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>What is Lost Ark
A pay-to-win MMOARPG set in a grindy, gatekeeping world with bad designed fights where the mistake of one player wipes the whole raid and wastes the 20 minutes of progress you had, that times 18 raids you must do every week to stay relevant.

How alive is the game?
Dead. Check steamdb, half of those are bots and half of that are on your region.

Who is left playing the game?
Gambling addicts who are weak willed and heavily sunk cost to leave at this point aka mazies. They are in too deep they are beyond saving.

How much p2w is this game?
Not a single player can progress in this game unless someone whether it's you or someone else pays real money for their accessories/build through a currency called pheons.

Is the game censored?
Yes, skins are censored, multiple instances of race swapping NPCs and the shadowhunter class.


>In-game Chat
Make an alt on the server of the chat owner, send a mail saying you want to join and include the name of your main.

NAE: Lerynsere on Balthorr
EUC: Daddypump on Ratik

NAE: Touchfluffytail on Balthorr, password is fluff
EU: Handholding on Ratik, password is mods

Previous: >>1314074
imagine blowing your slayers back out. imagine splurting all over your slayer. imagine your cum pooling in the dimples above your slayers butt. imagine licking the cum off your slayers muscled back. imagine painting your slayers tight flat tummy with your sperm. imagine pounding your slayers beautiful fat ass. imagine passionately breeding your slayer for hours. imagine sex with slayer.
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Stop I don't want to paly this game anymore I've been clean for 2 months. But tight Slayer snatch is dragging me back.
i quit as well bro but i still browse arca screenshots forum from time to time, if you dont mind pale girls the koreans always deliver
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I never even played the game I just goon to the girls, I like the more brown / tanned ones more I think which is a shame
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remember when new threads would get the first 50 replies in 5 minutes? i do
could go back to /vg/ sis
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I hate gook face and dead skin, gooks always fuck up everything with shit taste and hive mind. Normal skin tones and brown is delicious.
gooks design pretty characters but they have little variety between the creations, westeners mostly create abominations but atleast they are varied. best thing to do is copy some gook sliders and adjust skin tones and stuff I find, I did that in BDO
I know the game is shit, its dying in the west and ffxiv runs laps around it in every possible way, but is there a guidd for levelling skills and stuff? Just installed this shit.
Wow great post you really inspired me to help you
maxroll.gg has all the guides you need but I wouldn't bother
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lostark.nexus has good starter guides
even koreans don't think t4 will save the game...
i wish lost ark babes were real
they are, just go to korea and you'll see plastic dolls everywhere
How hard will it be to complete the super Mokoko express by the time it ends (one month) if I have basically no gold. I’m a returning player.
So is it still a p2w omega grind that's impossible to play without friends, a heavy wallet, or the time to grind all fucking day? I quit right after clown and haven't heard good things since
should be easy
the latest express was very generous
i remember using very few unbound mats and most of the mats was from the express, besides gold
Solo raids are coming next month if you don't mind being behind. If you want to do latest content nut up and join the discord.
Thanks, cya next year or whenever I get the urge to play soulfist again
I wish dwarves were real
God, even chang removed his bots.
The game is pure shit, trust us bro.
A lot of us quit around clown, came back recently and then quit within a month. Nothing has changed and maybe solo content will bring some people back, but who cares by that point.
imagine being a slayer and walking around mogging every other girl so hard. i would say mages have a chance in the chest category but slayer has literal abs and the fattest ass. how do they sell their next body type? oppai loli?
apparently Koreans do not like the slayer body model, they think she's 'fat'. So we'll probably be take to skinny models in the future.
I'm going to laugh when solo raids comes out and they give like 25% gold and are either retardedly difficult or way too easy. If solo raids flops I think that's if for lost ark in the west, at least NA. I'm not trying to doomerpost just being real here. I think there's also a world where solo raids save the game, so we'll see which one it is.
interesting, i wonder what the results would be if koreans and westerners ranked the lost ark models from best to worst. i think koreans are obsessed with the gunslinger body but westerners like slayer
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I think the west would still rank the assassin body type #1
if RWT would be an issue with solo content, why not just make some new 'equivalent to gold' currency that is non tradable and can only be used for honing and make solo raids drop that on top of the lesser gold. When honing, you would have the choice between the non-tradeable 'gold' and the regular tradeable version. This doesn't seem like a hard problem to solve.
the only way to fix the game would be to completely rework how vertical progression works. solo raids will do nothing
yea i heard a suggestion from someone that solo raid should give bound gold so you can only use it for honing, elixirs, transcendence, etc
I mean allowing solo progression for all current and future raids would solve the problem, its just a matter of whether AGS will pressure smilegate to do it if solo raids as a success.
For sure some Koreans might think that, but no way that's the general/majority opinion. You can find plenty of slayer pictures on Inven/Arca at any moment. A lot of Koreans like looking at slayer.
Slayer's body is more like a busty supermodel than a warrior anyways. If they made her arms and waist thicker then I can see her being "Korean fat". Instead, they just gave her big tits and ass. The rest of her body is pretty similar to other classes besides being a bit more toned.
> for all current and future raids
I really don't see them letting us do all the way up to thaemine or echidna or whatever is current solo. At best we'll be able to do everything but the current raid, but realistically solo raids will probably always be a little behind. They won't let us solo everything because that will invalidate the whales and kill their profit

This is the inherent problem with how LA is designed. We cannot have what's best for the playerbase and growth of the community because those things are at odds which smilegate's profit from whales
hell fucking no, i want my gold to buy cum skins without having to raid with retards. terrible idea
yeah I feel like we're going to see a pretty big surge of returning players (not memeing) but they're going to enjoy the game for a month or two until they hit the forced group section, then they'll just quit again. It will probably be even worse since instead of a kinda easier raid like Valtan where the hard part is just finding a group, Thaemine is a really hard raid.
raidniggers killed wow when during certain tiers the raids were so brutally hard people simply did not have fun and quit, and they were burned out and wanted other shit to do but the wow raidniggers told them to gtfo, and then they whined the game was dead and nobody was happy. they repeat the process in every mmo including lost ark and then proceed to blame everyone else but themselves when the same shit keeps happenning every time. god i hate them so damn much.
wow doesn't have the same issues though, and even wow is bending the knee and adding solo endgame content in the next expac. Wow doesn't have the same gatekeeping issues that lost ark does, its not even close. Lost ark has it way, way worse.
As someone who's quit shorty before Valtan, returned for Eromancer to quit again shortly after, solo raids don't seem to solve much of anything, neither does T4. While I may not be the most in the loop to evaluate the overall shift, it still doesn't change the fact that I don't have a desire to try to return, unless there's some actual HUGE insurgence and revival of the game, which I don't think will ultimately happen.
Hmm today I will post in the thread for a game I quit years ago and have no interest in returning to
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I finally finished my legendary set
>I quit years ago
It's been way less than years since the last time I played.
>have no interest in returning to
But I do have interest in returning to it. It's a game that I had fun playing for some time, but it was ultimately spoiled by all the negatives of the various systems, so from time time I check out whether the game's in a state in which the systems that made me quit won't hinder the experience as much anymore, but so far it hasn't happened and at this point I doubt they ever will, though on some level I still keep on hoping for some reason. Is it really that hard of a concept to grasp?
Slayer WHORE
Bro did they increase her ass? God dayum

This will stay as is for us global cunnylovers right? How'd they censor a bikini skin??
It's almost like I really love the game and am passionate about it. I'd love to play it but it simply isn't fun because of issues it has that prevent me from enjoying it.
I don't even care about raids being solo or not. I'd love to do group raids, but I'm not interested in having to grind 50 hours a week just to be let into PUGs to do them. I've raid lead in WoW, FFXIV, SWTOR, and ESO and done the hardest content (solo + group) available in half a dozen other MMOs/MMO-like games.
LA is the ONLY one of these games where I found myself in a position where I literally could not find people to do the content with because I was gatekept due to vertical progression andies wanting me to be vastly overpowered for the content. Which is a dumb as fuck mentality because I used to do forced min ilvl raiding in FFXIV; meanwhile everyone in LA expects you to be 5x as strong as the min requirement of a raid so you can ez pz steamroll it with no thought or effort. It's extra pathetic because I couldn't even find people to do Vykas and Clown blind with. I'm used to going into raid launches day 1 and grinding them out and learning them with a static. Everyone in LA wanted you to have watched a KR guide and know everything day 1 lmao.

I love raiding but I can recognize that with the systems in place and how raiding works in this game, raids have ruined it. This isn't even an argument. Look at the player numbers and how hard AGS/SA fumbled the biggest MMO launch in the last decade or two. There are MAYBE 10k people playing at any moment when we launched with over 1,000,000 playing at a time. That's embarrassing.
truth about lost ark is that this isn't a raiding game, it's a reclear game
>summer heat patch
>no summer skins
somehow I convinced 3 of my friends to play together
I had fun the past weeks learning to do clown and now kayangel
learning brelshaza has not been fun
Never heard anyone say this before but you're 100% right. The hard raids in this game are wasted on the community because they refuse to do them unless they can facetank and steamroll everything.
yea idk why people like it, the fights are designed terribly. i hate that purple bich and her gay opera now
paladinsissies we won, easiest op class in the game just got easier with more shields n heelz
truthfully they have to make supports (especially paladin since its the one most dudes play) OP or nobody would play them
stop posting my X >.<
trust the plan sis, we will surely get the new bikinis
We're already caught up in summer skins and they just re-ran some of them a few months ago. I think it could be a good chance that we get the new ones next month at the same time as KR.
We got last year's summer skins pretty close to KR's release. Maybe summer skins are going to be a thing they'll start releasing simultaneously since it's guaranteed to sell.
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All women in Lost Ark are built for Haal men

By not adding it at all, of course. Did they add that succubus looking leotard for us?
Redpill me: Slayer vs Soul Eater. I'm usually not a big back attack enjoyer but I've heard slayer is ezpz back attacks because she's really mobile.
slayer has bigger tits
yeah but what's more fun to play as? I used to play deathblade but I just didn't like how ONE missed ability and its GG your entire rotation is fucked for like a minute.
Soul Eater is more fun for sure
Twenty ball slappies, but take your time and make them super hard.
It's official.
The game is saved.
she kinda seems slow with long animations tho
not if you play nights edge
In the future we will no? We don't receive the new skins even in months
bros im bricked. what is the mount pet and skin name that is leaving today? i need to buy it
I dont read gookslop, what does it say
>pets and mounts used to be 25k
>now its 99k
I love how to get to a proper class tester you have to play 5 hours of campaign all the way past Luterra castle. Is it just to bait people into boosting classes they don’t like so they have to spend $$$ on more passes?
Had plans to hang out with the gf tonight.. she said “I’m hanging out with someone else”.. guess I’ll pick her up afterwards.. ~
this scenario is what playign lost ark is like
being lil cuckie
there is nothing hotter than slurping out bull's hot sloppy seconds shortly after he's finished
how bros. HOW are slayers this hot
she looks like she wouldn't be faithful and I can't fix her
how do you satisfy a woman like this
a LOT of Pheons
a lot of rape

bros... the loa cuckies are goign to freak...the end is near
mfw no slayer findom
the whole game is findom
I want Blackfang to take me to le goon island
wtf we get kurzan but not solo raids? fuckin ell mate
that was always gonna be next month
is echidna really as easy as they say she is?
Yes. Only a little harder than Thaemine G3. Much, much easier than G4.
yes shes easy
but my cawk... my cawk is really hard
yea just beat normal, easier than akkan not anywhere close to thaemine
koreans find this body type unattractive. We are literally never going to see another class like this. Get ready for another assassin variant reveal probably at LOA ON Winter this year
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Lost cunny
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Is Soul Eater as OP as she seems?
>silky smooth class
>2 viable engravings
>can run swift/crit in pretty much any ratio (NE)
>no back attack autism mode
>nice effects and outfits
everyone is silky
all engravings are viable
you can run whatever ration you want
back attack bonus is overrate
all loa chars are sluts, even men
Well keep posting.
um no, my aeromancer is cute and pure
Is her ass actually that perfect in game or was this enhanced? It's the perfect ass, a heavenly ass.
post the arca thread where you got these from bro please
who is this ren whore?
yea but the boobs in this game are all bolt ons. revolting
>Need a chaos dungeon bot subscription
>Need UNA daily bot subscription
>Now need a DPS meter subscription
This game is getting too expensive
it's over
scamazon is moving on to milk the next koreaslop
at least that one has no gatekeeping
holy. Thanks bwo
someone tribute her
gookgate selling 1 pose for 55 dollar each
they deserve to go bankrupt
lost ark is so expensive i have to pay for a Chaos Bot, A speedhack, a GFN subscription, a Pilot to do my gold raids, gold from chinese gold farmers and NOW I HAVE TO PAY FOR A DPS METER?
im fine with that assassins are really hot bro
it really is perfect
>ywn walk behind a gunslinger in real life
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I remember way back when the general was on VG, there was a poster who had a Specialist that had a large black mouth using the dagger tattoo, and was pale with I think red eyes.

Anyone remember it or have a pic / loadout for the look?
there are no tributers here

i probably will but idk if i'll post it desu
pls i beg
the anon that did the bard tribute but didnt cum uploaded some more non lost ark ones. his yuuka from blue archive video has 12 certified ropes and a couple spurts... why couldnt he cum for bard...
stinky lost ark players are not deserving of cum
I wish I could shoot like that I would upload stuff for you bwos
even dribble is fine bro
why did they make slayer's dance so cringe?
Bros I sold all my gems and now have 2mil gold. Where the fuck do I sell this for cash?
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>Due to dwidiling population
You can't even get a party in a dedicated discord.
solo raids will save everything
but muh steam charts? I was told the game was only 50% bots now, are you telling me it's 90%?
Raid niggers cry and say let us have 1 game, you got it now look.
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Imma create an Aero
god i love mages so much
I would do anything for slayer if she was real, bros...
why are slayer tits so fucking huge, it's disgusting
they always say that shit dont they? "let us have one game" but then every single mmo they turn into a raidnigger game until it collapses and dies, then they move on to the next one and say "let us hav eone game" as if they didnt just kill a billion games already. fucking raidnigs
Do slayers eat man ass?
Yeah they are dirty sluts
If she was real, she'd be with chad and not you (NTR). Also this game needs ray traced ass, or at the very least ray traced video and picture taking.
yo wtf is wrong with the price with procyons breath nigga
ags money laundering scheme
here's how "mentorship" works in lost ark:

1. help a new player
2. they uninstall a week later

that actually is NOT in any way an improvement over

1. new player spends an hour getting rejected by every party they applied to
2. they uninstall

it's a waste of everyone's time, period
>1. help a new player
You mean
1. 'hardcarry a new player's corpse with overleveled gigajuicer and upload logs to make fun of mocucks
good one
quake 2 got it
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second for ray trace ass. the lighting is ass in this game. imagine perfect shadows on the curves uuuuu
>new accessories are going to be like bracelet rng for 5 slots
why are we okay with this again?
Good. More ways to get ahead.
do i watch the memo echidna guide or the atk one?
atk. memo straight up lies about cw/ccw mech
>he still hasn't cleared
it's jover, just uninstall
i cleared her womb if u know what im saying
1. As far as we currently know, the max dps boost is relatively small. The absolute BIS for mega-whales would likely be 3x +1.1% atk power rolls on all accessories. Even that only adds up to 16.5% more dmg.
2. You can just directly buy rolled accessories from the market if you don't want to deal with RNG bullshit.
3. This is still far better than having combat stats and engravings tied to accessories. Your character will at least still be functional/playable regardless of what accessories you have. (If you have the other systems set up)
More Slayers
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are f fighters the ugliest? i think so too
sss tier : cumslayer, cumslinger, cumsassin
ss tier : cute mage butt
cuny tier : specialist
f tier: fighter
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I got spotted by someone while taking this and they sent the ninevehpopcorn emote in chat...
Next time reply with dominance
>I'm going to tribute you.
speaking of slayer, I don't know why people recommend her to new players. I think he's really bad for new players. Without a proper rune setup and other ways to get back resource, you burn through mana retardedly fast. You're just going to end up auto attacking 3/4 of the time in your burst mode.
*she's oops
artistcaught seemed appropriate at the time
Gate 2 kinda sucks.
also, I was the one taking a selfie and they saw me posing and doing other emotes...
i hate it
breed ren.
I want to cum on your ass cumslut <3
I would've groped you instead, you deserve to be groped like a whore
Should've got on your knees like a good girl for em.. now they will spread rumors about how cringe you were
bros... check erome... he did it... to a slayer...
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nyo...i've been goon free for 2 days already
Nice one. I need to step up my game and join the LA tribbing
How do 'non positional' classes work? Is it just 'back attack not required, but if you get chance you might as well' kinda thing? Like for night's edge soul eater, people say soul eater is not back attacker. But then I see videos and everyone is still just chasing the back attack modifiers anyway.
back is usually the safest spot because the game panders to whiny back attack class mains
Why did it take these idiots so long?
>Why did it take these idiots so long?
It will not get addressed until another year later and at that point I guarantee you this game will be dead.
for the millionth time elixirs are not whats fucking wrong with this game. its the ice cap in a fucking iceberg and the iceberg are raidniggers.
if solo raids flops the game is dead in the west anyway
The back isn't really even the safest spot most of the time. People just think that because they're farther away from the an attack when they stand there. The sides of the boss are the actual safest spot to position at in general.
Most boss attacks hit towards the front and some have attacks that hit only the back. There are very few attacks that hit only the sides and neither the front nor back. So being at the sides as the boss starts an attack means you can usually avoid it without moving or only need a few steps to move to the front/back.
Then there's also the fact that the boss turns to face a target when attacking anyways. With around 1/3rd of classes in this game being back attackers, it's likely that a group has people that must stick to the back to dps. Then add in hitmaster/supp players thinking the same thing as you.
When more than half the raid group is sticking to the boss's ass then the back is actually the least safe because it's a high chance the boss will turn 180 and do their next attack in that direction. Meanwhile the lone hit master standing to the side likely doesn't have to move much for a few seconds as the boss keeps turning 180 to chase the people on their back.
echidna will make more players quit than thaemine did
echidna will make more players cum than thaemine did*
but its easier? it only took 2 hours to prog in total and i think im a bad player
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cuck kario
breed ren
>gooks think elixirs are fine cuz they already finished it
so what happens when there's a new class released and they have to gear it up as an alt?
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No raids tonight since the mogogos are progging Echidna
Good luck with Echidna bro
this is photoshopped right
AI to remove the jaggies
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Echidna is too hard
There I said it
Echidna makes me too hard
There I said it
What I'd give to cum inside and everywhere on this cumslut
Echidna is a fucking horrible raid
To be fair, they probably had their raid dev team working on trying to fix the other 6 raids or however many it is to work with solo mode. I assume they had to change a lot of shit. I mean even little shit like sustain, how will you stay topped off with no heal support?
just add a potion that boosts your regen (like the one from the old witcher event)
dont care, shes fucking hot. also thaemine is ass
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im literally cooming right now. vykas doesnt stand a chance
my dick wouldn't resist exploding in between those tits
imagine picking old hag abrelshud over this.
dumbass kazeros deserved to get pwned by the sidereal losers
based, imagine not picking snakussy
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this is why i still come here
Anyone got the cat girl slayer in this bikini?
source since image quality is fucked up
I don't even play this game, I just clicked because of the breasts. Sounds like some pay to win korean shit tho
rape ren
I saw all of 4 other players when I roamed around all the continents in the game...
also, they just give you all the horizontal stuff now? that was the best part of the game before it devolved into raidslop
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so what was the artist caught doing?
man its so fucked up that BDO's heidal ball revealed so much cool shit revealed. I really think if solo raids flops it might ACTUALLY be over for Lost Ark in the west.
what did they reveal?
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am i going back to BDO after all this time?
also you can make bigger bimbos in bdo than lost fail
>new male swordsman class, basically Yasuo
>new endgame weapons
>new super endgame grind spots
>new mid-early endgame grind spots
>hardcore PvP server with gear capped equipment so you can't just one shot everyone
>3 new regions, one is a new snowy area with a 100-floor dungeon, one is a demon-themed area basically Feiton but the region is being designed as a huge fortress castle with a lot of areas to explore (pic related is what they showed off), last region will be designed later but its the game world as it was thousands of years ago with a new Atlantis-themed city
>new bikini beachwear skins of course
>Also, everyone gets a free PEN Blackstar

Like what the fuck. They clearly give a shit and it makes our LOA ON look like a clown fiesta in comparison.
we got mogged...
is the pen blackstar equivalent to an esther weapon?
a +4 esther because they just added a new weapon thats like a +8 esther, you need two pen blackstars to get it
I wish all anti-raidfags an excellent new life in the raidless, single-player MMO that has existed all along, Black Desert Online!
>>hardcore PvP server with gear capped equipment so you can't just one shot everyone
They should make an extraction game, even Fromsoft floated the idea.
The first fantasy game to do it and not look and play like complete ass (Dark and Darker) will make bank.
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Thanks. Now the real question is why is Amazon blue balling us with the cat ear rerun? They only ran it one time and KR has rerun old Neria skins so slayer gets some variety. I can't shit ongooks for this.
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It's not fair slayer is breedable but this game is so dogshit.
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>It's not fair slayer is breedable
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because amazon doesnt know what the players REALLY want.
bdo won
sniiiiiiiiffffff pero pero pero
I like gooning to the lost ark babes more. Also every BDO poster makes dark souls tier abomination chars, it's honestly disgusting.
>bdo a big lovely world you actually have a reason to explore and go around
>lost ark raidniggers want to sit in one zone and use alt q to do raidnigger nigger raids and ignore anybody that wants content other than nigger raids
fuck raidniggers and fuck smilegate for catering to them
excavating so fucking gay, i cant wait until they fix other profs so i dont have to do this shit anymore
Did the last of changs finally give up?

In related news, it looks like Blue Protocol will EoS before AGS gets to violate it.
People had to play with the BR macacos and quit in frustration. I'm about to quit over it too.
Finally some specialist ass to cum to
in what world do koreans think echidna is piss easy?
did we get a buffed version or am I just dogshit at the game?
they do nothing but spew bullshit all day about how ez things are to compensate for their tiny pp
Realistically there probably just isn’t as many customers anymore and they have a large stock to the point where it’s not worth running the bots anymore. You have to remember bots outnumbered real players like 5:1 for a long time. They’re probably sitting on a ton of gold that won’t sell for the while because A) Dwindling overall player counts B) the players still playing aren’t going to buy chinkgold when then can just pay for ‘official’ P2W methods and not risk losing their 3k hour account with all the coomer skins.
People are just inherently bad at charm mechanics because they assume someone else will cover for their mistakes, if 3 echidna stacks was just death it would be an easier fight because people would actually dodge shit instead of greeding because oh well I'll just get a sleep bonb
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we moved here

Is there a place to look at the animations without having to play the game?
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post some bwo
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I cummed to this one the most.
how many times
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Dunno probably like 30.
just hit 1640 and +8 ester wep with full transcendence bro, she's easy :^)
no way thats specialist... how is their ass so huge... why did we have to get those skins censored FUCK amazon
What is the Goldshire/Moon Guard of this game?
This deserves 30 loads not the other one desu
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Pinning slayer up against the wall and railing her face to face.
Why does Slayer open her legs when you select her at the character select screen?
>half the echidna parties are only g1 reclear
ummm, i thought you guys said this raid was easy?
easy to masturbate to
sweaty sex with slayer.
>chinese throwaway clone game moving 10x faster than us
its fucking over, the era of korean mmo is dead
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hella compressed. fix it. i cant jerk it
It just released bwo, it's sad how slow it's moving honestly. MMOs are dead..
I might run it through AI later, this is how it was uploaded so it needs some AI and photoshop.
what are the prompts to clean it up?
thats not how it works bwo
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>no tan lines
gay gay gay
tan your dick
I want you all to know that Lost Ark is dead, and it was always planned for it to be abandoned and killed the moment Elgacia was released.

devs keep hinting at it, dumb playerbase refuses to see
lamo this sounds like a literal dirge k ek
I wonder if the dps goblin/parsing culture in the western version is causing this. Playing in NA, I found that a lot of progs are filled with people looking to maximize greed right away. Groups can't even reach x137 because people keep getting charmed. Idk if it was any different in KR but perhaps without meter, players actually respected the charm attacks during prog instead of refusing to stop dps for even 1 second.
I found progging Echidna g2 NM to be worse than Thaemine g3 so far despite supposedly being an easy raid according to KR players. In Thaemine at least the dps goblins typically only get themselves killed if they greed and fuck up.
>every new patch its a new raid to get ass pounded by
>complain like hell
>"what about something other than raids for once and also fixing the game?"
>ass pounded player:"this is a raid game, go play something else"
lost ark players are tarded
i was watching atk's first clear of echidna yesterday and he would go all the way out after someone procs the right safe follow up attack so yea, they probably do just respect those attacks way more than us
Unfortunately a lot of the community won't be happy until all the 'casuals' leave. What they don't realize is that means there will probably be sub 1k players at that point and EoS would be on the horizon. Truthfully (not doomposting, just being real here) if solo raids doesn't work out as AGS probably hopes, the future is looking bleak for LA in the West. We're losing an unbelievable amount of players every month, its just not sustainable.
as long as solo raids go up to 2 raids behind (so since we have echidna that would be echidna, thaemine and solo would start at voldis) and stays that way i will never do a single group raids again. fuck them
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Why are Slayers so SEX
>Unfortunately a lot of the community won't be happy until all the 'casuals' leave
all the casuals have left, the only people left are hardcore with different degrees of mazed. Just because you're not doing the new raid with your static on release doesn't make you a casual.
correct, this game is already dead outside korea and has been for about 1 half years
it'll be 3 raids behind
Is this a videogame or AGP sim?
gooning game
it also has the best raids in any mmo but don't let that distract you
>best raids in any mmo
what is so good about them?
le epic hard for sweaty gook gamers + combat is not tab target + they have random patterns so it's not the same thing every single pull like xiv
which character has the best ass?
>combat is not tab target
i cant lock on to targets?
Ah I'm going to cum again..
what is with all the people saying that they got banned for no reason in the reviews?
what keeps you guys coming back to this game?
besides being in love with your characters?
At one point AGS accidentally game banned everyone who quit, which shows up on people's steam profiles
They reverted it but that shows the competence you can expect from AGS
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>hows up on people's steam profiles
when they reverted the b&s did the mark on your steam acc go away too?
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How long until we learn about solo raids?
I quit a while ago.. How hard would it be to get back into the game?
you would be very hard indeed most of the time
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My character..
post her butt
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the ass shadow and elbbows ruin it. stupid smilegate needs to add raytracing so the ass can glow perfectly
if I ever become a millionaire can I hire you as the coomer quality assurance person?
If you're already using AI on your screenshots why not use it to fix the face
Are you the NAW Bard that Foxy gatekpet?
They already revealed the main details at LOA ON. If you want more specific details we're probably not getting any before the release. So we'll find out a bunch of things on July 10 when the update is out in KR.
>2m gold 1500 bard
how much have you been charging for esleep?
>random patterns
you mean 3 light attacks that do nothing and are for show, and the predetermined x bars mechanic? thats random and super ultra cool? ok whatever buddy
Imo faces are one of the things LOA does uniquely well. It's not overly realistic that it ends up looking the same as almost every recent KR MMO. SG managed to make it look nice while having its own fantasy styling.
Yeah you could run the face through AI filter too, but that just turns it to another standard AI art face. If that's your thing then go for it. For LOA screenshots, I think AI is best used mainly on the body. To make up for the UE3 limitations (and to make skins more revealing)
they matter since valtan at least
my static has officially given up on hm g2 this week but I still want to keep going...
do I ghost them and go for a pug clear or just suck it up and do nm?
Doing g1 HM g2 NM first week doesn't make a difference in weeks needed to fully unlock advanced honing. If you care about playing with your static then suck it up and try again next week. Otherwise, let them know you're going to pugs so they at least have a heads up to find someone to fill.
Ghosting your static is the worst option. Wasting their time by making them wait for you then find a last minute replacement/pug. Even if you don't leave/get kicked, doing this will still cause some tension between you and everyone else.
>you mean 3 light attacks that do nothing and are for show
nice way of outing yourself for never having played the game
oh please, dont out urself as a shitter. have some pride, even if ur anonymous
best server to play?
can i change my hair after i finish?
only for 24 hours
damn i cant even pay to change it?
oh you can. with real cash money
i made my character based off of rihanna (she even uses an umbrella to fight)
i just wish she had sassy and confident animations instead of this cutesy idol-like shit, ig i will get used to it
brb, name changing my breaker{s name to chris brown
ok now.. where do i find all the cute clothes
also can someone tell me how to play this game with one hand?
you cant, they are only sold for 1 month and never again, you might have a 1% chance to find it on the auction house for 1 billion gold for 1 piece of the set with 1 trade left.
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Happy I got this outfit for my mage >>1338407 as well as my blade.
Wish echidna g2 didn't block the selfie feature the lighting in that area is real nice.
butt butt butt
L ingame market
Balthorr and Nineveh have people from here, doesn't really matter though
the slutposting has been really good lately bros, keep it up
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Here bwo, the back view with slight butt.
One of my blades butt pics got reposted here too >>1337360
ok now I'm horny
mage ass is so perfect
i agree, but this is an assassin. she keeps getting mistaken for a mage when posted though.
oh. that skin really gives her mage bambi legs
I love pantsu like this
an epic new poggers raid just came out and all you fags talk about is jerking off together over your characters
not true bro. some people are talking about jerking off to the new raid
everyone is waiting for solo raids, there is not much to do until then for most people
you did clear echidna this week right? lol...
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>talk about is jerking off together
I slutposted before my echidna raid. maintaining surge uptime is stressful in g2 but my static made it to bigchidna phase today.
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you did raise your gunslinger to do thaemine with right? lol...
im hiding in that lion statue
>thaemine release
>thaemine cucking everybody
>some complaints, not too bad
>region merge happens
>echidna releases
>massive ourpouring of rage over shitty pugs
>its never been this bad!!
jerk off to this
I already jerked it 3 times today my balls hurt
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you shame all goon kind
now go cum some more
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Mage slut, please make me cum
have u got discord?
it's ONLY because the gooks said it was easy

and it is, but it does require putting in the hours to prog and you have to learn from your mistakes

AND the dps check at the end really IS tight, not everyone's going to make it
ya echidna is really tight, but lets face it, region merge lowered pug quality and thats why progging is shit and people are salty. thaemine was harder but people complained less, echidna is not easy but easier than thaemine but the complaint is louder than ever. its the region merge and shitty players.
>Yeah you could run the face through AI filter too, but that just turns it to another standard AI art face.
Skill issue
are we getting the coomer ark pass skin this week?
china seems like a better server bwos...
chinse-sama I kneel
i hate how hard slayer mogs assassin body type
People would drop thaemine groups if some retard kept getting hit by the first few basic patterns and dies.
In Echidna, people keep going even with multiple retards getting hit by the basic MC stacking patterns and get tired out because those retards cause wipes adter ~10 mins into the pull
plus for some reason we're not at the point yet where the average player's able to tell we got a bad start

if everyone got caught in the first pattern and has a stack, just fucking reset ffs, don't just keep going like a bunch of retarded monkeys
any reason why AGS can't just copy these changes?
they don't have programmers
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I like mage over assassin for idle pose and body but nothing in this game is as fun as surge
>fotm surgekeks
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I got on the bandwagon when it started getting broken with relic set during valtan release so ha
>just saying, i will erp for cute clothes
db and reapers are always played by sissies
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i did that in TERA...and then I grew addicted to making people edge and tribute my char
it was broken from the very beginning wdym
this poster plays vr chat with fbt and a lovesense
post your elin
balthorr btw
i do not actually, but since people were already gifting me ingame bikinis so they can jerk off, why not atleast demand to see the result desu
i played a castanic
what is so fun about that?
did you have a rotation?
>i do not actually
you should, you'd fit right in. older hardware is inexpensive and there are diy fbt options
are you still addicted?
well it was fun because i did it with another slutposter and we became friends, i suppose there were regulars, yes. dead game anyway
no it's been years, sometimes I wonder if people were jerking it to my XIV char (they probably were). but i didn't really go back to that sort of stuff, thank you for reading my blog guys
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I played RE for argos because it was less stressful than surge without yearning
not him but what is fbt and lovesense?
i love having friends i can openly discuss lewdness with
full body tracking, you need this if you're going to slut around in vr. you want to ride/dance for your partner to give them a visual feast. lovesense is just one of the many toys you can connect to vr.
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Slayer >>> Assassin = Gunslinger >> Mage >>> Female Martial Artist
i can take sitting there and talking dirty to someone but i would feel stupid if i was sitting in my room giving an air lapdance with a headset on
i would feel even stupider if somenoe wondered what all the noise was and walked in to see me humping the air with a headset on
you don't once you are in vr, it's nice.
well my cope for doing certain things is that i am fit irl
a bigger problem is if i get walked in on
slayer is just top heavy, MA has thicker thighs
why is everyone so gay here?
we're not we like hot women
no you guys like jerking off to hot women together and last time i checked 2 dicks = gay
too many ball slappies
nu uh nobody here is in the same room
we could be if you wanna...
i kiss boys and i kiss girls (virtually because when people hit on me irl i dont know how to react like the last guy i scared off because i wouldnt stop rambling about obscure fashion trivia)
nyo...you aren't supposed to say that..
tell us some obscure fashion trivia
nyooo... you will laugh at me :c
how fast will i be able to speedrun grabbing every emote?
I beat ecchidna hardmode
does that mean you had a hard-on the entire time and you had to beat-off or did you complete the raid despite a hard-on?
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we're back
post your castanic
bns july
Chat emote or character animation emote?
i beat her and made her cry
I will now play your ga-
What is this, Loonix compatibility or something?
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in the spirit of creepshotting
But really, will solo raids do anything? I don't imagine too many staying due to them long term.
My alts will be solo raid farmers, it's fun playing them but not fun enough to go through the hassle of forming groups for them. Then I will do real raids on main. They're a good option for people who want to play the game more but don't want to deal with party finder.
in other coomer news, gw2 just got new bikinis sisters
heh, the world really is small
the first bikini at all, and the model has been in the files for 10 years
Oh, I recall there was a bikini when I played. Maybe it was on one of those coomer player "pets", also wasn't there live diving spots but maybe those just stripped you to the default "nude" body. Anyway they look fine I have perused the gw2 general that is still on /vg/ somehow
I am bored of this game and will be playing Dawntrail until t4 releases.
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that was mini southsun kasmeer
This was it, I for some reason did not move over my gw2 screenshots from my old PC. Took them long enough to start selling cosmetics that most of the playerbase would actually paypig for, seems like a no-brainer with that business model
Company got taken over by prudes, to the point all recently released skins make women noticeably less busty. But the latest xpac flopped hard so they had to push the emergency button.
southsun was 10 years ago. i guess they had standards or something in the way of not wanting to allow players to wear that at the time, because it's all anyone would wear if they could.
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The graphics we could have if the game wasn't running on a nearly 2 decades old engine.
Well I definitely saw a lot of people wearing this so they were right sorta. Mixing and matching the pieces is fun I bet, it's what I liked to do in xiv too. So good on em for that
>Anyway they look fine I have perused the gw2 general that is still on /vg/ somehow
They look fine on shitty screenshots on that general but in person the texture quality looks off compared to recent releases. Especially on that other set with the palm pattern.
the min requirements would be very high considering how optimized our lost ark is. that combined with gpu prices having soared in the past 5 years. bdo looked great at the time but the client ran poorly and no matter how good your pc was the pop-in was bad.
it was something designed at or close to the launch of the game by someone who probably doesn't work there anymore. it's just like comparing new and old classic wow loot. doesn't quite match up.
oh hey Sylaria
ummm wtfrick?
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>tens of trillions of lost ark bots pay 5 bucks of crystals in the store to get their account in, proceed to farm a quinbillion gold
>"were so back!"
Why does 2011 graphics look the exact same as 2019 graphics? WTF are the gooks doing?
same engine
Is lil sharty joining us on Friday?
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>14 more 55% chances
>fail every single one
Most overused dogshit engine the gooks loved back then, probably hundreds of dead gookers games used it
yeah, I sitll remember they red bunny suit
You're not in the Friday runs, and even if you were, I'd ban you from them for spamming XIV trash in the Lost Ark thread
Hear hear
You will never figure out who i am~~
bro... new bdo update is hella bussin
We are GW2 missiles now, they have bikini. What does BDO have? Outside grim looking thread Shrek lookalikes
how can we even compete
can we send our girls to korea? i'd like dolls over bog'd
nahhh, bro has not seen pornhwa. koreans don't think like that one bit. she's too skinny.
What happened with bdo sis?
i think they gave out a free esther-like weapon to everyone and other stuff i don't really know
>No free pantsu or something
I sleep..
>character animation emote
can someone tell gookgate fuckers to stop bundling a single 2 dollar emote with a 55 dollar package those fucking assholes
that's on ags bro
first time hearing that. it's the bards you must be thinking of.
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Come home, white man.


Where did the tributers go?
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i've had my fill of head nodding for 300 hours into a circle arena boss fight with simon says bodychecks with cool music in the background, classes have actual variety and flavor in pvp only too
erome presumably
I guess have to go search in erome
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>Summer sale
>Nothing worth buying
They didn't even give us a discounted titty skin. Is Amazon even trying?
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BDO is 90% off on steam bwo...I still cba to buy that game since my original account was deleted in the merge. I just wanted to slutpost a bit anyway
Sure, you can buy $55 worth of packages to get enough mileage points for a $2 emote instead.
I'm pretty sure even AGS would've offered a more reasonable price for those poses. Only issue is that KR would've bitched about us getting it for a lower price.
this is the real source of our misery. those microdicked retards crying about everything
cummy on gs tummy
>head nodding
i think ffxiv is the only game i played where i was fighting sleep
i still feel like i liked it but i really wonder why i was nodding off and this was during pvp which is my favourite
it sucks because the mods are kind of nice
i met people who taught me how to mod and added me to their group mod thing
That's one of the worst things about the game, the game is openly anti-addon and etc but aslong as you keep it hush hush you wont be banned. You could mod your own game up and take your screenshots and share them if you wanted to, but now you have this plugin that everyone uses and now everyone looks like a second life abomination that doesn't fit the game world in the slightest.
you cant even see other people's mods unless they let you
and in terms of fitting the game world, the base game with no mods already has tons of cosmetics that could potentially break immersion
I know but if you socialize in the game everyone asks you for your mare and now you have to see second life modbeasts everywhere. It was getting so bad I once got 150 "mare?" tells a week. More of a personal pet peeve I guess
Why do you play the game if you don't wan tto socialize?
didnt realize it was that bad,
i stopped playing shortly after i got mare because while i do like booty, its not enough to keep me there
he never said that he doesnt want to socialize?
if you aren't ballbusting together on discord you aren't socializing
this talk of a selfie emote made me think they added the new bending over pose. what a shame i want to slutpost with it.
best slutposting poses?
I want to see you slutpost with it.
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assassin dance has the best value since its free. buying poses will trap you in a sunk cost slutposting loop.
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I could not agree more with you rankings and the number of > between each rank. Good taste.
and what if I'm not an assassin?
You should make one so we can masturbate to it
Um...I didn't think that far but why not.
/lag/ is NOT beating the homosexual allegations
No wrongdoing has been acknowledged.
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Slayer is just perfect.
File deleted.
let's go
How did you get Jen's look?
lost to this
this guy is right
in the ags survey i told those retards to fix their shit and sell the poses separately and in a fair package. wish me luck
Good taste she's one of my favorite pumps too
Post more.
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i'll see if i can dye the new outfit well after echidna
Can I come to your stronghold? I'm NAE.
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I actually just redecorated, you can stop by and sign the guest book but don't expect anything
you and me. that bed. breed. NAO
im omw
is dawntrail up yet
bdo won
"I wanna see the cahni, where's the cahni!?"
Post Specialist I want to cum
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didn't end up settling on a dye for the new ark pass outfit. it's kinda meh
I swear those black pants in them middle are from the Mystic in BDO
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is it over?
This Gunslinger mogs this Assassin.
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my cock mogs both of them at the same time
no sorry dt is online
>they are back in /vg/
let's go sis let's go! Back to /vg/ I mean not to /bdog/ it smells in there..
we'd die in less than a week
maybe solo raids will bring some more traction though
should i resub?
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you lost
did that bald retard hype it up again or what
that's even higher if we had bots...
The new expansion just came out
Isn't 90k pretty low for one of the biggest MMOs on a brand new expansion?
It's a PS4/PS5 MMO too. The steam client came much later so a lot of people are playing on square's own launcher thing, you can't use steam if you ever played before on SE launcher. It's pretty retarded
Only 1% of XIV playerbase is on Steam
lets see lost ark player numbers when season 3 launches after you discount the bots lmao, probably 35k
why would they go up???
the west is going to see kr get it and realize it's the same shit all over again and we'll be at 10k when it drops
should I watch jayjaykay
desu this. its the same raidniggery that made most people quit in the first place. they had a chance to really shake things up and they didnt.
not sure what to goon to...
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How are your screenshots so clean and crisp?
nobody in this game has a tasteful outfit its all just bikini sluts. what a shitty playerbase
Why does everyone suck Elden Ring cock so much? It's a decent game, but jesus christ. People are saying "it changed me as a person" and "it fundamentally transformed reality" or some embarassing shit. This is the most s01 clownery I have ever seen, it makes Reddit look like a rally.
I turn up my resolution, find nice lighting, try to have an outfit and colors that fits the scene, I also adjust levels and color balance slightly in photoshop after cropping. I try to be mindful of depth of field too, wish there was a way to adjust it in the selfie mode.
sir, this is a gooner game
as always, its the koreans fault. just look at their annual skin voting. same fucking bimbo outfit
hey don't call my cutie a slut, she's fully dressed and not for anyone else eyes
post it NOW
thinking about getting back into the game but i heard they're reworking it or something to make it more solo friendly? most likely preparing it for maintenance mode?
Yeah that's next month. The game is doing very well in Korea it's just a coincidence that solo raids are getting added as global dies
post more sluts
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we only post not sluts here
that's not a spade
Wish this game had ERP scene
Time to get on your knees and build an empire
that's everyone in every game. don't trust anyone who says otherwise; they're just looking too tickle your insides with their dicks
so everyone is a cuck and wants people to jerk off to their char ntr style
Mogogos have cleared Echidna.
She's playing BDO...
wtf xiv and bdo are kicking our ass on twitch too, not just player numbers even though we have amazon backing us up with watch time goodies. shit
what we need is more specialists
>browsing purple website
>this comes up in recommended
wasn't someone shilling her here back in the early days...
i downloaded its coom vids back in the day but its buried somewhere and i dont know where it is now. its a dude btw
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Anyone up for something fun?
my balls are still sore from yesterday's sesh :/
what a tease
mine too
>mfw sore because haven't had a release in like 5 days
where do the cums linger?
That's when it feels the best desu
in your mouth
Well kinda looking to cum soon but need to find sluts
Look in the mirror.
what is wrong with you guys
we're horny
no we're not
idk about you guys but i cum to lost ark girls with wide hips and flat chests
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I was finally starting to see the appeal in Nia and Mari but it's the "art" style. I found the hag version since you may not post it and every single one needs to be bred.
im with you bwo, creampie all hags and pull out of all cunny
one on the left for me please
umm nyo... that is my wife
I can't decide between Echidna, Nineveh or Sasha...
share your wife bwo
Echidna is my wife and I'd be happy to share her with a bro.
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disgusting hags out
Artist has full hag tier ass and hips. She's just flat.
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who is this artist? i need a name
Its called A I
he posts under the name 로필메 on arca, thats all i know sis. https://arca.live/u/@%EB%A1%9C%ED%95%84%EB%A9%94
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how the fuck do people pug echidna? literally 30 min of sitting in lobby to do 2 pulls and vote quit
lorechads why did Zeherade turn into a little girl?
it sucks but if you don't have Covetous Master title by next week... it's over
that's beatrice not nineveh
>bot sharters everyday
hes a newbie
is miss myehs bussy pix so much bwos...
she left for dawntrail...
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nyo..........tell me ur lying
Everyone left for DT lil bro
don't worry bwo t4 is poggers and everyone will come back
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They should let the winner of PvP matches rape the loser
You don't have to win PvP with me
how did they fail pvp so bad in this game? It looked cool but in practice its shit. the design and balance.
they realized nobody did it and stopped trying
what the hell are vrchat goon rooms?
I'd be glad to ERP with you on discord cumslut <3
ways to up my gear score to ~1k so i can join in the events?
im about 100 rn
shana is my wife, if u touch her i will banish you to be kazeros cock sleeve
i wanna quit but i keep logging in and doing my dailies and weeklies. i raid all my thaemines, i even do echidna. it's horrible, just horrible. so many games i've yet to play, but i log into this shit instead.
that's why all lost ark players are sissies. they love getting anal by smilegate smol dik
t4 in 3 months no better time to take a break now. Maybe do echidna only if u want a head start in t4
Keep slurpping on that Gook micropenis all the way to sub 5k real players
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Cumming in Nia's mouth!
God I wish that were me
She is respectfully tasting the cake frosting from the cake I lovingly baked for her.
me on the left
thats marie rose you fake
If anybody wants a casual raid group the NAE /lag/ normal mode group has one DPS spot open, we do raids on Friday night and prog the latest normal mode together. Most of us only play 1-2 characters.
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How many real players?
around 4k (split across 3 regions)
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bros... our streamers are leaving us...
>even the biggest mazies are down to 1 2 characters
its jover
>biggest raidniggers keep pushing the game to cater to their raidnigger asses
>becomes ultimate raidnigger game
>starts whining incessantly and quits and tells everybody how much the game sucks and is dead
fucking raidniggers with zero self awareness EVERY TIME
he has to change games because of the drama, it's illegal to be homosexual where he lives
There's a separate mazie group
all lost ark players are gay, even me. him being a homo is not news or drama.
is it true? is this the gay thread?
atk is a fag?
>more and more people quitting right before t4
why not wait to see how t4 is in korea first ?
DAWNTRAIL is kino, I love tranny jarjar binks, why wouldn't you quit?
who is hotter, vykas or echidna?
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uwu yes its true
fake news
blizzdrone discord worlo tranny falseflag reviewbomb operation
>bot ark trannies so furious they have to downvote competitors
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>Wuk Lamat
>Gulool Ja Ja
Oh no no no... no no... NO!!
is the story that bad?
Its not good, but nobody from this general can talk when we have gay armen, kharmine and kadan. A gay orgy. Also pixar punika, arthentine 2077, and medieval times all neighbors.
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it's over bros hm echidna is dead and i can now quit the game until t4
Do your reps so you can advanced hone and start T4 with a +20 ilvl advantage
All built for Haal men
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realistically, how do they save the game before everyone moves on to the next KR MMO and never looks back?
what next kr mmo?
nobody is going to play throne and liberty
LOA still remains the most popular gook MMO along with maplestory. koreans are braindead retarded and love getting fucked by 8732189 layers of RNG
ragnarok online mogs both of them anon, although the dumb gooks fucked that up too and the people only respect pservers over the bot and aids infested officials
cope, they deleyed the game twice to fix the combat and other things people said was bad. they show they actually care unlike this stupid game which is raidniggerfied and ignored
16k over 3 continents.....
and 2/3 is bots, so its actually 5k spread between europe, na, canada, latin, and au+nz........
We can make that happen slut
>release a new raid
>concurrent players drop to an all-time low

ESL seal of approval
Raiders will tell you how the game is fine and tell you to quit if you don't like it. They're so dumb it defies explanation.
when behemoth releases, you will be expected to:

have a 40set
have FULL lvl7 transcendence
be 1660 MINIMUM
have full lvl10 (lvl8 t4) gems

I know for a fact I will have that and more

can you say the same for yourself?

because if not, you're not clearing week 1 meaning you're not clearing week 2 meaning you're not blah blah MEANING you're not clearing the new akkan/aegir raid or any raid beyond that MEANING maybe it's time to just uninstall
You will take my fresh 1620->1640 character with the barebones because their is not enough people to do a 16 man raid. Have fun waiting around for 5 hours only for the raid to never kick off.
this just seems like the bare minimum
I played LA at launch with a friend, but he dropped out for personal issues (unrelated to the game) and we never got back into it.
I regularly think about trying it again as a diablo clone to mess around with until POE2 releases.
Is it actually worth doing the story? I don't care about end game, if the story is fun and the gameplay is decent, I'd try getting my friend to play again.

I only hesitate because I see so many negative reviews and negative talk about it. I've been burnt by Korean MMOs before (archeage was my last serious try in the genre) so I am hesitant to even give it a shot.
nah bruh this game is dogshit dont play. if season 3 is ok well let u know, but until then hell na
The 99% became the 99.5%...
story is trash, gameplay is aight but immediatly bogged down by garbage reward systems and terrible gatekeeping.

Youll progress for like a month till you reach endgame, and when the game is supposed to finally "start" youll be done with it within the week.
they also announced solo raids and T4 in july and sept respectively, so everyone took a break. right now it's just thaemine/echidna jail raids
I wouldn't play for the story but if you want to go to different environments and kill different things then quit at "endgame" it' alright.
ngl i dont give a shit about t4, i want s3. they better announce better shit than what they did tho, they only announced raidnigger shit like updating power systems for whales to jizz over while they autistically chase 0000001% more dmg while the rest of the game is the same shit
s3 and t4 are literally the same thing
da fuk? so s3 is fake news? no revamp of everything? just more raidnigger tier? then i quit
It's not fake news. S3 is T4.
Season 3 is a sham, everybody already knew this. Just look at Saintone's notes on what Season 3 is about:


It's all about power systems, things only whales care about. Its all to cater to the autistic number munchers that will spend as much as it takes to be the best. There is absolutely nothing about shaking up the content structure to be more interesting or bringing the game back to sanity. It's doubling down on catering to these troglodytes that are killing the game. If I were you, I would quit.
member the "we fine" bros?
remember when people said this game was good and doomers were wrong?
member when people here made fun of bdo for no longer having a general in /vg/?
member when people said this game was good, actually?

Life comes at you really fast, huh.
i member when this game was fuqqing everybody in the arse and koreans kept gaslighting us that this game was amazing and piss river was a saint
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>they have a general
>prev threads show its actually been capping
gros...what happen
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i WILL live long enough to 3d print a mage wife
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wow this is the first time i queued up an adv island and 3 whole minutes passed and it just quit on me because nobodys doing it. dead game
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bonus slayer that pushed me over the edge earlier
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tired of the captcha thats it
Based slutposter
Kek this thread looks exactly like /lag/ did before it died and had to move here, the exact same ESL shitposters driving everybody away and forcing their gay sissy memes
There is a difference, and that is bdog lived rent free in lags head, and bdog didnt even know our game existed.
For now you can just join that Korean VR instance and have VR sex
>lost ark vr lewd
wat. tell me pls. i need my vr sasha waifu
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>he gave up posting already
>he has weak stamina
he was posting with one hand and he coomed to >>1350796 and lost his horny level
This is sex, pure sex.

Also sex.
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fuck me we need female paladin. so sick of playing as a giraffe
>more supportcuck
i would delete all my gold earning characters and replace them with female paladins, each with the skimpiest bikini.
watch the bitches at SG announce female paladin as soon as I get done with transcendence and advanced honing on my giraffe
gunslinger ass won
I came so hard to this, wish a mage could lick it all off
the game is good, just grossly mismanaged
more like misdesigned
no, it's designed perfectly, but they're releasing new shit too fast, even I'm barely keeping up and I've been playing 10 hours a day since release

echidna, a fun and easy raid, caused a massive exodus of players... why do you think that is? because it came at least a full month too fucking early
people are just fed up with this raid treadmill bullshit. the timing had little to do with it. the only ones mad are whales cuz they feel like they always gota max out power asap and when content comes too fast they get milked 2 hard and get pissed. you are missing the forest for the tree
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the raids are what the game is all about, if you're "fed up" with raids, you're fed up with the game and it's time to join the 99%
>I've been playing 10 hours a day since release
get a load of this mazie lmao
im fed up with raidnigs like you strawmaning
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mages suck
>echidna, a fun and easy raid
literally everybody has been bitching about how koreans lied and it's way harder than what they said
new raids keep going up in difficulty and taking more time to clear, which makes the playerbase burn out
especially when you're incentivized to run 18 raids/week along with dailies and other bs to keep up
they didn't lie

after ~50 hours of prog, it's easy, and all you need to worry about are dps checks (which kr told us were impossible if you're undergeared, so there should be no surprise there)
mages suck my cock... my low hanging fruit...
slayer i cups slayer i cups slayer i cups slayer i cups slayer i cups slayer i cups slayer i cups slayer i cups
>gook whales with max esther and 30 ilvl above, max everything
>"dont worry its easy"
fuck gooks. fuck them all
Final Fantasy XIV gone woke? Steam reviews drop to mixed. Video clip added.

Players are upset with the latest MMO expansion, which shifts the story away from the player to focus on Wuk Lamat, an NPC which they find insufferable and who is voiced by a trans voice actress.

The story and voice acting is considered so bad that people want to skip every cutscene involving her. Listen for yourself in the attached clip. Personally, I don't care if the VO is trans, but it does sound pretty wooden and stilted and forced here. It is also curious that English/USA is the ONLY place they cast a trans VO.

Blame is falling everywhere from bad writing, bad (and woke) localization, but especially the voice acting.

Is this another move by the Square Enix "Ethics Department" which mandated Tifa's breast reduction?
Final Fantasy XIV's voice work is done in London by "Side UK". Until now XIV completely bypassed the American clique of talentless activists that dominate gaming and anime.

This trans actor is from LA and comes with a new pink haired localization lead. Not a coincidence.
Slayer has it all, it's not fair.
>Great tits
>Great ass
>Great hips
>Great thighs
dont forget the abs! most of their faces are pretty ugly though
personally i love the korean faces
some of them are good, some of them are really dysgenic
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Saintone has been playing for 20 hours nonstop. That's true passion for a kino game
>no pubes
If they're retarded and make solo raids give like 300 gold the game dies in the West
If they're smart and make it rewarding for us the game will absolutely have a rejuvenated playerbase
body hair is a masculine trait
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this nigga likes his women bald
>no, it's designed perfectly,
you people can't be helped. Take gook rivers micro penis out your ass.
>and just like that a new generation of gamers are burned by kmmos
we warned you
this is what im worried about. whales will complain they have nobody to dab on and wont spend. but if they make solo raids basically pointless cus it gives no gold that will be even worse. fuck whaleniggers
The zoomers will never know the kino that some earlier kmmos had, like pre big bang MapleStory, pre 85 dfo, lineage, Ragnarok and even a number of others... Now it's all slop and I can't blame zoomers for thinking Koreans devs are retarded, because they are nowadays.
The only reason I didn't play your game is because there's no Asian server
Solo raids must be difficult and extremely punishing (1 mistake = wipe) otherwise there's no point
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Do your dailies!
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I check in with you guys occassionaly to see how you're getting on, i'll return for T4 and solo raids.
But you need calling out for ever shitting on final fantasy, I never played it but it was cope all this time, it 100% shits all over you and piss river.
>I never played it but
Fine I played the free trial for a day but it 100% shits all over you lost ark
Go play final fantasy then retard, or are you too much of a poor retarded spic to afford $15 a month?
Mazie too much of a faggot to click reply because your dead game is at 18k players. Remember when the server close down your time is not respected.
>it's wed
>don't feel like logging on
...is it finally my time bros?
>can't even afford a bag of shit?? what are you, poor??
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>plays f2p lost ark
>calls someone else a poor retarded spic
quit until t4 like everybody else
wtf i forgot to loot the souls im fjcking bricked
its over

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