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After some thought, I think the only reason I still play video games is to relive the good old days when I used to have friends and I would play all sorts of video games with them. Oftentimes we wouldn't even be playing video games; we'd just sit around and chat after work. Of course, groups always drift apart as people grow busier or less interested, but it felt like you could always make more friends than you would lose. Your contacts lists were always growing and clans were always recruiting. New games would release and new communities would form around them.
One day, though, it seems as if all of that stopped. It's like I have a gap in my memory between now and back then. My old microphone has been packed away and left untouched for two house moves now. What happened? Did everyone grow out of playing video games except for me? Did everyone move on to entirely new things without me? Do people even play video games together anymore, or is it all automated matchmaking these days?
These days I try to match that old experience by playing all sorts of multiplayer games and making short-lived conversation in the in-game chat, but people don't ever seem very interested. Oftentimes I like to listen to old youtube videos in the background to add to the illusion of being among friends when I'm alone, even when I'm not playing vidya.

Apologies to board users (NOT jannies) if this is a little too meta or off-topic. It is about video games, specifically multiplayer stuff in my case, so I thought this would be the best place. I also like the slow pace here compared to those other, less desirable, boards.
I don't play games at all anymore.
The only times I do is when /vm/ plays an mmo together.
I only play these mmos because I like being around others.
"thrills" and "excitement" and "dominating other players" and "having the best gear" all seem like gay reasons to play a game, and hopefully those types of people will eventually mature and overcome the desires of their flesh/ego.

You should come join us:
I still play games like you used to, there are still lots of fun multiplayer games and lots of great people to make friends with. Although it's harder now, the Internet has been flooded with people who barely speak English and the Internet has been sanitized to the point that banter will get you banned.
For the same reason as 90% of the people that play them, escapism. It's not like my life is as fun and interesting as most of the Vidya I've played.
ESL/language barriers were never much of a big problem back in the day. If there wasn't a player who could translate, we'd learn each other's languages and have a blast anyway. Also, one of my favorite things about video games is how they can function as a foundation for a common pidgin language between people who couldn't otherwise communicate.
I think it's mostly just the increasing number of normalfags (both English and non-english speakers) coming online that ruin it.
Mucho Texto
sum it up in fewer words
Looks like a lot of fun, anon
I'll have to watch that thread and join you guys sometime. Neocron looks like it's right up my alley. I just hope I wouldn't be too late to the party though.
i play video games for escapism and social interactions
>I just hope I wouldn't be too late to the party though.
lol they swapped to a new game saturday night and neocron ended.
What game did they switch to? The thread is difficult to decypher for a noob like me
I own 3,000$ worth of CS skins that’s the only reason.
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For brain exercise. You could use some.

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