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old >>1470326

>What is Space Station 13?
An ancient intrigue & atmospherics autism game set on a doomed space station.

>New player guide

>Roleplay Guides

>BYOND client

>/vg/ links
http://ss13.moe/ (Home page with links to game, forum, bans, admins, etc)
http://game.ss13.moe/logs (Logs of previous rounds for administrative purposes)
http://game.ss13.moe/minimaps/images/maps/ (/vg/station minimaps)
https://ss13.moe/media/source/ (Jukebox media source)

byond://game.ss13.moe:7777 (/vg/station primary game server)
byond://ss13.moe:1337 (/vg/station test server)
http://byond.com/games/exadv1/spacestation13 (public server list)

>/vg/station Coder Resources
@rizon #coderbus @rizon #vgstation (/vg/ IRC channels)

>try Hullrot
>have to join the discord to get whitelisted
>a romanian nationalist is gatekeeping the discord chat whitelist
>finally get in once he's gone
>server is only up 1-2 times a week for 1-2 rounds per session
>only active during european timezones, totally dead in pacific timezone
>when server's up it's usually a "hyperwar" round where you spawn ships with infinite money and welp them at the other faction(s)
>have to get onto another discord whitelist to join a faction and actually play the game
>the factions are /pol/, lefty/pol/, and space pirates
>join spacepirate faction because it's the least insufferable
>a week has passed by this point
>i have still not played hullrot
>schedules finally align where they're hosting outside of 9-5 work hours, can finally play hullrot
>can't play any faction roles because they're unlocked by playtime
>on the server that's up for ~6hrs/wk
>join hyperwar round as vagrant, get on somebody else's spaceship
>our ship falls apart after getting lightly brushed by someone's bullets
>radio says it's friendly fire, our ally behind us blew up our engines
>i open a door to go fix the damage
>immediately and instantly yeeted into space by ZAS-tier atmos
the last thread was wrong, hullrot isn't based at all. SS14 as a whole is cooked, what's good is old & stale and what's new isn't good.
>>>have to join the discord to get whitelisted
You don't have to do that, though, only the very top roles of each faction are whitelisted. You can play 95% of the jobs without opening discord once. The timezones thing is a you problem, and the friendly fire thing is a round issue. Stop being a faggot anon.
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SS13 is old and full of chuds. It's time to upgrade to the next generation.
>a romanian nationalist is gatekeeping the discord chat whitelist

what did he make you do? Make you acknowledge you recognize the difference between Romanians and gypsies?
You have to write a five page essay on the history of the Romanian people from Dacia to Ceausescu and another five pages on the migration of the Cigany from India before you can even THINK of joining the discord.
>can't play any faction roles because they're unlocked by playtime
This is a problem with every server from SS13 to SS14.
wtf I love hullrot now
So what happened with all that ss14 headmin shit. Was it because of election nonsense or just typical 14 fuckery
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>open ss13 thread
>ss14 drama
>local tajaran goes missing, vulpkanin community holds evening dinner potluck to raise funds for search
>ships should depressurize during combat
Expanse was right all along.
New SS13 video.
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Do you play Chemist?
the yvvel clique is the real reason /vg/ died
i don't really like the things he has said about me, but he's a nice enough guy
I don't think anyone who's seriously considered space combat ever entertained the idea of anything else for any significant period of time.
Combat windows are so terribly short and predictable that there's just no downside to wearing a suit for it; if we can't get the dexterity perfect by then you'd rather fucking barehand it.
Infighting occurred over controversial changes made. (Cargo losing the reclaimer miniship.)
Ss14 aint in the best spot anyway due to struggles with shortages of engis
>he's still posting these
she's dead anon, it's over. move on
i don't get it. i try my best to be kind to everybody but i get treated like trash so often. is there something wrong with me? i am very angry but tired at the same time
you are a furry
you know now that you say it i think you may have a solid point
>got bwoinked for attacking an antagonist who tried to kill an IC friend multiple times with an axe
>told i should have just shoved them instead of trying to hunt down the antag who put my friend into crit more than twice
well that's new. oh well, guess that's just how it works around here
Wheres here? Sounds like a shitstation
it was paradise. i'm not to worried about it, the admin was just letting me know how things work on their server
Does anyone have any sneaky tips for the cuban pete arcade machine? i'm trying to get the 7000 tickets to trade for a bike but the highest i've managed before either a crew transfer started or the station exploded was a little under 4000. my current strategy has been to rush magic so i can heal 10~ hp more than the enemy then stomp on them until they stop moving, but it takes a while and i've seen some people win in around half as long as i'm taking
Booooo, get new material
>mime starts a feed rating people as if they were games
>think it's pretty funny
>he finally gets around to me
>text content of my review is "you can pet the dog"
honestly pretty based and accurate
how many times do i have to tell you this, man of indeterminate age, get new material!
I'm just confused why you do the cutesy ai slop and then shift over to horror ai slop. You are a very confusing man
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We're playing on Riviera Station 13 in less than 10 minutes!
Actually, we're playing in an hour. Daylight savings n' shiet.
Whenever I try to open an interaction menu (like on lathes or vending machines) for Riviera station or /vg/station I get a blank white screen (on Riviera I get the usual screen once and then white if I click it a second time). Anyone know how to fix this? I've:
>tried reconnecting to the servers
>cleared BYOND cache
>cleared Edge cache
>reinstalled BYOND to latest version
>made sure Edge is on latest version
>exempted all BYOND .exes from the firewall
>restarted my PC
None of it works. Does anyone know how I can fix it?
Well, since the UI runs on Edge, you can always try to spam F5 on windows to refresh them.
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Oh, SS14 is a very funny game, sir
Devs are a strange and troubled band
The slavs fucked out of the 'cord sir,
The rest they demand to be called ma'am
Every furfags got a pride flag
Tied firmly to their tail
And it wouldn't be surprising
If there'd be another banning
Said the man from New Zeeland

Oh, every player upon his word
Sayingoh no — I'm not Rane Sir!
Jezithyr's cracking Skyes furry porn game,
On f95 there, nothing was lost there.
And every jannyfag in voice chat
Sexting minors and "wo-man"
And it wouldn't be surprising
If there'd be another banning
Said the man from New Zeeland

Oh, the other day they took a poll there
Troons are 41% of the team
Wonder if that's the survival rate here
After Jezithyr's out of HRT
They'll, march to the SJW lockstep
But PJB used to wail nigger to no avail
And every time I show up
They would ban me for "threat to life" 'ere
Said the man from New Zeeland

Oh, every player upon his word
Saying oh no — I'm not Rane sir !
Jezithyr's cracking Skyes furry porn game,
On f95 there, nothing was lost there.
And every jannyfag in voice chat
Sexting minors and "wo-man"
And it wouldn't be surprising
If there'd be another banning
Said the man from New Zeeland

Oh, the whole place is filled with groomers
It's discord through and through
All the 'mins are grooming minors
And giving them HRT too
Well some trolls just sent me
A 41% in my email
And I'm shaking in me fursuit
As I'm loading my shotgun too
Said the troon from the discord now
These lyrics work well with viva la Vida as well, strangely
>moth person asks me how to get more games on his PDA
>take him to the PDA module vendor and install the advanced flashlight, flick it on, and hand it back
>wave and go about my day
>go back nearly 20 minutes later and he is standing in the same spot with his pda in his hand, drooling
i admire his dedication to the bit
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getting suited up to play VG, i probably won't actually go all the way and actually CONNECT to VG, though, think ill go masturbate then play on a non shit server
>i don't really like the things he has said about me, but he's a nice enough guy

you deserve this for being sheep retards who banned the shephards, don't forget that
i just don't see the point in seething about silly internet words. someone doesn't like me? oh well, i'll spend my time elsewhere.
but HOW weh?
Does anyone know the name of the song that auto-plays on the .moe pages? I swear I've heard it before but I'm blanking on the title.
after dark?
speaking of secrets, here's one
you can rename people and items and basically anything
>drop item on floor(or have the borg/clown stand still) in a named room
>obtain CE blueprints
>rename room to the name of the item/borg/clown you want to rename
>rename room to the new name you want the item/borg/clown to have
>(optional) remove item/borg/clown from room
>(optional) rename room back to its original name
That's it, thank you anon! It's a very calming song
>vampires spotted on station
>sec requests some holy water tanks
>grab a water tank and head to sec lobby, plan to smack it with my bible when i get there
>as soon as i do some racist grey sec officers says "thanks furball" and shoves me aside taking the tank before i can turn it into holy water
>observe as he feeds the captured vamp entirely ordinary water while yelling his confusion into the sec radio
>in the time he is doing this the vamp uncuffs himself and proceeds to glare the officer and suck him dry
>give the vamp a double thumbs up, do a flip, and scurry away
that'll teach him that racism only pays if you're jewish
Yes but the cleric used revivify on him immediately after as a joke

code phrase zoophiles use to identify each other

At least you're diversifying your buzzwords that you use to hate fun
i wish vg was a little more popular, i sorta want to play a decent-ish round in the morning
it would be nice if there was more times where it was low/medium population because having some chill rounds with 10~ people is great for people learning the game, but being a niche community seems to end up funneling people into a routine where they simply plan to play during "high pop" where there are 20+ people on at a set time during the day. though i have to say even with it being a "lol 4chan server" i'm not sure why player counts are so low, it really sucks to see it at 0-1 players so often even though it's a fairly unique server among the ss13 offerings
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On the State of Wizden
As many of you know, the head game admin team recently decided to leave the project. You can read their statement on the status of the project and their personal reasons for stepping down here. Alongside the head admin team, approximately half of the current admin team has also chosen to leave.

Space Station 14 and Wizard's Den has grown to a massive size. While I've personally been working on the game for almost 8 years, this explosive growth has happened only in the last 2. Our leadership has not been able to evolve to reflect that. The reasons for the game admins' departure are not just specific to Wizden, and they have been heard by the current Project Management (PM) team. We're doing our best to address them as soon as possible.

We owe both our (former) staff and players an apology for how long it has taken to address these concerns. I hope our actions going forward will be able to deal with our problems and make Space Station 14 and Wizard's Den the best game and community it can be.

What we're going to do
We're planning to make these changes in the short term to address the problems. All resulting staff policy will be public, as it currently is.

Improve core staff accountability and transparency
Core staff will have defined roles assigned to make sure things get done and there's clarity in leadership.
We are discussing with staff what other changes to make for better accountability and transparency.
These discussions are not final but some proposals include voting, elections and strike policies.

Tighten up codebase organization and focus on admin tools
We're working on organizing the maintainer team to make it easier to review and prioritize things on the repo.
We're going to try to get a more unified vision and design of the game written down and start handling design docs better, which should hopefully make PR review easier.
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Enforce more professionalism between staff
This doesn't mean making the project a corporate hellhole, but it does mean dealing with toxicity between staff and similar.
This is both internally (between staff) and publicly (PR).

Q: What about Space Station 14 as a whole?
A: This does not directly affect servers that aren't Wizard's Den, in the short term at least. Of course, I hope that all improvements we make will be beneficial to downstreams too, in one way or another.

Q: Is Wizden over?
A: No, but we may be in for a rougher ride than usual in the near future. Please remember to thank the remaining staff that has decided to stay.
Q: I Have More Questions
A: Please feel free to reach out in unknown. You can also send me or another Project Manager (red name) a direct message (DM) if you prefer.
whats the real story behind? announcement says nothing
keep in mind I have no idea what happened in the last 5 years I just know that ss14 keeps pushing for weird trans fetish shit
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People in this image were constantly fighting each other and it spilled over into them abusing their volunteer admins
why is it always the pedos the ones hiding behind transexuals?
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Oh yeah, speaking of, an SS14 game director said that queer people URGENTLY need to be able to roleplay as kids or they will be harmed by their QUEER IDENTITY OF IDENTIFYING AS A CHILD being invalidated
Did 14 ever get dilation stations?
why do they all have some kind of fucked up uncanny glare?
>pjb: malice
>moony: robotic
>smug and jezi: blank, emotionless
i know people say it's quack shit but those pictures are genuinely unnerving and i would be on my guard around them if i was ever forced to be around them
Porn addiction. It ruins your views on life, and your sanity.
Fuck SS14.
Any actually good SS13 servers around?

Hopefully combat oriented.

TGMC got Xoped into oblivion, CM is even worse and most the hub is ERP.
>Be black dude on lowpop
>Bob is making viruses, get made into an android that can survive in space
>Because I'm black the robot virus which makes your skin look metalic makes me pitch black
>Go into space but something isn't right, start taking brute damage in excess of 200 but am perfectly healthy besides lung damage
>I decide to see how far this pushes near the end of the round
>350 brute damage standing
>suddenly foot explodes, followed by hands, and then all 4 are gone like I was in a chimp attack
>I'm lying there in space motionless now stuck thinking about my choices
>Minutes pass and then later a flash, my leg explodes, followed by the same pattern for the arms
>I am still alive in perfect health feeling no pain during any of this
>Round ends before my head or chest can fully turn into dust
What a way to go
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>Fuck SS14.
>Any actually good SS13 servers around?
>Any actually good SS13 servers around?
all dead, no hope
>0 online at prime time /vg/ hours
i know it's monday but sheeeeeesh
>why do they all have some kind of fucked up uncanny glare?
>Hopefully combat oriented.
Download TF2
i always thought it was weird when i saw the "it's tf2 night hop on the admin-hosted server!" posts in discord. it's not like i hate tf2 or anything but why the hell are our admins doing stuff like that instead of...y'know...trying to get people on the server?
At this point I'm feeling that they should put more effort into hosting events. Not so frequently that people burn out on them, but to focus on quality and have multiple admins onhand to assist that have perms to spawn fun shit. Discord killed the sense of community for /vg/ because OOC: isn't all we have anymore
>TGMC got Xoped into oblivion
what happened? I thought it had it's own group of coders and the main TGstation devs and their Good Idea Fairy mentality left it alone
jeez it's almost like being a bunch of rulefags on a 4chan server that barely gets any pop to begin with is a bad idea.
I'm not disagreeing with you, I have seen multiple servers across multiple games ruined by rulefaggotry, but from the ban page I only see valid bans (if the reasons are true)
It also discourages more people from playing the fucking game especially longtime players who know the admins have it out for them.
Maintainer cabal is mostly xeno mains.
Aimmode got removed a while back, more xeno buffs in the works, lots of niche weapons kneecapped for "balance" (read: a coder died to it)

I mean xeno takes a special kind of autism to main so I suppose it's sort of natural that the majority of people coding for TGMC and gatekeeping PRs are xeno mains.
>Maintainer cabal is mostly xeno mains.
If we're talking rumors here, I heard one of the former head devs from CM talk about the only reason CM is still ahead of TGMC is because it has the majority of the xeno pop, and that that's the reason devs are always bouncing and moaning for them. If they steal the xeno mains, they'll take over the pop.
That really wouldn't surprise me.
hot dogs are great. i took two and they sustained me for the entire shift.
two more weeks
been playing barotrauma recently and it gives me the itch
should and how can I get into this "game"
my only exposure were sseth and mandalore's reviews
you only live once. it's got more mechanical depth than barotrauma, but there's no long running story or anything like that.
find a server that seems appealing (sseth used /vg/station for his video) and play on it. read the rules, a new player guide, and you'll be well on your way to becoming a spessman.
>sseth used /vg/station for his video
heh, i just gave it another watch for laughs and salmonistasty is a listed antag in one of the screenshots he used.
Sure, just go in with the mindset that this game is a "play" and you're playing a character in it, sometimes you'll be a side character, sometimes you'll be part of the main cast and sometimes you'll be the bad guy. The objective is to have fun. The controls are all shit and janky but once you get past that and memorize them it's like riding a bicycle.
play on /vg/ when there's more than 10 people playing or Riviera when it's live and don't be afraid to say you're new and ask questions, as long as it's "In Character." Don't bother with other vanilla servers on the main hub since they are all dogshit, unfun and full of aids with no-fun-allowed rule-cop faggot admins comparable only to Gmod's DarkRP admins but way more gay and autistic. Read the server's beginner guide in the wiki before joining the game or you'll get mad that you can't figure out how to use your hands so you'll leave the game before you even exit the arrivals shuttle.
as someone who likes /vg/ i cannot recommend playing there. most of the players and admins are fine, but there is 100% a problem with the admin staff. there is a reason it has 0 players right now, and it isn't because people are busy with other things. this is 4chan so i'm going to say this; nobody likes a whiny bitch who thinks banning a whinier bitch and then continue to whine about them is cool, it makes you look pathetic. the discord is utter trash (as they all are) and even with their selective admin chat where they can censor whatever they want is vile. /vg/ is "cooked" as the zoomers would say, i would recommend people find a new place to play.
I can't, anon. The other servers are too different, I'm stuck a decade in the past and I can't catch up at this point. Once /vg/ finally kicks the bucket for good I'm probably done.
Get this, a wizard casted an immortality spell on him as a prank and he's getting bored of trying to commit suicide
>I'm stuck a decade in the past
No you just haven't sunk your head into the pile of shit yet. It is as you say, the other servers are too different but not in a good way, the correct way to describe them would be that they are bloated with differences and unnecessary "innovations". Games like TF2, L4D2 and Counter-Strike have barely changed in the past decade or so, yet those games still pull players back in all the same because the core formula of those games is good and doesn't need to change. The only real innovation SS13 needed was more accessible controls but we didn't even get that. The other servers are so far into the wrong direction that any hope of recovery is impossible and the only thing left to do would be to start a classic SS13 renaissance in the style of TF2 classic servers, except I don't see that happening any time soon as long as most servers' administration remains in the hands of mentally ill rule-cop tyrant faggots and whiny autistic furry devs. Until then /vg/station and other servers like it(Riviera) have to stay alive, despite /vg/station's admins trying to kill the server with their shitty Discord drama.
lol delusional post.
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ah shit you got me
>no chef or bontany so there is no food
>vending machine food is outrageously expensive for what it is
>decide to feed the station yummy fruits from the public garden
>apples, grapes, oranges and watermelons all planted and doing well
>let everyone know there is going to be plenty of food in the crates in the garden
>people stop by for snacks and some leave credit tips
>abductor tries to kidnap me but gets disarm owned and runs off before being slapped with a permabrig
>a very nice and very autistic vulp IAA visits and tips me a 100 credits after having some food
>in between deliveries of fruit to the cafeteria see him kidnapped, bullied, and extorted
>on one occasion someone was throwing glass at him, try to put a stop to it
>after the whole ordeal he had been stripped and was basically a sobbing mess
>says his paw is hurting so i offer to escort him to medical
>leave him in the safety of a medical borg and get back to gardening
>someone steals his jacket and he seems very upset about it so i run down to the autodrobe to get him a nice replacement jacket
>crew transfer is called
>everyone gathers for the shuttle ride, nice IAA runs straight into the brig area so i don't get the chance to give him the jacket i bought him
>prisoners are being transferred into the shuttle brig, including one that was particularly mean to the IAA
>IAA doing a great job RPing the meek pacifist role and emoting how nervous he is while the fem vulp who has been treating him badly all shift tries to order him around while she is in cuffs
>offer moral support through the windows alongside the clown and mime who had actually been funny and silent the entire shift respectively
>no issues on the ride home, but as soon as the shuttle lands a sec officer tables the poor IAA and starts wailing on him
>drag him away, but he dies before i can fix his wounds
>sec officer turns on me and beats me to death as well
pretty cozy round
lol delusional post.
listen here detractor, there are FOUR people now. so shut your stupid face!
the irony is the thing that killed VG is same self-serving bureaucracy that most of the admins probably dislike dealing with IRL. No one wants to come home after a day of work dealing with rules and regulations all fucking day to deal with more rules and regulations and hopped up wannabe mallcops watching your every move.
the part that gets me angry is that some of them openly hate players (they literally post their dislike in discord) and give them more punishment at the first chance they can. nobody wants to play in that kind of environment, barely anyone wants to play /vg/ in the first place. guess you don't have to do your unpaid job if pop is dead pretty much all the time.
Let's see Hinatrans server, oh right he literally gave up.
>hina out of NOWHERE



Okay retard
>out of nowhere
How many days in a row is this now?
So buying s.t.a.l.k.e.r 2 was a fucking mistake. I'm going back to serving drinks to alcoholic furries.
What's wrong with it that wasnt also wrong with the first three STALKERs?
For one the tutorial doesn't even work. you have to collect an anomaly which has spawned for me after approximately 4 hours of trying, to play (2/3rd of which was me restarting the game and having to cache shaders). the single time i got the anomaly to spawn i was killed by a bloodsucker before i could even leave the tutorial area. steam denied my refund request so i guess i'm just out 60 bucks. i'm going to vent my frustration by mutating plants until they become kudzu while watching isekai anime
>spending tum tum money on hohol trash
could have bought a blankie
"you're welcome" t. NORDVPN.
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the fish_grease ban was the straw that broke my back, never again will i connect to VG, talk positively about VG to any other player, or try to fix VG

What was your straw?

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