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JACOB edition, Thread #1236

Previous thread: >>507249896

>Game Links
Steam Edition
Physical Edition (And Merch)
The console editions (Switch, PSN, XBL, PC Gamepass) have some exclusive content.

>Character Birthdays | Hero - January 1

>Fangames, Projects, and Etc
https://pastebin.com/XQX7CSip (OMARIO fangame)
https://totally-fungal.itch.io/doomori (DOOMORI fangame)
https://files.catbox.moe/x1fogc.rar (manga ch.4)
https://imgur.com/a/YJb6dTT (beta & prerelease art)
https://goats.dev/omori/#KEL (game dialogue dump)
https://files.catbox.moe/nxd8dm.png (faraway map)
https://files.catbox.moe/3ng1by.torrent (sprite dump)
https://postimg.cc/gallery/G4krtVR/13ec9e79 (Omori Official Walkthrough & Guide Art/Developer Interview & Messages)

https://files.catbox.moe/6kewkg.torrent (RPG Maker MV 1.6.2)
Try _omariAU, rainy_mari_mod, omorimodreverie, omori_daydream on Twitter
https://files.catbox.moe/5ddmjn.zip (Console content)

>/omog/ Archive
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SGf6LRkzuLpou5Neqppl3Tm7c3hPAitFhCTrIPRfC_c/ (anon's Universally Loved day-by-day guide)
https://mega.nz/file/zaQXDYyQ#bG0yK3nl-w6hx5u6IOcvn3GUrGDY53X9faa7nfzC0Yk (MEGA archive 2021)
https://files.catbox.moe/e5yhbo.png (Whiteboard 2021)
https://rentry.org/756352 (OC Fic and Greentext)
https://youtu.be/bKNwUnIMjVo (/vg/ sings My Time)
https://arch.b4k.co/vg/post/482879356 (/vg/ sings Good Morning)

https://rentry.org/omogtemplate2023d/ (Thread Template)

Also, if you write or draw anything don't be afraid to post it, don't worry about the quality, just post that shit!
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First for cute bunches
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help please they won't come off every time i touch them it just gets worse
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hold still
Oh noes
Imagine the surprised and maybe fearful look on Mari's face when she walks in on Sunny and Basil haphazardly wielding pliers and garden shears respectively to try and free Haru from her holly jolly entanglement
Kill yourself.
mari boob or oprey butt?
Mari butt
>mari boob
Doesn't exist
create yourself
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i will never forgive you for this
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don't tempt me with a good time
Now she’s daredevil
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Part of what I like about this moment isn't just letting us know what happened to Hero and Kel, but how it shows us something about what Sunny does for his friends. It's told to us that Aubrey and Basil vented to Sunny about their problems. He's a good listener, and they trust him. Here we get to see it happen in front of us. Kel opening up about something he's probably never told anyone else, maybe never even brought it up what happened with Hero. Something he seemingly could only open up to Sunny about. It's a sweet scene.
See You Tomorrow still hurts so good. Such a beautiful song.
anyone have that image of sunny saying "all alone on a friday night?"
Why what are doing? Arent you with family?
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I didn't make the connection until another anon pointed it out some time ago, but this guy really is an inspiration for Pluto. Design from Kel's Pet Rock, general personality from this guy. Sort of like how Happy is one of Sunny's plushies but has the personality of Joy. Sunny's dream sure is creative.
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Merry Christmas, /omog/! Sorry for not being around much recently... I've been busy, like I said! Holidays had me running around quite a bit, and I've been working on a rather large project for a while on top of that... but it's finally finished and released, so I have much more time now! Hopefully I can get back to posting regularly...
Regardless... I hope you've had a good Christmas so far! I love (you)!
Which project is it?
my christmas sucked, first they stole my hat, then they stabbed my fucking eyes out
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Mari Christmas, anon! Things sound like they've been nice over there even with the business. Things have been nice over here even if a bit uneventful family wise. A series of events resulted in me wanting to play Omori again and I just so happened to time it with the games 4th year anniversary. It's been such a blast going through the game again and listening to the music. Asides from screwing up Mincy's side quest and having to reload 2 hours back and speed through the Three Days Left morning quests.
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Very Mari
when are you getting married to to your bf you stinky girl
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Silly lovestruck Short Hair Girl.
Poor girl
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and then i told her, its not "Maverick", its "THE MAVERICK"
You have to say the whole thing every time
Poor indeed. Bebe doesn't seem to have the best wits joggin' in that noggin. Who's going to look after her once her big sister goes back to college?
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Hm... It feels a bit like self-advertisement... Oh well. It's a large update to the mod I shared here a few months back during one AH, for the Binding of Isaac. It used to add only OMORI, but now it has AUBREY as a playable character, as well! https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3122837906
Oh dear... I hope you can get your hat back! As well as a new pair of eyes, though that may be a bit more difficult...
MARI Christmas to you, too! It has been pretty good, despite the hussle! I'm glad to hear it could be decently nice for you, as well... and that you've been enjoying your most recent playthrough! I've been meaning to do another one myself, actually... Ouch, I can relate... Had to replay Three Days Left on one of my own playthroughs, after getting to the end and realizing I forgot something... You have my solidarity.
Very scari (but jolly) MARI!
is that a no to the stinky?
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I love Kimsil but I love YOU even more!!!
Cool mod
explain kimsil
Omocat will NEVER make a video game EVER AGAIN it’s OVER
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Poor Kel trying his best to encourage this girl while Sunny sabotages him.
That's a neat project you've got there. Part of what makes playing Omori again so enjoyable is getting to listen to the music on loop again. I've hit 14 hours of playtime and a good piece of that was enjoying songs like Trees, I Will Catch Up, the two songs that play in Faraway, and See You Tomorrow. Which to be fair, I was also writing here or looking stuff up while listening. And noticing details I never had before. Or finally hearing the mysterious Sunny's house audio playing in-game.
Very cute Kimsil.
omori does not need a sequel
>but i wanna kno-
draw your own headcanon, the ending was left open deliberately for this reason
omori does not need a sequel
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This photo was taken roughly 3 months before Mari died. Look at how happy he was.
Everything can change in just a couple seconds
I’m not asking for a Omori sequel
>Basil "It's nice to see that you're still around... even if it's only for a little while."
>Sunny is the youngest
So Sunny really was baby?
I love Sunburn
This is making me really sad...
this is the best ones yet. do you have more emotional ones?
good ending sunburn my beloved...
i wonder how sunburn relations are with aubrey and sunny spending time alone
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An amazing miracle...
Wishing for friends on Christmas...
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I love retarded couples
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Haru, Sunny, and Hero?
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Why is Omori wearing boxers?
is sunny skininer than mari?
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The cats have taken over. This is their park now.
To celebrate Omori's 4th anniversary, what is (You)r favorite thing in Omori?
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Whats in the gox?
why does faraway have a cat infestation?
I wish I had a normal family that celebrated like this
Thats Frisk
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do you have any good omari christmas
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The amazing boy
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you have died
The cat wins all the time
How close is Mari to Aubrey?
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A girl too cute to be celebrating all alone
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but he doesn't want kel or aubrey, he wants his best friend! Sunny should feel the same way too
Hero x Haru
oops I was supposed to quote this
Would Omari Mari celebrate any holidays anymore?
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Why is it always Sunny and Shadow?
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edgy malding chuds
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Sunny is an edgy malding chud? What is that?
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Everyone knows Basil should be with MINCY!
Sunny isn't edgy or malding or a chud
Pretty Mari
sunny would relate to shadow after previously not caring about sonic at all and then rabidly defend him on sonichq when the shadow hate was in full swing
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Sunflower CUTE!
Sunflower CANON!
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Such festive knowledge...
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Sunny created one hell of an edgy OC in Omori. Not only does he use a knife, all of his attacks are comically edgy (Mock, Stab, Painful Truth), and he’s the only one in Headspace without color.
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Silly kids
Haru becomes an idol.
Bullshit. Kel told Sunny about it because he's Mari's brother and Hero's old friend. They're catching up after 4 years and visiting Mari's grave, so talking about old times and the topic of grief comes up naturally. Of course Kel didn't tell his new friends about his brother's lowest moment. They probably don't even know Hero. He left for college, remember?
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I think it's because of the Kel Adventure and Kel Adventure 2 pics Omocat drew
talk about a low budget hospital, no food or movies?
At the treehouse Aubrey says that Hero always seemed to be busy studying and cited that as why she thinks he abandoned her and Mari, but we know from this scene that he was in a depressive slump for a year. Either it took Aubrey a full year to try and reach out to Hero and heard he went to college which is why she thinks that, or she never tried reaching out to him and assumes he spent that whole time studying for after finding out he went to college. Why didn't either Hero or Kel feel the need to correct her there? Or why didn't Kel bring it up at any other point? It doesn't seem like Kel kept in much contact with Basil so Kel probably didn't tell him. And there's a few places Kel or Hero could have brought this up on day 3, but didn't. And it seems pretty safe to say he wouldn't have talked to his parents about it since they already know, and Kel seemed to want to skim over the topic of them ignoring him for Hero which would be uncomfortable to ask them about. So that leaves Sunny.
I will concede that I'm reading far to into it, but it's nice to think that scene is showing off Sunny being someone his friends can trust to listen to their problems.
I want to jerk basil off
sunny x shadow yaoi
cute boys
cute snoozing gatitos
do not disturb
adorable couples. i want them to snuggle forever
stinky losers
shadow is NOT stinky
I think I lost some braincells reading that.
>t. Sunny
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I guess.
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Do Sunny and Sonic act alike?
Why would Aubrey like Sunny when he's a helpless boy who can't protect her?
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The girl and the cat. Mari took care of Mewo all the time.
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how do you post so many images at once
kel = sonic
sunny = shadow
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do you think sunny smelled bad during omori outside parts?
cute overlooking sister
wheel boy happy
strange hare...
this isnt omori???
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What would Hero think of Haru's stinky smell? How stinky is she?
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if sunny has autism, does haru have autism?
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He probably had a strong boysmell
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is bad boysmell worse than bad girlsmell?
haru never takes showers and stinks. her girl smell is like ???
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Waiting. For something to happen.
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Quite the outfit Aubrey put together for this holiday season
Happy cute squishy I love him
Aubrey wouldn’t dress like this. Too slutty.
Is this Pokemon
would haru be a girlboss? or is she a pick me girl?
Have you seen what Aubrey normally wears? Here jacket does most of the work covering her up
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Is Aubrey your favorite character
Aubrey wouldnt be sexy. She has no boobs. She smells bad. Has bad temper.
Mary Making
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In progress
Would a boyfailure and a girlfailure be good parents?
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Looking back at you.
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Something out there.
Autumn season
How would two awkward virgins have sex?
Jolly burn
>Omocat donated 100k to charity for the holidays
Does anybody else find it kind of funny how much people used to keep bringing up the 200k Kickstarter budget which is not only minimal for a Kickstarter in 2024 but now half of that has been donated
Did Haru or Aubrey get into catfights at school with other girls?
Literally who would they even fight with?
I don't think it was just the 200k, it was also the broken promises and poor communication. But I'm not very learned on this topic so I'll shut up.
The poor communication and poor delivery of rewards does suck NGL but I'm specifically talking about the way people used to parade around 200k as if it's enormous
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powerful wisdom diminished, too much eggnog
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Okay, let's try the puzzle thing again:
are mari sunny and haru mentally ill siblings?
I'm getting a connection closed error. It won't let me join.
>507720106 (Me)
Nevermind, resolved the issue.
If you're on a VPN, try turning it off, I've had problems with that before, too.
how does haru aubrey and mari tummy feel
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does haru have any friends
That was neat
how do you use the chat
We did the puzzle. Hurray.
I may have skipped instructions and floundered like a fish through the controls.
Just press Enter and type.
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be nice to your school's new sunny
is this bad? why would sunny care.
Would Aubrey be jealous if the next time Sunny visited Faraway he brought a big booty and booby black classmate that calls him sugar with him?
She has at least one. They bonded over their common love of the moonbounce at some other kids birthday party.
aubreys butt still wins btw
Of course, the classmate is merely a side piece (Sunny is assimilating to the city)
She doesn’t count. She’s more like a pet then a person.
what did mewo get for christmas
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Woaaah it's orange down here
Mari's says this, but she says and does pretty funny things herself.
A feather toy and new box to sleep in
Doesn’t seem like a boy who lives up to his name.
giantess mari
Basil influencing his friend to try out tofu.
Why is Mewo mad. I don’t get the text.
He isn't. They should have named him Cloudy or Rainy.
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>It’s blue
Ok even I have to say that’s weird.
Lucky sprout mole
It's an interesting color change. The first train of thought I have is Aubrey. Her favorite color is pink, and she dyes her hair that color to fulfill a promise with Mari. The official boy Aubrey design shows he would have had blue hair, so maybe Boybrey's favorite color would have been blue. Pink to blue. The pink Sweetheart's Castle becomes blue. I think I cracked the code.
Or maybe Sweetheart got a bad case of the blues after so many failed attempts to find her true love and she had the Sprout Moles repaint her whole castle to reflect that.
That’s true, definitely some neat ideas.
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Lore-wise, where was this place located before Sunny rediscovered it?
I think it's just a place in Sunny's psyche. For all we know, this location could have only come into existence after Sunny smashed the lightbulb and/or overcame Something.
It was probably originally the Stump neighbor’s room is in. Originally the room must’ve been up in the tree considering it’s very much based on the real life tree house but due to the tree going away it couldn’t really stay being a treehouse therefore it when under the stump.
>A bunnysuit covers more skin then her normal outfit
Dumb names
I think that's it. The Neighbor's Room tree stump looks identical to the base of that tree. Same bark color as well. That's a cool connection. And maybe sad depending on why it was cut down.
Better than that annoying Moony
>Sunny originally mixed both his favorite tree and the treehouse as his first reoccurring daydream about his friends
Sunny just can't escape that tree. Even the entrance to his only safe place in Headspace is located underneath a symbol of where she was hanged.
Instead of a Jean skirt Aubrey should’ve wore yoga pants.
OOC unholy
Tummy made for Sunny to blow raspberries into.
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A festively colored boy
That crown must be really uncomfortable.
So, people gave Omocat money to perform a specific task, she failed to perform the task in a timely fashion and give people what they paid for (early access or whatever), and now that she's much richer than before thanks to those people's money that funded her hit game, she gave away half of the original sum to totally different people? And that makes it better somehow?
omocat omosat omon omomy omoface
Basil's used to wearing flowers in his hair all the time, and it's not as uncomfortable as it looks
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Cute and festive boys
obby x neri
pezil x ohio
runny x villain
the next image posted will be number 143 so make it count
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female sunburn :>
captcha has y2k in it. make me kek because YIIK.
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Twice as toxic as regular Sunburn
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bunches cute
what kind of guys would an autistic girl like haru like?
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Now with 80% more domestic violence.
Mari and Aubrey worry about Haru because she has glass child syndrome
Why are you obsessed with this fake domestic violence statistic?
Mari has glass child syndrome. And her brother is not even officially a sperg.
Poor girl.
/omog/ miraheze
Think about it
the chronicling of mental illness
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You mean Haru
Mari has glass child Haru and autistic Sunny. How does she cope?
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Haru doesn't let parental neglect bother her so much because she has wonderful siblings and friends that are there for her
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Part of me can't believe Omocat actually drew this, but then I remember Omori is Rated M.
I'm pretty sure that's Yu Narukami
Would Mari and Sunny be overprotective of Haru if she got a boyfriend? Would Mari be okay with a boy liking Haru?
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Glass child syndrome is about neglected/parentified siblings of special needs children. So, Mari. But even that's a stretch, because Sunny's parents are a nonentity in the game. Mari plays the role of a perfect mom to Sunny just because Omocat thinks it's cute, and to maximize Sunny's suffering after Mari's death. She's not psychologically believable at all.
Shit manga. Get better taste.
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omo Cat is good at drawing anime women SO WHY DOESN'T SHE DO IT MORE OFTEN? WHY DOES SHE CATER TO FAGGOTS AND FUJOCUKKS. i know the answer is money BUT IT STILL PISSES ME OFF BECAUSE I DON'T LIKE IT!!! AT LEAST cater to the omosun fujos because omosun naturally filters fags for some reason. but she would never do that. (sorry for the sperg rant. )
Now the real question of the night
Which of these posters is more mentally ill? The answer may shock you
Apparently being right is mentally ill in this general.
Lol. Lmao even. Who wants a stinky flat thin autistic neet?
Me. It doesn’t matter as long as you love each other for who you are.
Sunny is her boyfriend
why do you think haru is stinky and autistic?
You’re a loser or gay. Real men only go for the girls with nice big asses tits and lips.
Incest is bad and Mari would not improve
mari's a bit too occupied being dead to voice her disproval
It is fake because only homophobic chuds mention it.
why would they be lucky?
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Drink bunches of coffee
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coffee is gross
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Best friends forever
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It would've been an interesting idea for that unused tree stump filled section of Black Space to be present- either a symbol of all the good times he unwittingly ruined or left behind after the incident, or a repository of countless failed attempts to make a happy place, thrown away to rot with all the things that dragged them down there to begin with

Imagine walking through multiple ruined Neighbor's Rooms under multiple stumps, each a little different from the last, with nothing to do but take a look at the remains of the many iterations- one with a huge TV, another with a huge pile of cards off to the side, one more that has a watermelon off to the side that contains a small blob Something like from Deeper Well, and one that has a larger memorial portrait between the two candles that instantly spawns a larger Something into the room if you get close
Isnt it the holidays? Why are you tired.
I like this idea. Is there any concepts of bad memories like this?
Mari can't help but never be angry at Sunny
There are some kinds of tired you can never recover from, you just learn to live in them
Whats the type of tired youre having
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I'm not Haruanon, I just know the feeling. I have about 30 years experience with the kind of tired that only be fixed by going to sleep forever.
>On 4chan and not raising a family and having a job and liking a losers game
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Cute doll
dumb tradtard
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I remember that stump room. That would be a nice way to reuse that old area from the 2019 build. I still like the Treehouse we have in normal Black Space. A fuzzy room filled with slowly forgotten memories that decay even further when you examine them. I like the toaster where Kel's name briefly comes up because he's the one that brought it in, but it gets simplified into just being toast. It feels like Sunny's really starting to forget in his repression.
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her mind wanders to stamens and pistils with startling frequency when sunny visits
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I love this new type of blob
What style is this?
Is Haru pretty?
do you have hero x haru
why does sunny turn into a bird
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Finally, Christmas art of the only character that matters
>circle on her tummy
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Poor Sprout Moles
Beautiful Merryheart delivering gifts to all the good boys and girls of Headspace
They knew what they were signing up for
why do you like sweetheart. shes a bitch.
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Thank you!
I appreciate it, anon! And I can definitely agree there! Is that your total playtime or playtime for this replay? I sometimes find myself walking in circles in-game listening to music, forgetting what I was actually doing, hehe...

Whew, finally finished with running around for holiday celebrations... It's nice to kick back!
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>Whew, finally finished with running around for holiday celebrations... It's nice to kick back!
What did you do for your holidays
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In-game playtime for this playthrough. I'm using what the save files say. I know at least a chunk of that playtime was spent running around Otherworld and recycling, and some was spent listening to Trees and other themes while posting here. Although some of that time might be from using a mod an anon brought up called Headspace Expanded that expands Headspace which has to be boosting numbers.
Enjoy that relaxation time. It's nice to have time off.
mewo mewo mewo mewo mewo mewo mewo mewo mewo mewo mewo
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how does girlsmell smell. stinky girls?
I am going to die alone
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A lot of visiting family and friends, who happen to live a bit aways... Not that I'm complaining! Simply that being on the road for so long can get tiring...
Ah, I see! Hm... I'll have to check that out sometime! I've never actually looked at many of the available mods before...
I imagine I will, thank you!
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Be the person you needed
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hey sunny
>Yo, just stop being mentally ill, it's that easy
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She ships it.
Post Sweetheart fart porn
Do her farts smell like donuts or pancakes?
>t.DC comics
yes... ha ha ha... yes!!!
Sweetheart facesitting Spaceboy and releasing a vile, eggy fart right after one of her shows.
Pancakes that’s been stuffed inside a paper bag for hours
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Why do people freak out about the age gap between Hero and Aubrey when they're shipped? I had a relationship with that age gap and no one cared.
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The creature
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Am I the only anon who thinks Omocat is shameless with her milking of the OMORI ip? It's getting sad, the OMORI Winter collection seemed very low effort compared to previous ways to celebrate the game anniversary. Omocat doesn't even bother to draw herself for the game and seems to just use it as marketing tool for her studio rather than showing love for the game. It just sucks seeing a lack of love from the creator for something that I still hold a lot of love for.
>Sunny has one hand on her butt
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Anon, we have been saying that for years lol
Why is he posing like that
Sunny would insist on anal with aubrey
Madomori in the thread
Don’t you mean glass bones?
im RW hero's age and 15 year old hero is taller than me
Found the shitskin
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hey Aubrey thats uncalled for
im white :(
She loves it far more than you’ll ever do.
I would too.
i love this cat
>I had a relationship with that age gap and no one cared.
4 year age gap is problematic
Are there people who don't like Herobrey? It's cute.
thats why its had. loser relationship. only same age or older women for men.
Dream Aubrey x Dream Hero
Amazing fish. Perfect in every way.
Hero wouldn't like Aubrey
Honestly, Basil didn't even need to come up with his overcomplicated cover-up plan.

All he needed to do was to lie that Mari got physically violent first and that Sunny shoved her in self-defense.

I love that “Why didn't he just do X? Is he stupid?” is an actual problem with this game's plot. what brilliant writing
,unfriendly reminder this game took 6 years and $200000 to make
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I love Basil
hes 12
Literally the answer to anything. They're stupid kids. What did people think they'd do?
why are women like this?
which omori character is most likely to like sonic x shadow yaoi
But something seems off...
I'm just tired enough to want to respond to that Woodchip post, but awake enough to know not to. I'll compromise with this post.
How would Sunburn work if Sunny and Aubrey are both too retarded to confess and express their feelings to each other?
Kel, Basil and Hero would set them up on a date
Anon its noon
They wouldn't and no one knows about their feelings for each other.
Why do girl fans like Hero or Sunny?
>Has anyone seen mari?
>*Basil with a suspiciously mari shaped throat shakes head*
Don't reply to the woodchipp pasta
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Speaking of being able to kick back from yesterday... You'll never guess what today happens to be!
the sil would not do this
Happy birthday Marianon
She wears this for Hero when the others aren't around
He thinks if he says it confidently enough they have to believe him
Cute boy with strange dreams, lost in a world of his own making
This is the sort of thing Snuy dreams of after the Good Ending
Funny hat day achieved
i still dont know why a malnourished asian autistic antisocial depressed retard is popular with women
familyguy predict mari???

haru having yuri incest with mari
happy birthday anonmari
but..but...your birthday is march 1st
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Thank you, anon! I will admit, the timing of it isn't always the most convenient... It being two days after Christmas means it kinda blends into the rest of "the holidays" and causes some difficulties in coordination, but I make do!
Indeed! I'm not wearing a funny hat now, but I'm sure I'll find one later in the day!
Thank you as well, ymousanon!
Unfortunately, the stars didn't allign in every way... I'm not complaining, though; a lot of my friends already have spring birthdays, adding my own into the mix would get pretty hectic...
It’s not incest if Haru is adopted
She’s not adopted.
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