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No one cares edition


Read the General problems FAQ before asking questions. If you still need help, post your specs (HWiNFO screenshot), OS, emulator version number and details of what's wrong.
Please contribute to the wiki if you discover any inaccuracies or have relevant information to append.

>Where do I get games
>What is the best emulator for...

Check out the wiki for the emulator you're using if you run into trouble, there may be a solution there too, often including recommendations for optimal game settings.

Previous thread: >>506143098
>our emulator won't play .3ds files because uhhhhhhh piracy ok?
>we will let you access nintendo sites directly from our emulator
And also
>we will put the encryption keys directly on the emulator
Are the Azahar "devs" fucking retarded?. I guess everything involving Citra is forever destined to be cursed one way or another, heres hoping Panda3DS takes off
When will the Android version of Vita3K finally get an update?
It's been six months since the last commit.

Most games just crash the whole emulator on my RP5 without an extra custom driver.
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They will double down and only allow you to play legally bought games soon. Pablo had a meltdown after seeing somebody use a pirated rom with the emulator.
All my ROMs are personally dumped by me from cartridges I legitimately own and you can't prove otherwise.
Hopefully they're not repro cartridges.
You VILL use "Arctic Base" (or whatever they are going to call it now) and you VILL like it.
Wouldn't know.
I lost all my thousands of original carts in a move.
It happens.
As long as there's at least a few legit carts, you're in the clear. I've recently acquired some Genesis carts myself, so it'll be nice to not rely solely on roms.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SSTZRJkQXIs should it be merged?
peak brainrot; the PR and the vid
Shockwave Assault still broken in Duckstation?
>I am sorry but I am not going to go through 20 thousand lines of code to make sure you didn't add a backdoor (heh get it?) somewhere in the program.
Who cares. I doubt pablo or the lime devs will make any actual emulation improvements.
no cap fr
vita fw? nopaystation dont have those
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never mind
Using Ares for Super Nintendo games, getting some mild stuttering in the audio. A tiny hiccup or two every 30-60 seconds.

My PC is pretty ancient but the games are running at a consistent 60 FPS (or VPS?). Been fucking around with different combinations of audio drivers, and video drivers, with and without the 'Synchronize' option checked. Seems consistent across them all, although I did manage to get games running in hi-speed at around 200 VPS (guessing they weren't synced to the audio any more when I had that unchecked).

Any ideas? This is driving me nuts.
>Page 9
ded fread
Get a new pc. Snes emulation is complex and requires the new i9 minimum to run normally.
As byuu intended.
Well for whatever full-cycle-accurate whatsits they're all about now, I did get that
>hi-speed at around 200 VPS
which was fairly consistent, no sudden drops or anything.

Unless this is actually how Super Nintendo games sounded and we're just deafened by nostalgia. ZSNES and Snes9x were just tricking us with their """fixes""".
IMO just use SNES9X. Ares is nice if you want full accuracy and compatibility, but SNES9X gets you like 99% of the way there and performs MUCH better while having a lot more features. It's just a far more mature emulator at this point, and you'll only run into tangible issues with a very small handful of games, all of which are obscure and/or mediocre anyway.
>ds, saturn and ps2 emulation is still full of problems
any mirror or rename for yuzu? site is kill
Melonds ds runs fine minus the bottom screen full hd autist bitching.
Mednafen works perfectly fine.
Parallel is making it better.

Git only has two tiny updates 2 months ago, the rest are all 7+ months ago. Latest release is 8 months old.
So you can probably assume this one is dead. We'll look back on current-gen Nintendo emulation with wistful nostalgia, a hopeful golden age of what-could-have-been.
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>ciggy is still full of problems
Ciggy needs to get a job
and so does ivan
Oh well.. I have time to wait until something comes up.
There is a setting called Pixel Accuracy in Ares, did you try uncheck it to see if you still have this issue ? Also did you use the runahead option ?
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so why does sudachi get removed from this list? does it have virus?
Why does mipmapping reduce performance for PCSX2? Wasn't mipmapping specifically invented to increase performance?
Origins still not fixed on ppsspp. How annoying.
why does emulating cost more than running natively.
Those AI upscaled textures packs look like dogshit, why are people using them?
It is the aids of emulators.
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Because you have to translate into your pc language a completely different language/architecture, the more different the architecture, the more power she will ask.
>vast majority of games still a total crashfest on rpcs3

What a horrible platform.
Try using older versions of the emulator. Who knew oh much is due to "Optimizations" by Elad.
NTA but are there known versions that are less shit?
Wasn't there a build specifically to run MGS4? Still waiting on that MGS Collection that will hopefully come out next year.
>In development since 2014 as XQEMU
>Still shit
Is Xemu hopeless?
I don't emulated PS3 games enough to try that herculean task. But, check the open github issues branded "regressions" and the one talking about crash, and try the versions before the one cited.
What controllers do you guys use? I just want something I can use on PC that's high quality and won't fucking degrade after a few months of intense use. So tired of being forced into the wireless controller meme because modern companies decided they wanted to milk more money out of us with those god awful USB ports that break so easily.
I use a DS4 with DS4windows, used it for years, still hold fine, wired most of the time except for the Wii games because of motion sensor.
Depends on what you'll use for. Almost everything I play is older (at maximum, 6th gen,usually below). So, for that specific usage, I had more luck with the Horipad for Nintendo Switch and the 8bitdo Ultimate version 2 (not previous models, I have them and there's difference). Both wired. So far, they showed themselves to be sturdy and decently accurate. Of course, not perfect still.
I have a dualshock 4 as well, I just plugged it in and it worked on windows 11.
imagine being such a nintendrone
99% of rom websites get messaged by a nintendrone, immeditately after they totally believe it's actually Tendo, and they take down the games while shaking in their pants. It's actually hilarious. The power of autism.
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there's caveats to every controllers. My Dualsense got drift issues in no time so I got the hall effect Vader 4 Pro to replace it and I'm very impressed with it, but who knows what will break instead.
I got the vader 3, I wonder if the 4 is much better, the 3 is pretty good, but I barely ever use it
Are nintendrones trolls or console warriors? If it's the former, it's kinda forgivable (though still lame), since they're just kids going for "teh lulz". However, if it's the latter, then it's totally pathetic, a failure of human being, feeling the need to lick the soles of a billionaire company who doesn't even know they exist, neither care to do.
What about the d-pad on those things? They're kinda expensive.
one of the sf6 pros use the vader 3, snakeeyez I think it's his name, so it's probably a very good dpad
Could also be just some autist who got mad at the youtuber for some stupid shit and wanted to take him down.
I've seen lots of e-celeb drama like that.
Makes sense. But the internet saying still stands: "you get mad, you lose". Just another pathetic 'tism.
probably no reason to upgrade at all
I like it a lot, they're clicky and very precise to hit the diagonals, I play shmups quite a bit and it's been a huge upgrade from the Dualsense. For fighting games I'm not sure yet, I only casually play Virtua but I think they're ok.
>kinda expensive
Should be super cheap on chink sites, got mine for 50 bucks on aliexpress
>trans people develop your emulators
>you harass them to suicide, forgetting that they develop your emulators
>m-muh 41%!!!

have you retarded faggots never heard of not biting the hand that feeds you?
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why the fuck did i expect any more of you cunts
are you still living in a trailer, Mooch?
these are the unskilled, mediocre, wastes of oxygen that voted for trump and are now chimping on twitter because musk is going to replace them with indians
who the fuck is mooch faggot
> Get a cheap phone controller from Amazon Vine
> Slap it on an old phone that I mainly just use for music/videos (a Galaxy Note 10+ 5G)
> Install Dolphin
> Fire up Phantasy Star Online
> It runs great, only occasional slowdown
> Just bumping it to 2x resolution is enough to make it look great as well

I absolutely love this game, but I haven't played it since around a decade ago when I was in a bad financial spot and had to sell my /vr/ shit (including my Dreamcast). I initially downloaded Dolphin to check out exclusives (I never really gave a shit about Nintendo and therefor didn't have a Gamecube, but I figured it would be interesting to see what I had missed out on), but outside of testing performance in a few other games I have just been playing PSO. I made a HUcast and just got to the mines last night. Once I beat Episode 1 I am excited to check out Episode 2.

For the record Mario Kart Double Dash runs great, Wind Waker ran really well with only minor slowdowns (I only ran around the very first area for a bit though), and (sadly) Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance is too slow to be playable.

I'm actually kind of more interested in trying out GC ports of games I played on the PS2 rather than exusives though, I think I'm going to see how the Timesplitters games run on that phone next.

Cry about it fag, he's still your President
>I was in a bad financial spot
you still are.
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I'd rather see the troons out of my hobbies even at the cost of missing a thing or 2, they ruin everything they touch, second only to aiggers. Troon genocide can't happens soon enough.
Actually I went back to school after that and now I work for a medical supply company. My base salary is $83k but after bonuses and comissions I was an asshair away from hitting triple digits in 2024. I took two months off last spring though so I'm pretty sure I'll be able to do it this coming year.

That said, > videogames
Please don't use homophobic language like that.
A gay emudev might kill himself.
literally all of the emudevs are trans or autistic, you fucking retard. if you harass trans and autistic people out of the space, then there won't BE any new emulators, you daft motherfucker. kill yourself
Nta but we have enough emulators right now, and the big name ones all work pretty well. If bullying all you trannies and faggots into comitting suicide means that all progress on emulators halts immediately and permanently than that it absolutely a price that we are willing to pay.
so the Vita MGS HD Collection digital version does not have Peace Walker?
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>literally all of the emudevs are trans or autistic
I buy the autism and I'm fine with that probably, troons however virtually didn't exist before 2014 (and still will never be women ever btw), and even if that was somehow true I will still maintain what I've said. Such an hyper small vocal hyper minority of absolute scumbags are a total cancer on this planet and we're much better off without them no matter what good stuff we could potentially lose, and I'm 100% serious here, these people are bad news and deserves no warm welcome anywhere on earth until they stop lying and pretending to be something they're not and asking for underserved attention out of it.
>kill yourself
I'm not trans.
>if you harass trans and autistic people out of the space, then there won't BE any new emulators
Not a big loss + what else is there to emulate anyway? All the consoles worth half a shit got decent emus already. And with the suicide rate of troons I wouldn't trust them for long term software development and support anyway.
Peace Walker already runs on the Vita so there was no need to port it. Same thing with the first Metal Gear Solid.

It would have been nice of them to throw a download code in the box or something for buyfags though.
no, peace walker HD is for home consoles
This game is pretty cool. Nice setting and levelling-up system. I found it almost a decade ago, by pure chance. I can't remember exactly, but I think it was one of those random YouTube suggestions. I recall being able to beat it on easy only, the game let's you do that.
(((they))) took down citron links again and by they I mean stupid nintendrones
hopefully they get in back up
Like right now? Check CDRomance's forum.
cdromance is dead post link to the forums
cdromance is not dead
just getting rid of the bad apples, don't mind it
no one is harassing the autists tho, they are cool
cdromance only has 7 PSVITA threads and no Soul Sacrifice threads
there was a trans roman emperor you dumb motherfucker. trans people have always existed, they've just been oppressed for longer than you've been fucking alive.
>>kill yourself
>I'm not trans.
don't care, do it faggot. become an hero. pull that trigger.
Huh, mGBA added an arm64 appimage in its most recent release, but on running it, the best I can get is a segmentation fault. The existing flathub release still tells me it can't use opengl and needs to fall back to software rendering, and, as a new thing, closes my taskbar while the program is running. That, I have to assume is something about QT having issues with Wayland or something.
Maybe I have to go compile it every release still. Which is annoying since it doesn't seem to make uninstall targets to uninstall older versions first.
Go away, ugly man
>the best I can get is a segmentation fault
well get into the code and start writing those mallocs then
Hi, im a Migrant from /v/
Does Ryujinx still active after the shutdown ?
It hit a growth spurt of sorts a few years ago but has since stagnated. Breakdown never ever.
Name 3 games that crash or are fucked in the latest builds that worked fine before. Not saying you're wrong or arguing against you, just legit curious.
You're a sick fuck, ciggo.
>oi belierve ets onna da morst pawpyulah awpshuns
>anyone's choice ever
Jesus what a content farming faggot tourist.
that youtuber you've linked is literally Drama Alert but for the linux world
Isn't MGS4 a shitshow that requires a different branch just for it for a half-decent experience? Perhaps that approach is dated, though.
>the other two are on PC
Thanks for pointing some out though.
I wonder what the improvements are. Surely some games have benefited from their monkeying around. This is kind of the nature of hacky 7th+ gen emulation.
>it's the AUSTRALIANS every time
>little girl anime pfp on screen
I'm sure, in his heart of hearts, that's the "every time" he meant.
is dead
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I used frame step to upskirt Xena

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