthens that theory
shadow beating up black arms creatures with a plank of wood in a really foggy westopolis searching for maria
The game always ends with your characters dying, when in retrospective that just makes it pointless because: "Why would i play something i know it would end with my characters dying, no matter how much i try to avoid it?".

This is why any creepypasta game that at the very least gives you either a default ending where the characters live or the freedom to reach that ending on your own, are better than this shit imo.
new Luigikid upload
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Albert has an announcement to make
Who the fuck is Albert
what do you consider hyper?
a transformation Sonic or Knuckles can take using the Super Emeralds
Looks like another scam charity
What do you guys think about the name "Sanguine Sewer Zone" for Labyrinth Zone alterworld?
can you make it a poop joke instead
ganges river zone?
Lavatory zone
is "into the abyss" taken yet? I like that for a B-side song
It's already fucking made
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There was a problem with this ramp before where you wouldn't be able to gain enough height. This was caused by OSF not adhering to a quirk in Sonic 1's rolling speed cap; the speed cap is only applied to Sonic's X speed and not to his ground speed (his ground speed determining both his X and Y speed based on the angle of the terrain). So in the GHZ ramp, Sonic's ground speed exceeds the cap, which doesn't effect his X speed, but does effect his Y speed, so he gets launched up a lot higher than he would if the ground speed were being capped. OSF was capping the ground speed to 16; it would've been kind of a hassle to recreate the original behavior (and the remasters don't do this anyway) so I just increased the cap to 17 and it works great.
fuck my bad memory
of all the characters you've tinkered with so far, which ones do you think are the easiest
Now all you need to do is add Mario from that sonic from hack and you're complete.
The easiest to play? Knuckles, because his glide lets you change directions quickly and makes it easier to outmaneuver X in almost every situation. If you mean the easiest to program, it was definitely Metal Sonic because he only has one very simple ability.
I do want to do Mario. Mario vs Sonic.EXE is funny
https://info.sonicretro.org/Somari_the_Adventurer using this Mario as a basis seems like a good idea
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Could Super Sonic with no arms, no legs, no mouth (can't speak), no nose (can't smell), no eyes (can't see), no ears (can't hear), and bald defeat OSF Sonic.EXE?
any news on star light zone yet?
one sentence creepypasta

skibidi toilet is in fortnite
I'll do you one better:
There are people who still play Fortnite who are over the age of 12.
skibidi godzilla nikke when?
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how would you describe this monster design
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again with this?
sorry I'm bored and don't really know what to talk about
the question was already answered
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I'll just ask something else. whatever happened to the guy behind pic related? is he still around?
no, he left
the arg ended and he left
then some anons found out about his twitter
If people can spam the same jokes every thread then why not spam the same question every thread?
do you mean he left xitter or the internet entirely
if you want to lower yourself to their level, be my guest
no, he left exeg, not sure if he stopped using twitter
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incredibly cringe
It’s funny how none of these are attractive besides the sixth one, because it looks more like a sonic character instead of le scary sexy hedgehog
Maybe the third one is the most "decent" design out of all them, because they are all fucking coomer bait.
three's design is cute, everything else is whatever
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goodnight exeg
I'm EXE and I'm on a quest
EXE, EXE, yes, yes
EXE out to do his best
EXE, EXE, yes, yes

I didn't wanna hurt nobody
I'm just gettin' even
I'll start anew and earn victory
As long as I'm breathin' and well

How low he fell
Just as I did
But my pride it
It resides inside

That L I took there
In my despair

I made the choices
Searched through my resources
Building my voice and
Building up the corpses

Think as if a skibidi toilet
Could be turned into your haven...
sir are you gonna order or not?
I'd like a medium sized pizza with green peppers and bacon, alongside a 2 liter of Coke
how about you get raped by 2 big black autistic men? i know your into bbc
no refunds
Average boomer shooter enemy
>green peppers and bacon
actually fairly good combination on pizza
if that hyena knew one decent thing it's that
liz looks less coombaitery because her breasts shrank but other than that would next question
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did somebody say pizza
sonic this little faggot >>506750714 said your pizza tastes like shit
are you gonna let this thing slander your art?
tries too hard yet has more effort put in
I will cook his fucking dog
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was it schizophrenia
more like lameness
was she that bad at her job
If this is a roblox game similar to pillar chase 2 I'm going to throw up from laughter
if jack's all father have a 3d game (highly doubtful) before faker, get me my inhaler
never mind it IS fucking roblox
i remember this guy solely because i used to annoy him in pms over roblox fnaf shit as a child
Couldn't fucking bother to properly join together the quills with the blob head.
Of course, moving on
it's up
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wake up fags
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Remember to listen to the Ordinary Sonic Fangame (SIDE B) soundtrack to please a singular Koi
new Luigikid upload. this time it's editable romhack (mario mix)
It's ironic how this is kinda better in certain aspects than the original sonic.eyx.
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>read description
>"a lot of things go wrong! Even characters like MX and Mr L from Mario '85 and Too Late.EXE are getting mentioned! SUPER RANDOM!
In this game you play as 11 year old Pedro who received an edited copy from his father. Suddenly his father vanished and Pedro got stuck into the game! IDK... Story is Random and I hope someone would actually create an ACTUAL Mario.EYX Game!"
I'm not playing this fucking game
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I'll please her the moment I get quantum leap
I remember inferno had a meltdown over muscle girl art of MX
MX owners get pissed off over the most random bullshit.
Frazz disowned MX over Hazbin Hotel troll art, RazzDazzleDoo acted awful guilt-trippy over homophobic MX, and Inferno apparently got mad over MX not being fat? LOL
once you're put in charge of this fatfuck your brain is rewired to have autistic meltdowns over the most asinine shit
>In this game you play as 11 year old Pedro who received an edited copy from his father.
let me guess the game was made by another fucking beaner
what is with MX's owners being butthurt over the most miniscule bullshit? Razz even got asshurt over Joe making a MX take of his own
Oh no please don't post it here it'd be soooo awful
>Razz even got asshurt over Joe making a MX take of his own
I think it was frazz who did that. I could be wrong but then again these faggots barely have any noticeable personality
Parents need to beat the shit out of their kids again.
I still love her
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found it
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if you really want to piss (f)razz and inferno off, make an MX retake game with this deisgn
I recognize this artstyle, it's the aunt sarah guy
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twitterfag making a OSF remake. kek
this is you
will OSF finally force these fags to make an actually fun and engaging sonic.exe game that isn't scripted slop
Is this the same guy that refused to add my favorite porn oc to their retake
you overestimate my sense of humor
If you're in the server, archive it and post here
Hi kid!
sadly i'm not, a friend sent this to me
What are the plans for this shit
Are they doing the cuck version where it's different official exes chasing you or some shit
no idea, i think they're different skins
Any levels whatsoever (doubt)
my friend told me angel island is basically done, personally i'm just surprised they didn't start with ghz
this faggot won't get any farther than green hill zone. I've seen how these tranny exe devs are. it's always one level that is part of a demo and then a year of dead silence
>angel island is basically done, personally i'm just surprised they didn't start with ghz
are they doing sonic mania level order
i wonder how many self-insert exes they will cram into the first demo before one of the devs gets called out for grooming 13 year olds
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this is the response i got
>all three games
oh they're fuuuuuuucked
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Hatcher here, this is fucking hilarious
Assuming that these are whole-ass reskins, they've already shot themselves in the foot by not just doing palette swaps because now they have manually redraw lord x and deceiver or whoever over (not) OSF X, wasting time that'd be better spent on coding or actually making levels
Me and that Ferno fag briefly followed each other (emphasis on brief), his old account got suspended or something and within the timeframe of June of this year until now he's already reached 12K posts (which includes retweets, but still jesus christ) and constantly gets in arguments with "le transphobes"
please tell me you have gameplay footage of this it'd be fucking hilarious to see
the artist is a grooming victim from what i can tell, it's the same guy who had deceiver femboy crotch as his profile pic at 14
that's the funniest part, i don't think they're even done with the movement yet
is this like a rinse and repeat cycle for every community?
tell ferno that if him and his retard team can make angel island zone with accurate collision physics WITHOUT using a sonic worlds framework or anything like that i will sprite femboy deceiver crotch for him to use as his profile picture
i can just say this because one of the devs is guaranteed to get outed for showing his penis to a 12 year old or some shit, i have zero worry about this getting off the ground whatsoever
some of the members are people i recognize as exeg users, they're probably gonna show this shit to him
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>full power
>molding and old
Make her a shotacon
that's just his rotting fursuit
Why does his vessel rot with age?
Are you of firm belief all slurpceiverfags and xis tranny creator should be gun down because I do for being groomer shit
for da lore
idk fnf i guess
I don't fucking know
I wish them luck, but I wish they'd just post here honestly instead of doing this fake and gay "my friend told me about this" shtick.
again, you overestimate my sense of humor, although i could concede the decieverfag himself making the game as a bait
>I wish them luck, but I wish they'd just post here
that ferno fuck is a teenager you know that right
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He's already on his twitter screencapping this thread and talking about it, and if he's old enough to jerk off to gay porn then he's old enough to come here and have people call him a tranny faggot directly instead of through a proxy
post the original james, not this new mk ultra slop
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and at the end of the day, nothing will change
much better
>super sonic who can't do shit
>lord x who's going to mourn
yeah it's a stalemate
super sonic super farts and it obliterates lord x like saitama
i forgot sonic still has his pussy and anus
his what
his anus
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you fucking heard me
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trannylover69, super sonic doesn't have a pussy he has a dick and an ASS
He has a pussy because SONIC IS A PUSSY
have you been drinking alcoholic eggnog lately
i don't drink or smoke, but I occasionally masturbate to pictures of your pets
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>not best james
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nuhill is slop
post the og james
>Wanting a tranny to be here so badly you use "they" so you won't misgender him
Very niggerlicious and molested
Fuck off, bloobershill.
Fuck why did I actually laugh from that
you almost killed me you asshole I choked on my drink
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>nobody respects best james
clearly you don't own unreal engine 7
The port of the original level is already finished, but still nothing on the original alterworld content.

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