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>What is Tabletop Sim
TTS is a physics sandbox game meant to be used to play board games online, you can find almost any board game for free in the Steam Workshop, or even create your own!

Hosting is as easy as just opening a lobby and getting the game's workshop item. Post your favorite board games, discuss and play with other anons. Find games in the Workshop (https://steamcommunity.com/app/286160/workshop/) and discuss/host your favorite games!

Of course, if you prefer to play board games through other platforms, like Tabletop Playground, Board Game Arena, or game's digital editions, feel free to talk about and find other players here.

Previous thread: >>1302901
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>How do I play?
Controls are mostly straightforward and intuitive, but there's always little tips and tricks to learn, more info can be found at https://kb.tabletopsimulator.com/

>How do I join?
That's easy, you click on "Join" in the main menu, search for the lobby name and password that's been posted, and done!

>How do I host?
Click on "Create", and that's basically it. You can find free games in the workshop here: https://steamcommunity.com/app/286160/workshop/
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List of games hosted/played
3 in
No card battlers allowed below this post
4 in
rehosted, but still going on

/vm/ so clover
uh oh
it doesn't count as it was started before the line
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it's over
wow that's the first time it happens isn't it?
Maybe, I can't quite recall the first few times clover was played, but it is most certainly a rarity
One Page Rules released the beta rules for Age of Fantasy: Quest yesterday. It's the tabletop wargame equivalent of playing whatever four-man horde survival game you want to compare it to. It also has slight legacy mechanics in that your characters keep XP and upgrades between games.

I tried a solo game, and the best way I can describe it is "If Vermintide were an actual tabletop" with the exception that you have more playable races, and you can fight things other than Skaven.

The main downside as of the beta is a reliance on their in-website army builder for upgrades and stat management, but since I play on TTS, I'm at a computer the whole time anyway.


After character creation, it's pretty jump-in-and-play as far as wargames go.
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I know you like cows, but have you played the new version of GWT?
It's set in New Zealand. I played it and I really liked it.
Instead of herding cows we will be shagg.. I mean shearing sheep!

Watch a vid or I'll teach, there are some new mechanics not in the other versions.

Startig in about say an hour
Any (you)ers?
friday /vm/

Get yer yeehaws ready!
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>Instead of herding cows we will be shagg.. I mean shearing sheep!
3/4, are we starting soon? (you) decide!
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Sheeping ongoing.
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doing a quick clover with 3
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Hosting a game of Republic of Rome on Saturday June 22nd at 9 PM GMT/ 21:00.
If you haven't played before then I will be teaching.
If you don't have a microphone then you will need to be a VERY fast typist, there is a lot of player negotiation and back and forth in the game.

I only have room for two more people were almost at a full house actually. It is a VERY long game 4 hours at least and it may even need multiple sessions. I will post this again in the next thread if it goes down before Saturday.
The lobby on Saturday will be
Republic of Rome /Monkey Edition/
If you want a run through of the rules before game day let me know a good time and I might find a good time to get to you before then, it's not strictly necessary to learn it before the game though.

Only one day left to fill out the game and I'm free all day so if anyone wants to get on and look at the game/is interested in joining now is the time to ask about it. I'll have the server open on TTS.
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Anybody up for Horseless Carriage? Need minimum of 3 players.
sure, i'm always down for tertis kino
Great, we need 1 more player. I'll need 30-ish minutes before I open the lobby, anybody interested can check out this video if they don't want to be taught in situ
Actually I just got enough people for the game so scratch that on the offer to join. You are welcome to come spectate on the day anyway though. Won't be a lot of free slots for that however.
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Lobby: /v/oard games
Pass: rage

Very nice anon, hope you have a great time! Idk if I should add the game to the list if no other anon is gonna be part of it lol.
>Idk if I should add the game to the list if no other anon is gonna be part of it lol.
Why not? The list is inaccurate anyway, and for whats worth, he is some anon playing it.
Its on the board if someone wanted, its just that nobody did

Good point, fair enough.
i'd love to join but if i wanted a game about roman politics I'd just play Quo Vadis (and then stop playing Quo Vadis and play Zoo Vadis because the variable player powers are my jam, and the neutral pieces are a genuinely good inclusion)
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Off we go!
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Very close game this one! Mistakes were made, specs were ignored, sales were done, Blue wins the game!

3/?? playing something next, we just don't know what.
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Doing an original 4chan(tm)-designed game(c) with 6 people!
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Country boys make do
Closing the lobby, good showing today, like 7 or 6 people.
Also anon with the original game, could you provide me an image you'd like of your game so I can add it to the list?
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That's lovely, many thanks. And thank you for showing us, always a treat seeing a fellow anon try their hand at designing games.
Any games of the non mtg/battlecon/sakuraarms/mindbug variety?
Well I still wanna rematch Mysterium, I can sometimes hear it laughing at our ineptitude
Anyways, give me some ideas you'd like to play, 'cause all the ones I can think of I know won't work out
So Clover
throwing some titles I only have 1 or 2 plays on, i guess
Seize the bean
El Dorado
The Gallerist
Discordia (has nothing to do with Concordia)
La Granja
The White Castle
Lords of waterdeep
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Okie, room popen

/vm/ board games
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Doing, Seize the Bean, a little coffee place management game
2 in
so clover is card battle game
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3 in, will start soon, so get in here quick for the teach
4 in
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Game's nearly done
cheers for the game guys, felt like I blagged my way through it but will be ready for the next one
it's alright, hope you had fun nonetheless
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I win because techbros print points; 33-26-26-9
Room's closed, have a pleasant evening.

Thanks for joining us. New games will always be charmingly clumsy on first play.
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heehoo model bump
Paper Tales
7 wonders
I could game in an hour
why are they all shitfaced-drunk?
Bless you for that.
Because working in IT is brain damage hell
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shit art and tranny game
notice the flag on the shirt and the emoji token
But no, seriously, anyone play something?
I might host Arcs. Learning it now.
No card battlers
Hosting arcs:

/vm/ board games
password is clown
it's actually a trick taking game by the same guy that made R**t
2 people in game. 2 more!
1 more!
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We're actually doing some Clover, feel free to join us
2 in the game
We changed game to So Clover!
>not using the same password as everyone else
aaaaah my muscle memoryyyy
4 in, clovering
Very nice, now fully texture it.
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Doing another one

Don't forget, it was you that brought this upon us
Your lobby is locked to only 4 people max btw
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Is done
late night game?
I'm tempted to host some AoF: Quest, but that would involve a bit of setup/character creation, and only hosts 4 tops.
I do have four demo characters made, and it'd absolutely not be a D&D style campaign. It'd be more akin to a Westmarch or something.
Almost had me there, but I dont like Westmarch campaigns, especially here where we dont have discord support to keep track of things.
What parts do you believe are integral to westmarches, that you dislike? I'm not trying to defend westmarches, I'm just not sure if that's the right word for what I'm planning.
Continuing from >>1341715

Upon checking on what the term actually means, I'm guessing what your main concern is the need to keep track of everyone's character sheets or something. Fortunately, they have a character builder/tracker site already.

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Player sheets are just the tip of the iceberg. Have pic related.
Even though AoF is "gm-less", there will still be someone who will have to map things up, organize the current campaign, give summaries of past encounters and keep track of all player growth.

Honestly, you would have more success just running it as a DnD style campaign with select people committed to it than trying to tard-wrangle 7+ people in the thread joining and leaving and never meeting again because they grew bored of it
Games of the board variety?
Sure I guess, got about 2 hours and a half
Sure, let's do Arnak, that one always freshens me up

/vm/ board games
3 in
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Last round
If you're interested, feel free to join us for the next game
looks like a card battler to me, so no
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Arnak done, we're doing Paper Tales!
It's like a teeny, tiny 4s strategy
For anyone else that fucks with modding and Web Requests: is there any suggestions for dealing with some particularly fat JSON decodes? TTS is starting to hang whenever I try to decode one with about 200 array indexes with a bunch of fields with each one, and the only thing I'd really think to do is to try to trim it down while it's still a JSON string.
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Played a game of Paper Tales. This hoot won
It took me back to the flash games of summer of 2011.
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Lobby: /v/oard games
Pass: rage
Can't you open the .json in Notepad++ or something else, instead of doing it inside of TTS? Usually when coding scripts for games you do it in a special environment program, not inside the game itself.
>offloading requests in TTS
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I'll return a little later to rehost, tonight's topic will be…Drawfagging.
Prepare your mice and get ready to create awful, awful art. Also a game that is better than So Clover that we should try out.
We back
Lobby: /v/oard games
Pass: rage
Ok, then I dont understand the question. Sorry for bothering you.
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Normally I wouldn't be rude, but your post is an audacious amount of "Not knowing but still chiming in anyways"
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A terrible score by both sides lol, still a close game.
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2/?? Waiting for more anons to join!
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4p in room, decrypting some messages
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Doing round 2
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Ah yes, Religion.
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Great accomplishments for artists all over, we played some Patchwork, Decrypto, A Fake Artist Goes to New York, and Pictomania by the one and only Vlaada Chvatil.

Thanks all anons that joined, have a great one.
good games tonight, thanks for the host
We can attempt that salty runback on mysterium today, anyone interested?
I'll put up room in hour~ish very hopefully
mysterium sucks
I thirst for vengeance
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what was wrong with the last game
skill issues
it not my fault that people didnt understand me
nah, it was just bad luck
I guess I can join, i'm getting off work in 20 mins and i'll be home in 20 more mins after that (so in 40')
yeah yeah, we just happened to have 'bad luck' 3 times in a row
sorry, unexpected shit at work, ill be delayed like an hour. or you can start without me and ill hop in later
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sorry for delay, we up now
room: /vm/ysteri
pw: rage
3 in
3 in, doing Azul while we wait for another player or 2
4 in, we're gonna do a quick game of Azul then go back into Mysty
5 in, in the Azul waiting room
6 in, room for one more
Okay we're doing ghosts finally, with 6
Mysterium is a card battler
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Leaving a lobby open for after Mysterium is done, or if there's people not wanting to do Mysterium or the unavoidable Clover

Lobby: /v/oard games
Pass: rage

Games on the list are
>Glory to Rome
>Fake Artists if 5p or more
>Great Western Trail New Zealand
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Still playing 2hu, last one we lost literally with one player not making the last guess
6 in
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We lost again, it's not even funny dudes..
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It's over
delet this
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Starting Decrypto with 4
Cute 2hus
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GGs starting Fake Artist now
Well there it goes
Game ends just as we die because of course, it's Tuesday and I forgot again.
Seems like people had some other things to do so I'll be closing the lobby for now, ggs and until next time!
Any games in half an hour
I could play, if a room pops up
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Any diplomacy players here?
I'm putting together a longform game (1 week turns) but it's going to be on backstabbr and not on tabletop sim
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Lobby: /v/oard games
Pass: rage
3/??? thinking about what to play, maybe more Decrypto, Glory to Rome, Austria Hotel, or Root.
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Trading spices with 3 sirs
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Game ends with a close score for all! 5 players in lobby currently
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When a single card or play can give you about 8 to 10 points, yeah.

Playing Decrypto with 8 lads!
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Doing funny draw game with 7
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if i was any good at diplomacy and being active on discord since that's probably where you're gonna do comms i'd be happy to join in

also don't you think that week long turns are a bit too much?
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The game is a lie.
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Codenames time
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>It was never cap
Its over.
Closing the lobby, great games, I might return later tonight to play something a little meatier, maybe Grand Austria, Root, Barrage, Great Western Trail (NZ or Regular), or something other we may come up with.

I think we peaked at 10 players today? not bad.
That's not even a dwarf yo, that's a gnome!
Capped at 9 (really 8, since one was spectating) players in lobby at the start of Fake Artist, unless you had more beforehand or are counting the total amount of players today and not the highest number together in the lobby at the same time.
trying to make sense of this >>1344975

runes - 2 : moon and scroll
dwarf - 2 : beard and ???
austrailians - 2 : emu and aborigine??? horrendous clue
sleeveless - 1 : vest
sourcherry - 2 : tart and ???

link - 2 : email and ???
plant - 2 : lilac and tree
sinners - 2 : church and pistol
railgun - 2 : pistol and magnet
I would be down for GWT later, but haven't played the sheep shagger version.

I think link was email and magnet.
>but haven't played the sheep shagger version
It has just a couple extra things and just some variance in procedures, but if you know GWT you know New Zealand.
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>beard and ???
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Lobby: /v/oard games
Pass: rage
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Cowboy'n it up with 3/4
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Vector Racing with 4
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3 people died tonight.
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Playing some Hive to end the night
What the fuck is white doing?
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GGs y'all hope you had >fun

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Oh and forgot the scores.
Dwarf was beard and, in a lot more of an evocative fashion, spark. (Dwarves love cannons which would have sparkly fuses, and they are known to have short tempers and are easily provoked, short fused, easy to spark into conflicts).
Australians should have been just a 1, but things got stressful and I flubbed. Aborigine was picked at that point, so it wasn't entirely horrible.
Sour cherry was tart and spark (cherry bombs, fuse correlation again) but I could not for the life of me think of any clue to pair at least 2 words, the whole game basically. Also, sour cherry is actually 2 words as it turns out, so it was cheating a little.
Ironically enough, I didn't wanna cheat, but I couldn't find out if product names were allowed, so I avoided using Fizzypops as the last clue to connect tart and sparkle (those sour candies that give pops in your mouth).
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For the Arkham Horror crew:

Also I don't know when we'll do the next one, maybe we'll switch it up (read: weeb it up) and try some Gensokyo Horror instead once I learn how to play it
>Dwarves love cannons
No that's bitches. Dwarfs love mining, drinking, and smithing.
But Seiken Densetsu taught me differently
Gensokyo Horror plays more like or maybe exactly like Eldritch Horror rather than Arkham. Big difference is in the stats and focuses, instead of having 5 and a limit of buffs, you instead have 3 pairs of stats, and going up in one will go you down in the other. Oh and the map is static and not made out of puzzle pieces.
Sounds like Arkham 2nd ed.
Well I never played either of the normal horrors so IDK what the differences are then. I know there's also a cardgame variant of one, and people say it's good, but that's just hearsay too.
Gonna host in like 20 minutes-ish, not sure what to, maybe Barrage, Glory to Rome, will depend on the turnout really, who's down to clown?
If we're 5 or 6 I'd do some HEAT actually.
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i'd be down for any of those or even a splotter
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Lobby: /v/oard games
Pass: rage

Some more Horseless Carriage does sound tempting, we'll see.
Should have had the chad be with 999 ping.
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Glory to Rome! 5/5
i love how chudyks' games use "draw a card and use alphabetical order to determine first player" it's very soulful
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Yeah it's actually really smart because it also works as the starting pool.
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Shameful, Rome wasn't built on slavery and aggression!
Wait, hold on…Nevermind, gg!
Game ends with scores of 15 vs 31 vs 11 vs 21 vs 5!

I'll be back in an hour or so to walk the little gremlins an reopen the room.
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Final table screenshot
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Ew this looks so souless in comparison, and people from bgg prefer THIS compared to the awesome cartoony art?
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And we back
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We hotelin'
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With a final push for staff cards, that would have made blue otherwise lose by 2 mere points, takes the win!
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Shootin some niggas
Does TTS or Tabletop Playground have any games I can play against AI?
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I know Azul, 6 Nimntt and a couple others have fully scripted AIs, so yes.

But nigga just join anons and play, they are hosting RIGHT NOW
But I'm shy and like to take my time.
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Playing Schadenfreude with 4

That's alright anon, you're welcome to join when ready
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Red wins with a nail-biting 38
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Playing The Crew with 3.
That's it for tonight, thanks to all who joined!
there's a Roll for the Galaxy 1v1 against scripted AI table that's kinda neat
Any games no longer than 1h45m in 15 mins?
Reminder that TTS is 50% off during this Steam Summer Sale.
Mindbug, MtG, Pokémon, Sakura Arms, BattlleCON, Summoner Wars, Land Air & Sea
Don't make me tap the sign
It's cool that I have my own secretary that says this in my place everytime, I haven't had to say the C and B words even once since last thread
>Land Air & Sea
>MtG, Sakura Arms, BattlleCON, Summoner Wars,
im trying to cure my addictions not make them worse so i cant jon if you host, sorry
>C**d B******s
oh no
Anyone up for games?
I'm free, host it

/vm/ board games
Doing It's a Wonderful World!
3 in
the player max is limited to 3 rn, because mod sheganigans, but I'll tell you when we're done and will increase to more than 3
One more round left
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Game done, Purple wins with 36 vs 36 vs 35! Bigger empire tiebreak
Gonna do a game of Bullet, then we'll see what next, the room is now open to more players
4 in
Gonna do another game of IaWW after bullet, so join now before the room is locked
doing iaww, 4 in, player max locked until it's done
IIRC the script shits up only if a new player sits down after the game starts, could you not do a workaround by removing unused seats after starting a game?
Going to host arcs in around half an hour.
ahh i lagged out
will be back shortly
Nah, just a player connecting into the room would fool the script into thinking there's more players, breaking itself.
They did update the mod, so now, for example, it calculates score again, so the whole player issue might be gone as well. Would need to test tho.
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ggs, room closed
we played iaww then bullet then iaww
Game up:
/vm/ board games
password: clown
2 more for Arcs!
1 more :)
Im there in like 5 mins
how do i get into this? do i need vr? voice chat? what is needed
Just the game and an internet connection and friends. Games hosted in this thread use tc 98% of the time, so you wouldn't even need a mic.
Regarding the rooms and games hosted on /vm/ specifically, hosts will pretty much always give a teach if you aren't familiar with the game being played, though watching a vid or reading rules is always appreciated.
And of course you are always welcome to host games you want yourself.
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> friends
it's so over for me then... thank you for taking the time to reply
Well, that's why this thread is great. You can join up with random Anons in a variety of games.
Expect rooms to start opening later in the day
We're all friends here, and since you're here you are our friend too. One of us. One of us. One of us.
Any games
I can play/host in an hour
Shoot me some propositions in the meantime
host what your heart desires
*except a big list of games
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Okay, hosting Card Battler II: Battle Carder

/vm/ board games
2 in, we'll see what it is we want to play in a moment, join us
Doing clanko with 3
Clank is a card battler
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I assume people are mainly playing smarcs in here? Itching to get more campaigns in
Finished clanko, concatenating with the /v/ room
>no server
Gotta say, quality thread. Learned a lot and had fun.
Back on track

Lobby: /v/oard games
Pass: rage

Glad you are enjoying it here lad, what games you've discovered are your favorites?
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4/4 playing Ark Nova actually
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Game ends at exactly 4 hours with a score of…
15 vs -37 vs -59 vs -2

GG and WP.
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And a last look at the enclosures of course.
no more games?
Any suggestions?
hit me with that late night special
Rev up those card battlers
do you dare?
Could do a simple game of Pax Renaissance actually, but nah I'm going to bed.
I could maybe do somethin, if people are alive this late.
then lets find out what the night bring us
Pass: penis
Game: I dunno
Ping: 999ms
Gettin' cheesy with it
The cheese has ended
Any games in an hour?
Seize the bean
Hansa teutonica
Terraforming Mars
El Grande
Barrage, more like shit garage
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Hosting and teaching 3 or 4 player Arcs
game name: /vm/ board games
password: clown [/spoiler[
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hosting in 1/2 hour
hosting what maybe?
for the night is dark and full of mysteries
2 in, does anyone else want to join?
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Ohoho, somebody was working on these after the main branch got abandoned, pretty cool! Seems like it also adds interesting mechanics like Pokécoins and extra house rules to progress faster.
it crashed my game lol
the password isnt working ;/
>lobby crashed
it's over...
cause i didnt open it yet
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Ended up playing with a couple of friends, very nice game! Although it did end up taking 4 hours anyways lol.
The new additions are very cool, lots of new items that help you strategize a little about how you build up your team and acquire useful teams for the adventure. PokéCoins are great for that as well, although we housed ruled that for 25 coins you could buy a free level up (but without being able to level a mon that would make it go over the highest level of your party) that we used the most. I thought me (Red) would win after managing to defeat the 5th leader first and getting an early high leveled Ludicolo to clear out the rest but ended up having trouble maneuvering around the map, Yellow managed to get the medals fairly quickly but got stopped by the crazy mons the elite 4 had. To our surprise green player which was lacking behind and had to backtrack a lot because they also did things a bit out of order ended up reaching the PokéLeague and instantly defeat the Champion. Even defended the title against Red during the after-game tournament. All in all, great game despite how simple it really is, loved the extra additions this mod put together, and also the scripting is much sturdier than the original, barely any errors!

Maybe I'll host it for y'all sometime if you are down with taking a day to play this fucking thing lol, thanks for coming to my TedTalk.
Lobby: /vm/ - AAAAAAAAAAAA
Pass: gamers
Game: Aiming to do some CCG gor-bage, but can do other games if enough are present
Ping: 999ms
what is CCG
Collectible Card Games
Starting off with card games
And to the other guy that dropped, it was fine. There wasn't much specifically planned and any game works.
And closed. There were in fact card game.
Aw, was just joining to check out what was going on
Ok, anyone else up for games, maybe in 2-3 hours?
Sure, got something in mind?
Card Combat Game, also known as Card Battler
thanks, is there anywhere i can go to educate myself on the games played here? i don't want to join and just make everything worse for others by not knowing what the fuck is going on
Don't really need to worry about it. What games get picked is pretty loose, and the people that host generally expect to teach the game or have other ones on backup depending on number of players, the mood of the table, and so on. It's fine even if you're new to more complicated board games, and if you're still worried about it, you can just ask and see if someone will offer to host games that touch on the basics of some of the core genres.
Seize the bean
Roll player
Brass birmingham
Small samurai empires
7 wonders
Hosting some midday board games

/vm/ board games
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2 in
doing some Cascadia, a simple and relaxing game about creating your own nature park and parking animals in it
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Green wins with his migrating foxes
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Doing Grand Hotel Austria!
2 in
Usually anons only host what they can teach. Used to be some would also warn people about a host and post a how to play video in advance but nobody watched those sadly
Plus you can just join and watch like a weirdo, you won't be the first.
Yeah. Personally, I like to goon to the sounds of simulated plastic pieces making that little "plik" noise when they're dropped onto the table, backed with hypno trance
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We served; Yellow wins 137 to 70
Doing Burgundy with 3
Cut the Burgundy game short after 3 rounds, Green wins with chickens
Patchwork with 2, we'll see what happens after when the spectators wake
4 in the room
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We're doing Arnak with 4/4, forgot to mention
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Still going at it. Nearing the final round.
i saw the message right as i left but yeah i had fun, thanks again for the host + teach
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It's done. Three hours of Arnak, but it is done. Snack girl wins.
Long day of board gaming, we did a game of Cascadia, GAH, Patchwork and the Arnak game.
Thank you for joining me and good night.
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Happy middle of the year anons, hope you've been enjoying the games of board. Checked out some stats to see how this year has been up to now. Of course, disclaimer of these only being registered plays I've personally been a part of so unfortunately I'm missing data on other hosts/games I wasn't there to register.

With that said, pretty interesting tidbits
>103 different games. 324 total plays
>Out of those 103, a total of 8 games have been played at least 8 times
>24 new faces
>Top 3 games are Bullet, So Clover and Horseless Carriage, whereas last year's were Clank, Pax Ren and Bullet
>Clank still being very much played but only shown to 6 new players, Clover takes the crown as the game most shown to newfriends with a big 20 new players experiencing it this year
>3 and 4-player lobbies are tied for most played
>Friday is the most active day to play, Monday is the worst, Tuesday somehow takes 2nd most active despite the classic Steam Maintenance moment
>Fellow top 5 anons have participated in 107/106/55/45/39 games with me out of the 324
>Most games played in a single day was May 11th were 12 games were played during an 8hour span

For another good half pals.
Its only missing a discord
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How is stats autism akin to homoerotic genital discussion cliques?
>How is stats autism akin to homoerotic genital discussion cliques?
Pretty much the same. It has all the users and the games played as if it is recorded by a discord bot.
Its a discord server in all but name, except the thread is like chat that cleans itself every month or so (A discord channel can also do that, and several other benefits).

I don't know what kinda of discord server you join to have homoerotic genital discussion cliques, but that's none of my concern.
>It has all the users and the games played as if it is recorded by a discord bot.
Sounds like a BGG or other game library tracking app with extra steps. But the pic is clearly some kind of game tracking app, so I don't know what you are on about. Does it come from dicksword or something?
If it's pretty much the same then there's no need to make a discord, good to know.
>and several other benefits
Discord just make stat autism much better and not exclusive to some retards paid app
One of those "benefits" would probably be your constant presence in it, I doubt anybody would ever want to do that, bye.
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Pax Ren lads?

Lobby: /v/oard games
Pass: rage
I'm sorry I can't fulfill your need to have homoerotic genital discussions on discord.
But you can filter anything and anyone there, if you want, including people you dont like.
Its one of the many benefits if you just gave up on having offtopic genital discussions on the server.
What's your favorite board game?
I will tell you once we have a discord channel.
Perhaps we can even have each player's favorite game or genre attached to their names as roles.
So they know when their favorite board game is being hosted
He doesn't play games, everybody you can ignore him now.
But I'm literally telling you that if we had a proper discord server, it would make hosting AND playing games better.
I'm here to play, but there is no one scheduling and no system to ping when its live.

So, where is that server so I can join, tell you about my favorite game and play it?
Here anon, have fun
I'm already on the official one.
Where is the /vm/ server?
Is that the only thing on the menu?

When you make it, I bet it'll be great.
>I'm already on the official one.
No more (Yous)
>Is that the only thing on the menu?
I could play Pax Porfiriana :^)
I'm up for some other game if joiners would prefer, although I must say I do got an itch for some Pax Ren.
>When you make it, I bet it'll be great.
I prefer that the anon that keeps this list >>1350687
to make it, since he already have all the stats. He seems to be the one organizing things.

Confirmed what? If you are on the official one, you dont play board games? What kind of comparison is that? Do you have any proper arguments against it?
>I prefer that the anon that keeps this list >>1350687(You) to make it, since he already have all the stats. He seems to be the one organizing things
Eh go ahead lad, I don't really use discord. Now if you want some Pax Ren, I have the lobby open right now.
Modding a discord server is easier than you think. People are not even paid for it.
And if you are afraid of that anons homoerotic genital discussion shitting up the server, you can disable chat channels and keep only the good stuff, like bot scheduling and role pinging.
Alrighty, closing for tonight, until next time.
why is the pony one redacted?
>>>/global/rules/15 >>1350859
oh, I tought it was because of some fagshit
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>have to pay extra ("deep statistics" DLC) to see how many games ive played with specific players in a specific timeframe (this year) as opposed to all time
Sure i guess... in 10 hours
Consider it an expansion.
Is that you playing Power Grid? How did you like it?
Yea it was a very tight game for everyone except blue until he got the 6-renewable power plant
Would say it's a good low difficulty option for 5-6 lobbies instead of spamming word games everytime
Also heres an old pic of a modern art table (didn't play, played the gallerist instead)
What, you're not in the /tts/ discord?
Sto gaslighting people
C'mon, it's been 2 years
The secret /tts/ discord doesn't need to be a secret anymore
It's not really a /vm/cord, all me and my buddies want is to have our daily mlp gooning sesh in peace, if we let outsiders in we'll just abandon it and make a new secret cord altogether
No ok but really enough gaslighting, theres no such thing as discord here
There is no /tts/ discord. The one discord that got linked here is a /vm/ one and even then the people playing there never show up in our /tts/ tread games. So really there is no discord, as if there was one there be players from it, so there we have proof by contradiction. Q.E.D., now stop being a fag with unfunny memes
>one anon's autism is akin to an entire system of indescriminate surveilance
I must be some kinda standard, the anonymous gangbanger of the 21st Century.
Going to a host Arcs in about 30 minutes to an hour.
Hmm... that's too late for me, that's the same exact time i go to sleep
You're gonna get fucked by the Steam Maintenance for half an hour in the middle of the game btw
Oh yeah, that too
We really have bad luck with tuesdays dont we
try on friday or the weekend please it's the only days i can play so late in the night
It's not so bad, sometimes servers are back up like 5 minutes after if you're lucky, Tuesday is also the second most active day for board games according to the stats >>1350687
>entire system of indiscriminate surveillance
Do you know where you are?
Discord doesnt give a shit about what games you are playing, and TTS has built-in integration with it.
And if you are afraid of surveillance, I hope you never join that anons room, because he is already recording your Steam's ID, what games you play and what hour you are awake
Teaching/playing base game arcs. 3/4p.

Game: /vm/ board games
password: rage
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long time no hc
>not waking up in the middle of the night to join a game you hate just to throw off his analysis of you
Was hosted last week near the end of last thread though
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Lobby: /v/oard games
Pass: rage

Testing some music so lobby MAY* crash in the middle of a game

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Playin' some classics.
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Playing some Pax Ren
Lobby crashed, reopening.
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Deus Vult! Giovanni de Medici defeats Jacob Fugger with a Holy Catholic Victory! What a ride it was. GG!
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Looks like the Clash of Cultures mod got update, maybe the weird turn thing got fixed, been meaning to rehost it. If you're interested might wanna watch the how to play before hand for when I host it when you least expect it.

Also Horseless Carriage since I heard some requests for it
You'll teach me when I join without watching the video and there's nothing you can do about it
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>and no system to ping when its live
It's not too hard to make your own if you care so much. With ChatGPT, it wasn't hard to slap together a little python program that uses the 4chan API to get posts containing host keywords and spit out a desktop notification if any were found. Now you get pings without demanding everyone use a bloated piece of goonware just to notify you.
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So you'll play then eh? You fell right into my trap.
Anon no! He's going to teach you the game in a shorter time than the video would have taken, don't do it!
well? where is the host?
>when you least expect it
>bloated piece of goonware
>anyway, go use AI to make a desktop python script
You know can open Discord on the browser right? You don't need the app nor garbage dive through some AI to make a script.
And notifications are just one of the many things a discord bot can do, like proper scheduling and native integration.
>demanding everyone
You dont need to join if you don't want, since you are so afraid of it.
Most people would find it vastly better than this. If /vm/ minecraft servers do it, why are you pissing yourself over it?
yeah, i didnt expect it then, and now i expect it to happen when i'm asleep
>You dont need to join if you don't want
problem is people on the dicksuck don't join the games posted in the thread only, so it creates an unnecessary divide in the community
you don't need to make or use a discord yet you do anyways, how curious indeed
>discord will divide the community
Is that what you fear? That it will divide a community of 20 players?
How do you know people on discord will, for some reason, abandon thread and not join games if the lobby will be open there and here? Especially when the server is open to anyone here and not a closed community?

You're making a lot of assumptions for an biased fear of an community app meant to organize and facilitate games (pretty much like Teamspeak in the old days).
You're not even part of the community, nobody wants you here either. Feel free to fuck off.
the fact that we have this conversation at all shows that it's not a fear, but a reality.
>how do you know people on discord will <..> not join games
because it already happened in the past
>server is open to anyone
that just means other people will join it and have no idea that the thread exists, therefore proving previous point as even more of a fact than before
>app meant to organize
more like bloatware meant to sell Discord Nitro so their margin would keep going up, aka nothing like Teamspeak in the old days.
>Wanting to gatekeep someone because they aren't part of a open "community"
So you don't have an argument against having one, you're just afraid of it
I can't believe you guys are still discussing about some messaging app instead of playing games
I'm not even the anon you're arguing with, you are just an autist that just wants a discord for people that you don't even play with, most likely the same dude that's been kicked out from other places because of how much of an insufferable bitch you are.

Now everybody please stop interacting with this retard and host some games.
>but a reality, because it already happened in the past
No it didnt, the archive has nothing of the sort.
>have no idea that the thread exists
The server is open for people on the thread, the invite will be ON the thread. How the fuck would they isolate itself?
Do you not know how it works?
>more like bloatware
Like I said, you can use the browser.
Any other service is not necessary for the use of the app, nothing is gated. You can completely ignore their paid services.
>people on the dicksuck don't join the games posted in the thread only
>don't join
>implying it's already happening
Nice freudian slip confirming the /vm/ discord is real
Feel free to stay, every thread successful enough has it's schizo and I'd rather have you than someone who actually knows how to kill a general
Reminder to ignore and report off-topic/begging posts.
I will agree with you on this, 4chan's image boards do suck for setting up game lobbies, and I would like to see some kind of compromise that wouldn't involve the data theft app.
But here's the thing, you already *do* have Discord servers where you can look for and arrange games, this includes that general /vm/ server where you can find TTS specific channels.
So your arguments of "You dont need to join if you don't want, since you are so afraid of it." and "Most people would find it vastly better than this" are mute, because.. well.. it exists! TTS discords exist, and the people here have decided not to partake.
Now, this thread /specifically/ doesn't have one, but I'm sure you'll be okay with leaving 20 of us to enjoy our discordless thread.
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i'm not talking about just this thread, dummy. discords for threads destroying their own threads like a parasitic species is a well documented phenomenon on every board with general threads that get discord servers. fuck, it's in the name "Discord", what more proof do you need?
miscommunication on your part, if it's not "open to everyone" and actually "open to whoever can find invite link that's in the thread" then it does aviod the problem of other people not joining thread games, but the other problems persist.
still bloated, still wants me to get nitro, and in addition keeps pestering me about the app. like any "good" solution, this just introduces more problems.

>the /vm/ discord is real
it is not real until their people join thread games. Like schroedinger's cat, it's not alive until you open the box and see it be alive

can't host, busy playing games on BGA. Currently doing alright but will probably paradox this hand or the next one.
Is Cat in the Box worth having? Looks cool but then again, it's a tr*ck t*k*ng game.
>...are mute, because...
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>worth having
if you dont like trick taking games, then obviously not
not that anon but i do have it and played a bunch
i like it so far, but i havent played enough to know if i want a physical version or not
whoops replied to a wrong post sorry
Is not that I don't like trick taking games, but they all end up feeling the exact same, so getting a new one after getting Scout and Fox in the forest may be a bit too much.
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Surprise motherfucker

Lobby: /v/oard games
Pass: rage

Actually didnt' mean to host those today, I'll probably leave em for maybe Friday Morning or Sunday.
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playing some Spots before moving onto Grand Austria Hotel for scripting tests
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>host is when i'm asleep
You better pick up that phone. because i fuckin' called it!
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But if you're sleeping... Who is typing this post!!?!?!
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Big happenings
I woke up, duh. Now i'm stuck at work until the evening. Send help.
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At least it's better than working 2PM to 9PM like I used to…
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Game ends with a pretty massive score of 242 against 160! Excellent scores, awesome combos done with all the modules, the scripted setup is working like a charm, just gotta tidy up a couple more things and it'll be awesome.
Any games in 20 mins?
I only have 25 minutes to play, so we could do Clover lol
Nah forget it
Then how about some fun card battlers?
MTG or YGO? Or should we do Lorcana?
>playing cuck "battlers"
Ew, no. Simply no. You really have nothing else? I'll pass
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Super Deck of course.
Have you tried Lorcana?
Can't come up with anything on your own?
I missed on a chance to do clover, noooooo!
Clover is done old man, Decrypto is in right now.
Decrypto does need 4+ players, and clover is a lighter and more relaxed experience.
But give me either, really.
how is this game for people with no friends? do you guys ignore the DLCs or are there some must-buys? This game has been in my wishlist for a while.
>how is this game for people with no friends?
Shit. Board games is a friends-only hobby unless you are a solitaire schizo
This game is kinda useless without friends. But you can find groups and play with randos, like us here, and end up making friends along the way.
Ignore DLCs
buying DLCs is for suckers who can't into CreamAPI, the "custom assets import" tools are how all the games are actually made and played. TTS also has petty good Steam Workshop integration so playing a board game you want is as easy as waiting for like a month until someone imports the game into TTS then downloading the workshop mod and using it. Also scripting is a thing to remove downtime and upkeep but not all games have it (and not all games need it)

as for friends, you do need them, but randoms from /vm/ are a good enough substitute for me so your mileage will vary
sounds good enough, I'll probably buy it tomorrow.
nothing wrong with solitaire.
How do I get back my passion for board games...
By playing board games, do you know what made you lose it?
Depends on what made you lose the passion, could be being burnt out from playing so much, maybe you haven't found too many new games that keep you interested, or people to play with,etc.
Nothing wrong with taking a little break, or maybe go back to playing other games instead of keep trying to find new ones.

That said, any pals around to play?
There actually are many solo board games out there, or ones with solo modes. Many of them are quite good, if you can get over the fact that playing them is in itself a constant soul crushing reminder that you aren't able to muster up other people.
>any pals around to play?
good enuff for me

Lobby: /v/oard games
Pass: rage
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Playing Sekigahara - The Unification of Japan
>no friends
It's great if you're autistic like me and play solo boardgames or make your own, it's very easy to use as a 3d sandbox where you can move objects around
What are good solo boardgames? Is there a rule of thumb of what to look for? Like an autists guide for dummies?
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huge battle
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Ishida manages to escape death several times but in doing so Tokugawa manages to control all of Japan for a tiebreak of 21 vs 5 points after the 7th week! GG and WP

3 people in lobby, deliberating on next game.
Doing Clover, of course, come join quick!

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13 out of 18!
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any1 up to play some Arcs with Leaders and Lore (aka factions but built out of parts)?
Frosthaven Enhanced was announced. It should be released in about a month, apparently they've only need scan some stuff, as the mod itself is basically in a fully playable state.
shame so much scripting is wasted on a meh game
Whoa, boldest abstract game art.
I don't give a shit about a random autistic doing stats. I just don't want to join a fucking discord server where inevitably some retard will be spamming stupid shit or some drama or what the fuck ever will happen. I just want to join random tables and play games without it becoming a fucking club. Hotseat experience, that's what I fucking crave, you social media addicted retard.

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