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Previous thread: >>1113841
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Anchor post for semi-regular lobbies, just in case.
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Any upcoming lobbies?
Golem get ye gone!
I keep catching myself leaning forwards when games gets intense. The weight on the front of the head can't be doing my posture any favors.
you boys play jet island?
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>me scrolling through the steam recent vr releases list looking for a good game to play
Hosting Mechwarrior today >>1348171
Sorry, I only speak UTC.
And not on mumble.
Running SRB2 Kart VR on Monday at 8PM EST if anyone wants to do VR kart racing with anime girls and hippos. Download/update the game+mods from https://mega.nz/file/nhVzRa6b#kc8hWCA_NEgiJhx171DVaHkIcR310aGV7ojoWmtjKuA

You can join the server via the included .bat file
Lobby up
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Hosting Escape Simulator on Tuesday at 8PM EST
The game is on sale on Steam right now. Make sure to download the free DLC.
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Grow a spine, baldy.
He is not called Shillseeker for no reason. Stop pissing your pants.
lobby is up
Lobby up. Code is D7S6N
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>6gb download
Fuck off, retard. What are you even doing.
I remember downloading a whole whole game with that size during x360 era.

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