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sp0r0t major edition
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this week on "guess the rank"
>the major winner was decided by a moving galil
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how can people take this major seriously with the amount of crowd cheating. in this coin-flip game where tiny edges make champions, crowd cheating is a HUGE advantage
which is why i mentioned it
still, donk has a better rating and the same amount of events but one of them is a major
also, he's a pure rifler
so it's hard to justify monesy being #1 (and impossible to justify bywoo)
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funny but they're literally not allowed to say otherwise
now who forced the english talent to say mongolz wins
This post has officially made me a schizo..
Is esports even real?
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bro, it wasn't that hard to predict either of those things
spirit are faze's kryptonite and karrigan is very emotional
it would have been a crazy prediction if he had said it at the start of playoffs or earlier

frozen is so fucked lol
KEEEEK za shooooo
>post a day before finals
>donk does the usual thing
>karrigan does the usual thing after losing
i don't even like karrigan but he's choked 2 major finals in a row and recently lost his brother
i'd cry too
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top 5 best coaches
B1ad3 (NaVi
hally (Spirit)
sycrone (Mouz)
sAw (Heroic)
maaRaa (Mongolz)
honorable mentions: Fabre (EF), ash (GL)
>good eye for talent/synergy between players
>good at prep
>recommend strats
>point out flaws

top 5 most cosmetic coaches (cheerleaders):
TaZ (G2)
XTQZZZ (Vitality)
NEO (Faze)
T.c (Complexity)
Golden (SAW)
not so honorable mention: zonic
>just buy the best fraggers the org can afford
>lackluster prep
>"relax and just play your game"
>"this game is very important, don't forget that!"
that guy gotta be cut
it's somewhat impressive that he held back from a full on sobbing break down
but it probably would've been cathartic/healthy for him if he hadn't
>cosmetic coach
okay lil bro
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>b1ad3, the faggot that released the elec igl virus on the scene and the loser that couldn't say no to s0mple
>good coach
of all CS discussion on the internet this one is the most retarded by far
nobody knows what goes on in any of the top teams, literal schizobabble based on, at most, 5 second snippets during a time-out and most of the time not even that, just pure guessing and trying to read between the lines in interviews.

hally was being thrashed constantly by the "community" for months and now that they won a major suddenly he's a top 5 coach, hilarious stuff.
only a good coach could make Aleksib actually achieve anything
Especially when spirit's playstyle boils down to "donk go kill" more than any other team (yes they have supporting roles from other players in some games)
making the major final with that ence roster was in a calling sense more impressive than actually winning it with navi teebeeeighh
Taz took over g2 when they were 6th on hltv ranking, now they are number 1. Also he got rid of two bums and one more in progress. Definitely coach of the year contender
have you watched any faze voice comm videos?
most top teams release voice comm videos of their games and i watch a lot of them because i think they're interesting
but i also said
>good eye for talent/synergy between players
>good at prep
which you can tell without any insider knowledge at all
he's literally the goat igl who consistently turned shitters in to top10 teams and almost none of those shitters were relevant under any other igl (not counting already established g2 obviously)
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overdrive will soon deliver donk 3
M0nesy fucking won. It's over donkchuds
>get rid of 2 absolutely horrendous players
>the team are no longer weighed down by tier 3 bots so they perform better
truly goat material
2025 is going to be so kino when inferno is removed and train is added.

Blade is overrated. People have this thing where every time Navi wins they glaze him and every tine they lose it must be some player's fault. This is biased as hell. Nobody has the balls to call Blade out.
>M0nesy fucking w--ACK!!
coaches have flaws like everyone else. that doesn't change the fact that he has a really good vision when it comes to building a team and he's one of the few coaches who basically takes over the igl role during timeouts
oh and i forgot to mention
>hires snax because they're friends
>takes over the igl role during timeouts
... you mean he acts as a coach during timeouts instead of being a cheerleader? What a revelation.
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spirit followed the
>be bad
>watch anime
>get good
she is too good for him
no freya nor sjokz in the arena during playoffs and suddenly m0nesy's form vanished
based Jame's disciple
he seems far more active in coming up with strategies on the fly, rather than pointing to a default from their prep papers, than most coaches
and a lot of coaches seem like cheerleaders these days so it's a good quality to have, regardless of how good he is at it compared to others
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both were present in cologne when vitality (for once) didn't choke
really makes you think...
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G-Stew would have won the major
it's true
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Salad fingers
Tough year for him. Lost in the finals of the three biggest tournaments of the year, two of them Majors, and he wanted to win Shanghai for his deceased brother.
desu Katowice was impossible to win, they didn't put up any resistance... but Copenhagen, damn, that should have been theirs for sure.
She secretly send nudes to donk.
just finished watching holy shit magixx is a GOD
>the ultimate sacrificer for his teammates
>MVP grand final performance
my anime GOAT
goddamn, shiro so lucky magixx took his spot because they would've crumbled without him
donk won 2 of the 4 important tournies though
how the FUCK do we fix NAVI bros?!?

b1t is hit or miss, can't replace because he's basically ukrainian core
jL has lost his magic touch and is cruising on his ridiculous clutches in past games
wonderful is mediocre with bad mental, but he's ukrainian and has a pass
iM is hard to argue replacing because if Blade didn't boot his ass after Copenhagen, then what does it take to kick him??
Aleksi muh genius misunderstood IGL that can't frag
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They will disband before katowice
+simple rifle
+jame igl
RLewis took the bag... the bag of XXXL french fries with ranch dip!

Mogged those manlets hard
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isnt ynk like tall at least comparing to those two _big_ boys? Are they standing on some boxes? kek
Majors won this year
Ukraine: 2
Russia: 1
he's against Saudi Arabia owned events but not against China, how come?
white donk just won CCT
Erm he was broadcasting from Romania, for a Romanian company, and was not in China. So it's fine.
Major winner Russians: 12
Major winner Ukrainians: 6
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same, but different
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how'd he know
if only someone other than midky was in that clutch
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>sleeping with the lights on
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holy wew, i made this comment after group of blast world final a month or so ago
>spirit seem to be absolute trash at pistols, i wonder what their wr is because it feels like <25%
looked it up, last 12mo over 50% vs top 10. ancient 6/10, anubis 3/10, dust2 4/9, mirage 4/9, nuke 4/7 so not exactly great but not as bad as i though. better on t side.
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Stop laughing at me cunt
EliGe mentioned on fl0m's stream that he's actually relearning Mirage (which had been CoL's permaban), which means that either:

>he's leaving CoL
>CoL are changing coach/IGL
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Oh hi Richard, btw what were you and maniac talking about here?

so he's joining NAVI?
can't wait for based maniac to return so thirdies like pala, ynk and kassad fuck off
>pros realized that Banks' questions are horrendous and now openly make fun of him on stage for them
kek based
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Spirit and Spirit Academy winning tourneys side by side baby
Total RuZZian domination!
- xertion
+ elige
interesting info anon, thanks for sharing
99% the first option because you don't start redesigning the playbook until you already have the new roster
are you referring to magixx?
btw, i thought it was funny that he did what zeus did with olof but with overdrive (or at least i assume that was the deal)
zont1x with his "obviously" answer as well, yah
zont1x was the person who opened the bad interviewers pandora's box btw
i think no one was really talking about it before this
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so where is this guy going?
i would say he should replace magixx but being a support player would be waste of his talent and i don't think he can really replace zont1x either
maybe vp?
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I'm still not over it, I don't want to see the karrigan, rain, ropz and broky core go.
My nigga ropz would've gotten a graffiti, why do the good guys have to lose every time...
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>why do the good guys have to lose every time...
The absolute state...Bwahahahhahahahahha
finals were the good guys vs the good guys, soulful euromix vs Vega Squadron niggaz
so glad faggot clan lost
fuck you
Vega Squadron was way more based, it was literally Russian puggers +w-ing against all odds in a game that wasn't +w friendly at all
Spirit apart from chopper are all carefully raised academy kids
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Perfecto proposed to n0rb3r7's ex-gf
used goods innit
lol no.
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>I'll post my nudes if my man (n0rb3r7) win Rio 2022
used goods and an internet whore, yes
Perfecto going the Boombl4 way
3dpd not even once
I wonder if players consciously seek out thots or it's just the only kind of women they ever meet
dota pros never have this problem (they all have yellow fever)
the lodge sends them out to ruin pros' careers
just publicity bias
if a pro makes his martial status public or his woman speaks about something cs related, chances are she's a hoe
rain, mezii, Jame, Twistzz to name a few pros who aren't dating hoes
>Is Ilya recognized [in Serbia] or not? He is, but there are a few disadvantages. Once, we ordered delivery from a restaurant. The courier arrived, a young guy, recognized Ilya's number and said, "Oh, Perfecto. Is it you?" After that, he started constantly DMing him on WhatsApp. He says, "Can you please throw some matches so I can earn some money for my living?" Then he asked Ilya to help him learn how to play CS.
nEMANHA origin story
That courier's name? nexa.
>over a month of no CS
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>Prize pool $5,000
NRG guys make more per week
maybe combined lmao
also it's tier 10 na shitters that most americans don't even wanna watch
So are we allowed to call Donk overrated now?
his rating is pretty high
what's the right match?
Mine is higher
on lan? in 2024?
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they won because magixx stepped out
shiro and zont1x were shit
this was a real lifegame out of magixx, you can cap this: he will never play that well in his career
actually a fluke win, shame we didn't get to see spirit vs g2 or vitality
has he ever played that well before?
not counting vs c-tier teams.
he might have good ratings in some matches but the man was today top of the scoreboard for spirit on two maps and donk on one
I've watched spirit play a bunch but I've never seen magixx bringing this level of game and that much impact
he usually hovers around 1.00 rating and is actually sub 1.00 vs top5 and top10 this year
totally unreproducable, literal fluke
Guy chose a great time of lifegame
Kyousuke WILL remain in Academy and he WILL like it
reminder that -magixx was considered the most obvious "fix" to team spirit
I will laugh if they go
+Semen Baker
he will rename to CUM_EATER and join cloud9
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kyousuke igl
>S-spirit fluked vs FaZe
What? Did you niggers not watch the entire year of CS? Spirit counters FaZe kek. It was ether Sh1ro, Zontix, Chopper or Magixx that would rape FaZe alongside Donk. Magixx was just the one who stepped up. You lost. Cope.
Nyet, C9 is cis retirement home
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he locked in after donk went 0.36 on nuke
>the lowest rated non-igl on the team
>brings out a 1.58 performance instead of his usual 0.99 game in major GF
man I rooted for spirit but this is not the magixx we've usually gotten this whole year, face it it was a fluke
cs2 is a fluke game
faze fluked their way through playoffs
Love you Karrigan, never give up
only to get fluked by spirit, ironic
neither sh1ro was the sh1ro we've usually gotten this whole year, what difference does it make that magixx is the one closely behind donk?
"fluke" my anus, one of the favorites to win the event, top 3 team in the world gets treated like it's mongolz who won everything
mongloz winning would've been a kino cinderella run, spirit winning was just a boring old fluke
>Spirit fluked FaZe!!!!
Cease the cope. 10-4, Spirit was going to rape FaZe(again) regardless of Magixx performance
that's actually true
too bad
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aleksib on the bottom of major performances in 2024
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>Faggot seething Spirit won
Many such cases. Cry is free!
yeah and g2 has thrown spirit around like a ragdoll the whole year, no one cares about those
it was just a fluke and magixx anomaly, stop being so butthurt
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Kek is seethes. Data shows that Spirit rapes FaZe anytime of the day, how can it be a fluke if Spirit were favored to win anyways LMAO. You know what would be a fluke? FaZe winning G2 AND Spirit lmao. Cope moar
it kinda was a fluke this time around i guess
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>FaZe in Antwerp was a fluke! (THE favorite)
>Vitality in Paris was a fluke! (THE favorite)
>NaVi in Copenhagen was a fluke! (one of the favorites)
>Spirit in Shanghai was a fluke! (one of the favorites)
google what fluke means, fazesissies
karrigan having a meltie
see you crying in the next major final, nip boy
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donk usually carries
shiro is hit or miss, more often hit but has gone badly missing in big games too, was a miss today
magixx pulled off quite a fluke performance
I gotta agree: looks like a fluke to me
i don't respect people who go online and tell people about their personal lives and shit
i don't care that your brother died like fuck off
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pywoo is gonna be top 3 this year
just a reminder
Why are people seething when a fluke team won a Michael Mouse tournament?
As a spirit fan I gotta admit magixx fluking so hard puts a damper on the whole event
They should have agreed to redo the final like faze requested just to prove it really wasn't a fluke
it's not like they had anything to lose by doing that and proving it really wasn't a fluke would've made for a better major
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Cope posts is all they have kek. Spirit on top!
>As a spirit fan
false flag king
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monesy should be #1 because g2 always wins vs spirit
nothing that special really, it was just one of the bigger flukes we've seen so it feels weird
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Uh oh, sissies having a little melty over Spirit major win kek
z1nt1x won a major without getting a single headshot and you're calling it a fluke? cope
is spirit team of the year?
Prob not cause Navi exists but I hope by Gaben miracle they do kek
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>be sh1ro
>the best awper just behind s1mple
>play in the most exciting young team (gambit youngsters)
>win lots of online tournaments during covid era
>come out of the online era
>have to play with bots like nafany & interz
>barely manage to win iem dallas
>never make deep runs in majors
>ax1le goes from best rifler to barely even top 5
>roster shuffle
>have to play with buster & washed up igl electronic
>hard carry c9 as much as possible
>literally cry during a game
>leave c9 to join spirit (best decision of his life)
>win katowice & major
He deserves it.
nah, spirit looks great right now but navi dominated most of 2024 and has more high tier titles
probably ends up being:
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I hope TS Academy pick up Kirino next year
>>be sh1ro
>>the best awper
stopped reading there. he's not best in anything
m0NESY outflicks him, Jame outsaves him, BywOo outbaits him, s1mple outpersonalities him, aliStair outmemes him, broky outbaits him, w0nderful outwhiffs him, torszi outfrauds him, donk outscreams him
all-around nothing but a secondary
>s1mple outpersonalities
lmao s0mple has 0 personality hes fucking dead inside. watch m0nesy when he streams, he has plenty of personality
nvm i thought this post was about m0nesy
He was the third (arguably second) best awper back in 2021 (behind prime S1mple and ZywOo). Learn to read, dumb faggot.
imagine simping for Jame if he was ugly, boring and didn't have any cultural impact
i need to see his mal before i decide
jame is an anilist chad not a malpleb
third best in what? name a single thing he was better than everyone else
you can't, he's the wet brick of a player, even zywoo has more impact on the scene than him, even baldky has more impact on the scene than him
>muh rating
literal npc stat
>console warring a txt file host
it matters, i need notification when new episodes, seasons, related series etc start
I hate this timeline.
>name a single thing he was better than everyone else
Clutches. Also, I don't even know why I am replying to your retarded bait.
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kek you wish
>muh baiterino
I accept your concession
sh1ro, forever a secondary
real talk, how does donk do it? is it insane talent, or is he actually cheating, cause his stats are legit absurd
He IS pretty good but Spirit are also literally built to die for him, like unironically a legit strat is just him using someone else as a meatshield. It kinda reminds me of LG/SK coldzera but on steroids.
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sh0r0? Yeah, Jame is his father.
based morestu pirates
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Are you mentally deficient? I brought up the fact that he was one of the best in 2021. Learn to fucking read.
cool, but that didn't make much of an impact either, when people think of clutches they think of Snax and Xyp9x
try again, there has to be something a player like sh0r0 must be memorable at
I'm not giving any more replies to retards. Sorry.
shito might retire tomorrow and nobody will give a shit
that's just the truth
rain might retire tomorrow and i will fucking cry
that's just the truth
>He deserves it.
can name 20 players that deserve major more than his bum ass
1. guardian
2. edward
3. markeloff
4. cadian
5. naf
6. elige
7. onlinetares
8. tabsen
9. jks
10. sexter
11. mir
12. sanji
13. hunter
14. sergej
15. mzhinho
16. 910
17. childking
18. dickstacy
19. fl4mus
20. rez
just off the top of my mind
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>rain retired? thank god! back on the active roster
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he's so fvkcing pvre bros... a real human bean
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>FaZe's tec9 rush win rate go to 100%
>18. dickstacy
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>Good luck on your next exam
m0nesy with karrigan shotcalling and development would be insane no? tho I think he learned too many bad habits from niko that he might be a mood killer but on paper it's fire
this major has been so sovlful
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the results are in
niko defense force activated
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m0nesy going to karrigan from niko after what happened between the two in 2018 would be the biggest backstab cs scene has ever seen. that shit was so powerful it cursed both of them.
niko will never win major, and karrigan will never win blast.
i am afraid m0nesy will actually die irl if this move happens.
Literally me tweeting that but to rain, ropz, broky, karrigan, frozen and twistzz instead.
I feel like he's a very open minded kid, if that ever happened he would adapt easily.
how is frozen even on there, nobody expected much from him.
him and broky were the best FaZe players for most of the year. broky could be there too also
>m0NESY (about NiKo) : "I will miss him. I've already cried yesterday"
rip diaper duo
it would be, but the problem imo is that faze play a very "selfless" team-orientated style of cs, and I'm not sure if m0nesy fits into that environment (e.g. put away his ego). watching him play, I see him often go for these flashy, risky plays that if happens obviously is a highlight, but if fails dooms the whole team.
>mail me at betboomteamcsgo@gmail.com
that doesn't sound like his personal email. does he have a contract and needs to be bought?
time to accept faze macrotoggled on nuke vs g2
if you know, you know
copenhagen major quarterfinals, map 3 last round of ot
it was so fast. why don't valve make majors bo5 since it's now mr12?
because they just don't give a shit
they read the rules perfect world submitted in the middle of an rmr lmao
either that or bring back mr15
this shit sucks
yeah we really needed a 4th map to watch faze slowly die off, would've been way more exciting
valve isn't fond of admitting mistakes
enjoy subshit, and next major will be vertigo, mirage, dust2, anubis, and office with mr8, bo1 only
well that final was a bit of a fluke wasn't it
shiro is only 23, today is a huge moment for him to successfully experience a pressure situation. hopefully he gets more mentally sound going forward.
all credit for not choking the final kill, but he was hard carried in the final really
without magixx lifegaming shiro would be nailed to a cross for choking in the final again
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>watching him play, I see him often go for these flashy, risky plays that if happens obviously is a highlight, but if fails dooms the whole team.
The real grand finals get the fuck in here
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they would've got destroyed well before that.
>+2 .90
>-11 .50
>+4 1.18
dude completely ghosted the first two maps and dust is awp heavy
glad to see someone else step up but yeesh
>does he have a contract and needs to be bought?
yes he's benched
spirit won 4/6 pistols and 5/6 conversion rounds wew
>timberKEKS getting RAPED by nitroCHADS
Aryan Captain America btfos those incel larpers
reminder that haters want timbermen to fail the way conspiracy theorists hope the holocaust didn't happen
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I can dream ok
jimmy is such a coach's dream player
I can easily see him being a part of a winning (more than mouz now) roster
Really curious to see what happens in the rostermania
>play dog roles
>perform like a star
>vibecheck: good teammate
No wonder every big org (who are doing changes) is gunning for this guy
>NaVi in Copenhagen
>one of the favorites
>jottAAA to G2
peca don't make me cheer for a Turk, Jimpphat or Perfecto please
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is cs the flukiest esport?

in dota and lol every game is long and they do bo5s on top of that

in cs you get knocked out because the enemy shoots you through smoke or wins ecos by getting a couple of lucky running hs with pistols
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I miss my nigga twistzz so much it's unreal, FaZe destroyed my favorite team of all time for literally nothing. How do I cope? He will never come back.
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it's so despairing thinking of what could have been... a real dynasty
muttstack btfo
euromutts zeethe
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good morning sir
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It was literally perfect, the chemistry, the skill, the charisma, literal perfection. I've never been so invested in a team like this, it sucks so much. 2022 was so sick, Cologne grand final will live rent free in my mind forever.
I don't dislike frozen but man, it just ain't working and it's sad.
donk carries his team way harder than s1mple ever carried a team. S1mple always had grizzled vets or another promising young player on his team donk has 4 nobodies.
is nrg loses to timbermen they lost their chance to play in blast bounty next year
nrggers... we got too cocky...
>muh captain americACCKKK
incels. win. hext eternally btfo back down to tier 5.
cs has a skill component, a reflex/reaction component and an information component (which enables "bluffing" or outplaying your opponents)
The skill component is the most stable one an will in the long run differentiate between winning and losing teams. But at the top the margins are razor thin, a 1% drop off in form means losing half the fights you won yesterday. This alone makes results in cs swing relatively hard to different directions but usually evens out between the ten players to their teams' levels.
The reflex/reaction can win you (more or less) fair duels, but cs is largely not about fair duels so the weight of this component can vary, sometimes wildly; no one cares how fast the anchor shoots when he needs to go for an unfavourable 2on2 retake and gets shot in the side with no chance to react.
The information component is like an iceberg, casual viewers will only see the very top, displayed in live games
they will never see the gameplans, antistrat-plans, tendency scouting etc. etc. and often don't even hear the igl's mid-round reads and calls. They just see them going to different areas of the map. It's thus very hard to evaluate its impact accurately.
Seeing that a usual cs viewer basically only sees two of the components (skill & reactions), properly understands one of them (reactions) and kinda understands the other (skill) it ends up being kinda like watching a poker tournament where you see only half of the cards and try to guess from that how things will play out. It's wildly unpredictable. And since the margins are so thin between winning and losing a round the other high tier team needs to be only a little below average and the other overperform just slightly.
So yes, results in cs are by the game's essence a bit "fluky".
However, like in something like poker, over a longer perioid of time the results tend to regress toward the mean. This is why winning just one tournament is not enough to be considered a truly great team for example.
history has taught us that top teams that invested into the information component more than others achieved the most stable results
not true. it's always been fire power. astralis was all fire power.
if by fire power you mean molotovs and highly coordinated utility usage then yeah, kinda
>magisk comes in and almost aces
>device cleans up any
>clutchGOD xyp9x to hold the line

>olof comes in and almost aces
>jw cleans up any
>toggleGOD flusha to hold the line

>cold comes in and almost aces
>fallen cleans up any
>clutchGOD taco to hold the line

>stew comes in and almost aces
>elige cleans up any
>clutchGOD elige to hold the line
it goes on. it was always fire power.
>clutchGOD elige
meant twistzz
>when he constantly outbrained the opposition
>always accused of walling because he read the game so well
>massively underrated player because of "lacking"
>muh firepower
>liquid were never truly top1 because astralis cucked them
Firepower is a requirement to compete at the highest level but relying on it to reliably carry you over your peers has never worked. Relying on outworking your opponents in the information game has produced consistent results, provided you have enough firepower chips to even enter the top-tier game.
>case study: ch0ko and g2
It's 2024
are we still doing firepower memes?
meme? it just won a major and it only took two guys to have a good game
when you make a million dollars per year while being a nerd playing computer games for 12h a day for your whole life it's easy to see why they would date a thot, they may know that it's not going to last but when you're so immensely wealthy and have no experience with attractive women they're willing to buy her a gucci bag or whatever thots want just to fuck her for a few months

this is just me speculating, I don't know any pro players but I'm friends with a streamer who essentially played video games his entire life and dates thots mostly
nta, but:
So are hally and chopper mouthbreathing retards or not?
Either they bring meaningful tactical value to the team or then we finally agree that donk carries that whole roster, coach included, and they'll sink back to irrelevancy whenever donk loses his wonderboy magic.
yeah and the most tactically deep team won the other major and will also win team of the year
nerd chads keep winning
What happens when Donk hits puberty?
they can't even be bothered to fix the game, you think they care? next update is gonna be pets and player model emotes added, then they will add clothes and call it a day, cs2 is now a finished game
the fairy godmother (magixx) takes away his prepubescent virginal powers
he will look similar to chopper
how tall is donk
Thought this said TRIPLE MEAT kek
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why were the B playoff so much more stacked than A playoffs

in A you had
Spirit (rank 4)
Mouz (rank 5)
Mongolz (rank 7)
Lulquid (rank 9)

In B you had
G2 (rank 1)
Vitality (rank 2)
Faze (rank 6)
Heroic (rank 8)
like 5'2
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>Firepower is a requirement to compete at the highest level but relying on it to reliably carry you over your peers has never worked.
>next generation of CS on one side
>bunch of old fucks on the side
Pretty obvious. These kids are all soulless.
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>next generation of CS on one side
damn straight
the new face of CS
sonya the evil is an og twitch egirl
whoops >>1539473
Sh1ro 1 major_monesy 0 major
I can't believe I got banned through the entire playoffs of a major by some retard janitor ctrl-f-ing a certain slur for the chinese when I wrote it in quotes discussing someone else's behavior
kino final, godawful timeslot, hope they never come back
first non-awper will win hltv rankings since 2017
pls rate my pickems
mongolz (3-0)
mouz (3-2)
spirit (3-1)
liquid (3-1)

g2 (3-1)
heroic (3-2)
vitality (3-0)
faze (3-2)

technically, the A playoffs were more stacked.
yeah but in reality anyone from B would gladly trade spirit's spot
But that's just how tournaments work anyhow
does kyousuke speak English?
how the fuck did vitality win so little in 2024?!?!
uhhhhhhhh they fucking suck? lol.
their two best players are playoff chokers
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wew, magixx and donk just bullied them
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it's cuz they spend so much time in korea/china
Is it possible to be so high test that it makes your body produce oestrogen in overdrive to compensate and make you look like this?
yes, your estrogen goes up with testosterone
chopper owning karrigan kek
what a fucking troll
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Like many problems in the world it gets blamed on the Jews (Spinx).
to be fair, spinx does have a physiognomy of a massive asshole
rightfully so
>calling out his own team in instagram post
lets go
blast bounty spring qualifier, only a month away
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it's over for donk
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it's over for zywoo
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>There are still people who think that Bywho is going to be top 1 this year
LuL, ain't happening, vitalsissies...
do you use hltv or liquipedia
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liquipedia for some stuff, hltv for most
Liquipedia's a lot better for following tournament results and player info, but HLTV's got them beat on everything else.
>I will be back hungrier as ever next year
Good. I want a whole year with balls to walls cs, close finals, ridiculous comebacks, and mentally draining overtimes
I just hope all five stay

washed estrogenic emotional fuck dragging the team down
0.49 rating to bomb out of the major btw
nobody is blaming flamez though. probably because he is cute.
i work at a rehabilitation center in Canada and oen of the patients (a paraplegic) looks exactly like Arteezy
we don't talk about dota players in this general

and we certainly don't talk about washed up has-been dota players
so what kind of jews are:


My kikelore is not as fresh as it used to be
>chinese major ended up being a top 3 major OAT

you aight chinkboy
somebody tell me what the astralis era was like? i only started watching in 2021 or so, but i can't imagine suffering through a three peat as a non-fan of that team.
i also started watching in summer 2020, I was introduced to CS with:

>6 man team era
>trifecta of Astralis-Vitality-NaVi with the occasional Heroic and BIG chiming in
>everything's online
>danish MAD Lions
>international GODSENT
>FPX-Heroic debacle
>Chaos-MIBR drama
>MIBR drama with kng and O PLANO
hltv has player rating shit though
completion for their first 2 was much fiercer and then they very weak for the second 2 to the point where they weren't even worth watching. Particularly the berlin major
it was what it was
*competition I'm drunk

thye're all aggro riflers except for spinx who is a passive bitchmade lurker that can't clutch to save his life
It was literally the start of real cs.
Before astralis the mental side of pro cs was largely knuckle dragging caveman -tier: "default, let's do picks, execute site" was the height of team coordination. Lurking was "high iq".
Fucking pros used utility worse than todays faceit players.
After astralis rose suddenly the general brain usage in the pro scene rose and it still took ages for them to realize that aug&krieg were not only actually good but in fact fucking broken.
Astralis era was the best thing to ever happen in the pro scene and I'm not even a fan of them.
i still like rewatching their first win bc before that they had an almost liquid tier reputation for being choke artists
It killed all the fun of watching pro CS
They pretty much also pioneered the mental game not only on the "being smart and prepared" side but also by employing a real sports psychologist (first in the top tier?).
>top 3 major
You can relive the fun of pre-astralis pro cs by watching random faceit pugs where half the players have their mics turned off.
By player info I meant more bio stuff and tournament wins. On performance data yeah HLTV 100% better.
cheating to see through smokes mostly
definitely very true when one of their most spammed clips is when they threw a standard cat smoke on mirage and then used it to nade window and the casters thought it was the most mind blowing thing ever
>nexa enters free agency
What the future holds for him?
team McD
Kind of neat at first but after Kato 2019 it outstayed its welcome and was honestly boring as fuck to watch. The meta of the Krieg and AUG being bought over the AK and M4 was shit. In spite of the scoped rifles, summer 2019 was still fun to watch as an NA fan with Liquid and EG both being top 5 teams with absolutely insane riflers (and only a single import player between both teams, none of this 2 NA players on the team bullshit like Liquid now)
data entry
I like the last year of the lineup the best - best form, best competition, no aug/sg meta
The ESL club stuff just reads like partnership with extra steps.
as long as it's non-exclusive, i don't think valve will mind
the exclusivity contracts were the whole reason valve started hating esl and cutting down the amount of tournaments they were allowed to host

also, this new deal seems really nice for the players
It wasn't suffering. It was kino.
2025 will be less open than partner leagues lmao
this is what happens when your developer doesn't run the leagues
You want one single tournament a year?
esea invite
now that was a league
>not CEVO
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kys spangler
starladder, fissure, pgl, blast, and esl organizing 7 figure events isn't good enough? if anything, we're breaking out of a really oppressive era
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I just went through next year's events and why are there PGL events like every other month with $1 million dollar ($1.25m) prizepools? "Cluj Napoca, Bucharest, Belgrade...".
But none of them are majors?
What's going on here?
Will tier 1 teams even attend them?
And no more ESL Pro league? Just Blast mickey mouse tournaments?
just spammed the donk slide in community deathmatch and felt like a god, should I be abusing this as much as I can?
>I just went through next year's events and why are there PGL events like every other month with $1 million dollar ($1.25m) prizepools? "Cluj Napoca, Bucharest, Belgrade...".
But none of them are majors?
i think pgl has been making a lot of money from dota so they're just putting more of that money into another popular esport
>Will tier 1 teams even attend them?
why wouldn't t1 teams attend? they stand to make a lot of money and don't have to travel far to compete
>And no more ESL Pro league?
there are two seasons of epl like always, you might be blind
>Just Blast mickey mouse tournaments?
>sperging at new formats that mix things up a bit
classic cs fan
>I just hope all five stay
Same but I hope frozen stop being a pussy.
>classic cs fan
people will complain about anything and everything
Remember when people seethed about tournaments being on YouTube and not twitch.
it'll be funny 15 years from now when people talk about how perfect cs2 was and how much cs3 sucks
no one remembers how much people were complaining about csgo for YEARS after its release anymore
yea this might work on valozoomers but I remember CSGO, you gaslighting faggot who has to hide the game and replace its store page
>people seethed about tournaments being on YouTube and not twitch
yt should be first priority for any serious event anyway
>no one remembers how much people were complaining about csgo for YEARS after its release anymore
What are you talking about? Every serious critic of cs2 I've heard has made the caveat that GO was at least as bad or worse when it came out
>how to out yourself as someone who started playing csgo late
>Every serious critic of cs2 I've heard has made the caveat that GO was at least as bad or worse when it came out
i'm not talking about serious critics, i'm talking about the hltv mob
>more gaslighting
yea, typical valvedrone
even donk, the guy who profited by far the most from switching to CS2 out of anyone, outright said CSGO is better and more enjoyable
(it was in one of those EPL segments between matches where they did various questions with players, donk and sh1ro were answering this or that questions, one of them was "CSGO or CS2?")
CSGO was better because my favorite team won a major there.
the topic wasn't current state csgo vs current state cs2, it was launch state csgo vs launch state cs2
>defending cs2 by comparing it to a css console port on PC
lmao, classic valvedrone
not sure if you're a troll or genuinely mentally disabled but i'm just gonna drop (like your mom dropped you as an infant)
>valvedrone skitters away when reminded of the truth
drop it*
if nexa gets back into a tier 1 team after the player break, he's conclusively proven that he's a member of the lodge
yeah and CSGO despite being shit never CRASHED on a fucking MAJOR
that's fair
cs2 is very poorly optimized, unlike csgo, which could be played with decent fps on a cheap laptop
i think cs2 might reach a similar state but it will take much longer because the improvements between chip generations are much smaller now
>i'm talking about the hltv mob
Why would you even go there? I think even fewer people there play the game than in magog
bros how come i can't cycle through players properly it keeps jumping around
100/100 firepower
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roster updates
>col -elige +elige to eu confirmed
>elige has a new agent, whos based in europe
>-? +train
>vp +zorte
t. overdrive
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my rank is shit but I'm not terrible at the game, I don't know what happens but it seems like every time I play premier I get shitty teams and go up against people that have never missed a single shot in their entire lives. I'm told that I need to do something different and strategize or whatever, but I've had games where I aced and still lost. I'm not even trying to say that I'm better than most people but I really feel like I'm being put in games where people every single time are just way better.
I'm 32 and never played a game of CS in my life. Is it too late to become a pro? I think my age would make me a good IGL.
just become a coach

Unfortunately no. BUT you are perfectly qualified to be an analyst and podcaster, and all you need to do is be edgy on twitter!!
-huNter +kyousuke is gonna hit like crack
imagine Zywoo at NAVI
If -niko +elige is real then I will support g2
Solo mm pugging is hard because there's 0 consistency AND no solo only queue so you end up against a 5 stack or something a lot
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G2: +iM

source: the voices
holy B ASED
g2 fleeced
think they said they're making malbs the new niko and adding an anchor
who's the demon?
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grifter etc
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you're delusional if you think anyone will give a shit
>waow guys it turns out gambling is blood money and valve is a trash corporation that preys on weak-minded people and kids!!!!!
yeah duh? anything else you want to share with the class?
It will be on YouTube soon
yup,now cs2 is a shit game
why isnt it now? if its so hard hitting and going to topple goomblers and skintrannies why paywall it? because he's a grifter
Early access to videos a patreon is a common incentive for YouTubers to use, also you don't know what grifter means
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>Then Valve.

>Buckle up.

This wigger looks like a midget and wears suspenders to look like le trad LA 1940's investigator Bruh
shut fking up
still spirit academy i think
virtus.pro instead of FL1T, who will bench himself due to a rather messy Jame kick and a conflict with electroNic over the game vision
now you remember snap tap
and the peekers nerf
most lower skill players would improve MASSIVELY if they bothered to learn proper crosshair placement. It's not really even hard to do, just takes focus.
Even some otherwise decent players often have iffy crosshair placement in higher faceit ranks (for which they the compensate with something, but this is making life hard for no good reason).
Also it's cs2 so you better be donksliding whenever you commit to a fight.
And knowing basic utility for the map and something more for the spots you play is also heavily recommended. Again, takes little skill but requires a miniscule amount of effort to learn.
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There are rumors surrounding elige being a bully and a bad person in general, NA sissies why you bully everyone, you won't get anywhere with that kind of an attitude...
substantiate these claims (i do not doubt them, you have to have bad energy to go bald that fast and young)
>why you bully everyone
gotta pick one of these
>substantiate these claims
I saw this post and I also remember watching some fat arab (don't remember his name) but he played on liquid as a stand in and he said that elige was pretty rude to s1mple and was also against him being the main awp on the team
>elige was pretty rude to s1mple and was also against him being the main awp on the team
okay but this is based? s0mple was a complete and utter nigger monkey until zeus put him in his place
Remember when elige snitched on timberchads
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>Remember when elige snitched on timberchads
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ugly little dysgenic freak
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1st September picture :) cute
meant for >>1541265
mad craterface virg
>boys on the left
>girls on the right
>donk among the girls
Bratty donk!!! donkussy needs AWP correction!!!!
>girls wanna be by him
still true til this day >>1541042
Goes by m0NESY now
elige's skin doesn't look THAT bad
he's obv a mega virgin though
those guys that hang around in tier 4 all their lives in dead scenes, what do you think they expect

he's literally married with kids
>he's literally married with kids
>girls wanna be by him
That's actually true lol, I remember when I was a kid I also hanged out with girls since all the boys were 2-3 years older, so in school I was also mostly spending time with girls lol
yea that was usually the kid everyone knew was gay
donkussy in that pic is making me crazy desu.
yeah whatever, incel chud
depends, if he was a theater/band geek yeah
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>you will never get destroyed in a 1v1 against donk in CS2 then destroy his bratty asshole in real life
>okay but this is based? s0mple was a complete and utter nigger monkey until zeus put him in his place
twistzz said it was stewie and that he would play with elige
esls posting translated infographics, jesus
>esls posting translated infographics, jesus
At least it has started the elige hate itt, so I'm still happy :))))))
you'll never be even tier 2, acne goblin, give it up
>major ends
>no big roster moves
>/magog/ starts discussing homosexuality
there's a /sp/ thread
Firepower mentioned
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>/magog/ starts discussing homosexuality
What's the alternative? heterosexuality? lol
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One red tippy please.
this was my thought as well
there's no way he didn't see the "spaghetti arms" thing from katowice and now he just robbed them of an even greater prize
of course the guy who thinks zywoo should somehow be praised for awping is french
rope, dea
>epl 21 will be in sweden
brollan winning at home would be beautiful
> zont1x 1 major - niko 0 major
>this is considered a chad in NA CS
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its over lads
It's queen of banana now.
>even a random class in a Siberian city has depre??ed cancer kiddos
пpocтo нepeaльнo
nice pride flag lil bro :skull:
Have you seen cities out there man? Nothing to be happy about.
don't be so insecure lil bro, you will have your own knife one day
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Donk is from Tomsk btw
vitality donk
russian jews=pvre fvrvpvwvr
heavygod+donk 2025 will save cs
Tomsk is Florence compared to 80% of Moscow
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niko could be donk if he raised his sensitivity
t. 400k+ kills on ak
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truth nuke
he's a manchild who spends too much time on twitter but he also does a lot for the scene
hope someone convinces him to be slightly less childish and helps him mend fences with organizers
>hope someone convinces him to be slightly less childish and helps him mend fences with organizers
I don't think that's possible kek.
Nothing a nice woman can't fix
Pussy has no power over people like Thorin.
Is Tuesday where's the update
It's Wednesday
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who's the best?
which players won a major or two?
according to liquipedia the invite date for the first Tier S tournament of 2025 was the valve rank from 02/12 what means we are getting 2 female teams in the tournament

monesy would've been #1 but his mind broke from getting cucked, which is visible on the graph
many such cases
it would've been deserved too since donk a zy are much more system babbies
>36.8% 1.5+ rating
it's this for me, donk is miles ahead
>1.5+ rating in 37% of maps as a rifler
holy shit
it's not even a question when you include the tournaments they won
zywoo is the most consistent and can both awp and rifle
monesy has the most raw individual talent and the highest ceiling
donk is the only one of the three who i'd argue plays cs2 like it's a different game than csgo and does so very well but once people figure out cs2 more he will drop off a bit
>donk's low is monesy's high
>monesy would've been #1
nigga what
there's not a single point on that graph where he isn't third
6 free wins (if it's the normal system)
that seems a bit unfair to all the people who WON'T be facing them
has zywoo actually deserved #1 even a single year?
just having fun speculating, look how his form is trending in july only to flop after getting cheated on
if you can't win you can't be the best, unless the rest of your team consists of terrible players (which definitely isn't the case for bywoo)
>in july
he broke up with his gf 2 weeks before the rmr, his form is already trending down in rio a month before that
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>niko will NEVER EVER IN HIS ENTIRE LIFE EVER win a major
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>what means we are getting 2 female teams in the tournament
Are there even any female teams left next year?
how does this disprove anything i said?
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>the last chance of his g2 career
>facing elimination
>literally the most important map he's played this year
is donk already more popular than zywoo?
zywoo's not popular at all so yeah
I usually only see vague comments about how cs2 is a new game, but after playing some matches after a long hiatus: motherfucker, it is a completely different game, the more cautious mindset of csgo will always be a hindrance because in cs2 you gotta do like sonic and be fast, all the time
I think the irl sas motto is "Who Peeks Wins" for a reason
and that's a good thing!
he's still popular just not compared to how good he is
he was already elite as a rookie playing csgo
if all these coaches and analysts and players can't "figure out" how to play like him or counter him after a year of this, I don't think a dropoff is coming without a kennis style nerf
you should watch some demos, when he's on he's just really on
lol no, he doesn't even have 50k followers on instagram
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this isn't it, i mean that's its current state yes but for a different reason. The meta wasn't established because it is a new engine whether people want to accept that or not it doesn't matter. In the beginning the most viable way to win is to just peek everything when the game was so inconsistent from update to update. Now that the game is feeling better and the circuit stabilizing you will see tactics and strategy emerge once everyone gets up to speed, pardon the pun
please improve your reading comprehension.
yet he still has more cultural impact
i don't think this says that much. he just barely posts anything on social media.

>Choker of the Year
Liquid (Full Team)

>Fraud of the Year

>Crybaby of the Year

>Baiter of the Year

>Lunatic of the Year
i'm starting to think zonic was never really that great and just happened to be on a great team (+ a fluker team)
idk I think you're just a midwit who wants to feel like you've made a point
your initial post reads like those youtube comments where indians come up with asinine titles and comparisons for the big three or whoever
>coach loses great team
>coach "role" gets exposed again
it'll happen to le blad3 too
too lazy to make a blogpost just for you but this >>1541639 illustrates my first point about him quite well. he carried his already aggressive playstyle over to a game that suits very aggressive playstyles and people only really starting catching onto this around the start of season 2

and this >>1541661 illustrates my second point quite well. he will either need to be babied even more by his team or need to adapt to a slower meta, which will probably cause his rating to drop a bit
it's obvious that some coaches truly do have impact, both inside and outside of the server, but zonic proved pretty conclusively that he has a poor understanding of the game with the falcons disasterclass
Nah, coaches are still all frauds
b1ad3 somehow won a major with jl on his team
really? what was his rating?
I still somewhat like blad3, but I find it weird how he seems to always talk shit about his players.
At first I chalked it up to being autistically blunt, but he keeps offhandedly denying them credit and attributing any success they had to his "system" and like it's infallible; only if the players were smart enough to hit their headshots the system would be unbeatable.
I still think his type of thinking has value and I think his nice little system is a benefit for a team, but I knew he was slipping into delulu-land when he floated the idea of having an "igless" team or a team of 5 "semi-igls" combined with his system in an interview this year.
>made jLoser mvp
>made aleksib drop his oldschool style of igl'ing
>transformed imcel from a tier 3 player to a future top 20 player
my goat
its a hohol thing
eh, give it a rest
the likelyhood of it being an autism thing is a million times higher
i think he's actively combating overconfidence in his team by negging them whenever given the opportunity
just imagine jLoser without anyone bringing his ego down a bit from time to time
aleksib mostly had to work with tier2 players before, whom he magically micromanaged into functioning tier1/top10 teams, his style was out of necessity
he's talked about this in interviews; inexperienced shitters need babysitting, vetetan pros like niko need nothing and a full tier1 lineup with a functioning system needs only fast and decisive calls to keep the machine working
I dunno, jL seems like a guy that would genuinely be funny to have a beer with
the same cannot be said for a huge amount of the dweeby pro scene
is shelling of Donbas for 10+ an autism thing too?
i'd rather have a beer with an autistic npc creep than mr reddit because at least they'd be genuine
when you've been around a lot of people like him, it becomes very easy to see through the act
go to /pol/ pls
don't shit up a hobby thread with such stale bait
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Team Zpirit
>actually says he prefers npcs
>has for some reason hung around "a lot" with non-genuine people
A pretty massive personal reveal from you. I don't know whether to console you on your traumatic life or to chastise you for retarded life choices since I don't know if these circumstances were forces upon you or not.
>>actually says he prefers npcs
i prefer genuine people over people who put on an act
>>has for some reason hung around "a lot" with non-genuine people
poor background. happens a lot. i'm sure other people who have been poor can relate
>I don't know whether to console you on your traumatic life or to chastise you for retarded life choices since I don't know if these circumstances were forces upon you or not.
being poor gave me a lot of advantages in life (developing a keen phoney radar being one of them)
i firmly believe that mongolz will lift a real s-tier trophy in 2025
I still have no idea how this alleged phonyness or not being genuine is supposed to show itself in this instance.
To me this sounds a lot like gossiping women.
That's really all it is, schizo babble and clucking hens trying to rationalize their irrational feelings and minds.
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>The Mongolz are your ESL Cologne 2025 champions!!!
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it's over ;_;
>Niko leaves
>G2 wins the next Major with just a solid rifle replacement but great chemistry like Navi in Copenhagen
it would be so funny
If FaZe won Copenhagen and Shanghai, I wonder if he would've quit or killed himself.
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>G2 wins the next Major
I need you to IMAGINE -magixx +kyousuke
team might fall apart desu, magixx is the glue
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are we going to pretend that he didn't toggle?
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complexity GM is implying that tournaments like blast bounty that are sending invites out today are not required to pay for travel and accomodation meaning teams that can't pay won't play
teams not from eu and will have to pay out of pocket to play in blast bounty
>mongolz, furia, pain, mibr, complexity, flyquest, wildcard, furia fe, fluxo, m80
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>an open scene for all guys!
>actually no more open qualifiers haha
>actually fuck all of you
they're probably afraid that the format will fail miserably and unwilling to take that financial risk
and blast bounty is a 32 team online "qualifier" like showdown with the top 8 advancing to the real tournament
blast aren't going to pay for over dozens of players flights and bootcamps to play one BO3 and get eliminated like they did for showdown

according to valve's rules qualifiers TOs have no obligation to financially support qualifiers and the onus is on the orgs for that part
for full tournaments they're expected to pay for accomodations at least but this is a funny little loophole now
that's unfortunate, but there's a good amount of solid tier 2 European teams that can attend
jesus no wonder he malds like a baby all the time. wonder which team he'll ruin next
he's also the biggest crybaby ethnicity of them all, polish
only thirdies could possibly hate Elige
when did elige peak? oh right the aug meta
tfw ace

not clicking
He’s cheating.
he gives off diva vibes
buff m249 lalve, make it the awp of rifles
snav + elige + twistzz + stewie2k + steel
why would a chad like twistzz hang out with losers like junkie2k and goblin snav?
>kairon benched
>nafany benched
>C9 interested in magnojez and s1ren
>VP interested in zorte
betboom is fucking dead
Good, total betting org death!
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I have amused myself
>vitality killed all interviews
>prof got banned from wechat for screenshotting vitality being a bitch
>>vitality killed all interviews
>>prof got banned from wechat for screenshotting vitality being a bitch
which part are you confused about?
>vitality killed all interviews
No context. What am I supposed to take from this sentence?
>prof got banned from wechat for screenshotting vitality being a bitch
Not posting the screenshots or referencing wherever you heard this. Not even a qrd on vitality supposedly being "a bitch"

It's like you either expect me to read your mind, or posted in a wrong thread thinking this was already a subject being discussed
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Do it Valve, increase the AWP scoped movement speed. AWP is becoming too irrelevant in CS2, just do it already.
hltv confirmed is on right now so its probably from that
>What am I supposed to take from this sentence?
that vitality did not give any interviews at the major, which is a bitch move
prof screenshotted that bitchiness and got banned on wechat, which is amusing
I think what i said was self explanatory with even a modicum of intellect
Seems likely
Guess I'll get context later

HLTV Confirmed:
>vitality killed all interviews at the major
>prof got banned from wechat for screenshotting vitality being a bitch about it

That wasn't so hard
>vitality killed all interviews at the major
No context. What am I supposed to take from this sentence?
>prof got banned from wechat for screenshotting vitality being a bitch
Not posting the screenshots or referencing wherever you heard this. Not even a qrd on vitality supposedly being "a bitch"

It's like you either expect me to read your mind, or posted in a wrong thread thinking this was already a subject being discussed
>ignoring the context of HLTV
>ignoring the changed sentences
alright. Have a nice day, anon
>alright. Have a nice day, anon
context? chat, what did anon mean by this?

just face facts, man
>Not even a qrd on vitality supposedly being "a bitch"
in response to a post that has
>vitality killed all interviews
is braindead
i thought they already confirmed magno
was that from kato or the major?
if kato you coulda put the kato win in there too lmao
karrigan talking is from esl's little kato documentary with the major footage of donk walking and karrigan crying
didn't actually check if there was any good scenes from the kato final, also I think it would get rather hard to keep below 4mb with that much karrigan talking and still have the subtitles legible
true, it's good i'm just greedy
What ethnicity is NiKo/hunter? I know they're from Bosnia but are they Serbian or Croat? excuse my NA cultural knowledge
serbs that reside in bosnia
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"Actually one time I remember we were playing against the Habs, Bell Centre, and we were on a 0-10 streak and Terry said:"
"'Guys, if you think we are good, let's prove it now'. 0-10"
"did we comeback?"
"of course not. 0-11"

the buffalo sabres, everybody
why are chinks like this

it's either that or make it cheaper imo
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G2 Jimpphat looking certain now. he could choose to stay in MOUZ but I think they'll want to cash in, arrozdoce is right there as a replacement.
he probably only denied G2 the first time because he thought they'd be losing m0NESY as well.
>i'm gonna miss him but not enough to join his new superteam
Ethnic Serbs
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>he could choose to stay in MOUZ
MOUZ is an org that takes shitters from tier 2-3 and makes them into tier 1 players then sells them off to the big fish, in 1-2 years nobody is going to play on the current MOUZ squad
that's why I said
>but I think they'll want to cash in
Imagine greatest era in CS on paper.
>~6 diffrent teams representing 5 diffrent coutries each
>All players are chads and coolkids with irl beefs not just some faggy xitter drama
>20 tournaments a year, no flukes, no chokes, if team is in top 4 then it's going to be in semis too
>Even hltv is basically 4ch for CS with Jonathan E. himself making NSFW megathreads

>Until one day for no reason at all, all of those team disband within a year
>Expect for one which rebrands and gets rid of their only two players with any sort of personality
>All that to make most robotic and boring squad imaginable, lobbing for "le psychologists to save le cs"
>Since they don't have any competition now they keep winning everything for 2 FUCKING YEARS straight
>Until 2020 when coovid magically appears, CS gets cancelled, every org goes globohomo, franchising ruins the scene and hltv becomes plebbit lite
That's more or less it
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the future of na cs everyone
same vibe
where is the first part from?
what the fuck
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idk bro
if you sort by hits (views I assume) the top 9/10 are in chinese and feature an "underage sex" tag
11-20 is 1 english, 2 russian, and 7 more chinese
>twistzz was vomiting before games. jks was saying "yeah you could see you trying to get everybody fired up and holding in, trying not to vomit at the same time."
>I remember talking to him one morning, and he actually went to the hospital at one point there in china
hold strong liquidbros 2025 we're winning tournaments in first world countries
what being vegetarian does to a motherfucker
Liquid copium they'd have beaten Spirit if Twistzz wasn't ill
>muh third world food
how come no one else got sick or even complained at all?
most of the other teams are turd worlders too so they're used to radioactive food
>amerimutt complaining about toxic food
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it's up
grim (not the player)
valve are done
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The situation... and the player?
>csgoroll is paying for my 24/7 private security
damn this redditor is cooking some fucking kino frfr
>donk has 15,700 hours in CSGO+CS2
>Get_Right has about 14,000 total hours in CS:GO+CS2
LMAOOO. it's so over
does this nigga legit think it's his video will change anything or is he just a grifter
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>1/10 of his life has been spent in cs
fake humble grifter, like jLoser
kinda sad when you think about it
GTR has a lot of hours on 1.6 though
not much to do when you're born in russia, two days ago he made more than 99% of russians will make in their entire lifetime, so I guess it worked out for him
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absolutely nothing new in it
>skin casinos are scams
>streamers and youtubers who work with them are complicit in scamming
>monarch is a schizo criminal scammer who hires thirdie criminal immigrants to harass and hurt people who he dislikes (he didn't even mention the part that the stage rushers were this demographic)
i wasnt even aware of any of this, I don't care about skins gambling, you're a retard if you lose your entire life savings on it
true, especially in siberia
it's still sad that this kid has probably never voluntarily been in a forest or participated in any sort of outdoors activity
>generational talent
>plays 24/7
>entire team plays for him
how do you even beat this guy? like atp he's gonna win no1 for the next who knows how long years
maybe he did who knows, i have 10k hours across all my steam games at 23 years old and I had plenty of fun IRL experiences

let's also not kid ourselves and act like donk could have an amazing social life if he only put himself out there bro!!, he's a balding 160cm autistic manlet, it was never meant to be
i have 0 sympathy for gamblers, NONE
i started playing csgo when i was around 14 and even then i knew gambling was rigged in favor of the "house"
unless you're retarded, you can easily figure out that gambling is a bad idea even if you're 12
I know this is a retarded stat you copied from reddit or something, gtr was a cs pro 5+ years before csgo came out
the only gambling where i think you can legitimately win over long time if you're good at it is sports betting and poker, but shit like roulette or all those case opening websites are for retards
fazebros how we feeling about +elige? there's been some ppl tossing this idea up recently, and while most ppl think it's a nothingburger it's still technically a possibility. frankly I'm not too keen on it. if there's any change I'm willing to consider it would be have to be +jimpphat (for frozen perhaps) or +monesy, otherwise I think we run it back
elige is going to furia
we good off that bald fraud. +m0nesy would be insane tho
there's still a lot luck involved and the amount of people who make good money from either of those is miniscule
people who make good returns from sports betting do enough research that it could be considered a job, and good poker players are basically uncertified psychologists
i think he's going back to lulquid
he still likes the org and has said so on many occasions and they obviously need to get rid of yeki
>Added a setting for CPU Cores Usage Preference to control how high performance and power efficiency cores are used by the game on CPUs with variable cores.
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qrd is this guy a meme or is he actually good? I keep seeing people post this guy and I have no clue what's going on since I don't keep up with the t2 scene
he's donk tier unironically
he's average for t1 but he pads his stats up by destroying t3-4
he's farming academy teams and t3 so everyone thinks he's a god
he's good, no doubt, but he hasn't really been tested at all
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left is cheating
new school vs old school
anime game
anime website
a g2 with jimpphat and no ch0k0 is a g2 i could finally cheer for
still has hunter
>anime website
brb, logging into my favorite social media website for ivy league college students, facebook!
oh yeah... and snax, the nepo baby
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sit down
be humble
>one lifegame that didn't even matter
impressive, very nice
he's still a dogshit igl
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Anime depicted in this Counter-Strike 2 gameplay screenshot is the 2023 anime of the year (yes better than Frieren) BanG Dream! It's MyGO!!!!!, it's sequel BanG Dream! Ave Mujica starts this January.
soulless music-focused anime originals/mixed media designed to sell music discs will never be good anime
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in game leading aside, individually, he's goat material for sure
hopefully they bench him after niko is gone
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>post number ends with 086
nonsense post: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0X6q9MFOphY
it's on the same level as freiren and will change genre completely. you're really going to call this guy soulless? https://anilist.co/staff/120391/Koudai-Kakimoto
this is embarrassing, they got outperformed when it mattered the most by both Snax AND hunter. i genuinely don't remember a bigger "star duo" choke in such a big game. and everything was there for the taking, they had Spirit lined up in the grand final, they blew it so fucking hard lol.
this is pathetic dude
anime is gay and cringe
1.26 vs top 50 (31 maps), 1.33 vs top 30 (7 maps)
stfu fags
HLTV EVP choices are so fucking retarded
remember the antidonk copes before kato
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i remember
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you now remember s0mple
Still accurate
p0mple will drain the good vibes out of any team he joins and i doubt anyone is paying 3 mil for him anyway
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nah it's not here i updated it
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>1 major*
divide it by events played
donk 50% wr, fraudwho 0% real major winrate
You put the asterisk on the wrong side.
fraudwoo beat 0 tier 1 teams to get his major
left not only has 3 times the mvps but also 3 times the weight to carry

truly the greatest of all time
3 times the weight? have you seen how fat magixx and chopper are?
Donk played in China a Mickey Mouse country.
i've never seen donk give them piggyback, but somebody has to carry zywhoos gut around
>3 times the mvps
yes yes, very nice
how many this year?
You can't count pre-donk mvps or pre-cs2 mvps they literally are meaningless
We need someone with balls because frozen pussies out in big games way too much. EliGE might be the guy but I dunno.
jLoser will be top 10 this year
it's funny how all the greats like s0mple, b0t, jloser, ch0ko, zywho etc. have have established mockery names
it's just a sign that you have arrived as a pro and made enough bettors mad
>b0t, jloser
he looks so fat in that pic
nosee and fart were my favorite. also npc (npl) when he was playing with b0t
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why does cs players love this guy?
he's pretty funny sometimes but i don't really like him because of his poor work ethic and his blatant region abuse during the rmrs
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+Zywoo inbound.
loud is funny
i think jimi leaving mouz might be a mistake
it's obvious that he's comfortable among people around his own age and most of the good teams have a considerably higher average age than mouz
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dexter killed another awper
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Ch*nk bugland>Fr*nce niggerhole
is broky the kimi of cs?
lmao this is actually an apt comparison
Why does he have a gay robot playing CS? I want investigation not jolly japery.
>swap a boomer and a choker for a boomer and a choker
at least karrigan is a better igl though
Karrigan doesn't really choke like Hooxi did. He's a below average rifler for sure but he has the brains and that's the one thing that G2 is missing.
i think you need to read what i wrote again
I know hat you said. I agree with you for the most part except for the choking.
>I know hat you said
no you don't.

I'm sorry. A boomer and a choker can also refer to a single person but whatever.
maybe if he didnt whiff half his shots he'd still have a team
What's Monarch's problem? He seems like a fag.
Enough about Donk though.
Nigga what?
someone list me the teams vitality beat in major playoffs please
>blatant region abuse during the rmrs
quick rundown?
Into the Breach*

*Editor's note: These are not tier 1 teams
where are the rest? hasn't zywoo been a world beater for 5 years now?
I was confused aswell. I'm sure there's a rational explenation to why I couldn't find more evidence of additional wins. Maybe hltv's database got hacked?
he had a team in the asian rmrs that had 2 ukranians, 2 israelis and a french double citizen (moroccan) and then one of the israelis didn't mesh with the team but they just happened to have another european sub that could play
in other words, 4 european nationals in an asian rmr team
Do you fags just not pay attention to what this subreddit is about?
so 2 euros and 3 menas when registering
yes, technically
hadji, the moroccan, is a french citizen and lives in france though
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apeks would've easily been tier 1 if they'd stayed together
maybe valve should update their rules
Fuck no.
Don't take my favorite retard away from Faze
The man finally found his balls
people said this, including ohne
just because something is allowed doesn't make it not immoral
didn't even realize...
Lynn Vision? This guy is on crack
I agree with everyone else tho. Simple deserves to be on a mickey mouse team until he can prove himself in cs2
>FURIA Fe’s invitation was declined.
I was hoping we'd see a woman's team "compete"
>28. Imperial fe
Nice. So there's still a chance
>Imperial fe invited
>Imperial isn't
according to the vrs the team that lost out on their invite thanks to imperial fe was betboom
who doesnt have a full lineup anymore
so it was actually fnatic who lost out
>We are excited to announce that all teams have accepted their invitations.
they're playing
If I remember correctly, they're supposed to challenge the teams they think they can beat, right?
>lower seeded teams get to select their opponent
whats the funniest option imperial could pick
so imperial is playing because their women declined?
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Flysissies, how are we feeling today???
>flyquest finally shedding dead weight
No. Imperial wasn't invited
Furia fe isn't playing because Furia accepted
I'm more interested in which of these teams will be the biggest pussies and pick imperial
>9 Pandas
right, misread, so imperial women ARE playing
that'll be an entertaining match, wonder if they'll get a round or 2
Why is everyone against fe teams on big tournaments? I don't understand you, at least some beauty on the screen instead of bloated alcoholic faces
I guess Falcons is also eligible?
Are wildcards "lower seeded" than everyone else?
>Why is everyone against fe teams on big tournaments?
Point out a single post that's against this or fuck right back to hltv and stop coming here
because they're a wasted spot
just like my chinese teams
if you're in the bottom 16 and you pick another bottom 16 neither team wins any money
you need to pick someone at least top 16 in the seeds
Ahh, ok.
And if a bottom team 16 wins any money, you can then "steal" that money by beating them, correct?
Who's that in the G2 jersey?
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I would much rather look at how any fe teams would play at big event than some tier 2 uninteresting trashcans like flyquest, wildcard,nip, m80, big, pain, mibr , fnatic, ence and so on
50% of the bounty gets pocketed as guaranteed money to take home while the other 50% gets wagered in the next match
>flyquest seed 17
>flyquest picks last
>flyquest has to play against seed 1 g2
>mentions flyquest first
>doesn't mention any of the chink teams with the rest of the trash
your Guangdong is showing
>and so on
tyloo, rare atom, lynn vision..
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how do you say "cringe" in your language
correct, I I just thought they were not even worth mentioning, flyquest was mentioned first, since I want to trigger aussissies
What's the problem with that picture?
>Skin of the Year
no you wouldn't
Imperial.fe is pure garbage, that spot could have gone to whatever other top 50 team, PUA, C9 even fucking fnatic, they could have invited Navi Junior or Spirit Academy testing good young prospects against top teams instead of a female team that is tier 50.
nvm i forgot Navi and Spirit are already playing. in any case, Imperial.fe is shit, they can't even win a map against top 150, or make it interesting.
Maybe they will play much better against top 15 teams
>i would rather watch tier 5 teams go 2-13 than watch tier 2 teams put up a fight
what an absolutely dogshit opinion
>tier 5 teams
Imperial fe is at least tier 1.5 according to Valve ranking (other ranking systems are irrelevant btw)
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based s0mple
Forgot that dude existed lol
nah, wildcard definitely won that one
if anything, it's even more embarrassing for him to not qualify when the e-whore team did
not that anon, but to me the biggest cringe is calling desk yappers "talent" when they're anything but
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Think she'll shut up now?
most of them are casters though
count down until she says something like
>welp, i told you guys we don't stand a chance because we don't get to practice against good teams!
What else would you call them? Broadcast contractors? Talent is just a normal term in the entertainment world.
i hope we get spirit x imperial fe
imagine donk stats
Maybe some of you should just consider being less misogynistic...
5,21 rating
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pls let it happen it would be so funny
fertile Brazilian wombs filled with Russian twink seed
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You people are weird
getting 13-0'd is only funny when it happens to good teams
I want them against the worst. Maybe Fluxo? Would make for a better watch

Any tier3 team and below would get exactly the same treatment if they got a magic ticket that gave them access to player against tier1
>magic ticket
So Valve ranking is somehow a magic ticket? Ok LoL...
If you got it by playing against women only?
What if you got it by playing against men only? Huh?
fucking finally
no you wouldn't
unceremonious 13-1, 13-2, if that
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Cry is free, chuds
i hate women

who is the guy coach and what does he do to them?
holy shit, what happened to this nigga?
he's never been amazing but wtf
sexual favors for boosting their faceit
wonderful is going TOTAL RUSSIAN DEATH on his telegram because some russian youtuber talked about his gf
he saw dexter in a dream
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yeah, it all went to shit after apeks broke up. but it was a tier 1 team
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i have amused myself again
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oh no...
They're actually making a big deal out of it
That's probably gonna hurt in retrospect
Could've just gone with it quietly and wished the team good luck
egg rapidly approaching face
>jLoser got outfragged by a geriatric hazbin and the middest awper alive
exposed once again
Rare Atom to ESL Impact?
>38 maps
>only top 10 teams are liquid and k0nfig nip
ok great
there are nine million teams that have a short run of form like this
can you guess what happened to this team, who didn't make changes to their roster?
gotta try harder than that
It's over...
>top 1 hltv donk rapes whole imperial fe squad during blast bounty
we WILL be there
>a south brazilian donk farm
those kids are gonna be cracked in 20 years
Will Stewie2k come back next year and make NA CS great again? Maybe on Complexity?
he's fallen off individually and literally no one wants to work with him
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I don't like the sound of this G2 bros...
the team won't improve until they get rid of the cheerleader and his nepo-buddy
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I hope the other wildcard is for this young NA prodigy
I don't really hate TaZ as a coach but Snax needs to go.

I think he can still be decent as a player but it probably depends on his attitude and behavior within a team. Who knows, maybe he's changed since EG.
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>maybe he's changed since EG.
>maybe he's changed since EG
He smokes weed and argues with people in pugs all day long LoL, he's GONE.
Why don't top female teams just go play high level tournaments in underdeveloped CS regions, like Africa, Southeast Asia, or NA?
>I don't really hate TaZ as a coach
he's easily in the top 3 of most cosmetic coaches in tier 1
>we qualified!!!
actually shameless
>actually shameless
why, they actually qualified
Put in Karrigan and it doesn't matter that he's a glorified cheerleader.
why do you think
if it's Jimpphat they cooked
if it's Perfecto that's pretty good
if it's jottAAA kill it with fire
but I still think they will kick huNter relatively soon despite TaZ's words, they only have 6 months to convince m0NESY to extend his contract, if he drags the team down he will go.
>smokes weed
Get him of that shit, hook him up on alcohol and let Mr. Jason Lake work him.
>argues with people in pugs
That's a good thing thoughbeit.
>but I still think they will kick huNter relatively soon
In my humble opinion it has to be Snax they cut. They won't dump their VRS points by swapping out everyone but m0NESY and Malbs. And between Snax and Hunter Snax is by far a much more limiting factor.
they "qualified" from a broken ranking system Valve are fixing next year iirc. they didn't earn anything, they had it handed to them. by men.
taz will never get rid of his boy willingly
stop replying to obvious bait, everyone knows the story here
That's what I'm scared of. I assume G2 got a fat buyout for NiKo so they could verywell get some great players to replace NiKo and Snax.
god i hope g2 keep hunter and snax
based g2 hater
what's the problem with Snax? G2's T sides have generally been very good since he joined. he's won two events. their CT sides may be comparatively weaker, but that will be improved by signing a proper anchor.
meanwhile huNter plays good roles and has zero excuse to stink it up 90% of the time.
are you a m0nesy fan who wants him to develop in a 5000lb ankle weight training montage
>G2's T sides have generally been very good since he joined
coinciding with getting a 1.20 t side player, 27% entry rate 52% success rate to replace a 0.94 t side 11.3% attempts 40% success rate one
my grandma could call a competent t side with m0nesy niko and malbs
>G2's T sides have generally been very good since he joined
They're good (not great!) because the game is heavily T sided atm and instead of good strats G2 wins by clicking heads better. Signing a proper anchor won't do shit for their CT side.
>now you remember csgo major champion smithzz played online official match for epsilon female pretending to be one of the players
it's useless to argue about IGLs, when they win haters will always say it's only because of star players and when they lose haters will say it's because the IGL didn't use them properly lol
Nigga just compare Snax in GL and G2.
I will continue to hate on every G2 igl until they bring in Karrigoat.
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you better be polish and blinded by nationalism, otherwise I gotta reconsider spending time talking to people who are this braindead
he was the best rated GamerLegion player on the Copenhagen qualifiers despite being the IGL, they made it mostly because his efforts to even go to the last chance stage (and then got the lucky wildcard invite). and they had maybe the best overpass of all tier 2 teams at that time.
He calls for himself a lot more than he should considering the talent on his team and please take time to remember that that GL core was in the previous major's finals under siuhy.
>dump niko
>bring in karrigan
>win a major
would be kino
>dump niko
>bring in karrigan
>lose a major final
would be kino
sorry niko but karrigan and your cousin will win a major together without you
Jimpphat / Perfecto / Elige / ...
Unironically a major winning team
>G2 wins by clicking heads better
sounds to me like another reason to keep Snax and bring a new head clicker. -huNter +kyousuke, then?
>karrigan and hunter will win a major
snax is the 2nd worst head clicker in t1 cs, just behind apex
-snax +competent igl who can't possibly frag worse than him, wait 3 months so you don't lose ranking invites from changing 3/5 your core, then -hunter +fragger
change igl first so they can get comfortable in the team and figure out who would best complement them
I'm confused, is an IGL important or not? I was informed all of their success was down to firepower so surely that's where they should keep investing.
But how about we get an igl that can click almost as good as Snax but can think a lot better? Wouldn't that be much better over all?
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s1mple isn't going to falcons though
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are you retarded or playing dumb
if all their success is down to firepower, why would they not cut the 2nd worst firepower in cs
Wonderful getting droned in the front soon™
snax is shit
just do -snax +siuhy if taz needs to have another pooplack in his team
I'm also curious what siuhy could actually do with competent teammates instead of people like torzsi and xertion
why was nexa even on the roster, couldnt they tell he was a shitter just from watching him play on bleed
I already knew -jks +nexa will be what breaks the team before they even played their first match
because if they cut Snax they have to sign another IGL who will still be average at best in firepower
whereas if they cut huNter they can sign a superstar
overall firepower of the team is greatest with the second option
you quoted this post
>-snax +competent igl ... wait 3 months ... then -hunter +fragger
>change igl first so they can get comfortable in the team and figure out who would best complement them
with this gay response
>I was informed all of their success was down to firepower so surely that's where they should keep investing
either you didn't read it or you have the time preference of a chimpanzee
snax was supposed to be an upgrade over hooxi in terms of individual performance while being as good of an IGL, but turns out he's even worse of a tactician with similar individual skills
>but turns out he's even worse of a tactician with similar individual skills
I'd say he's a bit better individually but way worse igl.
Would've loved to see what hooxi could've done with malbs instead of fucking nexa
does hunter have a major? idk anything about him
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it is inevitable
cope nikola
hope the saudi bag was worth it
I don't understand what confuses you about that sequence of replies
>G2 win because of firepower
>ok, so keep upgrading their firepower if that's working?
>nooo it's far more important to "upgrade" IGL and remain with two bots on the team instead of one
actually Hooxi was just an emo bitch that was killing the vibe so they signed a big friendly giant
>it is inevitable
lol so he doesn't, has he been stuck on g2 with niko the whole time? idk their careers
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when people were defending +snax because he had a 1.00 rating or whatever in gamerlegion, they were comparing him to the most selfless eco fragger in cs. they had almost the exact same kills/round vs guns
hooxi (who was clearly too shit for t1) was literally better individually on g2 than snax if you take away the baiting. give him malbs for nexa and you'd see no difference
I'm not confused at all, you're pretending to be dumb because you love le big vp meme pole
do you agree snax AND hunter should be off the team before the next major? yes or no
both hooxi and snax are shitters, im glad hooxi is gone, it's just sad they had to replace him with snax
if g2 could swap snax and hunter for siuhy and jimphat they would be the favourite to win the next major, competent IGL and a great anchor would be crazy good for the team
are g2 the manchester united of cs?
without all the previous trophies though?
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malbs and m0nesy is such an insanely easy core to build around, it was actually a joke that g2 couldn't figure it out when they had niko too
gotta be siuhy no?
it will be aleksi just because they won a major
statfags should be banned from this general fr
this, igl of the year should just be whomever won the most trophies, simple as
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My eye test says that both Snax and Hooxi are utter dogshit. Statfags need not reply.
stats are a last resort to explain to someone that malbs and nexa are not equally good players
I agree it should be obvious by watching 1 map of cs from each, but some people itt do not agree
just hand it to karriGOAT already
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spirit 4
navi 4
g2 3
mouz 2
vitality 1
mongolz 1
faze 1
i dont think anybody who isnt brain dead thinks nexa is better than malbs, hell i would say even jackz shits on nexa and that guy also wasn't good enough for t1
>counting BB Dacha and ESWC as real tournaments
cant wait for falcons to create an IGless team just to win a major and prove all the igls are frauds
>win major
They already have NiKo thoughbeit. IGL is also the only non meme role btw.
just watched the coffezilla video, he hasnt said anything that wasn't already known, what was even the point of that video
patreon grift
also all of the crazy editing and the bot conversations are cringe as fuck, all the info in that video could have been condensed into like 5-10 minutes
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Once Stewart2K joins Col they'll be back to NA.
BetBoom Dacha is a joke, not only almost no big teams appeared there, that's the only tournament on the list that had no crowd present whatsoever, they were literally playing in a studio with 0 people except staff. That Thunderpick meme Mongolz won is more of a tier 1 event than BB Dacha.
>what's the problem with Snax? G2's T sides have generally been very good since he joined
you shouldn't need stats to understand why adding the 2nd best entry in cs will fix your t sides
>That Thunderpick meme Mongolz won
That was actually an awesome tournament (at least the finals were)
Probably helped that the only two interesting teams ended up in the final
yeah it was kino, i watched it
if i support female CS, they will fuck me
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Average Stiletto Hater Be Like:
he keeps posting about his one knife which leads me to believe he is
>very proud of his "expensive" (to his third world mind, it is 1 years salary) knife
any questions?
nope that's spot on, if he's so rich why is there only one knife to show off?
when will they add attachments
skinfags are obnoxious but I don't mind him
He's got that red tippy
let's see the collection
aleksib was the only constant (not looking just at in-game rating here) in navi while the form of the other four players fluctuated wildly during the year
aleksib will take igl of the year and it's not even close
i like navaja knives
very based
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shitpost overdrive
>flyquest z4kr
Just watched a broky 2022 highlight video Youtube recommended to me and man, CS2 destroyed my favorite schizoretard...
the silence
it's deafening
post hand
All this new school shitposting is boring bring back one of the schizos.
some private coaching from refrezh is what most female pros need to get to the top
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what a fucking COP[e] OUT
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>kato will also have fe teams
yep lol, one shiny knife is all the brownie has
Newfag here, w-what does /magog/ mean? I couldn't find any explanation to the ma part of it.
Thank God
I say this and I look like this >>1544138
based monkey
why are brownies so obsessed with skins?
Poorfags melting itt...you love to see it
lmao YES, let's all post our collections
Unironically one of the best tier 1 IGLs. Can't wait to see what he does when m0nesy joins next year.
they always seethe when you point out that they wasted money on virtual art, gamer NFTfags
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theoretically, would d2nk be the all time goat?
he's already the GOAT entry, only a bit more til he takes GOAT rifler
what doink
chinky seething that a true genghis heir won their major
What da donk doin?
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uh donkbros?
what did the major mvp trophy look like? i didn't see the presentation.
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donk still had the best stats overall in the tournament, but magixx was big in semifinals and finals.
ummmmm op???>>1544252
If Donk is so good, why is he praised here.
Donk 1 major mvp_Magixx 0 major mvp
Anyways total zigger domination
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>there's no chance to miss the lunch or dinner
Damn, I couldn't even tell
pracc or warmupserver
>be w0ndeful
>play with Russians after 2022
>get exiled from Ukrainian community
>your girlfriend starts publicly acting up and saying you two are breaking up
>biggest RU CS news telegram channel reposts it
>she goes "you've been le baited" and forces you to say that the admin of that channel is a faggot
>start crashing out on muh ruZZians and how you hate them and how streams are now gonna be in russian after the said telegram channel clowns on you for being a beta
Blud thinks wonderful is normal even after looking at his tarsier ears kek
I hate women so much it's unreal
PGL event in Kazakhstan next year.
CS pros and women don't mix
But who do they sex if not women?
Uohhhhhhhhh! !! !! donk erotic !!!!!! donk's belly and chest !!!!!! Erotic … ToT ToT ToT
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One is unlike the others.
Allegedly Jimpphat isn't moving to Falcons since m0NESY isn't joining. Does that mean Jimpphat to G2? Will NiKo activate the sleeper clause in his Falcons contract, pull out of the deal and replace Snax as IGL?
why is torzsi there
>Real AWPers
910, Broky, sh1ro, Torzsi, w0nderful, woxic
>Not elite
>Actually a rifler
>Does that mean Jimpphat to G2?
most likely, yes. he could still stay, but MOUZ only exist to sell to the top teams so I doubt it.
>but MOUZ only exist as an academy team for FaZe
yeah wake me up when they bench ropz
>your grenade will bend if you start moving within ~8 ticks after releasing it

skill issue from midky
based big boi
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>your grenade will bend if you start moving within ~8 ticks after releasing it
damn, maybe he shouldn't have done that. fucking bot.
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new spirit vlog is up
>i'm gonna tell you something and if it happens nick will post it
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damn... what a shit situation for that to happen. We were robbed of OT
Not gonna cry about it though. Spirit won. End of story
Maybe if frozen stops being a pussy they'll win the next one
skill issue
aw, malta was kinda fun in a way, super chill tournament in the middle of the schedule
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Now with the proper hair color.
>shiro does improptu pep talk before map 2
>lose ancient
>emotionally destroyed
goddamn, definitely blamed himself for that lmao
There's a universe where the Faze management wasn't fucking retarded, didn't let Twistzz's contract slip away, and Faze would have won at least 3-4 tournaments this year including both majors. And that fucking faggots jL wouldn't be a major champ.
I blame Hooxi for jL winnig.
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tranime bros… our response?
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if only m0NESY had a magixx.
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Uhmm Arcane lost to the Fallout show at the game awards tho
He had a big boy on a team this major but that got him nowhere.
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no he didn't
As in Snax is also fat...
>worse than Snax in the biggest chance to win the Major of his career
no one should mention this choker ever again

imagine if donk got outplayed by chopper at the Major playoff or ZywOo by botpex, they would never heard the end of it
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remember when it was major finals and it was 1v1 in the 24th round and faze was boutta force overtime?
what the hell.
no i don't, what happened?
No I was asleep for map 1 and 2 and then I woke up and masturbated
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Imperial fe moved up in the rank and can now enter iem Katowice
holy BASED
I used to work as a CS agent part-time from 2022-2024

How big is NiKo's bag at Falcons?
>this is who calls himself the aryan master race on /pol/
Is kassad the most overrated "human" in CS, ever?

failed project, bankrupted the org
failed project, bailed on them and made the org go MIA on CS for 2 years
Only was there because of NiKo depotism, despite having a top 3 rifler then he won jack shit and got kicked
failed stupendously and caused the org to liquidate
>100 Thieves
Never won anything in the weakest era of NA CS losing to rookies FURIA and EG over and over. Caused the org to bail out on CS
Only real success but still a two-tournament wonder. Still trumped by other underdog stories in majors

Don't get me started on his ""analyst"" career that ridicules the meaning of "broadcast talent" as he's completely talentless, and also his player career where he was known as one of the worst players in the balkan scene, even more clowed on than Loba

He is a truly talentless person who's not working in McDonalds Srbrenica because of his connections. A true fat fraud.
Actually this is based because some random moid team is going to farm their points
I can only talk to BLEED and 100T. BLEED fell apart because the owners were to busy not getting arrested and had gambled away the orgs money on crypto.100Thieves probably didn't leave CS because of him since they have been slowly pulling out of all esports they are involved in. Nadeshot the owner of 100T is on record for saying if he could go back in time he would never enter esports in the first place.
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ah I see
unfortunately Snax is too big, he broke the limit
saar do not redeem the pag pag
hallzerk would unironically be a top 3 awper if he was on faze instead of broky
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we get it, you're gay
just stop
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man you have an axe to grind
extremum was shit, sure. bleed he was hamstrung by the org, not vice versa, he put together a top 30 team for like no money and then no star players would join because the checks were bouncing. 100t is also basically the opposite, he was off the team for the bulk of the covid era because the players didn't want to grind, they had imapet for those tournaments. c9 he wanted to cut woxic for being a fuck-up, he left, and they cut him like 2 weeks later
can't remember the mouz stuff but from checking hltv 10th, 4th, 3rd seems fine for a team that's not top 5
>then proceeds to go and get the most zoom zoom haircut ever, LoL
it’s actually hunter who’s getting kicked
pls god
he's not gay he's a weird fetishist
kek steel is not going to be able to stay sane on whatever team he is involved with
he's almost as obnoxious as a player as when he's "talent"
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hes been like that for 15 years or whatever its just how jews are
puggers just can't play at this 48 year young talent's level
notice how steel was already dead
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start doing THIS <-
how fucking embarrassing
people were making jokes about this shit since the Valve ranking was introduced, and still no one from that company gave (or still gives) a single fuck. i think not more than 5 people in total are working
on CS2 at this point.
no chance m8, they are first and foremost mechanically subpar, like really badly.
this i think is the main reason why nobody is watching FE_CS games. the skill gap towards the top tier male scene will always exist but there is no reason why they couldn't get to at least a watchable tier 3-4 level. they are currently on the level of more or less FaceIT lvl 10s , with a few exceptions.

there are female sports like athletics, swimming, many winter sports like skiing etc. actually evolved to a decent level, where you can see nice skill on display and appreciate it for what it is. you watch a female sprinter and think "she would smoke me in a race". you watch an ESL impact team for 1 round and you think "my regular 5 stack could take them on".

My favorite
what a coincidence that these wacky hijinks happen when he's on camera streaming
grown ass men who point at the tv and shout "swiper the fox is right there in the bushes, stop him dora!"
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>Paris was a flu-AAAACCCKKK
>one good team made it
>everyone picked them to win, and lost diamond elsewhere
i don't even know what you're trying to say here lol
it's up

whops, that was my quickfix for ad block

it's up

>major finals
good. i can't stay up late like i used to in my youth. bo3, 5pm starts, wonderful
I know, it's great isn't it
d1*nk gets shit on hard in a bo5 by karrigod, valve deliberately set up a mickey mouse event to try and make their game relevant to kids (donk fans)
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thoughts magog?
trying too hard, major finals were never bo5
they can pass as siblings 2bh
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>Imperial fe is now ranked 24th, which can guarantee them the IEM Katowice spot in the near future

if the top 24 hold now
g2, spirit, vitality, mongolz, faze, mouz, na'vi, heroic
liquid, furia, pain, 3dmax, eternal fire, mibr, saw, col, gamerlegion, astralis, flyquest, big, vp, wildcard, sangal, imperial fe
any MVP award that will be farmed on female teams should be marked with asterisk
he won
>Spirit b05 with FaZe
>which can guarantee them the IEM Katowice spot in the near future
I hope it does
It's a great little novelty, having an fe team come to the big event play-ins
Imagine the crippling fear of getting sent home by imperial fe in front of thousands of people. lol
incredibly based bait, 9/10
>nuggies & fries
do you think krryigan hears this in his sleep?
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>do you think krryigan hears this in his sleep?
He will be hearing this FOREVER, echoing deep in his soul...
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name an NA player with more cultural impact? can't be done
kyle ocean obrien
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Based donk I had the $5 meal box the other day and nuggies are still good
spunj said falcons tried to pay $3m for m0nesy kek
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who won?
>seething reply
s0mple. he would have lost if they didn't respond
She is not able to have children, so God has already punished her enough LoL
>who won?
nobody who has to read these two cretins
boy I sure love valves rankings giving points for price winnings in handicap leagues to hear more about female attention whores
me too
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what happens if donk doesn't win #1??
Youtube just recommended me this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FAdJnTQBUXQ
I miss those days, there will never be a team like early fnatic ever again. Those dudes were literally shitposting when playing.
doing retarded shit when you're basically guaranteed to win isn't very special
im bored. when's esports?
Yet teams still don't do it these days because one slip and you're fucking gone.
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Does it not sit well with anyone else that russians have won 2 majors since they invaded Ukraine? Donk's gameplay is cool and all but I personally cannot support any of them and I'm kind of disgusted they're even allowed to play
Oh yes, I can't sleep at night
I just hope Spirit gets nuked next year for being an absolute shit team carried by a once in a lifetime player. Couldn't care less about whatever little worthless war is happening out there.
we'll never know
he's literally the best player ever
>BIG have decided to move AWPer Florian "syrsoN" Rische to the bench, sources with knowledge of the situation told HLTV. It marks the second change to the German team's roster following the departure of Rigon "rigoN" Gashi, who will become a free agent on January 1.
>Sources added that BIG will likely turn to academy player Marcel "hyped" Köhn to fill the vacant AWP spot on the roster. The 23-year-old spent the 2024 season on loan at ALTERNATE aTTaX, who recently announced a whole new lineup for 2025 featuring four members of the old Reveal squad.
all the old kennys and jws of the world are gone, and the new players that kicked them out of the scene during the covid online times are also gone
I'm fucking old bros
s1mple's tweet was responding to the wildcard account. the fact that the onlyfans thot had to reply on main proves he destroyed her.
the worst thing that happened was amouranth learning about the existence of CS
do people still hate cs2?
>calls the guy an incel for no reason at all and brings up his mom out of nowhere
obviously this bitch didn't win kek
>for no reason
3/10 pretty poor
cs2 bugs just caused a team to lose the major
i thought it was because they lost two maps
fake news
this was debunked and spirit would've won overtime
spirit would've won even if the smoke landed
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yea and vp would've been in playoffs if jame didn't crash
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it was unironically confirmed that spirit intentionally threw all the way to 12-11 just to completely mindbreak karrigan with a 13-11
why does this fat faggot show up to (i.e. record a video of himself for) the international but never acknowledge cs majors?
can players pause in pro cs?
in pro dota there's a lot of pauses. people saying mouse doesn't work, error with keyboard, etc. and yeah a lot of it is probably fake and them just trying to reset nervs.
not during the round
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>a lot of it is probably fake and them just trying to reset nervs
the whole puppey pause / merlini police saga was gold. desu i'd still care about dota if merlini still did his trance around the world streams.
kyousuke playing against m0nesy
ill wait for the youtube highlight
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>ill wait for the youtube highlight
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A screencap
FaZe are my heroes but that was just a broky blunder mixed with 64tick goodness.
is this guy really good or is it a meme
his liquipedia page was created less than a week ago
>is this guy really good or is it a meme
both (probably)
professionally, he's only been farming tier 3 and academy teams
he's still probably more than good enough for tier 1 though
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Was it this one, or did he delete it?
>Although her earlier statement may not be factual, she is of course right now that naming facts should not be punishable.

>Facts and opinions should both be able to be discussed;

>Even if these are facts or opinions about groups of people.
that does look like something the eu would ban
CS2 S-Tier events won in 2024:

Stewie2K - 1
shroud - 0
oSee - 0
nitr0 - 0
TenZ - 0
yay - 0
EliGE - 0
Twistzz - 0
Grim - 0
floppy - 0
steel - 0
NAF - 0
stanislaw - 0
it's up https://youtu.be/42g2rfOZSEI
does he have a team?
>it's up
You are a bit late, retardino
>erm AKSHUALLY it's been up for 8,293011 hours my guy!
i must admit, i got owned
>i must admit, i got owned
WoW, at least some sort of a progress
both gay
Hate that place.
no but seriously they're signing a chinese awper
No one cares about Fagquest LoL...
duh this isn't /lolg/
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This is your NA legend, americansissies?
>join game
>say hello to your teammates, as you should
>one is a woman
>at least 1 or 2 people on the team immediately start simping
>she entertains it
>they all spend the next half hour e-flirting
>we lose, because of course we do
fuck this game....
>actually playing the game
This is an esports and CS:S surf appreciation thread.
It was doomed from the start because you think you should say hello, are you a faggot? First thing you say is where you are going and that's it, this isn't a your family's chat room.
This is why I played with cl_mute_all_but_friends_and_party on in csgo, I still gave callouts but didnt care if the bots on my team made use of them or not
I will play your game when you bring back infiltration
I hope anons here don't end up like you
t. 50 hours
You are a demon
You have no idea what thousands of hours of this playing shit game solo does to your brain
Hey, I'm not the one complaining about desperate virgins and women in my games.
so sp0rot won because of smoke bug, lmao you can't make this shit up
it truly was a fraud major in the end
no cope will ever redeem it, it will always be tainted and remembered as the smoke bug major they won only because the game bugged out
cope it's not a bug unless valve fixes it
no one will remember this shit a month from now
cope lmao
it'll always be the smoke bug fraud major
it's literally intended behavior. that's how the new jump throws work.
yes. the game gives you 8 ticks after a throw to either jump for a jump throw or to not fuck it up. broky fucked it up
he didn't jumpthrow it retard
>coping this hard over smokebug fraud major
please read
>jumping inaccuracy
>also affects you when you strafe
>intended behaviour, nothing personnel kid :)
jfc this is delusional levels of cope
As a spirit fan I hate to admit it but it looks like a fraud major because of smokebug now :/
false flag shitposter
just because I'm a fan doesn't mean I have to be a disingenious homer just because it suits
>my favourite team
That last round could have been completely different if it wasn't for the smoke bug, I can admit that much
it's just a subtick phenomena, you can also notice it when you release a nade at the top of your jump and you'll see what anon means
it has pretty much nothing to do with subticks, throwing all nades is just now bugged because of the way they implemented jumpthrows; the nade will bend for 8 ticks from movement even after you have thrown them
You almost never come across this with "normal" lineup throws or linear jumpthrows, but here taking that one step *after* throwing the nade makes it magically bend like a fucking curveball. Yes it's a bug, it's unintended side effects from jump throws not meant to effect ground movement.
>not meant to effect ground movement
aren't there lineups that require going sideways, and forwards, and which are meant to be affected by the way they implemented jump throws?
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How do you respond without sounding mad?
My question is: how the fuck does he do it? Does he pump air into his rectum or something?
i was unaware of this video, but i've watched it now so you can all be aware of it
>still no n0k0
kek kekekekekekkekeke
zAAz big ass
thank you for big ass turkey
Is ANa still good? She was actually pretty hot
You're not getting it.
Movement and jumping affecting throwing nades is intended behaviour and worked that way in csgo too. Curving throws is not a bug in itself.
However, what is unintended buggy behaviour inherent and new to cs2 is how your crosshair and movement can affect the throws direction (curve) for 8 ticks *AFTER* you've thrown it. And *NOT ONLY FOR EASIER JUMPTHROWS*, but also just for throwing a nade in a straight line and strafing after it. It's a minor bug that happened to play a large role in the last round of a close major final.
valve pls fix
I knew something was off when shiro won a clutch in a big game
of course he needed a bug to win it
zontix my stoic goat
Nigga stop hating brown people, I have a stiletto and I've never gloated about any of the skins I have.
For me it's stiletto and gut knife. Those who know, know. Though currently I'm rocking a talon (the knife, not the team).
Based foodchad, we keep on eating.
Not a single one of you niggas called out the top 1 fraud - fraudice. He literally made excuses just to skip the major. I wonder how much longer he can coast by just with his previous reputation.
>i think not more than 5 people in total are working
Buddy, there's 1 intern working part time on CS. He was hired to work on deadlock but sometimes works on CS out of pity.
Stay seething!
hoe should've left it to her social media manager he cooked >>1543678, this bitch just comes off as an incel
yes, all movement with throwing a grenade has been changed to make it consistent like old binds were, so it can be used in set grenade throws
i used to have forward, left and right jumpthrow binds
the current behaviour doesn't seem like a bug, because that's how it was designed. it's the same as if he was setting up to throw a normal nonjump smoke and accidentally scroll wheel jumped, a misplay
>the current behaviour doesn't seem like a bug
you keep bringing up jumpthrows as an example when the whole point is that the bug behaviour extends to looking/strafing that has nothing to do with jumpthrows. I've seen zero examples of this 8-tick glitch being used for anything on its own (that isn't jumpthrowing), because it's just a clumsy vestige of a patchwork solution, to a problem that didn't need solving.
It's 100% a bug, even though it comes up rarely. Now it came up at the worst time.
literally no one uses specificially that 8-tick window for throwing anything, it's just there because it was how they made jumpthrowing easier/more consistent without binds
and it does fuck with people who move quickly in a clutch since the nade behviour bugs out
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>let go of grenade
>grenade follows your direction mid air
>this is somehow not a bug
i was going to
but figured he was actually a competent awper unlike the other two in my post
>works like that every time
>it is in game for a long time
>it happened to shitky
not a bug but a skill issue
the whole point of bringing up jumpthrows is that it's movement in combination with throwing a grenade. it's not extending to strafing, because that's also movement
and the problem did need solving cause valve doesn't want jumpthrow binds in the game, and pros need a way to consistently throw grenades
sp0r0t needed literal bugs to win
fraudulent bug major confirmed
>works like that every time
>it is in game for a long time
This actually describes a lot of bugs tebayeyh
>deliberately changed to work like that
doesn't sound like many bugs
no because they would've won anyway
skill issue
anon, they were one bug away from the most spectacular choke of the year
when did 3kliksphilps say he liked farts?
what's the lore here exactly?
zontix still would've lined them up and won though
sadly because of the bug we will never truly know
this major win will always have an asterisk after it
only for you, everyone else sees that faze lost on their own skill issues
nta but the common opinion seems to now be that the last round was tainted because of the bug
maybe for the 2 guys here and nowhere else lol
Sure you aren't lil bro, stay seething!
spirit was gigachoking before they got bailed out by that bug mate
>actul schizoposting
>20 year old bug is the reason we lost!
>not coneding 12 rounds before it!
the cope is incredible
>20 year old bug
oh you're just a clueless baitposter I see
whatever helps you fazesissies sleep, gotta win 13 rounds not 11
3kliks has another channel called fartmaster
allegedly? it's probably been confirmed by someone doing csi but i don't remember
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channel has been removed
i'm a spirit supporter because of donk but I gotta say seeing that round was won because of a bug puts a bit of a damper on the whole win
a deserved ot would've been kino and I believe spirit would still have won it
seeing the major end in a wet fart of a bugged round is actually kind of shit ngl :/
hey buddy don't be down, faze lost it well before the final round, it didn't really matter in the end.
but it was not before the final round, it was round 24 going into ot
yeah but whatif ropz missed his jumping awp shot, then they lose even before that.
he didnt
just like broky didn't throw his smoke right
youre right it was bugged
yet somehow despite the millions of smokes thrown before, nobody realized it?
unlikely, he just messed it up and they lost, simple as.
some bugs are rarely consequential
anyways man I just want bug free finals and a bug free game both for myself and for the pro games I watch
the nade bug just makes the game worse
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>navi team of the year despite disastrous second half
nerves just got the best of him i guess, skill issue.
>bug just got the best of him i guess, bug issue.
>throwout the major, nobody else missed a smoke like broky
skill issue
throughout, nobody threw a bugged smoke*
>if a make this shitty strawman maybe no one will notice
anon pls...
>broky is the ONLY ONE who missed this smoke, it's a game issue and not a him issue
Broky could have just shot shiro in the head
But he didn’t
Oh well
>I'll just keep repeating and beating this same strawman I made up
anon you could be better if you tried
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it was reborn
they likely did, it just didn't end up as important as this one
anglos were a mistake
i'm a vitality support because of zywoo but I gotta say seeing that major was won because of shit opponents puts a bit of a damper on the whole win
a deserving run would've been kino and I believe vitality would still have won it
seeing the major end in a wet fart of easy teams is actually kind of shit ngl :/
what the fuck this is retarded
i'm a na'vi support because of jL but I gotta say seeing that major was won because of a missed clutch puts a bit of a damper on the whole win
a deserving run would've been kino and I believe na'vi would still have won it
seeing the major end in a wet fart of a missed shot is actually kind of shit ngl :/
I'n a spirit fan and I'm happy :)
i'm a faze supporter because of karrigan but i gotta say seeing that round was lost because broky missed his 1v1 puts a bit of a damper on the whole loss
a deserved ot would've been kino and i believe spirit would still have won it
seeing the major end on a wet fart of a failed clutch is actually kind of shit ngl :/
actually mindbroken
actually based
>spirit no roster changes
magixx chads stand up
Spirit on top, fags stay seething, life is good
I'm a faze supporter but I'm glad Spirit(faze's father)btfo faze again in a grand final and made karrigan cry again.
Sad! Many such cases!
incredibly based
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Damn, ropz changed a lot after loosing that grand final...
Spiritsissies falseflaggy~
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Uhhhh... donksissies???
ZAMN...the HRT is hitting fr
Fill me in on the latest roster rumors bros.
Elige to McDonalds
Just accept your defeat, poor little fazesissiycel...
I'm not sure I believe that...
It's actually Subway
I heard Elige is joining Vitality to join his bald brother xqtzzz
nabros we're fucking BACK
Tier 1 is NA clay once again
Sold my fagiletto...:(
Not the max red tippy ToT
Yep, no more red tippy itt
A sad day for /cs2g/. Press F or something like that.
>no more based red tippy poster
>no more tier1 or 2 tournaments for 2025
>most exciting roster moves is fucking BIG
should we just terminate magog for the rest of the year?
>no more based red tippy poster
I bought something else...
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Don't care
It was only funny the first time
Where are we thinking that bald weirdo is going?
G2 seems like an obvious choice if they just want a new niko
Liquid also, but apparently there's some bad blood between current players? (also, when are they gonna kick that ugly faggot yekindar? makes my piss boil that anyone considers him a good player)

nothing like some kino to end the weekend
well well well dickheads looks like i was right again, pay for esports or enjoy your gambling sites
We need a full bald team.
Elige, Grim, Taz, Taco, xqtzzz and just need one more.
Nobody cares Richard go drink another bottle of whiskey and cry on twitter.
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G2 +kyousuke
Krimz is more likely to grow hair than leave Fnatic
he's like god exposing this shit guys
so this is confirmed, you are all corrupted
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pigkraine also won 2 majors
just realized all achievements are removed from CS2, why did they do that? literally no fun allowed: the game
is magixx top 20?
kyosuke can't leave til he graduates, he also said he's staying
probably got fucked from new engine and it's just too low priority to care about yet
>just realized all achievements are removed from CS2
Apparently you didn't miss them
just like the cheating amirite lads?!?!
uh oh it was a smoke bug fraud major
spiritbros i'm not feeling so good...
do you anons watch fragmovies? I have a couple I want to make but can't get demo manager to work and its making me upset
years ago
Log off karrifraud
Why does liquipedia list the winner of Perfect World Shanghai Major 2024* as
because they won thanks to the smoke bug
Mickey Mouse run
Mickey Mouse BO3 finals
Donk microtoggled
Broky’s monitor was actually off the entire series
It's warranted tbf
The way the majors are run currently, they don't deserve a category of their own. They're not even S tier, more like A+ tier.
so people won't mix up fraudulent wins* with legitimate winners
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>tl;dr gambling in games aimed at children is bad
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What are you guys talking about? CS2 still has achievements.
where's this * on liquipedia? here are 3 spots they show the winner and there's no *
based triples of retardation
but it was there, they hide it during special ziggers operation
I cannot stop laughing how fluke there are
>EWC final won against freshly assembled team
>EPL s20 against team kebab (and they barely kwabbed this)
>Rio final won against well known scene chokers
>Copenhagen which was confirmed as fluke multiple times
I think the showdown between flukers and frauds will go to the flukers this year however
fluvi being team of the year is guaranteed
>get the most wins
>get the most silver medals too (faze takes tie priority because majors though)
...w-what does fluke mean in this context?
it just means they're a fan of another team
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he's just coping, nobody else is crying about this on twitter/hltv/reddit/etc, just this one anon
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faze are finished
guess I didn't get my Christmas wish of 1 more year of the Faze lineup

So are they gonna move Frozen more towards ropz' positions and get a pure star rifler?
I just hope my retard stays
ngl lowkey sad, this faze team was goated. ah well it is what it is
So are faze getting spinx or jimmy now?
so now G2 are gonna miss out on Jimi and get stuck with Spinx
>ropzless faze
I will now root for your team
+kyousuke or +jimpphat would be crazy. every other option is 2nd priority imo
damn, now spirit get another *
bug *
faced a dead team *
faze kyousuke
can this kyousuke guy even speak english?
who cares?
this new vitality team is giga stacked. probably most firepower in team we've seen ever no? zywoo flamez ropz
pretty much, and if they don't win everything next year, it's actually a flop
it'll be extra hilarious when they bomb out
>spirit literally ended careers and broke faze
holy BASED
everyone was lamenting n0ko's swans song while an actually good player had his last event
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who will they have in place before kyosuke joins?
IF this kyousuke dude is actually good as they hype him to be AND knows english well enough to truly vibe with the team, then I really wanna see it happen. I've always wondered what if someone with someone with insane talent like donk or m0nesy had karrigan igl, and this could be it
nah ropz was probably already leaving regardless. there were rumors before
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>the end of faze as we know it
>to truly vibe with the team
You sound like a faggot, faze management will sell their souls to get this guy
I'm talking about team chemistry dummy. karrigan is the type of igl to go with the flow. if he's just a stoic with working english, it's not gonna work as well
>ended careers
what did he mean by this?
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Uh-Oh! Fazesissies, I think your team is falling apart...
damn unexpected as fuck
great move from Vitality
I'm not a faze fan but I wouldn't gloat before seeing their final roster for 2025
honestly this is not that surprising (for faze). people have short-term memory and forget that faze sucked for like 80% of the year and before the major everyone was saying roster changes are overdue
>ropz will join Vitality on a free transfer following the expiry of his contract with FaZe
this org is genuinely retarded
Check comments, it's literary over, faze are crumbling in front of our own eyes...
I bet next you're gonna ask us to updoot your reddit account
this is not the fault of the org, or anyone's fault per se. at the end of the day it's ropz's decision. on paper this vit team is stacked; it's understandable why he'd chose them over the aging faze roster
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>just leaves
>spends his Christmas in agony
>gets sold to RareAtom

What an end...
kwab euromutts
CS2 needs more gun animation changes.
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he's not wrong
>spirit mind raped faze in the first tourney of the year, causing them to choke in the first major
>then mind raped them AGAIN in the last tourney of the year, causing them to destroy their roster
>this is not the fault of the org
t. likeminded genuine retard
ropz never stopped being an extremely valuable commodity other teams wanted. he signed a 2 year deal in 2022. if you don't want your expensive desirable players to wander off when they want a change of scenery then every year, one year before the end of their contract, you ask them to sign a 2 year contract extension. if they say no, you have a year to sell them and use the money to buy someone new
two consecutive faze players have just waited a couple months for their contract to run out and walked away for free, and the last one talked publicly about how they didn't even make him an offer until like a month before his contract ended
oh wait your right mb. figures, faze management is nonexistent anyway
bruh how is vitality paying, cuz like zywoo is already highest paid, and flamez and apex are top-dollar. now they add ropz
they have like 3 or 4 gambling/skin sponsors so they're loaded with cash. regardless, ropz in yellow is gonna look so weird
Close your eyes and imagine jimi in for Mezzi as well
This would have to be the most stacked team
if you're imagining a team and it doesn't have donk on it it's not the most stacked team
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FaZe + Disco Doplan much???
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>ropz in yellow
i wish they go back to yellow, they have white jerseys and a full black logo instead of the original
I've a fan that went through 2018-2021, so this aint even the worst. ggs
is donk the youngest hltv#1 ever?
>apex are top-dollar
bro what
apex is a replacement-level player
The Woo will humble donk in 2025 with less pissraelis weighing him down.

Jokes aside I'm only talking about what's possible, I doubt donk ever plays outside of a Russian team
yeah but he's getting top dollar
you guys don't even let yourselves imagine -apex
weird stockholm syndrome shit
why do you keep trying to make this about
random question, but who would you rather include if you wanted to build the most stacked superteam rn: zywoo or monesy?
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Jame is going either to FaZe or Vitality, whether you like it or not that's the reality that you will have to live in
Jame's system doesn't work in a superteam, so not vitality. I highly doubt faze is getting rid of karrigan either
the younger one
>Jame's system
There is no system, he was talking about it on his last stream
it's spirit's fault, faze were in a rut for most the year after losing to them and now the team is falling apart after losing to them
The system is sacrificing norbert whenever possible and jame saving the awp. Occasionally jame will passively hold the furthest angle he can find and bait his teammates (before saving again).
A great system.
the only real factor is
>faze were in a rut for most the year
spirit* has nothing to do with it
yeah i'm sure getting stomped 0-3 and losing your home major immediately after are complete coincidence lol
Well, looks like he will have to sacrifice ropz from now and on, Jame Time babyyyyyyy!
they beat spirit at the first major unless you forgot
yes they got extremely lucky scraping by before collapsing
did faze even win a tourney this year? all i remember is them losing
They won IEM Chengdu
why do you think he still seethes about them
faze more like fadez
yeah but then they lost, so did they really get over the mental hurdle?
does that count
>degster patsi s1ren
they didn't beat spirit they beat spirit*
wait I'm retarded
we knew
at least you got the names right even if it was unintended
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how can this be real
More like vita are finished
UHHH BROS? How did he know in 2022
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My favorite team is going to die. ropz please debunk this...
godky bros... what will we do
faze are DONE
>missing the valve ranking system approved launders lan
shit list
ZywOo's first ever HLTV game on record was with ropz in a mix team, I believe they've know each other for a long time
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It's time
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>FaZe just forgets about twistzz's contract, he leaves
>FaZe just forgets about ropz's contract, he leaves
>rain retires
>broky goes into deep depression because he lost all his bros, starts taking meds and never makes ballsy plays anymore
>karrigan senile calls
I guess this is it... This is how the story ends for my heroes, no happy ending...
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Seriously, is FaZe management non-existent or totally incompetent? How do you just let top talents like Twistzz and ropz leave like this.
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Why is everyone acting like it's completely FaZe's fault for Twistzz leaving? He chose to leave.
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faze are finally finished
counter strike is saved
he looks way less dead inside in this photo
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>alrighte, breake time is over
>*pulls out tec9*
falcons broky
>G2 apparently sent offers to flameZ, Jimi, and now ropz. And all three refused.
>worst coach in tier 1 cs
>worst igl in tier 1 cs
>probably among the worst management in tier 1 cs since they hired both
any sane person would refuse
>worst igl in tier 1 cs
chopper is in G2 now?
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>the igl who can win a major with one good player is worse than the igl who can't even get to the grand final with a top 3 rifler and the best awper in the world
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Ah I see, so snax is a shit IGL because he can't win a major with a top 3 rifler and chopper is a good IGL because he can win with the literal best rifler of all time.
You could swap chopper for snax at the major and it wouldn't even change the outcome, they won because magixx lifegamed hard. There were 0 strats that saved that match, only firepower.
>only firepower
based and true
I'm hoping they're back in for Jimpphat now that m0NESY is officially staying, surely when him and ropz are available you can't miss out on both. surely.
as a star, why the fuck would you join g2 if m0nesy is out the door in a year or less?
hunter is ass, snax is ass and a bad igl, taz is clinically retarded, malbs is very good but there are other teams with 2 or more good players
>You could swap chopper for snax at the major
snax doesn't speak russian, dummy
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>karrigan saves elige, elige saves karrigan
>leaves 2 years later with a major, becomes an igl on col saving na
pvre sovl incoming
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I think we need X GOD for these types of shenanigans...

how mad is m0nesy??
FaZe sissies..Sp1r1t buckbroke us..
Occasional reminder CS2 Premier mode "season 1" is still going, 1.5 year after the game fucking launched.
who cars
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We are not done with you, fazesissies...You already know who's out next...
So why are r*ssians so obsessed with sissy porn?

+karrigan (coach)
ZywOo to rifle
mezii to IGL

The essence of FaZe lives on
>The essence of FaZe lives on
>no rain
rain will replace FlameZ in a few years and become the oldest Major winner ever
Just gonna leave this one here...
is it over for crygan?
JiJieHao awaits...
Why is CSGO even a thing? I played CS:S and I got bored after like a week of playing it.
>Why is CSGO even a thing?
it isn't
Karrigoat to local heroes
NAbros hold fast
It’s coming
what is
Danger Zone
elige to falcons
why does he have a 1 when he's never won a major
name should be nik0
The Amazing Savant...
Vitality twitter account basically confirmed it
it's joever
Last night, my High school sweetheart of two and a half years broke it off with me (M20)with her main reason being she wanted to pursue being a stripper/sex worker and stated some emotional bullshit reasons as well that we had never had a serious conversation about, but Stripping and sexwork obviously was really the main reason. Shit sucks you know, but I called my buddy who was getting one of my Christmas gifts with her(I asked for a CS skin for Christmas and asked him to help her get it so it didn’t ruin the surprise) and he has my ft almost mw inheritance still. So I guess I got a whore out of my life and a FT inheritance. Guess I’m glad it happened though, better than happening when we started a life together.
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so true
Reddit or hltv copypaste, call it
>I called my buddy who was getting one of my Christmas gifts with her(I asked for a CS skin for Christmas and asked him to help her get it so it didn’t ruin the surprise) and he has my ft almost mw inheritance still. So I guess I got a whore out of my life and a FT inheritance. Guess I’m glad it happened though, better than happening when we started a life together.
I have no idea what half of those words mean in that context
Sorry about your whore ex though
The fact that it's a free transfer probably has a lot to do with it. FlameZ was also for free iirc.
dude got ratiod HARD
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>He was loved by 100% of the CS community
Man I love me some cocomelon level content
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Does this option even do anything? I keep getting recommended shit I don't want to watch even after I tell YouTube to fuck off with it.
It does. Just be careful about what you click on and tell Youtube when you start getting recommended videos you don't want. I've trained the algorithm well on my end and generally get good recs for music and videos
I keep getting 0 view lets plays for shit I don't care about.
That sucks. I'm not saying it's perfect. There's always one or two shitty recs for me too, but most are relevant to what I watch.
I saw that video and in 1 hour and 10 i think zont1x didn't talk more than once even though he was in almost every scene
i was very surprised to hear his post game interview say "this is the best environment and team for me"
every vlog and match seems like he'd rather be anywhere else.
good, cut his ass and +kyousuke
i think he's just camera shy but tries to play it off by playing nonchalant
he's sort of like young broky
broky my forsaken goat...
broky my retard goat...
broky my losing 1v1 vs shiro goat
broky my missing smokes goat
so, when does the 1,5 minute supershitum video drop?
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nobody knows how to properly define what "eye test" is except for me
kyousuke lost to shadowkek and buster today, it's over for him
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i'm off for two weeks for the holidays does anyone want to play premier
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donk while really fucking good is also a one trick as it's easier to spray long range in this game because of the tracers. Spraying is insanely good in this game at medium/long-ish range if you can handle the pattern when it's one tracer per bullet
this is your last chance to post nonretroactive top 20 predictions
donk is top 1 and the rest do not matter
actually i locked in on hltv, i will gloat if its close and never post it if im wrong
I blocked Athlean X years ago and haven't seen one of his videos recommended since.
>he's not doing his facepulls
oh no no no
Christmas coming early for G2 fans tomorrow
is christmas what you call your boyfriend
more dilation?
it's christmas tomorrow for nordic niggas doe
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that can only mean one thing
vitality's spending bill/wages must be enormous. they recently bought the two best valorant players, and now they get ropz as well. zywoo is also apparently the highest-paid cs player too
Christmas is tomorrow
humongous if true
why was navi so shit at the major?
Every single major win after Boston has been fraudulent.
They weren't that shit except the Spirit game, they were just not at their best and Heroic played really well
Every big team had some real shitty events, Vitality was last in Katowice, Spirit was terrible in Cologne and probably the worst top 6 showing of the year with G2 in Rio, Mouz went out in groups at EPL etc.
jLoser will never be the mvp of another important tournament
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only -5 rounds so not that bad
faze were actually -18
>a nation of serfs dominated for centuries by different heavy-handed leaders
gee I wonder
regression to the mean
jL had his worst event in navi jersey, wonderful kept whiffing sitters, b1t was mediocre at best and iM being their best player otherwise did perhaps the dumbest peek of the whole major causing them to lose a bo1 upset. Aleksi topfragging is always a sign of something being wrong.
The most popular theory has just been fatigue & burnout since it looked like their players just forgot which way to hold a mouse. I give them three events to bounce back or start making changes.
>fatigue & burnout
i think the schedule will cause teams to have to pick and choose tournaments sooner or later
2025 is looking PACKED
Kek the troon seething. Spirit won, Ziggers won. Stay seething!
They just are
Western faggots can't stop bringing up gay porn and projecting it to everyone else lol
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>looked like their players just forgot which way to hold a mouse
they were too used to the mickey variety
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>Call the other side fags
>Y-you must lovefag porn!
Brain worms
>If you call other people a faggot y-youre the one thats gay!
Yeah ok buddy, I also like how you're an expert of gay porn specifics KEK
This reddit tourist doesn't know basic 4chan culture? Fucking newfags.
Go back.
Try to pick one lie and stick to it
>No rebuttal
I accept your concession.
FaZe lost Sp1r1t won. FaZe fall off is delicious)))
was cs created is russia? Is the ownership and management russian?

uh oh I think it's time for defenestrations for collaborating with western influences
Valve is american
>is exposed by contradicting lies
>cannot argue for either
I accept your concussion :)
>Contradicting lies
Feel free to point them out fagboy+Meds
cs was unironically created by some viet gook
gooseman built it with cliffe, on the massive groundwork of valve (and the quake engine before that, created by id)
It's actually much, much worse...
...he was CANADIAN!
stop shitting up the thread mate, you were already exposed
come back stronger after christmas
If FaZe has rain, ropz, karrigan, broky and twistzz then I am a fan.
If FaZe has rain, ropz, karrigan, broky and frozen then I am a fan.
If FaZe has rain, karrigan, broky and frozen then I am a sad fan.
If FaZe has broky and frozen then I am a very sad fan.
If FaZe only has frozen I will kill myself.
Thank you FaZe for giving Sp1r1t 2 of their greatest victories. Happy disbanding!
FaZexister having a lil melty kekk
Ropz status?
Remember how you were coping about r*ssians not being into trannies?
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what's niko thinking rn?
Take your meds faggot

Falcons might be cooking for once
may as well get arrozdoce too, falcons
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why is simple so washed?
What did he do to deserve all of this?
Holy shit tier 5000
surely this time
his cheats didn't carry well into CS2
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>24 year old literal boomer
>rising star
niko noko more like no major tho
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I don't care about a single of the EOY rankings. I watch CS to be entertained
Let's make a 2024 top10 entertaining teams (on the server, not outside drama - Astralis wins that easily)

On the top of my head, in no specific order:
Somehow managing to win just by pure firepower even though they make the most simple and sometimes retarded calls was really entertaining. They also have monesy who is always good for some insane highlight moments
You all know why. Insane plays and bullshit rounds and incredible comebacks. They somehow make it a close map no matter if they're playing a top5 or a top30 team.
donk's crazy pop offs alone makes them a contender. But the way his team is so insanely inconsistent just makes it the more exciting. You never know if someone else on the team has a good match, but if none are, there's a good chance they get their shit pushed in, even if donk topfrags
> it's so unfortunate that the greatest rifler in CS history went 0.88 vs C9 at Boston, missed 3 deagle shots vs s1mple with back turned, dropped 0.95 in G2's elimination map at Antwerp, went negative in the loss to GamerLegion in the Rio RMR, went 14-23 in map 3 vs fnatic in the 1-2 game at Paris, finished 15-17 on the deciding map of the Copenhagen semi-final, and 17-21 on Nuke at Shanghai. So unfortunate, one day for sure NiKo will stop being so unlucky and finally win a major.
One more superteam bro, I promise he'll win the Major
Wtf is going on with your font dude
Just FaZe.
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>Twistzz barefoot
Based or cringe? I feel gross walking barefoot on hard floors
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I stopped playing for like a month and I can't fucking spray anymore, I whiff even the easiest kills. it's so depressing.
shut the fuck up american
>I feel gross walking barefoot on hard floor
is this some weird fucking european thing? never heard of this.
2024 was the low in danish cs2, time to buy and go bullish for 2025
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Please come back... both of you...
The two Euros are (rightfully) wearing socks inside though
device just got engaged, if she cheats on him like all 3dpd do, dane dog cs is done
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not so fast
I used to be pretty decent at spraying in CSGO but CS2 just raped me completely. Been over year now and I still couldn't adapt to this game.
Subtick murdered me
I can’t even bhop
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What's up with 3kliksphilip filming himself farting, that's so weird bruh
Are community servers still kill in CS2?
yo "na revival any day now" guy, check out elevate's new na core
oh no! who will sign timbercucks incel loser now?
Give it to me straight lads. Falcons is doomed to another year of mediocrity right?
NiKo is going to do something bad to himself this Summer...
I think the chinless hapa dude was fucking a female cs pro
there was some (shopped?) leak where he was making fun of the trains on her team
My crack pipe theory is that he has some clause in the agreement in the contract he signed with Falcons that he is allowed to pull out if they fuck up the roster.
>fucking a female cs pro
chuds are always chasers huh
he already did
female (female)
NiKo to FaZe
EliGE to FaZe__
elige is to bitchmade for faze 2bh
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>elige is to bitchmade for faze
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i only like the ones that aren't over edited
like a highlight video?
i guess or music video? i hate the cod style over edited blur , prefer good music and clip selection
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I don't get it, that's exactly what karrigan does
elder abuse
how could donk do this
>christmas eve
>want to play cs but don't want to look like that loser playing cs alone on Christmas Eve
now you're just that loser posting on 4chan on christmas eve
at least its anonymous i guess, but i'll remember you
life is too short to care about things like that anon, do what you like but not too much
checked and true
Why are you alone on Christmas Eve
Anyway you might as well play what you want, who cares
You're probably alone anyway so you may as well enjoy being alone
yes but being surrounded by other alone people playing cs at 2am on christmas morning makes it worse
>$7 skin from weekly drop
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>ch0k0 abandons his cousin and the best awper in the world but it's ok because unlimited oil money will just allow them to buy the best players, right?
>they're instead going the quentin tarantino route and buying underappreciated players for cheap because no prominent tier 1 players want to join the clown fiesta org
>ch0k0 doesn't even have a CHANCE at a major anymore and his legacy will be reduced to "the best player who never won a major and just gave up"
thank you based oil sheikhs and god for making this happen. it was the funniest outcome possible
Guradian is still the best player to never win a major.
>soon danish CS will be subsumed into NA CS
NAbros… we’re so fucking back
He looks like a boiled egg
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interz bros, we are so back... again
how does he do it
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It's out
damn I had him at 19
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its over
get an ad
is there any stats on how much different pro players get dropped? like in $ per round.
it would be interesting to see much different awpers "cost".
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literally who
weird pick but he was robbed last year when he actually deserved it so it's fair in the end i guess
Probably something like the 5th or 6th best AWPer out there
Let's be honest the AWP tier list looks something like this:

Afterwards you've got guys like 910, degster, broky and torzsi duking it out over the next few spots.

the definition of mid
Yea. Grim.
We need s0mple back in the game.
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gonna cry incel
>sex with freya
faze xertion
Understandable but have you considered
>sex with sjokz
Sniperfags get the rope
I don't think anyone can bhop
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I appreciate Snax for making sure his hand is in the frame. Zywho could never.
I don't have a twitter so fill me in on the spicy roster moves anons.
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hungarians look like THAT?! so fvcking aryan..
Is kyousuke actually good or is it just an hltv meme?
He's matched donk's academy stats, enough to warrant a real team already at least
But surely Spirit doesn't pull a second donk out of their ass?
pretty good list, where is this image from?
Faze down!
he is, but he will probably stay in TSA at least until this season's summer break
You mean until Falcon is really desperate and willing to fork over a couple million for him?
remember when csgog actually played cs
i would play if CS2 wasn't so shit, i turned it on today and i died post-jiggle 2 times in the first 5 rounds, and im not even on high ping. not to mention movement still feels like shit no matter what FPS you got. this game is literally only worth playing if you are pro, aspiring to be pro, or completely new to CS so you don't know any better.
but i agree it's boring without actual game talk and only esports, pretty sure it's not even within the official rules of this board
Do you want me to post about my terrible spray control instead of esports?
I want you to post your inventory and talk about skins here
After some random CS 2 patch I went from 300+ fps to sub 60. So why would I play it?
you fags all stopped playing way before cs2 don't pretend that's the issue
goated mix of who fucking cares + dogshit (except kyousuke and heavygod)
My Twitter https://x.com/statsmeister1/status/1871987502640447794
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back when cs was actually good? great times
this thread is for cs2 esports not your tinder results
what are we supposed to do during the player break
Play the game :)
Should an IGL be able to make the Top-20 with the merits of their leadership and team success? Aleksib is absolutely a Top-20 player in terms of value. Maybe we need another list of the Top-20 most valuable players in the world.
Should a player be able to make the Top-20 with the merits of their fanbase and org fiscal success? FalleN is absolutely a Top-20 player in terms of value. Maybe we need another list of the Top-20 most valuable players in the world.
>Should an IGL be able to make the Top-20 with the merits of their leadership and team success?
They should, but HLTV only looks at fragging so it's not gonna happen unless they completely revamp their criteria
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What other guns for this feel? Working on a Chatterbox, otherwise not really sure what fits. Preferably high tier stuff.
yea as soon as you can turn that into a number
What feel? Grunge?
tetanus, grunge, rusty, homeless, etc
Hmm that's a tough one, cs skins don't actually have good themeing potential outside of colors imo
retarded post. finns and finnfans are a pox on this earth
how would you tell that aleksib was responsible and not im midrounding or blad3 coaching or some faceless analyst who made 50 strats and figured out the opposition's crucial weakness? you can't hear comms and even if you could there are languages the judges would never be able to understand like mongolian
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tyloo has lost another player and now down to 3
starry has joined lynn vision
starry went from lynn vision to tyloo back to lynn vision in the past year
thorin says vertigo is bad
he's just latching onto all pro teams refusing to play it
Vertigo is good and pros are too dumb to appreciate it.
>cs skins don't actually have good themeing potential outside of colors imo
Except for weeb/jap stuff. Almost every weapon has a skin for that.

I have an AK Phantom Disruptor and an M4A1 Leaded Glass, both factory new with G2 autograph stickers.
And he is right.
What this anon said >>1550927
Also, would you want chopper on the top20 list? Or snax if G2 won the major?
IGL is a thankless job and that's OK. Fans, analysts and players know which IGLs elevate their teams. We don't need some stupid number to tell us who's good
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kyousuke will HUMBLE donk
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wonderful got that red tippy haircut
>We don't need some stupid number to tell us who's good
On that note: kyxsan has really surprised me. I didn't see why heroic would want him at the start of the year, but the whole team has just slowly gotten better for the last 6 months. Probably also helped that they finally got their awp'er
They lost thundercock to mongolz, but at every other tournament I remember they blew my expectations
not a finn or finnfan but who the hell else can you consistently attribute navi's success *inside* the server to?
also I'm not saying igls should get into hltv top20, we have igl of the year award+nominees for that already
it's a room-temperature take
it's the worst map in cs
Respectfully bussin' cut my boy got on him.
the flashback skins
also the oxide blaze has that rusty look
damn she's just as ugly as him
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>Hey xisters
who's 19th?
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absolutely DEMOLISHED
wonderful is a good boi and did nothing wrong
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Already debunked
Hahahahaha wtf
post +kyousuke theories for every top 10 team
watch world juniors

this is why Spinx left the team
he is also getting old, never good for reflex
vitality era and you're laughing?
elige is in brazil and was playing with a few streamers
maybe he's going to a brazilian team
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robbed of top 10
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>just play premier bro
Nah fuck off with this shit game that's completely dead in NA
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cs was always dead in NA compared to EU ever since valorant came out
the next few players will be iM, ropz, Nertz, Xantares (possibly they get Malbs and zont1x in there but i don't believe it) then all the top rated players will predictably follow up to m0nesy, ZywOo and donk.
now that they have a real ceremony publishing articles kind of lost the meaning, just announce everything on the day of HLTV awards, like Ballon d'Or.
This is as far as you will go, USAsissies...
anyone serious is playing faceit anyway, you will probably get more balanced matches there
malbs should be like 12-14th yeah?
same with twistzz
I was speaking to usasissies, Canada and Guatemala bros are alright
>Canada and Guatemala
those are part of the usa though
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I miss csgo so much why can't I time travel back to 2014 and high school
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I need a good high tier awp for these gloves but this is the best I could find. Maybe in mid-float BS? currently using a BS Exo but trying to get something a bit more flashy but still rusty/tetanus looking
>>>/twitch chat/
it starts to look like shit at like 0.9+, idk why the fuck people meme about the "green witch" garbage which is 3x cheaper and just looks worse
ded thred, ded game, >>>/reddit/
>buying 1k plus awp to match 50$ gloves
Genius, and no you won't look like a based rusty hobo killer if you have a medusa LoL
what the fuck is float?
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I have rust knives for the larp, I couldn't find better looking gloves for the look other than caution for CT side
The wear rating, which decides how fucked up your skin looks
Is that a high float rust coat? Kinda looks like explosive diarrhea, but I respect the larp, also why is your agent black?
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just grabbed this for FREE, later poors
It is so obvious now that Elige will move to G2
How so?
Why would he be white? He's supposed to be homeless and looking to shank you.
And yeah they're both >0.95 iirc, above 0.9 the entire blade is covered. Rust looks much rustier in high float
ok, ok, I see, very based
Watch that forest gnome floms reaction video
Donk vs kyousuke
that's tomorrow
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Bruh, bye bye NA!
Col +lake???
complexity are actually folding their team, just finalizing the last transfers
why is na so bad?
non-bait question. i'm genuinely curious.
people here do not take games seriously, at all. we don't have the tism to grind 16 hours a day to increase our skill .01%
pc gaming fell off harder in NA
donk has the highest cs2 esport earnings OF ALL TIME
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uh guys, smokes keep disappearing in my game
like they're literally not there and I can see people normally
I'm scared of getting banned, I got a collat through smoke last game and I didn't even realise
wasn't this happening earlier this year because of a driver bug?
can't be true since there's 3 majority NA big teams in Valorant
who tf plays valorant?
Imagine getting banned because game broke LoL!
wtf kek
way back when CS2 released i heard of smokes not rendering if you play on a really low end GPU, like laptop integrated graphics type shit
4090 cucks in the mud kek
robbed asl
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New snowy dust is too cozy, just like the Shanghai Major!
updated my drivers and it seems fixed so far
was only happening for two games but if I get banned at least I have recordings
I watched the demo and it 100% looks like walling kek
holy fuck....
cs sucks in EU because russians are everywhere, but I've never seen a rating discrepancy anywhere near that bad bad

what are there? like 150 people playing in the US?
wtf? he must be joking right?
im not going to find it but the leetify thing showed it was like 1/10th the eu population
That only proves his point lmao
i hate this fag so much
so why'd you post him here?
i'm gonna assume you watched his video, at least some.
This guy wouldn't be such a smart investigator pretendin', suspenders wearin', coffee drinkin' if he had a metal rod sticking out of his head
unironically robbed
Entire comment section is straight outta' reddit
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>broky's play-dough body at 8:30
He really just let himself go didn't he?
look at that gut and man titties
i'm surprised more teams don't have players on training/diet regiments like pro sports
i am fairly certain this used to be a thing and covid killed it
day 1 of praying for faze jimpphat or kyousuke
they got elige
broky before faze looked like the typical lanky east european. after he joined he legit got so fat
the bald baby is probably going to g2
no its -mezii +elige
he streamed yesterday as the Major winner and MVP and had only a couple thousand viewers
elige top 5 rating, kpr, opening kills, adr, 1+kill rounds
gay "team success" losers and blamef scamming the system ruined this list. hunter #13 2023 was the last straw
you know exactly what you could attribute it to, all the things that made aleksib a failure before he joined navi. teammates coaches analysts support staff front office whatever
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holy fug kino incoming
>betboom tourneys
betboom such a funny name to me
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How have I never seen this picture before
brain too big for skull
kyousuke will teach d0nk and m0nesy how to play CS2
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>[steel] will be in a good team to showcase his skill under steel
this is why elige is the na goat
Where's Flyquest?
I am
remember when csgog actually played cs
this, but also >>1551002
there should always be a "no brain" map in the pool
actual schizo post
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you already posted that
also i asked if anyone wanted to play over the holidays and got no replies
new young talent just dropped
nothing there is particularly outlandish
holy fucking SHIT, you are all definitely fucked now

Two more weeks until Valve collapses
>fucking team success faggots!
>but statfarming is also bad! (unless it's the handful of frauds overrated by delusional fans like me)
>the guy who worked his way up with shit material to making a lackluster roster into the literal best team in the world is also a failure btw
ergo disjointed schizo babble
nice just bought 10k more in skins
mindless drone
you sound broke
someone itt was postulating that an igl should be a top 20 player, and last year the player with the 33rd best rating (sub-1.00 at 40% of events) was mid-top 20 because of a team peak at one event. this prioritization of team success is a bastardization of an award for individual form
this shift coincides with, and is partially prompted by players like blamef. if you intentionally run at ecos to farm opening kills (and opening kill success rate), multikills, etc. while baiting your teammates every round to lower your dpr then you are gaming the system and should not be rewarded for it. hltv were fine giving blamef #6 in 2020 with more than half of his playoff maps from a single event, but by 2024 they need a way to drop the statistically #3 rated player to #16. they won't fix their rating system by making it leetify-esque, and they like a veneer of objectivity, so they formalize it as a rule: "we need evps and mvps and playoff runs." elige is not an empty-calorie stats player. he has a red dpr stat, he takes 1.05x as many entries vs pistols as rifles, to blamef's 1.74x or apex's 1.8x or his own teammate hallzerk's 1.55x, he IS carrying his team, he's just carrying them from 40th itw to 15th. this is not a contradiction, it's a coherent through-line of a thought, and a story about goodhart's law
reading your third entry I now realize I've wasted my time as you're either illiterate or room temp iq. the public perception of aleksib pre-navi was that he had worked his way up and gotten a shot, yes, but that it was with g2. there he "proved he wasn't that guy," then affirmed by a terrible stint in nip. was he one of the top 20 LEAST valuable players for "failing these teams," i.e. a "failure" as I said? did he change completely and become 500x more valuable when he hit navi? or are there more factors in play (as mentioned in my post), making it difficult to isolate tactical and team success vs a list that should be "did you frag hard all year?"
fuck off you are part of the problem
I'm not reading all of that queer.
>but I have never played on an EU team with the best players in the world
Falcons EliGE confirmed.
>best players in the world
You haven't heard the news?
this is it, the end of cs
it's time to jump the ship guys
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Oh no... ewjerkz and jambo, WHO the fuck is jambo?
yeah I've seen enough. put that kyousuke guy on faze asap. his clips legit give prime niko vibes
>WHO the fuck is jambo?
The rising star of the hit sensation (Huak) PUA at the Shanghai 2024 Major.
Draft dodger extraordinaire
>schizo babble: triggered edition
anon it's time you did some self-reflection
What did he mean by this?

Image limit reached btw.
I occasionally make a thread but I’m in a nice spot away from home, and i dont think a lookout view is a particularly relevant OP image

I believe that you can make the next thread anon. we’re counting on you
that it's time for g2 to win a major after niko leaves

what is this
Kyousuke crosshair placement is crazy
This new generation who practiced on these peek practice things like yprac and refrag are going to be insane
this is a webm of a cat. in front of the cat are some maccas burgers in containers, and a drink. the camera frames the cat, who looks disappointed, and it slowly zooms in. the cat eventually starts to turn away, and the webm ends
Autism feeling
Thank you for believing in me anon!

it's not too late to learn to read, they have classses at your local community center
I donated to his patreon because of this post
post steam
friend code is 1049651368

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