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Issue #254 - Peak 2099 Edition

>Official Site and Discord

>Basics (Tutorial & Collection Progression)

>Collection Tracker


>What is Marvel Snap?
The GOTY CCG from the creators of Hearthstone. A deck is 12 card singleton. Players play 6 simultaneous turns to 3 lanes. Winning 2 lanes wins the match. Matches are played for ladder ranks (cosmic cubes) and players can SNAP once per match to double the stakes (max 8 cubes).
>What is a card series?
Cards unlock in a random order, but specific cards are unlocked within specific collection level (CL) ranges: Series 1 cards (CL 18-214), Series 2 (222-474), and Series 3 (474+). Series 4 (Rare) and 5 (Super Rare) drop through a 'Spotlight Cache' starting at CL500: https://marvelsnapzone.com/spotlight-caches-details-drop-rates-and-card-acquisition-changes

>How can I increase my CL faster?
Upgrade every card you get to green rarity (frame break) ASAP. Spend the rest of your credits how you like.
>When should I snap?
>Whose cards reveal first?
The player who is currently winning reveals first. Otherwise at random. The player revealing first has a glowing portrait.
>What should I spend my gold on?
Variants and bundles with tokens.

Official /snap/ Alliances: [VGS] /snap/, [VGS] /snap/'s Revenge, [VGS] /snap/'s Step Sister
Only requirement? Be active.
>Comic Recs

Previous: >>505990807
Marvel Snap WILL die
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>saves snap
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>actually saves Snap
KYS this looks great.
She gay?
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We are saved
>completing Series 3 will get them into the meta
They ain’t beating any meta deck with just Series 3 cards, you cretin.
So as not series 3 complete player I should just hold my collector's reserves until January.
It’s fucking nothing
I mean it's a start but 2k tokens still ain't crap
and the main problem with spotlights is how trash most weeks are
Getting less tokens than a series 4 for a key is DOGSHIT. Whales have ultimate variants to spend tokens on to flex them spending thousands of dollars. You shouldn't get anything less than 1 new card if you're not collection complete. Not only that but this isn't being implemented immediately and is just another "more updates coming soon" bullshit. Fuck SD and fuck their feces covered olive branch.
>redditards are slurping this up and singing SD’s praises
I mean I'm glad we're getting SOMETHING and that they said SOMETHING but man this does nothing for series 3 complete players. As far as bandaid fixes go they should have also double the rate of spotlight keys (dare I say triple?) And also increase the amount of tokens from caches (that combined with the spotlight token buff would help a lot more).
Waiting a FEW months for a real change is insane (so march-april). I don't think people can wait that long.
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>fully acknowledge the underlying issues with card acquisition
>proceed to do (almost) nothing
to be fair i am surprised they actually doubled the token at all, the drama must have hit their pockets somehow
OH YEAH I FORGOT! if they're bandaid fixing why the fuck not just remove dupes in the first place????? like even if it was only temp that would still help a LOT building up to the big changes.
wow I didn't expect them to do 2k tokens, this is literally what some people were asking for and should keep some players around, now what the big change will be...
imo 2k tokens is better than getting a variant, so you have 25% change of getting new card, 25% 2k tokens (1/3 of a series 5 card) and 50% to get useless variants. over 33% new card and 66% useless variants
Sexy, but I'm not giving SD $20
This isn't great but they did say it wouldn't be a groundbreaking change.
At least it helps Pool 3 players out, but this should have implemented TODAY. Not until January.
I mean I agree but anon we already weren't getting variants from dupes except from the spotlight variants which we STILL will be getting.
they should've implemented this 5 months ago
The random pull was never a variant. Why are you talking about variants?
awful OP, why would you do this to us

>have to sit on my caches until January to be optimal
cool change at least
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>plays a grand total of 19 power all game
>thinks Legion is gonna get me
I don't know what it is about this card that makes people think they're so smart
I am literally talking about the spotlight system from the point of collection complete player, where the only card you are missing is the new one so the other 2 are just variants of cards you already have and a random card
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Legionbrain is real
>paid my way through 90/109 s3 cards already
Its too late for me man, I genuinely hate that I continued to play this dogshit.
It did. Someone pointed out a few threads ago that their monthly revenue from October to November to December dropped by by like $5 million
What will those extra s3 cards be replacing? The cosmetics? The credits? Neither of those are good options.
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Kek won't even chart next year.
It's still gonna take like 6 months for a new player to get all the s2 and s3 cards
For Miles Morales
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Suspicious update
it's kinda scary how easily placated the community were, this really ain't shit
snap players really are retards craving abuse
Is it? I've only seen people saying it's a good first step but that it's not enough.
Nobody is happy if this is all they do.
it's not a good first step, it's the bare minimum and something that should've happened literally a year ago
sucking them off for this and treating SD like they're preschoolers that need to be coddled to do well is fucking pathetic
What I don't understand is, why is this supposed "olive branch" that's supposed to douse the flames a bit coming out mid January? This isn't something that requires any sort of overhaul or recreation of their dog shit system, it is literally just giving you more of what's there. Why couldn't this be implemented weeks ago before they went on vacation, when people were steaming mad and yelling for them to do something? People have been complaining about the abysmal tokens for eons and we have to wait EVEN LONGER for them to do anything about it and this isn't even the "fix".
>twice as much useless tokens for getting a dupe
>saving us
nah, it's a good first step but it's hardly "saving". here's some suggestions that might actually save card acquisition
>separating card acquisition from needing new variants (the reason the spotlight system sucks is because X-23 has gotten like 6 rereleases and some cards like Zemo have gotten 0)
>dupe protection for cache 4
>ensure that the first key used isn't cache 4
>cache 4 is no longer weighted - all cards in S4/5 have an equal chance of getting pulled
>>cache 4 is no longer weighted - all cards in S4/5 have an equal chance of getting pulled
This is by far the biggest no-brainer and should never have even been a factor in the first place. There are so many fucking series 5 cards compared to series 4 that the chances of getting a dupe are vastly greater because of this alone.
Damn anon's 2099 lockdown deck is really making the content creator rounds.
Discard Dracula is such a retard-tier deck KILL YOURSELF IF YOU USE DISCARD DRACULA!!!!!!!
Is there another form of Dracula I'm not aware of?
Play deathstrike
Zoo/hand dump or whatever it's called is a fringe deck that phases in and out.
I should have said Dracula Discard. My bad. I just wanted to hurt somebody at that moment.
technically off-topic but if I want to learn more about ultron (the character), what should I read/watch? the only avengers marvel movie I remember seeing is 2008 hulk so I'm pretty lost
from my understanding, the movies do Ultron really dirty so it's good you have no association with that
Ultron's Origins (Avengers 54-58)
Ultron Unlimited
Ultron Initiative
Annihilation: Conquest
Age of Ultron (the comic)
Rage of Ultron
Ultron Forever
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I kinda ship em. I’m sorry.
Fuck SD for not removing the booster thing from Agatha, she's actually such a fun deck
>opponent snaps then plays Doom 2099 on turn 2
>deep space reveals so I snap back
Some people are just too stubborn to retreat. Thanks for the easy 8 cubes dumbass
When’s this taking effect?
posts says January patch.
January schedule is:
Jan 9: OTA
Jan 14: Patch
Jan 23: OTA
so middle of January
thank you
okay doom 2099 is like impossible to beat and it's everywhere
Onslaught + Howard should let you see the next 2 cards on top of your deck
Thank you.
Onslaught + Madame Web should let you move 2 cards
I've found clog rips him apart quite handily. Though, it suffers with other decks. If you're like me though, where 99% of matches are against Doom99, it won't be a huge problem. You'd think 7 turns would work in his favour, but it's actually quite a huge detriment, as he will easily fill the board if they get their ideal draw. Which means easy Shang Chi/Canonball on turn 7.
I guess I should save my reserves so I can get guaranteed variants every 9 boxes.
I don't think they're going to let people do that again. It'll likely be a forced update when they change the reward system. You can always try though.
Kinda annoying that they likely won’t reimburse those that got hit with 1000 token dupes in the past by giving them a 1000 per dupe they got.
They should make Zero a 1-4
watch Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes too while you're at it
Why is Hydra Bob allowed to be a 1/5 but Nocturne isn't allowed to be a 3/5?
a majority of remaining players got nocturne on release because she was the best 3 cost at the time while most players skipped bob cuz he was originally a 1/4. bob drives sales right now and nocturne does not.
That's a shitty excuse. Hydra Bob is pretty much the best one drop in the game.
until they add batroc
>Batroc is going to be another Diner card
I hate that mode so much.
I think it's high voltage
I play Psylocke turn 2
I just do the what just happened emote when I see that like they just made a big play
Gotta love how Doom 2099 players ALWAYS have Psylocke in their opening hands to play him early.
Nah dude they're just really good at the game like how everyone was drawing Negative turn 4 when it was Gorr week only
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Beef or chicken?
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been dicking this deck so hard with red guardian, would completely run over me playing wiccan otherwise because it's hard for me to go very tall in 2 lanes (gorr really only covers 1)
That's why you play Doom in the Zabu or Psylocke lane
just remembered adam warlock is a card in snap
Sounds like you're Staying Tuned
SD is afraid of him being too good at drawing cards, yet Thanos drawing his entire deck is fine apparently
The right objectively looks better.
Batroc is probably going to be pretty good, but he can't just fit into every deck the way Hydra Bob can.
God I hope.
I picked the black border since I have a white border on regular Doom so I thought it was nice and thematic
Is Pixie worth the 3K tokens?
You should determine which card you need the most and save for that instead of getting tricked by fomo mobile game tactics.
If you have MMM and don't mind playing a kind of bad deck that autoloses to itself sometimes for the sake of fun.
Well I guess Anti Venom or Scorn or Proxima would be better to own, but I like fun decks. Doesn't necessarily have to be a good deck, just a fun one.
Out of those, the most fun card looks like Anti-Venom
You're probably right.
Idk about them trying to fix card acquisition. I think the best part of the game is everyone having different cards.
brode pls, the game is DYING
I think it's pretty cool but there's really cancer things like when you first enter series 3 and opponent has Wong and you don't so Wong -> White Tiger -> Odin just wins matches for free, or when you reach 3000 and are just stuck into the deep end
Needs tighter matchmaking which they can't afford to do without a bigger playerbase
I like Luke Cage. I think he's fun.
I'm actively rooting for snaps death lmao
>t. Jessica Jones
Me too, the only thing better would be if Glenn was financially responsible for refunding every single person who ever spent money on the game and was put into generational debt.
I would agree if I wasn't already seeing the same cards every time.
for the idea to work balance needs to be perfect 100% of the time, just not possible
Then they should have kept the old system and made acquisition random
>finally try to power through some alliance quests on this dog shit game
>first game is against arishem who doesn't snap in PG
>second game is against galactus who doesnt snap in PG

Maybe tomorrow
better to not open caches till jan 10th even if you're series 3 complete, right? cuz the s3 card slot has a chance to become tokens or gold tickets and now there's double s3 card slots?
100% of my matches today were against the same doctor doom deck, is it really that OP?
It's really good, but it's also the easiest good deck we've seen in a long time (I think he's way easier than Surtur), so every retard who can't think for shit is getting their free Infinite run
Probably won't happen, but might as well. Nothing really worth in caches after series 3 is complete anyway.
I don't know if it's just severe cope or what, but EVERYONE in the Snap reddit is saying how shit and bad DOOM99 is and any time someone says he's good they immediately get downvoted, despite him obviously dominating the meta right now unless you make a direct deck to counter him specifically. I can beat discard, negative, destroy, bounce, wiccan decks if I draw him on curve and slot in one singular tech card. I've climbed from 12k to 2k since using him, lmao. Yet they still try to insist that he's shit. Maybe no one in that sub knows how to use tech cards at all? Or they're all learning too much to have him be the only thing that is bringing points.

I'll admit, I thought he was shit when he first came out, but after a few brews, it's easily the most consistent deck out of everything else I've tried. The only decks it falls hard to are U.S.Agent and Clog. But even with Clog, if you have movers in there, it's pretty easy to mitigate with El Jeffe/Vizio.
I was a doubter all before it came out and even the first couple days, but he's so obviously fucking ridiculous
I also have seen destroy decks running Lady Deathstrike to fuck with it.
Yeah, when the only way to beat the deck is to specifically make a deck/decks that counters it, you know there is obviously good performance.

Lady Deathstrike finally has a useful purpose that makes sense to include her in, haha. I'm just psyched that I can actually stay in a match and outperform a negative deck, which is wild. Red Guardian and Skrull ensure they eat shit in one lane and because Doom99 is so consistent across the board, it's easy to go overtop of their highest output thanks to Super Skrull. Alioth is just a cherry on top if they try to Sage/Taskmaster
I really don't understand why they reverted that change
like the one time they actually do something smart and they walk back on it
Everyone hated that. wtf are you talking about?
yeah and who cares, the people playing this game are dumbasses
If he were to stay as only effecting one lane, then Hazmat should also only effect one lane.
Cerebro should effect 1 lane.
Hope *not
Helped you there you missed the last word. No more gay shit.
Marvel Snap community, we've heard your complaints. Ka-Zar only affects his lane now.
This is the best change since making MMM an on reveal!
You guys are joking around. But I unironically think Super Skrull should only get the effect of ongoings in his lane. The fact he can have everything all at once is ridiculous for a 4 cost.
game will never be balanced until Skrull only affects his lane
We love gay shit in this thread though.
We have heard your complaints about card acquisition, we will be dropping some cards that are not seeing much play in ranked as a way to give them some space in the spotlight: Toxin and Speed to series 4, Phoenix Force and Living Tribunal to series 3. We are also adding 50 tokens every time you open a spotlight cache.
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I can't believe Ms Marvel affects other lanes
Oh lads, so it turns out Doom99/Arishem shells are actually top tier decks lmao.
Can't wait for everything to get nerfed a week after it releases and I finally get it
>curveshit lockdown meta over the holidays
lol(laughing out loud)
It truly is one of the worst systems ever implemented. You feel bad for missing out, then when you finally get it, you feel bad because they obliterate it, then you feel bad because you spent all your resources with no compensation. Then you feel bad because you have to save up and repeat the whole process again. Then when you do get one with the newest release of a spotlight, you feel bad because they nerf it because it was too good.
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God I fucking hate using cards with no variants
God I hate decks that don't have matching borders
Sorry about your autism
that's what you get for whaling on variants. if you just stop whaling for splits you wouldn't even notice
Says the guy that need to match borders to the card.
That's the opposite of autism
Riigghhhhtttt just like hating to use cards with no variants
sorry I couldn't hear you over all the oinking and squealing
Matching borders is gay
But enough about matching borders to the card.
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I could do it right now if I wanted
You know what the problem is? They change a single card in my deck and I'm fucked
Just use em on something like Destroy, that deck hasn't changed once since its inception except for the addition of X-69.
But I don't play destroy
Move? Bounce? Discard? Arishem? Those decks have at least 6 Cards that have never been swapped out for something else.
I don't play any of those
My favorite decks were Galactus and Darkhawk and they were both nerfed to unplayability
We really have whales in this thread? lmaoooo
they are the ones that keep bumping the thread when it's on page 10, this is the only place they can show off their paypiggery when they don't get upvotes on reddit for inking a newly released variant within 2 minutes
Ah, well. Guess you're stuck with a bunch of useless borders, then. I just use them on cards that look nice with them. Making a full deck of all the same borders is an exercise in futility unless you stick to one of those mainstays mentioned above. The decks I use always change every season, so I don't see much of a point.
how does that even works? Just standard Arishem but with both Dooms?
Pretty much. Along with LDS, Killmonger, Valentina, Cable, Copycat, Galacta.
Man Doom 2099 looks so fucking BORING. I hate that he's actually good, I don't want to pull for him
You didn't believe /snap/ when they told you he'd be shit did you?
No, I didn't pay attention to any of that desu. I just think he looks boring to play
Play a Wiccanslop deck then
I don't have Wiccan, I've been playing Scream and Thor Lockjaw
>have over 150 common cards i could upgrade for 25 each
cheap keys, i guess
I think I've played maybe 2 non-Doom 2099 deck after playing for 6 hours straight today. This card is going to get so fucking obliterated in the next OTA.
It's a highly anticipated cards that people are trying to figure out, it's unsurprising that it's getting a lot of play
I think it's far more likely they look at War Machine again
please no.....not my beloved.....
No doubt, I'm just saying, the more presence it has, the more likely they will be doing something about it. The last time a brain-dead deck made its rounds, they gave it some time to erase it even though its win rates were not substantial (Hela). It's not just War Machine/Lockdown that is the problem, Arishem is adopting it as well too. And we all know that Arishem is not allowed to be a tier 1 deck.
He snapped because he hammed my Agatha lol.
Does this variant look good with a metallic gold border?
I think it looks pretty good.
Alright ill use it on him
Yeah, looks good.
I have mine like this too, the perfect border for this variant
I love Legion so much bros
Probably the funniest card in the game if I had to choose
D2099 is good but I regret spending 4 keys on it since I'm not really into decks that play one card a turn
He feels pretty good right now too. A lot of decks are running Magik
The cards they released this month kind of suck.
Doom 2099 is really good, he's just boring and straight forward to play
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All in a year's work
I played 40 games this last session, keeping track of all the decks i played against. Of those Doom 2099 appeared in 25% of them.
He's not everywhere, but he is getting played A LOT
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>peni play of the game
>she is just running around and suddenly three people die
>she isn't even near them
He's strong. Not over powered, but strong, and kind of easy to play.

The Scream 2099 deck is fun, the standard 2099 deck is powerful, the Arishem 2099 deck is kind of awesome. Doom 2099 kind of just works
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>I wonder why there’s a lot of Doom 2099 being played on the Doom 2099 token mission weekend
Falcon February looks kind of limp, too. There might be some good combos there, but the characters are so underwhelming compared to DA Season.
I hope we get art of her being gaped by Red Hulk.
Agatha counters Doom 2099 pretty well I feel. You have Moon Knight which hits either their Doom 2099 or normal Doom or whatever their turn 6 play is.
Legion counters Magik, and Black Bolt can be disruptive too. Among with putting out a decent amount of power.
Oh also you can slot in Lady Deathstrike pretty easily.
in space??
That's allowed?
fwiw it's also encouraged afaik
>1500 CL
this means nothing when at that CL nowadays you get matched against bots up to 100
he could replace Doom2099 with any other ongoing and still hit infinity without problems
takes generational talent to force a meta this boring then take a month long vacation
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True. But there’s also stuff like this.
>very first season
>1500 cl
spent 3 keys on doom2099, hope he doesn't turn out to be shit
I spent 1 key and got havoc
No. That’s a different person than the first one.
doom2099 is good
but somehow i feel like they tuned down the random lane part
they all drop at the same lane 90% of games
at least in my games
That's why you run Blue Marvel
blue marvel is literally my middle name bro
Dick "Blue Marvel" Spray?
Don’t waste those borders on doom 99. The icy blue border is a log in reward this week for free and will work well with his logo.
Reminder: Marvel Rivals Battle Pass is $5 and doesn’t expire.
Reminder the currency for it does making that meaningless and just more fomo and the price is doubling next season.
Month-long vacation btw
please understand, small indie company
What do you think they're doing right now
Thinking of more ways to make me miserable
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Is it worth getting into Snap as a new player? Reading all sorts of reviews saying it's months worth of grind to get anywhere. Is this true?
The way card collection works is a bit weird and pretty much unique to this game, but the new player experience is actually the most fun you're gonna have with the game
Its a very fun game, but it does take a while. But they do make it so you only get matched with other new players when you first start, that way you don't get matched against someone who's been playing for 2 years and has almost every card in the game
It’s fine if you play it until to consider spending even $5 on it and then you uninstall it and never play it again
I agree with that other anon, play until you stop having fun. This is a weird time to get into snap, because the problems with the game have reached a boiling point where the devs are basically forced to fix them or lose the player base.
But just play until you don't want to anymore. At its core it's still a good game.
you can start, nothing really changed about the first ~500 collection levels, those are pretty fun even though you fight bots for the majority of it
but do not, I repeat DO NOT try to really get into this game before they announce some major reworks; it is NOT worth it, trust me on that
treat it like a stupid idle game where you collect cards and variants, play only when you feel like it
don't try "getting gud" or anything stupid like that, because that equals 100's of $ and hours
The early part of the game is fun so maybe play for a month and drop it and come back of good changes get made. Do NOT spend money though because the devs do not deserve it.
Stay the fuck away from it.
You're forced to spend money and the game is being milked hard before it's killed off.
hundreds of dollars wouldn't even get you most meta decks these days.
Is anyone having trouble finishing the chapter mission? It’s been stuck at 14/15 Ongoing for me no matter how many ongoing I use to try and finish it.
just flat out stating how much it'd cost would make it sound like ridiculous hyperbole
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Yeah I forget who said it but someone like Dera or Cozy posed the question if people would by a $1500 get every card forever bundle saying it would actually be cheap.
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The mystery of will I ever get a good split on this fucking card
How I wish you were a good card Gamora
You already got gold and inked, the shit behind the card doesn't matter
Quitter talk
Blue Ice would be so good on Luna Snow, but fucking SD didn't give as any good variants for her.
I feel like that border only goes on Iceman and Luna
forgot pic
Only if you stay in pool 1/2.
It looks good on Emma Frost. She is an ice queen
But she doesn't have ice powers
What is that shit chain this guy is wearing.
But if I use it on them, I'll never see the border!
Luna has a few homes.
Also Iceman is kind of a tech card against Wiccan
Bruce Banner? We will be skipping
more like bruce bummer
Bruce Banner will revive High Evo
Yeah, I barely run into enough Wiccan decks for him to eat up a slot though. Mind you, I'm not seeing anything other than some combination of Arishem/DOOM99/Clog right now. Luna... ehh lol. Every time she's on the board and it's not from me, I'm happy to see her, so I can't imagine it would be any different for my opponent unless you really love HE decks that take advantage of that extra energy passively.
Watch he ends up being the best card of the entire season.
Do the math and then add 20% to that
I have some doubts, but I you can always just retreat I guess
I don't think he'll be better than D99 or Luna, but I do not expect R&G to be good at all
I was completely wrong about D99 though so take what I say with a grain of fucking salt apparently
Nah, I I highly doubt it as well. I was just being funny. R&G seems cracked to me, though. Every turn an opponent plays a card in that lane they steal a power and can also move to another lane. That's like a better reverse Angela.
ok I did the math and at best you have around 40% to hulk out after more than 1 try, I guess for a 2 drop it's not bad of gamble, the problem is playing him early enough to get decent odds
damn, nta but after you said that I can already see R&G either being a top tier card at high elo, because it will require some skill to move the card around properly, tho the effect might just be too much work for the reward it gives out, especially when cards like Cassandra Nova exist
I think he'd be a great card for bad players to get early, but he doesn't snowball fast enough or effectively enough to justify using a deck slot for otherwise. There's definitely decks that will run him, and he will be better than Bruce because Bruce is going to fucking suck.
It's not a real 2 drop, you have to leave at least one energy unspent each turn, making him a virtual 6 drop (provided you drop him as early as you can) unless you roll the 25% before turn 6
I know statistically, most people who play Snap are adults (go figure), but after seeing the most retarded posts like "I think x card needs x buff so that it can win 100% of the time against everything", I have to think to myself that these people are children. If they're not, then I am so in awe by the stupidity of the Snap community.
That one Reddit post that said Mill should be able to consistently win against Arishem is the funniest balancing post I've ever seen for any game
Yeah, haha I saw that. That got quite a chuckle out of me as well. "Is it too much to ask for a deck that can just win everything?!?"
You've got to have blinders on to think SD would allow a toxic strategy to be good in this game
From all the repeat posts I see of things like "Shang needs to be nerfed" and "Why didn't my Super Skrull copy Onslaught", it would appear most people just want to win and don't care about anything else, even when it comes to something as trivial as reading the card's already very limited text.
Yeah, how does it feel when someone else does that shit to you, faggot?
true but you'd play this card in a deck that already has or benefits from having unspent energy, otherwise at 3 tries you are paying 5 mana for a 40% chance at getting an hulk, when playing hulk in your deck would probably be the better choice in terms of concistency
I guess we'll be breaking out Red Hulk for Christmas.
Because it's so inconsistent and demanding on what you have to do to flip it, it really only goes in decks that want to be floating energy anyway, and currently the only deck that wants to do it is High Evo
That said Red Guardian is everywhere and there's pretty much no protecting Banner from him unless you're playing Cosmo too.
I don't think any other deck can spare the space for him
Just pulled my 2nd Celebi ex as f2p. I now have access to the top 5 meta decks as f2p in Pokemon without spending a single fucking cent.
Get fucked snap.
too bad pokemon tcg gameplay sucks fucking ass
happy for you though
Enjoy flipping 4 tails in a row
>That said Red Guardian is everywhere and there's pretty much no protecting Banner from him unless you're playing Cosmo too.
You could just swap misty knight for squirrel girl. Sure it's less power but it protects pretty much everything HE wants to play from red guardian and it's not like HE is at a premium for board space.
I just realized that I'm gonna be skipping every card for the month of december because I had to use all of my keys to get gorr

godtier aquisition system SD, lmao
That still only makes it a 50/50
Better than immediately eating shit. You're probably not gonna win priority with a HE deck to defend a t2 banner from a t3 red guardian so unless you want to throw sunspot under the bus that's your best option.
I don't think it's worth doing
My point is Banner does go into High Evo but I'm not convinced it brings back the deck
You're not missing much t b h
Ultimately that is the only major problem with the current acquisition model. You have to skip cards to get cards. There is no way to make this system "feel good". Especially when they have a "bad draw" added to it.
My proudest big brain play I've ever made.
>Sent over GG
>He thinks he's being 200 IQ by Odining GG back to me
>I play Viper to send it back to him on the same turn
>He rage quits out of disbelief
I don't think it gets any better than that.
Also it was completely by fluke that I had used Viper.
>big brain play
>completely by fluke
okay man
Seems based to me
But enough about Bruce Banner
The very definition of a card that should release into series 4 instead of 5
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spending tokens on banner cuz i want high evo to be great again
you're gonna regret that about 10 minutes later, after you've gotten red guardian'd for the 12th time
High Evo still gets buttfucked by Red Hulk.
This guy snapped with all the confidence in the world that Luke Cage would save him.
Easiest 8 cubes of my life lmao
First game with alioth or?
What do you mean?
You seem surprised a card does the thing it does
I'm not surprised you retard. I won the game.
Why are you blogging about it like it's a rare event then
I'm posting about marvel snap in the marvel snap general.
Could you please post things that are interesting at least?
No :^)
Don’t worry guys, I have an OP that has banner, groot, and rocket in it, so we can take our time with this thread without compromising the rhythm.
Why you getting so mad then? :)
You currently have to scroll past 8 bundles to get to the variants in your shop
Uh just buy all the bundles?
you will constantly engage with $50+ bundles for 30 seconds at a time to get to your 25 creditslop, or else
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Yeah i do hate turning on snap and seeing 3 shit locations
>arinigger throws out a random turn 6 gambit that just happens to hit the 1 of of 10 cards it needed to hit to win
im so embarrassed i ever spent money on this game
every single fucking person is playing doom holy fuck what a boring game
I don't know, I'm having a lot of fun playing Doom
So am I but it’s literally every match. I’m basically running doom with super skrull just to get wins because of how common it is
Just play Junk and snap early, it's free wins.
Unless they Psylocke into Iron Lad99 then Doom99 then Doom.
speaking of Doom what's the best deck recently
I see him run in a warmachine lockdown deck.
Damn, the new Elektra variant makes me wish the card was usable.
The latest version ditches Storm which is smart since everyone is on Doom anyway, but leaves in War Machine and Infinaut
they really need to stop thinking about it and make her destroy 2 drops already for fuck sake
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They still haven't snapped
Please understand, we can't allow free cards to be good, as that would work against our bottom line.
I like doom but this game is so shit I haven't played since release day.
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/sister/ leader here, I've been keeping an eye on people with low points and I'm gonna start doing something about it, if you end up this week with 0 points you will get kicked

if you literally get at least 1 point, you will not get kicked, it's one thing if you haven't had any time to get points (specially in december where most people are getting ready for the holidays) but if you're gonna be completely inactive, then you better find a different place to do it

finally, I would also like to congratulate our newest members: Mossy and Blobfeels both of them have already reached over 4000 points, they have earned our trust
Game is dying. Giving lead of /snap/ to top earner this week. Have no clue how it's looking so far.
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A bug momentarily gave us better backgrounds on prism.
Guess the hot location for RAG. For me it's kyln.
Aunt May's
wait can rag steal power from a card each turn or only once per game?
every time a card is play where they are
This is the average snap player btw
Kingpin Tower
Playing Snap right now is literally just a 50/50 coin flip on whether or not you or your opponent plays Doom first, or whoever plays Super Skrull and Doom after.
Playing clog sucks ass the 50 000 times they get Doom99 on turn 3 and I haven't drawn Debrii or Goblin. Even then, they always seem to have Legion to fuck my Magik. I love the card, but fuck, I am so sick of not being able to play any other deck if I want to actually win more than one game in 30 matches. I expect this card to be ultra nerfed at the next OTA if it's still nothing but Doom99 after the bonus weekend.
WTF everyone was telling me 2099 was ass but now everyone he needs a nerf?
Turns out all those people were just putting him in shitty decks. He's a great card.
People were running garbage and getting BTFO. Now they've mostly figured out what to do with him and he's being erroneously made out to be THE meta deck when he's just one of several meta decks.
>red guardian doom 2099
>gameplan dies
>play Doom next to Psylocke or Zabu
>instant immunity from Red Guardian
If only it was consistent.
nigga they still havent done shit to gorr
doom99 isn't going to get nerfed anytime soon but i expect some fucked monstrosity is going to overshadow it as always
Gorr is fine when he's not everywhere, so will Doom 2099
Rocket and Groot? Goes in Doom 2099
I hope Brode has a terrible Christmas
>start playing a junk deck to counter all the doom 2099
>suddenly just don't play any of them for like 10 games in a row
This game's matchmaking is so blatantly fucking rigged
Still haven't matched up against one yet btw
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hear me out
Looks nice. Better than seeing it on the same 50 million Ice Man and White Queen cards.
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tks, was gon put the other one on Aero but decided to go for Iceman cuz of obvious reasons and his usage in only one deck of mine - Zoo
Someone talk me out of spending 5k tokens on this variant
That 5K can be a new card almost. Also they will probably come out with a hotter variant in the near future.
>Opponent tries to win by turning off Limbo.
>He didn't account for the fact that I'm a fucking retard and forgot Limbo was even active.
I want to support the GILFs though
inked cards look like shit
Not being able to get a new card with those tokens will lock you into Move and investing in Move almost exclusively for the next few months so you feel you didn’t waste getting such an expensive Madame Web variant.
I’m glad this game is dying. It’s terrible
I've been playing sine launch, I have more decks than move already built.
You look like shit
Why’d they give Galacta dark brown hair in Snap instead of black hair like in Rivals and the comics?
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Sorry, bros. No dupe compensation.
That was expected even if it would gave helped bandaid fix the last year of cancer. Reminder it could be 6k tokens instead of 2k so we can have pseudo dupe protecting but nah.
I mean really the system should be it's not possible to get a dupe at all and you just get tokens when you're collection complete instead. Anyone who's not collection complete shouldn't ever get less than a card for a key
>rian got cancelled

rip big filipino titty monster waifu artist
What happened?
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Checkmate hater.
>put a bunch of annoying cards together like half mill half tech cards
>never run into doom and just get a bunch of bots
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sd really dropped the ball, the fact that they actually did something is a major confirmation that they lost players and, more importantly, money

now when it comes to alliances you also need to consider that it's holiday season, some people will play more but some people will play less, i haven't done my share yet in /snap/ but i'll manage somehow before the deadline
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Rian took the Deodato pill for her variant for that weirdly so-so Ultimate Spider-Man comic, and after she was outed, she got blasted on Bluesky with death threats and such since the “artists” there tend to purity spiral (Rian obliterated her own twitter in fear of Grok).
based, if you put your shit on the internet I WILL trace it
I can't believe my wife stole art :'(
Artists copy each other all the time, not just a pose, theme, the entire style.
The fact that AI generated images all looked so similar at the start, was because it was trained on all the popular lucrative artists, and they all copied the most popular artists.

So the backlash for the artists is that they can't profit as much off copying others.
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i waited till today to grab doom 2099 because i had my doubts but holy shit was i wrong, i hate the card and the archetype that goes with it but it's a must have, expecially because i got a feeling sd won't touch this card just like they didn't touch gorr
>just like they didn't touch gorr
SD went on vacation at the same time Gorr dropped. He wasn't/isn't ever getting touched before mid January at the earliest. Same goes for doom.
Ok what's the 2099 list that's broken? Cause I still eat shit against gorr + ravonna aka nothing changed
Haven't touched the game lately so i'm in a shit leagues and haven't seen the meta deck yet
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list doesn't matter as long as you can play zabu/psylocke into doom2099 turn 3, you can try that one ->

that's nowhere comparable to gorr
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card just got out and every retard is playing it so stats are inflated, doom2099 game plan is the same as negative, you snap if you can combo and retreat if you can't, sometimes you'll stay because the hand is good enough regardless
I genuinely wish I could murder anyone who deadpool emotes. I dream of strangling them with my bare hands.
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>ms viewers at peak EU time
Please dont tell me you still spend money on this dying trash
probably all italians trying to get their 50€'s
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what 50€?
idk way i see it it doesn't put a bajilion on 2 lanes even when nutting
Sizer was offering €50 for wintrades last month
#1 on ladder got caught wintrading, asking some dude on twitter to throw games for 50€
turned out later he apparently had a discord full of retards willing to feed him elo
>doing all that to become #1 in dying game
Why did he do that anyway? Nobody cares who's #1 in snap
Who knows
If I had to guess he's got nothing else going on in life
Me either but I wouldn't pay money to fake being #1 at a game nobody takes seriously
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I stand with her
Tracing is literally nothing in the comics industry
I wouldn't say it's nothing
Greg Land is primarily known for tracing and is pretty much a joke
i want a latina wife so much bros...
She's Filipina.
She admitted to it, reached out to the person who's art she traced and apologized privately and personally and said she'll never do it again.
Idk what else they want.
The main person who keeps bitching isn't even the one who drew it.
*privately and personally
yeah but why italians?
>Idk what else they want.
Whatever she got paid
im gonna fillupina her spicy mexican womb with my white seed
i bet her milk tastes like horchata
Some high ranked Italian player was also wintrading
Wtf we need more baggots in sisters
nice feet, post moar
Only one more for you
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thanks anon
Anything for a baggot...
if i ever get kicked from /snap/ i'll join sister
they aren't adding Tokyo 2099 after all
Sister is pretty lax so as long as you're playing and getting points you're safe. Hope to see you there before the game dies friend.
It's just so easy
Actually? Or are you just saying things? If not, then it's good they realize it was an absolutely retarded location to put in, regardless of whatever archetype it would be targeting. It may as well just say "Close the app, and restart Snap!"
It's real:
>After reviewing community feedback around Tokyo 2099 and reconsidering its impact, we've decided not to release Tokyo 2099 in its current form. We'll replace it with Taco Truck during its upcoming featured location slot. Since the dev update, we've also seen Tokyo 2099 spawn some questions about location design, so we'd like to explain how we got here.

>We had a different Tokyo 2099 for quite a while, but wound up needing to replace it very late in our process. Due to that timing, we looked through our existing brainstorms for a design we could implement quickly, wouldn't need unique VFX, and wouldn't pose a QA challenge. We considered releasing one less location, but wound up deciding the anti-discard location was a better choice. Why?

>Among our goals with locations is implementing some higher-rarity, highly specific locations that warp individual games in novel ways and change matchups. It's also a bonus that sometimes these locations can be ignored, since it simplifies the game to occasionally have "a Ruins." Discard decks like Apocalypse and Hela don't have much operating in this space, because they don't interact with the same zones as most strategies. We'd wanted to add one for a while, and the new Tokyo 2099 seemingly fit the bill.

>However, it became clear after our dev update that many players weren't a fan of how crudely it served that role. While our intent was to keep the location quite rare long-term, it would still be featured on release and frustrate discard fans randomly if they couldn't switch it. Your feedback led us to reflect on how well Tokyo 2099 would serve our goals, and we decided to remove it until we can craft a location we're more excited to release.
If they wanted to do all of that, why not just make it like every other location that exists in the game. "You can't discard cards here." Regardless, kudos to them for recognizing something without having to wait 8 months after its implementation for once in this game's miserable existence at least.
It's always interesting to hear themselves explain their thought process because it almost makes sense until you remember that they didn't need to make it extreme and kill the entire archetype but instead just make it like wakanda which would keep things consistent.
It's over. Nuff Said Bob has ditched Snap for Rivals:
hi bob
Because while you and I can intuitively know what that means, the greater playerbase is retarded and doesn't understand shit. You'd have to word it in a way that comes across way more wordy than you'd like or your mouthbreathing retards can understand
>Effects here can't cause you to discard cards
retards wouldn't understand why they can't make opponents discard cards, forgetting that the opponent has the same text
>effects here can't cause players to discard cards
kinda weirdly worded, and not super clear. You could force it to work, sure, but if you really think discard is overpowered just tune it down? There's no reason to say "well, 1% of the time the discard deck needs to automatically lose, so that they can be stronger than normal the other 99% of the time". And if it's not overpowered, why introduce a completely autolose location that just punishes an archetype for no reason? It's just not a compelling design in my opinion
Yeah, those are solid points. It's also kinda crazy to me that discard is a "problem" but they keep feeding into the archetype, evolving it and allowing it to thrive, which drives its engagement further. Meanwhile, Destroy has been playing the same 12 card combo since its inception, with the one caveat being X-23, which isn't even an interesting card. It just allows you to do more of the things you're already doing.
Thanos still worth a pin if I enjoy playing Arishem?
I pinned Wiccan, I have 4k tokens, do you guys think they'll nerf that deck by the time i get him?
I dunno, I suspect we'll find out what's getting nerfed shortly before and after the next series drops
Next OTA is January 9, I'd just wait til then to pick him up.
I think he will get nerfed, but likely they'll just reduce his power which is not the reason he's good, so he's probably still gonna be playable
Yeah alright, i guess ill wait for the OTA. Hopefully he doesn't get hit too hard and ill have the tokens by then.
I think Doc Oct is kinda underrated. Obviously he's nowhere near good as he used to be, but he can pretty disruptive.
In the right setting, he ain't bad, no. But there's only really one deck that wants him, which is clog.
the number of the beast
just stat sticking does work more often than it doesn't
I want Victoria Hand to be good, but seeing how she's paired with Hawkeye and Grandmaster, I can only assume SD believes she will be shit. Especially considering the release of Gorgon, which is a direct counter to this card's existence. I'll still pull though, cuz I want Hawkeye.
She's gay, and SD is very homophobic and makes all the gay characters bad.
So what's Wiccan then?
>I can only assume SD believes she will be shit.
Of course she will. She requires you to play her, play cards that generate cards, then play those generated cards in order to get a whole 2 power buff on only the generated cards which is just a pretty dogshit gameplan in general.

About the only thing that can remotely begin to take advantage of her is Kate bishop and even then she's long overdue for a nerf so in true SD fashion they're probably gonna move grapple to 2 power and acid to -1 the second that spotlight ends.
I miss White Widow
I'm sad at how much sense this post makes.
I still don't get why people would watch someone playing a game instead of playing it. Especially a mobile game.
Aren't flips basically Mexicans?
To learn strategies? To be engaged with other people who also enjoy the game? To see how other cards perform if you don't have them and want to get a better idea of if you'd enjoy using it? They enjoy the player's commentary? There are tons of reasons people enjoy watching other people play stuff.
I reached infinite last season, then didn't play ranked again, because of DD, I ended up nearly 80k ranked, so that's atleast 80,000 people, plus the people that don't reach infinite, plus the few that ranked lower that don't watch streamers.
Occasionally I'll watch fortnite streamers with my Son like Lazarbeam, who are funny, but not good at the game at all,I really can't see the value in watching someone rather than just practising yourself.
Not everyone is you. Some people just like to chill out and watch someone play something they relate with. It's a low investment means of entertainment, regardless of whether there is a "pay off". I never watched streamers of any games until recently. I started watching Dekkster a few weeks ago simply because it's just a chill and relaxing environment. He answers questions and interacts with his subs and the chat doesn't scroll a million lines per minute so I can actually read what others are talking about.
Shit like matching power and figuring out what lanes to prioritize and even just seeing certain combos you haven't seen before are not all intuitive, and watching something better than you is much faster than slowly figuring those out yourself. Sometimes just hearing somebody who's good verbalize a concept you were struggling to grasp through your own gameplay makes a world of difference.
sorry /snap/ i would normally grind for the mandatory 4k but there's absolutely no way we're making it this week
that last deadpool event unironically maimed the shit out of /sisters/, it used to clear 120k easily 1-2 days before turnover but now it's completely reliant on one dude not burning himself out hitting 20-30k points every week
That, killing more series 3 cards, the horrific drops all happened pretty close together but yeah. DD is the last fuckyou the playerbase needed to realize that second dinner hate anyone who doesn't shut up and whale.
Yeah I noticed it too.
Did we always have these feetfags in our general? If you fags are gonna post your fetish art, at least post an art of a SNAP character instead of anime whore #3801
and why the fuck are you even asking for moar? get out. Go to /e/
just do your minimum bro
Lady Deathstrike has pretty good default art
Agreed, it's pretty dope. One of very few, even more rare that it's a good female default art at that.
>sub 100 IQ individuals when they see cleavage
Her Day of the Dead variant is one of my favorite in the game. Too bad I don't play destroy or her so I'll never pick it up.
The owner of /snap/ has stopped caring, he hasn't kicked anyone out who isn't playing anymore
Morag is such a shit location for how common it is
>we will never see rians milkers again now

life is not fair
He said he's planning to give leadership to someone else tomorrow
nobody who matters cares. She apologized, said she wouldn't do it again. These people want her to personally suck their dicks or something. She's already done all she can
it's had like 3 owners at this point but they keep on quitting because the game is ass
Only two people at the bottom are leeching, third bottom is the actual leader as they're not playing much currently
Rian is in /snap/?!?
Yeah, it really is. I wish she was a more utilized card. Even with destroy, she's not usually the ideal play unless you use Destroy/Thanos. Even that has never really been all that competitive.
Really is a good variant*
We all forgive Rian.
she also privated her instagram where all her bikini pics are at, so you pervs better hope you followed her already.
imagine the underboob sweat....
>fix the monetization
>fix the release schedule
>fix the client
>fix the balance
>give the deck building some depth

I've fixed snap
doom 2099 players don't snap in proving grounds and i despise them
>reddit is having an autistic fit over this
>twitter, here, and everywhere else barely cares
Speaks to how slow snap news is. When they should be outraged about no retroactive duplicate reimbursement.
nobody snaps in proving grounds since alliances
That's a big ass torch
what game do I play to fill the void
twitter doesn't care because it's happening on bluesky.
Bluesky doesn't really care outside of like 5 people, everyone else accepted her apology.
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What happened to Queen Rian?
They tried tearing her down because she soars too high
She wanted to be Tracer
The only game i've been having fun playing lately is The Finals of all things.
She traced some art she found on Pinterest when she was strapped for time and needed to meet a deadline.
The artist's friend (not the actual artist) made a huge stink even though Rian already privately and publicly apologized and promised to never do it again.
tbf i feel like my life would be easier if i was Tracer too
Junk99, stupidest deck i've ever seen in my two years playing this game
Seeing that board got a good laugh out of me, maybe it's not so bad
Glenn is getting coal for Christmas this year
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It's kinda crazy that SD is just giving away a series 5 card in Elsa.
It means she is bad and never getting buffed
she just got buffed but yeah she's being given away cuz she's not amazing true
Giving her 1 point of power isn't something that meaningfully improves the card.
She's decent
It was over once we lost Nina
I hate this fucking game so much.
I'm already Tracer.
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>want to catch up quests for alliance
>it's either destroy, discard or move
t... thanks i guess?
Those are the easiest to do though
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shall i use my ice border on the one and only queen? i used the other one on luna snow but at the very least luna is playable, are we finally getting a buff/rework when victoria hand comes out?
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holy fuck I got doom with just one key
thank god since I had to use 4 keys to get gorr and skipped both luna and peni
Good job waiting that long, you're probably gonna have to do the same for Banner
banner is basically a card for twitch streamers, easy skip
I'm pretty sure I'm skipping banner regardless of how good he is, I haven't played high evo in months, I at least play lockdown sometimes and that's why I decided to go for d99
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So now that snap isn't the best marvel game, are you guys playing marvel rivals?
>using AI slop to advertise slopvel slopvals
lol at least snap has good core gameplay and isn't a worse version of other games using marvel skins to sell it
Snap has its own unique niche. There is literally zero reason for me to play Marvel Rivals over TF2 except for a few unique kits that I can't get anywhere else, which every single remotely competent multiplayer game does.
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i am and i am genuinely enjoying it, i am well aware it's just a temporary fun though, right now people are clueless and chill but that will only last for a while, hey at the very least i can play a game where luna is actually broken
Tf2’s story is done.
Didn't know they also shut down the servers and deleted all installations of it too because of that
Rivals doesn't even have a story. It's some chatgpt "lore" that doesn't even make sense.
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Wowie zowie! It’s a Christmas Miracle!
>can't get 10% extra on Gold Pass
cmon now SD
>Brode wallet increased two sizes that day
This Will Save Snap
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worth the tokens? i only have 1 key
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but I thought 10% discount was the best sale ever...
He is currently the meta deck and if you have the pieces like war machine than sure. His deck isn't overpowered though.
If the gameplay of him you've seen looks fun, then go for it
They'll probably nerf him in the near future, but nothing major
Really just depends on if you like him and if you have the cards that complement him
Any nerfs they do will be the cards that he uses in his decks. It's pretty hard to nerf the card. Taking away 1 power from the bots would make him unplayable and taking 1 power away from him makes him even more consistent with Ravonna and negative. They'll probably nerf Doom to 6-4 again with 4 power bots or some other stupid thing.
Yeah, it fits nicely. She also seems like the type of card to randomly get a buff
ngl i regret not getting the Rivals 99 variant nor the Doom Rivals combo but alas I'm no piggy
The only change I want made to the card is how long it takes to resolve once you have a bunch of dooms on the board
What if Bruce Banner is actually cracked.
Unless they're last moment changing his text (not happening), he just won't be. He might have a bit more of a niche than people expected, or maybe SD will have fucked up his implementation somehow and he always pops (much more likely than having a niche imo), but I just don't see him being broken.
110% value for 100% cost is a worse deal than 100% value for 90% cost, so that's still true

Please forget about the "3x value" darkhawk
Not sure if the math is right, but if you play him on 2 and float one energy per turn each turn you have roughly a 70% chance of him turning into hulk.
>Release week
>He hulks out way too often
>People lose a lot of cubes to turn 6 HULK SMASH
>The week ends
>SD turns off the secret rate buff
>People still retreat turn 5 if their opponent can win with a Banner transformation next turn
It has potential to be the next "I hate Arishem's double Alioth"
She's doing it all wrong. Should've played her female card and rallied an army of simps.
blue archive.
>turn 3 tg bb
>turn 3 opponent floats an energy for no reason
Woooooowww broken card please nerf as
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Deathstrike sisters... It's our week.
>Hulks out on turn 3
Every fucking match is doom holy shit
Now that the dust has settled, is Bruce Banner a good card?
I think he’s useful in high evolutionary because you spend a lot of time in that not using all your energy. Only downside is that the hulk he creates doesn’t get the high evo buff
hoogland just rage quit snap
how do i turn off these fucking snowflakes?
Thanks to the people in /sisters/ who grinded last night the last 10K or so. Our streak of clearing everything continues. Though we need those in the bottom half to start hitting 4K, we can't rely on the top point person hitting 20k every week.
/snap/ didn't make it, we came up like 30k short. Only like 8 people bothered to get the 4k minimum.
1k is the minimum though
i kind of want this variant because i love my black queens and Ravonna is the only one i don't have a nice variant for.
But I REALLY don't want Bruce Banner and i already own HE.
unless you have multiple no lifers grinding 10k+ every week, then at minimum you need like 20 people hitting 4k to get all the rewards
Looks worse than the base art to me
oh mb I thought you meant it was 4k or get kicked
Sounds like another week of snap
Genuinely, do you guys think SD can turn it around at this point?
if they really tried i think they could. But they have to make real actual changes and then probably spend another few million in marketing again
Only if they do basically a reset and make every card series 3 and go back to their original plan of making their monetization plan around cosmetics.
They have until the end of Q1 to turn around public sentiment. Whatever new acquisition model will make or break the game.
can? yes
will? lol, lmao even
As a current snap hater that hasn't really played since the last DD I sure as fuck hope so.
Can they? Yeah, probably. The core gameplay is still incredible. Will they? Fuck no. The economic side is still complete ass and incredibly predatory. For fuck's sake, they'd need to drop some 60~ odd cards to series 3 in the coming Q1 "large series drops" just to end up with the same number of S5 cards we started 2024 with and I'd be shocked if we even reach 1/5th of that number.
>Drop 15 cards to series 3 from both series 4/5.
>remove the random s4/5 card from spotlight
>turn it into a rotating random series 5 card that doesn't have a spotlight variant that updates each day
I yearn for the day that this game dies
Hope summer was released this year? Wtf feels like she's been in the game forever
I swear they are forcing doom players to play against each other. Every single fucking doom match I have is against another and when I get bored and try something else I get no doom. I hate this game so much
doom is the most popular deck right now by a lot.

they just need to give people more cards, that's really it
nerfing/buffing cards hurts right now because people will grind a ton to finally get a card they want only to see it become shit, if people had more access to cards, the playerbase could easily endure balance changes more often
I mean, besides a very small number of cards, they rarely make a card shit. They just need to top releasing overtuned cards.
Well they announced February is when Character Mastery is dropping. They said it is technically ready for January but they want their employees to enjoy their eight month holiday.
man they really do not get it, this game needs something right the fuck now
Damn Bruce Banner is actually embarrassing
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Please be trolling....there's no way they are this LAZY to have a fucking month+ vacation
Oh they changed the daken spotlight variant and refunded the key too. Shit maybe the trick is to dig up dirt on the artists so you can complain and get everyone their keys back.
they are still deciding if giving the bananas special background to black characters is racist or not.
stay tuned for future updates.
We simply wouldn't want the team to be overwhelmed after their two month holiday
You understand
I still have it though.
Also they said they would give you 700 gold in compensation, BUT when they sell spotlight variants they sell them for 2400 gold.
That doesn't make sense, why not give us 2400 gold if that's what SD THEMSELVES have said they're worth?
>went for doom cuz figured he's pretty much a new archetype so can't go wrong
>spent 4 keys in total
>daken variant, agony converted into 1k tokens, miek and doom were the drops in order
All this like 30 minutes before the spotlight rotating, so I don't think I'm getting refunded for the Daken variant either.
You're getting it because the variant is being removed from the game.
I don't believe you.
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>MFW opponent plays banner and it fails to transform after ending four turns with leftover energy
i've yet to see him transform when the opponent plays him. Wouldn't be surprised if he's bugged
>they spent 4 keys
I saw one
>Sinister London
>The wrong Banner hulk out
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>Scarlet is the worst character
>She's the only character I can play because I can't aim
Okay I am going to main her and hope they buff her later.
wrong thread?
Looks like it.

You can also play Cloak and Dagger. Both have auto aim.
getting some really easy wins with this deck
thank you doom 2099
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Why does everyone emote me when I lose? I'm 3.2k Collection Level and this guy was 17k, of course I'm going to lose. They make me feel like I'm fucking retarded, I can't win a single game and then they emote me with this or that stupid deadpool one, why am I allowed to match against these guys?
this community is toxic as fuck, just mute everyone the second the game starts.
If you only ever listen to one piece of advice while playing this game, listen to this. It is a pain in the ass to do every game, but it will save your sanity.
so any good banner evo decks?
good evo decks are not running banner
Does anyone else feel like turning the game off after losing to a deck full of series 5 cards you don't own and know you can't get?
>Change 75% of the rewards in galactus's draw to make it appealing
>Don't change the odds therefore I get hit with the unchanged 25%
Absolute Cinema SD
SD hears you
Turn 2 it's better to play sunspot or misty. turn 3 it's better to play cyclops.
Saw bruce banner for the first time and turned hulk right after t3
danger room ass odds ngl
Better yet, mute people when the match starts AND THEN emote THEM when YOU win.
and yet again this happens
lmao fuck this shit
there are no good evo decks, with or without banner
they're alright
It’s weird that they front loaded the season with new characters and then let it fizzle out in the last two weeks with Series 1s but slightly different.
>Can only play gamble on Thursday's
masterful move indeed
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The Peni thread was two weeks too early.
Recently taken the negative pill with gorr and it’s fun
>recently played the most OP bullshit in the game guys, its pretty cool
Daring today aren't we?
Yeah I am after just unlocking Jane Foster. Merry Christmas to you too anon!
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Have a White Christmas, Move-bros.
lol what happened?
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He lost to Arishem and had a melty because someone saying how SD killed Arishem
lmaoooooo even the whales are done with this shit.
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good job hoogland, you've actively helped kill your source of income by being a cocksucker
very high iq move
He's such a cunt expecting people who come into his chat for the first time to instantly know he's been having a "bad day" (losing in a video game) (that he plays for a living) and losing his shit whenever they don't accommodate that (by expressing an opinion in a totally non hostile way)
What a fucking asshole
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T-they gonna buff bruce to a 33% chance right?
It's going to be 10% per energy point you didn't use
bruce is legitimately the shittiest card they've ever released
how did this get through testing
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LOL HOLY FUCK. This alone should be reason enough to put arishem back to full power.

Reminder it'll probably be February that will have the new drop since that's when character mastery is. I'm glad even their biggest whales and bootlickers are starting to leave and they still rather take ANOTHER month off instead of actually working on the game. I can't believe everyone isn't shitting on then for this like imagine if any other company or job just gave everyone 2 months off and did 0 work.
what's the most likely buff to banner? becoming a 1/1 or increasing the % to 30 or 35?
>he called the guy a chud
He’s right about arishem and the game being shit though. Him having a meltie doesn’t make the game not shit
Honestly hate him as much as you want but he is literally the only Snap streamer with any kind of personality.
Based hoogie, shame you left mtg
Revert Luke Cage to 2/3 one lane
Either revert Shadow King to 4 cost or make him 0 power and can't fuck with Luke Cage anymore
Make Doc Ock drag the lowest cost, maybe 4/9 too
Kill Gladiator, it's complete bullshit, even at 5 power it remains very strong and disruptive
Give Banner a chance to Hulk out per energy speny or make him a 1/1
Make Killmonger a 5 cost
Make Bob a 1/4 and only the opponent can trigger the jump
Kill Alioth, bullshit card
Kill Sage, bullshit card
Buff Sentry, shit card
Give Negative an ongoing like Electro, 2-3 cards max can be played per turn
Kill mill in general, people sleep on it but it's currently the strongest deck in the game, at least outside of Conquest due to less Arishem
Make Death 8/9
Kill Brode
Nerf Arishem again
Make Scorn +1
Make Apo +2
Kill destroy while you're at it
Kill energy cheat, all problems with the meta go back to this, except Mill that's a whole different issue
Merry christmas bros
>Can they?
Yes, ofc. its easy, just give players better access to cards
>will they?
Ofc not, because as it turns out, ben brode is giant fucking kike that thinks you paying 100$ for ONE card is normal
Ok hoog, you can go shill your channel and wonderful personality at /vp/
Maybe they can tell you who owned the ships
>hahah dude
>just kill half of the decks
>its that ez
>retard like me will say to kill other half of the decks in one month btw

>being this mad at hog
lmao, he has a wife and a daughter, you jerk of to cartoons lmao
>muh personality
you're a joke, boobland
>he can't be an annoying retard because he has a wife and kids
do you know what a non-sequitur is?
Yeah he is right which exactly why arishem should be buffed. I wanna see him more mad.
Agree with Gladiator, feels like a Bob situation, bullshit stats with a positive effect nearly all the time
It's not a positive effect, it's meant to be a downside because you might pull something big which nullifies Gladiator's power, but there aren't really any big power cards in the meta which means the downside is kind of irrelevant
Nobody would be playing Gladiator if they hadn't nerfed Surtur (this is not to say nerfing Surtur was wrong)
>multiple madame webs still break the game
fire everyone at SD
>First and only game with Bruce Banner
>Opponent snaps turn 1
>Floats energy for 2 turns
>Turn 5 Banner turns into Hulk
>I retreat
I can't help but feel like I'm going to hate every match I play against this card. I will still also never spend any resources to get it. Also Merry Christmas to all those who are celebrating.
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First MVP with non-tranny Jeff, merry christmas!
We don't get any gold bundles for christmas this year??
Will be fixed some time in 2027, give them a break
>log in
>first game is arishem
>log off

they killed this game
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thank you based Glenn!
Another month I'm one win from infinite, only to fall down to 96 range. I tilt too hard and fuck myself over. I actually don't care that much if I don't manage it this month, the cardback is dogshit.
i cant hear audio for some reason
lol have fun flipping coins nigger
it's the exact same in snap except you don't get a visual of the coin flips, retard
whatever you need to tell yourself
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Merry Christmas /snap/
Merry Christmas Maria Hill poster
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I hear you.
>he says after Bruce banner is added
>Knullified takeover lasted one day and didn't even have all the knullified variants
a 1 in 4 is not a coin flip, a 1 in 2 is a coin flip
ok riddle me this
my enemy retreated after I destroyed their doom2099
I got -6 cubes
I'm thinking you got owned
Look upon my works and weep
That's an easy cop.
I should probably save this border for a good Luna Snow variant, but damn this looks pretty good
Stop giving money to these fucks.
Spider-Woman bundle is gold you dummy
Should I go with Red Matte or Blue Ice for my snowboarding wife?
Red matte will look good on any Spider-Woman variant, blue ice won't
I love her bros
I'm not putting Doom or Sandman in, like auto fill wants me to. What should I put instead?
Doom 2099
I got my Spider-Woman variant, too bad I'll never use the card.
5/9 soon
Sorry bros I've been spending time with my family today
Bruce Banner just friggin Hulked Out in my match!!! HYPE!!!!!!!

enjoy your family time bro don't worry about some general
I still appreciate it
I've put in heimdall recently for clearing aliance quests and it's weird how many games he has won me with kraven on the left location
I remember that one guy from here who would put Heimdall in random decks to catch the opponent off guard. He was fun, i wonder whatever happened to him
>Doom is currently 25% of all decks based on untapped data
Fucking hilarious. Arishem got euthanized for being 8% of decks which SD described as "too popular" so if either doom escapes a massive card killing nerf at the next OTA I'm fucking done with this game.
they've admitted before that their data is months behind
I think Arishem was higher than 8%. Untapped isn't exactly an accurate representation of the player base.
Incoming NErf to og DOOM and probably either Psylocke or Zabu.
Please no, they already nerfed Doom once and it was awful and completely killed the card
They can probably just cap doom 2099 at 3 doom bots
Ah so it's even worse than pocket
Grandmaster + Werewolf
Heimdall + Surtur
HighEvo + Abom
they wont nerf psylocke since she has too many coomer variants to drain gold
Not even sure you would nerf psylocke.
Move her up to 3 cost so she can't be used to cheat 4 drops on turn 3 anymore.
That makes her absolutely useless.
When has that ever stopped SD?
a one-of card is worse than integral mechanic to the base game mechanics of another game? I take it you were dropped on your head as a baby then
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>SD balances one month behind the current meta so they will nerf mr negative next patch and we will have to deal with doom for another month
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been stealing cubes non stop to this. my only losses after 15 games are either the locaiton that swaps hands on turn 6 or misplaying enchantress. anyone in the mood to try my deck out and give me your thoughts? to win simply put either ant man or kate's arrow that gains bonus when location is full + valkyrie on turn 6. people often get baited into filling the right location after you play sentry, thinking you're running annihilus deck.

chimichanga location today so you can go

turn 3:
hope summers + chimichanga

turn 4: sera on hope's lane

# (1) Ant Man
# (1) Kitty Pryde
# (2) Psylocke
# (2) Hawkeye Kate Bishop
# (2) Peni Parker
# (3) Debrii
# (3) Hope Summers
# (4) Enchantress
# (4) Sentry
# (5) Valkyrie
# (5) Sera
# (5) Spider-Woman
# To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in MARVEL SNAP.
Seems fun, I want an excuse to play Spider-Woman since I bought that bundle too.
snap is full of RNG by design, from locations to cards, you don't need a literal coin flipping to notice that
>moving the goalposts
I accept your concession
I hate this game
not only retard decs make it worse with every fucking patch
but players become dumber every day
have just played arishemnigger in PG for 20 min
coz this little shit lost an 8cuber to mill and decided to make LE EPIC COMEBACK
and dragged this shit for 3 more rounds
just retreat, there's no actual stakes in pg. Don't give them the satisfaction of getting mad and playing it out. Emote them and leave
I feel like I will encourage this shitty behaviour by conceding
Did you beat them tho?
Me personally? SNAP
>all of those upcoming gold bundles

you guys DID save your gold... right?
For anti-venom, yes! I'm sure he'll probably get a series drop or currency adjustment, but I don't have him and it's a nice variant, so I'm going for it.
Last time I used gold was for the wolverine bundle so yeah
3100 atm so hoping I can get enough for the anti-venom one
I think Bruce Banner is funny and the only thing they should do is change his HULK OUT!!!! chance to 35%
I only save for the ones that give tokens so I never need to worry
You're very mad at the truth. You start the match and deal with 3 random locations. That is worse than a coin flip and CORE to snap. That's ignoring all the other cards that are even more random than hulk like S.H.I.E.L.D. stuff, sersi, gambit, and of course fucking arishem. Trying to pretend that RNG isn't core to snap because they didn't make a coin flip animation is low iq.
He’s weird in that he has insane potential to be broken. A guaranteed 2/12 is ludicrous, but that’s what some people seem to want out of Banner.
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Tried this and went 0-6. I get the concept but I just can't seem to make it work in execution. Doesn't help that 4 of those games were destroy
Playing Mr. Negative makes it obvious just how utterly dogshit people are timing their snaps

>wow it's turn 6 and they have a Ravonna and Magik and Ironheart only? Perhaps I can squeeze 4 cubes out of this!
/snap/ cant count
ofc I beat that little nigger
but they dragged every fucking turn till the end
I've never seen bruce proc
I've never seen bruce
space wives!
that's a lot of energy
Wow this doombot thing is pretty fucking stupid to play against, why is it Ongoing?
The subreddit has turned on anyone who says anything negative against SD. Just openly mocking them now. This game is so fucked.
Why does every game die this way? It's always the devs do something retarded, intelligent people say it's retarded, a handful of reddit mods tell them to fuck off, then most of the playerbase actually does fuck off. It's every single time.
Obviously the last ones off the ship are going to be the biggest haters and the biggest defenders.
It's so fucking bad. The backlash was so short lived. Now it's full of smug retards saying shit like "oh well I'll still buy every season pass!!!! Let people enjoy things!!!!!! Don't play if you don't like the game anymore!!!!!" and then mocking people for wanting the game to improve. Like they don't fucking realize that if enough people stop playing the game just fucking dies out.
The part of it that's crazy to me is that the content creators shit on the game too. It's just that a majority of the playerbase don't give a shit about the content creators. Seems like a mobile game issue only, I've never seen content creators so distinctly unhappy that don't have their opinions reach the greater population.
I'm gonna say it
US Agent is a little too strong. He should give -3, -4 is fucking insane and he can just flip a lane instantly with that shit
New player but I really don’t like the snap feature of this game.
I get the concept of it where you're adding a wagering mechanic but yeah it ends up just resulting in not seeing the end of most games.
Yep. Most games get to about 3 or 4 turns before someone quits because a snap is a sign usually that I’m about to fuck you up. It gets tiring and boring but also I find it makes the game more frustrating
I only think it feels like shit after you hit infinite. The climb to Infinite feels great, wagering cubes is enjoyable, I don't care about not getting my combos off as long as I see the number go up. It's after Infinite where nothing fucking matters and I have to go to shitty Conquest to get my reward fix. If there was more of a climb with more rewards, I'd find it very fun.
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Carol's big naturals
Nah I was playing Spider-Woman and just noticed how stupid US Agent is.
Spider-Woman at maximum gives -4, but US Agent at MINIMUM gives -4 and can hit you with -8 most of the time and then it only ramps up from there. He's really fucking strong.
>US agent OP because he's better than one of the worst cards in the game
>put a bunch of dogshit cards in my deck that would only ever bee good against doom2099
>never see doom2099 despite supposedly being the most popular deck in the game
Personally I'm waiting for the doom2099 frenzy to fade so I can remove skrull from my deck
Man in KMbest's video talking about the bandaid fixes he was STILL very on edge about everything (happy that anything is happening but also still bothered how it should have already happened and doesn't really help much). Like when people who have the most to gain from the game doing well and being positive about it are willing to complain and try out other games you KNOW it's bad. Hell boogland fucking quit snap for a week and is now playing pocket.
I couldn't help but laugh my ass off when SD finally announced they were going to do something about the shitty ass acquisition with the game and the "release valve" implementation is something that they very very easily could have and should have done at any point in the past when people were already consistently bitching about how shit it was, and it STILL hasn't even happened yet. This change could have been made a month after they started spotlight caches. What's even funnier is that it wasn't even as bad as it was now, because they were still regularly releasing series 4 cards. Which they've now (of their own accord) stopped doing entirely, unless it's a "free" card from an event.
nice strawman
Some people are just too stubborn to retreat when they've obviously lost
Thanks to that one anon for reminding me how much fun Valkryie is
Why am I the only one putting Luke Cage in my Doom deck
because super skrull is the defacto tech card for that deck
I'm not running Skrull anymore, just makes US Agent fuck you harder
Sounds like a good time to me
It's so fucking cool how Proxima is a 0/7. What a well designed card.
It's so fucking strange how they managed to make a card that is so obnoxiously good that also manages to get no complaints
Is it just because she's fucking boring?
Pretty much, she also just hasn't been in many spotlight caches at all so not a lot of people have her
that pic shows what I hate the most about her
99.9% of the time she lands in locations where you can't play cards, straight up a better nightcrawler
Yeah it sucks, I thought I had this big brain play by playing Sp//Dr on Antman to move him there, intentionally not getting to have his ongoing trigger. But then turn 6 whoops he just discards Proxima and I can't do anything about it. I would have won had it not been for her.
how do i complete win 8 cubes alliance missions
Proving Grounds on Conquest
leave it up for somebody else, I never completed a single 8 cube bounty and I got over 20k points last week
>doesn't know that people in pg are immune to snapping and will constantly retreat and stall matches
You pick the mission and then choose to drop it.
You don't because it's a mission where you have to rely on your opponent playing along. On the rare occasion where you get a game where your opponent snaps you back they're guaranteed to either blow you out or retreat before turn 6 plays out the latter of which means you don't get credited.
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*Squirrel Girl's
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Do bots emote now? Generic looking annoying bot like profiles ms marvel emote me all the time when they win
Can you spot bot from netdecking arinigger?
I hope the rivals success leads to her getting a show or something
>beat an Arishem deck without even knowing it was one until turn 5
Did the nerf actually work?
It worked so far in that it's not absolutely everywhere anymore, but it can still be pretty strong and get insane high rolls.

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