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File: Krilalaris.png (1.93 MB, 2137x2313)
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>Post old OJ art next thread.
Best I can do is 2 months old.
You have failed me.
Cute Krila though.
Now someone make a damn lobby.
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Krila thread.
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Saki is the cutest!
Yeah, we know sjamsjam. You've been at this for like 9 years.
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Sham is my wife!
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>2020 is considered old OJ art now
I know, right?
2020 was entire high school education ago.
And? OJ came out 10 years ago, 2020 art is hardly considered old in the grand scheme of things.
QP and Syura are now adults who have to contend with the modern job market
Just imagine how big their boobs are now
I remember old art from Hind that had QP with huge tits but I can't find it anymore.
Taking a nude photo of QP and Syura on their birthdays every year to document their growth!
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That reminds me of my old OJ koikatsu cards. I experimented with that idea once.
Not like he ever stopped drawing her like that
That's a good point, but still.

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