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Now with more PP

Elite: Dangerous is an online space flight simulation and combat, trading, exploration, mining, ship-based, vehicle-based and on-foot PvP and PvE game that takes place within a slightly outdated yet surprisingly accurate 1:1 scale simulation of the Milky Way galaxy. There was already star located in-game at about the same place before it was discovered in real life. We're sadly missing UY Scuti but there's VY Canis Majoris. Still super-massive and real-sized in-game, especially in VR.

New ships:
-Mandalay, scheduled for release in early October; a new exploration mamba with yuge jump range and ability to shit out the pilot directly below the cockpit so he can sniff plants without walking. Also apparently the most "supercruise-optimized".
-Type-8 is actually a MEDIUM hauler which makes the Type-7 officially the new asp scout. "supercruise-optimized" too.
-New Python variant called the Python-de-lanc- I mean, Python Mk II. "supercruise-optimized" as well.

>Trading and market tools

>Space Chinaman's ship and module discount emporium:
Look for high tech stations with power Li Yong-Rui for the best selection at 15% off. Example: Ray Gateway in the Diaguandri system.
Or just rank up to trade Elite (easiest) and go to Jameson Memorial in Shinrarta Dezhra for convenience and because you aren't poor.

>Theorycraft your spacecraft:
https://edsy.org/ (should be your general go-to shipbuilder)
https://coriolis.io/ (arguably better UI though some say it's inaccurate. slightly better for combat stats too)

>What the fugs is engineering?

>Elite: Dangerous wiki

>Where's all the xeno scum?

>Rizz up your cockpit with fronthole magnets:
can I get a qrd on the (new) power play, never done the old one either
how tedious is it to unlock modules?
should I just subscribe to Aisling's onlyfans to get prismatic shields and call it a day?
you can get all the modules from any power now, the unlock order is just different between all of them.
there's way more ranks now but also way more ways to get merits so i'd say it feels a lot less grindy. Merits also don't decay weekly like they used to
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previous thread
What kind of eleven herbs and spices should I put on my (PvE) Anaconda's multicannons?
I put hicap emissive+corrosive on the smalls, not sure if I should bother with incendiary or whatever or just go overcharged autoloader on everything else?
I'm running TV lasers in the medium slots.
It used to be just a matter of waiting 4 weeks to get the module for one power, then moving on to the next, no grind required just calendar time.
Now it's actual balls to the wall grinding for months to unlock them all.
Honestly for such shit modules it ain't worth it if you're not into the actual system flipping boardgame.
imho railguns are pretty much the best thing you can equip

range beats everything
I wish. I want actual guardian ships.
yeah you're still better off just doing it exactly like before even with all the changes
the first unlock for each power is the same as whatever their unique module was in 1.0 and it's at rank 34 which isn't that bad. I've done fuckall with the new power play so far and I still have like 15,000 already just from missions
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data leaks from a while ago
I feel like these have all long been abandoned.
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The exact blend of overlapping system conditions that would enable genetic repair meds to spawn in as settlement loot seem to not have lined up in the galaxy for a few days now,
and fleet carrier bartenders are bugged if the carrier owner is tied to an Epic Games account, ever since PP2.0 dropped.
I acknowledge my potential retardation, but I'm just feeling a little bit discouraged.
you're not retarded, they are stupidly rare to find and they are also one of the few things that can't be a mission reward for some fucking reason
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My precious
i can try putting some up for sale on my carrier if you want
i already have that engi unlocked and have a bunch of spares for some reason
actually nvm it won't even let me transfer engineering stuff to my carrier
fuck this game
>and fleet carrier bartenders are bugged if the carrier owner is tied to an Epic Games account, ever since PP2.0 dropped.
Are you sure that's the cause? I haven't been able to trade with *any* fc bartenders, seems unlikely they're all on epic
Idk what that guy is talking about epic accounts. Bartenders have been busted for a while.
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Mining, e.g. Faiers Mineralogic Complex in LHS 449, planet Gold.

PROC is the name of the room inside EXT building.

screenshot from 5 minutes ago
>i managed to fix it last night and it wasn't as complicated as the forum dads made it sound
all you have to do is go to a bartender and if you see that you have multiple stacks of the same item for some reason, sell the top stack bc they are the ones that are tagged wrong. Crazy that something that minor breaks the entirety of on foot engineering like that
doesn't fucking work, just sold all the top piles from duplicated shit, still can't engineer suits/weapons, Braben fix your fucking game
>need to do ground missions to upgrade suits
>need upgraded suit to do ground missions
>the only other way is an obscure undocumented mechanic that requires you to endless suffer through docking/loading screens shopping for suits at a specific time of the week
Is there a worse developer under the sun than fdev?
I will persevere, thank you.
I appreciate the effort anyhow.
That's my bad. I read some other stuff elsewhere and blindly believed it,
probably out of some sort of optimism that I'd eventually land at an FC that would actually let me buy what I want without issue.
You fool, you can simply raid offline recovering settlements, there's no combat so you can be wearing an unupgraded suit!
>another bug prevents any loot from loading in recovering settlements
the one thing i can tell you about genetic repair meds is that your best bet is passcode lockers in EXT/IND buildings
MED rooms are technically the most likely but that's a trap bc those usually only have like 1 locker
take missions to restore settlements, they are often bugged, so if it doesn't complete the mission for you after last fire is put out ignore it, but all the loot is yours for the taking, also all you really need is a shotty with noise suppressor and you can raid any settlement you want easily, just clear out CMD first to disable all alarms (enter when someone is leaving, noise suppressor will allow you to clear whole building without anyone realising, just pull out the gun right before shooting them, watch out for a single straggler by the first corpse closest to the entrance on the way out, but with alarms disabled you're free to clear out whole thing building by building)
>need a suppressed weapon to do missions covertly
>need to complete covert missions to unlock the engineer that can apply it
bravo fdev
>need to complete covert missions to unlock the
Hero Ferrari:
Meeting Requirements
Complete 10 low threat Conflict Zones.
i just disabled alarms for those missions
the npcs are too stupid to turn them back on
Go to an enemy system and shoot everyone. Problem solved and you get merits.
Is there a /vm/ squadron?
There's one from /vg/ I joined a few years ago
Is it active?
Yeah, I think I just hit this bug, went to some post thargoid system with a disabled settlement and there was nothing inside the lockers etc. Not sure how it's supposed to look, but I don't think it should be completely empty.
Is it random? Does relogging and respawning the settlement help?
>blapped some dudes that started shooting me on sight with a remote flak
>local bounty
also also
>the power shutdown sequence takes three fucking minutes of starting at a screen just to take out your regulator
Yeah, I don't think Odyssey is for me.
>some dudes that started shooting me on sight
hmm, maybe it was raided then and it's not a bug but a lore reason why everything was stolen already, the last couple restore missions had noone at all at the site, all loot in place, just the mission wouldn't work even with power on and all fires put out, you could check other settlements on the planet, just cut through one door and check first 2-3 lockers and skip the power sequence as shutting down indeed takes ages
Doesn't look very active.
to reroll settlement loot you need to go into supercruise and come back. However if you find a bugged one like that it won't work
if you relog at a settlement it will automatically make it be empty
People have been reporting that settlements in systems not under the influence of Powerplay have not been spawning mission-uncritical loot since the Ascendency update.
Anecdotally, I'll say I've experienced the same as you both inside and outside of Thargoid systems (the two of them at this point) whenever the system is Unoccupied.
>try an actual restore power mission
>mid-mission update vomits forth a company sized unit of scavengers
just fuck off
also I'd like to congratulate whoever designed the scorpion to be inaccurate for the first 15 seconds of firing
>try another one
>a squad of friendlies (?) from the questgiver faction spawns along with a bunch of scavs (?)
>help out the friendlies
>they start shooting me afterwards
>get a fine when from the questgiver I fire back
this is trump's america
>take a third one
>gain a bounty for blocking the landing pad after power up the reactor
I'm out
just use taxis
I just can't take the heat of the Imperial Courier.
I feel unfaithful, disloyal!
There is nothing more quintessentially imperial than disloyalty and treachery.
>on-foot PVP
Is there actually/is it any good? The one thing I always wanted in space sims was the ability to walk around and interact physically.
The FPS mechanics are serviceable but feel separate from everything else in the game and PVP "exists" but the game design doesn't really encourage it in any way.
Is there really no fucking way to tell Odyssey settlement landing pad size in-game?
That is def the cause, i was in colonia when the update dropped and there is absolutely no settlement loot to be found there
Prob has something to do with the powerplay containers that they added
you can look in your 1 interface, I think, although I don't remember exactly what it says ("minimum/required landing pad present = yes" or something like that).
is there any site/tool that shows what specific layout a particular settlement has?
E.g there's only one hightech settlement type that also has a CMD module, is there somewhere you can filter by that?
Somewhat disappointing actually.
To me the settlements looked generic and cookie cutter enough they could've been procgenned.
Does SIRA still accept new members?
I know that site, what I meant is if there's somewhere I can look up which of these layouts Sneed's Seed Packing Plant has without actually going and looking first.
>shoot at the ship dropping a narco cartel death squad on me
>get a fine for reckless fire
the legal system of the 34th century is something else, huh?
stuff like this makes reminds me that Elite is a bongland game through and through
it's called the Jackrabbit because Domino Green fucks like one
>go to an 'evacuated settlement'
>start carpet bombing scavengers mentioned in the mission briefing
>get a bounty for killing a friendly
Would it fucking kill the game to give you some hint that there's friendlies in the combat zone?
Especially since the friendlies seem to have magically teleported in place unlike the scavs that actually came on a ship.
Odyssey is so contrived and tediummaxxed it beggars belief.
they appear as blue arrows on the minimap, that's the only way to tell. And if you point your gun at them they immediately go hostile and you get a fine
it's even more obnoxious bc a lot of times there will also already be scavs on the ground before a dropship arrives too.
Just kill all of them and let god sort them out
>can't skip frontline solutions uber trip for immersion reasons
>refuse to let players walk around their ships because it would just waste the players time
tell me how often do you disembark and spend extra 3 minutes running to ship engineer and back to do ship engineering, they added those ridiculous tiny engineer cabins, most people don't even know they exist (and no sane person uses them, but muh immersion), I'm sure SC fans will do the walk every time, same for buying ships, you can do that on-foot if you want to spend extra 5 minutes running there and back lol
I think it's cool to have the option to do things on foot.
it's mostly so you can redeploy after death, with your own ship if you dismiss it are they gonna wait for you to touch down again, if you don't wanna risk rebuy on arcade shooty mode?
Not to mention landing pads are limited, if a squadron decided to drop in, everyone with their own ship, immersion is just the official reason, game design is the real one. Wish there was squadron level pvp organised where people join opposing factions and duke it out 4v4 or 8v8, no idea if matchmaking can handle it
I meant skipping the trip from the station to the conflict settlement when using a shuttle.
yeah it's a bit of a mess, telepresence (so you can respawn like bing bing wahoo or quake dm), but you still need to travel there, not like ship telepresence, you can telepresence slf from ship, but on-foot you end up in jail if killed by enemies or teleported to last ship if by raiders, not sure if lore constant behaviour is impossible or just contrary to game design limitations, but it's a mess (probably forumdads would cry if you could teleport instantly to CZ from a station, their immersion trumps qol, like with recent vote on transfer times, wait 30mins for my immersion to kick in you pleb)
ok, you need to open shiplocker.json from c:\users\yourname\saved games/frontier developments\elite dangerous
copy its contents here https://www.online-utility.org/text/grep.jsp
input regular expression: "OwnerID":0
invert match
get rid of all the items that are left (sell to bartenders and for mission ones just land in a settlement and just before disembarking transfer all to backpack then just drop them from your backpack, then it's finally fixed, ffs fdev get your shit together
>notice that SIRA is having an election in the Tomas system
>take election mission to kill 12 security skimmers to help
>quest location has only one skimmer
so the Squadron lives on even when everyone is inactive? thought only player factions did that
I meant the player faction. If Inara is to be believed, the faction has 4-5 active players.
I sent a join request, but i doubt any of the active players has the authority to accept it.
just start a new squadron and let us know, it won't be much more lively but at least we won't need to join a discord to communicate
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I'll wait and see if someone from SIRA responds first.
That shithead Gregory doesn't count as human.
Nigger you're gay.
Ascendancy has been introducing me to a whole slew of error codenames beyond the two or three I thought existed.
>server is shitting itself again
get dead soon, this player count is clearly unsustainable
Hotfix download up.
Yesterday my game softlocked while entering a scarab.
Are there onfoot powerplay conflict zones?
Or any other way to gain merits in Odyssey content other than mission bullshit?
Does cashing in combat bonds work?
There seem to be a few.
bros I have been off the game for a year, do couriers have any use nowadays with these updates?
My favourite thing is my fastest boy imperial courier with a nice jump range very engineered but besides short range fucking around it had no uses since courier missions were low pay early game, always wanted missions about sensitive data in powerplay through longer distances where you are constantly hunt down or something
Courier missions are a fast way to influence elections, if you care about BGS stuff.
>take courier mission to help SIRA inc win an election
>the target station turns out to be 1.5 million ls away
>luckily the system has 20 plants and an ongoing war
well I just enjoy it being useful in something, I always was passive about powerplay besides joining a faction for goodies so I have no idea how things work in the grand scheme of things, best would be if they paid well but Im sure they all pay shit nowadyas too
fuck me the PP interface is retarded, where the fuck am I supposed to go find a PP CZ to shoot things at?
Fit in a passenger cabin and do transport missions instead. Same gameplay, but better pay.
can the imperial courier fit one without masacring the speed and range? (It's been quite long since I played so genuinely cant remember the structure of it)
It has space, dunno what it does to performance.
just checked, can have two 3E economy class cabins, I wish there was a luxury one for just 1 person, that would make it worth it, but this way its just better to bring my beluga for it
>the target station turns out to be 1.5 million ls away
bro your SCO?
My Mamba can't carry enough fuel to spam it.
EDSM stations view shows the layout of specific settlements. Not sure how it's populated so it might not have complete coverage.
eg: https://www.edsm.net/en/system/stations/id/4345/name/Shinrarta+Dezhra
I'm half-convinced that putting an A-rated wideangle sensor on an agile ship and mass-scanning CZs over and over again is faster for merits than actually doing bounties, CZs, or killing randos in enemy strongholds.
I made a new squadron called:
SIRA Inc. Presents: The Police

Anyone is free to join. It would be nice to get more people to spread the minor faction, but people can join even if they don't give a shit about that.
Does the on-foot gameplay work in VR?
Shit name. Won't join.
What would be a good name then? I thought this was a funny name foe a squadron that spreads corporate rule.
new to PP, why can't I find any contested systems?
do the power control counters reset on Thursdays? or did they reset when PP 2.0 came out and haven't built up enough to generate conflict yet?
also when do the megaship datalinks reset?
Archon Delaine is a wigger
>PP map broke and shows everything as unoccupied
I'm sorry Archon, i take it back. Please make the map normal again.
has fdev ever done anything right the first time?
I disbanded the faction an created a better named one. Since it is a continuation of the original SIRA, which stands for space IRA, i named it Continuity SIRA after:
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>The Police changed its name to [Cool and Radical Domestic Terrorism Group]
Not today, Jerome Archer.
You can pull ~10k merits per hour just passively cycling through targets in a CZ and relogging after exhausting the initial ~20 ships, without ever moving or turning your ship with wideangle sensors. And all it takes is like 10 lines of script to automate.
I already know how I will be reaching rank 100 in Power Play 2.0â„¢. You?
Heading back from Sag A*, we'll see how many merits my data earns after the buff.
I'm not sure explo merits are even enabled atm.
They said they buffed them 6x yesterday
>Yuri Grom has zero contested systems
Did I pick a meme faction to pledge to?
We are a techno chink faction. Jerome is the closest hostile power.
They seem really rare at the moment. Techno chink has only two, one with Jerome and one with only fans.
after using mod shards and mod plasmas for a while in AX don't think I can go back to peppering things with BB pellets from a gimballed multi cannon again, I feel like a clown waiting for enemy chaff to expire
I'll just put 4 mod blasmas on a krait and go bounty hunting with that
Why are all the fines so trivial?
It's why railguns are the best for bounty hunting.
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Once upon a time, credits were hard to come by.
Chat, is this real? Also doesn't explain why odyssey murder is a 1000 credit fine.
Is it easy to avoid on foot gameplay then, or is the transition kind of seamless? I just want to play sitting in my computer chair in VR.
No the transition isn't really seamless, not even in non-VR. You just hear footsteps and teleport outside.
There's a tutorial in the start you have to complete nowadays I think if you're new to the game but otherwise you can ignore the on-foot stuff completely.
do enemy PP actors just shoot you on sight in Odyssey?
I touched down at some blue simp settlement, and both the scavs and the guards started shooting me on sight
That shouldn't be the case. I can enter settlements just despite the system being controlled by a hostile power and me having a high bounty from the minor faction controlling it. Max notoriety too.
Yeah things used to be rough. Tiny payouts and enemies were tougher without engineering and whatnot. When Odyssey was created it was supposed to be a more separate system that people could start in but that proved to be a fucking awful idea and they pretty much abandoned the entire expansion system.

They wont shoot on sight but the second they target you for a scan you are fucked cause they will go hostile when you run and when the scan finishes.
>suddenly, 30 second transition screens between ship/srv/onfoot
30 seconds, at least when it actually loads and you don't get stuck listening to footsteps forever
I pledged to Grom because I like to do a bit of everything and he has rewards for bounty hunting, trading and exploration. Also because he's based.
Yes and it was way better. You actually had to progress through the ship classes. Now you can start a fresh save and be in a conda after a couple hours of efficient exobio.
Killing the guard before the scan finishes can save your ass if no one sees it happen. Killing in one shot might be necessary. You still get a fine.
Now i regret starting the game with odyssey. A rags to riches kind of progress sounds more exiting than getting 15 mil from scanning the plants on the first planet i landed on.
SIRA Incorporated will be at war in the Dalfur system starting tomorrow. Come fight for Space IRA.
what does that entail? on-foot cz, or space cz, both?
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looks like both, where do we need to join the on-foot fight to not undermine SIRA (assuming picking up here will be defending against incursion)
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nvm you can join sira from aquila
>Space IRA
I thought frontier were bongs? how did that get past them?
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we're losing elections in Tomas
EIC seems like a somewhat active player faction, 270 members and 17% active according to inara (vs 57 and 7% for SIRA), probably lost cause
The opponent seems heavily invested despite having like 20 active conflicts going on. I did 10 influence worth of missions on two days and we still didn't win the day, so i just focused on Arietis 51 elections, which we ended up winning.
You can also land near the settlements and you get a comms message prompting you to pick a side, just like space conflicts.
Attention all gromist fedayeen, an open season on fedrat glowies has been declared in Wolf 896.
Go forth and kill.
Isn't this game effectively dead though
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and that's without FDev launcher users and epic users (and some probably still on xbox/ps), they need to release on switch
>Thinks 5k is alive

lmao even
for a 10 year old game, yeah
The 24 hour peak is 25% of the all time peak. That's not bad at all.
>you get absolutely nothing for completing a power CZ
Thanks a lot.
Is this fucking shit backwards? I chose SIRA (fight for faction as in this screenshot) and after everything got Tridicate bonds and my status with tridicate is now cordial, wtf, you don't choose your allegiance but target??? fucking retarded UI
the frontline solutions screen commonly spergs out
it's better to just take your ship to ground CZs and pick a side the way you do with normal CZs
You are supposed to pick a side to ally with.
I did click on SIRA ended up with bonds for the tridicate, something bugged out, second run went fine, just made sure the first bounty I got was for the right faction
Undermining Pikum Public Group in Dalfur would let us start a war for the system after winning the current one. Just taking missions for them and letting them time out should be sufficient for now.
not sure if we're winning this one, it was 13%/13%, now it's 13.7/13.7, on-foot cz have very little effect it seems (or maybe it hasn't updated yet), might squeeze one or two more later
They'll stop giving out missions as soon as your reputation with them drops, once we win this, we should have a settlement (Bering Mines) from which to take missions for SIRA
Factions are influence locked during conflict and influence changes only update once a day anyways. Messing a little with Pikumin now will speed things up later, as there is also a daily cap on how much influence can be lost and gained per day.
Wars and elections last 7 days or until one side wins 4 days.
Another system happened to give me a Pikumin massacre missions, so their daily negative influence is probably maxed.
Actually never mind, aquila station has missions for SIRA already, will do a couple
>there is also a daily cap on how much influence can be lost and gained per day.
do we know when it ticks over? got a nice covert mission done worth two arrows of influence for sira against pikumin, if it's midnight british time will just wait and cash it in 2h
I think it's 7 am britbong time.
Tomorrow, East India Company is starting a war with an generic faction in SIRA's home system, LP 355-65. Lets drive them out of the system.
>donating to the federal congress gives me merits with Yuri Grom
EIC has as many active people as SIRA total according to inara and counting active only its 3-4 vs 45-50, with influence caps we can probably tie if we reach the cap 7 days in a row. Is there a way to kick them out of system? Like doing missions for npc factions from nearby systems that target eic, so they show up instead?
EIC is massive, but as a result they have several conflicts going on at any given moment. Also, not everyone is part of the SIRA squadron, as the players with authority to accept members don't seem to be playing anymore.
Two people are part of this and i assume there are a few more that belong to either.
Factions get expelled when they control nothing and their influence falls low enough. Influence can't be effected when the faction is in a conflict.
Yeah they already are in conflict with sira in Tomas, though currently at election, maybe they'll ignore 'conflict' with npc faction, who knows, they'll probably connect the dots though if npc faction suddenly fights back
I wonder if a better option would be to do some missions for another opposing EIC faction. They are empire, so doing some undermining for a fed/alliance/ind faction they border with, so it seems another big player faction is attacking them, just so they concentrate on that... might be too late for that, but worth considering, let them fight etc
They don't win all their conflicts. Torval mining SIRA size and beat them.
If you do want to undermine them, Parnut is a SIRA system and Apollo is very close by. EIC has a conflict in both.
No I meant starting shit with eic in the name of some big/active player faction, so they assume they are under active attack and concentrate on that, then we could maybe slip by unnoticed seeing how sira has 3-4 active cmdrs according to inara, maybe eic is the biggest fish in the pond in that area, not sure (searching for apollo gave me 3 factions all active in 1 system only so smaller than sira)
Underming them in sira system puts the spotlight back on sira is what I meant, helping a nearby big player faction so they start a war and spend their energy there is what I thought, but haven't researched if they actually border with another 200+ commander faction
Quebecois Patriots worries me more than EIC. It might be a good idea to try and stir shit in the region by pitting factions against each other. Doesn't even matter if SIRA benefits, it might be fun just to find out just how many wars we can start.
Yeah I'm all for it, we're too small to take them head on anyway. No idea if these guys have discords/plebbits where they do agreements/non-aggression pacts/coordinations, but stirring a bit of shit is within the realm of imagination
I think you overrate the importance of size. What matters is size / territory. The big factions are spread thin.
Probably, aside from some PP1.0 6-8 years ago with winters never actually did BGSvP, not that 2.0 changes that much, but at least you could fifth column opposing powers by overextending causing all their new territories to riot, don't think it's a thing in 2.0
It's still fucking 13.7 vs 13.7 in Dalfur wtf
Factions are still influence locked during conflict. You won't see a change until the conflict is over.
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yeah, it's 1-0, nvm
>system still contested
>power CZs vanished overnight
>Tomas election is a draw for the third day in a row
Undermine Apollo
is there a list somewhere of which mission types actually give merits
there doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason to it
>donations: yes
>safeguard missions: no for some reason
>restore power: yes
>heists: no
>settlement raids: yes

make it make sense to me
Does it depend on the system control state?
i found a forum dad post about it, apparently it's only supposed to be restore power and donation missions that give them
i don't know why raids are, that must be a bug. Donations can be used for reinforcement and undermining points, reboot missions are the same but can also be used for acquisition points

would be nice if the game communicated any of that
Do raids give them on completion on or on kills? Because murder gives you merits in hostile systems.
it was giving them to me on completion yesterday, but i just did one rn to test and it didn't. So def just a weird bug
but funnily enough I answered >>1512647 by accident, donations in hostile territory count for undermining
>donating to the US government in the name of Israel gives merits with Israel
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>entered a power CZ in grom vs archer system
>CZ is between archer and the imperial hag
I guess that's a result of multiple powers contesting the system at the same time. The PP map UI is a bit limited in that it doesn't show the progress of third powers besides the controlling one and the one you belong to. To the controlling power I think it shows the biggest undermining power.
Grom is strong. Archer would rather fight a granny.
SIRA is about to go into retreat in the Sisii system. We need to do a few missions for them so that they stay above 2.5% influence.
>a single laser rifle can do meaningful damage to a ship's shields
Why can't I just strap a platoon of infantry to my ship's roof instead of bothering with turrets?
Ground and ship gear stats use the same system and are directly comparable. Ground gear stats are indeed fucking stupid. A level 2 manticore pistol has the dps of a small railgun.
With Cobra MK5 being small multipurpose ship, i wonder if the next one will be large.
We haven’t gotten a large new ship yet at all.
More goids coming by the sound of it.
colonization looks neat but that 10ly thing is just top lel
0 chance that doesn't get changed
>10ly thing
to make a claim to a system it has to be within 10ly of an already inhabited/colonized system
i'm not particularly worried bc they were reading the chat during the stream and basically said just complain about it in the beta and they will change it lel
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Go-bra Mk5 is better than the Mk4 in every way and LEP buyers are seething.
More maneuverable
Bigger 5th hardpoint
Double the utils
Bigger distro
Better cockpit view
Also has 10x internals but 2 of them are sized up
Motherfucking size 5 optional in a small ship
Seriously this bitch can carry up to 112 tons
SCO optimized
Three seats because get dunked on
They need to release an Advanced Krait or Imperial Super Eagle or whatever, I want the FdL to be powercrept into extinction already. How much longer will we be held hostage by the hideous meta triangle?
I see DeLacy's Cobra tradition continues: Odd numbers are fire while even numbers are absolute dogshit.

>LEP buyers are seething.
The biggest kick in the balls for LEP owners isn't even how the MkIV got buried deeper in the dirt. It's that Frontier was able to just use different verbiage to define "new content" and now despite pre-paying for all future content they still have to pay even more money if they want the MkV on Dec 10th.
Do we have an explanation for why goids kidnap humans? My bet is that we are getting humanoid goids soon.
They should release a huge rail gun and make it exclusive to the Mamba.
Looks like the heat vents are under those so they probably move around to expose them.
100% we'll be fighting mind-controlled humans because that's the lowest effort way to give us a goid faction to fight on foot.
We'll fight big titty bug girls. This was revealed to me in a dream.
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>mind-controlled humans
desu it would give me an excuse to do some on foot CZs
You mean we'll be fighting evil neo-INRA death squads trying to oppress the biologically diverse New Humans.
>goids roll up on Sol to exterminate fedrats
wtf I'm a xenophile now?!
>Thargoids are GREEN
>Alliance is GREEN
Goids have been a protracted Allied black op
>attacking sol directly
So Cocky Joe was aptly named
It's somewhat slimy but it's probably a legitimate loophole
LEPers can't say they're not geting the new content because they're still getting it when it releases for all. The ARX buy is just for "early access".
The astounding part is that so many people are willing to pay for this shit when they get it for free only three months later. Good for FDEV seems they found their goldmine.
The goids are a hivemind and think humans are one as well. Attacking Sol is a misguided desperation strategy to instantly end the human threat.
think we'll get any more titans?
I missed the goid war and not sure if it's worth the bother to build a titan bomber now
sure we could get new things like ground thargoids or something totally unexpected, but always bet on fdev's laziness
Earth is getting fucked. Player colonization is about making new homes for the population.
SIRA goes to war in LHS 1483 tomorrow.
>new homes for the population
there should be a CG to exterminate all the fed refugee convoys instead
>mandalay with an E-rated G5 overcharged power plant can sit in a star's corona all day long
>crate mk2 cooks itself trying to jump in the vague vicinity of a star even with a fully heatmaxxed low emission AX build that idles at 10% heat otherwise
how does heat even work?
so when can we expect some actual goid action in Sol?
That's nothing, you wouldn't be able to get anywhere with that. I'd at least bump that up to 20.
>have to wait another 3 days for power CZs to spawn again
what is the fucking point of resetting it all every thursday?
they probably will, even in the bubble there are systems where 10ly isn't far enough
they keep mentioning "daisy chaining" colonies out really far but anyone who has done exploration knows there's a big gap between the orion cygnus arm and the middle of the galaxy where the star density is really low
it has nonsense heat values to make it SCO friendly, that's just a side effect of it
Even for sco built ships it’s ungodly cold. You can be full sco while fuel scooping and you won’t overheat at all.
engineering a new ship for thargoid fun time and i forgot how miserable it is even if you already have all of the materials beforehand which i did
I need to bang out those ten onfoot CZs for the engineer unlock, does SIRA have any ongoing CZs right now?
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It's hilariously misguided that they'd think most humans give two shits about Sol anymore. Plus there's a lot of military firepower there because it's Fed HQ.

Cocijo is in the process of diving headfirst into the deep fryer.
Ships have both an innate thermal capacity as well as a dissipation curve. High thermal capacity is what allows ships to stay frosty when heat generation is low, while ships with sharp dissipation curves (eg: Dolphin, Mandalay) speed up their cooling the hotter they get so it's harder to push them past equilibrium into thermal runaway.
inara says LHS 1483 is pending war i have no idea what that means
Wars and elections pend for one day before they start.
What i was trying to theorize is that the attack on Sol is the Thargoids projecting their own weakness onto humanity. They have something on their homeworld that would devastate their species if destroyed. A sudden desperate attack on Sol makes sense if they are under the impression that success would mean total victory.
They should give each engineer an engineering guild that has workshops all over populated space and offers the same upgrades as the original engineer. It would make things far less annoying.
Alternately, they should let you mail them the modules and have them send them back after they're done. You would pay the same fee and wait time if you transferred the module twice that distance.
>wonder if i should try goids now
>every guide assumes you go
FA off
>brain too small to squish bugs
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>Kinda newer to game
>Thargoids attack Jameson
>Grind some credits by being useless there
>Grind some Forerunner sites (im baked and don't recall the real name)
>Sloppily grind out some basic engineering
>Make like 3 fucking modshards
>Some thermal long range venting lasers
>Buy anaconda
>Come back
>Jameson over
>Grind some more to half engineer shardconda
>Make some more modshards
>Grind out a bunch of fed rank through bounty missions in a fucking shardconda
>Grinded the absolute fuck out
>Delete game after pp 2.0 is a nothingburger grindfest to wait for some substantial content updates and new ships
>Those dirty fuckin xeno scumbags attack Sol
>Sol and EZ Aquarii are my home base
>Remember getting interdicted and killed by bug in my first 10 hours
>Say hello to Ruby Tuesday you fuckin bugs.

Ty for attending my blogpost
The only good bug is a dead bug.
>Get interdicted by some shithead player flying around Sol.

Why no, I will not bother dealing with your shitty goidganking when ax shit does basically nothing to ships. Increase AX weapon damage to ships or pvpers can suck my interrupted packets
>ax shit does basically nothing to ships
Yeah nah, mod plasma turns human ships into confetti.
East India Company is fighting back in LP 355-65. We need them to lose.
What rotten luck. The new SIRA war has 5 ground conflicts, all of them low.
can you find Hardened Surface Fragments around dead titans?
>peepee map broke again
is this going to be a weekly occurrence?
Hotfix up for module-related issue.
Anyone have a good guide for guardian fsd upgrade thingy? How tedious is it to get?
Exigeous' video guide worked out for me all those years ago.
It should include the same advice that several other guides have - that is, installing a point defense module on a utility hardpoint that has good line-of-sight (just make sure it's on an upward-facing hardpoint).
I don't think it took me that long and wasn't tedious at all.
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Getting just the modules is easy, just pick a good site with easily accessible pylons and all the materials needed in the spires. You might want to grab enough materials to unlock the shield booster, and - if you intend to do AX combat - the module reinforcement.
Thx, gonna try to grind it over the weekend, one of the last things missing to finish my ship
Is the one in your pic one of the good ones? It's been ages since I've done any srv activity so bit worried about the timing thing
The guardian shield boosters are too heavy, been using 0D stripped down to 1T to keep my max boost speed unimpacted, using 3 right now, once I unlock the life support engineer should be able to squeeze another one, properly engineered it will be another 200mJ for 1T, the guardian ones according to wiki is 16t for more or less the same boost
I think it's the easiest layout, you can do the whole run in like 5 minutes including looting the towers and sentinels if you know what you're doing, maybe 25 if you're clueless and fumbling through it the first time.
They're mediocre on their own but are unique since they give you a flat boost to shield strength in an internal slot which synergizes well with resistance stacked shield boosters, and if you're running bi-weaves makes it easier to pop a double SCB without running dangerously low on shield and/or overshooting 100% shields.
I'm running a 'free from ganking' build as I like to play in open, clipper stripped down everything for 642 boost speed, so can keep my top speed at 620-640 for most of the time almost indefinitely, currently at around 800mj and at that speed the only ganker that can keep up is racing imp eagle (maybe some cobras, it's been a while since I checked), don't think they can deal with 800 (1000 soonish) shield as they also need to strip down, 16t will drop the max boost into 630 range, with biggest prismatic shield I can already get 1.5k shield, but that gets the speed down to 610s, so 1.7k down in 600s... it's becoming uncomfortably slow, for fighting/tank builds I'm sure 200 flat for 16t is not that bad (if you already run 4 reinforced), but I've got only 1-2t to spare
it's always a pain in the ass to find high intensity ones from my experience
even systems with like 30+ settlements you'll find like 2-3 high
To add insult to injury, the system SIRA is fighting in has a high intensity zone, but for a different war.
god how I hate mandalay's massive, hideous, too-tall-by-half landing gear, this thing tips over from a slight breeze, a landing is supposed to be violently and/or erotically kinetic, not this ginger leaf-on-the-wind bullshit that this thing expects me to do
do heatsink launchers work to deal with these stupid FSD reboot missiles or do I need an ECM
They are dumbfire missles. You need to be less predictable and people will miss.
should have mentioned i was talking about the ones that the hunters fire at you when you get hyperdicted leaving sol
I grinded a shitload of combat zones against East India Company in LP 355-65. I hope it was enough to make them lose the day.
I don't know about those.
ECM works.
How much passenger space is needed for evac missions?
neato ty anon
they range from 2-14 people each I think
and you only need economy cabins, you can do the higher tier cabins but those passengers are annoying as fuck and commonly panic and use the escape pods the moment you get hyperdicted
kinda gay that the way FSD works makes it impossible to have group jumps and/or escort missions for this kind of event
>every first batch of limpets you deploy in an instance is still sacrificed to Moloch
when the fuck are they going to fix this?
In the grim darkness of the far future, there is only war
It was! One more and they lose all their remaining assets in the system.
>want to grind merits
>can't grind merits because no contested systems have spawned yet since the thursday server reset for my power
Farm in a stronghold system. Hunt down enemy factions ships in res sites and at the stronghold carrier. There will be less enemy ships compared to contested systems, but the 12 credits per scan stacks up really fast in areas with a lot of friendly ships.
How about fdev fixes their shitty system that makes wars magically stop on thursday instead.
>topping up on mats
>limpets dying left and right for no reason
>braintree hit detection bugging out
>game hanging on FSD transition
>mauve adder kicks me back into orbit
the Sol event is going to kill the servers, huh?
>LP 355-65
has one medium
I can't even find any bugs here. I fly 500kls out into the black for "Ax weapons fire" and its just 2 scouts.

What signals should i be heading to
AX ships threat 6 signals sometimes spawn a battle with a capship and a bunch of goids but they're rare
you'd have more luck kitting out a Q-ship conda and baiting hunters into hyperdicting you by carrying passengers out of Sol
Sheit only been finding 6's with scouts.

I have a shardconda, but idk if I could repel a ganker in it. If that's what you mean anyways.
No I mean the thargoid ships that hyperdict you and suck refugees out of your cargo hold if you're carrying passengers.
SIRA isn't involved in it. I've been grinding it to fuck over EIC, but the SIRA vs CONTRAL war lacking one makes grinding out wins less profitable.
thats metal af
they also project a anti-guardian melty field so you can't use the fancy pre-engineered guardian weapons
it's gonna be horrible whenever the CG goes live
how much can you get from a high cz? got 2.5mil in total for the medium one, and almost died after eating a rocket, not sure if am ready for high
10-20 million depending on how efficient you are
ideally you want a loadout with double stowed reloading rocket launchers so you can just obliterate groups the moment they drop
>killing a company's worth of soldiers is worth less than a scraping from a patch of space moss
You respawn and go back to combat immediately if you die in a ground conflict, even if you didn't take the uber. High enemies have really large healthpools, you'll need leveled up equipment to put in a dent. I'm able to clutch them with a level 3 rocket launcher and level 3 dominator suit. I just camp an ammo box and 2 shot people with rockets.
I just realized you can do ground conflicts in the air. Killing enemy aircraft will reduce ground reinforcements and after 5 or so kills, you'll just have to wait for your team to finish off the stragglers.
Not worth doing for money or time as it pays less and it can take a while for your team to kill the last few enemies.
>Some dude on ED discord offers free money from his already completed massacre stack
>Help a bit with a second round for an hour
>Now have like $380 mil
>Haven't even turned in the bounties yet.

I know it's not alot in the grand scheme of things, but nice to have all at once. My fleet is only around $500 mil. Now only if this fed corvette grind wasn't suicide inducing.
>Now only if this fed corvette grind wasn't suicide inducing.
I think rescue missions are supposed to be really good for rep grind, get your ass to Sol
you are correct, it's an unbelievable rep farm especially for federal
i imagine you can get to admiral in only a few hours doing it
Any sign of how long this sol shit will last?
titan only arrives on the 10th plus however long it takes after that, probably most of the year, the final showdown will probably be during the Christmas break, the servers will melt down into a puddle and we will be free of this shit game
Aisling doesn't shave her armpits.
You don't have to sell me, I already support her!
>rescue missions are sometimes just randomly 50mil
Not that I'm complaining, but...
>take on an evac mission
>immediately get ganked by a scythe + 2 scouts on jumping out
kinda cool, I just blasted them with ACK MCs, but it must be a slasher movie for all the unprepared randos flocking to Sol
East India Lost in LP 355-65
SIRA vs. CONTRAIL is 1-1
SIRA has an election pending in Hamal
Whose bright idea was it to park the rescue ship
a) in a system with a neutron primary
b) around a ringed gas giant so it's occluded 50% of the time and comes with a navigation risk?
>engineer requires 25 units of zeta reticulan rare funkopops to unlock
>the supply is 24 units at a time
will you fuck off already
would it kill the game to have cannons standardized to 1000 m/s muzzle velocity instead of it varying depending on mount size, gimballed vs fixed and regular vs PP flavour?
>would like to participate to cocijo genocide
>never did any ax combat
>don't have ax ship
>be in california nebula at the moment
I'm sure I have time to turn all that around, but I also really like exploring, and I don't feel like playing 10 hours a day either. Sad I'm going to miss that, my journey to giga nigga black hole to the center of the galaxy will continue
1000ly from Sol? Neutron highway get can you home in like 20 minutes anon.
Yes I could get back pretty fast, it's more of a question of having to buy and build an ax ship and learning how to use it. I only have about 50 million right now, that's after selling all my exploration data in a populated system in the nebula
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Also wtf just after I made that post
Oh nevermind it's everywhere
If you have the artemis suit, just plot a route through F,O,K stars, and scrape a bunch of stratum tectonicas off High Metal Content worlds, if you're far enough (1500-2000ly from the bubble ime) to find first footfalls you can rake in a cool billion in an evening, I don't even bother with any other bios, having the Observatory app with BioInsights helps.
I do have a level 3 artemis suit I grabbed from a seller. But I'm only ~1100ly away from the bubble
Grom doing little tomfoolery against fed refugees.
Type-8 is an amazing evac ship
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What does this icon mean ?
There will be enough first-footfall planets even around the California Nebula. I just did a trip out there two or three days ago and found a few first-footfall planets to do some Exobiology via a short detour on return to the Bubble.
I'd make a few max-range jumps in a direction other than back toward the Bubble, or directly up or down (just to get away from the immediate vicinity of the California Nebula), and then make a lot of shortrange jumps by using the Economical route option. A lot of systems might've been explored and mapped post-Horizons, but not post-Odyssey, and a lot of systems are still skipped over by fact of most people making max-range jumps in the 30-60 ly range.
You can do it (if you want)!
Someone correct me,
but I think these icons track the first and second sample scans you performed. They should disappear upon the third (and final) sample scan.
You're right, I just found a 3rd one to sample after half an hour and the icons went away. Finally found it after running like a headless chicken, turn out I landed right next to it
Yes, found the first 2 easily so I thought surely the 3rd one will be found just as fast
Those things can be cancer. Also
>5mil on first footfall bonus
I just wouldn't bother honestly.
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Damn packhounds are brutal, even one launcher peels drives right off the shitty vipers and cobras swarming in power CZs.
def my favorite powerplay module
they're very fun to use
Doing evac missions in open is such a hilarious disaster.
What is even the point of "evacuating" Sol?
Do fedrats really have the capacity to resettle 20 billion "people" on a week's notice?
At most you'd evacuate the outer colonies and the orbitals to Earth and Mars proper so that the Navy can focus on the important targets.
Make money by ferrying rich people. Poors stay behind to get goided.
If enough missions are completed the system won't be placed in an invasion state when the titan arrives.
>realized I forgot the surface scanner 3kly from the bubble
>herald no longer works in observatory
>my only built in system voice is f*male
actually unplayable, exobiology is dead to me
uh oh
>nearly got my evaconda's fat ass ventilated by a cyclops jumping into sol
is this a new thing?
is it time to put on 6 shards on this thing?
Its been like that since Titan Cocijo started coming for Sol. It's close enough now that you can see its FTL wake in the sky.
if the bugs nuke the gubmint on mars I wouldn't complain...
As if.
Winters already evacuated to a resort planet in NLTT 21088.
Jerry Glownigger is busy remote-controlling the thargoids.
So is Earth gonna get glassed? Not playing right now but I'm curious.
It is highly unlikely that players will meet the goal to prevent invasion. Earth might not be what they are targeting though.
So uh
say I'm hypothetically currently stationed in Duamta which is close to Sol, am I gonna get fucked by goids
Mommy Cocijo will come and unbirth you.
I'm in SIRA. Most of us don't play E:D regularly anymore but we still have a few. We still have our home system and at least one FC too I think.
Guess we'll see what happens.
what kind of modules do i need for titan memes I've never done it before
besides the nanite torpedoes obviously
SIRA has 4 ongoing conflicts.
Wedge station in LFT 300 is selling 2 level 3 dominator suits.
>studying the blade in Asterope
>can pretty cleanly kill 4-5 clops before having to RTB for resupply
>feeling cocky, drop onto a basilisk signal
>get completely fucked and barely get away before as much as seeing a heart
I'm not gonna make it...
any high on-foot?
There are 2 elections and one war with only low zones. A new war starts tomorrow, it might have a high zone if we are lucky.
fingers crossed then
blowing East India the fuck out in Tomas would be nice
those guys are fags and they have a lot of other conflicts going on so they might not be paying attention
they just lost a war in the SIRA home system a few days ago.
can we kick them out of SIRA home system? they lost their only facility like 2-3 days ago, just have 6%ish influence, doing missions until they hit 0 will kick them out for good?
Oh shit, SIRA has been in retreat in the Sisii system since the 28th. We need to boost to 2.5% today or SIRA gets kicked out. If any of you have the time, please do a few missions and shoot down some system authority vessels.
any on-foot options? I really don't want to dig out my hotas (I literally moved to playing ed as sc, only fps fuck you, taxis if space travel is needed)
Oh my god why the fuck are passengers sometimes wanted in sol still. Why is that even on during the evacuation.
You can grab odyssey missions from the concourse terminal and the SIRA guy.
So EIC are still showing up for on-ffot mission targets, great, will do a couple to kick eic out tomorrow then
I don't think they show up as targets. The last time they went into retreat, they ended up pumping their influence to 18%, it might be the best to let them stay small and irrelevant.
if they 'appear' (they do) in a system that means you should be getting missions from/vs them no?
Yeah, but the missions should drop their influence in the target system. Since EIC has no property in LP 355-65, the missions targetting them will send you elsewhere.
We lost another day in LHS 1483. We need one more win to win the entire thing. If you have the time, please do a few combat zones there.
So what happens during the next tick in sol?
Station/settlement attacks? Combat zones? Does the titan brap cloud spawn tomorrow?
The thargoids are going to do something "unexpected" and go after something other than Earth, possibly Triton.
Looks like SIRA was driven out of Sisii.
the sheer amount of gay porn DVD casing energy Jerome Archer's portrait exudes is simply incredible,
but sadly, I've pledged to someone else.
I have never done any Thargoid combat and have no seriously engineered combat ships aside from a dropship. What do I need to do to get involved in the defense of Sol?
ax multicannons and go after scouts.
depends a bit on what you want to fight and it can be overwhelming to plan a build honestly
easiest least grindy way to contribute is murdering scouts with ax multicannons, you don't need an absurd amount of engineering to do it like everything else
ax multicannons, got it. Time to do some farming and loading out my dropship.
scouts are also a great way to grind combat rank btw bc they all have hidden elite ranking
Find a group to tag along with and put AX MCs to pop scouts with it.
Or put together a ghetto krait on the quick, your federal shitbox is too slow by half to keep up with interceptors.

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