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Busy playing The Last Descendant

>What is Lost Ark
A pay-to-win MMOARPG set in a grindy, gatekeeping world with bad designed fights where the mistake of one player wipes the whole raid and wastes the 20 minutes of progress you had, that times 18 raids you must do every week to stay relevant.

How alive is the game?
Dead. Check steamdb, half of those are bots and half of that are on your region.

Who is left playing the game?
Gambling addicts who are weak willed and heavily sunk cost to leave at this point aka mazies. They are in too deep they are beyond saving.

How much p2w is this game?
Not a single player can progress in this game unless someone whether it's you or someone else pays real money for their accessories/build through a currency called pheons.

Is the game censored?
Yes, skins are censored, multiple instances of race swapping NPCs and the shadowhunter class.


>In-game Chat
Make an alt on the server of the chat owner, send a mail saying you want to join and include the name of your main, if its still alive.

NAE: Lerynsere on Balthorr
EUC: Daddypump on Ratik

NAE: Touchfluffytail on Balthorr, password is fluff
EU: Handholding on Ratik, password is mods

Previous: >>1352907
3 hours and 41 minutes to clear
it's piss easy bros
i quit the game, what raid are you talking about? the kurzan one?
probably the new one that's just come out in KR (and it doesn't matter that it's easy btw, the damage done by thaemine and then echidna's dps checks is irreversible)
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>The new raid is somehow even more cancerous than Themine
Why do gooks keeping eating up this shit?
raidniggers man, i keep telling yall but you ignore me, only to be proven right again and again.
missionary, mating press, amazon, missionary, doggy
Give me Zeherade and Nineveh. Ebony and Ivory.
Mating press with eye contact with all of them, force the knife ears to watch in the corner and diddle herself.
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>NAE: Lerynsere on Balthorr
>EUC: Daddypump on Ratik
The slut who's hungry for cum, give discord
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Maybe later.
Don't worry, they promised each T4 raid would be harder than the last. Remember, we have Thaemine Varkan and Kazeros to deal with. High hopes for them.
T4 mats will be scarce so you should push 1660 before going to T4
post it on erome so we can all enjoy, bwo
Maybe now, whore
uhhh, where's our free swimsuit?
AGS LIED?? :shocked_face:
wat. did they quit?
about wat?
why do women like playing loli characters so much
Daddypump quit because Thaemine was too easy dunno bout bardsissy
nyo..even our mazies....
they're all coming back for t4 though right?
hey whats a good price to pay for a legendary selector? i paid 15k and i wonder if i fucked myself or not
all my friends came back for aegir
Post sluts
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your character is like 8k and the npcs are 240p. i get that lost ark devs prioritized the right thing, but god damn i wish they would have balanced quality a litle bit more.
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Which skin to get cameltoe?
This skin is too slutty.
>AGS actually giving out 2 free skins
I will suck your dick, join me on vrchat.
It's bordering on porn game
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>which for cameltoe
ultimate cumbunny
How did they get away with this
i love mages i love mages i love mages i love mages i love mages i love mages i love mages i love mages i love mages i love mages i love mages i love mages
If you clip into the wall they have nipple textures too.
The Hal men... are coming...
Weren't we supposed to get bonus materials from solo raids? Nothing changed besides apparently the supporter buff got fixed whilst back attack is still broken.
you exchange clear medals for stuff in the blue shop
What is with the low post quality in this bread? Are we being trolled by mentally ill xivvies?
sera came back
Who is that? And this general is buried in the corner so nobody who came back would ever find it, so they never left.
a blacked shitposter from years ago
blackedposters never left
The difference is more because this scene takes place on the first continent in the story. SG already has a bunch of generic Luterra NPC models made years ago. They're not going to pump out some new ones to be seen only in a brief rapport cutscene.
It's not about prioritizing, SG simply didn't have the same modeling capability 5 years ago. You can see a difference even on player characters with old skins and the old hairstyles.
This is going to be a constant issue whenever they release new content involving any characters from the earlier parts of the game. That's why they recently updated the models for several story-relevant NPCs.
spadesisters never die
They're called Hal ho(l)es
theres no excuse, that looks like shit. they look like ps3 models and animated like ps2. when i look at a game like the last descendant and look at that crisp ass animation and then i look at this sad sloppy lost ark animation shit i feel sad
Post spade sisters
xhe showed up last thread
cute face
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You were supposed to ignore (x)her and pretend you haven't been here since launch.
wtf who is the sexy and breedable womxn?
ded gaem
That compensation package is massive. They must've REALLY fucked up.
compensate my penis with another summer skin
The game is up!
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nigga i was told we was getting 2 free skins. where they at?
il get on my knees for you right now instead
next week
Give discord and i'll cum in your dumb mouth
thread is sooooo dead...
Solo raids and gold nerfs killed the game for them mid player and mazies alts. Solo raids give no gold and take just as long to run x18. Easy gold raids like brel got nerfed so now we have to play shit show raids like Akkan.
mazie alts are all 1620+ lol
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my main is at 1540 and will never spend a single gold to honne
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Why are you whores so bbc coded?
only the spadesisters can save the game now...
they're too busy playing the new ffxiv expansion
Um nyo were in GW2 now, we got bikinis
hot, post your gw2 slut
Post more
>Mari, Nia
How did this artist turn a proud hag fag into an enjoyer of a different kind.

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