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Sonic Robo Blast 2 Kart and Dr. Robotnik's Ring Racers are standalone mods of a mod based on the Doom Legacy engine, turning the game into a kart racer similar to Super Mario Kart. Both games are lightweight and can run on most modern PCs.
Use this thread to start netgames, join other anons, give help/tips, spritework, modding, feedback, etc.

>How to Play (SRB2K)
Follow the guide here: https://kartinvidya.me/guide/#before-installing/
Compiling help for Linuxfags: https://wiki.srb2.org/wiki/Source_code_compiling/Makefiles#Compiling_on_Linux

>How to Play (DRRR)
Download/compile the game here: https://github.com/KartKrewDev/RingRacers
Make sure to unlock almost all of the important content, including multiplayer, with the included PASSWORDS.txt file.

>Do we have a /v/ server?
For SRB2K, yes! We're running a modified executable that allows for 256 characters and up to 32 racers, along with a large quantity of QoL improvements. The guide should link to the custom client, but in case you missed it, download the latest release here:

>What happened to the mods MEGA folder?
No need for it! Since we have upgraded to a new server with faster in-game downloader!

>Joining a server
1. From the title screen, go to 'Multiplayer'
2. 'Internet Server Browser...'
3. 'Specify IPV4 Address...' and manually enter the server IP
>OK OK, faggot, what's the IP for the /v/ server?
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>SERVER STATUS SITE / LICENSES / SCOREBOARD / CYTUBE / discord circlejerk server


>/vm/ SRB2Kart protips

>DRRR manual

>Anon's Beginner's Guide:
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Q5oU5Lsy5PQHonDekMo2ThVvGgT1AkfYSFj-D1ac1iM/edit?usp=sharing (Long Version)

https://docs.google.com/document/d/1OkbSNPNmefnr6qcvlQSaNukEsODmcOIhIVwobp_6iBI/edit?usp=sharing (Short Version)

Time it takes to charge a drift spark for each stat if you care about that nerd shit. The Google doc does not take the spark rate buff in the US and EU servers into consideration.

>How do I clip replays and share them?
Go into the Replay Hut/Egg TV (Title Screen -> Extras -> Replay Hut/Egg TV), select your desired replay and record whatever you want with OBS.
To convert the video into a WebM, use: https://github.com/argorar/WebMConverter
Make sure the file is less than 4 MBs if you plan on uploading it to 4chan.

Previous Thread: >>1325207
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fresh reel for the fresh bread
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2nd for fucking lmao at the state of ring racers
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To be fair, kart is basically dead too.
Also if I had to make a guess, most people probably got burnt out from how little mods can be made for the game thanks to so much shit being hidden from lua and the obvious dickheaded game design moments that they refuse to budge on because they're stubborn elitists.
Things will probably get better if more shit ever gets exposed or if Noire could just fucking come out already, but until then yeah, not much can be done.
>kart is basically dead too
we have twice the population of ring racers despite being an unknown backwater back alley secret 4chan group AND games daily, what the fuck are you smoking
I mean yeah, but you were posting a public server list, as in people who don't run a non vanilla compatible exe in a funny 4chan cool kids club in a bubble away from everyone else. I am only going by your example.
exactly its a favourable comparison to ring racers and its still getting completely destroyed
>To be fair, kart is basically dead too
Sunflower is active every day and for long periods of time at that.

Ring Racers is not pulling in new players because funnily enough the game is even more obtuse than kart ever was. Lobbies are half players not knowing what the fuck they're doing at all and the other half being the most heinous exploit-abusers niggers known to man. It all comes down to bagging in one way or another and everyone has started to realize it's not worth sticking around for funny moments when the game is lame as shit or a buggy mess 90% of the time.
Ring Racers has no future unless someone heavily mods the shit out of it. And even then those who know better would rather just play kart modded because it's by far the better game.
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Fuck she looks like she takes semen in her fertile ovaries
Any popular au/pacific kart servers for neptune?
>Charyb acts defensive as shit about RR
>game confuses people because of weird , oddly spiteful mechanics
>bagging has no downsides, turning multiplayer into a don’t actually play the game contest
>Charyb leaves the SRB2 community this week
5 years for behavior like that, huh. Fine, it’s up to Nepdisk to save us now I guess.

LMAO, the absolute state
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>charyb's actually leaving the dev team
I-is the game slowly healing? Now we just need a huge tutorial rework. Oh, Vector and Beat (without using mods) would be nice as well.
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The game is too far gone to heal.
Kike Krew isn't going to admit 90% of their new additions are just annoyances stapled onto SRB2K that would be better if totally removed and the smart modders know that layering on more prominent features (like acrobatics or chaos drives or hp mod) would push the game into HarryPotterObamaSonic10Inu sequel territory.
>Kike Krew isn't going to admit 90% of their new additions are just annoyances stapled onto SRB2K
But they're not.
>Charyb leaves the SRB2 community this week
I would say "good riddance" but the Sealed Stars were kino
Slay them sister
any RACERS want to RACE in the RACING game?
5/30 niggas watching sissyphus push the boulder up the hill
sissy fister has opened his boulder to the public
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I don't know why you guys act so surprised that Charyb got defensive. Obviously it was the wrong reaction but if I released a 5 year long project and was met with a bunch of underage retards who don't understand what the game is trying to do screeching about how it's not exactly like the last game, I'd probably react poorly too.
Slaaaay them sister
The discord server gave out the password to skip the tutorial within hours release, then the tutorial itself was patched a couple days later. The rest of the team probably lit a fire under Charyb's ass in their private dev channel.
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The people complaining about the tutorial were right. Cope about it as much as you want but it doesn't change the fact that the circlejerk dev team, who approved shit like tumble and hitstun on everything with no off toggle, felt the need to built in multiple ways to bypass it on 1.0 release is the definitive proof of this.
I'm sure they did. Again, I'm not saying Charyb's reaction was good. It was understandable, but not good. The tutorial has a fucking ton of legitimate issues but there are also a bunch of people (i.e. >>1375036) who confuse "What this game is trying to do isn't for me" with "This game is failing at what it's doing", and having sort out the actual criticism from the "WHY ISN'T IT JUST SRB2KART 2" screeching would drive me fucking insane.
>who confuse "What this game is trying to do isn't for me" with "This game is failing at what it's doing"
There was a tournament won by competitive sandbagging, the game objectively fails at being a racing game.
now that charyb is gone. ring racers can go straight back into development since this shit is just a beta test with missing features and characters.

like did they have a gun to their head to push this game out
They've been developing under closed doors for so long that they eventually wanted to do a "feature freeze" just to get the thing in the public's hands. Remember, there's a story mode planned for 3.0, so they're not even close to reaching their ideal vision of the game.
>There was a tournament won by competitive sandbagging, the game objectively fails at being a racing game.
Mario Kart 8 is even fucking worse about sandbagging, don't kid yourself. This shit is an inherent problem with any kart racing game that allows items to be worth pursuing in the slightest, though I personally believe Ring Racers gets pretty close to solving the problem with the Item/Instawhip/Ring balance.
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>confuse "What this game is trying to do isn't for me" with "This game is failing at what it's doing"

You never learn
>the functions of any elemental shield save for thunder being able to destroy SPB's
>the garden top and how it functions and controls
>trap items like bananas and how holding them out affects you
>the existence of invincibility, grow or how they allow you to sliptide
>sliptidding even existing as a mechanic and how and what allows you to do it
yet still have a dedicated sections for the SPB which rarely if ever appears due to CPU rubber banding as well as insta whipping switches and a ring overcharge panel despite the fact that no track in the game features them as a prominent mechanic.
Don't fucking tell me the tutorial didn't fail at being a tutorial when so much crucial was left up to the player to find out by themselves.
feature freeze. fucking retarded, you don't have sega forcing you to make a game in a week
>Don't fucking tell me the tutorial didn't fail at being a tutorial when so much crucial was left up to the player to find out by themselves.
Dude, I literally said in my post that the tutorial sucks. I'm talking about the mechanics when I said
>>confuse "What this game is trying to do isn't for me" with "This game is failing at what it's doing"
Not the tutorial. I like how the tutorial is structured and put together and I think it's clear that they put a lot of work into it, but it sucks shit at actually teaching the player and at no point did I pretend otherwise.
Mario kart 8 markets itself as a casual game, there's a whole lot of other kart racing games that already figured how to stop the sandbagging and the fact fucking mario kart is much more mechanically sound than the "HARDCORE COMPETITIVE" game is hysterical
>there's a whole lot of other kart racing games that already figured how to stop the sandbagging
Feel free to name which. Every Kart Racer I've ever seen is either sandbag city or turns into Crash Team Racing, where items are basically worthless after a certain point and you essentially never have to interact directly with other players 99% of the time.
>and the fact fucking mario kart is much more mechanically sound than the "HARDCORE COMPETITIVE" game is hysterical
Mario Kart is absolutely not more "mechanically sound" than Ring Racers, are you fucking kidding? Have you ever experienced a Mario Kart game where people are tryharding? It always devolves into the same character/bike setup and spamming Bullet Bills/Snaking/Glitchy Checkpoint shortcuts depending on what game you're in.
>b-b-but what about mario kart
we're talking about your game right now tranny
>his only defence of DRRR and DRRR tutorial is 'they put a lot of work into it'
1. who gives a fuck and 2. no they didnt, literally everything from the tutorial to steering to forced input delay to item balance and track design was BROKEN on release and STILL IS
not to mention all their patch notes since release are actually work that community members did to fix the game. KK has done no fucking work whatsoever on DRRR
Haters are gonna hate, but at the same time you kind of have to expect this reaction when your fanbase has been telling you for years that almost all of your planned additions sound like bad ideas. There's "underage retards who don't understand what the game is trying to do," but there's also "retarded devs who are designing a game that nobody wants."
I brought up Mario Kart because you said it "fails at being a racing game". If having issues with item balance that leads to bagging makes a Kart racer not a Kart Racer, then the literal founding game of the genre is also failing at being a Kart Racer.
>his only defence of (...) DRRR tutorial is 'they put a lot of work into it'
Dude, can you not fucking read? I'm not defending it. The tutorial is shit. It's not good. I think the structure isn't bad and I like the cute dialog and the visuals and the way the map is designed but all of that means nothing if the tutorial fails at being a tutorial, which it does.
Holy shit, you guys are so desperate to mindlessly hate the game that you don't even realize when someone is AGREEING WITH YOU.
>literally everything from the tutorial to steering to forced input delay to item balance and track design was BROKEN on release and STILL IS
The input delay was fixed and is literally not forced unless you leave it on D2. The items are a problem, but as I've mentioned, this is a fundamental problem with Kart Racers as a GENRE that nobody has really solved and I personally believe Ring Racers gets the closest it finding a solution for, even if it absolutely isn't quite there yet. The track design is largely fine outside of some obviously goofy shit like the Balloon Park wall, the AI being weirdly fucked up on Chemical Facility, or LOL DEADLINE but when you have 150 or so tracks that's just bound to happen.
>"retarded devs who are designing a game that nobody wants."
Personally, while I don't consider it flawless at all, what they seem to be trying to do is exactly what I've wanted out of a Kart Racer for years.
In the eyes of the public there isnt much reason to play neither SRB2K or DRR
You all know this shit
Even though its better and less clusterfucky because the main playerbase moved to DRR which sucked hard and made them move away that means that the rest dint wanted to go back because why make content or play a game with less playerbase than the other

basically, the ShitKrew committed suicide on their game how fitting

Kart games appeal to the casual crowd and neither DRR or SRB2K fit the bill for that, no matter what kind of crazy mods they could do, zoomers nowadays give less of a shit about mods if they even know what a mod is to begin with
>im not defending it im just replying to everyone shitting on it with paragraphs about why theyre wrong
please commit suicide tonight

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