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/vm/ - Video Games/Multiplayer

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Space Station 13 is a round-based roleplaying game, developed using BYOND engine around February, 2003.
Players are given a list of ~40 different jobs aboard a Space Station (#13), each with their own access and responsibilities (for example, Engineers are to set up the station's engine and thus have access to Engineering Bay while Scientists are usually busy researching and developing various items for the crew and thus have access to Scientific Bay). Though some of them could try to hack an airlock to gain illicit access, ask the station's Artificial Intelligence to let them in, blow a hole in the wall or...
More often than not, the In-Character choices you make are often limited only by your imagination.
Your goal is to have fun! (and survive)

ITT we post memorable stories, beat clowns to death with toolboxes, eat human burgers and get sucked into a Gravitational Singularity.

>Download link for BYOND, game platform of SS13
>Guide to BYOND registration & joining servers
>List of public SS13 servers
>Ban Evader Tech Support

>/vg/station website
>/vg/station game server (online 24/7)
>/vg/station wiki
>Alternate 4chan station
>Riviera Station aka FoxDickStation on FoxDick Farms (Joshua Connor Moon the Pedophile's Personal Army & Honeypot) (online 24/7, schedule is: Saturday 6PM EDT)
>Riviera Station wiki
>/tg/station is dead, don't mourn what it became, remember it for what it was
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Give me a new role to get into.
aw man i was excited to play and i missed it thanks to being at work :(
Need to add this one too
4chan server
hina i will play on your server ONCE if you make /ss13g/ usable again (no ai shit)
what byond version do i need to compile
>VG players so retarded they make THREE threads

fuck all of you slopper goobas
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What even is the point in playing an alien race aside from handicaps?
>muh new thread cuz embed fail
are you seriously that autistic?
I thought this was a good question last thread so I want to reiterate it.
What antag types do we have? And by "Type" I mean how they generally work.

Basic antag, not much to say here
Stealth antag that gains power from killing/harvesting people.
They both turned into self-healing murderbone machines. Shame. (I haven't checked if they got any balance changes since like 2016)
Superpowered people that are meant to be able to solo the station.
>TG Heretic
Traitor with L O R E. Bullshit concept honestly.

>Nuke Ops
Default team antag.
Team Antags that recruit people from the station.
>Gangster/Hand of God
Attempted Team versus Team antags. Goon Gangsters are pretty cool I think, TG Gangsters are cucks.
>TG Devils
Gives crew powers, but if too many get powers they win. Dumped for being bad.
>CEV Eris Inquisitor
Department antag (Think Cargonia). Encourages NeoTheology crewmembers to become more fanatical, gives them permission to perform antag actions.
>/vg/-turned-TG Rat'Var Cultists
Cultist concept turned into a construction antag? I don't remember what they were meant to do originally.
Then it was dumped despite all the sprites being done because TG coders butchered the concept twice.

Reproducing antag that will take over the station eventually.
Weird fucking expanding thing, wins from expanding over the station.
>Malf AI
Traitor AI, can take over the station.

Messes with the station, but doesn't directly kill people.
Could stand to have a variant or two. Universally agreed to be a pretty good antag.
Also meant to be used with a different antag already on the station.
Preys on dead people on the station. Can do stuff that helps kill people.

>Things I suppose we're missing
Antags that are entirely incorporeal and can only influence the station subtly? Might be boring to play though.
being racist and/or receiving racism
The 2nd Rat'Var attempt where they were given a huge base and the idea was that you needed to break through the defenses made by cultists was a cool concept. Just for encouraging the use of SS13's already existing construction system.
on /vg/ there is this neat trick where you can play as an alien and have complete control over an outpost barely anyone goes to. you can do crime and fly away until the heat dies down or just sell trinkets and gadgets. it's pretty cool. this is not an admission of doing crime, and if anyone claims such my shoalish lawyers will be in touch
is this game worth getting into in current year or is highly autistic and gatekept?
If it was more highly autistic and gatekept it would be worth getting into.
f kino is on the menu
jannies can you ban this guy
that’s a drag
lame mindset lol
wake up faggots it's lamprey
whatd he do?
hes talking about f station right?
after you spend enough time on these threads you can sniff out anons and this guy is for sure the /vg/ slopmaxxer
lamprey time login into the real station
>after you spend enough time on these threads you can sniff out anons
oh yeah big guy? so who am i?!
im a newfag and i dont know what that means
Lurk more
Wrong, sorry.
someone spoonfeed me
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i'm not going to lie, i just think it's funny when people get mad over post
anon is using SCIENCE to calculate who is posting but he forgot to carry the two
Here it is, my post story

I think your shamaning days are over.
whats the pizza cockroach thing?
what byond version do i need to compile https://github.com/vgstation-coders/vgstation13
You can't.
my big le brain let's me sniff out the aids ridden cum coming from your asshole
unsanitary to say the least
So how is the server running it fucking faggot retard
If the server was running I'd have to go catch it
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use bolas!
finally a good thread

no, the /vg/ players only made two threads, this thread is not retarded so it's not made by them
try 514.whatever the latest one is
idk where to find it though
one thread is trying to turn this into a general when it very much isn't
other is full of AI spam
fstation seems cool
Yeah it's so cool, it holds the record for server with 0 concurrent player for the longest time ever.
reminder to ignore any mention of "fstation"
server of the retard spamming the threads with aishit
this is the very latest byond http://www.byond.com/download/build/LATEST/

code\datums\mutable_appearance.dm:10:warning (no_parent): ..: ..() has no parent proc to call
code\datums\mutable_appearance.dm:9:error: New: undefined proc

i fucking hate VG coders


fucking niggers should not be allowed to self merge
because VG needs players are they don't want you to jump ship to a place without tranny admins, can't have a 4chan server without everyone being transexual pedophiles
>the very latest byond
the very latest is 515.whatever
im saying try the 514.whatever
code\world.dm:9:error: #error You need at least version 515 to compile
code\controllers\subsystem\dbcore.dm:114:error: (: missing comma ',' or right-paren ')'
code\controllers\subsystem\dbcore.dm:104:error: list started here
code\controllers\subsystem\dbcore.dm:114:error: ): expected }
code\controllers\subsystem\dbcore.dm:81:error: location of top-most unmatched {
well you seem to know more about this than i do so good luck m8
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meanwhile fstation compiles and runs smooth as butter. butter kinos on the menu lads.
>>1433376 is the real server
>wake up
>don't remember a damn thing how i got there
>try wandering around
>innate shoal instincts kick in and i pilfer tools off of a dead engineer, among many other things
>eventually find one other living person, he's kitted the fuck out
>says there's a shitload of weapons in botany, where he just came from
>thank him for the advice and we go our separate ways
>find a greyshit i almost blast because god knows what lamprey hides
>give him the spare set of tools i have
>find a long hallway with a couple of "ticket takers" this is a reference to The Theater creepypasta isn't it
>get lost in bridge hell for a while
>kitted out guy from earlier announces he found evac
>find newfound hope and rush the fuck outta bridge hell
>find an escape pod, completely ignore it thinking it wouldn't work when evac time came around
>many many many moments and some donk pockets later
>die to a chlown tucked away in maints
i had three AA IDs, a full set of meds, and the cap's laser and i still fucked up
also had a ghost following me the entire time, it was kinda nice to play out a schizo for a while

This is the real server
jesus christ, retard
read the fucking PR i linked you last thread
use 515 but not the latest version
i got a new idea for fstation
ill post it here once its live
next time ill include feet pictures should help me out
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Does it make me a tranny if I play a femstatic so people are nicer to me in-game? I've never had any thoughts of transitioning IRL, I just want to powergame and it seems like femstatics are good for that.
Wait, people are nicer to you if you pick woman?
Is that just a modern SS13 thing?
I think yeah, it depends on what server you play on as well. Obviously it might not apply on /vg/ (I've never played as a woman there) but for the major hub servers, people are noticeably nicer and more receptive to your questions and demands.

I don't think it's the result of people deliberately simping, rather it's just the "women-are-wonderful" effect that makes people nicer to women IRL. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Women-are-wonderful_effect
So to maximize powergaming/metagaming it's best to play as a female character, plus you get the bonus of banbaiting people who try to do ERP or say muh-soggy-knee-sticks stuff. And the troon crowd will think you're one of them so it will be harder to get banned. I've done plenty of shit that I think would've gotten me 100% noted or banned if I wasn't playing a femstatic.
>playing a static
I only play random name random body basic human. No flavor text, no quirks, no special feature. I like my rp with people who don't immediately know me from 5 rounds ago.

>playing a femstatic
Don't use discord or you will 100% troon out given a few years.
>Don't use discord or you will 100% troon out given a few years.
I can't use Discord, all my accounts get banned
if pomf leaves then there's no reason i should stay banned since my only crime was crossing him
Sorry chuddie, the 4chan server does not want 4channers
it's a role-playing game anon, play as whoever you want power gaming or not. just make a compelling character! i tend to play female characters too, i naturally have very submissive tendencies and do not like conflict so building characters around that has generally went well for me. as long as you are having fun and not messing up rounds for other players you should be fine!
>i naturally have very submissive tendencies and do not like conflict
This post just single-handedly convinced me to never play female characters ever again.
Librarian has effectively nothing to do unless you take the journalist title.
Bridge officer on high pop is completely useless.
Assistants are practically useless since they never assist anything but antags.
Brig medic is practically useless since security just kills people.
Virologist has a chance to be useless if no diseases spawn.
Cargo technician is useless if population is low enough for QM to handle everything without delay.

Yes. Also half the (((male))) statics could easily be mistaken for female, like Hexton and Ailsa.
>Virologist has a chance to be useless if no diseases spawn.
They can make their own.
>Cargo technician is useless if population is low enough for QM to handle everything without delay.
That's reaching, and Cargo Tech is a easy role for beginners.
tell me about him leaving
>Brig medic is practically useless since security just kills people.
Brig medic is actually really useful specifically on revs if they actually set up the brigbay before things went south, outside of that though they basically sit on their hands or pretend to be cops.
They can make their own but I would argue that's not really what the role is intended to do, and therefore falls outside their job description. If they were part of science too, then it'd change things.
Cargo is easy, but the problem is the RCS setup costs like $100 or something cheap and it's so fast to do everything that you have to have a pretty high pop for the QM to not keep up. RCS and teleporters probably shouldn't be orderable.

Brig medics aren't implanted though, right? And they don't have sec access either IIRC. So it's nice to have a title for it, but there's no functional difference between having one and sec just pulling a doctor from medbay and implanting them in case of revs.
That being said, I think you're right and having the title is sufficient in that case.
I'm speaking exclusively from /vg/ experience, but there Brig Medics start with a loyalty implant and both Brig Medics and Parameds have basic brig access, so they can set up brigbay on their own without having to beg to be let in and out.
>Be warden
>Through sheer incompetence of shooting others and myself most of all, get demoted to HoP
>Change an ID and suddenly grue report
>Find it dead while roaming
>Take it to mind swap machine, tell HoS/Cap about it
>They actually do it after we revive the grue, I become grue and grue becomes HoP
>Few people seem to shoot at me but eventually I think most understand
>At the end of the round the grue/HoP is dead from causes unknown to me
>Somehow make it alive to centcomm
Fun round, shame I couldn't hear the escape shuttle chatter
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Pic related, I was a non-antag grue and the HoP kept antag status
>demoted to HoP
HoP is literally the second in command, you can not be demoted to it unless you were captain
You got a massive promotion
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Riviera Station gaming session begins in less than an hour!
he's nearly 40 and turns out the result of pushing everyone away is ultimately being always alone so he is miserable
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You're on a dangerous path, but an ounce of is woth a pound of cure. Follow the instuctions carefully to avoid suicide in a few years
>make a super muscular static
>electric neon clothing
>call him Randy Savage
>rolepreference: Macho Man
>end every sentence with OH YEAH
>every time you get valid'd, do 10 pushups or 1 pullup
Not only will you be on the right path again, but people will treat you even better than if you are some LARPing tranny wannabe whore. Also watch some fuckin manime if you're a weebshit.

I usually have my static set to complete random, and nobody gives a shit if I spawn in as a man or a woman; lying faggot. You're seeing shit that don't exist, and probably early-stage confirmation bias.
*ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure
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You seem very insecure about your masculinity. Are you repressing something? You don't have to hide it anymore anon, it's 2024.
he's clearly repressing his desire to be a slim jim.
What does the 'get unique job' option do for preferences?
likely just tells it to not give you the same job you had last round
The continual demonisation of masculinity by culture, eradication of healthy male role models, shaming of expressing masculinity as nothing but twisted and repressed homosexuality or grossly abnormal naturally unattainable roidmonkeying, and the ability to communicate over the internet without consequence of physical repercussion has been a disaster to the masculine ideal.
I will continue to be a masculine role model and give masculine advice to my bros who need it. The only thing I hide daily is my burning resentment for those who would misguide the naive, the wavering and the inexperienced. If you think I am insecure because I want to help others, you are very, very wrong.

We should stand up for ourselves, alone, but stand up for those who are unable to stand up for themselves, and help up those who are trying to stand up for themselves, so they too can stand alone. The definition may be vague, but I believe that is one of many things that makes a man.
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That's what I like to see. People caring about people.
Why would I play SS13 when SS14 exists and is just as moddable and enjoyable without the jank of BYOND bullshit?
a variety has already been said
It's got almost none of the content, core issues like lack of player collision that will never be fixed, a more developed cheat scene than byond has in <10% of the time, 80% of players are russian, every english server demands you nolife them to unlock basic roles and will permaban you for making fun of alien races, and it's ran by insane furry pedophiles?
Because all the good servers are in SS13 due to legacy.
There are no good servers up in SS14 besides the occasional Hullrot round, and that's not like SS13 at all.
>core issues like lack of player collision that will never be fixed

retard it's one server toggleable variable

>a more developed cheat scene than byond has in <10% of the time

not an argument

>80% of players are russian

not an argument

>every english server demands you nolife them to unlock basic roles and will permaban you for making fun of alien races

not an argument

>and it's ran by insane furry pedophiles?

not an argument
>Retarded spacing
Are you trying to make me look bad nigger
>retard it's one server toggleable variable

Which server has player collision? Or, since I can't quite parse your retarded ESL speak, which cvar enables player collision?
>weeeeeaaaah trannies!! weeeaaahhhh russians!! weeeeaaahhhh pedophiles!!

dumbasses lol, have you even played the game or do you just hang out here to troll?

Play ss13 CM and play ss14 CM and then tell me why you're retarded
Kill yourself
you didn't play ss14 CM in that timeframe so opinion disreguarded, stupid idiot

You can't answer the question because SS14 does not have player collision and never will. SS14 CM being hosted by a zoophile has no relevance to this which is why I didn't bring it up, it's strictly worse because there is no physicality, just a bunch of floating pixels running between each other's legs.
>You can't answer the question because SS14 does not have player collision and never will.

You're actually retarded, holy shit

>open game code
>ctrl+F collision
>variable shows up
>code shows up

class Player {
// Represents whether the player is currently colliding with an object
bool isColliding;

// The entity that the player is currently colliding with, nullptr if none
Entity* collidedEntity;

// The tile the player is currently on
Tile* currentTile;

// A mysterious variable for sneed mechanics (for future use)
bool sneedMode;

// Constructor
Player() : isColliding(false), collidedEntity(nullptr), currentTile(nullptr), sneedMode(false) {}

// Function to handle player collision
void HandleCollision(Entity* otherEntity) {
if (otherEntity != nullptr) {
isColliding = true;
collidedEntity = otherEntity;
// Collision logic goes here
} else {
isColliding = false;
collidedEntity = nullptr;

// Function to update the player's current tile
void UpdateTile(Tile* newTile) {
currentTile = newTile;

// Mysterious Sneed function
void ActivateSneedMode() {
sneedMode = true;
// Sneed-related logic goes here (whatever that may be!)
troll kind of spiraled out of believably too fast, I would have instead gone the route of intentionally misunderstanding what "player collision" means and just pretending not to get it while I explain it to you several times

By the way, google "least degenerate furry" and click the first result to see SS14 CM's host.
>tile based movement
tile based movement, right here

>SS14 CM being hosted by a zoophile has no relevance to this which is why I didn't bring it up

you just did

>it's strictly worse because there is no physicality, just a bunch of floating pixels running between each other's legs.

If you lay down on ss13 you can fit infinite players into a tile, retarded faggot
maybe if you delete this post and I delete my post we can keep the troll going a bit longer
>9 online
Well deadpop but whatever
>2 on crew manifest
nani the fuck? Even with an antag that doesn't show up and trader there's more people observing than playing
nobody plays trader anyway
>Guy joins my deadpop, dies, gets revived by me, and returns the favor by killing me instantly and doing nothing interesting
Thanks jackass, you were a real card to play with. Next time I'll make sure to leave you dead if you're just playing to ruin my time
hey vmfag do you have a gitgud or github repo for vmstation? i wanna make shitty edits of the title screens to at least differentiate it from TG a little bit and maybe replace liggers with v*x
Hinatrans runs vm station
prove it, nigger
It was revealed to me in a dream. Also your syntax and writing style is easy to detect just like how I can detect luzha.
>hmm today I will falseflag by making a show of the worst issues with the excuse of calling them all "not an argument"
just say you don't like ss14, no one's going to give you shit for it here
So am I schizo or is Hinatrans actually Russian?
can't argue with that logic
if i really am who you think i am what's the name of my static
You're that guy who keeps griffing me, george melons!
violet hill
crush martins
crush martins
kc hexton
crush martins
kc is my favorite femstatic
What part of that post is insecure? If anything he is the most securely masculine man in the whole thread. Not ashamed, not afraid, to be manly. Knows his limits, knows he can break those limits in due time. What part of that is insecure? Where is the repression? None, I say, and my dad works at psychology that's why I know more about this than you do.
>he can break those limits in due time.
People who take masculinity/femininity overly serious tend to be the kind of people who're extremely conformist, thus I doubt he could brake any limit or "norm".
erm sweetie this is nu4chan we have black and white morals from twitter
They aren't supposed to be arguments, they're reasons to play SS13 over SS14
No i meant like the 10 pushups 1 pull up type limits. A lot of guys can't do that and so they think they're not worth the title of "man", that's insecurity. But knowing your limits and working to break through them (with exercises) is confidence.
i hate that i'm so bad at drawing i wanted to draw an interaction i had that was special to me but i just can't do it. i thought it would be easier to do with a stylus than a mouse but everything i make still looks terrible. i keep practicing and practicing but everything looks as terrible as the last and i don't feel like i'm improving at all
Do it with stick figures, fuck having realism in your funny drawings
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practice, practice, practice. literally just draw anything and everything you want to.
you won't get good or see the results of your labor right away but i promise you that you'll get better.
plus, shitty art is kino in its own right.
t. someone who doesn't draw often enough to git gud
try slopping it lets you be expressive
Not really though
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>be HoP
>Objectives: maim John the CE, steal his blueprints and a slime core sample
>immediatly secure the spare and declare myself the Acting Captain
>decide to be a hardass comdom for today
>while I'm busy gearing up behind the Captain's desk, Nil the Engineer walks out of Teleporter maints and demands a pinpointer
>decline with my antique gun at the ready, he backs off
>all sorts of gunshots, whacking and robust fighting sounds come out of the Teleporter Room
>realise Nil is a fellow traitor, PDA him a codeword
>no response
>no more sounds coming out of the TR either
>read the "subversive elements" CentCom summary paper
>it's empty
>send an announcement regarding the "subversive elements" being John, Nil and the resident Clown to raise suspicion amongst crew
>hide the original summary papers
>return to my office in full Captain attire
>grant the Clown AA, hand the pinpointer over and make him a Pinpointer Keeper to protect the item from Nil
>he points out Nil is dead, proceed with the appointment anyway
>Lucky the HoS and Todd the Assistant appear, Todd asks for a promotion to Security Officer with the HoS' endorsement
>promote him after he answers the test question about arrests sensibly
>15 minutes remaining
>I better find John at fault of something fast
>arrive at the Engineering
>TEGs are running at full force, sparking periodically
>he's getting the blame for this
>call the CE to his office over the radio
>trawl through the CE locker
>no blueprints
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>John arrives, drops the tint and I begin scolding him
>it's really dark so he installs a light
>issue a first formal warning regarding the lack of lighting in his own office
>begin explaining what I actually called him for
>he interrupts me
>put him in his place by issuing a second formal warning
>finish talking, he's trying to elaborate on how TEG works and how it's totally okay and safe for it to be sparking
>shake my head in disappointment, issue a final warning for an unsafe engine handling hereby officially demoting him
>he disagrees and refuses to give up his ID and backpack
>tase, tableslam him, take them myself and run away
>shit, no blueprints in his backpack either
>5 minutes remaining
>start looking for him again to make him a cripple
>find him in Medbay
>robust him with my telebaton
>jectie completed, gain 10 more minutes of life
>the doctors are having none of that and stand up for him
>Lucky arrives and joins the battle in the lobby on my side
>power outage happens
>it's pitch black, doctors are picking at me from the shadows while I glow like a Christmas tree because of my shining attire
>desperately shoot the lazors in the dark, my health steadily dwindling
>power restored
>fall into crit
>dragged into a cryo hell
>hear a shootout continue through my sleep
>see physicians and John sometimes walking outside, discussing something
>eventually dragged out of cryo, stripped and husked with my own laser gun
>smooth operator!
Act like a comdom, get treated like a comdom. Meanwhile...
>Lucky Ducky got his knee caps obliterated during the battle
>Clown proceeds to abuse the now helpless HoS
>he shittalks the cluwne back
>is put in a gay baby jail to rot until the end of times
>Lucky Ducky says, "W-wh-hat-t d-d-d-do u g-g-get-t b-bul-l-l-llied-d ir-r-rl-l-l"
lmao! Though I generally condemn gay baby jailing.

Come play on Riviera Station next Saturday!
nobody's going to play your shit server, faggot
it's not up on sundays?
And which server might that be ?
On the one hand 14 is much better for coding and doing what you actually want to do without work arounds using real code, then on the other hand 13 is not totally controlled by transexualls who will boot you off the hub for fun things i want to do with a 14 server

can't have shit with indie games unless i make the entire game huh
It is, but we currently don't have a scheduled session on Sundays. Sometimes people gather on Sundays, but there won't be an admin present and there will be naturally less people on.
Just use SSMV.
what's that
Space Station Multiverse
Auth-agnostic version of the SS14 launcher, so its controlled by no one
oh based, does it list the wizden hub also?
You won't be able to connect since WizDen recently coded their launcher to block SSMV auth.
Fuck sake why do trannys ruin litterally everything
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sorry for lying to you so brazenly anon...
please... forgive me?
what the fuck are you using special compile options or something there's nothing mentioned in the github page about this
nevermind i am retarded for some reason if i deleted and unzipped again it compiled.. maybe previous compile attempts borked the code? eitherway thank you
Since when have these threads moved so fast? I remember it being months before someone bothered making another thread on this board.
It's because /vg/station migrated here on account of their thread being made unusable by one or two schizos with nothing better to do but spam the general with off-topic shit all day.
it's better here, more potential exposure for new players
/vg/ collapsed
*VG collapsed
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The pedophile being sued by the SSMV dev came to F95 today under the name "greendrake1188" to have another meltdown and confirmed they personally ordered it due to a C&D targeted against them specifically


Context for the uninitiated:

can you archive i can't read without loggin in
I'm retarded sorry how do I make an archive for something that requires login
here i went ahead and made one
so about

"Google Analytics or basic IP access logs to a private commercial game server “spyware,”"

I thought ss14 had a bunch of "spyware" to track banned users? you should include all of that on your site for the lulz
can you go ahead and sue already i want i see the fallout kek
the law moves very slowly. trust the plan
also, are any of the VG staff implicated in any of this? i know nervere is good friends with metalgearsloth
pjb obviously
>it's another admin self inserts into the round playing as a centcom official in person or some other unobtainable items so they are super special and unique

why do i even play on VG
>retard A makes shitty porngame
>retard B says he's gonna crack it
>retard A completely loses his shit
>some retardation with blocking servers and hubs follows
do i have this right?
i should care about this why exactly?
SS14 jannies get to do whatever they want to you, even if it's unrelated to the game and if you resist you are a nazi transphobe and they will stop people from being able to play on your server. If you run an SS14 server you agree to have trannies send you threats and try to fuck with your business partners, it's in the TOS somewhere trust me bro

In SS13 terms pretend retard B is lummox and retard A is MSO and he prevented BYOND from being able to play /tg/ even through direct connect
not exactly, retard A is also in charge of making the SS14 launcher that doesn't need tranny auth services and that was before the porn game crack and the whole shebang
just make your own ss14 with niggers and vox strippers? it's all opensource isn't it?
unlike byond
that's what they ended up doing but it's still showing off how the main SS14 is run by psychotic trannies, which personally I consider a bad thing especially if they are fucking with something I spent a lot of time on
a launcher that doesnt need trannyauth seems like a good idea, but i wouldn't want retard A in charge of it
these meltdowns make me think he'd do the exact same thing if the roles were reversed
that's because you are retard C
they set up auth per server rather than centralized auth so the thing wizden did literally can't happen again
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odds i play another round evens sleep
eheh, have fun sucker!
TGstation is dead, the host is merging the two main servers (US-west and EU) into a singular US-east server to reduce upkeep costs due to big donors pulling out and other just going broke.
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Rest In Piss
No mercy for discord trannies.
I figured any remaining TGstation donors/players would be buck broken and fine with the codercracy fucking them over.
was the wall perspective change the thing that killed TG? if not what was it
You're asking the wrong guy, I haven't touched TG in years. I think that's obvious from my post.
But timing indicates Wallening, yes.
based, can you post the screenshots of them basically saying we are merging it and the players can fuck off, i want to make a drama thread on reddit to fan the flames
>using reddit even just to clown on faggots
Bro, it's much more satisfying to sit back and watch the drama. Involving yourself through reddit is pretty cringe
tried adding the chefbots from goon https://github.com/arefdsg/vmstation/
Good work hinachigo !
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>i hate that i'm so bad at drawing
everyone is at some point. also 'bad' is subjective
>i wanted to draw an interaction i had that was special to me but i just can't do it
no, you can. pick up a pen and draw it.
can you draw it exactly how you imagine it in your head? maybe not. but tell yourself that "i just can't do it" whenever you get an idea for drawing is a big mental roadblock you need to get over. draw what you want to draw. wait a while and draw it again. if you try to draw something and don't do a good job, are you now forbidden from every giving that another shot? of course not
>i thought it would be easier to do with a stylus than a mouse but everything i make still looks terrible.
there's a learning curve.
>i keep practicing and practicing
rethink how you practice, set a goal in mind, pick up a book
>but everything looks as terrible as the last
practice drawings are meant to look terrible
>i don't feel i'm improving at all
i doubt that

if you dont like drawing for the sake of it, maybe it's not for you. i dunno
>Space Station 13 is a round-based roleplaying game, developed using BYOND engine around February, 2003
Who asked?
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i asked
That's okay, no one starts out good at art. Just keep drawing and you'll get there eventually. Also don't be afraid to just straight up trace artwork you admire so long as you don't claim it's your own work, it'll help you get a feel for form as long as you're actively paying attention to the lines you're making.
Don't be afraid to never stop tracing either desu
Art school kids seethe when you bring this up, but the great masters all traced and most of the well paid professional artists do too
People meme on comic book artists for tracing porn and MTG ones for tracing celebs, but those are some of the best paid illustrators there are
Tracing fucking works
I'm scribbling a drawing of my favorite /vg/ character right now, it looks like a kid's drawing but I'll still post it when it's "done". Thank you for the encouragement.
God forbid anything ever happens
what's wrong with the latter assuming it's given to a player?
gooning to vox
Vox are cold blooded right? I mean they look pretty reptilian in general. How hard do you think it would be to get one to snuggle up to an average sized male human? Asking for a friend
who is the green hair woman
my question applies to any server
A static that the ai dweeb latched on to. It's probably for the best if you never reply to posts that are accompanied by ai generated images.
whats special about them?
The community chose fstation.
Not really sure.
what does the f stand for
faggot. It's the server owner's personal grooming grounds. That's why he's obsessed with femstatics from other servers
Yeah, that's what the server owner of faggot station looks like. Thanks for the visual, anon
freedom, freshness, and fun!
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dont be afraid to start sloppin!
I think slopping would be more embarrassing than posting my amateur art
what's fresh or fun about a dead server? I guess I can agree there's a lot of freedom when logging on makes you 100% of the population
What is dead may never die, but rises again, harder and stronger.
We answer freedom's call.
sounds like a problem in mindset. scientific experiments have proven time in and time out that slop is kino.
if you have fun you won thats the motto!
Whatever cucked ideals you hold i don't
>God forbid anything ever happens

Oh sweetie i know, you can't handle not being the centre of attention i get it, but this game isn't a platform for you to abuse your admin powers for discord clout, oh wait maybe VG is LOL
/vg/ ran away from one autist, like the tough and capable guys that they are
Note that said autist is ITT right now. Thankfully we have jannies here.
it's called VG
Hina shit skin, both of your servers are failed abortions. No ones going to play on vm or f station. You have Brown eyes, black hair brown skin.
ok i figured out how to fake playernumbers on the hub, you want it hina?
you're welcome, anon.
>insulting the vm server
Get off this board and back to your slopmaxxing /vg/ bread
they're more cold resistant than humans
Sure! I tried modifying playernames using world.Topic as part of the anonymization initiative that was so well received by the 4chan ss13 community, but it seemed like the hub just ignored it for some reason. Is it a method other than world.Topic?
Those are some interesting facts and they truly are fascinating creatures.
Actually i have a funny idea for it
someone with a rebbit account post this to the ss13 sub i can't do it since they have a 5 hour ban on new accounts
i thought it was obvious to everyone. some ss13 servers do this too. the server i've been visiting always has 50+ players according to the hub but when i join it's mostly low to medium pop (this is not a complaint, it's cozy)
was this a post in the 4th person as to what the top reddit comment would be?
i stopped using reddit a few years ago when i quit a game i used the subreddit for (the cheap bastards bought up the game, shut the official forums down, and basically outsourced the entire thing to reddit)
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>account already suspended
dude do you even know how to mask your IP? you're clearly dedicated to posting garbage online but you don't even make an attempt to do it properly enough that the idiots they have moderating reddit could find and ban you within 20 minutes. it's funny and sad at the same time
kek the retards in the 14 discord bought it
sounds funny, any screenies?
Nice lol ty
whatever happened to Redux Station? i was around for a couple of the playtests that were up and then it and the anon hosting it disappeared.
this is all very cringe if you think about it
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thank you, based jannies
i don't think you even have to think about it to know how cringe it is, whether it's a permabanned shitter or some weirdo coder. i've wanted to evade my ban for weeks, it's not like it's hard, but there is a level of respect that should be shown to the people that keep their server running and deal with the problem players that pop up. he's going to give up eventually, just ignore shitposts and talk about the game, anon
>but there is a level of respect that should be shown to the people that keep their server running and deal with the problem players that pop up
>but there is a level of respect that should be shown

goes both ways retarded faggot, fuck VG
i don't get it. they're volunteering their time to moderate. why do you not like them? hard mode: don't use the term tranny
It's understandable to question why some people might not have a positive view of moderators, especially when they're volunteering their time. In many cases, criticism arises from concerns about how the staff conduct themselves. For example, in some communities, there have been instances where staff members are seen as corrupt or manipulative, leading to a lack of trust among users. This can stem from behaviors such as favoritism, inconsistent enforcement of rules, or dishonesty about their actions and decisions.

When people feel that those in positions of power are not acting transparently or fairly, it can lead to significant dissatisfaction and criticism. It’s important for any moderation team to be transparent, fair, and consistent in their actions to maintain trust and respect within the community.
i can agree that some admins can be prickly, but for the most part i haven't seen many that were maliciously hiding their intents and actions. i'm not saying it isn't possible or hasn't happened but i don't think the average person volunteering to admin on ss13 is like that, and even if they were it seems like they get significant push-back from the rest of the team
It's true that most admins are likely not malicious, and many are dedicated to maintaining a fair environment. However, there are notable exceptions that can impact community trust. For instance, there was an incident involving an admin named Nipples, who banned a player, Fish_Grese, for using an emote related to pissing on the floor. This action seemed excessive to some, especially considering the context.

What exacerbated the situation was the fact that Nipples himself was later found to be engaging in problematic behavior. He reportedly spawned in to harass a female player named Skylar by trapping her in a room and performing over 50 emotes focused on her feet. Such behavior is troubling and undermines the integrity of the moderation process, as it suggests a double standard where the admin's actions are not held to the same scrutiny as the players' actions.

This kind of behavior not only damages the trust in the admin team but also raises concerns about the consistency and fairness of rule enforcement. It's important for any moderation team to address such incidents transparently and ensure that all members are held accountable to the same standards.
Nippes is a headmin on VG btw, only pomf can remove him
is there any proof of this? all /vg/ server logs are public so if you could link the log that would be great. in my experiences nipples has been a very respectful guy
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i'm not disputing that could have happened, but that scenario could be from a privately hosted server, do you remember the date? also that screenshot looks to be from the perspective of the admin and i doubt he would make and upload it himself. sorry if i sound like i'm interrogating you, i just think the "evidence" is a little suspect and from the few times i've interacted with the guy he seemed very chill
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>do you remember the date?

unfortunately not
lol they removed fish_grease's ban from the ban page


there's also not an appeal on the forums so VG actually is manipulating the ban page lmfao
VG is cooked
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/vm/ is baked
thank you, GPT-kun
what are your thoughts on an experimental lasergun that melts off women's clothing?
wow, it's almost like they fooled the trialmins into going through the 10year old list of bans and removing the retarded ones as part of a "clear the banlist" event
>yes we removed the evidence and won't comment

is this real lol?
Why did cashe leave vg station?
nobody here supports you
even if it is real the leaker's a retard for not dropping the entire "secret repo
Glad the tred is still surviving well. Reminder that trolling outside of /b/ and off topic posts are common lately. I hope the ss14 server is coming along well. I remember hearing about it a week or two ago
i might run this on a server with ten million random players to see if it works
do post the results
how long has the /vg/ thread been dead for? i haven't seen a ss13 thread in a couple days
a couple weeks, if not more
like a year i think
There is no secret repo anymore. The server is AGPL compliant now
a week or two
the mentally ill schizoposter that complained day and night about players moving to the discord has succeeded in making the thread so shit and unusable that all the /vg/ players moved to the discord
great job!
If this is true why do I recognize everyone online when I /who and have recognized everyone for years?
That's not him spawning a player in a room, trapping them, and doing weird emotes. That's him saying those lines to a gremlin so the gremlin would repeat them when put next to a comms console. Still weird, but I don't understand why you're trying to vastly misrepresent the scenario unless you have ulterior motives
CM is for retards
>People who take masculinity/femininity overly serious tend to be the kind of people who're extremely conformist, thus I doubt he could brake any limit or "norm".
Guys masculinity isn't real, there's no evolutionary reason men and women are different. We're all indistinguishable grey blobs.
the gremlin is skylar you retard
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>There is no secret repo anymore
>We pwomise
>Here's five PRs with two lines each we just made up
VG is for retards
>We're all indistinguishable grey blobs.
Ironically that one is actually true here, there's only anon which is a grey blob with a green head.
there's probably more code in the secret repo that maybe maintains a list of ckeys it keeps or something? who knows until we get the rest of the code to look at
that's proprietary you can't post about that here
i'm thinking it was made because they know the secret repo got leaked, maybe
again, if it's real the leaker is a retard for not just dropping the whole secret repo
agreed, what a fucking retard lmao
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>since the staff there continue to be transphobic

I think I will assume this "leaker" is bullshitting unless I see proof otherwise based on my initial question
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>the video
probably, but what if VG releases a fake secret repo code, i can see pomf doing that to save his own social skin, god what a fucking wasted opportunity
That doesn't even make sense. Wouldn't it make more sense if he was forcing someone to be a gremlin talking about Skylar feet for it to be someone other than Skylar?
i remember the round and the fallout, it was skylar, and they left the game because of it
I don't even personally really give a shit either way. There's always been enough people for me to have fun on the server for a couple rounds a night, and this doesn't affect my ability to play the game and have fun
oh i see, you are a VG disinfo tranny, fuck (You)
I play on the 4chan ss13 server. If you can't handle someone not agreeing with your stance without devolving into buzzwords I don't know what to tell you
>I don't even personally really give a shit either way if the VG trannies are botting their numbers on a niche indie game


>4chan ss13 server

kek he made another one?
Look how they freak out just from saying the server whose community uses 4chan is the 4chan ss13 server
you can't say nigger or anything transphobic in the VG discord or they ban you from it
This is unironically written like how hinatrans codes
Yeah, because a hypocritical neverplayer named Nord got kicked, then rejoined on an alt and reported his own nigger posts to discord and the server got threatened with a shutdown. You can still say nigger on the server which if you care about the game and hate discord should really be the only place that matters to you
Great, now why is there not a thread where the game links you to talk about the game, oh wait yes, because of a shitposter, kill yourself
if true, what absolutely cowardly behavior.
>i got owned so i'm going to cry to daddy discord!
i genuinely cannot understand what compels someone to debase themselves like this. there is no benefit to himself, just harm to others. what an utterly pathetic person.
What do you think we're posting in right now? It's not like we have any control over the fact that the jannies here actually do enough about the autist to prevent him from flooding out any discussion every time someone uses the thread unlike on /vg/. I'm sure the thread will move back at some point. I could probably get the /vm/ catalog linked while it's being used if that's what you're saying, but I also wonder why you didn't just suggest this to anyone directly
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I get what you're saying, but honestly, moving back to the /vg/ thread seems pointless. Yeah, you can still say whatever you want on the server, but the issue isn’t just about free speech; it's about the community and how moderation’s handled. No matter where the discussion happens, whether it's /vg/, /vm/, or Discord, there's always going to be some admin or janny overstepping.

Even if we moved the thread, it doesn't change the fact that there's always someone ready to report posts or cry to staff, causing the same issues to pop up. And if the server’s getting threatened with shutdowns over stuff like that, it feels like we’re just running in circles. Moving back might work for a bit, but it’s only a matter of time before the same problems catch up.
It is, and he also tried to get the github taken down. Which was the reason during that period people couldn't view it without an account (and complained about it in the thread) but then also complained when we removed the commented out niggers in the code and moved some slurs to the secret repo so github would unflag the codebase.
what the fuck is wrong with you?
you asked for better tranny material? stupid faggot
Yeah, it's unfortunate. Over the years we've just picked up enough spiteful autists like tumors that they bog down a small community. I suppose there isn't one sweeping solution to it, but I do personally like this community and don't want to see it die
we don't need the thread being flooded with the retards that stayed there
I get that, and I respect anyone who still has hope for the community. But after seeing it get dragged down over and over, it's hard not to feel jaded. It’s like the same cycle of drama keeps repeating, with people who just want to stir things up dragging everyone else down. No matter how much some of us might care, it feels like we’re constantly stuck fighting against the same problems without any real change.

At some point, you just wonder if it's worth putting in the effort when the toxic elements always find a way to creep back in. I don't want to see the community die either, but it feels like we're all just spinning our wheels without a clear way out of this mess. nipples, nervere, pomf and the other shitmins just drag us down into the dirt with their shitpost attitude
are you mad? i little perturbed it seems? only a sick fuck would have something like that saved or try to show it to other people. why are you so mad? if you got banned you should either move on or try your best to make things right. being a freak on an anonymous imageboard doesn't do anything. get mental help.
the only winning move is moving to where they have no power
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>we don't need the thread being flooded with the retards that stayed on 4chan

>t. the 4chan server
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if that's your solution, good, fuck off and retreat to discord like the rest of VG and someone else will takeup the 4chan server mantle
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>what the fuck is wrong with you?
I fully admit it's partially my own autism spite not wanting a random retard to kill my enjoyment of the community. But outside of that it's nice having a server where there aren't ultra strict RP rules where you feel like you're walking on eggshells but people choose to RP anyway. I know it's easy to point to badmins and think the server is inevitably being run into the ground, but I can say for sure there are still admins that do care about the server if it's any consolation.
looks like the answer is mental retardation
enjoy discord
found your theme! i had no idea you were a brony!
it's not easy to just walk away from a community you’ve enjoyed, even when it’s frustrating. And yeah, the balance of having a server without super strict RP rules where people still choose to engage in RP naturally is a rare thing. That’s part of why I stick around too.

But as much as I appreciate the lower-ranking admins who actually care, it feels like they’re stuck in a system that’s fundamentally broken. The host and head admins have way too much power, and they’re the ones making the decisions that really matter. It’s hard to have any faith in the future of the server when the people at the top are the ones dragging it down. The good admins can only do so much if the higher-ups keep making bad calls, and that’s what makes me doubt things will ever really improve in the long run.
can you two just get a room already?
here's your theme while you're on the way to ADX florence for crimes against children, jerome awaits

Discord is proprietary spyware
damn, so it's like microsoft?
all things considered fstation's freedom truly is kino
especially compared to VG where you cant say nigger or be transphobic anywhere except for the game except if you do in the game admins will braindamage you and get you deplatformed from github
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this violates the discord ToS, the github ToS, and the microsoft ToS. sorry chud you are not allowed in our discord!
>except for the game except if you do in the game admins will braindamage you and get you deplatformed from github

kek did VG really do this?
>late join as librarian
>it's nuke ops
>grab my camera and rush to the fight
>get some really good shots
>retreat to the library to write some news stories about our valiant crew members fighting for the station
>nukie breaks in and cuts my head off in maint
>never got to share my pictures or footage of the fight
that was a real bummer of a round, but i guess that's just how it goes
late join as librarian, the most useless role on the station
it's nuke ops, and like an idiot, I grab my camera to play pretend journalist instead of doing anything remotely helpful
rush to the fight, taking pictures like I'm at some kind of twisted amusement park watching people die
don't even lift a finger to help, because why would I when I can just sit back and watch people bleed?
retreat like the coward I am to the library, where I try to romanticize the bloodbath I just witnessed
a real fighter – a nukie – finally puts me in my place and rightfully ends my pathetic existence in maint
now I’m mad because I didn’t get to share my pointless pictures of the real heroes fighting while I did absolutely nothing
good riddance – at least I’ll think twice before being dead weight next time
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this greentext has a kind of sadomasochistic erotic quality to it
i know what you are but what am i?
i had no tools or ways of defending myself. i gave the weapons that got dropped to others and tried to stay out of their way because i know i'm useless in a fight. i wanted to show the crew how hard everyone was fighting to raise morale
refer to your previous post
that's not my post anon. when i learn the mechanics of the server i will absolutely throw myself into danger to keep other crew members safe, but for now i need to learn how to pull my weight here. people seem to enjoy roleplay here so i'm happy i decided to try it
don't reply, high likelihood it's the spammer from /vg/ trying to derail
oh, then sorry friend ignore me you did good
"I had no tools, no strength to stand tall,
In the face of chaos, I knew my place—small.
Weapons slipped from my hands to those more brave,
For I was not a hero, only a shadow in the cave.

I stayed out of their way, knowing I couldn’t help,
An observer to the struggle, the silent yelp.
All I had were the moments I captured, frozen in time,
A testament to others’ valor, never mine.

But the truth is bitter: no picture can save,
No story can resurrect those who gave
Their lives to the fight while I could only stare,
Wishing my lens was a sword, that I could dare.

Now my photos, like me, are forgotten, unseen,
Buried in the dark, where hope had been.
And maybe that's fitting, for what was I,
But a fleeting witness, watching heroes die?"
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>don't talk to him, he's not a troon
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don't you have a knockoff to work on? you have to let go of your /vg/ days already PJB, you french tranny underage fuck
cry about it faggot
cs2g won btw
show me your tits
Don't listen to anyone giving you shit for not powergaming. They're faggots.
You shouldn't have repeatedly tried to take control of station business as a trader, and you shouldn't have instantly escalated to toolboxing the HoP to death for disabling your account when you played a miner, leon. It's really as simple as that. You have a habit of protagonist syndrome
can someone break down why the venom sword is so controversial?
that's exactly why i feel this way. i did horrible things without thinking and that's why i feel the way i do. i am ashamed of myself and the community deserves better.
you can help build back better on fstation
back to /vg/, faggot
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it's VG, "faggot"

also, imagine calling anyone else a faggot when you posted this

"i feel useless and detrimental all the time. i don't understand why people don't like me and that's part of the problem, but i have no idea how to fix it. i want to be someone worth caring about but i can't do it and i don't think it will ever happen. i feel like I'm a wretch that takes positivity and gives nothing back. i really wanted to help others, i really really did (this is not some suicide note, i am just sad)"
Room temp IQ, inb4 you continue not to grasp how to swallow water or jack off without a nurse
unlike you we aren't samefagging, retard
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i feel useless and detrimental all the time. i don't understand why people don't like me and that's part of the problem, but i have no idea how to fix it. i want to be someone worth caring about but i can't do it and i don't think it will ever happen. i feel like I'm a wretch that takes positivity and gives nothing back. i really wanted to help others, i really really did (this is not some suicide note, i am just sad)
prove it you seem like a samefag
>type some code
>say it's from X server with no source or verification
Why should I believe this?
Okay lads I'm going to fix the diona nymphs not having some hat sprites (like buckets).
How the fuck do I RIP the current sprites from the game so I can start making new ones that fit?
If you need to ask this, I don't trust you to make good sprite.
not the anon you've been talking to but is the community really that bad? so far i can't say i've had a round that's been downright shitty, or interactions ooc that have turned me away (besides having to deal with all the slop posting that turned every "sane" person away from the /vg/ thread). at worst i've had some boring rounds or have gotten to watch some shitflinging in ooc or in the thread.
then again i'm an rpfag and i haven't been around /vg/station long enough to have a better idea, so maybe i should shut the fuck up.
>git clone codebase
>open project in Dream Maker
>spend a while searching for the diona nymph sprite set
>right click
simple as
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Retard detective take that Hina and/or his gaggle of tards is trying to do some 24/7 internet ops tier shit.
The account has no other posts and is clearly a burner account to post the pastebin. Given Blackstone used code to boost its player numbers to trick hubbies good bet the code came from that. Blackstone was spammed in the thread by the gaggle for months as the "/vg/ killer"
Nail in the coffin:
>since the staff there continue to be transphobic dickheads
If someone actually cared about transphobia on /vg/ they would just post a screencap showing results for "tranny" or "nigger" or some other no no word on the logs. /vg/ has always been behind players of all the major servers which are pozzed so doesn't make sense they'd make an own by saying we don't have players. They also wouldn't hide their identity behind a burner given how tards love attention. We do know someone with their own server who 1. is always thinking about trannies 2. is constantly ass hurt that his server is eternal 0 pop and 3. is associated with blackstone via schizoid spergs - Hina
bro no one gives a shit about leon on /vg/ other than the people who think hes a woman and are desperately trying to get a piece of virtual tail.
sticky talons
Yeah that means nothing; I don't know how github works
That's why these kinds of projects never get art
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>these are the people "contributing" to the game

I tried following the guide on the wiki and it's literally just full of misinformation; it should be deleted as it made things more difficult than if I had nothing
no problem
i would still learn git (and by extension github) if i were you thoughever, you won't be able to contribute without it
it's not as hard as you think it is
im gonna hop in f
Cashe lives like this??? I can save her.
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Alright well dreammaker is fucking shit and makes searching impossible; the nymphs were under 'monkey.dmi' and then I still can't find the fucking bucket for reference colors
I just ended up making a santa hat instead. I'm not really clear how it works technically either, since I think the nymph is apparently a subtype of monkey I guess I should probably make sure the hat fits on monkey heads as well?
I need to fix the side views anyways since I'm not happy with them so I'll be working on it more later.
I'm also not sure if I need to be working off of a specific anchor point that the hat sprite is tied to or not.
Thats cute anon
Vm station is ran by hinapedo
The gremlin isn't Skylar and that's not why Skylar left, faggot.
Skylar left after Ancientpower sperged out and threatened to permaban Skylar over some nothingburger bullshit.
anon the faggots that post on the /vm/ threads just hear things and make assumptions. none of them played when any of these people were relevant.
is anyone else having problems joining servers? i restarted everything but now my byond won't even let me log in
no problems joining fstation
Nigger you have a personalized one on one git tutor who will perfectly match your knowledge level and respond instantly at any time of day and never get tired of teaching you called chatGPT.
i can't stay awake much longer. i hope everyone has a fun time in spess, goodnight
So I had a dream about us again last night.
This time we were standing at arrivals and watching the meteor storm, your hair and your dress gently flowed as you breathed. You looked as beautiful as ever.
We sat down and watches the stars twinkle across the endless space.
As the meteor shower ended, we had each other for warmth.
With your head on my shoulder and my arm around you, assuring you you will always be safe with me, we thought about our past and our future together.
I thought about how lucky I was to have you in my life, you've brought me so much joy, love, happiness. The kind that I had never experienced before you came along.
You then tried to break free from the handcuffs. The muffled sound of your sweet voice through the muzzle was probably an "I love you."
I love you too.
Always and forever.
what the fuck is wrong with you?
use i.4cdn
>still don't have a feedback thread
I have brown eyes, brown skin and black hair. I’m a mystery meat mutt animal identical to 90% of the worlds shity population. Should I use f station or vm station.
do you like ai slop and/or vox erp
if yes, f
if no, vm
But I thought hina was in charge of both f station and vm station? Is this false ?
i'm gonna say no
the /vm/station host isn't obnoxious about "muh 4chin culture", doesn't post ai slop, and is using a fucking TG fork
on top of that, he isn't trying to shill his dead server or dickriding himself in the thread to the point of driving potential players away
which server has the best vox?
>actual RP interaction
I thought you were hating on "jobbies"
/vg/. ken and kayi are my favorite vox players personally. xidritchi is nice too, but kind of shuns their vox identity.
sprites are mostly ordered by the code definitions only because it makes coding faster, nymphs are a suborder of monkeys which are a kind of not-person, organic, playable object. bucket icons are under obj/janitor.dmi and bucket as a hat is in mob/head.dmi, but your new one would go in mob/monkey_head.dmi
sprites don't have an anchor point and are instead overlaid, if your sprites are correctly cut as 32x32 icons it will work fine. because nimfs are a kind of monkey they use the same hat icons bluntly overlaid on top which is why they don't fit nicely unless specified; you should search for existing code or PRs that added hats and copy that specification
maybe go see a therapist you mentally ill troglodyte
you don't have to be so rude. i am seeing a therapist.
good, stop talking to anonymous internet men too, it's bad for your mental health
>I got owned so im going to cry that NORD owned me on a /vm/ thread.
For that one anon
Haven't read it, but it's probably popular for a reason
No, that code doesn't even compile. You can't make new clients in code. So even if it was in the secret repo all these years it wasn't inflating the pop because it isn't functional code. All the people in here acting like it's a smoking gun make me raise my eyebrow
thank you anon. it really means so much to me that you want to help me get better. hopefully i can repay your kindness by getting good enough to make lovely art for here and every other community i love
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This is the only thing I could find; is he just applying an offset to the hat monkey_head.dmi file if it's on a diona instead of a monkey?
I tried slapping the hat on a monkey too with and without offset. The thing is the offset changes based on the direction too.
>bought game because it looked similar to the long drive and it was on sale
>it's not at all like it and way more scary
>even with taking breaks i keep getting scared
i'm going to play a comfy round of ss13 after this
>bought ss13
who the hell scammed you and how much did you pay?
no no, i didn't buy ss13. i was talking about pacific drive. i know ss13 is free
I actually have to dual boot windows just to play this amazing game.

I miss this game so much. I really have to get around to dual booting windows.
welcome back anon, i think everyone would be happy to have you back
looks correct to me, or as correct as it can get without more special code, just make sure the hat won't go out of bounds. leave the "monkey proper" version and let the offsets from the code work, other subtypes of monkey might use other hat positions
>Given Blackstone used code to boost its player numbers

Lost me here, clearly a lie and VG projecting, unless you have proof? blackstone repo is archived


where is the code to boost playercount? unless you are insinuating blackstone also has a secret repo

subhuman IQ / VG staff detected, it's obviously either relying on other secret repo code and is not the full file considering the "leak" ends with
(to_chat(ALL, status))

classic VG disinfo
You could probably run it in a windows VM since the client is light
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Okay well I made some sprites but I can't be arsed to figure out how to make a pull request or whatever the fuck on github
So anyone who wants to add these to the game and knows how feel free, or give it to someone who can/will
If you want something specific added let me know too and if I think it's interesting I'll give it a go
Weren't there measures to prevent playing on VMs/detecting VM hardware. I assume back in higher pop this was the goto for ban evasion
>subhuman IQ / VG staff detected, it's obviously either relying on other secret repo code and is not the full file considering the "leak" ends with
>(to_chat(ALL, status))
>classic VG disinfo
lol or occam's razor - some retard who barely knows how to code is tried to spread disinfo
f kino
While boasting about how he's going to bait the tards in the previous thread.
>make account
>find dmi in repo
>hit edit
>upload new dmi
>new branch of the code has been created
>find written code (in your branch) that adds or enables monkey hats
>edit that
>find button that says push or make PR
>use chatgpt to create a few paragraphs explaining why this is needed
>wait 3 weeks of whoever is in charge of merging waiting for someone to weigh in
congrations you are a contributor
the backpacks are way more in need of a pass than hats, honestly. They look awful on anything that isn't a monkey or directly based on the monkey sprite
>who barely knows how to code

it compiles if you do the indentation correctly, retard
high IQ
dumb nigger you said it didn't compile


i'm not him, if you want to prove it compiles and that he's the troll then why don't you show it?
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How about YOU put the effort in
>how about you rewrite my non-functional ai generated code so that it works!
no thanks, schizo
>say something retarded
>can't back it up

lmao, lol
wow it's almost like VG is full of faggots now

>>say something retarded
>>can't back it up
ok then, show me the code compiling then, if you wanna back that misinformation of yours up
>noo ur not trying hard enuff
then show is what "hard enough" means
No, you do it

I'll look into those next then.
>ok then, show me the code compiling then, if you wanna back that misinformation of yours up

"No, that code doesn't even compile."

Ok show that
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I saw SS14 was featured again this month on MATI, is the game good?
it's an engine rework for ss13 but missing features and adding stuff nobody asked for (which is typical for ss13 coders)
it's not bad but it is also waist deep or deeper in drama and scandals so i'd just avoid and treat it like a biohazard
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>want to make throwaway account just to fudge around in all the furry servers I'm banned from again
>all the email sites require a phone number
So much for ban workarounds
A quarter of the features and 4 times the trannies of ss13
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Its pretty decent compared to a few years ago
sees a chonky amount of players

But its mired in controversys
unlike lummox for ss13, they actively boot servers that dont fit their vision for what rules should be like from the hub
And the devs for it (and therebye the hub-mods) are obviously full on woke discordtrannys

but you can run off-hub server and its all open source
theres potential there

cant hold a candle to normal ss13 imo though
and with divergent development i dont think itll ever be for me
but then again i cant even stand combat mode so maybe im not a good judge
>but you can run off-hub server

haven't they disabled auth before stopping you from even being able to direct connect?
i wouldnt be suprised desu, but thats news to me.
but the client is open source too, so you could (with great effort) make your own client and auth system
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I just looked it up they did that. That was the catalyst for the first time it got featured on Mad at the Internet
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but yea, unfortunate but im not to suprised.
It realy is a shame about their staff being actively tyranical like that, because as much as it isnt for me there is genuinely a decent game to be had there

like, theres a bit more to the sitch then *just* them being retarded wokeoids afaik
the people from the server that got dehubbed were actively fucking with them, harrasing the staff and going "look we're being 1984'd"
Im not super read into the facts, i just know what i hear hanging out in various ss13 places and dont realy care about 14 beyond enjoing the drama.
But whatever nuance there might have been, they squanderd with their mishandling of the sitch and being tyranical about it

my feeling is its gonna stay its own thing mostly desu, especaly if the development keeps diverging from main ss13

My best hope for escaping the limitations of byond without loosing anything is openDREAM, that shit looks pretty promising
but i know even less about that then i know 14
>the people from the server that got dehubbed were actively fucking with them, harrasing the staff and going "look we're being 1984'd"

If you read the document the server was dehubbed over a fallout between two admin staff ERPing and wizard's den clearly started it. It's ran by a furry polycule and so far most of the drama has been related to who is fucking who or who rejected who else. In this case the server owner rejected a wizden pm so wizden dehubbed him in revenge
>but missing features

dude, it has it's own engine in a real high level programming language, the possabilities are HUGE, but currently nobody wants to touch it because of wizden staff
so i was right about "fucking with them" eh?
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
in particular they swapped f-lists and flirted a bit. wizden admin asks to go further and the server admin says no you're gross. in revenge wizden admin bans him from wizden and leaks his flist. In retaliation for that the server admin leaks the wizden admins flist where he has a bunch of pedophile shit and zoophilia. in retaliation for retaliating against the retaliation the server gets dehubbed. only wizden is allowed to leak your flist
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every single english server has at least one high ranking person with a wikifur page. They do congregate in ERP servers, yes, but it spills over into the regular servers. Here's a space station 14 game director saying that the best roleplay is ADBL age regression "Which he calls littlespace" and failing to enable littlespace roleplay in the non-ERP server with kids playing would cause great harm to queer players, especially the admin team

PJB continues to advertise ERP servers despite both him and a huge amount of his friends having played on SS13 ERP servers while underage. He's so far ignored all reports of the obvious underage players on SS14 ERP servers, only dehubbing Russian language ones. The English language ones are immune because SS14 admins play on them

the entire game is literally, without exaggeration, a furry grooming cult
if someone makes a non cucked ss14 server will wizden staff just make shit up to take it down or what? it's not all hope lost if they don't resort to this
Ballance in SS13 is ass.

A bullet to the head can be healed with a pill, but a grand wizard can be downed with a stunbaton easily.

Roleplayers ruined SS13 and made antagonists a chore to play. They just couldn't roleplay felinid sex if antag blasts them with a laser rifle and leaves a huge hole in their chest. Now antag lasers leave 2nd degree burns so "you have a fair fighting chance".

Ddeploying a syndicate mech in a space station full of civilians should end with it killing everyone. You shouldn't walk off after taking a buckshot to the face. Antags should be able to easily dispose of the crew and a assistant with a glass spear should not be able to down a changeling.

Making a strong poison that disposes of your target was fun. Making a virus that downs the entire station was fun. Buying 100s of null crates and making an army of heavily armed antags and taking over the station was fun.

SS13 never needed ballance. It's not an esport. It's just unrobust kiddies crying "muh I can't roleplay as gay lizard" like you.
SSMV has a new auth system so you could do it there. Although there's currently lawsuits going on between SS14 and SSMV and SS14 has blocked SSMV "for legal reasons" so they seem to believe that forking the open source game is illegal?
>the possabilities are HUGE
true, but they've been huge for a while now and nobody took advantage of those possibilities (similar deal with unitystation) so i don't have high hopes that anyone will do anything with it
there's no Something Awful to make a big code branch foreveryone to steal from nowadays
I'll just warn you any SS14 stuff you need to do under a unique pseudonym that cannot be traced back to other identities. Here's what happened last time someone forked the infra:

holy FUCK
how can this happen if it's open source?
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>open up paradise for the first time in years
>8 years
So who gave Mossad a bunch of detomax cartridges?
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You think that's bad?
>joined paradise to grief
>see banned shitters from /vg/
imagine getting owned so hard you get mind broken and go to a furry server
newfag spotted. your opinion is only valid if you post a ban from 2016 or earlier
not all email sites require a phone number and i'm pretty sure you can make byond accounts using the shitty throwaway ones or cock.li

you said "LIGGER", not "nigga", why the fuck would they ban you??

>rude to admins
What even is the deal with paradise? I was under the impression that erp was not allowed but more than once I've ahelped people getting touchy in a clearly sexual way and nothing was done while I got told not to ahelp "trivial roleplay"
>you said "LIGGER", not "nigga", why the fuck would they ban you??
NTA, but servers that ban the nword tend to also ban ligger "since clearly its based on nigger and is only one letter off"
tbf I did say the exact same thing only with Nigga instead of Ligger. still pretty faggy of them tho
Furries are super oversexualized so if it's just vanilla sex acts they don't even see it as sexual
That makes sense. I guess the most I've really seen is some grab-ass. It wouldn't surprise me if their line is acting out penetrative sex
>No, you do it
i'm not even 100% sure what server you want this in but chances are i'm banned from it so no, i won't do it for you
they have in the past
source: i don't know but mystics have never questioned this
how does coding for 14 compare to dream maker and 13? what do i have to install to get going and start messing around with a 14 fork
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it would be good if it weren't developed by the mentally ill. even if you were to fork it and do your own thing, it would take months to undo the damage and reinstate an actually good codebase that isn't current-day TG (sans half of the actually interesting features)
you know mob bumping? like pushing and pulling and swapping positions? ain't a thing in SS14, deliberately so. you walk off-grid instead. AI? recently implemented. the actual atmos simulator parts of the atmos simulator video game? barely there.
and then if you try to fix their shit for them without their consent? you get sued. it's not worth interacting with in the slightest.
>the actual atmos simulator parts of the atmos simulator video game? barely there.

this and tile movement if i were able to fix, what server would even impliment it? far as i know ss14 devs tell you to fuck off if you open a PR lmao
and surgery can't be that hard either
actually fuck it im keeping non tile movement but im changing how the game plays fundamentally, more weight to everything, not traditionally ss13
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see you faggots in a few weeks when i have the best 14 codebase around, going to hire third world chinks to do most of the coding

ill take donations / ideas

Outsourcing to third worlders would probably end less badly, honestly. They're unlikely to backstab you or cause gay drama.
They'll probably just send you code generated with perplexity.ai, though.
ill hire a head chink to tard wrangle and pay him extra, if there's any funny ill post it from the discord i get them all into
help me pick

Gang & Wang because that's a great match and Gary as project manager as he has some gamedev experience.
no, non-tile movement fucking sucks. I want my squares back, I want retard piles and pushing around. without harmpushing, it's not true SS13.
i'm thinking something like orbital station from lifeweb, but with much much more off station content plus an engaging gameplay loop for the actual crew
i need to have everything written down in planned stages before i hire anyone anyway
This is the fstation mindset unironically.
Hence why inflatable shelters were removed.
'Balance' is lame.
>This is the fstation mindset unironically.
>Hence why inflatable shelters were removed.

>open thread, never played this game but it's always been around
>everyone is shitflinging on what the game should or shouldn't be
well that's that it seems.
good fuck off retarded faggot
This you? >>1436476
Go to bed loser.
still here huh faggot? what about your faggot post talking about how bad the state of the game is? why don't you leave? faggot
Nah that wasn't me.
Because people pick THEIR official launcher, which of course, comes with their code.
You can still connect to non-WizDen servers if you use Space Station Multiverse, which is a fork of their hub launcher.
>Antags should be able to easily dispose of the crew
>a assistant with a glass spear should not be able to down a changeling
So who's unrobust here exactly?
this actually unironically goes hard wtf
trying to connect to byond://vmstation.net:1337 gives a connection failed before handshake error, but i can connect to other servers just fine. is my computer sperging out or is /vm/station dead?
dream maker is programming in plain english, it was designed for children to make their first game and play with their friends. ss14 uses one of those popular languages that require 2 years of programming to understand, because of it's very flexible and you can do anything with no limitation at all except that you are not allowed to if the ivory tower doesn't know you
the community
If you want to write cool stuff for SS14 is sending nudes or doing some ERP with the top brass too much to ask?
uhhhh. yeah?
so. new vm thread or you guys want to migrate back to vg
it's page three retard
i noticed
>require 2 years of programming to understand, because of it's very flexible and you can do anything with no limitation at all
the 2 year training is for learning how to not shoot yourself in the foot every time you unholster the gun
make your own server then see players rolling in due to better features then everyone will try to pull from you
that's just what happens to decade old roleplay games with open source free-for-all development
SS13 is not the first one and it won't be the last one
once you start getting too many players you get a target on your back though and the trannies will start fucking with you. It's why I advise if you do anything in SS14 it needs to be on an identity completely separate from everything else, even other online pseudonyms.
far as you know is anyone working on this already or is there a better codebase for 14 than wizden to start from
does kiwifarms have a ss14 fork?
einstein engines is okay. still lot of dumb shit but they've got some cool accomplishments like rewriting atmos to be both more detailed and more performant. warning: AGPL

they dont know how to navigate robust toolkit slop and dont have the developers to keep up with the constant code churn, not to mention being practically guaranteed to get kicked off of server hub and auth
what's bad with AGPL other than having AGP in the name?
it's the drug resistant airborne HIV of open source licenses
you're forced to open source it far as i know, so if you develop your own server from it like matt has with IS12 they would be able to take it down from my understanding
The only closed source server of note in SS13 was Goonstation and now Lifeweb
I refuse to believe anyone cares about that
>I refuse to believe anyone cares about that

kill yourself tranny, i'm not doing months of work for some tranny licence to fuck me
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fuck you
The law is very clear: all of your work is public and belongs to me, and all of my work is private and will disappear forever once my clique disintegrates.
what about a "matter fabricator" that uses absurdly massive amounts of power but can fabricate almost any item, obviously very dangerous stuff would be immensely high
Why though
why not
vg already has that merchant item
>encouraging engi to go for big powermaxxing setups
or even worse
>encouraging engi to have all wires be high power, so high that you turn to ash by even touching them (or some component that's been unscrewed and one wire cut or pinged to make it shock whoever touches it)
there has to be a good reason for why, "why not" is not good enough when sci already has a fabricator that just needs miners to do mining
lifeweb is a fork of baystation before they got on the GPL license. even a drugoid russian isn't stupid enough to mess around with license laws, you can get fined heavily for breaking them and yes this includes a stupid 2d spess gaem
>requires 1 autist and 30-60 minutes of singleplayer jobbying

make it require a vampire being forcefed vegan cupcakes
make it require five pairs of the clown's cloned kidneys
make it require 10 people farting on it in rapid succession
I see but this really changes nothing.
enjoy paying a $5000 USD fine (that's a house and two dozen livestock in your third world country) for breaking a license just to host muh space game
>Another non-sequitur
Okay so you're retarded
Have fun I suppose
>I see but this really changes nothing

absolute retard or VG player? you decide
>make it more like my fetish
>make it more like my fetish
>make it more like my fetish
>yeah dude fuck laws and shit nigga, we finna be making them chuds work for nothing haha chumps haha if i keep talking i am right hahahaha

kill yourself and before you do so please kill your parents and grandparents and anything else they birthed
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>There are basically no closed source servers on SS13, why do SS14 folks care if a license doesn't let you go closed source?
>Anon 2: Dude if you break a license you could pay a fine
>Okay? That's not what I asked
you fucking retard
You're embarassing yourself. Just don't be a ape and read the post you're replying to next time.
>>There are basically no closed source servers on SS13

roguetown before leak (now shit)
goonstation before leak
dwarf fortress 13

probably more that i do not know of, but you should definately rope
you're actually a nigger subhuman and i wish you die a violent and slow death
>anime reaction image
Opinion discarded. I was wasting my time trying to reason with you. Good luck with your stupid shitcode.
>Trying to reason in this shitposter infested thread
Lol, lmao
You're wasting your time
>want to make your own 14 fork


fuck you and fuck your licence you dumb tranny cunts you're not getting my work for free FUCK YOU
Are you starting to appreciate why nobody is willing to work with you or cooperate with you in any way?
Tranny bot short circuiting
>"Hey let's port ss13 to a better engine"
>adds pixel movement
>adds sight lines
Genuinely why do people do things like this every time? Surely the best way to go about it would be to make it as faithful as possible to the original but on a better engine and then add all that extra shit on their servers if they really want it.
tranny detected
retarded third worlder detected
vmstation friday night...
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So is /vm/station a fork of /tg/station code, or is it just the wiki?
What I was looking forward to in a remake was bigger sprites. There's been a lot of attempts at moving to 64x64 but there's technical and aesthetic points against it that could be avoided with a clean slate. Not saying that current sprites are bad but features have definitely shifted from large objects to smaller stuff that suffers from the limitation, like food or clothes or badges. Having to redo all icons could also come with a unified palette and easier to mass produce clothes and different perspectives and all that shit that some visually deficient coders wanted to push to the game, surprised SS14 just stole ss13 sprites and called it a day
Never played, are there any custom servers or something that run a round/story like the 2017 film Life? Where a space faring crew finds an alien life form and all hell breaks loose as they attempt to study it? I think that'd be very fun and chaotic with the addition of traitorous forces in the midst. Like the traitors roleplaying as soviet spies or something that want the results of the experiment for themselves. Or is this asking for the moon?
You should play first.
The answer is no, because that'd be miserable. I think Bay/Aurora have certain things as undiscovered but it plays like fucking shit.
The game is simply not what you think it is.
>-10 players
lmao why is this map allowed?
you'd have to stop the world just to stop the feeling
Ministation on >5 pop when
other anon is a retard, there is a dead space server that does exactly this
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i love my vox boyfriend
someone's jealous!
>certain things as undiscovered

see this is why there should be a system for people to submit code to the secret repo, there SHOULD be cool shit to discover on /vg/ without code diving, not that i am against code diving i am just saying there should be things that are unexpected to EVERYONE playing the game
Well son of a bitch.
Fuck you.
mind you it's mostly dead these days, last time i saw it with pop above 20 was maybe two months ago, but servers rise and fall all the time so maybe soon or never if you see it on the hub you'll know it's a server you will enjoy
>You should play first.

The state of discord faggots who come and post here
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>What I was looking forward to in a remake was bigger sprites
I mean that's not how it works though. The players all know everything, they just have to pretend they don't. Like if you see someone emag a door you literally have to pretend you don't understand what happened.
You've never heard of a space wizard before, so you can't know he's dangerous. He's a human after all!

You are free to try those, but I guarantee you'll find it to be a massive disappointment. The game isn't really conducive to that kind of environment given the round based nature.
would pomf let me have a submodule repo that gets compiled with main? should i even bother asking?

>The players all know everything
Yes that's what i was talking about, if you hide the code in a secret repo though nobody but pomf and headmins i assume can actually look at it and know what it will do ingame if it gets compiled alongside the main repo which i am assuming is how the secret repo works
I mean yeah it'd be cool to have that to some extent. But also new or even just not super experienced players don't know everything anyways.
I was just trying to point out that is absolutely NOT what happens on most HRP servers, but rather it's people with hundreds of hours as their engie static pretending to have never seen an emagged airlock in their life.
yes i know how fucking retarded the average ss13 player is, you are a prime example
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Space Station 13 is dead and is such an outdated game, play the modernized version: >>1429087
It has no bloat, less trannies, and better balance.
That looks like the guy from the stone toss comics!
Playing Amogus hurts even more than playing an adderall tempo /tg/ round. It's boiled down the the absolute fastfood formula, just play tabletop Clue games or something at that point.
is there an easy way to index every obj/item without pulling my fucking hair out?
just because you filtered piss through jeans filters nothing it's still piss you are drinking retard
post secret repo ideas
>Like if you see someone emag a door you literally have to pretend you don't understand what happened.
>You've never heard of a space wizard before, so you can't know he's dangerous
That's literally not how it works at all. You're allowed to have knowledge of the Syndicate and Space Wizards. There's a difference between not powergaming and roleplaying some kind of sheltered, naive retard
>and roleplaying some kind of sheltered, naive retard

he's not roleplaying
There is some level of comparison, but I would say ss13 is still among us for people with autism in the sense that it has much deeper systems so it's insane to act like you should play the watered down version
>There is some level of comparison,

is this fucking AI? motherfucker you got me
If he's not roleplaying then his post makes even less sense. If he's just a greentext validhunter, seeing someone emag something or seeing a space wizard makes them valid
I hate to break it to you, anon, but that's just how I talk
Meant for >>1440556
no really?
Yes, really
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>my space station social deduction game is better than your space station social deduction game because uhh.... it has furry sex servers and a bunch of bullshit mechanics no one cares about that just lags the game
>a bunch of bullshit mechanics no one cares about that just lags the game
Such as?
this guy got filtered with hot keys toggle
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my space station social deduction game is better than your space station social deduction game because i can genetically rewrite you into a chimpanzee, dress you up in a nazi head of security uniform and the round continues as usual while the real antagonist (a wizard) is spawning pitbulls in the escape shuttle, before stopping time and phazing out of existence when caught
yours is just a case of point and click to kill in maint with toddler-tier "minigames", and the round only ends after everyone is dead or the traitor is found, no inbetween.

amogus is literally made for underageb&s with attention deficit, while ss13 is made for psychopathic high-functioning autists.
>psychopathic high-functioning autists

in reality every server drives these talented and motivated people away, VG not so much but it still does with it's discord/reddit tier culture nowdays
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>heh... im a psychopathic high functioning autist... dont fuk with me kid or i;ll kill u... heh....
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I bite my toe nails off with my teeth, I don't clip them
you have a mental disorder, specifically homosexuality and onychophagia
I'm normal, faggot
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i believe i have made a terrible mistake
how do vox kiss, anyways?
do they clack their beaks together in a gentle nod or do they try to kiss like humans to?
my head cannon is nuzzling and preening
it really is
it's a fork of TG circa 2017 iirc
ass 2 beak
I don't understand why it's all furry ERP. Having some ERP is one thing (not that the game is particularly appropriate for it mechanically), but there's no obvious reason why furry ERP specifically is so completely dominant. Why is this?
That's 4 times more work for every sprite, anon
ERPers are still RPers and will congregate anywhere good RP can be done, especially in games that simulate a lot of systems and are semi-realistic. Then there's the 'sci-fi' part of SS13 that makes it so any of their OC would be accepted lore wise and by the overall playerbase. The open source part makes it they can add any race they'd like, spriting isn't that hard and copying other races to replace sprites and tweak some stuff really ain't difficult either.
In conclusion: SS13 is peak RP potential for furfags, degenerates, and troons. There's nothing that tops that on any game that I know of.
>ERPers are still RPers
more than half of them ain't, they're just coomers out to have a multiplayer walk
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>they're just coomers out to have a multiplayer walk
That was the stupid simple explanation given to coders because that's the only thing they understand and honestly the smallest of problems, the redesigning and artstyle and mixed pixels are more pressing issues but a code monkey can't understand art. These are the people who saw the singularity is 352 pixels wide and thought "whoa so we can have larger sprites for mobs, just do that same thing lads". Tiles being 4 times larger isn't 4 times the work because that's not how spriting is done, this isn't knitting.
yes you were filtered by all the features SS13 has that your arcade babby mafia game doesn't
As someone who has done roguelike development I just have to mention that 64x64 sprites don't work for this kind of environment because too little of the map will be visible without scrolling or zooming out.
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What? The sprites are all blown up already. If you figure a 1920x1080 resolution, you then get maybe ~900x900 of usable space with SS13's default layout?
That's 14x14 tiles. You currently have a view of 15x15.
So if you can squeeze in a 960x960 screen for your game, you're good to go. Maybe that means moving the box you type in to only the right side of the screen or something. I don't know if this is a BYOND thing or not but not relevant here.
This >>1441097 is pretty accurate though. Although 64x64 are significantly more work than 32x32, each pixel is definitely not equivalent work, so it's nowhere near 4x as much work. It also can be easier for some things, since trying to show key details can be difficult when you have very limited pixel space. Making something easily identifiable that small is quite a skill, just consider this (Disarm skill from WoW). It's 64x64, but shown without magnification it's very common to interpret it as some sort of axe rather than a hand dropping a sword.
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go ahead and make every single sprite 64x
because mixed pixel sizes look fucking atrocious

I'm not even sure what you're trying to say.
Yes mixed pixel size looks bad. But wasn't what anon proposing to literally make all sprites 64x64?
I also agree with him that having a unified palette would help the look of things a lot.
It's obviously a huge undertaking, but remaking the game is already, so it's not unreasonable. Plus sprites are much easier to contribute to then coding, since someone can poorly upscale a 32x32 sprite and have something usable in a way they can't with code. Actual artists (amateur mostly of course, but still with some skill) can then work on improving them over time.
Stuff always happens when I have to be sleeping :( I hope everyone has fun
This is correct, I've seen it happen.
still on?
nice numbers
yeah still on
with 64x64 sized sprites, the pixels start to look too small and so that game loses some of its pixelated charm
32x32 gives enough resolution for detail but still keeps the pixels big enough for the pixelated look
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lol golden singulo
But shouldn't there be, like, more humanphiles to begin with? Surely this 'anthro' fetish isn't so popular that it completely eclipses normal ERP.
Why would you have to erp as a human if you can just go out and have sex as a human irl?
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This game is extremely niche and complex which attracts autists, and autists are more likely to have weird paraphilias like furfaggotry, homobuggery, aliens, diapers/scat, etc. and because paraphilias come in groups, said autists usually have some combination of the aforementioned fetishes. Also the human sprites look kinda weird/ugly while the furfag races sprite seem to have better art and people who are attracted to other humans aren't going to jack off to a 32x32 sprite that barely resembles a human when they could just look at porn of real people.

If you want people who are attracted to regular humans you will need to look where you can find regular humans, which is not this game.
That's why I'd rather see that done from scratch for a remake than as a gradual replacement for ss13. The earliest "SS14" had a completely different look, cleaner lines, taller people, and a different perspective for lockers which is what triggered the change on other codebases to have all front facing. All the problems from a different sprite size disappear when it's technically a different game (remake) because it doesn't need to be a straight upscaling. And it's not like current SS14 cares about the sanctity of pixels either, with the text boxes and unity default buttons.
>I'd save the fearmongering for when sprite terrorists start making eye searing mixel PRs to blind us, making assumptions about what's going to happen is purely speculative at this point.
>For all the fear of mixels, let's not forget that we already use 64x64 for things currently
>64x64 upscaling is a gain IN ITSELF, without ANY work from spriters
I tend to forget how idiotic coders can be
speaking of coder idiocy, what are your thoughts on the ability to name custom xenobotany strains?
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What would your dream (pun intended) codebase be like?
just /vg/station code entirely and perfectly ported into 14
poor ailsa
>meet another traitor
>have enough TC to buy a codebreaker
>nuking the station turns out to be surprisingly easy
>the most fierce resistance to us came from a cargo tech with a lisp
Anyone else listening to the podcast about the SS14 drama?

Should've swapped tactics since it was so easy desu
Made a threat to try to get money and ensure your personal escape or something
As someone not involved it just seemed like suddenly the station blew up
lmao what's this from
is this AI? if not they are a pair of boring faggots
I hired two randos from my local coffee place to voice it.

What do you expect, I only paid them $20.
>I hired two randos from my local coffee place to voice it.

ok based
I don't believe you but the idea of that is hysterical
i was not expecting it to go aswell as it did, the first step was to rob the station, then rob the disk holder. The entire thing went without a hitch, as the nuke detonated I realized what a boring climax that was to that round
Does ANYONE enjoy pulse demon? I know nobody enjoys playing crew with one, but maybe it's fun to play as...?
the coder who forced it enjoys it
One time a pulse demon got captured in the bar and we kept it as a neat station pet. He was a nice guy, even got concerned about the crew when we kept trying to pet him and got repeatedly shocked
did the slopper finally neck xerself?
He is contained to /vg/ so long as the thread there is up.
sadly he's not, he hangs out here to shit it up, just posts the stupid AI shit less
darn, foiled by overnight shifts again
welcome to the end desolation stage of the 4chan general schizo distillation effect. an average population of people gets whittled down to only the most inane and dedicated gigaretards as the most reasonable people leave first, then the steadily less reasonable until you're left with only the lowest form of barely sapient bilge. this is what happens when no-one cares to gatekeep properly.
this is a 4chan server and you want to police it like a reddit server, and then you cry about discord. it's quite ironic. these players are (rarely) breaking the rules, yet you want them banned. but i would wager that you champion a lot of players that do actually break the rules and get banned.
too stupid to realise that it's your values that don't align with everyone elses.
you can leave at any time, you know that right? you aren't pomf, you aren't paying for the server. you have the power to do literally anything else, instead of sitting here crying every day. you don't have to play if you don't like it, neither do you have to post.
unless, it's just you get off to complaining. then i guess go ahead, you're more of a freak than the ones you do complain about.
t. schizo spammer
t. retarded troon faggot
not many people were on so you didn't miss much
Okay lads if I'm an IRL scientist (physics, nanomaterials) and want to channel autism on lowpop what's a good role?
I was thinking maybe atmos since it's all a basic ideal simulator, but maybe virology or xenobotany since you can accomplish a lot that's more noticeable even without something going wrong? Or maybe xenoarchaeology? I don't know since I've never touched that.
xenoarch is just learning the 'method', theres nothing interesting to do with it any more, it's not worth doing it the 'proper' way, if you even can any more.

viro is quite luck based, xenobotany is just grindy.
the only thing that will engage your like, mathematical skills is atmospherics, and then venture into bombmaking and getting high devs.
same as other anon said, atmos is all about them numbers more than other sciences (beyond maybe advanced normal botany but that's kinda piss easy)
along with bombs there's the TEG that's the den of autism of optimization
Thanks. I figure I can also probably make an autism chart for round start chemistry mixes but that's a one off thing.
there is some autism to do in medbay, but most of it was done before and everyone just ignored it once it was posted.
it usually pertains to cryo, figuring out permeability, and optimizing the mix in cryo for whatever you want it for (usually healing clones as fast as possible)
optimizing for speed has been done to death on most servers too.
Yeah I figured I could go for it just because what's on the wiki isn't very good (which is fine).
If I have my own notes it gives me something, and not posting it to the wiki gives others the chance to do the same and make slightly different decisions based on their personal priorities.
thumbsup. its much funner to teach people things in game than just tell them to read a wiki.
go for it, anon. i salute you for wanting to try your hand at atmos.
t. brainlet
>its much funner to teach people things in game than just tell them to read a wiki
I remember most of the rounds I spent teaching a newbie stuff. It really is satisfying to see them understand things in depth and use it.
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Riviera Station gaming session is starting in one hour!
Haven't played vgstation in years. Did anything change with bombautism and slime autism?
A few slime extracts have some new uses though the mechanics are exactly the same. I don't think anything has changed with bombs, but maybe the cap is different than when you last played. 8 dev is the max right now.
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>find out my preferred role exists on a server
>it is not a possible round start role
>it's a mid-round almost antag role
bummer. talk about dangling a carrot
What happened to the pop; it's Saturday night?
i was outside a few hours ago lots of people out tonight for some reason, maybe some normie event
The fake population generator was taken down for fear of raising suspicion
Keep working Hinatrans, you gotta shape your vision into something you can proselytize easier.
mostly true
>/vg/station players used to be so stuck to Boxstation that if you moved to another station 90% of the pop would disappear
vg lives forever
kys trannies
>used to
It's not 90% but there's still much shorter rounds (more station-wide destruction) and player loss off box.
game development is hard :(
Unironically how can someone enjoy playing Boxstation for months to a end?
Antag/player variety mostly. Plus on /vg/ there are only so many populated rounds a day so there's enough breaks to help prevent burnout
I fucked my own alzheimer's ridden grandmother
We heard. What's the hold up on the merge? I want to hurry up and get my free vox gf.
i made a game for the thread to enjoy
What's it like? Is it whack-a-mole except the moles are command staff and the mallet is a toolbox?
play it and see for yourself, it's ss13 related, i made it just for the thread
I don't download strange files, sorry. Maybe another anon will check it out and report back.
nice cryptominer bro
>log in
>tranny's static secmain as HOS
>log out
it's not malware faggot
prove it then
on the collect the shekel mission you have to use arrow keys
play my game slopper and give a rating

you get too used to the layout and then other stations become scary terra incognita and you don't like them because of that
Say what you want, but the thread has been usable since the slopper has started getting killed on /vm/. So any claim of them saying "I'm not making the threads unusable with my flooding" is dubious.
>understands the concept of making multiple accounts
>thinks he can't make another account
I mean I don't think you should use Discord either but are you retarded or something?
mhm. it's very nice to have a real thread without some freak derailing everything or spamming garbage. the jannies here are great. i wish there was a way to properly reward their efforts like a board-wide tip jar
>join mid-round
>almost all of the tiles of the station have been replaced with grass
>within seconds there is a crew transfer initiated
>go to the library, clean up the left over tiles and stack them neatly on the desk
>don't want to get involved with whatever violence is going on near the bridge
>mortally wounded as we enter central command, but manage to limp away
>die in a puddle in the garden area, coughing up butterflies
provide sauce code and compilation environment
Mandatory Riviera Station story of the week:
>be Syndicate agent disguised as a Scientist
>objectives are to maim Roboticist named Oswald and steal the station's blueprints
>walk into Robotics and meet the guy
>he confesses he's new to the job and is trying to understand what's what
>decide to be his mentor for today
>"Alright, so this is an operating table. You put people on it, like this-"
>lay him onto the table
>"And then do this"
>grab a saw and turn his hand into a fine mincemeat
>jectie completed
>Oswald freaks out, calm him down and tell him that this is according to plan
>drag him to Medbay
>we get Clinton the HoP to open our way into Surgery for an anesthetic tank
>return to Robotics
>teach the intern how to use the Exosuit Fabricator
>he's a quick learner and prints a new robotic arm for himself
>perform limb reattachment surgery, he is now living up to his job title
>onto my next objective, stealing the blueprints
>have a following idea: ask John the CE for a favour, kill him using an element of surprise, take them blueprints off his corpse and then drag his body to Robotics to turn him into a new Cyborg
>craft a stunprod
>me and my student both head to Tech Storage
>ask John to open it for us over a PDA because we need those "glubbz and a few circuit boards"
>in the meantime, open my uplink and buy a Syndicate Kit
>get a revolver with a spare speedloader, an emag and two C4s
>buy one more C4 with the 2 TC I had left
>John arrives
>gain his trust by talking a bit
>he lets me get closer
>stun and stick a C4 on him to show Oswald how to PROPERLY extract brains
>John's hardsuit tanks the damage and keeps him in one piece
>darn it, take two
>the moment CE explodes in a shower of meat, Jared the HoS walks by
>Jared says, "What the fuck"
>there is no talking out of this
>we both start blasting, Oswald watches the gunplay behind the safety of glass airlocks
>dodge bullets left and right like a fucking Neo
>Clinton arrives to the HoS' rescue, bites a .357 bullet as well
>finally, after I'm fully out the HoS goes down
>intern still managed to get caught in a crossfire, is badly wounded
>stick a C4 on the HoP and pick up his brain
>collect John's brain as well
>trawl through his backpack
>no blueprints
>emag his office and his locker
>retrieve the valuable item
>jecties completed
>drag both Oswald and Jared to Medbay
>since I'm outta C4s, throw HoS in a cloner and let him cook
>patch the intern up in Operating Room
>grab a fire axe while I'm at it since my revolver's out
>we get the hell outta there before HoS gets back up on his feet
>>1444441 (holy hell cool number)
>come back to Robotics
>teach my protege about MMIs and their purpose
>after he sticks the brains in the jars, only John is responsive
>handhold the Roboticist during the constuction of a Cyborg every step of the way
>Emergency Shuttle is called halfway through the process
>John (what was left of him, anyways) makes sure to shittalk me every step of the way as well like an annoying body-less bitch
>lose my temper a few times, but generally keep my cool to make sure Oswald got everything right
>finally, he sticks a brain inside of John's new body
>congratulate the intern on successfully completing the Official Syndicate-Approved Orientation Course for Roboticists
>officially proclaim him to be THE Roboticist, a true and honest one!
>emag John the Cyborg to make him submit
>he does not and refuses to obey my orders admins admins failRP!!1
>introduce Oswald to the ultimate counter-silicon tool: the flash
>he uses it on the borg a couple of times to consolidate the newfound knowledge
>the shuttle arrives
>can clearly see armed-to-the-teeth Jared in the Departures
>decide that the best defence is offence
>grab the axe and swing it a him
>I'm way too slow because of the hunger, he has no problem landing the shots
>right before I fall into crit, swing the axe at a damaged window
>the room is spaced
>me, a Medical Doctor, a Shaft Miner and Oswald all get sucked into the breach
>my head explodes, killing the poor doctor standing on the same tile as me
I should've taught Oswald how to blow borgs while I was at it tbqh.
nice digits
checked and thanks for doing these greentexts
good greentext, thanks for sharing! also checked, legendary digits
agreed, i prefer /vm/ anyway it's alot slower and i don't feel the need to post just to keep it alive
>6 on server
>13 on forums
Wtf stop lurking and start playing
Everyone is waiting on the brand new ban request to drop for juicy drama
IT'S UP, banreq on a former headmin

fuck this retard. hope he gets banned for posting this
He's a nice enough guy. He comes off as a bit abrasive but I think he's a very nice person
t. yvvel
Nah. Just some tard that likes to see the good rather than the negative in people
>Nah. Just some tard that likes to see the good rather than the negative in people
>Makes a ban request of a former headmin for one rounds worth of a little trolling
I have not said a single thing about whether someone should be banned or not
Don't worry hina, he'll probably move to fstation if he gets banned
>I have not said a single thing about whether someone should be banned or not
>Makes ban request
not him but
>former headmin
literally who cares? if it's not active this should have zero (0) relevance. he's a player, not an admin. do you expect to receive an employee discount for life because you worked as a cashier at walmart for three weeks as a teenager one summer?
and one round's worth of a little trolling is a slap on the wrist, one round's worth of blatant bug exploiting is worth a ban. not a perma, but a ban nonetheless. this isn't just being a shitter tiding, it's actively and knowingly subverting one of the primary game mechanics through a bug.
All he did was post a ban req on someone who was exploiting, if you want to complain at least wait until there is an actual ban. Also like I said I am not yvvel
All he did was post a ban req on someone who was exploiting, if you want to complain at least wait until there is an actual ban. Also like I said I am not yvvel
While it's understandable to argue that blatant bug exploiting can warrant a ban, context still matters. Bomber Harris' actions seem to have been a brief moment of "a little trolling," as you put it, rather than an ongoing or game-breaking offense. Yes, exploiting bugs can be a serious issue, but in this case, it's important to recognize that after the admin intervened, Harris stopped, which indicates he was just playing around, not intentionally trying to undermine the game.

Regarding the reference to "former headmin," while it's true that his past role shouldn’t afford him special privileges, it's also worth noting that experienced players, especially those who were once in administrative roles, often understand the game and community culture well. Harris’ behavior may have been a nod to the chaotic, unpredictable spirit that SS13 fosters. In many cases, these little deviations from the norm can be part of the charm that keeps players coming back. Yes, bugs should be patched, and Harris could face a minor consequence, but calling for a ban feels heavy-handed when the exploit didn’t seem to disrupt the round for others in a major way.

The key here is proportionality. A warning, which was already given, and maybe a note on the account would be more than enough. Banning someone outright for a single incident of exploiting a minor bug feels excessive when it's clear the player wasn’t causing lasting harm or creating a toxic environment. Ultimately, we should focus on making sure the game remains fun while ensuring that significant exploits are addressed quickly by the admins. My posts in the ban request have been repeatedly deleted so i will instead post here, on 4chan, about the 4chan server because they like to censor players more than reddit
All he did was post a ban req on someone who was exploiting, if you want to complain at least wait until there is an actual ban. Also like I said I am not yvvel
>a single incident of exploiting a minor bug
I think respawning after being killed is like top 5 bugs that can exist, it's certainly one of the largest possible bugs that isn't outright gamebreaking or fucking up the antags/entire round
A minor bug is shit like using the invisible bunsen burner trick to set some retard on fire
being put in timeout for three days isn't the end of the world
Both he and one of the admins online knew about this for a month. This wasn't out of curiosity.

at least wait until this thread gets archived
meh, already at page 8
fucking retard
this isn't /v/ where a thread gets bumped off in 20 minutes
the thread will be up for a week at least
>the thread will be up for a week at least

even at page 8?
Yes. This board doesn't get new threads that often. We reached bump on Thursday morning.
won't let me delete the thread so...
It's not a big deal. At least when this thread archives we don't have to worry about that ass making a new thread with a shitty OP
i agree
shifty once again proving himself to be a fucking retard
hello yvvel please kill yourself :)
If you want to really bully yvvel all you have to do is cast this
kill yourself tranny
uh oh bros
i have no idea what you are trying to say
lol wut
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Yep now it's time to hop in f!
Are they having fun?
I love this game so much but I'm banned from the 2 biggest SS14 servers . Banned from Wizard Den for 'Transphobia'.

Frontier Station and CM14 just doesn't do it.

And I'm on Linux so it's not immediate to get SS13 working on it.
you could try using a vm to play if you're on linux or dual boot or wait for lummox to finish implementing the chromium webview
RTFOP, retard

>Ban Evader Tech Support
get a VPN and get marseyloader while you're at it


Linux has no HWID so you just need to change IP.

Also play Sector Cresent: Hullrot, the only good SS14 server
have a good day everyone!
buy an ad
>join unitystation discord
>lead dev is entirely laissez-faire with how he handles the developers beneath him
>one of the main contributors is an extremely vocal and toxic tranny from egypt that contributes most of the code and inserts random shitty sprites into the game unwarranted
>nothing but political talk in every channel that isn't related to the main project
>promptly leave unitystation discord
what a shame. the project itself feels like a better ss13 remake than ss14, but i fear it'll fall into the same pitfalls that ss14 has fallen to thus far concerning the auth system, servers, etc.
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>nipples brings up how transparent the /vg/ is, including the admin relay
>admins can and do mute any messages they do not want to show in the relay
I'm not even trying to shit on /vg/, but come the fuck on nips. You didn't have to even mention the relay and nobody would have an argument that the serb isn't fully transparent. You should know better.
and yet, they still had enough backbone to tell PJB to fuck off
really makes you slink
it's the same 5 people for 5 years and they literally all trooned out at a rate of about 1 / year
all I read is pseudo-legalese yapping from a terminal jannoid, why are you posting this, this isn't video games or SS13
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good point
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I tried setting up SS13 on wine but it just does not work.

Anyone succeed at this?
I get to the BYOND loading screen but then it blinks out and the process is still running but nothing occurs.
it works perfectly fine, you're just doing it wrong
once upon a time, i succeeded in getting byond to run under wine, but it only launched properly once. any subsequent launches yielded the same issue you have.
>32 bit prefix specifically for byond
>installing the usual dependencies (ie8, jscript, etc.)
>compatibility mode for windows xp
the only server that worked (to nobody's surprise) was /vg/, but there were some issues:
>lighting was broken to make everything fullbright
>"fog of war" or whatever (You) wanna call it didn't work right sometimes
>anything that uses TGUI was utterly fucked (namely GPSes and the merch terminal at cargo)
i used wine 6.3(?) multiarch on void 64-bit when i spent three hours fucking with it

alternatively just use lutris like >>1445017 said, use a vm, or dual boot
it also needs dotnet
i don't remember installing dotnet back when i tried it, but then again that was over a year ago and i don't have my notes
515 needs it, it didn't work when I updooted from 514 until I installed dotnet via winetricks
ok I got it running connecting to server but how do I disable TGUI? Even this installer says it doesn't work with TGUI? Help out a fellow spessman please.
I feel like Mark Wahlberg crashlanding into planet of the apes (2001) trying to enter a SS13 server on Linux lol
you don't disable TGUI. either play on a server where not everything uses it or don't play at all.
everytime I try to enter SS13 through wine on Linux and contact an Admin it feels like he is an air traffic controller and I'm Mark Wahlberg crash-landing into the planet in 2001 planet of the apes lol.
uh oh one of the only servers that doesn't use TGUI is the furry 18+ RP server. I have to make due, don't I?
my nigga i understand the love for linux and the autism that goes with it, but for the love of god don't subject yourself to that
every time I play SS13 on Linux it feels like I am Mark Wahlberg's character in the planet of the apes remake
I entered Paradise Station on my Linux machine. It looks pretty comfy. Bit of problems with the TGUI at some points.

but still the ludokino is there
how's veegee? is it better on byond 515?
I mean tgui doesn't work on paradise so it is not a very nice experience.
someone please code smells
>telling everyone that there isn't a two tier justice system in advance of a decision
That tells me everything I need to know, he's obviously not going to get any sort of punishment
yo there needs to be a legacy tgui version for Linux users. This is whack, yo.
> he came back as the same character several times and would reference the round but from an outsider perspective he was "new" to the round
I think this is the salient point. If you're a player and see XXX arrived on the shuttle, then they start talking about shit that happened prior in the round your immediate thought is metagaming or multikeying in the same round, both of which are egregious violations. Replicating this behavior through a bug makes the bug abuse egregious, and a ban equivalent to doing one of those actions outright is justified. A sufficiently autistic individual could do the same thing through multiple ckeys with the same character setup instead of respawning, and would immediately be banned without debate. Using a bug instead of multiple ckeys shouldn't make anything different.
am I really gonna have to go into TG's codebase and make an internet explorer 8 version of this UI?
the only reason its not gonna go anywhere is because its the old headmin that everyone loved. nipples is a fucking retard denying favoritism when it clearly is that
On Linux TGUI servers you can't even access vending machines. The Linux playerbase is completely barred from play on most servers atm.
yes, or one that doesn't rely on fucking internet explorer
Why is Kurfurst dead
Who killed my boy
... Who?
i don't see the vg discord is it finally dead or did i get kicked
cozy /vg/ Linux friendly server with no TGUI which takes place inside of a blue gas giant with blizzards.

fuck, that is the kino. I'm tempted.
Suicide. He abused the fuck out of some random solosec then stepped down from what I remember
VG is literally like that image of the snake eating its own fucking tail lmao.
the sad thing is that VG could have had a second golden age if it weren't for the absolutely dogshit admins. We were in a prime position to poach all the players fed up with the trannyshit on TG, Goon, and other servers but the admins here are just as banhappy as the ones there.
very much this. remember the ssethtide? 100+ players? almost none of them stayed around. to be expected, really, for the majority of the vacationers, but to have an uptake less than 10% means there's some serious filtering, and it comes from the massive adminocracy. reasonable people quickly realize there's no fun to be had in a jannie-led state. it's not wacky clown-whacking game, it's forum ban request and ahelp valid whackamole
Honestly the one smart thing TG did years ago was get rid of the ban request subforum since all it was was witch hunting faggots like yvvel ban reqqing their grudge of the week. That's how you end up with a graveyard for a server
VGstation stopped truly being a 4chan server the moment it had a ban request forum, it only finalized it when most actual discussion/decisions were done over shitcord, and the final nail was not having a usable thread in the first place.
it's always had a ban request forum. once again you are proving that you are a newfag who does not know anything about the server or community.
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so... it hasn't been a 4chan server since 2013?
yeah? /v/station was the last real big 4chan station (both of them at once)
what is with the ridiculously long bans being handed out on vgstation for trivial shit?
it's an adminocracy, it exists to feed the egos of the jannoids, not to be played on. if they ban you for trivial bullshit and you have to "explain yourself" (read: mope before us, kneel, and brainwash yourself that We're Better Because You Can Say Nigger With Us) it makes their pps tingle
Trialmins want to show that they aren't lenient, so nearly all their bans are longer than they have any right to be. The Bomber one is definitely as long as it is in response to people talking about admin favoritism.
yeah i think so too

the guy is a known faggot though, what did you expect
>nipples posting in a closed thread because he HAS to have the last word
>feel like being a real librarian this time instead of sitting in the back room doing fuck all
>fill the shelves full of books, even scan them into the system
>i know full well nobody will check out books, but it's the thought that counts
>just as i'm done filling the shelves and park myself behind the desk
>enter: the clown
>calls me gay
>"ok and" - paraphrasing
>throws a creampie at my face before i can retort further
>he scatters all the papers in the bin around while i helplessly pick them all up
>he also writes "GAY!!!" on any paper he can and honk stamps them
>disarm him a few times, chase him out
>this goes on for a while
>eventually call sec to make sure he stays away longer than a few seconds
>he ducks into maint, the seccie that answered my call gives me a flash
>clown caught wind of it and brings a welding helmet
>he destroyed my windows and further vandalized my library
>sec is called again for an arrest
>sec says something about the clown earning freedom via a fist fight
>i fucking DUNK his ass and he runs off
>only for him to bring shit to throw at me
>pay the doctor all the cash i had to chlroal that honky motherfucker (dunno if it happened)
>eventually get fed up and start punching him
>seccie sees this and starts punching him as well
>engage in a stationwide chase
>eventually corner him in medbay and beat the everloving shit out of him before another seccie comes in and stuncuffs him
>mission accomplished
>for now
>he comes back
>thanks to spiderlings earlier, i'm fucked up and keep passing out from the damage to my robolegs
>fucker traps me in my own library via table and throws my books around
>a while passes, the secoff that handed me the flash informs me the clown was shot to death and spaced
>he (she?) also freed me
>fix up my library, get patched up in medbay
>sit down and read books
>even the detective and the brig medics sat in for a tea/reading party
really kino round
hats off to the clown as well, the scuffle was fun
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Very good librarian, I loved the storytime. The one small pool of peace in that absolute hellhole of a station
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Damn Bomber didn't deserve to be done dirty like for the exploit but he certainly does for whining like a little bitch about getting banned
It's two weeks go touch grass retard
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>whining like a little bitch about getting banned
>It's two weeks go touch grass retard
it's an unfair ban for an arbitrarily long time. he didn't ruin the round for anyone, he wasn't going around murdering people. it just doesn't make sense. the guy who ruined the grug station event got a day off after raging about being killed and proceeding to kill pretty much everyone. say touch grass all you want, this ban is bullshit.
>it's an unfair ban
>for an arbitrarily long time.
>he wasn't going around murdering people.
yes he was
>it just doesn't make sense.
because you're retarded
> the guy who ruined the grug station event got a day off after raging about being killed and proceeding to kill pretty much everyone.
that's unrelated
>say touch grass all you want, this ban is bullshit.
cry about it
let me guess hmmm... nervere
let me guess hmmm... nordvpn?
do you guys play the game or only post about forum drama
yes let's forget about all the VG drama.. . it's all so tiresome and stupid... im sleepy are you all sleepy?? zzzzZZZZzzzzz
based and sleepypilled
>because you're retarded
>cry about it
it's pathetic that this is how you decided to respond to one bit criticism. you could have been an adult and said "it's our server and our decision" but you instead decide to respond like a child with insults and mockery. you're just an anon so i'm not going to assume you are affiliated with the staff, but if you are it was a mistake to give you any ounce of power. you are clearly a hateful person who does not care about other people.
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let's all go and masturbate and be sleepy, it's bedtime chuds
>wah wah wah wah wah

>weh weh weh weh weh
i am not the person who plays that character, i just like that speaking quirk and thought it fit the shitpost
go play elsewhere then, maybe fstation
If a server's worth is defined by its players and admins are the server's upholders, then the headmin should be elected democratically
it's a volunteer position and he did not sign up for what he's having to deal with server-wise. it's really shitty to put everything on him. nipples is a really kind person and i think it's kind of fucked up that you would try to make him out to be a bad guy like this
a tranny would be voted in based on the discord and current playerbase
fuck you nipples you mentally ill attentionwhore faggot
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i am not nipples
>defends nipples
>loli enjoyer
i have openly been outed for being into older women. liking senko is nothing, try something else
if I made my own SS13-like, what would you guys want in it?
it was really funny seeing two admins call nipples out desu. he needs to step down. we were really struggling when bomber was headmin but at least our pop was consistent and we didnt have an obscene amount of shitmins. now no one bothers to feedback/deadmin req admins because they know nipples wont do anything.
you have to complete a very detailed political compass test and if you are anything but national socialist you get perm banned and HWID banned
I will not allow trannies to be staff or maintainers
nipples will IP ban you from the forums and remove this thread, watch
>sucking up
i play on another server now, i have no dog in this fight aside from not liking other people treating each other badly for no reason. by all means continue being a hateful person, but i don't think mentally it's a good path.
kill yourself with your fake persona and care for others nipples, everyone knows it's an act
Fucking faggot all nipples does is talk shit constantly and stir shit, but he's one of the good guys??? VG is so braindead
i have been having a hard time with life too. i hope you can find something bright in your life that isn't spamming an imageboard with ai pictures. no matter what weight is on your back, you can overcome it. do not let apathy, hate and malice take over. probably just talking to myself here honestly, but i think it would help you too.
when you look at a toddler you think you should rape it or it should have been aborted, don't even try to talk to me about anything abot morals you fucking tranny freak
you can be a kind person, i believe that.
>>discord pedos coming to the dalle 3 thread and spreading lies about me

link the thread?
I would vote for you, Hinatrans. Let's do it! Put verygay back into veegee.
so in the end who won?
unity or ss14?
ss14 for sure, with obvious issues but still ss14 for me.
depend, what setting will it be?
but I'd like most job to have its own unique upgrade and shit
make cash useful
something like miners upgrade
like make janitor start with only mop and buckets and he has to buy rideable cleaning machine/ no slip shoes and so on with his cash after some waging

and I guess make most jobs more involves
I could only mined the asteroids for so many time before blacklist that role forever

nobody is going to redeem the thread saaaaaaaaaaaaar. please understant brother.
>hinaslop in the op
lmao, is this the next part of your plan?
Gotta respect the hustle, Hina-chan is on a vendetta.
I love this game but you people are legitimately mentally ill so i'm embarrassed to be a spessman
you're not wrong. It's can get pretty bad. Lots of losers with nothing better to do in their miserable little lives.
it's someone using an ai, it's extremely obvious. the posts make no sense, the images are generated beforehand, and it has never once posted a greentext that even remotely made sense because after a single sentence ai shit turns into word soup.
That's okay, take a break, try another community, certainly don't force yourself to stay if it makes you uncomfortable.
nerve, PLEASE, take your own advise
>want to try CM14
>the RU server get like 3 times more players
and I thought they all get shipped off to the real meatgrinder
if they were then luzha wouldn't still be here
it's funny, the ultimate filter against the troon is knowing russian. you'd be having a great time playing SS14 if you only had that.
>it's funny, the ultimate filter against the troon is knowing russian
There are still a lot of russian furfags ERPers, so it doesn't filter everything out. I wonder, do the ruskies also have problems with their jannies or not? If not, how is the situation like in their admin teams?
I played a Russian ss13 server once, it was a one-time short lived server effort but the experience would hit your right in the face like a floor tile right away. Anyway, you have to be retarded to assume things are any different in Russia, everyone is globalised online these days. There's femboys, trans, tyrannical jannies with weird fetishes just as well as anywhere else.
>everyone is globalised online these days
Indeed, but some populations still have their group mentality intact (i.e: the chinese) and thus can mediate between their personal issues and their groups' issues. The extreme individualism in of our current times make it harder to do this, since understanding what is actually good for the group you are in is near impossible if you only think about yourself. And it also brought the trannyism of today from trying to reach an idealized, albeit perverted, version of oneself by denying reality and disregarding common sense. No group benefits from having a tranny in it, only the tranny benefits from being in a group, getting attention and power without a single care about the health and cohesion of the group. Gatekeeping is the only right thing to do against such people.
Then what happens when there's a group of trannies...
Don't you know? Endless drama. You can see it on twitter occasionally, but it's usually pretty hidden in discord.
if I have to pick another language to learn its either going to be spanish or japanese unironically
I have little experience but I think you're still delusional, I've had experience with Chinese nerds that were mostly shutins into programming, they weren't all that different and even had their own groups schizo that ran massive drama trains time to time.
maybe i should brush up on my blyatspeak and see what the russian side of ss13 has to offer
Oh drama happens everywhere yes I'm not delusional about that, but you have to understand how different they think compared to us. Their entire culture and religion revolves around worshiping their elders and being obedient to one's clan (larger family group). During communist rule, it became being obedient to the government and has stayed that way since. Of course Chinese born or raised outside of china will have less of such mindset, but they still have a group mentality mindset that stays prevalent.

Like pajeets, Chinese people will hire Chinese people over other ethnicities if one is available, but it's less noticeable because, compared to the jeets, they are somewhat competent.
In 90% of Chinese media you'll see something about foreigners being bad, especially the Japanese and Americans.
Nepotism is and will always be hugely prevalent in China, a quick google search can show you how bad it is there.
They do have a strong in-group preference and acknowledge that if you ask them, and it is completely normal to them.

Do report back to us what you find anon, I'm very interested in such cultural differences.

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