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>What is /feg/?
/feg/ is the general dedicated to the discussion of games from the Fire Emblem franchise.

>Fire Emblem Series Summary

>Fire Emblem Series Emulation Guide

>Fire Emblem Heroes Event Calendars

>Fire Emblem Heroes Links and Guides

>Latest FEH Trailer

Previous: >>507787881
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She continues to win without doing anything.
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I love my waifu Shamir
Edelgard as the TT reward for the hot spring banner!
Shamir's Catherine's wife btw
Nah, it's gonna be my boy-wife Rune
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I love Queen Guinivere
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I want Baldr and Gullveig to interact solely because they both have silver-gold color schemes
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>becomes immediately beloved
Yep, I'm thinking CYL winner
Uh, since when has being completely irrelevant in both the story and the meta been considered winning?
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Baldr and Gullveig would be besties.
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Is it really considered gay sex if they were able to produce biological offspring?
Priam’s design draws from both Ike’s and Soren’s so the logical conclusion is that they both had a hand (as well as a penis!) in making him.
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>Askr why are you dressed like it's halloween?
>Because you're marrying Kiran, silly!
wtf I love Embla now?
The internet has already settled this fucking decades ago.
Ike + Mist = Priam
but Priam doesn't look very inbred
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Damn, Tana looks like THAT? Mamma mia, looks like I'm rolling on New Years!
Tana looks sexy and cute in her art and only underlines the fact that all these banners with DOGS on them were a mistake. So much cute kimono alts wasted on ugly subhumans.
Rauls pencil dick lmao
So cool how the autistic schizophrenic can spam faster now.
Your mother gave birth to a failure that spends all day and night spamming Fire Emblem threads for no reason besides being autistic. I hope you know that you have wasted your life so far and you will continue to waste your life until you die. Absolute waste of oxygen.
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One thing I really love about Shamir is that I honestly don't even need FEH to really love her.

Obviously the units she's gotten in Heroes and any forging bonds appearances are appreciated and give her more dialogue but basically everything I love about her is taken from 3Houses or 3Hopes. If FEH ever EoS's (and it will sooner or later) yeah it'll be a shame not getting to use her to clear maps in game but I'll always have those two games that I can go back and play and rewatch all her supports in and such.

And even beyond that, I'll have everything from her in terms of merch and fanart. I'll have my personalized commissions that will always feel relevant since I'm not using some rando who isn't even me from a game whose servers are closed, I'll have my merch of her. I'll have my custom merch of her like my daki and hopefully sooner or later a plush and a scale figure.

Sure she isn't the most popular character from her game, but there'll still be FE threads on /v/ and on here where I can discuss her as a unit and as a character and even pull up a save file to post about. It's not like she's gonna disappear once FEH ends.

Anyone else feel the same about their waifu?
Kiran fucked her
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I want to tell you a story. Actually, it's a story we all know very well. It's the story of Namschizo. Namschizo was born in a mud hut in Vietnam to Cock Bang Hua and Nguyen Suck Me. The Americans dropped Agent Orange on his mud hut. His parents died in agony. He alone lived but the Agent Orange permanently scarred his nervous system. He will never be normal. He can never be normal. This abnormal baby was carried by AC-130 Gunship to Canada. They shot him out of the gun turret. The baby grows up. He is a stinky baby and no one likes him. Alone, he crawls in austere prostration to Fire Emblem. It is now his life for he has nothing else. Fire Emblem, it's called Heroes now, Fire Emblem Heroes is released. He is good at Fire Emblem Heroes. He is the best at Fire Emblem Heroes. Why do the fools, the know-nothing nabobs on Discord not see that he is the best? They ban him and ban him and BAN HIM from their server. This gives him further shock. More than the Agent Orange. He is fading. He is fading. Spiral into madness. Defecation. A church bell in Kyiv. It is tolling. Maria Zivenkova is tolling the church bell. Who is it tolling for? It's tolling for me (my mind). It begs prayer for me (my soul). The congregation is gathered and yet not one assembles begs for my ascent into heaven. Kek, just remembered no one cares about me. Another Facebook family, posted. I have done this for ten thousand years. Won't someone bury me (my body)? I am already dead. Vultures pick at the remains of my corpse. They shit me out all over /feg/. I am scat, scattered. A whale is falling. A whale is falling. The ravenously hungry denizens of the deep sea (schizo delusions of MY mind) await their meal. I (Namschizo) am the whale. I (Namschizo) am the meal. I pray God to end my suffering as I am consumed by the deep sea creatures (voices in my head). My ass has been clapped. MY ASS HAS BEEN CLAPPED.
>raul has fantasies of a game he spent thousands on closing down just to spite online shitposters who definitely don't live in his head for free
this means that if you're a Gullfag, he would spend THOUSANDS to inconvenience you
You know what, Namtard? You win. I'm done browsing Fire Emblem threads. I'm tired of you spamming the same shit over and over and I'm tired of looking at gore and scat every day. I genuinely don't know what your goal is, but whatever. Fuck you.
Get 4chan-x and add a little cross to insta-filter image md5. He makes new ones sometimes but reposts a lot so you'll see a lot of stubs that you learn to ignore. Filtering becomes a habit. Also will have to filter his twitter usernames and those russian last names he keeps spamming.
Is it a setting on 4cha-x? I already use it but I don't have an instant filter, I have to go into the menu.
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Settings -> Advanced, and scroll down a bit.
This field lets you set the filename info, %f adds a quick md5 filter button
I'm on my phone using KurobaEX (since it's easier to send screenshots of my builds), and it's much more tedious to filter his bullshit on it. I needed an excuse to get out of here anyways and Namschizo getting worse as the days go by was just the kick in the ass I needed.
I feel there's not enough art of this happening.
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Anon the game is gonna end one day. That's a fact. Whether it's next month or next year or next decade we don't know, but it'll happen. If your love for your waifu is tied solely to the gacha game being open I don't know what to tell you.
Please do leave Tyran and make sure to take your group of aka2 shitters with you like TTU7 on your way out. But I know you won't because you don't want to lose your shitty little reddit war with calbert
To add onto this, fuck you jannies and mods for not doing anything about this sack of shit. Range ban him, get a dedicated moderator for /feh/ threads or SOMETHING. This situation has gotten way out of hand.
Honestly? Range ban all of Canada
the situation only got out of hand because of you and your hubris. This would've ended long ago had you not poked the bear. You know what you did but go ahead and play dumb.
>get a dedicated moderator for /feh/ threads
Yeah maybe we can get rid of all the early vandalized "kete" threads or the retarded anti Engage spammer
I agree. Nothing good has come out of Canada.
Did you miss the part where I said I don't know those people, you fucking retard? I have no idea what you're talking about or who you even think I am. Even if I was, why are you making this everyone's problem instead of directly going after the person you're mad at? Going scorched earth isn't going to make anyone sympathetic to you. Neither is, you know, not actually talking about/explaining what happened.
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Look anon, I know we throw these words around a lot but you are attempting to reason with someone who is literally mentally ill. Namschizo does not operate on anything resembling logic or sense and so he neither understands or cares about anything you have to say. In his mind spending 3 fucking years spamming scat on 4chan every waking moment of his day from various Canadian McDonalds is causing unimaginable torment to a bunch of competitive FEH players who have probably never posted even once on 4chan. Nothing you say will convince him of how retarded this is because he is legitimately brain broken.
IS is going to drop the fe 6/7 combined remakes for the switch 2, allow with announcing a mainline game set in zenith.
Don't ask me how I know this, it's what they've been working on for years.
GBA remakes before FE4/5 would be an all time bit
I'm so desperate for new games I choose to believe this
No one mentioned that place.
I don't know schizo, you're the expert on posting from public wifi
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This thread's too sad. Come on, be jolly!
Retard, go back to spamming
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jolly sex with ruk
looks like AI, look at the diadem
When is CYL voting? Late January, right?
No shit off my shirt, I save AI pics, I just label them as such
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If they gave my waifu Shamir an alt dressed like this I think my life would be complete. Maybe she can get a bride alt next year, who knows.

I love her so much.

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We need a new Ayra alt. Attuned Ayra.
Post Ayra build. I need inspo for mine.
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Attuned Ayra

Weapon: Ayra's Edge
Accelerates Special trigger -1.

At start of turn, if unit's HP > 25%, grants Atk/Spd+6, [Neutralizes Penalties], and [Preempt Pulse] to unit and allies within 2 spaces. At start of combat, if unit's HP > 25% or if foe initiates combat, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+5, grants bonus to Atk/Spd = 15% of greater of unit's Spd and foe's Atk, reduces the percentage of foe's non-Special "reduce damage by X%" skills by 75% during combat, grants Special cooldown -1 to unit before foe's first attack, reduces damage from foe's first attack by X (X = 7 + number of spaces from start position to end position of whoever initiated combat, max 12), and also if unit initiates combat and unit survives, grants another action per unit (once per turn.)

Special: Ideal Astra (PRF)
Cd: 3
At start of turn, grants Movement +2 (*same buff as Sigurd). Boosts damage by 60% of unit's Spd. If unit's Special is ready at the time of foe's attack, reduces damage from foe's attack by 50%.

A: Atk/Spd Excel
B: Pulverize 4
Inflicts Spd/Def-4 on foe during combat. Unit can move through foes' spaces (This skill is treated as Pass by other skills.) Neutralizes effects that prevent unit's follow-up attacks, and after combat restores 7 HP to unit.

Inheritance restriction: Infantry non-beast non-dragon melee
C: Incite Atk/Spd

Echo: Slaying Wrath E (icon is wrath/spurn fire but purple)
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1; max cooldown count cannot be reduced below 1). Deals +7 damage when Special triggers.
Mine is very outdated. I'm waiting for the next arcane sword to update her and decide which skills to give her.
Won what? Most Raul suckers award?
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What's this now, a new schizo? Lovely. How many do we have now, four?
With you it makes five methinks
KekkyPow clapped him into a million pieces
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is this list still up to date?
>wake up
>Edelfart lost another VG
I like this tradition.
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>Tana alt
What is Tana's result in CYL, again?
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Tanadev... you...
It's getting hard keeping the losses counted. Soon we just have to roundup in casual convos.
Krisbros were being mistreated.
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I'm gonna
I'm playing since May 2018 and still don't have a single 5* exclusive +10 lol
I have 4 but i have a 3 year gap between playing.
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Now that she's a 4* special, surely Ephraim will finally notice her
Mods. This is porn.
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Tana +10
You will roll for her, right?
if Lyn hadn't raped my orbs I'd consider it.
I can't, Lyn has stolen all my orbs.
/bag/ here.
Hi /bag/ how's your saturday
It's okay. Did you know our generals both have scatschizos? Yours is weirder though.
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Lyn's banner kept giving me Reginns, and it was enough to finish out the rest of the Sneks plus I have an essence on standby.
>kept giving me reginns
Real money or f2p orbs?
F2P orbs
You make a new account for this or something, gulltard?
A lot of people here only like one or two characters and don't roll for anything else.
Gulltards are gacha secondaries and don't actually like Fire Emblem
Bros, I'm tired of oc units, I can't take it anymore. Tana is looking cute, but I can't give a rat's ass about the rest.
Qrd on the new schizo?
I made a plan to be able to +50 hodr with a new account. It’s not like I have another account because I deleted it in like August. Does this disqualify me from any authenticity when I get the 55 copies? I thought earning it instead of paypigging would make it more honest or more real
Based favorite investor. You love to see it. You do any theme team clears or anything?
I stopped caring about OCs books ago.
what happened to eitri?
>There were more OC units/alts added to this game than Archanea, Valentia and Jugdral characters combined
There is no metric for authenticity. Just get your favorites, and don't forget to take your anxiety meds.
I will select a red stone in my summoning circle if I see no blue to avoid 5* resetting my rate.
>Come for a FE crossover games featuring all games
>Get weird OCs that don't even look like FE characters in weird outfits
The only ones I can tolerate are the fairies cause they're actually cute and their outfits don't look some weird fantasy alien shit.
Won't Hodr get a NY alt? I guess the only uncertainty is if she's a solo unit or paired with Baldr. I don't even know who'd they'd pick to represent the Year of the Horse in 2026. Any pair of red and green cav units?
So FUCKING true bro. I'd rather have Sir Lancelot the Heckin' Wholesome Knight from Jugdral Whose Personality is "I fight for my lord". Or better yet Mr Village Archer from Chapter 2 in Thracia who has no lines of dialogue after his recruitment. Those are REAL Fire Emblem characters!
I don’t take anxiety meds I only take medicine for eosinophilic esophagitis
She’s cute and I like her but I think I have to leave her if I like someone new.
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>year of the horse
Lyn and other Sacae characters.
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>I think I have to leave her if I like someone new.
that sounds dumb, but you do you.
i like sci fi more, and I like the colors more. Eitri doesn’t have blue anywhere, she doesn’t have any happy colors. What am I supposed to do? It’s awkward, but I think this is a better waifu for me. In a way, I can think of this as the same idea of what I like but not medical fantasy because I like sci fi more.
>Won't Hodr get a NY alt?
her tits are too fat to fit in a kimono
Are you the same HodrAnon that's concern she'll release in like March or April?
I don’t know if anyone pointed it out but I think he copy pasted the gun from hodr on this sketch from somewhere. It’s different resolution
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That's not the dumb part, you dummy.
You might want to look into anxiety meds, you seem very neurotic. I mean that in the nicest way possible, you should probably see a psychiatrist.
Probably would have sold better than Hræsvelgr. Even an FE4 subs banner wouldn't flop as bad at your precious OCs
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Bored and looking to play with render software, any ideas for giant FE girls?
I’m not dumb, is it really that bad to want to commit to one person? I mean, she is better than eitri because I like sci fi more than fantasy.
Lifting up skirt to a tower full of dudes or something
Good one, anon. Got a chuckle out of me.
country girls make do.
>>Get weird OCs that don't even look like FE characters in weird outfits
This game doesn't care about FE fans anymore, their target demographic are gacha secondaries because they're more likely to be otaku paypigs who play FEH because it's a gacha rather than because it's a Fire Emblem game. Paypigs like that are playing out of gacha addiction and are more likely to spend money.

Case in point >>507951128 a gacha addict secondary literally crying that the game might add characters from the series he doesn't play instead of the gacha OCs he does know.
Are you making your own 3D models?
Hopes Leonie holding Shez in one hand and Byleth in the other
I'm surprised leonie isn't popular with tomboyfags
Actually, how much is it to comm an anime 3D model? Think about this
>Comm a 3D model
>Comm someone to 3D print it
>Comm someone to paint it
Just costume edits here and there from publicly-available FE models, too dum to custom-make.
I didn't like her because when I played 3H I think I immediately unlocked her convo where she like ball busts Byleth over not deserved Jeralt or whatever right after he died, thinking like "wow, what a cunt". I think maybe that should have been a difference conversation if he was dead. I don't really mind when characters are rude / hateful to the MC, in fact I prefer it to sucking up, but it was just a bad time I think.
Do someone having tea time with little characters hiding behind the tea sets
Fuck off
>I think maybe that should have been a difference conversation if he was dead
That B support is locked UNTIL Geralt croaks, so if you're on Golden Deer you'll probably always immediately read it right after Geralt dies. It's pretty much the most tasteless support after Male Corrin and Hana. That support was downright retarded.
She's an okay unit in the least popular class that is overshadowed by Hilda's tits and Lysithea being able to kill Death Knight. her supports with Byleth suck. a prominent part of her character seems to be obsessed with Byleth's dad, and even becoming like Jeralt in her ending which makes little sense.
The only other thing I remember most about her are the Lorenz feet memes.

If they just made her a childhood friend of Byleth's that went to the school under Jeralt's request to help keep an eye on Byleth, then she would have been a lot more popular, or at the very least her character would have made way more sense.
The groom (me) isn't in that pic tho.
based batfucker.
Byleth's whole deal at the start of the game is that he's a friendless autist, and he learns to bond with people by interacting with his students. Having a childhood friend would invalidate that.
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She will win the next one
Baldr and Hodr are 100% getting NY alts
Why did they release the trailer so early? I know this isn't the first time but to me it easily kills the tiny amount of hype it managed to achieve
I guess so that employees can go have a couple days free or something.
Childhood friend in the sense that they grew up together and are familiar with each other. They don't need to be chummy pals that prank each other and share bed time stories.
Byleth can still be a mute autist who can't connect to people at the start of the game with Leonie being from the merc company in some way and it wouldn't be disruptive. Jeralt is alive and well at the start of the game and isn't an abusive drunkard or none existent in Byleth's life and Byleth is still a robot.
Leonie being a "childhood friend" is perfectly viable and doesn't actually conflict with Byleth's character unless it's written in the worst possible way.
Edeltards have being saying this after every VG and look where that has gotten them
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Alfonse's wife?
What about Raul?
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You wouldn't fuck a kete in their dragon form
FKiran? Veronica? Eir? Dagr? Ratatoskr? Peony? Anna? Sharena?
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I love them
A pajeet would KEK
3Hopes canon. 3Houses canon is Male Byleth and _________
Makes no sense
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No need. He'll get them naturally unlike Gullbitch kek
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I love hodr. I’m trying to draw her completely from how much I remember her. I want her inside my head
Took her like 3 years
Nice skills but why she look like a baby
I like her and I like soft things
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What's that, you want a female SS alt other than these three? Devs say fuck you!
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To win
>gorgeous design + fun personality + rape victim
Is Tana the perfect FE girl?
Not really, I like Eirika and Tana is hot. I don't give a hoot
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Mamorin owes me sex just like IS owes me an alt of her. Go ahead and make it happen she can be an armor still

Eitrischizo you are insane
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Hey, wait. Doesn't this mean they're all "complete" now?
You have no skills that are of any value so of course you would be jealous of others, talentless freak.
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why aren't the drunk slut and the mega milk whore wearing slutty outfits? that's the only way they could sell
Heidrun is propping up her big boobs on the bentos. That's not bad in my opinion
Fire Emblem Heroes is a homosexual gacha
He even added another +10 summer gullveig for some reason.
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She just likes being consoled by her wife.
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Ash is a cow
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>Missing florets and essences on the dupes so why even bother trying to show them off
>Not a single +10 Emblem
>talking about rolling on Lyns banner but she's not engaged to anyone there
Is this supposed to be impressive?
Oh great it's "spic cries about Gullveig" time
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Each time Ash warps somebody, her tits grow a bit
CF: Edelgard
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But Anon... that's all the time.
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It's that time of the hour again.
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Reminder that her TT unit will likely be drawn by a new artist (I think Kozaki only came back for Rearmed Lif), so she'll probably get a larger boob size next October or so.
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What animal will the new characters in her TT be?
we have goats, bats, cows, falcon?, snake, squirrel, stag, and tree.
I love this outfit
I feel that the retards who see "1 hour" and dump are the main reason for the losses, especially with her huge numbers
Your+10s? Your commissions? Your reason for liking Shitveig beyond "she's a big titty bimbo"?
The Heroes trailers imply Manleth chose Edelgard and Claude, I believe. We can safely assume Manleth simped over Edelgard in CF.
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Why was her TT more about Dagr than her?
Reminder that no one will care about this nothing OC except for cumbrains if she does get bigger tits
Your Summoner Duels Favor ranking?
That's just how underdeveloped characters work, man. Ash wasn't relevant to her own book, and while she's had a few FB appearances there wasn't really anything that moved her forward as a character.
Cumbrain. Post your +10 Ash or kiss the tip, nigga
But enough about book 7
Wow, just like most of the actual FE cast pre Awakening
The irony of you saying that but then making deviantart-tier tit inflation commissions is very much lost on you
Because she was shafted aside so Alfonse could hog all the spotlight
I'll accept your concession

I wouldn't expect book 7 tards to know anything about commissions
>I'll accept your concession
So you don't actually care about your waifu, got it. Concession heavily accepted lol
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>I wouldn't expect book 7 tards to know anything about commissions
This isn't the own you think it is. You didn't even deny the allegations.
Kvasir playing FE7!
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Why should I care what you sour grapes fags think of my commissions. Maybe if book 7 tards actually got some of their own I'd care, but the best you lot can do is disgusting shit like that Gullveig birthing animation
ALFONSE came inside both of their pussies
Nudist beach date with the Sneks!
>no TT for a year and a half
>Continues to not deny the fact that it's deviantart-tier tit inflation garbage
You are so bad at arguing, it's unreal kek
gullveig has played half-life and liked g-man
Should Lebron James get upset when a bow legged retard calls him a bad player? Maybe instead of "showing her the world" you could learn to stop being so stupid.
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How do you play summoner duels in soon to be 2025?
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>dude year of the snake
>Eikthyrnir being on Christmas means they opened up a slot for Gully it's gonna happen
You don't
>dude Tharja will win CYL
>dude I'll totally enjoy Brave Tharja, faggot
You could've said "they're good quality, and I don't care what you think", but you didn't because even you know they're garbage
>Comparing his commissions to LeBron James
Get off your high horse hahahaha. The only way this could be any more funny would be a food analogy.
Late reply but if Android you can always get XBrowser as it's one of the only mobile browsers that can run scripts like 4chanX. Keep in mind the inherent vulnerabilities - I only use XBrowser for 4chan and nothing else. I use other browsers for everything else.
Book 3 and Prior
>dude Gullveig will get a bride alt
>dude I'll totally enjoy bride Gullveig, faggot
difference here is that bridal gullveig can still happen while brave tharja never will KEEEEEEEEEEEK
Lebron and Raul both have more money than you
kek clapped his ass
I own a house, Raul lives in abuela's basement. We are not the same.
>bridal gullveig can still happen
he isn't going to be happy about this
Piss pants fags are still salty they didn't get their NY alt huh
I misread that as horse and thought "damn, Anon is raising horses. That's pretty cool"
it's funny because it's true
You do NOT own a house little nigga be so fucking fr right now
Kek remember when he had a hate boner for Reinhardt for some insane reason? What was up with that?
it was funny how confident he was only for her to get 10th
>sperging out at Celica
>sperging out at Camilla
>both got brave alts
>Tharja didn't
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And Brave Gullveig is getting a refine this coming August
>refine in August
>more refines the year after
>also TT+
same reason why dagr is the regent of reginn's country
reginn is just a failure
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Judging by the last batch of CYL refines, it's hard to hope for anything amazing. Still, even if it doesn't catch her up to powercreep, I'll at least be happy if the refine gives her some new functionality, like ability to use AoEs without setup or something fun.
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I hope she pairs well with Emblem Corrin.
We need that lance Gullveig alt
I'll give one thing to Tharja: you just know she gives good head. I bet she throws neck on that shit like a starving ethiopian.
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Maybe her refine will her attack three times.
so what determines if he responds to you?
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Canonically fucked
Caspar is for breeding Bernie multiple times
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I got a feeling the Lego and Mythic remix banners are gonna switch to a monthly format.
Don't attempt to make any sense out of mental illness.
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nah burnie sucks
They haven't adjusted anything else to fix their glacial refine pace so I doubt it
When is Deirdre's remix likely to be?
>Version 6.8
January 2026 the earliest
I hope Nanna's refine is broken so I never have to see a shield fighter armor again
Remember when jugfaggots said Eldigan was gonna be on NY banner?
woah there tiger, I'm here for the princesses. Marry one, and you get a second for free and get rule the goddamned realm of Midgard. It can't get any better than that.
Actual Jugheads know we're never getting anything but the requisite one (1) banner a year
They are all so cute and breedable. Very good OC book.
Yeah they just needed someone who isn't Kozaki to draw them
They might, they have to explain what the hell's going on with the Nifl siblings in April, and Ephraim in June. It can't be because of a Hall of Forms because April's Fates and June's Engage.
>When is Deirdre's remix likely to be?
She could be as early as May but Arval is also rerunning in May, and Myrrh is already set for May. So it's any combination of the three.
>somehow never got Veronica
>can spark her in a year
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>Last ring before out of orbs
Cool, cool cool. I just want one Lyn, I fucking hate these unsparkable B8% banners so much it's unreal. I totally love that IS got away with locking sparks behind a paywall.
The banner is up for 3 weeks and we're going to get 2 TTs .
So, uh, people are talking about heroes here, but it's a mobile game. Isn't that wrong board discussion?
>Does this mean discussion of mobile games is banned on other video game boards? No! /vmg/ is just a separate board specifically focused on mobile games where discussions about your favorite games can thrive
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Sendrawz is based and I'm rooting for him to get his wish fulfilled
I got Alfonse this morning. In bed. Fucking pervert snuck up on me. I wanted to be with Lyn.
I assume IS has some anti-botting measures at least against blatant botting but if I had cash to spare I would hire a russian botnet of unsecured smart fridges to run a text-mode only version of FEH with a simple algorithm to pretend like it's a user playing the game, and dump like 25000 votes on Mareeta
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Yeah like yoshitpoo
They absolutely do not have anti-botting measures beyond the absolute basic.
Why would they care?
Oh no, an unjust poll went out, now our fans are engaging with us to put (blank) in the next poll. How fucking horrifying.
Nigga have you seen Sonia's rank going up each year? You think she has any genuine fans? I wouldn't be surprised if she ended up winning CYL 9. In fact I welcome it just for the absurdity of it all
She might be on the sparkable ahr banner in like 4 months.
Neither of you disagreed with me but both talked down to me.
Hopefully it's enough, but I have a feeling it won't be. Emblems fundamentally affecting how the game can be played fucking sucks but I guess forcing you to constantly summon is a gacha's MO so I can't complain too much
Just save those TT orbs for AHR. If Lyn doesn't win, she'll probably be on the sparkable banner.

Alternatively, consider installing the Google Play Rewards app and getting free money from that. I downloaded it the day FEH dropped and I've gotten $323.79 in total from it.
You can also get Google Play Points weekly, and for every 100 you get it's worth $1. You can combine both Rewards money and Play Points.
I haven't spent real money on FEH Pass in a long ass time, but I only get it to spark these types of banners or get Resps of high investment shitters.
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I dunno. Mareeta would be too blatant considering no one in CYL8 got over 20k votes. But if you're gonna go through with her, just expect some people to raise an eyebrow because they're gonna notice a girl who only had 331 votes in CYL8 jump to the thousands in CYL9. Either be super subtle like Sonia's botter, or bot someone from the top 10 instead so the people would be less suspicious.
Sonia is actually just behind Lilina in the women's division. She's absolutely gonna be in the top 20 women's in CYL9.
I have been using it already for a while, but didn't know ow the play points were also a thing. Just tried to exchange them and I didn't get anything in game but it spent the point in the play store
Nevermind, found out how to finish it. Thank you for the advice anon, that's 75 orbs. I doubt it will get me her, but who knows
>They absolutely do not have anti-botting >measures beyond the absolute basic.
>Why would they care?
>None of this was disagreement with the idea that IS has anti-botting measures
No problem, happy to help, but
>Buying a 75 orb pack instead of getting FEH Pass and just outright getting her (and +15 orbs over 2 weeks)
Hope your gamble pays off
I got her in my last 20 orbs, but yeah.. that probably would have been the better play. Forgot I could even cash it in for a pass. Oh well, she was attack up at least so that's better than the neutral one I would've gotten
Based luckchad. Get any other 5*s with the orbs?
Zero, with this additional 75 lol. I got B!Felix with my saved stash, then Alfonse at the end of the saved orbs and now Lyn with this 75 from points.Think it might be time to dip out now though even though the banner is pretty high value overall and just save for AHR or something
sex with sweaty marisa
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I want to thank IS for putting Male Alear on the winter banner, as it meant I got to save orbs.
FAlear is so cute in the duo I can only see it as a massive waste.
Silver lining is that she's the backpack so we can still get a duo where FAlear fronts.
>all of the fanart is of FAlear by herself
>sometimes with Shez
>gave us a male and female avatar who literally gets worshipped
How progressive
>we cannot fuck any of our comrades who we S support, regardless of sex
They keep the pace to a book per year for remixes with the free story unit remixes being in February
When are they going to announce the update for next month
By the new heroes banner for next month, I think
imagine had alfonse been in Engage he would have been shocked to see Anna being younger and in Elyos.
>Commander Anna? No I believe I'm mistaken. you look like one of our Order of Heroes.
>Order of Heroes? You must met one of my many sisters.

One can imagine Gullveig's supports. would it be the three house equivalents with Kvasir, Seior, and Gullveig?
sixth I believe
Announcement likely on Jan 2nd
Bro brought up Gulllbitch like we was supposed to care
Why do you speak like a zoomer niglet
Adapt or die, boomer
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so are their animal parts just glowing or is it apart of their bodies?
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>adpating to a small low IQ minority
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You're the minority, gramps
Why is this potato so popular?
what do you mean by potato?
also being popular is literally her lore
>what do you mean by potato?
I meant "dork", just wanted to call her something nicer.
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Just call her a dork then. She probably is one once we finally summon her and get her NY alt next year.
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Kill every last Gulltard
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Paizuri slut
Am I supposed to care? Not real FE
Have you noticed that whenever beast characters show up in a duo hero, they either get backpacked (Leanne, Freyja) or get a different weapon type (Askr, Heidrun) and we still don’t have a duo unit with the beast weapon type? Is this because the backpack’s sprite can’t work with the beast transformation gimmick or what?
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Bridal Ginny, coming soon.
I don't see why it wouldn't. if they could get two sprites on the screen it seems like it would be harder to get one to NOT transform during attacking as it should already be programmed to do so.
Maybe they just think that a beast duo isn't interesting visually when people would ideally want to see the characters together.
why does marisa have horns?
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She's cosplaying Freyja with a twist.
criminally underused design
I guess since beasts transform on the map itself, it's a problem for IS to make a duo out of them.
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She got drawn by Yoshiku, and as a result became very horny.
hah nice
It will come back in book 10 when we go to space to beat up Fem Cthulu, or something. Either space or the deep ocean for the obligatory water level.
The noticer
I was thinking that transforming on the map could be an issue preventing beast duos from happening since we have dragon duos where the lead transforms in battle without an issue
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Shamir a cute
Is the twist "breeding?"
We need Kaga to come back and save FE.
I need Kaga to come back and give me a blowjob
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Woah mama!
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we had a shamir anon on here that S supported her
I want to sniff Elincia's feet
I love Shamir
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Cute and precious
There’s another that shows Claude with Female Byleth but Male Byleth is consistently with Edelgard and Female Byleth consistently with Dimitri
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yep, she's canon.
It's canon that she lost another vg KEEEEEEEEEK
Still not sure why you're so obsessed with posting this randos build, I know it's from sd but still, it's sad even for you
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>release atk/spd mastery almost 5 months ago
>no other character has it and they haven't continued the skill line
To get you to roll on a Double Special banner.
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Did you know they never made Spd/Def Push or Spd/Res Push? They also never made any tier 4 Brazen other than Atk/Spd. They also never finished those AR-D/O skills.
>but all those skills are shit so we're not missing out
That's not the point
Would you marry your best friend?
every time I see this picture. the thumbnail looks like shamir picking up a small dog and giving it a blowjob
That would explain A LOT
Feel like that says more about you than it does about me
I hope I can score 3 copies in like 300 orbs for Deirdre when she comes.
hmmm, no.
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No, but I would marry my best friend's daughter.
well you are basically a fat chihuahua
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I'm married to Shamir already
If you were given the opportunity to rape Embla with absolutely no consequences to yourself would you?
>want a pic of Alear 69ing Shez
>realize it will never be canon because neither girl can count that high
Also because Emblem Shez is just a mod.
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Shut up AJ
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does anyone have that picture where it's the coldsteel the hedgehog meme but with felix
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Jungby clear
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l'arachel has multiple too
Also. i'll gladly take endless Myrrh alts.
I wanted to buy a slushy machine but they're like $500
I dont think pulling nifl cost that much
I hate OCs don't ever mention them when talking to me again
Do you count Eyvel among that Emblem team?
Do you count Mareeta?
Anons, I wasted 500 orbs for one Sigurd. Immediately foddered him to Peony. Now I'm getting cold feet on foddering Peony. Please, console me ;_;
>skill inheritance
>in 2024
>about to be 2025
>most skills don't last two months now
I free rolled a Safy and foddered her to my Cornelia, just to make sure I didn't stress over it.
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o-oh okay anon...
You're stupid for not getting the pass. Simple as.
decided to do a few more pulls before spark
two emblem lyn in one round
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Who thought this was acceptable
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but Crimson Flower is canon and Hilda can’t get on there canonically
Give it a rest you fat autist the child you masturbate to will never look good no matter who draws it
TMS is not FE
>will never look good no matter who draws it
But enough about Shitveig
bro no one was talking about nowi
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>Gullveig unprompted
>Random ass Nowi mention
Any experts want to explain? I'm guessing schizophrenia but may be something else.
Methinks it's a fellatio crew raid
Seeing as no one tried to refute this I'll accept your concessions
He called in his attack dog. How original.
Not really, only characters from Jungby or descendants of Ullr. I'd add Midir and Edain, but Eyvel doesn't really care about Jungby unless and until she gets her memories back.
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Lucina with a boob job
Now I'm not alone
A family of my own
I get to go home
With you
Fuck off Namschizo or I'll kick your ass
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How would you feel if this entire book just played out like a court drama?
What is our defense supposed to be when we're accused of conquering every realm?
Self defense/everyone else was trying it first.
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You already refuted yourself, you dumb faggot. Nobody will ever see you as anything other than a compulsive liar for the rest of your hopefully short existence.
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Cute Ruks
no. only her husband, spiderman, can do that
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>What is our defense supposed to be when we're accused of conquering every realm?
"Your honor, I'm from the realm of Texas, and they attacked me first."
ur stupid for being a paypig
Like skin her alive?! That’s wrong!
Blame everything on Alfonse.
Poorfag with no orbs
Her name is Lucina
Hey ther
Memories, I'll always remember
Sceneries, I've yet to discover
Would it be, too much if I asked to stay forever
Everything, feels warmer and safer
Anything, we can get through together
Now that I'm with you
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Where's the alt, IS?
Post your +10s
Check the garbage can
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Cute squad!
up your butt.
Clap !
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cute daughter.
OC child banner this year with a gullveig backpack.
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I prefer Valentines but Heroes technically took the slot to shill Books Askr & Vero. Heroes could kinda get away with double dipping Valentines since they could pull from Books 2, 4, 5, 7, and 8.
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A Crossover Hero you say? What took you so long?! Constipation?!
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We're coming for your Shatsmear next
The refines can't come soon enough
Isn't there a finished version of this picture?
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Built for sexo
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I don't know why they're waiting for the NH banner and not just doing it with the NY one
>Built for brown men
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I love my wife and daughter so much.
Don't give me hope.
Female Shez is what Leonie should’ve been but they screwed it up
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Kiran's daughter looks like THAT?
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Done, my post-process work got a bit suckier ever since I dropped Microsoft Word subscription, sorry. Hope you like it for a quickie.
gideon rebellion saga
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emblem maps are freaking hard on engage
'ate Seidr.
'ate Kvasir.
'ate Gullveig.
'ate Fjorm.
Luv' Eir.
Simple as.
>Retards thought they'd actually make this alt
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eating people isn't healthy.
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But not Kana?? You're delusional, man. At least my wife has a voluptuous body. You're literally simping over a plank.
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So much Engage…
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Seriously ._.
Insane that IS thought Engage would sweep CYL and still planned 32 units this year for it
Don't be weird, anon

>People will bitch about Engage
>when Heroes has fucking 24 units
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I hope Engage fails to get a single winner again in CYL9.
No one that matters likes Engage though
>gets raised by Sombron
>chest jumps several sizes
Is evil stored in the boobs? It didn't work for Veyle.
And no one that matters likes Heroes OCs yet it still gets spammed
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>153 units this year
>24 OCs, 32 engayge, 13 Fateshit
>45% of the year was pure slop
Defend this
>3H only tied Fates because it had 2 cyl winners
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Heroes chads, we're winning.
I like how this ignores the fact 2 of 3H's units were ones IS were forced to make so in reality it was only planned to have 11 units which is less than Fates, Awakening and Tellius and level with FE7 and FE8, all games it outsold by millions of copies.

nuIS really are assmad that the fanbase's favourite FE game was the one made by another company.
that unit distribution is absolutely criminal kek
suicidal game management
I would be shocked if book 9's content is somehow worse than book 8's
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3H Valentines this February. Trust the plan.
ISIS can't be retarded enough to make Valentines Engage.
>Shitgeki art
>Lokishit and Thorrshit
>already a poor story off the bat
>Rune looks godawful and introduces a new mechanic that'll very likely break Aether Raids even further
>had to scrape the FE7 barrel for the banner that admittedly had some nice FBs aside from Uther getting FJORM'D
I dunno how you're expecting anything good.
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My wife deserves more alts, including leading another duo
Will Veronica appear in this book as a character witness for the defense
The 1 Valentia and Jugdral units are actually Emblem Celica and Emblem Sigurd lmao.
If you combine the actual total units from FE1 through FE6 they still have less than OCs.
It's better if this game just EOSs now
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My wife...

She's so fucking cool
It gets worse when you notice the games with the most units are the games that usually have the biggest gigaflop banners (OCs, Engage, Fates) because they churn shit out for those casts regardless if anybody actually wants it.
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That 9 is definitely gonna be just 1 in 2025
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When's Dorothea's next seasonal?
That would require IS to stop shilling Igrene, Fir, and Lilina, and you know that ain't happening.
Yep, gotta get Engage to 40 units nobody rolled for.
Good one. Engage got two bridal units last year, while Fodlan hasn't had a single one in the almost 6 years it's been in FEH.
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Don't worry 3H will get a bride alt next year
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Oh, neat. They greenlit the "Save FEH" bridal banner?
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They have to start rolling them out, like realistically what turd could they shitout just to not do a single 3H bride?
So who's the designated male TT shitter?
Love her or hate her, she sold her NH banner and is seemingly what carried that Summer 2 banner.

>like realistically what turd could they shitout just to not do a single 3H bride?
I mean, they gave us Nel and then grail'd Alcryst. They're pros at pooping up a bridal banner.
Edelgard should be the TT and Dimitri the banner unit.
It's called having priorities.

Also I don't [monetarily] support gacha
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>dude she was pushed so hard as a love interest we're totally getting bride Seidr
>IS: lmao how about we give Raul another alt of his wife to roll for
3H Gaiden about Dorothea’s quest to seduce every “straight” girl at Garreg Mach when?
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>FE4: 1
What are you guys gooning to tonight?
Guinivere (feet)
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Looks like your priority is going orb bankrupt kek
I’ve been trying to generate Hræsvelgr lewds with a local generator for the past 3 hours with no success.
AI generation requires samples to exist.
Would you use Lysithea
Wrong, retard. Your attempt to be clever shows how stupid you are instead.
To tongue my asshole? Sure
Clapped his ass
I’ve been using the Hræsvelgr lora on Civitai, but I hate how pissy she looks. Also she’s too muscular and not flat enough.
tharja and noire.
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In progress gullkino
It's so funny seeing Mr TD scraping the bottom of the barrel for the most obscure 3/10 art of larcei he can find from Twitter accounts with 7 followers
>fanart of harunn's new years design
IS really fucked up by not making it, huh?
Archiving art is bad now according to schizophrenic retard. More on this story at 11
Would have been funnier with "I did not care for Genealogy"
Kek clapped him cheeks. If it was Gullslop he would be sucking him off
Is the banner tonight? Amd is New Year Nidhoggr an upgrade from Mythic?
No it's on new years durr
Nice try Mr TD
Seliph's micropenis is too small to satisfy larcei
>he hasn't played TMS (not FE by the way) for over 8,000 hours
You will never be my friend
You get one more time to post that.
Kek he really fucked up the numbers for Larcei there. Now normies are going to think she's the most popular FE4 character
You know what happens now!
Go Nam go
You finally take a shower? Kekapalooza
I'm surprised he hasn't just started spamming physical hate mail or emails to IS.
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This nigga
odd way of saying Cipher.
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new year same failure KEEEEEEEEEK
You'll see soon enough. Just keep shitposting! It definitely won't backfire on you.
There's nothing to do in this game
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>Free roll +Atk Ronan
>Free roll +Atk Stinky Tiki

Actually wild. Too bad they're fucking useless now.
Kek Edelgard said she supports H1-B visas for Brigidians.
And Hubert said Brigidians are smarter and harder working than Adrestians.
TMS literally hasn't gotten content in almost half a decade, it shouldn't even count at this point.
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Whatever happened to these seals?
Sara's on the rerun today.
I remember when she was premium fodder.
Story only seals obviously
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SP , SP, Crystal, and badge skills, those were the days.
I wish I could convert my universal shards to orbs at a 1:1 ratio
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When will canto be on a seal slot? And when will they change up the squad ace seals to do stuff other than HP and stats?
>When will canto be on a seal slot
NY 2027
KEK clapped hias ass
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Na-na-na-na, na-na, na
I wanna start a fight
Na-na-na-na, na-na, na
I wanna start a fight!
So, so what?
I'm still popular
I got my new alts
And I don't need you
And guess what?
I'm having more fun
I killed the dragon
I'm gonna show you tonight
Catgirl Shamir
thats nice but you're a revolting sack of shit dude
You're not even making any sense with your insults anymore
I’m afraid this time you’re the one sniffing royal gas, Ed.
Kek, just remembered I’m a time traveler from three years in the future and right before EoS ISIS canonizes female Kiran and forces her to marry Alfonse.
That's always been canon.
I believe it
Do you believe Gullveig and Gullchads destroyed you? Its true either way.
Kiran is already canonically male and white
then explain this.
i had a crossdressing phase :33~
A clever ruse.
Kiran is a master tactician.
Are you gonna still pretend you never said that "show her the world" bullshit?
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Another NYGullveig hit.
Wow she's gorgeous
looks nice.
Those are some massive honkers.
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Never saw this before, sexo
She’s going to sit on my penis which will then become so erect it will thrust her all the way up into the stratosphere from where she will be able to see most of the earth, so yes, I fully intend to ‘show her the world’
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Fully safe for work, on-topic picture
Goddesses owe me sex.
Blech! This looks like weg shit.
You're pathetic

Are you still butthurt about when that post got deleted?
yeah the face is off putting, even within western styles. Still wanted to post it for the plumpy body
that is your daughter, maybe.
that's fine.
Blud, listen, that one on the right is your own DAUGHTER! You couldn’t keep her safe, but maybe keep her out of your masturbatory fantasies, yeah?
>snake scales patterned kimono
kino. IS fucked up hard
The outside is patterned that way. The inside seems to be gold silk.
IS would have made New Years Gullveig if they saw enough players +10ing all her other versions but they didn't so they assumed there's no interest/money to be made in making NY Gullveig so they didn't make it. Simple
Love how she's still getting fanart even a year later unlike most of the book 8 whos.
You care more about book 8 than you care about Shitveig
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Gullshit is not getting any more alts little bro
That’s the only haircut that makes fem Kiran look cute
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The hot spring banner will return
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Look how fucking cool I look.

This is the pose I make as I summon a 3* Bartre.
And then Bartre pushes you out of the way to skull fuck Gullbitch KEEEEEEEEEK
You going to post your +10 birbs?
Uh what?
How is a book going to fuck anybody?
I find it odd how they keep trying to make Kiran look cool in the opening/midpoint/whatever movies by having them shoot the gun as if they're a fighter yet in every book they're a defenseless loser
You could replace Kiran with Alfonse in that post and nothing changes.
Remember when Alfonse's 900 IQ plan was to almost die to the enemy assassin, on the off chance his friends arrive in time to help him?
At that point I stopped taking book 8 seriously.
Alfonse is fucking new heirs into Fem Kiran.
If there was a Fem Kiran, she would be taking backshots from Ike and Sigurd while Alfonse has to watch
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Are you still mad that you're a SHAManon while others are authentic waifufags?
>find a player with aka2 nickname
Japanese soldier doesn't know the war ended 10 years later.jpg
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He won.
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Will she show up in Hall of Forms?
There still isn't a good B slot for her lol.
Are you still mad you wrote that stupid as fuck "show her the world" bullshit and can't +10 your own units so you have to use someone elses screenshots?
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Cute fjorm.
Is she PoR or RD? If you're talking about her mythic version then it should be likely as there isn't too many mythic or legendary candidates for RD/PoR.
It has only miccy, Ike, ashera, yune and her, right?
Ike and Yun were already on a HoF IIRC so it seems possible.
I love my waifu Shamir and hope she gets more alts in Heroes

yeah mythic
on second thought I'm no sure I even want her forma
she has a prf A and not enough good skills came out to justify just swapping out B and C
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That's only for marianne
Just commissioned asanagi for a Gullveig comm
Speedtaker looks good to me. I guess people are saying it's bad because of no DR pierce?
Even outside the great talent gimmick, 20% of spd as true damage and offensive tempo are pretty alright.
I have no idea what it does
Increases base spd each time you attack, up to +20. It's not like a blue buff, it's like a permanent change for the map.
Then it also has spd/def-4 on foe, half of tempo, deals 20% of spd as damage, and neutralizes own penalties to Spd.
That's interesting but sounds useless when most maps have like 5 enemies tops outside very specific modes
has anyone ever been fucked over by Kvasir's warp thing?
I would bet whatever her next alt is, they make her special pre-charge turn 1 and give pass to allies lol
Err what's the counter to niggerhogr in the voting gauntlet? This bitch is so unfun to fight
Canonically inaccurate to Sigurd, Ike and Kiran all at once
Is there anyone who argues its strength? It's absolutely insane on everyone, especially brave units
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Is this a good build for myrrh? I might want to buttplug her if she's good enough, but this is borderline the same as my recent fae
But Asanagi doesn't draw adult women
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>no Christmas Cumilla
>Hel Cumilla resplendent
>no desert Cumilla
Wtf some fat slob on /feg/ told me people don't like Camilla anymore. Was he retarded??
And he was 100% correct. Camilla banners always flop.
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Kek the fatass was here the whole time
It's good but when remixes roll around it will divide their niches more. Fae will probably be the better tank since they have to upgrade her miracle prf and Myrrh will probably be a better support since her prf C has to compete with Barricade now. High Dragon Wall is also fairly useless on Myrrh unless it's just for arena scoring since I imagine her remixed prf would hopefully be worth running over BoL4
I'm doing heroic ordeals for old units stuffed in my reserves, some of them 3 years old.
Two things:
1. I'm doing them with level 20 units because I would legitimately run out of shards if I were to put them even to level 35
2. Wrathful Staff seal has REALLY been saving my ass
When's the next Camilla alt? Is it Emblem? Mythic? Something else?
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>we could've had a Year of the Snake New Years banner with people associated with snakes
>the banner is wasted on Book 8 shilling and Tana
>only Nidhoggr had a right to be on the banner
>"but we gotta have Hresvelgr and Rat and Heidrun just because" - ISIS
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Mald harder for the pretty birdie.
Only good book 8 character
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TMSfags are so fucking obnoxious. It gets one fucking banner, and they have gotten nothing ever since. We're approaching five years since that banner dropped and these TMSfags are still deluding themselves into thinking that ISIS might remember them. News flash, the Switch port fucking bombed. Worst than Thracia's sales from over 20 years ago by the way. If ISIS won't create a second TMS banner to shill TMS Tiki, that should tell you what they fucking think of that game. And I highly doubt the number of TMSfags still playing FEH are even money spenders to begin with. They'll make Hresvelgr's banner look like it made a million bucks.
Emblem at some point. If IS is based, they'd give her Bridal, Halloween, or Christmas.
it was a one-off promotional crossover banner but they refuse to accept that for some reason
You sound jealous of Gullchad. I can show you the world, Rauly.
Basado Explosion
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At most, it should get maybe one seasonal 5* and then some TTs.
But yeah, I doubt anything from that game might make money, starring some lewd Tsubasa alt on a banner that already has some moneymakers.
>it should get maybe one seasonal 5*
It flopped harder than Engayge. It was so bad it made LESS on Switch than Wii U. Nobody except for a very, VERY vocal minority of tranny schizos like that dog shit game bro. It doesn't deserve a damn thing.
but reddit bots that one TMS guy every year so he's in the top 20 CYL, they DESERVE content
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>lewd Tsubasa alt
NIGGA THEY WON'T EVEN LEWD HER IN HER OWN GAME LMAO. Revolverwing has tricked you into thinking anyone gives a fuck about this character.
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I bet if IS made one Tsubasa alt, they'd tell Treehouse to not do this shit again.
If we're getting stuff like Summer alts already, we could get some TT Tsubasa.
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You are extremely delusional
You would lose that bet
To be honest, I think at this point I would rather have TMS characters than OCs. I just have OC fatigue.
You're tricking yourself into thinking Tsubasa is hotter than she really is based on off model art. If you want to jerk off that bad there are thousands of actually attractive characters from better series to do it to
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I mean, this was her FEH art.
Not saying it will happen, just more saying that if it DID happen, I wouldn't mind.
And her banner flopped hugely.
What were its stats?
Which would make her perfect TT grail material, since no money is made on that either way.
nobody played TMS
it had like 20k sales
even the shittiest FEH banner makes more money than TMS did
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why is Leila speaking Japanese in FEH, is it a bug?
Zero dollars
Money is wasted commissioning art and hiring the voice actors. Let it go. Only way any of these faggots are getting another unit in the game would be from a Reddit rally during CYL
Dawg just jerk off to more Revolverwing art you don't give a fuck about any of those shitters you just want to cum
>52 base spd
>no skills whatsoever
jesus christ
Her English VA is on strike over AI regulations.
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>Diamant over Byleth
Holy delusional. Reddit still thinks Engage has a shot on winning a slot on the men's side.
They'd have to rally, Engagies, as a team to do this. I don't think Sigurd will win either, though, because I think his fans are content with what he has.
Kek they really think Slopgurd has a better chance of winning than Manleth?
The FEH subreddit is like 90% delusional Engagefags who are mad they got kicked out of the main sub
They don't care about facts like Byleth getting nearly twice as many votes as Diamant last CYL or the fact Felix and Bernadetta winning frees up another 30k of 3H votes
They FEEL like he deserves to win and their belief in their feelings is more important than reality

Diamant might be able to beat Sigurd (gap was only 1702 votes) but that's less likely than fucking Azura beating Yunaka (gap was only 1569 votes)
They're going to be in for a rude awakening again
EB version is unironically hotter
A rude AWAKENING for Reddit would be a good thing, thoughever, as they fucking love Awakening.
slopcrappa being less ahead of flopzura than sigurd was ahead of diamant is hilarious
1. MByleth
2. Sigurd

1. Baldr
2. Hodr
Rank my CYL9 prediction. Keep this mind this was made before Book 9 was announced so it's before people were humoring Baldr's chances.
Now, if Engage does get a winner, I'd feel it'd only be Ivy. She can take either Sharena or Azura's slot.
Sharena has no chance, her rally died when she got the Bridal alt and then its grave was pissed on when Baldr was shown off.
The mostly likely outcome is:
1st Byleth
2nd Baldr
3rd Ivy
4th Sigurd
I hope Hodr wins over Ivy. She likely won't (all the book 9 votes will go to Baldr) but a nigga can dream.
Sigurd always drops votes after getting a powercreep alt, I swear they tactically time it.
Don't give a fuck about Turdbasa
Get rekt.
>Money is wasted commissioning art and hiring the voice actors
Yes, they keep making Yarne alts. I'd rather get Tsubasa.
CYL8 voting started on January 14th, 2024. If they want the voting to start at a similar time frame, then CYL9 could start some time during the week of January 12th, 2025.
>Implying Engage will will in CYL
Only a retard would think this
The male category will be Byleth and an oldfag character, none of the Engage males can rally
The female category is more uncertain but the fanbase has missed all opportunity to rally for just 1 woman from Engage, so most likely Baldr and Azura will win while Engage votes remain split
Why the fuck would you ever listen to Reddit's predictions after the Engage Sweep shit?
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I think Ivy is the only Engage character with an actual shot of winning CYL9. The female side can be any combination of Ivy, Sharena, Azura. Yunaka also winning is iffy, and Baldr is a wildcard.
Unless we get an out of nowhere rally like Freyja, but Freyja winning is my own brand of copium.
>The FEH subreddit is like 90% delusional Engagefags who are mad they got kicked out of the main sub
If you know this much, go back and stay back
>The female category is more uncertain but the fanbase has missed all opportunity to rally for just 1 woman from Engage, so most likely Baldr and Azura will win while Engage votes remain split
Its funny because votesplitting isn't even a problem if your game is actually popular.

Three Houses had 6 characters in the top 5 of each gender back in 2020 because 3H got like half of the overall vote. It's only a problem for Engage because it barely got 20% of the vote and none of its characters are individually popular enough to win.
More people like that nigga than that flop bitch unironically
Sigurd will win, FE4 remake will come out, people will love their HERO Sigurd, Sigurd will sell bigly, the CYL banner will come out just in time to take advantage of it. Total. Sigurd. Victory.
I thought I'd see more people vocally voting for Yunaka because "her base alt isn't it yet!!!" but it seems like nobody actually cares.
she's a failed meme vote
she's going to fall below ivy 100% this cyl
she's like the anti-gatekeeper, rather than being a natural meme the fanbase came up with she was artificially created by the devs to be a meme character with quirky phrases that they hoped would catch on with the fanbase
they did a whole christmas event for it and she still lost
she's a failed meme vote with no momentum because she missed her moment
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She lost last time because 1) she had just gotten an alt, 2) she ruined christmas, and 3) the Engage fags split their votes too hard.
From the looks of it, they're now just picking Ivy. But whether they remember they still need to vote for Ivy or not is something to look forward to.
He reminds me a lot of the self-insert protagonist of the Sequel series
Maybe one day he’ll kill a villain by smearing semen on him
Or gift one of his love interests a wrapped piece of shit
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Now I want a Gullveig in the SEQUEL style.
>ivy winning when yunaka beat her
I hope Byleth won't win because they'll put him in the same costume as Byleth. I used to be a Byleth poster but not anymore.
That's why Sigurd always lets Alec, Noishe and Arden breed no matter what. He doesn't let his boys go the gen without their dicks getting wet. Any pairing groups that don't take this into account aren't canon, btw.
Doesn’t Leaf Geometry do commission work in addition to game development? Worst case scenario there’s probably a Sequel lora on Civitai.
Yunaka was a meme vote who had an entire seasonal event dedicated to shilling her a month before. And she still lost.
She isn't more popular than Ivy.
>Thinking Azura has any chance
Kinda weird ngl
But she ranked higher than Ivy, so she's more popular. It's as simple as that. Any statement that suggests otherwise is copium.
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Yunaka is the most popular non-Lord from Engage, but that's the exact issue.
Engage fans can't decide between Yunaka and Ivy, and the later is more of a titcow
FEH only players still hate her for Christmas
>who had an entire seasonal event dedicated to shilling her a month before. And she still lost.
Yunaka is voted for by actual fans, while Ivy is the coomer vote for those who like pandering as well as the trannies. Unfortunately for either, these numbers aren't high enough to win.
Okay so when she falls behind Ivy in CYL9 you will accept she was never more popular than Ivy, correct?
>leave Yunaka to me
Even if she does, she ranked better in CYL8, which makes your "never" statement false.
this reminds me of the Mariannefag who thought Marianne was more popular than Lysithea
The Yunaka shilling in the weeks prior to CYL8 voting was fucking CRAZY. Cucking the entire cast of 3H CYL winners to make her the star of the show, putting her shitty forced catchphrase in the marketing, trying to rally support with a free Voting Gauntlet win (that she still lost kek).

She's the definition of a character with astroturfed popularity who everybody stopped talking about the moment the shilling failed and IS dropped her.
I would say her popularity was real, but IS also tried to capitalize on it too hard.
She wasn't exactly on the boxart of Engage, but she was still more popular than most royals.
reminds me of every Lysitheafag who thought Lysithea was more popular than Edelgard
reminds me of every engagefag who thought engage was more popular than every thing
even the way she was written as a character was like a shallow attempt at making a "popular" character
fake depth, zero dimensional tragic backstory, like five different quirky meme phrases they were DESPERATELY hoping would catch on with fans
she is like a character who was designed to be popular and then wasn't so everything fell apart
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I thought Lilina was supposed to be good…
Azura winning will never happen but I need a source on that art, pham.
It doesn't matter who wins
Fjorm is your wife and you love her.
Are people really fucking voting for a character based on boobs AGAIN before we know anything about their story
The female side of CYL is god awful so yes
Please consider voting for Alear (female)! The Divine One appreciates your support!
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if you mean Baldr, she's adorable
>he fell for the lilina meme
Lugh > Lilina
>people vote for Gullveig off design and expecting she'd be kino
>had a poor story and poor dialogue
>they're going to do it again, but for even worse than Gullveig and with original design by an actually bad artist this time
Nikke and its consequences have been disastrous on the gacha fanbase.
Why isn’t there just a unanimous decision to just vote Ivy and Yunaka this year? I know that’s what I’ll be doing
Most of the fanbase doesn't like Engage
Also I really hate Brave Robin F whenever I have to fight her and I wish that everybody who randomly decided to meme vote her out of nowhere because she looks like Frieren have to fight her in AR everyday
Nobody's voting for Male Corrin (female)
>EP'ing with a PP unit
Based retard
>people vote for Gullveig off design and expecting she'd be kino
And they were correct
Rest of your post is untrue
Imagine Fjorm and Fem Kiran slamming clams to the Flower Duet while every male unit in the game showers their naked, glistening bodies in semen
Kek just remembered that Brave Bernadetta flopped
Based Ivybro
they're literally the reason people are rallying for a character with two lines of dialogue
pee pee unit
few things in this game more satisfying that seeing my free, half-finished budget marni absolutely devour a FAGGOT felix or sigurd
I didnt make this post but I agree with it
Worst part is that people are probably going to continue voting M Byleth next year even though this year makes it evident that the opposite-gender avatar winning CYL after the initial one just results in the same design, same costume, same artist and a wasted slot
>just results in the same design, same costume, same artist
I unironically like this
Idk, all that, plus her being cancer to fight, and me having picked male Robin in my Awakening playthrough really made me hate Brave F Robin
There are hundreds of other women in the series, tho
there are 3 more annoying units in that batch lol
>Would love to have a unit that can wall Sigurd or Felix
>Absolutely fucking hate Marni with a passion
Why couldn't they have given her Prf to Oswin, man
bro do you know how rare it is to get a female freebie that's actually usable in gameplay? no we didn't need another fucking meta penis
Then they should've picked a better woman. Marni is dumb and gay and stinky.
I didn't even play engage all I know is I want to suck on her flat chest
much like real life the single issue voters continue to be retarded
If you played Engage, you would hate her, too. She's an obnoxious whiny cunt and I unironically clapped when she died.
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Azura winning hinges on Engagefags fucking up again allowing her to sneak into 2nd place. Sort of what happened with Robin.
Please love Engage
azura should win because I was 15 when fates released so it was a good time
Holy shit a non early /feg/?
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