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Jellychristmas Edition


>DragonRod's Digital Tamer Reborn 2

>Habu Kazumasa no longer involved with Digimon games at Bandai

>Digimon Survive official website

>-next 0rder- Switch & PC re-release out

>Lost Evolution translation patch finally released

>Comic Chapters

>Web Novel Chapter 6-2 released:

>Official website

>Official JP theme

>Liberator synopsis and character details

>Liberator initial announcement

>Digimon Dreamers online distribution update

>Chapter 2 of the mangas from the participants of the Digimon comic award has been released

>Current /tg/ /dcg/ thread

>Look Up Piyomon & Gomamon figure pre-orders open

>New Ichiban Kuji lottery figures

>Adventure 25th Color Evolution 2nd wave US pre-orders open

>EN Reference Book


Previous: >>507055341
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>Liberator is the number 1 webcomic

Let's fucking goooooooo, anime when?
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look at those funbags

A bit dissapointed it's just a bakemon evo, it's such a common digimon in so much media. Hoping it'll get the shellmon treatment and get some banger original perfect and ultimate forms

>inb4 lmao phantomon
She smuggling 2 Tokomons in her chest?
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>Toei ignores Liberator to keep milking Adventure
>Sangomon gets Shellmon
>Ghostmon gets Bakemon
>Sunarizamon meanwhile gets a brand-new Adult despite the fact it was made for Golemon
Make it make sense
They needed to complete the Seadra-Airdra-Flamedra-Landramon elemental quartet.

Also golemon is the gotsumon champion and nothing will ever change that
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Close is mysterious and has brain problems like picrel
>christmas thread
>2 days after christmas
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Select your character
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Christmas ends with Twelfth Night.
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The Queens of Digimon
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>"Hey Kakayama, this digimon liberator thing we own became the number one webcomic"
>"Are you thinking what I'm thinking, Salarisawa?"
>"As a matter of fact, I do, Kakayama..."
>And then, they released an AAAAAAAAAAAAdventure webcomic
Shouldn't Renamon be 2000s?
Yeah at least give it something blue or witch/wizard looking. Bakemon looks just too generic compare to Ghostmon.
At least Shellmon has same color scheme with coralmon.
Mervamon isn't that popular aside from Xrospics generation to be honest. I don't understand why people are so obsessed with angewomon either and this came from someone who watched her debut in 1999.
>thetis instead of gerrymon
>Liberator is the number 1 webcomic
Wait for real? how competitive is the webcomic market? Liberator is the only one I'm reading and that's because I love card games.
Imagine being happy about winning the special olympics
Someone's angry
To be a bit more specific, it looks like it's number 1 in the Manga category as well as the Verticals category. Beat out things like Stranger Things.
Not bad, I mostly got into this franchise because of the card game so it's fun to see that it's working on other people who aren't just addicts to medium.
It's number 1 specifically on GlobalComix. Not exactly a major accomplishment but, hey, better than nothing.
If it was the most popular on Webtoons, that would be something.
The cat would be the secret-yandere one isn't she?
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She shifts into VM when she is in that mood
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What are your evaluations on Liberator's 2024 content?
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>That one Meikofag artist is also Hinatafag.
Kinda check out I guess.
Hippity hoppity, that Frog is my property
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Hands off her Froggy
Sex with Arisa.
Tell me I'm pretty
Or else?
If only Hinata were in digimon...
Took Collosseum and reached gold. I think I´m gonna go Avalon server to train and scan some adults, perfects. I haven´t got any mega yet.
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My rival.
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Which one will you choose?
Kill every humon in existence. Total humon death. Cherubimon and Leopardmon did nothing wrong.
The latter got dabbed on by a Garudamon through the power of friendship, then proceeded to die to Sora and Tomoki MK-II.

A Royal Knight who loses to someone who isn't the MC, rival, or designated asspull button in the vein of Adventure's angels are objectively a joke and a failure.
> Leopardmon
But Leopardmon is a humon
The greatest racists are basically inferior beings like Leopard/Duftmon
How do I love Digimon?
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I love Jellymon-sama!
We know Kiyoshiro
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W H E N ?
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Okay guys, predictions:
Who do you think will have Fantomon as a Perfect level in their lineage for Violet's Ghost Reanimate Deck?
Ghostmon/Bakemon or Candmon/Soulmon?
Soulmon, because then we might have two new mons instead of one.
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What are the chances that Nanomon was Apocalymon and the Dark Masters' original minion and Etemon was just a complete rando who just barged in and took over his turf?
Going by the novel, Etemon and the DM were in cahoots, but PizzaCrust was basically a beast of its own, that was using their genocide for his own game. Nanomon was just some guy, but Etemon beating him, gave him actual brain damage, so he decoded to summon PizzaCrust (who represented "Chaos") ik order to fuck up Etemon and the DMs (Who represented "Order")PizzaCrust just vored him and turned Etemon into Etemon Chaos when Nanomon broke the wall of fire.
Dudtmon was utterly based in re:arise.
Nta, but never got far into ReArise. What did he do there?
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Cute frill lizard
when the hell are the goji preorders opening?
Digivengers, assemble !
That's interesting to know, thanks.
That doesn't mean anything, I mean before Bakemon's reveal, we were convinced that Ghostmon would have 3 new Digimons... Also even if Fantomon becomes Soulmon's Perfect, there is a digimon that after the fact and based on Vi's unique emblem that can make the transition between Bakemon and the Ultimate and it's Oboromon:

- Skeletal Appearance (Unique Emblem Hint): Check
- Produces blue flames on the body: Check
- Carries on its body remnants of tissues that it seemed to carry in its previous form: Check
- The appearance of the Digimon can very well make it classified as a Ghost: Check

So keep in mind for the moment (especially when the first sentence of its lore is this: "An Undead Digimon that lives in graveyards like a ghost.")
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>Etemon and the Dark Masters were aligned.
Kakudo isn't the most consistent writer.
I guess. Etemon seemed like the lone wolf warlord like Myotismon than a team player. It feels like one of those George Lucas off hand remark retcons.
Etemon being Just Some Dude™ running around and fucking shit up for his own goals makes him generally more fun than him being part of the pecking order, so I'll ignore the novel entirely thank you.
Imagine if he actually managed to overpower Pinocchimon
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Digital Monster: Net Driver releases today!
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Oh shit, finally. I'll give that a go soon.

That said, I'm a bit sad because I know I won't play it as much as I want just because the raising aspect doesn't make for a super satisfying game loop for me, but I wanna support it
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Hello, /digi/.
He figured out who some of the antagonists were and what they were doing before the main cast, took down one of them by himself, took on the protagonists that tried to defend their former friend, backed off the fight and talked it over once he realized it was taking too long, and then admonished himself for not making his introduction properly beforehand when the antagonists managed to escape by opening a gate when the others were distracted.

All in all, showing himself to be incredibly reasonable and competent like you'd want from a royal knight. Even reigning in the provocations of other rk's in the conference with the holy beasts and the 3 angels.
>weapons of mass destruction
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MetalEtemon= Nature Spirits
MetalSeadramon= Deep Savers
Piedmon= Nightmare Soldiers
Pinocchimon= Wind Guardians
Mugendramon= Metal Empire
I want to creampie Mimi and Palmon
who would her partner be?
Mimi a cutie
In the novel, MetalEtemon never happens, so there is no fight between him and Pinochimon, if that's what you're referring to.
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What a great timing this thread has, I just happen to be working on a Jellymon mod for a certain 3DS game that I like to play.
I didn't know there was even a novel and Etemon being a Dark Master is a weird choice to make.
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jerrymon chest erotic ToT
Pyramid head?
Digital Monster: Net Driver (Launch Trailer)

What the fuck is Frigimon doing?
less Dark Master, and more him just being one of their flunkies.
Her best
She's a big girl
It's a bone for moving the body around
So is it good?
How many digimon aside from usual suspects (ADVENTUREEEE partners/villains etc.)
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>4 Agumon
>Agumon 2006, Agumon, Black Agumon, and YukiAgumon
Where are my niggas Kunemon and Wormmon?
Yikes, worse than I fear it seems. V-pet (V1)fags are even more obnoxious.
I never like Sinobali's style that much to be honest either.
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Three Tiáchis
>A friend says that the devs want this to be a bit like DW1 before people figured it out

A bit modernized I hope, DW1 is pretty fucking weird without any guidance. Anyone figure out how training works?
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cute tadpoles
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YukiAgumon being there makes no sense too since it's seemingly based on Metal Empire, neither do the V-dramons
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The digitama is described as being "Dragon and machine" themed in-game
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Weird how we still don't have mons based on Yorimitsu/Yoshitsune/Masakado
I don't think there are that many mons based on people instead of myths. Only ones that come to mind (outside of memes like Betsumon) are Darcmon and Olegmon.
RagnaLordmon is another
Cute Guilmon animation
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I love net driver, fuck you bandai.
i want to lick his strawberry
t. Drashiro
Bandai should just buy these guys up at this point. Sega is the only one that doesn't get butthurt by fangames.
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Stupid sexy Mervamon
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Should use Soulmon at least. It got the same hat and kinda less represented/less connected to Phantomon line.
*also it literally has power named necro magic which use soul of the dead since they are going for necromancer/resurrection deck/motif.
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why did they make her ass so fat
To make it clear she is a womanlet and not loli.
For Cool Boy's pleasure
All the customization points went there, hence her midget size.
He already has kusogaki Unchain for that.
>Cool Boy's Unchain
>ShotoXClose (a bit one-sided for now)
Yao is forever alone...
The idea of growing up and losing your Digimon is very gay and not what the original adventure writers wanted. Just because you grow up doesn't mean you lose your potential.
Why would Ukkomon want you to lose your Digimon and make Lui upset?
Because shortstacks are peak
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Could be bigger.
Owen here.
>tumblr filename
Anyway remember the OG 1999 ending is also separation ending. I don't know if Kakudou already has 02 ending in mind since that time but unlikely since they probably only decide to create sequel after adventure's success+ they changed a lot of plan like Daemon arc and Osamu's ghost being last boss or something.
Why do you have sexual tension with two men?
I like ghostmon to wizarmon to oboromon/mummymom but I realize it's just cope evo tree
They can separate when I fucking die!
It fits but Wizarmon is already overused I guess (for Impmon->Baalmon/Beelzemon line and Candlemon->Mystimon->Dynasmon line).
Maybe use Sorcerimon instead for blue color as well.
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Depth but no width. Sad!
That works, but he's more an icemon!
I guess you can go BlueMeramon after it instead to keep the ice theme, that's actually pretty nice.
Or mix it up with DeathMeramon even, but that's back to fire again.
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And I thought Yggdrasil would take 2nd, but the sheer gap between him and Quartzmon is hilarious.
To prove she can handle baby making
They separated because it was the end of the summer moron. Not because of them having to grow uo.
It's still in the same spirit that the kid needs to follow society rule and part away with the symbol of their childhood.
Does it? Because they're reunited in 02, in Tri, in Kizuna and the Epilogue when they're adults. Hahaha.
Only Japan is retarded enough to think abandoning or never seeing the people who helped you grow and become a better person is a good thing.
Growing up isn't about becoming a slave to society and bonds are important.
You must be retarded if you think digimon leaving has anything to do with people growing up, that idiotic idea was only mentioned by kizuna´s producer and that made kakudou (the original director of digimon adventure) quit the project because it was going in a direction that didn´t match his creative vision.

The point is that the kids grow up ALONGSIDE their digimon, not in spite of them. Even in tamers the whole point is that their separation was a cruelty they didn´t deserve but had to bear for the greater good.

Ironically the only universe that has yet to confirm if the chosen reunite with the digimon is frontier, which never had digimon partners in the first place...
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What went wrong with Quartzmon?
is the login down? it wont let me login
No one watched his show.
>Does it? Because they're reunited in 02, in Tri, in Kizuna and the Epilogue when they're adults. Hahaha.
As I said, they likely not planned for any of those when writing the final episode of adventure. At best they may decided to create 02 around the time the final episode aired but they already wrote the script/finished the production long before.
>You must be retarded if you think digimon leaving has anything to do with people growing up
That was what Kakudou thought by that time though with the whole sad goodbye and the most immature character (Mimi) finally come to term and part away with her partner the last.
That was every nips' default ideology at work, not mine. Don't make an assumption.
> that idiotic idea was only mentioned by kizuna´s producer and that made kakudou (the original director of digimon adventure) quit the project
By that time he already wrote 02 epilogue (and apparently had a bridging script that would have been created into "03" if the epilogue didn't caused fan backdraft when it aired and got replaced by Tamer instead) and of course he would get butthurt if some newfag wrote the story that completely non-canonize his old works
Also don't get all butthurt just because I mentioned you used tumblr filename lmao.
They left in the original series because that was the end of their summer adventure, not because it was the end of their childhood. You seriously want to use the series that explicitly gave EVERYONE IN THE WORLD a digimon as an example For your argument that people must separate from their Digimon to grow up?
but the Tamers were forced to part with their partners because the adults had to make that sacrifice out of desperation, and yet they still reunite with their Digimon in 2018 when they are adults?Tamers get their Digimon back at the end, the separation was a fake-out.

Nah, The Beginning now says otherwise. Digimon disappearing only happened in Kizuna and plot permanence is not a thing.
Mybrain.exe : error 404.
But damn, where do we put Dracomon now!?
No because only two possible slots left for the red child/adult (actually 3 but for me BT20-007 is Ryudamon) and there is still an Ex-Vmon to place too!
i like the vpets but when its basically just a vpet for pc with like facebook farming stuff it doesnt click for me
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It's vpets for poor people, just like the Digivice on psp
>the series that explicitly gave EVERYONE IN THE WORLD a digimon
i dont see this making any one a fan though. it feels very different minimizing a tab over and over again checking on it compared to just messing with it on your desk
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I thought they came back in the train movie?
The series is fucking dead, two main characters got more screentime/development in FGO now and the author is too busy wanking/waifubaiting his FGO original (Abby).
Like a pottery.
Non canon.

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