>I have a question about Monster Hunter!https://pastebin.com/D3zuHuqK >MH WildsWilds Info: https://www.monsterhunter.com/wilds/en-us/Steam page: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2246340/Monster_Hunter_Wilds/New weapon trailers: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7z-ZXbhfoKEO9jJv7a-bG7UcHGTCX5uH5th Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ahy0AO8WwRc >MH RiseSunbreak TU Info: https://www.monsterhunter.com/rise-sunbreak/update/en-us/Hunter Connect: https://pastebin.com/Tp9t570yArmor Set Search: https://mhrise.wiki-db.com/sim/?hl=enMonster Weakness Database: https://robomeche.github.io/MHRise-Database/ >MH WorldIceborne Info: https://www.monsterhunter.com/world-iceborne/World is now Steam Deck verified! https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/582010/view/3738609511464820653General Info: https://pastebin.com/uCazCZBf>Older Game Emulation and Multiplayer/Frontierhttps://pastebin.com/fYyeU0kY >Databaseshttps://kiranico.com/https://sites.google.com/site/pingsdex >Where does /vg/ play?Post the game, platform, room code, and password (7243/rage) >/mhg/ OP pastebin (use this when making new threads)https://pastebin.com/rYHCaKT3 Previous thread: >>507840439
He's still fucking sleeping on the island hahahaha I have 1 minute left before time out hahaha
Sniffing huntress feet
>>507992059I believe there you can hit him with a rock or paintball from a specific spot
>2 monthsHell yeah, brothers
>>507992229Really? I actually tried paintballs initially but they didn't reach. I wonder where the spot is
>>507992309I remember being able to wake one of those faggots up with a rock but that was a long time ago, I may be wrong. Bring rocks next time and try throwing them all around
I love huntresses
Is there any way around having to fight hyper monsters for weapon upgrades in GU? I just got to G rank and I'd rather just do that instead of grinding even more high rank stuff, but it looks like all my gear requires hyper parts to upgrade currently.
>>507990545>play hammer/hh>sticky HBG / fucking everyone with slugger mantle comes in and steals my hard earned KOhaving all weapons deal KO was a mistake
>>507992446Yeah next time I'll be prepared I just assumed it would be a regular rath quest because gen 1 doesn't make a distinction between subspecies in descriptions. Hilarious situation to go through though i didn't expect that at all
>>507992559>he's not a solo blunter
This game has the same augment shit people were complaining about in World
>>507992693Alternatively you can turn to the faggot side and use ranged. Or be a trve hvnter and use greatsword for everything including gravios
petition to disembowel all coomers
>>507993257That's probably what they intended for this quest honestly but I've been using grug sword and will probably keep doing so. I'll just bring traps and throwables
>>5079932074U augments don't even come close to how broken World's are
>>5079932074U life aug is significantly worse, it has an internal cd and it's based off of MV so weapons other than GS get no benefit from it. 4U also has far fewer ways to armor through moves or to reduce your damage taken so trading hits and healing back the damage just isn't viable in 4U especially in GQs. Augmenting is more or less exclusively just a 20 raw boost to close the gap between crafted and relic weapons, because in base MH4 relic weapons made craftables almost entirely obsolete.
>>507992559*takes your KO with my frostcraft + frostfang draw db build*nothing personal
>>507992521nope, it's GU's endgame. Fighting stronger and faster versions of mons you've already fought.and there are 2 types of hyper parts. 1 that comes from a group of mons (Hyper Claw, Hyper Fang, Hyper Monster Bone), and the other that comes from a specific mon (Hyper Lagiacrus Piel, Hyper Gravios Cortex, Hyper Astalos Shard)
>rarity 11 weapon with absolutely no forge points between it and rarity 1
>>507993597How the heck does the relic system really work? I've done a guild quest up to level 150 and the only relics I've polished have looked like absolute shite.
Love the huntress
>>507994848Pretty sure the harder monsters get better relics I'm guessing the monster you did was easy like velocidrome or something
Love the hunt
love huntingdon't love when my friends ditch hunting
Somebody got dumped by his friends
>>507993207refer to here >>507984828 world is just monster hunter 4-2
happens all the time
I dumped my friends puh
>>507994848Rewards depend both on the level and on the monster you fight.The monster individually dictates the relic skin while its difficulty tier dictates the tier of reward quality you get.For good relic weapons you need beshackled weapons, which only drop in decent quantities from Deviljho and Rajang. This made 4U's endgame quite hated and earned it the derogatory Rajang Hunter nickname.
>>507995635People really put themselves through relic grinding despite hating it for no reason at all. I hope I never get that bad
a moment of silence for relic HH grinders
>but I NEED the super duper ultra mega turbo xtreme radicool great sword XL+++ or I'll go iNsAnE!!!!
who up farming shara
>she doesnt have the super duper ultra mega turbo xtreme radicool great sword XL+++ alreadywhy are nintendies like this? is it the lack of a father figure in their lives?
why is doj still posting
>>507996637but what about the super duper ultra mega turbo xtreme radicool great sword XL+++ NEW AND IMPROVED you'll have to grind in wilds? You don't have that yet
>>507996414some weapons in 4U disproportionately benefitted from relic weapons because this was the era where Capcom still felt it was necessary to give weapons with innate raw multiplier mechanics nerfs to their weapons' raw values for "balance" (except for IG and CB lol) so weapons like LS, HH and SA really wanted relicsElemental bows were also screwed after being comically broken in 3rd gen and base MH4 so the only good element bows were relics
>>507996981those relics aren't necessary to beat the game though
>>507997115No but they make their weapons feel a whole lot less gimped and are very nice to haveYou could probably beat the game while ignoring 99% of gear and just upgrading an ore weapon throughout the game but who does that?
>>507996981Don't forget GL
>>507997303there's no saving GL
>>507997284Oh please don't be dramatic the non relic endgame weapons are enough even if relics feel better not to mention most people would just hop on multiplayer to kill hard endgame shit
>>507996708The gloryhole is closed today
>>507995635Tons of videos I've seen people with Rajang gear so I guess that's what where it came from.I'll probably start doing some of this relic stuff because G2 quests have been pissing me off lately
>>507997572>G2Most g2 monsters are baby tier compared to some of the stuff in g3 anon good luck
>>507993207from what I understand Tokuda was much, much more involve with 4 than he was with tri, kaname barely directed 4 it was mostly tokuda, so when he directed world he just made it a continuation from 4, bullshit and everything. also ace cadet is apparently his OC, thats why he's in both 4 and world and he's the protag of legend of the guild.
>>507997884He was the lead planner for 4U
Am I really plagued to walk around looking this retarded?
>>507998052looking crisp, king.keep that chin up.
It's kind of wild how boring world is compared to 4U when tokuda played such a big part in both. I really doubt the designers just decided to make boring monsters, weapons, and locations. It must have been his personal decision as soon as he became director
i can't cut shara's scalp before he dies
>>507998340It was mostly to make the game appealing and marketable to western audiences
>>507997458Wilds has saved us.
>>507998428Partbreaker 3Hit ONLY the headEvery attack should be made with the intention to hit the headCan't do that? Then bitch out and switch to rangedOrHost lumu so I can cut it for you :D
>>507998543I feel like they could have a more serious tone without going full lizard hunter though. I don't get why mature in his eyes means lacking in color and creativity. Then again if you believe I think it was ryozo who said it then tokuda made most of those changes after listening to reddit complaints. I guess reddit at the time was lambasting 4U for having too much color
>>507998734I forgot about partbreaker, thank you.I might put up a lumu a bit later, just farming whatever currentlymight do silverlos later
>>507998052if you have to look like a retard to win, you didn't really winwear full sets in 4th gen
Lol that's why I respect ichinose more than tokuda. Tokuda had like a mental breakdown over comments on 4U meanwhile people absolutely fucking trashed Generations at the time and how does ichinose react for the next game? >lol fuck you guys let's do GU againAbsolutely fucking based chad with a vision he sticks to. I guess I can't blame tokuda too much though. Ichinose has been a director from the start meanwhile tokuda was the new guy and needed to prove himself so I'm sure the harsh comments hurt him more
>>507998698Wilds doubled down on that though
>>507999347But Ichinose ripped shit straight from world, he absolutely didn't make GU again
>>507999439He was forced by the higher ups to change rise from a GU clone into a world GU hybrid. Rise was in development before world released and they were forced to pivot because of world's success and despite that rise is still pretty unique
Why are you retards like this
>>507999652That's suzuki not ichinose. This isn't a gotcha at all if you actually know how these games are developed. There's no real main team and portable team. The shift people around constantly. Only the guys at the top stick to their specific games
>>507999402We've got a counter/parry, fade jump shelling, a moving sweep attack, improved combo fluidity, no sharpness loss on shelling, assloads more shelling uptime in general and no baked in gimmicks this time. Even the focus/wound interaction seems pretty decent for us.I'm happy desu.
uhhhh why are the tendies being obnoxious again
>>508000082slop on the brain alters behavior
>>507998052Only nerds wear clown suitshttps://youtu.be/WUnp0xPF6zw
>>508000082Facts don't care about your feelings
>>507999852My goal is as simple as to get you retards to stop fellating these devs and stop pretending like you've known each other for decades>tokuda this ichinose thatFucking shut the fuck up and bite a bulletTalk about what's in the game and if you can't then close the browser and play the damn game
>>508000024It's the same shit as world but instead of looping full burst wide slash we're looping wide slash into wyrmstake full blastGL now has even more commitment and a higher portion of its damage is shelling than before, so scaling will be worse than ever
>>508000667I mean we literally were just talking about specific examples but keep being mad I guess. I simply agree with how ichinose works more than tokuda. I don't think you should acquiesce to the fans over ever little complaint and I value gameplay over cinematics and immersion ultimately
>>508000945>so scaling will be worse than everI'm not convinced, shell damage is boosted by raw damage buffs this time.
cut shara's scalpthen got multiple tenderplates as a reward lol
>>508001294Still doesn't scale with sharpness so you lose out on a 32% boost but it can at least crit now and it's affected by wounds' damage bonus
>>508000517If by facts you mean random schizo narratives with no source
>>508001526Everything is sourced though in interviews. None of this is conjecture we know rise was changed mid development and we know tokuda took complaints about 4U hard. The devs themselves told us this stuff
>>507998027yeah thats what I meant, he was basically the director while kaname just supervise him.
I'm not as good at this game as I want to be and I'm a dogshit one trick pony
>>508000495I'm wearing full sets for Switch Axe and Lance but there doesn't seem to be any good full sets for Charge Blade, outside of the endgame stuff that I can't craft yet.
>>508000495>>507998052This is the reason why i play females, no clown suits
Why is whetstone even a thing? Boring mechanic they should remove
>>508003635remove healing too and anything other than hitting the monster
hey guys lets farm crowns tonight
Upvoted, y'all know who y'all are
>>508004694>yall I will throat fuck you until you pass out
>>508004623What game and what monsters?
>>508004917worldi'm doing all the master-rank grouped event quests to farm research and crowns right now
tell me what ex deviant i should do nextdid snowbaron elderfrost and rustrazor
>>507993597I run life aug on switch axe and it's great even though most of the move are 30-40MVIt's like chugging a potion every 20s, or a mega if it's a big sword hit.
>>507999347What I like about Ichinose is that he's like "oh yeah mainline is retarded and changed monster behaviour for no reason, let's turn it back to what it was" His team is simply the core MH team, no matter how much life sim garbage and bug catching main team tries to shove every entry.
>>508005621deadeye garuga
>>508005621The one with a good weapon
>>508006019I appreciate that too actually. He cares about consistency in the series which amount to the only real connection the current series has with old monhun these days
>>508005621Do boltreaver. I wanna see if you did him faster than me.
>transport questUuuuuuggghhhhhh
>HG Earplugs>Pro Transporter>Marathon Runner>Felyne Lander>Felyne Super CatYup. It's egg quest time.
Play rise with gyro and joycons
>>508004914you will never throat fuck anything, shrimp dick
>>508008320You'll be begging for more you'll like the taste so much faggot
>mega nutrients needed to upgrade hammerman they just did random shit back then lol
hammers need nutrients to grow big and strong anon
don't forget to sharpen your hammer anon!
>>508007564Vro?Your HH???
>>507999671w-what did she mean by this?
why does oldgen tell you to take breaks but newgen does not bother
>>508009661Real video game vs gaas
>>508009661It's an old trend from when people were health conscious. Now everyone just streams, jerks off all day, and orders uberjeets.
>>508009592She likes the taste of charred wiener
>>508009661That started when the games moved to nintendo
>>508009661Some kid died from a heart attack due to playing a gamecube game for too long in the early 00s and the parents sued Nintendo. As a result any game on their consoles starting in like 2005 had a health warning at the start. I don't know if they still do it.
>>508009910how far we've falle- oh hey the mcrib is back
>>508010895This but unironically, sadly.
>>508010627>sued Nintendohow is that nintendos fault
>>508011642they didn't put a warning in the game to tell little timmy to take a break, obviously
>>508007080whatever your time was mine will be worse since I just took 20 minutes on G2>>508006192will do this one next since it'll take longer to unlock him
>positioning myself just right so velocidrome jumps towards me as rath shoots fireball and it knocks velocidrome out of the airOld gen monhun had a high skill ceiling and now we just get turf wars. I guess we still have that guy with the panty shots though
>>508011642Kid was probably a fat slob and the parents didn't want to take responsibility
>>508012036>>508011642>dont tell someone to not do it in excess and die from being retarded>they do>somehow, its your fault
>>508012009>20 min on G2that's the one in the swamplands where you can only die once right?that's fine for like, your second run-in + you trying to be careful as shit.You got this bro.
>>508012449yup now if you'll excuse me im going to goon until I have a seizure and if nobody in this thread tells me to stop i will sue
>>508011642>don't put an epileptic seizure warning on your game>kid diesyeah, you're probably liable
>>508013120>gaming companies now literally have to tell people not to play video games in dark rooms with their face 2cm away from the screenshame really.
>>508012602nta, it took me 27 minutes to kill the G2 Dreadking Rathalos because he won't stop flying and the Volcanic Hollow is a satanic place made by assholes. Horrendous map.
>don't tell kid not to kill his whole family>its nintendo's faultmakes sense tbqdesuwy
Nintendo raped my dog
they're kids you have to tell him what not to do it's called being an adult
Got 11 minutes on my first DB Ala kill, but I used a Fatty/Velk mix with Safi fire DBs. Would full Safi be a big damage boost?
>>508014450safikhana or full safi does like 8-15% more damage
>>508014450>using fatty gear for first time allahPathetic
>>508013931>Volcanic Hollow is a satanic place made by assholesi physically have no arguement against it. I just cannot defend it. Especially not after needing hyper Uragaan shards and he ALWAYS starts in AREA 3 of Volcanic Hollow.>Rathalos does the double claw attack then lands>he hits elevated ground>he has a unique animation where he stomps the ground, and goes back into the airFuck volcanic hollow Area 8 specifically.
>>508015690I've killed him a ton before with other weapons already, it's just my first time doing it with DBs. My actual first time I used a Velk/Goldian mix.
>>508012009>G2 Boltreaver>HP 13,978 ~ 14,325/Atk x7.60>Boltreaver EX>HP 21,750/Atk x17.00...i knew they were stronger, i just didn't know HOW strong.Looking back I'm surprised i even did this. in negative thunder res armor no less.
>>508016712You are forgiven
>>508015978the whole map feels like its designed to piss you off as much as possible. it's also extremely irritating when the monster goes into the lava and just looks at you. it doesnt help that dreadking is massive and doesnt play well with the map.almost every monster spawns in area 8 so im used to it, i really like how the whole area is sloped so its a shitshow no matter what
>>508015690nothing wrong with using better gear if he can get it, not sure when this general turned into "didn't beat it if X" soulsfagging territory
>>508016853>fighting anything in area 2, literal horseshoe in terms of where you are allowed to go>Get the mount on Teostra>he's in the lava past the invisible wall so it instantly ends>get the mount on Gravios>he's in the lava past the invisible wall so it instantly ends>Touch Hyper Brach a little too hard>sent CAREENING into the lava and i have to stand and watch him finish his animation then get up like a good little cuckcouldn't agree more.
>>508017338I misunderstood and thought it was his first kill of all time. You're a nigger if you skip proper allah only to do it later with fatty gear
>>508017346you've detailed my experiences one to one so this makes me feel better about how much i fucking hate the volcanic hollow. putrid map design and why i despise 4U.getting a knockdown and having the monster wail in the lava while you consider taking a trip to japan is a very fun
>>508016745at least he "only" has 1.5x the hp but he'll basically oneshot with every move
I thought valor gs was supposed to be op and fun this emphasis on counterplay is so ass
>>508017541you're an autist if it bothers you how other people do things. you have no power outside of your tantrum.you misunderstood because you were eager to feel superior right off the bat, pathetic niggercattle brain.
If I want to discover the series, should I get world, rise or wait for wilds to come out? Or I could just jump in blind and get the entire series bundle with stories 1 and 2.
>>508018007You’ve got 2 months. Get the series bundle and play what seems interesting.
>>508017971Are you one of those shitters who cried on leddit about alatreon being literally impossible on release?
>>508018007stories are trash, rise is a downgrade of world and wild looks like it's going to be shit. get a wii and play tri instead
>>508018007Rise is the best
anyone interested in doing MR kulve
>>508018247nope, i heeded my pard's suggestion about element and did it just fine after i caved frostfangs head in. i actually love the alatreon fight, its well designed.you can paint me as whatever you want if it makes you feel better.
how do you find the strength to go on when the hunt is just so fucking hard?
>>508019076i don't want to let my palico down...
>>508019076sunk cost fallacy and pure hate. what are you struggling with buddy?
>>508019076For me, I just like the feeling of improving. There is nothing that is straight up impossible to beat in this series. The only real thing standing in your way is how much time and patience you're willing to spend whittling away at your imperfections until you win. So in short just have autism like me.
>>508019227great jagras
>>508018735Then why don't you understand how skipping an enjoyable fight to get the absolute best gear in the game to then go back to said fight only to obliterate it isn't a good thing? That's like doing optionals with fatty gear, where's the fun in ending every single one of them in two minutes. Regular alatreon should be a requirement to get to fatty
>>508019351>wanting to overcome something is autismi hate zoomers so fucking much its unreal
>>508019076When all else fails, hatred alone
>>508019530Zoomers can barely read anon
why does nibelsnarf have so much hp he takes forever to die I even use the bomb trick
you guys have inspired me>arizona mucho mango>fritos >80s rock in my headphonesLet's fucking game
>>508019519the fight is still enjoyable and well designed with fatty gear, you're just mad he didnt fit your mold of how things "should" be done. it doesn't need to be a dick measuring contest with the world just because you like telling people theyre shit. you're a real piece of shit if thats how you act in real life towards people that struggle. its a game.if the man is struggling and needed it, then thats fine as well.
>>508019912based we need recordings of everybody on mhg screaming "let's fucking go" as loud as they can unironically
>>508016802smug gato
>>508019936I'm sorry your mother slam dunked you head first when you were a baby
>>508019530I take it to a very autistic level. And trying to solo some of the harder shit in this series does require some degree of autism unless you've been playing the series for decades already.
>>507990545I like some armor for the aesthetics of it (the leather one you start with) but I'm not sure how the equipment stats influence in this game.What should I do?
>>508020029I heard somebody say it unironically once. he was a cool dude
>>508020330you get a version you can apply to any armor without influencing the stats/skills later on in the game
>>508020198i'm sorry you have no argument and im sure your head doesn't have any dents.
>>508019076>beat Tragedy of Silver and Goldsometimes you just gotta have good music to listen to. You get "in the zone"
Frontier before zenith/extreme style is so good, going through G without using extreme is definitely the right choice. With extreme style on most weapons feel like I'm playing a knockoff mobile game. IDK where it went so wrong but at least there's a wealth of content i can enjoy even before Z rank.
>>508020295ive solo'd every single thing in GU so far, even the G5s, i only have the EXs to go so i share your "autism"
>>508020468how late?I barely defeated the big yellow iguana thing in the tutorial. (monster hunter world/iceborne)
>>508020647after you finish world and enter iceborneor you can use a mod
>>508019351There's a few quests in MH1 and Dos that were genuinely never proven to be soloable due to the sheer massive amount of HP (I think the original dual diablos hub quest, Four Horns, is one of them). Outside of that, though, yes.
Hunt the impossible, slay the invisibleRow! Row! Fight the power!Touch the untouchable, break the unbreakableRow! Row! Fight the power! you can touch the heavens bros I promise
>>508020938https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ovJWevUz5qsyou couldve literally written it on google and proven yourself wrong instantly fren
>>508021136This is not the G rank one, retard-kun.
>>508021136do flash bombs not exist in mh1? cause man after the sonic bomb, Diablos has ALOT of hangtime before finally landing. could shave off a good amount of time if so.Still a pretty good run.
>>508019076Pure spite
Man... The hype for Wilds is insane. People are itching to buy the super premium deluxe special version. Great job, Capcom!
>>508021984I unironically bought it right after they announced preorders were up
+ez?u7RTJkirdoing a kulve run or maybe two
Will MH ever go open world
>>508021984I preordered it and Torchlight 2 with gift cards I got for Christmas
>>508022295Good job. You don't want Steam to run out of copies before you go to buy Wilds. You've got to secure your game with a pre-order. Smart.
>>508022610Wilds is open world it will be a groundbreaking new experience. :)
>>508022717I'm gonna need a nullberry for the Iceblight i got out of this sarcasm.
>>508022717kek, i think he just did it to just get the transaction out of the way and just download it right away.
>>508022717I am a gamer and by definition a goycattle and I exist to consoom product.
Does monhun even have voice chat? Never bothered looking into it
>>508022717I'll be pimped out in this swag and slaying huntress pussy left and right while you seethe in the corner wearing a clown suit for Attack Up (S) lmao
>>508023950I'm pretty sure japs hate voice chat
>>508024051<- THIS swag
>>508023950>he didn't play in the 3U Wii U help roomsYikes! Is anyone still here from the old days or is everyone a gu zoomer now???
>>508024307I feel like you're trolling me. 3u had voice chat? That's wild
>>508024251That looks impossible to save edit in. Luckily you got it. Don't want to have the fear of missing out!
>>508024307yes and back in my day we'd go over to our friends house and play monster hunter on the playstation 2 and talk in person without bullshit toys
>>508024462NTA but it did. It was certainly a time>Yelling at a HH main cause he had half health and IMMEDIATELY ran to Rathalos's tail to carve, one of the only times i ever used the GS shield to block a fireball>Planning and discussion on how we were gonna break Ala's Horns, i brought the Plesioth Lullabane to help with sleep (had no idea Ala could even be put to sleep until that hunt)>Hammer main gets stunned>Upswing him just before Ala charged and killed him>"Thx bro">"sure thing bro"wow what a blast to the past, fucking unlocked a memory.
>>508024462Not only did the Wii U have a built-in mic it also had free online play. So all you had to do was buy the game. No extra hardware or subscriptions needed. Gamers were literally ripping off Nintendo. I'm glad that's all changed now. Nintendo really needs the extra profit.
>>508024923How far we've falle- oh wow is that horse armor?
>>508024867I miss when games were social. Zoomers and europoors would just ruin it today.
>>508024923kekthe funny thing is that paid online for consoles became the norm as a result of microshit making people pay for xbox live, then sony followed suit and finally nintendointeresting argument against the notion that "competition always helps the consumer", in a world where microsoft didn't exist we'd probably still have free ps+ and nintendo online
mhg voice chat would probably be surprisingly civil
>>508025524>in a world where microsoft didn't exist we'd probably still have free ps+ and nintendo onlinedoubtful, sony would have just done it first instead. it's a no-brainer.
>>508025113>gonna hear alot more of "ONII-CHAN! MY HIPS ARE MOVING ON THEIR OWN!" in voicechat>all the gay larping, except i have to actually hear itno man alive could rip out their headset faster than me.
will wilds be better than world
>>508025524Is there even competition? Feels like the big 3 are all going after different niches
>>508025710it was free on ps3, they only realized they could fuck people after microsoft did it.
>>508025828this is true. Can confirm.
man world HBG is so fucking garbage the special scope sucks dick to useGU HBG will be king forever0 fucks about DPS, but goddamn the siege mode + running was awesomerise at least has crouching fire, albeit cucked with heat gauge. Plenty usable with normalanyway, is LBG more fun to use than HBG in world? might pill me on it
>>508025828there is no way the ps4 would have had free online, even without ms charging for xbox live first. consoles charging people for playing online was inevitable. businesses are always considering ways to nickle and dime the customer and extract as much profit as possible.
>>508026425World gunning fucking sucks
>>508026583At least we don't have subscriptions to use controllers yet
>>508021636g rank didn't exist in monster hunter 1 retard-san>>508021720they did exist, but you only had 20 inventory slots and his were already full.
why do worldfaggots don't like actual monster hunter at all
>>508026672yet lol. i was laughing my ass off when the SNK developers said they had conversations internally about charging a subscription to play fighting games online. these people are shameless.
>>508026843How would that even work
>>508026583they are but they might not have realized they could get away with itmicroshart has infinite money so to them it was probably a low risk, even if nobody bought their paid subscription they could have endured the cost and made it free down the line. if snoy tried it first they might have been afraid of the blowback
>>508026784Modern gamers are retards. They only care about story, setting, and muh gwaffix
>>508026971fuck if i know, the other developers (this conversation occurred at a streamed roundtable discussion with bamco, capcom, and SNK developers) looked at them like they were nuts.
>>508026784They just haven't seen the truth yet. They haven't seen the ultimate error of their ways. Capitulation, endless refinement, immersion and cinematography will only end in destruction
>>508026784because worldniggers like that are there for the plebshit story and 5 trillion particle effects
>>508026784boss rushing is not actual monster hunter though
>>508026652eh, bow is usable
>give HBG a cool LMG mode so you can go full rambo>by endgame it sucks and you do more damage just regular shooting
>>508026554good thing spread is dishonestnormal is the only honest ammo type
>>508027016yea i agree, im just saying it still would have happened at some point.
>worldbabs and wildsperm need a dedicated NPC literally called a "handler" because they're drooling retardslmao can't make this shit up. Watch the cutscene tommy look at the monster yes now push your awesome button yeah you did it :)
handler mommy alma pampering me after a tough fight......
>>508026784Rise is only "actual monster hunter" to NPCs. Just because true cringe spam until shit stops moving is your only dopamine hit while playing the game, doesn't mean that's the entire game.
>>508030049world retards acting like "dopamine" is an insult because their game is ultra fucking boring is so funny
When do I get to hunt mons in GU that don't fucking suck?
>>508030213Dopamine wasn't the insult
>>508030645Never because GU is a bad game
>>508030645low rank
vincent (pictured right) - 1 bitch-ass dragon (pictured left) - 0
>>508031757this but with mods
luv Water Strike
>>508033521It's so good that the other alternative, Side Smash, is completely useless in comparison. It offers no unique benefits that make it an actual meaningful choice compared to Water Strike being a parry that can literally parry things that even Lance can't parry with Guard Up (such as Valstrax's dive bomb or Flaming Espinas' nuke), all while needing zero armor skill investment. Isn't Risebreak's Switch Skill system just so goddamn balanced? So many difficult choices to make on what to bring with you on hunts!
>>508033629wilds gs looking good
>>508033629so this is the classic monhun experience...
>>508033920Sad but true
>ass talons>glaive anuswhoever came up with the names for the gen flagships is really immature
>>508033629Vanilla gameplay btw
>>508034041fucking kek
>>508034390At least Elemental Burst Counter (another overpowered parry) for Switch Axe requires that players use Rapid Morph+3 in order for it to function at its best. Water Strike? You need nothing to get it to function at its best. Well, aside from your own personal skill. But there are no armor skill taxes for Water Strike. Meanwhile, Anchor Rage for Lance needs Guard Up in order to work on unblockable attacks. Preferably at +3 to minimize chip.
>>508034738rapid morph 3 has virtually no opportunity cost because it is probably the best dps skill for switch axe
>>508034428>nigga cougar
>>508033920Switch skills basically fall into 2 categories:-Situational playstyle dependent alternatives-Straight replacements for old useless moves that they can't remove outright without complaints about weapon identity so they pretend it's optional
Hey guys let's play MHW (PC) and Ring Fit Adventure (Switch) today guys :)
Wilds needs to figure out a way to finally make sleep status monsters actually challenging.
I just realized that MH4U and Bloodborne both came out the same year and also feature endgames that involve procedurally generated content that you need to grind to get the best possible gear (in 4U's case it's relic gear, and in BB's case it's bloodgems). What a strange coincidence. I guess early roguelites such as Binding of Isaac and Spelunky were both popular enough in Japan prior to that to get the attention of developers.
>get grazed by EX Thunderlord>die>moves forward faster than I can react>lose 30% to chip>try to heal behind the rock>zooms past the rock in Sanctuary and kills mei dont want to do this anymore, oldgen monsters were not designed around this amount of damage, its cheap.
>>508035638Shut the fuck up you're so annoying
>>508035752drowsy hunters now take 2x more damageeepy hunters take 5x
>>508034867Opportunity cost isn't even an issue by the end of Sunbreak because of how much shit you can fit in a setAnd on the subject of Guard Up, 1 point is fine and the game barely has any unblockables
>>508036204>getting wrecked by a an EX, something EXCLUSIVELY designed for multiplayerit is, but it makes sense.as the quest states, you are fighting a beast far worse than others of its kind, quite literally fighting the best of the best.
>>508033920They're not all perfectly balanced and it's weird side smash doesn't even attempt to cover a niche, but nothing else is that badYes, not even Twin vine and guard tackle
uh...do you think rise will go to its lowest price when wilds comes out?I bought world when rise came so I got it for like 5 bucks.
>>508035752It's already annoying as fuck. They should make a new ailment instead
>>508033629who do I talk to for this switch skill
>>508035752>NEW VARIANT: SLUMBERVEIL VAAL HAZAK>spreads sleep spores around the area, not negated by Sleep Resist. Sleep accumulates over time, mitigate by being super aggressive ala Bloodlust>half full inflicts Drowsy, blurs your screen, delays your controls and cuts your speed by 33%>full inflicts Nightmare, hunter falls asleep and turns invincible and you are transported into a separate instance where you have to fight a gauntlet of weird monsters to wake up
>>508036507GS's backslide.to this day i have found 0 use for this move, when a regular tackle can do it's job just fine, unless the hitbox of the attack you are trying to avoid is so tiny that backslide benefits from, by which case Power Sheathe does all that and more.Does Backslide even have I-frames?
what the fuck they look nothing alike
>>508036575mice is currently at the lowest price it's ever been at ($10)
>>508036507GS:Tackle > Guard TacklePower Sheathe > BackslideHammer:Keeping Sway > Dash Breaker and Silkbind Spinning BludgeonImpact Burst > Impact CraterHBG:Tackle > Melee AttackSA:Finishing Discharge > Compressed Finishing Discharge2-Staged Morph Slash Combo > Axe: Wide SweepElemental Burst Counter > Switch ChargerThe ones on the left I listed are all objectively better than the ones on the right. You have no reason to use the ones on the right at all.
>>508036691It has iframes and it lets you continue your surge slash sequence/regular chargeIt seems idiotic to use now that frostcraft is a thing, but it's at least a unique playstyle to try out
>>508036475I already solo'd EX Silverwind and Glavenus, those felt fair and it was my fault when I fucked up. Thunderlord will just fucking delete you with moves that are way too fast to do that much damage.I get that they're the God King Emperors of their race but there is a BIG difference in the quality of fight between one monster to the other. One will feel like it was your fault and the other will feel like you're at the mercy of a 1-frame dash or getting killed by chip randomly.
>>508036651>and you are transported into a separate instance where you have to fight a gauntlet of weird monsters to wake upCapcom already did that in 2001 with a boss fight literally called Nightmare in Devil May Cry 1.
>>508036932TAranny post
>>508037087What the fuck that's my idea!
>>508036846I wonder if I should get it now or wait till I finish world...those twins seeme pretty compared to the world handler...
>>508036932Most of these don't even cover the same use case, you're a retard who drank too much of the metacuck koolaid
Does Namielle qualify as a shitmon
>>508037080You know it's bad when thunderlord is actually easier supercharged than not, because he turns and gets ready for his attacks too fucking fast. Dude does NOT give you a chance to breathe uncharged.That and to this day i cannot tell when he's going to do that frame 1 dual horn uppercut.Other than those 2 situations i think he's pretty fair. Minus the whole Sanctuary thing where I've gotten fucked by the ledges when i was trying to dodge one of his pawslams as i was panicking cause EX and i had virtually 0 health left.So i do feel you.
>>508036816An attempt was made
>>508036971I'd even vouch for Surge Slash since i use it, that as fast as the sequence of hits are, there's no reason to use backslide- well idk. While i do use Surge Slash, i can only think of a couple scenarios when I'd need to dodge an attack, but at the same time i can just roll backwards and get the full combo back in without having to skip a part of the 3 hit combo.But eh, that's just me.
>>508037491Shitmons don't have their own theme music
uh...the only reason I'd get rise special edition are the ponytail and that nun palico costume but...can you dye the palico costume?I'd like it in another color.
>>508037997Yes you can
>>508033920>>508036507you can use side smash in lieu of overhead smash I as a (marginally) faster way to get to the upswing in your golfswing combo so technically it's not useless :^)>>508036932switch charger is great to have on your offhand scroll and impact creater is super fun with charge switch/disengage memes. I wish compressed discharge was better
>>508038109thank youis it for free or did they release some "change color coupon" in their microtransaction internal shop (if that even exists).
>>508038242The nun Palico costume is what you'd call "layered armor" aka it's just cosmetics. There's an option to change the color at the box. Just go play the game.
>>508037501Yeah, he's not so bad until he whips out the "go fuck yourself, try again" moves, which are borderline unreactable so you gotta hug his legs. That's mostly what's really making me mad and makes me not want to bother honestly.
Hmm the sad part about 200+ anomaly investigations is I no longer hear the monster themes it's now either arena or forlorn arena theme. Did capcom seriously make the same mistake they did did in gu with the deviant theme ?
>see a guy SOS and cart 3 times on MR Kirin>come across him again doing the Kirin/Kushala/Teostra arena quest and he carts 3 times on KirinI am sure this dude is just brute forcing hoping 999s in Fatalis armor show up and gang bang everything for him.
>>508038691it'll happen eventually
>>508038673>always listens to my own music when playing monster hunteri did not know this and I'm capped on AR.
>>508038680such a majestic creature
>>508038330thank you, I'll play rise after I finish world.>saw victorian dress for palico in icebornedamn... now I kinda regret making my palico full black...
sniffin and snorting like congalala
>>508039053You can edit your Palico in the save select menu.
>>508039227yeah, but wastes a coupon
>>508039008I'm playing on switch i cannot even listen to music on the side or else I'd miss the sound effects of the game. Still i like to listen to a game's music when playing, I like teostra or shagaru or kushala or deviljho themes are also part of the reason I like those fights. Only after 1k hours I may switch to my own music
>>508039342>he doesn't know
>>508039459I'm on switch as well but i understand.I remember when an anon told me in GU that you can tell if Gravios is going to do a sweeping beam or not based on the pitch of his cry before he shoots the beam, 800 hours in GU and i had no idea.
>fighting rathalos in 4U>watching him do the world tour while I twiddle my thumbs>suddenly realize I hate oldgen Monster Hunter>don't even finish the hunt, just turn it offi'm free...finally
>>508040038>Rathalos>doing the world tour in 4U?????I don't remember him still having that in 4U. Or even 3U. I thought 2nd gen was the last time he had it?
Guys, I cannot wait to play Monster Hunter Wilds, Capcom's latest monster-hunting action game, that will be released worldwide on February 28, 2025, exclusively on the consoles PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S*. Preorder today at $89.99.*Also available on PC
>>508040189idk about Rathalos, but ik SILVERLOS does the world tour, also did it in 3U.
>>508040189he does it in area 8 of heaven's mount
>>508040189>>508040250i take that back, idk if silverlos does that in 4U. He doesn't do it in GU, at least not that I've seen. But ik for a fact he does it in 3U.
>>508038673This is true for all but one monster and one of the arenas.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LrRMO_OdaOQ
>>508039670Yeah there are tons of audio and rhythmic cues in the game that help a ton when fighting monsters and it's easier to rely on them over visual cues since our brain has better auditory temporal resolution vs visual temp resolution based on its anatomy, the neural signal has to travel from the eyes all the way to the back of the brain whereas the auditory part of the brain is just next to the ears.
>>508040189According to google you are a big dumb dumb stupid facehttps://x.com/HeavyWingsDX/status/1647773802120593417
>>508038673It's a price I'm willing to pay, considering that the alternative is:1. Wasting time with the bing bird system2. Wasting time chasing after monsters3. Having fights be interrupted by other monsters4. Dealing with shitty traversal either with palamutes or with player wirebugs
>>508037080>imagefull of my cum
>>508040426i guess shagaru gets special treatment because it's the final anomaly monster
>>508040793I also think qi will the price for the reasons you mentioned i will just have to keep some normal locales quests on the side when some variety is needed
>>508022440Good hunts! 3/16.
>>508040038most people don't want to admit that rathalos is and has always been a shitmon, since gen 1 up to world he has always been utter dogshit to fight and I bet he's still gonna be garbage in wilds.
>>508038194I just want a cute feet huntress wife, it's not fair
You weren't supposed to point out that the games get better instead of worse as time goes on.
>>508041472rise is the best monster hunter in my book since it made rathalos and rise fun. anybody who says otherwise is mentally ill
>>508041472It's one of those that is better match up for ranged weapons. That and flash bang and trap spam
>>508041472>instead of making the raths not dogshit>they made them worse and doubled down on how bad they were>GU made Dreadking immune to flashbombs until you break his wings, but he almost never lands>World kept his dogshit qualities, instead of fixing him, they just gave them flashbomb immunity after few usesi fucking hate rathalos so goddamn much and it extends to capcom for their absolute niggery.
>>508041917>fighting this mon is not so bad if you spam flash bombs and trapsyeah like I said, shitmon.
no, i dont think i will.
>shows how to use Backslide>misses attack>24 minuteshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y26yI_GP3yo
>monster winds up attack>try to leap over the attack>it worksanyone else enjoying lance?
>>508041917the monsters should be balanced around all weapons, flash/trap spam or having to switch to a gun to not lose your fucking mind is indicative or a horribly designed fight.
>>508022440>>5080414462/16Good hunts, need a change of paceKulupeco is a thing apparently
>>508042372I actually have used backslide with /ss/ combo, which was already not optimal anyway. Used it for the i-frame dodge.
>>508042447>anyone else enjoying lance?always
>me playing lance the only time in my life
lanceGAWDS making the thread insecure again i see
>>508042186he is the only monster in the entirely of mh1 that I fucking hated fighting, and that sentiment hasn't change much since then. at this point they are making him shit on purpose as a joke.
Najarala is such a dogshit fight
>>508042910The entire Rath line is shit on purpose because its tradition at this point.
how do i overcome the lack of range on SNS
>>508043319you switch it for a lance
>>508043319Flash bombs and traps.
I thought Vortex Slash II was supposed to deal blunt damage?
>>508043319Use your brain
>jar really changed his name in order to keep postingsad!
since wilds is a tokuda game, element will be totally doghsit right?
How do I make all normalfags that don't have an autistic compulsion to use the katana in every game it is available fuck off to hammer or SnS or something without actually making LS hard.
EaMQKPhymh&jnew lumu IDlast one bugged outfarming silverlos for my set for a bit
>>508042372so instead of listening to this guy.i went ahead and booted rise up, and did Backslide myself and learned that>it can reposition you at any180° angle of your choosing, but saves the charge for the next charged slash so you can immediately do a lvl 3 version of the next slash, just takes some getting used to, so if you use backslide in the middle of a lvl 3 charged slash, you won't have time to correct the aim of the slash before it goes back to lvl 2 if the aim of the backslide is off a bit>there is some pretty awkward delay, like the time it takes to get to the next hit of surge slash, you are better off just restarting the combo. In other words it is completely useless if you use surge slash.Due to the awkwardness of backslide, you are unironically better off just using the tackle, unless you are absolutely sure the monster is completely immobile after doing 1 attack. And as i said before, there's a noticeable delay where you have to wait for the backlide animation to finish before your hunter starts up the charge slash again, even if you already stored a lvl 3 charge previously.It's pretty garbage, and replaces Power Sheathe no less.
>>508043839the second hit of vortex slash does yes. for both II and III
hey guys this is my comic about kut kuits about yian kut ku going to detroit and joining the hoodinspired by my hunt with Kut Ku in MH1
I thought using the lightbreak LBG would be awful because the low normal 3 capacity, but evading reload is just great. And you can still evade reload even if your clip is empty by using a mine beforehand or first shooting anything else then swap back before dodging, pretty fun.and holy shit it rapidfires sticky 2, it shits KOsI just wish light weapons didn't get cucked with tenderizing in 2 hits.so, does LBG have any interaction with the slinger? slingerburst something anything?
Are their any good looking switch axe in iceborne?
>>508045859Switch Axe is an ugly weapon in general so you're not gonna find a good one in any game.
>>508045859Guild PalaceKulveAlatreonFatalisBasic IronRaging Brachy
>>508045854use clutch claw boost/shaver deco to fix light weapon issuesyou should have plenty of slots for it
>>508045128is this what getting raped by the dumb bird in mh1 does to a nigga?
>>508046594come on bro, thats exactly what kut ku is.
LBG? more like LBGT LOL!!!
>>508046921gunnerbros....he got us....
Good morning I hate world
>CTRL+F Aira>0 results>CTRL+F Jar>only 1 result>CTRL+F Doj>only 1 result>CTRL+F Ubel>0 results>CTRL+F Futaqueen>0 resultswhat a boring thread
Worlos stole my bikeGod I hate them
My guvernment is raising VAT starting next year.Might have to preorder Wilds before they raise the price.
>*slaps some scales on an iron sword*>Yearp, that's a mighty fine day of blacksmithing.
>>508047031good morning sirs...
Hello kings after finishing my Monster Hunter journey, I have realized the golden simplicity of 2004.Everything matters in Monster Hunter 1.
>>508048589>Everything matters in Monster Hunter 1.Truer words have never been spoken
i need this gamei need this lifeim tired of 4uim tired of elden ringi just want wildsi just want to be happy
>>508049495this but wild hearts
I woud rike to extendo my sanks to za doragon dogma tsu puraeya for herupingu beta testo za MONSTER HUNTER WILDS. I hopu you enjoy!
>>508049619ok chasehows tri going btw
>>508049692umm grandpa you left capcom alreadyits KINOshita's turn
>>508049495>>508049709>>508048589>>508045854>unironic reddit spacingGO BACK
>>508049802yes yes i REFT capcom on my own. I didu notto get fiya'd or anysing haha...
>>508048589validate your claim by streaming a single MH1 end-game hunt successfully
>>508050119>believing MH1 has an endgamenta but you should validate your neck off and hang yourself for being such a dumb motherfucker
It turns out I don't really hate all of youJust some
>>508050460i think he just means something like kirin, fatalis, diablos, gravios...
How should I set my expectations for Ruiner Nergigante if I never learned how to fight normal Nergigante
>>508050460very defensive when all i asked for one, singular hunt where you kill something that is fought at the end of one's journeyshouldnt be that hard to show, right?
>>508050890If you can't dodge his roars you just dieThe guy is just one massive hitbox
>>508050890you'll get creamed he's actually really hard with rank appropriate equipment, it's not until you have endgame equipment where you can perma trip him and make him your bitchi unironically suggest hunting AT nergigante with MR gear if you want to prepare yourself for Ruiner
>>508050119>>508050939Like 90% of people that talk about oldgen are larpers trying to get people to argue. Literally no one here will stream it since no one has it installed.
>>508051093what's so funny anon
I just figured out that i don't really hate the desert setting / map. I hate that Wilds's desert map is this horrendous mess of blurry low textured mess;. Is there any reason why it looks like total ass?
I did it.I bought.
>boughted Milds
>>508051486>he boughted schbilds
>>508051486There is no need to boast of doing one's duty, CapBROTHER.
>today is my birthday >0 calls>0 messages
>>508051486I have to wait until Fanatical gives me my key before I can add it to Steam haha........
>>508051930Happy birthday, anon. Treat yourself to something nice and chill.
I looked it up to see if 4 Ultimate is really the worst Monster Hunter game like everybody has been saying, and these are the first results? What is going on here???
>>508051798stream it
>>508051930should've made some better life choices, have a (you) thats full of disgust for blogposting on a video game general, you sad fuck.
>>508052027>mh game that made the series popular in the west gets shill in the westbruh
>>508051049I did fucking regular HR Nergigante and I ate like 80% of his attacks, I am fucking fucked. At least I actually dodged the goddamn spike dive finally, is that even possible on like GS unless you didn't get stunned by the roar.
>>508052179stream this
>>508052179meant for >>508051930 and i meant your suicide not your gameplay
that's what i thought, you gigantic pussy LMAO
Joined someone who fired Namielle assignment SOS...Joined at 35min, Namielle started limping at 40min. I used Glider Mantle to go to the place asap (the guy didn't) and hoping not to time out. A bit anxious, I didn't wait for him and shot many Pierce ammos and slayed it at around 41-42min, and he insulted me because he could only carve 1 or twice.What do you think? AITA?
i like mhfu, mh4u, and mhw :)
>>508052708Too scared to stream a single hunt? kek
>>508051930happy birthday anon*hug*
>>508052964>>508052010>>508051930such an obvious samefag
>>508052862when I am hunting with others, i would think its common courtesy to wait until everyone is there before you do anything unless you are capping the monster
>IT'S BANBARO TIMEWhy did he do it, bros?
why cant you retards just be normal?
>>508052658The pre-Guiding Lands Ruiner Nerg is just an appetizer.
>>508052658use your sos function and call other hunters if you're that down badotherwise remember to tackle
>>508053065i bought a psp and mhfu on sale at gamestop on whim because the cover looked sick and it was over for me at that point...
>>508053025if you cant make it to the coral highlands summit in less than a minute in master rank you must be a literal mouthbreather so nah your life has as much value as an ant
*gropes mhg*
>>508053025When I join hunts, I do everything in my power to piss people off. It's funny.Randoms are subhuman so it doesn't matter how they feel.
>>508053159>i bought a pspspspsp
>>508053336cute palico
all of you freaks need to join the room im about to make for Worlo so I can see what weapons you play and how many of you play female characters like the faggots you are
>>508053467I don't want to join your lumu, all you guys ever do is gay modded quests and Alatreon/Fatalis over and over and over
>>508053217i do this too wanna grief people together?>>508053467esl
>>508053542what would you do if it was your lumu then? be specific
bringin my slutmog
>>508052179yeah I'm not gonna set up a streaming account and all other streaming shit I need just to prove myself to some faggot on an anonymous hunting forum.so you're just gonna have to keep seething knowing other people play and enjoy old gen.how about you stream a single hunt of your hunting game of choice?
risky scatreon click of the day
>>508053564Heh, you have been tricked by me posing as two people, I win.Good night, I was never real.
>>508053606Plug the entire roster into a wheel spin website and spin each time to decide what to hunt
>>508053518>bush isn't whitedropped
>>508053630i guess having an account and hitting stream on OBS is too much for your boomer ass lmoaill stream a hunt if you do one first
>>508053072I can assure you MR99 is not something I consider to be in my future.
You guys are my best friends
>>508053760what if it lands on Fatalis or Alatreon?
You guys are my worst friends
>>508053876Too scared to stream a single hunt? kek
>>508053887B-but... additional content...
>get arbitrary MR req for certain quests>change it to 999 with the save editor>continue as normalit feels good to not be a mentally ill fat person
>>508053754>he thought that was mefell for it retard
>>508053989Then I'd do it, because it only happens 2/71 times rather than most of the time
>>508054176isn't caring about your MR not being 999 to a point you save edit exactly what an insecure mentally ill fat person does?
>>508054073yeah I'm not gonna set up a streaming account and all other streaming shit I need just to prove myself to some faggot on an anonymous hunting forum.so you're just gonna have to keep seething knowing other people play and enjoy old gen.how about you stream a single hunt of your hunting game of choice?
>>508054176I do it too for every game, I just want to fight the monster that's locked instead of grinding like 80 hunts for no reason.
>>508054406based based BASED
>>508054251You lucky piece of shit, I almost got Fatalis
>>508053074Man It was a legit question where when he roars even on light weapons I have to hold sprint down and then mash the dodge button as soon as I can tell I've started running to get the invulnerable dive, it doesn't seem physically possible to sheathe fast enough with some of the slow ones.
>build improves drastically>run time gets significantly worsei guess i'm just shit
>>508055202don't sheatheeither block or tackle through the roar
anyone else feel like starting speedrunning?
>>508056289me, which mods are we using?
>now players called metal raths "slos", "srath", "silver" and "gian", "grath", "gold"mobilefags are so low iq holy shit
>>508056289>STILL can't sub 12 hyper astalos>get JUUUUUST over 13 minno...not in the mood...
I'm never calling a Pink Rathian a "Pinkian"
>>508057413>GUnot monster hunter
>>508057465I've been doing that since i was 11 or 12
>two months until I can hop with shells againi am GOING to fucking kys
>>508057478>t. triple carted to Great Maccao
>>508058674yes and? i also triple carted to fu kutku and tri barroth and tzitzi your point being?
>>508058525you can do this right NOW in monster hunter NOW
>>508058829oh...I'm sorry man. I get it, sometimes shit gets tough when you don't have a full grasp of your moveset + monster patterns.You'll get better real soon friend. I promise.
playing shitload of iceborne recently and furious rajang made me rage quit, need a break so i draw some mh shit fucking monkey
>>508059003thanksbut GU still isn't monster hunter
>huntress coomer eats 3 carts then leaveskekhow fragile are the brain rotten faggots?
whoretresses must be punished
>>508059218this because its not the new updated goontress version wilds added
Just started Rise and got to the optional Khezu village quest. I went in fully expecting a 15+ minute fight with a cart, ended up killing him in a couple minutes using a hammer. I got hit once by an electric attack and thought I'd cart yet it only did about 1/5 of my health. I was wearing 4 pieces of Izuchi (-2 Thunder per piece) and a Lagombi piece... with no upgrades. I hope Hub/HR and endgame have a serious difficulty spike, although maybe not as bad as some of the sweaty AT fights in World pre-Iceborne. Even World's LR wasn't this braindead.
>>507993207Worldbabs never played older games
>>508064720there's no difficulty spike until 2nd half of MR4
>>508064932Astalos I assume? That was the first time I had to actually not get hit by attacks, but it was a one off because then I didn't run into any challenges again until Risen Valstrax
I didn't spend christmas with anyone, still a virgin loser with no friends.bros.. Monster Hunter is all I have, and you are my only family.
>>508066419this but unironically
Sunbreak PC room/lobby/lumu>P6WJFN2T6081Wa1rHunting with a roulette wheel...
I hope they continue the Stories spin off. It's very fun
>>507997572Only annoying (mandatory) monsters in G2 are Black Gravios and Fire Drill (Brachydios + Stygian Zin), and Black Gravios can be cheesed with a Lance.
>he isn't a solo hunter
>>508066935I rolled Apex Zinogre and carted four times...
>>508017845I've seen some people tank the "one shot" beam and barely survive with full on athal-ka armorJhoCeana mixed set will get one tapped 100%
>>508036637I had to manually edit the moveset in a very spaghetti way and was tapping roll to keep the tcs going so it was just to make a funny video really
Veilguard collab when
New monster hunter game when?
>>508068930>>508017845>>508016745>>508012009>>508006192>>508005621>>508007080stop shitposting and play a real monster hunter game
Reminder that GU saved 5th gen.
Rise won
>>508069769>the preceding 4th gen game was so bad and bingbingish that a whiplash effect caused the following 5th gen game, World, to be the most kino release of monster hunter ever, making 5th gen a good generation despite the even worse version of GU, GU2 (Rise), also existing in 5th genBASED
That would be interesting if I asked, Morloid
rice melty
>Play a real monster hunter gameI agree. World has overstayed its welcome
Can't we all just get along?
no fuck off wiloid.
it's over...
>>508067102What's stories even about, never touched the game so I know absolutely nothing about it
>>508073259i look like this when i hear my mom getting railed by tryone again when i just wanna play monster hunter rise on my nintendo switch in the living room in peace...
>>508073401its a pokemon clone except its dogshit because they somehow made the turn based gameplay even more shallow
>>508073481Honestly? Same..
>>508073481>FakeAnon imagined his mom getting railed by Tyrone>GayAnon imagined his mom getting railed by tyrone
*namedrops random /mhg/ denizen in a slanderous manner*
>>508073565>It's a pokemon cloneSo it's better than pokemon
>>508073815If you're not anonymous on /mhg/ you're a subhuman and your opinion doesn't matter, it's as simple as that
>>508073815axel schweiss you're really stinky!
>>508073879it would have been because monsters are cooler than pokemon. but the gameplay loop put me to sleep
>>508074113Considering the latest Pokemon games were violet and scarlet, it might genuinely still be better, but I haven't played it so I'm only guessing
World killed monster hunter
it wasn't supposed to sell like crazy but the normies saw it and went into a frenzy
>>508051486You're the cancer killing videogames
>>508051930you're probably an asshole and don't even realize it many such casesSAD!
>>508066935Room closed. Thanks for the hunts!
>>508051486>he buyded
>>508051486based!~ :3
>>508073815marrying noicie!
>>508051486>The Wilos are here
i don't think wilds is going to bring more "long time fans", it will lose numbers and nature will heal
>>508076107SEX POST MORE
>>508066935Good hunts
World brought in the gooners to ruin this franchise
>>508076348Apparently PS5 sales are still only at 61 million right now so most wilds sales will probably come from PC which is funny because doesn't wilds require higher specs than most people on steam have? I guess in theory half of ps5 owners could buy wilds but I don't think that's super likely
>>508077162Noooooooooo but look at this sexy kirin screenshot carbon dated to 2008 it is proof that the MH fanbase was just as degenerate back then!!!
>>508077251Quick check of the numbers. 2018 there was 90million PS4 and archive.org of the platinum title capcom page list MHW at 8.5million sales in June 2018 before the PC release.So if they still manage to retain 100% of their sony MH userbase it would guarrantee them 6mil sales on PS5 roughly.I'm really skeptical about the PC release. I really don't see how Lil' Chang is gonna be able to run the game on a 2060 and they make a huge chunk of the playerbase.
>>508077251>no games>61 milfucking grim
>>508077695Lol I was actually just about to make a post about attachment rates too but according to wikipedia and other sources it was only around 5 mil sold on ps4 but your sources are probably better than my quick google search. Either way I don't think it's realistic to expect a ton of wilds sales on PS5. PC will be carrying this game hard which means most people have to upgrade for this game to do well. They probably realized this which is why they've assured us they're working nonstop on performance. Unless we see a second demo it basically just means you have to choose to believe them or not and after dd2...
>>508078052cant you play PS4 games on it? damn this just made me realize nintendo might pull what sony just pulled here and release a switch 2 only to basically rely on the og switch library to sell the console. modern gaming lol
>>508078112https://web.archive.org/web/20181102184605/http://www.capcom.co.jp/ir/english/finance/million.htmlIt's capcom self reported sales and since you can rewind quite a bit then it's useful to figure out some stuff. Like for example rise on switch sold 7mil before coming out on PC as well which is nutty imo.In the link I posted if you click the right arrow it swaps to the dataset from June 2018 to September 2018 and the PC release was roughly 3mil units on launch.
>>5080785937/16 is over 40% of sales on switch that's actually more than I figured and there's obviously been more sales on switch since then so it might even be a bigger percentage. Now we see why capcom hasn't abandoned portable yet
>>508076408keep posting
>>508077251>>508077695>>508078112>>508078593>>508078812Yep sounds like maybe ~6m on PS5 at best, a few hundred k on xbox (lol Xbox), and a few hundred k on PC
>>508079194How much did dd2 sell on PC? We can assume a rough estimate for how much wilds will sell on PC bare minimum from that
>>508079607Should be around 2mil copies according to various data estimation sites
>>508079546milk please
>>508079786So add that to the estimated 6 million for PS5 and you get around 8 million. Could probably round up to around 10 million just to be safe for the initial sales bill. It'll probably keep selling more slowly over years like world and rise so it'll probably end up around rise numbers likely a little higher. Maybe 17-18 million but this is assuming they don't improve performance a lot which will obviously increase PC sales. I guess we'll see if they release a second demo and if not they better not mess up the launch
I feel like Rise IG on switch is gonna be a hellish play
>>508080278Gyro aiming is a gog send
>>508080328there's gyro aiming for IG on switch? had no idea
>>508080427yeah and it's properly integrated compared to the pc versionthere's a bunch of settings where you get the normal right joystick for the camera and then gyro aims only turns on when you hit the bumper to aim your bug
>>508080602I'll have to check that out later then sounds fun thanks
when are we getting a real monster huunter sequel?
>>508082791Never ever. Just wait for the next mainline with turbo focus mode that has slowed down time when holding the button
>>508082791One came out in 2006
Have a taste of my longsword. Ha! BEGOOOOOOONE! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
so what exactly -is- a sapphire star?
>>508084740Stop laughing!! we're dangerous assassins!
What's a zaggespanon?What's a dyaus?
>>508084740>i takes out katna>I DICEDICEDICEDICEDICEDICE>i putsaway katna
>>508051486Should have waited until the DLC dropped. Not falling for that shit after them saying World would get no DLC and dropping Iceborne for full price after.
>>508084740MH hunters are scrubs with the sheathe on their back
>>508084985you aren't supposed to ask you are supposed to consoom
>>508084985sapphire star=a rare gem=a one in a million hunteri thought it was pretty obvious, unless you're just trolling
>>508087869I wish I was seltas drone. Think they will add swarm of seltas(young seltas) to give her move like malzeno and qurio?
It is nearly 2025.This is the first time I've hunted Bazelgeuse successfully.
>>508087869So is her... you know... just under her and exposed?
How do I transfer my Gen save to GU on switch?
>>508090728Me playing some Doom mod figuring out what button is a weapon that's not mapped to the numbers.
>rank 3 gu>still nothing but punching bags and annoying shitmonswhen does this game get good
>>508091061It's insanely easy until black diablos then goes back to being easy until goldbeard ceadeus.
>>508091019You email Nintendo and ask them to open the 3DS store again so you can download the app to do that and transfer it over. Do that you'll be good to go. Happy hunting! :)
>Returning fag>Missed Wilds beta>Curious, check out video>"OH EM GEE GUYS LITERALLY A PERFECT GAME, ENTIRELY FLAWLESS"Oh, I guess I have nothing to worry about... right?
>>508091572guess I'll kms
>>508091669performance was so bad they had to make a pre-release patch update stream
>>508082791Feb 28, 2025
>>508091669yea if you are a mindless goycattle who lets paid influencers think for him there is nothing to worry about perfect game
finna play Wilds fr fr
>>508091376kek just realized you said gu not 3u in which case it's going to be easy until at least high rank
>>508091796Yulp it's unfortunate. I would have done the same thing but I was too late to the party too. No way to download the app unless you have a jailbroken 3DS I think.
>>508080168I sincerely doubt PS5 is going to make up 3/4ths of the sales for Wilds, regardless of PC performance. The market has massively shifted in the past 7 years and major titles recently have been majority PC sales.
>>508093001cumming in peko
>>508090097good job cutie
>>508090097bad job retard
>>508091802The performance is the least of the game's problems
>>508082791february 28th 2025
>add movement to many weapon attacks to let you move around the monster's attacks without having to interrupt your offense>most attacks have weak knockback values that can't break super armor or they miss you without even requiring any movement, so there's nothing stopping you from spamming "unsafe" super moves constantly Wilds' systems are so good on paper but they just keep nerfing monsters too much for them to get to shine
im a risepedo and i lost
goodmorning /mhg/today i'm into the guiding lands minesand maybe raging brachy
>>508094335>movementkinda okay, whatever, don't really like it but don't really hate it, a little worried about it trivializing movement>super armorabsolutely disgusting, truly game breaking and difficulty breaking. Why move? Why learn the monster? Why git gud? Just use the big attack and win.
>>508094335>nerfing monsters: le bad>nerfing monsters by making hunters spastic: le good >why? just because OKAY!?
>>508094986discord tag?
>>508094986i'm not a pedo but....
>>508091903blud paying 2000 euros to play at 1080p lmoa
>>508095290errmmm no discord tag i'm just boredposting until wilds comes out
>>508094604>trivializing movementThey actually changed it because they felt currently the gameplay was too "trivial". The stated design goal of the combat changes was that they didn't like that players mostly just stuck to a handful of safe reliable options leading to mindless gameplay and that they wanted to increase the number of decisions you have to make in combat at any given time about which option to use. Of course, they didn't really succeed at this at all.
>>508095479boredpost in my dms
Bored. Going to play Wilds demo.
Personally I'm more into femboys
>>508095479kissable area
>>508095560*boredposts like a horny freaky gooner in your dms*
>>508095492So what? the whole point of safe options is to be safe. Safe is how hunters survive. Big dick damage belongs on big risk attacks.
>>508095756and so anon came
nooooooo you can't shill World it has TOO Much story.... and ecology.... and no counters.... and no switch port.... noooo not world shill RISE BREAK PLEAAAAAAAAAAASEHazards so hard dude... hardest content in MH ever even after EX Deviants you wouldn't believe and the grind is so good man qurious crafting is so build enablingAnd the gameplay dudes.... BLAST DASH HELLO? SPIRAL SLICE DEPARTMENT CALLEDPlease play rise it's just so good the best and element is NOT KEKED you hear me KEK LORD... plz plz rise...
>>508095950>and no countersleast dishonest wilds shill
>>508096041>>Rise is inoffensive, it's just binging away somewhere in a corner where nobody's paying attention to it>any comparison being made between world and rise immediately sees a bunch of rise shills shitting up the thread>criticize something in rise in any context and the cultists come out to shit on world and shit up the whole thread>a newfag asks whether he should buy world or rise?>sudden majority of rise shills come out telling him to play the game>but if you try to point out rise a game for retarded babies, suddenly it's the hawdest game evar and world is the one for babies, so which one is it?>try to put stuff like stories port news, now, or outlanders in the OP and rise fags will threadwar with those game omitted, stating that spinoffs shouldn't be in the OP because no one plays them>try to take rise out of the OP because apparently it's a spinoff (your words), nope that won't do rise HAS to stay in the OP because it's the newest MH game and it's super duper important and it's so much cooler than world and a return to classic and oooooooohhhhThis whole general has turned into an asylum full of retards mindbroken by world, and in turn counter-retards mindbroken by the retards mindbroken by worldPeople say gacha generals are bad but this one takes the cake. /mhg/ is the fucking worst bar none. Just endless retarded cunts being retarded. A new month, a new retard trying to do new retard things to become a "meme" here.Fuck all of you.
>>508095804Yeah that's the idea, they want hunters to constantly be choosing between safer options, movement options, or high commitment options, and part of that was allowing players to maintain longer combos, and give those combos more branching options and possible followups, because the previous games locked players into fairly linear attack patterns that led to repetitive gameplay at least according to Tokuda. It's just that all the safety net and hyper armor shit on big moves and the monsters' inability to meaningfully threaten or interrupt you fucks all of this up.
>the beginning of the miloidsimagine a whole army of them. in two months. mhg will not survive
>>508093538I know but the issue is most steam players don't have a PC that can run wilds and I highly doubt 10 million people are going to upgrade for this game
*wall of text about made up thing*
>>508096416you severely underestimate the amount of people that will deal with playing a game with low fps and low graphic settings
noooooo shut up im being serious guys
>>508096165>A new month, a new retard trying to do new retard things to become a "meme" here.name one
>>508096312if all attacks are safe attacks, then nothing is. It won't be possible to design a monster that can threaten a risky attack but be okay with a safe attack.
>>508096597Kek some people couldn't get past the start screen with the beta but I'm sure some will chose to play with origami monsters. Not 10 million though
>>508096416That's not going to cause people to buy a PS5 though. Console and PC are different markets.
Weren't World and Rise sales inflated by all the double dippers switching platforms once the PC version released? I imagine the simultaneous launch alone will significantly decrease sales.
G5 boltreaver already kicked my assTaking a break before EX my butthole isn't prepared yet
>>508096975I didn't say it would. I think they'd just skip the game mostly
>>508096797didn't tokuda explicitly say they fixed a lot of the performance issues to push for lower minimum reqs? who knows
>>508096998I doubt that was a significant portion of the sales. If anything Rise was hurt by its staggered release.
>>508097287They mostly improved performance on consoles, PC is not their priority and reqs probably won't be lowered much if at allBuy the $1500 5080, goy
>>508097287They said they're working on it. Whether you believe them or not after dd2 is your decision.
>>508097459>PC is not their priorityPC is their largest market segment now
>>508096165Tendies do be like that, despite World being a natural continuation of 4.
>>508096165how many times has this pasta been posted?
>>508096797I'm neutral on performance. It was never about being a demo for the players, it was a stress test for crossplay and 100 player lobbies. But they absolutely should have tried to use a better optimised slice of the game for what might be our only direct interaction before it releases.
>>508098489If they're smart they'll release another demo and why wouldn't they if they really did improve performance so much? Capcom is retarded
>currently way more interest in wilds launch than world's uh oh lol
>>508098886for whatever reason unbeknownst to us capcom said that they can't release a demo with an up-to-date build that has all of the "optimizations" that they speak of
>>508099015Nobody is talking about the game and there haven't been any news in 2 months despite the game being close to release
>>508099076We had news a few weeks ago about the weapon changes they made.
>>508099020Worst case scenario for them is they release wilds in a dd2 state because then even reddit will probably turn on them
>>508099194>widely panned, slow ass 90 minute stream about irrelevant shit nobody cares aboutThat "news" could have been a 5 minute blog post or twitter thread
>>508099362>widely pannedWhere did this wide panning occur?
>>508099414well you see me and my reddit friends were predicting a stream on this particular occasion for like 2 months prior because we dont have a life and we unironically sit on the internet 24/7 theorycrafting about the most innocuous shit so from our perspective it was
>>508099414Reddit, Twitter, yknow the places Capcom actually gives a shit about
>>508099362We also had the new journalist impressions of the improved closed demo they showed off like a month ago.
>>508099597>those same journos said wilds was easier than rise it's fucking over
>>508099749Every MH game has been easier than the last, what were you expecting
>>508099558hoooooolyyyy fucking redditor prediction >>508099561
>>508099818a slower decrease into casualization not a faster one
>>508100086why were you expecting that exactly?
>>508100086if casualization = money then faster casualization = faster money
>>508100394because I wanted it
>>508100546well that's just not how the world works autie
>Thought Lance was fun>Losers thought it needed changes>Capcom is reworking Lance to make it more powerfulOk, but I think that simply aiming your Lance was powerful enough even without faggy numbers upgrades.
>>508044036lmao, is this supposed to be a display of skill or something? If so, it's laughable.
>fill valor gauge>monster runs away>gague empties>fill valor gague>monster enrages and won't stop moving and thrashing>gague emptieswhy is valor stance so good again
>>508044036>>508101104jay is such a loser, worse than jar
anons, is anyone else experiencing super short fps stutter when someone joins your hunt in mhw? it has to be network related right?
>>508101759>he isn't a solo hunter
>>508101759It's probably capcom's amazing netcode.
>>508101759>>508102257unplug your internet to force World into offline mode and see the loading and stability speed difference
>>508101102Developers should never cave into the weapon balancing opinions of mobs whose only experience with their game is just a few hours of playing some form of pre-release beta test. It doesn't matter how much these critics end up being right or wrong at the end; Capcom should have had the balls to stick with their guns and at least wait until a month after the release of Wilds to think about rebalancing.These mobs have only played the OBT. Not a single one of them has any understanding how weapon power could change as a result of being used in conjunction with proper armor skills (like the people who unironically thought that HH in Rise was going to be the strongest weapon in the final game on the basis of how strong it was in Rise's original demo). Or how their thoughts and feelings on weapons could change after actually having enough time playing with them against the hardest monsters the game had to offer. I can understand accepting criticism about objectively bad things like low-res texture issues and terrible optimization in general. That's something that no amount of a person playing can make better. But weapon balancing? Just fucking wait and let things sink in. Capcom is just filled with pussies.
had a dream about fiorayne findomming me
>>508102405Tbh the weapons they buffed were objectively weak as shit and weren't going to get any better in the full game.
>>508102193>>508102257>>508102403its funny because the same thing happens in rise, whenever someone joins the hunt there is a sudden 0 fps moment and then the game goes back to normal. fucking japs i swear
>>508102405lol it's not capcom at large though it's tokuda. had a mental breakdown over comments about 4U so now he does whatever reddit says right away
>>508102548we're all being findommed by capcom when you think about it
>>508101349You're a retard for thinking anybody here plays oldgen.
tokudo doesn't even know that reddit is you fucking tourist kys
>>508102789imagine her findomming you though
>>508101102Aim lance is stupid good. Too good. Regular mode controls felt way worse.The block upgrades were awesome.The guard dash/combo downgrades were sad.Jousting controls were ASS and monsters run away too damn fast, excuse me when does this ability get fun?The new skills felt like a first pass. They tried.
>>508102789nah I dont pay for shitdont reply to me ever again with your shitty off topic pics
>>508102792lol yes he does
>>508102193don't dodge my filter you worthless piece of shit
>>508102562How do you know that? Do you know what kind of sharpness values, raw/element/status values, built-in armor skills, slots, etc. that the best weapons of these "objectively weak as shit" weapons were going to have? No, you don't. Nobody does. Do you know the exact properties of whatever new or returning armor skills they're going to have that's going to alter their damage values once you've created a good set? No, you don't. Nobody does. Capcom should have never listened to people like you. Sadly they did. And now we'll never know how the original balancing of those "objectively weak as shit" weapons was originally going to be like in the final game.
>>508102948very hot>>508102969i'm replying to you again paypig
>>508103028>he isn't a solo hunter
>>508103076>very hotnow imagine you findomming me that's even hotter
>>508097508did they say that about dd2?
keep it in your discord, freaks
>>508103471press that send button right now piggy~ no sorry i can't do it lol it's too funny
not your safe space chudly
>>508103503I don't even remember I think they did
>>508103636what if we dont do findom but i merely simp for you how bout that
can you please make Wilds release sooner?
>>508103029Armor skills or weapon stats weren't going to change anything.
>>508104185okay sure
>>508101349if you hold sheathe you can dodge any move
>>508101102Guard dash was complete shit in the beta as was the guard point counter stance thing.
>>508103029>>508104416For example, they had to buff the damage on most of swaxe's stuff by 30-50%. And the counter needed a change to its gauge economy and a new system where you take reduced chip damage based on your timing. Armor skills wouldn't have helped with that.Armor skills wouldn't have made lance power guard less useless. Armor skills wouldn't have sped up SnS combos to where they were before or made perfect rush useful.
>>508103029>lance has been bottom use and dps since like 3rd gen with the one exception being sunbreak>"ummmm how do you know it was going to be weak again???"holy kek
hello zinegroes, kys you are selves please thank you
>>508105025*poisons you*
>>508104416>>508104842>and a new system where you take reduced chip damage based on your timing.>Armor skills wouldn't have helped with that.What if there was an armor skill or maybe even specific Switch Axe trees that specifically helped with that? Sure it would have sucked because it would be a tax skill, but you don't even know if such an armor skill existed. >Armor skills wouldn't have made lance power guard less useless. I see, I'm guessing you've seen all the list of armor skills in the game that affect Lance and found nothing that helped Power Guard.>Armor skills wouldn't have sped up SnS combos to where they were before or made perfect rush useful.What makes you think the final game wouldn't have skills to speed animations up the way Rapid Morph did for transformation moves in Risebreak?I don't know. You don't know. The point is: NOBODY outside of Capcom knows. You in particular are judging everything about the final balancing on the basis of an extremely limited OBT. Even dataminers don't know what kind of endgame armor/weapon/loot system Wilds will have and how this system will affect weapons, despite having combed through the OBT as thoroughly as possible.>>508104925>with the one exception being sunbreakYou forgot Striker Lance being tied with Valor LS as being the strongest melee weapon in GU. But keep on with your disingenuous retarded shitposting."holy kek" right back at (you).
>>508026784Put this nigga in Frontier
>>508105725Armor skills have been datamined. We know almost all of the skills in the game. No skills like that exist. Making armor skills affect weapons on such a fundamental mechanical level would be idiotic anyway. You're retarded.
>>508026784he is correct
Are MH4U Expeditions always this fucking cringe? I'm getting double teamed and they run away even though I am wailing on them despite fighting 1v2.
>>508105725>>508107350Also, Capcom said they were balancing with endgame content and armor skills in mind. So if they changed shit it means that the problem wouldn't have been easily solved by armor skills.
>>508073401it's about having sex with palicos
haha get it the joke is pornsex with a monsters because addiction to porn and chasing dopamine highsdid you get it yet. he's mentally ill and needs more extremes to get him off
>>508109331they dont actually get off to it they're just being epic le random because they never grew out of their /b/ phase
>>508073879Unfortunately they made the most boring baby mode JRPG to exist. It makes pokemon seem fun and engaging in comparison.
>>508080168God you are a retard.
>>508105725>make a weapon shit>fix it with armor skillsthat's called a skill tax, bad weapons don't get fixed with high taxes.