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Democracy is for faggots edition.
>Is the DLC worth it?
It depends on your tastes some like it and some don't. You should probably pirate it first to try it out
>Is the Book worth it?
No. Its a meme.
>Is Dwarf Fortress welcome here?
>what mods for performance?
Performance Fish, Rocketman - Download them and never look back.

► Links:
>Where does buy Tynan's amazing book?
>Where to get this game if you want to try it first:
>New patch notes
>(I'm new, what mods should I get?)
>How do I know which mods eat the Game's performance?

>Use Rimpy for managing your mods
https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=18476t 4th Edition79158&searchtext=rimpy

>Make sure to follow this guide to minimize problems with your mod load orders

(new /rwg/ mods)
(old /rwg/ OP)

CDDA modlist:

Yayo modlist:
►Other /rwg/++ games:

Previous: >>507690278
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First for pregnant ice cream butt
Second for should I make a layered gunsmithing mod that lets you choose external appearance and internal functional components that affect stats?
Third for total Revia Death.
Fourth for Rimvore is an essential mod. The weak should fear the strong.
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Female pawn
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7th for anime
>tribe sends emissary
>it's an 8 year old girl
>tell her to fuck off
>she gets mauled by a wild otter on her way out and bleeds out within seconds
>"chief angered!"
the fuck did I do?
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Not familiar with Dubs Performance Analyzer or the details of modding in general but is it normal for Performance Optimizer to do this?
Not My Fault
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>>she gets mauled by a wild otter
dunno, try disabling it and see what you average is
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I disabled it and my TPS got a bit more stable. What even happened there? I guess something went wrong. Looks like Camera+ needs to go, too.
try SimpleCameraSetting
Anyone here have experience with C#?
>colonists constantly lagging behind
>constantly forgetting or refusing to do shit
>terminate their pregnancy
I haven't looked at rimworld's code (and it has been awhile). Why?
I don't know
Maybe indirectly killing a kid? Fucking american psychos i swear
You were a dogshit game warden for not cleaning your map of predators
Unless you're corpse scavenging as a tribal group or trying to tame them there's 0 reason to let predators exist because all they do is clutter your map with shitty useless skeletons that take forever to disintegrate and pop back up during Death Palls to annoy you
thinking of doing a baseliner run
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>thinking of doing a baseliner run
That's...That's not your default run?
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Fucking spear chuckers can go kick rocks. Maybe don't send a lone unarmed child to a tundra hellscape to do your peace talks?
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i usually do horse runs
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Yeah it's a little bit better, but it doesn't seem too noticeable during actual play. Are there any other tabs in the performance analyzer I can check to see which mods are performing badly? I think I can cull some more stuff for my next run
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Nope, I like vampires :D
This is probably going to sound really stupid, but here goes.
I'm looking through the source code here.
How does C# reference pieces of code from other files? I'm able to find the .cs files that have the functions I want to add/remove, but when I look for where they get attached to things that get used the xml like a thingclass, I'm not seeing anything stand out. For reference I've only ever done a little frankenstein-style papyrus scripting.
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You know Anon
No matter the time im posting, you're always there for me, waiting to post the horse.
I feel like deep inside, we're kindred spirits, you and i
i'm always here for you, thank you for always being there for me too, senpai
you likely have another mod fucking up that method
click on the stacktrace tab and the tick icon
Its time to build my pigger colony
Anon, stop making me wish I could have gallows and firing lines
I think Thin/Fat/Hulk bodies were a mistake.
Every apparel takes more effort, and over twice the space and load time, than it should.
that's why nobody bothers making sprites for fatties
Ur a retarderino
Post hidden gem mods
Thin is based.
Fat and Hulk are a literal waste of space.
wtf? no
oh GOD those faces
>Animal Equipment not updated to 1.5
Why not?
Animal Gear, the base mod, is.
Dynamic Range
what the fuck
what do I do if my constructor is also my chef and he can barely get anything done because he is too busy cooking? I have a constructor bot but raids are starting to get big and I'm stressing out. Would switching to anomaly cool things down?
Nevermind. After learning some basic stuff I figured out how classes and inheritance work. I still can't find what I'm looking for, so it must be somewhere I'm not thinking to look.
Make a ton of food you can store so you can take him off cooking duty for a few days and try to get things done quickly within that time frame
Alternatively buy packaged survival meals or pemmicans and have people eat that for a while
>Would switching to anomaly cool things down
Why would that cool things down
because raids arn't as common under anomaly because of other events right?
All you're doing is trading raids for anomaly events, most of which are basically just raids with a twist
Just invest in better defenses
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I see, how would this translate? I've been getting decently large sieges I was thinking of making the killbox line longer though with a prison and medbay right next to it. Are T shaped killboxes even that good with CE?
Most of anomaly events are types of raids. Not all, but most. The non-raid ones though require your attention to some capacity. What do you mean by switching to anomaly? Activating the monolith? Anomaly items are pretty generally useful. Not only for Anomaly stuff. If you want some new tools for raids and general use alike, it might be worth activating the monolith. By default it won't progress tiers and the really dangerous shit is mostly tier 2. I don't understand your situation enough to be too sure though, so godspeed I suppose anon.
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You can harvest their ears
One of my pawn just impregnated a mother and a daughter whose husband (father) died in the last raid.

The impregnator is a woman
What am I supposed to do?
Why are you showing off putting niggas on suicide watch?
They raided the colony and are being used as blood banks. I plan to drop pod their ears and tails to the original colony as a warning.
>Have like a bajillion hours in rimjob world (idk i stopped counting)
>Tried dwarf noob pack before but didn't get far, modded dwarf was buggy and unstable as hell
>Decade later dwarf fort steam comes out
>Try it again in earnest put some 30+ hours into it
>Eventually conquer a couple caverns and my fort becomes the capital of the lands
>Population hits 200+ and the game becomes an unplayable lagfest
I really wanted to like dwarf fortress but I honestly can't. I had a couple good chuckles but overall it's such a miserable, obtuse and tedious piece of shit to play, a decade later and it's still missing mountains of the most basic quality of life functions, shit just becomes infuriating and impossible to manage. Even though I've gotten it figured out and kick every raid and forgotten beast's ass it's still a complete unfun hell to play. Permanently need youtube and the wikipedia page open at all times because every ten minutes you run into another poorly explained or legitimately buggy system you have to go down another rabbit hole of work arounds and wiki pages to circumvent and fix, and yeah the final nail in the coffin was the endgame lag obliterating my patience. Like I just don't get it, I have no idea what the developers are smoking when they built this game. I see the vision they had and I'm glad it spawned an entire genre but good fucking lord, dwarf fortress is such a horribly designed unplayable mess of a game.
With vehicles expanded will pawns not automatically ride the vehicles around like they do animals?
If by automatically you mean for loading and departing caravans they will (if you use the vehicle caravan button). If you meant in the sense of giddy up where they use it on the map if it's faster they wont.
>I plan to drop pod their ears and tails to the original colony as a warning
if only the game could understand and respond appropriately
Holy based.
They value that you give them the body parts for suffering mousekin at home. Sounds like understanding to me
any mods that introduce demerits to just replacing any given organ with someone else's? aside from ideology's no harvest precept, obviously
Guys... Where is the sex poster...
It would be considered as tribute tho
Entity, but it is Chaos from Sonic Adventure. it spawns on your map at its base stage without warning (no letter). Random idea, so have figured out how they would appear. But, it would actively collect archotech (dark archotech I suppose would make sense for an entity. Trying to 'rimworld/generic' it up a bit) items that spawn on your map as long as it is on it. Or maybe the event would cause them to spawn randomly unannounced on your map before it shows up to collect them. if it collects all of them it transforms into its stationary 'perfect' form turning terrain around it into deep water eventually? Seems extreme. Don't know how to make it work. I just was thinking of the opening for SA1 randomly. Crush 40 does that to ya
Working his way down the list.
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> Activating the monolith?
yes, I have a few spare guys I'd like to turn into ghouls about 2 so far and I was gonna raise kids in the mean time during the run.
>I don't understand your situation enough to be too sure though, so godspeed I suppose anon.
I did a tribal waster start and I'm getting decently large drop pod raids and sieges so far I'm worried I won't be able to handle it soon because of my lack of walls and killbox not being formed here's my most recent screenshot. Any tips on being able to improve my defenses? I'm thinking of switching my guys to paste because I need construction to get done NOW and getting chain shotguns.
>all that wood
I did it on a flat area, I'm in the process of switching to sandstone
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Added an ability to the Doctor Module. It can perform an emergency resuscitation on other pawn, put their body into a rest state but accelerates their healing greatly.
Sorry I don't understand killbox designs outside of super basic bitch ones. Generally I don't think they are interesting, but I've resorted to a shitty one in my current colony due to it being a long time since I've 'proper' played and doing blood and dust. I really am not a fan of raid sizes ballooning so hard. I actually like drop pod ones because at least the number of enemies is manageable with the combat capable pawns I have. Anything not that is like 5:1 with only a few pawns being 13 or higher in their combat stats. Heavily relied on elephants for melee/door blocking, but that only work so long especially with lung rot taking up time of pawns I would rather do the jobs past the doctoring ones. But I want the elephants as good as they can be so they can keep my colonists safe. I don't mind struggling, but this is basically me finding bandaid fixes that slow me down even more because even my 20 shooters with ARs or Charge Rifles (one of them) can't seem to kill anything in a decent amount of time. Even after I use salvaged rocket launchers to soften them up. Sorry for mucho texto
>mousekin with missing ears get so depressed they commit suicide
>send their home base the ears of their missing comrades
Diabolical, I like it
>gain relations instead
Fucking psychopaths deserve death
Looking to build a new modlist and dive back in
What mod is best to make an android gf? I assume oskarslop is garbage as usual?
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>kurins (friendly) visit
>they arrive in some harbinger ship with like 100k health
>notice it's still there
>check guests tab
>kurins are gone
>they flew in on the ship and walked off the map
>kurin's face when the chief asks where tf the ship is
I opened the game again to check but now the FormCaravan isn't going nuts anymore after I re-enabled it. Can you find out which mod are conflicting with it if you check the stacktrace tab? It's usually just empty
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I was going to try to destroy it for the resources but it'll take far too long and none of them have the mental fortitude to sit there and plink away it right now.
I just remembered dev mode exists, gonna auto kill it and see what drops. A ship with that much health has to drop a TON of resources.
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or not
retard lol. Have you seen what mechs give?
>Toxic fallout
This is the first time this has happened to me and I hate it
You're gonna want some kind of infinite-ammo explosive or thump weapon.
Like grenade launchers.
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How do I fix this issue? I've turned everyone's selection to pink in what I assume is the correct menu, but this wont go away. She's the only colonist it's doing it for, even though everyone else is the same.
I went digging for faction mods, here's what I found.
Three small mods:
>The Corporation
>Domian Conflict Pack
>Contractors Arsenal
Some bigger ones:
>Redcoat Faction
>SunsetGroup - Faction Expansion Pack
>Empires of Old (Core and submods)
Requires some VE stuff:
>Machinists: A Faction Expansion
Is there any way to make it so that only addicts carry the drug they need in their inventory instead of making everyone carry it?
just hide indoors, no big deal. it is pretty boring though so i usually disable it
All of my crops and animals are dead
crops aren't a big deal since you have tons of alternatives like fungus, hydroponics, dryads. and for animals all you had to do was bring them indoors
bro you can just build roofs...
I brought them indoors and they all starved...
some other mod I added is causing Relevant Stats In Description to have a conniption
error does not tell me what the issue is
opening its mod settings also causes issues, so perhaps it's a buggy mod in general
that's on you for not having some leeway in food. if you had some hay you could have kept them alive slightly longer while you grew fungus for them. nutrifungus counters toxic fallout super hard to the point it's a joke
Brother, where is your hay?
Your hay + insect kibble?
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Does anyone have any idea what could be causing this visual glitch? See how everyone's cloths show up as white? All the materials shop up as white in the menus as well but appear normal colors sitting on the shelves or floors
there's a small chance, very small you see, almost imperceptible, that maybe one of your mods is doing it
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Oh wow, can't believe I didn't think of that
Which one?
Probably something messes with apparel rendering in some way, or perhaps shaders.
If you have RimSort, it has an icon next to the mod telling you if it's just XML, or has C#.
>add more mods
>load time increases
What rjw add ons should I get
what the fuck do you expect for tech support requests that don't provide a mod list
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Alternate gun rack mod.
These don't have the visual options that the other one has but it's more condensed, has higher quality sprites, and even has a rack for weapons that are drawn at a 45 degree angle.
Also comes with a munitions shelf that visualizes stored items with ammo boxes on it.
Once we get access to the secure crates it has, I'll put my howitzer ammo in one.
I really want a dedicated armory now. This hallway is not the best location.
Someone to have had the exact same problem and know what mod it is.
My modlist is 400+ deep and it just started happening today, like a few hours ago. I've removed everything that got updated today and am testing it on a new game. I figured maybe someone else experienced this and already figured it out.

on top of that nothing else is visually bugged EXCEPT the cloth/leathers in the menus and gear display and there's nothing in the error log.
>My modlist is 400+ deep
>there's nothing in the error log
*seething jealousy*
I should clarify. There's stuff in the error log but nothing that wasn't there before. If removing the updated mods doesn't fix it I'm just going to have to deal with it but god damn it's going to drive me up the wall. I can deal with errors because I can pinpoint where it's coming from and why but shit like this with no obvious indications really gets under my skin.
Flying vehicles should be able to haul ground and sea vehicles that are light enough for the cargo space.
Why isn't this in Vehicle Framework?
Titan Vehicles Continued does it.
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Updated the pantry, now freezer.
Went from wooden food baskets to steel shelves that hold twice as much product.
Also there are new meat hooks for killed game.and an overflow rack for cooked meals that won't fit in the mini fridge in the dining room.
I really like how these shelves visualize the items on them.
How many stacks can each of those hold?
>SRTS Expanded Medieval Tweaks and Translation
Does this still work in 1.5?

Figured it out. It was Kurin, the Three Tailed Fox [Deluxe]. It was updated today and also caused:


which other person mentioned in the comments.
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>huge fight between factions happening in the streets
>none of my colonists are involved
>bullet finds its way into Paul's cell and takes his toe off
10 per cell for a total of 20. Food baskets are half that.
So who do we have to blood sacrifice to Malal for Owlchemist to come back?
Found a convenient way to add traits to colonists.
Precept Trait Enforcer Improved

Game is genuinely unplayable without this mod
>73.025 MB
How much loading time does that add?
Fifteen seconds?
Please tell me it's already in .dds, and doesn't get bigger when you run the optimizer...
Not seeing a downside, where's the monkey's paw?
When the paw curls, OwlChemist becomes the new Oskar.
As in, makes shitty and unoptimized mods?
That's impossible!
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They are already in .dds, yes
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Yeah, there it is
I was gonna say, as long as he updates his old mods, but..
Fuck, y'know?
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Lady I know you don't have eyes but surely you can tell that's the freezer.
how do you fix a destroyed flank
you don't
Reinforce it with spearmen if facing cavalry, swordsmen if engaged infantry. Once the enemy is forced to disengage, reform the line. This is why to always have reserves.
ratkin sex
>Not just using spearmen for infantry and cav
The spear ruled the world for a reason
Swords are just glorified sidearms
Word of warning, based on previous and current experience I think that Randomstart and a heavily modded game don't play well together. It's fucks with all your quests and a bunch of other shit too like caravans, trade ships and the like. Playing on a normal game, without having used random start, everything works fine.
based spear enjoyer. nothing is cooler than a good spear
>caracole's your spearmen
I wish refugees had their expectations lowered by 1
SAAR where is my table SAAR
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He's doing it.
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>can only get 1% pollution down per day with 23 pawns cleaning 24/7
Is the world really worth saving
>ratkin vehicles+ requires VVE
no... the bloat...
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every time I see a screenshot with red on it for a second I think it's a lava world like total annihilation
And now I want a colony on a ash-blasted hellworld.
Based based BASED. R*tiggers don't deserve ears.
bro your pollution pumps?
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The technical got set on fire during a raid where we used it to fight. So at the end we just drove it back into the garage where it triggered the fire suppression system. It's a pretty solid vehicle.
That is my garage after gooning to female pawns
What's the best thing to produce with leather if you have a god-crafter?

Also someone make a mod that makes gneric "assorted leather trade goods" so I can larp I'm a clothing factory instead of duster spam.
what mod for vehicles BUT IS IT BALANCeD???
Vanilla Vehicles Expanded
not really
They're too slow. I had 20 of them spread out before and they took down like at most 10% pollution a year. Even modded pumps can't match regular pawns cleaning things manually if you have them focus on cleaning the whole day, because you need to set up stuff first like power and walls so they don't get destroyed by raiders. I'm going to use pumps to clean the top part though, just need to get some resources first.
Probably corsets.
Vanilla Vehicles Expanded and RimThunder.
There's Light Cycle, but no equivalent for a tank or APC.
G3Ns5V still isn't updated.
grumble grumble stupid industrial tech muh tacticool obsession grumble grumble
Rome HBO was pretty kino.
>Also someone make a mod that makes gneric "assorted leather trade goods" so I can larp I'm a clothing factory instead of duster spam.
Interesting. I like this idea. It's a pain getting rid of all my excess textiles because clothing doesn't stack. I'll make this but I need to find a good texture to use and something to balance it against. It can't be as good as regular clothing since it will be stackable. If I remove quality modifiers it will just become a way to train shit crafters.
corsets and formal vests are tied for the best
then dusters
but things like tribalwear are better for speed vs money
Sadly most spacer shit I notice is overpowered or not to my taste. I like industrial shit (I would mind spacer less if I could make the armor mod I have in mind), but spacer stuff I like would be cool too. Oh well
In terms of materials to cost? NTA. Just curious
I should not have removed a race mod mid save
Spacerslop is for cucks. Industrialchads win again.
Make it scale with quality and roughly on par with tribalwear.
I'm new to the game what's the most fucked up and evil colony I can make
Charity precept essential and you help every beggar and refugee that visits your colony, and you're not allowed to hurt them no matter what they do
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>HELLDIVERS - Vehicles
>CE only
that's fucked up
*blocks your path*
no it's materials to work, tribalwear is quick to make
scroll down to Crafting for Trade
keep in mind though corests have one advantage over everything else which is that empire traders will buy them
why the fuck do these two vehicles have completely different perspetives
Where are the Aerocraft Framework raider mods?
Mosquito Mechanoid (1.4) did it, and Ratkin Vehicles does it.
Why nothing else?
why does every vehicle's turret have a fucked perspective to its movement sprite?
because Tynan never picked a consistent angle to start with
Did they change how raids work in anomaly? no one is attracted to my killboxes they all just bust down my walls and its one thing if it was the occasional sapper raid but it's every single one. is this because I decided to play on a flat world instead of the usual mountain home?
The only raid I know of in anomaly that actively does that is shamblers. Now if you haven't activated the monolith that is one of a few event types you will only get because of level 0 (inactive monolith) being really restrictive with what anomaly shit can spawn. Definitely possible I'm wrong on that though friend. Hope your colony doesn't fall to the abominations. If you do, you didn't believe enough
kill box takes too long to traverse and beating down a wall is faster or pawns cannot path easily to an owned bed or field to set alight
entity raids attack things randomly within reach and love to wail on your walls
>add Log After Def Error to my modlist
>game doesn't initialize anymore
>remove it
>everything works fine
Report that, I guess?
How many errors do you get without it?
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>realise 90% of my redtext errors are CE trying to patch things that aren't there
>but don't know if it has to patch every goddamn time because Rimworld code is retarded like that so don't dare disable autopatcher
I chose this fate
Pretty much the same case as >>507920614
a bunch of them, but nothing really relevant
>exostrider spawns exactly where I want to put my freezer
>eh, just leave it for later
>later, fridge is full of meat
>'man I sure wish I had some mechanoids'
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>Want to capture a Genie so send a colonist with no weapon equipped to punch him out
>Guy punches him in the dick so hard it instantly destroys it and downs him
Is this your female pawn? She's pretty sexo
i wondered where no_tables went but remembered the fucker no longer draws rimworld
nta but no, this girl is from Blue Archive, I can tell by the halo
It's Kanna, she's gachaslop.
Fuckin' wish I could get an OL pawn that looked like that.
from the looks of their media accounts, now has a job being an animator for genshin impact, specially fan animations where they use firearms
>a job
>fan animations
nani the fuck?
Why post her then? I thought we were supposed to post female pawns only...
use nuff's autopatcher
Quite crazy yes, but i miss their arts very much
Gachaslop took away no_tables from us... We can't have anything can we?
anything similar to https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2559044888 I could use in 1.5?
you could try being kind to your pawns
Are Sanguophages supposed to pass down their genes to children despite them being xenogenes?
Look at this gonk, playin' at being a ripperdoc.
What's the matter, gonna chrome up some new meat and send him 'psycho into a colony?
Not in vanilla, no.
nta, but what have they ever done for me? nothing, all they know how to do is mental break and drink all my good alcohol
i miss my old office colony...
if you wanted kids in a colony would it be better to do it after a few years or after you properly get your walls up? Also on default settings how long does it take for a child to be able to be a 'super pawn'
Okay I must have installed something weird then
Post Kraut in lingerie i beg you
Better after setup, i think the full timespan for a baby to adult is around like 4 years?
>highmatescould look like this
>instead we get Oskar's HRT polycule bastard
Default settings without any growthvats would be around 5 and a something years, I think.
is there a point from raising a baby? wouldn't it be best to rush till they're 3 because that's when it really matters.
Fagskar just has shit taste.
Oskar is the only guy in Scotland who Heroin could improve.
Ok I did some quick testing and it should be bug free.
It has the same costs as tribalwear, stacks to 25, has quality, weighs a bit more.
I can't into art so it just looks like the royalty shirt.
Let me know if anything is weird.
Not really.
As in, there's no real point to raising them.
it's better to get a pawn from a raid/trader, weeks of recruiting beats years of growing
breastfeed/feeding a baby also takes a LONG ass time
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>Manhunter pack
I got raided by 23 manhunter Parakeets
It was heartbreaking putting them down
Feels like Randy really hits that event hard though
what is that supposed to sound like? like the elite death cry from halo CE?
Are those
turtle penises...?
Kel wtf
Don't worry about it
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Could someone explain why my killbox to the right doesn't work? raiders just bust down my walls. I would like to note that the right side of my base is also a spot where my pawns don't really go to so is that why?
Your pic is dark and blurry so it's hard to tell, but it looks like you have a door between the killbox and your base. If they have to go through a door anyway, they won't use the killbox path. If you don't want to get rid of the door, you at least need some valuable things outside the door for them to target.
Keep in mind that some raids are breachers which target your walls specifically.
Linked the wrong post.
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only has some traits
it's useless
because of course
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Sorry, for the bad quality, I marked all the doors on the right side of my base, I'd need the doors on the left to be open at all times then right? should I keep all the inner doors open at all time aswell for the sake of convience to the pawns?
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Alright, Hear me out.
What if the mechanoids developed some kind of anatomically correct robot-horse to defeat the humans??
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what does this button do
should I click it
Turns every girl into a gentle, loving futa
I don't know, up to you if you want to click that
Creates .dds textures, which the game would otherwise have to create every single time it starts up.
Also get Graphics Settings+ to actually use the textures properly.
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How would a robot horse defeat humans? Why a horse?
forces the daemons living inside your computer to redraw every image in a more optimized manner
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They knew a horse could beat the dodgers at baseball so imagine what they can do on the battlefield
My god. The V project was real.
Who can stop them now?
Are you sure? I tried it out in 1.4 and I'm pretty sure it had a precept where you could set a custom trait.
I don't use killboxes so I can't say for sure, but if I remember right raiders will head towards your pawns, furniture, and wealth. You don't have to leave doors open as long as they have an uninterrupted path to enough things they want.
If you want to try leaving doors open, the ones to the hospital or room with the paste dispenser might be good.
Leaving doors open for convenience is fine, but you will lose temperature to the outside, and animals can get inside and suddenly go manhunter.
I would try placing a stack of silver in a single spot storage zone inside the killbox area, and keep your doors closed. You can also place chairs where you will position your pawns in the killbox. Raiders will target the furniture, and your pawns can retain some comfort levels during longer fights.
>I don't use killboxes
ok cheat tranny
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>have a base with way too many females and they're all around 20 years old
>some pretty nudist boy named jean-paul shows up and ask to join despite having like 20 pawns already

peak storytelling
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humanity has an undefeated hero on its side
Anyone done any advanced fucking around with Ctrl-F? I've got alphabeavers on my map and want to know when one's split off from the rest, which I SHOULD be able to do with a location->nearby alert, but obviously searching for a beaver near a beaver detects the original beaver; the nearby filter has a minimum range slider but I can't seem to shift it off 0.
>Anyone done any advanced fucking
Bro we haven't even done any basic fucking, we're virgins
we are?
i want to fuck a kraut
imagine hugging this rat
Made for Big Baseliner Cock.
Imagine eating this rat alive green inferno style
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Reminds me of one time my colony was wiped by geckos
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Lets open this shit up.
>Can you find out which mod are conflicting with it if you check the stacktrace tab? It's usually just empty
it can help, the stacktrace shows which other mods are affecting that method further down the line
wait a minute you can't post that
also sex
7 days and 7 nights of sex with the colony leader
then he will decide
Ah what the hell... would.
Wouldn't. Too anthro
Imagine having a ratkin girl desperately drain your balls day and night for 7 straight days straight and then you just tell her she can't stay
Cheesed to meet you!
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I'm imagining it
Why is /rwg/ so horny? Don't you have your own female pawn you can lay in bed with and have sexo sexo?
What mods for equipment/weapons to show like that?
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It is finally time to begin construction of the base. Any tips/suggestions on how best to organize it? I want this to be the center, I am gonna have the Ideology room here. I wanted to also have the ritual room here, but I didn't wanna make the size obscene, so I think I'll place it directly south, and have to different doors at each side of the south walls to lead into different wings.
it looks like a penis
Small baseliner cock insecurity
baseliner cock BELONGS to revia pussy
revia pussy BELONGS to baseliner cock
NO! Foxpussy and small baseliner peepee don't correlate at all
jealous ratkin hands typed this post
>still can't make two different xenotypes genetically attracted to each other
Tynan isn't into blacked porn, sadly
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Revia belongs to baseliner shota cock
intense revia rape: good
jealous ratkin rape: good
this: unfathomably based
Shotia airliner cock reva to belongs
shotafags are retards who didn't manage to get laid and want to go back to being kids
I agree, they aren't even based enough to be pedochads
while we argue about shotas, the ownership of baseliner cock, and rat pussy, I'd like to ask
Any good mods for Deep Drilling? Nothing like super heavy, I just want Deep Drilling to be a bit faster. Even with three people on one vein its a huge drag.
Looking at this right now. Any other recommendations?
Cringe normalfag trying to instill his shitty values
ShotaxRevia rules
the only normalfag in this conversation is you
>shota x murderous, soul-stealin (and likely rapey) foxes is normalfag
One of my colonist child is finally 13, the very moment her birthday ended she instantly get herself naked and rushed to the slave area and immediately raped a random slave(32) on the spot, she didn't even care about other slaves watching her raping this poor ojiisan.
She's one horny girl.
then please tell me something that isnt normalfag to help me get a better understanding of what normalfag is in your world
Cringe kill yourself
>adult abuser
Lolis can't keep getting away this...
Holy zased....
>then please tell me something that isnt normalfag
loveydovey sex with demon girls
>normalfags can't understand why wanting to fuck hags as a little boy is a normalfag thing
I'm just starting using VEpsycaster, it's for my solo psycaster mechanitor colony. I heard it was kinda broken, just how unbalanced it actually is? My character is a mix between electric and techno for rp reason btw.
Kill yourself.
It depends on your self-control. Just put some limit on yourself.
>Fix demon girl after many gruesome tries
>Start dating
>Share first kiss
>Have sex under moonlight in a forest
>Get her pregnant
>Surprise ring in colony's recreation room in front of everyone
>She mumbles yes with tears in her eyes
>Marriage party
>Have 2 beautiful kids together
>Her instincts finally overcome her love for you and she kills you and runs away from the colony in guilt
Man i love rimworld
>not just resurrecting
skill issue
It's a good death
They are fun levels of overpowered. Ultimately whether you surpass the threshold that would still provide you with fun is dependent on your self control. Personally my house rules are only trees that make sense for the pawn/character. Actually I guess I only have one. Okay I also try to stick to one tree. As long as the trees aren't to abuse some combo for minmaxing, you should be fine. I haven't ever upgraded stats, but I heard one MAYBE two points into stats isn't too overpowered while allowing you to not use all eltex shit for psystats. I also edited the mod setting files to make meditation/regaining psyfocus give 0 xp. I use a mod that lets me make psylink neuroformers with anomaly shit, but once again have restraint. I'm a bit rambly, but basically not much. Just control yourself
Is it Anon? There's a reason baseline men stick with baseline women
In the end it always ends tragically for xeno/demon couples
>There's a reason baseline men stick with baseline women
and that reason is limpdick faggot propaganda by seething baseliner women
I'm just saying, the second we started letting in hot rat babes and seductive demons, the baseliner women suddenly cared a LOT more about immigration and who take into the colony
baseliner women will seethe at this post
I'm planning to stick to only two skill trees, Electric and Techno. Currently my pawn is just a glorified battery charger and kinda wondering at what point it would change from mundane advantages to overpowered.
Give her some warm clothes and start building a room and a bed for her. Then assign her priorities to the skills that she has the most skill or passion in.
utterly mid
literally nothing hot about this
what is this retarded chibi shit?
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This is not true at all and you know it Anon
Think about it rationally Anon-sama
Baseline men and women are the same species and are literally made for each other, 100% compatible
Xeno women? There's A LOT of issues
First of all compatibility. Their weird or simply not humanlike tendencies and instincts are at large in odds with human ones
Second, your children will be, for a lack of a better word, mutts. Incompatible with any other group, xeno or human ones. They'll be outlanders, loners, they'll be sad and miserable. Don't forget about genetic deficiencies.
Third, lifespan. Are you ready to let your xeno wife go only after being with her for 10 years? Or leaving your wife alone after only living like 10 or 5% of her lifespan?
Baseline women and baseline men were simply meant to be together. Your potential relationship with a xeno woman will most likely end up being harmful to both parties included

Please reconsider. For the good of everyone.
leave it to the horsefucker to discredit whatever position he takes simply by being his usual retarded, mindless faggot self
tl;dr cope from a decrepit baseliner hag with sub-spacer tech nobody wants to fuck and whose eggs are all shriveled up
Horses are perfectly compatible with humans and are honorary baseliners.
all baseliners are to be placed into the draincaskets and drank.
I do this to kidliners
>armpit hair
I kneel
Speaking of draining, how do you balance cannibalism in Rimworld?
As I'm working on my mod, I'm still trying to figure this out since the xenotype I want to create are supposed to be strict man-eaters.
Eating people in Rimworld is just so damn easy and profitable and circles into itself creating a perfect loop - you eat raiders, make things out of human leather or just keep it - more raiders arrive due to increased colony wealth - you sell the leather making easy money and buying basically whatever you need. The only downside in vanilla is mood debuff from cannibalism, but with ideology pawns gain MORE mood even if they don't have the cannibal trait specifically. Speaking of ideology, if you pick cannibalism percept mood penalty for not eating human mean is absolutely miniscule.
The only way the game can balance this is if you suddenly stop recieving any raids at all, which is hardly a reasonable solution. Even if it is realistic, somewhat.
I honestly haven't had a human raid in a year in game.
A ton of infestations, insectoid ship parts, and mech clusters though
Honestly without op combos there is a lot of chaff before you get to the standalone op shit when it comes to most trees. Staticlords are pretty decent in crowd control due to stun if I remember right, but lack outright damage. Been awhile though. Technomancer is really just utility. Useful utility, but still namely that the whole tree. After this 'as bare bones as I feel like' run focused on monolith anomaly, I plan to add it back in the modlist I still have to figure out. Runesmith addon mod looks neat. Puppeteer could be neat, but I keep forgetting how it works after reading through it again. Fucking memory of mine. Oh yeah I think two trees is a good start limit. Then you can feel out what you personally like
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This is why I don't permit pink hairs in my colony.
she did nothing wrong
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Lucky fucking kid.
very good girl
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Our ship got new Fabrication module.
Now to expand actual living quarters because we have been stuck in the small as fuck shared rooms for 3+ years by now.
Does the psychology mod actually affect the behavior of pawns at all? How does it actually factor into gameplay in a perceivable way besides just being text in a box
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Are you gonna scream random insults or will you actually point out what's wrong?
Silly Baka
>decrepit baseliner hag with sub-spacer tech nobody wants to fuck and whose eggs are all shriveled up
NONE of the things you said are true
Maybe her being a hag sure but rest are invalid
The judgment day will come and you'll pay for all the crimes you committed
>you'll pay for all the crimes you committed
when's corin gonna pay for all the horses she fucked?
>playing on vanilla
>deactivate anomaly (but keep seeing anomaly items here and there)
>start with some ugly bastard pawn (self insert)
>capture women and impregnate them with artificial insemination (because nobody accepted my main character courting, so had to take drastic measures)
>have 2 atm
>make them join before impregnation
>send one of them to next town (which it says is 4 days away)
>she's on the first trimester, so I think there's no issue
>send her with 2 muffalos (both of them also pregnant)
>leave it like that and continue building the
>the muffalos give birth on the way
>she reaches the town
>decide to sell the muffalo babies because they seem to be making the travel slower
>buy some supplies but don't even surpass the 50% carrying capacity
>travel back says to be around 4 days too
>it has been more than 10 days and the girl ain't back yet
>she gives birth on the way
>expecting she or the baby to die
>it was a successful birth
>baby dies of hypotermia anyways
what was I supposed to do?, I don't know why a "4 day" travel turned into a whole pregnancy cycle.
I created a Corin pawn and mortared her just for this post
you could also give the xenotype a carnivore gene to make eating meat more like a necessity, or nerf butchering yields via storyteller options, or make their metabolism terrible on purpose
for the human leather problem, I use https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2967569912, which creates a situation where the only real use for it is things that your colonists will use themselves
How do you bros start a new colony? I'm kind of tired of this of this one and i made the mistake of removing a race mod which causes error spam on the world map and adding it back is no better. On top of that I think the story teller is bugged because it's fucking ages between anything happening despite being on strive. I like the colony though so i don't want to abandon them and i don't want to do anything malicious but it's time to move on.
or you could just go the genetic depression route to offset the mood buff from eating human meat—now they need it to feel normal
No, that's just mental gymnastics and some wack as fuck workaround
At this point just devmode all your pawns cancer and make them fat and black to balance out the cannibalism why don't you?
Do you guys keep races without a facial animation patch? It looks weird to have some animated faces and some not
I've asked this several times now and never received an answer, so I assume the mod is just totally worthless
It doesn't bother me that much, at least not as much as seeing super blurry faces.
>seeing super blurry faces
You mean the monster girl races addon, they look like absolute shit.
I was actually thinking about the Ratkin facial animations but I can imagine it's not the only race that suffers from this problem.
>went through a removed some mods
>immediately added the same number back
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What are your thoughts on the Milira race? I'm trying to debate if I want to remove it or keep it. I've basically ignored any interactions with them as I don't care about their sky feather church and any time a fallen angel happens I strip them and let them die as it's usually at the start of a play through. I like the look of the tech but I've never once interacted with it or the research.
>sick of shit performance
>remove few small unimportant mods
>add equal number of performance heavy shit
>ahhh thats better
My brain is wonky.
why would I keep something I don't use installed
>Kurin mod that made all the textile and cloths textures white already got fixed
but what mod makes all pawns white
Abandoning my last colony because I fucked it up and removed a mod I shouldn't have and am now getting error spam on the world map and other weird glitches. Do I go:

>Rick explorer
>Naked Brutality

facial animation
since anime girls still look cute with darker skin, it means they were never truly black in the first place
I like having black and brown pawns because it makes it easy to know who face tanks threats while the rest of the colonists shoot them in the bac....I mean deal with the raid.
Hey, I'm not a retard.
Otherwise, yes.
I just live with it, nothing game breaking so far. My game does hang for a few seconds before some sort of event pops off so I have a few seconds to make a quick plan.
Welcome to mars, we doin racism again.
Now build the bunker, nigger.
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>4 years in
>running out of silver and components
>haven't seen a single trader in over a year
>consistent raids keep skyrocketing colony wealth
>any time I try to send out a caravan to trade/gift things another huge raid shows up at the gates
>I am trapped in a prison of value
bro your orbital trader every 3 days mod?
just use dev mode lmao
calm down
You don't have to trade items, you can just drop them from the caravan.
Or make a camp using Set Up Camp, to store all the wealth you aren't using. (use mod settings to make it permanent)
I finally gave in and bought the randy random hoodie
pic of the hoodie?
Does anyone know if basedworld works on 1.5
what would make you want to buy a hoodie in the first place
I started from tribal and have a grand total of eight colonists. I don't even have microelectronics researched yet because I spend more time killing and cleaning up than I do getting anything done.
I would be more calm if wealth wasn't such a fucking death spiral. Why the fuck does the raid system not take failed raids into account in my favor? Why am I being raided by the same faction 3+ times a year with ever increasing raid sizes? How have these morons not run out of bodies to throw at me yet? This entire system makes no fucking sense.
>just throw it away lmao
I NEED to trade them so I can earn silver/rep, also see previous statement about being unable to leave my base for more than a day without immediately being hit with another raid
I love hoodies and purple is my favorite color.
very weird
Ritually burn your valuables. Or let a useless pawn buy it which reduces the raid difficulty.
If you have very little wealth, you don't need the silver or reputation.
Unless you're running out of food or fuel.
in case you didn't know
>Randy is missing the fields TraderCaravanArrival, VisitorGroup, TravelerGroup, OrbitalTraderArrival. This is no doubt so it relies on his randomness. Unfortunately the randomness tends to result in not getting these events very often.
so what you're experiencing is nothing unusual
I need fucking components
>tons of industrial tech/gear requires components and breakdowns increase the investment cost
>component manufacturing requires microelectronics which is spacer-tier research and my colony still counts as neolithic for some fucking reason despite having turrets and guns
>I have already strip mined half of a fucking mountain looking for the damn things
>no traders means I can't just buy them either
This just makes me wish even more death upon Randy and Tynan
You can make components outta steel right?
It should have been me.
recurve bows can handle anything the game throws at your colony
are you some sort of gun fetishist?
Very slowly but yes, at the fabrication bench with a level 12 crafter.
Horror if she rat
Set up better defenses first, so that sending people out isn't a problem.
Longer trap hallway, better killbox.
(One at a time, straight into range of many people with looted guns, who are behind barricades.)
You can get more wealth from the raids later on.
>component manufacturing requires microelectronics
Did you add a mod for it?
Usually it requires fabrication, and you need advanced components to start.
>spacer-tier research and my colony still counts as neolithic
Your starting tech level is a permanent penalty to research above it.
Also, get Better Electronics, because breakdowns are stupid bullshit.
>Better Electronics

Solar flares and things do break down though. Kinda takes the fun out of it and zzts are a none issue if you use hidden conduits
Those things are real, but not nearly in the frequency in RimWorld.
Guess you can just categorize it as the game hating you, along with twice monthly hundred man raids.
For me it's using xenotypes spawn control with custom generic racial xenotypes and inclusive skintones to make some skin tones look less weird. Personally I use the African xenotypes fr dumb labour, while the European xenotypes lives comfortably.
some anons will spend days customizing just to reenact the antebellum south
Tranime race/10
Mod textures and images come packaged as .pngs and .jpgs so they're more space efficient, but for the game to actually be able to read and use them it needs to transform all of these .jpgs and .pngs into .dds files, which takes alot of time when you have lots of mods, and makes launching the game and loading certain stuff take much longer.

The button converts all of these textures into .dds textures and saves copies of them for the game to use and take less time to load. However, you need the Graphics Settings+ mod to actually make use of these new .dds files.
Hell yeah, brother.
Have you considered changing storyteller?
Is this in Rimpy or another mod? I need this in my life
its in rimpy
rimsort has one thats faster, but its also rimsort
>some races use vanilla faces
>some don't
do I just disable Malang Face and go full vanilla
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Colton has a job for Paul.
We have attached a crematorium to the jail. He can do that in the hopes that it gets me some of my TPS back.
I have a suspicion that the 100+ corpses in the corpse locker are causing a massive amount of lag due to the nature of sized apparel.
Paul should be grateful to get such an important task.
>its also rimsort
it's too KINO
>Not just tossing a molotov into the corpse room and being done with it
that's cheating
Why even have guns in the game if you aren't going to use them? Besides, raiders keep showing up with them so if I don't use them they just collect dust in my stockpile due to no traders.
Misremembered Fabrication as Microelectronics, which still you need anyways. Also killboxes and trap halls don't do shit against drop pod raids. If only my 12+ turrets were useful for anything except manhunters and draining my resources.
Pheobe is boring, Cassandra is too predictable and has a terrible habit of drowning me in join events I do not want, and Rotty is even worse about constant raids. I don't have any other storytellers worth using.

>raiders keep showing up with them so if I don't use them they just collect dust in my stockpile

Drop pod stuff you don't want elsewhere, burn it, smelt it. There's plenty of options
>drop pod raids
right, forgot about those
usually disable them, use a steel roof mod, or use an anti-air mod
(Anti-Air Artillery or Rimatomics)
its a hackjob
up until very recently if you scrolled through your modlist too fast it would crash
activating/deactivating too many mods at once would crash too
also this is probably a matter of my file environment but trying to use its steamcmd implementation always irreparably fucks up my mods folder
Never focus on the start, focus on end game goal and theme.
I too try to live with it.
Altough i did drop both FA and Melee Animations because they have run constant checks and it annoyed me.
post more sexy naked rat girls
this, but boys
boy nipples are even SFW so they don't need censoring
I really hate how long the game takes to load. Any other games with 100s of mods still take the same amount of time yet RW takes fucking forever.
Don't be ridiculous. It takes far more fuel and far higher temperatures to cremate even one human body than a bottle full of gasoline. A hundred? It'll take multiple quadrums and a huge amount of power for just one specialized oven to do the job.
Kill yourself.
nope :3
You are the most obnoxious poster in this general, and that's saying something.
I'm glad you're so upset by my utterly inconsequential posts
>not putting titties on your boys
NTA but I think it's more obnoxious that you feel the need to point it out every time they post
This is the first time I've done that. What exactly are you talking about?
Oh, does Melee Animations and Yayo's animations cause lag? :(
You're telling me I could have just thrown a grenade into my room full of six thousand raiders and have been done with it? And it wouldn't have taken me two decades??
yuck, why would I ruin boys by giving them tits

why you fucking lyi~ng
nigga why you lyi~ng
Gay and bi males are obnoxiously disgusting and must be removed.
I still use Yayo anims. There are some checks but not that many.
Melee Anim kept throwing some error for me so idropped it.
FA makes everyone look like a fag so it had to go too.
so true
because femboys are life
Well if you aren't the rabid anti-gay shitposter then I retract my statement but there's almost always someone who does
>Oh, does Melee Animations and Yayo's animations cause lag? :(
any mod that messes with rendering and animations in this game absolutely shits on performance. however the game looks like shit without them, so pick your poison
running FA, melee and yayo together is asking 10 tps though
Does Yayo's animations still have that obnoxious spinning animation for guns that plays every 5 seconds? I used to use it a year ago but only just reinstalled it after feeling everything was just a bit dull without any animations whatsoever. I'd like it if I could disable those anims.
what do tits have to do with femboys, that's tranny shit
femboys are BOYS
Yeah. I keep it mainly for this anim lol.
This. Homofascism doesn't involve tits because those are reserved for our women only colony of breeders.
Remember : queers and fags of all stripes get executed.
It wouldn't annoy me so much if it played once every 30 minutes per 100 because it used to play every 5 seconds and it was insane with a decent sized military force
I should probably install a biotech mod to allow male/male embryos in order to remove women entirely
lesbian and bi women are cool
Holy based... Mpreg homofascist anon... I... I kneel... Update me on your modlist if you do. That sounds like a fun playthrough.
Good thing homofascists are homosexual and neither of those. Everything else can be executed.
Women are irrelevant as long as they are loyal to her man and fertile.
Cool discord meme. Go back.
I dont care desu. At least it livens the colonists a little.
leaving to go work out. see you guys later
you can disable it for rifles
>He doesn't know
the biggest betrayal in /rwg/ colony history wouldn't happen if fags were in that colony
>rabid anti-gay shitposter
If anyone is a shitposter here, it'd have be the faggot
How would fags have saved Embaixada from the insect rape cave?
How would fags have prevented Father John from beating malaria through archotech means?
How would disgusting subhuman faggots have kept m*chanoids from killing my dear Kylar???
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>playing CE
>didn't realize it buffs anti grain shell
>drop one on a few hundred tribals

Well, that was something.
All my pawns are albino white because everyone in the colony is born from the same family

raider pawns being niggers doesnt matter they get killed anyway
>the biggest betrayal in /rwg/ colony history
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how exactly would fags have prevented this
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Some mod makes doors invisible.
Any idea?
They would have given her the ick.
what do you love the most about rimworld
choping kids into burgers
pemale fawns
doesn't seem to affect autodoors or double doors by the way
or steel doors
or stone doors
other wooden objects, like columns, are fine
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Late answer but answer nonetheless
Pic related
Psychology affects like 90% of your pawn conversations. Each conversation will have values assinged to them, like some topic about morality, drugs etc.
Pawns that are more moral will obviously hate immoral people and any conversation about morality will have high malus
Depending on how big differances are between 2 pawns, you'll have bigger differances on their opinions of each other.
For example, 2 pawns that have indifferent beliefes about something will have like -5 or +5 from a conversation, but if someone believes in something very much and the other pawn doesn't give a shit about, they can even have like -20 opinion malus from a single conversation between each other
So, the more their personality crashes the more incompatible they will be. Also it replaces the hidden compatibility stat, now personalities are what matters.
>when's corin gonna pay for all the horses she fucked?
Never because she doesn't fuck horses
Have a nice workout
>my dear Kylar???
Are you the
Poster? Dear Lord how long has it been
Cute Xenos
Female pawns
Honestly i don't know. How moddable it is? It's sims with guns, what's not to love about it
Starting a new colony after fucking up my old one by removing a mod I should have. New parameters are:

>Scenario: Rich explorer
>Storyteller: Randy (Strive)
>Commitment Mode
>Ambient anomaly (2.5%)
>World Size: 100%
>Rainfall: One tick up
>Population: One tick from max
>Caves: 5%
>Factions: Every available added
>Preset ideology: Classic like (I've never interacted with ideologies, always had it inactive)
>Tile: River island in a Boreal Forest

It's gaming time
>Cute Xenos
they're A Rim Reborn races, with Eccentric Extras - Angel Hairs
Any reason to use a full-size Quarry over the medium one?
>try medieval overhaul
>its literally just bloat that adds a bunch of random shit and useless production chains while leaving most of the exact game the same way
holy shit are there really no good pre-industrial mods?
*or the small one
I like it.
Aesthetic purposes, maybe
bigger quarry has more uses
Nice. Post more of your colony
They are horrendously overpowered, in their favor. Raise their threat level and Milira raids will be the only thing you fear in that playthrough, because every other raid will look like a community-builder level joke.
I think the worst thing about the mod is that despite the raids being made under the assumption that you have your own Milian army, they eat way too much bandwidth and the mod does not give any way to raise bandwidth limit for non-Miliras. It's a mod made to play with other major mods like Alpha Mechs. The second worst thing is that both Milians and Miliras have a counter for every single thing.
>we're mechs so we're immune to fire and toxic
>but we're also immune to emp
>and we have psychic immunity, too
>we also have multi-use low shields
>we also have literal invisibility
>we also can promote our garbage mooks into the colony ending threat that you just killed
>our superiors also have wings completely superior to jump packs with instantaneous animation
>did I mention that they also have spammable AOE attacks that do 40+ damage with 100% penetration
Milians are cool though. The feathery fucks can eat shit.
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Just started, so this is it.
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Whats the point of these "short burn" buttons? The ship moves but when you want to travel somewhere you still cant because the actual fuel cost is still calculated from the biome you chose at the start...
Why so many torches?
It was cold and I didn't know how many I needed.
They don't take fuel in my modlist.
Campfire gives much more heat tho..
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Might need to expand the garage. Getting a bit crowded in here.
>she doesn't fuck horses
She does tho
But it uses fuel.
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Also, pleased to report Paul has got me back to an expected amount of TPS for this colony. I was getting hiccups on x1 speed before and maxed out around 130 TPS.
All those corpses were no joke. His contribution has been noted.
>reloaded the world
>got river island on savannah
>rerolling the colonist
>found absolutely insane one (like most of his skills were 8+)
>had mecha armor or some shit
>forgot to drag him to the active spot (active colonists was good but always shoot for better)
>game crashed before I could even save
>People are talking about my pawns
Corpses are nice aren't they? Also that rat better be schizophrenic, it wouldn't be Horror without it.
>asymmetrical base

I don't see how people play like this. I have to have everything neat and even
This kind of thing gets posted here a lot, but really? A medieval only playthrough cuts out 2/3 of the game content. If you don't drag out resource gathering and bloat the medieval stuff, what are you going to do? Research will be done in a year, you will have stone walls and pawns with plate armor and longswords. And that's it. You just fight tribal raids over and over.
Medieval works fine because you need to go for numbers there as you lack bionics, explosives, ranged weapons and other force multipliers.
Plus building medieval towns is fun.
Colton should marry and impregnate Ruby, ok?
Well I agree, in fact I'm making a medieval modlist right now. But with just vanilla isn't the variety a bit lacking? Even if you have a lot of pawns, won't your town be mostly just houses?
Well of course. No one plays Medieval only on vanilla, you definetly need mods.
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10/10 would smash.
>The second worst thing is that both Milians and Miliras have a counter for every single thing.
This is an issue I've seen with a lot of custom races, where the mod creator can't fathom their donut steel race/faction losing so they overload them with tons of gamebreaking shit
They still arent as OP as VOID probably.
god almost makes me want to download har again just so I can kill them all
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>Want to play again after long break
>Open RimPy
>Hundreds of mods to update
I wanna but i don't wanna
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>no tail
>no ears
who brutalized this poor lady
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a question here, just wanna hear some opinions...
whenever you make a new base in a map...
do you prefer to start it from some specifically position in the map?
I mean, I'm starting a new base, and I have 2 kind of "good positions" (because of the terrain) one is near the north border, and the other kind of the center, and I'm wondering if anyone else takes something into account before choosing where to start building and why.
almost enough to make a man reinstall har
The duality of man.
Literally how can i hate xenos when a pretty xeno lady like that walks up to me? With her bare beautiful buttocks for me to see?
I usually set all edges but one to deep water.
what is the goal of rimworld
To have fun.
female pawns
for me it's to "play god" and see how the story is played. I usually play on commit, and once it's game over, then it's game over (that or when my favorite pawn suddenly dies or when I lose interest).
if your favorite pawn dies you must preserve him until healer serum is obtained
To take care of your female pawns
To make sure they're okay
To make sure they're feeling well
To make sure they get what they want
To protect them
To love them
To read them bedtime stories
To make sure they have hot water running
To make sure their clothes are washed
To make sure they have good food
To make sure their room is tidy
To make sure their babies have good conditions
To make sure they have enough silver to buy what they want
And much more
Female pawns are strong independent women and don't need to be coddled like that.
Not if i have to say anything about it
I WILL provide for my virtual women in my doll house and i WILL be happy
post cute female pawn feet
Game's objective is to get one of the endings
In truth, you set the goal yourself because it's a story generator
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Pawns don't have arms or legs you schizo
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That doesn't preclude hands or feet.
I look like this
I like how everything is a result of technology. Even things that appear supernatural like wizards or the anomaly eldritch horrors are just nanomachines son.
science fantasy is always good shit
The cosmic horror of archotechs.
>ritual spot and altar don't have buttons, not even deconstruct
>right-clicking with a pawn doesn't work, produces a red error
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I hate this game sometimes
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>mouse over ideology role
have you considered removing the last mod you added
But I changed a bunch of mods since I last played...
Do you think it's cheating to unfog your map (dev mode), mark the resources, then refog it?
yes but nobody cares
how much you want to "cheat" is up to you
it's cheating and if you do it tynan will come to your house and beat you up
Definitely but you don't really have to worry about it, just do what you think is fun
I figured it out.
I loaded the ideology from a previous modlist which had Party Hard, and the ritual crossed over.
It should just disappear on loading the ideology, but oh well.
I can just remove that ritual, and everything works again.
This game is held together with duct tape.
>trying to troubleshoot an issue

yeah faggot, let me remove 200 fucking mods, play a game and hope the issue persists and/or another one doesn't crop up. Fucking genius.
Would be nice if the game just worked, and there were more proper methods added to modify behaviors without potentially buggy C# code.
But, hell, even XML errors can cause a pileup of problems with how badly this game is made.
>remove half mods
>problem persists? add them back and remove the other half
>problem vanishes? add half you removed
>repeat until mod at fault is identified
basic fucking troubleshooting
imagine if the game launched in less than a minute even on ridiculous modlists
You got RimPy set up? Will make troubleshooting faster at least.
>game takes 10+ minutes to load
>spend hours just staring at a load screen just to close the game again
>10+ minutes
bro really still using dinnerplate drives...
your .dds conversion and Graphics Setter?
What do i set in gfx setter?
Just have the mod enabled, I think.
Alright that's it. nature's pretty sweet is getting removed. Shit tanks the game ahrd with freezing water.
>he has water on his map
you dont actually need graphics setter anymore if you're using performance fish, it loads dds by itself
oh nice
I still like graphics setter, because it has a menu to see what the biggest texture mods are.
Would be great if you could properly scroll down in it.
I just added water freezes and dynamic floooding since those were my favorite features of the mod. I didn't care for the biomes and I'm already using basically every biome mod there is.
FYI: If you use dev mode to undo the ancient danger and it's bugs those cunts will break out even if you refog it. i was trying to find resources and learned.
I want to play on a river island map, I usually do random tile but this time I'm not.
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Alright, this is map I'm playing on.
Sex with Becks
Nice island in the river. Is that from the new geological landforms update?
very lewd shape
Pretty sure, it's kind of a pain in the ass to look for specific shit. let's say you click "tombolo" it'll find the one nearest to you the thing is if you don't like it you would assume clicking tombolo again takes you to a different one but it doesn't. So if you don't like the landform you initially land on, you have to click random site and try again.
Devmode lets you set a specific feature if it's possible in that location.
Rimworld multiplayer. i come into your colony as a 10 year old girl. You take care of me?
man I fucking love when a slate meteorite lands in the middle of my crop field, very storyful
Prepare Landing
That depends. What are your skills and passions?
I can't leave a child to die
You mean as in, I know the 10yo is your personal player character?
Immediate firing squad.
Shooting / Intelligence
Tough trait
High Psychic sensitivity

correct, only i control her while you control the rest of the colony
I treat random joiners well, then banish them when the next caravan comes.
Random character generation with no reroll, fine.
Chose a 10yo as your avatar intentionally, death.
This sounds oddly specific
Whats your game?
>I'm gonna add X mod
>close game
>...what was I going to add?
so you too have gone senile
>use savegame shrinker
>every single sarcophagus in the affected save starts vomiting red errors
>high psy
Welcome aboard, I hope you'll enjoy reading books nonstop for the next three years. I'll give you a looted revolver when you turn thirteen and assign you to shooting practice along with research/dark study and maybe warden duty as a secondary to train some skills. You'll probably be molested and/or raped once or twice along the way as people tend to get a little handsy around here, but if you haven't broken by the time you turn 16 you should have some pretty considerable skills and be ready to start fighting raiders, robots, and archotechs know what else on the front lines. Assuming you don't catch a stray bullet or claw upside the head and make it to 18, you'll either be paired off with whatever male colonist you don't hate in the hopes you'll procreate and make more suitable members for the colony, or if I like you enough I might stick a neuroformer in your brain instead and start training you for more heavy combat duties as one of our Glorious Leader's private enforcers.
But this is all assuming you don't have a terrible mental break somewhere along the way and piss me off, as then you'll instead get locked in the brothel dungeon to make yourself useful to the colony in other ways. Good luck.
I scrolled through my inactive mods and stumbled upon it.
Natural Wells, because I want to make steam geysers for some A Rim Reborn collectors.
I had one land right on top of my gauranlen tree, obliterating it and killing four dryads connected to it
Mental illness
that's the entire site, so you'll have to be more specific
any nice RJW + CE + HAR anime gooner paradise modlist out there? been looking to try CE and anomaly since i got it yesterday
First off, I'm turning you into a sanguophage. Then, we're installing a psychic stymulator and a harmonizer or whatever and pumping you full of yayo. For the final step, we beat you to death and leave you in a 1x2 cell placed near a high traffick area and blocked off from the rest of the colony. Of course, when deathrest exhaustion kicks in we'll have to swithc you up, but we'll work on that when the time comes.
>checking latest mod releases and find https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3394688448
>>braindead imbecile asks why it needs medieval overhaul
>when the mod clearly has images showcasing custom structures using MO's furniture and other items as part of its main content
>when the mod's name explicitly mentions it being medieval
>when it's completely stilized after MO
Doesn't stop retards here. Why would it stop retards on steam?
When are you going to post female pawns?
Hold on
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it even rhymes
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Flat faces...
Now I'm angry.
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Female pawns. And Michael "Dingo" Silver, Ivy's husband.
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I use Imozou Face because it's small, but I'm taking that off too because it doesn't affect some of the ARR races.
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An actual room is almost done, not sure how I want to keep expanding it but this is initial ground work. I think I'll keep this design and do 4 of each on the corners or something.
whats the best body mod?
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Sex with Thesa
Sex with Lanverlai
Sex with Erpsuid
Sex with Beki
Sex with Ivy
Sex with Sydney
Sex with Dami
Sex with three Nameless Female Pawns
You fucking whore
>Sex with three Nameless Female Pawns
You know the name of at least one of them, right?
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NTA but I sure do
That setup is fucking sexy. I will now proceed to steal it and keep lurking for more thank you
Are you using Bionic Eye Graphic Mod?
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Its from this https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3325531190

Its made for the face textures I'm using
Alright, not using devmode anymore.
>send caravan
>send them with like 400 pemmican
>short time later
>pawns caravan has run out of food

I've had this happen a few times where a bunch of food on a caravan just fucking disappears. I know the pawns or animals aren't eating that much because it's usually a caravan with like 1-2 pawns and maybe one animal.
Horse Anomaly when?
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>only pawn away on caravan doing a doctor request and getting some food
>man hunter packs shows up
>raider shows up not much later
>raider makes a beeline for my base
>fullly expect the cunt to burn it
>the man hunter packs goes after him
>he takes care of it
>runs toward the mincho horse that self tamed
>hits it a few time and downs it
>runs to my stockpile, grabs a few hundred silver and fucks off
>horse gets back up and is fine (the ice cream pawns and animals are damn near unkillable)
In keeping with Anomaly's themes it should be called a Metal Nightmare and be faster and stronger than a normal horse until it eventually snaps and starts trying to manhunt your colonists like a Mare of Diomedes
yeah just leaving silver out in the open is probably the best defence against raids, not like you can't just churn out more devilstrand corsets to sell
Are there any mods that add decorations that require no resources and don't contribute to colony wealth and can't be sold
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Becks taking a refreshing dip in the cool, river water
Why is she so low res
I have a dedicated caravan squad with recon armor and nuclear stomachs. It's heckin kino
you can just manually do that for whatever mod you want
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I was going to whine that my mech factory placement is ruined due to the ancient ruin but it would look better if I appropriate the building instead.
I only have one pawn, the caravan was risky as it but sometimes you can find big stores of food and materials on random tiles (real ruins) so it's worth scouting here and there.
She hasn't researched higher textures yet
Pretty sure the stuff from Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Props fits that description perfectly
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Behold, the second daughter.
>okay I need 5 X, 3 Y and 7 Z
>have to write it down because my brain can't remember it
>still forget it while writing it

How fucking fried am I jesus christ
What entities can I freeze the limbs off of? I know fleshbeasts
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Is there a mod that keeps the vanilla faces the same, but is higher resolution?
I want these to be consistent.
update: found something
will see if it works
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>send Colton and Stacy out with the Mule and 4k silver
>coming back with some supplies that are getting harder to get on our tile
Vehicles actually encouraging me to use caravans. Next we'll send someone out to sell some of the vast quantities of beer we have.
also found this
now I gotta find something to fix the red shader thing
I think this is it
FSF Tweaks has an option to globally multiply vehicle world map speed, it's great
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that's absurd
why didn't he just use vanilla mech cluster code, which doesn't do this
based bloatskar, giving tynan a run for his storytelling money
What the fuck happened
I've had vanilla clusters do that to me before, though it was on a map with barely any open space so I wasn't too surprised things broke a little
>logging site near by
>only 2 people
>figure my colonists can deal with them ezpz
>didn't pay attention to the faction
>fucking kurins's
>about shit myself when I arrived because they were already attacking
>full armor, moving at 300% speed as they always do
>one was melee and the other had the standard kurin shotgun
>the one with the gun started attacking the mincho horses
>one of my colonists tanked the melee while the other shot
>colonist and kurin went down at the same time
>other kurin fled
>easily saved the downed colonist
>got a bunch of food, wood, a solar panel and battery
>not hostile with the kurin's

I was so fucking scared bros, I though the run was over. Anyone who's fought the Kurin's knows they're strong af from the start. Also answered the question of "does attacking outposts harm relations" and the answer is no.
rip king
Medieval-only playthroughs possible in 1.5 yet?
attacking vanilla sites affects relations, the game should give you a popup warning before you do so either kurin mod or some other mod is broken. if you mean something else like vef outposts then i have no clue
Are you sure they were from the main Kurin faction?
They could have just used the pawntype.
They were Kurins. I'm using some addon that gives like logging, hunting and mining outposts and you can attack them and get all the shit there. I wasn't sure if you took a rep hit for attack them but I'm still neutral with the Kurin faction so you don't.
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Oh boy...
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I'm sorry...
nothing to apologize for here
furries aren't people
What did you use, antigrain?
I am thinking of buying rimworld during the winter sale. Is the game good despite its minimalist looking graphics?
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I'm reloading before this raid fuck oskar and his fucking no minimum range charge blaster turrets
Also CAI 5000 is fucking retarded, "smarter AI", "Tactical pathfinding" the AI runs in circles away from your pawns, annoying as fuck to catch them as they keep running away and easy to coral into a trap.
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Lanverlais looks a little red.
Do you guys actually play this game or do you just use it as a story engine for /d/ shit?
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yes the game is a masterpiece and you should buy it and all the DLCs, also buy extra copies for friends and family
I play, I refuse to install coomer mods.
I use it as The Sims with guns.
Something a teeny bit worse
What mod gives you that, Milira?
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playing it as anything else is madness
Rabbie Defense And Turrets. The turrets are all hilariously broken but they're beyond expensive to rearm. The other turrets are too expensive for me to use, but I love this cannon because it's a really good I-don't-wanna-deal-with-this button on the very endgame where raids aren't interesting anymore. It's always fun to see the screen shake really hard when it explodes. Three shots from this isn't enough to completely wipe an endgame Milira raid.
Thanks anon, I got the Rabbie race already, not sure how I missed all the other stuff
its the sims but for men. thats honestly the best explanation i have for it.
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Simple Warrants is great
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at most you'll need eight reboots with 400 mods.
and each one will be faster than the last since you're getting rid of half the list.
a big chunk of the effort is just noting which mods are being removed in your new list, and all that
RimPy has a good interface for that, but it's le deprecated
WinMerge helps if you're using RimSort
Beware - i fucked with More Linkables settings a bit, by default some of these linkables might not work for you.
... not really? all you need is a few separate folders and thats it.
Sometimes pawns drop everything and leave the map regardless, its some long standing unsolved bug so you need to pay attention when you caravan.
rjw genes breaks the world gen n now im freakin sad... all i wanted to do weird shit with the xenotypes...
How do I tell what 180370112 and 25677891234 are?
Amongst 1000+ mods?
1: split modlist into "active" and "unchecked" folders. (active is the steam installation folder)
1.A: sort out dependency problems.
2: run game with active list
if the problem is gone, move active list to "safe" folder, move half of unchecked folder to active folder.
if the problem persists, move unchecked folder to safe folder, move half of active list to unchecked
4: repeat from 2 until you find the problem mod.
>split modlist into "active" and "unchecked" folders
if you cant figure that out on your own you're hopeless.
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Anon, I'm not sure you understand the problem.
Unless I can tell RimWorld, RimSort, or RimPy to just put all inactive mods into another folder somehow?
alternatively with rimpy you could use colors in place of folders.
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That folder has both active and inactive mods.
>2000 total
current problem aside, you should probably clean that out at some point.
But then XYZ mod I found a long time ago would be lost in the even bigger sea called the workshop...
I don't know why that anon got his nuts in a twist, but don't use folders to sort. Use RimPy interface, save your current modlist with the export list button. Don't overwrite it, because that's how you restore your load order later. Then take the bottom half of your mods out from active mods, save and run. As long as you work from the bottom up you shouldn't have many issues with missing dependencies.
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All the hours I have in this game and I never really noticed how much better the trade opportunities with actual settlements are over trade caravans because traveling is so shit in vanilla.
Here Ruby has taken a new guy to go shopping and get rid of some of our junk and the selection isn't half bad. Much better than a visiting caravan.
I use RimSort because the sorting rules get updated.
Last time I tried using both, they were incompatible.
But not anymore, so I might try sorting with RimSort and managing add/remove debugging with RimPy, the load list dialog is nice.
Color-coding is cool, if I can trim it down to something reasonable I might color-code everything again.
I highly recommend RimPy, but there is one annoying flaw. Unlike RimSort, when you update a mod, it doesn't delete the old files, it just adds/overwrites. This is a problem if some stupid modder renames his dll, because you will end up with 2 conflicting dll files and then you get errors. That's a fairly rare scenario, but updating game versions like 1.4->1.5 it becomes a problem.
You can use RimSort just for updating though. I only tried it once but it overwrote every single mod instead of just the one's I chose and I lost many hours of work...haha...
Anyways, look around at the options first, I'm pretty sure I used an import button to get my mod list from RimPy into RimSort. The reverse might be possible as well.
I've used RimPy plenty before.
If I could get whatever updates they are doing to the sorting logic and rules (I have no idea, but updates mention sorting rule changes) put into RimPy, I would use it instead.
I don't want to go back to manual sorting.
Who is this sexbot?
It's busted as fuck anyway. No idea why anyone would even want to use it.
horny, duh
I don't know how that can be done, but load order doesn't matter much for Rimworld. Most mods that it matters for have loadafter/loadbefore rules in the about.xml. RimPy auto sort accounts for that.
Frameworks at the beginning, Rocketman at the end. Everything in between mostly doesn't matter so long as dependencies go before submods.
I think auto-sorting is worse, because all the mods become jumbled up. Manually sorting you can put similar mods in groups, and see at a glance if you have mods with overlapping functions.
some of the genes looked unironically cool outside of the gooner potential, like litter pregnancies. always wanted something like that.
be real, anon.
half of those mods probably havent even been used since installing them.
There is a litter birth gene for biotech on steam. If you're not using RJW pregnancy that one should work.
no, but...
yeah, I have a digital hoarding problem
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>browse workshop because I'm bored
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I had Engine Industries in my save, but I don't need it anymore, because the vehicle mod (R3 Capraia) doesn't work.
Will it hurt to take it out?
It's just items, crafting stations, and recipes...
Also, if it does or doesn't break the save, how can I tell for sure?
Will it surprise me quadrums or years later?
It should be fine, but I recommend using dev mode to delete any items or crafting stations from the mod first. Once you remove it and load the game with dev mode on you should be able to notice if there are issues. You will get errors, or things will be missing from the map.
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Is this bad?
No not really.
Are you in game or in main menu?
In game.
I didn't check at main menu, just cleared it, there's always errors there.
You're probably fine, save in a new slot, clear the errors, then reload. You will know if it's bad because it will spam errors hundreds of times per second and you can't clear the log.
Thank you i jacked off 3 times to all of them, some more than others
What >>508061245
said. Its probably some residue from world pawns and shit.
I haven't even finished updating my mods to 1.5 yet.. Link it.
did it, no such problem, yay
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Making some mod alterations.
Replaced Camera+ with SimpleCameraOptions and wew I can zoom in quite a bit now.
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>be Kandice
>crying about not getting sex and the psychic drone
>wander around outsite while a pack of manhunting bears enter the map
>stand exactly in the kill zone while the others deal with the bears
>get mauled and shot for it
I hope it was worth it you whiny baby. She's lucky she didn't lose any limbs.
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>gave Logan a synth kidney a long time ago
>his heart condition eventually went away
>not sure how but it correlates with the kidney implant
>give synth kidney to Maya
>wait and see if hers goes too
This will be an interesting experiment. This is probably a side effect of something you can't normally do in vanilla but it tracks that an advanced blood filtering synth organ would be able to eventually clear up a heart problem.
Somehow that doesn't seem right to me. Are you sure you didn't just forget taking care of it?
Depends on the condition tho.
If it was something you got in game and required to build up immunity then yes, kidney would help here.
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I forgot these were a thing
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I'm fairly certain I never did anything to correct it. No heart transplant or mechanites.
If this value starts ticking down now on Maya I'll be suspicious.
What's the mod that lets you mass-select furniture to rebuild at a higher quality? I tried Improve This but that requires clicking a button on each item individually.
Not going to lie. Getting fatigued with mechs this run at the moment. I'm really over them
That's only for blueprints.
Like, over dealing with hostile mechs or over being a mechanitor?
Hostile mechs
Ah. Yeah. Should get the mod that adds worker mechs as possible enemy mechs. Won't make it much less cancer, but it's hard to say 40 roombas charging your colony isn't funny.
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Thank you
I pledge my loyalty to the 4th Reich
theres not really a point to them since normal colonies can breeze through research and low tech colonies probably want to stay there
to be honest theres not a point to most of the items in rimworld since theyre either too rare or tedious to feasibly use without mods, too buggy, or just plain worse than other options that are available earlier or easier
prime example-hyperweave and synthread
why would you ever use this when devilstrand and thrumbofur are easier to get and just as good if not better
They should be used to make think-tank-like upgrades to drastically speed up research in my opinion. Like the Brain In a Jar mod, but instead of being OP, it gives a rare "OP" item a use.
>least faggot minmaxer
>bloat expanded
Any mods to let me pick and choose or disable mental breaks, like how you can turn events on and off with Events Expanded and traits with Traits Expanded? I fucking hate Entity Slayer and Entity Liberator more than fucking anything.
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no need. kraut just asks you to look out for your men.
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A kidnapping is about to happen.
just learn how to play the game and you'll almost never see any mental breaks
>just learn how to play
glad to see you are unfamiliar with traits that cause random mental breaks
I dont think there are any mods like this.
Closest you can get to that is combination of Snap Out that allows you to calm the breaking pawn with Dubs Extreme Break that makes pawns have extreme breaks only from extreme things happening.
Ignore >508079319 - that tranny faggot tries to bait people into argument.
Damn, that sucks. Thanks, Anon.
i dont need to pirate anymore, 2 years out of school and plenty of disposable income

whats the best way to get all the DLC? i guess buy this bundle first, then buy the other bundle separately assuming it will just remove the base game on its own?
just buy the base game, pirate the dlcs, they are unreasonably priced for what you get
>2 years out of school
>can't do basic math
lmao @ ur future
don't take pawns with those specific traits then, there's a reason why most avoid pyromaniac for example. otherwise you can still do other things like use psycasts, both to remove the mental break or skip them away while you for example build a wall to block the entity or whatever. building a wall without skip might be possible too especially out of wood. and if you're going to cheat just use character editor to remove the trait from the pawn, cherrypicker or rimsqoll might work too
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Somewhere along the way my idea of slick and functional space ship turned into a hodge podge cobbled together wreck barely resembling functional space station..
im stupid and have too much money becoz no gf or kids, im aware of creamapi or whatever but too paranoid to use it on my steam account
How do you handle space battle or you just disable it?
there is no saving you
>buying paracux
it's truly too late for you
Trying to search mods for something that makes darkness 100% pitch black or at least close to it. Found this but it's only for the unnaturel darkness thing i dont even know what that is yet since I'm going to try the DLC one by one instead of being overwhelmed

What are my best options that just make regular darkness black?
I disabled them. I despise SOS2 combat system.
I just had an idea to build simply what i need to make it look like something growing organically.
I can always build a small ship somewhere out there if i need to.
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I love beating women

also have you looked at realistic darkness? dunno if either of those links lead there, you fucked both of them up and I am too lazy to add the missing characters and remove the extra ones
You have RimNaut 2 right?
maybev the extra stuff ruins the link

It's literally pitch black unlike realistic darkness
Realistic darkness is my backup to use but I want something darker and i dont care if i won't be able to do anything outside of light sources because thats what I want for my next few runs
Unfortunately I am pretty sure Realistic Darkness is literally the only mod that does this.
You could try unpackaging the class file in the mod yourself to see if you can scale up the darkness, but other than that, as good as it'll get. I use Realistic Darkness and while its not pure black, it is still a bitch and a half to see.
the other thing I want to try is
True Unnatural Darkness
and then use Advanced Unnatural Darkness to toggle infinite darkness

I have no idea how infinite darkness works yet but i assume this would probably force me to get other mods that let me grow crops in caves or something, or at least only trigger it once i have the indoor farming thing unlocked
I mean, that DEFINITELY would do what you want it to do but... You're going to be playing on Don't Starve mode and Charlie is not taking the stap-on off.
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Being able to preload a vehicle for a caravan really makes things less annoying.
Everyone can help out as a normal part of their day to put items in the truck, then the actual people who are going to drive just grab their food and leave when I feel the time is right.
Instead of that jank ass vanilla behavior where the caravan members are the only ones who load the caravan and are condemned to it until the caravan is completely loaded which leaves then getting progressively more upset as they can't eat, sleep, etc.
Bless the truck.
chuck a caravan spot in your stockpile, it'll make loading infinitely faster
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That was some serious frostbite
I remember that one movie where the guy was splashed with liquid nitrogen in the face.
What do I do if I want to get rid of a bonded animal? Wish I could keep them from bonding with the battle elephants
That's very common with chicken and other fowl. Stupid puny birds
In vanilla you can only do two things: kill either party or stuff them into cryosleep chamber. I guess you can also sell them, but it incurs mood debuff (less severe than killing animal). I don't know if it removes the bond.
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This garage could really do with some clutter to make it look more used.
use bloat expanded - new laggy props
>running out of resources a bit
>drop into one of the VE Vaults
>rip everything up except walls and conduits
>20k steel
>almost 1k components both normal and advanced
I love OP fagskar slop.
Barrels, one or two chests and pallet would liven this up a bit.
Comfy build tho.
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Behold, a woman!
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Imagine what it must be like for tribals to have a tank armed with a flamethrower loaded with napalm pull up on them
Works on my machine. Make sure you're running vega's version. Also make sure you're running cumpilation and rjw itself is updated.
Also, I can't figure out exactly what the fuck is wrong with it, but the patcher for big and small's undeads throws a red error on game start because it can't find the gene. It's there and it looks fine, but it doesn't seem to work. I just removed those references since for some reason most of gene's genitalia don't show up anyway. I'd assume if you're also running Spawn Those Genes you'll likely have a lot more errors like this one, so either get rid of it or delete all broken references.
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That is a very unique offer. Wonder what they need them for.
So, what happend to Kraut?
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The wonders of technology.
Colton and Ruby on a mission... all alone...
Mono-bastard sword... my beloved...
I swear that things from Halo Wars
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>two howitzer shells directly hit this siege camp simultaneously
>immediate massive injuries to the attackers
>cooked off their incendiary mortar shells
I'm glad we captured artillery from previous attacks. They're fucking handy.



new bread, caravan out --->
Egscuze me saaar where is having the new thread
i want to use psychic invisibility and nibble on corin's ears until she gives up on having a life without my saliva in them
>Works on my machine. Make sure you're running vega's version. Also make sure you're running cumpilation and rjw itself is updated.
What version of the mods are you using?
this but putting my cock under corin's nose so she keeps smelling my dick
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Finally clean.

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