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Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aNCFfpIzZU8

Previous: >>1340663
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My Wife
>lighting up the caves
Good joke
Everyone here is miserable and I have a lot of fun playing with my friends.
post lobby doe
>There's also this fun tech with Scorching Tide. It can only use ammo that's currently in your tank, so if you're below 25 ammo in your tank, it will use whatever is left in your tank without losing any damage. You can even use it with one ammo left and still get a regular Scorching Tide shot!
Is this shit still unpatched? Awesome

Also stun or fear for triple chambers coilgun?
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what the fuck were they thinking? did they even playtest this shit?
Somone explain to me that stating the fact that you are the best player here makes everyone mad
stun's good for killing things
fear's good for scattering everything if you're panicking
this works with any weapon that has charged shots, but somehow it didn't cross my mind to do it with flamer yet
stun is a chance
fear is guaranteed
That's always been the case for every single weapon that consumes multiple ammo per shot. You can do it with the Sludge Pump and M1000 too.
>Also stun or fear for triple chambers coilgun?
Never take stun mod for any reason, it sucks, especially in comparison to fear mod
>wake up
>glyphids not making footstep sounds still isn't fixed
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I feel like I got a severe case of skill issues here kek lmao
But explain to me, why am I getting unpromoted (yes, Bronze ZERO) players (3 in a row) in my h5 2222 Sabotage lobby? Do they not see the Hazard and modifiers in the server browser?
pheromone bolts is such a meme because any bug you hit will immediately be nuked to hell by your team
>Odds: Continue my cock and balls torture in Sabotage 2222
>Evens: De-censor hentai
>0: calling it a night
why was the new thread made so early? is op a faggot?
>is op a faggot?
meaningless question
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>Pick mission
>Just about to go into loading
>Mission goes well, got some good players, about to start the final Caretaker fight
Cursed evening.
time to move on from windows 7
>crutch rifle
Dont waste a pheromone bolt on an enemy that has gotten close enough to be deemed a priority threat that needs to be focus fired.
You only ever really want to tag a praetorian or oppressor anyway since any single other priority bug is better for you to kill outright (warden, spreader, menace, etc) or you get less value from the pheromone effect since some enemies wont reliably retaliate to infighting (detonator, shellback, melee vs projectile/flying enemies)
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>Gunner level 666 joins
>Shield into a chamber (without any path to run back) with 2 Vartoks, 2 Spitballs, 1 Barrage
>While a stray wave is approaching
>With 2 Nexus and 1 Breeder still alive (that I'm blowing all my LOK and Hyper Props into it)
>Gunner fucking dies
>Anyway fast forward
>Busy setting up Turrets
>Turned around to see Gunner 1-pick mining the wall of Crystalline Cavern.
>Clear big wave
>Giant stray wave approaches
>Gunner fucking dies at the exact same spot as before
>Fast forward
>Both looking for the last Fossils
>Gunner shoots a Zipline straight up, like almost 90 degree
>Gunner also can slide Zipline that are horizontal, but I can't
So what's the deal? People can just use gameplay-altering mods regardless of the host's lobby? I can understand using cosmetics/sound mods but this shit is busted. No wonder why sometimes I play with Scunts who don't bother using their Flare Guns at all.
Yeah you can easily install any sandbox mod and turn into approved by moving and renaming the files/folders.
>>Gunner shoots a Zipline straight up, like almost 90 degree
>>Gunner also can slide Zipline that are horizontal, but I can't
can you really blame him
his tool is hyper cucked without mods
mintGODS keep winning
>literally 90% invulnerable to bugs panic button
nice joke
His other tool more than makes up for that.
Let's not pretend the gunner is a weak combat class cause his zipline doesn't let him fly anywhere he wants to.
yeah the 9% invulnerable 91% vulnerable to projectiles stairlift
you're the real joke
Let's not pretend the gunner is useful outside of NTP and TTC
I've topped kill counts without either so I don't know what your issue is.
>tool bad because I dont know how to use it
There is literally nothing wrong with using minor accessibility mods like zipline/brightness/aim assist/pick axe macros in a co-op PVE game like DRG.
UMC is better than TTC
>b-but TTC can take electric trail too!!!
And won't actually affect anything with its pathetic 0.3m radius
The game is completely designed around being dark. Downloading mods for easy mode is one thing but if it also makes you play scout and not use flares for your team, it makes you a huge faggot.
>Danger. Darkness. Dwarves.
>removing the darkness with mods is okay, I should also be allowed to remove the rest
150+ cm euro faggots arent welcome here.
That is not for your to decide.

I have spoken.
>implying the other panic button AKA shield doesn't exit
your team was bad then
tool bad because tool bad
it's not TTC so it's bad because it can't apply fear three times
>unironically quoting nu-wars slop
it practically doesn't since the only time anyone uses it is to resup or revive
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just because gunnigers doesn't use shield proactively to prevent downs and help his team instead of just for revives and get supplies without bugs attack from behind like everyone else doesn't mean that tool is shit
no one said shield was shit
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>Are we the baddies?
Inhumane? Damn right, we ain't bloody humans
you're bad
you're bad
you're bad
you're bad
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>black crag paintjob
>dark red
>dark green
>dark blue
why devs are like this?
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Hosting haz5, eu
they playtest the game on haz3, that's like making eyeglasses using rocks, don't expect any balance whatsoever on higher difficulties
>when ypipo join your lobby.gif
Not every OC needs to be playable on modded Haz7+++ difficulties, but the bad ones should at least be fun in some way.
It's been 10 minutes, we're launching and letting the randos in
Burst Fire sucks on every single difficultly though
Even on fucking haz1 it can't even 1 burst the single trijaw per mission lmao
The random 10% stun they slapped onto it really takes the cake.
The mag up at least makes a bit of sense in context of making it so you can always have a multiple of 3 rounds.
Its not that its bad on paper (or maybe it is, I ain't a super good math guy or theorycrafter) but is there really ANY GK2 overclock worth using except AI aim? Its so busted compared to everything else.

>you get insane +50% weakspot dmg none of the other overclocks increase it at all
>-1 damage lol whatever
>no spread at all, can ignore spread upgrade and take RoF
>no recoil, can ignore recoil upgrade and take magsize

Can even BoM compare with its damage and utility and cheapness? Randomized damage output and pure RoF surely are way worse too. If anything, all the other overclocks need buffs or AI aiming needs a big big nerf.
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>what I was expecting
>what I got was disappoint
Just about everything in the game procs BoM damage buff, despite what the tooltip says
If you take Battle Frenzy in tier 5, then you've practically given yourself AISE except not even needing to hit weakpoints
Gk2 on haz5/haz5+ is pretty shit without BoM or AISE
The other overclocks need to be buffed to suit,

GSG for some reason can't balance scout
Electrifying reload is perfectly fine on basic haz5.
Forgot about that one, still weak compared to the true powerhouse overclocks
You know the only reason it even has +2 damage is so it has an instant TTK on literally just Grunts and nothing else? Against every other enemy in the game it's a downgrade in terms of TTK and ammo efficiency. It's genuinely laughable how fucking bad this OC is.
AISE is a direct upgrade over base GK2 at all times whereas BoM is a conditional damage boost with a hefty mag size nerf at all times. If you're not a weak geriatric who suffers with clicking on giant glowing weakspots, AISE is just better than everything else.
if your chocolate is dark yellow idk i dont think you should be eating it
ER is for long range single target damage when you combo it with trifork with magnetic shaft. It's also one of the most ammo efficient weapons in the game, if a bit slow.
Is there a mod that makes teammates visible through terrain at all times? Or keep the class icon visible? Im tired of having to tap the laser pointer before shooting my aoe shit at a swarm if I'm not sure there might be a teammate close to it (and btfo them)
The GK2 is liquid dogshit in higher levels of play, it's an instant giveway that you are a noob. Just take m1k ?
Options, laser pointer to toggle, tap ctrl whenever there is a new dwarf or new object you want permanently highlighted.

All scout weapons are dogshit. The only loadout that actually says anything about you is cryo minelets, and what it says is "kick me now"
I can reliably attain half the damage a good gunner did with a good scout loadout

sounds like a personal issue to me
Fire on release feels bad. I don't care how effective it is.
they improved the input buffer just for ppl like you
Used it recently due to Randoweisser, still don't like it.
anyone wanna play DRG with me ?
>I can't aim so the AISE is shit
aren't you the retard who simultaneously says he plays haz 6x2 but can't carry shitters on haz5+?
>babysit on Haz4
>unpromoted scout activates corestone on his own, gets downed almost immediately and leaves
Many such cases
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>playing on H4
>join haz4 mining mission to do my daily
>host is russian but speaks english thank god
>other russian unpromoted player joins but the host is a good sport and guides him around
>core stone in 1st big room
>we got no nitra so we skip
>kursite grinder in next room, still no nitra
>swarm, all good
>have to go several rooms to find the nitra we need and go back for events
>during this time a scout joins, dies 1st swarm, leaves
>some time later 2nd scout joins before Corestone, dies during event, leaves
>me and the two russians press on
>3rd scout joins when we're in the final room, does jack shit and gets to reap the rewards of our struggle

I've also noticed a trend with unpromoted players with the newest DLC armor suck fucking ass, more so than anyone else. Helldivers migrants perhaps?
STFU nobody cares
>I've also noticed a trend with unpromoted players with the newest DLC armor suck fucking ass, more so than anyone else. Helldivers migrants perhaps?
nah, this happens every time a new armor dlc drops alongside a content update, it makes it really easy to tell who the FotM morons are
That's where most of the action is, really. If I limitd myself to Ha5+ only I would see too few lobbies on most missions and sometimes it's fun to show the ropes to unpromoted babies
h4 is unironically more difficult than h5, dipshit

think about it
lmao, triggered
unpromoted shitters swarm H5 too, especially whenever a new season drops
my dick is harder then yours, when you think about it
>my dick is harder then yours, when you think about it
mine is soft at the moment because ur mom just finished sucking me off
>wake up
>new patch
>but glyphid footsteps not making noise is still not fixed
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Kinda like the contrast paintjob on gunner, not so much on other classes.
yeah she complained you were done in 4 seconds, might explain why you only play H4
STFU nombody cares what your dwarf looks like
cool dwarf
I indeed care
not bad
platinum might fit the color scheme better for your gun
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core stone event should have a timer, its only fail condition rn is a team wipe
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>reinstall DRG to play new season
>notice the game is stuttering a lot
>notice that Shadowplay doesn't function properly and can't record more than 1 second at a time
>disable shadowplay which fixes the stuttering
>update gpu drivers which fixes shadowplay and stops the stuttering

>3 days later
>problem is back, game stuttering, shadowplay nonfunctional
>update drivers again
>fixes issue

>3 days later
>problem is back, game stuttering, shadowplay nonfunctional
>no drivers to update
>can't fix issue
There is nothing wrong with an event that just kills you for being bad at the game.
BET-C and the Tyrant Weed are good examples of such events, and the corestone can't be activated by accident.
At most the corespawn should stay within LoS of the stone to defend it, but without disabling ambient swarms so you cant cheese a mission by activating and then running.
>Fixed coilgun being inconsistent at shooting certain enemy weakpoints
cuckdog sisters... they took away our one and only advantage over the coilgun...
>using coilgun to snipe weakpoints
Yes, NTC Backfeeding Module is Volatile Bullets but actually fun
novideo momento
I have this issue too (RTX 4070), I used to think it was just Shadowplay being shitty and nonfunctional but OBS also crashes when recording DRG.
Interestingly both softwares record the game fine when running the game in windowed mode. I've heard DRG doesn't have a true exclusive fullscreen option, and the game is always technically windowed. I'm not sure how true that is though.
don't worry, they either a. didn't actually fix it or b. will break it again in the next few hotfixes and then ignore fixing it until 6 months down the line where the process will repeat
in short, bulldogchads stay winning
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>haz 3 to just finish an assignment
>cave complexity 1
>drill rig lands below level geometry, have to dig out, every room is cramped and vertical

yeah my ass
tried safe mode?
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Directly above the egg in the spawn room, so I just pop it and run back to spawn and the dumb ass hiveguard digs in random directions for 15 minutes.
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Let's see those Weapon Maintenance progress screens, miners
Already got them all, fake fan.
>Volatile Bullets but actually fun
>30% extra damage is more fun than 300% extra damage
have fun tickling praetorians and bulks I guess
still waiting for someone to make a cool outfit with the nerf gun skin
Which one?
white/blue/orange weapon skin
Extra damage + big explosion > extra damage
simple as
how does NTC work with re-atomizer overclock?
I tried every combination of DX11, DX12 and safe mode launch options, as well as windowed, windowed fullscreen and real fullscreen, toggling nvidia reflex on and off, vsync on and off, nothing worked.
Then I tried simply reinstalling the latest driver I already had, which actually fixed the problem. I'll just have to wait and see how long it takes before it breaks again.
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never going to complete boomstick and bulldog, those weapons basically don't exist to me
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Almost there.
enable desktop capture
use the Studio Driver instead of the Game Ready Driver
download RTSS Rivatuner Statistics Server from guru3d and install it, set your framerate and scanline to 60/120/144 whatever refresh rate you're using
disable in-game vsync, disable vsync for drg at 3D settings (nvidia control panel), I'm using dx12 with nvidia reflex set to enabled + boost in the game settings
download and install MSI Afterburner, go to settings > "on-screen display" tab > assign a key to "show on-screen display" > navigate to "monitoring" tab and make sure "frametime" is enabled

boot up drg, activate the on-screen display and your frametime graph in-game should appear as a flat line which means you have no stutter, if it doesn't then you either have a process eating up your resources or it's a hardware problem
btw the line should appear perfectly flat, if you have any bumps whatsoever that means microstutter, the only way I know to achieve that perfectly flat line on any game is by using Rivatuner
thanks for the suggestion of using a studio driver, didn't know that was a thing. I'll try it if it stops working again.
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for me it's sukov and brrap
>CWC higher than EPC
TCFlets lmao
for sukov I like gas recycling 12131 with marked for death 12223
brrap I like lead spray 13232 with either carpet bomber 32212 or composite drums 32222 (with resupplier instead of born ready)

the boomstick is too boring for me, I couldn't come up with ANY even remotely decent build for the bulldog but I'm open for suggestions
magic bullets but it's overshadowed by hellfire now
volatile bullets
elephant/six shooter/homebrew for weakpoint destroyer

boomstick for special powder
Toss pheromone at more bugs 2 swarm.
Walk up and click once with your double barrel.
Receive 20 kills.
I haven't played plasma missiles since season 3, I'll see if they actually fixed the terrain collision
TFC is useless if you're playing exclusively with decent teammates, you're much more effective with the cooker on a temp shock build (tuned cooler 31222 with mega power supply 12213) or a dot build (hydrogen ion additive 32211 with gamma contamination 22111)
I use a 23131 Compact Mags BRT with the Thunderhead and Hurricane so I never have to stop firing.
TCFlet cope lmao
>using temp shock cooker on cryo
mayne these gear arguments are so funny

hello shitter

by the way why so little players play 2222 ? Sometimes i look in server browsers for funsies and theres barely anyone playing. Yet ppl regularly brag about playing 2222
>Yet ppl regularly brag about playing 2222
From the previous to this thread, I have only seen people who suffered in 2222. Where did you see people bragging about it?
did they actually add an entry for bha barnacles? all I'm seeing is a blank entry in bestiary
maybe you have to kill one again to see it?
2222 is a fucking chore
aggressive enemies and more enemies are fine but why the fuck would you increase player vulnerability or fuck up breakpoints?
hey don't fucking blame me i said it was made like shit from day 1, i'm not playing 2222 lel
you're right, I forgot this is how it works
guess I just didn't have any map with barnacles today
rivals (elves) were behind the rock pox
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>Toughness 2 casually spawns 5 Praetorians for 1 player
you quintuple nigger game god damn they ate all 6 Hyper Props and 3 of them were still alive
Did they fix Fire Hyper Prop? Was I dealing around 200 damage instead of 400?
>electric platforms
>single target laser
now this is engineer gaming
>Did they fix Fire Hyper Prop?
yes, it halves your damage
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fuck i hope they change it to 33% later
Hyperprop is not allowed to be good because it's overpowered on haz 2
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Similiar thing happened to me today.

>short mining mission
>clear the starting room of nitra, head down
>no mobs on the first tunnels, odd
>hear Warden sounds
>turn a corner and see 5 praetorians + the Warden
>the thick green bastards were surrounding the purple weakspot of the warden so it took me some time to get em separated in the small tunnel

>also only dlc not on sale
why tho
It's the newest, they've done this before when they release a DLC around the time of a sale.
>Did they fix Fire Hyper Prop?
a long time ago
>he doesn't know
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>I'm gonna temp shock this enemy that's currently taking triple damage from everything so I can deal a flat 200 damage, thaw it out and let it start attacking again
Why are Cryo mains so fucking dumb?
as if "maining" a dwarf wasn't enough typical shitter behavior
Haz5+8 as Driller with anything other than cryo cooker is impossible, and anyone saying otherwise has a certified Haz3 take.
>he lacks information
boiler ray is better on cryo
>modded tranny
>modded out of nowhere
>trannies out of nowhere
Hazlet sissy, this ain't a good look for you
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Is there a way to skip or auto-complete assignments through mods / cheats / save editing? Between weekly cores, seasonal events and dwarf promotions, it feels like I never get to play the missions I actually want.

I play all dwarves around the same, so it's especially ass when they're all ready to promote and I have to grind through 16 consecutive assignment missions.
There's actually losers out there that play this game without friends
It's me. I'm that loser.
it's a small explosion that requires you actively go out of your way to cause it instead of just letting something die to fire a second later
not well
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there's no need to be mean bro
nvm, found a way to access the cheat terminal on a vanilla save
did they add AoE to web spitters? I'm getting sniped so hard it's insane
yeah web spitters have a fucking massive AoE, not even acid spitters have that AoE fucking hell gsg
Wanna play with me and my friends?
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Can someone hook me up with the DRG driller edit of this please? I've seen it in the past but can't find it again.
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Thanks, didn't know about this one. The one I had in mind was the one that puts driller's helmet on him.
>frame-1 host disconnect every time a mission completes
i hate the new community
>I never get to play the missions I actually want.
Have you tried selecting a mission you want and starting it?
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xynarch charge-sucker... on penis...
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any theories on how the story will continue?
We got to go deeper
I just wonder if I'll be sick of the eldritch skullmonkeys when they inevitably make season 6 continue to be about them, like how I was sick of robots by season 2, or rockpox by season 3.
>dig too deep
>pay a terrible price
>continue digging deeper
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wowee finally
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this but the rail surfer achievement
that can at least be done solo
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We already have a rough sketch of Rogue Core story on the store page
>core stones? nah bro lets call it expenite (more like ex-penis-ite)
>dig deeper
>uh where'd the deep miners go
>oh well while they're doing their thing down there, why not continue doing ours and- OH SHIT THE *whatever boring bullshit they cook up for next season* IS ON THE RADAR
That's the best case scenario, hope we don't get "last season 2: electric boogalo" for the 3rd time, I hope they learned that repeating season themes is boring
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Given what we know of rogue core, the most we can expect is to be the ones setting up the deep mining sites that are eventually going to be going dark.
They absolutely are going to be repeating the theme but the advantage we have now is that they haven't been shoving it down our throats so it'll be hard to get tired of it. Literally all of the season event is quarantined into an easily avoidable pillar of rock. It will appear in your assignments but it doesn't demand your attention like literally every season events before it
>no warning like rival presence or lithophage outbreak spamming the mission select because there's +3 of it so people can do the daily challenge
>no mission associated with it so its not in assignment/deep dives like sabotage
>cant activate it by accident like the prospector
>doesn't shit up the cave like meteors and corruptor
Literally the only seasonal event or objective that wasn't obnoxiously intrusive is the fucking comms router and thats really fucking sad since it basically cannot be failed since there are virtually no bugs and is mostly just an exercise in scout doing an amogus task for 20 seconds.
scout with warthog would be peak
cute noob
> we can expect is to be the ones setting up the deep mining sites
We're the recovery team, not pioneers. From the store page:
>Deep Rock Galactic immediately sets up covert mining operations deeper than ever, to harvest [expenite].
>But without warning, all the dig sites go dark, and all contact is abruptly lost.
>[...] you'll join a team of elite dwarven Reclaimers called to planet Hoxxes IV to deal with the situation.

>They absolutely are going to be repeating the theme
Can't a man dream? Good points about it being less of a cancer however, hope they don't fuck it up next time
>Season 6
>Deep Core enemies have begun making their way to the upper levels of Hoxxes
>Introducing: Crawler Exploder, Crawler Brute, Crawler Hurler
>can't activate it by accident like the prospector
*bronze 0 scouts in your path*
I'm tired of randos, particularly scouts, not actively looking for valuable minerals during downtime in the mission. Everybody always speedruns to the end. I like clicking on bugs, but I like mining, too. So I am usually forced to play scout or driller to get more goodies while the others rush ahead.
>Season 6
Bad news miners, our efforts to fight the rockpox apparently did not eradicate it like we first thought - they merely pushed it deeper.
Reports of rockpox infected core stones have been verified, and have mutated the disease even further. The infection now renders its victims immune to all forms of stun, fear and electricity.
>We're the recovery team, not pioneers.
Yes, the Reclaimers are the playable dwarves in rogue core, but the dig sites don't just grow on Hoxxes naturally. Someone had to set that shit up, most of the time DRG is content to just jettison a pod with materials into the planet for a team to set up shop, we had had first hand experience with that in on site refinery, but there are other instances of that with things like the OMEN
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Drak is gross and crossbows are for leaf lovers.
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need a good cry canon build
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this is mine
it just werks
season 6 is when you will finally get to spend all those error cubes
sadly don't have this OC
i dont think this happened
i always see scouts mining worthless gold spamcalling the mule back so they can deposit 100 goycoins into it instead of zipping to it and zipping back
well go git it then
promotions give OCs now, you have no excuses left
thanks for nothing then, such an annoying system
there's only one crycannon build
>t1 personal pref, it really doesn't matter
>t2 ammo
>t3 recharge
>t4 ammo
>t5 radiance
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>0% Success rate on Sabotage 2222 after 10 attempts or so
The closest I got was down to about 150 Caretaker HP, but a Gunner had to use a Lead Burster in close proximity.
t1 whatever
t2 range or ammo
t3 firerate
t4 ammo
t5 whatever, maybe radiance

colette wave cooker with boiler array t5
spear 33232
Ah, you meant in DRG. Yeah, maybe.
You don’t even own all the mods yet. Why are you giving advice?
Sabotage fucking sucks, but I wouldn't even throw a leadburster on Player Vulnerability 2 without shielding the team.
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Alright alright
is this better?
Now you have access to another paint job as well.
Make sure to do the same with the armor upgrades since that gives you more max hp
Post lobbies god dammit
whenever I post one nobody joins
>shield team
>throw leadburster
>leadburster bounces off the dome of a grunt that zoomed right in front of you
>lands inside the shield
A grunt blocking the shield is actually more likely, I tend to sprint jump when throwing grenades.
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[Screams externally]
>not 69,420
ya blew it
Don't use Tuned Cooler or T3B. What you need to understand is that the entire Cryo Cannon rides and dies on Cold Radiance. You literally aren't using the gun correctly if you aren't constantly abusing it. It's a 60 cold-per-second aura around your dwarf in a 4m radius. For comparison, the Cryo's base cold p/s is only 8. 60 Cold is enough to instantly freeze Grunt Guards and everything below. It grants extremely good safety and lets you freeze HVTs much faster than just using the Cryo's own stream.
The problem is that Radiance only ticks once per second, so if you run options that increase your flow rate (firing speed) you're just wasting ammo between radiance procs.

TLDR; avoid options that increase flow rate, just run Radiance and hug bugs until they freeze instantly
I don't like that. Seems like a very stupid and janky way to play.
>the Cryo's base cold p/s is only 8.
just checked the wiki, it's 8 cold per damage, not per second. Standard flow rate is 8 ticks of damage per second, i.e. 64 cold per second. Increased flow rate makes this 76.8/s
I just had a player level 600 something engineer, die like 2 times during point extraction. All I saw him do was walk around and gather like 0.4 nitra off the wall, that I had left when mining... Like what the fuck. Are these people actually braindead. Also he died while trying to get to drop pod . And then proceeded to pretty much rage quit.

because you don't post the lobby name
the code doesn't work consistently anymore
Tuned Cooler is fine now if you're running fragile + range for some godforsaken reason, plus it just got a buff/fix so it starts up faster
Half the people who play this game are high
Scout is the only dwarf I have to choose between having fun and being useful, can't have both with this dwarf.
>choose useful primary
>choose fun secondary
>every other dwarf: fun and useful primary and secondary
>can still mine and use the flaregun regardless of layout
Still useful, AND fun.
t. hoverclock and special powder chad
>elite cotton picker
>fun or useful
scotty a shitty
STFU bugclicker
fungus bogus
hallow bought
assblasted corridors
tranny exclusion zone
bungus fogs
fungus abogus
salty pits
Best guns and best overclocks and best grandes?
my favorites :)
smegma bore
facial strata
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123 flare gun users on the left
222 flare gun users on the right
122 flare gun users
I always thought the dwarves say
>sometimes I wonder if mining is older than life
I turned on subtitles the other day and it's apparently
>if mining is all there is to life
Try dx11
Dx12 sucks dick when devs don't implement shader compilation
Can coilgun even kill hz5 4p macteras? If triple chambers can I might swap
DX12 is smooth as butter on GNU+Linux
dx12 is great as long as you don't mind it crashing your nasa-tier gamer station
>do PGL weapon maintenance
>use RJ250
>do okay, but had one game where I just ate shit
>use fat boy
>speedrun a caretaker fight followed by 2 missions with 600 kills
none of those missions was Point Extraction, right?
tfw you kick, ipban and hwid ban the shitter not letting the driller do his job during refining and the shitter goes on to make another thread asking devs to get rid of server kicks/bans
The mission that I failed with the RJ250 was point extract. There were too many swarmer eggs and I ran out of ammo cause we had 0 nitra for about over 5 minutes (we had a scout).
tfw you hate niggers
>Tuned Cooler is fine now if you're running fragile + range for some godforsaken reason, plus it just got a buff/fix so it starts up faster
If you're running a Tuned Cooler without Cold Radiance meme build and can stomach the long chargeup, you might as well take extra freezing power in tier 1. There's some autistic math behind this, but 10 freezing power gives a decent improvement to freezing speed and ammo efficiency over 9 freezing power, due to most bugs' freezing temps being multiples of 10.
I tried DX12 once and the only difference I noticed was that the barrel hoop was completely borked and would sometimes continue moving through the wall and then teleport back
Why are there two different game launch options (DX11 and 12) anyway, if they both also have a switch in game options for enabling DirectX 12? What's the difference?

I've switched to the DX11 version in launch options and so far I've only noticed that my mods don't show in the mods tab (but they still work).
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>a switch in game options for enabling DirectX 12?
I think that requires a restart anyway
So the first option (Play DRG) launches the game with the previous setting, while the other two changes it before launch so you don't need to enter the game, change a setting, then restart.
>you might as well take extra freezing power in tier 1
yeah that's what I was implying, my bad
>10 freezing power gives a decent improvement to freezing speed and ammo efficiency over 9 freezing power, due to most bugs' freezing temps being multiples of 10.
is this not common knowledge?
fat boy is absurly good, but people hate on it.

use it well and on the right missions
I hate the fat boy so goddamn much
>the drop pod still, to this day, has a bunch of invisible walls around it when it lands, preventing you from jumping over literally nothing when trying to enter the pod, when it inevitably drops in facing a wall
this isn't hard to fix, why don't they
>is this not common knowledge?
I guess. Anon was asking for a build, so now's a good time to restate it.
Common knowledge is to pick Cold Radiance and disregard flow rate and freezing power upgrades/OCs due to how it works and how powerful it is.
I have no idea how well Fragile works after the fix, nor how much a difference 10 freezing power really makes in such a case. It's a niche build at best.
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doesn't this only help your ammo economy if you're able to stop firing on the immediate tick that the bug freezes?
Yeah, you'd need to allow your muscle memory some time to adjust to the new freezing times. And in my experience, you're usually timing your button presses to cold aura pulses anyway, which only happen once a second, and contribute a lot to the freezing process.
Also, the frost patches on the ground also add some extra freezing, so freezing times are not very consistent.
This is well in the realm of theorycrafting, and I think freezing power is generally not worth it due to the upgrades you're giving up in exchange, and is only likely to make a difference on large and/or airborne enemies when you're using Fragile, which is what your build is weak against.
but it's the same thing???
>t. the crying bald man
>engi with fatboy on salvage
>keeps nuking the team
>even with elemental insulation the rad tick dmg is unbearable
>everyone wipes
>get back to lobby
>"wow those stingtails are OP"
>call him a dumb nigger and leave
>>"wow those stingtails are OP"
lmao based retard
what ? can you rephrase that please ?
not him but it's a very noticeable issue if you've spent any time trying to get around the outside of the drop pod waiting for molly or trying to access the deposit slots.
NTA but the issue he's talking about is when a drop pod lands in an enclosed area, it carves very little terrain around it and you get blocked trying to walk around it due to awkward drop pod collision boxes. It looks like there should be just enough room for a dwarf to squeeze through, but you can't, and jumping doesn't help either. You have to dig in the walls to get through. It's super annoying.
ah yeah all right. yeah, shitter problems, forgot about that.

honnestly they are not so bad since they allow to do all kinds of skips and go though walls on the drop pod, so i'm happy the way the drop pod is right now.

these utterly useless devs should bother fixing the fucking mule first.
you forgot your trip
>they allow to do all kinds of skips
there's literally 1 (one) skip associated with it, and it's not even consistent
>complaining about the mule
it works as intended, i.e. perfectly fine. talk about being a shitter
i can think of 3 skips that use the droppod shitty meshes on top of my head
they all do the same thing in the same amount of time with the same method, it's 1 skip
eh, i'm interested. Tell me about it.

also i just though of one that was a variation that's only doable on scout, so technically 4.
Nucleationpill me, /drg/. How do you use the new cryo OC effectively?
I don't see the value. It makes big targets easier to freeze, but the ice spikes kill my grunts. I'm using a casual build with Energy Rerouting TCF as a power mining tool to cope with randoms who speedrun and miss minerals because they've got places to be and the idea of extracting maximum value from a mission confuses and angers them. I rely on my drills to deal damage and I need the constant dopamine release from hearing multiple overlapping Vampire trigger sounds that go really loud and drown out any faggot exploders near me. This build struggles to kill things fast, but it lets me keep my sanity. It doesn't feel good when the spikes finish bugs off for me. And the ammo penalty sucks.
brute force mashing your face into specific spots of the shitty collision until you clip through, dependent on frame dips and/or ping
the scout method is abusing the way the grapple hook holds you in place
point being that while I enjoy sequence breaks, the shitty collision shouldn't stay to cater to exploiters
you use it like sticky flames, only you try to place ice under big targets instead of in front of them, since that prevents them from breaking
well done ! That's one (1) of 4 i had in mind !

ANd not even the best one at that !
no that's all 4 of them you esl nigger
Damn, whose idea was it to make higher promotions cost more resources? They've started becoming really expensive around Silver 2. I've wanted to buy everything in the game and now, at level ~230, I finally got all overclocks, all weapon mods, and just finished buying out the entire cosmetics store it helps that seasonal items got shoved back into their respective battle passes. I only have a couple dozen matrix core cosmetics left, but money is becoming really tight right now. At least I'm most of the way there, even if it was stupid of me to not go for store cosmetics last now that I have phazyonite I can't use.
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>Silver 2
I cant stand drillers that dont do pipes as fast as possible. Build the pipes you fucking monkey, I want to transport the nitra I have on me as fast as possible.
sure it's some other class's fault that driller is too busy jerking off over his tism tunnels to run the pipes with him.
if a pipe can be run in less time than it takes for him to finish huffing glue, his tunnel wasn't necessary in the first place, at that point he just wants to feel like he matters instead of doing general landscaping which is significantly more valuable to the team.
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finally all red
individualized promotion numbers was a mistake, the entire incentive to grinding scout to red 3 was making it seem like I actually played scout, now everyone sees the big fat 1 and knows it's a lie
>elite deep dive with greenbeards
>driller doesn't know how to dig
>whole team gets lost
>cave glitches out and now every hole is closed
>scout makes it to the dp while I kite around
>final stage
>they trigger the dread before clearing out the caves
>it's twins
>driller destroys every pillar which means no cover
>every mob on the level coming to the spawn
>menace, spreader, bomber, stingtail and two breeders to top it all off
>they're all down within minutes
>kite around until the arbalest inevitably oneshots me

greenbeards are the only real hazard in this game
There was a mod before that did the same thing anyway. We knew. :^)
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it should be 39, drg completionist hasn't been updated
they changed the name of turret arc and how it works right?
It retains the same turret arc functionality as before but they added the ability to place electric onion rings on plats. I actually never electrify my turrets, the rings alone are carrying the OC and the stubby as a whole.
Do people in this thread play together?
Arcing turrets is stupid because it still does FF while discharge does a fuckhuge AoE that doesn't even do self damage.
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Whenever based pw: rage bro makes a server we rarely get a full house. IMO most posters are scared to play with anons because a bunch of them talk big on the thread but are actually Silver-Gold hazlet shitters who can't handle even vanilla haz 5 even though in actual games as long as you're not griefing literally no one gives a shit how bad you are and as a sweaty 2000+ hours no life dumbshit that's sunk way too much of my finite time into this game I like when people are shit because it makes the game funner (it's neat to be on a team where everyone is competent to amazing but it is excruciatingly boring due to how easy this game is).

Once the new season FOMOers fuck off and there's no seasonal event going on the player base is small enough that if you play consistently enough you will run into other anons.
There's one that can be done as the doors open, effectively a teleport, using the ramp

But the one that i had in mind is a midair graple as the pod crushes you, that allows you to grappe inside the drill part multiple times and get inside. The way you do it as scout or with the other classes is different
>the scout method is abusing the way the grapple hook holds you in place
No you are midair while the pod lands on you, as in still going zooming forward

Not standing still midair
it's the same damn thing, nothing can move you while you're grappling
>ITT: There are 5 ways of drinking water
>holding the glass with your index finger and thumb
>holding the glass with your middle finger and thumb
>holding the glass with your ring finger and thumb
>holding the glass with your little finger and thumb
>holding the glass with all your fingers and thumb
>"uh ackshully there are 6 ways cuz you can hold it with both your hands"
You guys argue about the dumbest shit.
>he doesn't just use a straw
You clearly have plenty, considering the massive strawman you just built
And you clearly suck a lot of dick if you're able to suck anything through a piece of straw.
>not using your hand as a bowl
>not licking the water uo from a pond
>not sucking the water up from a pond
>not drinking from a bottle
>not drinking from a tap
>not turning your head up and opening your mouth when it's raining
>eating ice cubes and waiting for them to melt in your mouth
>intravenous hydration
>swapping spit with your sister
I like mulching bugs and mining rocks
When I was a greenbeard trying out base Hurricane for the first time, I hated it, then tolerated it with JFH and Salvo Module, then loved it with PBM and Cluster Charges.
But coming back to the basic weapon hundreds of hours later, with just Fragmentation Missiles and a full AoE+stun build... I've realized it actually fucks.
Yeah it's pretty good at holding chokes with the AoE Stun. Wish its Fire upgrade wasn't T5
Anyone play with r.fog=0?
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>1 Success after a string of 6 Fails
It probably would have also been a Failure if not for the Critical Weakness.
>seeing the cave extend off into unrendered void
no it looks like ass
>two dead dwarves
You didn't beat the mission.

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