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>What is Bizarre MMOdventure?
This is an ongoing project from a group of anons dedicated to playing through obscure and niche MMOs, or ones 4chan hasn't played together before.
>How does it work?
The rules so far go as follows:
>Hold a tournament-style voting contest from a list of games
>Play the game that wins the final round of votes for 2 weeks
>After each game, we alternate lists of MMOs to vote on
>A guild photoshoot will take place every saturday, check thread for pic times
>New adventure starts every other saturday, after the week 2 guild pic

You are free to recommend more games be added to the lists, and encourage people to vote on a game you want to play.

>Games we've played so far:
Phantasy Star Universe
Trickster Online
Rising Force Online
Ace Online
Emil Chronicle Online
Fiesta Online
Requiem: Desiderium Mortis
Dream of Mirror Online

>Current game being played
Dragon Nest
thread here >>1461948

>General Info page
https://mmodventure.altervista.orc/general-info-post-2/ (change orc to org, spamfilter is baka)
>Picture gallery
https://mmodventure.altervista.orc/gallery-filter/ (change orc to org, spamfilter is baka)

we are getting together to play minigames and have a laugh on a semi-regular basis, check the thread for times. minigame suggestions welcome, current list can be found on the MMOdventure website

>last thread
We're in week two, and will be starting a new game this weekend. Voting for the finals is ongoing, if you've been sent a token, don't forget to vote on what you want to play. If you don't have a token but want to vote then you just need to play with us and show proof of your character, proper instructions on where and how to send verification images will be posted soon.
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Hello gamers, let me give you the proper instructions on where and how to send verification images to participate in the next poll for game 13.

Here's how you apply:

Anons that already participate in this current round of voting don't need to do anything and will receive the next token automatically.

Any anon that has not yet applied for a voting token can do so by following this procedure:
>screenshot your stat screen and character, see pic related
>attach this screenshot to an email addressed at mmodventure@proton.me

You will then be added to the token mailing list and can participate in future MMOdventure polls.
The verification screenshot can be from a previous MMOdventure title.

please be sure to use any email provider that can:
>read mail
>send mail
>attach jaypegs to a mail

The voting process will look as follows:
>receive your unique token links via email, one for each round
>cast your vote in two rounds of voting that will be held to determine our next game
>njoy results

So dust of those costumes, get your stats in order so you won't embarass yourself and submit a verification pic to:
I've always wondered, why you dont you just pm the tokens in-game to players that want them?
It has been tried before, newfriend.
Not all games have a mailing system, or a method to communicate offline; and it's more time-consuming to send in-game mails and catch other people online.
Ferentus didnt have mail at all lmao. Other games have daily mail limits.
We've had ingame elections before, but those are a hassle and needs everyone to be logged on.
Too much autism. I will just get surprised by the next game and simply disappear and not play if it's shit.
the tokens are sent by copy-pasting all the emails in the poll site, if you had to do it one by one it'd take ages, there must be 20+ people on the list by now.
fair enough, but you only have send one picture and you're set for every future vote.
I'm not saying to only do it in-game, just to the people that want it.
Isn't it just as easy as copy-pasting it in a mail or a whisper in-game if you're both online?
I don't believe in democracy so I don't vote.
yeah it's 24 people after DOMO
>if you're both online?
might not happen much if the timezones are too different. we have 2 or 3 anon with access to the token stuff and one of them is away at the moment.
I don't believe in myself.
one of the obtuse DDOniggers
>Isn't it just as easy as copy-pasting it in a mail or a whisper in-game if you're both online?
maybe for a single person, but the polling site lets you copy-paste every email in the list. So you just ctrl+c/v once a week and you're done, everyone is notified. Alternately the guy doing all the work needs to track down an increasingly large list of people once a week to whisper them, that'd be way too much work.
acute actually
truly an angle sent by god
Believe in me, who believes in you
Oh my God!
Oh my God!!
And it looks like RIFT has overtaken Dragon's Dogma Online, around lap 320, with Eldevin coming close in third!!!
Has anyone used uMod before? The domain they host the install scripts on (https://umod.io/umod-install.sh) appears to be broken and I'm wondering if this is a recent thing or if uMod is completely derelict. All of the RIFT nude mods I'm seeing use uMod.
i work as a programmer, if you find a mod that adds futa cocks, I'll figure out how to make it work.
selling my vote for 2k dragon nest gold
Based, but I think RIFT was a thing before futa was imported to the west.
Anyway, apparently there was some uMod drama a few years ago and the whole project basically blew up, so we're probably both SOL.
anything good/unique about rift?
It's got that 90's game design vibe. Feels like the guys that made Wing Commander buckled up and said "we're gonna make an Everquest killer".
you just said a lot of words that tell me you make noises when you get up and sit down.
It feels good to be recognized as an arthritic whore, turns out.
You damn whippersnappers. Make sure you exercise when you're young, muscle mass makes your joints wear slower.
I grew up playing MMOs and love playing them and socializing with people. I've been too depressed and busy to join in. I've been watching you guys have fun for a while. When does it get better? I just want to have fun again brothers...
I'm also depressed but I use video games to cope even if I don't have much fun sometimes
i've never been depressed, but there's a couple people who make characters and just sit and talk in-game, you could always do that. You can play as much or as little as you want.
If you want to play, just download it and play. There's no need to overthink and stress about it.
Dragon Nest isn't an MMO.
ur point?
Lemme copypasta my shillpost for Rift:
>What is RIFT and why should I care?
Pretty traditional WoW-like MMO from 2011 with good UI/polish. Biggest catch being how the game separates a plethora of classes into 4 main class archtypes. From those, you mix and match 3 to make your own unique character. You then skill into the 3 trees as you see fit to make a functioning amalgam. Safe to say – character building goes ham.
Vote Vermintide.
This looks generic as hell
I would, but it's not free
I think it looks fun so hopefully it wins
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just join in and have fun nigger, i thought the same thing but decided to man up and join anyway. there's no obligation to stick around for the whole two weeks the entire project is casual as fuck
Superficially, yeah, I'd agree. Mechanically, though, I find the systems behind it to be super interesting.
whatever game we have next im not gaining a single fuckin level without being in a party with the bros, im sick of soloing in these and getting bored.
buddy, we have 70+ people in guild and usually 15-20 online at any time, you could group exclusively if you wanted.
Do you usually play around the time you made this post?
DN is a tough one cause all the party content is at endgame, yet also has strict gear and team composition requirements.
The server is good for new players since it's vanilla but for partying it's pretty bad, even for daily content since it punishes you with ridiculous scaling and loot splitting.
Should have play project duck if that the case.
im neeting it up right now so my sleeping schedule is all over the place. i usually am up at that time though.
We should play RF again
I don't want our entire race to be duo'd by haughty elven whores
FE Classic really shit the bed. It actually had a reasonable chance to carve out a niche for itself if the 'updates' on a potential remaster weren't every like 3 years kek.
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Super customized servers like Duck are only really suitable for those who are already very experienced with the game in question. It would've been a mess with the amount of legitimately new anon trying Dragon Nest for the first time over the past week.
There's value in having a normal progression curve when you're brand new to a game, rather than being thrown into the very deep end and expected to just know everything there is to know from the first minute onward. Every private server favors diehard veterans of their respective game, but some are more clearly built around their tastes exclusively, and Duck is very much an example of that for DN.

Agreed with
Playing Duck would have completely ruined the experience for all the new people.
That said I would like to play Duck too, since you can actually jump into raids right away there, and class requirements are much less strict, all you need is a healer and everyone else can play whatever they want, and it's much easier to have a healer when you don't have to level it up.
I don't want to take people away from Origins though, so I'm waiting to see if anyone wants to hop on Duck after Saturday.
i've really enjoyed dn but i also feel really done with it
wonder if we can get some pvp tourno going on saturday (just using pvp characters) so people get the chance to try out various classes
>Levelling in open world is pretty much going to be solo play all the way to 70
>Due to a well known exploit that is being used by a small % of players, the economy is very broken
>The NA shards are more unstable, with some shards going down multiple times a week
god i'm so fucking hard right now
also which shard and more importantly, which faction?
PVP could be fun. I wanted to try it but it seems pretty dead on DNO.
That is a surprisingly well kept and honest website for a deadgame.jpg. I still lament at how bad Trion mismanaged the game as a whole.
>also which shard
>Players are funnelled towards the more active shards, these are Typhiria for EU and Deepwood for NA.
As an NA player, I concur that Deepwood is the most active NA realm. No idea about EU but it doesn't much matter. You can play with people across Shards and even teleport to their Shard (this is common when searching for and completing zone events). Concepts like Auction House usage (which costs real money on a new account lol) is one of the few Shard-specific things.
That guy plays regularly.
And now Gamigo owns it. Another company notorious for 'pumping and dumping' dead games with zero updates until it completely dies.
>Auction House usage is one of the few Shard-specific things
Guilds are also shard locked -- if we're not on the same shard we cannot be in the same guild.
That's a given.
You guys are right I'm really enjoying the solo quest grinding experience as a new player.
I meant in the way that you don't start with every skill your class has and you gradually unlock them and learn how to play via leveling but yes, it's pretty boring to play alone.
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So uhh... would any of you nigs be up for movie night later tonight? Like, ~4 hours from now or so?
the customization in ECO was top tier
sure I guess
what are we watching?
i vote hardcore henry to keep it /v/ related
sounds fun desu
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not as easy to get in neko, im glad we went with the server we did
my vote goes to Golden Ninja Warrior
Nothing specific right now. I'd suggested these since they're low-commitment movies that aren't 2deep4u:
Shaolin Soccer
Kung Fu Hustle
Strange Wilderness
Hardcore Henry added to the list.

I'll take some more suggestion submissions for like the next hour or two, then setup a poll afterwards (if I figure out how to do so) before setting up the room.

I'll make a more dedicated post in a bit, but lets say movie entry suggestions close at 20:00 Eastern Time USA, ~45 mins from this post.

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Okay, so not sure if this'll be a recurring thing or not, but seeing as start~middle of week 2 of each title in this project tends to have some player engagement drop-off, I figured it'd be a good moment to get together and watch something (silly?) together. We've only had 1 movie night before, admittedly as unplanned and abrupt as this one where we watched the all-time classic Kung Pow.

We'll be streaming tonight's movie on Hyperbeam: https://hyperbeam.com/app/login
You'll need to setup an account, but can use the same burner account used throughout MMOdventure. You can use the following webpage to get your own: https://m.kuku.lu/

Current movies in poll:
>Shaolin Soccer
>Kung Fu Hustle
>Strange Wilderness
>Hardcore Henry
>Golden Ninja Warrior

I'll keep this poll's initial list for future movie night polls, so feel free to add entries. If it were to become a more established thing, then settling on a specific day/time that works best for most would be a good thing I'm thinking wagies primarily.

Poll is up and will close in 1 hour, so vote away!

I'll give myself 1 hour after poll closes to get the room up and find some shoddy site to stream it from, so movie will begin at this time tonight:
thanks for organizing this anon, i'm excited
hardcore henry is a (surprisingly well-done B-movie tier) FPS single player campaign. It is very fun.
Ye, I just saw the trailer for it - Genuinely looks like a good watch! I'm fine with either of the current top 2 winning.

I have a soft spot for Shaolin Soccer, so that's what I voted for. Feel the humor in it has aged wonderfully, and lots of the special fx are fantastic.
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Given that it seems we've hit a tie, I'll go ahead and find where to stream both titles and see if we get a tiebraaking vote. If we don't get a tiebreaker, then I'll just swap my vote to Hardcore Henry to keep things simple But nothing's really stopping us from watching two movies I guess?

Trailers for both movies:
>Hardcore Henry
>Shaolin Soccer

The movies will be streamed on this room:
At this hour:

Feel free to join in and just watch random shit before the movie begins!
your pasted the wrong link for the room
Thanks, my bad:
My first winning rec was a movie. How should I feel?
Good, I think. You should feel good.
Knock on the knocker!
Fucking amazing, that movie was absolutely great.
Starting 2nd movie briefly.
for next movie night, i nominate the DUB of
i could spoonfeed you but just look at the dub listing of voice actors and you'll see. you might get it more if you're american or listen(ed) to any rap
watching it on MTV as a teen was a fucking trick
Stephen Chow movies are great. It's a shame not many movies were translated.
kinda surprising, and a shame, given there were only 9
>Moments before disaster.
>rift has been on my radar for a while
>ECO(not that one) has a playtest this weekend
>spaceage comes out monday
dang guess I'm skipping
i'll be happy with rift or eldevin. there was no way i would vote for DDO when that group is the rudest game community out of the several-month existence of this entire project.
I missed all the games I wanted to play...
oh ho ho ho
dicks out boys
hard pass
I don't think I'll ever understand this website, Eldevin and Rift were equal and then Eldevin lost and those voters second choices were activated, I get that, but I don't understand why Eldevin lost and not Rift, they were even.
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thought you were joking, checked the results, and genuinely chuckled out loud

yeah it looks like a bunch of people supporting various games suddenly changed their preferences, that's the only way i can make sense of it
I missed
>Phantasy Star Universe
>Trickster Online
>Rising Force Online
>Fiesta Online
>Requiem: Desiderium Mortis
>Dream of Mirror Online
and im still trying to play Requiem and Flyff on my own. fuck i'd play anything with people right now.
the raw ballot data helped me understand it
tl;dr 7 people put scarlet blade as their second choice, but no one put it as first choice so it got eliminated early (and rift won)
today, someone put scarlet blade as their first choice, so it didn't get eliminated early and that mass of second choice votes came into play
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RiFT also lost a tiebreaker
sorry, I mean Eldevin lost a tiebreaker against RiFT
You'll always get the cutest/coomiest eastern sloppa at every final voting.
i'm just here to play games for korean teenage girls together and instead i'm learning about intricate voting systems
See here, might help:
absolute Ferentus chad
People obsess over filling out a full 8 slots in the voting poll, even for stuff they have no interest in so a lot of cast-off late-placed games end up getting trickles of fractional votes that turn into a largest overall numerical value at the end.
In short, democracy is a sham.
slots are for filling
requiem was one thing, but I don't think I can play a literal porn game with you guys if there's a chance some of you are kids.
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>four of us really want to play Eldevin
>four of us fucking hate it
Seems unlikely kids are interested in these old games, but then again people thought the same thing back when they were new and they were full of underage.
Still not interested in playing a coomer game either way.
boogieman rhetoric
the drive-by dragon's dogma shitposters
Eldevin chuds making up tales again... Only 2 people voted for DDO 1st meanwhile 4 people went out of their way to vote Eldevin as 8th.
i wanted to be a strong
and independent healslut
not a
slut that heals
what will my father say
Today started off like any other day. Woke up, got ready for work and kissed my wife on the cheek. Went to go check on my daughter and son before heading out to say bye for the day. Then, it happened. I entered my son's room and saw him playing something called Scarlet Blade, nothing seemed unusual at first. Upon further inspection, I saw he was playing as a a half naked female healer and using some rather "interesting" macros for his buffs. "Take my heals daddy", "Here's a big juicy buff for daddy" were some of the horrible things I was reading. Needless to say I didn't utter a word and closed the door slowly without saying goodbye.
wouldn't have happened if you learned thai
>if there's a chance some of you are kids
how new can you possibly be the youngest self-dox I've seen on /v/ was by an 8 year old
damn i've been so busy with the musical today that i forgot about you guys...
votes continue to flip
rift won (for now)
>I missed Flyff
Well hopefully Cabal Online or Tera happens eventually.
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Flyff brought out a weirdly high amount of shitposting and whining for some reason, despite it largely just being a pretty inoffensive KMMO grindfest.
Some thought the server's rates were too high (despite it being on the lower end of Flyff's private servers), some took offense to the server's custom content (even if there wasn't much of it), some just didn't like the grind at all (why were they playing a KMMO then?), etc, etc. Everyone agreed the intended gearing progression path, as well as the wonky aggro system in dungeons, were pretty obtuse/frustrating even for those who were generally enjoying the game.
To me, it felt like a lot of people's first real encounter with a more "traditional" KMMO of the era, and those who weren't familiar with how these games typically go got hit with some major culture clash. The anon who stuck with it seemed to have a good time despite the shitposting, at least.
my little brother got his first job just so he could shove money into flyff to upgrade his gear to whatever was max at the time. to the point he got himself in debt
kmmos are wild. i feel guilty for ever getting him into video games but it may have been inevitable
Flyff sucks that's why
Found one of the whiners
People love to complain but hardly ever sing praises when they like something, humans just have a negativity bias.
wait, I MISSED DREAM OF MIRROR ONLINE. where was there a domo private server?
I'm proud of us. It only took six months before a single person had a breakdown.
hasn't brain been banned from every game he's joined?
we played on the official servers, there was no p.server option.
It's different when you intentionally troll with the goal of getting b&ed than when someone get's b&ed for being unable to keep their powerlevel contained.
we're surprisingly not as spergy as I expected we would have been
A chance? Have you seen the Dragon Nest thread? Laughing out loud.
i'm never voting for a game with d*scord integration again
I hope we get more uguu kawaii anime MMOs. ECO was literally one of the best MMOs I've ever played.

which one should I vote for
none of the current ones are uguu kawaii
Fuck. well see you all in two weeks.
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I found this loli
Are you guys up for minigames later?
Yeah man, which nest did you want to do?
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ya, always
sure, but I already said that ingame
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Minigame time! If you need something new to tide you over til the next game, vote on one of the games below. We'll play whatever wins on Friday, 10:00pm UTC. Feel free to join in if you want.
>Time Link: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=MMOdventure+Minigames&iso=20241018T22&p1=1440
>Poll: https://strawpoll.com/e2naXzeNwyB

GunZ – Intense third-person shooter with a high skill ceiling.

S4 League – Anime third-person shooter with a variety of gamemodes.

Gunbound – Turn-based artillery game, similar to Worms.

Pangya – Anime golf with character customization.

Audition Online – Rhythm game & dress ups.
Is it too late to vote?
if you have a token you can vote on the game 12 finals until saturday. after that the vote on game 13 will start with everyone that signed up
I love the aesthetic of Rappelz
>no private server
Uh, guys? Why is RIFT winning...
pretty shit options in general this time
c21 online, aisp@ce, yogurting, megaten online, hello kitty online are all on my wishlist but either non-english or gone forever
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I only know of yogurting from that catchy flash
I liked the look of yogurting, I think someone said there was a server but you have to dm some guy on discord to make an account
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>people don't want to have a good time with MC Mike B anymore
I thought I made this webm but it turns out weabro did, I forgot about that guy.
Damn, Audition seems to use XignCode which seems to totally brick running it on Linux.
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The poll has wrapped up and we're playing Audition.
Channel: Galaxy
Room: MMOdventure
Password: rage

>Audition Online
>Permanent purchase not default
>All cosmetics expired
>Have to scour through 70 pages to repurchase again
>Game crashes

ohhh boy...
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you can do this, anon
Hard pass
>finally installing
I forgot this game was fucking huge
>patcher crashes
>dumping stack trace in my face with a "ask on discord" message
>peek into their discord with a guest account
>there's no info in there besides "disable your antivirus" and "check your router"
go on without me
try starting it in the folder or something, my patcher.exe crashed as well but there was not patch since last playing
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what did bob mean by this?
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Is there an easy way to get a hotmail/gmail/live/yahoo email account without providing a phone number? For Scarlet Blade...
t. schizo
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Hotmail is the easiest
Based, thanks Anon.
Bob is just having a good time dancing don't worry
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Game is really boring btw
Hello Kitty and SMT:i are still playable if you're willing to register through Discord. Real shame about C21 though, that looks rad.


I'm guessing it isn't supposed to look like this. The 'Start Game' button does nothing for me.
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Events coming up:

We're taking the week 2 Dragon Nest guild picture at 9:15 pm (UTC), Saturday.

We're going to head into the next game, whatever that may be at 11:00 pm (UTC), Saturday.

The poll's going to close real soon, so you better vote soon.
has that uncanny second life look
>>1473820 (me)
After some debugging, whew, looks like it is supposed to look that way. I'm not sure if it's GameGuard or XignCode or some mshtml compat bug fucking me.
Unlucky day for schizos, I suppose.
Actually, it looks like you might not even need a Discord account to play Megaten if somebody just feeds you the links from their server, and Hello Kitty doesn't require a verified Discord account, so that might also be fair game. Somebody would have to give them a test out.
that was fun
Can someone please give a tiebreak vote.
Let me in.
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Is Audition owari da?
the scarlet blade server has another game (eden eternal) that looks pretty interesting
looks like a more modern domo, so not sure i'd wanna play it right away, but gonna keep it in mind
Eden Eternal has been shot down several times in the past on the grounds that it's already been played on /vm/ before, and thusly (somehow) cannot qualify for the voting lists.
Although nobody has ever posted archived proof of these supposed Eden Eternal threads on this board, so it could have just been recurring shitposting by a few anon who just don't like the game.
I'm led to believe it's some schizo shitposting as well. Couldn't find anything about Eden Eternal in the archives,
I voted.
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>new game starts right after woe ends
surprised you're still playing his game
Looks like my internet is down til Monday, have fun in whatever wins boyos.
there's no way scarlet blade will actually win, right?
oh ya, it's probably gonna win. I was hoping for Eldevin
its so over
It would seem that way... I was so ready to dive into a deep, freerform character building system (RIFT)
[sad autistic noises]
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I'll see you all in two weeks.
I haven't seen anything about Eden Eternal and I would be down to play that. I'm actually pretty sad I missed Trickster . Would anyone be down to play that with me? Honestly a MMO hopping buddy I can duo with would be fun. Where do I find someone like that these data
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i'm open to something like that, but the problem will always be lining up our time
obligatory https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eW6sEkTGbUc
I can't get the game to launch, go on without me.
I take that back, running the game in XP compatibility mode worked after installing the 2010 32bit c++ redist: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=26999
frick you I'm on mobile and it sucks i meant days
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What flavor of sexbot are we rolling? I'm pretty sure grouping is faction locked.
oh that's annoying
i'm voting tits
death to ass
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Consider this.
I think ass looks way cool
is this game female only?
There is a singular male melee class
Is there any major day difference?
Nope, everything is identical. It's just for faction-based pvp
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flip a coin
seconding ass
In that case I'm going to make an ass chracter.
Glad SB won because my computer is bricked and I wanted to play RIFT or Eldevin.
Any bored techfags feel like troubleshooting and reading my issue?
Have you tried reseating everything? Oftentimes I've found my issues are hardware based.
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I'm glad you asked because here is my /g/ copypasta:

>have loose heat sink so fucking with CPU off and on
>unlatch it the other day and it pops out of the socket (first time this has ever happened to me)
>get it all back together after repasting and such, computer turns on and immediately turns itself off
>try this with a different same socket CPU and the same thing happens
>install an older motherboard with the same socket
>computer runs fine but with BOTH CPUs, it tells me no signal detected - plugged into my video card and even the onboard card.

Would anyone feel like offering some advice or help me troubleshoot? What would cause my computer to turn itself off immediately? With a magnifying glass, I didn't even see a bent CPU socket pin or anything of that nature. What might cause my other mobo to give me a no signal detect?
I am poor and cannot easily replace parts, and I am very frustrated. Please lend me some advice.
>>unlatch it the other day and it pops out of the socket (first time this has ever happened to me)

That's not good, you may have bent a pin on the motherboard. those fuckers are SENSITIVE now. Literally tiny bits of hair can cause a pin to bend. Get a magnifying glass and start inspecting
Are we playing official scarlet blade servers?
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Poll is closed. The winner and the next title in the MMOdventure is Scarlet Blade!

We are playing on the Vendetta GN server:

results link
Scarlet Blade is so bad I can't even play it ironically (as opposed to unironically)
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Which Scarlet Blade faction are we siding with?
>less than an hour until the next game
>no electricity
Go on without me bwos...
It's fine, I doubt we're going to work out the tits vs ass debate today.
oh man I forgot to mention that I did get a magnifying glass and the pins looked fine. I did mention it at first but my original post was wiped. That's what I am thinking too since I have no other fucking clue what it could be. I've reseated my CPU before multiple times without this issue.

also fuck bros i'm stuck on some shit win10 prebuilt of my parents and god this is a piece of shit win10 is garbo
We'll have to settle it through war.
Oh I just thought about it, I've had it before where messing with the heat sink and CPU will cause me to bump the RAM and unseat it. Try checking your RAM as well.
any good image for the /v/ OP?
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Wew lad.
u guys better pick out a good guild name this time
We picked tits and now we can't name the guild "ASS MEN"
It's confirmed tits then?
where's the breast slider again?
The nonexistent one in SB? In our hearts, brother.
let's take the poll result 15 minutes from now.
>let me cheat
this is why we had to result to emailing tokens
it's tied
Have people already figured out requirements for making a guild?
yeah, poll was counted at 11 pm, it's tits
Curiously it's explained through voice lines.
/v/ thread for Scarlet Blade is up:

I think a /v/ thread for this one may be a bad idea.
bit late for that
Why does the loli sound like she's 40?
It's the only way they can have any hope of beating the allegations.
Korean voice pack
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Of course this is a cash shop item for 500 points, another pay to win private server.
lemme guess, the unsealer is also a cash shop item
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You can get a free one per account if you go to the Events page on the site. There's a cosmetic and some other stuff as well
When you use it, is it applied forever?
Will he come back in time to finally become Skirts...
Yeah, once you use it the item is "unlocked" so you can equip/unequip it as you like.
this game is not starting for me. It starts its crappy anti-cheat spyware, hangs for a second, then dies. No log. no mention. no idea what happened where or why.
Anyone else?
also I highly suggest looking into xigncode before you just blindly install it. It was notorious on BDO for being a terrible piece of spyware.
Yeah I had a similar issue, found some old forum post saying to set it to compatibility mode for win 7/8 and it worked afterwards for me
Every game had this shit back in the day.
They've all long been funneled to /vg/
I went to the events and got the Medic pack. Nothing showed up in my mail. Did you manage to get one?
The game's built-in borderless fullscreen mode doesn't let me tab out, but exiting the game and setting my monitor's res in Data/Config/GameOption.xml and using windowed mode, then adding the game to Borderless Gaming works.
Try restarting the client, that worked for me.
that doesn't mean anything
maybe people weren't aware it was spyware
maybe some new version changed it
maybe people started caring more about what the software they install do

malware anticheat is still malware anticheat
no we were always aware it's spyware and no one cared, if you were that worried about spyware you'd have been filtered by this game requiring only specific email services before even getting to the installation.
On closer inspection, I don't think this version is installing the xhunter driver for Wellbia. I don't see it installed.
And if you think about it: How could a private server use the official anticheat on their pirate server?
Where's the main hub?
Rerolled on tits, did someone already get to 20 to form a guild?
15 min repeating timer and no poasting make anon a dull boy
where are the rest of the emotes
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>where are the rest of the emotes
when does it get good
i don't think this game was meant to be good
This is the first game I recommend we vote to skip after the first week
you're supposed to play it for ten minutes and jerk off, occasionally spending money on more skimpy outfits from the cash shop
Watch out! Setting the auction house price for a stack is for the whole stack and not per item!
Troon devs... its over
Anon preventing another natural disaster.
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this is the kind of design they should have gone for in all of the monsters but I get the feeling most of the assets of this game were made in a factory and shared between multiple crummy MMORPGs in the 00s
>thought it said multiple cunny MMORPGs in the 00s
Why can't we play those instead...
guild doko
Only one we had was TERA sadly..
Start thinking of some guild names for this coomer kusoge.
TERA when?
And Blade&Soul, don't forget!
Onee-san Brigade
Imouto Club
Helping Hands
Sex Kittens
Oppai Paradise
There's also Prius / Aika, where you're designated your own personal loli.
You might be onto something...
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I'm not gonna be able to play this one. The server disconnects me every 10 minutes, which is made even worse by the fact that just logging back in takes over a minute and a half.
Would you be on board with the poll thing then?>>1475469
Should we just go with RIFT? Everyone seems to hate it
a deal's a deal anon
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I'm enjoying the absolute shamelessness.
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>Everyone seems to hate it
Think it's more a matter of expectations being raised too high by how good Dragon Nest happened to be, compared to most of the games we'll be playing for this project.
Scarlet Blade really isn't that far off the typical standard of quality for most B-grade or C-grade mid 2000s MMOs out there, but when put beside one of the best-feeling action MMOs on the market, of course it's going to feel like a shock to settle back into the brine. Especially for anyone who only just joined during Dragon Nest's run, and has no other point of reference for how these things typically go.
The current voting list is even more strictly curated than before, so at least some of the especially questionable choices we had to sift through are no longer cluttering the polls. Surprised ROSE Online got the axe, when Aika, Knight Online, 4Story, and Florensia are still on there.
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It's not that bad compared to some older titles we ran through already, just runs like shit and seems like it'll be prone to crashing later based on forum posts.
How is Scarlet Blade bad exactly? Haven't downloaded it yet.
It's like requiem.
so far it's peak theme park mmo design
go to area, collect 7 asses, go to next area
generally in this type of game it gets better at the endgame, but i'm not sure how many will make it that far
I-I'm new here
We ought to give it a week for people to warm up to it.

ROSE is still up there, it's just on list 2.
my internet crapped out completely yesterday, it was gone for like 10 hours lmao
it's easier to list the reasons it's not bad:
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Ass it is.
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no man we went with tits
If no one makes a guild by the time I'm on then I'll pick one of these names at random.
You may have to use a VPN or something for different routing to their server.
Tits, I'm afraid.
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Does it actually matter in game?
GIW medic had a cool looking mech instead of that awful... thing.
While expectations may play a part, the bigger deal for me is the deluge of technical issues that everyone including myself seems to be having. While I don't mind playing jank, it's nice to actually be able to play the jank and not spend 5 minutes troubleshooting every time you launch the game. I'm skeptical of calling it early on any game, since it sets a bad precedent, but if everyone's still having trouble even getting logged in, then it may be worthwhile to send a poll at the end of the first week. I'd just be wary of people calling to skip games solely because they're unfun instead of the more pressing issue of technical difficulties that make them borderline unplayable even for those that want to.
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Anon, the site TELLS YOU to change your password if you have problems logging in after 5 minutes of making the account. I couldn't log in so I changed the password and it allowed me to log in instantly.
It's shit and forcing you to make hotmail in the first place is a sin, but it's not a deal breaker.
My concern with a poll to skip the second week is that if you had run that same poll for some well-liked games like Trickster, Flyff, or Ferentus, you could probably scrape together enough 'skip' votes to form a majority. That majority would be formed from players who had quit, never liked that style of game, or just wanted to play something else. You'd end up kicking out players who genuinely enjoy the game.
How do you anons even pick up the poll of games to choose from? I've been wondering if there's a chance to add one ancient and very specific title that was mainly played in one area of jewrope...
suggested games might get added to the poll, so go ahead
i have a robot now
this game ain't so bad
Okay, 3 crashes so far
>first from changing graphical settings
>second while alt-tabbed into DN
>third while using short-range teleporter
Yeah I'm skipchadding this shit too. I can't play Scarlet Blade again.
2 more weeks of Dragon Nest then?
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I was going to come back for the new game, but this shit is not even going to last a week...
I will probably try DN instead. What server is everyone playing on?
will add you to guild if you post your name
I get we've played some shitty games in the past but Scarlet Blade feels very soulless even compared to previous titles. Will continue with it a bit longer to give it an honest attempt but will likely return to DN for the 2 weeks.
i'm giving it a week at least
we should have a few people at level 20, what are we calling our guild?
Real Dolls
The BRAIN cannot be contained regardless of power level. You cannot contain the goats
I'd say it's closer to RF, but with a slightly shinier coat of paint.
You're not the ESL spammer from Dragon Nest so what crawled up your ass, newfriend?
How's it going NateHiggers? We missed you yesterday.
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This post has a remarkably high power level.
time to
to play video games
every time
I can't post my screenshots here.
I-Is anyone experiencing frequent crashes in this PIECE OF SHIT game? I'm getting one every 20ish minutes now I'd swear. If this keeps going not even my love for boobs/ass (pick one) will be able to keep me trying to play this.
so far, this is the only game where i haven't crashed
>cum not allowed in name
wtf man
<RealDolls> is live, head to Enocia channel 1 and post here when you're there for an invite since people can teleport around mostly freely.
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I'm gonna be here if that's okay
Everyone that's been invited can also send out invites themselves, but I'll be sitting around the town for a while longer.
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cum > ***
slut > ****
fat ass > *******
yeah cool adult game
You can disable the profanity filter, but I don't know why there's one to begin with.
You'd had to have been there... in the most absurdly convoluted way, this made a lot of sense back in the day. Was the 'standard' for MMOs of its era.
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to protect the children of course!
I couldn't find, where is it?
Settings -> Chat Window -> Detailed Settings -> Block Profanity checkbox
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I suppose it's a pretty shit and ancient game, but it was massive over here when I was in elementary school. Would be nice to ninja once more.
I don't know what would be a good private server for it, but last time I checked there was a bunch.
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vote for game 13 is go. the titles in this first elimination round are:

Dungeons & Dragons Online
>Luna Online
Runes of Magic
>MU Online
Conquer 2.0
>Tales of Pirates
Warhammer: Age of Reckoning
>Forsaken World
Dragon Ball Online
>Continent of the Ninth Seal (C9)
Echo of Soul
>Star Wars Galaxies
Granado Espada
>Rose Online
Silkroad Online
Allods Online
>Iris Online
Toram Online
>Perfect World
Ragnarok Online 2
>Cabal Online
Dark Ages
>Secret of the Solstice
Neocron Evolution

Top 8 will go through to the finals.
This game runs like shit even with dgvoodo and dxvk
Can we play warhammer already?
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I will actively vote against it because of the warhammer poster.
I will be voting for it because of the anti-pvp shitposter.
I will be voting for it because I actually just want to play it, you know? Looks F U N!
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Warham is already getting enough attention (which I'm happy about, want to play it too).

So briefly shilling other titles that seem fun to me just to be fair.
>Allods Online
High quality WoW clone, models animation and gameplay all feel smooth as butter. Character classes/skill trees are interesting. Don't expect much outside of what WoW is/was though. More so what it was I think.
One of our two MapleStory sidescrollers! This one comes in a nice 3d style, with quirky spell effects like wizard's magic missile conjuring a literal missile. I recall it having instanced dungeons/bosses similar to Dragon Nest though... so the overworld might not be as lively.
Another sidescroller a la Maplestory! This one's closer in aesthetics with 2d sprites and all, but doesn't really look as nice as Maplestory to me of course. I never played it because of this. Other anons have pointed /some/ issues with it, I still think it could be fun though!
>>Continent of the Ninth Seal (C9)
Action combat MMO with really nice graphics. I haven't played it, so I can't tell you how instanced/open-world it is, nor what the progression and sytems are like. I signed off from MMOs as a whole briefly before this launched, but remember being relatively excited for it back in the day since it looked really good!
>>Secret of the Solstice
SOVL ps1-looking MMO with some 3d lowpoly and spritework. I think other anons have said it's in the same vein as Ragnarok? I couldn't say. Do expect gathering giant packs of mobs and kiting for a long time while AoEing them though!
I'm unironically upset I'm missing out on this.
I'd really like to play Dark Ages or SotS, but I'll put it as my 3rd pick 4u
>mu online
depending on what kind of server it is we could either chill afk or gear up really fast and zerg rush all the guild events.. right? idk mu was a childhood game i wish i played more bc of ~wings~
I will vote for Dragonica and LaTale, they both look cute.
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you can clear blocks to reveal pictures
this game is so fucking horny
>Officer, she said she was level 18!
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blocks are pretty cheap currently, they seem to get more expensive on the next pictures
Gloria my love
me on the right
me on the left
This game needs a boss key
I always wonder who would maintain those old games. I am surprise some official version are still alive.
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that's pretty cool honestly
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Where did they get this picture of me?
Dark Ages Hybrasyl appears to be empty but it's not a deal breaker. The alternatives are more populated with a few caveats like requiring discord to download or premium.
>requiring discord to download
how does this work? is it not just a download link that can be shared?
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>check the game files
>this client still uses the censored sentinel puzzles from Aeria
Literally unplayable
She's 17 you sick fuck.
yeah 17 out of 10
Yeah, someone will have to get in there to grab the files and then upload it for everyone else.
fair, that doesn't seem like much of a problem as requiring premium
t. has a dedi
What is with this obsession of putting even the most trivial shit behind Discord nowadays
i think they unironically just want to connect with people
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what a tile to uncover in the puzzle
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hi anon
hello son
This one works. Extract the files in "Data\Objects\PC\tex".
Also, I made an uncensor patch for the puzzels.
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It's gaming time
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how can you expect anyone to clear 'content' when they're too busy jerking off to each other
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhahhghghghhh i wish i was jerking offf to my bros
I'm currently testing out the servers. I'd love ya bunches if you could share the file for moi. Official seems strange. They boosted the tutorial (1-30) and mid-level gameplay (31-100) leaving you in a very awkward position during key character development. It's not a big deal for many because this is where the "fun" starts, but you do skip over what made DA interesting.
Legends: Age of Chaos was the server that hosted their files on Discord. They closed up shop a while ago, so they're no longer an option. The only other private server for Dark Ages that I know of is Hybrasyl Project.
You can donate 1 gold / 30000 xp a day in the guild hall, available through the guild hall bouncer.
Great thread idea but boy I can't believe you fags voted for Scarlet Blade lol
I will be watching with great interest
Ahh, I see! That's a shame. Well, I believe Hybrasyl would be a more entertaining pick over Official. It's unfortunate that it's a ghost town, though.
Game won't start, go on without me....
Set the game executable to Win 7 or Win XP SP3 compatibility already?
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I hacked it!
Yeah same, go play dragon nest while waiting for the next one.
>run without compatibility
>crashes because of bugtrap.dll
>run with compatibility
>crashes every 20 minutes and event viewer doesn't even capture it
It won off of all the secondary votes.
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I am losing patience with this digital sack of shit.
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I had a solid 3/10 fun in this single instance of baiting titty mobs to nuke them with AoE
Oh and the game crashed while I was alt+tabbed
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>every twenty minutes?
we're down to seconds
yeah we might need an emergency vote or something
this just isn't playable for a bunch of people
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>these aren't even all the crashes today
I'm sorry tittymechs, I tried.
Isn't there an alternative server or something? I can tell this one is really bad just based on the gmail/bingbingyahoo/hotmail requirement, shitty launcher login and site "quality".
This is the only Scarlet Blade server left. No other private or official servers are still up.
Wheres our home base bros? Who can I pm for a guild invite.
I played on it a few months ago. There's some program in their "helpful programs" tab in Discord that downloads everything you need to make the game run. I'd just reupload it somewhere and give instructions if the server gets picked.
are you hanging around the idel npc?
our guild is called realdolls
Is the server even still online? I can't find a working link to their Discord server and the only related site appears to be long abandoned.
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I was going to make a detailed comment about how unfortunately things can turn out as a result of the voting system and certain games (Rift and DDO) being present, but then I rechecked the data and realised my putting SB above Rift and DDO didn't matter in this case since my 1st was Eldevin. So instead, fuck all you DDO and Rift faggots (except that 1 Rift guy that had Eldevin higher, you aight) that put SB above sandbox kino, we could've been having fun but you just had to vote for the coomer game.
Yeah, it should be. When I get home I'll look for their shitty program.
Hell I voted for Rift because I knew Scarlet Blade would fucking suck. I wanted DDON but the numbers simply aren't there.
For what it's worth Eldevin looks pretty fucking dogshit too. I can't imagine it will sustain 2 weeks either.
>except that 1 Rift guy that had Eldevin higher, you aight
You're welcome for introducing Eldevin to the thread :3
finally got internet back, are there lots of people playing?
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It's ogre...
oh wow, that sucks. after the crazy success of dragon next that really hurts to see.
I missed DN, but I think I'll just play that instead...
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honestly the game is boring but really inoffensive (except for the, you know)
the real problem is that for a bunch of people it's literally too broken to play
unfortunately it looks like the game crashes every 20 minutes for me.
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It's also morning/early afternoon on a school/workday in the States.
Not saying that all those X's will turn into O's later, but comparing something more in-line with what we usually play to DN, a game very clearly above like 90-95% of the list in terms of quality and playability, is a fool's errand. DN was always destined to be one of this project's high points, and it attracted newcomers appropriately.
Technical issues holding people back from playing was also one of the big reasons why Ace Online had such a rocky reception (one of, not the only one), and it seems like the same frustrations apply here. Plus there's the usual litany of shitposting from those who wanted something else to win and are stomping their feet about it in the thread, rather than sticking to the spirit of trying niche and forgotten vidya out with other anon.
What's wild to me about SB is how much effort they put into the main quest story. It's not winning any awards but I 100% expected them to phone it in with just:

"Something, something... titties."

Not fucking, "The world we've fought for centuries trying to save has been plotting our demise from the beginning."
I want a refund from these reruns of DDOfags poking their heads in to remind everyone they do not understand the point of this entire project, and doing this multiple times a week.
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desu nothing against Scarlet Blade I just couldn't be bothered this round. The tech issues really don't help either.
hey man i'm eating
i've committed to one week of this trash no matter what
Come back to DN for week 2
nekogame ECO is waiting for you
anyone up for some Fiesta questing?
atomix my beloved maid gang
do you actually have a group still playing eco?
Whoever claimed that /vm/ played EE in the past is full of shit.
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never in a million years
so did that one discord mod feel good about himself for ganking "those 4channers"?
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Looks like pic related might be the earliest known instance of Eden Eternal falling outside of consideration.
The list of games included with this post was made by Esper during the second week of Trickster's run, in which he cites EE's exclusion as being something 4chan had played together before. But following that criteria to the letter would exclude a LOT of what's already on both voting lists. Dragon Nest was played before, and even had a longrunning general on /vg/ back in the day. Flyff, Trickster, and PSU have all been played before, several times and on several servers, etc.
A game having been played by a group of Anon in the past shouldn't permanently remove it from consideration, so long as there isn't already a thread up on /vm/ about it.

Hell no, Banana was one of the lowest points we had to suffer through in this project so far.
RF in general was rough, but it sure as hell didn't get any better once we switched servers. At least we had a few people wanting to help us out on Altruism, and the autistic palace intrigue of the 8-10 regulars on that server was funny to watch on the sidelines.
Good thing esper removed himself from his own project then.
>do you actually have a group still playing eco?
i'm not playing but I'll happily invite anyone to the guild that wants to play. Ideally people give SB a fair shake first though, crashing aside.
Eden Eternal was played with /jp/ for about a month shortly after the pinoy scum ECO server went down like over 10 years ago. I've never seen it played anywhere else. I would love to play it again and rebuild my glorious loli statues but I'm worried that since it's on the same site as SB it will be buggy too.
I played for a few sittings throughout a couple of weeks last summer and the server was stable. Not very helpful I admit.
Are these ddofags in the room with us right now?
hard to get good cosmetics on nekogame
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this sounds like the part where we would play alicia
do what must be done. you have a quest.
Only if we could
11 posts above it.
The medal gacha machines exist and it's still easy to get maid uniforms though.
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I wasn't here for that, can someone give a quick rundown?
actually thst's a good point
anyone that suffers from 20min trial syndrome on sb wanna give eden eternal a try? just idle in the game for half an hour i guess
if it's buggy too we know to skip it since i'm not going through this shit again
I don't remember the specifics. Once some mod found out where the group was from, he began solo-ganking everybody. Nobody from this group was even max level so he was just killing lowbies and acting pompous lol or was it him and one other person?
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>RF won the poll, three possible pservers with Altruism being the oldest yet most populated
>random discordfag and lurker from Altruism pushed for their pserver, we agreed
>treated nicely by the community until some retard went 'we 4chan'
>discord mods started seething, organized ganks and went on a solo hunting spree at 3am in the morning
>fuck this, we Banana now
>now we're getting ganked by NABE the AFK Bot Killah
This sums up RF for us.
i miss good guild names so much
I would vote for DDO but I haven't played any game with you guys sorry. Our day will come DDOsisters... not today though...
i only want to play CUTE games with CUTE girls that i can pretend to be. get your acts together.
I better see you vote for dragonica or latale then, or maybe toram but that shit is just a soulless mobile game pretending to be an oldschool anime MMO.
youve purchased my vote, anon.
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baldur's gay bros...
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to the gitlab anon: could you throw the dxvk you use on catbox? I'm not looking forward to making making a gitl*b account just to get it.
I'm pretty sure Toram has instanced areas (for even simple shit like a building you need to enter for upgrading skills) that you will need to download once you enter them like an actual mobile game.
Don't think it lets you pre-download them either so not sure how that's gonna go for people with slow internet.
hm... you on linux?
Nta, but this just makes my game crash
I can't believe this, another skip for me. Call me when you finally play real games like Puzzle Pirates or Dofus.
There's a thread for it, check /agg/, new servers/guild in december.
Sorry I just picked two unconventional isometric games to shitpost with...
So you intentionally sabotaged the results because of your own ego? Excellent contribution.
Is this what the endgame is like?
aieeeeeeeeeee i'm missing out on peak coomer
I can't get any of their programs to work actually. Just tried for 30 minutes and it doesn't let me connect to a server, but people are talking like they're still playing. Oh well I guess.
I tried Toram for a while and it was comfy for me as a timekiller but I eventually gave up because of all the loading screens. I think it also downloads the new areas the first time you access them? It kinda eventually became unbearable for me to just watch more loading screens than time spent playing the game
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These factions sure are unique.
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Please let me play...
go on without me bros, the crashing is too much for me.
>new job
>too tired to play
I envy NEET anons
>fuck all you DDO and Rift faggots (except that 1 Rift guy that had Eldevin higher, you aight) that put SB above sandbox kino
The REAL fault lies in whoever put SB over both RIFT and DDO. I was more than ready for 1000x times folded nipponese action combat or more-realistic-WoW with turbo autistic character building.
This anon gets how it be.
I mean, you're not 100% correct, but almost all of what you said is spot on. I'd add to it that one of the biggest issues here isn't that there are so many X's and such few O's, but rather that the total list is minute. How many people are there in the guild? 10? 15? DN garnered 60ish people iirc. Insane dropoff. As you said in your post, unfair to compare to one of the project's better-polished title (will use this opportunity to shill for Allods on the 'polished title' aspect), but it's even worse so because we dipped into one of the worst-polished titles lel. We went from 100 to 0 almost, even FHX, as unpolished as it was, was functional and had some degree of SOVL that this title is sadly lacking.

It's still good to change things up, should remind newfrens from DN that they can always sit this one out if it's not their thing and that they are more than welcome to join back with us in future titles that they may have interest in. It's still fun to give these shittier titles a chance for a couple days~1 week, have a new experience and then sign it off.

On another note, I'll be posting later today/tomorrow so that we can organaze a spoopy halloween-themed movie night next week.
I don't really blame people for not voting for RIFT and DDO. DDO is still a work in progress private server and I agree with the others to wait a bit longer, I really want to play it as well but I don't want my first impressions being hurt by lack of polish. As for RIFT, it was pretty popular back in the day, so I'd imagine a lot of people have played it, and if they have a similar voting philosophy to myself of putting games they've already played at the lowest priority, then I can see why that happens.
I see game with cute girls, I vote. Simple as.
there's only one game that can heal the east-west mmo schism

wizardry online
>another coomer game
come on now give me a break to recover
wizard 101
>do nothing
Well, that's it for me. Not even a fat loli ass is enough to keep me going with all these crashes.
Unless someone leaks the server files, it's never going to happen.
sucks man, that's an annoying way to go. at least we'll get together in a better game the next time.
Looks like there's no way to play it right now. There's a private server in the works, but no progress has been made in ages.
Apparently that game has a paywall early on.
My problem with DDON is the guy running the server is a complete retard who doesn't play the game at all and makes the absolute worst decisions, even with more time I don't know if it'll ever be worth playing through it when it's some idiots ideal vision for a game he's never played, hopefully someone else who happens to be competent puts up a server some day.
I still need to join the guild. I had a work errand to run yesterday and missed everything.

Is it true it's really dead dead right now?
It's not dead dead.
naw still got a bunch playing. shout out when youre in enocia for an invite.
I'm just glad it isn't Dreams of Magic. That shit hurt my eyes and my smooth ass brain. Noob traps as far as the eye could see, jank controls, and you couldn't scratch your ass without a party made up of one male, one female, and at least one person who made love to a tarot card deck in February underneath a cherry blossom tree.
>moviefags never rated their favorite Jimmy
whorehouse jimmy was the best jimmy
I'm starting to think there's nothing to this game other than taking your clothes off. Half of the time the quest dialogue doesn't even match to what I'm doing. Like it was supposed to be matched to something else and was instead put something incorrect.
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By me.
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WWII Jimmy
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Hobo Jimmy is my spirit animal.
Is there a comprehensive list of what's there, what's different, and what's broken atm?
>The game is pretty strict with ping. If you have too high of ping when connecting to the game, it will force disconnect you. There's not much we can do to stop/prevent that aside from suggesting to use a VPN to find a better routing path for your internet.

??? How. Is that a clientside check? Is this running off leaked server software?
I've read like 5 nordVPN ads while reading 15 pages of the forum
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Look, when you're the only one willing to host some piece of shit server you downloaded off a forum somewhere, you just have to make do.
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idunno, shit's fucked
To the anon who purchased the loli pet last week, was she permanent?
The main problem isn't the stuff that hasn't been implemented yet, it's the atrocious netcode. The game was only designed to be playable in Japan's tiny geography, so relying on one German server to service the entire globe is causing issues.
Reading over the Discord, players in parties seem to often freeze, de-sync, and disconnect. These issues grow worse with you and your party members' connections to the server.
That's not why the netcode is bad, it's because it's a reconstruction/emulation of the server code and not the actual server code, that said it usually only has issues when they push a new update and it fucks something up.
But either way it's shit because the server owner is a fag who wants people to grind forever, rates are horrendously bad, and it's nothing like how the game really was, they will add bad features under the pretense of "the game was originally like that" when those features were already removed from the game in JP, for example a massive EXP penalty if you play with someone +-20 levels from you, plans to reintroduce having to unlock classes instead of them being available from the start, etc etc.
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For some reason these Viledon dailies count as different quests each level so you can stack them.
I don't recall seeing an expiration date.
Have you experienced any technical issues, high-level anon? I'm collecting data.
The game didn't run until I used XP compatibility with the launcher. Other than that only the occasional crash during zone transitions.
So there's rare Lingerie drops for pve/pvp, but you have to Unseal your basic Lingerie to wear them, but they come from the world boss or the auction house or the cash shop?? oof
damn, I just got an unsealer from a rando in mereholt
you get a free unsealer per *account*
>go to events page
>choose package for your class
>open Shop in-game
>pick up your unsealer and pet pick-up chip
>throw out the rest
>actually don't
>realize the areola size in this game is in superposition
At lvl 27+ there start being lingerie with a stat block. AH sells unsealers for 5g which is very attainable.
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thats the one i get. it has to do with the anticheat not liking a program on your pc or some shit. i cant get around it.
has anyone tried talking to the devs on disc? The regulars probably have some fix only they know about.
This thing is a piece of shit and didn't detect me running it in sandboxie but got pissed off at Discord overlay. Fuck it. Piece of shit.
Kind of Scarlet Blade to recognize your computer already has spyware.
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did you niggers try this? I hate to link generic troubleshooting tips like this, but you never know.


It popped up at random, ignore it.
There is some nigger-gateway shit where you have to post your character first for access. >>1478829
>be ready to sperg
>turns out I didn't have the earliest C++es and some of the x64 ones
>despite the fact I used Microshit's all-in-one installers previously
what the fuck
still doubt it will work
>log in
just about right.
Service Pack 1 or 2?
It's XP, not Vista.
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Yeah, looks like it's actually over.
I teleported to the second zone (the hub area I think?) and it just closes on fucking launch. I'm lucky if I see a few frames before that happens. Nothing, and I mean NOTHING posted in this thread helped and it's always the same >>1478765 fucking BugTrapU.dll error.
scarlet blade jimmy confirmed for worst jimmy
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Yeah, I know.
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Sounds about right.
did you set an exception for the game folder in your AV? 0xc0000005 apparently is an access violation error and some people have fixed those in other games by whitelisting.
sorry if you've tried all this before.
Nah, but I have no antivirus, it's just windows shit-fender. How do I whitelist an entire folder/dll in windowns?
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Uh so first I'll try folder exception, but if that doesn't work I'll let the .dll through firewall.
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Yeah that... did not work. Firewall time.
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Yeeah that... wasn't the problem I think. After allowing the stupid thing through firewall I stopped getting BugTrapU.dll reports in event viewer. Now it's just crashing.
The only lead I have now is picrel. "xhunter1" being this piece's of shit antivirus component.
And with this I really have no idea what to do. It's a dead end because searching "xhunter1" alongside that particular error gives no results.
It's time to give up, bros
>Xhunter1.sys is a third-party driver file used by the XIGNCODE3 System Guard anti-cheat engine

stop cheating, anon
forgot the frog
I feel bad for the anons facing crashes. Game ran perfectly fine for me, but I have zero interest in it.
Awful... I hope they're either contributing back to the original implementation (probably aren't) or haven't really contributed at all. Would hate to see this take off as the way to play it.
He says he is, but everything points to the opposite, he considers basic game functionality to be an exploit, says people simply leveling up by partying or using pawns is abuse, refuses to add simple class mechanics like alchemists elixirs because he thinks it's too op or something (meanwhile high scepter still exists untouched and is stronger than every other class by a lot)
The worst part is it's really only this way because he's the first person to try to put up a serious public server, and now the people who actually work on fixing the game are sucking his dick for doing so, same with the people playing on the server, I'm assuming they just don't know what the game was actually like to defend such decisions.

On the other hand the resources to put up your own server are public, so if it really comes down to it we could have our own server assuming someone wants to deal with that, and figure out how to change certain things.
>Jimmy is like the player that switches class in the middle of the game
xhunter1 is the driver that it requires to install in order to use the retarded anticheat, You're better off looking up xigncode3 errors to find problems with it instead of xhunter.
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*switches to the forbidden Jimmy*
p2w jimmy
unlockable jimmy from the char select screen
me if I were a Jimmy
Did I dodge a bullet with Scarlet Blade? It looks like it would have been a fun game to tease anons in, if it would even start.
So far pretty generic pvp game with not enough players to actually pvp. Been needing google translate for almost 100% of the natives.
You can take your clothes off, and that's about it. But here's the kicker

>You get three emotes
>The rest are cash shop and fuck paying money to a pirate server
>There is no interaction in the game that uses the fact you can take your clothes off
>None of us ERP
>So it may as well not even be a feature in the game.

And most damning of all
>the game itself sucks
>None of us ERP
Hahah, yeah. About that...
>There are 9 emotes available through pvp and questing
>There are literally no emotes in the cash shop
>The server added stats to the lingerie slot so its just an equipment slot now
>None of us ERP
>The closest thing it has to being naked as a feature is the club which offers pet exp for afk inside and a buff

>The game does kind of suck. All bosses have mechanics, none are telegraphed
>All bosses have an enrage at 30%
>The grind is absolutely abysmal
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I'm infiltrating the nwo HAARP operation.
If I dont post tomorrow, continue witohut me
>hey can i get uuuhhhhhhh 12 bear asses?
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I'm going to be honest, I do not feel like starting this game up anymore.
I kek'd far harder than I should've at this. Thanks anon.
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Could you make the next 2 zones into deserts, thanks.
that would be weird!
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Hihi! I'm looking to organize a movie night once again. Given how (understandably) low the engagement in Scarlet Blade is, I figured I'd start setting things up sooner this time. Also, given that Halloween is right around the corner, it makes for a good excuse to make a bigger matter out of this event!

Judging by the previous two movie nights, I can see us realistically going through 2~3 movies without it being a slog. To account for minigames going on on this Friday (and possibly throughout the weekend), and new game starting the Friday after that, I imagine that either Tuesday or Wednesday would be the days best fit.
>Please vote here which day suits you best:

Timezones will understandably be an issue. I might try to commit a full day as for us to have 2 sessions. That said, which timeframes would work best for everyone? I know SA/NA timezones can use our usual new game start time or slightly later, this being ~1:00 AM UTC. For EU, would something around ~7:00 PM UTC work out?

Lastly, I'd like to get a list of possible movies to watch, so please post titles you'd like to see in the poll! Lets go for either good spoopy movies, or movies with a Halloween theme. If we're looking to go through 3 of them, then a poll of anywhere between 5~15 would be alright I think. I'll get the ball rolling by naming a few titles off the top of my head, but am very much ok with removing my picks yours:
>Shaun of the Dead
>Dead Alive (Brain Dead)
>Brain Dead(? Accidentally ran into this trailer. Looks ok.)

We'll be streaming the movie on Hyperbeam: https://hyperbeam.com/app/login
You'll need to setup an account, but can use the same burner account used throughout MMOdventure. You can use the following webpage to get your own: https://m.kuku.lu/
not video games
just needs her blankie
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This is what I'll end up remembering from this game.
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For future use, I gave both Official and Hybrasyl a test and these were the results:

Personal notes: We can enjoy official if we refrain from using the "instant level up" item.
>World is kept as-is.
>No modifications.
>Quests, systems and features works as intended.
>Slightly active community.
>10$ premium locks you out of half the game.
>Skill ups requires a total of 80 - 100 hours of standing around using the skill over and over on a dummy to max all of your skills and spells. (like RF Online)
>Instant level to 99 item.
>Bots plague the dungeons, difficult to level on your own. (Party should be fine though)

Personal notes: Slightly modified client that makes many items accessible with no effort. It's perfect for those who like to jump in, party, and grind.
>Solo and party grinding is possible.
>Don't need to grind essential items with very low drop rates.
>Every skill is maxed the moment you acquire it.
>Hair and dyes available for free.
>Dead community.
>Towns and cities are modified, a lot of quests removed and NPCs were arranged to other locations for "accessibility".
>Worldmap is empty due to how they modified the grinding zones to make it easier to move around.
>Because of how you have access to these essential items (Holy Diana allows you to instant cast your spells) to your builds, it makes the game feel easier.
>Subjob is apparently not implemented yet (?) this implies that lv99+ may not be available in game yet.

Unless Legends is still alive, my personal pick is Hybrasyl. Stress free, we can simply jump in, party up, and play together while experimenting with different classes and builds. With how hard some of you play these games, Hybrasyl may not last the full two weeks though.

Is Legends: Age of Chaos still active or?
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Ooh, thanks for checking that out.
>Legends still active
I'm going to message some guy, who tried reaching out to me months ago, if there's an easy download link and shit. I really think it's still active though.
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What game is this again?
Either way, I have gripes with both options but I think the bots and premium locks sound slightly worse. Hybrasyl might have its issues, but
>Hair and dyes are available for free.
is very important to me, so it far outweighs the cons.
Dark Ages
Is Scarlet Blade so grim it doesn't even get a /vm/ general?
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idunno we can make one
It doesn't really affect me since I'm not playing. Was just curious kek.
feels like it didn't really need its own thread so far. I might set one up later anyways
ssshhh, they're not generals. don't give our janny the wrong impression.
Won't it crash?
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very shiny outfit
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this fanbase is cracked
submit your champion in the gunpla general please.
How many ppl are still playing sb?
5 online atm
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Game's decided it doesn't want to launch at all after running reasonably well the first couple days, gonna have to pass guild lead whenever it decides to work again.
Have not been able to get it running at all.
I'm assuming Hybrasyl just works?
I made an account and can log in on accounts.hybrasyl.com, but using the same credentials on the launcher just gives me a "Login server could not be contacted" error.
I can see the launcher talking to api.hybrasyl.com over HTTPS so it appears to be contacting the login server.
I should probably just give up.
I got a reply from a nice guy.
>Download the client
>Unzip it and run it
But their server went down earlier today and it looks like they're replacing the client download file so it's not there yet. I'll try that out tomorrow unless you'd like to take the initiative.
Thanks for the update, Anon.
>their server went down earlier today
Faith in gaming restored. Pic unrelated.
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Hmmmmm, your launcher looks different than mines.
Thanks anon, i'll give it a shot and see.
It is refreshing to see everybody being so busy playing Scarlet Blade that they cannot post in the thread.
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the environments are pretty cool, too bad you only see a new one every ten hours.
try deleting client.version (something like that) from game folder, then starting the launcher
that's supposed to fox "corrupt" files, might or might not work
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this is my favorite part so far there's some really cool looking stuff in some maps. there's some npcs I really like too.
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but there's some npcs I really hate.
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A very funny joke, sending me to a zone you can't enter at level 40 in the level 39 main story quest.
Legends is official but with QoL (UI, item info, map traversal and class balance) improvements, more content (custom optional instanced dungeons, time attack dungeons and raids) and none of the cons. I will give it till lvl25 to see what else they added here.
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Friendly reminder to get your votes in, poll for movie night date closing soonish. Also, plz do contribute with movies you'd like (us) to see so that I can set up a poll for that over the weekend~
Are anime movies allowed. Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust would be pretty good.
I am stuck in mereholt shity again and the last time I managed to get out of there was after reinstalling the whole motherfucking thing. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
I nominate Zombi 2 (1979), aka Zombie aka Island of the Living Dead, aka Zombie flesh eaters.
It's an italian exploitation cult horror film with fantastic practical effects by Giallo legend Lucio Fulci.

Yesterday I tp'd to mereholt base and crashed and then would crash each time I started up but restarting my pc seems to have solved it. Since then I switched a lot of the settings to low and play on "window" mode and I'm yet to crash again.
recommend ragnarok online the movie, video games 2: game harder, and the massively multiplayer facade.
Ooh! Good addition! Added to the list!
>mfw I just barely realized there are more movies of this franchise.
also I Drink Your Blood (1971)
Noted too! Also, thanks for sharing a trailer for it, saves me a good bit of time - looks bretty good, haven't seen many movies from this era.
sounds like the best server desu
dragon nest the movie, duh
Official Scarlet Blade blast status?
I'm blastin alright
I am (not) havin a blast.
Blasting mobs for 6 hours to level once.
What is MMOdventure's recommended MMO mouse? I want to replace my shitty pulsefire raid
uh i've been using a g203 for 4 years now and aside from one of the two side buttons doubleclicking, i have no problems.
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That doesn't really qualify as a MMO mouse though. I'm looking for something with more side buttons.
I miss my g600 so much...
what hard-hitting content are you doing that requires an "MMO mouse"?
I can't play Scarlet Blade with one hand
I'm using a corsair scimitar, don't know if I'd recommend it though. It's ridiculously heavy and apparently the scroll wheel is easy to break, though that hasn't happened in my one year of owning it. Aside from that it all works fine.
If we played a game with a marriage system... would... would you?
Did we have any DOMO marraiges? I think not.
Ehehe... that just means Anon isn't taken... yet...
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It's the closest we'll ever get to a vanilla experience for sure. I spoke with a local who seemed to be part of the team, and they shared some interesting information about the changes made to the server.

>fas aren't available in game.
Fas is a Wizard debuff spell that amplified damage on any enemy type with a x2 multiplier
>monks can't sub or be subbed into.
Monks in DA have many "forms" each with a set of very strong abilities that when combined with other classes, completely broke the game. Unfortunately, this means that a lot of the more fun builds aren't allowed in this version.
>rogues don't have traps
The second custom modification to the game so far. Traps took a long time to set up, which decreased your overall DPS. The new bombs are designed to make the class feel faster and more dynamic.
>pure wars are shafted
They used to sub monk to take advantage of their high HP pool to use certain abilities that increased in damage depending on your total health. Pure wars became Gladiators, which were like off tanks. In this version, they are now pure tanks.
>WIS/CON scaling
This has not changed, but it is worth mentioning so that no one screws up their build. Essentially, you want to add as many WIS (if mage) and/or CON (if melee) as possible early on. Each level increases your HP/MP and scales off your stats.
Can you register and play without a verified Discord account?
Yep, you are able to play without Discord. When the game is picked up, anon will share the download file so that everyone can play.
Any chance for the file to be shared before the final voting? I want to make sure things work ahead of time but I'm too double niggered to make a discord to download it.
I've been married twice so far to the same anon that I love dearly.
Yeah, I will stick around their server in case it gets updated or whatever.
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>rogues don't have traps
>you want to add as many WIS (if mage) and/or CON (if melee) as possible early on
Ah, it's like Morrowind
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If you're getting sick of Scarlet Blade titties - or aren't playing that one at all, come play a game next Friday(10:00pm UTC). We'll play whatever wins the vote below. Feel free to join in if you'd like.

>Time: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=MMOdventure+Minigame&iso=20241025T22&p1=1440
>Poll: https://strawpoll.com/bVg8B4Q5ByY

GunZ – Intense third-person shooter with a high skill ceiling.

Survival Project – 2D top-down action game with PvP and PvE modes.

Gunbound – Turn-based artillery game, similar to Worms.

Pangya – Anime golf with character customization.

Tales Runner – Platformer racing game.
please hug that person from me, k thx.
Fiesta had a marriage.
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I feel like I got transported into a different game.
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anon, please share your folder. I don't see their client, just a blank message
There were two just to see what the system did
"We got stock assets from a different game we needed to put somewhere"
did it work?
Awww that's really cute
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Post a throwaway email and I'll send it your way
sure, anon. thanks in advance
>LaTale just barely getting bopped off of top 8 less than a way from poll closing.
I mean, we still have Dragonica which is better, and I wouldn't expect LaTale to make it as a finalist, but still hurts a bit to see.
cant see the poll but oof. Latale has a special place with me as someone that grew up on the Maplestory Beta.
much more exploration, felt more customizable, it was j ust a little sticky movement that they had to fix and it'd be smooth like butter.. plus i rember the first dungeon like the back of my hand, aahh..
the mobile version almost scratches the itch of hunting dungeons or that weird sand worm in the beginner zone
The steam version is bricked for me by GameGuard and the private server was too much effort to test.
I'm in the same boat with GMS beta nostalgia but it is what it is.
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I probably forgot to post the results link. This is the current standing, will close in roughly 24h.

LaTale was a finalist vs Ace Online, it'll win eventually.
Man, I would have loved LaTale over Ace
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Poll's closed and we're gonna be shootin it up in GunZ.

Room: MMOdventure
PW: rage

Get it here:
Hmm, firefox flagged the gunz installer (downloaded from mega) as malware.
> $ sha1sum Freestyle\ GunZ\ Installer.exe
> 93ef292c7d6c9ecd61cc69f49d2f99ec510195d6 Freestyle GunZ Installer.exe
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>gunz instead of s4
yeah that happens
It's a false positive - it doesn't happen with the other downloads despite them all being the same file.
Which link didn't give you the warning? Both the mega and the direct download have the same SHA1 for me (and both give the warning).
i think I just used chrome
Weird. Both Chrome and Firefox use the same backend service for malware detection (Google Safe Browsing). You probably just have it turned off.
I'm not sure why I haven't turned it off.
>stuck on this win10 shitmachine
>was hoping for TalesRunner
Instead, gunZ for the third(?) time
hot take but all these games suck
Do I need to forward ports for this? It just hangs on <<<<Connecting (nth attempt)>>>>
obviously, gunz is better
No, it should just werk
I thought this was our second time playing GunZ. We've played S4 more for sure
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Alicia bros...
It's Friday Night and I can't find anybody on SB right now to invite to the guild. Is this game really that dead? There's no one in the hub town.
Hub town?
Start a new game tomorrow...
Have we decided to cut this one short already? I don't know because I've been away for the week.
I'll come online and go to menocia or whatever its called
same here, but I don't even feel like playing sadly
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Comically small box.
i wandered around a bit the past few days but ive been too shy to say anything in-game other than hop and cc lol
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GunZ was fun!
g-gokai green??
The game is broken up into 10 level brackets. The entirety of the native playerbase is in the 60+ town with a few in the 20-29 town for an afk pet exp "club".

Just drop your ign and someone will inv
Thank you, I was in the level 20 town and someone came back to invite me. I appreciate it though
gokaiger is a good choice, anon
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The private vs official server debate for that one will be interesting whenever we get to it.
So far as I'm aware, the only LaTale private server out there (Belos) is much easier to level/gear in compared to official, boasts QoL across the board, and is generally a smoother experience overall. Downside is you're forced to make an account through the server's Discord, and the admin replaced the game's absolutely PEAK OST with tracks and remixes from other vidya for some godforsaken reason (???).
Would honestly rather play official unless someone can make a mod or something that replaces the ost back to the original, wouldn't be the same.
Also is the pserver up to date? cause there was a patch recently that changed the game to be more client sided and it fixed the biggest issue with the game which is that fucking movement of all things was server sided.
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Yeah, I still cannot fathom why the guy running Belos thought swapping out the OST was a good idea.
Played a bit of it a year or so ago, and while some of the "new" songs were acceptable in their own right, LaTale's OST is up there with Maple and Ragnarok as one of the all-time greats in the KMMO space. You just don't fuck with something on that level of craftsmanship. Really a shame too, as that's honestly the biggest sticking point I had against it at the time.
Haven't been back in a while though, so I'm not sure if they cleaned the movement desync up. Would definitely be nice if so, although things felt mostly fine for me when soloing back then at least.
Latale was basically unplayable unless you lived near the server, and it's something they only fixed in the official server this year, so unless the pserver has that update it wouldn't really work.
From looking at their website it looks like they don't have the gatekeeper class which would mean it doesn't have that update, but they apparently also have servers in multiple regions like how the DN pservers have so it probably doesn't matter. (until you want to party with someone lmao)

So it's really just the lack of OST that makes me want to avoid it.
Piggybacking on this anon - are we gonna bother with a group pic?
the game looks really fun but my issue was that official (and Belos, mostly) just rocket you to max level, so you skip all the dungeons and any exploration on the way. You also can't do endgame because you're stuck at ascension/awakening, whichever one is timegated because you need to max level all the summons first.

There was one classic option I found but they took their server down a few years ago, sadly. If it ever wins I'll probably just ignore all the boost and exp items and see how long I can stretch the content out.
Excuse me Anon, I would like to submit Granado Espada: Sword of the New World into the stupidly good mmorpg OST conversation.
name a time and place bitch
>login for group pic
It's already on the list! Not in current poll but on 2nd list. Both lists get shuffled every now and then, but I've been shilling for Granado Espada as well in previous polls. Good to see more interest around the title.
>The steam version is bricked for me by GameGuard
I went ahead and gave it a shot despite the "broken" reports on protondb, and it actually runs fine.
Please feel free to call me your preferred racial slur for not voting for it this time around.
I'll be honest with you chief, I only know GE from its OST because they had a music player on the official website back in the day. I was VERY young when I played it.
>I had a party of 4 marksmen because I thought they were cool, let that sink in
I wouldn't be opposed to playing it but that was legit a comment on JUST the OST, have no idea how the game really played lmao
I have no idea either! Haven't played it but remember reading a bit about it. Controlling a party rather than a single character sounds like an interesting new experience. I don't recall the OST particularly, but the whole setting being in the age of exploration with a more Spaniard/Italian sort of aesthetic looks pretty neat too.
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this shit is alive as fuck, we're definitely doing a guild pic. how's about in 1 hour 22 minutes?
Not sure if I can make it but where should I go if im around? Please no hubs
probably somewhere in Enocia. we can meet up somewhere out of the city if it is crashing people.
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Family friendly photo.
As long as you mainly stick to doing the quests and not grinding it should take a while still, honestly none of the dungeons on the way are particularly interesting besides just getting to hear the music, but you'll see everything if you do it that way, you might end up overleveled from it these days but it used to be that it would perfectly keep you at the proper level, and at higher levels you'd have to grind since the quests stopped giving enough exp.
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What other Mapleclones exist, besides the previously mentions ones and Wonderking?
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Probably no one but me has heard of this one - souls remnant online
Unfortunately dev is some kind of autist who only turns his servers on for one month out of the year, so you can't play it.
Others one I know of are soul saver online, ghost online and wind slayer, no idea if they still exist.
Nice. Now let's see it with the tits out.
>some kind of autist who only turns his servers on for one month out of the year
Always something, huh?
In a way it's perfect for this project where we pump and dump games, since it's designed to be.
Just not compatible with the voting system since it's time limited, and I don't think anyone would agree with it bypassing the vote.
>I wasn't invited
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i forgot...
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Thanks Anon... giwiwt
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an attempt was made...
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Game 13 Eliminations are closed, these are our 8 finalists:

Warhammer: Age of Reckoning
>Dragon Ball Online
Allods Online
Dark Ages
>Secret of the Solstice
Neocron Evolution
>Silkroad Online
I'll try reinstalling, but I don't really want to touch this game anymore
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Finals is go! Let's see what's in store for us after this big titty grindfest which crashes half the people trying to play.

results link:
which games have breast sliders?
which games have more than 3 emotes?
which games aren't theme park quest hell until max level?
>Silkroad Online
I hope this win. I want to relive the RF experience.
yea i forgot how racist 4chan is too lain. it'll be ok..
I'm sorry anon. Make sure you have C++/Net/DX9 installed and try giving SB.exe (actual game, not launcher) compatibility options in your GPU manufacturer's control panel.
I feel like my game is finally "stable" (still have crashes on some zone transitions) after I did that with Intel's Control bullshit. You might have to manually add the .exe
What do the colors mean, Mason?
you seem like a knowledgeable fellow
do dark elves have the biggest tits? largest breasts? most chaotically attuned mammaries?
Here’s the servers we’ve picked out so far. Feel free to suggest amendments or other additions.

>Warhammer: Age of Reckoning
Return of Reckoning – https://www.returnofreckoning.com/
The largest private server for Warhammer.
Player count fluctuates around 1000 during peak EU times, to 100 during late NA.
Still receiving patches in 2024.
Server located in France.

Flame of War – https://flame.uogames.org/
Russian server. Pretty sketchy but it’s still somewhat alive judging by the occasional new post in the forms.

>Neocron Evolution
Official Only.

Dragonica: Volia – https://en.volia.biz/
One of the older servers for this game, reliable.
3x exp, some quests give better exp.
1x gold, drops.
Level 90 cap.
Some custom content.
Server Location: Germany.

Dragonica: Spidpex – https://dragonicaspidpex.com/
Relatively new server, low rate, mostly vanilla.
x1 exp rate, quests reworked to give better exp.
Level 85 cap.
Server located in the Netherlands.

Re:Dragonica – https://en.redragonica.com
Relatively new, they seem to have overhauled the entire engine and upgraded the graphics etc.
x1 exp rate, quests reworked to give better exp.
Extensive balance reworks.
New combos and game mechanics.
Servers in Paris & Singapore.

>Dark Ages
Hybrasyl Project – https://erisco.notion.site/
Private server, claims to be from 2013. I think it’s still up, as the server client is still receiving updates.
More info:

Legends: Age of Chaos – https://discord.gg/uyyZWphz6u
Private server, playable without joining their Discord.
More info:

>Dragon Ball Online
DBO Global
Consistently updated.
Largest playerbase.
Canadian server.
x1 exp.
Double exp on weekends.
DBO Crisis
Custom content.
Fewer players.
US server.
x4 quest exp rate.
Double exp on weekends.

DBO Galaxy
x1 rates unless you pay.
Miami server.

DBO Classic
Very new server, launched late July 2024.
I’m guessing this one’s pretty vanilla, but the site doesn’t say much about the game itself.

>Allods Online
Official Only.

>Secret of the Solstice
Xen Rebirth – https://www.xenrebirth.com

>Silkroad Online
Origin Online
– 3x EXP/SP (5x for parties), 1x Gold, 4x Drop
– 110 level cap
– Been around for over six years
– Closest thing to a “classic” server this game has
– Botting is not permitted

Legends Online
– 3.5x EXP/SP (5x for parties), 3x Gold, 3x quest rewards (Droprate is unknown)
– 100 “progressive” level cap (likely between ~110-140 now)
– Wide variety of QoL changes and alterations (faster monster respawn rate, extensively rebalanced classes, buffs last longer when cast, inventory auto-sort, et cetera)
– Botting is not permitted

– 100x EXP/SP, 10x Gold, 20x Drop
– 140 level cap
– Looks to be the main EU-focused private server server for this title
– Hosted in Germany
>>Allods Online
>Official Only.
how bad is it? it's not owned by nexon, right? right?
>it's not owned by nexon, right? right?
Don't worry bro, it's owned by Russians
It's my.games now (apparently they bought it from gPotato three years ago and broke a bunch of shit).
>Don't worry bro, it's owned by Russians
About Dragonica, Spidpex is chapter 5, a version of the game from 2013.
Re:Dragonica is actually an older version from 2011 despite all the custom features, it's kinda cool, the game looks weirdly HD.
Volia is a more recent version so I'd pass on that.

So far I haven't been able to actually make an account on spidpex, can't get the verification email
Hotmail worked for my account on spidpex.
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Not even the game expected you to get this far anon.
water is a social construct
>chat window
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Can't believe I missed that. Alas.
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scooter alt: https://files.catbox.moe/c2lycw.jpg
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the unholy:
brilliant, well done, i love breasts thank you
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This doesn't look stable. I think the game is actually fixed now. I'm not crashing except for an occasional teleport fuckup here and there.
i can't thank those of you who keep playing through the bad games enough

dragonica looks fun, dark ages looks interesting
really struggling to find up to date information about what content is and isn't available on which dragonica server
i hope the next game actually functions on my pc, im kicking myself for missing out
Have you guys done any interesting group content? Doing kill x over and over is very demoralizing when I just want to play with people.
ReDragonica is up to the New Origin patch, with lvl 80 cap.
You fight the main antagonist of the game as the endgame boss, I think for a lot of people the game basically ended here and everything after was just meant to prolong its life without much reason.
Spidpex is up to Galaxia, lvl 85 cap.
Volia has 90 cap, not sure which patch it's on but I would assume it's one of the newest ones.
idk what you could group on.. early game pvp is empty and the world bosses have millions of HP lol.. the dungeons were all solo for me til lvl 27 too so idk when party dungeons pop up..
you can ummmmmmm dance naked
we sat around together while lola killed spies for hours in a party of 4, don't know if that counts as group content.
I need better earrings, so I'm up for some dungeon runs if we can manage without a healer.
When did you guys do that?
maybe an hour after the guild pic
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modding confirmed
should mention, you can get leveled from 30-40 pretty quickly like this
Yes, most exposed too.
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>page 9
anything to add for the next OP?
include a link to the existing dn thread.
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>most chaotically attuned mammaries?
>Assgr is Online.
>Assgr is Offline.
>Assgr is Online.
>Assgr is Offline.
>Assgr is Online.
>Assgr is Offline.
>Assgr is Online.
>Assgr is Offline.
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it's called edging
the vote after this one will be entirely by horny gamers
what horrors will this lead to
Hard (no pun intended) to be hornier than Requiem and SB.
it's all fun and games until someone publishes a spreadsheet containing an in-depth breakdown of how maximally lewd each title can be made
if you've ever played with us and sent a mail, you can vote in all future polls.
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Allods can be pretty hot desu...
Bikini armor for Witch elves, Skimpy dresses for Sorceresses, and boob windows/sideboob for the Disciples of Khaine. I am content no matter what we play.
that's a man
out of 10
any hole's a goal
scarlet blade update: the abysla dungeon is too hard for 6 anon
Did anyone screencapture the brave soldier of the Free Knights fighting at a disadvantage.
naughty snapshots
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I was too busy fighting (and dying)
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As the previous poll has determined, we'll be holding Movie Night on Tuesday 29. I'll be streaming the same movies twice in two separate time slots to accommodate for the different time zones. You can find the countdown for both sessions here:
and here:

We'll be streaming the movies on Hyperbeam: https://hyperbeam.com/app/login
You'll need to setup an account, but can use the same burner account used throughout MMOdventure. You can use the following webpage to get your own: https://m.kuku.lu/
I'll be posting a link to the room in the thread an hour or so before the countdown timer is finished in order to set things up.

As for the movies we'll watch? We'll pick the top 2~3 from the following poll and watch them in their ranked order - Vote for your favorite titles!:

>Shaun of the Dead
>Dead Alive (Brain Dead)
>Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust
>Zombi 2
>I Drink Your Blood
>The Brain That Wouldn't Die
All me.
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top kek
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One of the timers was wrong, then one of the embeded youtube links was wrong, and then I copy pasted and cut off the last one...
I'm so sorry, I'm trying my best I promise.
there there, accepting imperfections is the heart of love
Are there any MMOs with like, cute customizable sprites? Scarlet Blade does it, La Tale does it, Mu does it..
There were a lot of them in the early 2000s before everyone moved to 3d
What do you mean by sprites? Of the three games you mentioned, only latale has sprites.
P2W to the bone if you want to engage in high-level PvE or PvP. Other than that, it can be pretty fun to walk around and do shit. It's flavourful.

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