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Issue #255 - Weight of Failure Edition

>Official Site and Discord

>Basics (Tutorial & Collection Progression)

>Collection Tracker


>What is Marvel Snap?
The GOTY CCG from the creators of Hearthstone. A deck is 12 card singleton. Players play 6 simultaneous turns to 3 lanes. Winning 2 lanes wins the match. Matches are played for ladder ranks (cosmic cubes) and players can SNAP once per match to double the stakes (max 8 cubes).
>What is a card series?
Cards unlock in a random order, but specific cards are unlocked within specific collection level (CL) ranges: Series 1 cards (CL 18-214), Series 2 (222-474), and Series 3 (474+). Series 4 (Rare) and 5 (Super Rare) drop through a 'Spotlight Cache' starting at CL500: https://marvelsnapzone.com/spotlight-caches-details-drop-rates-and-card-acquisition-changes

>How can I increase my CL faster?
Upgrade every card you get to green rarity (frame break) ASAP. Spend the rest of your credits how you like.
>When should I snap?
>Whose cards reveal first?
The player who is currently winning reveals first. Otherwise at random. The player revealing first has a glowing portrait.
>What should I spend my gold on?
Variants and bundles with tokens.

Official /snap/ Alliances: [VGS] /snap/, [VGS] /snap/'s Revenge, [VGS] /snap/'s Step Sister
Only requirement? Be active.
>Comic Recs

Previous: >>506787847
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Marvel snap WILL die
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>turn 2 ravonna with Negative in hand
>turn 1 zabu into turn 2 psylocke
>OH!! SNAP!!!!!
This game has become so incredibly boring lately.
DEAD GAME and thank god
High Voltage 2 will save Snap.
Unless they fuck up the missions.
where's Emma's phoenix five variant
How will it save snap?
Literally who
>the conquest variant doesn't count towards Chavez album
>even when Thor dies
Reee but what can you expect from such greedy fucks can't let people have gibz
They don't count variants released after the album releases, it's retarded as fuck
The Indians that Musk wants to flood the USA with will save Snap!
There's a million and a half Dan Hipp variants that don't belong to an album.
Noir still doesn't have an album despite being one of the oldest collections in the game

SD is just lazy and incompetent
>Hipp Titania
thanks I hate it
Second Dinner, please replace this upcoming High Voltage event with MORE Deadpool's Diner! It's what everybody wants!
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I'm thinking I won
>flat chest

No, you lost.
Congrats, I got Hagatha
I feel like High Voltage should have been out already, when people are actually free to play the game
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It's kind of impressive how they just let their new biggest feature (Aliances) die, even after countless changes to the quests and the quest board it still sucks ass and forces you to play shit you don't want to.
weren't there supposed to be events alliances battle each other?
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>put down Bruce Banner
>never float any energy
>put down Morbius
>Opponent red guardian/enchantress him
>I'm not even play discard
The rest of us are playing Marvel Snap but you're out there playing Catan - Legend of the Sea Robbers
I was about to post about how I'm very sick, and I might not be able to play much this week for the /snap/ alliance but then someone made me the leader.
So I guess now I have to. I haven't been paying attention to who hasn't been playing other than that Schmolen guy. So I guess there's an opening in /snap/ if someone wants in.
I think it's fine to take it easy this week. The reward is a shitty boarder that isn't worth sweating over and you get the same thing for your own personal rewards anyway.
If we don't get the second border, I will KILL MYSELF!!!!!!!!!!!!
I made Setra owner since he was on top for last week like I said I would. I guess he passed it on to you.
no one complained about missing the variant so I doubt slacking this week would get you kicked anyways
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I love this variant but her arm looks fucked up
This is correct. I thought about being leader but I don't really want to communicate with the thread as leader so I passed it along to the person who was second on the leaderboard last week.
Based! At least MHE is pretty known in the general.
It looks so tiny too
baby broken arm
>was really excited to get HE from Spotlight Cache since I haven't been playing for long
>seeing 50 million HE players removed all the excitement for me
Luke Cage must make the Infinite climb easy as fuck right now
I can't think of a single card that would look good with the red snowflakes border
The snowboarding spider-woman
Dera's only pulling 500 viewers
I think there's no coming back from this SD fucked up, game's dead, don't buy anything
But there's been no Carol bundles for ages, what would I be buying
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That's with shared viewership too bro
>dont play for a few days because the game is dogshit
>come back and just get location fucked over and over
would be cool to force devs to play their own dogshit game
BEHOLD my mighty hand
I just did a conquest match (proving grounds)
I had 8 health and they had 2 and I'm playing destroy and black vortex turns one their cards into knull and their copycat copies my knull. I only lost 2 cubes and they gave up right after but despite that I'm still pissed and turned the game off. Forcing dumb RNG shit to happen on purpose isn't actually fun.
I hope they don't add that location that plays you Destroyer if you are winning.
They don't know how to design locations as shown with tokyo 2099. Here's my idea for one
>if you are winning this location then the other 2 become bar with no name
Hire me SD. I'm sure everyone certainly won't get pissed off at that.
The tits on this Magik though
We need to start using in-game screenshots for thread OP's
finally an op that's not just horny ass shit
Watch this be the first thread to 404
*the second thread
We 404ed last year with a very horny Spider-Woman OP. But that was because some autist was spamming the board and we got bumped off.
Bruce Banner has usurped the title as funniest card in the game.
If they make Doom 2099 1 power I'm going to shit
They won't touch him until like February
>doom 2099 is struggling
>doom now gets +3
They shouldn't touch him at all, I'm tired of this "nerf whatever is popular" bullshit
>I'm tired of this "nerf whatever is popular" bullshit
Yeah well Arishem got blasted for being one tenth of the matchmaking despite SD admitted perfectly reasonable performance. It's fucking ridiculous to suggest that doom should be allowed to get away with being a full fucking quarter of everything played.
Untapped stats are inbred as fuck and not indicative of actual play rates, 99% of the playerbase doesn't play with their deck tracker
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There's a difference between being popular and completely taking over the meta.
That is not at all the photo I meant to post. Thank God it was SFW
They lied bro, Arishems playrate and winrate was way higher than average at least in conquest, trivializing an entire game mode should be enough reason to completely rework the card
They've lied before, like with Agent Venom, also after release they said the same thing about Arishem being totally fair but had bullshit like double Blob, Loki and early Octopus/Leech among other things
Also they're very petty when they have to nerf things they like, remember the red herring or the sassy note when Hela/Hellcow got nerfed?
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I will not watch his movie now.
Storm's big fat ass
Only thing i wanna chime in on is that conquest sucks with or without arishem and the game shouldn't be balanced around it. Snap is just not the type of game wheres matches should go on for multiple rounds.

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