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Discuss Roblox
First reply. I just broke this thread's hymen.
Anyways, scorched earth is pretty fun. But I don't really like the ticket system, since shitters with negative KDR will end the match too early.
roblox pressure is kino and doors is dogshit
how do i find a roblox girlfriend
how do i make regretevator fun again when everyone in my lobby has red drink
Shirts, shirts, and shirts
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>Found this old screenshot I took like 5 years ago, anyone know the game name?
I posted your screenshot elsewhere because it looked cool and someone identified it. Check it out:
>oh boy I sure do love waiting several real life minutes just to purchase walls for a freaking garage that costs more than the Oil-drillers/miners/money-printers I'm "using" to get the money for it!
Recommended some tycoon games that are more than just this, please? even if it isn't a roblox game any tycoon game that's better than this shit
whoops wrong screenshot
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ah fuck I just Ro-Doxxed myself
+17 vc games like neighbors or bars
real, fuck floor 2, long live the gay fish
the only tycoon I'ver ever played without this flaw and with actually interesting mechanics is also a fucking casino lmao, might be worth checking out https://www.roblox.com/games/17601705136/CONSOLE-Tycoon-RNG
what are you some kind of pedo?
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>old head "nOsTaLgIc" garbage OP
saving this thread
back to /trash/, faggots
old /vm/ threads had old roblox thumbnails you retard, pretty much the standard
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how do you meet people on this game that arent either children or pedophiles
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reposting userblame's ID surfer, find fun stuff and share it!!!
Every roblox thread has had an old game for it. Thanks for the Seb tho
+17 games or discord servers for rpgs (deepwoken is probably the best one for that but it's deepwoken so they're most likely gonna be retarded)
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It had to be the faggot newtarded who spams the fish to complain about the templates, do what >>1418639 says and never return
every "experience" on roblox is fucking dogshit.
david literally is allowing dating for 17+
he's the pedo
we must RETVRN to the days of actually making thumbnails for the roblox threads
to be fair that's only really a problem if you have lots of embarassing shit on your account
who the fuck is david
david dobrik
never heard of them in my life.
>saying they/them unironically
Now imagine a "gigachad" doing this. Expectations subverted.
you will be a gigachad on the moment you become a woman
you will never be a woman
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not so fast.......
awooga hubba hubba
anyone have a link to the previous thread?
>claims to be an oldfag
>can't even find the previous thread
dementia settling in huh?
I forgot last month was /vm/s 4th anniversary. It'll have to be a late celebration but whatever, we can do it sometime later this month. If you're interested, please suggest games so we can make a list, they need to have a high server capacity, !fun!, and not be too populated as to not split the party. (You) can also make a custom game for this if you want.

Bumping this because I'm also wondering.
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Alright, which of you naughty fucks posted this one?
i like how fucked the lighting is
Didnt expect brain poisoning here.
It's so sad that the creator of that museum didn't finish it and then left it to rot, could have at least left it uncopylocked so someone else can finish it
I've been playing Project Nevada Remastered a lot, it's dying so finding an empty server should be easy (at least until update)
alternatively just pick stuff from better discovery that has private servers lol

about meeting people, same thing I said to anon: +17 hangouts or community servers, mainly for rpgs or games with party/crew systems. Honestly you might want to swap to another mmo if you want to meet people your age, everyone I met on roblox that's my age I met before turning 18 (doesn't help that oldheads don't like saying they're grown on a kids game out of embarrassment)
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why has nobody made a zomboid-esque game yet? just make the player become a zombie after they log out.
>he doesn't know
New here?
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yes, is there one?
Unturned was originally a ROBLOX game, rn I think the only big zombie survival games are Apocalypse Rising 2 and Aftermath (I don't play survival games at all, if anyone knows any better about them guide us)
Yeah im thinking of apocalypse rising. I swear there was also another one with a bigger map but I don't remember what it was called. Would have been like 10 years ago lol.
Probably thinking of Deadzone... which grew into Unturned
Deadmist was the closest thing to zomboid, it had text GUI moodles
anon if youre still playing this shit as an adult you are the pedophile
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newfag.party wants you back
um... um I... I uh... um...
Hey guys, how to deal with toxic roblox players that bullies and harasses players? I have a problem with these 2 players these 2 kept harassing me and other players just because they dont agree with them can anyone help me?
I haven't played for a while, are there any 2014-17 style progression rpgs on roblox anymore? Everything I see nowdays is either battlegroundslop, rngslop or rouge lineage styled games (I don't mind the concept of them but combos on roblox netcode feels fucking awful and everyone who plays those games are over emotional retards that will have a mental breakdown if you so much as scratch them and will proceed to call their discord buddies on you)
I play storm chasing games
War Tycoon
sounds cool, can you link some?
arcane odyssey is the only one that comes to mind, you can look up rpgs on better discovery, idk if it's what you're looking for but pilgrammed is absolute kino

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Roblox is pretty much removing everything that might violate the terms of use, shouldn't affect you if you're not a groid who buys cheap ripoffs of something or copyrighted items.
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What do you think guys, should I download this extension?
Meanwhile there's still gonna be 67 thrembillion boobs accessories that you are absolutely never going to find being used appropriately
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does this mean i can get some clothes that i uploaded archived so people can't stalk through my profile and see them? I've been waiting for a feature like this for a long time.
i accidentally uploaded a hardcore porn decal to roblox like 5 years ago and got my 2013 account terminated for it.

going to try and appeal and hope they forgot what i did, wish me luck
how do you accidentally upload hardcore porn
if it's legit then it would probably just automate earning points from microsoft rewards but what's stopping you from just using microsoft rewards normally?
I basically said "fuck you" to them and got unbanned. Just be clear and polite.
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how is this gonna effect already uploaded items? should i expect to log in sometime and see my jojo items gone?
You'll win your robux back but it will be gone and you probably won't notice it until you try to wear it
>this is your average /vm/ user
thanks anon
>be in a game with a player you don't like
>type "/mute playername" in the chat
there you go newGOD
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>join shitty minecraft replica game
>i spawn with all my ancient gear
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>Professional inceI
>Expert 4 ch#nner
>Devoted conspiracy factualist
>Self proclaimed Ph.D in all fields
>IQ: 73
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9/11 for roblox
Never 9/4get
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>claims that the skin will be RNG-Less
>it's actually 749 Robux lmao
Masterful gambit ParadoxumNiggers, I am still not coming back to your shit game.
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we now have literal shit on the front page
>You'll win your robux back
are we sure about this?
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>Amateur voIcel
>Unskilled Red d!tor
>Devoted conspiracy debunker
>No degrees whatsoever
>IQ: 127
I was playing pressure for several runs till I realized something.
These games are just inferior Spooky's House Of Jumpscares clones where you randomly get killed by a png and forced to pay up to revive.
I mean graphically the games are pretty good... But,
Then, again, I realized...
These games are even moreso just an inferior Lethal Company clone. "Procedural Hallway Horror", where you go to try and loot stuff while avoiding le scary monster.
Except Zeekerss knew how to make a good game (in comparison) without the shock that "This is Roblox?!".

If Pressure was standalone no-one would give a shit.
If Lethal was (originally) made on Roblox (despite how would voice chat function?) it'd be a far greater Roblox game.
And I mean that, as being a former Roblox dev, The Roblox DNA was incorporated into his future non-Roblox works. And these fucking Walk Down A Hallway And Hide In A Locker games don't incorporate the greatest aspects of Roblox as a platform.

...I'm still salty over Identity Fraud...
> Identity Fraud
it's an interesting game
joining a clan in [CURRENT YEAR + CLIMATE]
wish me luck chat
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likely the closest we're ever going to get to the forums returning
cool, we're getting parties, game genres, music, and the forums back
Another finger curls on the monkey's paw
y'all remember when people would post their 'clockwork calculator' score??? what even was that.
Clockwork was an asshole. He had a forum which had a formula that determined how "good" of a ROBLOX player you were. It was inspired by the Builder's Club contest, where they needed a formula to determine who got to beta-test BC.
He's a large part of the reason why the ROBLOX forums were as toxic as they were.
>toxicity bad
let people enjoy things baka
Oh. Huh.
So what were like
the factors that determined how "good" you were?
they're just going to integrate the remains of guilded into the app
don't get why they didn't just integrate it from the start
is there a TL;DW recap of this year's RDC available so I don't have to sit through an hour of corporate doublespeak
if there was anything notable, someone likely would have mentioned it

they just wouldnt shut up about ai
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not your personal army
who cares
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nice coordinates to a small pond, retard
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the provider is a company that sells servers for botting
the forums don't need to come back let's be real here
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still 100x better than modern grooming discords
the onsite party system being reworked to actually have a use might be nice and could probably be used for groups with members too young to use discord (which is otherwise mandatory for groups to get anything done because of the onsite communication features being absolute dogshit for longer than some roblox players have been alive) to bring along members that otherwise wouldn't be able to attend events (since there's no useful way to notify members of your groups when events happen)
groups getting their own forums is nice but i'm still upset that it's 7 fucking years behind schedule (refer to the forum removal page)
groups being rebranded to communities is just bizarre, but renaming everything for stupid reasons is part of ROBLOX's decaying identity
the rest is fucking irrelevant
would be fucking nice if the actual general fucking public on roblox could comment on devforum posts
instead you basically have to be part of the fuckin inner party from 1984 to leave your thoughts on anything they announce, and that's before the fact that ROBLOX doesn't hesitate to suppress unauthorized thoughts
>toxicity bad
I sure do think trying to DRIVE INNOCENT KIDS TO SUICIDE is TOXIC and VERY BAD, yes!
(Thankfully not on the main platform, but still.)

Place visits, months played, profile views, number of friends, KOs, wipeouts, and (on ROBLOX) forum posts.
The whole forum posts thing got kind of messy because Clockwork ran his own forums for a while without clarifying he meant on the official ROBLOX forums, so a lot of people got confused at that.
>I sure do think trying to DRIVE INNOCENT KIDS TO SUICIDE is TOXIC and VERY BAD, yes!
let people enjoy things -_-
Oh fuck, my name tag.
Oh you're being funny. Okay I completely misread your original post as a serious rebuff.
Lowtax, I took the internet too seriously again );
>srs bsns
The channel doesn't even exist, what a fucking great ass bot lol
Strangest bot I have ever seen.
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2b2t alternatives are dead and you are a fag
>this guy's picking on a namefag
>not even a tripfag
>said namefag isn't even that prominent
20 posts/279 days means less than .0071 posts per day, or approximately one post every two weeks.
And I thought I was pathetic in my hatred.
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it is funy
It's well known 80% of places on Roblox are clones of standalone games and the remaining 20% are clones of eachother, but this makes me wonder what concept has been cloned the most?
Theres like a dozen SM64 and CoD Zombies clones I could think off of the top of my head
guys where can i find some goated outfits on roblox?
Frontlines karelia is better
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how did your years go, /vm/?
i dont know the requirements to post on the devfourm but i have access there even though im the most average generic nobody there is, i believe you just need a certain amount of read time
they let underaged ESL noobs with 3 place visits onto the devforum, if you can't access it you're ngmi
how's it going so far anon?
well i didnt become a reddit lizard fish thing so i guess thats a plus?
more please I lack online swagger
both namefags and tripfags are cancer, whole point of 4chad is to be anonymous.
>muh /b/
go back faggot
If that's the point of 4chan, than why have the name field, anon? It's been there since 2003. If it was a mistake, wouldn't Moot have removed it before he left? He purged /pol/ and /r9k/ once.
Hi there! You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of 4chan are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!

Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bit to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!
People like you are the reason why we don't get new OC. The cool shit 4chan always made went away when the tripfags responsible for it were chased out. I hope you realize this someday.
who wants to play dress to impress with me
stop pretending to be me its not funny. does anyone want to play a condo game?
hawt ROBLOX secks
Anonymous X Yzilma
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Userblame X Yzilma
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reminder that Yzilma is brown
>he isn't using super secure tripcodes
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post your favorite ugc items
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can you make a bimbo character without paying any money?
bloxies are going on
for the 2 people who care
>actual trannies with male voices are on the stage
Average day in california
Average day in transsexual Transylvania*
robros...how did this happen?
are there any enjoyable games on roblox anymore, shit is getting kinda boring
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any game with player building enabled can be fun
your swastika is backwards
actually having fun I might join another clan to play more events (since you can be in more than one clan apparently)
which clan has the best fits? joined TNI because I thought they looked cool
go back to faggy.discordy
Ew.. it's really giving the ick.
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>he dresses like a gay social outcast tranny on Roblox
Lol. Lmao, if I may be so bold. You dress like a fucking faggot, dude. Nice linebacker shoulders -- even your Roblox avatar doesn't pass. I guess this is how people start to dress when they don't get any pussy, huh? Hahaha, fucking pathetic, bro.
projecting your insecurities on 4channel, good one
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>Sorry, the blue boards are also 4chan.org now.
I'll call it whatever I want, thanks
i love thrusting people's avatars on roblox, it's probably the only thing stopping me from becoming an IRL rapist.
Of course, it's for peace, not war!
ever since i started doing nofap a week ago i started getting hornier and hornier, i tried distracting myself by playing roblox, but even roblox avatars are unironically starting to arouse me. i saw someone dressed as a shark girl and my dick got so hard (not a joke btw)
wtf is wrong with me? how do i stop lusting for roblox avatars?
being attracted to roblox characters is a sign of high T
this is 4chan not english class
shut fuck up
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>You mean English.
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What are some one piece inspired games on roblox for my friend to play?

He has partaken on grinding on blox fruits for hours and I'm trying to get him out of it. He is already level 700 and I pray for his sanity.
David Baszucki. He's the co-founder and CEO of Roblox
baby game for babies
was that builderman or whatever
How do yall find a femboy or catboy to fuck online on Roblox. Asking for a friend.
join LGBTQ+ Hangout
Also, where do yall get breasts on the avatar shop
The duality of man
Nigga I’m autistic
me too!
God this captcha shit is so fucking annoying.
where the fuck did these retarded namefags come from
Yzilma are you hot
We Yzilmas are prettyboys
Holy shit nigga those swords look hot
I remember there was a game called Areulost, or something like that. It was an exploration game as far as I know, but I never got to play it because my computer couldn't run it at the time. Went looking for it today to see if I could run it now, but it seems to be gone.
Anyone remember it? Or am I getting the name wrong?
The description was something like
"because if not, you will be" or some shit
>ctrl + f
>only 164 instances of Anonymous
>218 post count
TND (Total Namefag Death)
Why does literally every fucking game have to give players some glowing trail that leads them to wherever they're supposed to go
Even by the standards of trying to appeal to the lowest common denominator this is pretty fucking stupid and shoehorned
yzilma won
Got another ban for getting railed on blood and iron. Holy shot, can these fuckers let someone lose their online virginity in peace without reporting it 50 times?
actually, I have a better way. friend request me
touch grass
By the way, I'm trans as fuck, nigga. On a real note, I be taking selfies of myself, going on FaceApp to see what my shit look like female. I be gooning to myself, nigga. Do a kissy pose and shit bro, stick that shit in the female filter nigga, I'm going to town on that shit, nigga. I know none of y'all niggas got shit on me. Fuck all y'all stupid ass bitch ass niggas.
Someone convince me this game isn't worth completely throwing in the garbage and pretending it never existed. Every game I used to enjoy is either empty, ruined by filtering enabled, exploiters, or hanging on by a thread. Every last scrap of humanity has been torn from the website. The only good thing seems to be the amount of freedom and building/development tools but that is a double edged sword. I don't really want to play shitty ripoffs of existing games that don't look like Roblox.
yep. Builderman is David Baszucki
ahhh i see
yeah i never knew them by their actual names
guys what are some MATURE roblox games to socialize I just watched a foid trauma dumping on vc in double r bar for 36 minutes nonstop, i LEFT because she wouldn't leave the stage
how did it take you 36 minutes to figure out where the alt and f4 keys were
i honestly thought something funny will occur
womp womp
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natural disaster survival players seem to have been redpilled on the jewish question
because the war in palestine/israel, they are still have brainrot like you anon.
I wanna make a game where replayability is high and community knitted together where they keep state of the gaming flowing and rarely needs new content updates, with roblox forums being reintroduced for games (like steamcommunity) you might see something epic soon...
an enemy of my enemy is my friend

cart ride into 17 pregnant hyenas got taken down
had low expectations so I joined a low tier superclan and was surprised that I had fun
plus they serve as a farm team to improve my
so which clan has the best drip?
Hello roniggas, I dont know if anyone of you played Solar Conquest back in the day but me and my brother used to be big into all the build & rolerplay(faggots only) & fight places and solar conquest was bretty good for that since it was in space on planets (baseplates floating in space surrounded by cancollide off spheres)
Turns out the old creator made a new one Solar Conquest 2, it doesnt even have any gay microtransactions iirc, in addition to classic brickbuilding there are now lite RTS elements (gathering resources, building turrets and ships for RUs, building nukes, capturing planets) so now it's not just random pvp with building where you can ignore others but now the fighting actually has some influence on the game, you can even use diplomacy to declare war on other factions(if other team members vote for it), I recommend, if you guys want we can play someday
sounds sick, does it have a lot of time investment & does ur shit save?
which would be better for a support type tower, a tower based off the various Boombox gears or one based off the various drink gears. Or should both exist with the former being primarily buffing while the latter is general support
you've said nothing about how the game plays, tell us what it actually is, and if we can follow development
sounds fun. haven't played it but I'd be glad to try it out with other anons
boombox sounds like it'd give AoE buffs meanwhile drinks would buff a specific adjacent tower
>does it have a lot of time investment
I don't think so, last time I played I played for like 3-4 hours and just made a few colonies and fought with other people
>does ur shit save?
Nope, but the buildings don't get deleted when you leave either, so it doesn't all collapse when a teammate leaves
I should've mentioned the towers would have 3 upgrade paths, similar to BTD6. Boombox would be similar to Monkey Village and Drinks to Alch but with enough changes that basically be a complete equal to their BTD inspirations
killing myself
I can see both working differently but drinks sound like a more original and fun idea
we could organize a gamenight since there's the group, sounds fun, I'm shit at rts tho
Yeah, plus there is a ton of drink items to work with. One path upgrade design I can think up right now involves a vending machine.
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maximum comfy
this took me a couple hours
letting random players use it as a city-base with free shit
The game was rulost. Thanks for the help, nigger faggots.
is it good
I dunno I couldn't run it.
yeah one of the few things tni does decently is providing a good source of aim practice at their trainings
they don't really raid except for their "elite" division (commandos) but elite divisions are only elite by the standards of their main group
>give me groups that have good drip
coincidentally a lot of the really fuckin stale elitist copy & paste clans all have generic grey and black uniforms because they're creatively bankrupt
here's some groups that have actually decent uniforms and aren't generic shit with repetitive events doing the same barebones linked swords/RCL shit every single raid


uuuh fuck i can't find any more groups that I know are both active and don't do the same shit every single event
time to get outed as a shill for not posting more than 482 groups in one message
It's a good game. I spent hours building up my shitty neon skyscraper moon. It eventually got nuked.
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>the group
am newfag, whats the group?
On Tap. Better be ready to give up your real identity to roblox to play it though.
Some dead thing that serves no purpose other than for retards to claim that they're the evil hacker four chan
It's pointless for discussion since there's already a good place for it
It's called these threads
i just wanna know when you guys are playing together
people can just post stuff like that in the thread
guys join me on skibidi toilet simulator tycoon
deserved total tripfag death
any games like destruction derby/wreckfest on roblox?
Is there anyway to get microphone working without giving roblox my phone number given the series of breaches. Also is BloxLink botnet?
based as hell, joining them on the weekend
RoVer was compromised once but that's about it.
For phone numbers use https://www.smspool.net/main
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I'm really the only guy in these threads who actually joined in 2010,aren't I?
I joined in 2012, and there's no one else in this thread except you and me right now, so yeah.
I played a guest in late 2010 and joined in early 2011, if you'll count that.
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How many of these devs are pedophiles?
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just Polyhex and that's it really.
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nigga both of you are complete newfags, stfu
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>shitskin whining about ebonics
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Pro-tip: If you don't want your game to get copyright claimed, just make the title of the game something else than what you are copying.
Holy shit I miss this game. I used to have that fucked up black pikachu
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I am replying to this thread a lot, but anyone remember playing through the paper mario roleplaying games? They have a lot of care put into them.
they still exist and are pretty damn active
does anyone know how to get roblox approve my username? like it's not inappropriate and the word that triggers the detection is "lsgei"
besides that their detection is SHIT
ur gei
y r u gei
maybe not be gei?
god you fuckers were playing Battle For Roblox while i was waging?
used to play this one when i was a child, glad to see its till up
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wsg /blox/
more OG style
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oldest roblox /vm/ user
If the game is popular enough a roblox mod may hop into playing the game and finding out, needs to have low player count to be copyright claim-free
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sadly i am but a bacon phonefag with linux computers
can someone help me fit in? how do i virtue signal as hard as possible that i use 4chan on roblox dot com so everyone will know that i use it? also which fotm ideology should i follow?
Just call them ###### like, about 20 times.
be like her https://www.roblox.com/users/195857572/profile
sounds like you're seething over someone mentioning 4chad in their roblox description
fags that are actually like this need to kill themselves, insufferable underage niggers
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Is this you?
i want to grope and creampie her
that's a man
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Anyone had a successful relationship in Roblox?
the scary part is that this might not be satire
Maybe it was just bad luck but I never found one that wasn't just a room full of morphs and world to muck about, though still fun
sometimes you could just skip the morphs and wander around as your avatar
instead of calling people niggers (which gets filtered) call them obsessed jartykeks (which doesn't)
>touch grass
how do you respond without sounding mad?
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Anybody here know any good clothing groups
>touch pußi
>accessory adjustment update came out
not for me
>try that new rpg roblox is shilling via today's picks
>first thing i notice in character creation is random stats gacha with limited spins
Already a great first impression
also why can't i play as a normal fucking human, not a furry or a nigger or an elf or a smurf
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goddamn this game's UI design is wack
love having shit obscuring the center of the screen in a game that normally has a locked center of screen mouse
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the tutorial took like 9 minutes with how padded it was
i'm not sitting through more boring ass cutscenes just to play a generic fucking MMORPG
reread the first post
Imagine wasting 36k robux on username changes alone
Gosh I only bought one to change mine because it was my real name (and I could've just contacted Roblox for a free change, something I learned just recently)
no actual woman would ever do this at any point, ever
so like you telling me ogre roblox wasn't PEAK until 2013-early 2014 but when they went into their new engine (ROBLOX 2) it wasn't PEAK until 2023??
>I could've just contacted Roblox for a free change, something I learned just recently
Wait, wouldn't old username still appear on previous usernames?
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Anyone here plays MTC4?
Yes but only as anti-tank infantry
meds now
russian "engineers":
I introduced my unity gamedev friend to the collaborative roblox studio editor and he was shocked
we should make a game.
>try to drive to a capture point
>get lasered by an IFV autocannon
>try to move to a flanking position
>get vaporized by a tank shell
>try to set up an ambush nest
>get strafed by an MI-8 that wasn't even aiming for you
>try to hide in a random fucking bush in the middle of nowhere
>get killed by overpressure because russian HE is absurdly overtuned
The life of a ground pounder in MTC is refined suffering. But the few times where you get lucky with some cheeky vehicle kills makes it feel worth it.
Yes, but they also remove the old username thing if you contact them (in this case it autoremoves). I did it and in less than 2 weeks it was gone from my profile.
low quality bait
That's pretty cool of them.
As a guy who mostly play as a crewman I can relate

Also don't forget the unexpected VBIEDs that will come out of nowhere and blow you up
>da hood
>it's real
Holy ESL, I've heard of illegible handwriting but illegible typing? You've gotta be a next level ESL -- god forbid, an Indian to be pulling this shit off
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anyone who joined before 2010 and is mentally sane left roblox already so all of the ancientfags are too busy grooming children to care about the opinions of people who are on an imageboard which is basically a retirement home
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what retard posted that
striking how impressive this build was considering it was built in like 2010
are there any other kino lotr builds on roblox?
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post my username then
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why do some clanners use "blank" facial expression?
what's the appeal?
Something to do with one of VAK’s no fun allowed policies which requires people to exclusively use faces with neutral/angry/etc expressions
News flash, the Commando face is cheaper and way better looking
also if they’re not in VAK and wearing similar shit (white/grey/black skin, dark power armor, and a similar face expression) it’s because clans are extremely creatively bankrupt
ngl 2013 accounts are special
is that what you tell yourself each night
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>black skin, dark power armor
honestly screw them lmao I can barely even see them especially when they start camping specific spots
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that is why whenever I make forts that I always make sure there’s very scarce (preferably nonexistent) spots for faggots in dark clothing to properly hide
thanks to the simple trick of using colors other than black/grey
Do clans still exist or does it all just devolve into faggy Discord drama?
clans still exist
but instead of discord drama (besides people trying to make sketchy accusations of pedophilia with exclusively discord screenshots which are totally unverifiable without videos as a way of getting rid of people who slighted them) it's google docs drama because retarded faggots can't just raid some group they're considering a war with to 1: see if their members want to raid their fort multiple times, and 2: verify that their potential war target can actually be trusted to display the bare minimum sportsmanship required for wars to not turn into drama filled shitshows

but noooooo, that would require common sense and actually thinking ahead, something most clanners refuse to do
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surprised that nobody's created some centralized organization of mediators or something who confirm scores for wars, or better yet a webhook tied into every game that determines who wins and posts it in the related d*scord servers
oh i have that planned don't worry
alright that's the last time i just go into any random game without checking basic information about who made it
what happen
it was some generic fps game
the shit that made me alt f4 in under a minute was some obnoxious faggot voice heard within 10 seconds of starting the game
alt f4ed, checked the creator's profile, and it was some furry troon faggot untermensch
exactly the type of subhuman to put that unfunny "lol quirky" discord-ass brimstone in a game

can someone count the amount of slurs i used in this post
My girlfriend is a lifetime roblox player. I've barely touched the game, but had a bit of a good time the few maps I played (mostly breaking the maps and enraging kids). What maps should I play with my gf?
let me guess, merc fleet
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try some of the stuff on https://condogames.xyz
^ shitoko above me
Phantom Forces
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>retarded faggots can't just raid some group
it's the newfag again, is this always the case? why can't I bring some fellow dolts and attack a fort/border?
>"you caught us off guard w-we're not at our full potential"
ain't that the point of raiding?
how come nobody posted this?
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we all know already, the roblox porn rabbit hole isn't exactly secret
>the banana
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because nu-clans are risk averse faggots that turn down fights for stupid reasons
even though there are literally no consequences to losing
there’s still a few groups left that will let you raid without notifying one of their high ranks in advance; look for forts that say you can preflood or flash raid
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Would people be willing to watch a video series. In which I play old or forgotten Roblox games?

I've been finding a lot of neat stuff on people's favorites that are before 2015s.
Is the website broken again? Whenever I click on any place I get an internal server error, and I am also unable to join games.
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Yup, broken.
fuck my shitty robloxian life
first basedbooru goes down and now roblox too?? this is not a coincidence
ah soja is also fucking censored here of course
this is an actual toddler thread
back to the sharty, underageb&
This thread has been in decline for a while, but it took a nosedive when that one 15 year old started posting basedjaks with their roblox account name on the name field, got called out, then removed it and continued posting. Wish we could get some projects posted or something to get discussion going, the clan talk got me inspired to try it out for the first time.
Only if you have insightful commentary beyond "roblox updates broke this game"
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>If you like Diablo, Runescape, or other dungeon crawlers
But Runescape isn't a dungeon crawler
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These threads has always been shit but the residential sharty users (or rather faggots from twitter who are just really wearing the skin of sharty users) becoming more and more annoying, you should get used to it
>muh nosedive
they haven't really changed in quality after all of this time
tried that shit
everything, including random rats, became bullet sponges that take minutes to kill, even with DPS setups
wish i was kidding
I remember a youtube video of a dude playing this game which was the one who made me start playing roblox
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>playing neon knights
>get second highest rarity weapon from a crate
>RNG gave it shit quirks that do nothing to improve the weapon's DPS
could be worse
do it but with voice, i wanna see what someone from this thread sounds like
anon most namefags are either brown or squeakers
autism accent fo sho
nta but my acc links back to embarassing shit, not on roblox but elsewhere
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any pressureheads know where the fuck I'm supposed to go in this underwater mission?
it went on forever and now it's just a dead end, every way I go the parasites start killing me, been stuck here for half an hour now
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I watched some youtube vids and all of them had lucy in this segment but I didn't, just these walker guys
Could be cool. I'd say check Rchive too for if any of the games you play are archived, then you could also play it in an older engine with Novetus
stay close to the lights and follow their path
I already read some reddit posts and it seems to be a common issue with terrain spawning over the exist in this room, so I was softlocked pretty much
they also said the room got taken out of rotation but apparently it's still in the game
is a vore game against rules? i remember that there used to be "nom games" and they were constantly getting deleted, not sure what rule they broke (if any). there was also a giantess game which was removed too, but it's back now.
transformation games never get taken down, "freaky" games also exist now too, surely Roblox won't terminate me for making a vore game

I tried.
*/vp/ietnam flashbacks*
this is cool
bit boring
my only suggestion was
>Only if you have insightful commentary beyond "roblox updates broke this game"
but it fell on deaf ears. the game selection was okay. the editing/narration does go well with the games as a "guy that doesn't know what he's doing while using video maker". it'd be more interesting if you compile a list of these games since a lot of these are going to be unplayable in singleplayer.
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Hey. Nice video, I haven't seen these games in ages.
Some tips to improve: You gag too much, you should cut some more scenes and maybe you could try narrating after recording (not that the last one really matters though)
Are there any UGC creators that make decent and consistent quality hats that aren't just stolen assets?
What are some games on roblox that are actually fun? all the good shit is hard to find.
userfag sounds just about how I'd imagined
bros...was my favorite heckin roblox youtuber hero...RACIST??!???!??
on second thought that isn’t shaun
no all caps ranting, no rage-induced spelling fuckups, no shitty insults, no vandalizing the sharty’s wiki page on funny ways to troll /vp/edos because it says that baiting shaun into sperging out is funny, and definitely no vore images being posted as his calling card
Anyone remember a hunter's life? What happened to it?
Hellreaver Arena
>10% chance to spawn in prison
i like zeppelin wars a lot
It's always empty when I get on. Anyone wants to organize a event?
pretty alright vid, just need to get a better quality mic and mess more with sound mixing. do hope you take my Rchive/Novetus suggestion
>Armored Patrol
>Build Your Own Mech
>Make a Cake
>Doomspire Brickbattle
>Build a Boat for Treasure
>Survive the Disasters 2
>Solar Conquest 2
This is a small list of games that I've had some fun in.
What would guys do to fix roblox
does anyone still have that script that'd kick people for wearing furry items
also there was that one offshoot involving banning faggots wearing pride shit
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nothing lmao we can only hope bazookike's next stunt won't be shit
unban ben simon
Just loop through the accessories the player is wearing with for i, v in pairs() then check if the accessory’s name has “furry” in it with string.find
pack it up unc
not all of them name their accessories with "furry" in the name
the script i'm looking for is much more extensive
theres dungeoneering tho
commando face would be good if the teeth weren't transparent
then again I probably would buy it along with le futuretops face in the case nu-blox turns them into heads like last time
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it's also talk like a pirate day
play https://www.roblox.com/games/15777147259/swashbucklers-n-bilge-rats
this guy would have fun games if he didn't intentionally have the shittiest controls ever
its on purpose which makes it challenging i like it
lol you have a skill issue if you can't handle developers...

...badly reinventing the wheel for the sole purpose of being "special" while failing to tell you how to perform basic actions with the fucking stupid control scheme and refusal to explain anything

anyone who does that shit should be banned from making games for 1 month
i wish there was a way to blacklist games with specific tags in the naame so i don't have to see all sorts of slop bullshit I never had any interest in polluting the games page

for fuck's sake i don't need or care about these random avatar shop games I have literally no fucking robux and i prefer making my own shit anyways
Sorry, no filters for you. Even though that is a bare minimum requirement for any website with a search function these days.
are there any parts of roblox's site that aren't extremely outdated (or have been neutered to become even more useless)
Looks like theres articles on the website but I cant actually access them?

A Robloxian Architectural Review website is something I never realized I needed though. Cool idea, hope it catches on.
oh wow free ugc list thanks
is there anything worthwhile about retrostudio? the fact that they have events seems cool but everytime i look at the games it's just shitty recreations of games that already exist on the website
also reminder about that time that game's jannies banned people who reported an exploiter for transphobia because the exploiter was wearing (obviously anachronistic) tranny socks
this shit is so fucking faggy "The VM mob is COMING huRRRRRRRRR 4CHAN SCARY" fuck off dude
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No matter how many times you fuck the family golden retriever you wont turn into him nigger
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2 more hours
Only good game I've played there is called the Great Strategy. turn based game, gotta position yourself to get the most out of your attacks and avoid an enemy's attacks. It would be funny seeing a port of it the actual engine.
>breeding catgirls = zoophilia now
Hey guys, I just played this demo on roblox and its super fun!
It's racing game, but really simplistic. Also super fast and you autodrift after some angle in your turn
what do yall think of the ugcs that try to emulate the 2007-2009 style of hats
post examples
The correct way to make UGCs
>it's [1984 + 40] with all the tools available for free
>decides to make ugly ahh 3d models
>but it's okay cause we can call it "retro"
idk why >yall glaze old and ugly hats so much, since they look like the uncredited intern's first /3/ model (probably is)
ugcs are better in every single way and it's unironically a bad thing
>ugcs are better in every single way
Oh boy, the 398439th anime face and the 2393291th anime hair or the 659459th black hair variant or the 48128919th black and white outfit sure is great than an creative item!
free market creates and sells what sells but that's beside the point
why is this thread filled with two schizoids talking to themselves?
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this shit sucks, all you did is use a tycoon template and change the labels to "buy child" and "upgrade child beater"
now imagine a crying basedjak saying this.
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>now imagine a crying basedjak saying this.
no one has the body of a bird and the head of a man
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>no one has the body of a bird and the head of a man
they finally removed all the r6 boobs?
speak of the devil, and he shall appear
aw man now I can't /e point at them and touch them
anyone had a roblox gf? are yall incels
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if you don't have a roblox gf you're ngmi
I saw UserBlame at a Child Labor Tycoon in California yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Golden Belt in his hands without paying.

The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.

When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each belt and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.
we don't talk about that
finally gonang script in roblix
t. retard
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never use the ((((charts)))) page
>https://www.roblox.com/games/9008985963/Developer-Hub (absolute dogshitte but still better than the algorithmic slop roblox has today on the front page)
anyone play bulwark?
>he thinks theres more than one person in this thread
well half of them are just direct copies of old hats.
there is
I post here once every 3 days do i count
Any super obscure good roblox games?
every obscure but "good" game posted here are shilled by the respective devs
Just use the obscure game finder and maybe the other games >>1444599 mentioned
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This shit has been on my 'recommended for you' for several months now. I asked a friend about it and he has it too. This has to be intentional, right?
it's unironically peak
if anyone here likes anime pvp&pve games
this game becomes open for 7 days tomorrow (on 25th), it's something akin to Type://Soul but Jujutsu Kaisen. It also takes inspiration from Demon Hunter with missions and invasions. After the free week it will cost 800 robux for tester, eventually releasing for 400 robux.

sadly it has no permadeath, nor is it planned from what I managed to find.
>anime game
thanks for warning me that i’m gonna get ganked by someone with hundreds of hours more grinding than me the moment i leave a safezone
Atleast cart ride games are still cool on modern roblox
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Ayo thank you for all your money. Gonna treat myself to an anime UGC today.
bbc pounding userblame's boypussy
thread is going to die
The list is outdated fyi; but it has pretty much all of the pre-public UGC furfag items on the banlist, so it should get a good chunk of them.
new thread ignore hijacked OP
some avatarfag shilling his furfag garbage doesn’t warrant splitting the (obvious) general into multiple threads
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wasn't me who made the other one, i just shilled it over the shit thread after seeing it
>thread went from autosage back to normal
ok thanks janny
at least the annoying spicoid was driven out

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