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previous thread:

Website: https://p.eagate.573.jp/game/bombergirl/bg/p/index.html
Twitter: https://twitter.com/bombergirl573 (news on the PC version will have 【コナステ】)
Current/upcoming banners and maps (PC): https://p.eagate.573.jp/game/eacbg/bg/index.html

>Installation Guides:
Image guide: https://imgur.com/a/G2fK1Z0
Registration: https://p.eagate.573.jp/gate/k/newcomer.html
Download: https://p.eagate.573.jp/game/eacbg/bg/download/installer.html
Old client: https://files.catbox.moe/4kv8lm.7z (Download and swap out your modules folder to earn tickets while playing with bots. Remember to back up your previous module)

>Technical errors:
If you can't get past the bench test screen, change your computer's region to Japanese in the control panel
If your NAT type is below C, try forwarding port 5291 on your router
If matchmaking breaks more than once, restart the game

>Wtf is the point of my role?:
Bombers destroy buildings and dig for items.
Attackers make space by separating enemies either by distracting or killing them.
Shooters make it to mid as soon as possible for the first team fights before going back to base to defend.
Blockers delay any inevitable attacks for as long as possible by denying area and stalling with heals, buffs, and blocks.

>In-depth resources:
JPN wiki
Map Guides

>Shitpost images resources:

>Top JP players:
テラルナ (Bomber)
だいげんしさん (Attacker)
カスり (Bomber/Blocker)
ぽろぴ (Any role)
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What's the best bombergirl for paizuri?
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This thread needs more sugar

Brass for sure
silva or melon
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I just realized 90% of my character pulls are from single pulls.
you are now darked
nice dark get anon!
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now dance
>momokek tries chasing me with suicide bombs (doesnt know i trained for this in the simulations)
>plant big bomb and throw it over wall
>momokek moves out of range of it and stands still
>chain explosion under choke point and to where she is standing
>she doesnt notice it and dies to 5d chess big bomb
I wish i recorded that match. i didnt notice what i did until she died
stop bullying momopyun you black gorilla
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>i didnt notice what i did
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Speaking of Dark, I never see the choke tech that was posted here a while back being used by someone in an actual match.
It's hard to do. It's a move that looks cool but is slow and situational.
I only remember one time when one of the GMs used it on me and I was stunned. Other than that, I haven't seen much.
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final gorilla
this monkey faggot is bad mannered as fuck
I have around 600+ tickets and only lacking Shiron on the character select screen, but I kinda want to save at least 1000 for whenever a new character comes out..
as long as they don't expire
hi there panicbom
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what the hell
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wait a minute
this is official
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What the fuck?
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I don't get.
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>4 votes
oh, I forgot

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