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Will we get the update before 2025? Surely it won't be delayed again
Don't you mean Project Devlogoid? Indie Stone is not a game dev studio anymore, it's a blog.

Is the game worth it if I don't care for and pretty much actively dislike fighting zombies? I'd rather play multiplayer with autists and sit at the base crafting shit, ending with a kill count of like 2 by the end of the game.
>end of the game
As in, everybody is either dead or bored.
You could do some kind of last man on earth challenge where the zombie pop is like 1% or something so the threat is still out there but they should be incredibly rare. Probably beef up their health to compensate.
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>expanded map
fine I guess, doesn't add anymore depth to the gameplay
>underground areas/high rises
underground stuff seems interesting, if only since getting cornered and stuck is more likely than when you can escape out a window
taller high rises dont interest me, fighting through every floor of zombie because attacking 1 calls them all sucked with 7 floors
>darker nights
i have been conditioned to just never do anything at night already, so i dont see this affecting much for me. I think its a good idea though. New lighting looks good
>performance optimizations
cool, thank god. Hopefully substantial
>animal husbandry
I couldnt care less
>wild animals
adds a bit more depth to trapping and you can hunt but I dont think I care
>new fishing mechanics
I hate fishing minigames. fishing did Need a nerf
>expanded lore
who cares
>new build menu
finally. current one sucks ass
>initial crafting
who cares about pottery. weapon making could be okay but the game already runs out of depth when you had to find good weapons via low loot chances, imagine if you can just craft them.
>improved crops
adding tobbaco is cool and im glad theyre making growth times realistic.
>dynamic music
who cares
>new clothes, containers, weapons, and world objects
same problem as map expansion, doesn't add much depth
>better ui scaling
as a 2k player, finally
>randomized wilderness and biomes, grass
>basic tracking and hunting
see above wild animals
>improved gunplay
thank fuck. Hopefully one day they make trajectory overhaul base game
>new seated animation
i want to say who cares but honestly, I do care for some reason
>corpse dragging
cant wait to want to kill myself removing the 200 zombies i just killed in my apartment complex one at a time
>romero like zombie spawns
I am cautiously optimistic that this should make the game more challenging in a fun way. grinding zombies down in the street is boring
>improved sneak
doesn't matter if theyre all inside now lol
>environmental story
>>romero like zombie spawns
What the fuck does this even mean
>>environmental story
those are the "scenes" you find, like a dead body in a house with an empty bleach bottle or a gun
I guess it's about spreading zombie spawns more logically, aka, more in towns, less in the middle of nowhere.
its the portion of the last devblog where they said zombie spawns will be concentrated more indoors now, with an example of the muldraugh street being sparse and the neighborhood being full
I welcome the change, but I am worried it might make countryside living super boring and might make some previously high risk high reward places to loot just high reward
same as more items and larger map then, doesn't really add any depth but i guess its more content
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Doesn't the game already do that?
>>example of the muldraugh street being sparse and the neighborhood being full
>right as I posted
Ah, alright I guess that make some sense. I've been basically ignoring the blogs because all the ones I was reading was about the gay ass fucking retarded crafting rework.
I'm more wondering and asking what the multiplayer scene is like because I've no interested in single player, The only thing I'd want to do pretty much is play with other people, then let other(s) in the group do the zombie fighting while I hang around the base and craft or do fishing and generally take care of the base and more menial stuff, only coming out if there's stuff I want that can't be brought to me or an extra pair of hands is just really needed.
Is that something I could conceivably do regularly, there any real demand for somebody like that to play with, or would nobody want to play with somebody like that?
>Is that something I could conceivably do regularly
Probably only with irl friends
read nigga read
wow i can't wait for them to spend the next year "having to finish crafting and getting multiplayer working" before they can start on the NPCS they promised 12 years ago
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Don't worry, when it initially releases for build 43 (it won't), they'll only have half the entire system or more left to finish (they never will and we'll be having this conversation for another 12 years or until Lemmy dies of old age)
NPCs will never exist
>Probably only with irl friends
The only friends I have who I could conceivably play Zomboid with, get bored of things way too fast. I'd want to do a long playthrough and build a fortress and reach high goals, but they'd be bored after half a day and want to move on to something else.
>game has been getting consistent updates for years
>last update was two years ago meaning the next one is right around corner
oh my lord its time to doomPOOOOOOOST
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ah yes very consistent, just don't mind the 3-4 year gap between updates
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while we are waiting, someone wanted mullets.
The only good thing coming in b42 is optimization. Everything else is superfluous bullshit to justify why they haven't finished NPCs. Spending hundreds of hours on a retarded crafting rework that nobody but the 1% of turboautists care about, and that's saying something with this game's playerbase.
Turboautist here: There are literally fucking zero good games about or heavily involving Blacksmithing. Zomboid has a small chance, but more likely with mods, of becoming the first one.
Vintage Story it's !notMinecraft if most of TFC was vanilla, and for even more indie slop Forge Simulator
If you put a gun to my head and told me to play a voxel based game, I'd tell you to pull the trigger.
That's how I feel about the crafting rework.
>There are literally fucking zero good games about or heavily involving Blacksmithing.
CDDA but you will have to deal with hyper autism and tranny propaganda (BN is CDDA but on a decade old patch)
inb4 that guy tries to say they were putting out fast updates in its early dev cycle
>an entire number change because of two hotfixes
these guys were always shitty devs but it was fine back then because nobody expected them to take 20 years to finish what should be a very simple game.
>consistent updates
>3 years for a shitty minecraft update
>wont even be a full release
>another 3 years in IWBUMS
>another 3 years fixing up the shitty release version
>another 5 years before the next update
>lone survivor
>almost unlimited homes and businesses to loot
> HMM i should craft a weapon
> canned good for more than 5 years? >Nah ill breed cows
> wtf how do i drink cow milk without a homemade pottery bowl
>>canned good for more than 5 years? >Nah ill breed cows
Realistically even canned food go bad with time so breeding cows is safer bet long term. But i undestand people complaining over it, given most of they characters don't survive even a single month.
you don't think raising sheep, cows and chickens in the 10 years later scenario would be useful?
Livestock is one thing, but in what universe would homemade bowls and flint hatchets be useful when modern technology is left sitting around?
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the main reason why they went full autism on the crafting is because the want players to not have to rely entirely on scavenging for equipment and materials, so you are able to go live in the woods without any modern tools and still be entirely self sufficient
it can also remedy every server having to use loot respawn so newbies can actually progress through the game on longer running servers instead of begging for handouts from others because every town has already been looted several times, not to mention how loot respawn cheapens out a lot on the survival aspects of the game

I think it would be interesting to have two factions on the serb, one made up of city folk armed with modern weapons and tools and woodfolk living in wood huts and armed with bows and spears, there were plenty of anons on /pzg/ serbs that immediately fucked off to live in the woods so this update is gonna be great for them
I will NOT do animal husbandry
I will KILL all animals on sight
I refuse to farm
this is a HUNTER GATHERER household
How the FUCK are you going to keep your animals safe from Zombies?
Cattle are going to require alot of grazing land, Zomboid wont spawn zombs in an enclosed perimeter (ie fenced/walled) only up to a certain size and I'm pretty sure its under 6 square acres.
Some of the bigger player base map mods run into this problem - once your shit is too big zombies will spawn inside - not a big deal for your safety as it will be a small number and you have a house inside fortified but what happens if they kill and zombify all your pigs, deer and cattle?
Bandit mod is GOLDEN and much better than Superb Survivors ever was - the code is already there - add a few features and we have NPC
they will ignore animals
Day 57 of looking for a single female cow for my BVLLs. Ive searched the entire map west of westpoint, time to go Lewieville.
>instead of begging for handouts
and what do you think will happen if servers go turn off loot spawn? it will worsen the issue. now instead of being able to spawn in loot some shit and have a weapon and food to eat, now you gotta spawn in travel to mcfuck in the middle of the woods and ask fuckhead clan to borrow a shitty wooden spear.

OR spend 6 days pressing x to loot ground so you can have some shitty stone axe like some shit minecraft mod.

most servers will still keep loot spawn on because players dont want some shitty wood forged spear, they want to be able to go into town, loot a machete and go to town. this
is retarded. most players wont play past 4 months, most MP servers will still keep loot spawn on and this will only be used by a handful of retards.
loot respawn makes the game into the most boring piece of shit imaginable
>oh you're struggling with food? Just wait until the house next door has its loot refilled tomorrow so you can loot the fridge again
>someone looted the hardware store? Good thing I can just wait one day instead of having to check the next town over
completely defeats the purpose of scavenging and any sort of hazard or risk to multiplayer, you niggers complain about the game being way too fucking easy and with nothing to do and yet when we had the first /pzg/ serb with no loot respawn, the whole server was starving because all the starter towns were completely looted, this led to lots of interesting drama and cooperation which eventually resulted in Zion burning down and a mass exodus to Louisville since it was the only place on the serb that still had food

the whole reason for the crafting is to be self-realiable, why the FUCK would someone walk half the map to some fuckheads base to beg for a spear when they can just forage and build a flint axe after a day? It doesn't take a fucking week
Some of you guys are alright, don't come to Louisville tomorrow.
Completely rewriting a core mechanic to appease the 1% of autists is very on brand for zomboid.
What core mechanic is getting rewritten?
I unironically miss the 4chan anarchy server even though i only came across like 3 people while doing my loot runs and the global chat was filled with schizophrenics talking about real life politics.
>completely defeats the purpose of scavenging and any sort of hazard or risk to multiplayer
as opposed to
>go out to woods with no zombies and press X to loot sticks and stone to create shitty stone minecraft axe
or perhaps
>go out to middle of woods and suck cock so you can beg for wooden spear from clan fag niggers
its not about it being too easy, the most fun part of the game is looting the towns and if that is turned off you removed the most fun part of the game, the looting. now instead youre going into twenty different menus looking at branches and pebbles to create tools like freddy fucking flintstone. you can already be self reliable in current project zomboid. the problem is that its too BORING. not hard or muh dark souls difficulty but BORING. adding green bar and countless crafting menus is BORING too.
>thinking zombies will attack animals
honestly, the most fun I had in the game was on PVP servers
zombies don't pose any threat but if you add a bunch of hostile schizos to the serb that are intent on killing anyone they meet, the game suddenly becomes ten times more interesting and tense to play, but the PVP system is such a complete disaster that it's also extremely painful to partake in it, plus anyone you kill has about 50% chance of ragequitting and never coming back since they just lost all their shit so it can quickly depopulate a server if someone is intent on comitting genocide
the new crafting, despite being boring, at least improves on some of the existing aspects of the game that sorely needed an update like the new building menu or being able to clean tiles, it's still coming whether we like it or not so instead of impotently complaining about it at every opportunity you should accept it for what it is, we've had 3 years to seethe about it
> the most fun part of the game is looting the towns and if that is turned off you removed the most fun part of the game
Boy I sure love shoving 50 bags of garbage into my car and sorting it out at my base for 3 hours, fun!
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>looking at inventory transfer green bars going up = fun
>looking at crafting green bars going up = boring
yes, finding cool loot and upgrades in the world is very fun. sifting through a gorillion crafting menus and looking up a wiki to remember which fucking thing crafted what and what ingredient can make what recipe blows donkey dick.
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you're getting filted by this? Are you serious?
yes that is incredibly gay and boring. finding cool loot while evading zombies and playing the game = fun. looking at crafting menus all day while green bar fill up, not fun.
>the most fun part of the game is looting the towns
If you say so, my guy.
I think being able to craft cool weapons will be equally as rewarding, and even if not you'll still be able to play the way you want anyway so who cares?
>so instead of impotently complaining about it at every opportunity you should accept it for what it is
Hmmm, no.
I have not played PvP but this is guess. Dying to a schizo sounds fun on paper but when you lose hours of progress that's boring to grind back. Loot is shit if you don't have the skills. In the PvP servers do you have 4x exp? no loss of skills? Or do you just go at it with a don't give a shit attitude and focus points into 2 things only?
Has anyone played with sprinters? I tried with some low percent but it just makes go slower.
the only time the game is fun is in the first 10 minutes when you're looting a weapon and food and trying to find a car
then you drive to one of the good base spots, and realize theres no more gameplay
>but hunger bro
so i can drive out, congaline zombies, then drive back? woohoo
those idiots on reddit who post their ultra fortified bases, i always think why? theres no hordes, and even if there were you could just congaline them
without npcs there is no emergent gameplay, and without emergent gameplay there is nothing but congalines and green bar. oh and posting your character dancing on reddit with the caption "this game hit different frfr"
Don't tell him about book or VHS green bars.
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sprinters is fun, just use multi-hit so you can have more sprinters. you can turn down their vision/sound or actually use sneak. in combination with that mod that lets you make chunks with sprinters/no sprinters you can have some hard zones to conquer. but you Need nimble traits to not get fucked over. depening on the amount of sprinters, you can have some slight delays, or hardly be able to go to the next building. spawn yourself next to a building then on top (so zombies spawn inside) and then you go have your little adventure fighting downwards. the close doors tactic is autistic but i think it fun along with the fact you need to use the normally unused sprint button.
sneaking wont work until next update. if you think it does, its all in your head. indiestone basically admits to this, there has been extensive testing done. sneaking does not work in the current version.
Don't worry, soon the best part of the game will be the crafting.
>those idiots on reddit who post their ultra fortified bases, i always think why?
Some people enjoy building just for the sake of it. I wish I didn't need formal game mechanics to be happy.
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Fuck you sneaking works it, maybe it works like shit. The fence crouch is just for show and doesn't block vision. If you play with a shitload of zombies, sneak and lightfooted helps
you trigger a few less or pass a window or two, which matters a lot if you play with a bunch of sprinters (but low pop)
No sneaking doesn't work when they look at straight at you, if they do the head turn stuff you can still get away with your noise level/sneak speed.
Inb4 zombies auto pathfind to your location, i know but don't tell me sneaking is all in my head.

Although i did often force myself having to sneak using the 0 strength builds.
>Doesn't the game already do that?
Hell no it doesn't. Look at that map, god damn.
Yeah sure you usually won't find zombies in the deep forest but for whatever fucking reason there's all sorts of weird artifacts and errors. Look at the left-most part of the map. Why does that tiny country town have zombies WELL into the forest? It must've had a population of like a hundred people tops but you'll find 1000+ zombies all over the place.
why are there people in this thread who act like the entirety of the current gameplay loop isnt just scavenging until you find all the rare items you need and sitting in a barricaded base until you pass out and restart?
crafting might genuinely kill the game once people realize how there is nothing to do in the game without npcs
One of my friends plays to build and craft, one plays to farm and craft, one plays to kill zombies, two play to just do everything in general and one plays to scavenge. Scavenging for rare items isn't really the motivation for most of them, more crafting options and less scavenging wouldn't bother most of them.
>completely defeats the purpose of scavenging and any sort of hazard or risk to multiplayer, you niggers complain about the game being way too fucking easy and with nothing to do and yet when we had the first /pzg/ serb with no loot respawn, the whole server was starving because all the starter towns were completely looted, this led to lots of interesting drama and cooperation which eventually resulted in Zion burning down and a mass exodus to Louisville since it was the only place on the serb that still had food
God that was the most kino shit, I wish I could reexperience it again but I know it's not happening. I wonder how many years it will take until multiplayer gets re added after this update. Place your bets now.
The furry should just hire some modders to do his job for him, since he can't manage it.
Reminder that in-canon it's only been like 2years since SA2, if that
What is SA2?
the sequel to sexual assault
My expectation is a year to a year and a half. B41 released multiplayer on December 2021 and was released into unstable October 2019. I'm sure they realized by now that the vast majority cares about playing with friends vs playing alone.
PZ has a genuine shot at becoming the crafting game of my dreams. Fuck Vintage Story before anybody suggests that crap.
>5 builds with substantial additions in 2014
>followed by 1 good update in 4 years
If we don't get multiplayer by 2026 I think I'm going to have to just write the game off.
Is garbage
Do you think you could bite through a leather jacket, a denim shirt, two layers of cloth, four leather patches and break skin with a single chomp?
>he can't bite through a kevlar vest, a leather jacket reinforced with extra leather, and a t-shirt reinforced with leather strips
Just took a clean bite out of kevlar plate, ama
How good is your dental insurance?
honestly I think non-lethal zombie infections+random zombie speed is better than the default settings
Zomboidtubers for this feel?
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Woooah what's number 1??? A koala???
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Right now it's pull 2-3 zombies on repeat until you get good enough nimble to pull hoards. No matter how much we change the current zombies it's the same. Would more zombie types help this? Should this be changed or just accept that it's a core mechanic and focus on making other parts of the game fun?
they would need to fundamentally change how combat works, so no.
I don't disagree but right now there's attack, shove, (fire, guns, explosives? never used them). Adding more types of attack wouldn't be the most broken thing. A heavy attack that does more dmg and uses more stamina wouldn't be a ridiculous idea.
Explosives are so fucking janky you're taking your life into your own hands if you use them.
Do you think you could drink a single bottle of rainwater and then die from a fever in the next 6 hours?
maybe chinese city rainwater
How about 1993 Kentucky after human industry has ceased?
I want archery, good archery and a full proper crafting system to support it.
FUCK shoving zombies over and stamping on their heads or poking them with a wooden spear or hitting with an axe, I don't want to have to do that ever again outside of the first 5 minutes of a new playthrough. Fuck melee combat in general.
>I want archery, good archery and a full proper crafting system to support it.
that's coming in the second half of B42
Yeah, and the second half of B42 is coming fucking right around the second coming of Christ.
Sounds like instant death to me.
>non-lethal zombie infections
The infection is airborne and obviously extremely contagious. The player character survived to day zero. He can push a zombie over, stomp on its head until it pops, then take the zombie's clothes and wear them, all with zero risk of infection. It doesn't make sense for him not to be immune.
Imagine those waiting for NPCs coming in b43, right around the heat death of the universe
I've given up on that ever happening, I'll take crafting and treat it as the last update the game ever gets.
When are they adding this to vanilla?
I mostly play solo but I tried joining a MP server (just whatever pub server I could find) out of boredom.
>600+ mods to DL and install
Jesus christ do you people really play with that much shit? Also why does it download a few mods and then error out? I can't even get into the server...
Lemmy release b42 before my kidney cancer surgery
Wouldn't a winter kill most of the zombies? Freezing would destroy their muscles and tissues, unless the disease also acts like some sort of antifreeze and preservative.
Nah, just look for vanilla or vanilla plus servers. It's hard to find servers without a ton of bloat.
You can cut up a zombie with a knife, then cook food with said infected knife without issues. So consuming zombies doesn't even infect you lmao.
Tons of outfits, vehicles, and music. The heavy mods are reworks and guns. Don't get it myself. Keep it simple and clean.I used basic mods for my single player game and I came to ~30.
Zombies immediately fall apart the second you apply any real world physics or thermodynamics to them, don't think too hard about it.
I want a much more comprehensive first aid system, good enough that playing medic in a group would be a useful and viable strategy. I'd also like the infection to be curable, like 1% chance per level of first aid and with a 10x multiplier chance with the aid of some rare medical supplies you'd only have any real chance of getting if you looted heavily protected and zombie infested areas, or at least the chance to amputate bitten limbs or stuff.

Hell if I can perform surgical modifications and stuff to add prosthetics or even enhancements, even better. Yeah I know there's mods that do things like this but I want some official system and for medical to work more like it does in Space Station 13 than anything else.
There isn't really a point to the devs fleshing out the first aid system when the game is designed around you fucking up once and having a guaranteed death because a zombie bit you through 60 layers of leather.
Far more than 9/10 of my deaths are because of zombification, never actually dying from wounds.
there would be a point if there were more things to kill you. and not necesarrily humans, diseases viruses wild animals, stepping in poo and getting a flesh eating ring worm. but thank god we can do pottery.
that's why the permadeath infection is dumb
you should be able to beat it with antibiotics and plenty of rest
I just got the game this Autumn sale on Steam, I think the bite = 100% zombie time thing is super annoying. I wish that was the case or if you don't know if you will turn into one for like a week. Some suspense or being able to remedy the situation would be nice.
The biggest problem with guaranteed death from the infection is that it kills all hope. Might as well dump your items somewhere safe for the next character and go try clear out some area that was too risky to do normally.

With the infection being survivable, at least rarely, there would always be that hope you could save yourself at least with some luck and difficulty. It not being a foregone conclusion would change the game so much for the better.
the better servers setup one of those workshop servers packs
far easier to just click sub to that and download out of game and less errors
>He doesn't want to be an apocalyptic scrap samurai
Low test
If there was a full proper melee system that's basically a complex system of rock paper scissors mechanics with you trying to slip your sword past their defenses and parry theirs in full skill based fashion, we can talk.
If it's "left click to kill enemy", hard pass.
Protip, set infection mortality to 'never', but keep infection with default transmission type.
Creates a 'survivable' infection that gives you a temporary fever and weakens you, CAN kill you but as long as you're well fed and healthy you will survive it.
Is the best way to play the game, with no exceptions.
youre never going to get a fun combat system with an isometic game.
That's how I play it. Makes it feel a lot more fair to me, if you get killed by zombies it's because you did something stupid and got yourself backed into a corner rather than one lucky scratch that gives you AIDS.
I tried this and while it was a step in the right direction the current sickness implementation is pretty shit and boring for it. Shoving food down my throat for a day while speeding up time waiting for the infection to pass is eh. Does not feel sufficiently punishing for being bitten.
That's the game's fault for trying health to hunger for some stupid fucking reason.
Yeah makes total sense that a dude on the verge of death can heal bullet wounds by consuming sardines.
Sure anything is fixable with enough mods and tweaking, I'm saying the game should be like that by default and the devs are fucking retarded for not changing it.
>and the devs are fucking retarded
I already know the sky is blue, you don't have to tell me.
depots havent been updated in a couple of hours, they have been updated for the past month constantly
b42 soon
It's funny because even Paradox are smarter than them. Back when Stellaris was brand new version 1.0.0, the game offered three styles of transportation between systems: warp drive (short range, can go to any star at all that's in range), gates (medium range, have to follow specific paths and channels), and wormholes (long range but can only travel from wormholes that have to be set up). Players quickly realised that having it set to only use gates for both yourself and every other player was by far the most fun way to play, and the devs noticed this and just outright made it official a patch or two later, removing warp drive entirely and making wormholes into a late game psionic tech branch.
Forgive me if I'm mixing up terms a bit here, not played since 2017. Point is even they're capable of making smart decisions to make the game better sometimes.
Personally my brother made a mod for TISM's music and I think it counted each CD added as a separate mod in itself (or he split the albums up can't recall). I guess it depends on how you are counting it.
I just got the game and nobody in this thread seems very happy or having fun. Did I fuck up?
>Did I fuck up?
Yes, I'm a strict buyfag and buy 99.9% of my games, but this is the other 0.1%. Last straw for me was when they jacked the price up a lot despite having added nothing recently, now they're just stringing people along for years with promises of updates to keep sales coming before they run to Mexico.
I'll just have to try and see for myself, it seemed like a fun multiplayer game. I will say though, without ever playing the game, that crafting seems like a mistake. Isn't the point to go out and explore. Seems bad. Also is this a game that needs mods to feel good?
>fun multiplayer game
Only with friends. Trying to play this game with any form of pvp is a waste of time.
>Also is this a game that needs mods to feel good?
Not exactly, but after maybe 20 hours you really start to see what's missing when you look at the workshop. Lots of "damn why isn't that vanilla?" or "yea that would be cool"
>Also is this a game that needs mods to feel good?
The more you play, the more you're going to wonder "Why the fuck did the devs make this decision?"
Zomboid is flawed and the devs are incompetent, but it's not a bad game. You can have a lot of fun with it, especially in the honeymoon phase, before you've seen and done everything it has to offer.
with a bit of mods its easy to get a couple hundred hours, but once youve ran out of arbitrary goals to give yourself you find the depth lacking and get bored
Zomboid is the definition of squandered potential.
That and myself, I could have been so much more, but is what it is.
i could have lernt2code and made my zomboid clone years ago
The zombie aspect is the least of my interest. I would have rather of seen it been like a post-WWIII survival game between the US and Soviet Union set in like 1991. Something along the lines of the Soviets not wanting to go quietly into the night or something. Honestly if I wasn't an incompetent retard I would just make that myself.
why are good vanilla servers so hard to find FFS
They don't have artist as an occupation...
i don't care about NPC's
>zed zone already released fisting and the basement update
Just put ushankas on the zombies and replace their sounds with bandit dialogue from STALKER and you're 99% of the way there
finally a zombie game for me
>I would have rather of seen it been like a post-WWIII survival game between the US and Soviet Union set in like 1991.
Project Russia is relatively close to that
that's just a shitty map mod anon
hmm maybe I should lern 2 code and just make the game I mentioned. Not sure how much of a market there would be
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ayooooooooooooooooooo we dont need npcs look how deep the gameplay is already fr fr
play with sprinters
modded character in a modded town using a modded weapon
and the gameplay is still the exact same
The "depth" of the gameplay comes from resource management. If you give yourself modded tools to circumvent that while also not adding any new type of challenge then of course the gameplay is going to become significantly worse.
what fucking resource management? You loot 10 houses and then spend the next 3 hours sorting out all the garbage you picked up in your house
then after you're done doing the most in-depth part of the game (looking at inventory transfer green bars going up), you go outside and proceed to herd 100 zombies into a conga line to kill them, then you go back home, eat food, read, sleep only to do the whole thing all over again the next day until you realize the game is shit and stop playing
If you're an experienced player you shouldn't be playing with settings that allow you to survive comfortably with the loot from 10 houses.
why are you in a thread about a game you think is shit and not worth playing
I don't find the game thrilling even if you mod in the option for the lowest possible amount of loot and play on the 6 months later setting, that just makes so instead of having to loot 10 houses, you need to loot 50 of them
even if you run out of food to scavenge, you can still get infinite amounts from foraging, fishing and farming (even in winter), so starvation hardly matters as a motivator
the gameplay loop just doesn't change, you're gonna be doing the exact same shit on every playthrough without any variation because the game doesn't throw any obstacles in your path, once you've played the game a bit it just loses all the charm it had on your first playthrough
just driving, looking at inventory transfer bars and conga lining zombies, it's boring as shit
you can ask 95% of the thread the same thing
Yeah, I don't disagree with you. The game really lacks anything interesting to do in mid/late game. I'm not trying to defend the current state of the development because I also think all focus should be going towards NPCs, I just think webms like the one you posted are a bit disingenuous because I don't think the fun of PZ comes from the combat itself but from how well prepared you are for it. I like that feeling of your character slowly growing tired and weaker while running out of weapons with no end of the horde in sight. A shame things like the conga line exist because it makes that whole aspect way less engaging.
Besides NPCs what do you think the game needs to fix its flaws?
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the NPCs are absolutely crucial, the game simply feels stale and dead without them, I've already mentioned in several posts before but playing on the early /pzg/ serbs with 50+ people, most of which were complete noobs that had no idea what they were doing made the whole experience feel simply magical
wandering around empty town that has been completely looted dry, seeing a player corpse on the road with a bunch of broken weapons next to it, car with a destroyed engine nearby, the whole scene tells a story and you just don't get stuff like that in singleplayer, it makes the world feel alive

but other than that, I think having some actual long-term or short-term objectives for the player to partake in for some benefit would improve the gameplay tenfold, like that one mod that adds the emergency stations that need to eventually be repaired so you can continue to get automated weather forecasts from the radio or basically the entire Helicopter Events Expanded mod
imagine having a part of a town lose electricity before the grid falls and having to go to a power station to restart it, basically anything to force you to go somewhere you wouldn't ever decide to go to on your own and making the journey itself a risk with a great reward at the end
hell, there's already something like in the game with the survivor maps you can sometimes find but it feels pretty shittily implemented in its current form, I recall the devs mentioned they wanted the meta sound events to give you markers on the map so you can go investigate them but I fear they may have already memoryholed that feature
I feel like this game is at its best when it's forcing you to haul ass and in the process make mistakes you wouldn't do under normal circumstances. The helicopter event and power/water shut off are good examples but then it just pretty much stops. I really want them to change how zombie migration works so we can have things like natural occurring hordes moving through the map.
Bites should be fatal, otherwise there's no point to the zombies themselves as only noobs die frequently to getting swarmed and stunlocked. However, the injury system needs a rework. Bruises should be added and they should be the most common outcome of a failed bite, cold should be deadlier, deep wounds should be almost as annoying as burns in terms of pain, malnutrition should result in much higher likelihood of getting sick, infected wounds should be a fucking nightmarish scenario that requires immediate and intense medical treatment, fever should be harsher and also come from infections and colds.
i think building and mechanics should be smoother to learn in this game and cars shouldn't be dumps but everything else about this game is almost perfect.
i know that feel
nothing wrong with making the game easier
None of that shit is going to matter 99% of the time if zombies have a good chance of ignoring all of your protection with a random bite, just as none of the injuries that don't cause infections matter most of the time right now.
If protection is so reliant on RNG and knox is absolutely lethal none of the other ailments fucking matter because you're constantly fighting zombies. As it is right now you're either uninjured so who cares or you get knox from a random scratch and you're dead anyway so who cares.
Non-lethal knox and random zombie speed/sprinters is the only way to have the injury system become engaging and have first aid be an actually useful skill.
No, bites should be fatal most of the time, not 100% of the time. If it's guaranteed death you kill hope, but if there's even a tiny chance of survival like a 1 in 20 that you might not turn, people will gamble on that chance and still try to live.
The rest of the stuff sure, but no outcome should ever be guaranteed.
>you kill hope
These are the end times.
There was no hope of survival.
This is how you died.
Yeah, EVENTUALLY you die but to make that "no hope of survival" mean "lmao you got a bad roll while fighting one zombie? Start over"
If a game has purely luck based death that you can't likewise try and roll the dice to combine luck and skill to try and counteract it, it's shit.
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Giving the player an extra chance to hope and then have that hope taken away is twice as hopeless
RNG is objectively good and realistic for scenarios like this. All it takes is one lapse of attention for an experienced
biker to kill him on accident.
Shit happens. Start over and be more careful and less impulsive.
AI post
This isn't a lapse in judgement or something you can be more careful about, this is just uncontrollable bad luck.
Your ideas are bad and you should feel bad, the whole thing could be improved 100x over but because a few retards want uncontrollable dice rolls with no saving throw the game's shit.
You will never have full control of your environment. Zombie #9001 biting that one spot in your clothes that lacks protection is realistic. Zombie #9002 being a mewer and having jaws of steel is realistic.
Your ideas are bad and you should feel bad.
If you want to whine about something then whine at the building spawn mechanic.
>Everything should be determined only by luck and things like skill, preparedness, cunning, guile, acumen or anything else should never factor into the equation!
>Why? Because That's just realistic, and because I said so
Nobody said skill and preparation shouldn't matter. Nobody. In fact I said you should be more careful and less impulsive after you lose a character to an unfortunate bite.
You are cattle incapable of having an honest conversation. Your only desire here is a haha gotcha.
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You quite literally want the game to be such that no matter how much prep or skill you put into the game, you will *ALWAYS* be forced sooner or later into a situation where you will simply have to roll a dice, and if it comes up a 1 you just die. At that point there's no further point playing and you might as well let yourself die in a quiet area and restart. A foregone conclusion, a very boring one.
The much better alternative is that if you're willing to put time into learning first aid you could have some small chance to survive, something to do and keep fighting for while grasping at a glimmer of hope that's probably just a trick of the light. Alternately you could take your chances and be rushed into attacking a very heavily defended area you'd never otherwise try that has a high chance of you dying, because fighting a legion to get drugs and raising your chances of surviving the infection with an experimental set of antibiotics would give you a slightly higher chance of survival overall than simply praying on low odds.

The latter has tons of opportunity for emergent gameplay, the former is a simple "time to restart". Games are meant to be fun, but you want realism (in a fucking zombie game of all things) and reality is boring. People play games to have fun. "Muh realism" is literally the only argument you have, but I don't see you complaining about things like the lack of guns in people's houses in rural 1993 Kentucky, so it's a completely bad faith argument.
In short, KYS.
>Zombie #9002 being a mewer and having jaws of steel is realistic
No, it is entirely unrealistic for that to be the case, humans cannot instantly bite through multiple layers of proper leather on a struggling human.
Realistically, making yourself effectively immune to a bunch of zombies with the strength of regular humans is as simple as getting a really thick full body suit of leather, that just requires a decent tailor and a bunch of leather. Chainmail and/or plate would be even more effective, but blacksmithing that and acquiring materials is quite a bit harder.
Fully protecting yourself against bites and scratches from medium sized animals in real life is completely feasible, the bigger issue is that you could get dragged down and stuck under a mountain of bodies.

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