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open source, C++ ,
it's already adept at recreating the magic of early Minecraft. lets get some games going and some new players to try it out.
this shit sucks, it looks and feels so cheap and fake
is this the power of open source?
It's good though, which package are you using?
>still relying on shitsql
>still no multidimensional support
>still extremely limited world size (60k x 60k)
>fucking LUA for modding
>shit support for mobs and weather
At this point I'm confident minetest is just a controlled opposition. Even Minecraft 1.7.10 is better and it was released ten fucking years ago
>60 thousand blocks high and long is extremely limiting
unless there's tons of flying islands with ways to traverse them other than building dirt bridges, or miles and miles of caves like the mines of moria, or gigantic made in abyss pits, I literally do not care about world height. notch's minecrap was able to get by with 256 world height for years
Even if you count the height the volume of a minetest world is still 0.0007% the volume of a Minecraft world.
>not just playing early minecraft
we even have a server for it >>1153028
>256 world height
that's extremely limiting, Minetest was better years ago
>extremely limiting
do you even game bro?
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floating island overseeing a large water bowl, huge mountain ranges with large cavern entrances sprinkled all over, a ship wreck down below, a natural weeping obsidian portal to the nether off to the right. perfect place for a base of operations.
anyone remember the worldedit lua exploit?
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It's a game engine, not a game
i've been playing minetest and the worldgen is terrible
really hope they improve it because it works well and modding is fun
What did you not like?
Sure, share a server link or something. It certainly captures the feel of playing singleplayer minecraft for me.
My only complaint is the movement, no matter what mods i use it always feels more rigid and weightless than minecraft.
This is the main reason i kept playing this game and didnt return to Minecraft yet, mountains are massive and caves can go on forever. You can climb five hundred blocks and then turn up your render distance until your game becomes a power point and still not see the sea level. Caves go on forever, and its not like in minecraft where you can just dig up to save yourself, because you are three thousand blocks deep and alreday went down several twenty block deep shafts, they really feel like places man wasnt meant to reach.
There's a few mods that add sky islands and even asteroids with low gravity and no air. You can build a space station on the stratosphere and mine so deep you will need to set up outposts deep ubderground. Reaching the bottom of the world or the top are achievements equal if not greater than reaching its borders, wich you probably wont do either, because 60k blocks is a lot.
Compared to MC most mob mods arent that good either, but the Animalia mod seems promising, and there are others serviceable enough to have a good time anyways. Climate mods, despite being comfy, seem to be mostly atmospheric and not affect gameplay too much, and you can notice their limitations compared with minecraft's rain. You wont be able too see rain if you are under a tree because it wont rain if you are under a roof, or you will notice, with other mod, that rain stops rendering once you are under a certain height because its not supposed to rain underground.
Any cool shaders yet?
Volumetric lighting is coming soon. You could also try Reshade on it.
I need more
any good mods?
is voxelibre a good place to start with minetest? the base "game" maintained by the minetest devs seems like it'd be a snoozefest with no mobs
yeah VoxeLibre is great, you can check out public servers in the client, if I'm not mistaken you will have those games for offline use after trying them out. So you could continue the play the ones you like.
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These are some of my favorite minetest game mods: Techage, Farming Redo, Apercy's vehicle mods, Witches, Air currents, Ambiance, Jukebox, Fishing Rod

Minetest game has barely any content so you need to mod the shit out of if you want it to resemble the level of gameplay Minecraft has besides block breaking and block placing. To give you an idea of how much modding is needed, i use over a 100 mods on my game. Most of them are tweaks or QoL, but without then the game would not only be a snoozefest, but a clunky one too.
My wife Miku
What social media is that? They alreday removed minetest game as the default game and now they are changing to a random name. Its gonna make the game more obscure and the dinstinction from minecraft clone even more petty.
looks like matrix (element) to me but i could be wrong
>Minetest game has barely any content so you need to mod the shit out of if you want it to resemble the level of gameplay
Isn't that supposed to be the point?
new name kinda sucks
more of an engine than a game
.....I hate that name. I would prefer if they went ahead and took SkyBlock, since Microflaccid is on some fuck-shit and need put in their place.

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