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Gutted 4.0 edition

Current Live patch = 3.23.2 - https://robertsspaceindustries.com/comm-link/Patch-Notes/20255-Star-Citizen-Alpha-3242
PTU = 3.24.3 (IAE patch) - https://robertsspaceindustries.com/spectrum/community/SC/forum/190048?page=1&sort=last-activity
Evocati = 4.0

>New or returning to Star Citizen?

>Useful Star Citizen related resources

>Recent news
Citizencon 2024 has come and gone with plenty of announcements for the (far) future of the project.

Among many things, CIG has outlined what their full vision of a "1.0" release will look like in this presentation here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WkMD3ZfDZus
As well as a full play through of chapter one of SQ42: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1H-0x4xk2Xk
SQ42 has a new release date of 2026

TL;DR for the 1.0 announcement

>Drop in-drop out main PU storyline that will serve as a full introduction to the entire game, granting citizenship upon completion.
>5 star systems at launch (Stanton, Pyro, Nyx, Castra, Terra).
>Planetary player made bases (
>Orbital player made bases only the Pioneer can build (the Pioneer has also received a full reconcept and is entering full production).
>Crafting and resource system akin to Star Wars Galaxy.
>The ability to manufacture items and ships using blueprints, earned or found.
>Endgame ORG warfare
>6 major NPC guilds
>Clarification on how ship insurance and warranty will work (you will never permanently lose your pledge ships): https://robertsspaceindustries.com/spectrum/community/SC/forum/3/thread/lti-notes-for-star-citizen-1-0/7303457
Someone needs to make a version of that graphic with an additional 95 empty planet slots. They can have "thx Kickstarter!" written in them, or maybe just robert's face.
Now that the dust has settled...
Give me individual cabins or give me death.
Ships that are getting worked on next year
Crusader starter?
In order from the start from my understanding
>Argo CSV
>??? (new Anvil ground vehicle based on the atlas platform?)
>Hornet Mk 2 Ghost
>Hornet Mk 2 Tracker
>Anvil Terrapin medivac variant
>Mirai Guardian
>Misc Fortune (apparently from the dataminers its a salvage ship?)
>??? (the crusader starter?)
>RSI Apollo

That vid shows both the crusader starter and terrapin med variant.
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>in: ships to sell
>out: gameplay
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>4.0 gutted before it even hits full time evo
10 years and I've never been in a cave. Why do people go to caves?
Fool, how can you play a starship simulator and never go to a cave? It would be like playing a racing game and never once doing a geological survey mission.
crusader intrepid is the crusader starter
Second image, first ??? gives me drake vibes for some reason.
And the fourth ??? Seems to be a drake command module (lights are in the same place) in some form of wing/engine harness. Like a Jedi star fighter/hyperspace ring
Cargo bays are meant to drop down like a 300i
As long as I get to sit down with an insurance adjuster after every random ship detonation, I'm satisfied.
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Hotfix Patch Boss spawning
But those are the parts I was looking forward to.
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now that its confirmed meshing does fuck for server fps, Im more interested in old stanton content on low pop dgs than overcrowded barely working pyro
Yeah I'm with you on that. The front entrance is ridiculous and I hate the fact that it's just got a bare gun wobbling back and forth on top instead of an actual turret. I'll never get why they can't do an animation where you climb on top and drop into a hatch like a real tank. It's also just ugly. It is fun under the right circumstances though, like I was doing Ghost Hollow with friends shortly after the Storm came out and there was an unlocked one there for some reason, so I hopped in and it was really cool doing a combined arms thing alongside infantry.
Reminder that Stanton is incredibly flawed from a design and scientific perspective and they should take some time to rethink it.

I wonder how long it will take to fix the fucked up star size (it's 6 times larger than it should be, which is why it looks so big on Hurston).
>one (1) size 3 gun
>can't carry as much as the nomad
The purpose?
Won't happen friendo, they're not going for scientific or realistic at all, in any form, besides drinking and poopoopeepew
Nobody really knows. Best guess is that it's an exploration starter though, fits the name and the relatively fancy interior. I'm kinda hoping the leaks just missed another gun or two, maybe because they're on a turret or retractable mounts (like the Spirit and Herc), not that it's really a ship I'm interested in regardless but I don't want to have to facepalm at yet another really stupid CIG decision.
is this polaris
>people spent $700 cash money on a small sized flying hangar with a shit weapon system that can be shot down and completely negated
whales willl never learn
I got mine for like half that using CCU and package fuckery with store credit from money I'd already wasted years previously.
>Cabbage truck
>Cabbage truck 2 (enclosed)
>APC no one needs
>Hornet Ghost MK2 (no turret change this time)
>Hornet Tracker MK2 (same radar as everyone else)
>Overpriced Medic Terrapin no one wants (if bed is T1 it might have value but CIG hates you, so no!)
>Overpriced heavy fighter (Mirai Guardian) no one needs
>Misc Fortune: new salvage ship without enough cargo to actually loot the derelicts hold (very smart idd)
>Crusader starter ship with fixed S4 (Interpid). Should be fast with a CS sig of 20Km+ and easily hit at the same range
>Drake Bonker (?)
>Apollo? (T1 med ship might be interesting for orgs)
>Overpriced Starchonker no one needs
>Niche anti-corvette/frig nutcracker (Perseus). Dies to a solo snub.
>Drakes armored transport ship (forgot the name). That way you die with a bigger hull loss than a caterpillar.
>CNOU meme outpost builder (see you in 6 more years)
Can someone please explain why in the year of our lord 2024 one would buy a Polaris?
*Serious probability of the cutlass ships going to shit:
>Red loses respawn so they get new Terrapin sales
>Blue goes to shit so Zeus MR gets sold
>Black can lose too if the new Drake ship can fight and carry cargo
Possible general HP loss or drop in speed/agility.
>fixed s4
it's one s3 bro
*and ofc, Freelancer and 300 series ships forgotten until the next decade or until Chris literally bankrupts
If Cutlass owners are space cucks what does that leave for the likes of Terrapin owners?
If you actually have a decent-size org/group that wants to do multicrew warship stuff there's nothing else comparable, it's the only 8-12 man combat ship in the game and the only 8+ one that'll be flyable within at least the next two years. It's also going to be an absolute griefing monster with as little as 2 or 3 people onboard.
>log in
>3.5FPS (300ms)
>log out
every server is trash now
you are supposed to play evo on twitch chuddie
Second image that looks like the GI Joe Snowcat is the Greycat CAV. (Headlights match the STV and PTV lights.) My hope is that it's an Ursa equivalent that can fit in size 3 ships because it doesn't have a medic variant.
Atlas variant has a big rounded hump on the back. Either a fuel transport or a base builder.
Not sure what the Drake ship is gonna be. A little too big for the small ship category and too small for the medium ship category. I'm thinking it's the Drake entry in the two-person heavy fighter category to match the Vanguard/Hurricane/Scorpius.
I'm hoping the snowcat thing is a more combat-oriented APC that'll fit in ships like the Valkyrie. I've always thought it was dumb that the very civilian Ursa was the only option for that. It looks kinda similar to something like an M113 so it seems plausible.
Doesn't the Spartan fit in the Valkyrie? I would think they'd be designed to go together.
You would think. But this is CIG. Who fucking sucks at designing ground vehicles

Seriously, the Nova is way too goddamn big
There was a RTV where they showed the Nova having modules that could swap in so it could become separate things like a light tank or hover or other shit.

I'm sure that was aborted during gestation because this would hamper sales of other things.
surprised motherfuckers in texas are working today
Ah yes, like how the vaunted new RSI exploration ship the ingame lore says the company is making a big deal about for their anniversary can't fit the RSI exploration rover due to six inches of unnecessary glass covering.
Need to put in as much work before the civil war hits
you murisharts talk big but never deliver
Half the country is going to be pissed no matter what happens.
Last time cheeto was elected we had nationwide riots. Media covered them up. Not a good time.
whats new in todays evo patch
There were riots in every major dem hub across the US. Media is run by dems though, so they tried to ignore them.
CIG has offices in LA iirc. Might not be good for them.
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I barely follow star citizen, and that map looks like a healthy mix of planets/content per system, but isn't it supposed to be a whole galaxy like EVE or ED?
The way they go about creating entire star systems that are also unique and worth exploring with their tech would take fucking ages, compared to the original, limited vision of planets way back in 2012. They address this in the 1.0 presentation.
Not even close, nothing bigger than an Ursa fits. I'm not even sure if a Storm can get in there and it's barely bigger.

CIG LA isn't really in a place that'd be directly impacted by riots, it's on a side street in an area that's all offices and residential. Worst case people will have to work from home for a few days because a riot miles away is stopping traffic or whatever.
It was never to even be a whole galaxy, just 100 star systems with several points of interest in each
But that was promised before planets were fully simulated and seamless, and were intended to basically be the same as how starfield does it.
Andro is the good one anon
based autist
If they wanted to handle this with a modicum of class, they would have promised to still make a 100 of something in those five systems. A hundred stations, or moons or whatever. Something hefty.
It would still have been a shameless pivot, but at least it would be a gesture that they are working hard to meet the spirit of their obligations, rather than picking a more comfortable goalpost and defining it as success.
Cheap counter to Idris and other possible big ships
Missions. Also i though it's cool place to hide, until realised BHs have tracking beacon on you. And now, with walhacks it even worse.
Don't say that, the apologists and fanfiction niggers will lose their minds.
Really at this point we should all anticipate cig moving goalposts to lesser goals than their stated intentions, they have done utterly nothing well to date and have only consistently proven their ineptitude.
The reason they didn't promise it is because they can't do it.
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>40 people evo shard with 25 at pyro station dgs
>server fps still drops to single digits
how over is it bros
Server meshing doesn't work. It's never worked. They've been banking on all these features they've promised magically working with tech they hadn't even properly developed yet. It's been over for years.
If server meshing doesn't work. The game will never come.
it does work technically, just not in a playable state
The Stanton-only tests worked well, by the later ones they were getting solid performance with as many as 800 players. Something in 4.0 is dragging the servers down, maybe the huge numbers of NPCs they added.
The best performing stanton test was 4:500. Assuming they split the zones evenly then each server had 1 planet + 6 stations.
The evo test is 4 servers between all of stanton + pyro, so the 2 stanton servers have 2 planets + 12 stations while the 2 pyro servers have 3 planets + 9 stations each.

So ideally they would use one server per-planet, for a total of 10 servers.
However, they should also raise the player cap to improve the servers/players efficiency. This is probably why 10:2000 was tested, because it would mean cutting their server expenses in half to serve the same number of players they can serve now.
My guess is that the Pyro stations are what's really killing it, everybody's doing the contested zones and they spawn an insane number of NPCs. Cutting the spawn rate would probably help a lot there too, it seems pretty excessive from what I've seen with NPCs spawning right behind you only a minute or two after killing the last batch and not only is that no fun to play but it's also gotta be putting a ton of unnecessary load on those servers, but adding more servers just to manage those stations would probably make a big difference as well.
Is there a possibility of performance improvement between current evo and live?
Right now, unless you got 7800x3d, you wont even see 30 fps in pyro contested stations.
>it doesn't work
Thats what I said.
Quit making shit up
I am getting smooth silky 60 fps with a 1060 right now.
Nice bait, you can't get stable 60fps even with a 4070 at minimum settings due to bad servers
RIP Rubert Easterbrook
Is it even possible for server meshing to allow for big fleet battles like were seen in the squadron 42 demonstration? Multiple orgs with several fully player crewed capital ships and support crafts with a horde of fighters buzzing about.
How are we supposed to load 32 SCU containers into a Raft?
>Handheld tractor beams can't pick up 32 SCU containers
>Raft can't carry an ATLS
>Raft doesn't have a ship tractor beam
Thank you Chris, very cool!
Raft is supposed to have a tractor beam, it's controlled from a little station at the back of the top floor. I haven't been in one in ages so I don't know if it works though.
>If they wanted to handle this with a modicum of class, they would have promised to still make a 100 of something in those five systems. A hundred stations, or moons or whatever. Something hefty.
They had a presentation in that same event where they showed off new tools for placing hundreds and hundreads of POI's spread all over the planets and moons of these few initial systems, and to me the way they are going about it makes sense teebeeh.

>How are we supposed to load 32 SCU containers into a Raft?
The Maxlift tractorbeam tool can still currently carry 32 SCU's, but for when it cant I believe the RAFT is also supposed to have a rear mounted ship tractor beam.
>Hype ship
>Release ship
>Neglect ship
>Hype next ship
Would have rather they focused on a smaller number of ships and kept them unique, the more they go on with this the more they streamline aspects of them functionally and aesthetically like with the UI and flight model archetypes.
Their funding model sucks, gets in the way of making the game by accruing technical debt and keeps the emphasis focused on one aspect of the game which is already worsened by a boring and unnecessarily convoluted flight model.
Has anyone here opened up the Cargo Hauling missions to last or second last levels?

If so, do they have the same cargo (eg. Aluminium, Stims) as every other contract level? Or do you get better cargo like gold or quantinium?
What will come out first, squadron 42 or the winds of winter?
>Or do you get better cargo like gold or quantinium
What the difference? It's just boxes all the same.
Only reason to care about "better cargo" is margins if you're buying and value if you're stealing, of which hauling has none.
saber praline is weird why no weapons, where is my ink fart blast defense cig?
you get 25% of the selling price of the hauled cargo when you deliver it. And yes, I tested it and that part works. It's just that all the hauled cargo is trash.
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>My daughter died 3 days ago can we get an updoot :'(
Why the fuck are Redditors like this?
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there's bigger caves that ships can enter which are pretty neat. I have only ever encountered one.
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just consume jpeg and get excited for next jpegs
dude you just accidentally discovered a very valuable angle to work

Dear CIGhris Roberts
Master modes is too slow and sucks and the slowness of it makes every ship the same to fly and makes me not want to buy any new ships because they are not meaningfully different from the ones I have and fly and fight the same at the same boring low speeds.

Master modes is slowing ship sales by killing hype and making the space ship combat dull. Please increase the ships speeds in combat to mid cold war jet gunfighter speeds Korea through Vietnam.
And FFS give us our shield back in NAV. Guns off is fine, shields off is RETARDED for a long list of reason.

WW1-2 in space is costing you money, Sales have fallen off sharply since it went live and the only thing about the SQ42 Prologue that looked like shit was the absurdly slow WW1 biplane starfighters.
>thinking about getting ship x
>it's only $150, go for it
>never an in-game price
Do any of you ever buy ships in game? A $25 transaction in other games is considered STEEP.
This shit will never go mainstream, but I guess it doesn't need to, as long as whales gonna whale
I exclusively buy ships in game. it's gratifying going down to new deal and getting an avenger for not real money. also, when you get a ship that turns out to be a bit of a dud, or worse is/could actually be great if not for various bugs like the nomad, you feel bummed out by how much ingame money you wasted on it. imagine if it had been real money? I'd be livid. well, as a caterpillar owner, I already am salty enough about one real money ship
Yeah. I buy small ships in-game. I purchase big ships with real money.
Reason being, it takes too much time to save enough credits for big ships and it's probably going to get worse as time goes on.
That's just sad, poor little girl.
Oh my god it's spreading.
>Guns off is fine, shields off is RETARDED
most retarded post itt, congrats
Playing on same server as AvengerOne
>>Niche anti-corvette/frig nutcracker (Perseus). Dies to a solo snub.
maybe with a retarded nigger such as yourself as a pilot
They should sell us pitchforks, they'd make a killing

Adding passive shield regen would solve the solo fighter issue vs huge ships unless it is a heavy fighter with appropriate loadout or something or a swarm
Paired with armour and engineering ships wouldn't easily explode if you want to take on a ship with a crew you'd need to be able to board it. You should not be able to practically solo a capital ship without crew already the case with engineering

Beef up fire rate on anti light fighter weapons like laser repeaters on turrets compared to piloted guns, allow gunner to adjust fire cone/spread or have it automatically adjust based on locked target distance
Bump up the speeds to something reasonable that the servers can handle but feels exhilarating, tune the acceleration so it take some time to hit max speed depending on ship they all accelerate too damned fast.
The perception of speed is not purely based on the m/s and acceleration, it is easier to feel like you are flying fast when you have a frame of reference like being close to the ground
In space they only have some partical effects and the other ship for reference which isn't doing a good enough job, even if you are going insanely fast it is easy to feel like you are going slow until you merge

I loath how they use the if it fits is sits and balance the ships around the size of the doors just looks out of place.
They should have used mass and engine thrust to determine how much your ship can carry and affect its performance. The heavier you are the less you can accelerate a = F/m, if you want to carry heavier loads or have better acceleration you'd need to improve your thrust with better engine, engineering, or fuel type or whatever
That way ships can have sanely sized ramps and lifts and you can setup your ship depending on what environments you are going to (0g space, low g moons, high g planets) ships can be balanced by mass, engine output, and power
Watched his stream to avoid his gang of cutthroats, he left to AC and I checked what they were on about, they proved that fully manned hammerhead loses (pretty easily) to all the (light and medium) fighters in the game.
They're planning on armor fixing it. Most larger ships will probably get significant damage reductions vs anything that aren't cannons.
Not even cannons. Its based on size iirc so weapons below a certain size will just scratch the paint of ships above a certain armour class.
I think they changed that. Size won't be the only limiting factor. It will be the type of weapon. They've split them into 3 types. Anti fighter, Anti ship and Specialist weapons that are a mix. I can't remember the ISC they said it though.
wonder if that's due to balance changes or they're just bad. we proved exactly the opposite some time ago. it's possible they nerfed it in service of actually killing the hammerhead NPCs they love to use so often
I wouldn't know, but I have no real reason to doubt them either. I saw them do it in the stream. A1 was flying a fury and was untouchable by the HH, he started to fly a bit sloppily and got hit a total 1 shot from all of the HH turrets.
I'm not sure if you ignored all the aiming UI and just sprayed space if you could score more hits but due to nature of 3d space its quite unlikely.
This is why anti-fighter weapons would most likely have explosive ammo. Proximity fuse in the case of futuristic game like SC.
Still trying to find this out.
I saw that hauling mission rep is absolutely fucking brutal - but im still interested if the cargo resource at the highest rep is decent or not.
Couldn't find any videos about that exact subject so if you see any, please let me know in the thread.

found this actually, which answers the question
>I saw that hauling mission rep is absolutely fucking brutal
progression doesn't seem so bad, it's more that if you lose one box to a bug you get punted back to intern tier, and bugs are not infrequent
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>return to /scg/ after a month to check on citcon stuff
>miss the meltdown of the century (aka the previous thread)
>seriously 1700+ post holy shit
That, and that there is no light at the end of the tunnel. Looking at the master tier contracts and thinking about auec/h... Not many loops that give so little returns.
It was Citcon, now its returned to the normal speed or almost to it. Before citcon the speed was around 5 post a week if that.
Game is missing hollow containers. Something where you can dump the 1/8th scu drug packages into. That way not only can you loot faster you can also use the drake mule/argo cabbage truck to sweep distro centers and other outposts (mule still needs the shit forklift functioning to reach 3 SCU total plus change). Mule fits into the cutter scout which would make it one of the best starter ships.
Starter my ass! It will prolly sell ingame for 2 mil. I must admit though, a bomber version would be very interesting assuming it comes with actual internal volume for cargo and decent speed to at least outrun hornet and cutlass ships (useless if not).
>Message of the day
>3 hours ago
>(Sunnudagr) Today on the 3.24.2a PTU we are running a 3 hour timed playtest along with the QA team for the Save Stanton Global event! This will start at 2pm CDT | 20:00 UTC Playtest and Feedback Thread

we had multiple 2k threads
Pallets that you could attach the hand boxes to would be really nice. I wonder if CIG doesn't have the tech to stack cargo grids like that.
100k+ for a single run seems pretty good, but I didn't look very close. are they all multi stage or obscene amounts that cant be done in a single run or something? I typically avoid anything that's more than A to B, doubles your chances of getting fucked by some hangar door or ATC failure
>Game is missing hollow containers. Something where you can dump the 1/8th scu drug packages into.
>Pallets that you could attach the hand boxes to would be really nice.

I thought we already had the first one. Buying empty 1SCU boxes and putting them down in your cargo hold for extra ship storage. Can you not do that?
I have such hopes that I know I'll be disappointed.

>those utilitarian food dispensers we've seen on ships like the Cutter Rambler, Corsair, and ARGO MULE
>Acts as a container/converter for a kind of nutri-paste and water
>paste fills hunger but at poor volume-to-meter ratio compared to real food
>paste has extreme shelf life
>dump food into the dispenser and it will convert them to paste to refill itself
>can dispense water on its own and change if there's water in the paste or not, so you could dispense pure hunger filling paste or thirst & hunger filling paste
>buy full refills at stations along with fuel and ammo
>can make/buy/sell refill tanks
>NPCs hate it and it's a constant drain on their happiness or whatever

>going out into the wild in the Cutter Rambler
>dispenser fully stocked
>two fillable 1SCU crates in the back, initially filled with extra supplies like dispenser refills or repair stuff
>as you empty them, start filling them with loot
>equipped with laser weapons for light PVE
>bulky suit in suit storage
>infantry weapons are mix of ballistic and energy weapons with means to recharge them
>use ballistic in an emergency or PVP, energy for PVE or once you're out of ballistic ammo
>find a remote location on random planet that's still decently close enough to "content" and live there until you finally run out of supplies
*sip* yup, that's the life.
If they add low volume/high value gems to pyro caves (actual profitable hand mining) the rambler could be one hell of an incursion ship to go Stanton->Pyro and back while being low key and ensuring a low loss if discovered. Also quantum fuel.
The moment you actually need to shove several boxes into the thing (other sorts of loot) the rambler becomes crap though.
Fake containers/modules for smuggling when?
>ship with multiple shield gens
>swap one out for a scan-protected container, 1 SCU per size of the module, ship still appears to have shield so people can't tell until they damage you and see it did more % than it should've
>32SCU container that's actually more like 10SCU but when scanned ALWAYS comes up as being like half-to-full of something like biowaste or scrapmetal and only a hands-on inspection will reveal it
example I looked at was Master: 1 pickup, 4 drop offs with 60-108scu each. Didn't look at distances but it already sounded pretty bad for ~150k
If it was Quantainium with 25% cut or something it would be understandable.
Especially as if you fail one mission you lose all your rep.
Forgot to mention, its the same as everything. Aluminium, Tungsten etc. so trash.
and when are we getting some unverified hauling missions? smuggle drugs into X city, etc. there needs to be more criminal jobs in general that carry a *risk* of getting caught and crimestated, not an absolute guarantee of CS3 like most of them currently are.
funny enough the game HAS pallets with slots for 1/8 boxes, but they are in bunkers.... and cant be moved.....
yes, we have empy1-8 SCU boxes but i have never tested if you can put the 1/8s in them
I remember Saltemike saying something about being able to put cargo inside containers, an exploit.
I think the buyable crates only hold FPS gear and other inventory items.

My bet about the food dispensers is that they're going to become food crafting stations once that's in the game.
you could put 1scu inside 1scu inside 1scu but that got fixed
>My bet about the food dispensers is that they're going to become food crafting stations once that's in the game.
I'd prefer that they differentiate kitchenettes with the dispenser things so it actually matters if you buy a luxury ship with kitchen vs a utilitarian ship that only has dispensers.

food types
>"raw" food like those fruits and vegetables you find as loot, kept as-is
>"processed" foods (pre-packaged stuff like chips) as-is
>nutri-paste: extreme shelf life when loose, basically infinite in dispensers, poor volume to meter ratio but dispensers can hold a lot and makes NPCs unhappy if they eat nothing but this
>cooked food: made using ingredients, like pasta or pizza or cooked steak or sandwiches. restores a lot of meter per volume of food but stores poorly outside of dedicated food storage containers and isn't good for keeping on your person, makes NPCs happy to eat

food prep
>raw and processed foods as-is
>dispensers dispense water + nutri-paste, can open dispensers like a container and 1-way dump in raw foods to turn them into nutri-paste & water, nutri-paste inside lasts for basically forever
>kitchenettes can craft cooked food, dispense water from faucets, have storage containers to preserve "raw" and cooked food, you're better off storing "raw" food as ingredients and then cooking a meal when you need it rather than meal prepping or just eating things "raw"

That way (You) the player have gameplay reasons to consider between the two kitchen types (or getting a ship without either) instead of only RP reasons.

What I expect CIG will actually do:
>kitchenettes and dispensers are purely a visual difference, clicking on them just opens a food prep menu like it's a fucking minecraft crafting bench and they work exactly the same or they don't do anything at all and it's purely for RP and aesthetics
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>and they work exactly the same
Don't be ridiculous, anon. It's EIGHTY SEVEN percent more nutritious!

>shelf life
I really don't see them getting that autistic about it. They might want to, but they probably shouldn't when nothing fucking works as is. Nutri-paste shouldn't even have a poor volume to meter ratio. Practically speaking, it should be the best food. It's our job as players to stigmatize it on our own, the same way nobody wants to eat ze bugs. They already shove the food into your camera when you eat it.
Just make the paste look like absolutely fucking nasty green goop with lumps and people will make fun of paste-eaters without some heavy-handed nerf bat trying to force certain types of social interaction.

Never happening.
What's that? You need an able-bodied spaceman for your Arrastra? You better have at least tier 2 Yakisoba dogs, or I'm not taking the contract. Space dads will just have to take out the UEC checkbook and pay a good wage. With food expenses and a dental plan.
I don't really understand what people would want an npc to do that the turret blades wont do.
>What I expect CIG will actually do:
promise everything in your post but "in the interim" of 7 years make dispensers a crafting station and just completely ignore the actual kitchenettes pending a UI that is not being worked on, leaving the poor option as the only functioning one
give them mass effect romance options and other dumb shit that doesn't make sense Im sure
Send them out as disposable bullet sponges.
>4/4 humans with no respawn on-ship
>anyone dies / gets injured we have to go deal with getting him back from the hospital or treating the injury an possibly losing effectiveness for a while
>3/4 humans
>NPC goes down
>leave him to die and just grab another from the nearest hiring location

They're basically decoys.
Servers and the game in general are running too shit to care right now
they want to feel like the ship is populated, even if the npcs are just doing idle animations on the spot
Unless people able to operate a ship solo to it's fullest potential this game will simply fail, people spends hundreds if not thousands and good luck using those ships if you need a crew of 5 players on to use them
I want them to add some kind of bike/hoverbike that comes with a 2x1 SCU size docking station that you can attach to a grid in at any orientation for storage and then hit a button to deploy a tiny 1man vehicle. I don't care if it's got a no shield, no weapons, can't operate in space, no storage, and has a short driving range. Give me tiny bike!
thats the newest one, I think its called a pulse, CIG themselves bragged that you can cram it in an aurora
They need to stop worrying about realism
It's not gonna happen.
And if it does, it won't play like that. People will find a gamey meta and stick to it instead of roleplaying like that.
He killed her for reddit gold.
The Pulse fills that role. Only problem is it's another fucking hover vehicle, so getting it in and out of ships is a pain in the ass. I've had it get impounded in my hangar because it started fucking spinning at 200RPM on the end of my multitool tractor and invoking Klang while glitching through the ship walls.
Fucking niggers need to make the C8R's doors stop closing automatically, but they intentionally set it like that to make it a bitch to load stuff in so they can sell Cutlass Reds
>uhm actually CIG were right to remove all the gameplay from 4.0 it's really super important that we have an empty system to dote around in by the end of the year despite the fact its already 4 years late
I fucking hate these people I fucking can't stand it they're so fucking cucked it actually makes me mad
I only played it a little bit, but Battlestar Galactica Online had stuff like that.
Dozens of players making a wall of ships with the fighters flitting between all the large ones. Though I only found myself in the middle of a huge fight like that once. Small ships acted as CIWS to shoot down incoming missiles and to protect the larger ships Nuclear missiles in different sizes were a thing, but they tracked like shit and absolutely fucked your flight performance in fighters, iirc
I actually had a bunch of the PVP currency used to buy the nukes since all I did in game was gank slightly lower level fighters in the enemy's starter areas, but the enemy fighter screen got me before I could dump my payload

Whales would fucking whine and bitch and moan like usual, but the solution is just to make unescorted large ships vulnerable to small ships with oversized weaponry. Just ignore the dumb faggots who want an NPC controlling all their turrets and engineering so they can solo gunship everything, and talking about armor and passive shield regen so they can be immune to fighters
>durr I don't care if they're worse than players, I just think it'd be cool, or I want X little compromise
I said the same fucking thing about Katanas and banzai charges in Enlisted, then ended up quitting due to the shit balance. It's just a cope/foot in the door tactics.
There's a dozen good reasons to have large ships in a fight. Carriers, cargo/miner/salvager escorts, planet/station bombardment, etc. The thing in the way of that is finding a place for fighters when Croberts' yacht payment tells him he needs to make huge ships the meta.

The real problem, however, is that SC isn't some low/sensible graphics eve-like, and any massed ship combat with dozens of gigantic ships with fully modeled interriors is going to melt the fucking servers and the PCs of anyone near it. Not unless they release some ultra low quality setting like WT that brings everything down to Source engine tier graphics
lazy rock paper scissors bullshit
Blades take up processing power.
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>adding passive shield regen would solve—
Would solve retards in fucking space yachts from getting their teeth kicked in by actual combat vessels and whining on Spectrum?
Because it won't. Faggots like that will always keep bitching and making retarded posts like yours that basically amount to
>waahhh make me invincible, I licked your boots extra clean and gave you all my lunch money, wahh
The survival rates of bombers without fighter escort were fucking abysmal. It wasn't until they started sending a screen of fighters in front to establish complete air supremacy over the Luftwaffe that they stopped losing a chunk of the bomber group every sortie.

And if you scroll up there's a fucking whale bitching about that, too. It's fucking unreal how shameless they are.
They just want the whole game to be p2w now that they've already bought into the cult. Like a fucking ponzi scheme sap mad that the business is going legit instead of just screwing everyone else over twice as hard as they were fucked.
>The survival rates of bombers without fighter escort were fucking abysmal
Retarded concept, in space, it's much more similar to the navy, due to the weight of the spaceships and the fact that they have armour, while bombers in ww2 didn't. Retarded way of seeing things please go back to war thunder faggot.
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>retarded concept, in space, it's much more similar to the navy
Retarded fucking faggot.
Gas yourself, heavy ships have armour, airplanes don't. It's called a fleet, with armour, braindead retard.
>I am the captain now
I could tell you are black from your posts no need to post a selfie
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>heavy ships have armour
Yeah, worked out real well for them, didn't it?

You're out of your fucking mind if you don't see "space somali pirates" coming the second they get the piece of shit game to actually work reliably. Now, guess what they use?
I'll give you a hint: They don't need a cruiser to take over a container ship.
You out yourself as someone with severe retardation. Somali pirates don't take over military ships, they take over cargo container without any weapons or armour. Improve the quality of the thread and never post again.
And how many ships in that image were taken over by pirates you absolute retard? I reckon 0, so i guess it worked out fine, since the biggest threat was torpedos.
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And a rusty speedboat isn't a snub fighter, now is it? But you just wanted to gloss over that, huh, cocksucker?

Don't worry, I'm sure if you whine to Croberts on Spectrum some more, they'll totally implement armor and give you invincible shields as long as you spit-shine his boots real good and clench your ass tight when he goes in dry. Just keep being a good little cultist bitch and you'll surely be rewarded.

After all, it's not like carrier strike groups are a thing, specifically to have smaller ships to protect it, not to mention the dozens of smaller craft it's carrying as the MAIN fucking armament of said fleet. It's not like they developed the means for a fleet to let fly over 250 TONS of munitions into the air every single minute out of pragmatic terror over what a vessel a fraction of a percent of its weight is capable of.
The battleship and the super-heavy tank went the way of the dodo for a reason, you dumb pseudo-boomer fucks. There's no such thing as bulletproof; only guns that aren't big enough.

You'll whine no matter what happens or what I say. I just want you to know that you're fucking faggots and your hand-wringing and kikeish kvetching has no basis in reality or logic; no matter how much you'll pretend otherwise on Spectrum.
And your aircraft carrier is now useless thanks to hypersonics that can't be intercepted, so you entire post becomes irrelevant.

>name calling
>accusations of being a cultist
Defends the absolute dogshit state of multicrew, yet acuses others of being cultists. You're not worth anyone's time.
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>the biggest threat was torpedos
Good news, anon! They're a pretty flexible weapon! inb4
>b-but, that PT boat has a dozen crew, that's not the same as a snub!
Well, real large ships have crew in the thousands, so I guess everything in SC is the equivalent of a PT boat, isn't it?
I bet one guy on a jetski with an RPG could take over a PT boat with only a captain and nobody on the guns, now couldn't it?

>muh hypersonics
Holy fucking shit, you actually believe that meme works as well as everyone wants it to? You can't rely on shit until it's actually on the front. Might as well start counting on the idea that US Marines are running around with XM-25s because Congress will totally foot the bill to start deploying them en masse soon. Right after Star Citizen releases. Hell, the XM-25 actually WAS tested in the field. Still means fuckall because it's not used.
And do you seriously not understand how that simply undermines your "point"? Why the fuck should your shields and armor matter when modern weapons technology is already enough to turn any SC ship into scrap, while in-universe, there's been several more centuries of weapons research?

>Defends the absolute dogshit state of multicrew
When the fuck did I do that? The entire fucking game barely works. There's nothing to fucking defend. Your gaylord idea of
>pls Croberts, gimme undeadable shields, kruppstahlinium 1,000 times folded armor, and 2499 NPC crew to run everything so I can solo-crew my space-Iowa
is just an atrocious amount of retardation. Better learn to take your head out of your ass, or nobody's gonna want to sign up to crew your ship, faggot.
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I see
It is silly to argue over how fleets in SC will work and compare them to history when
1) space is different from both air and naval and its military doctrine is mostly unexplored
2) SC has a bunch of new sci-fi technology
3) SC isn't even going for realistic physics or circumstances
4) the meta will be influenced both by the final numbers on everything and completely un-lifelike stuff like server implementation, UI limitations, MMO culture, CIG deliberate design decisions, the fact that nobody's life is actually on the line etc.
Literally anything could happen.
Seethe more, a single LF will not be able to solo every single ship crewed by multiple competent players in the game unless you team up.
It's super sonic missiles and they can be intercepted if they aren't flying close to the water surface.
Only America has hypersonic weapons systems, other nations are struggling with vibration issues that destroy guidance systems.
>Message of the day
>7 minutes ago
>(Mánadagr) We currently have a new 3.24.3 build in testing with the goal of releasing this onto the PTU this afternoon.
>Only America has hypersonic weapons systems
Are you trolling?
Hypersonic is not supersonic, there is no other nation with hypersonic weapons systems or delivery methods right now due to extreme wind buffeting that destroys internal guidance systems.
Russia has super sonic missiles that skim the water surface which are extremely hard to deal with if it's too close to the ship, China says they have them too but there is no evidence to support an actual working weapons system from them.
The Hypersonic missile is bit of a meme because you're supposed to go between Mach 5-10 when you're approaching target to be considered hypersonic.
Now why don't we consider missiles with that kind of top speed hypersonic?
Because they don't do that in approach unless they're REALLY close, which is why realistically, they're supersonic when they hit the target.
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Whats the best solo medium ship for ground operations? Bunkers, outposts, etc.
>Message of the day
>6 minutes ago
>(Mánadagr) We currently have a new 3.24.3 build in testing with the goal of releasing this onto the PTU today. We will be running a few of the IAE Halls on an accelerated schedule starting tonight
polaris today?
I have not seen any indication that cig is capable of good game design.
It really doesn't matter. Cutlass Red so you can respawn, and have a SCU box to support being a loot goblin.
Running bunkers is actually ass
You counter missile interception with quantity not speed.
>Running bunkers is actually ass
What's the best activity rn?
This is quality bait
Corsair used to be it, now I guess it's one of the Connies. Optimal setup has you using nursa to drive around, so you can have any ship that fits it. Also for bunker life you should level up mercenary to do distribution centers.
Depends on what you like but moneywise the best: Vaughn > ERT > Salvage
Constellation chads won
its called connie and shes my daily driver
>Only problem is it's another fucking hover vehicle, so getting it in and out of ships is a pain in the ass. I've had it get impounded in my hangar because it started fucking spinning at 200RPM on the end of my multitool tractor and invoking Klang while glitching through the ship wall
Exactly why I want a docking station you can attach to argo grid, let me lock it down so I don't take a turn too hard and have my ship explode because of KLANG.
Sabre. Ground missions are easy as fuck just press your middle mouse button.
Freelancer max, you can fit an ursa in the rear and all your personal shit in the cuckshed compartment.
Forget the docking station, they should just make hoverbikes act like any other piece of cargo when they're powered off, and snap to grids on their own.
>first server in three weeks that could manage more than 3 server FPS
>ISP dies instead
I have an Avenger Titan and never played anything of the game except a stuttery mess of the FPS mode back in 2018. How is the FPS PVP mode now? Anything for me to do or look forward to if I decide to download and install the game?
Not even messing with you, it either the same or worse, nothing works without bugs or stuttering. We're 3-4 years away from a stable release minimum.
Arena commander has gotten a massive, much needed overhaul and is in a much better spot, but I can't really say I play it often compared to the PU. Speaking of the PU, it's in a dire state right now, and that means people who want to play usually hover over to AC till the PU is in a better spot.
Unfortunate to hear, especially since I have a much better machine now, and they had that 2026 release date announcement for S42. Just be honest; should I continue to ignore it for now? I'm probably the minority, but I was interested more in the "crash into an enemy ship/base and gun them down in person" kind of experience.
Is the human gameplay even active in PU? I just want to do mercenary work in my Avenger or bounty hunt on foot, blasting up enemies in their bases.
>Just be honest; should I continue to ignore it for now?
Honestly, mate, it's probably best just wait and see how 4.0 does when it hits live later this year, as that's all they are focusing on now.

>I just want to do mercenary work in my Avenger or bounty hunt on foot, blasting up enemies in their bases.
You have the choice of going into small, underground facilities (bunkers) and killing a handful of enemies, or doing the same in massive distribution centres. It's a very grindy and repetitive gamplay loop, and if you're a loot goblin, there are plenty of crates lying around with fps gear to take (as well as from corpses).

Since you haven't played in a long time, you are going to get quite overwhelmed with the fact that the inventory and all the loot is physicallized now, so good thing you have a ship with cargo space.
You should just ignore it for a few more years, and im also a FPS guy that enjoys landing a spaceship and mowing people down with assault rifles.
Thanks for your honest replies anons. I hope this game eventually fleshes out and becomes more optimized so we can all be comfy and mow down humanoid meatbags in space. See you in a few years...
Same, been here for 12 years waiting, it's just better to wait and see them do the work, i hope in a few years we'll finally have a game to play. I wouldn't expect anything before 2028, been here a while i know how slow CIG is at doing basic things.
Just play Elite Dangerous to scratch that itch for now
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>Message of the day
>31 minutes ago
>(Tuesday) 2 Goals for today
>1) We are currently warming up LIVE servers to update to 3.24.2a today. This will be a zero downtime deployment when ready and rebuild player data from LTP. Will update here when closer to update time.
>2) We are currently putting together a new 3.24.3 build for release to all backers on PTU today. To keep expectations, we are still in the final stages of getting new ships polished so not in the PTU builds just yet!
>day 3 of waiting for the "ptu build to be released this afternoon"
Player economy when? Sell cut is what? 50%?
If you looted bunkers and sold stuff at 10-20% off to players loot gobbos could make a killing. Except 9 tail non boss trash (its everywhere) or ass weapons like the devastator/custodian.
Pyro armors, shiny skins and rare weapons would be good sells. Everyone would want that p6/demeco/railgun.
1.0: Use the trash compactor to turn them into 1scu of firearms. Sell for 100auec
FPS PVP in Arena Commander is fine. Enjoyable, even.
FPS PVP in PU is basically nonexistent, with PU FPS gameplay being generally bad.
I think I've done maybe 5 bunkers ever and can't understand the appeal of running the same tiny location over and over with the same 10 shitty NPCs.
>muh loot
I guess
>running the same tiny location over and over with the same 10 shitty NPCs.
ah ah ahhh, they added the distros, so now you also have one large location to run over and over. also the surface settlements, which would be fun if you didn't get just completely overwhelmed immediately trying to do them on foot as is supposedly intended
Patch is up.
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>hypersonics that can't be intercepted
May I see them?
Servers went back to 4 FPS within about 15 minutes
freddo had it so close, he just needed to be a little more insane.
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You're damn right.
Why do they call them minute men? They look fairly tall.
3.23.3 PTU working PDS
Polarischads won
xm-25 worked great, it failed because the ammunition was manufactured by hand by a small mom and pop shop that couldn't keep up with the order and costs ballooned.
If the game decides to function well later the big ass ships will mostly be played by massive orgs.
I don't bother with anything over 6 crew tops, it was hard to even get 6 random people running a hammerhead in a single session.
It is possible I've done it a few times before, but it mostly happens during events and even then you have to wait forever for people to gather and retarded server bullshit happens to at least 1 player en-route EVERY GOD DAMNED TIME, not even counting the amount of bullshit bugs your crew needs to wade through when boarded like turrets not working, quantum drive fucking up, blacking out, noise bugs "oh no I have to relog pick me up from the station again wagie- teehee". FUCK
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>doesn't fire at enemy ships
>missiles are already useless
>isn't even good at intercepting them and lets most of them through
oh no no no
is it supposed to fire at enemy ships? 'no working' is vague
>doesn't fire at enemy ships
Yea that's intentional, CIG said so themselves years ago here
>Point Defense Turrets are simply AI controlled turrets with the computer and blades necessary, and with a specific weapon loadout intended to make them effective at neutralizing incoming fast threats like missiles or torpedoes
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>Message of the day
>2 hours ago
>(Waka's Day) We are currently working on a new 4.0 build for release to Evocati later today
>(Tuesday) 2 Goals for today
>1) 3.24.2a has now been released to the LIVE Environment VERSION 3.24.2-LIVE.9402394
>2) A new 3.24.3 build has been released to the PTU for all backers! VERSION 3.24.3-PTU.9405451 | Bugfix and Issue Discussion
new evo today
these guys are sitting still to test, in 100% of real combat situations you're going to be flying away from it, giving the turret a lot more time to work. also, they're probably testing on the 5FPS servers
Not to mention that he was firing size 2 and 3 missiles that go way too fast before the PDS could kick in, so I'd say size 4 and up would be more appropriate for the PDS. Even still, should always flare and manoeuvre to the best of your ships' ability, instead of solely relying on it. I believe the Connie Phoenix is the smallest ship advertised to come with a PDS (and just one at that), vs the Idris with its 11 for example.
Here comes the persefaggot cope lmao.
I am no whale and had no idea these things were even a planned feature for any ship, just pointing out their flawed testing methodology. I would love to be able to buy these things for my caterpillar but it seems like they're hull locked
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from IAE PTU

I know someone in here was asking for a non gravlev land bike
Yeah and the kraken is coming too bro!
That's been a thing forever and it's fucking dumb, as long as a car, shit ground clearance, and really limited suspension travel and steering. SC needs a normal dirtbike or ADV that could fit in like a 2SCU area and actually get over terrain.
people are speculating it could be a reward for 4.0 contested zones "riddle"
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if you mean the green text thing, its pic related
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surely those arent tickets for pledge store purchases
Definitely not, you can buy most of those without a ticket. It's probably just going to be like buying them ingame and you'll lose them with the next wipe. MAYBE CIG will actually give people a free permanent ship but I bet it'll be like a 90% chance of a Fury, 9% Rambler, 1% Cutty, and 0.0000001% F8. (I know that adds up to more than 100% but you know what I mean.)
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>gacha mechanics for crafting blueprint levels
it all makes sense now
Why are most Star Citizen twitch streamers huge Star Wars fags?
>muh PDS
What about slaving remote turrets? LIke adding the A1 turret to the pilots control (either fixed or gimbal) or the Zeus under turret?
Freelancer should have the manned turret changed to remote.
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>MAYBE CIG will actually give people a free permanent ship but I bet it'll be like a 90% chance of a Fury, 9% Rambler, 1% Cutty, and 0.0000001% F8.
I mean I'll take it no matter what.
Also what are you guys talking about do I have to do something ingame? I haven't logged in in months.
I'm already expecting
>Star Citizen has a lootbox for its ships now!
headlines from a bunch of the usual suspects as soon as this is actually ingame.

Yeah, I won't say no to a free ship either

There's a whole puzzle thing in Pyro with spray painted markings in a bunch of the abandoned stations that lead you to machines that print a numbered keycard, and a riddle that says something about "find a new ride". The whole thing isn't implemented yet but thanks to datamines we're pretty sure you have to take all seven keycards to an abandoned "Executive Hangar" and you'll find one of those four ships inside it.
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they bumped shard cap to 380 from 250 in the new evo build, same 4 dgs
>thanks to datamines
didn't they explain exactly what this was about in ISC months ago, it's Rust style keycard puzzles where each new card grants you access to the next level which has better loot
>There's a whole puzzle thing in Pyro with spray painted markings in a bunch of the abandoned stations that lead you to machines that print a numbered keycard, and a riddle that says something about "find a new ride". The whole thing isn't implemented yet but thanks to datamines we're pretty sure you have to take all seven keycards to an abandoned "Executive Hangar" and you'll find one of those four ships inside it.
Thanks, I'll clear up some hard drive space for it. Odds are it's just gonna be a free normal ship that dies like any other, but maybe there's a chance it'll have a warranty/lti or be like that upgrade ticket they did a while back for upgrading I think it was an F7C to an F7A.
That's a different thing, within a single location. This hangar thing overlaps with it (the keycard printers are in the same locations) but is its own separate thing.
from what I've heard there's a bunch of these locations both within the full 'location' stations and some derelict ones scattered around for the sole purpose of combat and exploration
Yeah, afaik there are both derelict stations and ones built into asteroids too.
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Space boomer police showed up in chat... very angry... this is not how the game is meant to be played...
Let them move their boxes in peace...
Shut the fuck up you adult baby looking mutt.
There will never be turret slaving. They've said this multiple times. Youll have to use an ai blade.
>Playing, servers work, finally
>games still boring as fuck
>some dude asks in chat for help moving boxes from planet to station
>sure, why not
>get there to find this dude with, no shit, over 100 undersuits and helmets on his freight elevator
>he's complaining about the new loot system and how he doesn't have any crates to load them into, so wants help piling them into his ship
>I say I'm pretty sure you can buy crates at the planet, but he's broke. I could buy a couple but fuck it, let's just do it the hard way
>he's got an ATLS out, but is doing it by hand
>I jump in the ATLS and start hauling these tiny boxes one by one in the back
>he reminds me to make sure the arrow on the top of the box is pointing to the back of the ship so they line up nicely
>I work with ASD and OCD daily, so sure thing my neurotypical friend
>I keep piling them in while he keeps busy stacking them neatly in lines
40 minutes later
>pic related
>time to go
>get to the station
>time to start unloading
>OCDdude is nearly dying of thirst so runs to save his life, I get in the ATLS to finish this insanity
>ATLS ejects me through the station floor
>ask bro to open the hangar so I can EVA in
>he's moving boxes one by one with his multitool
>ask if anyone in chat can save me
>no response
>fly to a pad, walk back to hangar
>"Oh there you are! Let's get back to work!"
>sure bro
>I get in the Cutlass copilot seat and just start firing the boxes into the elevator
>bro is there still trying to stack them neatly
>20 minutes in he eclaims "Oh, they don't need to all be facing the same way!"
>also claims I'm now invisible
>tell him I'm using the ship's tractor
>he's floored by this revelation
>now he's happy we can just fling shit in the elevator, job's done five minutes later
>ecstatic he races off to the shop to sell his haul
>60-odd undersuits sell for 60aUEC total
>40-odd helmets for about 900 each
>he gives me a lift back to my ship as thanks
I hate emergent gameplay
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Oh no no no...
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Reading the entire greenext did not prepare me for that screenshot, holy fuck...
this is chris roberts' plan to prevent server decay. make this a gameplay loop without increasing the payout
I don't understand why people get so pressed about """""loot""""" at the moment.
I'd only make an actual effort to puck something up and take it with me if it was some omeganigger loot like a sub armour.
People obsessed with bringing back 6 gorillion basic 9tails armours are insane.
>Message of the day
>2 hours ago
>(Thor's Day) We are currently putting together a new 3.24.3 build to update the PTU for all backers later today. Goal for this build is stability and will not have IAE or Global Events running.
nothingburger toady
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big guy 4u
>People obsessed with bringing back 6 gorillion basic 9tails armours are insane.
Bounty Hunting bunker babies that pick up a Crimestat is a simple joy
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me in the Starlancer™ MAX™
if you play this game with any regularity you're gonna die and lose ALL your kit to some bullshit, so it's nice to have a local storage filled with new sets. I clear out a bunker once in a while just so I always have an outfit to throw on.

what this game really needs, almost more than games that actually do have it, is set you can just auto-equip, and maybe a mobi app to set them up from wherever. having to manually put on each piece of kit and realizing you forgot something only when you're on the dark side of aberdeen and need it is exhausting. give me a good UI to build out presets and customise them with mag placement and healing items etc while I'm sitting in quantum, and send it up on a rack all assembled in the freight elevator so I can put it on display in my hangar (or ship!) and click it whenever I want to equip the whole thing.

they need to compromise of the fucking tedium somewhere. doing the epic suit up montage is fine a maximum of once per session. if you want me to change outfits every time I get on or off a ship at least make it efficient.
PDS are garbage and can't intercept anything but a slow S9 torpedo
have you tried not sitting still
Love seeing this cope. I love it so much. The mindset of the citizencuck is an incredible thing.
the state of the PDS matters not at all to me, I don't own a single ship that has one
Why are you typing like that you fucking retarded mutt?
do you have difficulty reading english?
>matters not
Shut the fuck up you muttoid faggot. Utterly cringe inducing. Learn to speak english amerimutt scum.
The clouds on ArcCorp look so FUCKING STUPID

Do these fuckers know ANYTHING about space?!
they are reworking it for the 10th time mr redditor
you simply MUST be brown.
I wonder what will happen with the clouds when they put in their crazy parameter system on a planet with no oceans or bodies of water, no green space whatsoever, etc
They're going to make a cloud so immersive that you can fuck it
if that is you then you need a haircut and to decide if you are going to embrace being bald or not cause god damn what the fuck
Is it feasible to make a S.T.A.L.K.E.R MMO with this engine?
Well, it derives from an FPS engine, and still retains that after 12 years of modifications, so yea.
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Oh dear, a linguistically challenged peasant from the East Indies is throwing a tantrum! I say, how uncouth!
They can't even make a Star Citizen MMO with this Star Citizen MMO engine, so probably not.
>Make an entire planet the size of Luna into a city
>Make Luna have clouds
Honestly of those two, the city part is less believable, but both is downright dumb.
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Space is fake and gay so all space games are really just fantasy.
>Space is fake
Okay, didn't know that, thanks. What is the stuff between planets then? Marmalade?
ArcCorp is literally smaller than Pluto. What were they thinking?
>t. dead Jew on a stick worshiper
No one cares about your retarded opinions.
americans woke up
Sold my gaming pc 3 years ago, is it worth it to buy another for 4.0?
Should probably wait till its live in all its glory to find out for yourself.
try 1.0
Yeah, but don't try to eat it, you won't like the flavor.
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>Message of the day
>38 minutes ago
>(Frjádagr) 2 Possible goals today/tomorrow
>1) We have a new 4.0 build in the works for Evocati
>2) We have a possible 3.24.3 build being worked on for release today or tomorrow for all backers!
I don't know why the Cult of Star Citizen Tech thinks anyone wants this clunky as shit engine
also the ptu patch has starlancer and pooplaris
is ptu patch out already
No, probably tonight (US time) at the earliest, more likely tomorrow. They say they're working on getting the 4.0 patch out first so it kinda depends how that goes.
4.0 should be 15 minutes or so away according to Waka
3.24.3 "is going to be a late one tonight"
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>New Vehicle: Polaris - The Captain's Quarters will be locked on initial 3.24.3 release as it’s still undergoing iteration (more details will be provided in the upcoming Polaris Q&A). The rest of the ship, however, is ready for testing.
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>they've started releasing ships piecemeal
gg ez
s7 gun turret on Polaris is p cool, bespoke ballistic cannon probably similar or the same as what's on the Persius
I believe those are s6's actually.
28 torps ready to go, and the torp station is a remote camera you need someone to man in order to fire them.
If any of you want to run around a Polaris right now, the PTU is open to all and both the starlancer and the polaris is available to rent.
Wave 1 should have them automatically too, but you need to recopy and it's fucked right now, people who did it when the patch drops are only JUST getting it now.
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>own kraken
>no polaris rental
I don't know what I expected
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For S1 missiles, Pioneer or Taskforce?
I've been using and recommending task force because of the bugged explosion radius, but with how shitty the servers are, they basically never hit.
Pioneer is one of like four missiles with proximity detonation and a almost-as-bugged radius. What am I missing that makes Taskforce the go-to?
misc is the best
You got what you fucking deserve.
*joker dances*
Wont the Zeus be overpriced trash? The MAX sells for 4mil ingame and the corsair is 6mil so instead of getting something like the Zeus CL (will prolly be somewhere in the middle closer to the corsair) why not just go for the corsair?
Also Freelancer rework when?
I think the zeus is supposed to fill a longer range transport role.
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>see polaris-chan trying to dock at Seraphim arm without using autopilot
>see her exterior doors open
>space walk my fat ass between the docking arm and her airlock because she can make contact
>polaris airlock is an actual airlock; it has both an exterior door and an interior door to maintain atmosphere
>interior door is fucking locked
>polaris owner freaks out, does a barrel roll, throws me clear out of the docking collar and into Crusader's gravity well
Pretty fun time to be had on PTU
Fucking christ
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I'm making a new build around a 9800x3d. Will probably get one of the 5 series cards when Nvidia releases them. I'm wondering if 64gb of ram would be a good idea. I see a lot of posts from people saying upgrading from 32 to 64 gave them noticeable performance / stability increases. Anyone here make the jump or was always using 64gb?
64gb is worth it for a 5 series build, no matter what you're using.
make sure the memory is fast also, makes a huge difference in SC
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>go do distro murder mission last night
>comms up, no crimestat
>do one tonight
>CS4, 7 hour sentence
Goodnight folks!
Generation C is gonna have a good time once Star Citizen finally releases 1.0.
They can play it in their retirement homes on Mars.
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>thinking 7 hours sentence is a lot
>not knowing how to be put of jail in 5 minutes
Tough break, Bob. Enjoy your Klescher fade
Should I upgrade my vulture to a starlancer MAX or my corsair to a starlancer TAC
Do you have 3+ other people to fly with you at all times? If the answer is no, then stick with your corsair/vulture.
How many people for a corsair? I feel like trying to fly a corsair solo is dumb. Too big and you lose out on the remote and manned turrets
So what? The bigger the ship the more likely engineering is going to fuck you whenever that comes in. Really I'd say a corsair is too big, but it's still more soloable than a starlancer.
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Why are no whales content with just a small ship and a wing of your friends?

Large ships have expensive upkeep, tedious engineering shit and are highly inefficient, unless you have a large crew that isn't getting disconnected or bugging out.

Nearly every Polaris owner fancies themselves as Captain Picard and any other players are plebs to help indulge their main character syndrome. Even then a lot of players hate the idea of socialising with other players in an MMO and want CGI to put more time and resources into NPC companions.

Basically fuck large ships.
Will you be spending real money to do either?
No. I have a gift card and the hull upgrade is roughly the same in either case.
>Why are no whales content with just a small ship and a wing of your friends?
None of my friends have the time + money to spend on a new PC and SC. Also I can automate nearly everything with blades.
Starlancer max
>length: 83m
>width: 52m
>height: 16m
>length: 82m
>width: 52m
>height: 24m
She's fucking perfect bros
>Also I can automate nearly everything with blades.
This is such a retarded take I don't even know where to begin.
It's bait. Don't engage.
AI blades are planned for 1.0 anon. They will be able to regulate engineering, turrets and other functions of the ship as well.
>inb4 it's impossible
Naysayers tongue my anus.
Not me, I just bought it because it was cool as fuck and I was able to get it relatively cheaply with CCUs years ago. I play with friends/org most of the time so I can at least skeleton crew it and from experience with other large ships like the Hammerhead we usually don't need anybody to larp as a captain, people know how to do their jobs and we can do most of the decision making collaboratively or at most have somebody acting as a "tactical coordinator" just flagging targets to focus on and whatever. I also don't expect anybody to sign onto a long-term crew, it'll just be impromptu getting the ship out for a few hours of play.
>Message of the day
>42 minutes ago
>Pledge copy is now back up and running for PTU account creation
>1) We have a new 4.0 build in the works for Evocati
>2) A new 3.24.3 build has been released to the PTU for all backers! IAE expo halls will run over the weekend starting tonight. Save Stanton Global Even running Saturday/Sunday VERSION 3.24.3-PTU.9408732
are they working weekends now or is that evo message from yesterday
>everything I don't like is bait
Getting real 2013 vibes from you faggots.
CIG themselves said that blades, both software and hardware versions, will be able to automate things like turret control and shield distribution. Why that makes you seethe, I will never understand.
>other functions
I can't imagine spending money on this game thinking that. Insane levels of delusion.
You don't need to lie, retard. They held a 2020 AMA and they talked about it.
not him but trusting that anything from 2020 will still be entirely accurate when 1.0 isn't coming until 2026 at the earliest is pretty stupid.
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They literally have PDC blades on the Pheonix and Polaris *right now* in the PTU

I hate you niggers so goddamn much for lying about the most basic shit.
An auto-PDC and bladed manned turrets becoming AI anti-ship weapons are two completely different things and one look at the PDC behavious should tell you this.
PDC's don't target enemy ships. Blades will not work on manned turrets. Blades will not do engineering for you. If you take damage you will need to go and remove the component before your ship blows up by hand. Stop being a dumb fuck.
The Vanguard and the Zeus not fitting would be fine if they had their proper QT tanks. The Vanguard was sold as a long range ground/station based patrol fighter and the Zeus is an expedition ship. Both should have 4SCU of quantum at least.
They need to fix the tank size first.

>Starlancer MAX has same Yaw and Pitch as Zeus CL.

The ships maneuverability was absolutely gutted to make C1 owners feel better.
>Blades will not work on manned turrets.
Perseus Q&A says we will have turrets that can be controlled by blades or by humans.
>Blades will not do engineering for you.
Star Citizen Birthday AMA with Chris Roberts, Todd Papy, and Tony Zurovec says we will have blades that can control engineering, interior security and power management.
I'm not going to link the threads of the videos, you don't even deserve that much.
Typically they don't update the loaner matrix on PTU. The Zeus MR owners still had the Cutlass Blue until 3.24.2 officially released.
They should just make an aircraft carrier analog. It can be piloted by 1-2 people, and can launch and repair multiple smaller craft. You get your capital ship and you get your fleet.
They also said they will release in 2016.
Two questions for polaris fags
1) What's the duration of the insurance claim
2) What's the visibility like from the captain's chair
>want CGI to put more time
>polarisissies btfo by the starlancer MOG
For something that's been in the works for so long the interior is fucking dogshit.
you don't like the nursing home mobility elevator to get down the small flight of stairs?
You want that to move torpedoes around. I'm not sure with the obscene powercreep anyone will want to fly a Polaris over say a Kraken or an Odin.
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>fall into polaris torpedo banks
>can't get out
Completely different usecase and also triple the crew needed *at minimum*
What? Take your meds.
It was called the Odin before it got changed to Galaxy, sorry.
If anything the galaxy will be competing with the starlancer and carrack.
Though if the interior design is as soulless and rushed as the poolaris I can see it losing out to both.
Galaxy would have been more interesting to me if I didn't get other ships.

I am more excited for the Perseus for run of the mill PVE VHRT/ERT bounties and events, especially after seeing how large the crew needed for a polaris is, cool as it is (functionally, aesthetically it looks like an eye sore to me).

A basic crew of 3 is easy to cobble together it was rarer for me to get 6 players for a HH outside of events and it can scale up beyond 3 crew if more people join. Hopefully the pilot controls the s5 tubes. two dual S7 turrets as opposed to quad S4s and dual S6 for a small crew which is what I deal with most of the time currently sounds more effective for brawls paired with the armour and smaller size but it is all speculation.

Instead of a modular ship like the galaxy I've opted for the liberator, It is pretty versatile on paper I'd switch to a different ship if it doesn't work out.
I know it is just meant to be a ferry and is pretty wasteful compared to modular and dedicated ships at its price point for performing any role (mining/salvage) but it doesn't need a huge crew you can probably easily manage with 2 people if not attacked and synergies well early game with early money makers (prospector/vulture) that can be piloted solo like a small base albeit at great risk because you can't really protect yourself.

Worth trying it solo before insurance is fleshed out for the hell of it since you have 400SCU and can hopefully fit an expanse and prospector, or a vulture. For medical you can easily fit an ursa in there or C8R.
For base building you can fit a prospector, expanse in the top pads, C8R in the front pad. and inside you can put the argo construction and cargo trucks to collect and refine whatever is required.
A lot of other players will have small ships as well early game so it is easier for them to tag along and play with.

Smaller ships would still be important to make money early game so you are not stuck with big ships only in your hangar
Just have them fire you into space and get picked up.
>no infiltrating a vessel through torpedo launch tubes like in Republic Commando
>expecting that to be possible
I am shocked I can place a waterbottle and I don't fly out of my ship half of the time
Blud finna type war an peace
Ong ain't no one reading that one foenem frfr
2000 words is nothing
>todd papy
Doesn't work there anymore. You're coping heavily. They said recently ai blades only work on remote turrets. You're a fucking moron. Keep spending money on this shit though you dumb fuck.
>basic crew of 3
>no engineers
The basic crew of a perseus is 5.
I reckon 3 could probably manage in pve by having the bottom gunner temporarily do engineering duties.
5 is optimal but you aren't always going to have 5 people playing at a given time 4 sounds more achievable.
I think you're underestimating how important engineering will be in combat. Especially on ships that rely on their armor more than their shields. CiG have made it clear at this point that they want big ships to use multiple players corresponding to the size.
The idea your bottom turret guy can get out change a fuse and that's your engineering for the fight I think is fantasy land. We know CiG's intentions that they want a relative amount of players according to ship size and that engineering will be one of the most important jobs on a larger ship. Especially combat ships.
If you want to headcanon your tiny crew cap ship with 3 people that's fine. But from everything CiG is saying and doing that number is probably going to be 5 people. And we're not taking into account the fact CiG has said that AI blades will not be anywhere near as good as player gunners meaning your point defense might be garbage and require players if you want to have any sort of real defensive ability.
no harm in trying when it is out.
i wonder how people find 2-5 players who don't mind sitting in turrets instead of flying spaceships in a gane about flying spaceships
Some people don't wanna just fly spaceships.
If you've ever played a crew game like pulsar or barotrauma you'll realise that people enjoying other roles is possible.
Of course, this requires friends first so I can see why this general hasn't.
There are people who spend whole day emoting in mmo's like ffxiv and wow. You can find all kinds of people to fill niche role's in mmo's if the role in question is deep and fun enough. Also the same people are not gonna spend hours in turrets. Only when shit hits the fan and even then, It's gonna be in shifts
It literally hasn't happened yet. People just assume they will be able to get people because they're in an org or whatever. But sitting in a turret is the most unfun thing you can do in the game I know because I've done it a few times. It's going to be harder and harder to find people to sit in cap ships when flying your own ship is more fun and even worse than that more effective.
One guy in a turret on a perseus or idris is nothing to having a second fighter ship or snub in terms of combat effectiveness.
Maybe you'll be able to get very very new people to sit in your turret but that won't last long.
>anon posts about how he looks forward to having fun in his ship with his 3 friends
>some autistic retard responds with a veritable essay telling him he's stupid and how the devs vision means no fun allowed
Shut the fuck up theorycrafter, we'll see when it's out.
It's called a reality check for a reason cunt. Lose some weight you old fat fuck.
You are so desperate to be right about others not being able to have fun because they don't have as many boyfriends as you and you're going to look like a tool when it turns out that a 3 man Perseus will easily do bounties.
I can't wait to watch you sneedthe when fun isn't restricted to people willing to jerk each other off in Discord to try and convince them to replace fuses and push torpedo buttons while you play captain.
I aint reading all that drivel you fat fuck. You spent almost a thousand bucks on a ship you don't have friends to help you fly and you're mad about it. Seethe cope and dilate. Meanwhile next time you want to spend money look down at your fat fucking gut and think about spending those starshitizen bucks on a track machine you sweaty balding fat mutt.
Unironic schizo knows he's wrong so lashes out at a known quantity, some fat guy on 4chan who seemingly lives in his head rent free instead of actually accepting he has no idea what the future holds in this game because they literally change their mind every year.
It would be sad if it weren't so funny.
>No I'm not fat! you're a schizo! How do you know I'm fat!?
Because you're a sensitive little fairy who blows up because someone reality checks you. The hall mark of a fat boomer who lives in head canon fantasies of being captain kirk on his own starship.
It's so peak sitting here knowing you unironically believe I am your 4chan rival when I maybe post here once every week or so. Why does this guy you think I am make you so mad anyway?
Maybe you should log off little bro, these threads don't have anywhere near enough activity for you to be this invested.
>little bro
Trying way too hard. You're not beating the fat mutt allegations spacedad lol.
It doesn't matter if you believe me or not, the part that makes it funny to me is that you are sitting there dedicating energy to being mad at this person and I know that I am not them. Like I said, it's fucking peak.
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>you are sitting there dedicating energy to being mad at this person and I know that I am not them
Starlancer is one of the best interiors done yet.
I just wish they'd kept the plant wall.
Odin was the Perseus, not the Galaxy.
Not that anon but you sound like a fat space dad living in fantasy land.
Shut up nigger, I dont care about the actual subject of engineering an crew sizes but I am sick of speculators insisting their theorycrafting is canon. You have literally no idea what the game will play like beyond what's on servers now.
Seething lmao
That's literally what you're doing though retard.
literally this
all of those examples don't counter the fact that in star citizen specifically this is the situation>>1496568
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The things i posted earlier in this thread started an argument that has lasted for about 3 days, and i haven't posted anything about it for 4 days now.
At this point I'm pretty sure it's one guy arguing with himself.
There's like one post every 6 hours here so I'm not sure why you're acting like we're on /vg/ in a thousand post an hour general.
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>posted 3 days ago
>haven't posted in 4 days
Checked, i admit i did not express my self clearly. A discussion that has dwelved into insults and has nothing to do with my original posts has been posted into this thread long after i left.
>reality check
The reality is that the feature doesn't exist yet.
It might also be the reality that you believe CIG's words have the incontrovertible power of prophecy, but that sounds like a you problem.
>They said recently ai blades only work on remote turrets.
soo where 900 years into the future, but we can't remote control a turret from the co-pilot seat? (even if it is a turret with a seating position what's so dificult about a camera plus conected to the co-pilot seat?)
There's a lot of stuff that's retarded in SC anon. Like the fact that the UEE can make an artificial planet, but can't figure out how to avoid terraforming disasters.
I'd be okay with terraforming disasters as long as it were companies like crusader doing them or renegade companies, not the official UEE. They can fit many things easily into the lore, lets say: UEE is successful at terraforming but private military companies aren't, simple as.
Citcon talks were about new engine features included in unreal engine almost a decade ago
Isn't the artificial planet a total clusterfuck boondoggle though?
Synthworld is a bureaucratic nightmare and a huge resource drain for the UEE. But it's still technologically feasible.

The terraforming accidents in the UEE come down to human error. The Mars catastrophe of 2125 was literally a case of the government knowingly using faulty AI software to manage the process.
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I never understand "log in, waiting for the subway train" complaints.
My first action each and every wipe is to get to the orbital station medical bay and set a new regen location, which I thought was everyone's standard practice.
I avoid cities unless absolutely necessary and I can't process something like this
>wanting to NOT be cucked in the city
suit yourself chud
Polaris feels more mobile than a vulture, what the hell
Polaris goes burr
marketing, they will nerf it when the sale is over
>But it's still technologically feasible.
No it's not.
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They always seem to either massively overshoot or undershoot maneuverability when ships first hit PTU, usually they get balanced out (usually to a barely tolerable point that nobody likes) by the time they hit live though.
They've already built more than half of it.
Isn't the polaris the one that's supposed to ram ships? Or was that the Perseus? Not the hammerhead I mean a capital.
is this an edit?
None of them were supposed to ram ships but you're probably thinking of the Perseus, one of the concept art pieces looked like it was ramming another ship to the point that the devs put out a comment saying "no it's flying through the ship after shooting it in half, it's not made to ram."
>on track for another record breaking funding year
Croberts is unstoppable.
Only one ship is actually designed to ram ships. It's the caterpillar. That's what the "parking sensors" are for. It's supposed to hit a target, cut into the hull (hence the name), take the cargo and eject the command module to escape.
That's in an old part of the brochure when modules (including a Halo style mancannon on the front for insane boarding attacks) were still part of the caterpillar's plan. With how physics is implemented in Starcit now and modules in general for any ship I think it's safe to say we might be seeing functionality a little like that when we get Squadron 42 episode 2 release dates.
>Kraken was teased 6 years ago
>fake scarcity sale
>still no signs of being released
>BMM in an even more of an absolute state
>server meshing still not here
>now they are openly talking about instancing shit
Just had an idea here: Maybe the BMM is still not done because the parasite fighter physics of it and the BD just don't work with the dogshit netcode?
The ship design teams work on whatever they want so duh no one wants to be bmm team with how many eyes are on it. Why would anyone want to come up with an entire design aesthetic when the could slap together a constellation super ultra turbo supreme.
> Maybe the BMM is still not done because the parasite fighter physics of it and the BD just don't work with the dogshit netcode?
No, they changed the idea of the fighter (banu defender) attaching to the hull, opting for a standardised small hangar on the top. The ship isnt done because the team of experienced artists that could see it through all left the company, leaving those who were left to just shelve it until they could build up and train more people, and eventually tackle it. Everything about the ship is unique and wont let newbies just fuck around with its whitebox model.
How much of a cuck does one need to be to unironically fly the Constellation Phoenix right now?
Maximum cuck.
Cripp for life
Why are you flying a big ship if you don't have a shitload of big guns
Also the escape pods on the connie are pointless just jump out of the back of the sair it's almost the same thing if you're fighting a player
the instancing is a response to having too many players in a server, its the only way to service the same mission to alot of players
What if they just used the stupid amount of empty space in the game to have like 60 versions of the same mission type available without using instances?
they arent instancing everything, just shit that spawns in specific small locations like LZs
Best vehicles to get cucked in list:
Freelancer (you get to watch Chris tie your gf to a tickle table in this one)
600i (you have to watch a carrack fuck your gf)
Hawk (you tie her up in the pod and listen from the cockpit)
Greycat Roc
The best part of my list is every vehicle here is powercrept and mostly inferior. You get double cucked with them.
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>Imperial Sports Federation
I just noticed that. What the fuck do they mean by that? Are they gonna do pic related?
Are they gonna make use of the BPM aim malus mechanic and make it an obstacle-course 3-gun style shoot instead? Would be pretty based if so. Though I doubt the bongs would be capable of comprehending it instead of some gay olympics peashooter airsoft faggotry
If you look at some coop games these days the sweetspot seems to be 3 players now whereas the default was usually around 4.
Space marines 2 is one example.
If they aim to be an MMO and have a healthy player base that wants to multicrew it can still work out.

I've enjoyed using turrets, it is pretty fun with rudder pedals and using stick pitch like a ball turret but I can see sitting in a turret all the time would get boring fast for some people but it is not as bad as it sounds for many most would probably like it because they can veg out and just watch their streams or reals or whatever it is they do until there is action.
Minigames would be fun for downtime as well, I remember in maplestory you had minigames and puzzles you could play with others while waiting on the boats like omok.

You got games like Arma, Tarkov, Dayz, and stalker anomaly/gamma that people still seem to play despite the tedium, just has to hit the right spot doesn't have to always be adrenaline packed action. Sometimes the downtime where you can just chill is appreciated.
there's a bunch of retards who chronically misspell CIG, it seems to be a calling card of dipshits who like to come here and write essays to show each other back on ebaumsworld with how many replies they got
I just submitted this as evidence on a bug report
>polaris releases after 8 fucking years and costs like 800 bucks
>it's mid
It's the one guy who calls everyone a "bob" like being good at the unfinished broken dogshit that is SC PvP means anything.
>it's mid
actually it's capital
All the capital ships are garbage. Look at the hammerhead. It's meant to be an anti fighter gun boat and it sucks at it. What are you even going to do in a Polaris or Perseus? Shoot at other capships?
>Message of the day
>3 minutes ago
>(Mánadagr) We are currently putting together a new 3.24.3 build for release onto the PTU later today
its fucking nothing
PTU isn't even worth playing fucking 15 fps ass
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bumping my list
And what a fucking wasted opportunity once again proving CIG are incompetent
Corsair, you get to hear the door to the cabins open and close as your gf goes through all the crew
That list is only for double cucks, sir. Corsair still has a reasonable use case in game.
>Q&A states you can fit a storm into the starlancer
>storm doesn't fit in the starlancer
what did they mean by this?
You deserve it.
Deserve what? I don't own one.
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Kraken cucks seething (again)
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Wait, moons have orbits now?

And dynamic clouds now? I thought this stuff wasn't gonna be added for years.
no, they just rotate on their own axis, the long long long term plan is to eventually make celestial bodies orbit(they said it already works but current quantum is not compatible with it)
Extreme doubt
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it just works in starfield
it was said by that french dev in an interview by some streamer or whatever in citcon, smothing along "we have that internally but our current implementation of quantum doesnt work well with it"
It was from the CTO, and here is the reply he gave
>Actually, we already have the systems in place, but they're disabled for the moment, because we've discovered a lot of effects through that. It's something we're going to try to bring back, but it's not the priority at the moment, our focus is on bringing gameplay into the game.
>But it does have an effect, i.e. if we implement this principle, it will have an impact on the systems for changing zones, etc.
>First and foremost, we need to have something stable and solid at the moment before we consider moving on to a new system rule like this.
>>First and foremost, we need to have something stable and solid at the moment before we consider moving on to a new system rule like this.
how I wish they truly felt this way
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>polaris can hold six fighters
>starlancer can hold four fighters
>caterpillar can hold.. eight?
I can't take this shit man
Like I legitimately don't understand the purpose of my ship. Anything with a cargo door can do what my ship can do, but better. And they EXIST.
Caterpillar doesn't hold shit besides boxes outside of the pipdream of modules.
cat could hold probably five furies. 4 I can confirm because they fit in the main cargo boxes, the front I haven't tried but it seems a safe bet. nothing bigger is getting in there. it's a headache even landing those.
That's all meme bullshit man, shit for streamers to do with their communities for fun once in a while. SC physics jank and the average pilot's skill level make sardine packing ships impractical and 99% of players can't even crew the big ships much less 4-8 fighters on top of that, plus they don't even have quarters for the pilots, plus they won't have the ability to rearm, refuel, and repair all of those ships. Your Kraken will actually be made for carrying a bunch of ships instead of just one (Polaris) or none (the other two), it can actually support them and doesn't force people to go 1m/s for 20 minutes to squeeze into a tiny gap, and carries an absolute fuckton of cargo on top of that. Also, shit, if you're talking about packing maximum ships into an available space, the Kraken will probably be able to carry like 30 Arrows or something.

Before somebody says something, btw, I own a Polaris, a Starlancer, and a Cat, but NOT a Kraken.
What's the point of refueling ships like the starfarer now if refueling ships is going to be very easy even in pyro?
Pyro is very big. Much larger than you think.
Retaliator has them now so it seems possible but they only look at older ships once in a blue moon because they have to keep hyping up new shit that also gets instantly neglected the first few hotfixes upon release unless a new ship comes along with the same piece of work.
You might get the detachable pilot thing when the fatterpiller is out, modularity if you are lucky will get a gold pass with the galaxy but since they are tailor made modules to the ship fat fucking luck, it will be stuck forever at the ass end of their priority queue.

They won't prioritize work on something unless it is tied to a money maker or a fad of the month feature they are hyping up which lures in more pledges. It's all about new money first and foremost above EVERYTHING else.
literally meaningless
I agree. Every ship should just be a small transparent cube with nothing but a chair and all the other functions attached to it. There should be no character or immersive design in my game!
>muh roleplaying
Okay captain faggard.
This, but unironically.
This, but ironically.
Agreed, you should join an org and offer your services as a homosexual prostitute in the living quarters of your favorite org. Now that's real immersion.
Can you roleplaying fantasist head canonners just fuck off? You're already playing a different game in your heads, go make a general for it.
Can't tell if samefag or not considering i posted this>>1498644
Literally the entire game was pitched as a autistic immersion sim
I bet you only started playing this year
Immersion in space combat, not a fucking nominal task simulator.
Immersion in life in space, retard. The game was pitched as a life sim not a combat sim.
If you want that, go play fucking CHoaDE.
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>new issue pops up
>gets reported on IC
>look again a few days later
>it's been flagged as a duplicate of a tangientally related issue that's been around and ignored for over a year and a half
What's the fucking point of having an issue tracker if you're just going to sweep all of this shit under the rug anyway?
It was literally an immersive space life sim and the sold the game to be that dream
>muh freelancer
Been here since 2013, seen all the promises made and promises changed, immersion does not mean having an animation for every piece of equipment you put on, immersion is a good complex environment that draws you in. If you want to be immersed into the game while cleaning floors and cooking meals then go play another game. Timesinks=/=Immersion.
No it was pitched as chris roberts sequel to wing commander which would also have an mmo component to it that eventually ballooned into this monster that will never be finished because you stupid boomers demanded shitting and pissing be put into the game to satisfy your retarded spess fantasies.
Revisionist history.
Hate faggots like those, but they did say it would have life sim components, i remember it. But immersion has ALWAYS been about flying the spaceships.
Is it now?
12 years ago, CR talking about immersion

Imagine how many ships you can fit on kraken with this logic.
You can land a Polaris on Kraken
>5 gorillion ton titanic ship hovering at an angle perpendicular to the ground
>not even main thrusters keeping it up, just the little shitty maneuver ones
>muh immersion cries the whales
An average whale episode
Crobbers will never change the channel.
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>if you don't RP and hail with a Disney Pirate accent and demand space doubloons and actually take space cargo and then let them go it's not real piracy it's just griefing and i love real pirates and let them do it to me all the time if they play by the space rules otherwise I delete griefers using my daily driver connie phoenix or pre-nerf corsair (RIP)
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>Message of the day
>26 minutes ago
>(Tysdagr) We currently have 2 goals today
>1) We have a new 4.0 EPTU build in the works for an Evocati publish later today
>2) We have a new 3.24.3 All backers PTU build in the works with further stability and server performance improvements for release today
big day
They're supposed to matter eventually, and if you're really doing the fuckery to get a ship packed with snubs or Arrows you're probably gonna want to be able to log out on the thing and everybody's gonna want personal storage. Life support could be an issue with packing a ship with double the rated capacity too.
>They're supposed to matter eventually,
Ship quarters will never matter. What you don't understand is that Chris Roberts is a worse Peter Molyneux than Peter Molyneux. He promises everything without a concept of how it's going to work.
Explain to me what is going to happen if I don't log out in a bed? What happens if the servers crash and I'm in a ship? Quarters will never matter eventually or otherwise. They're for roleplaying purposes only.
>roleplaying purposes only
Good thing it's a roleplaying game then and not a cockpit sim, eh?
The game is 90% roleplaying and 10% gameplay yes.
So it's a roleplaying game? Glad we agree, pleasure conversing with you anon.
LARPing I'd say. Especially since there's so little gameplay.
Roleplayers will be the death of this game
By the same coin though, packing a Polaris with 6 Arrows or a Cat with 5 Furies is basically RP as well, there's no reason to do it unless you and your friends want to roleplay a carrier without having an actual carrier. The only possible advantage over just deploying normal fighters from a station or LZ would be sustainability over multiple play sessions and CIG have made a pretty significant point that we'll eventually need a bed for every player to do that. Sure that's way off in the future but so is the Kraken that the other anon started this whole conversation about.
There may be gameplay reasons for having 10 fury's in your perseus for an org fight. There will never be a gameplay reason for crew quarters.
>There will never be a gameplay reason for crew quarters.
There is, it should allows spawns. It should be the tier 0 medbed, with a 10 minute delay for a respawn. But this will never happen, other than that i agree, form over function brainrott is present everywhere in this game, and everyone just slurps it up despite bad design and terrible gameplay.
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>it WILL matter
That's my favorite SC line too

Any info on these Pyro Repeaters? Obviously they look like attritions.
Log off location / place you do Animal Crossing shit to keep your NPC crew happy
>NPC crew
Talked about forever at the point
>log off location
For what? No one's going to want to log off on your ship except you. They want to do other shit like bounty hunting or cargo missions. This is just another captain picard fantasy boomers have that will never come to fruition. It's actually sad.
I mean if you recall the patch where anything below a Constellation in size had meaningfully slow QT rates relative to others that is part of the vision. People will hang out on your whale ship just to get around faster and do missions out of.
You're deluded.
Are they just going to rework every ship interior that has a crew quarters to suit your shitposting? You do remember that passenger carrying is part of the vision as well, right?
Hey buddy, the starfield general is two blocks down.
>rework it
What are you talking about?
>passenger carrying
We have no idea what that's going to be like and passenger craft don't have crew quarters they have seats people can sit on like an airplane.
Why do boomers fantasize so much about shit that'll never happen. You're a grown ass man.
>Explain to me what is going to happen if I don't log out in a bed? What happens if the servers crash and I'm in a ship?
Quarters will basically exist as a debuff removal area and a buff application area.
We know for a fact that hygiene will be a contributing factor to gameplay. We also know that hunger and rest will be a contributing factor to survival of a spessman.
Something else to consider is that some beds act as escape pods.
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If NPC crew doesn't happen then all of the 890j owners are turbofucked. So it's an inevitability at this point.
>inb4 it won't happen
You think some poor wagie is going to come home and act as a butler on your intergalactic yacht? lmao get fucked.
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Passenger carrying is also redundant to some extent because everyone has their own ship/ships. We all have a ship we are fond of and like to fly, so why must we be a cuck and sit in the back of some pay piggies ship?

I also hate the idea of roleplaying an ensign on a military ship owned by a middle aged twat with delusions of grandeur. No! I will not be a crew mate for your megalomaniac captain fantasies. No! I refuse to be an engineering cuck running around replacing fuses in a tedious process while everyone is out having fun. No! I refuse to sit in a turret plinking away, doing fuck all damage and getting fuck all coverage because you can't steer your expensive Polaris right. No! I refuse to to be torpedo tube gimp loading and unloading torpedoes and occasionally falling into said tubes due to shitty code.

I will be flying MY ship on MY terms. Enjoy your overpriced Robert cash grab ship that will die to two poorfags in Buccaneers because the fundamental fly model is fucked.
How's live holding up under the new event?
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Shame the game performance is SHIT.
NPC crew is not coming for 1.0. They've already said it.
Remember CiG is already working on another game that's not squadron or star citizen lol. Expect 1.0 buggy, broken and barebones and then the mmo to be dropped completely.
I think most passenger carrying is going to be you carrying NPCs for money. Just like hauling or whatever. I can see some use with people being in a location without a ship and needing to go somewhere else. But it seems niche.
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its up
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If it requires NPC's God help us all. It will be like hauling but worse. Imagine cargo that walks around and clips into chairs, or refuses to move.

Also do we know for certain that Star Citizen 1.0 is coming out in 2026 alongside Squadron 42? Have they actually said it would be out in 2026 or is that just SQ42?
cool, but this just looks like the current static clouds in motion. they break on the mountains though which is neat
I don't think they've said that and I wouldn't care if they had, 1.0 is waaaay more ambitious and they aren't pumping out 4 systems between now and 2026, not to mention all the gameplay systems they've laid out
>Imagine cargo that walks around and clips into chairs, or refuses to move.
That's what the prisoner slave pods are for.
There's a middle ground, though. My org has a bare minimum chain of command just because trying to do anything with 30 people in the same voice channel is chaos but by and large within a single ship it's just a group of friends fucking around, there isn't any milsim larp bullshit going on. Plenty of people don't want to fly their own ships all the time too, I'm a pretty serious combat pilot but there are absolutely times when I'd rather not have to set my sticks and pedals up and just want to chill in a turret or an easy engineering role while shooting the shit with my friends.
That'll be exactly it. They'll spawn from the elevator. Meamble into your ship. Teleport to the chairs. Then same when you land.
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And that's fine, but you are the minority. You can have a chill session with bros in a Cutlass black. Where it get tedious is when the ship is large or a capital. You can't really chill in those and you will be a large bullseye for pirates and gankers.

The best chill you can do is get a couple of cutter ramblers, go to a moon and fuck around. I feel like a lot of these whales feel heavily entitled. They expect either an NPC crew now now now, or players to fawn over them at the opportunity to step foot on a Kraken or Polaris and be an engineer cuck.
We don't know when 1.0 is coming out. No one knows. 2026 is a CONFIDENT EXPECTATION from the chief scam artist himself. So expect 2028. I doubt we will see 1.0 until 2029/30 honestly.
We've done stuff with multiple large ships, full crew Hammerheads and Carracks and stuff, on many occasions. It works out better than you'd think it would. Maybe I've just found a goldilocks org, and part of it is that we have a LOT of whales so there's no situation where it's the one big spender ordering a bunch of starter plebs around, but I think people underestimate how many people are down to crew.

I think the whole issue could also be resolved through content. If you can make significantly more money manning a turret for the evening than you would using a solo ship then it suddenly ought to become pretty easy to get crew. Making it so that hitting the high levels of mission progression and guild rank is a lot more practical with a crewed big ship (fighting capitals that are a hell of a lot easier with Polaris torps than anything a solo fighter can carry etc.) could do that too. More punishing insurance mechanics also add to that as well, I think when claiming is a bigger deal a lot of people might be more down to do risky content in somebody else's ship.
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In terms of practicality is it not more efficient to just create a wing of fighters?

You have more firepower, you have more utility ,and your org is not one single big ship that when it gets taken out, takes out your org essentially.

The fundamental problem is the flight model and balance. Big ships are just not worth it from a monetary value and gameplay standpoint.

If the fundamentals of this game like flight model and server meshing are not nailed down, then the large ships wont work.
Crewing a big ship is a different gameplay experience and can be more fun than a wing of fighters, especially if you do enough solo/small group fighter content that you're bored of it. There's a reason people play games like Sea of Thieves. You're right that the balance isn't really there for it right now but CIG have sold so many big multicrew ships that they kind of have to make them worth using eventually and until then it's just a nice change of pace sometimes.

I do think that people who think they'll have full-time, long-term crews on their caps are delusional though, it'll always be something where you crew up a ship for a single play session and then disband until the next time.
>larping boomer schizo is back
its over bros
We have enough activity to not need stale bait for bumps.
>doubt we will see 1.0 until 2029
What's the incentive to do anything but kick the 1.0 can down the road forever? They've already successfully monetized.
>2026 is a CONFIDENT EXPECTATION from the chief scam artist himself.
Where'd you see that? I've been guessing that they're shooting for 2026 based on leaks from earlier this year (before 4.0 slipped) saying late '25 and thinking they'll want it out around the time SQ42 comes out so they can funnel people from that into SC, but I haven't seen any official word on it at all.
any predictions about 1.0 eta, until we see working meshing, are retarded desu
What even is the business strategy going forwards for SC when pledging ends if the cheat detection is so dogshit you can pretty much generate infinite aUEC from mimute zero of a patch release and no admin shit happens?
Anon above you, I'm only speculating on CIG's plans, not what'll actually happen.
They're already working on another game called Soulsinger. I know everyone memes about it but Soulsinger is a medieval fantasy game Chris wants to make and is already diverting funds to it and looking for investors. It was confirmed in the article about CiG being retarded and pissing away 700mil with nothing to show for it.
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>It was confirmed in the article
>My org has a bare minimum chain of command just because trying to do anything with 30 people in the same voice channel is chaos
Unironically has anyone done this as good as MAG? Why has no one, video game or voip service copied their system?
>8 people to squad
>4 squads to a platoon
>4 platoons to a company
>each grouping has a leader (and every leader is still part of a squad)
>leaders have access to all leader chats lower than their rank + their squad chat and proximity
>everyone can talk to people near them on proximity
>non-leaders can only talk to their squad
>squad leaders can coordinate with eachother
>platoon leaders can coordinate with eachother and their own squad leaders
>company commander can can tell everyone what to do with anything between big 1-way team-wide announcement comms or coordinate down to talking on the squad leader comms
You could actually have 128 v 128 and the comms WORKED and there was COORDINATION.
They could just borrow from eve and add clones that you can only spawn into if all characters are stowed. They can always bullshit the lore, the lore is always bullshit.

That way you can play with friends more easily without having to constantly travel for ages (unless you want to move your equipment there) especially if the number of systems becomes larger eventually and I don't see it breaking the game.

>Remember CiG is already working on another game that's not squadron or star citizen lol.
If they are I'll be fucking fuming, they aren't even close to releasing their first game why the fuck would they be putting the devs and using money customers paid for SQ42 and PU to be delivered to work on a different game altogether? Sounds like a class action lawsuit waiting to happen.
I'd be more worried about how are they actually going to monetize the game once it launches to offset the operating cost of all the servers required and still generate enough revenue to keep updating the game or at the very least maintain it.
>NPC crew is not coming for 1.0.
The fact that they admitted that is so fucking wild. I'm genuinely curious to see if it affects IAE sales this year.
>I wonder if the community who forked 500M for an early access over 10 years will stop wasting money
I would not hold my breath
Yeah, I'm not counting on it, but even the most die hard whales know how slow CIG works and it's crazy that they basically told a non-zero amount of their whales to not expect NPC crews in their lifetime.
the fact that we saw more people care about insurance and the galaxy not getting building module to then backpedals tells me a lot about the priority of the whale crew but we could see some chip in their funding
>why the fuck would they be putting the devs and using money customers paid for SQ42 and PU to be delivered to work on a different game altogether?
A reminder that Chris Roberts is a known failure in the games industry. He's a complete joke. He literally doesn't have a clue what he's doing.
Put on a trip so I can laugh at your retarded overweight boomer ass when Soulsinger is announced.
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As a "retarded boomer whale", I am completely fine without NPC crews and in fact I prefer it.

Though it will limit largest ships to big guilds and RP where they belong, not sure how other people feel but personally I don't want npcs, i hate them in other crew games too. I'd rather have however many or few people I find who want to play together
I'm the same boat. I think that the ideal crew size is 3 or 4, like sea of thieves or barotrauma amounts. Any more and it becomes exceedingly difficult to organise, and this should be reflected in the returns that the biggest ships can provide when operated at full effeciency.
I'm fine with NPC crews so long as they're less effective than human players aren't just robots (have needs and socialise etc.), but I recognise that's going to be very difficult.
Me personally, I think that CIG need to work on some sort of crew job board feature asap and drastically up the returns for missions and tasks that would require a multicrew ship as those are imo the largest blockers right now to seeing multicrew gameplay become more common.
There are far too few crew jobs, and none of them are going to be very fleshed out. Imagine a ship with fictional crew size of 100, what the hell would you put all of those people to do in SC. What content could they do? That's why CIG is leaning so heavily to PVP - they gave up on trying to come up with meaningful content. Idris Vs Idris fight over some point of interest will require some amount of crew and thats it, players zerg each other creating the content for as many players as can fit the servers


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Holy fucking digits of truth.
>npc crews
literally not coming lmao
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>let em cook
Bros been cooking for 14 years.
Any head tracking recommendations?
Currently using a C920 with neuralnet and it's ok, but I find that it's never "just right" and I have to play with the curves. It also doesn't look as smooth as what I see in gameplay clips of other, more dedicated solutions.
I'm considering DelanClip or Grass monkey sims Joseph 2 - anyone using them?
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>Message of the day
>2 minutes ago
>(Waka's Day) We currently have 2 goals today
>1) We are working on a new 3.24.3 build for all backers later today on PTU
>2) We are working on a new 4.0 Evocati build for EPTU later today
DESU, I don’t care about NPC crews for single ships. I just want it to be limited to single ships so I can bathe in all the booty blast from whales who thought they would be able to run an entire fleet of NPC operated capital ships.
It's expensive but I rate the Tobii, it feels fluid and its nice not having any bullshit on your head. Plus targeting with your eyes feels like being Iron Man or some shit.
Just use a webcam with AItrack and Opentrack.
It's 95% as good as dedicated solutions and you don't have wear anything or spend hundreds of dollars.
avengerone(i know i know im not a streamer cuck) said tobii has noticiable latency compared to other methods, but that if you go from nothing to tobii you wont notice it
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I think A1 uses DelanClip.
I've used Smoothtrack, AI Track, and now Neuralnet all with Opentrack. It just doesn't feel very consistent or.. right? I can't play without it but I feel like it could be better. Smoother and more precise.
I tried it on one of the Pyro demo PCs at Citizencon last year and was pretty impressed. I've never used TrackIR to compare it too though, but I have used SC's built-in webcam FOIP tracking and a few different VR headsets. I'd say it's pretty similar to the webcam solution but much more reliable, once it was calibrated it worked for the whole ~45 minute play session without issue while I have to recalibrate every 5-10 mins with the webcam and get a decent amount of weird jank. (I do find it good enough to use though, much better than nothing.)
what actually is this, it looks incredibly out of place, which is hard to accomplish in this mash of styles game
the plan for warping to where your friends are was always NPCs. you could take one over seamlessly to join friends who are far away
How does he look down? Will he decapitate himself if he sneezes?
Guessing it's an upcoming sub item, those sometimes find their way into PTU loot. Could maybe be from one of the Pyro gangs too.

I think the lower part is supposed to be flexible scale armor. I wonder if they've actually modeled movement in them.
>I think the lower part is supposed to be flexible scale armor.
So the helmet's got Cthulhu mandibles? Cool.
That, or it's a veil, and he's actually a coquettish concubine in heavy packaging.
I think it's supposed to be like this.
I associate the look with "barbarian hordes from the east" but I can't quite place why or what culture would have worn the style.
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The game is so shit right now. The servers are a mess.
Also why do they do these shitty half wipes where they get rid of half of my stuff and leave the rest? What's the point?
I don't get all the bitching. It's a fucking warship, not a colorful kindergarten playground, and it's easy to navigate after one time through it if you're not a retard. The only interior thing I really agree with is that it should have more armor/suit lockers near the airlocks and stuff, but other than that I think it's fine aside from the obvious missing captain's quarters and some minor bugs etc. It's also clearly designed as a blank slate to be decorated by players using the system they showed at citcon.

I'm way more annoyed at the exterior look and he barely even mentioned it, the original concept was sleek as fuck and instead we got this overly busy dark grey thing that looks like it was cobbled together out of scrap. Hopefully some of the paints improve the look but I'm not happy at the idea of shelling out for one of those either, especially because it'll probably be $25 minimum.
New PTU just dropped. Has all of the other new ships - Med Terrapin, Hornet variants, and Intrepid - and sounds like they're rentable at IAE.
Also doubled the Polaris's shield health and regen, fixed the issues with spawning at stations and the pips on its turrets, and has a bunch of polish, lighting, etc. for it and the Starlancer.
Oh yeah and PDCs will now fire at fighters.
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Crusader intrepid has been leaked on Berks stream.
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Not leaked. It's the IAE patch.
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One (1) size 3 gun lmao.
they increased prices on everything lmao
That is…not how I expected it to look
Why would you ever use this? One peashooter gun, less cargo than the nomad... What a joke.
Unironically worse than the aurora.
It's just a badly designed ship.
>capital ship with 576 SCU that is bottlenecked by a small elevator, a hangar that can only land fighters and a ramp with a dogshit incline.
>interior is full of pillars that are angled at 64~ degrees, feels like an attic space that could collapse at any moment
>gravity generator and torpedo wells that make you feel like you're about to be a star in a liveleak video
It's like someone was designing a ship and gave up halfway.
fucking based
>1 size 3 gun
>8 size 1 missiles
I don't get it.
>8 size 1 missiles
No it's 2x size 2.
>No it's 2x size 2
lmao no, its 2x size 1 missiles.
What was going through their mind when they made this? It's literally worse than every other starter.
It's kind of brave of them to make something so awful go straight to flyable. Normally they hide things and hype things up, charge 70 dollars before releasing shit like this.

I mean seriously, they're going to charge Syulen prices for something with Aurora MR firepower and awful cargo. If the entire backroom was a 16scu grid it'd be decent as a cargo starter, but no.
Reliant? Mustang? Aurora? What did anon meme by this?
They're not going to charge Aurora prices for this though. They're going to charge Syulen prices for it.

Also I guarantee that within six months they'll release the Intrepid C with 16scu cargo and the Intrepid A with a size 5 gun and 8 S2 missiles.
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>$70? What do you mean it's $60? I will settle for nothing more than $50.
>titan is still the best "starter"
shame its so fucking ugly
you are the blackest retard gorilla, penguin is one of the few good looking ships in the game, the reason zeus2 looks so shit is because they didn't keep the """nasa-punk"""" style from zeus1
FTL, worm hole generation, artificial gravity, energy shields...
>Nasapunk fits the game
yes? what does all of that have to do with the style of the ship?
>The ship with aerospike engines and visible heat tiles on the bottom isn't NASApunk enough.

You can complain about the Zeus' ingame performance, but it's probably the closest thing ingame to a spaceplane right now.
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Just upgraded my PC so I could play this on a 8k ultrawide monitor, and holy fuck this game is insane, feels like I'm in a movie
>Upgrade my RAM by adding two more sticks.
>Takes all evening getting my computer running again.
>Can't turn on XMP and native speed drops from 4800 to 3600.
>Game runs worse than before.

Probably just gonna return the ram and switch to two stick of 32gb each. Hopefully can find a family memeber who wants my original RAM.
you can't be serious, this game is years away from being enjoyable
is it noticeably less buggy? I've always wondered how much my own rig was contributing to the jank over just server issues
>>Upgrade my RAM by adding two more sticks.
bruh you can't do that, it sounds like a meme but batching is a real thing, you have to fully replace your ram when you upgrade, I've learned this lesson the hard way more than once trying to cheap out. RAM does not play nice with other batches, brands, speeds etc
LTT did a test, as long as the difference is not egregious, it's fine.
Also, this greatly depends on the CPU's memory controller as plugging in more sticks can cause the controller to fallback onto single channel access, which can make your system overall slower.
890 jump finally decent?

Solo barge dads over the moon (they will demand this system on every ship they own).
>one singular size 3 but we put it in a really fancy spot
Fuck I actually really like the aesthetics of it from a distance, and even some of the interior, but as you look closer the flaws show, and it looks dogshit on paper and I've already got a cutter rambler so what would I want this for?

>ramp is long af and will probably get annoying because you parked just a bit too close and it's bumping something
>1 (one (uno)) size 3 gun
>2 size 1 missiles in a bespoke launcher
>relay station for engineering gameplay on a 1-man starter ship (unless they go and add them to all the others, the possibility of a fuse breaking and needing fixing mid-flight doesn't even exist on the starters without one so it's explicitly worse than them)
>actual airlock except the outer hatch opens up when the inner door opens so you can't actually airlock leaving you with only the interior hallway doors preventing decompression, and going from cockpit to anything means passing through the hall
>cargo while cool, could've definitely fit some more space back there, for better trading or bike transport

I feel like they could've made it good by doing pretty much any one or combination of
>increasing missile capacity, even if they leave it bespoke stuck with size 1, a pack of 6 or 8 could easily fit in the same location
>increasing gun size to 4 or 5, making it a poor mans Ares with living space and cargo capacity
>giving a second s3
>even something like two size 1s or size 2s, like a coax gun, so you could take some little lasers to chip shields or kill NPC prospectors and have a big ballistic for finishing off softened targets
I'm worried with just one gun, even if it is hypothetically good, could get disabled too easily in that location.
>increasing cargo area, either by increasing the elevator capacities or adding an onboard storage area that you can move crates to from the elevators
Right next to the cargo lifts they could've put a 1x2 grid on either side of the component access in the rear, stack two 1scu crates on either side.
Anti-blade anons on suicide watch
Zergs nolifers who have a crewman for every turret in their capital coping hard rn, blades are going to make it all turrets not just those.
kek, I will enjoy soloing my polaris with blades in the future and watching the anti-blade schizo seethe
why is there such a vile hatred for the possibility of soloing large ships? It's like these faggots want to force you to have 10 people on to enjoy the larger ships in the game
Sour grapes
They want to make it more difficult for people with money to enjoy the game.
Is the free fly and iae stuff on live or ptu?
PTU still. IAE goes live on the 22nd.
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new crusader starter just dropped, pic related is from ptu
Is this real???
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what a travesty, spoiler that shit
File deleted.
>of course it's worse than the titan, it's not meant to be compared to the titan, it's smaller! It's meant to be compared to the cutter.
Actual argument I saw someone coping with.
watch them gut titan kek
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>living quarters
>suit storage
>weapons rack with 2 rifles, 3 handguns, 1 large weapon, and an adjacent cabinet for gear with a door so it doesn't bounce around
>kitchenette with food dispenser thingy and cabinets for placed food
>dedicated scanner button in cockpit
>engineering terminal in rear could double as a scanner terminal without needing to enter cockpit
>those light "armaments"
>cargo racks can supposedly fit some bikes
>"sleek" spaceplane profile
I bet it's going to be marketed as an exploration starter.

I might get it. If they rework some things it could be good, if not, it's another LTI token I can use to upgrade into something better. How often do they go back and add an extra gun or something to a ship that's already flyable?
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>another LTI token
>completely taken out of the fight from 1-2 missiles that were probably size 1, 2 max
Hey, it worked for me before, buying some cheap-ass thing with LTI that I don't think even had a quantum drive and upgrading it to a multicrew ship for my friends and I after the price got increased.
Anything but, in my case, I've got way too damn much money in this shitshow.
I got into SC because of the multiplayer and multicrew aspects and I just don't want to see that become disincentivized. SC is also full of cool solo and small crew ships and those would all become nothing but throwaway stepping stones in a world where soloing big ships was practical.
The intrepid just seems like a really shitty syulen.
>I bet it's going to be marketed as an exploration starter.
I thought it might from the leaks/datamines, but the description text got mined
>For those eager to meet their future head on, the renowned ship engineers at Crusader Industries proudly present the Intrepid. A bold ship ready to tackle any number of jobs and conquer numerous challenges, the Intrepid features efficient cargo space and comfortable living quarters to make the most of your solo journey across the stars.
Sounds like they're just pushing it as a general-purpose multirole starter rather than something specific like exploration. Could be decent if it's priced to compete with other uselessly armed/shielded ships like the Cutter but it's fucking dead on arrival if it's at or above the Titan and knowing CIG the latter is more likely.
Having to haul cargo up the ramp through the entire ship makes me really question the "run cargo!" crowd.
The cargo deploys down at the rear on the intrepid, giving you four little 1x1 scu grids per side that can be accessed from outside or inside the ship. Why it wasn't a 4x1 grid we'll never know.
something something shielded cargo something something it's a runner not a fighter
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Instead of an ejector seat they should've given it a jettison cargo button
literally looks like a retarded incest half sibling
only starter with a suit storage,isn't it? in the retarded rock fish dynamite game of updates that fundamentally change everything, I can see the intrepid going from worst to best starter on this merit alone when suit changes become necessary, and then them kludging suit storage into a bunch of ships that were made useless by the change and it becoming irrelevant again
The Gatac Syulen starter ship also has a suit locker.
the cutter is great, it's like they decided to do the pisces again but good this time. living space, internal storage, big open cargo bay that you can fix a hoverquad in, that doesn't vent the whole ship when you open it. I find myself taking it out to fuck around just because it's comfy and utilitarian when you don't need the ship to do anything but transport you and maybe some boxes/a quad. best ship for raiding distros too
huh, I've explored every nook and cranny of that thing and never noticed, but the lockers aren't actually functional so I guess it just looks like a closet or something
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To the right of the weapon rack, and it can open/close up, which is probably where you missed it. At least, I'm very certain that this in fact is a suit locker, and not some kind of escape pod.
that's a fucking weapon rack? and yeah, I remember standing in that now wondering what the hell it was for, lol
Yeah it's like the glowy shit is sticky and the guns just plop onto the wall. It's strange. I dunno why they have waited so long to work on suit lockers they seem like a giant mystery.
It's exact same model number (I ordered through order history on Amazon) but apparently the Aorus 650 only likes specific brands for dual channel config.
They should have moved the engineering console to the hall, shifted the component acces to the sides, and made the cargo a 4x2 grid instead of 2 1x4s.
>4 cargo
>2 size 2 guns
>best cockpit view in the game
>tiny em sig

>2 size 2
>tiniest ship in the game
>can land anywhere
>4 scu
>best shuttle in the game

>alien shit

If you think the shitheap that is the intrepid with it's one size 3 gun and 8 cargo compare to any of these even though it's obviously meant to be an avenger sidegrade you are retarded.
I can't wait to see your schizo reaction when the PDS gets nerfed because it's obviously unintentional they can take down cutlasses in seconds at the moment.
you indeed have to be intrepid to buy this piece of shit
how good are the others f7c mk2 ? very good I guess ?
Stealth gameplay is in a good spot right now, whereas scanning gameplay for the tracker does not exist yet, so it's a toss up.
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Only a true aesthete can understand the intrepid, back to your mud hut spiteful savage.
This, looks great. Are the prices just speculation though? If it's Cutter price it's fine, since sure it has worse weapons, but it's probably faster and more maneuverable and has more cargo and a better living space. However, if it's Avenger price it needs a buff, badly. I'll probably change my Cutter for it either way since I love the look.
does that means that my talon is worth something now or are all aliens ships forgotten for figther jets references in space
I haven't touched the Talon since it came, but I believe it's real issue continues to be that when it takes just enough damage, it spirals into a death spin you cannot get out of. I could be wrong on that, tho.
yeah stealth gameplay is so good you just need to pull a C2 and ignore the ships plinking at you to load the cargo.
And thank fuck for that these phased missions are ass cancer, retards even figured slapping this insipid shit during a free fly was a good idea given that the servers can't even handle it without the 100th ship sale this month.
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Who gives a fuck about your fucking comments fuck this game. Stupid todo checklist bullshit QA simulator.
>enough damage turn the ship into a handspiner
yea, 80% of the aliens ships are like that (kharty, santok, talon, syulen, banu somewhat) and it's fucking kills me. I don't want them to be op I just want tl have fun with them
>It's just a badly designed ship.
you khev beidly designed meinners
What a ship with realistic size cockpit? But how will the crusader signature themepark train ride fit in?
It's so big and so useless...
>Avenger Titan
It's the Avenger, Titan is the package, why do people keep making this mistake?
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Give me the tl;dw
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>Message of the day
>2 minutes ago
>(Thor's Day) We currently have 2 goals today
>1) We are working on a new 3.24.3 build for release onto the PTU later today for all backers.
>2) We have a new 4.0 build for release to Evocati later today on EPTU with a 2:2:380 mesh config (2 Star systems with 2 Servers each with 380 total players in the shard). This is a potential Wave 1 candidate if build proves worthy after a few hours with Evos!
I wish the dev team had more space enthusiasts. Doesn't really feel like a game made for space nerds.
This is what happens when you promote a sound design guy to be in charge of the flight model
It's not so much the flight mechanics but rather the shitty planets/moons and Star Wars-tier alien races that somehow made it past the meeting room.
without a good flight model, they can't really make real planet/moon orbits possible.
Imagine having a moon orbit so fast that you can't fly fast enough to catch up to it.
>but muh local physics grids
ok, but what happens when you transition between the physics grids of a moon and its parent planet? How will you handle speed limits then?
Most of the problems the retards at CIG have is due to their dogshit obsession with planes in space.
apparently they are putting new ships like polaris and shit into todays POTENTIAL WAVE 1 evo build
I'm not even talking about the orbits.
What would a game made for spacenerds looks like?
Space Engineers x Children of a Dead Earth x Shattered Horizon
A lot of us still think of the Stalker as the default Avenger.

Checking erkul its literally just a shade faster/more maneuverable than the aurora. Its all whether the extra cargo and living quarters is worth the worst dps in the game for a nonspecialized ship.
extremely based
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>4.0 ptu wave 1 this week
wow bros, its finally happening? only been 3 years since the teaser
Not bad but a bit boring.

Give me:
Tachyon the fringe fighter flight model
Nexus Jupiter incident / Fractured space / dreadnought ships
Rebel galaxy medium ship combat
Elite Dangerous Quantum Jumps
Eve online industry gameplay
Barotrauma crew gameplay
In fact give Angels Fall First Persistence and you have a decent Star Citizen clone
And star citizen is becoming less than the value of it's parts.
They fix one thing and it turns out there is another problem behind it shitting up hybrid layer performance, repeat inf.
They expect to10x performance as the first step lmao, that would be 1k players per shard, then go beyond.
There is some technical stuff in the video, if you know shit about networking you might pick up more from the video.
Having space engineers ship damage would make it perfect
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>jhémpe pointé detectedé! encroyablé!
I love these goofy bastards
for me it's
>KSP flight model
>Elite MFD navigation and sounds
>Space Engineers modularity and parts destruction
>Children of a Dead Earth engineering and crafting autism
>Outer Wilds exploration gameplay
oh, and I don't know if any games have this, but being able to program your NPC crew logic would also be fun
the gambit system from ff12 would be great for customizing npc priorities and actions based on the state of the ship or party members
I was thinking something along the lines of human resource machine
>bottleneck is due to trying to do everything in a single-threaded.
wtf. Literally how are these people so incompetent? You can literally diagnose that by pulling up htop on the servers, not to mention using literally any profiling software.
Thinking of buying off the grey market because I refuse to give a cent of my money to Crobbers. What are some good ones?
>single thread server on an mmo
Excuse me?
>star citizen server is single threaded
This is dumber news than the tickle tables.
thats not what he said though, the bottleneck comes down to a single thread
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>Pilot MFD + Hud rework. Lighting and Audio Ambience Polish Pass. Added working mirrors to Starlancer MAX HAB Bathrooms
Aaaaaand the Starlancer is DOA
what is the point of that fucking desert wasteland of a dash. do something cool with it, spread the HUD out over it
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no wave 1 today, maybe tomorrow if the emergency hotfix works
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compare that to the oooooooooold freelancer hud
did this even make it to live? that was perfect. it made sense. they scrap everything that makes sense
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It was so much better previously it's unreal, if you're gunna give me a mail slot cockpit you need to give immediate situational awareness through the instruments. now we just get a flat black dashboard that's giant for no reason.
4.0 Wave 1 delayed until tomorrow. Evo patch still coming tonight.
why do I have a PTU update then huh
Shit missed >>1501656 in the gaggle of Starlancer stuff.
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What're the odds they buff the intrepid before iae is over?
why would they buff it? its just ugly, stats are fine
a second gun would be nice.
you dont get to have firepower on a starter ship with a dedicated gooning room and engine/cargo bay
I'm pretty sure some of the others have those things...
>less damage than a cutter
>stats are fine
Fucking retard.
do you also complain about prospectors pee shooters? kys retard
It should at least be a custom gun or something with how the ship is built around this completely average gun. It's like if you had an A-10 built around a handgun.
There will probably be other variants coming if it's anything like the other crusader ships and starters. Probably a military variant like the a1 and a2 although it won't be able to save it from looking like ass. This is of course assuming that the base price is around cutter level. If not there is absolutely no reason to buy it or any of it's variants.
What the fuck are you talking about you stupid brown eyed muttoid? It cannot do anything you'd want a starter for. There is no discernable difference between 4 and 8 scu of cargo currently. But there are reasons to want to do combat in starters for low level bounty hunting which this thing can't do. I've seen people think prospectors are still invulnerable because of how little dps it puts out.
You could get any other starter and be in a better position when you first start the game.
Now sit your fat ass back down you poo skinned faggot.
>Avenger titan doesn't have firepower
Only thing it's missing is the dedicated engineering room.
>$90 ship is now a starter
you cultniggers are all mentally ill
Is it actually fucking $90 or are you pulling that out your ass?
It takes all of 10 seconds to visit the rsi page and fact check this, anon.
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I thought he was talking about the intrepid.
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It takes into account where you live aswell
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you gotta hide sales tax, greatest ally tax, being a fat retard tax from murisharts otherwise their blood pressure goes through the roof
The most you should ever get is an avenger titan package.
Wait until you see the price of the stealth ship that one shots most <$450 ships with homing torps.
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>1 crew multipurpose ship
>literally says starter package
>the undisputed #1 most recommended ship when new players asks which starter they should get
>in the citizencon 2954 starter package for less than a pisces package
>is not a starter
You're in denial.
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>bro it literally says starter package u ragarded or smth??
Titans suck swamp ass
100 series completely power crept them
>ignoring the rest of my post
have a (You) if you want it so bad.
Imagine living in a hellhole that taxes pixels
That is still an absolute dogshit deal
Assuming you live in a 1st world country it costs $90
For $10 more on the grey market you can get a Gladius which will shit all over Avengers and make so much more money in missions that you can aUEC a freighter rental whenever you like to do the space trucking snoozefest 1000x better than the Avenger ever would
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I dont have to imagine it ayy non...
Anon I live in the US and it's $75 for me too.
The Titan by itself is $60, the extra $$ ontop is part of the game package and access to the PU itself.
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first public 4.0 patch notes
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Designers that make symmetrical bars that fill in both directions to indicate a single value that only goes up and down should be castrated.
So what's the actual reason for the intrepid to have a fuse box?
Are they going to put one in every starter with an interior, can starters without a fuse box still suffer the same damage and you just can't fix it on the fly, or is literally just a big weakpoint slapped on?
>they gut the interior of existing starters to make room for one of all of them
>existing starters can get left dead in the water with no way to fix a blown fuse
>literally only exists to be a source of problems for the 1man crewed intrepid without any benefits
The left side represents reverse thrust, rhe right side forward thrust.
Its just that the speed limiter is one value for both.
Fuses are a part of engineering gameplay going forward.
Yes, gameplay that consists of
>fuse broke, part of the ship lost power (bad), go replace the fuse to get power back
If a ship doesn't have a fuse -> it can't break a fuse -> it can't lose partial power -> you don't need to exit your pilot seat mid-dogfight to replace the fuse because it de-powered your cockpit on a 1 man ship
the point of fuses is to disable ships, as in the future ships wont blow up because their "hp bar" ran out, if you are prepared and have spare fuses, you might juke the aggresor and replace it when hes eva and kill him or fuck off
So all of the starters that don't have fuses just explode and the one that does gets disabled? Or can a fuse blow before then because they got 1 good hit to some component and it "caused a power surge"? I figured if they hit the "pipe" right or something then it could blow a fuse at any ship hp.

I guess it makes sense for the intrepid to have one then since it definitely won't be winning any dogfights so repelling boarders is your only hope.

Are they going to go back and give them to the older starters?
>at any ship hp.
there will be no ship HP. components will have their own health, pretty sure the end goal is ships never just explode and kill you, maybe fighters still will though idk
Sounds good, without the crafting modularity (block placing)
Old Warhammer programmable robots. Your crew might ram you to a planet if you mess up
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>right arm gets paralyzed in a gunfight
>escape to my ship
>can't maneuver for some reason
>realize my right arm is on the stick
>med gun tells me rhoxapen will temporarily resolve symptoms
>manually dial up rhoxapen to a random amount and blast away
>I can now maneuver my ship
I can't decide if this is the good autism or the bad autism, but it's definitely autistic attention to detail. what if it had been my left arm, no throttle? would I just be fucked and unable to take off until I fixed it?
Yeah, I've saved people from med beacons who were mauled up.

Also you can over medicate someone making them die and be unrevivable until their drugged up status disappears. It's something you should try on people you dislike, just med them up with maximum meds
The only way to get a ship to explode is to deliberately target the Powerplant. You will be put on a timer to have someone in your multicrew ship run to either repair or replace the component before it goes critical (and you will be given plenty of warning on what's going on).
I remember when I bought my LTI Avenger for 45 bucks
Anything that doesn't have a fuse will have at least one on it. Even the new ground vehicles have fuses now. I think the only newly released thing that doesn't is the ATLS. The mustang, aurora and avenger are in line for reworks so they can add component slots and fuses.
>titans suck
>100 series better
Are you serious?
titan renegade
I hope the interiors of the Avenger see some serious overhauling when it gets its gold pass
It will almost certainly have to be since they need to have areas for the components. Usually any ship with a walkable interior will have component access inside. I suspect the aurora will have a complete overhaul because there is simply no space for component access.
>inb4 the aurora becomes hands down the best starter and price increased to $90
even fighters wont explode, the end goal is that you have to shoot the components after breaking the shield and the armor, engineering got delayed, they still have a loooot to time to add those fucking fuses to all ships, i think fuses are supposed to be a weakpoint to a specific type of damage i dont know
>won't explode
I don't think people quite understand. But ships will break apart with maelstrom and enough damage.
they will explode if you hit the powerplant or fuel tanks, however a carrack will still explode if you ram it with an aurora due to bugs
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my ship now exists inside the same coordinates as yours, and that's the server's problem not mine.
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>Message of the day
>6 minutes ago
>(Frjádagr) 2 goals for today
>1) We are working on a hotfix for the current EPTU 4.0 build to update as soon as we are able. Goal is to monitor the build for a couple hours and open up to Wave 1 today if possible.
>2) We are working on a new 3.24.3 build for release onto PTU later today
another attempt at wave 1 today
this is the reason you can't use med guns in armistice zones anymore.
People would heal the shit out of you to incapacitate you
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The jews took this from me.
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The nomad cockpit is so great.
First minute is literally "cover your ass" talk. Vague shit a dev would say during a daily to explain why there's not been much progress.
And yet people applaud this.

This is also where they say the most damning part:
>making sure it covers all the use cases that the system requires
This means that rather than engineers making netcode that can do A, B and C and then fitting a game to it, we have someone (Roberts) asking for A, M and Y. We knew that, of course, but it also means that it's going to be a bunch of one-off systems, rather than exploring the design space of a single specific architecture. It's ten times the effort, yet a shallower player experience overall.

>They expect to10x performance as the first step lmao, that would be 1k players per shard
I don't understand that. They said the same thing in the video, that optimizations should let them "up the player count".
Shouldn't the first step be actually, you know, fixing the game for the current player count? Make the game runs smoothly and *then* increase the scope? What's the point of going from 100 players stuttering at 2 FPS to 1000 players stuttering at 2 FPS?

>thats not what he said though, the bottleneck comes down to a single thread
That anon is correct. It's not that the entire server is single-threaded, that one part of it was.
dude wtf is a thread?
I think it's more likely they keep its "minimum viable product" status and but component access for everything except the fusebox and life support outside.

Need to log into my loaner account to look the ship over thoigh.
A miserable pile in sequence.
a thread of execution.
Most likely implemented via pthread if they are running their servers on linux
Half of this is just excuses for why they've been fucking about all year. Meshing still doesn't work and from what they are saying there are multiple issues that are preventing it from working including legacy software they have to dig through and recode. What a mess of a company.
even with regenning shields and armor a torpedo boat will still be enough to invoke a fear of god like you're bitching about
fighters are just not that thing unless they're suicide ramming, torpedo bombers are the actual threat
They will just rebalance until component damage can make them both equally annoying.
My assumption- fighters with the right weaponry or scenario that they can go through armor and hit components will be countered by engineers. They won't typically do enough damage fast enough to not get dabbed on by repairs, assuming they can't just sit there and shoot with impunity.
solution: more fighters or bigger fighters (more guns on target)

torp bombers will gape ships that get hit, but get countered by point defenses or a fighter screen shooting them down
solution: friendly screen to protect bombers or stealth, and coordination between bombers to overwhelm point defenses
one of these is a lot more feasible at scale than the other
also the tali and eclipse are not really "annoying" right now, they outright delete most ships completely
I think people are really glossing over the trouble parts of early star citizen. Sony was really fondling the balls of upper management trying to get them to commit to console development. That whole theater of war second studio shit absolutely ruined star citizen for like 5 straight years and now they have to redo all the useless console programmer shit.

Video game networking architecture was never made nor designed for synchronous physics across hundreds of players. There's really no other choice but making new network code.
>Sony was really fondling the balls of upper management
Wasn't the whole point of crowdfunding that they wouldn't have problems like that?

>Video game networking architecture was never made nor designed for synchronous physics across hundreds of players. There's really no other choice but making new network code.
It's almost like you shouldn't go selling technological marvels until you finish inventing them.
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>Wasn't the whole point of crowdfunding that they wouldn't have problems like that?

Gee I wonder why they wanted to make more money.
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>Based on player testing and feedback on the Intrepid's firepower, we have upgraded the default loadout from a Size 3 to a Size 4 KLWE Laser Repeater.

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If this was the only starter available, I would be pissed.
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If they slapped on the longest gun in the game, how far past the cockpit would it go?
biggest gun would probably be bigger than the whole ship
Maybe it would actually be worth getting then.
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medichads, we're back
>Bombs now Inherit the Hostility of the Launcher Entity (AI and PDCs can now detected hostile bombs)
Does this get updated in real-time or only on firing? If you place a bomb while friendly to someone, then become hostile, will the bomb change too or is it still friendly and can sneak past PDCs for some "friendly fire"?
Almost certainly it will not update on the evocati build to start with. Just be quiet about it.
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Not enough, still needs
>two 4x1 cargo grids instead of eight 1x1 cargo grids
>a button to slide out the deployed cargo racks to behind the ship so you can park a bike on one, unslide it, and then bring it inside without needing a tractor beam
>a (deployable!) chair for the engineering station
Man you really forget how fucking huge SC ships are until you see your character in third person inside them.
I just realized that in this autistic exchange I still used my right arm to point the gun at my perfectly fine left arm in a twist more extreme than I'd have had to do on the throttle in order to heal myself
actual best starter if they'd just fix things falling through the cargo bed and the occasional getting dumped during quantum.
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>>a button to slide out the deployed cargo racks to behind the ship so you can park a bike on one, unslide it, and then bring it inside without needing a tractor beam
pull up bike, get off bike, click button to deploy cargo, click button to slide cargo, get on bike, move bike onto cargo, get off bike, hit button to unslide cargo, hit button to bring cargo into ship.
perfect gameplay loop!
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>these aren't nutri-paste dispensers
>they're fucking coffee machines
Yes because that's where my priorities lie when deciding how to furnish my space ship.
Coffee fueled the industrial revolution, it only makes sense that we would let it take us to space.
>try to take out the intrepid to test the new gun
>don't know missions because I haven't played in years
>take bounty hunting mission to a night compound with a bunch of turrets that send me into a death spiral before I can see anything
>try again with claim jumper mission
>hanger glitches and won't open
okay that's enough for me.
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4.0 wipe confirmed. This was posted yesterday, so this is for the anons who are ootl.
So they 100% planned the size 3 gun and no jump seat as distractions so people didn't complain about actual issues right?
They should add a 3rd MFD to the intrepid on the left side, mirrored position of the ejection button.
Is or will there be any reason to use any weapon other than a laser repeater?
The reason SC is failing is Chris Roberts. He's an egoist retard who needs everything run past him 50 times and then scraps it all or plays a new game that makes him want to add another meaningless feature no one cares about. Not only that but he's been siphoning off most of the crowd funding money for squadron42 while giving us the crumbs of the mmo to keep us interested. He's a fucking moron and has been a failure his whole life at everything he's ever done professionally. This is just another chapter in that book.
A size 4 and 2 size 1 missiles is still absolute garbage in terms of firepower.
When are they even releasing 4.0? Is it going live for IAE or is it gonna be after?
Have we gotten any real info about that pyro hangar event ships thing that got datamined or something? Is it just gonna be a temporary ship until the next wipe, or like a platinum ticket deal where you actually get to keep the ship (A fury 99.99999 percent of the time)?
IAE is 3.24.3, and 4.0 is most likely going wave 1 next week. No clue when 4.0 will go live, I'd assume they will keep at it till the very last minute before they go for Christmas break.
I've heard people say "wave 1" in global, but I'm a newfag and don't know what that means.
I've just played during IAE last year and grabbed the avenger pack a few weeks ago.
Read this https://rentry.org/guier/#public-testing-environments

But to give a qrd, CIG runs test servers for new patches before they push it to the live servers, the process (usually) goes:

Small NDA group, very unstable.
"Public Test Universe", is where they slowly give access to the playerbase in waves up to 5 (5 being open to everyone).
Self explanatory.
Before the end of the year. They're unable to get server meshing working which was the main feature of 4.0 so they ended up cutting a bunch of other stuff that was meant to be in 4.0 so they can be all hands on deck to get the retarded meshing system working. Unfortunately it's still not working properly and the claim we would be playing on 1000 person servers by the end of the year is not going to happen.
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The goal was obviously 1000 players, but they never claimed/promised any figure by the end of the year.
Yeah don't put anything in writing that way people can't call you out on missing your own goals you clearly set. Page 1 of the CiG handbook.
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I hate the stupid Star Wars alien races. Why couldn't we have cool aliens like the ones in Arrival, not this chinky Reddit shit.
I was hoping for Contact (1997 American film)
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>so they can be all hands on deck to get the retarded meshing system working
I know I'm shouting into the void here, but this is not how software development fucking works. Any technology, any system, needs TIME to mature, to polish the functionality, to find and fix the bugs. You can't just throw ten times as many devs on the problem and expect to get it done ten times faster.
It is a mistake many managers and teams do, admittedly. But it never works. Software quality is a function of skill of the core team, and time. Increasing team size exacerbates existing problems and usually *slows* the progress.
You are talking about Chris Roberts who famously is so bad at game development he had to have every project taken from him.
what happened to wave 1 today?
Was a no go.
Power and shield pen

Ballistics use less power, so if you don't use the weapons a lot, then it doesn't eat into your pilot capacity. I run ballistics on my cutty turret so I can have 4 lasers max cap on the Pilot guns.

Ballistics also hit through shields, so cannons on a lag pip/zoom can be used to snipe components.

Lasers obvious benefit is infinite ammo, but even laser cannons are good, with some of the slower ROF ones, just set them to staggered

There's also a time on target thing, if you're in something
or just make the ship sit higher, the entry ramp is long as fuck and could be adapted easily
>Ballistics also hit through shields, so cannons on a lag pip/zoom can be used to snipe components.
yes, but DPS you're reading on Erkul for ballistics is fake news.
Let's check out a Tarantula with 455 DPS/137 Alpha.
First thing is resistance, which appears bugged at 30% of total, so we'll go with 8.3% as per SPviewer.
417.2 DPS/125.63 Alpha.
You'll then damage the shield for 10% of the total damage.
41.72 DPS/12.56 Alpha damage to shield.
The rest (375.5 DPS/113 Alpha) passes through and impacts the hull. Nearly every single ship outside of a Pisces has 50% static damage reduction from ballistics, with some going higher.

>Actual damage to the hull if shields are up:
187.8 DPS/56.5 Alpha

>If shields are down:
227.5 DPS/68.5.

>CF-337 Panther
545.6 DPS/44 alpha

There are definite use cases for ballistics, power management being one of them, and against larger targets where you start delivering damage early instead of working through their shields. At a minimum, you have to cut 50% off advertised DPS.
Is the save stanton meme on live soloable?
Yes, its much better to do it solo (tried recently with some mates, not worth the hassle).
>t. retard
4.0 wave 1 is up.
watching berks rn and his FPS is at like 10. what the fuck? they turned off every feature of 4.0, youd think theyd at least get 60 FPS.
Evo/PTU run background monitoring tools that hamper performance, so it'll never be indicative of the performance you get when it goes to live. I do agree with you though, the server fps should be like, 10,000 minimum.
oh that too, the server FPS is at 10. fucks this shit? not even hitting 20 and this is with like 200 people.
They should start from scrath in UE5, they've got dsm figured out.
I'm fine with it, coffee's essential to a lot of people and the ship has a bunch of fridge space and what's probably an oven or microwave for food, and you probably wouldn't spend more than a few days in that ship without going somewhere to restock. My only complaint is that they didn't make the coffee machine seem to be more versatile, some indication that it could do plain hot water at the very least would make a lot of sense.
>Gutted 4.0 just so the sFPS can stay at 10 FPS
I've officially lost all hope.
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>here is your meshing bro
Absolute cope.
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The issue isn't the engine it's the management.
you do know UE is one of the worst engine for open world right? UEs open world implementation is as ghetto as CIGs implementation if not worse
>@Wakapedia-CIG Team is performing a controlled outage right now to resize and work on login issues. There's tons of ppl trying to get in so scaling up time
oink oink $10 piggies
Can someone do the math on the little spacers between the intrepid cargo grids? If they removed them to make it a 1x4 would that inadvertently give them enough room for a 1x5?
What's a good single seater combat ship I can pick up at IAE for 200bucks?
F7C MkII and hope that they do the F7A upgrade event again soon. If you want to abuse current mechanics the new Ghost MkII is fucking broken when set up and played the right way too, you can get within missile range while being totally undetectable and un-targetable.

Also, not a true single seater at all, but solo pilot Connies are really strong right now. Somebody else will have to say how the variants stack up but the Taurus is $200 exactly and if you're talking about spending real money you can probably stack warbond CCUs to get an Andromeda under that price during IAE.

kek this captcha
>spending real money
Nah just store creds. Was hoping the guardian might be out then but it's probably going to be out of my price range.
fwiw the Guardian will probably come out a month or so after IAE, wouldn't be surprised if we get a preview during the event. My guess is it's supposed to be the StF for 4.0 live but that's not looking likely before the end of the years so they'll probably do it as a luminalia thing instead. Chances are it'll be more than a Warden though, so high 200s.

The Hornet is so dominant that it's hard to even suggest anything else right now. It's not just the top of the meta, it IS the meta. Second place is probably the F8, which is too expensive and can't be CCUed. I've heard the Sabre is alright at the moment but pretty situational, like the Ghost it's more of a thing to abuse for PvP with stealth afaik.

Are you looking for something more for PvP or PvE?
Not if it's the same cost as the Cutter. I don't know why people complain about the utility aspects for a starter we don't know the price of yet. Like I kind of get complaining about a single size 3, because that would make it the weakest starter in the game, but if it cost as much as a Mustang it would be very viable, with double the Cargo hold and a massive interior with bed logging. With the upgraded size 4 it's about equivalent to the Pieces or Cutter. Sure, still the weakest of those in Firepower, but with great internals to make up for it. However even with the upgrade that shit better not be Avenger price. If that's the case it should have a size 5. But it all depends on the price. At 30$ it's a steal, 45$ is good, but 60$ would be a bit much for what it can do. Most people seem to imply it'll be Avenger price, but I don't think so, it's a downgrade from that in literally every way except a nicer interior. More so that they confirmed it was supposed to have a size 3 gun.
I still haven't gotten to try it out in combat because the game breaks every time. I couldn't even do a box mission with it because the server forgot my mission halfway to the destination.
I’ve been completely unable to log in today.
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New qfuel nerfs.
What'dya think?
just getting into loadouts, how does it actually work?
Yeah, if it's priced like the Cutter it's solid. It's just sized and shaped so much more like the Avenger and 300i that I think it's hard to imagine that it won't be in their range.

As for the gun, I think a big part there was how much the design focused on it. If it was like other Crusader ships with a chin turret that had an equally useless loadout, like 2 S1s or something, people would probably be less bothered, but having this whole big section of the ship devoted to carrying that one gun like a mini-Ares only for it to be worthless felt really wrong, and the design just felt visually unbalanced with that little gun there too.
It's a mixed bag. Against fighters and ships with bubble shields energy weapons are king because you can strip a shield quickly and just shit on the hull. Ballistics you will run out of ammo very very quickly in a reasonably long fight.
But against larger ships with quadrant shields ballistics are better by far. Not only are you always damaging the hull no matter their shield strength but you're hitting components and turrets as well. Because you don't have to deal with shield sides and what direction the enemy ship is facing they are somewhat better against larger ships with quadrant shields.
Laser repeaters are still king on most ships. NDB's at the moment. Deadbolts are probably the best ballistic cannons. It's worth noting that since you only need to put 1 power pip into weapons you can assign it to shields and get better resistances to energy weapons fire. If you can fully power the shields it's a significant bonus. But you will notice when someone with ballistics is firing at you even with all power in shields because it'll just go straight through it and pepper your hull.
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surely they didnt open 4.0 to wave 1 and peaced out for the weekend
It's worth noting when engineering comes in ballistics will be king because even if your target is full shields your ballistics can go through it and hit his power plant killing him instantly. On smaller ships this is going to be extremely likely especially with repeaters and gatlings.
When armor comes in things will change but who knows how.
Did you forget about the citcon patch when they did exactly that?
How many different weapon racks does a ship need per person to feel comfortable?

When are we getting recharging fps energy weapons? I shouldn't toss my laser gun battery when it's empty, I should plug it into my ship and recharge it.
that was marketing for citcon
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Yeah, I do it in a souped up Cutlass Black (which I bought with the drugs from a previous 2-man run). I don't even do the objective since you can only complete the mission 6 times before they no longer show up in your contracts. I just go in and look for cargo; got 16 SCU of eggs and 18 SCU of Slam from a ninetails cutty black the other day.
Though I haven't bothered now that the wipe is confirmed. IAE will let us fly everything, anyway.
ok, got it, what about the half DPS part?
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>very cool, very nice, looks lived in, every item stored this way is one less taking up space in stowage
>takes ~10 seconds to place each item, can klang through the floor or walls, have to look around and count to take stock instead of using a menu, enjoy restocking when your ship explodes :^)
I exclusively eat baked pure onions bars personally while flying my 890 Jump.
for me? its a 2scu box full of Basedlux™
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Guys it actually is two 4x1 grids! They just made it LOOK like four 1x1 grids!
Fuck eating med bays for life
did people think it was 4 grids because of the flooring design? some ships dont even have the magplate texture on their grids
is pyro in the game yet?
Unironically, I thought it was because I kept seeing other people say it and it looked like it because the pattern and I didn't bother to actually check until just then when I was moving crates around.
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finally a place to stack these motherfuckers
>or just make the ship sit higher
They need to do that anyway. If you try to load crates onto the grid spots closer to the front they get caught on the underside of the ship and scrape all the way. Get fucked if you want to slide in cargo from the front instead of from behind.
I remember getting the cabinets of my Zeus looking all nice and then things just disappeared at random.
for the low price of a $10 subscription you can "play" puro in EPTU Wave 1™ :^)
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I really like the door on the locker to make sure things don't fall out and it prevents you from accidentally grabbing stuff, which is a huge problem in this ship. Unfortunately it doesn't stop things from bouncing around or glitching through walls just sitting there or during flight. Also medipens don't sit on the shelves, they somehow glitch partway through the shelf and hang vertically into the area below.

You can fit at least 3 backpacks into one cubby, but if you store the ship and bring it out some of the stuff will go missing and any backpacks you had break and can't be equipped or carried anymore, I had to tractor beam them out.
Pyro? I barely know her!
this is absolutely standard behaviour for CIG
is there no website that tells you what drops where? loot tables etc?
The only website I've found that actually datamines and displays the loot table information in a coherent form that gets updated regularly is https://armory.thespacecoder.space/. If you or anyone finds a better website for loot tables, I'll add it to the rentry in the OP.
It's not half DPS because you are always hitting the hull even when they have full shields. For energy weapons you need to first chew through the shields before you can do damage on the hull. For ships with size 1 or 2 shields energy weapons are superior because there's not that much shield to chew through. But for anything bigger and especially quadrant shielded ships you will probably be quicker with ballistics.
Since for a period of time energy weapons do no damage due to shields and ballistics are always doing hull damage even when your target is at max shield, it's not a straight 50% damage loss.
where can you buy the ATLS cargo mech on live?
A18, Loreville and Orison. Use this site in the future to find out where shit is sold ingame https://finder.cstone.space/
thanks, couldnt find it on erkul
Has anyone at CIG actually seen what planets are supposed to look like from orbit?
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This 12 year old game mogs most AAA games nowadays in terms of graphics
it looks weird because planets are the size of the moon of even smaller than the moon irl, so it just looks goofy as hell, the tiling kills clouds for me tho
Yeah it looks so incredible the way clouds of water vapour have no trouble floating in the vacuum of space like that!
who cares retard
clearly, people who watched a youtube video or two about space care, chud
go back to /sci/ faggot
Not a whole lot they can do with if they want clouds that look realistic from the ground, though. The planets are only 1/6th scale so you're gonna see clouds that look too high for them when you're in low orbit. Personally I think it's a worthwhile tradeoff with how much SC's content has shifted to atmospheric and ground stuff, you don't see them from the angle that looks weird all that often anyway considering everything is either within atmo or at higher orbital altitudes where it looks alright.
erkul does show 50% physical resistance on like everything though
Why are spacedads so cringe?
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its all placeholder anyway
Arccorp is retarded. How did they build an entire fucking metal planet?
its not, they just covered the surface of a natural planet with city. there IS a totally fabricated planet in the lore; the Synthworld. an Imperator vanity project and money sucking black hole that is not and will never be complete.
Sounds like a certain game I know...
That's already somewhat implemented in 4.0, not the storm effects but it has the clouds that move, form, and dissipate dynamically.
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>An Architect Reviews
>hmm could be interesting
The entire game is a placeholder.
You didn't read my post or at least the important part. Energy weapons do no damage until they strip shields. Ballistics do damage all the time. Also shields have resistances to energy weapons that can vary but are usually around 33%.
I wish Tactical Advance version 1.0 would come back.
Why can't space babies string together a single coherent sentence without sounding like retarded children?
>enjoy restocking when your ship explodes :^)
stuff like this is why I say rabbit from a fight should basically always be a relatively easy option.

It should not be hard to run away unless you have already been suckerpunched and qed'd

if death is common and survival is hard then no one will ever take the time to load a ship or equip good gear. You cannot rely on soft eath cus we all know the games gonna be full of people who hard kill your hull and murder you just for giggles.
You don't have to like a faggot to agree with any points he brings up. Why indeed is the single weapon mount glorified so much in the design on a ship that performs very poorly in combat?
Because it's cool and different you fags. Thank god you boring pieces of shit aren't on the design team or all we'd ever get is more boring triangles ships.
Yeah it looks cool until you actually use it and realize it doesn't do any of the things you imagined it to.
>You cannot rely on soft eath cus we all know the games gonna be full of people who hard kill your hull
I got the impression that post-engineering ships would effectively be immortal provided you can avoid power generator explosion
the only thing beyond that is spraying bullets into the hull for a while and hoping you killed the people inside, or boarding which comes with the risk of getting killed if the person inside is camping on the other side of the entrance
It's a fucking starter dude, Nobodies running around doing ship combat in a fucking Cutter. The shit guns don't matter for a bunker runner.
The only thing I imagined it to do was retract and cover up
AFAIK it doesnt though
The Avenger actually delivers on the power fantasy of a large dorsal BRRRT. The Intrepid LOOKS like it can blow up asteroids or something but it's outgunned by a pickup truck. There's a very clear design miscommunication there. I don't think the ship looks ugly or uncool, the capabilities simply don't match the looks.
>sounds cringe
Lol couldn't even make it up.
Until maelstrom. Then the ship will simply break apart. Apparently it may explode if you hit fuel tanks as well which cannot be ejected. But who knows because this is Chris Faggurts we're talking about so it'll probably never get implemented correctly.
You're right. If you want an interceptor tuned fighter with small cargo you get an avenger. If you want bigger cargo and slightly less firepower you get a nomad. The intrepid has absolutely no place against any of the other starters.
>Nobodies running around doing ship combat in a fucking Cutter.
While Intrepid and Cutter owners are cowering in fear in their more expensive starters, Aurora MR and Mustang Alpha owners are doing HRTs
>take intrepid out to destroy some illegal monitors
>freelancers defending them
>won't win vs them so use my speed to try and take out the monitors and book it
>1 single missile from an npc freelancer kills the intrepid at full hp and full shields
Remind me, what size missiles do they use?
Missiles are extremely buggy right now. Against players missiles randomly teleport around and oneshot ships. Even ships like Corsair. It's obviously buggy as hell. And note they do that to player ships. They are pretty useless/unreliable against npcs
>Why indeed is the single weapon mount glorified so much in the design on a ship that performs very poorly in combat?
It actually performs exceptionally well as a ballistic cap.
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>Message of the day
>a minute ago
>(Monday) We are currently working on both a new 3.24.3 PTU and a new 4.0 EPTU build for release later today.
I don't get it, all of it.
>Message of the day
>an hour ago
>(Monday) We are currently working on 2 new builds today
>1) We have a new 3.24.3 going to PTU today that is a LIVE candidate for later this week
>2) We have a new 4.0 EPTU build for Wave 1 for later today that we are going to release and then keep up for approximately 2-3 hours before taking down the EPTU until the next publish later this week.
4.0 goes down today
Honestly I dont even care anymore about anything except better frame rates and server stability. The last fun version was what, 3.18?
same, I refuse to "play" single digit server fps dog shit
it's in a vastly better state than it was just a week ago actually. I've been raiding distros for free shit and doing the save stanton stuff and it's running fine on both live and PTU despite single digit server FPS. every time I go third person and look at myself I'm shocked to see I'm still wearing the shades I pulled off a corpse weeks ago and have yet to die to a stupid bug and lose them.

I don't disagree though, 4.0 will nuke stability, and as much as I'm excited for new places, I wish they'd just focus on making the fucking game run smooth for a while. like a year is probably what the need with their track record.
wasnt 3.18 the most dogshit patch ever?
4.0 stability will be godlike in stanton and literally unplayable in pyro, everyone is gona rush to pyro and whoever wants can have stanton for themselves
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>Tonight's build is a 3.24.3 LIVE Release Candidate for later this week. This build combines all the hotfixes that we have done over the weekend on the server and client.
new ptu build is out, gl
Mirai guardian will have an interdictor model that loses one size 5 gun for a quantum dampener.
>Starlancer mfds still missing
>party markers still not fixed
its gona be a great patch h-haha
I've stopped bothering since live got in a playable state, is there even anything new in these daily builds or is it all stability work?
3.18 was great in the ptu but fell apart on live. It was such a cluster fuck they basically reexamined the whole wave release they used to have because nobody was ever actually testing anything.

I often wonder what star citizen would be if they didn’t have to dangle shiny objects in front of literal retards for a “playable environment”
Nah, stanton is gonna be shit too because of hybrid layer.
>landing pads sometimes don't recognise you've landed still
>landing pads sometimes refuse to refuel you still
>inventory sometimes unsorts itself still
>inventory still lags out and resets
>opening a box in inventory can make your inventory just not work anymore STILL
>ships rebound and ghost and disappear in flight STILL
>weird FPS interaction delay between switching guns or items STILL
>weird floating arrows inside some ships STILL
>aiming downsights in FPS sometimes zooms out weirdly STILL
Holy fuck the game is a total shit heap. It's incredible people talk about upcoming bugs when the game is riddled with bugs from 10+ years ago.
I don't experience any of that, upgrade your RAM
Upgrade your face ugly boomer.
Go back to tiktok retard. Maybe ask chatgpt how to not be a faggot while you’re at it.
Go back to facebook posting about how you fantasize about getting cucked by your wife with BBC you obese red faced gammon looking old fuck.
Why when I can post in here and watch you reee like a the retarded faggot you are.
>reee's like a retarded faggot
Classic boomertard

Yeah keep it up that’s gonna show me.
Can't believe you admitted to being a cuck.
>reddit spacing
lol absolutely pathetic
Keep it going eventually you won’t be a retarded faggot.
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>After a tense battle, the Anvil F8C Lightning took home the title, with the Crusader C1 Spirit, Anvil Terrapin, and Aegis Reclaimer finishing close behind.
>To celebrate the final four ships, the Best in Show day lets you test-fly each finalist. Furthermore, those who have one (or more) of the four ships that made it to the Semi-Finals will get a free limited-edition ship livery!
I thought the new ships usually won?
>dragon dildo color scheme
Everyone votes for the f8c because spectrum is insistent that it's the best fighter in the game because it's "hard" to get.
That's 1/4 slots, why didn't the terrivac or Columbus win?
The vote is always held in September, way before we knew of the terrivac's existence.
Late August to early September*
doesnt the reclaimer already have a hideous purple BIS skin?
Yes, but it's even worse. It happened before they put in their paint system, so that 2019 bis Recalimer is an entirely new ship that you cannot remove the fugly paint from. I know a poor bastard who loves his caterpillar is now stuck with that horrible skin.

Ships can be mulitple time winners. I believe the criteria for the vote is:
>Has to be flyable in-game in the current live build before the vote, not a concept.
>Cant be unobtainable ships (Intel sabre Raven, AMD Mustang Omega)
Thats as far as I know.
They also clump all the ship variants together so the constellations are under the same vote.
Eh, not really. Take this year's vote for example, the C1 was nominated and won the vote, and its BIS skin will be specific only to the C1 and won't work on the A1. I know it's bullshit, but that's the unfortunate case.
Only ships that are currently flyable are eligible. The C1 and F8 were both new since the last vote, the Reclaimer was by far the meta UEC earner so it was popular at the time, and the Terrapin was the underdog that got memed into the final four, just like the MPUV a couple of years back.
>and won't work on the A1
It almost certainly will, ones from past years have worked on other variants. It's just that you only GET it if you own the variant in question.
>ones from past years have worked on other variants
Uh, no. The Cutlass blacks BIS skin does not work on its variants, and neither does the C8X Pisces Expedition. There was drama about the C8X's BIS skin not working with the med Pisces when that came out later that year, and CIG went back and forth until they finally gave an answer saying that it won't.
Huh I guess it's been inconsistent, I'm pretty sure the C2 one worked on the other Hercs and I know the 600i Explorer one works on the Touring.
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Oh you are right, they have been inconsistent with bis skins and variants. I just hope that the C1's skin can also work with the A1, but I'm not holding out any hope.
I miss him too. His videos were what really got me hooked on the idea of SC and they're still my go-to when I want to show newer people what SC and its ships were like in the early days or when I'm just feeling nostalgic. I wonder why he quit videos so completely

I think Olli43 has become the closest thing to what TA was, though he does a lot of general gameplay videos as well. Not quite the same but he at least scratches some of that itch for seeing an overly enthusiastic British guy go through ships in sometimes excruciating detail.
it was patched to stability after a few months
I think the actual patch number was around 3.20 or so when it was quite stable, I got regular play sessions doing missions and mining without issues.
3.22 was great, right before they started tweaking again and added shit like the new EVA and started piecemeal adding stuff like the cargo changes. kinda feels like we're back to that point now, which of course will be again obliterated by 4.0

actually maybe we can be hopeful that most of the new gameplay stuff will get ripped out before it goes live and instead of a bunch of broken new systems we get pure content in the form of pyro without any half baked bullshit.
You missed
>sound bugs (Quantum drive, medical gun, ammo repool) requiring relog
>some controls randomly stop working requiring relog to fix
>Deadzone bug that keeps an axis at the minimum value if you move axis slowly close to the threshold unless you raise and bring it back to zero quickly which has existed since the prejurassic era
>Quantum spool spazzing between two markers, markers disappearing, or just doing weird shit like sending you crashing into a planet or to the sun or just refusing to lock in a route.
>Docking fugged for larger ships HH, etc... UI is completely misaligned and unusable this patch even if you manually dock it will not work
>water bottle or food refusing to be picked up and the annoying auto inspect on pickup/purchase "feature" causing an issue with your camera and preventing your character from turning properly.
>yeeted into space instead of station interior when party is disbanded and you are still in someone else's hangar
>gun falling to the ground or gun refusing to equip
>gun misaligned with center because your arms go retarded for whatever reason
as you can see in that text
>"As the C2 is a true variant, this is the only model that will receive the paint and jacket"
this means variants dont get to use the skins just the specific model
Should I get an A1 as my dedicated combat ship? Can I do PvE and some PvP in it?
Have they yet explained how it would be desirable for friends to run a small multi-crew ship instead of three separate ships? Something like the Cutlass or Zeus.
Multicrew needs to get an armor buff, larger armored ships need to be 5x-8x stronger. Let's hope maelstrom delivers.
>everyone has their own ship
>1 explodes
>argument about whether they should go back for him or let him catch up
>everyone on one ship
>ship explodes
>no argument
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>Message of the day
>3 minutes ago
>(Tuesday) We are currently working on a new 3.24.3 build for release to the PTU early today. This includes further fixes for expo halls as well as multiple Polaris docking arm fixes. This is a LIVE release candidate for as early as Wednesday.
>No plans for a new 4.0 build today. EPTU will stay down until the next 4.0 publish when it is ready
its over pyro bros
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>cash in on retards subscribing for $10 to do a shitty system jump
>take it down until further notice after 2 days
I kneel.
>get in your other ship
>get back to the fight
Multiboomers on absolute suicide watch.
>get back to the fight
Bold of you to assume it's not a 15 minute qjump to do this.
>rez at the teams hanger in the medipisces
I didn't know your hangars were always right next to the mission or task you were doing.
You're the luckiest player around, anon!
Intrepid looks cool, and I'm tired of pretending it doesn't.
>t. ginger manlet
engineering knock on effects will solve it if/when everything revolves around loot aka cargo. fighters have no cargo space -> one cargo capable ship required -> bigger cargo ships require a crew for fusecucking etc -> might as well all be on that ship so it's not
limp and defenseless
both funny and effective. evocati is for testing. I hate the fags that cry when you complain about bugs in final wave open PTU but evo genuinely is for testing and jank is to be expected, it's not a ppv preview channel
if you didn't drop in and copy your regen to the nearest station rx before a combat mission when you're a 15 minute q jump away from home that's on you.
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I haven't played this in over a year, anything new worth checking out, or should I just keep putting it on snooze?
it's in the peak stability phase before new shit comes out and breaks everything
anyone know what the hell the point of the TUR SCM mode is in the Nomad? I assume it stands for turret, but the only 'turret' option on the dash is the tractor beam. TUR mode doesn't seem to enable more guns or anything either. at least MIS mode finally works now.

another POTENTIAL live candidate, docking shit is supposedly fixed
If they actually made that worth while the friendless AI crew faggots would have their eighth meltdown this year.
It's a bug. It's supposed to be SCM Mis so you can fire missiles.
Missiles work on the nomad though. There's an SCM mis mode.
I think it's just bugs. There's a tractor beam mode from the pilot chair even though the tractor beam can't hit anything the pilot see's. But I just ignore that mode and the turret mode.
it only took them several years!!!
now if they revert the starlancer changes so it actually has MFDs that would be a proper LIVE candidate
>>rez at the teams hanger in the medipisces
Honestly this takes me out of it so much.

The fact that it's not
>You need a ship with medical facilities
>You need any ship with a hanger or cargo bay big enough to shove a medipisces into
is dumb and I just feels like it kills any kind of actual medical gameplay when basically any group can just toss a respawn point in the back of their ship instead of actually needing to deal with medical gameplay.
the tractor on the nomad is super handy for any job where you've gotta go get a box that's out in the open. don't even gotta get out of your seat.
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What's dumb is them charging through the fucking nose for any ship (((variant))) with medical capabilities because they deliberately milk it for shekels.
So, yeah. People are just gonna get a ship with a big cargo bay that can do anything, then throw in a Nursa or Pisces. Because they're sure as fuck not bringing in modularity any time soon, if ever; at least not for anything that isn't hundreds of dollars.
Whatever happened with this? Is it on ptu or do we have to wait until live?
It will be a 4.0 thing at least duh.
this hab is getting 1 star
The fact that you can't go get a hab to bed log in stations is dumb and inversion breaking.
What would happen if you just logged out then? Maybe in 20 years when you have a sleep/stamina meter or something it would be cool if you got some kind of bonus or penalty depending on where you logged out.
The exact same as it is now. You'd still have people going in and out for the rp of it.
Ah, no that would be cool, I thought you were implying that you should have to bedlog at stations.
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the dumbest fucking thing about these habs is they have storage for persistence when the door locks behind you and you can never go back into the same one again. what's the point? they were clearly designed to be used as permanent player apartments. imo they should snap one onto the side of every personal hangar. home planet only, you get the convenience of not taking the fucking subway when you log in, just walk through the door into your hangar.
>what's the point?
The ships are meant to be our characters, and the customization of our living spaces with nicknacks is meant to signify progression. But we're still fairly early into development, unironically, so that won't happen until later.
>have to walk into station
>walk to the hotel
>go up in the elevator
>find the right floor
>find the right room
>go inside
>sit on bed
>select lay down
>animation bug
>have to do it again
>can't find the bed to right click on
>finally get to log out
I want to wring your fat old ass boomer neck.
>But we're still fairly early into development
Honestly I was thinking the same thing. How the fuck are they supposed to be developing shit when you can't get past 5 Server side FPS. Why is everything so shitty still. Shouldn't the multiplayer side of the house be getting smoother and less shitty rather than more shitty?
Based. It shouldn't take 10 minutes to get into my ship or fucking log out.
I think that >>1507142 is right and that habs should either be attached to hangers or city habs should be closer to the spaceport or part of it, unless you live there and choose to live in the city. Game sucks right now
Congratulations on your forced star citizen husband retard. it's so over for you.
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>Message of the day
>7 minutes ago
>(Wednesday) We are currently warming up the 3.24.3 LIVE environment. Goal is to open up 3.24.3 on LIVE later tonight when this completes but it will definitely be a late one US time.
>We will most likely publish a new EPTU with 4.0 Thursday after working on loads of new stability updates
IAE patch to live today, 4.0 eptu tomorrow
>Why is everything so shitty still.
Because it's an alpha.
Because they spent the better part of a decade gathering money, building infrastructure and trying to niggerrig cryengine to do something it was never designed to do.
They've spent a decade building features they later scrap because Chris gets bored of it or he plays red dead and wants natural beard growth in the game and demands they all start work on that instead of fixing shit.
>They've spent a decade building features
The first year was literally writing on napkins and gathering donations
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It's been 15 years you stupid fucking boomer.
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>moving goalposts
>ignoring the fact that they did fuckall for the first five years
>says it's early in development
>they've been working on it for 15 years
You stupid fat old tard.
3.23.3 is now live. New bread ahead of the event

whatever shit they did the first 5 years was trashed when the money kept flowing in and doing freelancer 2 was not good enough for the amount of money gathered, thats their own explanation btw
that was star citizen 1 a canceled cryengine game

legally we're paying star citizen 2 a lumberyard based custom engine powered game :^)

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