Alexstrasza Dragonwife Edition>Undermined Development Notes (11.1 PTR in January)>January 2025 Trading Post>NA /wowg/ guildGLOBOFOMO - Moon Guard (Realm doesnt matter anymore)>EU /wowg/ guildNerub Silkweaving Forum - Argent Dawn (Realm doesnt matter anymore)>WoWg community for NA>Resourceshttps://wowhead.com >>507522912
i dont think i would have necromorphs on my mind when the subject is aftersex care with alexstrasza
>>507660972imagine the cell division...
>>507522912>29 hours ago
>>507660848I want Alexstrasza and Iridikron to come back into the story now, I've sick of Xal'atath already.
>>507661203Incomprehensible amounts going on in all those eggs.
>>507661294>11.0.7 - scrapped BfA content>11.1 - scrapped BfA content>11.1.5 - scrapped BfA content
Is there even a hint in the story as to what Alexstrasza likes to eat?
>>507660848Don't y'all think we talked enough about her in the last thread?
>>507661534I think one of the valdrakken farmers made mention of what the dragons of the city in general were eating that they need to keep heavy stock of, so that'd probably have to include her.
Which are the shittiest race/class combinations?>Mag'har warlock>Lightforged Draenei warlock>Lightforged Draenei shadow priest>Void Elf Holy priest>Night Elf mage>Orc priest
>>507661534IIRC it was mentioned that she used to enjoy eating at the Ruby Feast in Valdraken in War of the Scaleborn, so whatever they serve there I guess.
>>507661534My cock
got to 80 todaygot my loot upgraded a lot from that new zone with the rares I'm like 556 now>>507661294on another note I'm very excited for the dungeons they chose to be upcoming, karazhan will be fun in heroic.
>>507661682what addon?
Suprised they didn't recycled Warfronts as "content" for woke within after shamelessly recycling everything from bfa
This is the fastest the general has been moving in hours. How are gooners so powerful?
>>507661806NTA but arctium discord has what you seek. Surely you know this by now?
>>507661879Because there's nothing left to talk about the game until the next bit of content comes around other than how the sweat under Alexstrasza's left tit would taste.
>>507661879It's not even in the top 8 fastest threads - why are you lying?
>>507661879TWW is on life support till 11.1, may as well talk about 'strasza
>>507662097Why do you care, loser?
>>507662097I didn't say it was the fastest on the board I said it was the fastest that /wowg/ had been moving in hours. Shit was glacial a few hours ago and then the gooners show up and we hit bump limit in a couple hours.
>>507661879>>507662360Never underestimate the power of goon
>>507661557we have to know what she's got going into her gut anon
>>507661668Nightborne warrior lmao
>>507661980>thinking alexstrasza doesnt have access to underboob deodorantAnyone hoisting those teats searching for a little extra salt is going to be terribly disappointed.
>>507661294Based expansion after this was a flop, what went wrong?
>>507661668Tauren rogues
>>507662664Any warrior race makes sense since anyone can use a sword/axe/etc. to hit people.
>>507663063try painting your toenails red
>>507661294Everyone screamed about how much they want Undermine and goblin raid and now ONLY 2 randoms on wowg cry about it being "scrapped" content
>>507662920They have tried to recreate the Legion several times but there can only be one Legion.And they keep failing to make the new Suramar city, see Revendreath and City of Threads for example.Legion just had that magic.
>>507663579>11.1, Undermine(d) is just another attempt to recreate Suramar City but this time with GoblinsSad.
>>507663271Gnomes should never have been able to be warriors they are too weak and pathetic for it
>>507663579Wasn't Tom Chilton the director on Legion? That would explain why it was good.
>>507664010>Tom Chilton was the game director that led the development of Wrath, MoP and Legion>he left the position at the start of Legion to move on to "another" project.That's what Google says.
>>507664491Who was in charge for C*ta and W*D?
alexstrasza's nuclear pussy
Brutal claw!
>>507663963But Goblins are fine?Skinny drug-addict fuckin' Blood Elves getting them later was fine?
>>507663502Shitty human /silly reference. I bet you play blue
>>507664839They're better now that the sun well is reignited. Combined with years of watching their women (and men) get poached by the brutish races they ally with, a few of them have started a culture of being actual fucking men, learning from the zugs.
>>507664751Inject me with your eggs and drip your bitting rain all over me you bad bitch.
>>507664751>tfw rasha'nan will never cup your balls with those hands like a crane game in operation
why dont people use the glaive talents on havoc more? i just tried it out with all the bells and whistles and a single cast by itself did around 550k damage to a single target, and it can cleave for almost that much on up to 2 extra targets. its actually hitting harder than a blade dance outside of essence break/death sweep. seems decent
You dragon-form Alexstrasza lovers should drop some contact information for me to scoop up later.
Nuke this thread.
How much longer till 11.1, I'm bored as fuck
>>507665705You sure about that bro?
i got into wow/m+ in df season 3, am i being nostalgic or has the dungeon pool since then been complete ass? i loved waycrest manor and everbloom and now i just cba even logging in
>>50766599611.1 is mop classic happened to air drops or it's just another abandoned shit?
dog bless drannies
mfw brunto mount
>>507662920>What went wrong?Legion introduced a bunch of systems that they believed could carry multiple expansions, when in reality people were already getting sick of those systems by the tail end of Legion.So burn out has been in full effect the past decade do to the mistakes they made with Legion only being fixed (entirely scrapped), piece by piece over the years.The current burnout is Maze+
>>507665705Depends.Do you do F-List?
>be warrior>finally get invited to a +8 after several days>it's dawnbreaker>we wipe once on first boss due to no dispels>healer leavesepic
Can we go back to fighting undead? Not in the lame way like in Shadowlands. I mean in the cool way like in wotlk. I don't care about dragons and space demons.
milking valeborn dick is the real endgame of wow
>>507668280Aww I went to northshire but this is an old screenshot it looks like :(
>>507668280You seem to have not unlocked the other two characters yet.
>>507667005Air supply drops are still in the game and are one of the best ways to farm conquest points.
>>507665573They will once it triggers automatically from blade dance again in 11.1
got complimented for my damage in maze+ :)
>try another +8 db for crest farming>there are no deaths this time>healer leaves anyway after first bossnope, fool me oncei'm reporting these fucking flakes each time now
>>507671634It's easier just to quit the game.
>>507664839goblins could at least do something on their own while gnomes depended on dwarves for all physical labour
>>507661294I liked BFA before they kicked Afrasiabi out.
>>507667685Best I can do are the endless swarms of light-raised undead in the Army of the Light that Turalyon never noticed while he was simping for the Naaru.
I love draenei draenei draenei more than anything else in the world!!
>>507672946Gnomeregan wasn't built by Dwarves, nor were they particularly keen on all the artillery defenses put up around Ironforge, yet the Gnomes did it anyway and showed its effectiveness when the Horde came to try and invade Dun Morogh, only to fail miserably from the technological defenses.
>>507675465If a naked man touches me in this context I am killing everybody int he room including myself.
>>507657323engine limitationgame bricks your equipment texture if you go above 512x256you can go up to 4k resolution on skin textures for some reason though, but equipment textures are hardlocked
>>507675785quite literally built for human men
>POV: Your experience as a Human male in Midnight as you visit the new Silvermoon
>>507675846>You get to go to the reject house for the crack whores and shitty furnishings
>>507675735A gangbang is already an affront to god but if a baddie invites me I can partially turn off my brain and blend out all the cocks flopping around but the moment one of these guys gets chummy with me the entire weight of my sins will crash down upon my consciousness and such evil must face divine retribution.
>>507676350Man, attending a mostly male gangbang, I feel like you'd practically HAVE to be like 20% gay enough to high five one of the other men with their dicks out.
retail wow devs are in a tricky situation. they cannot innovate because the old playerbase wouldn't be able to adapt to the changes and at the same time they can't let go of the old playerbase otherwise the game would dieretail is going to have a slow, painful but inexorable death
Bros I am enjoying playing Rogue
>$90 expansions, $90 mounts>bfa slop contentPOTTERY
>dps fags trying to ping me to keep going or soothing packs that i was going to pullnigga i don't recall you being the tank
>>507677590the expansion only costs 35 though
>>507677590>$90 mountsmounts you arent forced to buy*ftfy
I haven't spent gold on WoW since WoD though
>>507677590doomposting is almost always an exaggeration. last time doomkeks had quality material was shadowlands, almost 4 years ago
>>507677590...and that's another volumes nuke right there
>>507676609I would not ever acknowledge any other man in there. Fuck, if a guy needs my fucking approval while being balls deep in a woman that man is a fucking faggot and should immediately pull out to be topped by the other faggots in the pile.The only hetero move is to lock in and focus on the woman, hopefully impregnating her and then dipping as the confusion around who the father is distracts them all until you're in another country and can't be made to pay child support.
the straightest thing to do in a gangbang is to go first and go home once you're done
>>507678294Yeah, you really shouldn't be at a gangbang in general if you're that self conscious.
>>507677590Imagine the sweat and panic Metzen and the rest of the crew went through at BlizzCon '23 when they had to come up with something to keep the whales in.>"umm world soul saga and new shit">one year later offer them some BfA leftoversJust LMAO
My ilvl is now 595
Retail is shit.SoD season 7 is where it's at and will literally be Classic+ since its getting a Scarlet Crusade raid.Classichads won.
>>507677590>BFA dino was $600>TWW dino $90>new version is better>made 14 million gold in like 1 month thanks to how busted gathering and tinderboxes were at the startThanks for the free dino, wowbucks
Just wondering, how is /wowg/ finding WW so far?
>>507680169averageit lacks any groundbreaking new systems and the zones are boring besides hallowfalldelve was fun in the first 2 or maybe 3 weeks then quickly fell off a cliffI had more fun with DF season 1
>>507679774>scarlet crusade raidYou're getting Tyr's hand - instanced version. Imagine actually thinking nublizz can come up with ANYTHING remotely resembling good content lmao
>>507680384>averageSounds like below average to me.
>>507680169luv me spec design
Who do I goon to? Alexstrasza, Jaina or Xal'atath? Need suggestions pls (with a pic)
>>507681432Alexstrasza. No picture required.
>>507681432Jaina getting mating pressed by some orc shota
What happened to the jiggys?
>>507681432Alexstrasza asking for a refill (of eggs)
>>507681801>Orcs mature quickly, growing nearly the size of a human adult by the age of six years old, which is also the age at which they start their hunter/warrior training.
>>507660848_____ _____ __ _____ ____ ____
>>507681674>>507681801>>507682762Please.. just one pic.....
>>507682948They do exist
>>507683162Yes, but he's probably two years old.
>>507681432Grow up.
>>all of these goddamn coomers
I think the biggest mistake in WoW's history was to have two factions, and one of them was the Horde. The Horde should have been the official villain in Classic.
>>507683674Go to bed, Mads Mikkelsen. You're drunk and have to get to the set of whatever horrible genre flick you're filming in the morning.
>>507683809The biggest mistake in mankind's history is that we didn't slaughter R*me and enact a permanent age of eöropean könkest barbarian savage loktar faöstian öbermenschian nietzche spiritmindgeist so that we could always retörn to tradition and destroy all of these pössy öss bötches in the name of Ödin
The worldsoul is the new seventh cosmological force.The force of HOPE.YOU CANNOT KILL HOPE, she WILL win the ANDUINBOWL
>>507685203>gave her pants, a moral compass, and female acquaintance who will easily morph into a girlfriend in an expansion or twoIt's ogre.
For that anon in last thread struggling with thunderous fragments, glide into the beam of blue light on the shore with the glider from the go pack, it shoots you way up makes you go way fast and you can fly around the island super quick and watch your character for the wind spark animation to show up when near a chest. Got all mine in like 30 minutes doing that
>>507685762Bro not every time that two women are on screen together does it make them lesbians just as men can be friends without it being gay.
>>507685203better chances winnng the BGCball
>>507680618did you play dragonflight? the lavaburst spam build felt even better i think, because of the high haste. you had like 80% haste constantly because splintered elements was much better. i'm pretty sure your haste went above 100% on bloodlust. man, i hate slow casting so much.
Why the fuck is Fate of the Kirin Tor timegated
I hope Xally steps on us in Midnight anons, can you make fem humie/bimbodorei/space goat in that dress?
The funniest thing to me, when I think about it, is that Classic is ironically a more modern-friendly game than retail. All the influencers and zoomers are happy to hop on Classic, but hardly anyone gave a fuck about TWW. Just goes to show you that timeless and quality game design trumps all. Kaplan designs circles around Hazzikostas.
When are we getting a new delve companion?
>>507687792Never, you're stuck with Brann since it's obvious NuBlizzard abandoned the expansion and feature
>>507687550They are happy to hop on classic because their favorite streamer is playing hardcore, in hopes of getting in their guild and donating gold to get their attention
>>507688259God you just know this was some fat dykes self insert OC.
>>507687550retail requires 80% of your focus for most activities besides leveling or world contentclassic requires 20%so classic players watch twitch more
>>507663507There's a marked difference between simply wanting a well thought out goblin zone/raid and having an expansion where the first patch is a recycled island expediton, the second patch is plunderstorm which will continue to reuse bfa assets because they will never make a new map, and the having the expansion roadmap include recycling fucking horrific visions of all things.
>>507688747>During an interview with WoW content creators The Comeback Kids, World of Warcraft game director Ion Hazzikostas confirmed Brann was sticking around not only in World of Warcraft Patch 11.1, but in all of The War Within. >“The big [challenge with changing companions] is that players have leveled up Brann, they have him fully upgraded and spec'd out. If you replace him, are we just taking all of that away?” >Hazzikostas feared resetting progress with their Delve companion each season would feel bad for fans, so to avoid this, players will keep Brann as their partner until Midnight.So we can't just get a new companion that shares the same XP/level as Brann? Or get an item that makes the new person the same level as the old one? This can't be real.
>>507690439>So we can't just get a new companion that shares the same XP/level as Brann?Then what's the point that's work hours that can go into something actually worth playing
>>507688162>>507689716Exquisite levels of cope hereRetail truly is the king of sunk cost fallacy kek
>>507687550classic is so engaging that every streamer is mostly reading chat, the game is just a background noise.
i will level outlaw rogue and surv hunter
>>507690897So basically what you are saying is that Classic remains the perfect vehicle for socialization, exactly what an MMO should be?Retail on the other hand remains an autismfest. No wonder troons love it.
I just want to comment that I hate Ara Kara so fucking much. How do people navigate this fucking shit
>>507688259I miss her. I miss the comfy positivity de DF so much.
>move the boss, but not too much!Fuck you.
Who are you replying to
The group that disbanded because of my "bad" tanking
Well yeah faggot don't move the boss so much melee need to hit it
>>507687792>When are we getting a new delve companion?Never. Delve is yet another ambitious “selling point” for an expansion that will fade into oblivion after just one season, as was the case with Warfront or Torghast or Ashran. They'll probably add a map or two, but that's about it. No evolution.
>>507673271Afrasiabi wasn't kicked out until the expansion was already over and his plot was already just making everyone retarded since he was seething about Sylvanas
how tf do i join Nerub Silkweaving Forum
>>507693919Wrong. Afrasiabi was sidelined in 8.2 and then Danuser made his queen do the epic pown and Azshara drip feed lore and made it about the void lore, Afrasiabi was based he wrote the Saurfang questline where we defeated Sylvanas and made her run away, Danuser then tried to make her get away with her crimes, Sylvanas is evil and deserves to die since Cataclysm (not because of things Afrasiabi wrote, but because she is evil and BAD for the Horde), anybody with common sense can see that
>>507679774>raidWho cares, Hardcore's enduring popularity and SoD flopping has shown nobody gives a shit about zooming to endgame. The real Classic+ would just be extending leveling to 400-500 hours and increasing the number of zones across the entire leveling span
>>507690986They are incredibly fun but trying to queue on them is hell.
>>507696521>on themon any dps not just them
>>507687550You're right and wrong at the same time. Streamers are not playing it for fun - they are playing it for money/views. The <onlyfags> raid will be probably the most watched thing in recent wow history. That's why you have streamers like Gingi who are literally the cream of the crop on Retail and they level for 16 hours on Christmas - just so they can boost their dying channels.Their guildmaster said it himself - "I want the minimal amount of sweats in the raid and I just want people with high viewers."Ask yourself this: If you're a top retail player and you get paid scraps from the clown race and your stream has 200-300 views what do you do? Surely you wanna keep sitting on your ass all day and play WoW, but no one cares about the hardest content in Retail. It's unfun, boring and the majority of the people can't even understand what's going on stream during MDI/TGP/RWF. So you basically have to grovel to a well-known groomer with a large audience to join his guild so you can be on stream. It's sad and pathetic at the same time, but I understand those people, I'd do the same in their shoes.Retail's problems can be discussed and chewed on by thousands of clickbait content creators, but Retail has 3 main problems that everyone agrees on:>the game is not fun>the game is too hard>the game is too complexIt's literally that simple.
Alright, Ara Kara done. Now just need to do City of Threads, maybe Grim Batol once and Nightfall Sanctum to find Zekvir, and then I can start studying the raid.
>>507696737>the game is too hardFor whom lmao. Mazerats? A casual like me can do mythic 0 and normal raid with a bit of effort even without addons as long as I accept that I will be kicked 3 out of 4 groups.
>>507697130Too hard for people who THINK they're maze rats but are learning this season that they're garbageOr at least that's what they should learn, but they're blaming the game instead
>>507697130There was a thread on the official forums a few weeks back where they complained that heroic dungeons are unreasonably hard.
All we need is one (1) group of villains and wow is BACK. Going from villain to villain is actually retarded. Wow needs a league of villains. Preferably something like a group of thieves or mercenaries.
>>507697701That sound retarded.
>>507697701That sounds based
>>507697548>>There was a thread on the official forumsUhoh there was a thread!? A THREAD? On the official forums! The End Times.
>doomjeets still trying holy shit even on christmascant possibly think of a more buckbroken group of losers than wow orbiters
>>507697701Fitting because Warcraft already is a Marvelverse shithole, so go ahead and make the Legion of Doom
I will forgive WoW everything if they let me marry a Thalassian elf gf in Midnight and bring her to my player housing for some perfectly E rated romantic scenes.
Why does Ara Kara filter people so hard? I had two groups fails the first boss today.
>>507698560probably dying to aoe/not killing adds
Goblinating you're waifu and taking her to the seediest dive bar in Undermine
>>507698890Goblinating Vanessa...
>>507698890sounds based
did you buy anything from the holiday sale?
>>507698560Spiderwebs look like everything else.Too much movement control mechanics.My roommates all complain about the arachnicide and prejudicial antispider violence in this game whenever I clear the dungeon.
>>507699091I wish goblins in game weren't ugly
>>507699091need AI gen goblin jaina...
>>507675846Which one is the rimslut?
>>507697701>>507698370Azeroth multiverse and Mecha-Sargeras will save WoW.
Is Grim Batol as easy as it was in Cata?
Based or cinge?
>>507700594cringe only because he didn't give me anything
>>507696737who the fuck watches twitch anymore? i only go there when i'm looking for new games to play and the when the first dogshit ad pops up i close the tab
>>507700594very based
They’re going to reuse the BFA islands for housing.
>>507700870If you ever watched twitch your a zoomer and should fuck off.
>>507696737>>the game is not funthe game is fun for a lot of people, all the core elements that made the game successful are still present in retail wow, its poorly managed >>the game is too hardi think there are somethings that can absolutely be considered too punishing like the additional modifier for 12+ and the stop changes, i dont mythic raid because i dont have the patience for it but from an outside perspective i can agree that the last 4 in mythic are too "hard" along with hc ansurek before like week 6 maybe>>the game is too complexcomplexity gives the game depth, it does make the game less approachable, sure, and if you're brand new you really need to learn alot before branching out to anything besides dps
>>507700818>Blizzard ListenedLMAONobody believes that one.
>player housing of all these foul fucking brown orcs shitting up my beautiful highlandsMarran Was Right
>>507701278npc army believes
>>507701454>another member of the Trollbane family was turned into a cartoon villain because Blizztard in their infinite wisdom decided to situate the Mag'har orc town in the ORIGINAL LAND of the human empire whose descendants struggle to be anything more than the currently weakest human kingdom in the entire game since fucking VANILLA
>>507700818Turbo grift.
>mfw Eitrigg is a member of the Sons of Lothar now
>>507701802tranny melty
>kills your gamenothing personelle kid
I think if there's one thing I will definitely criticize for TWW lore is that they established Xal can "WE ARE HARBINGER" any ascended nerubians, but she doesn't do it during the raid or during the campaign.
>>507702063unironically why was he there
>>507702684Anything that Xalashit does is stupid.
>>507702828But she posts feet though so it's ok
>looks at youhow do you respond?
>>507698890What happens when a Goblin steps on it?
>>507702684there were ascended nerubians in the queen ansurek fight, the adds in phase 2
merry christmas everyone. since its the season of sharing...>signed up for goldgoblin patreonthey gave me a few goldmaking methods, guess I'll share the one I'm using right now>make your character an alchemist + herbalist>stock up on vials>go around herbing for a while using the route they gave me>craft elemental potion of power>craft those up into elemental potion of ultimate power>sell on auction housetwo crafting stages is annoying but it's going well, this is the best method I've used so far. I'm earning upwards of 3k / hr which beats out the skyreach and foundry methods by a huge margin
>>507701802which one?
>>507702770felt like they wanted to make a cute comic about the long awaited sons of lothar reunion, but felt they would get too much shit without a horde character so they threw him in as an emotional support orc
>>507703119Yeah but like she doesn't supercharge them into becoming an actual threat.
>>507703338Basically yeahIt's a two-pronged problem where outside of Metzen all the writers left don't give a fuck about the Horde and just want to write generic human/elf/dwarf fantasy, but they also are hounded by people like Baal that will literally count every head and line in a scene and rage if the Horde ratio isn't 50% or greater. So the Horde is basically a DEI faction now where the writers feel forced to include them at random spots but with no passion or reasoning for it
>>507702506lmao is this the riot ceo
>>507702976Stop giving us a bad name, sis.
>>507703583YeahThough he's not CEO anymore, just chairman
>>507703083Double what?
>>507698890Wake me up when they add an Atomic Repandanator...
>Forced to live in a world where goblins have more porn than trolls.It hurts bros. Post your best trolls for me please. Elf shit is so boring and if it isn't that or gobs its fucking furry stuff
>>507690645I don't know why they even make these potentially cool systems and then just fully abandon them after launch. Then we end up with nothing really worth playing long-term as they leap to the next half assed concept.
Is this correct?Human - Medieval AngloDwarves - German (Scottish accent)Night Elves - CeltsGnomes - ?Draenei - Persian Worgen - Victorian AngloKul'Tiran - Irish/NorfOrc - Huns Tauren - Native American Undead - Medieval Anglo Troll - Jamaican Blood Elves - Greco-RomanZandalari - Aztecs (African accent)Goblin - JewsVulpera - Gypsies
pump the troons
>>507703547Pretty much desuI can just imagine the Blizzard writers who love the generic human/elf/dwarf/dragon etc fantasy looking at freaks like Baal and not even bothing to do anything wtih Horde characters anymore kek
>>507703547That guy who wrote the Heartlands audio story is an obvious Hordefag and I will punish him.
Blizzard needs to fire most of their writers and hire someone that's not invested in either faction and is willing to look at both and consider when to use them and where.
The bottom line is that there's no point in trying to cater to both camps in a game where personal identity is involved via RPG ludonarrative (as opposed to RTS where it's more like Protoss OP fucking NERF which is a different class of problem).The anon earlier was half right about the Alliance only MMO, except what Blizzard should have done is made two different games: Alliance WoW vs Horde WoW, and branched out the storylines in two different directions. That way everyone could pretend they were in the REAL Warcraft timeline and those enemy scum deserve nothing but total death.
>>507704514>hiring somebody with no investment in the storythat's how you get dunguser trying to "outsmart" the original plotline with his own garbage.They just need a balance instead of hiring a bunch of alliance sissy crybabies
Which ever dumbfuck writer thought it would be a good idea to burn teldrassil is the reason why the horde is fucking dead forever now, the writers will not touch them due to being complicit in genocideWould not surprise me if they were also behind killing ysera and putting cenarius out of action in legion to enable it to even happen at all
>>507704708True. Give up any pretense to the themes or morals inherent to the setting since WC3 and just give people what they want, the WAR drug that we as men crave, big dick energy, high testosterone dps, attack kill slaughter big hairy dudes with big hairy chests and balls smashing the other big hairy dude chests and balls, then roughly RAPING women because consent is for pussy ass bitches, just give the player what he PAYS for and stop getting hung up on muh depth muh feelings muh narrative, instant gratification instant satisfaction and the blood of my enemy, I thirst for it, let me KILL the enemy NOW I am a MAN I must KILL and RAPE
>>507702976What in tardation?
>>507705024>muh TeldrassilLmao as if that was the first time the Horde were complicit in genocide. The trouble is the only consequence for the Horde was being turned into a republic.
>>507703181Bro you can get 3k + in 10 minutes if you sign up in LFD or LFR as one of the Call to Arms roles
>>507704749The story has been garbage since TBC with constant and egregious retcons and bad writing, anyone invested in it is clearly deranged.
>>507703181>log in once every 3 hours >tag beledar's spawn on alts>sell mount for 50-200k when it drops If you just really enjoy farming like a third worlder then go fish blood sharks in hallowfall. Should be like 10-20k an hour. Could also go skin wolves and bees in one of those jaja 2x4 groups too. Either way will net you more gold than whatever retard guide you stupidly paid for.
Worldsoul Saga's is goodWoW is back
Can I get a detailed explanation to this, I understand the mechanics are Echoing Shade which will hit wherever I face, and Freezing Blood which will rape me if I don't have an ally present. But it also says "Phase 2 will be super duper hard and need more coordination" but doesnt say what that coordination is. Please help.
>>507705684its a ritual post, newfag
>>507706116Yeah I don't live on this gen 24/7. You got me good.
>>507706034it's literally just the stack mechanic in phase 2, along with the get out of the purple circle mechanicnot very hard desu
>>507706034just do iti never read any of that shit and ive done it on tank and dps dont stand in shit, keep threat, and if retards arent stacked for the big ice soak run on top of them so you dont dieez
>>507706296>You got me good.not hard to do when you respond to last expacs content referencing making gold lmfaoretard
>>507706316>>507706298But that sounds easier than stonevault speakers
I fucked up the Unholy Infusion bit for Shadowmourne so I have to wait for the lockout reset but I also need to find others for the Blood Infusion bit after that.
>>507706528it is
>>507703723You. Double. Gobber.
>>507706528do you think city is harder than stonevault?
>>507706880I figured since it is the last dungeon of the storyline it would be harder...
>>507703181Mate, you make gold at the beginning of the expansion, not now. I literally made millions each day in Nightfall Santum
>>507703181>3k / hrI made 20 times that amount in goldshire the other night~~
>>507708697She's covered in worgen cum
Yeah I'm thinking Classic won and Retoilet lost.
>>507708697Wish you'd findom me.
>>507698321>here's a reward we got from a random dead FansiteLmao hopesaars aren't sending their best
>>507708697She has futa cum in her belly
fuck jewlon muskrat, fuck drumpfstein goldbergimma buy my clothes from dh gate from now on
>>507709416are you playing both sides now?>cg>classics dead>g>classic won
>love warlock and mage>hate being pure dps because I can't get into groupsFeels bad
>>507709347Mmmm, it's one of my specialties...>>507709617I'm sorry hun, I only for gametime nowadays~~>>507710163I can't deny that ;)
What's a good male race for ERP
I miss when I'd make 3k gold per hour in my sleep.Give me my mission tables back
>>507667562No. Discord, bnet or bust.
>>507712547Worgen.Ladies love a knot.
>>507665705>>507713402Sex with dragon form dragons and vulpera alike.
>>507712726you can still make 10k in one hour these days. sorry you missed out on the 800g per nearly guaranteed sanguine dogfish in 8-20 seconds trick.
>>507713649i made plenty of gold by reading a bluepost the second it came out and being at the vendor ready for when they livehotfixed added the tinderbox trade inmy only regret was not cleaning the AH out, I was too timid and risk averse
>>507713806i remember you. i don't understand why you're bitching
what's the least populated role in the game?
>>507714197Probably tank. Considering it only takes two to raid.
Ok, I got filtered by the Orator. How do I minimise the problems caused by the black goo everywhere? Even if I slowly move the boss away from the black goo, people still die because the black goo overfills the whole circle and they cant move out of the circle or they get leashed
>>507714345you move to max range when the cast starts and get the fuck out of there ASAPmoving slowly is what's killing peopleif the retards aren't stacked on you that's their fault
*tells u a fun fact about water*
>>507714631Does the leash circle turn off when the cast starts?
>>507714776I'd like some of that pandas water
fuck pet battle and dungeon warden puzzle
>>507714785no but if you can scoot toward the edge of itjust ping where you're going and book it there asap and if your team isn't retarded they can keep up
this helm makes you naaru lightforged ascian
why does the timewalking queue take minutes even when all 5 players have agreed, what is there to search for???
>>507715887Ugh, don't inconvinience me today...
>>507716219It's spelled "inconvenience", ESL retard. This is why you make gold by ERPing, while I make real life money doing it.
>>507716550don't be rude
I hate and openly insult Quel'Thalas and Ragnaros players. Drakkari too but that's rare.
>>507716550>while I make real life money doing it.doing what?
>>507717251Cucking people, fucking people, raping people. You name it, my Worgen's done it and I've been paid for it. I've made roughly $4000 off of paid ERP this year.
>>507704007Shh... Only goblins now.
>>507717407why did i ask
Do people still play this game?
Define 'play'
>>507704007try playing a dwarf. there's maybe 1000 hot dwarf gal pics on the whole internet over the last 30 years and the worst part is AI seems to be unable to gen them
>>507717407>I've made roughly $4000 off of paid ERP this year.Prove it
>>507722060Upon closer inspection, it's more like $5500.
>>507722954it finally emboldened me to buy a ton of dampscale basilisk eyes to become a scryer to get some recipesbiggest waste of gold i've ever spent but oh well, still got like 6.7 mildownside though everything since has felt pretty meaningless. Like a billionaire working a min wage job (gathering), why bother? just sit on your wealth or make trades
>>507722984That's not proof of anything
Just paid for three months of sub bros
>>507722984im gonna one-up you....
>>507723391Weird cope.
>trade chat commies complaining that healthcare isn't free in the US>bring up the fact that the game isn't free and they are supporting one of the largest greedy capitalist corporations>cognitive dissonance kicks in and trade chat goes silentsometimes i feel like trade chatters are just bots
>>507724059>uhm actually you're a hypocrit because you want free health care but you play warcraft
>>507724171have you heard of the iphone communist? it's a very common phenomenon that displays leftist hypocrisy. basically they want to have their cake and eat it too. these people are the embodyment of entitlement.'re not one of those people are you anon??
>Hearth back to Dornogal after a M+>Literally no one onThis game is fucking deadand I'm on one of the top 5 servers in the game, ejsus crhsits
>>507724543>have you ever heard of blah blah blahDon't care bro you're just as gay as the communists
i'm returning late and doing the anniversary bullshit where i have to return lost toys. Yenna's fucking ball is not by that fucking river. Yes I talked to that little shit in assure span before going to the ohnono plains, what the fuck do i have to do
>>507724059Anon, the idea that "capitalism" is some kind of autistic ideology that you need to defend parasocially to your dying breath is literally a meme created by communist scumbags, and you're playing into it.In any kind of sane and wealthy society, market forces are ideal in those vast majority of cases where they are ideal, and are restricted or overruled where they are not by democratic government. This is not an ideological position, it's basic statecraft and was the norm for THOUSANDS of years until the ideological aids of the 18th century took hold.
>>507724742not an argument >>507724890i'm not defending anything, simply making fun of hypocrites
>>507724890>democraticMeant to say democratic or populist autocratic. Either works.
>oh... you use a phone? Heh....figures... it appears that you want to improve society, yet you participate in society... you are very dumb and I am very smart
>>507724543I just want my brother to get his cancer treatments without going broke.
what is wowg's take on mages? Are they basic, fun, shit?
>>507724721people have lives and are celebrating christmas and shit
>>507725312good dps class, has some fun abilities
why do burgers always talk about politics?
>>507725013>simply making fun of hypocritesBut there is no hypocrisy unless you demonstrate these people are motivated by ideological communism and not the desire for a healthcare system which won't cost massive insurance prices to the middle class.
>>507725308that's more the fault of american culture than it's politics. you people are greedy and have no empathy so... you're fucked if you're not rich.
>>507725312Fun. I hate other mage players though
>>507725410>>507725541what is the most goated class for mage though? Human?
>>507725789humans and elves are THE mage races in the lore. elves are more skilled while humans have more raw power
>>507726265Why would humans have more raw power? Wouldn't the elves with the sunwell?
Focusing on raids was the cardinal mistake of vanilla. Prove me wrong.
>>507726663over half the patches in vanilla were non-raid content thoughever
>>507726663Making wow a vertical treadmill raising the level cap with TBC was what killed it
>>507726518idk it's part of the lore. humans are quick at learning and their spells are usually more powerful. some of the best mage in the lore are humans (khadgar, jaina, aegwynn, medivh)
here are my thoughts as a veteran wow player on this expansion so far and classic -classic is fun and very nostalgic but some of the QoL features the game has added were needed. exp grind is slow and you are gonna want to install a lot of addons to make the experience go smoothly. war within/retail is actually very good state right now. leveling is extremely crunched and streamlined to make you be able to get to 80 faster, I was able to level from 1-70 in the first zone of Pandaria. which is good for leveling toons. The new zones are fun and it's never been easier to get good gear, just follow the campaign. I like the lore and story and it's kino to see dwarves get expanded on more. haven't done new raids yet. I prefer retail over classic because I played wow vanilla and now I want to keep progressing. everyone also needs addons like dbm and rarescanner to make things go smoothly, esp for raiding. I finally got my character to level 80, unlocked that zone to farm rares and now my ilvl is going to the moon. this expansion is good. it's good to be backthanks for reading my blog
>>507726265>>507726518>elves are more skilled while humans have more raw powerCommon missunderstanding. Night elves and nightborne have the most raw power. Humans simply have by far the most highly intelligent studiers, with Khadgar and Jaina having GOD-IQ when it comes to magic. The motivation and curiosity of mortality and suchlike.
>>507727306Not reading any of that but cute pander
>>507727392what about gnomes? Aren't they supposed to be the most curious race?
>Boralus had a Day Night cycle>Dornogal is always day
>>507727485Trifling gnome+
>>507727752Please understand, more developer time is needed to create mechanics on mobs in maze and bosses that's the most important part. Have a little island as compensation and don't think about it.
>this place allegedly held enough brown orcs and korkron to outnumber the local Strom and 7th Legion forces 3-1Yeah and you faggots imply that there's no Horde bias. Newsflash shitfucks until EVERY SINGLE HORDE FUCK IS NOT DEAD, YOU STILL OWE US YOUR DEATH FOR THE TRESPASSES OF CATACLYSM! YOU DIE NOW!!!!
>>507728416Hush, Tyrande.
>>507728284>>507727752why are you faggots lying?
>>507726265you guys got me looking at all the new racial abilities and damn, some of these are really good. the panda one for double rested exp and all critical strike increase ones. sad they removed the int buff for gnomes tho
>>507728416is there a separate war within campaign for horde or alliance?also side question, why do people say BFA is coming back? that was one of my fav expansions. Nazjatar is god tier. sometimes I fall in love with a zone like Ardenweald in shadowlands and it makes the whole xpac worth it.
if you are at least lvl 50 you can group to beat the boss npcs in tanaris for a chance at mounts everyday, per character.
>>507728416Stromgarde had been a desolate shithole since after the Second War, never mind all the wars that followed.
>>507729087ewww, you reek of desperation
okay what is the appeal of brewmaster? i've played every tank now up past heroics. brewmaster seems by far to struggle the most with both incoming damage, self sustain, and threat. it has by far fewer and weaker defensive cooldowns than any other tank i've played, its aoe damage tools seem limp in output and fire breath is narrow and finicky to use, it has very very little self healing, and its mitigation mechanic seems to fall utterly flat against anything but big single hits, so it fails against like 80% of damage sources you encounter. what exactly is the draw here? it feels fucking terrible as far as tanks go. is it just a hyper niche raiding tank?
Holy shit blood dk is boring
Ok, I want to ask something that I always hesitated to ask, since 2016 when Mythic + was implemented.How does it work, economically? As a player starting my Keystone Journey, I have to create a group and successfully time this key on this dungeon to get the next tier of key. I then have to repeat this as many times as it takes to get my key to level 12 or whatever is the best maximum.But how does this make sense, I mean what is the incentive to time my key versus joining another group timing theirs? Obviously there is more people timing other people's keys than their own because each group is 5 people and nobody can do key alone. That's obviously why nobody does mythic +2 and anybody who does less than +4 is a retarded troglodyte like myself that can't go higher.It doesn't make sense how do I use this thing if I can't even get a group? And I can't get it higher without doing the key but nobody is doing these low keys. It's a locked door with the key behind it.
posting good
>>507729943What a stupid comment. People do low keys all the time. Make your own group or join WoW Made Easy or make some friends to play with.
>>507729349not really, just sharing my thoughts he right?
Hey guys should I play Turtle or WoW Classic? Im returning after a 10 year hiatus
>>507729349And what if I am GAME
>>507730796theres as much toxicity in wow as there is in any other multiplayer gameplaying games like dota or cs made me realize that wow is heaven compared to those
>>507725423i mean, people are ALWAYS discussing political topics in trade chat and their opinions are always left leaning. at this point not only do i think it's their ideology but there seems to be actual bots who push a narrative. it's very strange. also, there are always a guy talking about how buying WoW tokens are more efficient than farming gold... weird isn't it?
>>507731912CS is the worst>le clutch or kick 1v5
>>507731425didn't this retard delete all his characters back in shadowlands?
>>507660848wtf did they mean by this?
>>507732256yespint is literally the only high profile youtuber that didn't come back from the exodus
>>507732448>obvious shill.jpg
>>507732478i have more respect for tranny pint than i have for people like norf, quazii and pyromancer
>>507730796am i dumb>newcutie rogue with thunderfuryhow is it possible?
>>507725417idk why do europeans always talk about burgers?one of the great mysteries of the internet
>>507729943There really is no reason to go past +10, as that gives you myth gear in vault
>>507728416genuinelly what did you expect when they announced metzen's back, alliance and even most of the horde are fucked since he will make every single plot point include le good boi misunderstood orcerinos over anything else (like with Thrall and Eitrigg being forced into every other thing in TWW)
>>507732448WoW is back baby.
>>507732917Why are you so butthurt about a single question? It's a valid talking point, games are supposed to be fun and a way of escapism. I've also noticed this in the public channels on NA servers, endless election babble.
>>507728416>alliancecucks having a lil meltiekek1 orc warrior = 10 human paladins
>>507732448usual classic cope in the comments
>>507712547Worgen Orc or Tauren probablyDracthyr too
>>507733237I mean I would agree with that if sod was released this year, but sod died in like phase 3, and classic classic is already kinda dying.>muh streamershc classic classic has like 1 server right? I swear some classic boomers are so retarded
>>507733237no lies detected in that post
>>507733608yeah that's true it is classic cope that's not a lie
>>507731425who cares what this chink thinks
>>507732448>biggest years everRELEASE THE SUB NUMBERS YOU COWARDS
>>507733685you're trying too hard, cringe
>>507733856The new fresh classic servers have less people playing than turtle wow does on a slow daysad
>>507733608classic hasn't been relevant since november 2023 when sod first released>>507733462classic classic classic is basically a bunch of ecelebs streaming their dnd-like campaign. m+ alone has more players than classic
How much anima is needed for every item from all covenants and who thought this was a good idea?
>>507733130>Why are you so butthurt about a single question?who said i was butthurt? i think you're reading into it too may be different for someone in europe because most of the people youll encounter wont be from the same nation as you arethere are only 5 blocs of people on NA servers, Americans, Canadians, Australians, netease refugees, and pablo.Americans are the vast majority.The media in America has done an excellent job of polarizing the populace against itself so they can squabble over shit they think they have any control over. tldr: Trade chat is full of politics on NA because almost everyone is from the same country and is fed the same news.
>>507730796I do agree, in years of playing all kind of content, from super casual to CE/Glad, it's pretty hard to find toxic people, the problem is that these people can impact your experience so much more than every other player that was nice or friendly.
>>507733992that might be true i don't know, still has more players than retail though>>507734023you've won me over with your compelling argument based on nothing, i guess retail is doing awesome
>>507734023>m+ alone has more players than classicprobably have more ret paladin ulgrax parses than the entire classic playerbase, the numbers are really low for classic since sod phase 1 and cata
>>507732448ty yoshit piss for bombing your playerbase with the retard cat trannoid. you were truly worlo's greatest ally all along.
>>507734141>classic nigger that has never played retail talks about retailMany such cases, it's wild how obsessed they are with something they don't understand.
>>507734141>posts this>LFM arena/anger runs>SGC, HoJ, Second wind hr>pst
I feel like the current system rewards weekly logins rather then grinding one charecter
he is still seething
>>507732448Expansion year + CHINA wrath + bunch of gamemodes like plunderstorm and remix + 20th anniversary hype + Classic Classic + motherfucking $90 brutoI'm sure they made lots of money, like even the book about the fall of blizzard has nothing bad to say about wow.
>>507734585where is your compelling argument on why classic is amazing?
Do Earthen have dicks? Asking for a friend.
>>507734141there absolutely is some truth to a lot of this, although I don't think Classic really does a good job of having a sense of community anymore either, everyone is too busy following their paid-for addon's arrow and treats everyone as disposable because they demanded mega realms.
>>507734689ret is out of control.
>>507735350my earthen girl has a rock hard cock if you'd like to know (no beard, yes pubes)
>>507735431another reason is ret is really powerful right now so everyone is foming
>>507734975These are meaningful interactions bwoI probably talked with more people the first two weeks of the expansions while crafting profession tools than in 2 years of classic vanilla
>>507734804I mean it'a a known fact that doomjeets and classicfags don't play retailAll their opinions are second hand, shat in their mouth by some twitter fag mad that he can't time a 27 on his 7th alt, or by grifters like bellularPersonally I'm way past it, first of all because it's childish as fuck, and second of all, I would also like to thank the classic niggers for funding housingYour autism and desperate attempts at reliving your youth is helping
>>507735431KILL ALL RETS
>>507734997that's what "respect my time" players asked. blizzard had to regain some goodwill after shadowlands so the devs gave in every time players asked for something. there is almost nothing mandatory left to do in the game.
>>507735350Yeah, and it's always rock hard
>>507731217Pls respond
>>507735431huhso thats why it takes me twice as many applications on my 637 ret than it does on my alts to get a 10-11
>>507735274well my stance is based on my tangible reality where i physically log into both versions of the game and one seems incredibly more lively than the other one. retail is dead and empty even in cities, siren isle, anniversary area, takes hours to get into an m+.meanwhile i can log on classic classic and easily find a group for even any mid level dungeon, every zone has other players running around, every city has lots of people, AH items are noticeably changing constantly etc
>>507734997grinding = choresWe can't have chores, sorry THD
>>507735431people really love blizzard paladins. even the diablo community is always asking for a paladin class
>>507736115>based on my tangible reality
>>507736020turtle is free, classic classic is just one month oldif you want more new content try turtleif you want the same old classic and don't mind giving blizzard $13 play classic
>>507736340What about in terms of social experience and population
>>507735556>right nowRet has been broken OP since early DF and it's never been nerfed and seemingly never will be.Average paladin player is so retarded though they unironically think ret isn't even good or strong.
>>507736172Ret in TWW is probably the peak of retardin gamestyleIt's so simple and yet so rewarding and cool to play, also the arathi armor and the t2 hd are some of the coolest armor in the game.
>>507730629Ok what I did was I joined an M0 group who had a low ilvl druid healer and offered my key for free, they didnt time it obviously with the healer dying like a million times and the key is now a City of Threads +1 key (fuck me I am not doing that lol) but at least I got a cape out of it. I don't think M+ is for me desu.
my cousins autistic huey, autistic louey, and autistic duey played a prank on uncle autistic donaldit made him lose his christmas spirit
>>507736324correct, did i stutter? it's more than you can give, which is>actually it's good because... umm... well i said so okay?!
>>507736487Pops for classic depends on the server, you might roll on a dead one or one that might die in few weeksTurtle has tons of people always online, also tons of CHINA bugsGo ask in the pserver and classic general, they can for sure give you a better idea.
>>507736115classic>skeleton dev team>the only content is a re-release of a re-release>every demand of classic+ has been ignoredretail>large dev team>multiple expansions announced>devs experimenting with different features>regular content updatesyou can tell which version of the game is more popular by the amount of money blizzard invests into it
>>507736658>Doesn't know anything about the system>Runs wild with incorrect assumptions>Refuses to take advice>Goes out of your way to have the worst possible experience created>"woooowww yeah this sucks"
>>507736816that's my cousin autistic hectorhe has a facial deformity which makes his face mouth open very wide when he speak'she was posting the picture to acclimate you with he's appearance
>>507736939It wasn't the worst, it was fun.But I can't imagine doing it with people who care about actually timing the key, over and over again.
>>507732448I wish there was more public data for wow, it's unreal that during legion no one was recording anything, insane.
>>507736936the irony of making a shill post like this when the current content and the next patch of retail are literally re-used BfA assets and cut content lmao
>>507660848My only hope for Housing is to able to have a humble abode located in Tirisfal Glades. But I can bet you the only two options will be >A. House in Stormwind (Alliance)>B. Mud hut in Orgrimmar (Horde)I do wonder if Undercity will be updated and properly 'fixed' in Midnight.
>>507736663>>507737028why are frog posters so dumb?
>>507732448what?once you realize that most of the doomerism around retail comes from people that no longer play it, it all starts to make sensesee >>507698321
>>507735431>top 3 specs are the 3 easiest in the gameshocker. turns out when you make a spec not a pain in the ass to play, people play it. lets see whats at the bottom?subtlety:pvp spec built around narrow burst window autism arms: became an overcomplicated bleed stacking mess who's main hero talent revolves around a second and a half self rooting hard castoutlaw: literal inhuman APM demands and schizo random gambling buff stackingferal: multi dot tracking snapshotting with triplet generators that have to be spammed 3 in a row GCD locked to get the snapshot buffdevestation: actually a fun spec, i think this one is purely for the cosmetic/transmog uglyness that is evokerfire: crit dependent 0gcd precast crit weaving nonsense. this chart, with the exception of devoker, literally reads like an ordered ranking of least autistic to play vs most autistic to play
>>507737191the only content classic is getting is the tenth re-release of content made 20 years ago.
>>507737380yeah it's ridiculous how arms went from MS being your reliable nuke to this fucked up bleed rotation spec like it's trying to be feral and all your main abilities hit like wet noodles unless fully powered up
>>507737380Aw why does fire mage have to be bad. Is it because the trolls think fire is racist?
>>507735431Its balanced out by the fact that almost all paladins are RP shitters. If you see a human, blond, long hair ret paladin with Judgement armor (or similar) you just know he's a shitter.
>>507737191that's crazycan you name something from 11.1 that was datamined in the past
>>507737452yup, and it's still a better game amazing
>>507737191when are they going to use the classic money? because we kept saying thanks for funding retail? but we haven't got any new updates in the past year? we haven't had a .3 patch since BFA (incidentally, just before classic came out)? and now we pay more than ever for new xpacs while classic gets new content and more dev time than ever?as soon as they use the classic funding that's all saved up we will pull far ahead of them. how far along the pipeline is that money?
>>507737575Too much focus in executing the rotation perfectly while also being undertuned. Fire mage is a fun to play spec because you're racing from dmg window to dmg window, but when you do no damage then it's just shitty minmax gameplay.
>>507737605with little to no players
Are the WoW chronicle books any good? I like lore stuff
>>507737631what classic money? the brutosaur probably made blizzard more money than classic as a whole did in the past year
>>507737883Chronicle 2 is the best one, instead of being a retconfest it adds a lot of cool lore to Draenor. It's mostly covering the early WC2 period and feels appropriately grittier/more hardcore than basically all of the following lore
>>507737883they're just the titans perspective. the titans refer to azeroth as the world of warcraft and break the 4th wall to talk about players btw.
>>507737591yeah it's called the undermine>>507737631not sure they probably spent it all on DEI practices and paying all the furry artists to make the current models for everything
>>507737631>when are they going to use the classic money?it took them 6 years (since classic release) to copy the dk starting zone into sod and turn it into a raidthe 15 devs on classic are hard at work
I'm trying to farm GMOD off Mekkatorque, and the only raid skip is straight to Jaina and you can't backtrack once you use it. Is there anyway I can do this faster than full clearing the whole raid up to Mekkatorque every week?
The Elemental Shaman overhaul just makes all other caster feel shitty
>>507738058>yeah it's ca-ACKi accept your concession. undermine has been shown on warcraft maps before wow even released
>>507738284scp-2337 has breached containment
>>507737191My nigga, classic classic addicts would kill for reused assets in vanilla
>>507737575fire mage is crit dependent, so until stats reach the point where you can stack enough crit, it kind of doesnt work. you usually hit that point by the x.2 and x.3 patches of an expansion. fire is just also susceptable to a stupid amount of rotational jank with the way hot streak, fireblast mid cast, and pyroblast works. very veeeeery easy to fuck up if you misread a cast
>>507738425not my problem
>>507698321desu worlo only won cuz xiv shat the bad so badly this yearim pretty sure mmorpg is a fanstie with a huge xiv bias and they didn't like the new expansion
>>507738632>wow won cause it's betterreally putting those 2 neurons to work eh anondon't overwork them though
>>507738554SOVL>>507738146yeah, I can't believe some people are still playing balance when elemental is literally balance+ but actually fun.
>>507738081>the only content in sod is shit from retailOHNONONONONONONOOOOOOOcool art thoMan I wish they would just remake classic but in hd and with good gameplay
>>507738457My nigga, this is a retarded post, first of all if assets were re-used in classic they would need to look old to match and fit, but second of all the argument that was based on was saying that classic has no money or effort put into and retail does, if classic has no money or effort and gets re-used assets, that would feel more par for the course, but the main progression version of the game that gets all the money and effort gets re-used assets? well that's just a self defeating argument
>>507738979the rune system is nothing but retail abilities lol
>>507739063It's Wrath abilities almost none of them exist as they are in SoD in retail
>>507739063>old dungeon turned into raid>abilities taken from retail>scrapped open world eventsclassic players paid 15 bucks per month for that
>>507739048My nigga, the point is that classic classic addicts are desperate for crumbs of content, it's not that deep, no reason to cope this hard ninja...
god i wish i were my dracthyr
the level 10 worgen DK rapist of christmas past
>>507739218>my point is i'm retardedyeah, i know
>>507739179wrath is retail 1.0legion is retail 2.0keep up with the lore
>classic is so dead classhits have to come to the retail thread to tell you how dead your game is and how much classic is winningdelusional
>>507661294>nothing interesting until summer>nothing i actually want to try until winterguess i've got a year off retail
>>507739313nice deflection my n word
>>507739420meanwhile the classic general has had a seething retoilet player spamming for a year, you know how 4chan is anon
>>507739291huh post a screenshot?!
>>507739498shittowlands stat caps will still not be removed for legion remix
>>507661294so are we really getting midnight in 2025?
>>507739834Yes the next TWW tier is the final one
>>507739834early 2026. feb-march 2026 lines up with the 18 months expansion cycle
>>507739938no it isnt, there's an 11.2 with a new raid in it too
Mythic+ being the only endgame is really such a bad idea
>>507740109your raid?
>>507739420>oh no people are saying mean things about the game...>must be a XIV cultist!>no it must be a classic addict>no no it's a shitposter from /v/!I've seen this cope before.
>>507739607I only check the classic general for keeping up with alex.
crazy take: i liked shadowlands and it's one of the expansions i liked the most despite it being bad for many
>>507740109good thing there's raiding, pvp and delves thenwhat else would you want?>>507740389why?
>>507740045This anon is right
>>507740294xiv cultists and classic addicts mostly overlap. both hate retail
>>507740389shit was fine, i think the big problem was the long first tier + 9.1 being a really underwhelming patch killed the hype for tons of people
>>507740294>classhit has more players than retail>easily proven wrong, like so wrong you would look like a man calling himself a woman wrong>somehow the tranny calls this "cope"sad
>>507740437>whyidk it's one of the expansions i played the most. liked the zones (ardenweald and revendreth are among my favorites), raids were good (nathria still one of the best raids ever made), pvp and class design were ok (classes were not pruned anymore but at the same time they didn't feel bloated)
>>507739834only the expansion reveal is in 2025if 11.1 is in february/early march, that would put 11.2 release around augustthen housing towards the end of the year. and something else, which we dont know yet, marked by the green stuffmidnight will most likely release somewhere early 2026. between jan and march is my guessstill, that means that alpha and beta will be in 2025 so
>>507740836What the fuck are you talking about.>the red train meets the blue cloud at 9 past the umbrellaLike speak coherent english you fucking faggot
>>507741196esl detected
>>507741196you got owned lilbro
Why didn't Illidan impregnate Maeiv before leaving?
>>507740109I think in Midnight delves are probably going to be on the same level as M+. Should be nice.
any jiggers around tonight?I can fire up the goon generator and make a multiplayer piece
>>507741754Hell yeah
>>507741754We need goblinated Jaina jiggy
>>507741754please huge asses and futas if possible
>>507741923I can make another jaina one, but I don't really like goblins that muchwas more thinking an alexstrasza one>>507741961huge asses is always a thing with me but solo futa is a hard pass
oK.Campaign storyline completed? Check.Nonmythic offseason dungeons completed? Check.Mythic 0 seasonal dungeons completed? Check.Mythic+ Grim Batol timer succesfully failed? Checkilvl? 600Void Elf gf? Waiting for me in SilvermoonTomorrow I learn how to raid the spider castle
>>507740315does retail have it's own lolcow like alex is to classic?
>>507742387kinda but its not so much that its funny desmephisto is some autistic retard thats a goldmine for dumb shit, his latest arc was trooning out, before that he "dropped" his infant son so hard he had to take him to the hospital.
>>507724059>he thinks free health care is a good thingyou get what you pay for
>>507742101Can you make one with Alexstrasza inspecting her own flabby tummy as if she's annoyed that she has gained weight
>>507742101Make Alex with tits so big they sag please
>>507742705its not so black and white each system has massive flaws
>>507726265Elves were immortal and knew magic for millenia. Meanwhile humans show up and outdo them within a few decades of study.
>>507742705In the current US healthcare system, you can get nothing for what you pay for.
>>507742964>Meanwhile humans show up and outdo them within a few decades of study.I don't know about a few decades, I don't think there were any truly remarkable human mages until Aegwynn even among the Order of Tirisfal.
>>507724059Kek I doubt it was "cognitive dissonance" kicking in. If I saw you say something so retarded in trade chat the only thing I would want to say to you is calling you a retarded faggot and telling you to kill yourself. If I type that in trade chat though i'm liable to get reported so better to just stay silent.Because of this i'd wager that was the same thought most of them had and why chat went silent.
>>507742964Then the nightborne show up and push the goalpost back
>>507742705>>507742928it's really complicated especially because americans are so disgustingly greedy they activelly make people sick just so they can profit from it, wether directly or indirectly it happens all the time i.e. big pharma
>>507743369Then you are a beta male cuck and the reason this entire game, nay, the entire western world, is a depraved, weak little degenerate decadent shitfest. In true manhood spiritmind, you would seize the opportunity to attack an identified foe, with the glorious prospect of achieving VICTORY over him in a battle of power and strength. But instead of joining the fray of war you fell silent and cowardly, little servile peon bitch, you are nothing. The opportunity to attack an identified ideological opponent passed you by and all you did was sulk about what you could have done. PATHETIC, WEAK MINDED COWARD! You will never be a man and your hair will never have balls!
>>507743442the first arcanist of suramar and her horde friends were hiding from jaina
>>507743473>get on payment plan for a "fixed income">hospital gets fed up after a couple of years and just drops whatever you still owe them
>>507743442Some of the shit the nightborne do is undoubtedly impressive, but they've got some funky ley lines shit going on around suramar and then there's the nightwell itself. The teleporter guy they have and their chronomancy is pretty awesome though, eve Khadgar admitted this.
>Never see Alliance players while leveling>Go pee>Immediately get killedFuckers
alex 185 piece multiplayer not too satisfied with the background on this, I wanted more detail so the pieces aren't so similar but I got impatient with the seed gens
>>507743369so you don't think it's funny that these communists metaphorically suck corporate cock by playing THE MOST greedy video game ever made? btw they're also the ones who defend the billion dollar company like they have stockholm syndrome (you know the people i'm talking about just read trade chat)to me that is funny if not outright pathetic and sad.
>>507744928No I don't think playing a video game is comparable to health care country wide in any way at all.
>>507744928Based.Watch as these cretins say>b-buh y-you d-dunno iff-f-fsniff- they're commiesBitch they have to be commies so that there's a casus bellum to destroy them lmao of course they're commies, if you don't want to find commies to kill commies then you are a commie yourself and I'm going to kill you!!
Heh. You're pretty cool. I especially like how you owned that opponent of yours in an intellectual debate. I wish I could be as cool as you and post such intelligent retorts, truly you are the king of the internet. Take this crown.
World of Warcraft?
>>507745079actions speak louder than words. it's like most christians who are very self righteous but don't practice what they preach.
I hate void elves
>>507745916you know what those christians would say if they were still alive? people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.
>>507746347good i'll keep throwing stones then. these things need to come out otherwise people never learn
>>507741625they hate each other
>>507746864Oh, well that makes sense
>>507746718one day you will know why trade chat went silent
>>507745919i love all elves
Void Elf Death Knight
>>507747575good choice
>>507746332Alleria is fucking stupid.
>>507747853Her whole family is stupid. Vereesa is stupid. Sylvanas is extra stupid. Lirath is dead but I bet he was stupid too.
tyrande multiplayer jiggy210
>>507748475Is the link broken?
>>507748509shouldn't be, worked for several other anons
If not Xal'atath, not Alleria, not even my void elf will dip their tippie toes into the Sunwell and usher in an era of darkness I will send a package of hatred to Irvine they will not soon forgetti!
>>507748342Dread these fucking bitches all turning up together in Midnight. They're like a story blackhole that just sucks all the weight out of every scene they're in.
>>507750395Can't stop staring at her butthole...
>>507750512Fucking true, the second I started hearing about the Windrunners in the blood elf heritage quest i was just thinking "LAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAME another sequence of that ghoul getting her metaphorical cock sucked."
>>507750395... Where is her cock??
>>507748342The entire family needs to be culled from the Warcraft story. I'm tired of them.
Are the windrunner family members the female self-inserts of the game?
>>507751081Nah, they're the dev's waifus.
Hey! I wrote this Janny WoW class fanfic crossover because I'm a big fan of Janny and WoW. This is what a class based on everyone's favorite moderator would play like, including flavor and lore.Available Races - Worgen, VulperaThey would be locked into a special yellow skin to better resemble Mr. Morrison from Arthur.Specs:All specs would contain elements of one another, but these are the 3 aspects which best define Janny.Ravenous: an all-out ranged nuker spec, his desire for leverage and power has outgrown his desire for justice and driven him mad.Fat Shit: Janny uses his bulk and his large gamer chair to block attacks and defend his allies.Custodian: Janny embraces his sacred oath to protect his fellow men who want to live in peace, fighting with honor to ensure a world free of racism outside of /b/, porn, and off-topic.Skill ideas:-Mop Swing: a Janny's basic builder attack, dealing minor frost damage because of the wet mop. This plays more off the visual joke of him being a janitor.-Deletion: Janny attempt's to delete the enemy's post, dealing heavy damage and demoralising them depending on how on-topic their post was.-Block: Roots an enemy for 15 seconds.-Warning: Janny sends an ominous warning to enemies in a given area, causing a red siren to appear above their head. He is granted unnerving vision of them all and deals bonus damage to them.-Hot Pocket: an instant cast self-healing ability with 5 charges. Only recharges when Janny is out of combat and can use his microwave.-Range Ban: Janny's ultimate nuke. Instantly files for a ban over a long area. Anyone still in the area after 5 seconds is dealt lethal damage.-Gamer Shart: Janny hops on his gamer chair and does a shart which propels him at 400% speed for 5 seconds. He leaves a trail of shit which knocks down enemies who walk in it.Thoughts? Suggestions?
>>507660848Why do I see few people with this transmog? I think it looks neat.
>>507751447It looks bad
lemme get the discussion rolling with some spec skill ideas.Ravenous - Collateral Damage: Deletion now hits all targets within 8 yards.Ravenous - Anticipation: enemies fear Janny when he hasn't dealt damage in 10 seconds, causing his next ability to deal a guaranteed critical strike.Ravenous - Discord Clique: Range Ban no longer has a delay, and cooldown reduced by 50%.Fat Shit - Insulin Injection: reduces damage taken by 20% for 12 seconds. during this time, all damage-over-time effects are surpressed.Fat Shit - Cortisol Crush (passive): Janny passively gets more worried about his blood pressure for each snack he eats during combat. Once he eats 10 total he enters an autistic meltdown, mauling nearby enemies for physical damage, and farting for nature damage over 8 sec.Fat Shit - Call Mother: activate to call janny's mother, who will arrive after 10 seconds. when she arrives, the cooldown of all food and medicine skills are reset.Custodian - Fair Warning: Warning forces enemies to contemplate their actions, silencing and interrupting them for 4 seconds.Custodian - Image Ban: range ban no longer deals instant damage, but deals 600% of that amount over 30 seconds.Custodian - Gender Affirmation: Janny's firm confidence in his gender identity inspires his party and raid members, increasing their haste by 30% for 40 secs. Allies receiving this effect will become trooned out, preventing them from benefitting from similar effects for 10 minutes.
>>507751447Cause it doesn't look neat, you just have bad taste and think some generic barely noticeable item is worthy of being classified as legendary.
What are wowg's thoughts on her?
>>507752046Retarded woman that should've made a move on Shaw
>>507752046built for anal breeding every hour on the hour by the stupidest retard present at the time
spicy jaina multiplayer jiggy210 pieceswill post catbox once
>>507752046The Midnight questline where you're polymorphed into her panties going on for an hour was weird enough, even weirder that it was part of the main story
>>507752412new fetish unlocked
huh, never was able to figure out how to explain my issues with tanking this expansion till now
>>507742387we have hags on twitter fighting
>come closer human male...>let me have a good LOOK at you
Do you guys actually play wow or do you just post about it? Recently I feel as though I'm playing less than ever desu. Besides spamming keys or raid logging I have nothing else going on in game.
>>507726862Even if you don't increase the level cap there will always be progression and the new thing will always power creep the old thing. GW2 tries to do that but it made all of the base classes basically pointless so fuck anyone that liked their class but doesn't like the advanced class they're forced into
>>507755775I'm still playing but I take breaks. I left in SL S1, came back at the end of DF, did all the rep and stuff there and then took a break until a month or two into TWW. I'm having fun with M+ despite the issues, I'm mostly playing to improve my gameplay. I got KSH for the first time and solo'd Zekvir which kept me busy for a bit. I tend to play a lot of alts too.
requested by anon:sylvanas MP jiggy208 post catbox once finishedlast one for tonight
>>507755775I haven't logged into retail for like 4 weeks and have zero desire to do so. TWW has cool zones but everything about it has been dogshit so far and has turned me off the game just like shadowlands did. Mostly playing other stuff but still logging into classic to progress a character a bit.
Is exposing your child to w*rld *f w*rcr*ft child abuse?
As a goblin I've got a responsibility to expose FAKE height gap pairings.
Is there a way to do more crafting orders or am I limited to 5 a week?
>>507756943Everything is child abuse according to 4chan, the modern day soccer moms but you know virgins with no kids.
>>507756943that'd fall under the vast rainbow of useless parenting rather than outright abuse
>>507756943my dad let me play when I was young and I turned out fine
>most guild on guild finder are deadvolumes
>>507758285you raped and killed a dozen people before age 20
>>507752046no thoughts, just sex
>>507756497>>507752315>>507748475blessed anonlove these
>>507758362to be fair that's largely because of how unbelievably bad the guild finder UI is and many of those listings are years old but never get taken down or filtered out
>>507756943>Arms Warrior alreadyWe fucking won.
>>507758285>turned out fineexcept for the porn addiction, video game addiction, crippling mental illness etc
>I played WoW when I was a kid>"YOU HAVE A PORN ADDICTION AND ARE MENTALLY ILL!!!!!!!!!"wtf
>>507752046just imagine how many times she teased anduin and milked him growing uplucky fucker
>>507758649can't hold down a job, crippling autismyeah on second thought maybe it wasn't a good idea to buy me that 14 day trial for ÂŁ1
>>507755176Get away from me, blueberry.
>>507758747are you saying you don't have a porn addiction?
best overall of the seasonretchads stay winningwtf why cant i post images in incognito anymorefuck you gookmoot piece of shit
>>507758849can* hold down a jobcrippling altruism*sorry should've checked for typos before I hit send
What's the best tank that can flex good dps? I'm thinking bear and flex moonkin but I like paladin more for tanking and ret doesn't seem to be good usually. M+ mostly and probably waiting til 11.1 to do it seriously again
>make hot latina be>make tranny space goatbut why ruin some good art like that?
>>507759370>ret doesn't seem to be good usually??????Ret has been astrobroken OP all of Dragonflight and all of TWW
>>507759370Ret is way better than moonkin if you're doing low and normal keys
>>507756497 you anons tomorrow maybe
>>507756497>>507759493fun jiggy, thanks slopanon
>>507757031the pony tail doesnt fucking count dudehe's a manlet
>>507759593belves are the same height as humansshes a giantess
Your's truly is tanking 10s and 11s at 620 ilvl.
>>507756497Sorry I couldn't make it, SloppaAnon. Glad my suggestion came out so well though holy FUCK
>>507759889retardnight elves and nightborne tower over humans and belves
>>507759916And being cute while doing it. Nice work
Should I roll a ass rogue, frost mage or survival hunter?
>>507759980ya thats what i said, retard
>>507759916sex it up a little bitshow some fucking skin for crying out loud
>>507759438Paladins think they're clever by downplaying how broken their class is and that people will believe them.>umm yeah sure my spec is 3 buttons with ranged abilities as a melee with 30 second cooldowns that all line up and passively proc your other cooldowns and abilities that does some of the generally best damage both single target and aoe in a vast majorty of scenarios and has every piece of utility you could imagine including battle rez while also have strong defensives>but like.... an arms warrior beat me in single target dps on a single boss fight one time so... basically ret needs a buff
>>507760162Which one?
>>507760551Rets get away with it because they are fucking trash in raids and high keys
>>507760551ya... im thinking ret needs a buffret needs a 10% aura buffwe're getting outcompeted for group slots by fdks and enhance, bigly
>>507760743paladins are also typically the worst players. They have the usual 'holy knight' appeal to them that attracts shitters, children, and 'roleplayers'.
>>507760743You're not going to trick me mr paladin.>oh ackshually we're like totally shit in raids and high m+ i swear!!! we're not that good!!!>>507735431Fuck off with this shit, paladin is bonkers broken. Period.Prot is almost always broken as well it's not just ret, but nobody gives a fuck how broken tanks are cause tanking is a shit job and everyone wants all tanks to be broken.
>>507752204>>507752214>>507752412>>507758420>>507758837Imagine the handjobs she would give
>>507753608this himbo is so fucking retarded holy
>>507761872anduin needs to man up and put a baby in her already
>>507762228hello I am anduin
>>507762207he's a literal 1000 year old boomer who just loves his elf wife
we needs orc druids. it's like forsaken priest where it makes sense lorewise and fits the theme of the race for one spec, so they gotted the whole class. orc is a kind of "feral druid" where they run on all fours while causing bleeds to people with claws (hands) and bites (their mouth).
>>507761718I'm not a raider but yes, rets are fucking trash if you're doing big boy keys, their design is bad and their utility is not good enough to justify the bad dps.
>>507762837>orc is a kind of "feral druid" where they run on all fours while causing bleeds to people with claws (hands) and bites (their mouth).
Turaylon was never cool or interesting. Nobody actually likes Turalyon as a character, they just like the silver fox dad type.
>>507762883Right, gotcha. Ret is just not cutting it, definitely needs some buffs. *wink wink*
>>507763026Instead of shitposting you could check raider io.
>>507762883>BOP and Sac and Lay on hands>not good enough... rofl
>Having fun with Outlaw>Hate the pirate themingHow do I cope
does the wow playerbase enforce the cyclical nature of balance because they constantly want good specs to be nerfed to the point of uselessness instead of the underperformers being buffed?
>>507762968Same is easily said for Alleria and Xal'atath. Nobody cares about these characters or this story. Nobody even likes them. They just like their feet and tits.
>>507763136assuming prot paladin is being played that automatically pushes ret out of the meta if you're constrained to 5 party members
>>507763224what do you hope to accomplish by buffing underperformers instead?
>>507763101Huh? I'm agreeing with you man, ret is garbo in the dumpster tier for content that REALLY matters so we need a buff *wink nudge*
>>507763367Even when warrior was meta ret wasnt part of the best comp because those cds are not good when it comes to a dps.
>>507763525Yeah I mean a cleanse on a dps is just fucking useless. They should give pally lust.
>>507763718Do you think paladin is the only dps with cleanse?
I like Alleria and Turalyon
>>507763781Sorry my bad, Should I sub out the word cleanse for brez? Sac? BoP? WoD? Freedom? Take your pick.
>>507763971they suffered from the unfortunate fate of all warcraft characters in that as soon as they actually get put into WoW they become lame as fuck
I have brought my void elf alt to Dornogal so that she can cook food for me, but one thing makes no sense. What is the point of making lowest level hearty meals warbound, but the slightly better foods are not warbound? Why make any of the food account locked at all?
>>507764364Probably to try and enforce people actually training their cooking skill in general but I also don't see why this restriction should apply to food when every other consumable doesn't have to deal with it. Also the droprate on the feast recipes is so fucking bad for something sourced from weekly quests that I've done on 4+ characters per week for the whole xpac so far holy shit
>>507764214True... except for Illidan he's still cool
reminder that this year not only did former poster tina cuck maye, she also cucked their tank, who she groomed to replace ceph, so hard they they deleted their account and disappeared
>>507765086>bm using mydaskek
"Hahahahaha it's so small, anon!"
>over 50% of people who do a 10 never bother to do an 11This "doesn't deplete at 12 or higher" helps literally no one.
I've been away from the game for a while now. How do you feel about the M+ changes? From the little I have played I will say that I kinda miss weekly affixes
>>507765509It would help normal people doing 10s for fun/vualt but you need fucking 2850 io lmao wtf is that like full 13s?
>>507765509It's another dumb useless thing that shows how out of touch the devs are and they don't understand how the game works or how people play it.
>>507765638horrible changes, only blizzard devs would make you miss sanguine and bolstering, at least they are removing the stupid floating orbs
>>507765827>>507765451*rapes you*
>>507765827Wedding gown elf <3
>>507765086that 'person' probably literally was ceph. from what i remember, he was stalking alts of tina's that he wouldn't have known the names of. so him 'replacing' himself and having a giant meltdown fits him with being a giant schizo. he probably got off on comforting tina afterwards with his alt.
tankbros, do you pull this bitch or do you skip it? if you skip, what's your routeif it's gatekeepers i'm gonna cry
>>507766451Dispelling this now, Solti was not Ceph. Two very different people. Played with both. Often times both were playing at the same time.
>>507766706Literally just bring a purge and have them use it on dark shroud. 90% of the damage on that pull comes from his buff.
>>507766706I don't skip it, and I still pull a gatekeeper. If you have a dispeller that mob is pretty easy.
Realistically, what transmog do I use to let the whole server know my Belf huntress is a slut?
>>507766706Skip if you don't have a shaman or priest for purge
>citrine gem pulls boss from all across the world fuck this retard ass game
>>507767089Yeah just happened to me in GB, pulled the 2 Lavabenders when the dragon landed. It annoyed me so much.
>>507766796So having multiple accounts isn't a thing? They suddenly show up and play tank also, and a few days later ceph has a melty over a couple of dungeons? Also, if he doesn't know the names of her alts, either someone was giving them to him or he still had access to them
i love how the old battlemasters are still in the gamethis bitch tells me i'm too low level to do the BG though even though i'm level 80, still sends you to the queue screenvery sovl
daddy Santa still sleighin'
>>507767171>skipping the lavabendersishiggy
>>507767453Double Lavabender is a really annoying pull, especially on higher keys.
>WoW population at its peak>The game feels emptyI believe without irony that there have never been so many players in WoW, but why does the game seem so empty, especially the new content?
I really want to play casually again, but after burning out on heroic raid and M+ I just can't think of playing again. Also, how's rogue doing currently?
>>507767274one of the few quests that have you go to the other side of the continent from Vanilla that somehow survived the Cataclysm revamp
>>507767581Season is giga dead.>>507767641Rogue is pretty strong right now.
>>507767581Reality is disproving your belief. No need for a crisis of faith, simply embrace the truth.
My score?0
>>507767581>but why does the game seem so empty, especially the new content?could be excessive shardingi know they started sharding the hell out of the open worlds outside of town so people dont see the clusters of bots flying around to gathering nodes. the bots figured out dynamic flight a while back and you would just see these disorienting trains of basic unmodified dragon riding starter dragons tumbling through the air in very unnatural ways like swarms of locusts bouncing from node to node. so the solution is to generally make it so you never see more than 2 or 3 players in the open world outside of town at any given time except around active events
is blizz gonna revert the dungeon difficulty squish? its pretty obvious by now that it was a massive failure.
>>507769327it isnt a failure at allthere was basically no point in the old +2 to +11 keys, barely anyone did them and they all just blended into mush, completely irrelevant content
>>507767581>>507768957>peak popularity>game feels emptyI feel like we are being badly trolled.
>>507769327That's not related to the current m+ problems.
>>507769428>there was basically no point in the old +2 to +11 keysI couldn't even do +4 in BfA
>>507769327No cause it's literally not the issue at all, the squish was fine, it's the retarded scaling, the retarded affixes, the awful class balance, the terrible rewards structure, and the overall retarded queueing system that are holding it back.
>>507767581>The game feels emptyI play on moonguard so the game always feels full. Idk how people play on other servers. Fuck that.
>>507769428>there was basically no point in the old +2 to +11 keys,90% of players disagree.
>>507769327every bad decision blizzard makes generally won't be addressed until the next expansion or later
>>507770190This.They ignore or brush off criticism until the next promotional tour for the new expansion, when they drip with lies that they're listening to players and that the priority is that everyone is welcome in all aspects of the game, so they've decided to change (again) such and such an aspect.
Anyone still doing the Minion of Grumpus farm? This shit has paid for my sub for nearly a decade now
>>507771009how much do you sell the mount for nowdays?
>>507771118Usually have to wait until after March or so and it usually sells for 200-230k
>>507769885NTA, but how are the other RP servers doing pop wise? Emerald Dream was my favorite because of the 50/50 split, although obviously that doesn't matter anymore these days because blizztard ditched WPVP
>>507661682BUILT FOR BDC
>>507772214I have no clue on the other RP realms. I was on a normal realm and no one talked in trade chat, too many bots, servers felt dead. But then I went to moonguard and the place just feels so alive with everyone there. Reading RP profiles is fun and you can hang out in SW or goldshire or wherever and meet fun people. It's cringe to say this but I'm glad to be 'part of the community' of moonguard. Could never go back.
Da horde is my people
>>507772327That's my mother you're talking about dude
Say something nice about my wife
>>507772779I wish I was one of the night elf souls that she ate
>>507772779I think she will be a good mother of Anduin's children
>>507772676Best villain
>>507773876AgreedNo morally grew cope, just straight up "I want power"
>>507772676>>507774012I hope Metzen isn't stupid enough to bring him back a third time.
dracthyr soar should act like a normal mount when dragonriding and not start walking when hitting the ground
I haven't done anything for the anniversary thing since the first week. Is there anything I should do before it's over?
>>507776931farm bronze coins to get the anniversary sets. if you start now you have enough time to probably get most of the ones you'd want, but you're running out of time
>>507777241Is there any point to doing these secrets of azeroth quests?
>>507777685you can get a motorcycle mount and a title if you do all the secret quests. im not sure exactly how long it takes. people were working on it for months but now that all the solutions are out there it should go fast, but there may still be some time consuming or annoying segments
>>507777685Three head transmog, a title and some of the quests are comfy kino.You also need the title and the achievement in order to start your hunt for the kino fel moto
just blew the fattest fucking nut to this nelf bitch. god i love goldshire pigs so much
>>507660848>20 hours ago
>>507729479Stagger works well for bosses with big hits
>>507740109Make the dungeons even harder, make the few maze rats that still remain quit as well.
>>507779402Wow was at its most popular when it was easiest. The increase in difficulty over the years almost directly tracks with its decline in popularity
>>50777875420 hours ago what
tired of sirens isle what do now
>>507779728Bounce on my knot
>>507779728see >>507779752
>>507767581>peak population source?
>>507779728Milk my futa cumkegs.
>>507740870>idk it's one of the expansions i played the most. Because it came out during covid and you had nothing better to do with your time
>>507779752>>507779781a knot for christmas? oh boy. is it one i can choke myself on? >>507779842i dunno why but seeing "cumkegs" always makes me laughdid they make delves give crests yet
>>507767581>peak population
>>507767581>WoW population at its peakAnon I...
>>507780614grim desu
>>507779728grind gilded crests!
>>507780614Season 2 will fix it for sure. They learned from their mistakes. Surely the raid and dungeons will not be designed around the 0.1% this time
>>507780738223 total earned :V) my friends carried me to full portals for the very first time, i don't step into m+ without em lol, and raid is just for aotc
>>507780918Anon... they're doubling down on their bullshit in season 2... we're fucked.
>>507780330Making elves choke on my knot is my favorite!
>>507780614Is TWW really doing that bad? I haven't played since BFA and thought about coming back during the holidays but I guess I might as well wait for the next xpac
>>507781453It started off great with lots of gold making a new content until people hit dungeons on +8 and got to 4/8M. Mythic raiding is entirely dead and M+ is in the worst spot its ever been.
>>50778106050% smaller chest and she's perfect
I miss Dragonflight so much, TWW is so boring man
>>507781595Oh I guess I might as well wait to come back, I only really played to do M+ back then and had an itch for it
>>507781114good thing i wanna die, with how boring sirens isle is>>507781680used to be smaller, just used to this size now and i hate change so idk what the fuck was his swords problem, and why won't the fucking pet version drop
ahhh the great greymane wall, it sure would be bad if a cataclysm destroyed it and allowed the undead into our great nation
>>507781453Honestly I think they made M+ too hard and most people don't have time to raid. The squish made so that even at low levels keys are pretty brutal
>>507780738grinding gilded worgs
>TWW friend list is a ghost town>Classic fresh was a flop>SoD is dead>Cata is about to enter 6+ months of Dragon Soul soon>XIV is on a terrible xpac and a content drought What the fuck do I play
>>507782315the castlevania games on ps2 are cool
>>507782315Dofus got ported to Unity and it's a pretty unconventional MMO
>>507782315I'm 33 years old and starting to think I might have wasted the best years of my life playing video games
>>507781976man greymane really cheaped out on the other side of the wall but wait, who is that inside
>>507782315>>Cata is about to enter 6+ months of Dragon Soul soonI still cannot believe people are WILLINGLY playing Cataclysm again, holy fuck lmao
>>507782836trust the plan chud, get ready for mop classic to farm out thiose cm sets
>>507782984I already have the 2 cm sets for the 2 classes I play thoughever
>>507783052but not in classic you dont
>>507782836the first two months were pretty funny it felt like a real combination of retail and classic
>>507782263dragonflight season 3 was unironically bussin>easy as fuck to gear up alts to play for fun or just jump in and play/push whenever you felt like it>crafted gear being roughly 3 ilvls behind mythic meant you weren't penalized for not opening weekly lootboxes from day 1>super lenient dungeon timers, could die 20 times and still time a key>only had to do +18 for vault or the equivalent of an +8 today>due to scaling you still had to play very well in coordinated groups to do the highest-level keysand then they just shit on everything going into tww and now m+ is an abandoned corpse. honestly what the fuck were they thinking.
>>507783156raidsissies shit their diaper and cried
>>507783080true desu, probs will play mop classic since I legit had so much fun in mop
>>507783212People that raided loved it because it was even faster to gear up alts for raid, trying to blame it on the players when it's just another long bullet point for how out of touch the devs are is silly
>>507783212I'm not so sure about that. I'm in a shitcore ce guild and that season was great. When we extended raid, we could do dungeons and craft missing items. On fyrakk I wanted to reroll specs to replace someone who left and was able to get geared up in a couple of weeks just brain-off blasting vault keys. I guess the only people who would've been mad would have to be the world first guys who do splits to get max ilvl 5 months before everyone else and then have the raid on farm for months... but then why would they even care what the other 99% of the playerbase are doing? Shit's so bleak now, people in my guild just raidlog and do 1 dungeon a week for vault. Feels dead like a fated season instead of the first patch of the expansion.
>>507783156I loved df s3 as well, very comfy patchI really wished we had gotten a proper season 4 of DF with a new raid
maze+ is starting to wear on my psyche, last night i dreamt about sitting in groupfinder
>>507783624the ones that post on the forums did at least "UH BLIZZARD WHAT THE FLIPPIN SCIENCE THIS IS TOO EASY FOR PEOPLE TO GEAR IT INVALIDATES RAIDING I WONT BE ABLE TO PLAY OUT MY CONTROL FREAK POWER FANTASIES NOW THAT PEOPLE WONT RAID AAAAAGGGGGHHHHHHH" or something to that affect, the same sort of people who cried that tanks were too powerful and now got us the shitheap that was tww s1
>>507783657We really got robbed. I hope the devs can swallow their pride and unshittify m+ for the next patch otherwise it'll be even more dead once people get their aotc/ksm and unsub
>>507783156Amirdrassil was also the easiest most casual raid we've had in years. Was very easy to pug and clear. S3 was how the game should always be.
>>507787368im retardednew>>507787298>>507787298>>507787298