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A thread for the MMOdventure and anons who wish to continue playing RaiderZ.

>Private server

CloverZ is our banner for our foray into this title. If you see one of us around, feel free to join-in!

>Current MMOdventure thread
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POV I see you alone (It's fun to play together...)
FUCK the Iridium economy. I shrimply will not be participating in it
Today is my iridium day
4 nodes in a row with 2 iridium
hot baby dog it's a good day for my walleto
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wolf gotten gains
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Inside of the lighthouse isn't all that it's been made out to be
Ladies, who would you chose?
that made a cool pattern
I'm downloading this bear.
would you?
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Temple of Renas and boss tour. who's in?
after minigames....
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when was that supposed to be
an hour ago...
I'm ready.
total diago death
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I'm the last RaiderZ...
I was just on. It was me alone for like 3 hours, then jimmies for a little bit, then nobody for a few hours.
But on the upside I farmed up all the mats for my costume. Somehow managed to make around 600gp in 2 days. Pretty crazy.
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yes I was cucked from horse riding but it appears the timing couldn't be any worse... the last day is tomorrow, we should do a boss tour starting from Riode>Rietz>Great Wall>Cowen Marsh
get everyone partied up with healers and zerg on them. do the photo-op, then Temple or Renass for our remaining time
not sure when to hold it, maybe a few hours before switching to the new game which I believe is at 0:00 UTC
Secret reunion inside a yeti
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goodbye raiderZ
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FLYFF, soon...
Hot take. Ending one game and swapping to the next on the same day is kind of bull shit.

We should have one day of rest in between, and this is when the minigame should be instead of cannibalizing the main game.
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Don't try to question authority on this AUTOCRATIC server. You will be gaslit and made out to be non-sensical. For context, I asked why the so-called "owner" of this server can use the @everyone tag, but a (to them) dirty COMMONER, such as myself, cannot. This query is not met with any riposte or answer but instead if SILENCED by the dictators that forcefully govern us.

Cat MODS are KILLING US in 'safe' towns. ADMINS are SILENCING US. We are being OPPRESSED good people of /vm/ and I WONT STAND FOR IT ANY LONGER.
We should rape the cat.
rumor has it if you play raiderz everyday and have lots of fun she shows her snatch
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veeg is getting shown up
Why's my cute twin not connected for the guild photo?
Wait, this game still exists?

I remember I played it for a while like 11 or 12 years ago.
It's a private server
I love the fish blob face
two riviute is a fun fight
also fun fight
how's RaiderZ? are you still having fun? I'm totally having fun in Flyff not like I miss this game or anything haha...
I'll probably go back to Raiderz once I cap Flyff. not feeling this game at all desu, feels like I'm playnig a sologame with awful map navigation.
I want that level 40 in Raiderz
i am enjoying flyff for now but raiderz is an excellent game to fall back to if that changes
Yeah I have no idea what I'm doing in Flyff.
No clue where to go, what to do.
I kill, I move to next kill zone. When I can't find more kill zones I wander until I do.
I'm fine with games that lack structure but there's almost nothing except that achievement system. Examining the world map doesn't seem to help much either. It's very small on my screen and doesn't display any of the info I would like.
I never knew that Temple of Renas had sewer sludge on the ceiling. I should really read the story of this game.

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