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JPEG's a plenty edition

>Current Live Patch = 3.24.3
>Current PTU Patch = 4.0 (wave 1 as of writing)

>Star Citizen Overview for New & Returning Players

>Compiled List of Useful Resources

>Recent News
The RSI Polaris and MISC Starlancer MAX are now available in-game for owners.
Automated laser PDS turrets have been added to the game that engage both missiles and hostile fighters, currently available on the Polaris, Constellation Phoenix, 890J, and Idris.
The new global event dubbed "Save Stanton" is currently live; details here: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/spectrum/community/SC/forum/1/thread/save-stanton
CIG confirmed that a full database wipe will take place when 4.0 goes live: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/spectrum/community/SC/forum/1/thread/star-citizen-alpha-4-0-database-wipe

>What is IAE?
It's the largest marketing event of the year that will display (nearly) every ship ever released, as well as distribute event-exclusive skins for the top 4 winners of the ship showdown contest, which took place in early September. During this time, you will also be able to play the game for free and rent all the ships on the expo hall at no cost to try them out.


>New ships announced/datamined we currently know of ahead of the event (flyable and concept)
Starlancer BLD
Argo CSV-FM: The basebuilding variant of the CSV-SM
Crusader Intrepid: A new starter ship
Anvil Terrapin Medivac variant
Anvil Hornet Mk II Ghost & Tracker
MISC Fortune: Medium Salvage ship (TBA)
Anvil Paladin: According to dataminers, it's a gunship roughly the size of the Carrack (TBA)
Mirai Guardian: A heavy fighter, along with a variant that trades some firepower for a Quantum Dampener (TBA)

>Previous Thread
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can I save stanton before wow classic classic comes out tomorrow
You have until 4.0 goes live, whenever that may be.
>Anvil Paladin: According to dataminers, it's a gunship roughly the size of the Carrack (TBA)

I am interested.
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The hammerhead is now officially a rare ship and no longer a loaner for absolutely anything.
good riddance its fugly
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What are you guy's general thought on game balance after maelstrom? They larger ships will be immune to mall gun fire, and will need a proper sized ship to destroy it. Secondly, you have AI blades coming in, how will that change gun boats and multicrew.

Look at this, no blades, just the PDC melting ships in Arena commander in the 890 jump.

How will you think AI blades+ very strong armour in heavy ships will change PVP/PVE?
baka zoomer. see >>1507074 >>1507076
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It's still way too early to say anything definitive outside heavy speculation and continued balancing, but Maelstrom in particular does still strongly emphasize what CIG is trying to do with ship combat, e.g., picking the right ship/weapon for the right job. But they have from now till then to make multicrew enticing enough to have multiple players want to crew in a big ship over having them in separate ships, because that is and will continue to be the biggest hurdle to multicrew gameplay, no matter the tech they introduce.
Imo different ship guns and ships should be pretty hardlocked. Only bombers from small ships can hurt large, large cant hit fighters etc.
For example; s5 guns and larger can damage large ships. make ships of different sizes tackle other ships of the same size range.
>Call brother to chitchat about the game and let him know he has a polaris now since its a loaner for the Idris.
>"Well, I already had one. I have one of every capital ship except the Endeavour because its dumb."

Whales gonna whale.

Though I don't think he has the Odyssey or Galaxy either since he stopped putting money into the game in 2019.
can you hit 60fps @ 4k in this game? (server performance problems aside)
Even if you did what's the point? Nothing works.
You picked up the new, 11000x3d cpu, right?
I think probably the best way to implement the "small gun vs. big ship" issue is to give guns a "stagger" value that determines how much damage is needed to pause shield regen. Make the stagger values scale more heavily with weapon size than DPS, so 4S2s do more damage than 2S4s but won't stop larger shields from regenerating.

Change the Ares Ion from a charged sniper cannon to the ion frigate from Homeworld where its damage ramps up the longer it succesfully hits the target.
I'm using a 4790k and a 1070. I was thinking I'd build my next PC to target starcitizen but it's taking (a little) longer than I expected. just wondering if the latest hardware can achieve that performance
All I want from AI blades is for the Zeus' turret to shoot at the pilot's target and maybe continue shooting at it when it zooms past.
come back in ~2 years
Dude I bought into SC in highschool figuring I'd maybe get to play it after I graduated college. I've got a degree now and astable career in my field and it doesn't look any closer. Just put it in your backpocket so you don't lose your login info and check in once every year or 2, maybe swap a ship.
They need to add a ton more habs before they can really add a mechanic where you go back to them, otherwise it'd end up being a nightmare trying to spawn there during events or any time after server caps really grow.

Personally I just want to be able to choose and rent an apartment that's more substantial than a hab, and what'd make it even better is if it were attached to hangars.
I have doubts about how blades will be implemented. They've said in the past that they'll only work on remote turrets so that negates a lot of large ships' armament, and also that there'll be plenty of blades with other functions and using your slots for turrets could be a bad idea.

I think armor coming in is going to change a lot though.

What could be interesting is if they made it so that big guns don't get pips when targeting small ships. That way you COULD delete fighters with an S7 or whatever but it'd take a lot of skill or luck. I'm not sure I'm in love with that idea though.

I wish CIG would release ownership numbers for ships. It'd be interesting to see how many people actually own Hammerheads, I pretty much never see them in anybody's fleet pics unless they're gigawhales. Sounds like that might get even worse with the new Anvil ship coming out too, the datamined description calls it a "gunship" and it seems to be in the 120m range, so very similar to the HH but probably a lot better thought out.
I came back to the game to check out my polaris.
How do I save my power settings? It keeps getting reset everytime I switch modes or get in/out of my ship
Pray it's a gunship rather than a dropship. Don't wanna get stuck paying the dropship tax.
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>toured my Polaris
>tried to fit my ship in there
>remember flight model is still dogshit
>remember the game runs still runs like shit
well, see you next year
>defeat the idris!
>spent literally fifteen minutes hammering this thing in an inferno
>fucking nothing
>server suffers massive error
>contract resets
Fuck this game man, seriously
I just ignore event for now.
concentrating players in a small area for combat will always be a shit idea till dynamic mesh is a thing
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Free poolargest fug yeah
It's amazing so many of you millenial boomers have gone through life without getting punched in the face. You are seriously due getting your teeth knocked in faggot.

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