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Happy Christmas and New Year

>>>The Game<<<

>10/12: Doom's creation is up
>05/12: Starborn trademark has been made public by Zenimax
>19/11: New vehicle and a quest for free - https://youtu.be/BotRDlQZYhw
>05/11: New update - https://x.com/BethesdaStudios/status/1853843353495884212
>30/09: Shattered Space is released

>Mods: https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/

>Q: CK?
>A: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2722710/Starfield_Creation_Kit/
>Q: What happened to .ESL?
>A: .ESM can become light plugins now instead
>Q: DLC?
>A: It's up
>Q: What's the deal with NG+(+...)?
>A: Restarts the game with minor changes to the story and world, while preserving your powers and skills. 10 cycles for suit upgrades, 6 cycles for upgrading the starborn ship
>Q: Should I reinstall?
>A: If you are excited about a customizable difficulty, 3D maps, ship decorations, new bounty hunting missions and mechanics, official mod support and a vehicle, then yeah

>/stag/ modlist: https://pastebin.com/V3FtrSVi - https://rentry.org/stag_mods
>Artbook rips: https://mega.nz/file/TlJSBTwB#GhmrZRoHDAhhei__Bz2zc6GisgB67_vONrAfYQR8lK0
>Character builder: https://nukesdragons.com/starfield/character
>Threadly space music: https://youtu.be/aAkMkVFwAoo
>>>OP template<<<
>https://rentry.org/stag_op_new (will be periodically updated)

Previous Planetary Survey: >>506373106
It's up
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It definitely has a lot of potential, and is a good option for those who were bothered by the like of gore in this game. Hopefully we'll also get exploding head shots and melee dismemberment
I still dont understand why they didn't include dismemberment
Probably too lazy to bother with creating censored version for some nations, such as Germany and Japan.
Oh it's working for you. For some reason it's only showing up starborn effects, probably a conflict with another mod.
Did you try changing the effects through a weapons workbench?
You mean the testgun?
making another starwars mod to piss off the emil-likes
will do battlestar after
Can you do a han solo outfit?
The fact that no one has made a romanceable companion mod yet makes me wonder if it's even possible with the current tools right now
since the game is in different types of atmospheres or the lack there of, they would have to make tons of death animations since the body doesn't react the same way if you get hurt or die
a combination of no one wanting to make their donut steel oc the target of coomers, the inevitable weird messages the voice actors get and the bad optics of ai use probably factor in there
It is possible, it's mostly a writing issue since writing romance is pretty cringe so most people would just avoid it altogether. And Starfield modders are way less horny
>the inevitable weird messages the voice actors get
I wonder how SDA voice actress is feeling
Colony Wars mods when?
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Someone should create a Spear of Longinus melee weapon mod and give it a special effect that deals extra damage to Terrormorphs, Vortex Horrors and Starborn
Didn't expect him to also put this mod up in the Creations store
Why not. If it's a plugin, releasing it on creations is easier than Nexus.
Can you be evil in Shattered Space?
As Evil as the other Fraction quests.
You can restart the serpent's Crusade. By which I mean the odds of you seeing military ships fighting Zealot ships will increase.
How far do you want to go. The bad guys will always be bad guys so you can't join House Ma'leen but the quests will offer an evil option where you can kill innocents
The gore mod just doesn't compare to tossing a frag into a room and then seeing limbs flying off
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I'm a sick fuck, I like a
Hearing people scream for their lives is more terrifying than gore. Games never do it right
jesus this is traumatizing
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>RO2 death sounds
Janky in a funny way but it's impressive nonetheless
SFAnon didn't spill the tea, what happened to Starsim?
Probably the same thing that tends to happen with other modding teams, such as infighting, money issues, data loss, people disappearing, mod theft, etc.
That's sad. They seemed quite professional at first so I never thought they'll have a fallout this early, especially when they are getting paid.
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Alright I need some expert advice. I want to do a run where I generally just beelline the MQ and then save all companions via Unity. I think the roleplay aspect of it sounds fun and I can leave most/all sidequests afer becoming starborn. Has anyone else done this?
Obviously this means comitting now so I have to essentially plan out both runs before even starting
Yes but I had questline on the side to fulfill other goals. I also targeted Sam whom I spent the most time with but it doesn't really matter in NG.
Clash into the rolling morning
Flash, I'm in the coolest driver's high
The game could use more tastefully sexy posters for decorating without replacing vanilla posters.
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lmao poor guy
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Somebody should mod the Toyota Cresta into the game
We need a visible vehicle damage mod.
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>no AI vehicles
>no visible vehicle damage
>no customizable weapon loadouts for vehicles
>no Twisted Metal Universal Tour mod

it's down
What outfit mod?
One of Zone's Varuun sets
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The only poster you need is the /stag/ poster
Gorefield mod got updated that adds a new implant that allows the gore effects to work with any weapon
I never understand why some people want gore fest in Starfield in first place.
what do you mean? they literally showcased the next update a few days ago lol and their they keep posting shit in discord
Well I don't know why SFAnon said they went to shit then
Cos he's a fucking liar
They game is too tame for their tastes, especially compared to Skyrim which had decapitations, and Fallout games which have all sorts of dismemberment
I pretty sure Skryim only one way to decapitation by cutting head off and that it, and fallout wouldn't be fallout without Gore and Bloody Mess perk.
I know who he is lol, he is on every starfield community you can think of
Looks like I couldn't get the new version to work, the test gun is also broken for me in that version
Yeah, Skyrim just got a new gore mod
Now that the music player mod is here, how do you imagine Starfield music to be like?
Aggressive metal? smooth jazz? vapor wave?
Dismemberment is a pain in the ass to create hence why any new creature mod in FO4 either A) doesn't have it or
B) looks like shit
I got my info from another person that left for similar reason
my reasons I accidently leaked shit
their reason was because of disagreements and ofc greed
Its actually very easy to make a romancable companion which I'm currently doing right now
sucks that I'm depending on AI sadly :(
There was an anon who made AI voiced companions and he didn't hide that in the description. Nexus did nothing, maybe they don't care when the game doesn't have an autistic coommunity (see what I did there) like Skyrim

we are about have a our cbbe for starfield soon!
ETA on an outfit studio fork?
>ETA on an outfit studio fork?
huh, I didn't know that, are they were making it own outfit studio for starfield?
There's like 2 other alternatives now is CBBE really needed?
Dude, stop leaking everywhere!
Rise and shine /stag/, we got an abandoned cryo lab to clear out
No! Not into the pit!! IT FREEZER BURNS!!!
Is there any spaceship builds you guys can share? I wanna build a fighter jet like ship if it is possible.
any news on any update? or new tools or shit ?
Thanks man
We can probably surmise from depot activity that verified creators have early access to some new stuff, but nothing available to the public yet. Since the last beta branch update was 8 days ago, maybe check back in a week or two if the whole two weeks beta thing also applies here.
Is it up?
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Im starting a new run tonight... should i hold off lads
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This year's stats are slowly posted
Does 1 billion kills mean npcs or how many times people collectively died in ship combat?
It's hard to tell how big the update is going to be. But if you want to stay up to date, then holding out is your best choice since an update is in the horizon. No matter how small it is, SFSE and its adjacents won't work for a couple of days.
How many ships were destroyed. The game counts killed NPCs in ships as normal kills
I guess it shouldnt be huge so I might just risk it. I'll switch off auto updates to be safe. thanks anon
Have fun!

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