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Discussion thread about Dragon Nest and our two week venture in it.

>what's Dragon Nest?
gook action combat MMO with 4 player dungeons and 8 player raids


patched client direct download:

currently chronically overfilled at 60/60. 15 more slots will unlock every day

>Some resources

mods forum archive:

>jp voice pack
(get the everything pak and move it to the mods folder wherever you installed the game)

This is part of the MMOdventure project where anons get together to play obscure/niché/old MMOs

check out the MMOdventure thread for further discussion:
a guide for getting ready for endgame some anon posted last thread
I don't want to worry about the circus until I hit max or have difficulty leveling.
The autoloot pet is worth getting early, at least.
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Get the autoloot pet asap!
Why does your pet look different than mine?
You got your pet at the circus. I picked up mine from the brothels of saint haven.
Where do you buy circus stuff? What's the name of the NPC?
Sanders, he's right outside the portal
Which portal? There is only one NPC inside the Circus portal (with the boss rush and +exp portals inside) and there is no Sanders outside the portal to the Circus itself, at Calderock, unless there's another circus entrance I don't know about.
I'll come back to this later. I'm going to quest. This is unfun.
outside the portal in saint haven, not sure if he's in calderock.
in any case you don't have to worry about it that early
regarding the circus, you only start earning "circus points" at lv40. Then for every boss rush, you get 250 points, 3 runs are enough to buy the autoloot pet.
He's in Calderock as well
I'm 40+. I'll try Saint Haven's circus area later.
Is the game extremely laggy every now and then to anyone else or is it just my classic shit ISP issue
It plays a slowdown effect when you kill a boss, but otherwise haven't seen any lag.
Try connecting to a different gateway, maybe.
I got some microstutters frequently when activating abilities but that went away when I moved my folder from my external to my SSD. Probably doesn't help you.
I don't really know how it works, but i'm at lvl 27 and got 700 circus points before it locked me out
im not a loot pet
You were crouching around a lot for the few copper coins?
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im just jewish, theres a fine difference
Is that why you always go for the foreskins?
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>tfw in a constant flux of downloading client, playing, having enough and deleting the client, then repeating the process
what kind of mental illness is this?
SSD destruction any%
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Wait a fucking second, there's ACTUALLY a loli loot pet.
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it's so small
It's me jumping between becoming bored enough to play Dragon Nest and then realizing it's not very good before becoming bored again and playing Dragon Nest again.
how do I pvp
Dancer or Screamer I can't pick...
screamer is cooler you get shadow claws
I've decided to play Dancer because I didn't like the concept of using the eternal suffering of the soul of your master as a catalyst
Dancer's fun so far, been focusing on the left side of the skilltree
>Circus boints stage didn't reset at midnight
C'mon game i just needed 50 more, why u do this
Also more guild slots when
How much better does the game get once I uhhh fix this airship around 20 or whatever?
the more skills you get the better the game feels, eventually it gets too hard to do anything but hard solo.
Should I go Moon Lord or Gladiator? Not that I think we will get far enough in as a group for it to matter, but I really have no idea what is better.
im already at the point where i need a group to do anything, it doesnt take long.
it gets better at higher level
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sorry, it looks like we won't get the upgrade for another day.
it feels about the same
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what's the max guild level? will we be able to reach it in 2 weeks?
how are niggers already 80
The NEETs are outliers and should not be counted
bless the neetgods, i kneel...
theres an item in the cash shop that increases your experience gained by 200%
dont need it, i played 12h today, fear me wagies
How do I get 1000+ dimensional gem fragments? So I can buy heraldrys? Is my only option the daily Abyss dungeon group content?
You can do lower level abyss dungeons for them, I've been playing through all the quests I missed and got 3 of my skill heralds. You get a box at the end of each abyss level dungeon that gives them.
>all the quests I missed
We are not built the same.
What's the fee to unequip a heraldry? It's not a cash shop item is it
I haven't run into an actual cost yet but I'm only lvl 28. It keeps saying it will cost me 0 gold
>heraldry at 28
I must be doing something horribly wrong.
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don't click erp
wdym? you get one for free from a side quest reward at like lvl 22
they're talking about the de-equip cost
oh the welfare heraldry
I think both are good in this patch. Just ask yourself if you'd rather be a rangecuck or a meleechad. We won't judge your choice.
you like close combat? gladiator
you like throwing energy sword? moon lord

all of them had high skill celling coz how their combo rotation works.

if you just want fuck shit up, pick any merc tree. both had big ass aoe attack
but they kinda lame coz most of the attack is just him shouting the enemy to the dead while spinning big ass axe / hammer
in desperate need of a skill calc to plan out a build, to see breakpoints at the very least
Daily quests are good for them or you can kill two birds with one stone and farm some lvl 80 abyss dungeons in a party for profit.
Or if you really need them you can farm a quick low level dungeon on abyss solo.

It's better to miss them since they give enhancing materials if you do them at max level.
breakpoints are almost always at 3, 6, 9, 11 etc, you can make a PvP character to have an in-game skill sim
if I join a lvl 80 dungeon party at lvl 10 will i get mad exp?
You'd need to be at the right level to join the dungeon, and the max level difference you can have in a party is 30 levels. Instead, you could join up with a level 40 party and get your exp that way.
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As far I'm aware there's no penalty for playing with higher level people so you can get power leveled in the highest dungeons you have access to.
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I spent [too many] hours gaming yesterday and only got from 14 to 28/29th level. Where do I get the exp boost?
i went from level 1 to 25 in like three hours. did you not do the main quest?
make sure to always do stuff around your level.
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>reach level 60
>get softlocked from MSQ because of year old bug that the devs didn't care to fix since early 2023
>no information about this anywhere
>no warning
>if you look in their discord they actively want you to stop warning people because they should "learn by pain"
>bug reports go unanswered
>the only way to circumvent it is to skip chapter 9 before reaching a certain point
Jesus fucking christ I'd fix it myself if I had the server files.
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Run these dungeons up to 60. Do the hardest difficulty you can manage. I dunno how people sealed the deal and got to 80 already but I guess they just partied up and ground it out.

Keep up on your MSQ too, you'll need it to unlock the main town.
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>>>if you look in their discord they actively want you to stop warning people because they should "learn by pain"

discordies are a special breed of retarded
It's not just discordies. They could literally just fucking put a red warning on their homepage that says "CHAPTER 9 BUGGED, SKIP AND DO NOT COMPLETE" instead of just fucking ignoring this fucking softlock exists.
The best way to ask around for a party your level, or ask someone higher level to powerlevel you for a bit.
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this is relevant too
>the only way to circumvent it is to skip chapter 9 before reaching a certain point
What point is that at?
To be fair, I also spent some time level boosting anon on abyss and only got 3 levels outta that myself.
Thank, but I stick to doing msq I think.
>>1462716 when do you need to skip the chapter 9?
Man, is this server just fucked? Everything from dialogues through directions and cutscenes to actual game progression seems to have problems.
Besides those 2 chapters not working. sometimes? They worked for me, I haven't had any issues.
And it doesn't really matter, you will outlevel the msq either way.
It was the best classic server we could find. At least it seems mostly functional outside of the absent dev team and the occasional broken quest(chain). Would be a lot nicer if they made sure you could run through the entire main story at the very least.
Its been fun so far, might even check out the duck server after the 2 weeks, I want to try the newer classes too
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The overwhelming majority of these private servers operate under the assumption that (You) are a longtime veteran of the title in question, and already know everything there is to know about the game/server before joining.
It's a commonly held belief that there are no genuinely new players for any of these games, so things which inconvenience or otherwise hinder fresh scrubs are almost always met with apathy from those in charge, if not outright disdain.
RARELY will you get a server admin who actually gives a shit, like the guy running LifeTO who actually listened to our feedback, and improved the (already very nice) QoL on his server as a result. That guy was very much the exception to the rule on the private server circuit, unfortunately, and you'll just have to get used to hearing the sentiment of "that sucks, but it doesn't impact us (the vets), so who cares" for most of the MMOs we land in throughout this project.
For those who don't know, you can't actually get soft locked, once you overlevel the main quest you will unlock a "skip" button on the quest log that puts you in the next chapter.
If you manage to reach lvl 80 I'd recommend NOT skipping the msqs from chapter 10 and above since you can still get a lot of gold from doing them, along with the side quests along the way.
I think it was called resurrection or smth but it seems to differ for classes. Best bet is to skip chapter 9 entirely.

This. I checked as well, there is no better alternative. Everything else fucks over progression completely and removes levels completely like fatduck dn. Or it is horrible "alternative" progression with homebrew ckasses and custom skills (infinity nest).
Not for chapter 9 you retard. Once you reach the softlock there is no skipping anymore. Doesn't matter what level.
These retarded self-centric assumptions is why I hate 'people' in general. Just imagine if everyone thought about the quality of things they create instead of wanting to stroke their fucking dick at the cost of cumming in your face.
Alas, most of the thin-haired monkeys allegedly don't develop the ability to think about others until the autumn of their miserable life.
Oh well rip, they should really fix that one then, I was able to skip chapter 5 so assumed it was the same.
To be entirely fair, it's not like we are going to be still playing this game in two weeks. Are they turning away new players by not fixing their shit? Yeah, but under normal circumstances, how many is that?
They know about it since early 2023, doubt they will fix it. I was under the same assumption and locked my character. Now I can fucking redo my lvling process yippie.
According to their >discord once you accept the quest "resurrection", you'll be unable to skip chapter 9 after that point. If you don't accept it you can skip the chapter like normal later.
I think you're better off just grinding it out to 80 instead of redoing all that, there's plenty of side quests to do as well if you don't want to grind one dungeon.
Unless you actually cared about reading the story I suppose.
If I was reading the story, I would still be level 20
Is there a guild motd thing in this?
Could warn people not to do chapter 9 and just click the skip button on it.
I am enjoying the game. I like the story. I had a blast comfy lvling and reading it despite the shit translation. I really wanna know how it continues after 60.
I've been skimming the story as I run through and it seems more interesting than most MMO stories. I can't get into it because of the garbage translation but the high concept seems fine.
Idk where they got the translation from tbqh. Even SEA wasn't that bad.
How many stages does the hot spring have?
Since it's a progressive classic server, I'm guessing they're using some Frankenstein shit, they started at 40 cap.
3, it tells you when you're maxed.
you can enter 3 times a day too
Nigga, each solo run takes 2 to 3 min and gives you ~25% exp if you get the quest from the board outside. It gets boring quickly but it's a breeze.
Servers will be under maintenance for a quick weekly restart in 5 hours.
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Found a fag
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th...thanks Irine.
don't mind if I do
what class is needed most atm?
just b urself
A tanker. I play celeric but spec as inquisitor.
the one you find most fun
According to local I talk to, it better to not play tank class.
the fastest I can run a dungeon solo is 10m, giving me 15% exp. So that would mean 175 hours of grinding gets me to 80, assuming I stay the same speed. How much faster is grouping? Are you guys finishing dungeons in <2m and that's why everyone is 40+? I'm not sure what I'm missing, because even the board quests cut that number down to 100 hours or so..
Sigh, how come you didn't know doing the most obvious thing would softlock your character.
What class are you playing and what level / difficulty of dungeon are you doing?
The thing is there's a lot of dungeons that just take much longer to clear, the ones listed in previous posts are the ones you should be able to do in 3 mins or so.
Also if you're below lvl 32 then it's expected that you're a bit slower, once you reach 32 you get free gear in the mail that propels your damage.
24* sorry
Stop doing Abyss, just do master at early level then Hard when you are lvl 60+.
Wtf man this server is fucking trash, my msq disappear at chapter 5
just powerlevel and itll show up eventually, and dont do ch9
Yeah, but you can skip it and get your msq back at least, the chapter 9 one will brick your msq so watch out for that
Surely in this 60 people guild + randoms i can find 2 other fuckers to play at around lvl 35~
Im lv 33 wanna pt? KikeZapper
We tried PM you but got no answer, also the game said you didn't exist to invite
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s-shut up you're the 35
we tried to invite you but game told us you didn't exist
Server reset, actually I'm Maellstrom in guild kek. Cleric is my alt
so how long is the maintenance?
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oi I'm trying to AFK here
Apparently it's just a server restart so it shouldn't take long.
New patch in 3 days.
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>Patch notes
>New profanity filter added
>6 gorillion players banned
>open launcher
>downloading patches
>can't connect to server
>open launcher
>downloading patches
>game fails to load
I hope it simply needs more patches...
Server is back
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can someone please add me to the guild in case there's a slot open? thanks
we definitely need a second guild
and maybe even another guild dedicated to alts
really didn't expect this popularity
alt guild for sure, people can join that until we get slots open too
Reminder physical class gear are X2 more expensive than magical class gear.
Guild have 5 people with 2/3 days of MIA but I don't have authority to kick.
35% EXP for... 2-3 hours?
I think you can only get the buff once per day (because when mine ran out on Monday, I went back and never got another buff despite sitting at the spring waiting for the 'Stage' gauges to fill).
Ah fuck you said hey to me yesterday when I zoned into a town and I blew you off and left. Sorry, dude. I ignore randoms in MMOs who say hi but never actually tell me what they want.
Kyupita, IIRC, has a alt guild (Yotsuba) but they said it's mostly their alts. Talk to them if you want an alt in.
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Fuck cerberus, all my homies hate cerberus
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>tfw died to the manticore boss on Abyss when we both had 1% HP while using 0 HP pots
>it wouldn't have been close at all if Priest / Cleric ranged wasn't being finnicky

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Could we kick these no-playing niggas? These are the only 2+ day old no-logins.
looks like dad gamer had to put his kids first
When does the circus reset? Is it a daily thing? Boss Rush portal has been greyed/blacked out for a day now feels like.
put his kids down?
weekly, but I don't know which day that is.
Saturday 9 am server time utc+2 reset
>60/60 members
>guild chat silent all day
makes you think
Too much gameplay.
I'm autistic and prefer posting in the thread
Put 60 autistic retards in a room and wait for a conversation to start naturally

I don't know how it is during the day but I feel like there's a decent amount of conversation at night. There's obviously more when people are putting groups together and trying to organize and less when people are actually running content, but it's there.
Oh it's weekly okay.
fuck you bitch i was in the hospital
I never have much to say, man.
well, get some topics then.
idk start with "hey, how to do x" or "where to get x" etc.
then, dump the real topics after couple ppl responding.
all of the offline fags coming out of the woodwork
they were summoned
>want to try an alt
>miss out on the gripping guild chat
mfw can't stay at night
iktf, I can go full neet mode after monday though
that's good, we should have a slot open by then...
To add to this, Resurrection is the 15th quest in chapter 9. So if you're on chapter 9, or want to complete some of it, you need to stop at 14.
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I think that depends on your class, for me it's the main title of the chapter and none of the quests have it.
Ah yeah it's the title of my chapter 9 overall too but I have some different titled quest names. Maybe best off to stop at the end of chapter 8.
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I'm so confused and disoriented. I have no idea what I should be doing. I've just been doing quests up until now, but I don't know how I should be progressing. I don't know what to use my SP on, how to level up my stats, how to get better equipment, or how to go about enhancing my equipment. My Zoomer brain can't handle this. I need instructions!
me click on shiny new skill, then on new shiny armor, grug likes shiny
First post in the thread has instructions.
If you're not level 80 it's pretty simple, just do your quests or grind the suggested dungeons if you'd prefer.
For skill builds you can't really go wrong with maxing all of your classes skills, by which I mean either the right or left side depending on which advanced class you're picking. In rare cases a skill from the other side can be useful but that's class specific.
You'll need to spend points in each tree to unlock later skills and you get free resets so don't worry about fucking it up.
You get free gear every so often in the mail, starting at lvl 24, it'ts enough to do normal/hard mode dungeons.
Worry about your stats more if you reach lvl 80, for leveling it it's smooth sailing with the free stuff and circus gear.
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Alt guild doko.
Can I just throw these friendship badge things around, they're clogging up my fookin' storage.
I give them to the characters that I want to fuck.
After you give them enough they emote little hearts at you.
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more guild space has been unlocked
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toss me one
get the fuck in hnere
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What is it with Kalis? Everytime I move this 11/10 elf body into town they rub themselves on my crotch like it's a rap video.
They're looking to get a tip.
holler when you're online for an invite
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>attempt to do cerberus nest solo the same way I handled minotaur with the free gear they give you

Mistakes were made.
Is there something you're supposed to do to unlock skills? At 20 still have only the starting set.
Press K.
you need enough skill points invested in the previous job
Reminder that being in non-combat mode (press TAB to alternate) allows you to run faster in towns.
Reminder that you can click on any NPC icon on minimap and get teleported there.
talk to your class trainer in the town to unlock your path
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only the actual towns like calderock village, saint haven. not those... i don't know w hat to call them, the hubs with entrances to different dungeons
god i feel so bad for you, some of those quests had you running back and forth like 10 times.
why you must hurt me like this, this is the most important piece of info in the whole game
someone has posted it before, but it really should go in the op post.
Kek I saw you pass by in Calderock yesterday
Figured it was someone from here with that name
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I'm online right now
You can change the server you're connected to by clicking on your server in the top left while you're in a town. If you're party lead, you can also change your party's server in the party menu (press [o]).
You'll still be able to see and interact with players from other servers, but you'll join their server once you party with them.
This also works in dungeons as well. Just be sure to re-draw your weapon before getting too close to enemies.
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Is the main story busted at 32 after you try to wake up Rose? Turned it into the Court Sorceress and then
Yeah, but you're not MSQ-bricked, you can skip that chapter after hitting the bug.
You can overlevel and skip that chapter.
You CANNOT do this with chapter 9 so beware.
addendum: you can with chapter 9 but you brick yourself past a certain point. best to not bother with 9 at all.
What are you supposed to do to not be bricked? Skip chapter 9 as soon as you get to it without taking a single quest?
That would be the safest method.
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If you didn't turn off numeric abbreviation you didn't beat the game.
How so I zoom further away from character?
System settings > DNO Custom > scroll down > Adjust Zoom
I always played this game with damage numbers turned off entirely.
>not doing full stealth playthrough
did you even play the game
How long do you guys plan to play this game? Only for 2 weeks? So it's too late to start?
This server has boosted exp rates, so If you have some free time you can make it to max level in just a few days. There's also still some players in the guild who are at lower levels/alts that you could get a party going with if you asked around - you'd have the best luck getting a party going in USA/EU hours.
If there's any free slots left in the guild
is there a way to increase zoom past 5000? I couldn't find a config file
>5000 zoom
This guy playing RTS
config file is in Documents\DNOrigins\Config\Config.json you absolute psycho
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>less than 10000 zoom
This dude is playing FPS
Yea, I figured it out already
There is 2 pixels of a sorcerer somewhere in this pic
and half a pixel of a cat
How do I get Circus Points for the loot pet
All I can get seems to be Wonderful Coupons but I can't use those to buy it
Go to the left and right portal instead of middle.
Thanks. I'm getting absolutely filtered by the bossrush so I guess I'll just to babby parkour runs
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>getting chain buttfucked in the corner with no escape
boy I sure wish I was fucking dead
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make it half and â…›
>Bumpy Road
gives 50 points, if you put your weapon away for most of it you can avoid many of the traps easily, I was able to get through it really quickly.
>Monastery Treasure
gives 100 points and it's only slightly longer, try to run in and gather as many enemies as possible before you use your aoe to clear the room.

I managed to get the 750 for the cat pretty quick.
Yeah I'm done for the cat. Bumpy Road was free, even on the first run I was able to clear it in time even though I fumbled half of the shit. I was a bit worried for Monastery Treasure being up to 4 players with a lvl80 cap but it was actually also super free.
Are the 50 point clear ones also weekly capped?
yes, 7 runs a week I think. Mine eventually wouldn't let me do more.
if you press o and click the dungeon tab you have a list of your progress on these timegated stages
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kick these bitches
b-but I was in the hospital!!
>doesn't tell us who he was
>doesn't log on
kick 'em!
are we full again?
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invite me niggers
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Well, my main quest seems to be bricked at chapter 5 for some reason.
Press that Skip button because you have outleveled chapter 5 and have the ability to skip to chapter 6.
REPEATED NOTE: You can brick chapter 9 so best to not take chapter 9 at all.
Is there a way to delete sidequests completely instead of having them reappear as [!] over NPCs' heads?
no, that'd make them permanently missable which devs try to avoid. Accept them all and then in your quest tracker hide the low-level ones would be the best compromise.
Does it matter which region I pick? Do they actually have servers in each region?
but that hogs up the sidequest buffer, you can only have 40 active
Doesn't matter, you can change region at will in game.
and where are the cool kids hanging around?
probably calderock village/saint haven
Got the same issue, I'm just sad I've lost the money from the chapter Also I was starting to get invested in the story
I'm butthurt that I bricked Story quests for the rest of this character's existence.
click "hide low level quests" in your log and it'll get rid of a lot of them, remember that you can get extra rewards if you do them at lvl 80
When I am chosing the borderless fullscreen mode it uses my secondary monitor and I can't seem to change that behaviour. Stupid.
I am not sure what class I played 15 years ago but I think it was either Arcanist or the other blackmage subclass. I'll try giving them a go first. Any other classes that are more fun than others?
it's up to taste really.
Take the laughing pill, make a fire elementalist
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i applied
I want to play DN but I'm stuck raiding in another MMO for the next hour and ten.
Play both at the same time, i believe in you
Bros why cant i finish chater 9? Its like it buged. please helping me
Read the thread, seanig bro.
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You're fucked
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>He didn't read
enjoy brick
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what doi you mean brick?>>1464513
Is there any reason to hold upgrade stuff like ordinary agate, or will the lategame stuff all use their own tiered stuff
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>he doesn't know
https://rentry.org/6d7d68py might help a little bit
each level bracket has their own.
you should keep perfect/flawless
also you can upgrade lower level ones into higher level ones but im not sure its worth doing
why we letting DADGAMERS hog spots when we got people locked and loaded? this is FUCKED
>hog spots
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>when you're in the 40s but the urge to not play is strong
just drink alcohol until the pain goes away
Do any of the OGs from Bizarre Adventure still play?
just drink pain until the alcohol goes away
Still got room in the guild, shout if you want to join.
Yes, there's a couple of us
my name is anonymous, nice to meet you
I miss Brain bros...
go team brain
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how the fuck
all me and my alts btw
1 warrior
1 cleric
69 academics

no protection
dragon nest is a kino game, few people got alts in though
Bring back Brian
tell me about academics
why do they roll them
it begins with u and ends with sobbing emoji
they want the duck
There is a loli class? Fuck why did nobody tell me...
any good MMO lets you play as a little girl
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I might go check out fatduckdn, custom classes, improved graphics, all the new classes...
It sounds interesting
Origins is fine but it feels exactly like playing the official server, including the p2w despite claims it's not.
there's 2 if you count machina but that's not available in the server
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Wait so cash shop item isn't free or can't be bought with in-game money? I was thinking of playing it
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Truly a fatal flaw
You can buy it from other players with gold of course but at the end of the day SOMEONE has to pay for it, which is still p2w.
There's a very limited source of the p2w shit you can get for free too but I'd say this server is still very p2w.
You never played the official server if you believe that. Origins is grindy in lategame for sure but they removed the fucking costum stats, give you a way to grind for cash shop shit quite easily. Still jewish but far far far away from og p2w.

On a sidenote; fatduck looks like utter trash because it condenses the game around their homebrew balance and nigger tier raid progression. You immediately start at max level and have to deal with the shit custom classes and shit gearing that some mouth breathing russian made up in an evening.
You can get most of those items from the circus for free i think.
You can get the relevant cash items with circus points. Every week you can run minigame dungeons that drop these. The prices are humane but the entries are limited per week so you might need 1 or 2 twinks. You can also buy 1000 DNP for 500 gold in the auction house. You needd 10.000 DNP for one costume. The Items that are limited to the shop exclusively are cosmetic. You can get every functional Item with circus points for free.
The mark of a good private server is no P2W whatsoever. Shit like Turtle WoW still has banking/auction house/vendor pets and people consider that not P2W though.
>people consider that not P2W though
lmao even
A lot of people are sadly retarded.
This server removed a lot of p2w stuff but you can still buy an advantage with money. However there's an easy way to obtain jelly for enhancements and you can get all the important items for free. Costumes offer no stat bonuses anymore. Enhancement rates are massively boosted. Daily BP is massive, you get free +10 level up gear. There is no fees on storage or mailing anymore. It's quite nice when you remember how official dragon nest works.
>game decides to reset every sidequest I did
What do I do with this newfound power?
I did play it though, and it's honestly almost identical, which is the whole point of the server.
Unfortunately for them the way DN is designed is based entirely around spending money on gear, the content is very very difficult and expects you to whale out on gear to have a chance, so while sure you could grind for it, it will take a long time when you're getting a pittance of gold from a dungeon, and effectively limited by blessing points. And god forbid you're not playing dark avenger or moon lord so you can have reasonable clear times.

Costume stats being gone is questionable as that makes the game even harder and in turn means you need better gear than you normally would - why couldn't they just give you a free costume with stats, and give every costume the same stats?
This is a subtle thing but this pushes you more towards higher enhancement levels which is far more difficult than obtaining a costume would be.

I can't exactly comment about fatduck since I haven't played it, but starting at max level is fine, leveling is only an enjoyable experience once and then becomes an utter chore. Whether or not their custom balance and content is any better than the official balance and content is subjective, but DN does and always has revolved around raid progression and the balance has always been terrible, so at worst it's no different.

That is true but making twinks won't help you there since you can't transfer those items to your other characters, which means you're limited to 2800 points a week, you spend 2000 a week to upkeep talisman slots and 2000 a month to upkeep herald slots, meaning you have 300 leftover for jellies, which can't even buy you the smallest stack. And running 7x each of these incredibly boring minigames every week is stupid.
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Cunny but also has 2 spec with S tier dmg dealer
grind more
Nothing, unless you want to do them again for some reason.
You can get perfect diamonds from doing them at lvl 80 if you want, which is pretty abusable if you could figure out how that happened.
>2800 points a week
I got 700+350 from the minigames, and the first boss rush didn't give me any boints, so, from where the rest comes from?
the lvl 40+ boss rush gives 250 each
>S tier dmg dealer
which are those?
shooting star and gear master
>pushes you more towards higher enhancement levels which is far more difficult than obtaining a costume would be.
Wrong because in og DN you absolutely had to cash out for a decent costume with decent stats. While this server massively simplifies and makes it easier to obtain high enhancements due to massively boosted rng and free jelly. This is one p2w element taken away.
>And god forbid you're not playing dark avenger or moon lord
Moronic since these are not even close to best clearspeed since the 80 cap like what, 6 years ago? Every character has a dash and hyper mobility now and there is far better clear and AOE.
>it will take a long time when you're getting a pittance of gold from a dungeon, and effectively limited by blessing points
Thank god both of these are massively boosted on this server then?
>Unfortunately for them the way DN is designed is based entirely around spending money on gear
Yeah and here you have the alternative not to spend by normally grinding. Unlike og. DN.
>2000 a week to upkeep talisman slots and 2000 a month to upkeep herald slots
As opposed to 10€ a week to keep up talisman slots and 10€ a month to keep ip heraldry slots?
>And running 7x each of these incredibly boring minigames every week is stupid.
Just like in original dragon nest you have the option to pay. But original Dragon Nest doesn't give you the option to run boring minigames for cash items.
loli 'n cunny
>which is pretty abusable if you could figure out how that happened
I figured I'd save them for 80, yeah. I turned in some lower level Nest quest I think(?) to maybe Douglas up in north Saint Haven.
Then I noticed he and a bunch of the surrounding NPCs had the !s and sidequests available, despite being about 30 levels below me. Then I looked at my map and saw all the !s like I had never spoke to an NPC. Weird.
Nice, also are those free or they are actually hard to clear (at level)?
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last game
>Moronic since these are not even close to best clearspeed since the 80 cap like what, 6 years ago? Every character has a dash and hyper mobility now and there is far better clear and AOE.
What are you on about brother this server IS 80 cap, this is before everyone got the dash and mobility.

Anyway it's besides the point, I just wanted to poke fun at them saying the server has no p2w elements at all yet they literally have a real money auction house and the primary source of jelly being from the cash shop.
I had no problem, but I was an assassin. [spoiler The manticore secret boss fucked me the first time [/spoiler]
The post you quoted literally calls it p2w. Work on your reading comprehension.
And then Anon 1 and Anon 2 logged in, accepted each other's confessions, and lived happily ever after.
I accept your concession.
>went to test it out
>manticore instantly spawns
>it's so much better because it dies instantly
Sure i hope this fucker shows up often
There's nothing to concede. I haven't been arguing with you.
I didn't say it didn't?
I meant the server owners saying that, as seen here: >>1464755
>concedes again
Anon, let's just skip to the make-up sex.
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There's no skipping rape
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But anon, I'm just a little girl.
He never showed up again btw.
>From here you should hopefully have enough gold to buy 69x Hard Star Fragments and 25x Burning Star Fragments from the market. Use them to craft a flint or cinder set, flint for physical and cinder for magical, upgrade everything to +8 for now.
Is this the first 80+ goldsink? I'm almost 80 and I have 2600+ gold to burn.
It's not that expensive though, but also you should check if anyones selling the gear for cheaper than it would cost to craft.
Similarly you can check if anyones selling +8/+10 weapons for cheap (under 3k gold for +10), since enhancing it yourself would cost more.
What NPC crafts it anyway? Any blacksmith?
Yeah, the area near the auction house is convenient since it has the blacksmith and storage nearby.
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nigga so zesty he on fire
>>From here you should hopefully have enough gold to buy 69x Hard Star Fragments and 25x Burning Star Fragments from the market. Use them to craft a flint or cinder set, flint for physical and cinder for magical, upgrade everything to +8 for now.
Where are you getting all this information. Do you have secret sources or am blind and don't see it in the OP.
Anon... you may be blind.
I checked three more times until I saw the second post.
Blast status?
Being had
I'm having a BLAST
>say hi
>guild chat is crickets
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Because everyone is asleep.
Well then they should wake up
this was not now
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i only say hi back to the lolis
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sorry i was in a dungeon
why can't every game be like this
Think about the children.
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>no FREE gear at level 70

nyo I'll have to interact with the video game nyow
there is, its at the circus for the circus coupons. takes no time at all to get enough.
Yeah I'm thinking about the children alright. I'm thinking about all the children I'd make with her.
i'm gonna login
and say hello
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Let me in if you still got room
It says "Selected user can't be invited"
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The guild reached the cap yet again, so I'm kicking out the people who haven't logged in since day 1 or so. If you're one of the player who's been kicked, don't worry. Just send in another request when you're back online and we'll reinvite you.
Guild is currently 70/75.
enormous guild pic time when?
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Week 1 guild picture is gonna be on Saturday 9:15 pm (UTC), in Saint Havan. Hope someone has a big enough screen to capture all of us.
>Time converter: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=Guild+Picture&iso=20241012T2115&p1=1440
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i don't know if this is server exclusive but destroyer has this passive skill where it's supposed to have 2 seconds cooldown but it just keeps proccing like the cooldown isn''t even there.
Move it down an hour. I'm still in the class at that hour
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It doesn't have any balance changes, everything should be vanilla so thats a bug.
if that's the case that would make destroyer arguably the tankiest class, since you can just regenerate your health to full with one or two skills on top of having high defense.
>axe instead of a hammer
You're not gay but you're not as hetero as you could be.
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Actually, change of plans. Due to having so many SEA players who would be totally unable to make the usual time, we're gonna take the week 1 photo on Saturday 4:30 pm UTC.
This is gonna cut our fellow AUSmates out of the week 1 picture, so we'll hold our week 2 photo at the usual time to include them there.
>New time convert link: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=Guild+Picture&iso=20241012T1630&p1=1440
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>tfw leveling through the game is like playing a Musou
>3:30am Sunday Melbourne time
I-I can make it
you're forgetting 2 mages
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I am financially ruined.
>9:30am on a Sat morning
I'll never make it
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that time doesn't work for me, i'm in the hospital
>tfw I'm gonna miss it by half an hour
At least I should have zero issues for week 2
God I'm relieved. Can't make it past 8pm utc.
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Is this achievable natty
>close to midnight
count me in lad, ill try my best to log in around 11pm
we got a fucking surgeon here
Are there really that many seanigs that use the chinz? Quite grim but explains a lot about post quality.
damn, you guys even touch rf too?
you can see all the games we've played here
just change .orc to org.
What emotes are we using in the photo, nons?
wasn't the photo an hour ago?
did I get the time wrong
thanks, I hate the concept of time
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I'm the best sniper,
Sex with dragon girls.
Snipin is a goog job m8
broken fingers typed this
can confirm
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>kill blue duck
>red duck nigger spawns
>no rewards
what a waste of my fucking time
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>smell armpit
press the 3 skill to stun him during his charge bar, if you died it just means you haven't gotten your gear yet, it uses your characters stats, if you have the lvl 80 armor you basically won't take damage.
so have we figured out the best way to make money yet?
The best but limited way when you first hit lvl 80 is to clear out as many sidequests as you can to sell all the perfect diamonds you get from it, this also helps you get your skill plates when you're doing low lvl dungeons sidequests on abyss difficulty.
Other than that, doing dailies and farming abyss of heat on the highest difficulty you can clear reasonably fast is the best.
Abyss of Heat farm group where we at
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>mysterious boy
any 80 support want to log on and do dailies? got 3 little girls waiting to play
cute boy
stinky loli
Reminder that 2nd job advancement is at lvl 45 in lotus marsh
Whats considered support in this game, saint? Anything else?
heal button
saint, light fury, and physician, they are healers
there's several other classes that are considered supports for their buffing capability
SSS tier
Dark Avenger
S tier
Gear Master, Shooting Star, Sentinel
A tier
Inquisitor, Crusader, Barbarian, Gladiator, Moonlord
B tier
Ripper, Raven, Abyss Walker, all Kalis, Adept, Physician, Seleana, Sniper, Obscuria
C tier
Tempest, Windwalker, Glaciana, Destroyer
F tier
Illumia (Don't play this, seriously)

Physician, Healing + 50% Final Damage, Cooldown Reduction.
Lightfury, Healing, 45% Attack, +25% Damage
Tempest, windwalker, 40% Attack/movement Speed, Cooldown Reduction (Everyones loves these)
Saint, Healing, Damage buffs
Spirit Dancer, Blade Dancer, Attack + Element attack buffs
Glaciana, Ice debuffer, boosts damage.
Soul Eater, Damage buff + Debuff crit resistance
Guardian, Barbarian, Destroyer, Super armor
Illumia, Obscuria, Cooldown Reduction

Meta Elemental parties (Any healer can be subbed in)
Inquisitor, Crusader, Light Fury/Saint, Valkyrie - Light
Ripper, DA, Seleana, Adept - Fire
Abyss Walker, Raven, Dark Summoner, Souleater - Dark

Non-elemental classes need conversion jades to fit into these.
Archers give +20% crit to the group.
Why can't I use the hotspring? Am I misreading the schizo hours?
Every base class has their own group buff, I didn't bother including it since you'll always have them
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what about obscuria
no buffs but
>hurls enemies like sacks of shit, so they can't plap the DPS to death
>lowers cooldowns by 80%
>turns battlefield into matrix
>Illumia (Don't play this, seriously)
I dare you to play it.
i double dare you, mf
Paid academic shills, don't believe them
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wrong class retard
Which one is Lancea? Or is she so bad she's not even worth mentioning?
It's the right class, they spread propaganda that other classes are bad, it's been fact checked
Lancea is kinda weak rn, expensive af to build and annoying to play due to the old fatigue debuff. She's insanely fun on up to date servers.
I'm levelling one right now and the fatigue debuff looks so incredibly difficult to use positively I've just decided to ignore it completely kek
Just reroll if you won't use it, your damage will be absolutely pathetic.
But yeah I agree the class is almost unusable in this patch.
nonsense, they are too busy gooning to their child characters in hot spring to form an educated thought, let alone arrange a mass-disinformation campaign
post-goon clarity
You will be utterly useless without that buff. Please consider rerolling but if you have fun anyway keep on lvling and just enjoy yourself.
I was trying to hit lvl 45 to see the second skilltree before making a final decision, but I'm already leaning on dropping her and just keep playing Dancer instead.
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>rolled a B tier class
>fledgling alt is C tier
get to level 80
grind weeklies and quests for gold
use gold to buy dnp from auction house
use dnp to buy cute outfits
the end
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Do I want to go physician or adept
What makes DA so op?
The tier list seems based entirely on your own damage output, without taking any utility into account.
i don't like that the third jobs add so little
they also railroad you into choosing one of two skill builds on your second job
i still enjoy the game a lot, but the class system actually seems pretty bad the more i experience it
We're missing 2 class passives and awakening. The last two specilizations actually completely rework how a class plays and are insanely fun and important to the game. This nigga server is just fucking behind the curve.
Yeah, it's a DPS list, the support parts are listed underneath, being low on the list doesn't mean they're bad.
It's simply overtuned, it was the newest class in this level cap, and the new class in Korean games is always like this so people will swap to it and regear.
It gets heavily nerfed in later updates.
Current server patch and cap is dogshit and has some classes at their worst point ever while others still have their release balancing like DA that was meant to sell outfits and premium items. The game really became golden with awakening and the 90 cap, everything before that is one-sided and quickly gets stale.
>idle animation moves me slightly to the left over time
Agreed, 80 cap feels kinda horrible.
are perf diamonds supposed to be sold on the auction house because they vendor for 12s apiece and that is nothing
yes, dont npc them
what's the best way to get perf alteum? to +8 my 80 gear? buy it or where is a good farm?
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>Nameless Tyrant Tomb
This some xianxia shit.
just buying them mainly, you can get them from 70+ dungeons but it's slow
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I really really like Iona. I sure hope nothing bad happens to him.
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Am 58 and the chapter 9 story quests just came up, is there any place I can grind so I can skip it and not get fucked?
do sidequests you donut
god i wanna eat that ass
Either sidequests or grind ice valley abyss or meteor crash site boundary zone to 60
The boy is mine.
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can someone invite me to the guild? thanks
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KateHikes and NateHigger are best bros.
>upgrade everything to +8 for now
>items can randomly break when trying to upgrade past +7
I'm just
I'm just not going to upgrade past +7
not going to do it ROFLMAO
me on the left
yeah don't bother, there's only one week left
You get a shit ton of free jelly from the level up boxes, but you can still get fucked by downgrades past +7, so it's fine to keep your armor there, you do want to upgrade your weapons though, or try to buy premade +10 ones, or +10 vortex scrolls for them.
does jelly not prevent downgrades? wtf
It does not, which is what makes the enhancing system in this game so cancerous, it's basically a slot machine.
literally a slot machine, actually
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u can do it
The chosen one let us down at 1%...
Assassin literally has a taoist spec.
I can't stop hearing Erutan
Is it quicker to level with the main quest by playing on the lower difficulties? It feels that way
yeah, stick to normal/hard for story quests
Is it really that bad?
Is there a way to respec Arcanist to Lelementalist?
>The game really became golden with awakening and the 90 cap, everything before that is one-sided and quickly gets stale.
I didn't play it to this extent in its hayday, but meticulously scouring through the build guids as a respectful autist would leads me to believe this anon's claims are accurate.
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gotta revisit DN some day then
>tfw put a good amount of effort into trying to install that mod pack but am not computer-literate enough to do so.
It's not a good feel.
There is. You will eventually receive some job change tickets from leveling up which you can use to swap to any other subclass.
Just play project duck, you get the feel of 90 cap immediately.
Might as well find out first. The circus also has job change tickets
This is what academics don't want you to know:
Deepfried because it was recorded on a whim with the built-in recorder and then ffmpeged into oblivion
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>eng dub
what is wrong with you anon?
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Spreading freedom in the middle east just wouldn't be the same without english
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works on my machine coomer-kun
added pasties and cassius to prevent janny from sin
Reminder that we're taking a guild photo in just a few hours. Don't sweat if you can't make it, we'll take another picture next week at a different time.
Time: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=Guild+Picture&iso=20241012T1630&p1=1440

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anyone else having this problem?
They closed the server
>just kidding, It's on maintenance.
When are we going for some dragon nesting?
soon, unless we only play for another week.
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>maintenance when I wake up
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>do no damage
>take all damage
>no gold
>server diedeadkill
>realizes it's a different mod
wait where did you get THAT one? the only one I could find was a texture swap and >>1466394 was deleted from pixiv
At least you get an error mine always just freezes permanently.
sorry guys, i'm going back to eco
we back
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Spooktober is a go and the trampoline is broken
can i get an invite plz
Where do you get 30+ accessories, are they just in actual real Nests? I'm in 50s and still wearing 20s stuff.
They drop on hell mode nests ( the orange ones )
sent you friend inv, couldnt inv to guild for some reason
Don't bother nest, just do circus and use that instead. Story quest also give them out.
another one lost to the ECOsystem...
TERA would have been the more fun actionsloppa game to play for 2 weeks.
Why, dragon nest is great, or else it wouldn't have been voted.
Dragon Nest has been the best game so far. Tab target slop just can't compete.
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TERA is fun, but there's a lot of caveats which would come along with it.
It's very ping reliant, even more than Dragon Nest, so choosing between an NA or EU private server would matter a LOT more than most other games we've played so far. The only available NA private server (Starscape) is mostly PvE-focused, and the only available EU private server (MT: The Dream) is largely PvP-focused. Both servers offer insta-skip potions to max level for every character made, so we'd need to have a firmly enforced gentlemen's agreement to not use those boost potions during the first week of our stay there (or at least level our initial/main character(s) naturally before resorting to insta-skipping alts if desired), etc.
This is moreso discussion for the main project thread anyway.
Not really, project duck classes have customized balance and the pace of the game is even faster than 90/99 cap is.
I've been playing it a little bit on the side and it's interesting to say the least, I might post a review/shillpost of it after the 2 weeks are up, in case anyone wants more dragon nest, since it's not easy to play alone at all it would be cool to get another guild going on that server.
Tera is pretty similar to dragon nest, honestly.
A bit easier to grasp with the more conventional class design and trinity system though, hard to say which is better, they're both great.
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Know your place, inferior races.
I think it better since you can carry new comer and straight go to raid.
I'm gonna continue playing for sure if you wanna keep the guild going. Gonna slow down but definitely back for daily and weekly content.
How is that better? A majority of the fun from mmo's is literally the fucking new player experience and leveling and gearing up.
Until you discover ERP, that is.
I find 80 cap pretty boring but I'll stick around for dailies and weeklies if enough people get there and stay to keep playing.

For people new to dragon nest completely it's horrible, but if you've played to lvl cap once in another server it should be easy enough to get into, since it basically just skips the leveling process and puts you into raids right away, doing that with no experience of the game will turn people off hard, it's essentially a server made for veterans but even if you're new (to the endgame) and don't mind progging raids it'll be fun, it cuts out a lot of the grind and bs so you can experience the content without any time wasting.
>I find 80 cap pretty boring but I'll stick around for dailies and weeklies if enough people get there and stay to keep playing.
same but fatduck is even more retarded and boring
I also find it retarded in some ways but I have to say their custom gameplay feels amazing, never seen anything like it in any other game.
No it feels horrible and boring tbqh.
If you can explain why it'd be a more constructive conversation, but agree to disagree.
are you online?
gimme a minute
Some classes have been buffed.
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gathering here in saint haven
port to royal guard joey and run a little north
But you get to play furry girl and all classes are viable.
pls share files
I am an orc.
Yeah, having all classes with good balance is nice, plus tanking is actually a thing.
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cumming to kalis today
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got a good one lads
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terrible swastika
almost 20 years after habbo raids no one still cant figure it out, some things never change
the jank ass swastikas are the best part, they have sovl
Best after RaiderZ for me still, but not by thaaat much either. Solid #2
you would think a straight line and right angle would be simple to understand lol
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>photo in black and white
we should have a designated gathering place saars.
where we can afk and meet up, any suggestions where? im thinking at the stairs where we made the image, its easily accessible.
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I really should just AFK at the fishing hole.
Don't question the narrative, goyim.
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I will never forget you niggas.
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>those armorless kalis
we are not that lewd, this bullying has to end
Fishing spot is good, have to pick which server.
fishing hole, EUW?
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Horrible idea, pick something easy to acess in SH where people idle and not a hidden spot behind a teleport with region selection.

I recommend this here because it has a warp, nobody else comes around and it's SH.
thanks for this
>Plap plap in the first row waiting for truck-kun
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Kalis are known to have extremely strong and misplaced motherly instincts.
help i can't stop masturbating to guildies
let it all out
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it should have been me
>cashier asks if I have any big plans for the weekend
>his face when I tell him I'm playing Dragon Nest all weekend with my NIGGAS
The plapping will continue until morale improves
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>another nude mod creep shot
ive doxed your afking spot anon, youre finished
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I will let you know that I have that angle with your full name, title and guild in it, Kali. If you delete my IP your life will be ogre. Cyclops, even.
Your. Move.
I can't tell if I like playing Kali as Blade Dancer or Spirit Dancer
Spirit Dancer is a nobrainer to blow up the waves of mobs, but I can't find any satisfaction in fighting the boss
Blade Dancer seems like I have to put some effort to clear trash mobs, but I'm having a lot more fun fighting the bosses with this kit Also I whiff her Inner Fire ult half of the time
I'll be using this spot, it's pretty quiet compared to most of the city.
Using it for what, Nonny? What are you planning on doing there where no one is looking?
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>missed guild picture because of my fucked up sleeping schedule

>didn't miss it because of my fucked up sleeping schedule
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>skipped guild picture to grind circus

Also tell me if you guys are doing a 3rd week or whatever of this game, I really don't want to finish grinding saint to 80.
I mean, we're doing a second week at least.
I will definitely play more-
I'm sure some people will keep playing, especially if the new game sucks ass.
Is the weekly reset on sunday or monday?
guess i got all my weeklies done for the last week then
I'm drunk and I love each and every one of you niggas. I miss all of the absolute units that have graced this project. What a wholesome bunch of retards you all are. Plz keep being the marvelous human beings you all are. You all make me happy, and (relatively) happy to be alive. Feel free to shit on me for being a faggot shitter, I still love you all. Hope you're all having a nice weekend, thanks for sharing these moments of my life with me. There'll come a time when all of this is owari da and we've all moved on and are stressed and/or involved in other shit. I'll still look back on these handful of months and smile.
What's a decent dungeon to spam solo abyss when I'm trying to get my 80 gears up
Just follow the story quest and side quest, they give 20+ gold and some epic heraldry pouch too.
Oh boy, I can't wait to get a new Immobilize plate!
I mean lvl 80 talisman and dragon jade too.
anyone try the monster fighting mode?
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>me and the boys on the way to beat you up for drinking the jews liquid
No alcohol, no drugs.
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i love you too anon
thanks but quit the drink retard
It's fine to drink but not like every day. I knew a guy who was shitting blood because of that.
Is the game good consider that everything is moe shit?
Just RO but more generic
Alcohol is a drug, dumb frogposter. One of the worst hard drugs to consume regularly.
cheers to that
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stop drinking faggot, here'a an orange cat of disapproval
>dragon nest
>one week in and we've done no nests
owari da
>get full flint and upgrade it to +7
>lose interest in playing
when are we doing group stuff
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>no nests
i've done the minotaur, that's a nest
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>no nests
I've been doing nests with at least 4 diff BadDragons anons + one loli who didn't even belong to our guild.
blessed minortaur killer
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I hit 80 quickly but I got demotivated by how bad the meta/gameplay is in this cap, nests are so unbalanced it's not even fun, you die to any 2 hits, or 1 hit if you're under ~800k hp so learning them is absolute torture.
I think Project Duck is the better option for doing group content
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>That's not what my game looks
That's gameplay from Duck
a couple anons seem interested to play DN for longer, what would you say Project Duck does better/worse?
whew, i thought i was missing mods or some shit
you're missing the nude mod
I wrote a long ass post about it on my phone but the tldr is
Way better, even better than modern official servers. But some classes are snorting so much meth that it's a turn off, I normally gravitate to faster classes but in this server they're too fast and it's tiring to play.
There is quite a big learning curve to get over at the start depending what you play as, but they have written guides on their website which helps a lot.
Also many more class options to play as which is appealing, and the tank role is rebalanced to be viable.

>Group content/progression
You start with all skills unlocked and progression is through gear only, and you immediately get to do actual nests instead of grinding tons of dungeons for gear first, for playing in a group this works a lot better, the content is just more fun.
That said I haven't gotten very far into the server since I've only checked it out a little bit when I got bored of Origins.
There's also a written guide for what to do to progress which again helps a lot and prevents you from being lost.

The worst thing it does is just terrible/immature writing all over the place, the devs don't care about preserving the original spirit of the game at all and you have to endure some of the dumbest jokes/zoomer humor there is.
The other thing is that if you're new to the game starting with this server is weird, so picking Origins was the right choice, but anyone who hit 80 there should be able to get the hang of it.
>the devs don't care about preserving the original spirit of the game at all
Lost me on this one honestly.
Oh and starting with everything unlocked means you don't have to spend days/weeks just to try a class, you can immediately try it out in the training ground and try something else if you don't like it, which is very very nice.
idunno how to gear for that, I'm struggling to get all flint pieces from the auction house
Yeah it's honestly perplexing considering the quality of everything else in the server, they clearly know what they're doing on the technical front but the writing is so bad I'm not sure why they're okay with making it seem so unprofessional, as if the server is just a joke.
Don't these drop from Volcano Nest?
>fatduck shill
kill yourself I'm not playing your nigger server
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Nothing is going to top that 1% Leviathan wipe.
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me on the left
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well about that
>less than 500k hp
wtf, do you have no heraldry or jades equipped or something? You need to max out your level 70 gear before you grind your 80 stuff.
ah, i see you got hit. the strategy is to not get hit, anon.
Imagine dying to Mr Popo2
where do I get the good heraldries and jades? col sanders circus stuff isnt going to put me at 500k hp.
the auction house of course
Quick question, are the hats supposed to be bugged and not showing up?
most of the lower level ones don't have a model, but the high level ones do
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>just got to 80

what do I do now
grind 4k gold to gear up
craft them, its much cheaper. Buy the Hard and Burning pieces. You need 60 hard and 25 burning for the full set.
I reached lvl 15, where do I get my new specialisation that the dude in my mail talks about.
It's a quest at your class master npc in the city
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Is this bugged? I can't find him
that's the end of available msq on origins
90 cap when?
who knows, apparently they don't like awakenings and class mastery for some reason so they want to customize the balance before releasing it
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This quest is spoiling the MSQ wtf
Holy fuck doing chapter 6 msq feels like an absolute chore
>Go the the hut
>Now to the library
>Back to the hut
>Now to the east armory
>East armory, but at the end of it
>Dragon village
And on and on and on and on
You can censor the name but I'd recognize that ass anywhere.
It's why I prefer to grind past it
I click on choose engineer specialisation and then the take trial button and the skill menu opens. But nothing I do there ever gets saved and the trial never starts. What the hell am I doing wrong.
Also how long is the downtime usually?
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It's over, I thought I had enough time.
I've just been doing that chapter, are you me?
Wait until it sends you to the dungeon with totem-toting wrestlenigger. SAME dungeon, FOUR times in a ROW. Think it's surely just for conversation? No, you have to kill the boss to get to the very end.
bro pick up your plants
When you pick the trial class just close the skilltree, they just set you with two new skills for the trial. If the fight doesn't start, try getting closer to the gate to open it and a couple of enemies should spawn. Once you're done, talking to the npc again will let you try the other one or confirm the choice.
I see, thanks
As a loli you get some deep fucking lore at your third job advancement as well
Did you slot your accessories with vit jade?
I have 5 vit jades, but I can probably afford to change to some agi ones now.
>Just farm out full BIS in order to do the daily content
Go on without me.
it's entry level stuff
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>mfw i have 1/5 of the entry level stuff
Go party up and do you dailies.
There's always work down at the Saint Haven brothel.
Fellas, even if the first nest items are cheap you can use the blue stuff and level 70 jades that drop from master level dungeons.
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>Cinder / Flint
My nigga that's entry tier. And the money from the MSQ or from grinding abyss dungeons should net you at least +8 weapons and +3 armour with vit jade. If you sell the techniques and shit from your weekly content you might even be able to get a full set. Ducknest can drop unique weapons that are also great for starting out.

You should have around 2k from lvling to 80. If not, sell your agate. Do the weeklies and sell your technique drops. Do the ducknest. Join geared guildies for farming chaos or abyss dungeons. Join geared people for daily quest carries. Pic related took me less than 2 days after hitting 80.
I just hit 80, and have about 1.3k, i'll see what can i buy and what i should farm, but that's a tomorrow me effort
You probably have like 2,5k in assets if you sell stuff you don't need and do your content.
wew i had 2.7k when I hit 80 but I also did all the sidequests I could
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>i have 400 at 80
Impossible unless you were a retard and spent your money on useless pre-80 shit. Even just boosting through abyss dungeons I end up with more than 700g for a lvl 80 character.
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I skipped the story from chapter 6 because running around the swamp was horrific and ground out 40-80 in a series of dungeon parties
yeah, i was overleveled so i skipped pretty much all the story from 50-80 because i wanted to see what the 80 story quests were like.

do not do this, the gold and loot you get from doing these quests is required.
Make sure you grind your circus pet ASAP too. That lil' nigga picking everything up is a huge help.
It isn't.
Outside the entrance to Anu Arendel there's a robot that gives you a lot of sidequests, take all the ones inside too, pick the dungeon which has the most quests at once, do it return to town, turn in quests and repeat, there are a shitload of these quests and you'll get a ton of money / diamonds from doing this.
>Outside the entrance to Anu Arendel there's a robot that gives you a lot of sidequests
Only if you skipped past chapter 9 by the way.
Also check your remote quests tab and the little boards outside the dungeons for extras.
This is what I did after grinding to 80 and being broke as hell, you'll get more than enough to gear up from it.

Well that's fucked but hopefully everyone skipped it after being warned 200 times here.
My poor and retarded brothers.
>quest to read book
>it's extremely long to read
where are the dailies and can you do them as a fresh level 80?
Look what they did to my girl. Fucking animals
Best blacksmith of Lagendia, you could but you may die. I recommend to do story and side quest that doesn't require master above difficulty to clear. Then buy materials to craft your own flint/cinder set with the gold you got from the quests.
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>wake up
>everyone is level 80
>everyone is either decked-out or goldmaxxing
I just wanted to finish my quests without skipping bros...
>I just wanted to finish my quests without skipping bros...
Oh no, he doesn't know
i know, but im not on chapter 9 yet
Don't be fooled by her appearance, she is actually the most hardest class to play.
So when will we get her?
It just came out in KR server, so not soon.
Unless you mean machina in general which should be in 90 cap
I really really wish there still was a western server.
There's plenty of private servers at least.
But they're all gay in their own way, sadly. I just want a vanilla server without the p2w. All the p-servers are cancerous reworked progression and custom balance trash.
I guess so but there's probably a reason they all do it, official servers are a dumpster fire, Origins is as vanilla as it gets but being stuck in 80 cap sucks, and they have a hateboner for modern DN so they're also going to split off into some custom shit.
Official servers are a dumpster fire because they milk the last fucking penny out of the pocket of everyone still playing this game. Aside from that, current DN is the best it has ever been class, balance and gameplay wise. Sadly they gave up on the west and there is no chance to play this game with anything but a 400ms ping and Seaniggers or a Korean ID.
>Ragnarok online
>Pre renewal and renewal
>Pre reboot and reboot
>Dragon nest
>80 cap and 90 cap
Why this problem a common occurrence among mmo games?
People like making money. Idiots, the lot of them.
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Let me in.
Everyone fleeing to private servers usually has no interest in the quality of the game they're playing. They just want the relive the happy memories they made while they were 14 and hate everything that isn't "the original feeling" also known as "the awful jank" that they remember from their childhood. Humans just inherently hate change even if it improves the game.

For Dragon Nest the Awakening and the level 90 cap included massive qol changes like a huge mobility upgrade and a free sprint for every class. Every class also got deeper and more complex mechanics that often reduced the reliance on a single dps skill and made rotations more free-style. From the retards running DNO this was the point where the game "lost it's original feel". Because duh too fast, too different >:(((. And the new Nests also focus more on the combat instead of clicky mario party mini games.
You have the camp of nostalgiafags who hate anything past an arbitrary point, they don't really care much about the game, more so the idea of the game.
There's also people who just hate bigger numbers and fast gameplay / big aoes etc and prefer a slower experience but those are pretty few compared to nostalgiafags.
And then you have the camp of gameplayfags who welcome all improvements to the core gameplay, they usually hate older version servers because they lack some feature or class that they like.

It happens in MMOs so often because people end up quitting at some random point, coming back and thinking "wtf happened to this game" because surprise surprise, the game kept receiving updates, then they go looking for classic servers because they're not interested enough to adjust / learn the new things.
Huh... you can ALMOST go out of bounds if you use the trampoline just right.
I'll have to do some more investigating...
I pray the retards running DNO will have a moment of enlightenment and include the fucking awakening at some point at least. It's the only and one and only fucking private server that actually plays like Dragon Nest and isn't an abhorrent abomination like project duck. There exists literally nothing else but these two.
If you wanna go OOB, Wind Walker can do it quite easily.
>>happy memories they made while they were 14
>look up the video that introduced me to Dragon nest
>11 years ago
>25 level now
You didn't have to be this accurate, anon. I would like to go back. To be fair, this is the only time I seriously played through the game. Spotted thread on /v/ and jumped on having no clue what to expect.
Someone said they were committed to a mostly purest server progression. So if it was in the original game by 90 cap then it will get implemented.
They state on the website that T5 is not considered classic anymore and won't be introduced. T5 being the awakening and everything that came after and they will include new content only with their own "balance changes".

I read that as: They wanna take classes and nests from lvl 90 and make them accessible without any of the gameplay balancing and changes that were done specifically around these nests. Having no awakening would make the game so insanely stale on boring and awful in itself I can't even begin to describe it.
Hey anon, I might be a bit younger but I totally get you. Don't feel bad about being a nostalgia cuck. Just keep an open mind for honest positive improvements and don't become a bitter old boomer.
Sounds unplayable honestly and it's far too much work to rebalance every single thing to be enjoyable without having access to dash and other T5 qols.
Endgame is just shit either way though, overturned to hell in order to milk whales, surprised they left it as is
Why did nobody tell me that there are FREE cosmetics in cash shop under Style tab?! AAA
Damm how many zoom zooms are there? I figured people here would be older
Many, DN isn't that old anyway. I'm one of the older zoomer(26) and i have played it during high school.
I am 28, 2005+ certainly a golden age for mmo.
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Goddamn dragoon feels like ass to play after cunnygun. Feels like I'm constantly pushing enemies out of range with my own attacks. I'll stick with my braindead low skill gameplay.
you want fries with that?
>sell your agate
what else should I sell? I never know what will be used and what won't
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EXP Day at the Hot Spring
Maplestory pre and post-BB literally transfigured and changed the entire landscape/zone.
Think of pre and post Cataclysm WoW.
>Press literally any button
>Everything around me dies
This class is obscene. Dungeons take less than 2min
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fighting Jasmine at hero battlefield she wasnt speaking japanese
>no cleric
You'll quickly realize that this is how the game is meant to be, if you pick a class without that capability doing dailies and farming becomes miserable, so many classes are only good in nests.
Class balance is awful in current cap and patch. T5 - the thing we will never get in this server - fixed it.
not sure if 28 is zoomer or not
I'm 27 but if you grew up on the computer playing games like this you're basically a millennial.
Sell your Agate, and your Diamonds until you have a full set. Upgrading the first few levels will only take Alteum. Sell piece of brilliant technique you get from the weekly. Sell the monster cores you get from the fortress of erosion. Sell all the octagonal water you made up to that point. If you disassemble lvl 80 jade or talismans sell the pieces they drop.
I'm a millennial and GMS/Rose/Fiesta/SCO/etc didn't happen until I was in college. I grew up with a gameboy (first stage original form).
Can someone post buying guide for 80lv equipment? I don't know what prices are acceptable for +0/+10 items. Mage specifically
I'm 26...
the market for equips is kinda dead, just look up how much it costs to craft vs buy it.
for reference a +10 scroll is 3000 gold but you can sometimes see people selling weapons +10 for half that
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Volcano Training runs today? Anyone up for it?

Bring +6 lvl 80 gear and some cheap jade at minimum. Otherwise you will have a bad time.
what time
I got a +10 Flint Staff for 2k.
What are the armors usually sold for?
What about dimensional box keys and fragments? And fragments of wandering soul?
apply for future MMOdventure votes:

@ me if any 80 shit goes down
we're shooting cannons 6/8
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Best trampoline launch I could get
pretty good
So when are we doing Volcano Nest with our full Volcano Nest gear?
when a healslut volunteers themselves
So where are them? I willing to power level them.
I'm a max level healer but I'm not a them. Good luck finding them.
how expensive is the healer gear?
I could buy 3 magical gear with single physical gear.
healer gear is borderline irrelevant besides hp, so all you need is the 80 set for defense, some hp accessories and hp jades
and if you really care then your skill plates, +1 skill heraldry and technique accessories with +1 skill
the secret to killing emerald dragon was the party giving up on dodging
This is why it took us 3 tries. Remember ABC vros, always go big dick.
I can't believe we had to pay for healing vending machines, academikikes man
nice goating
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i'm seconds away from dropping 10 dollars on cash points to turn into gold
Do it
We are less than few days from moving on to the next game.
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It takes me maybe 20 minutes at work to make 10 dollars, which should convert to 20000 DNP. At ~500 gold per 1000 DNP this should equal 10000 gold, which should (hopefully) be enough to buy a decent set of endgame gear. With how much I have to work I'm not going to be able to catch up otherwise, and you're not going to find a way to farm 10k faster than that. Is it worth trading in my dignity to become a p2w shitter?

This is also true. In like four days none of this matters at all. And still, I find myself tempted. The predatory korean monetization tactics are getting to me.
If it doesn't matter at all in a few days then why do you care if you become a p2w shitter or not.
The stigma runs deep. I used to make fun of people who bought shit in these f2p games. Now I see why they would.
Men don't ask for permission or care what others think, do it sissy.
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The moment you start running monetary conversions in your head, is the moment most of the magic is taken out of this genre's central gameplay loop. Whaling out will always, always be the most time-efficient thing to do in literally any MMO in current year, at the cost of defeating most of the point in playing them.
Prioritizing maximum efficiency in an MMO above all else is just playing yourself in the end. Just enjoy what time you have with the vidya you're dabbling in, and the anon you're experiencing it with.
If you're still interested in Dragon Nest later on, to the point of playing it on your own terms, then sure, what you do with your own income is your prerogative. But as >>1470234 mentioned, the majority of anon currently playing on Origins will likely be moving on once our two weeks is up, so it seems silly to splash the cash knowing that.
Just give it a day or two, and that temptation will subside as things start settling down. t. Former whale
If you do this, I will find out who you are and I will follow you everywhere while spamming the laughing emote
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you'll get your gear but you'll lose the respect of everyone in the guild
Don't listen to the other replies, no one even noticed when I did it.
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A bit too late, but just found out about this
>he doesn't know that I know
if you are who i think you know i know you are
then we gossiped and laughed about you in the hotspring on day 3
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can someone invite me in calderock pls?
I can tell.
I'm in
I ended up enjoying this game quite a bit. If this server was just a bit more updated with class balance I'd happily continue playing since it's genuinly fun and charming.
I'll still play it, class balance can come later while i enjoy some OP classes.
You mean underpowered classes?
80 cap revolves around classes that give buffs/debuffs so one guy can do all the damage, it's shit.
Sir, that is a fountain.
That's what the government wants you to think
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>log in
>loli in a swimsuit EXPRESS DELIVERED to my exact location
>immediately begins to dance
>Hot but lonely lolis IN YOUR AREA
i should move to europe west
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We'll be holding a movie night tonight! Taking suggestions for the next ~15 mins before setting poll up.
Poll is up! Get your votes in!
wait, are we really logging in to eco again?
i-is mai.. maid night h-happening?
Hardcore Henry it is! See you guys in an hour or sooner if you want to shit up the movie room.
I shit the bed and posted the wrong room link, here's the correct one:
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Beat the game, ready to go next.
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Made a guild on Duck if anyone wants to try some modern DN and play in a group, since this server is group oriented from the start.
Hit G, search /vm/ and apply.

Recommend picking anything in very easy/easy, maybe some of the intermediate ones too, if you're a gamer, wouldn't say this list is completely accurate but it's good enough for a rough idea.
If you click them you can find a guide for the class.
And here is the general guide

Also make sure you set camera acceleration to -1, and don't turn on high shadows, it kills the performance.
Oh wow, this guide is made by the devs right? First complete bank of DN knowledge I've ever seen. I wanted to play with awakenings again. Kinda shocked to hear the poor reception from players, as I thought they were an excellent addition that added a lot to classes I played.
Yeah, the class guides are player made though.
Most classes have some custom changes so it's not *exactly* like they were officially, but it does add a lot to the gameplay, along with everyone having dash which is a godsend.
I don't think awakenings are poorly received in general but if you play an oldschool server you might get that perception since the people there probably don't like modern versions for some reason or another.
does anyone have a lightfury guide handy?
It would be best to wait until we finish DNO to start up a new server. Many of us will be done on Saturday night, so starting then would get you more players.
I'd like to do Volcano Nest at least, but we always seem to be short on enlistees.
Figured I'd post it now since it doesn't really have any required time investment to get into, you can easily log in and try your classes for a bit, and I don't expect that many people to want to try it either way. + I'd be glad to help anyone who wants to start later.

I also want to at least try to clear VN, if you post in the thread when you're trying to form a group I'll log in if I'm here.
If you need a DPS player anyway, but I'm assuming it's a healer we're usually lacking.
2 weeks was perfect for this game. Very fun but way too sweaty for me.
>Very fun but way too sweaty for me.
i feel the same, casual action combat is nice and chill but I don't need the stress and guilt of causing a raid to wipe.
Old DN is too jank for raids imo, especially with how much damage they do from basic attack patterns, it's not even mechanics that are the issue but random stray hits, but that's just how it is in a p2w Korean game I guess, they want you to spend money to get more hp.
But wiping on a raid should be expected, especially in a game like this where you might not even be able to find a guide for the content, raiding is fun if people are chill about it and not expecting everyone to instantly be a god.
>Will barely make it to lvl cap before we move on to the next mmo
I wanted to see what the endgame had to offer but oh well
Do you like MMO raids?
If not then you'll hate it, since it's pretty much that, closest thing I can think of is TERA but that game had a much more defined role system which made it smoother, DN is very much oriented around individual skill, even though there technically are tank/healer roles, you're expected to iframe through things or most likely die in 2 hits.
>The only mmo where healer can blame tank
I miss it.
Some of us want to keep playing DNO for a bit, anon. Could try the Duck server too, since it starts you off at max level and has more classes and stuff >>1470873
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>put the card on sale for 1.3k
>return some hours later to see the prices are plummeting to fucking shit because of idiots undercutting by 50g
RDN is definitely out of question but we can still do BDN right?
We could but we probably going to fail mario party section.
It's a pretty long raid and mechanics must be learned, even with 80 cap gear.
Dunno man, I'm kinda curious about the rebalancing and such, but I'm not sure I have that much interest in keep playing ot. Also that's a SEA server right? I would have ping issues and also probably not overlap with when other anons play
Nah Duck has a few servers open worldwide. I think Exfc is the sea server.
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It uses the same system as DNO, you can choose which server you connect to.
They've also rewritten the netcode so it's far smoother even if you play in a server with high-ish ping.
Can you homos shill the other server AFTER we're done with this one?
Does anyone want to do dailies now? Looking for 2 players for lv80 daily party.
Anyone not online want to hop on for Volcano Nest attempting? 3/4
Looking to do Volcano Nest around 12:30-1 AM EST. For me this is the most consistent time I can play.
anyone leveling around lvl 45?
Any gamers?
do i need 80lv gear with +6 to do it?
Basically yes, but with level 80 Jades as well. Things hit quite hard.
I can pull one level before I die then
If you need some garbo dps i'm up for it
bit late but fragments get you class heralds
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aye aye captain
what are you on about
Nate Higger?
oh, right, i think this is the only game i've played where it works like this and it's not very clear
but i looked at what you posted in the discord and you need to reign in your autism, you got banned cause you're a sperg
what did he post, I don't want to waste time to find it on trooncord
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Can newfags go back to staying away from this project? Better yet, the main /v/ board is for your ilk - not actual groups of video-game playing people.
it's a risk you sign up for when you post about it on /v/ tbf
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Bro c'mon that's 300% autism
It was funny tho.
define newfag
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I'm siding with the devs on this one sister
It's like how sociopaths are unable to read disgust on a human face.
If you can't look at the THUMBNAIL alone and immediately ascertain as to why that creature is a newfag, you are also a newfag, will never be willing to accept your place, and so there is no use even attempting civility.
>fucks up BADLY
>immediately goes on to blame "le trannies"
nigga look in the fucking mirror
Why ask a question when you have some teenage 'comeback' already prepared? You've already made yourself a laughingstock.
anybody who found 4chan after around 2008 and maybe 2009. hope it helps!
We have some truly awful games up ahead, I guarantee. You will not stick around for long.
>kys disingenuous faggot
I initially wanted to give you some gold so you wouldn't feel like shit, but now that you've proven to be an emotionally unstable cretin who embarasses himself publicly and then whines about it in le club, I'm glad I was low on gold at the time.
>b-buh you're lying!
Whatever lets you sleep at night
surprised it didn't post a frog that time
Who's chud and what is he winning?
i hope u stay men
>uses discord
>calls discord users trannies
isn't that a bit... you know...
Newfags will scurry off like roaches whenever they're faced with some of the upcoming games. They're not prepared.
You guys need to take your meds seriously. So sick of you culture war retards. Better yet stay off /v/ and go back to /pol/.
>two hours of a samefagging ESL
How long will this persist?
where did you get that heraldry in the center?
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can we get hiroshimoot to bring the IP counter back for /vm/?
'Super chud' as username + spergs out on random discord servers. Yeah, I'm a troon for pointing out the mega autist.
and yet he acted like a little bitch...
Why even respond to factory-build 12-20 year old 2016+ers?
It's funny.
Oh you're also new. My mistake.
Dragon Nest?
newfag, this thread is for frogposters to talk about unironic discord posting and tranny allegations, not Dragon Nest
normalnigger, newfriend :^)
Where's the Dragon Nest thread, then
Kek I almost did the same mistake. Good thing you can see the shit you are selling in AH.
I'll make another one when we're on page 10 and uninvite the schizos
Reddit brought over autismposting in 2011. Which is newfag shit. Like your underage ass saying "normie" so your dad doesn't beat you for typing FAGGOT again.
u mad
no u
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no, but u really mad big guy
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damn how did you know? you must be here since 2010 or something
Let it be known that everyone else was able to sell their items on the auction house without a problem.
You weren't supposed to point that out...
>have meltdown
>get made fun of
>now a schizoposter
The Wheel of Fate is Turning. Rebel 1
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what's this purple one
fellowship heraldries
idk abt ya'll but i like trains
mein ubermensch
>all these deleted posts
>he was samefagging all along
who could've guessed
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>loses 900g
>spergs on discord
>gets banned on discord
>spergs on 4chan
>gets banned on 4chan
It was abundantly obvious when he was the only ESL in that conversation, kept making the same grammatical and spelling errors, and kept attaching "troon" to his post like a signature. And did this for three hours. Newfags have no subtlety.
As a member of the ESL community, I'd like to say we disown that niggerfaggot.
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They probably thought you were baiting too hard. How many actual trannies have you dealt with during your stint in Dragon Nest, newnigger? Post screenshots to justify my question.
new dragon nest thread:

Newfags don't bait and only other newfags believe the forced "bait" maymay.

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