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Space Station 13 is a round-based roleplaying game, developed using BYOND engine around February, 2003.
Players are given a list of ~40 different jobs aboard a Space Station (#13), each with their own access and responsibilities (for example, Engineers are to set up the station's engine and thus have access to Engineering Bay while Scientists are usually busy researching and developing various items for the crew and thus have access to Scientific Bay). Though some of them could try to hack an airlock to gain illicit access, ask the station's Artificial Intelligence to let them in, blow a hole in the wall or...
More often than not, the In-Character choices you make are often limited only by your imagination.
Your goal is to have fun! (and start busting heads)

ITT we post memorable stories, beat clowns to death with toolboxes, eat human burgers and get sucked into a Gravitational Singularity.

>Download link for BYOND, game platform of SS13 (most servers use version 515)
>Guide to BYOND registration & joining servers
>List of public SS13 servers
>Ban Evader Tech Support

>Riviera Station (online 24/7 but everyone plays starting Saturday 6PM EDT)
>Riviera Station wiki
>/tg/station is pozzed, don't mourn what it became, remember it for what it was
>/vg/station is also pozzed (just look at all the spam), don't mourn it because it had it coming

>Should I try it o—
Don't, it's not worth being lorded over by powertripping axewounded frenchmen. However, if you do
>>Alternative SS14 launcher
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previous SS13 thread: >>1501428
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Hullrot is an off-hub roleplay-intensive science fiction game, set in the war-torn fringes of the Imperial Supercluster in Sector Crescent, Taypan after a devastating revolutionary war. Players can choose to become an Imperial footsoldier, a laborer under the Minister of Wealth, an independent salvager operating out of the gang and bandit-infested Freeport, or even a Communard revolutionary waiting for their chance to strike.

Roleplay and gameplay in Hullrot is paramount; PVP isn't going to wait for your permission, and the rules tend to be on the laxer side. We place great value on player agency and believe that our players have the means to police and moderate themselves - with only mild nudges from the Staff team.

Hullrot offers a variety of custom systems built just for it, including but not limited to:
>A fully functional set of manned-ship flight code means dogfights, capital-class military embarkments, ship merchants, and pirates are all possible.
>An overhauled cargo trading system
>Faction territories, cinematic biomes each with their own soundtrack, overhauled localbiome mechanics
>Shuttle weaponry systems including hardpoint weapons that fire in a narrow arc and ship turrets with wide arcs able to controlled via gunnery consoles
>A rapidly-developing Heat system, where firing ship weapons and cloaking generates Heat that ships must dissipate or risk a meltdown.
>Overhauled research trees and methods of point extraction; each faction has it's own tech disciplines that can be researched to manufacture ships, shuttle weapons, modules, or just fabricate faction-related gear for themselves.
Such cute art! Good start to the thread
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>actually quads
God damn it.
>beat clowns to death with toolboxes
do not do this, it creates mustard gas
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Are valid SS14 players welcome here?
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>demoting an admin or mapper because the nonhuman races get shittier treatment compared to the shit treatmen human races get
voxtrannies, not even once
>demoting an admin or mapper

he is threatening this less than a month after half of his staff quit

I play vox and I see no issue with this aside from that it doesn't actually provide a space to refill tanks, just a spare one. Yeah it's deliberately shitty but it works and that's really all you should be asking for.
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diagnosis: internalized racism
it's always the funniest shit when the ones screaming about racism are actually the most racist ones
Maybe it's because I actually like the engineering aspect of the engineering game, but I think having a spot specifically set aside for you that you can improve and pretty up, even if there isn't much room for expansion (unless you open the can of worms that is expanding into space), is actually pretty nice.
yknow i dont even think ive seen mothnigger players get this unhinged
PJB doesn't even play a Vox to my knowledge, he's literally doing that thing where someone goes "Oh you poor minority, I'll be offended for you!" meanwhile if I was mapping it in I wouldn't have even thought to give them a free plushie.
'member Celt's shitty snow map?
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As a white person you need to do better
>you're specist because you're white and therefore racist
Words cannot fathom how much I hate them.
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what the fuck is this guys deal, wasn't he bitching they existed in the first place?
>if I was mapping it in I wouldn't have even thought to give them a free plushie.
you WILL map in the plush and you WILL laugh as the birds dejectedly eat their cold left-overs while it uncaringly stares into their (most likely nonexistent) souls
The racism is what makes playing as a vox fun and interesting in the first place.
They clearly have a microwave, dummy.
exactly. after playing somewhere where racism is not allowed to the point that their ai asimov has been changed to reference crew instead of humans i realized just how much i missed the racism dynamic among the crew
doesn't microwaving already made dishes turn them into a burnt mess?
The people playing on "no speciesism allowed servers!" aren't really playing aliens for a different experience, they just want to rp as their fursona. I hate that it's the standard there, it's one of the factors that has kept me from even really trying 14.
You can reheat dishes on /vg/station which is the only one I really play on. I just assumed that was standard for most servers even if it was a fairly new feature there since that is the main thing people use microwaves for irl, but I guess the temperature of your food doesn't really matter.
>The people playing on "no speciesism allowed servers!" aren't really playing aliens for a different experience, they just want to rp as their fursona
granted i admit there are a lot of people who do this, but there are some servers that have interesting differences in mechanics for species and people do play them purely to spice up their average round rather than for a fetish.
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The no speciesism shit is so insulting. This is the game where terrorists can commit nuclear jihad, wizards can fireball you and traitors can drive by murderbone you but being a meanie to a fictional race is somehow this great unforgiveable sin. Fictional murder/terrorism is fine but fictional speciesism isn't???? That's not even beginning to mention how most of the devs are jacking to fictional child/animal abuse but somehow they draw the line with fictional racism
the thing that gave me red flags was when some rando made a single remark that could be considered speciest/racist and minutes later even though i didn't ahelp or complain at all an admin bwoinked me and asked if i wanted the dude who made the remark punished. extremely creepy hugbox vibes
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>medical, ai, and command always harping about suit sensors
>can count on one hand how many times a suit sensor wand has sold
Have you considered it's traumatic to be incarnated into a human body and people are processing the trauma that they were born a human and not a cartoon dog?
i think that's a silly ask because the entire point of antag roles is to give a challenge, but i do have to say not having better sight in the dark was inconvenient last time i switched races.
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Good afternoon anons.
I formerly spent a while coding for F19 before I realized it was a shitshow and GTFOd (not to mention I refuse to use discord now). However, I'm starting to feel the coder itch return. The problem is is that I'm on linux now, and so SS13 is partially off the table.
Is SS14 any good to start development on? I want to try my hand at creating my own SCP server (muh [slop setting]13), because I feel I'm practically the only person competent enough to do so. I've heard that it's empty content-wise, but that's OK because I want to rebuild everything from scratch anyways.
I was an efficient coder but uni would probably get in the way a bit. Administration is a bit outside of my comfort zone, but I'd like to think I'd do a better job than what I've seen from Lestat (worked under him, he is... not particularly competent). I've also got a 24GB cloud server for hosting on.
Any advice? Pic unrelated
>buy suit sensing want
>approach unsuspecting person with their sensors off
>they start screaming about how I'm trying to murder them with a baton and spamming disarm
>wands take a few seconds to work
No thanks, I don't feel like getting killed over a misunderstanding, they can sit in that maint locker indefinitely after they die.
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>vg is bad, just look at all the spam
you fell for the schizo's trap and missed out on some 30 pop rounds this week
http://ss13.moe/ (bla bla homepage)
ok VGtard, nobody cares, go back to your containment
>New player guide

>Roleplay Guides

>/vg/ links
http://ss13.moe/ (Home page with links to game, forum, bans, admins, etc)
http://game.ss13.moe/logs (Logs of previous rounds for administrative purposes)
http://game.ss13.moe/minimaps/images/maps/ (/vg/station minimaps)
https://ss13.moe/media/source/ (Jukebox media source)

byond://game.ss13.moe:7777 (/vg/station primary game server)
byond://ss13.moe:1337 (/vg/station test server)
http://byond.com/games/exadv1/spacestation13 (public server list)

>/vg/station Coder Resources
@rizon #coderbus @rizon #vgstation (/vg/ IRC channels)
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trannies like PJB literally spawned from VG, kill yourself trannoid
new /vg/station video dropped
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>everyone shitting smoke
>someone trying to unscrew the shuttle windows
>people throwing bolas at eachother
>shoot injured mime with a lifesaving syringe
>he draws his shotgun, a moment of tension passes
>he puts it away when he realizes he's healing
I was sweating bullets.
>he didn't instantly shoot back
Lucky bird
I assume it was in part because he had bigger fish to fry since the antag that was bullying him was just south. The cloud of cleaning smoke that erupted around me right after probably helped too
seeing a medbay player use a syringe gun for HEALING was unreal, i had to stop and stare just to process what had happened and i wasnt even the one who got shot
VGtards really are something else, huh
>resorts to advertising the video in thread
are you mad the janny didn't shout out your channel like you asked
How are the Roguetown likes right now?

Anyways if it's shit then i miss o.g Roguetown where it was a small-ish map with like a small swamp/forest are ans the town and the other one Blackrock (Roguetown 2) when they made the world bigger. It was genuinely fun to just navigate the forest with a strange cast of characters before getting massacred by a Saiga.
mad skillz
Played my first ever round as janitor, accidentally ended up in space and somehow got back on station but by then the escape shuttle left me, I think I like this game
Getting left behind means you own the station once everyone else is either dead or submits to you. Trust me, I am an expert in this field.
Used one of the bodies of the many who failed to get a mask on for oxygen to practice medicine, got a belt full of meds thrown to me when I got on board as Jani, didn't expect it to save my life but it did
That's the spirit of crew cooperation we all love to see. Remember that every corpse is an opportunity!
i didnt expect to see oc i made in like 2015 to still be posted on this site
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cLoss is eternal
newfag idiot here
can you or someone else explain the history and connection between vg and pjb?
He used to code and play on /vg/, that's all.
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Isn't NT supposed to be an evil megacorp? Spending as little as possible for alien worker's comfort seems pretty normal for them. Kinda wish your race would affect your payrate, cheap foreign labor.
Used to do a lot of coding, also had pretty normal views for a 4chan server player. But I think he got a classic case of troll's remorse and when he left for ss14 he started becoming what he is today.
hell NT lorewise, for whatever its worth, treat their human workers like shit. the AI only has basic ass asimov laws instead of superior lawsets to ensure crew safety. the stations run on easily destroyed forms of power, some with catastrophic failures. and jobs like mime/clown only exist to distract the employees from the hellish conditions theyre subjected to

your crew is sent to a remote section of space full of traitors, nukies, wizards and god knows what else to collect plasma for NT's dubious ass research. its a wonder they even keep up the barely disguised facade of being for humanity and justice. at best i could imagine them doing some "cultural sensitivity" bullshit to try and keep the heat off the upper class
yea having NT be at all concerned about anti-specism or whatever is realy stupid
even on servers with non-human command, it makes no sense. Meritocarcy instead of human supremacy - sure, maybe. Makes some sense for jewishly maximizing your profits. But they sure as fuck do not care at all about "equity" or whatever the fuck.
At that point you might aswell completely change the lore to be a SolGov outpost instead of a megacorps.

unless... maybe blackrocks DEI investment scemes (or something similar) is happening in 500 years...
I wish non-humans got paid 10% less. Money matters so little that it's just flavor anyways
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AI games now?


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i feel like NT is less maliciously evil to start race wars to keep the knives away from their throats and more maliciously profit-driven to the point is really ignoring any sort of amenities for nonhuman races
>NT higher up gets a complaint that the non-oxygen breathing races dont have their own lounge
>station builders shrug and make some cuckbox because the floorplan cant fit a full sized lounge with all the fixings for a race that, lorewise, is like 5% of NT employees
they wanna make bank off of selling research into this Plasma shit and rare space artefacts they dont even have time to care about things like "crew wellbeing" or "safety protocols"
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I can picture posters going up with an image of a vox and the tag line "This is your friend, he works for NanoTrasen!" Then immediately beside it is another poster with the same vox saying "This is your enemy, he seeks to enslave humanity!" The more NT gets humans to hate vox the less they'll hate the higher-ups deciding that they can save a couple of credits more if they fill the emergency air tanks only half way.
>he started becoming what he is today.
What, a troll? Based on these screenshots.
maybe i am just verry blackpilled, but im fairly sure he is 100% serious in these screenshots.
He genuinely belives IC specism is awfull and disgusting and needs to be exised because its the same as real racism
Regardless of his motivations or whatever he actually "believes" in my time we used to ban these people on sight and not feed them.
They should have enough self-awareness to see how it comes off.
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Lol anon he's their head community manager, he's the guy banning people and threating to fire people assumedly working for free just because they DARED not to give his precious bird people a luxury lounge to breathe in.
The lunatics are running the asylum, demanding the non-insane be thrown in a padded cell
I agree, thats how stuff like this should be handled to nip it in the bud before they can cause issues. Even some of the more woke ss13 servers would laugh you out for silly shit like goes on with 14.
Too bad he's the one in charge, and his fellows are of similar persuasion.
what's the status of fstation
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grab a vpn and check out their site/ knock off 4chan. But I'm willing to bet its still the same status it almost always was
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>embarassing retard who only got admin because he was friends with nipples acts like a retard
My static looks like this
I wish my WFU looked like this
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The whole thing is in a bit of a toss organization wise, it's been okay for some little tweaking I've done myself. Other than the usual issues of hosting .net apps in Linux it shouldn't be anything special. There's even a possibly outdated flatpack build of the launcher.
why hide narand's name
i don't like showing people's ckeys
Anon, a self hosted imageboard isn't "knock off 4chan", it's just a replacement for a forum. That said, Hina-chan gave up completely and the board has been taken over by Chinese manufacturing spam for almost half a year now.
because he's a pussywhipped VGtard, more deserving of returning to /r/ss13 where he belongs than here
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>wanna play spessmans after walking away from the game for awhile
>not on windows
>maybe someones figured ou-
>No. it doesn't fucking work.
>alright maybe I'll check out ss14?
>has the fag flag on logo and branding
>only a handful of active servers
>code base is deeply stripped down, with the 'evs and 'mins being both lazy fuckwads
I fucking hate this.
Yea I have to run BYOND in a VM which fucking sucks but it is what it is.
leaving medbay is death, and anyone who comes in gets their sensors turned on once they're in the TUUUUUUUUUUUUUBES and I rifle through their belongings
plus the meagre doctor pay doesn't let you splurge on panacea, defib, comfy jacket AND a wand
imagine being so tech illiterate you can't get BYOND running adequately on loonix
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Just play SS14, chud. BYOND is going to die regardless of GNU/Linux support once people realize how much better it is. It was created by someone from this very website and this very server that realized BYOND sucks and needed replaced
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Y'know, BYOND *does* suck and i do hope it gets replaced one day - by openDREAM. That'd be the best timeline.
Why is every single HRP server filled with utter retards that spend more time developing sonic OC tier characters and talking about said characters on whatever groomer discord than actually playing the game?

Yes yes I want to hear you for the 50th time talking about how your totally not furry self insert cat retard loves the random lizard retard. I fucking hate the fact that I love baystation rp level but absolutely hate the communities that inhibit them. I think I'm going to die before I ever find a HRP server not filled with furries, troons and people who were sexually abused as children
it is
though it's funny how that won't fix any critical vulnerabilities like href abuse on existing codebases
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Shit like this is the reason why almost every sever is a TG codebase though. Hosts would rather fork from TG because it's generally up-to-date in preventing various exploits.
HRP has always been terrible. I can respect the idea of having actual realish human beans instead of net-spouting meme shit you get in LRP but like always its too heavily moderated. Also the furry OC shit like you said
>an unstable french tranny is dictator of the main project
>other guest stars include discord pedophile, unstable turkish woman, and vatnik ziggers
hmm, no, most unwise...
/tg/ used to have an offshoot server that used baycode after some people got sick of shitters and lack of admins kicking out down syndrome people and that was the best time I've had on this god forsaken game, but it was metaclique as fuck because it was all people that knew eachother (still a good like 40 people peak) but it was good metaclique because a) I was a part of it and b) this was old /tg/ before the rejects overtook it and made it into furry freedom force.

Unfortunately there isn't really a way to stop metaclique on HRP but as long as the metaclique isn't closeted rapists aka furries I'm 100% ok with it.
Whenever I see stuff like this I roll my eyes because it's a clear attempt of trying to silence someone with actual no value. It's the equivalent of some retard screencapping me say 'nigger' and spamming it everywhere.

Yet this is more damning to me than any fucked up fetish. It's so absurdly insane, and such a damning overreach of power and virtue signaling
>I'm going to demote/ban you for a reference!
>I'm having a manic episode over people making luxury-chambers for themselves!
>You can't be racist against my fictional alien races!
It adds some credibility to the insane idea that if this person ever decided: They would be the type to add backdoors to their codebase and RAT people they don't like.
Whadda bitch, space crackshacks are the heart and soul of any good station design.
>>Alternative SS14 launcher

someone made a followup to marseyloader

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Melee Aimbot – Automatically targets the nearest enemy for a powerful strike.
Ranged Aimbot – Supports both firearms and laser weapons with unpredictable aim adjustments.
Anti-Slip – Protection from slipping on soap and other slippery surfaces.
Auto-Spin – "Spinbot" effect, causing the character to spin continuously.
Auto-Zoom – Automatically adjusts zoom for optimal view.
Friend-or-Foe System (Arabica Friend) – Aimbot recognizes friends and enemies, focusing only on opponents.
ClickGui - simple user interface for switching cheat functions, activated by F4.

Admin Menu – Access to advanced administrative settings.
Health Bars – Displays health levels of other players.
Chemical Solution Scanner – Scanner for analyzing chemical solutions.
Security Icons – Icons for simplified interaction with security systems.
Command Permissions Patch – Patch for working with command privileges.
Syndicate detector - When a character has an uplink in PDA or a regular uplink (nukeops's uplinks), it displays the syndicate icon
remember byond sucks because it's serverside though

If you think BYOND doesn't have these, you've clearly never played on a big pubbie server.
i don't care about byond retard, i'm playing 14 and enjoying shitting up tranny servers, got a problem with that?
yes, actually
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I wish this thread hasn't revolved around interpersonal nigger drama irrelevant to my interests.
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post more memri.tv edits in assad's honor
Playing in tranny servers ironically is still playing in tranny servers
play tranny games
win tranny prizes
Cliques aren't good but it's always a thing that will happen and we can at least manage the issue with rules and badmins. I was never in /tg/ clique, but it wasn't a terrible problem to play with them. I was in a bay clique and I do admit we formed one. My favorite is still /vg/ and it was a clique of just people playing at that hour mostly, it was the least issue because game admins recognized the issue and went out of their way to accommodate even most spastic retards complaining about muh statics. The real issue of that time were random Russian griefers really.
I dunno how you managed to talk to baystation people on a regular basis without calling them all faggots at least once.

At least with old /TG/ I could afford calling them all retarded niggers on a semi regular basis.
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>only a handful of active servers
Explain this, then
You're right, i should spend my time playing on VG learning how to dilate
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VG sycophants are peak braindead don't worry about it, i don't even bother coming here to dunk on them all the time now, just when i feel like it or the weekends
>ask someone in the halls if he knows the current station threats
>he jokingly says "yeah me, i'm a vampire because i suck"
>passing security officer hears this and detains him
>after an extended period of interrogation and force feeding of holy water he is released
>in the lobby he makes a joke about being a ling ala the "there are two sides of me" meme
>they detain him and start the interrogation again
>mid-questioning the nuclear device is detonated by nuke ops
>22:33:37]ADMIN: HELP: Syruse Eln/(Bob Oakland) <span title='traitor'>(A)</span>: please ban me i never want to come back - heard by 1 non-AFK admins.
why does she do this every 3 months?
undiagnosed PMS?
all zigger servers
You guys aren't doing a very good job of convincing me to play either SS13 or SS14
sorry anon, I'm not a paid shill, I can't do better
it's really dead now, isn't it?
>mentally ill retard can't moderate their own gaming hobby
>pls ban me because i can't stop logging in!!
many such cases unfortunately
name 5 cases
They're both gonna get better. SS14 is gonna get attention, then they'll leak into SS13 and things will continuously get better.
explain the appeal of vox to me
People are racist towards you and you can act like a disgusting savage while excusing it as your culture
>People are racist towards you
>People are racist towards you

yeah, if they want to get permabanned for simulated racism
I should find a server where I can scavenge and eat bodies in front of people then when they call me an animal I can cry in ahelps
One time I got caught eating a mouse whole in maint, the guy mentioned it over radio, and I was ordered to report to medical for my shots. I did not go for my shots, and continued eating mice.
I've gotten sick from eating maintenance mice many, many times. I should start refusing to get mild diseases treated and just become a disease vector like the disgusting vulture I am
Reject modernity, become the plague carrier
The only problem is that I tend to work medbay, and I'm sure one of my fellow doctors would force treatment on me. I'll just get harm syringed with spaceacillin, and it would be kind of malicious to just purge it from my system
Eternal medbay suffering, can't even spread a little bit of disease here and there. Thank you for your sacrifice
*gets severely injured doing something incredibly stupid*
Try to be more careful anon, I don't revive people that jump into the suicide machine for the 3rd time
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Medbay is usually suffering or boredom, but it's nice helping people out (plus having a belt filled with healing supplies helps you survive a lot of shit)
rhythmic little licks on vox boyfriends frenulum
Settle down
[ /) ] That's a hefty vox dildo. It is bulky.
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I see the spray bottle isn't enough. I'm getting the hose.
>having fun doing medical work
>nothing severe, only some brute damage from assistant fight club 10~ minutes into the shift
>severely injured miner is brought in
>told i have to do the surgeries (had to reference the wiki so it took a while)
>after multiple surgeries defib him
>i *wave and *wag
>he begins beating me with his crowbar
>ask him why he is doing so
>tells me that my kind has no right to live
honestly kind of based
vg or tg
I saved a secoff once and he immediately flashed and kicked me for being a vox after being removed from cryo, then left without another word
/vg/ doesn't have *wag. someone tried to add it when vox tails were added but he was lambasted for it and the pr had to be reworked to remove it
you play para too? what is your favorite map? i like the one where chapel is right by escape because eventually everyone has to see my autism candle arrangements
paradise runs more then one map these days?
yeah, some are really obnoxiously large for no reason though
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Hey faggot you're currently 0-3 for "new server good /vg/ now dead!" How is fstation/blackstone/ratwood going? You know people can look at the archives and see you shilling for months and months.
Hey fellas could you do me a favor and hop in and play the game? I have an adminning quota and the bossman is breathing down my neck. We will be doing snaxi soon.

i;m your little vox come and play with me
i'm your little vulp. run.
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>2 online
I'll miss the old days.
i hate your image, it reminds me of how i feel when i drink heavily
I hate your post, it reminds me of how drinking won't actually improve my mood
Is Schlomo still not permabanned on /vg/?
why would he be banned?
i'll ban him if you make a banrequest

I did years ago for wordlessly trying to murder me and it was rejected.
he acts like an ass sometimes, but i think he's a good guy
He most certainly is not and is the reason I stopped playing on /vg/.
I once asked Schlomo for all access and instead of giving it to me he changed the name on my ID to Lil Krommy
I'm gonna be honest he's a big part of why I stopped
He's just so unfun and it drains me seeing him, and then on top of that he often breaks character and just validhunts or wordlessly does whatever he wants
There's an easy counter for Schlomo and it's to join as HoP and snag the role from under his nose.
It's been so long I've forgotten what non-HOP Schlomo is like. The only thing I can think of is him wandering the halls, obviously bored.
I want to make a fork where you can solder out ammolathe circuit and also have gun vendors that sectards can lock if the captain enforces a no gun policy
twist is you can choose to have a gun roundstart
you are a massive crybaby
CEV Eris
The minute the badmins accused me of banbaiting him was when I knew it was time to leave /vg/.
I meant vg-derived
>It's been so long I've forgotten what non-HOP Schlomo is like
swarner was a fun retard to play with, at least he let others have fun too
Whitaker was fluoride staring every round except the ones where he was an antagonist, was probably web surfing or playing other games until he heard some indication that activity was happening in the game.
Based, playing as non-antag is hella-ahhh boring and i just ghost or have an "accident" whenever i dont get traitor
Playing as antag is hella-ahhh boring and i just singuloose or murderbone whenever i get traitor
He would play xenoarch in the meantime to get antag tokens and weaponry. The tokens should be replaced with something else, it just attracts shitters
>then never get banned for it as admins take his side every time
>favorite of all the admins
A lot of the admin team can barely tolerates how he plays. The thread's favorite admin, yvel, is constantly on his case. I don't really know why no one's ban requested him with proof from just the average round he plays because he would've been jobbanned from HOP years ago. At this point he just toes the line but everyone is so pussywhipped from how poorly he plays HOP no one cares enough to banrequest him over it despite it being probably one of the easiest bans of all time
i think it's funny that the only action the self proclaimed gay vox enjoyer was with female vox. utter self own
vox tongue my anus
>I don't really know why no one's ban requested him with proof from just the average round he plays because he would've been jobbanned from HOP years ago.
Because you just get accused of banbaiting. My story is:
>Schlomo gets banned for a week
>the very MOMENT he is unbanned, he rejoins as HOP
>during that round, I join as assistant, go to his office because... yeah, what else is an assistant supposed to do when joining?
>he takes out his blaster and starts shooting
>I have not said one word, one word, not even a tap on the glass or the ringing of a bell, and for that matter neither has he
>chases me as I run to medical
>ahelp and banrequest on forums
It's like he's the badmin's retarded pitbull. "IF YOU JUST LEAVE PRINCESS ALONE, HE'LL BE A GOOD BOY".
This is true. I personally don't like how he plays HoP just to increase his stats when the station could use a dedicated captain. Really its the malicious compliance and the unwillingness to interact with ANYTHING that gets me.
maxime was a faker. a phony. a liar and a cheat. he spread the gospel of gay vox talons but his actions betrayed his words. utterly shameful. a false believer.
voxshallah strike him down
Schlomo's been banned like, what, five times if not more? The bans just dont work desu. Maybe a command jobban would help though.
he was turned straight through the temptations of female vox talons. woe be upon those who touch fem talons
I want to get into this game but im a zoomer newfag and dont know where to start. I tried last year and had no idea what was going on and uninstalled
almost everyone loves new blood, just join as a job other people are playing or reference the wiki. from my personal experiences the ss13 playerbase is full of teachers
join as a ditzy vox nurse
join as a ditzy nurse (male)
so uh are we still pro secmain
you don't, stay away for your own good and to not get groomed.
Don't you plant your talons on my fucking territory
when did we ever like sec mains?
Signs point to no, seems he used up the last of his goodwill a few months ago and the current headmin is happy to let him run his ban in full.
Aside from making your byond account, it helps to get a feel of the culture of each server. /vg/ for example is on an ancient codebase with low rp so expect a wildly different experience than what you may or may not have seen since most other codebases are based off of TG.
As said before have a look at the server's wiki as it should give you a good idea of what features are there, and once you pick one dont be afraid to ask for help.
bug boyfriendz
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>muh stats
Riddle me this mr. Admin, what difference does it make if I play HoP or Captain, if I am always Captain anyway because there is no real Captain ever anymore, and there's often no other Heads of Staff? But I will happily transfer the captainship to you, mr. CMO or CE, I did it many times before. There's often no takers, though.
I interact always and with everyone, you'd know if you played with me more than few times. I bet your name starts with K and ends with R.
Start with joining a match, that's all you need to do. Then wander around, click on stuff, talk with people. Get acquainted with the flow of the round. Getting to understand UI and basic systems is the first step. Because I watch fucking Texicus videos, and he played the game so many times, but he still doesn't use hotkeys or understands UI.
This is why we need Adolf Hitler to come back from the grave.
First things first, join as Adolf Hitler and start hitting non-humans or humans with a skin tone darker than yours with a nearby object
i'm totally sure hitler wouldn't think you're a degenerate faggot
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i should have more stern with him when i saw him dragging around plasma cans
Not your problem, you're a trader
What do you want for Christmas
freedom from taxes
waste a couple rounds reading the server (mood and wiki) and learning the clunky hotkeys (b to leave seat, alt click container to see contents, I think its v to swap what active hand is being used). Start as assistant or janitor or chef
the good ol days are over so mind the trans mods and furry erp and what have you. Also clear your schedule because the rounds are long and you'll lose track of time if this interests you.
vox footjob
Can you circumvent someone from spoofing a ckey without a lifeweb-esque login system? this and a timelock for accounts registered past 2020ish will solve countless bans and the need for admins
or just make a WL panicbunker
sir cum vent
Theres a good number of snti-evasion measures that can be taken, but short of a whitelist none are foolproof if the guy knows what hes doing.

Having aged burner accounts from ore 2020 would be a signifcant hurdle already though for extra anti-evasion
or just run a good server that doesn't ban half its population for the most trivial jannoid bullshit? have you considered actually having a decent, playable server that prioritizes playing the game instead of overadministration?
I'm actually against overadministration, I just saw what that shitter that recently got banned did and it scared me as a developer
I can't cope with the fact that some rando skid can just come in and ruin the fun for everyone
it's not the same as a normal griefer or a coordinated raid
They were one of the server's main collaborators for many years, the closest thing /vg/ had of a head coder from 2015 to 2017, and to this day still the 10th highest contributor to the server code-wise, excluding bots. Although /vg/ kept using the bots they made for it for many years after his departure to work on SS14, namely to update the changelog.

Despite some of the usual coder drama that always happens in SS13 codebases, we remained on fairly ok terms with PJB for a while, there were even talks of porting vgstation to SS14 as recently as 2021, but ultimately with 4chan being transphobic, and PJB pushing for more inclusivity, things could have never worked along in the long run. Ultimately PJB transitioned, Pomf said mean things to them, and now the bridge has basically burned between us and them.

Some of their most prominent feature contributions to /vg/station were Goonlights which we still use to this day, removing lots of tedium from Xenoarch, and mostly hundreds of bugfix and quality of life PRs. As a collab they also did a lot of PR reviews.

I guess that's about it. I personally disagreed with him quite a lot back then, but I think the hate they get now is disproportionate, but hey it's 4chan, nothing fosters our community more than obsessing over someone to hate and talking about them nonstop.
they're an absolute awful "project manager".

seems to want less fixing the shit system they have of nothing being done because this person is doing x and if you do y then it'll get replaced later on the future, and forcing only one person allowed on one feature and instead getting super angry over stupid shit and threatening to ban and demote and whatever the fuck. There's a reason project managers don't have the ability to fire people in actual businesses, because if they got their way everyone underneath them would be fired.
not Space Station 13
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If anyone remembers this, the server is now ready and being hosted. It is a custom roguetown fork that will have lifeweb-esque moderation (low moderation focused on immersion and atmosphere in other words)

Discord: https://discord.gg/qWPjMf3bxw
Server IP if you just want to play without discord: byond://play.penumbragame.xyz:49952

Expect low pop as the server just opened today.
fuck off shitcord nigger
>roguetown fork
Might check it out but don't know roguetown
Saw a nian butchering and consuming a human crew member today. What is this company coming to?
Eating humans has always been NT company culture. The chef has morgue access for a reason
who the fuck even is this Rane person I keep hearing about?
I'm dilt and I love reviewing kanef prs
A bird posted this
you can't type with wings dumbass, i'm obviously not a bird, i'm dilt
you both are wrong, I'm dilt
captcha: D1LT
You can't fool me, clearly you pecked the keyboard to write that.
whatever happened to Interbay? that was a cool project
mattroks moved on with it to make IS12 I believe
is it still active?
iirc yes, but its launched irregularly and may require an invite/application to play I believe
got this link off the github page
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cool, i remember playing the early versions of interbay when that first came out
i wish it got ported over to ss14 along with some other codebases
yeah yeah trannies or whatever but i fucking love my 2d spaceman game with no lag and silky smooth fps
>got called into sensitivity training for saying another station dweller looks like she courts human men
>HoP forces the captain and my boss to attend
>neither are happy about it
>meeting takes forever before I'm forced to sign a form that says I completed training
>on the way out the captain stops me
>whispers "she does"
spess is for robusting not workplace flirting and erp
I agree but on higher RP servers people do stupid stuff to pass the time
vg tg or para
that's cool
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>when you get bored because you deliberately play the game wrong so you try and distract yourself from playing it wrong
this is cropped scalie porn isn't it? why would you have something like this?
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because someone else posted it a decade ago and I saved it so I can make others question my choices of images later, such as now. I do not know the source.
>because someone else posted it a decade ago and I saved it so I can make others question my choices of images later, such as now
kek, you're alright in my book
Where should I look in a servers code to find hidden recipes? Im tired of admins and their butt buddies using secret shit. I'm trying to make neurotoxin on a paradise server but its different from /tg/ and goon.

And I am NOT sucking admin dick or making friends with there faggot friends to figure it out
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Is there no wiki?
How come, even while disguised and unknown, in SS14 they choose to tell you the pronouns of the unknown person rather than the sex?
You don't get to misgender someone just because you can't tell who they are or what they look like, chud.
Have any of you retards been keeping up with the AI race? well google just dropped the best LLM i have ever seen and i'm feeding it ss13 codebase problems and it is smashing them

gonna do some vgstation bugs on the bugfix page after this is done to see what it can do, then upload them on a burner account as PRs
forgot to mention it did actually find out the problem with ratwood code and the green/blue bars not effecting eachother, shitcode
byond is somewhat generic, let's hope it doesn't hallucinate procs that solve things conveniently out of nowhere
wym not affecting each other?
blue bar was endurance
green bar was stamina

hitting a tree with an axe drained your stamina at 20 with max endurance, endurance would go down gradually while stamina would regen if you take a short breather, if you run out of endurance you're not supposed to be able to fight or attack or anything since your muscles are fucked, but even with 0 blue bar the green bar drained at 20 hits, they just were not interacting because they were never coded too
this is honestly scary as it discredits those who spent their youth on DM and different ss13 codebases to learn their ecosystems
oh yeah also it's free not $500 a month like chatgpt LOL


just need a google account, and there is no limits but they reserve the right to rate limit you

ok well now next post will be when it's done
I can already see it hallucinating because there's no _maps.dme and .dme is not that
I'm skeptical because I don't want to know that some thing for $500 bucks can replace me, BYOND should be too obscure for that thing
also the way you interact with it is really unusual
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>also the way you interact with it is really unusual
how did you get this picture of me
me you or you me?
might threaten it with a headlock if it takes much longer
the retarded faggot AI hallucinated that issue btw, it does not exist and i really gave it to him good, i got him focusing on learning the codebase for now and i will tell him the issue to fix in a little while
There is, but they left alot of components out of certain recipes and placed (???) . Or dont even list the chemical in the first place. Like there is 0 toxic recipes or how to's on the dangeorus stuff for this code base
A LLM isn't really going to help all that much with ss13. Most bugs are either somebody making a dumb mistake 3 years ago (in which case you can solve it in 15 minutes), or an entire rewrite spanning 50 different files (in which case a LLM is completely out of its depth).
It'd be even worse with features, since it's likely crap at balance and minimally creative.
FUCK, c# looks like CRAP, .net looks like CRAP. I hate this so much.
Well, guess it would come in handy when I go work for some soulless megacorp that runs on crap like this.
Anyone experienced with SS14 server running? Are there any gotchas? I know the server hub is ran by morons so I'd like to avoid it. There's no unavoidable centralized basedkaft other than the server hub, right?
Depends on the codebase. I'd recommend using Github search for the in-game name of the drink, e.g. "Neurotoxin" (minus the quotes). You'll find its type (e.g. "/datum/reagent/toxin/neurotoxin"), search that and look for something that looks like a recipe.
But that's legitimately harmful to an actual gameplay element..
made some progress with how it understands dm code, told it to extend maints into space randomly with walls, floor and doors

gonna let it cook for an hour and see what's the best it can come up with
it failed
2 people is actually the perfect amount of players for ss13
Stop being so greedy.
If I had to choose between worse gameplay and invalidating someone's identity I'd pick worse gameplay every time, just like any sane person.
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Riviera Station gaming session begins in 1 hour!
The IP in the OP is outdated since the host switched hardware, use the link below to join.
i have another tab open with the reagents list so i can read exactly what the stuff actually does

splitting the files was a fucking mistake, now you can't ctrlF but need to do a code search everytime (github requires you to make an account to do this in the browser now)
What's a good easy going station nowadays that isn't a total shitshow?
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>There's no unavoidable centralized basedkaft other than the server hub, right?

Yes there is. They can and will remotely disable your auth if they don't like you, so people cannot authenticate to join your server regardless of its hub status
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i miss my /vg/ friends.

/vg/ is fine although dead for most of the day, only really comes about in American hours.
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Europa Lights when?
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when shifty codes it
I miss them too, but I know they certainly won't be on VG anymore.
there was a 32 pop round today where I met several familar faces, some of which I hadn't seen for months.
If only it were like that every time I logged on.
those were some good rounds too. i was a little iffy about the no telecoms bus but it ended up being a really fun round
yeah well, the removal of telecomms bus added nothing and I feel like the round was harmed more than helped by that. it just cluttered up the radio and made it a pain to follow what people were talking about. kudos to whoever rebuilt telecomms, they were a hero.
i think that's why i enjoyed it so much. the "we build" attitude was very strong
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reminder: no felinids in command is the first step towards putting jews into ovens
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why should i
I posted a couple weeks ago and there were some people here that were talking about having interest in /vg/station being on ss14 and having it be the same experience as you'd get on the ss13 server (i.e. stuff like pixel movement removed). And there's been some talks in the admin team of what it would take to get the ball rolling on that sort of project. If any of you who had any interest working on it are here, I'd like your input on organizing discussion. Is using discord for the purpose of working collaboration fine with you guys? Or if not, what would you guys prefer as an alternate method of communication? Theoretically we could make a subforum for it on the forums, but I know some people would probably prefer a more live discussion manner of talking. I'm not really the one spearheading any work towards it, but I'd want anyone who is interested to be able to help out without forcing them to install discord if they didn't want to and not have that cause them to be out of the loop.
I should clarify regarding being kept in the loop, any major announcements or anything like that would still be done through the normal channels. I'm specifically talking about delegating who is working on what, and things of that nature, for anyone interested in contributing code
Would you vote upon featureset or is stuff like pixel movement a must have?
I don't really know how to say this without sounding like a suck-up or a crybaby but I appreciate how much effort is being made to preserve/vg/.
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Seems like most vg people are pretty set that we want to change ss14 code to NOT have pixel movement but A. that's pretty hard and B. maybe people will change their mind if they actually play on it?
I really can't imagine SS13 without the ability to harm block people, I think that'll be a net negative for the game
You can absolutely block people on ss14, it's just weird since it's not tile based.
The ideal I think is that it'd be as close to the current experience mechanically as possible. Given it's a volunteer project, it's probably realistic to say that while the ideal is what to shoot for, it probably won't be 1:1. That being said, you do bring up a good idea. Prioritizing which features would need to be coded out is something that needs to be discussed. I know for a fact pixel movement is the big one that we don't want to keep, but ultimately there'd probably be an order based on what people dislike about base ss14. I'd be fine putting that up to something like ranked choice voting for the community once we can hammer out specifically what features need to be changed as a wishlist for the coders.
From what I understand, it's doable to remove pixel movement, but that would also mean no driveable shuttles just due to the nature of how they work. Adding something like them back (like space pods) wouldn't be a real priority immediately but could get added in the future again. But if the idea is to keep the original playerbase happy I don't think that's an awful compromise.
Also, if you are a coder here that isn't in the discord, feel free to send me a message on byond so I can try to get an idea of how many, if any, thread coders we have who are interested
>Is using discord for
No full stop
Discord turned /vg/ into VG and there is no possible way to incorporate it without losing 4chan culture
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Like I said, this turning into a "you have to use discord to help" type of project isn't something I am keen to push for. What would your preferred method of communicating be for delegation/updates/ect?
Thread posting, git, and the current forum should suffice.
If you need more permanent structure than the thread, use this or a 14 equivalent, or just the ss13.moe forum.

Discord makes starting a (semi-)private conversation trivial and low-friction, and this is what leads to cliquing. It also has a lower barrier to posting and promotes forms of communication that are dramatically different from 4chan, acting more like a multimedia IRC even if you ignore VOIP. If it sees any significant traffic, the lower friction to using Discord over 4chan will mean some users will prefer it, and as with race mixing or matchmaking or any other similar population threshold driven processes, this will eventually shift into everyone who remains using Discord instead of, rather than alongside, 4chan. You simply can't introduce a lower friction alternative without significantly altering the userbase. If Discord was used for some reason, it'd have to be made more difficult to use than 4chan (nullifying the point as far as I can tell).

There's nothing inherently wrong with cliquing or cultivating a different type of community, but it's simply incompatible with 4chan when you do so. Cliquing is also particularly harmful for SS13 in my opinion, as opposed to something like an MMO where it's typically advantageous, but that's a tangent.
the discord's been around years and the /vg/ thread co-existed with it fine up until some malicious retards flooded the /vg/ thread and made it unusable. at that point, there's nothing the vg13 admins can do and all the power rests with the 4chan jannies, and guess what, they did nothing to stop the bad actors.
I should know because while I was in discord to read what people had to say post-round, I never posted there and exclusively used the thread and github (and the in game ooc and ic channels) to communicate with fellow vg players.
I don't disagree with the overall point. If the consensus from any coders in the thread is that the ss13.moe forums would be a sufficient hub for early delegation, I can make a subforum for it assuming anyone here does want to contribute.
>there's nothing the vg13 admins can do
I hate this because it's not even true. As evidenced on /vm/, the jannies can stop the spammer. The admins just didn't try; there are proper channels to complain to 4chan's administration.

As for Discord existing for years, it doesn't undermine my argument. These changes are gradual, like the other examples I gave. The process had begun, even if it wasn't immediately apparent. I realize now my examples were probably poor ones for someone unfamiliar with the concept, but I believe 'white flight' is the best search term to gain an understanding of it. I can try to elaborate further if needed, but I think the basic concept should be self-explanatory once you find it. Population shifts are just inevitable when you make such a change.

Again, that's not saying there's anything lesser about such a community. TG is no longer affiliated with 4chan in any way, but by all means could be considered a thriving community. VG may not be thriving right now, but it could see a population surge with a move to SS14 whether or not it tries to maintain any level of 4chan culture. Given what I personally have seen from the admins following Nipples' departure, I think cutting official ties with 4chan may be for the better.
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You think I haven't tried to stop the slop?
>Given what I personally have seen from the admins following Nipples' departure, I think cutting official ties with 4chan may be for the better.
I don't know if I fully agree with that sentiment considering I took Nipples's place and am trying to make some kind of organization work outside of discord. But I also can say we did try to go through proper channels other than simply making reports on individual posts to get anything done about the spammer on /vg/. It just seems like the 4chan jannies on /vm/ care more.
whats your ckey?
jannies didn't do shit on /vg/, they only care about their specific pet threads and nothing else. I reported every single ai post as off topic and maybe once a week at most they'd get purged. We even had someone go to their IRC and the mods told them to fuck off.
That is not the proper channel. If >>1539830 did go IRC and https://4chan.org/feedback pages and still didn't get much, then that sucks, but I doubt it was attempted with proper vigour. I could be wrong though.

I understand that you're trying (and appreciate that), but I think you're one of maybe three that would. The rest couldn't care less from what I can tell.
I can't personally vouch for the vigor levels of the attempts, but I know attempting to go through both of those channels did nothing and basically resulted in being told "lol just keep reporting the posts," but you can see how that went. I really don't blame anyone for thinking we barely did anything because the level of brushing off a dude consistently spamming the thread every day was met with confused us too.
>/vg/station being on ss14
it makes so much sense, porting the tranny-infested discord shithole to the tranny version of the game. that's so valid! slay, queen!
More for longevity, but like I said, the ideal port would be one that makes it as close to the current experience as possible. It's still in the early stage of being talked about but I wanted to get a head start on gauging interest. So this was helpful feedback.
No you can't, at least not properly. Player collision is hardcoded in engine to be prevented.
Faggots like you would just let the trannies stay in control of the whole fucking game.
I mean yeah a large issue is you guys just consneeded robust toolbox regardless of it being better than BYOND (though not a high bar)

If you guys want to band together with the other more classic communities there's Hullrot, White Dream, etc who easily could seed a couple hundred weekly users. If we all threw in at the same time it'd work.
>If you guys want to band together with the other more classic communities there's Hullrot, White Dream, etc who easily could seed a couple hundred weekly users. If we all threw in at the same time it'd work.
Great idea actually
They don't have player collision at all because it's hard to antilag that and PJB has gigantic autism about antilag. Tile movement would make it easier though.
No one sane would use 4chan for development discussion when this site is incapable of even getting the spammers in control. Before Discord /vg/station (and ss13 development in general) organized on IRC, not on 4chan. Collaborative development on a project like this just isn't happening without a real time chat.
Sources tell me they are delicious when fried
the old thread is now archived
are you gonna make a new one the moment we hit 500 again?
>I posted a couple weeks ago and there were some people here that were talking about having interest in /vg/station being on ss14 and having it be the same experience as you'd get on the ss13 server (i.e. stuff like pixel movement removed). And there's been some talks in the admin team of what it would take to get the ball rolling on that sort of project. If any of you who had any interest working on it are here, I'd like your input on organizing discussion.

ill help on the fork if you ever get around to posting about it in the thread and linking it, far as i remember there was a repo but it's long abandoned and way out of date compared to any of the 14 codebases currently, which i am a fan of ripping from those instead of trying to revive the old dead one but i am banned from the discord so whatever, dealers choice
The old repo made by n3x15 got literally nowhere, the only commits on it are edits to the readme.
goobcode as a base then? seems like space is a circle, lel
a forum thread would be nice, there we can at least have everything preserved about the discussion
>Great idea actually

oh wow a VG headmin that isn't a retard, that's new, maybe there is some promise of a 14 fork that i would play / help to contribute
Hey Rane, aren't you some kind of persona non grata among the SS14 maintainers? No one at /vg/station has paid any attention to the drama but AFAIK you were an admin/developer on one of the dehubbed servers. Could you give us a quick rundown on the dehubbing shit and how likely it would be that a 4chan server where you can say nigger would get dehubbed for essentially that reason alone?
>That is not the proper channel
What the fuck does that mean? Who in their right mind goes to a fucking IRC to report posts? The button is right there.
But did you know a jannie came around once, nuked half of the thread, leaving some condescending warning. But that happened once. So you see, reporting slop works. Except for sometimes. Most of the times.
Let us see.
>But did you know a jannie came around once, nuked half of the thread, leaving some condescending warning. But that happened once.

this was maybe a year ago but i remember /ss13g/ being bumplocked for a few threads, kek, i think that was around the time of the avali posting, did you know that nigger is still around and got avali added to default ss14, jej
do you consider vox furry
I'm not against furry in general, it's the kind of crowd it attracts
all furry-adjacent servers have fascist commie staff that can't take some friendly banter or slurs
they require you to join their discord in order to fill a fucking resume for them to let you in their safe space
gen a vox
Near 100%. The hub rules are written vaguely enough so that everyone is always technically violating them and they can be enforced selectively. Outside of a few underage Russian ERP servers everything has come down to starting with the conclusion that the server they have a Discord vendetta against is getting punished and working backwards. For /vg/ in particular we know PJB has a personal beef with you so yeah basically guaranteed.

It's Sloth, not PJB, actually
See. Jannies are not made the same.
Isn't there another alt launcher and hub though that still uses and can connect to normal ss14 servers, they are not diverged right? so anyone with a normal launcher can connect directly
why hasnt anyone made a ss14 hub not ran by people who have a vendetta and/or paranoid psychosis
is opendream usable yet? try put a server up on ss14 for the vine using that and see what happens
>why hasnt anyone made a ss14 hub not ran by people who have a vendetta and/or paranoid psychosis

there is an alt hub, goob and hullrot use it
It can't anymore because they authbanned the launcher from accessing their launcher. Open source values like interoperability are for chuds

English community is too small until quite recently and Russian community is mostly protected by the language barrier
>is opendream usable yet?

That's something else. Other server lists are still dependent on their auth which they log a lot of stuff on and use to spy on people. They keep track of every server you connect to, your IP, and hypothetically it would be trivial for them to auth onto your server as you and use the most dangerous permissions to basically get access over the entire machine hosting the server via some of the built-in RCE stuff
yeah this is my problem. we are ok with hostile actors having this capability apparently
>is opendream usable yet? try put a server up on ss14 for the vine using that and see what happens
opendream = open source BYOND (ss14 is whole different thing), at best it's going to provide an easy way to run byond on linux and afaik it's client protocol is incompatbile with the original
maybe it will also bring 64 bit support and superb multicore but that's just maybe
no it runs on robust toolbox and has a hubbed test server that you can play from the ss14 launcher
well you still need a DM repo
nevermind then, I misunderstood
if that's how it works does that mean we would have the 13 code run on 14 launcher and that's it or does it mean we can run the 13 code, and run 14 code on top of it
>finally migrate to 14
>some AI generated super coding language that's simple and easy to use comes out
>mald and migrate again
not sure about being able to run 14 code on it since 14 code is C#
maybe as some plugins, you'd have to ask on their discord for that
I don't think it's possible
I'm not even sure which part of the game even is RobustToolbox
>I'm not even sure which part of the game even is RobustToolbox

that's the name of the engine 14 runs on

and also if all it does is run 13 code on something other than byond, and you can't add another language ontop, what is the fucking point lmao?
>and also if all it does is run 13 code on something other than byond, and you can't add another language ontop, what is the fucking point lmao?
you can say that byond is a bit outdated
despite numerous downsides it's still good because there would be no ss13 without it
you can't underestimate the ease of picking it up and extending / fixing something
from a game design standpoint it's also really really good, it's a complete game development suite, it was way way ahead of its time
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Fresh off the presses: PJB has threatened to dehub the majority of English servers
what's EE lol?
About half of the English servers and a secure majority of non-wizden English servers
Oh when oh when will this specimen finally commit.
faggot nigger, could just link the repo, dickhead

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Fuck SS14.
When the SS13 ship goes down, I will be the last man standing.
2024 VG experience posting already?
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It's hard not to call vox furry when all their players seem to be furries.
Your source is a guy that bans anyone who won't play pretend with him that his body is being controlled a cartoon lizard and a cartoon dragon?
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Depends on how they're played, on /vg/ they're always played as gypsy thieves so they get a pass. but like you say the furry shit attracts the wrong crowd, even if I don't have any major beef with the average furfag
you're just jealous of our stylish suits, horrific language, and our right to steal everything not bolted to the floor (at least until we get a wrench, then we'll steal that stuff too)
The vox language has far too pleasant a color, it should be a saturated, unreadable color to communicate how grating the language is
>due to reasons out of anyone's control, nobody was actively monitoring that email
Sounds like bullshit. There's a reason nobody was looking, and it was certainly completely avoidable if reasonable precautions would've been taken.
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They've banned dozens of people for supposedly being my alt and have renamed their general channel to "rane-alt-general"
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Regarding faulty blob factories on Riviera:
>its creating constant null terf exeptions internal to the blob logic, you ened to be adming to see it
Do you think they ever take some time to self-reflect and ponder about their actions?
My current read is that their self-sabotage is intentional as a form of self harm. They've been offered too many outs but they just keep touching the hot stove because they like it
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hi rane
unfortunately only absolute degenerate retards have enough government bux and free time to port this stupid fucking game into C#.

we truly are the oppressed majority.
Hopefully the alt infra supposed to be launching this week will give a place for people who express the common sentiment they want to make something for this game but don't want to get ratfucked by psychos to work
this man is an experienced child molester
Here's your forum thread
i used TOR because i thought you had caught me and were memeing, luckily not, ok

ill check back when some time has passed
As someone who knows jack shit about all this history and really doesn't care at all, I am amazed that it took me only an hour of digging to discover that this is just a bunch of literal women being petty to each other. Extremely funny shit.
>literal women
lol, lmao
Buddy, it's the internet where pussy doesn't matter. If all they do is yammer and give grief exactly like a woman, then that's what counts. Yap yap fuckin yap and hold grudges over the pettiest shit. Obessive behavior. They definitely pass in my book if they're trannies lmfao
i mean i guess i follow that logic, but i still think it's dumb to call them "literal women" when the correct term is "mentally ill"
you literally thought about it longer than I did
and? is telling someone thinking about their opinion before putting it out there supposed to be some kind of own?
Not at all, I forgot how high-strung this place makes people. I'm going back to the funny space game, take care anon.
you too, have fun!
you're such a nigger, are you incapable of posting without forcing an agenda?
Why would I need my name for nonagendaposts hmmm?
it's a proven fact that bird feet can be traded for all access AKA license to steal whatever you want
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symphony for a spider killing plant...
Why hasn't a new attempt been made to replicate the game once it became clear just how utter shit 14 is?
Why does it need replication?
when you could it nigger
Moon flowers are better
Because it's nothing short of a miracle that byond still exists? Because it can and will go down permanently without warning someday like so much of the old internet has?
Well the open byond is supposed to be a solution to this conundrum.
20x more effort for the same result starting a new server (50 good rounds and then it dies) would have
Bring back Drawsstuff
byond isn't like ss14, if Lummox dies in a car crash and the host goes down the software will still work, yeah it will be bugged but then that comes opendream will be done, I hope
yes hub and authentication won't work but you will still be able to join servers, everyone will just implement their own auth systems like lifeweb does, it's not that hard since it's byond
for some reason ss14 entire infrastructure is reliant on the hub and even alt hubs STILL rely on wizden's auth server
they could just rip that out and continue merging other changes
>meteor storm hitting the station
>go to move the shuttle so hopefully at least the computer survives and I can just fix the broken windows
>as I'm making my way down the arrivals hallway a meteor flies directly at me and even though I narrowly dodge it the explosion kills me
I don't think I've had a death that funny in a long time
What is the exact message being sent? I see a few different error messages in the code that are set to be sent directly to the admins.
Wait, wheres this move to ss14 shit comming from? I feel like ive missed something important. I thought the long-term plan was to move to opendream with some paracode-vgcode frankenstein monstrosity?
Now its just ss14? So the mentaly ill tranny erprs at wizden can bully the project into being less 4channy or what
who cares what the SS14 trannies do? /vg/station wasn't even on the Byond hub for the longest time, even the worst case of having to be on the alternative SS14 hub is no problem.
It'd require going to the other auth system too, since they can kill auth too not just dehub. And theres only like 2 servers on there rn afaik.

But if you're willing to do all that sure...
But why?
>But why?
Because SS14 is ready features-wise, and BYOND isn't going to get any less terrible. There's also obviously demand for not-pozzed English language servers on SS14.
>tums are forgotten
>vox are forgotten
>slop is forgotten
>she is forgotten
>posting is forgotten
>playing is forgotten
/vg/ is forgotten.
But the biggest /vg/ feature is that it plays and looks the same as it did ten years ago. Do you want to change it?
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Yes. The intent is to classicify SS14 by switching to tile-based movement, unmodernizing the combat system, bringing back the targeting doll and what have you.
I think most people deep down feel that /vg/ is getting stale anyway, so a little bit of change would be good.
Who are those...people you're talking about? Are they players? Or are they coders who barely play, but autistically code, and changing the ecosystem would make coding easier for them?
For I don't care about shiftylights, or europalights, or anything to this effect. Je m'en fiche.
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>Who are those...people you're talking about?
The people above the line in this /vg/ population graph.
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Well that's what I meant. You want to make the server more generic, so it has a broader appeal. Is more approachable, if you prefer. But where you also won't get banned for saying nigger.
That's not what I said, nigger. Unless your definition of "broader appeal" means appealing to anyone except the ever dwindling number of heavily autistic people who have not yet gotten tired of playing the same outdated version of the same janky game on the same 1999 engine for years on end.
In which case yes, I/we do want to make the server more generic and have broader appeal, because the alternative is that nobody plays on the server and it dies and goes away for good. Because that's where we and BYOND-SS13 as a whole are inevitably and irreversibly headed.
Thanks. Players vote with their feet and it's obvious what way they've voted with /vg/station.
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>Yvvel still admin
why wouldn't he be?
The only null turf error message that I can see in blob code happens when a blob is looking to poke adjacent turfs in a cardinal direction but it doesn't exist on a normal z-level (AKA it is nullspaced AKA it is trashed for the garbage collector), which means it would be a more generalized blob problem than a factory blob one because the code that is running there is shared by all blob tiles and not just the factory blob. The code already attempts to prevent this by quitting early if it is somehow pulsing a dead blob, and a secondary check for checking whether the blob is dead (it's really if the health is at or lower than 0) while it's going through the 4 poke_dir()s.
Now from what I have been told so far the problem is that factory blobs are flooding admin chat with runtime errors, but I'm not sure if it's truly specific to factory blobs. I might need to test shooting blobs in a test server but from the looks of it they're somehow nullspaced.
why wouldn't i be?
ja ja, i was only messing comrades, i think i left my wallet at home
I want to play on it. Will you play with me, anon?
how dramatic. where do you usually play?
I think what host meant is that you should run the game on localhost and add your ckey to admins.txt in order to see what's actually going on. Also thanks for bothering to dive into the problem at all, contributions are greatly appreciated even if the host might act a bit too COCKy about it.
I already did that, it's how I even spawned the blobs to see if they're having any errors.
I don't mind cockiness that much.
free transtuff
absolutely dire
What's the main difference between EE and RT? It looks like SSMV (the key-pair-based authentication system) is compatible with both.
EE looks to be a fork of the content, not the engine. The repo still depends on RobustToolbox.
Can anyone in the know give a quick rundown on what actual differences EE has from the mainline SS14?

5 servers dehubbed at once. Multikill!!!
>Nuclear 14, SCP 14

fucking SHIT i didn't know there was an SCP server for 14 i would have played the shit out of that, can i still connect and does it still have players?
>that would mean the entire game going down.
>because we would pull it down
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>hub isnt controlled by a neutral 3rd party or basically being a server browser of anything public
>but its controlled by a tranny cabal who can erase you from existence preventing even private connections if you displease them
nice game you got
>preventing even private connections
Substantiate your claims.
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kek even frontier station got nuked
I still don't give a fucking fuck about SS14, but this man has some conviction. Good luck to him.
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imagine ss13/14 without tranny drama
but the tranny drama brings in drama/youtubefags who then sometimes stick around to play the game, sometimes then find their way to vg

>tail wagging is fetish content
fucker, it makes no sense to *smile as a vox and i want a way to quickly emote a happy reaction. calling something that every animal with some form of tail does "fetish shit" makes you come off as a closeted furry. you know who you are.
you're a faggot
and you're a trans furry
I would like a single wag *flick emoji to better express my irritation when someone says something stupid, but tail wagging is dumb and silly.
your an AIDS spreading dog fucker
in general i think it's stupid how vocal some people are about being against tail related emotes. if tails are already in the game and someone codes some simple emotes that aren't obviously sexual like "X raises their tail" why get so pissy about it?
i win
Because it's a slippery slope. Just do *me wags his tail.
Ok can i have an emote about scratching my balls and smelling my hand?
Vox tails don't really look like they should be wagging to me. They're too thick, like they exist to help them maintain their balance. It would be like seeing a kangaroo wag its tail.
sure why not
bad example, kangaroos do use their tails to communicate
It's not a bad example, because they most certainly do not wag their tails
Can we have shitting and pissing too?
only if every time shitting happens every trial admin is alerted
i will concede that, but the fact that they do use their tail for communication is still true. also by that logic vox should start with the jumping genetic ability because kangaroos use their tails to propel themselves forward
can we make it so vox get a positive buff for eating shit and drinking pee? and a higher buff for poo and pee of races other than vox, human pee and poo for example is highly saught after
Don't destroy another thread.
stop trying to powergame, they can already subsist on rats in maint, giving them more free sources of food is bullshit
ok we can make the effects RNG, equal parts bad,inert,good
also a gimp suit that spawns when you order the gimp box from cargo, if someone wears the gimp suit and you shut them in the box, they can't escape themselves
that's already in the game, it's called the head of personnel jumpsuit
I wish
Lumbermancer proves time and time again that he will randomly enter your department to try to do your job or validhunt with absolutely zero communication or reasoning behind it
if he would work on his communication he would be a lot more fun to play with. that being said i still think it's fun having him around
Would these aliens feel happiness the way humans do? Would they express it with a physical signal and would humans in the setting recognize it? What is the established lore here?

Due to the lacking documentation I'm afraid I'm going to have to reject your request to merge "the playable alien species vox" into our codebase.
Something like this even being possible really should signal everyone to abandon ship.
The people getting dehubbed are coming across as barely less insane than the SS14 girls
Did you remember to dilate today?
I haven't had my surgery yet because the Belgian government is transphobic
What prompted all this?
they misgendered SS14 devs
They vaguely associated with some Russian schizo who's been filing false DMCA claims and abuse notices to try and shut the main SS14 hub down because he has a beef with some Russian ERP server.
Are the DMCA claims even false? It seemed like they weren't, just that the guy hadn't hired a lawyer and gone through the proper process.
Impossible to say whether the DMCA they filed against the other Russian server for alleged code theft was invalid. The one they filed against WizDen definitely was invalid, because WizDen doesn't host any of the code in question, they just let the server on the hub.
Given that both parties involved are Russian and this is over a stupid open source spacemen game, I'd put my money on the claims being invalid in any case.
I -think- providing access to infringing material means you still have to revoke that access if requested, so WizDen is actually required to remove access. They're not required to do anything else and aren't liable in any way if they comply. Not a lawyer though.
My interpretation is WizDen is the role of YouTube here; if someone uploads infringing material it's on the copyright holder to identify and report it, then YouTube complies with the takedown but the uploader is responsible. I don't know exactly how the counter-claim system works and I don't know if that's even legally mandated or just something sites come up with on their own to prevent abuse.
That all being said, the DMCA is apparently explicitly ignored by Russian officials, and I have absolutely zero idea what their equivalent is.
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it is fetish content to furries
source: the entire VGstation /vg/ thread for multiple years of half of it being spammed with vox porn
death to all voxniggers
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>we have to not implement things to keep the furries that use /me to emote weird shit anyway out!
you talk like a fag and your shit's all retarded
nigger then keep doing the same weird shit you are already doing, but don't make it cannon, fuck YOU furry faggot nigger, i bet you goon to pokemon porn or some retarded shit fuck you
Not Space Station 13.
you are rude
>i bet you goon to pokemon porn
No thats pomf who does that
Ye ole evee poster
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what a great website - have to inspect element to see anything
thank you, modern webdevs
this post or what post are you referring too
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Go make a NSFW fork if you want fetish content so badly, asshat
Furry faggot niggers and such are not even tangentially related to SS13. Autistic screeching and server drama is not want interests me.
Chris is a father who turned his life around despite making many mistakes. More of a man than you will ever be.
lil krommy suicide livestream when?
When drumpf is imaugurated and signs total trans death order
her tummy livestream
>is not want interests me.

ok well figure out what does interest you and then go into the IRC and ask the 4chan jannies to ban anyone not discussing your niche interest in the game, retarded faggot
You have no interest in the game.
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do you mean the server ran by pomf that used to be advertised in the OP or do you mean the entire game?
No I mean furries faggots and niggers.
i feel like you are not saying what you think you are, are you non white?
are you affiliated with Riviera?
it's kinda cool how it's running lunabay (I'm assuming) but won't you run into the same issue as /vg/ did? because it will get stale even faster than /vg/, I think, due to the age
is the host planning to expand it anywhere? remember that lifeweb was made from the same revision
I'm not saying you SHOULD do lifeweb, I'm simply asking whether there will be any significant changes
>are you affiliated with Riviera?

Actually my affiliations are VG and this thread and also a penny i found outside that reminded me of the game and instantly i was prompted to come here and point out the post about furry fetish content and that same post basically saying "lol it's fine teehee" peepee and poopsies

i forgot my train of thought
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>angry furry trying to get people talking about the SS13 community banned in the SS13 thread because they look like shit
Expect nothing less
drama update
the link
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ss14sisters I don't feel so good...
>be surprised that a janny warns you for shitposting when the thread literally says stay on topic
Aren't you the same kid that came on the /vg/station discord shitfaced, posted your face and then proceeded to post gore in every channel and then beg for an unban?
holy based
i gotta do that sometime
sasuga zoomers ruining loli and shota by combining it with actual real life pedophilia and faggotry
this was never a problem on the old internet
So he let underage into his gay chat room and posted about wanting to have sex with his sister. This is a nothingburger. Also, how can you call yourself chuds when your safe space bans racism and calling people retards?

I really do not understand the youth of today. How did they become such rulecucked puritans?

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>So he let underage into his gay chat room and posted about wanting to have sex with his sister. This is a nothingburger.
>I really do not understand the youth of today. How did they become such rulecucked puritans?

it's discord the company that will shut your shit down for allowing people to say nigger, same with anywhere, retarded boomer faggot
Why are you using these restrictive platforms? It has never been easier to self-host. Matrix exists if you want a D*scord-like.
No one forces you to use discord over better alternatives. You chose it.
>hello newcomers install this weird thing you don't have installed
>here's the discord
>No one forces you to use discord

you guys should be less obvious, tranny faggots
Weak men create hard times.
Good thing all the current vox players aren't degenerates, as evidence by the lack of vox porn in these threads
>Good thing all the current vox players aren't degenerates, as evidence by the lack of vox porn in these threads

That's not a vox, that's one of the dragons from "Angels with Scaly Wings"
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Whats some stupid stuff to do? I
i dunno. pretend you're an isekai protagonist and verbally announce your inner monologue?
what a chad
No? I'm in a 1000+ server that's slurring all the time and nothing has happened in 2+ years. You're just retarded and self-moderate like a good goy.
Pretend you're a girl and sexually harass moderators on the discord.
my dad also works for the US government
using gemini for AI dungeon larp is pretty fun
Discords moderation exsists in a verry wierd twilight zone
*mostly* itll go like you say, with evryone saying slurs and noone caring.
But its entirely possible that discord will randomly decide to actualy process someone report, and ban the server and possibly also evryone on it

but yea usualy you're fine unless someone posts cp or mega-awfull shit like that
Kino as always, it's always good to see more spess station content on Youtube.
>up to 6 different SS14 launchers
>every single one is ran by a tranny

how is this mathematically possible?
By the way, if you're still having issues trying to fix the factories, I suggest you hop on Riviera in like 19 hours and ask the host yourself via ahelp. I don't think he'd mind helping you out if it means he himself won't have to deal with the issue later.
Or you could just make a burner Gitgud account and start a pull request.
>willingly give your IP to some kiwifarms faggot
yeah, no
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>ss13 thread is now in /vm/ not /vg/
Why did no one send me a letter saying so?
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I sent it via the departmental messenger system which nobody ever fucken reads
nobody sends letters anymore you silly fox
Unlike every other faggy SS13 server, Riviera does not block VPNs.
allow me to elaborate further:
I am not going to associate with lolcows who spend their life terminally online documenting other lolcows
get pregnant
VG tranny: successfully filtered
same energy as AAA game dev. hope you fags have fun with the 12~ people who actually join on saturday
Thanks Brazil, you do be numero uno.
Hows the state of current servers, tried to play this game for the first time in 7 years and I get kicked from every server for using a VPN or having a new account. I would prefer to just join a non-pozzed server that's active at the moment, but it seems like all the ones without the VPN/new player rules are for ERPing for fucks sake.
albeit it's dead during euro hours
I interacted with the host last time.
What good servers still exist
>TG, ass
>vg, dead
>paradise, ass
>monke, ass
>yog, dead
>most others, ERP den
what else exists at this point
/vg/ seems like they're going to try a ss14 port and revival, let's see how it goes.
i havent played ss14 because everything ive heard about it has been about constant infighting to the community elevating it spilling over to IRL, that and the act of rebuilding the entire codebase from scratch would be a massive undertaking, would that work?
Dunno, from the announcement they sent it implies they're gonna leech off all the various ss14 branches for everything they need. The trannies really do have a way of fighting though, you're right about that
It sure won't happen anytime soon so feel free to keep searching.
2 more weeks?
i was hoping there'd be a purge 5
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/vm/, are you a Dsword Noslip guy or an Esword Ebow guy?
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>ss14 has subpixel movement
>nonpixel movement is gay
bros is this a good fix
Also why call this a ss13 general when like 80% of it is ss14 drama ramblings
that's so heccin valid of them!
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please stop humiliating yourself
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Is a spessman not entitled to the joy of his game?
'No!' says the man in discord, 'It belongs to the tranny.'
'No!' says the man in the github, 'It belongs to the coders.'
'No!' says the man on the hub, 'It belongs to everyone.'

I rejected those answers; instead, I chose something different.
I chose the impossible. I chose... fstation.
A serb where the shitter would not fear the banhammer.
Where the vox would not be bound by petty morality.
Where the permabanned would not be constrained by the admin!

And with the sweat of your brow, fstation can become your serb as well.
Add https://ss13.fun to the OP next time.
unironic kino
>hope you fags have fun with the 12~ people who actually join on saturday

lmao isn't that VG?
vg gets at least twice that
f gets at least thrice that
>find someone I desperately need to get in contact with
>on fstation forum
>it's dead
the guy who wrote long ass posts discussing f with some other anon there who is also a soviet station refugee are you here? if so please reply
at least on /vg/ people dont obsessively use who and then call people out in ooc
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>Check the riveria thread
>latest post is some guy sperging about some random furry touhoufag
I don't get it??? Dude isn't even interesting lolcow material.
it's extreme antisocial autism and terminally online syndrome combined. stay far, far away from those "people"
i'm not the soviet station refugee but i'm one of the posters who posts in the long discussions on the forum
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Eh I still have fun on their server but I didn't realize they were this tarded. I thought they had a rule against personal army stuff?(since this is clearly what it is) For gods sake you have this dude crying about him... playing too much vidya on his steam account? Really? Is this the standard for lolcows these days?
they just in general are not people you should associate with. they are obsessive
>since this is clearly what it is
[citation needed]
it's a different culture, faggot; they doxx even potential idiots as a default action.
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What if spacemans was 3d?
icarly is spess kino and im tired of pretending its not

I updated my hackMD to respond to Wizard's Den damage control; according to them the direct evidence of people flirting with underage users in a porn / hookup server ran by a fanatical shotacon was "not particularly damning at the time"
Playing with anonymized ckeys on f is actually really chill.
I received a tip on December 17
5 months ago this guy DMs multiple wizard's den project managers and admins that one of their maintainers runs a porn / hookup server linked in his discord bio.
In total 3 were DMed, all of which did not follow up on the report. It included multiple screenshots of users in the server that were underage, and one screenshot of the shotacon maintainer flirting with an underaged boy. Multiple other wizard's den staff were not DMed directly but were active in the server.
Wizard's Den demoted the maintainer but allowed him to remain in the server with the link in his bio, even promoting him from "experienced contributor" to "veteran contributor"
They claim that the initial reports were too insubstantial, that there was no way they could have known, and also that I must have withheld this evidence for 5 months
For reference, the time between me getting the tip and confirming this guy is absolutely a nonce was about 15 seconds. The time to having direct confirmation of illegal activity was under an hour.
The only illegal activity I want to do with a miner is beat the only command staff to death
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>there was no way they could have known
I didn't know extremely selective rape-related amnesia occured outside of Los Angeles
The perfect friday night
we sent out a story on the newsreader. You do read the newsreader right?
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You WILL erp and you WILL enjoy it or I'll be forced to ban you
wouldn't be an issue if sex was a game mechanic
forbid erp but code it in
many non-erp servers do (did) it
that one TG april fool's where someone implemented broken-ass ERP mechanics was some of the funniest shit I remember
What server is this from? I've gotten bwoinked for doing stuff like ordering two people to act like they have been happily married for years.
iirc some fallout rp server
The wiz'z have a habit of calling all criticism "targeted hartasment". And, unfortunately, all the ss13 hosts and coders that interact seem to lap it right up.
>all the ss13 hosts and coders that interact seem to lap it right up.
coders listen to other coders, not to random pubbies and role-less discord members
>coders listen to other coders, not to random pubbies and role-less discord members

Coders are nothing more than unpaid computer labourers, and you are a faggot, imagine if the game only consisted of coders, you would neck yourself because you can't act all smug and superior, if you WERE any good at coding (and not a shitty kids tier language) you would be doing it for money
i think it's nice that we have coders that actually enjoy coding enough to do some hobby work on the side
byond is maybe 5 more blocks on the pyramid
>arrested for a crime I obviously did
>yell over radio that the arresting officer is a furry for manhandling me
>officer states that we are the same race
I have been pwned
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A bit of an update: reaching out to other communities has been marginally successful and we've found more help in moving forward with a /vg/station port to ss14.
Here is the forum thread: http://ss13.moe/forum/viewtopic.php?f=58&t=6967 - Apologies for not posting it here sooner. Been a little busy with the holidays.
Additionally, we are still in the process of making a larger list of all specific mechanics that would need to be added/changed to run the ranked choice poll I talked about previously, but we do have another server poll up right now for anyone interested. One of the people working on the project is working on porting the /vg/station races, but also asked what to do with the ones on ss14 that we don't currently have, so we're leaving it up to a poll to keep them, remove them, or change them. More information can be found in this thread: http://ss13.moe/forum/viewtopic.php?f=40&t=6969
Note: Note: regardless of keep or change winning for any individual species we will be re-implementing the non-human restrictions on jobs like captain and other heads.
I don't know why I typed "Note: " twice, kek
that's so brave of you, /vg/ xisters! slay, join your sisters in TranSS14!
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PJB himself promised he's not going to ratfuck us and he will surely be loyal to his own old buddies from 4chan dot net, which is he not ashamed of, nor does he repeatedly disavow us and say he does not want SS13 culture to come over, nor does he overcompensate for any troll's remorse!
This whole ss14 situation is a massive proof why humanity needs eugenics now more than ever
This shit makes me think Adolf Hitler was a fucking hero and a martyr, shame he lost his mind
You're a solid lad turnip
Troll's "remorse" is just people feeling bad about having said nigger and spamming swastika ASCII art.
People never feel bad about bullying people they didn't like, or burnt bridges. They usually continue to do those things.
I feel like change is a bit too vague
I could see arachnid as antag only, but change makes it seem like it's a mainline race which is not what I want
Same with like dwarf, it could be fine as a meme sometimes but not a character selection race
Would love to have had a bit more granularity but I guess you intend on forums for the change too?
I would say vote no on this poll and we can always PR any of the races as fleshed out antags in the future. I'll make sure people are aware of this distinction though
I've been noticing a lot of anti-vox racism recently and frankly I'm all for it
Dwarves could be humans who grew up on a high-G world I suppose, it's an old sci-fi trope. Though I guess traditionally Valerians are supposed to be more like hypermuscular Hulk types than dwarves so maybe scratch that.
I like IPCs as a concept but I always thought it's wrong that they're exempt from laws when all silicons are supposed to have them. They're also really OP on the servers I've seen them on. Some servers nerf them to the point where vacuum damages them etc. but at that point why bother even having them. Laws could be a way to balance them as well as limiting them to certain jobs only.
I've seen SS14 races have translators on some servers (vulp on frontier) so that mechanic exists if you want aliens that speak an alien language.
>Dwarves could be humans who grew up on a high-G world
and elves (if they were ever added) would be humans that grew up on low-G world?
That's spaceborn, or belters
I don't think vacuum immunity is a problem for IPCs. All the suit races plus diona already get vacuum immunity on /vg/ and nobody cares.
Getting absolutely fucked by EMPs like IPCs do is probably a big enough downside.
Honestly my biggest pet peeve with the different races is that all chems are metabolized the same.
It's just stupid, what's the point? They should be different, it'd make there be actual drawbacks and the station would be human dominated instead of a furry nightmare.
So you want cyanide to be some alien race's version of a cigarette? And if some newbie buys the wrong pack of cigarettes he'd die unknowingly. Or that someone could swap the cigarettes within the normal packs with the alien packs to get either races to die near instantly.
I think slimepeople already have such a mechanic where all healing chems slowly kills them, but poison heals them.
I'm not touching ss14 until there's tile movement. Pixel makes me wanna *puke
There's a difference between "harmful to another race" and "cyanide that instantly kills you." For instance, inaprovaline is toxic to vox, but not enough to kill them unless they receive a lot of it and don't receive treatment for a prolonged period. I'd like to see more chems that do that, have mildly detrimental effects that just require you to alter your treatment a bit.
Probably not as extreme specifically to make it not too punishing.
But we already have that to some extent with grays and water/acid.
I really dislike how aliens become power plays on other servers. I think all aliens should have significant downsides in terms of gameplay (with some upsides, but typically being worse than a human). Right now a lot of them just seem better than humans, and they should be an oddity IMO. Not unheard of, but still humans should dominate.
It also fits sci-fi better when races specifically suited to something flourish I think. For example if slime people have full immunity to slime attacks they make great scientists, but if they froze at low temperatures they would make terrible engineers and miners due to the dangers of space (in theory at least, in practice hardsuits are incredibly resilient and should probably be nerfed some). Similarly, diona could be given a buff allowing them to stretch a vine out to faraway objects (short range grapple hook that is also slow like their movement) making them excellent in space (alongside their current traits). But if they were also unable to metabolize chems in ways similar to humans (aka only plant chems) then they can't mitigate their massive speed drawback. I could go on, but I think you get the point. Races should truly be different, not just cosmetically and in some niche situation or when they feel like roleplaying it differently.
Yes. We already can do that on our server. A grey can smoke a sacid laced cig while non-greys would get hurt
Good news anon, it's been done
Not clicking on that IP grabber
>no intents
>no shuffling
honestly ss14 just looks so janky I really don't like it
how did they make it look worse than 13
It's my understanding that intents and shuffling/blocking are being worked on.
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SS14 now has Blob, Changeling (TG unfortunately), abductor, morpj, obssesed, Heretic, and the wizard and cultists are almost done.

Needs baby's day out
Things SS14 does not have
>any sort of decent combat
>non-retarded security gameplay
>fun for people who do not choose sec, heads, or roll antag
Turnip is a vegetable
If its all just TG garbage like the changelings then I dont care, that school of design can go die in a ditch.
For someone unfamiliar; tldr?
Is ss14 cult deity cult? If so then that's good because I like cult4
S in AKMS means foldable, the AK should have the doubleside foldable stock that goes under
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mating press.
i warned you, now you shall face the consequences of your villainy for real this time
cute christmas mime
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you too, anon!
stop being weird, it's nice christmas mime art you cannot fuck it
we meet again, sloppa. unfortunately for you, I have assembled a crack team to defeat you. there's no escape now, fiend!
shut up and get pregnant.
i can't believe bathos pomf and turnip are confirmed for the next smash
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this will be the last one, a christmas gift to yvell who didn't think my last rendition of his static did him justice. i hope this one pleases him a little more. merry christmas, thread!
based. thank you for drawing for us!
very nice, progress, and look at the typical responses... this server bro
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Thank you.
Draw more. Now.
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Merry Christmas spessmen
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the vtm13 server is dogshit
cute bird!
what's wrong with it
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most of maintainers (cohosts) are dumbasses focusing on side shit instead of fixing the vatnik coding along with the fact they shitcanned their headmin despite the co-hosts impeding em at every turn. One of said co-hosts was an underager when they played on bubber
total voxnigger death
when you bully the birds you are giving them what they want, they like it.
bullet to the head isn't bullying, it's execution
Not really much of an inconvenience in a universe where a gunshot wound to the head is curable
merry christmas lil' mister :3
Please refrain from flirting with the voxmas mascot, he is a very busy bird
it's Christmas but the voices in my head still won't stop
Look on the bright side, at least you always have someone to talk to!
merry fuck young girls

next OP better put some respect on my name
reminder if you are white protip to survive the race war, don't protect non whites
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I made tred
>0 players
Its christmas nigger
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>Its christmas nigger
i think you forgot to include the link
fuck you mean identity, the point is that it's hidden
have you ever played Mafia or Werewolf?
These were both clearly joke posts, anon. Obviously if you conceal your identity it shouldn't keep your pronouns because no one would be able to tell who you are and it not doing so is laughable.
How is literally killing queer people everywhere being okay obvious, chud? Check your gasmask privilege.
>joke post
funny way to spell shitpost
I'm from kiwiframs, please understand

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