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previous thread:

Website: https://p.eagate.573.jp/game/bombergirl/bg/p/index.html
Twitter: https://twitter.com/bombergirl573 (news on the PC version will have 【コナステ】)
Current/upcoming banners and maps (PC): https://p.eagate.573.jp/game/eacbg/bg/index.html

>Installation Guides:
Image guide: https://imgur.com/a/G2fK1Z0
Registration: https://p.eagate.573.jp/gate/k/newcomer.html
Download: https://p.eagate.573.jp/game/eacbg/bg/download/installer.html
Old client: https://files.catbox.moe/604gda.7z (Download and swap out your modules folder to earn tickets while playing with bots. Remember to back up your previous module)

>Technical errors:
If you can't get past the bench test screen, change your computer's region to Japanese in the control panel
If your NAT type is below C, try forwarding port 5291 on your router
If matchmaking breaks more than once, restart the game

>Wtf is the point of my role?:
Bombers destroy buildings and dig for items.
Attackers make space by separating enemies either by distracting or killing them.
Shooters make it to mid as soon as possible for the first team fights before going back to base to defend.
Blockers delay any inevitable attacks for as long as possible by denying area and stalling with heals, buffs, and blocks.

>In-depth resources:
JPN wiki
Map Guides

>Shitpost images resources:

>Top JP players:
テラルナ (Bomber)
だいげんしさん (Attacker)
カスり (Bomber/Blocker)
ぽろぴ (Any role)
map guides: https://imgur.com/a/l0vJx0K
thanks anon!
sex with olive gyaru sex
I love gyarus so much.
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still pretty embarassing for the enemy team tho
nakadashitai you are so fucking dogshit. holy shit
fuck you fudge I need one more game before maint so I can get ready for work
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The guy got S playing Kuro. I had to abandon my main to keep my rank.
Live happily, naka.
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sorry about that anon, I was able to start queue just right after it so I don't know if that was you in the last 1v1
no you dc'd from the 3v3 a bit before the game starts kicking people out for maint. luckily I was able to get back in queue and got a bot match in time
I meant that I was able to reque after I got dced in the matching of the 3v3, sorry for the confusion, happy to hear you got your last game in though
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had a lot of fun games today!
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what are anons' hopes for the next bomba?
big tits
There's nothing I want. Maybe Pomyuko or Honey.
I think the roster is big enough already with different strategies for different formations.
Maybe a teacher with smaller tits. That would be cool.
why is this shit here instead of /vg/
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Bombergirl is a PC multiplayer game.
way too slow for /vg/
The important question is why don't we have a dive grass team? It's /vg/ league season and we don't have memes to post. /vm/ lost the quali and we'll go a whole year without seeing another pinekek game.
you will get it next time
doubt we have enough people interested in it on /vm/
I don't want a divegrass team
nigga or real?
If it was Robo-Aqua the Keeps Getting Stabbed, real
gg panicbom!
your aqua was good but your papuru fucked me up really hard
i should have used the chainsaw
gg again
Yeah, big credit to the Pap for that match
she was a field commander, telling our newer attacker where to dig and me when she was clear to cover base so I could cover teleport
and she worked well expecting me to cut off retreats so she could loose her volleys
Did anyone's ping improve randomly?
my ping dropped by like 20-30ms
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nah , same as always
great roll anon!
i just started using the jj & jeff music and it's nice
wow i got a 3v3 at this hour. how dead is the game today wtf
game is still alive
isn't it past midnight over there?
shes so happy
that's a raw fish
prune is so cute man
put some buns into that slob
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>Bombergirl fans doing everything but play the game.
Silva Tits
but bonga is hard
Remember when Instead of playing the game they started doing puzzles of Bombas?
that was fun
random explicits makes it less funny
the one that just says "walk into the minbo snake" is funnier
It's fun and it's something to do as a group while waiting for everyone else to start playing the lobby.
speaking of doing literally anything but playing the game
I still need help with the cytube room for this year KAC
I need a design...
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It's a bit early. KAC will be in November or something like that. My suggestion is an arcade/game center or a neet room.
the yellow and black of the ingame menus would be fun
it's early but I need a design to implement
I am no good with those
draw up something
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had a lot of fun games today!
you have the same energy of that sushi eating game
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here's a quick one
just a suggestion, but you could use the game assets if you have the rips
that's what I did anyway
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Looks good to me.
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someone should translate some doujins
I don't have the rips
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the art for most of the bombergirl stuff is bad so no one bothers
do you want them?
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but i enjoy
you can try setting up bounties on e-hentai (you can promote them on 4cuck to see if other people will chip in to help with the bounty values). good luck
I jerk off to the prune one where shes getting a massage a lot
thanks anon!
your welcome
are you gonna make the design?
I can try putting one together but I don't know how to convert it into a cytube room
that's my job
just make a design
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almost there...
what happens when you max her level
she moves in with you and the two of you live happily ever after
Both become used goods.
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wife and daughter cute
wife and daughterwife*
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seems someone else finally noticed. he might be playing in the kiddie pool to noobstomp. it says his ability was inconsistent so maybe it's a shared account. i'm pretty sure he's one of the strongest players in konasute (well, one of the players anyway)

i had never thought of the account sharing thing but that definitely explains things for me. i had seen him play mostly bomber and attacker like a zako and i wasn't sure what was going on
why would you even bothered to do that
it's casual so there is no point
either he's lending his account to someone he knows to try out the game or someone lives in the same house tried out the game on his pc
also translate the whining
anyone get disconnected today? happened twice to me today
He's just an old player and used to be one of the top players. He was Master before Grandmaster existed.
My guess is that he plays inconsistently because he doesn't care and is trying to have fun, he's not always going to play in the peak condition and he's going to have good days and bad days.
People come up with the weirdest things without much proof. If he only played to get kills or played in a harmful way I would agree but he just plays like everyone else.
let's find out
nyorocchi is complaining about rag I think
altho it's not unusual for him to do it
>none of these people are still playing except shadow
well that was a close one
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does he live in an arcade
he never streamed himself playing in an arcade so probably too poor to afford ake bonga
internet café then
the translation is basically, he's in the bottom bracket for matchmaking, and he's much better than that so he probably went into the bottom bracket on purpose to hunt newbies
however it could just be someone with the same name
is it nigga?
i don't know, you can fall into the bottom bracket if you just don't play ranked for ~3 seasons. you can also get games during low pop times that merge the bottom and top bracket to fill out an 8 player game
the latter is when he usually plays
can nyorocchi think of anything but semerudearimasu?
the concept of holding rush is foreign to him
just had my blocker dc twice in a row at the start. i think it's the game having connection issues
going strong
these are new names
have you seen them before?
some of them
I think
still needs work...

I had 1 person dc from the lobby
otherwise the matches felt good lag-wise today.
oh so he was one of the greatest bombergirl players in the past. i knew it. he has one of, if not the strongest papuru in konasute and his blocker might be stronger than bossun's. i feel like he'd be better than poropi if he cared enough about the game, assuming he's just some old guy playing for fun and not some tryhard using an alt to stomp newbies
i'm literally shooting in black holes sorry inaba
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No. It's fine really jeez stop apologizing everytime we lose it's ok I don't mind. I'm just glad we got matched. Also, Hi.
don't believe inaba's lies, he's a horrible person waiting to murder you in revenge for the losses
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Now you'll have to apologize for apologizing too much.
i'd rather shoot plasma at both of you but then again lag is a bitch
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says the guy who has a vendetta against me because he keeps kissing my servants inappropriately
i did not consent to those kisses
how can you lose that
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both blockers had a last heal but their offense did more damage in the end
Not the same anon but, do you have the models?
I just grabbed the textures and sounds when they were reposted
It's not difficult to do, there are tutorials on the internet.
Sometimes when I get stuck with my bomb and the enemy's bomb I get half-stun, sometimes I get the full stun. How does that work?
depends on which one detonated first
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hi tab
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bye tab
sorry naka
GG naka
gg tab
I was having fun with kaniakui but our defense couldn't hold up
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nigga? pinezuri? manaita?
Without a banwave? Konami is getting impatient with your shit.
they don't do banwaves, they just periodically announce how many people they have warned/banned in a given amount of time
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>nigga got banned for a year again just by existing
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you make it sound like I'm some kind of delinquent
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all momokeks are irregulars. all irregulars will be destroyed
but I play regularly
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>you make it sound like I'm some kind of delinquent
me as the biggest terrorist in bombaland
go on
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I don't really see how that would be ban-worthy
>literally suffering cause i feel down from a ladder
>my shooter is really on point today

what the fuck konami

local man refuses to headpat brass that's ban worthy
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It's about you being a criminal.

If you use logic and destroy my joke, I'll have to take my meds.
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take your meds regardless
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No, I'm not taking the kill-joy pills
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sorry fudge, panic
No worries
it happens, no trouble at all
I'm just wondering who syncs an Oren dash into a lesbian tree pop, consistently
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I might have lost a bit, but I'm not a complete loser today
cute pastel
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Why is Pastel so curvy?
Why doesn't she always wear fishnets?
stockings + garter belt > pantyhose > stockings >>> nothing > fishnets
Damn, everyone is super salty today for some reason.
Had like 4 games with someone using NG, Attack and or defend on the results screen.
fatherless behavior
didn't happen to me and i lost more than usual
I had someone saying "thanks" on the loss screen
but nothing out of the ordinary
>it's another episode of a dogshit bomber shitting out bombs and stunning the attacker while doing jackshit
how can a person laugh like that
on demand too
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Early maintenance today
thanks for the reminder
oh shit thanks
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wrong dumpire
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What did you do.
I don't know. Kuso Lag?
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Did you ever talk to the guy?
is your twitter the same as your bonga name

I was following him only to get his fanarts. Well, Whatever.
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i had some fun games today before early maint whatever i touch dies today tho
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I had some fun today too
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stop having fun, the game is dead
hmmmm nyo i'll only quit when i get banned cause i salted nyorocchi too much
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server closed

Konami forgot there was maintenance today
is there any character that sounds like pine or prune?
they are kinda unique I think
check the roles of their VAs?
anyone will do, I want the same tone and personality
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Gremlin energy? Probably Shiron.
I said pine and prune
anyone sounds like them?
Ah, I see where the disconnect is
I mean outside of bonga. Any anime/game character that has that kind of vibe
holy he's big
the game that keeps on giving
I also saw an Emera ball getting stuck on the map for a while today
japanese artists have gotten pretty wary of western accounts because of insane people screeching and reporting them, so a lot of them will block accounts that look even vaguely suspicious
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what the fuck, why is the maintenance page still up. i gotta do my dailies
aaaiiiiieeeee it's giving a 404 error
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it's back up. fucking konami
I think you should take a break from bombergirl...
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i need my tickets, it's a f2p account
Darks need a better battle plan
Quit it with the
>heehee, I'm walking forward and spamming buff/big bomb in a 2v2, I'm a tactical genius
thing, she's a smarter character than that, and you're making big risks for minimal payoff
also ggs and sorry, I forgot to slot in goodbye and I like spamming Momo's muris in lobby
sorry panic
It happens, np
I was blowing my Chiamo iframes, so I wasn't playing aces
I don't know why Asagi was spamming "attack" after the match
it's an aggressive way to flame teammates
let's attack or let's defense if they deem the pair were not pulling their weight
You were playing fine that round, and they don't get yappy in other matches I've had with them
maybe they were flaming the AFK Pastel, while assuming they were trying to throw?
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>You were playing fine
I'm trying
gg panicbom!
that emera really made things easy
That poor Blueberry was trying her hardest to make up for her, credit out to her
what's worse? bad blocker or bad shooter?
probably bad shooter
bad blocker.
oh yeah? you wanna fight?
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but linebomb is the strongest skill
I agree, quick lightning is the strongest skill. Good post.
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why did this banner take longer than usual?
sell the boost pass
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finally got it, don't think i've ever had a worse day than today. 5 games, 5 loses
but that is normal?
you should learn from dark
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>equip lightning + quick lightning
>You can zap their asses every 6 seconds
It's time to kill some cheeky blockers.
go get em
https://www.twitch.tv/meatboy_90 playing some matches
cute grey
which one of the urugreyasagi is the dorkiest one?
I think it's gray.
I had to think about it for a bit, but it's gray. Mainly because of her internalized external voice.
Urushi isn't a dork
Asagi is a dork, but doesn't give a shit
Gray is a dork, but is very aware and tries to play it off as cool which makes her a double dork.
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>Urushi is a Bemani/Konami nerd who doesn't comb her hair, but is socially competent and extroverted when she needs to be/is in "character"
>Asagi is a junior cop who uses horribly outdated vernacular/fashion and is overenthusiastic, but she's self-confident and owns it, so people love her for it
>Gray is not just a Bemani/Konami nerd, but also socially incompetent, chuuni, lacks self-confidence, is lowkey perverted over weird things, has an internal monologue beating herself up for being awkward, is overly fawning to people who are her seniors, horny on main, and on top of that """flirty"""/ that kind of autismo flirtiness where she keeps calling people "cool" or compliments their physiques while thinking she's being "subtle" about it
Definitely Gray
>Urushi isn't a dork
the swimsuit incident said otherwise
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i'll have to go get on GIMP if I want to make a better one I think
lookin' good
pap and what his name on the screen?
are you sure about that?
we will wait for feedbacks I guess
also this will be hard to implement as the screen can be zoomed in or out
we will see
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your oren is playable now
It's good but it's overcooked. You can remove the tickets, papuru and seija.
I can do that, I just put papel and seija there for place holding
Looking good anon.
Dark Cunny Version for my sensible eyeballs when?
would've been a better skill than the 3x3
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I'll do it later. I'm a bit busy right now.

Good job, anon.
not mine
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the trannie did it...
i dont get it
I hate those trannies too but they are more productive than any of us here
Extra maintenance

>2024/6/25(火) 8:30 am ~ 8:59 am

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I've already voted on the precious one
how is this game still alive
it doesn't look fun at all
It looks pretty fun, I haven't played it for myself though so I can't make a true statement on it.
is it really?
It looks fun in short bursts, if you like those cat-and-mouse tag games
It's probably work better as a F2P home release game with optional monetization
also some of the designs are neat, if a little edgy at times
the designs are cock tease yeah but idk about the gameplay
Nice smash get anon!
i wish the transitions were faster it looks a chore to play in long sessions
Nice really nice
a nice start today
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Nice sheet!
>I'm not into slutty brats
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>S. Understands and uses a lot
>A. Uses frequently.
Where's the "Uses a lot but doesn't understand much" and "Uses a lot but doesn't understand shit"
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>"You play this game a lot you must be very good at it right?"
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Gray is so cute when she's excited
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I guess you put a T if "uses a lot but still doesn't know how to play". There are people who put the girl rank and use the grade to say if they know how to play or not.
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>I'm not into slutty brats but this game disagrees with me
Imagine losing this bad to mesugaki that you say things like this
Maybe make it S(Always), A(Often), B(Sometimes), C(Occasionally), D(Rarely). Then maybe for how much matchup/skill knowledge you think you know you add a +/- modifier. So B-- would be like "I sometimes use this character but I barely know her matchups and when and how to use her skills".
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Wrong game, Hime.
hime who?
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I play this game because it allows me to not understand it
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I think we should deport all the cat posters to /doko/
kys /doko/
Cat general
Is asagi a cat or dog?
It doesn't matter anymore. She's a ball now
She's a wolf. A wolf of Mibu. Get it?
because I didn't for years
since we drew her I can't unsee her Hitler mustache
shes her own species called a mi-something something
chigusa has a voiceline that mentions it
asagi calls herself a wolf, she has a voiceline where she says in a fluster, I'm not a dog, I'm a wolf
I don't get it. Some historical shit from Japan?
I wonder if asagi ball thing is a joke in Getsu Fuma or something
I looked it up, it's "Miboro (王生狼)" as the made up species that Asagi and the other wolf girls are
That's a typo, I meant "Miburo"
so it's made up?
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So which wolf you want next?
Yeah it's a made up species, I think it's a reference to this
which this guy hinted at >>1338865
Usu, no contest
Maybe Sabi if she kept a lollipop in her rude blowjob mouth all the time
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Hana but Usu is the most popular of the group for now, after Asagi and Chigusa
Usu - Bomber
Mizu - Attaker
Hana - Blocker
Sabi - Shooter
this is sum good shit
reminder that the emera event ends this week
ccj exchange game
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New card. What do ya think?
last i chcked shiron is also a loli
Not him, but Shiron is a 50 year old smoker pretending she's a grade schooler
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forgot to fill in the rest, sorry about that
emera tits
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so close...
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+1 image slot no contribution
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https://www.twitch.tv/meatboy_90 guess i'll do some matches
cute drawing.
>Olive at S
thats a surprised given how often I see you use shiori or shiro
naka? also what does H mean?
here i thought you had more characters. hopefully your next rolls will be lucky
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I have more characters, but I don't use them. They don't fit into the proposed categories. Last time, H was for those we have but do not use. This time, there isn't any category for unused characters.
Half my roster still holds the "new" tag, and what I lack are skills
dies that mean that you only lack Paporu?
GG jeff
from what i remember playing with you, your platina was better than your gray
maybe Platina is easier to cheese with, but I definitely play Gray more
Nobody here does anything and I'm pretty sure everything that DOES get done is by the two guys who translate everything.

So nobody but two guys does anything in all of western bombergirl.
Even though I use shiori or shiro a lot, if I had to choose a character I understand the most it'd be olive since I don't have all of the skills for emera or pastel yet, and I've played mostly her for shooter while I try to have a balance with the other classes.
where is SNEEDF&S?
Ascended to Bomba Tengoku.
Who knows? There's a Sneed&Feed in the Power Bomberman general but since it's a meme overused on 4chan, it could be someone else. The only time I asked them during a PB match if they wanted to play bombergirl they said it wasn't their style.
my theory is that he is secretly the king of bombergirl
some of them draw
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Wait is this true?
there were a few cabs in SEA regions that had some very basic english menuing stuff enabled
i don't like playing prune because she can't heal herself
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Hi booger
hi gg good defending
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Will this be a costume in the future or a new girl like blueberry?
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pretty low chance considering they never added any of the idol skins from the 2022 comics
Too many right?
I think every girl at the time show up with one
Maybe in a far future
are these similar to momoko's idol outfit
those are also unique to her I think
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i guess? though some of the girls wearing it have different hair styles and accessories
why is aqua so mad tho
ジャンボ is jumbo
and ジャソボ doesn't make sense
what the hell is she saying
maybe she's mad at Sepia and Silver for their sizes?
Is /v/ module dead? Could someone test it? Not working for me
it doesn't work
error right at the gate
it's over
it's dead Jim
Thanks. I'll try out the other modules I have.
not that anon but i tried all the older modules i had here and none of them worked. seems like /v/ module is officially dead
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Yeah. Mine aren't working too. I can't believe I have to play bombergirl.

Goodbye free tickets.
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Rip in peace /v/ module.
I have 6 old modules, how many did you try?
the only one that matters was the one from the f2p days as the other ones will connect you to the general playerbase
before the f2p days*
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i tried all of these iirc. the highlighted one is the current bomber and is the only one that works
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who is this slut
since when does bombergirl have good lewds?
>Attacker players.
Get shot.
Just look a bit more
maintenance in ~30 mins, maybe they add pine's new skill to konasute (probably not)
did this maintenance happen? the login page is already up
extra maintenance prevents you from launching the game, it's not a konasute thing that would prevent you from logging on, it prevents the game from booting up from the launcher.
there should also be an update
there's an 800? mb update, i wonder if it's the pine skill or if it's just new banners or what. download speed is super slow now so i'll only try downloading it later
also someone needs to test to see if the old client right before the new one still works. we can probably still play with bots or together if it does. it might not though considering they killed all the others

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scam banner

nice but we haven't had enough people for inhouses in a while. maybe we can play together once or twice i guess
how do i become a bomber girl before winter?
bomb yourself to acquire resistance to bombs
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I don't know. Join discord or learn to program, I guess.
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>Haven't played in almost 2 weeks and now the game won't start.
>disabled translation patch
>deleted module and verified files to get a brand new module
>still doesn't work
When I press game start on the launcher my whole screen goes blue for a second and then I get an error. Am I going to have to reinstall the game to fix this?
I fixed that by disabling the patch. you made sure to get rid of the hook files in the module folder, right? not just the data_mods folder?
Doing that fixed it. I just ran the disable mods.bat before.
this is kinda bullshit desu
the old client (the current one before this one) can still connect. maybe it can be used as the new /v/ module
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they added brass' chibi!
that means they synced the cosmetics. they must've synced the skills too. pine's new skill should be in as well
You won?
bonga live
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we didn't win that game
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... eregant
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we were able to keep them out of the base even when their momopyun went on the offensive!
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I saw some guy in /v/ got this game to run on linux and mentioned some guide on how to do it, does anyone here have it? I got as far as being able to update but when I click start game on the launcher it fails to run with some error message (in gibberish) from the error reporter. I assume it's because the game launches from the browser and it doesn't use the proton GE wine I want it to use so defaults to the system wine + default prefix, but I can't figure out how to get the website to launch with the proton wine I want + game install prefix

i got it to work on the previous patch on linux. i used the tutorial. i haven't tried with the one that came out yesterday nor have i tried updating it on linux. also i can't get bottles to run properly with the dgpu but the igpu is enough to run this game
forgot to mention, that's on a laptop. there's probably no issues with igpu/dgpu on desktop
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gg mana
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GG qt
Cheers, will try this out later today. I'm using lutris but I should be able to get it to launch the bombergirl in my lutris config by hacking up the Exec line in the .desktop file the same way... thanks
woe, technical difficulties be upon ye
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had a really good game! If obs hadn't decided to stop recording bonga i'd have had more webems to make.
>In this version, Pine's skill "Extreme Wall Pine" will not be released.
>Please note that it cannot be used even if it has already been obtained in the arcade version.
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I got a matching screen error and two early game connection losses, I think i'll stop for today, had a lot of fun games though!
weird that they'd bother syncing things but leave that out in particular
it seems like the update is only up to about a month ago as far as cosmetics and stuff too. guess they just wanted to fix the bugs and add the brass chibi, but gotta leave some shit arcade exclusive for a while longer
>the old client (the current one before this one) can still connect. maybe it can be used as the new /v/ module
This guy is right. It still works.

New module

thanks anon!
Are you sure? I've already done 4 matches and haven't found anyone. I'm going to test it during peak hours but it seems to be working.
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map guides: https://imgur.com/a/XmaiWEE
it should work
thanks anon!
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ᵂʰᵃᵗ ᶦˢ ᵗʰᶦˢ ᵗᵉˣᵗ ᶠᵒʳ ᵃnᵗˢ?
>cyberspace 5
im getting sick of this stage
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aint reading all that
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Cute Grim Aloe > Sexy Grim Aloe

You know it's truth. Listen to your heart and not your chimpo
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where's my event konami!
your picture is very misleading
oh right
someone makes a poll for this week privape
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>new streamer
>a jewtress
AI Voice changer
too bad at the game to be a man
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Trust me on this anon. Her voice has the obvious AI voice tells. I know since I've had hours of experience with it.
>even Japanese have trouble getting 8 people to play
it's over isn't it
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Only later I was able to notice my mistake.
I barely have any images of Grim Aloe that aren't sexy.
grim aloe is the best girl when she's not hunting for your proteins
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Grim Aloe works best when she's a play on Aloe: a fundamentally decent and kind siterly type, who just happens to be an inappropriate sex addict with a pseudo-incest fetish
When she's actually acting like a horndog, she's annoying, but when she isn't she's pleasant. However, her pleasantness wouldn't hit the same if she wasn't a pervert
She's a character of contrasts
it will probably start after private lobbies. they're being extra jewish with the events now
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wew lad
of all the things that get scanned
i don't like the art but i thought it was pretty funny
come on now
>Someone is gonna fap to that
>(C103) [House Saibai Kurage (""Sanseki"")] purple penixxx (Bombergirl)
>(C103) [ハウス栽培クラゲ (山積)] purple penixxx (ボンバーガール)
The name is wrong, it's Yamazumi.

He's not even the worst futa enjoyer in the community. There's a guy who loves futa and posts his 20 cm penis on twitter. Japan is crazy.
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>0 votes
the absolute state
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I don't want to be the first one to vote.
i'll vote but wont show up for you
Honestly I don't like Aloe purely because she calls me Onii-chan and im too mentally submissive to get off on that. shame too she was the first blocker I pulled
wrong chilly village map
help me inaba
is this a man
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100% a woman
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remember to place blocks here
i think you have to start without the heal to be able to place 4 sets of blocks in time. not sure if that's worth it

This looks outdated, the JP wiki one doesn't have the big red one there anymore but rather in the place where >>1345595 said it should be; meanwhile that one has been replaced with an orange priority instead.
First Amo game, and first win!

Shooter dig is also different now and an anti-Oren placement was also added
tekka bros
Nice job!
mocker has to be one of the dumbest names i've seen in this game
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it's over?
not surprised
some of the ccj designs were pretty good like kururu. i hope they make it to other games
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It lasted pretty long for an arcade game. 2-3 years, I guess.

They're still posting updates on stage changes on twitter; I think they're removing CCJ specifically from this arcade in Hachiouji.
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>8 am jst
is this right after maintenance?
8am is after yes
do we have 8? if not then I will go out for the entire day and will only be available during the night
no, i think there's 6 voters. it says 7 but i think it's 6
I haven't voted yet, but that is the worst time slot(midnight) for me...
if i were you i'd just vote for whenever it's convenient. it's what everyone else did i think. no point staying up late when the games might not even happen (highly likely imo)
I didn't vote because someone else voted for me.
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well there's 8 votes for games 1 hour after maintenance today and tomorrow. i think at least one of the votes isn't real but we'll try playing
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Pine bot is next
i hope so
i think it's unlikely we get them as separate characters since they're not even sexy to begin with. maybe as pins / cosmetics that change pine and emera's art. they could get redesigned as sexy girls too i guess
>saying that while we have blueberry in this game
Blueberry is sexy though
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fair point
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flat can't be sexy
i just want to dab on people with mecchapine as attacker / bomber

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At least momoko is very cute unlike blueberry aqua herself is fine
All of the Pretty Bombers are cute and sexy!
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>flat can't be sexy
Fake and gay.
grim is infinitely more attractive than akua
she has some meat and not exposing ribs
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I'm getting a login error when trying to run the patcher. What the heck? What about you guys?
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your mean words hurt Berry-chama, but she doesn't mind
In some images she's really too skinny, but being flat isn't the problem.
I think the Japanese have the misconception that the thinner you are, the more flexible you are, like ballerinas...

I hope the blueberry swimsuit doesn't make her so skinny
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Oh my god. She's so cute.
the update worked fine for me with no issues on 2 machines
nobody has any problem with the game
the only person with problem was using the tranny patch
are you?
i'm pretty sure playing dark is the biggest tell of a bomber shitter atm. all the dark players i've run into this map rotation are simply dogshit
Check if the problem appears in the laucher. Sometimes there is a number saying what the error is, sometimes it could be a connection, region or wrong clock time.
or you can't even open the laucher?
I'm getting the infamous 1012-20 konaste error. I've never downloaded any mods and my Windows version is the latest, 22H2. I'm trying some patches some nips recommended on twitter right now.
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She's a high-risk, high-reward character. Just like Kuro.
When she does well she looks really good, when she does badly she looks like dogshit. Not to mention that the character is new and many people don't know how to play her.
she's not high risk, high reward. there's nothing risky about the way she plays other than the long cooldown on her giga bomb
also she has the easiest bomb displacement skill to use. it can even remove blocks. her dig is noncommittal and easy to use. her only real commitment is the transformation but it has so much invulnerability that it's your fault if you use it at a bad time and die immediately after
>she's not high risk
The long cooldowns are the risky part. Long cooldowns and fewer resources mean that mistakes made by the player have more impact than other bombers. It's hard to see the impact of certain things without statistics and just by feeling, but that's the idea.
Something to test is to see if she has a better winrate/performance on desert maps. Like Shiori who also has problems with cooldown.
I think she has trouble going through chokes but not much.
>1012-20 konaste
I looked here and it seems to be an IP problem. Some people have used VPN or other methods to fix it.
I've never had this problem and I don't know how to help but keep looking on the internet and maybe you'll find a solution.

From my experience though Dark Illusion is actually her worst skill; the JP wiki and others point out how situational it is too. It's biggest problem being that it has roughly half-a-second of recovery frames which makes it near useless in bottlenecks. It's main use is to probably get you out of a stuck position but even then you're better off just cheesing it with Dark Elemental Mode

I've had most success mainly using Summon Darkness Bomb + Dark Elemental Mode while ocassionally switching to Death Gravity Bomb

btw Summon is great for clearing rows but the explosion timing is so awkward that you can't use it properly in bottle necks. I've even tried something like 3-away Summon in front of the neck to hopefully snag the defender before they place another bomb there, but Rabi is so slow...
I should clean it up a little more. But I'm tired.
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isn't it just a few clicks
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removed the yellow outline
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Don't underestimate my laziness and I'm not good with those programs.
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we're gonna queue 8:05 on the main module, remember to set the private lobby password, password 80085
queue in ~5 min. remember to set the password
A bit quiet today. recount?
>inb4 everyone shows up and we have a good time
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we're queuing, oniichan
isn't it 8:05? Did I get the time wrong?
10 Billion IQ
i meant to say we were not doing a count before queuing
i got bots, where are the hosts

queue again 8:13
No host?
no host I guess
wait, queue 8:15. :13 might not be enough time. queue again 8:15

inaba and nakadashitai voted on the poll i think. i don't know what's happening
headcount: https://strawpoll.com/XOgOVJrrrn3
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going by the poll we have no hosts. i think the usual nigger rigged the previous poll. i'm gonna make a thread on the steam group and can try organizing the games there if there's enough interest. if other people wanna play they can join the steam group
we only had 4 people willing to play. i don't think we can set up private lobbies either way
I will be available at night
t. Naka
I'm going to streamsnipe Katadora or something.

Do you want the invite to Deadlock beta test? It'll be in one hour when the matchingmaker starts.
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you made me stay up for this

it's 1 am
nah, i wasted enough time playing dota. i don't wanna get addicted to that shit again. although i think it looks like it's garbage, i don't wanna touch it either way. thanks anyhow

this is why i just play when it's convenient for me
Do we have 8, I can try
But staying up at 1am í really nothing
we had 4 people, 5 with you. we can't play
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I'll get you for this someday
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oh I was sleeping but
I don't think I like the game even though it's a valve game
too overwatchy
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I think my bonga is fixed now. Sorry about this (JP) morning. I was all day fixing this 1012-20 crap.
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so we playing tonight? nice
I'd like a dry run before anything. Someone reply to me so we can test if I can still host or something
I mean I can host too so just play your game
but sure gimme a minute
queue at :35
usual code
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Naka? How do I know you're not the one hosting? Oh wait I have an idea....
so what did you do?
zako zako zaaaaako
Ah damn I forgot to DC.
One more match Naka and you DC this time once we can move so I'd know if I'm the host.
what if I am the host
i can queue with you inaba
you do that
If you're the host and you DCed I'll know, everybody will freeze.
Damn. I was the odd one out I guess lmao.
I did not queue
what happened?
Anyone who says Dark Illusion is a really good bomb displacement skill has SA internet because it's only use case is for survival in the base
I got bots. Nobody queued except me? It's fine I guess. I'll just go back and reinstall all of my programs again.
I did not queue
so what now?
i was waiting for you to post a queue time. i couldn't queue at :48. i'll wait 5 min for you to post otherwise i'm gonna do something else
let's do :00
why so hurry
what chu gonna do
Alright fine, that anon that's not NAKA please queue at :05 so I'll know I can host.
ok, code 80085
I am >>1347803
so yeah you can queue with him at :05 I guess
quote me if you need me
didn't work
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inaba lost his host privilege?
do you want to try again inaba?
I'll probably be back in an hour or two once I've sorted out all of my network settings.
https://www.twitch.tv/meatboy_90 streaming some bomba
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finally, the cops actually do something useful
She's just making sure the dog one isn't hurt, so she's in prime shape for her ara-ara colleague
I'll try to see if it lets me host now considering my ping is at 141 and nat A
owari da...
Trying with port 3434 at :56
I'm also not the anon you might be thinking of, I couldn't host before but I'm just testing to see if I can host now, my ping used to be 155 and later 175-181
I'm not logged in, I'm just doomposting
ah okay
I can log in if you want tho
still need a few dailies
You can do your dailies first if you want, I'll do mine as well
done with dailies
Nice, just finished a match so I'll be ready shortly
Number is 3636, queue at :24
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I got bots, looks like I still can't host
your need <100 ping to host
ah okay
i'm convinced that bomber is the most shitter filled class and the one whose mains have the worst fundamentals. every game ruiner, autoloss player i remember spams bomber and barely plays anything else. fucking niggers
we playing?
nah nigga go back to sleep
but I don't want to sleep anymore
too bad, you killed everyone in the thread.
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It's the most basic class and great for those just starting out in the game. But to play at a high level you need to make good decisions and predict enemy movements.
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I get beaten regularly by a 12 year old in snes Bomberman. Yes, I suck at bonga. No, I will not stop playing. You will be my teammate and we will lose together.
bomba is high iq
t. bomba main
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Go take revenge on those who destroyed the /v/ module games at the weekend.
we can try playing after maintenance but there were only 4 people yesterday, 5 with that negro nakadashitai
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I think it's fine to play in the regular module. Since Mana and the others got S rank this season. It'll be easy to get everyone into the same lobby if we time it right.
but we have private match on
But we don't have enough people and hosts.
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you only need 1 host
lets keep it that way. bonga is dead
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>you only need 1 host
There are 3 hosts here and none of them showed up.
In my defense 8 am bonga is too early I'm still asleep. Maybe 2 pm probably would be ideal for all of us.
would 2am JST be a good time?
If you didn't vote, that's not your fault. What we need are better plans. If there aren't enough people nor host. We play in the normal queue or do something else
let the thread die
I was sleeping then
I am awake now
Who's the third one?
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なかだしたい(Nakadashitai), イナバMoon(Inaba) and POOPOO69
pooppoo died
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poo killed /v/ module so he died for his crime
she(?) is taking attendance for private match
it was seppuku on his part

if it doesn't get to 8 before 8 am jst we won't queue
need +1
doing a match while waiting for bomba 8
>1v1 in upper bracket
owari da
doing another match while awaiting bomba 8
we're missing one person
if the poll gets to 8 votes, we queue 8:15 with password 80085. if it doesn't, we don't queue

~20 min to go
ow man
we really can't get 8 ever, can we?
oh well, we tried. you guys can make another poll in a few hours if you want to try again. i can only play again in ~12-13hs now
Fuck. I was doing other stuff. There's still time?
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queue :30
usual code
I thought it wasn't going to happen and I don't spend 24 hours on the pc.
it's not "24" hours, just the timeslot you voted on
you vote at the hours you can play
reading is hard
we got 6
anyone got bots?
jeffrey i'm gonna report you over those cosmetics
can the 2 people not in the game report on your status?
with private lobbies, it would be a 4v3 if we had 7. we're missing 2 players
how did you even trap yourself with your own bomb in the base tab
I didn't vote this time.
It was this fag >>1345203
i forgot to connect my controller so i messed up our start. oh well

we need +2 so i guess we're not playing? i think the other votes were from inaba and nigga
Killer Peacock Chigusa Action.
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why did inaba vote but not show up tho
let's try again at :42
wait no, inaba didn't vote. i don't know who it was
he didn't vote i was slandering him my bad. i'm sorry inaba you are still my favoritest along with panicbom (who will get bonked properly whenever we get another 4v4)
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>inaba you are still my favoritest
but why
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don't be jelly
>Mana haters
>Inaba fangays
How much this thread has sunk...
manaita you are going to pedophile jail with poopoo if we ever get proper 4v4s again
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it's over
someone left, we're down to 5 now. it's joever
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We fucking love Mana here.
oh well, we'll try again in 12 hours maybe. or 3 hours before maintenance
I didn't queue because we don't have enough people and nobody said "requeue" or something
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I'm up to try again in 12 hours if any of you want to try again
I have been here for so long and so jaded I don't even feel burnt out from this anymore
the bonk-off WILL happen!
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read tab
he said to queue :42 >>1348476 but it's fine, we only had 6 people

we'll try again in 12h i guess

i look forward to it
it's 2 am
but I'm just going to blame my team
also just so we're on the same page. we're gonna try playing around 9:00 pm jst. i'll make the headcount ~30 min earlier, we'll try playing 9:15 or 9:30 probably

go to bed so you can play in 12h
Back to what I was doing
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can we make it later if possible?
like around 11-12pm jst
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so it happened again...
I didn't vote on other timeslots, so no promises
i'm fine with either one. let's try 11pm then
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oh and also about the cytube design
do we have a final design? anymore feedback?
sorry anon, I moved onto another game after you missed the time
I'll have a better version done soon, some things got in the way
also when it's the final design can you make a dimension sheet and a zip dump of all the png you used
sure, is a dimension sheet just a list of the dimensions of the individual parts?
basically that yes
I made that up tho
a proper designer would use something like https://www.figma.com/ where you can see the exact font size, color, anything down to the exact pixel but I don't expect you to do that
You guys said that there wouldn't be games if 8 people didn't vote, so I left when >>1348435 was posted
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if you showed up we would have 7
also what's wrong with you people
do you not have bonga thread tab open 24/7?
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It is open on my pc, but I decided to use my monitor to play wii instead since there was no bonga
my retarded blocker decided to heal towers instead of our base in the last 30 seconds...
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headcount: https://strawpoll.com/05Zdz1a1Gn6
I will vote but I might or might not be able to host
internet is spotty at this hours
need +2 and nakadashitai's connection to not crap itself
there's 9 votes. i guess we can play

let's queue 10:45. if we actually have 9, i can sit out. password 80085, main module
queue in 5 min, don't forget to set the private lobby code
we are missing 2
lobby broke, we had 6 people

queue 10:50
was i the one who broke the lobby? i'm testing my ping to japan and it's not dropping packets
I think you are futa
might've been nakadashitai's internet maybe. queue 10:50, need +2
Don't worry. There's another host
we need +1, we have 7
we have 7 now
where is tab...
I can join. I didn't vote though.
queue 11:05, we have 8 with you
remember to set the private code to 80085 and to use the main client
once we have 8 we can queue faster, i delayed the next one a bit so this guy can have enough time to get into the game
I got a room full of bots
what happened? wtf

queue 11:10
yeah lobby broke
the lag at the beginning was sus
we had 8 people in the lobby. but it broke in the vs screen. after we queue 11:10, i can sit out and nakadashitai can call queue times maybe. so you can join the next one
we had a full lobby
queuing. call the next queue times nakadashitai, i'm gonna let the other guy join
That's good, though
That means we actually have a decent player base
not really
the 2-3 extra guys this time are tourists
they are not regulars
nakadashitai call the queue time
ok fine
let's do :23
i'm gonna give the other guy a chance to play. if he doesn't show up, i'll queue again next game. so let me know if you get a full lobby
Sorry about last game
when I got the bot game, I had to DC and reconnect
then I forgot to re-set the private lobby settings, cos I assumed it'd save, but it doesn't
I'll give it another shot at 23 though
if people are having fun then that's good
but it's kinda sad that half of the people right now are not regulars
It's sad but it could be a start for new regulars.
it's fine, at least there's a full lobby. since the missing person was panicbom, there should still be 8
we have been stagnated for while
also we have full lobby
panicbom replaced you futa
ok i'm gonna do other stuff. if you're missing one i might be able to replace them depending on when it happens. i won't be here all the time though
holy shit
when did nek become deadly with tsugaru
next at :34
Holy Nekimi
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Now that I got her gacha skill I can actually use her.
I want Nekimi on my side, I don't want to play against him.
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My fault, I played like shit.
I died a bunch
It wasn't all you really
I was dropping decent rat iframes
rat's not my specialty
that was a kusorush
why did you trigger rush panicbom
futa can you tag in for me after :57
I need to go to toilet
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That was a bad rush
and all my fault, really
Not gonna lie
I got overexcited
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can someone tag in for me >>1349048
we have 1 dc
let's do :10
pee break
I should have played defensively and used Gaman.
>Nekimi on my side
>Nekimi Shooter
I've already won
he's getting cocky
why did you dc inaba
you had 1 job
Taskete Nekimi-sama
next is :23
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what happened to you nek
I thought you were lower bracket
why are you now playing shooter like a maniac
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told you guys "no promises"
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ok tab
get in next game
I need someone to tag in
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I don't know. My internet is fine I think. I'm pinging the actual bonga server and the ping is relatively flat without packet drops.
I was on S for some time until last season where I got banished to B.
Playing while sick was not a good idea on ranked season.
I also practiced a lot shooter because it was my weakest role, and I didn't want to shamefur dispray in front of people.
a smurf among us?
are you here tab?
alright, next game
i can join if there's 7, let me know next queue
I will also need someone to call the time after I am afk
call the queue times inaba
since manaita is gonna be the 8th i'm not queuing
I can sit out the following one(after next round) if you want to play
nah, keep playing
okay, waiting for the next queue time then.
K. :35
let's go!
外人, 俺...
what happened
One more I guess : 47
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That desert is cancer.
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I lost the control on the final half of the game.
get some sunscreen
Next :11
How controls the oasis controls the universe
but we lost control of it at the start and still managed to survive...
gonna catch up on stuff rq
will be out for the length of one match
subs get in if you're out there
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Are there games still going on? I'm available to play.
Because I'm a shit player and every time there's a rush I get scared
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>tfw wasn't able to get to the oasis and abuse child's play
Hop on
i can +1 if needed but i'm doing other stuff so i can't come right away
Fug, I didn't move in time.
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I''ve Been Tricked, Backstabbed and Possibly, Bamboozled also :36
that spawn block timing tho
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Somebody else is the host? That's great. I get to sleep early today.
I'm helping!
Sorry, got excited
You guys want to play more. I think I can stay until 02:00 am jst
i can do one last one
what now
One more I think.
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I think it's enough.

Thank you everyone for joining in.
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gg everyone
hope you had fun
good work
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Alright, fun games everyone!.
thanks for the games

GGs everyone
thank you, it was fun. i only read here silently, but I would like to join in again if there's another one.


~okapu da zone
Just follow the updates here. We try to play every weekend.

Thanks for joining us, you're welcome
welcome newfriend
good to see we finally get together and play some bonga
also TIL ignoble is a jokeraku's (what his name ) orbiter for over a year already
and he is better at japanese than I am
is that really how you read it?
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I think so
it's all in my head
>ignoble is a jokeraku's (what his name ) orbiter for over a year
I know Sanjo and MEAT from before the Konasute and f2p versions. Sanjo was one of the few who streamed the arcade on Twitch. He's the first, I think.

Sanjorokaku. It's a street in Kyoto where he used to play arcade.
at least my guess was right
GG jeff
GG, felt like I did terribly that match.
that was fun
Am I shadow-banned? I can't find a match.
if you didn't play ranked for 3 seasons, you got placed in the kiddie pool and have to wait until next ranked season to get out. there aren't many people in that bracket (mostly newbies and people in a situation similar to yours) so you can't find matches easily
GG again
should have been more careful with that heal
how many tourists joined today's games?
Is that Inaba? Who's the host then?
there were 3 newbies. one of them is a streamer ignoble invited from twitch, one of them is a lurker, i don't know about the third. i think all 3 of them had already played once before on another inhouse we had with private lobbies a few months ago

we need new people either way since the faggots who have been here for years don't play
I wish Papuru had a less slutty swimsuit. Too erotic, I can't play looking at it.
I thought one thing and wrote another. Pain.
Weenie Hut Jr's is a drag
but when matches are on, at least you see some funny strats like Big Laser Emera and Jump Into My Dash You Cowards Oren
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Stop avatarfagging stupid cat poster.
I'm alergic to your posts. Go post your Furry shit on v. This is the Bombergirl thread, it's mandatory to post Bombergirl, no pepes, no wojacks, no cats, no niggers.

>And Bomba Cats.
End of transmission.
If you don't like the terms, rope yourself.
so uh
which Bombergirl is in your pic?
looks like someone lost their cat folder
>no swirl in hair
>not even pink
come on now
>eyes not blue
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Finally a good, well-written, non-schizo and fact-checked post in this thread. I agree with everything you said.
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man I miss having pet rats, but god I wish they didn't die so soon
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posting some grim aloe
They are very underrated as pets. They're affectionate, intelligent and easy to raise. They're not as attached as dogs and they're not as indifferent as cats.

It looks like something Asanagi made, but not quite.
artist is ashiomi masato, it's from comic kairakuten 2022-12
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I'll save it for later, Thanks.
it's just a shame they have a cancer rate of very yes, and even if you manage to avoid that, you've got like 3 years max. just long enough to get really attached to them
that's why as a cat liker I chose to watch videos of rats and will never own one
you should try finding someone who does have a rat or even just visiting a pet store to pet one, they're surprisingly soft
I don't think people around here know about rats at all
it's all hamsters and hamsters adjacent in the shop
shame. hamsters are evil little idiots
all this rat talk and not a single urushi pic posted?
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this is the only urushi pic i have. also that anon made me wish i had a pet rat
no rats allowed
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the gaijin pass
they're gonna brand ticafr with it
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I don't get it. What's he going to use it for?
https://www.twitch.tv/meatboy_90 streaing bomba then we going into the sushiverse
Good question, I guess they use it in the arcade to cheer when someone is playing.
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Platinum and Chigusa swimsuit event after this one. John Konami told me in person.
>not tekka swimsuit
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This counted as Tekka's swimsuit since Melon and Silver got theirs before Tekka.

The downside is that Prune and Papuru won't be getting new swimsuits for a long time.

>bonga at noon
>streamed 3 hours ago
this is a first
nobody ever streamed at this hour
why is she jewish?
watch me do it later then.
what the hell just happened
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what did i just unlock
you unlocked the sex scenes
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>I'll give a bottom spanking to naughty kids.
Oh. It's the kill call out that I sometimes hear. So it's a max rank chat? Damn.
I literally never heard anyone used that
oh damn i want that voiceline

first one looks better. for the second one, the question mark would need a white outline or something similar
was putting together a revision of the layout using different assets but deleted it all before I saved since I thought something had gone wrong, luckily the rough version of the less bright layout was finished earlier. will be posting measurement lists along with images shortly.
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this one would've been fine without the outline
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papel, seija and tickets need not be applied thus their measurements have been left out, will gather and upload assets shortly.
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it keeps happening
asset list for >>1351115
papel, seija and tickets not included
ok saved
anyone has any complain?
dark layout measurements and assets
the game needs more tall hags with huge breasts
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why do people like this song? it's pretty mid to me
is it because of the mv?
yeah I also checked it out when I saw how popular it was becoming and was surprised at how whatever the actual song was. a good animation goes a long way to making something popular. at least rabbit hole was a good song as well as well animated
rabbit hole was very catchy
I like the songs for what they are
good MVs are certainly nice but not enough to make me like a song
found this gem today too
ah I've been seeing a lot of japanese tweets about this but I had no idea it was a modern music video. I thought it was just some old ass animation someone found that got popular online for a bit, like when people found that 70s barbie ad and drew a lot of fan art of it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1rO6En7flmg
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while doing the theme I noticed something
the default layout of cytube is chat on the left and video on the right
everyone else does the opposite
4chancup video left chat right
youtube does it
twitch does it
who's to say
the template I use default video left chat right so yeah
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had a lot of fun games today
>playing with 3 NPCs
i feel like npc must be one of the new players / lurkers from here
they arent
He's from that gay server. Joined around May I think.
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murderbomba another day
>12 kills
>still lost
it keeps happening
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it was very close
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sorry wrong pic still close tho
those are nice costumes for the team
ok -> slut -> slut -> sister (maybe a slut too)
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want to play private with your jewtress?
she(?)'s looking for players
someone summon nigga, pinezuri, ticafr or manaita
Private matches with Nyorochi when?
I did my dailies already
ask pinezuri about it
Image limit

New Thread?
that's pretty fast
also who was the OP for the past few thread removed all the jokes
I hate you
plus update the link to the new vm module
Japanese thing probably. Like the way mangas read from right to left.
Japanese drive on the left 2.
what about our dedicated DjAlexey?
Mibu means Wolf, so Asagi is a Bau Bau Girl. Also, both Asagi and Chigusa designs are based on the Shinsengumi, the "police" of Feudal JP. The Shinsengumi were commonly referred as "Mibu" because they behaved like wolves, so you see, Asagi is a Wolf amongst Wolves, that is, the beasto, yo.
As far as I know Asagi was the Captain and Chigusa the Vice Captain.

>Image Limit Reached
new thread:

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