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>Etrian Odyssey Origins Collection:

>Origins Portrait Rips:

>Origins Font Fixes:

>EO3 "Liberating" Mod
PC hair version:
https://pixel drain com/u/AwKKreQ8
Switch hair version:
https://pixel drain com/u/mNu4HEeH
Edited portraits:

>Beginner's Guide to the Series:

>Etrian Odyssey Resources (Mods/Patches, References, Data Dumps, Calculators, QR Codes, Skill Sims, etc.):

>Etrian Odyssey Art Books:

>Etrian Odyssey FLAC Albums:

>Etrian Odyssey Lossy Albums:

>Nexus balance patch mod:

>Document containing some resources and information

Previous thread: >>505687389
made for double armpit job
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How do I mod her to the DS version?
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I love these little ilustrations
>two princess
Extremely unoptimal
>not liberated
Extremely unoptimal
Extremely optimal
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she's so cute
is she a robot too do you think
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I finally beat the lightning dragon after farming a good number of books

I was preparing to respec to Shoot to skip his low health phase cause when he's low it seemed like he was more likely to Fang and hit 7 times, instantly wiping me out from full but after a couple tries it either hit my bots enough/miss or I managed to skip over it or something cause I got him down, I changed the forges on my weapons from ice to fire to hit his weakness which helped, and I also rested my Princess to have Volt Wall at 10 so i could run 4 Red Bots for more damage too, all helped I think

Since I had fire forges I went ahead and took out Alraune and Kraken too, Alraune was pretty easy but Kraken was kinda wild, it actually killed my bots so much that I was able to keep Guard Tactic up 100% of the time cause of how much Limit Break I was generating, we took so many Death Tentacles it looked like a Minami Star doujin but somehow was tough enough to tank it out with Guard Order+Tactic

The first floor of the cyclopean haunt is already kicking my ass too with the sliding floor, I'm so bad at navigation
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No robot will ever be that fuckable.
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Some days I think about Undersea Grotto
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>Some days I think
Lol loser
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Your thread reminder Gunner is best girl.
Yeah but the other gunner girl
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Sorry anon I prefer glasses gunner. She tries to be the team mom, but often fails.
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These two (and teach) got me into Etrian, I was watching Ichigo Mashimaro at the time and was like "dang the artist for that did the art for this game I guess, Anna and Matsuri are gunners" and I got EO2 (the most recent one that was out at the time) and I got owned really badly
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Sorry, but the Princess exists.
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Thought about getting the hd collection any advice?
Only get it on sale. What games have you played up until now?
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None besides barely playing demos on 3ds
I'm really not a fan of the new controls, but I guess on a single screen it's the best you can get. They're on sale right now I think, so sure, go for it. Play in order and don't listen to retards telling you to skip 1 and 2.
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for me its her
I see, in that case go for it, so long as they're still on sale. Play em in order, ask here for party advice. You probably want Medic and Protector no matter what, especially for your first entry, and troubadour like protector is going to be mandatory for postgame (well, troubadour really for one boss but they're top tier anyway). You have more flexibility in who you choose for your damage dealers, and the remasters adding Picnic mode makes grinding up replacements in case you realize you'd rather have someone else rather easy.
>remasters adding Picnic mode makes grinding up replacements in case you realize you'd rather have someone else rather easy.
Why would you recommend cheating?
Okie dokie and thank you for the advice
Why would grinding up replacements be cheating? Especially when the game cheats you if you decided to fight Drake without knowing that you would need a troubadour available from the start?
How is it cheating if the devs put it there themselves
Yeah the HD remakes are solid. Mapping is a bit less intuitive than on the DS/3DS, but there’s also some improvements to mapping that have been made as the series went on that have been brought to the earlier games (for example - treasure chests now display differently if they’ve been opened or not, which wasn’t always the case). There’s slight mechanical changes that the HD editions made - but a lot of those are just bugfixes for skills that didn’t work the way they were intended to. Overall the HD versions play pretty close to the originals, which is good if that’s what you’re looking for.

Play on Expert, it’s the intended difficulty.
they're pretty fun
switch or pc?
Switch (already use it alot)
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>want to get HD Collection on steam
>hate the new font
Switching difficulties is cheating, simple as.
the map drawing honestly isnt that bad on switch, I got used to it pretty fast
>Monarch March level 1
>walk near stairs to heal
>go up/down stairs when encounter indicator turns red
Is this cheating?
more than anything it feels like a waste of time and points

11 skill points on the best class in the game for the sake of spending 5 minutes to save money on medica is crazy
But the prereqs for Monarch March are pretty good, so it's more like one "wasted" point. I only do the stair thing when the other 2 skills don't heal enough, which is not very often.
i mean yeah if you invest in it absolutely take advantage if you find it useful, just to me it feels like a rough deal

I agree Royal Veil can be nice, it's a bit hard to keep princess from being hit since she's usually a priority target due to bulk
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ok but consider
At least it's good to know I'm not the only autist who does this.
It's a lot of points. I really feel like it's a - okay I've got everything else I want - kind of skill.
EO2U's version is also a hard sell, but I think generally better - you've got to put more points in to unlock it, but most of those points go to HP UP, which at least is always going to be useful.
you can give the other party members in her row hp up passive or equipment to them over princess's max hp. But that requires you to know about how the enemy targeting ai works which most players won't so in a casual playthrough sense you're correct.
this is a good mp4.
Aren't these skills most useful in the early game since it's fixed healing, not percentage based?
monarch march is basically opting into being full health for every random encounter for the rest of the game when leveled (as it should be its 20 points by then), royal veil is pretty nice in 1st stratum though yeah
I feel like the princess's auxillery healing line isn't really needed. You're already getting the heal-on-order, plus Protect Order. I get it's nice to be 100% topped off for rando ambushes, but that's essentially it.
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take it easy
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Just got to the 3rd stratum in EO3. Christ, that was probably the tensest fight I've had in these games. I was down to only my Princess, with about 20 HP and no healing or reviving items, and obviously no attack skills either. The boss only had a sliver of HP left so all I could do was use regular attacks and pray for the best. He ended up spamming status ailments and missing every time.

Now I have to decide what to do for subclasses. Any suggestions? Here's what I've got:
>front: Hoplite/Princess
>back: gun Buccaneer/Zodiac/Arbalist
I intend to only use classes not already in my team, and no repeated classes. Currently leaning toward Princess/Ninja and Arbalist/Gladiator, but other than that not too sure what to do.
Cute indeed
No repeats makes it a little awkward considering the leftover classes. But looking at what you've got,
/Gladiator: The entire backline likes this, pick whoever you want to be your primary DD.
/Ninja: Who do you want two of in your party?
/Monk: Princess can use this if you want a pure heal/support (many consider the inverse to be better) and Zodiac can take this if you want to mess with Breakfire Fist on things that are weak to Fire/Bash.
/Wildling: No one is going to be able to use the animals properly. Decide on who you want to be a Primal Drums/Beast Roar.
/Farmer: +5 SP for free on someone. Who do you think cares about their subskills least.
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Teach sexo
>Teach sexo
Teach should be liberated
Ages ago I edited this image, and posted it now and then afterwards, I've still yet to see the original translated since
Good for For-chan
Imagine liking this disgusting old hag haha
Best Etrian!
I think Teach shouldn't be allowed to wear pants
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Gunner is actually pretty cute there. She should smile more
who made this?

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