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What will Chris Kringle bring you this edition?

>Current Live Patch - 3.24.3

>Current PTU Patch - 4.0 (looking to go live this Friday)

>Star Citizen Overview for New & Returning Players

>Compiled List of Useful Resources

>/SCG/ Referral Code Randomizer
Use a code from here during the account signup process to receive extra starting currency for you and the codegiver.
If you want to contribute your code, reply to the OP.

>Current Event
Luminalia (Star Citizen's Christmas event) is up and will be offering 11 free, permanent rewards to claim through this link (scroll down abit) from December 12th to 22nd: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/comm-link/transmission/20280-Luminalia-2954

>Recent News
CIG has confirmed a full database wipe will occur once 4.0 goes live: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/spectrum/community/SC/forum/1/thread/star-citizen-alpha-4-0-database-wipe
Master Modes is getting some big changes; watch this (or your faviroute youtubers reaction of this video) for the details: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c4cb33xM9ts

>4.0 Patch Watch

>JPEG News
The new single-seater heavy fighter named the Mirai Guardian and a QD variant will be flight ready for 4.0
Full tour here: https://files.catbox.moe/0ynsex.mp4

>Previous Thread
We need a medium salvage shipp
you need to get shoved in a locker rust huffer
>Current PTU Patch - 4.0 (looking to go live this Friday)
Yeah I'm not sure about this one chief.
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wake me when we'll get this
wait you can't buy any drug anymore for cargo hauling?
how are you supposed to make profits with small cargo ships from syulen to cutlass?
Kill bounties, loot their ships for drugs.
Alternatively (and I'm not 100% sure this is true) you could ferry ammunition to Pyro.
Some chucklefuck at CIG thought it would be a good idea to make sure that weapon shops have a finite supply of ammunition. So when retards buy ammunition in bulk for PVP, you're SOL unless you go to stanton.
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Chris is, and nothing will stop a marketing event.
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I have lots of folders, anon.
There's a 164MB "Tarps" folder with 279 files and 0 subfolders.
Then there's a 3.99GB "Cute and Funny" folder with 2,912 files and 27 subfolders
Both of them are inside a 8.52GB folder called "Ecchi", with 9,077 files and 120 subfolders.
Which is itself a subfolder in a 47.3GB folder called "Anime", with 62,524 files and a total of 698 subfolders
No episodes or manga volumes stored in there, either. It's all pictures, gifs, webms, and a few mp4s. I'm simply on a different level than you.
When will CIG increase the size of the loot boxes so we can get the fucking sub armours beyond just helmets?
I sneed my pembrooke armours Chris.
anyone else can't log in?
fixed now
furthest i got in my lazy searching is that it's sirius from azur lane, not putting in the effort to see if it's in any of the results on the panda.
anime image spammers are all homos
you're fooling no one.
like maybe you are successfully lying to yourself
but no one who isnt a fag saves trap content.
>Do the pilot’s wing weapons play as gimballed when not remotely manned by dedicated gunners?

>Yes, if there is nobody in the seats that control the wing weapons, then the pilot has control of them, albeit locked in the forward arc. Due to their location, their convergence is limited frontally, so they are only suitable for targets at mid/long distance. However, when independently controlled, they have full freedom of motion and can look pretty much in a full 180+ degree arc in all directions, allowing players to engage targets below, above, and behind.
How is the visibility with the blast shields activated, and why should we activate the blast shields in the cockpit?

>Due to their location, their convergence is limited frontally, so they are only suitable for targets at mid/long distance.

the monkeys paw curls glad I didnt go for one, hope you fags didnt get got either.
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anime website
What's the subject though?
is this for the paladin?
yeah its from todays paladin q&a
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any message about the delay on this?
funny that it's still in infinitely better shape than the deemer
>lost its guns
>lost its shields
>still flies like a boat
>pilot gets 2 S4 and 2 S3
>turrets do nothing unmanned
>S I X size 2 shields are impossible to properly power
if this is in your trap folder you are truly in denial on multiple levels
ngl i'd like a piece of that anime folder
kill yourself before you ruin another you retarded faggot
It's in the OP
are s4 and s5 missiles any good?
I know s3 are good but above the speed look too slow to do anything
s1 and s2 missiles are fast but do no damage
Missiles are pretty unreliable in general as far as I can tell, but when an S4 hits something you notice. If you can get the drop on an NPC bounty target, sometimes a single S4 is an instant kill. An S5 can cripple a Connie. You just have to get lucky because they can be pretty easy to dodge or countermeasure.
countermeasures are generally just too good for missiles to do a hell of a lot most of the time. much like how the PDCs make it so the current optimal polaris tactic is dryhumping the idrises that every pirate faction has an inexhaustible supply of to feed them torpedoes like a mother bird
This. PDCs are too reliable, and countermeasures are too effective. I'm all for countermeasures but when a single chaff/flare can defeat a double/quad launch of missiles they are too reliable. Even modern day missiles are more CM resistant than that.

Especially considering that multi-cm configuration is already part of the game. When I flew a support ship for my team in the Daymar Rally, I set up the 'panic button' to pop double chaff and 10 flares on a single input. Hit panic button, turn and burn. It worked great and this is how the mechanic should work - a pilot needs to decide the right balance between how many times they're able to pop CM vs how effective it will be and you should need to pop mumtiple charges to get a reliable counter.

As is, you almost have set your missile racks up so you have a bunch of S1s you can drip-feed to get an opponent to deplete their CMs before you launch real attacks with S3-4 missiles. Even then, larger ships have deep CM magazines. Overall I like the missile system I just think CMs need to be debuffed a bit, or trackers need to be buffed.
>sit Guardian Qi and Polaris between stations
>undock Qi, dampen carebears
>loot and scoot
Sounds alright.
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it's a whole different ball game when the AI fucking works
>looting allies for ammo
>throwing grenades at ships who's shields they can't break
>circling around and waiting for me at my fucking ship after I landed to flush the last of them out
Oh what the fuck, nevermind. Apparently it just prevents people from escaping, not actually catching them in space.
>quantum dampeners, interdictors and enforcement devices all do different shit
CIG's naming conventions SUCK
>accelerates full speed into your polaris
You have made today a very good day to die.
that's been the case since the mantis, do you even pvp
That's just an isolated incident.
>2 s3 gimbals
Oh my fucking god, solo piracy must be a nightmare in this game
No wonder people prefer to blow shit up instead of asking them to drop their cargo
Even if you successfully pirate, most dad's just detonate their ships out of spite anyway.
For as much as they say they want "proper" pvp, they refuse to engage with it even when it's done properly.
>does it again
What now?
Why do most freelancer variants have less HP than the base?
Why does the 315p even has a tractor beam?
Why is pyro loot worth less for time invested than stanton drug looting?
Whats even the purpose of advanced scanners like Terrapin, Aquilla, etc?
Wtf is the cutter rambler even used for besides transporting the player himself?

So many questions, so little time...
The crew working on the PU are basically the retard squad.
All of the talent is on S42 and won't be off it till it releases at the very end of 2026 (lol, lmao).
>Why do most freelancer variants have less HP than the base?
Freelancer is one of the most dated, and poorly aged models in the game. Which sucks because in theory a Freelancer MIS is my favorite ship but it's actually an ugly piece of shit.
>Why does the 315p even has a tractor beam?
300 series was supposed to be a premium line with the 300 representating a major upgrade over basic starters like the Aurora/Mustang, the 325a being an ideal bounty hunting ship able to mog light fighters and overrun fleeing criminals with superior speed, and the 315 being a solo explorer with a tractor beam for gameplay that nobody had even bothered thinking about.

Then it got powercrept to oblivion. The 325 is significantly out gunned by even light fighters and has a missile loadout which is too unreliable to make up for the garbage capacitor.
for me, it's wondering why the reclaimer doesn't have capital sized scrapers and as a result is basically a vulture with a larger buffer that needs three people for the same functionality
>mr president, a second aurora has hit the polaris
>Worse than that, it stuck on the fuselage somehow, it's twitching very fast, how is this possible? are we inside a poorly programmed simulation?
>Polaris blows up
>forgot to title the fucking thread and only just realised it now
kill me
Lol, lmao even
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>This may feel like our usual PTU process, but there is one key difference: by running both builds on the Live environment, we can take steps to ensure that your progress on 4.0 will carry over. Our goal is for anything you do and earn in the 4.0 Preview to persist without any further wipes—unless something major happens, though we do not anticipate that.
Alright, well.. okay? I guess?
You need a third party marketing team chris, that's all I'm saying.
>"multiple smaller shields can be a bonus in terms of redundancy and regen rates versus one larger shield"
>redeemer: 37020 max shielding, 2244 max regen, 24.62s full charge
>costs 18 fucking power
>paladin: 60,000 max shielding, 3310 max regen, 27.06s full charge
>for FIVE power
these retards had better have a massive shield rework in mind for the redeemer or they're really smoking something good.
>front entrance and an elevator in the back
gods ship
so does the "qi" give anything up for the its Qdampener or is it just better?
>be me
>have sweet dreaam
>just woke up by a storm
>see 4.0 drop 10 minutes ago
bruh should I sleep again or update
maneuverability, other than the vanguard hoplite it's objectively the least maneuverable heavy fighter tied with the f8c
what the fuck is a "preview", is the shit out or not
it's for
>we released it
>it's full of bug
>it's ok because it's a preview
the qd one vs the regular on I mean.
do they have different agility?
>This may feel similar to our usual PTU process, but there’s one key difference: by running both builds on the live environment, we can take steps to ensure that your progress will carry over. Our goal is for anything you do and earn in the 4.0 Preview to persist without any further wipes.
you can start your loot gobelin journey
4.0 preview is up
Also the guardian is in the shop
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>guardian is in the shop
but where is the mirai suit?
>buy our new ship
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Higher emission signature. Easier to detect at range.
Has a larger power plant, but the QD puts strain on energy weapons.
Heavier, less maneuverable.
The primary benefits of this ship are
>longer jump range than the Scorpius Antares (less than the vanguard series)
>it has living quarters
>it doesn't need two people to activate the QD
>it can fit inside a polaris
It's not the best pirate ship but it's alright.
>tfw correctly predicted price points during iae and CCU goblind to within 10 of either variant.
Can get the QDampener version for literally $5.
Regular version will be 10.
>project entropia is STILL alive
damn, what is it with space games and stockholm syndrome fanbases
although I'm sure PE was some kind of money laundering scheme from the outset, not an outright cult
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You don't need the base old version installed to play 4.0 right? I deleted 3.24 and installed 4.0 but it crashed on launch. Verify does nothing. I don't want to uninstall and reinstall the whole fucking thing again.
Did you restart your PC?
Yeah, didn't do anything. I just gave up and am redownloading it.
One bug you guys will encounter in 4.0 is having the quantum jump not function properly when jumping to an orbital station (Seraphim for example) after leaving a planet's atmosphere. To work around that, just qt anywhere else (OM markers for example) and then you will be able to make the trip to your local station.
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decent, but Ive become unenthused about the Zues as a solo ship. I had an MR for a while but right around the time the other two launched I just kinda lost interest in it. Made it into a starlancer and then made the starlancer into a Guardian
I think the CL is still pretty good for cargo running. I've been running it for hauling missions and it's very effective. The cargo space is tight though. I can't imagine doing anything else in it because it's garbage for combat.
Pisces Medical or Cutty Red if I'm looking to do solo medical stuff?
Steep difference in price between the two. Obviously the cutlass red is better. But the pisces is nice if you want the bare minimum to be effective.
Zeus is okay but if you have a warbond CCU to the Starlancer Max I personally think the extra $30 to chain into it is well worth the investment since it has double the firepower and nearly double the cargo capacity plus a much better cargo grid. Bit of a whale to fly though.
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Finally got in, and fell through the floor at the first outpost I landed on.
Okay why the fuck does every hauling contract in Pyro have 4 SCU boxes? Is there a single starter ship that can even fit a 4 SCU box on grid?
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Well I mean...
Sorry, I meant a reasonable starter, not one for shameless paypigs.
Cheapest "starter ship" that can carry 4 SCU is the Nomad.
https://discord.com/invite/QxNfp5xP if you want to play league of legends with friends (don't come if you are toxic pls)
Nice honeypot Chris
Hows Pyro loot? Bounty hunting and salvage missions specifically?
why are there no ship combat bounty missions spawning?
Starlancer seems good but it's also huge. I really dislike the cockpit view as well although I understand you aren't going to be doing any fighting in it.
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that feel when not at want for a single additional ship
I use the massive dashboard to put a decoration there. Makes it seem comfier.
Although them ripping the MFDs out of view is a dogshit decision and whoever was responsible for it needs to be shot.
You seem quite low person focused with the zeus and guardian, wouldn't a perseus be better than a polaris?
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i'm quite happy with the big bitch concerning the eventuality of press ganging hearties and the destitute and such into crew, pretty much the foremost multicrew platform it seems to me
it's also a rather opulently appointed ship concerning facilities and capacities
nice to have, when the opportunity or niche or simple want for use arises, all too pleased to let it sit the rest of the time
besides that it's too big for anything else to really eat concerning zooming around pyro for instance and makes a mean armoured transport even manned by a lone pilot
boy is it fucking fun to fly too
They spawn occasionally but seem to be broken. I've completed the pyro low risk verification mission twice now and not had the kill count.
Where's the system-wide EMP that the sun lets off?
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i need it
not included in 4.0
was cut with engineering and a bunch of other stuff because server meshing is shit and they're desperate to get it working
Give me my titan suit CIG
Do it
holy shit, how fucking incompetent are these bongs
The issue is the head bong.
honestly the med bed is only good for respawning yourself in it, not for actual med gameplay
you just need a med gun for med gameplay
even if you pay for a big ship with a bed you wont be able to heal everything
your best bet is always to use the magic gun with auto drug in it

so just get any ship you want
the apollo medivac would probably be the ambulance of choice because it'll have a module to swap the beds for one that can fix all injuries, but it doesn't exist yet and there's no guarantee we'll actually get those conversion modules. it's also only available occasionally, but it comes with a cutlass red as a loaner.
You love your triangles
the concept is so outdated honestly, it better have a really big up or it wont sold good
can you fit the guardian in the polaris hanger with a F7A?
You can comfortably fit 2 guardians in the polaris so maybe? It'll definitely be tight though.
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>tfw they just shadowdrop the long awaited 4.0 (albeit in a beta) like it was just a minor bugfix patch
now what
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you play
i hope you have a goal for your sandbox m8
>fit 2 guardians in the polaris
How will cig nerf this
>fit a long distance ship inside a long distance ship
>nerf this
it wouldnt change anything
It's already countered by the connie having a size merlin torpedo strapped to the back.
It's a fantastic one hitter too
I like the settlements in Pyro but the stations suck ass.
do we have good server fps finally or at least stable fps above 10
it's above 10 server fps when I played earlier but it has a bunch of bugs
>ships sometimes don't jump to quantum marker but somewhere else
>a lot of missions don't work
>occasionally fall through planet surface
Buggy as all hell, but frames have been pretty stable. Better in Pyro than Stanton but both pretty good.
>guardian can fit a 2scu box, 2x 1scu boxes, or a mirai pulse inside. You can even put a pulse and a 1scu box into the interior easily
at this point, you might as well just use the cutlass black/blue
It's insanely good in general. I haven't done serious combat in mine yet but as a solo merc transport it's fucking awesome, over a million personal storage split between interior and exterior access, two separate gun racks, fast to get in and out, etc. Flies really nice too. It may legitimately be my favorite ship in the game now.
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strongly considering this
>Hangar as of right now (all LTI)
Avenger Titan -> mining ship???
Anvil Arrow -> Zeus MkII CL (cargo)
Anvil Hawk (light fighter)
Anvil Legionnaire -> Mirai Guardian QI (heavy fighter)
Guardian is awesome, I'd do it, though maybe not the Qi. If you're spending actual money don't just buy that CCU though, you can save $60 with a chain.
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i suspected that you could shove a pulse up its asshole
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the guardian is easily the best ship in the game
>spend some time flicking through streamers
>chill ones are all having great times, few bugs but minimal issues
>flick to avenger_one
>got stuck in prison for five hours
>declared he is going to “slaughter everyone” cause CIG wasted his time
>keeps encountering bugs and glitches while trying to camp the Pyro jump point and lock down travel
Why didn’t they announce 4.0 included karmic bug features? Hilarious to watch this self proclaimed expert get angrier and angrier as he “tries to show CIG the flaws in Pyro”
Also I'd say to consider the regular Guardian unless you're really really into piracy or PvP BH. It's cheaper anyway so you can always CCU to the Qi later if you need to.
Rate my guardian build
and if stealth and combat components aren't available because muh eff pee ess.
I was under the impression that the QI model is vastly superior utility-wise and the difference to speed and handling would only be noticed on paper. People who have flown both say they hardly feel different?
I cannot notice a difference between the guardian and QI in terms of manoeuvrability. The QI has the option of a dampner even if you don't use it and put the power elsewhere and comes stock with better power plants for 10 bucks more. I can't see any reason to go with the standard one unless you really want to squeeze out all the manoeuvrability you can because you're an ace pilot or something.
Qi might be “subject to future balancing” exactly because it doesn’t seem overly different right now.
Or base guardian might get buffs, so the safest play is get a base guardian + 10 ccu to Qi and see how it pans out
Good call. Didn't think about future balancing. All the people saying it barely feels different might be reason enough for CIG to fuck with it.
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the barest whiff of a hint of difference on top speed and the most major difference otherwise is a loss of 10 degrees/s on rolls.
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>can't spawn in-universe
>repair character
>spawn in hangar, keep getting stunned for five seconds
>exit and enter server
>spawn in a hell where there are multiple people and ships in a single hangar
>exit and enter server
>successfully enter elevator
>can't buy food, water etc
>exit and enter server
>can't spawn a ship
My main concern is power management, 2xS1 is already weak for this sort of ship and the Qi adds a lot of demand, and it's made worse by the fact that you can't just go buy the best power plants anymore (and the Qi's are nowhere near good enough to make up for it either). Also ten bucks is ten bucks and personally I don't feel like I'll use the dampener enough to be worth it.
why the fuck does it have so many power bars in engines. What does giving more power to engines even do besides improving boost recharge speed
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qi is the trve GARdian
man's got astimgatism, myopia and hyperopia
If I was a dev on Christmas break I would just float around invisible fucking with people through dev commands all day.
forgive the accidentally transposed letters that sully the quality of my joke about a game's visionary being blind
I don't wanna get out of queue but I'll pull the flight controller later and look at the real soft stats
yeah, those are the stats that erkul has listed for the PTU so they may or may not be different. either way, this is the company that fucked up the ion and the redeemer, so it wouldn't surprise me if they fucked up the qi in an attempt to make it "more different" from the base ship
Fucking autocorrect.
alright so I took a look and yep it's literally just the hard stats all the soft stats are the same the only difference is what you see on erkul and spviewer as far as flight controller goes.

The Quantum interdictor on the Guardian QI does weight about 300kg's as an entity so the QI should weigh more dry aswell.
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still made out of styrofoam
Ballistics or lasers for pirate shenanigans?
probably lasers for pyro if only because rearming will be difficult until they do something about adding reloading for ballistics.
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First jump was fucking sweet. The new music is awesome and it all worked seamlessly.
i genuinely want to know how they keep fucking this retarded thing up
Does server meshing work? Does it make the game run any better on the server side? I just want AI to fucking work already. It's been a decade...
why would you even use such an ugly ship?
It actually makes the servers worse.
It's worth noting in the guardian QA they say the QI variant is meant to be identical to the standard guardian just slightly heavier.
Just add more servers then. Isn't that the point?
It would be but Chris told them to do standard server meshing instead of dynamic for the last 4 years so it's actually garbage and barely works. You can personally thank Chris for that decision.
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seems like they won't nerf it into the ground unless the standard model gets nerfed too.
Why do the Pyro contracts keep taking me to the same location over and over. Bloom has like 10+ locations but all the mercenary seem to keep going to the same spot.
Seems to be okay. I'm seeing server FPS numbers I've never seen before in Pyro, but I haven't gone back to stanton to compare.
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>your old shard experienced some issue. please give it a few minutes and try again
>those who decided to spawn in Stanton are being tortured by the devil for their cowardice
i spawned in stanton and traveled to pyro just fine
solid shields, armament, and 696 scu of cargo. the inside isn't bad looking either
I spawned there to gobble up neglected loot before shipping over, but looting is broken
>skipping the jump tunnel
>not cowardice
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>solid 30 server fps regardless of where I join
They actually fucking did it.
Amazing. Is he still melting?
Ballistic DPS is fake news because of 50% damage reduction
it's not reduced it's split, a chunk of it goes straight to hull, bypassing shields
and that chunk is reduced by 50%, before already being reduced by the shields.
>shards keep crashing and are unrecoverable
>the monkey paw finger curls
It's just a test on an alpha bro, it's okay, the devs are competent.
Energy damage gets reduced by both armor and shields as well retardo.
They added a chess board to the carrack and removed some of the shit from the shelves to make space for decorations in the captain's office.
incorrect, most ships have 0% energy reduction and at minimum 50% physical.
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And here's some actual proof, retardo.
>1=100% damage
>.5= 50% damage
explain this chart to me like im retarded
>find ship you want to learn about
>let's do the vanguard sentinel at the top
>.45 physical damage
>that means you do 45% physical damage to it, or it has 55% resistance
>your ballistic shots do physical damage so they do half damage
>literally every physical shot that ever hits the hull will only do 45% of advertised damage
>.93 laser damage
>lasers do 93% damage to hull
>lasers will only ever do 93% of advertised damage to this ship
and so on
>that means you do 45% physical damage to it, or it has 55% resistance
For what purpose
i finally got a server that was stable enough to let me stack eight hauling missions to the same two destinations, so that was neat.
To simulate armor.
Shields also have resistance alongside absorption. Resistance reduces the damage dealt, and absorption means damage to the shield.
When you fire a ballistic weapon at a ship, it hits the shield. It's first reduced by ~8.3%. Of the 91.7% that remains, about 10% damages the shield HP. 81.7% then passed through the shield, and impacts the hull. Given an average 50% reduction, 43.55% of the starting damage value is applied as HP loss to the component.

Energy weapons hitting shields are resisted by 16.5%, then applying remaining damage to shield HP. Once shields are down, energy weapons are doing 100% damage, minus a few outliers that have minor energy resistance and a few others that actually take increased damage from energy weapons.
The F7A Mk2 takes 103% damage from energy weapons.
Higher number = bad
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The fluff says my sukoran banu bird shield means I'm fucking invincible dude.
that ain't even a banu, it's a tevarin
when they properly implement armor will I be able to get quick kills by hosing down the cockpit with ballistics again? that was actually a thing in the very first dogfighting module but hasn't been possible for many years.
>when they properly implement armor will I be able to get quick kills by hosing down the cockpit with ballistics again?
Fuck no, that sounds terrible, also, glass on ships are not fragile in any sense, so that's all but confirmed to never be returning.
well that's gae
They changed the effective z-axis of armor dimensions when stored so it's possible.
Laser damage is reduced based on shield strength retardo. Sit back down monkey.
>Massive layoffs at cig
>Upper management restructuring
>Lead core gameplay dev leaves (forced out) at cig
>4.0 implemented successfully according to dev
Holy fuck the collapse is actually happening.
there is entire suits of armor lootable in stanton if you know where to look icluding subber stuff
nobody cares, you've been coping like this for nearly a decade now
EOS soon fatty hahahaha!
supposedly the "glass" is actually a transparent metallic diamond laminate of some sort that its actually stronger than the materials used in ship hull and even some armor, but also massively more expensive, particularly in large complex shapes. Which is why windows are a luxury feature and why el cheapo ship manufacturers like RSI and Drake have faceted windows made of small flat plates while Origin makes these huge wraparound panels and Crusader, an upscale ship company has large angular single piece canopies.
Glass = Status symbol and unless your ship has milspec armor the glass is actually the toughest part of the hull.
where would you put MISC's mailslot glass in the status scale? id say same tier as Crusader
tfw prospector has a massive wraparound dome
I will not play this game until they implement 1:1 scale and make planets scientifically accurate.
yeah Misc and Crusader are similar in terms of the quality and extras level they operate at, with MISC being a little more industrial and utilitarian and Crus being a little more Idealistic and Flashy.

Misc's wide wrapped view slots are certainly not luxurious but they are not poverty core either, and liek you pointed out they do have a couple spectacular bubble canopies. The Reliant series and Prospoector obviously, but also the Hull A, possibly the Odyssey and and even the Hull-E has a large semi-dome in concept art.
What the fuck is this preview bullshit? is it a live build? just call it a fucking live build
They can't replace 3.24 in case 4.0 has some insidious shithead bug that makes the build unplayable.
This way, they can pilpul their way into saying they got 4.0 out before 2025 but also avoid the shitshow of releasing an undercooked live build with no fallback.
lol people talking about how the jews created communism in global
Reminder that Stanton and Hurston (the stars) are still 6x the size they're supposed to be and I'm seemingly the only one bringing this issue up.

MicroTech is 1.98 AU from Stanton, yet Stanton looks like it's being viewed from Earth. Mars is 1.5 AU from Sol, and already looks tiny compared to how it looks from Earth.
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My genuine reaction to that information.
>everyone quantum is stuck into the sun
time to fix the hotfix cig
considering the biggest planet is smaller than earth, everything being weird scale is no surprise, i hope one day we get bigger planets, wouldnt mind a system with 1 massive planet
idgi do i install the hotfix or the preview?
>retaliator's headlights lights are always on
>using the headlight key just turns on your high beams
No, everything else is scaled correctly, but the suns are scaled x6 larger than they should be.

You can also see it like this:
>planets are scaled down 1/6 of their canon size
>distances are scaled down 1/10 of their canon size
>the suns are supposed to be scaled down 1/6, but are actually their real canon size
Why is the hotfix an entirely different install?
cus its in the PTU still while the "preview" piggybacks the live client.
While it is a separate install, you can just rename the main live file to "HOTFIX" and not have to download an entire new client, plus the hotfix channel does not exist separately from live servers, so you can continue playing and earning progress as usual. In this instance, the hotfix actually breaks QT even more than it is on live, so I wouldn't bother with it.
>log into game
>everything seems fine
>outer hanger doors don't open
These people are incompetent.
untested hotfix, only use if normal doesnt work for you
What a thesis, considering we're talking about hull damage and shields *also* reduce ballistics.

supposedly it will maintain progress when it goes to full live
nobody wants a tiny pinhole sun, people want to see a big ball of gas in the sky. this means making everything much closer or making it much bigger.

look at how lame and tiny the moons of stanton are from the planet surfaces. in Pyro they look huge and cool and all scifi in the sky. because they're way too big and close. sorry but that's what the people want.
Should I fill out their survey?
When is the free lti ship event in pyro? I'm not gonna deal with the bugs until that happens.
Verse Project is going to kill Scam Shitizen.
I think you have been misled. you can get a free ship equivalent to one bought with auec, not an LTI one
Dev team pls shill your tech demo elsewhere.
Install preview.
If you have consistent problems with Quantum flying you in weird directions then rename the install folder HOTFIX and install hotfix.
My loading screen never goes away. When I move my mouse around a thin band of pixels on the edge of the screen show some movement and pressing escape brings up a mouse cursor like it's letting me access a menu so it seems like loading is done but its just not letting me see anything.

Only way I can actually play is if I load up a race. Is there a workaround for this?
Then what's the point of having it be like 7 secret missions of scavenger hunt? You could just do literally anything for a few minutes and afford whatever ship you get in a tenth the time.
>Verse Project
Not with cockpit like this it won't.
Have you tried Character repair? If Arena Commander works but not Persistent Universe I would assume there's a problem with the hangar it's trying to spawn you in.
Apparently they come preloaded with Grade A military components and good weapons. Also have special skins.

Also you can't buy the F-8C in game, and most of the other ships in the scavenger hunt are pretty good as well. It's just that it should play the bankrupt sound from Price is Right if you get the Syulen.
The rockets are made to look like actual landers. They even have traditional rocket engines underneath. Go back to your sci-fi space planes kid.
It seems cool but it's a different kind of autism and I don't think it'll appeal to most of the people that are into SC, who want a Star Wars/Star Trek/etc. space fantasy in a huge universe with aliens, all kinds of living worlds, etc. and not an Expanse-style semi-hard sci-fi game set in our solar system.

You can get a decked out F7A Mk2 as well, also a ship that you can't get ingame. (Or at all if you didn't complete Overdrive.)
>massive layoffs
12 people out of 1200 btw.
>rocket science autism
It will be a miracle if it survives. That sort of thing requires heavy financial investments into tech and art, while having very limited demographic appeal. KSP is like that and survived primarily because they went with stylized and simple cartoon style, foregoing the fidelity.
nta but the real concern I have regarding cig is the bleeding of senior devs theyve been doing for the last couple years.

I think the actually competent talented people are getting fed up with chris meddling in every little thing and changing stuff over and over and just leaving for better paying jobs with less absurdly incompetent management.

And they're being replace with less capable people with shit taste and no vision. Yogi was literally who a couple years ago and now he almost seems to be in charge of the flight model and the changes hes made have literally all been shit.
I dunno, their senior devs have been there for a decade already and they are bleeding out very slowly, maybe a couple of them quit every 4-5 years so far. The Character Art Director changed the most, they are on their 3rd one atm. All their senior tech devs are still there, on the other hand. I think they are doing their best to retain those guys, since the tech they are working on is pretty unique and is the core of the whole project.
It's industry wide and financially motivated really. The end of cheap low interest cash blindsided an industry that had spent over a decade playing fast and loose with their finances. Honestly I'd expect the financial situation to get much much worse so it's really a situation of batten down the hatches or get riggidy rekt.

CIG for their part has done a number of things largely to cut costs in this environment. A return-to-office order to prune teams. Then functionally shuttering or downsizing offices in countries with limited subsidy or tax incentives like the US. They then centralized at Manchester, a lot of the lost senior staff were people like Todd Pappy who didn't want to move because their family has set down roots in Austin.
Im also worried about an unlearnable spaghetti code situation with dev taking this long. There gonna reach a point like wow has where they can't alter anything without causing a bug cascade cus theres too much ancient arcane code that no one remembers what it does buried in the depths.

I know we lost todd papy last year.
Theres been a couple other lately but the names arnt popping to mind, but like, long time recognizable people. Obviously sometimes people just have to move on for various reasons, but Ive had the feeling for a while that chris is far outclassed by many of his employees in terms of organizational skill, focus and planning. It must be very frustrating for some of them to have a system 85% done and then have him pop in and tell them to change 30% of it to accommodate a feature from whatever movie he watch last weekend. Which will of course require sanity checks on 2/3 of the game and cause a dozen new bugs.

like I know its been said but the fact they are reworking the flight models again, and doing it in such a half assed arbitrary and hamfisted way, over the objections of 2/3 of the community, 12 years in, is just unfathomable.

Like how was this not locked down as the centerpiece of the game, 8 years ago.
So far they are drastically changing everything already almost every patch, so I don't think they have reached the level of complacency that would lead to such problems.
>Like how was this not locked down as the centerpiece of the game, 8 years ago
Because back then people also shat on every single change. Literally every flight model they tried, people hated. I bet they would be shitstorm no matter what they did at this point. They should just decide on one direction and just ignore the community at this point, fuck this shit. Adapt or fuck off, I want the game to be finished in my lifetime.
>can't leave the hanger
>Im also worried about an unlearnable spaghetti code situation with dev taking this long.
I wouldn't worry about that, CIG is kinda nuts, if the datacore is anything to go off of. I mean holy shit they literally just completely redid how geometry is stored like 3 months ago into this insane neva been done b4 custom method. They are absolutely not afraid of completely rewriting things.

Game industry is in a slump, layoffs all over. T. Soon to be laid off or furlowed
Though, that shouldn't matter to Star Citizen since its funding is just fine.

Could be they are getting rid of squeaky wheels. A lot of useless people in Game Development these days.
where the FUCK is the pembroke armor now
I think I don't like Pyro. I figured I be fine with it, as I used to love and play open PVP games, so that aspect didn't bother me, but since starting I have had zero interactions with other players other than being attacked, killed and/or robbed. No communication, no help, no nothing, people just roll up on you and start blasting. Not only that, but contracts take you to one of like only 2 areas for every planet so there are always people to kill you. Like there is no purpose to chat anymore, everyone is just playing Tarkov on a giant map, and even worse there are pay to win fuckers going around in ships I have zero chance of beating in a fair fight.
This looks honestly looks amazing and like my only hope now that SC has abandoned sim autism in favour of derivative shoot guy and build bases gameplay.

Won't be spending 3 grand for them to rug pull the game at the last hour like CIG have though.
that's basically how MMO pvp with no consequences goes, you eventually just wind up with people killing for the sake of killing, and everyone's doing it because someone else did it to them one time
>I have zero chance of beating in a fair fight.
thats why you have an escape button
Nah, I played Shadowbane and even it wasn't this bad. Probably because in that you needed to be in a group to do anything, and groups were harder to fight alone, so not as many random gankers.
it's going to be worse right now because pyro is the new hotness, but this is going to remain a thing going forward unless CIG tries to disincentivize it, or everyone starts traveling in large, vetted groups that they can trust but then you're going to start getting EVE levels of opsec autism.
I keep saying it and I keep getting shouted down for it.

pvp hostility lacks meaningful consequences and until it gets them the random pointless attacks will only escalate, leading to screaming in the community and the implementation of a pvp toggle or pve shards. Both of which will be terrible for the health of the game long term.
The solution is in game law enforcement having teeth.

instant fines and eventual permared leading to powerful npcs, gunships and fighters not avengers, dropping in and attacking reds unprovoked when detected in monitored comm array space, gang rep loss and large, escalating bounties making life hard in lawless space if the crime can be linked to you via black box.

finding and destroying the black box should be a mandatory activity. and returning to a gang station you're repped with with the black box after someone has attacked should put a pirate bounty on the attacker. Obviously if you have no friendly factions theres no one to do this with.
returning a black box to a UEE station should put the crimes on the aggressors record.

for long term health the game itself needs to respond to reckless aggression because player response will always be an unreliable deterrent.
I don't wanna see pve servers and I dont wanna see the game devolve into massive blobbing the game ecosystem is supposed to be 10% human 90% npc and that needs to include law enforcement. 9 times out of ten if a pirate gets attacked by a hunter or cop that attacker should be an NPC in a relatively hot combat ship. Like a crewed Zues MR or Cutlass blue with high skill gunners and pilots.
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For terra this is fine, but outside high sec there is no point. Anons are right to shout you down. If terra is the same as pyro then you will be correct, but other than that your argument is moot.
stanton is effectively the same as pyro and it shouldn't be that way. the only reason this is happening so widely in pyro is that people are focused on it as the pirate system, but theres virtually nothing different about stanton. Just crimestat, which is almost meaningless.

I agree that pyro should be very dangerous and that the only "law enforcement" there should be gangs settling scores and bounty hunters. My point is that the gangs and bounty hunters should be actively going after people who murder at random on their turf or its not really their turf is it?

Stanton is supposed to be a mi-high sec system depending on where you are. Like .6 to 1.0 in eve terms. with like Hurston and Crusader being 1.0 high security places Arccorp being maybe a .9 area moons being .6 if the comm array is up and grimhex being a nice little pocket of .4, though now that pyro exists I suspect grimhex might change some and become slightly more regulated, like still a pirate station where anyone can dock but maybe have low priority comm monitoring.
I am still perma annoyed that GH isnt a main spawn option.
All that shit would require real effort, that would take CIG at least a year to implement, and it would be half finished and not work half the time.
Stop posting and leave
>pembroke straight up removed from vendors as far as anyone can tell
>next best armor for high temperature is fucking morzov redshift
>it's spread out across the entire fucking galaxy like a treasure hunt because no single vendor stocks all five pieces
this game isn't made by human beings of rational thought. what kind of fucking store would stock only a SINGLE piece of a FULL ARMOR SET when they stock full sets of everything else they sell.
>My point is that the gangs and bounty hunters should be actively going after people who murder at random on their turf or its not really their turf is it?
Pyro is not the Wild West. The Wild West had sheriffs and the US Marshals.
Pyro is Somalia. Lawless as is there literally is no rule of law, whatsoever. In Somalia, the warlords rule. If you fuck with them, you get dealt with. They protect their interests, monopolize assets and food shipments. They don't care about anything else. There's no small claims court because you were shafted on a brake job at Skinnylube.
If you, Johnny McWhiteguy, go to Somalia and somebody smokes you in the street, nobody gives a fuck. There won't be "retribution" for this random killing, because you know what that would be? Law. Somalia is lawless and a failed state.
If you wanted to go to Somalia, you'd have to hire a reputable security firm or you're not coming out alive and nobody will care.
If you want to go to Pyro, Bobby McSpacedad, if you don't have friends, hire some competent security or you're not coming out alive and nobody will care.
This is a decent non-whine take. Pyro probably needs tweaking.
I don't think there need to be any caps on limiting PvP. I agree that consequences are too easy to avoid.
The problem with that, even though you’re right, is that it requires a reputation system that works.
I have my doubts that CIG will ever accomplish that in a way that actually impacts things.
thats what Im saying. most of the game should be open to pvp, attacking people should be a choice you can make in like 95% of game space, with only places like Terra Prime, Lorville, Sherman, Orison, Babbage being properly safe with remotely enforced weapons lockouts. I'd say even on the back streets of Lorville and A18 the green zones should have gaps, like back streets where the lockout system is jammed or blind or just isnt installed.

but the choice needs to have meaning and the game needs to push back against aggression because thats how humanity works thats the natural balance that the more violent and disruptive you get the more people and organizations seeks to end you. Just like there are risks and rewards for mining of pve ratting there needs to be risks and rewards for piracy, and right now there are basically no risks and game is heavily unbalanced towards the aggressor. It makes complete sense to just shoot everyone you see first before they shoot you because there is nothing at all discouraging them from doing so, particularly in pyro but more or less everywhere. At worst in stanton you get a slightly longer respawn walk, in reality you just bounce to hex or go scrub crimestat.

So as a result we get this retarded battle royale looter shooter game instead of a "Space Trading and combat simulator"

I don't think we all put down $700,000,000 to get rust in space.
all that really needs to happen is to have ai actors that can track targets via comm networks and like npc "tips" meaning some R&R faction npc on a station just saw the guy with the bounty on him and now the entire R&R gang netowrk has a ping for him and a rep system that can flag certain players or other npc groups as "enemy track down and kill" The advocacy sort of does this already in UEE space, but the system needs a dual level of rep like crimestat being "this person just committed a homicide and is wanted level 4" but also "this person has negative tier 2 UEE rep and is considered hostile and fair game at all times in UEE space" with the above mentioned hunter npc then moving to intercept.

Like if someone has committed 50 unprovoked homicides against other players they should not be able to move through civilized space casually, the cops should treat them as hostile until they have removed that negative rep by some means and actively attack them
negative rep 1 should get you stopped and scanned basically every time you trip a sensor, like you get profiled for being a space nigger.

similarly gangs that you have negative rep with should hassle and/or attack you on sight.
>essay after essay about head canon fixes for personal problems
>pvptards will expect you to spend 45 mins before playing organising muh escorts and spend the whole session noided looking over your shoulder to even have a chance at making money
>sams people shit and piss when faced with reading mote than 5 words and start chimping out about social credit and how they should be allowed to act like niggers with impunity
American moment, so desensitised to wanton violence that the solution isn't to punish the violent actors but to tell all the non-voilent actors to carry a gun and be ready to shoot them.
>Go back to
go make a thread for your other game and fuck off out of ours then
thats fair because you are playing it now
but there is so much that affects this dynamic that isn't implemented, I wouldn't bother expecting better until many years from now
>carebears so mad they spend all day typing out their solutions to problems only they have, on 4chan
Pyro has destroyed any argument that this game isn't pay to win. This shit sucks.
the problem is the grind is terrible
The grind is all there is to the game, if I had a badass ship I wouldn't have any reason to play.
Modular Starfarer gantry when?
I wanna see it become the Gozanti class of star citizen


lemme dock snubs/small ships the gantry, carry tanks with tractor beams, tow ships, replace the fuel drums with cargo boxes

its one of the handful of ships that just cries out to be a modular hull, with the enclosed hull being constant and the gantry section being swappable.
This is a retarded materialistic slave mentality that ruins games. The point of playing the game is not getting the "badass ship", it using it.

>if I had a badass ship I wouldn't have any reason to play.
What's the point of getting a badass ship if you're just going to stop playing? That's a shit game.
people without imagination who need to be spoonfed gameplay are the death of gaming. Their inability to read between the lines and invent their own fun is why games suck more and more as they devote dev and design time to prepackaging "adventures!(tm)" for these retards instead of just giving them a lego set of gameplay mechanics and seeing what they build.
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This a great reply to my post and explains the problem better than i did.
What you're describing is pretty much what the Galaxy will do.
Chris, the terrain looking like Starfield.
yeah I know but I think the starfarer thematically fits the role better as a ubiquitous easily refit/repurposed starship. It even already as a militarized version with better weapons.

Like we have:
Star-Fueler Military
I wanna see
Star-Fury Carrier
Stargo hauler

Game needs modularity and variants more than it needs endless new redundant hulls. EVERY ship should have like 3-10 versions so when you see a hull at a distance you dont know exactly what it is and have to interrogate it with sensors.

Starfarer hull spotted, but is is a Civilian fuel hauler or a Star-G-Carrier thats about to launch a half dozen furies at you.

If we have the Hercules that can be a lightly armed $400 civilian vehicle lander or a $750 absurdly upgunned assault bomber why cant we have a $500 Starfarer Fury Carrier?
except it actually a sphere you can circumnavigate and you can just take off and fly directly over to that gas giant and down into its atmo and land in its cloud city.

there is no comparison possible between starfield, aka fallout in space and starcitizen.
the terrain in pyro is way better than stanton. look like different games.
pembroke have always been insanely op, having both highest temp rate and damage reduction, while also having the biggest backpack available and only require 1 piece of armor for full body
looks like they finally understood it

you can still buy it on subcribed store I think in silver color but I'm not sure
Star Citizen is a game made by people who hate space.
Star Citizen is a game made by people who love space.
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Here's me landing on an asteroid. You still can't do this in Scam Shitizen.
The many opinions of the people who made Star Citizen about space are too broad and varied to be concisely captured in a post.
Yes I just played for around 20 30 mins. I liked how it felt, though the performance is ass. Feels like the game will also be hamstrung by the online aspects, should just be a SP game. Could be complete in a couple years if it was SP, their insistence on doing SC's one world bullshit will lead to development limbo.
>destroyed any argument that this game isn't pay to win
I have to disagree. Despite the moaning about Master modes, the skill ceiling is still extremely high. What ships do you feel are pay to win? A Gladius can spank anything out there once you *really* learn the fight.
lol, lmao
>bro if you just spend 1000 hours in AC you'll be good enough to spank anything in a gladius
or you can just buy a constellation and smoke 90% of people you come across
If you're in a Fatlancer, sure. A Connie is hardly unobtainium or even threatening, really
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ok, Im finally ready to consider that I might have a problem.
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It doesn't take a thousand hours. Get a little consistent practice in against players and you'll understand. A few sporadic PU encounters and NPC fights won't develop the right skills.
Looks like about $2k, Not a bad amount of money if it's over half a decade. My Kriss Vector cost $3k to completely build out and I sure as fuck haven't gotten that much value from it over the past 2 years so I think you're doing just fine anon.
Connie Phoenix is pretty much best solo ship in game, the time it takes for small fighters to kill it, the PDT will have damaged you enough for you to be swimming, not to mention you need to get a jump on it or risk buggy missiles hitting. You can't really tank a single hit depending on Connie loadout and if you are on heavy fighter you won't dodge then so it's just 1v1 gunfight.. and that's only if phoenix is flying solo. It's quite honestly infuriating as Connies are extremely ugly ships and old. Nerfed Corsair to the fucking ground and buffed the flying tube.
its just over 3k, over 12 years, but the total hull value there is north of $5500, because I am obsessive CCU goblin, the only ship I paid full price for is the cutlass blue.

my crowning goblin achievements are my $300 polaris, $240 perseus and $300 Odyssey. None of which was ever sold for less than $625
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>$300 Polaris
ayy same
I still want the Orion to land vertically like a 900 foot skyscraper on its main engine mounts. With extendo-feet like the reclaimer has. Even if it can't do it in 1g it would just be fucking awesome to park it that way on a moon.

yes in understand it will not happen and orion is a space bound mining barge.
Apart from contested zones is pyro even worth it? I heard miners can get good shit if they risk it but what about other type of activities/missions?
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I suppose if your argument revolves around the dominating superiority of a single S1 PDC, then yes, a Gladius may not do it for you against a Connie.
Crazy that most of your ships are multicrew and you'll probably never use them.
If you're a money is my score kinda dude, just stay in Stanton. Pyro is cool but Somalia as outlined above and I'm not sure there's much draw for industrial players that Stanton cannot more safely provide.
The Gladius is 90 fucking bucks, and it doesn't even have a starter package option. Cheap for Star Citizen, but not compared to a 30 dollar Mustang. I think Star Citizen has always technically been pay to win, but PVP was so optional before I honestly didn't think it was a problem, but Pyro as of now is completely kill on site, and anyone in an Aurora or Mustang just gets fucking murdered. Every single time I'm just minding my own business trying to do some bounty, some shithead in a Zeus, Guardian or Hurricane, or Hornet or whatever will come out of nowhere and blast my shit before I even see them. As if my little Intrepid is even a threat to them. I'm fine with legit piracy, but a whole as system of ganking is a bit annoying. Sure it's still technically optional, but fuck me this is literally the only other system, and it's new. It would be nice to actually be able to do the missions and explore without constantly being in a state of paranoia.

Semi related, but what makes a ship count as red or hostile in pyro? There's no crime stat so why are some people red? Better why don't they just mark every ship as red, because that would help a lot.
take the arrow
>Gladius is 90 fucking bucks
Or like 2 mil in game? Hauling contracts are paying out like 50k for an 8 SCU from station to city. Don't pay real money for these ships anon, and don't think of their value in that way.
If you're really that broke I'll send you spacebucks or something. The Aurora is legit a flying coffin but Mustang is more capable than you realize.
Contract pay is pretty nice. Although i don't know if they changed stantons. Most mercenary contracts pay like 30k on the low end and 50k average it seems. Much better than the 10k bunkers for not much more work, just the very high risk some shithead will kill you just for existing in a 60 km radius of him.
>Semi related, but what makes a ship count as red or hostile in pyro?
And forgot to address this, but that's the aggression timer. In Pyro, this means the station will shoot at you. So really, there is some sort of law that people are calling for.
I think you should all but have to join one of the three factions, swear allegiance, what ever. You could not, but then every station and whatnot should shoot at you. Then, you'd have a source of allies kinda like how New World did it without knowing anyone.
Yeah but what matters is never the pay itself. Its other shit like drugs/minerals in cargo holds/fps missions, RMC, scavenged ship components and such.
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I started playing SC this year during IAE so over the past few weeks I've been grabbing some cheap gray market CCU'd ships of people looking to cash out at a small loss or break even and it's pretty wild how cheap ships can get with proper CCU chains. Seeing people obtain ships for 50-70% off listed price is kinda nutty plus whatever savings you can get from someone liquidating those ship CCU's because they're quitting and selling at a small loss.
If there was ever a definition of a Bob fleet, this is it. My God.
big fat tarded assumption of you frend.
I have a several hundred man multigaming org that ive played sci-fi shooter and other stuff with for 10 years. I am an officer in said org, I used to lead the SC wing of the org but have since passed leadership to someone more enthusiastic and social and instead take a second seat organizational and planning role. The Four Org multistructure we use to divide up players and task them with people they get along with and share interests with was designed by me like 8 years ago. We have a main social org, a security/merc/hired killer service, a Hauling/Mining/Building division and a definitely not a pirate fleet grey legality branch.
Weve got people who wanna be crewmen, people who wanna be scouts, people who wanna be pilots, people who wanna be miners, people who like to kill people and people who wanna be ground pounders.

I specifically have my solo ships: Blue, Guardian, Nox, Starlancer(safe cargo) Corsair maybe, Crucible maybe depending how repair works, id love to be Jimjames's itinerant deep space repair shack.

The other ships are for me and the boys to do me and the boys shit with and have always been planned for that. I have never been a solocap tard and have been telling them that they are tards and deluding themselves for a decade now.

People always assume that the guy with 20 ships doesnt have a plan, and I'll admit its often true, but I have a plan for literally every ship I buy. I buy ships I think are cool, but only if I can slot them into reasonably likely org activities.
>I have a several hundred man multigaming org that ive played sci-fi shooter
No you don't. It's nice you want to pretend but we both know it isn't happening.
>the rest
I aint reading all that.
This dude has posted his story a few times. He might be overly optimistic about the direction of the game but I don't think he's fake.
Other than the Reclaimer, F8C, and Terrapin Medic, everything has a higher melt value than what I paid for them and are really just there as CCU options. Except the Retaliator Bomber, that one is just because I think it looks cool as hell and was $170 so I did definitely get JPG'd there.
Im an oldffag member of one of the longest running planetside2 outfits. Last I checked we had about 800 members of which ~400 had been active in the past month and and of those maybe 250 have expressed interest in SC directly and If we get a few dozen people running regular org ops nights more will come that always do to whatever game were playing.

Youre probably right that Im overly optimistic about SC, but desu, if they hit the targets they laid out for 1.0 it'll be enough for us. As soon as planets became walkable I knew we'd be scaling down the size, but desu even 5 systems is going to be a MASSIVE playspace and the combined arms stuff they laid out at citcon is the sort of thing we'll dominate at. we have literally hundreds of pre-trained platoon level infantry players cus thats how planetside works. We'll just have to do our own logistics and such. Which desu Im quite good at and enjoy cus tism spectrum.

Star Citizen is just Planetside 3, Bigger Longer and Spaceships
spoken like a player who hasn't fought one.

To be fair though, PDT is very reliant on server fps which is always shit.
Prowler can be CCU'd into an ironclad and unlike other dropships can actually be solo'd since the pilot gets 2x S5 2x S3, Valkyrie can be CCU'd into a Galaxy and if I decide I don't want either of them I can melt them for more than I bought them for so it seemed like a pretty good investment.
>what makes a ship count as red or hostile in pyro
if someone target you = he become red
same apply for turrets and also apply in stanton
You're a liar. And not one planetside 2 guy is going to sit in your turret for hours on end while you warp from place to place. Keep on being stupid though because every post you make is easy to spot. You may as well be a tripfag and as we all know tripfags are autistic schizo's just like you.
fuck 1.0 chris needs to fix these fucking UI and inventory bugs. he fixes that, SC could actually be playable. cant tell you how many times the inventory glitches out and i can grab stuff or it wont transfer FUCK it makes me so mad. i hate it. still happens on 4.0, thought server meshing would fix this FUCK.
I dont think it matters if people have friends to play with or not. Who cares. I have them, maybe PS2 fag has them.

The real problem is that multi crew gameplay (in space ship) is shit. It's as underdeveloped if not more than other crew games and they all have the same problem. Either you give the crew menial but crucial tasks they do on repeat or they alt-tab to watch videos, for example during QT or travel in general.
>anyone who dares to pvp in the pvp solar system should be clearly marked so I can shoot them first!
There is no pleasing you people, it just simply can't be done, no matter what happens you will find a way to bitch and moan about pvp.
I'm one of the "murderhobos" you all hate and I fight everything and everything. I fought two crewed Polaris-s the other day in an Arrow. I didn't kill them, but neither did they and I didn't take a single hit.
>Internet badass bragging
I know. I'm saying big ships are simply not threatening, not that I'm some of mega pvp dominator. But literally I shoot everything and I understand the capabilities of these ships very well. I don't give a fuck about running or dying because all that's at stake is ego.

If I took a fight with a Connie in my Gladius and lost, I'd give them a gf in chat. Because who gives a shit? It's a game.
thats crazy cus virtually everyone I know in planetside has star citizen.
one of our orgs PS2 dropship pilots has literally every dropship sold in SC except for the cutlass deathtrap.
fella is a Seahawk and now Osprey pilot IRL. Man likes delivering troopers.
>makes up more fanfiction
Uh huh.
Targeting someone doesn't turn you red, anon. Unless you're retarded (you might be) and fly around in missile mode locking people.
never said that, i said just explained how the game work currently
if I target from far away in nav mode my target don't detect me because I have stealth components
if I target from mid distance I am in missile mode yes because it is the range where you can take your time locking the target
if I'm in close range it mean I'm already attacking
I've said it before but SC needs a F2P slave class. They can play the game, earn money from contracts and all that, but they just can't buy ships.
so yes I'm always red when targeting someone or doesn't appear in his radar
just because you are an a-social sperg who is too reflexively hostile to make friends does not mean we all are.

I too am a sperg, but I try to contain myself and curb my autism and shockling just little bit of self control means I can hang out with dozens of other nerds and to social nerd things.
These guys I play with are a bunch of leftist faggots, and I have to keep a lid on my /pol/posting and be careful not to say the nigger word. But because I have that little of self control, not lashing out at the first thing that annoys me like a rabid animal, I can easily make casual gaming friends, and thats all most of them are, Ive connected more solidly with a few of them, but most of these people I would not hang out with IRL cus of their political obsession and activism, but I can crew a spaceship with them, or squad up in PS2 or play rust or w/e else and know theyre not going to backstab, because are all all part of the same crew and have been for years.

Its tragic that you will never know what thats like , because you deny the possibility, insisting that everyone who has friends doesnt and is lying.
I aint reading all that schizo.
you are the schizo.
I am just an oldfag who knows better than to be you.
NTA but you write paragraphs of absolute schizo babble in every response.
>>1543399>Current Event
>Luminalia (Star Citizen's Christmas event) is up and will be offering 11 free, permanent rewards to claim through this link (scroll down abit) from December 12th to 22nd: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/comm-link/transmission/20280-Luminalia-2954
Interrupting you spergs to remind everyone that today is the last day to claim your free luminalia shit.
>head canon about the game
>head canon about pvp
>head canon about friends
>head canon about other posters in this thread
I truly think you are one of the worst consistent posters in this thread.
>guy claims to be old and have friends
Every accusation is a confession.
shit was also THE mining armor for aberdeen, which is why it's annoying. nerf the DR and backpack, i don't care, just let me hand mine without heavy breathing.
no, fuck that cocksucker.
Ive played on the same server as him for like a decade and I am VERY CROSS that he and his dickholders have migrated to SC, but the fact that he has proves my point about the crossover and migration. even spastics like him are making the obvious jump to the next generation of large scale combined arms sci-fi shooty game.

desu its ususally cus Im posting here late at night when Im tired and rambly.
because I am kind of a washed up old man unironically and talk about how good things were back in my day a lot.
I was literally a top 100 SC fighter pilot in alpha 2.4/5/6 ish. Not so much anymore cus Im older and my eyesight has faded a bit and my reflexes are slower than they were. 8 years ago of w/e that was.

I write essays about how things should be done because I have been playing games like this for 25 years now and have seen what works and what does not and what happens when fundamental problems are left to fester.
No one here gives a shit about your essays, no one anywhere does.
Your time is better spent pissing in the wind so it blows back on to you than writing your essays.
>no, fuck that cocksucker.
>Ive played on the same server as him for like a decade and I am VERY CROSS that he and his dickholders have migrated to SC, but the fact that he has proves my point about the crossover
Well, from another oldfag who's a murderhobo with friends and kids, I believe you but be prepared to continue to be called a schizo by the socially inept thread spergs. I got down on some PS2 a long time ago but nothing big.
>No one here gives a shit about your essays, no one anywhere does.
then why do you reply
also its my experience that a great many game devs lurk the 4chan threads for their games. for honest feedback, ideas they can steal or modify without debt to some named person. I know for example, for a fact that Higby, the original PS2 lead dev was a /vg/ps2g/ regular. He used to give out codes for free shit in thread and often brought up talking point we'd discussed the night before on his devstreams.

The nature of 4chan actually makes it a valuable resource for game devs to interact directly with their users without the rules of official channels and without the users in question having any expectation or demands placed on the dev since everyone is anonymous and no one knows who they are talking to exactly. theres no "well CIG-Polesmoker said this now they have to do it!" since even if Yogi is here lurking he's just another anon
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If theres one thing eve online did right its their market. Game needs the ability to set selling orders without overly greedy transaction fees (they always have those as money sinks). Also they could make drugs give good effects at the cost of medium/long-term penalties, such as ignore injury effects for a time, endure more G's, etc (cant be too broken though). After consumption the player gets fucked up somehow (less HP, slow, blurry, etc) and the effect persists for a while after death to prevent abuse.
Thats when a stealthy Zeus or fast MSR will become useful, smuggling military shit to pyro and then returning high grade loot to stanton (or dump good weapons at GrimHex). It also brings balance between the pvp and pve community since the later will prolly be more neutral and able to land in different places while pvp chars will get some limitations with reputation and pretty much be "pushed" into buying the stuff they cant loot, while at the same time being provided more pirate opportunities. This goes all the way down the chain to the looters/scavs themselves which will have an incentive to find the good shit.
These markets should be separated by server shard. To join all together will result in rapid saturation and in 7 days or so everyone will be playing the "$0.01 game" while racing to the bottom because some autistic fag with an escort flooded the whole thing with his Hull C. Another thing is to keep regional data a secret, in the sense that you cant get a snapshot of the whole global picture by whatever means possible, because the opposite will also saturate everything fast. That means no ingame list and no API's provided, limiting everything to crowd sourcing at best.
*srry about the lack of spacing, shits interesting though.
jita iv moon iv caldari navy assembly plant

I honestly do not want to go back to evem a market sure, but nothing like the giga autism was EVE economic gameplay
what? yeah you can, except you'll just float away from it because asteroids don't have gravity at that size. cute lander though
Star Resident.
>not allowing me to claim it
What did Chris mean by this?
zey vill own nozhing und zey vill be heppy
see grinch related >>1543399
make sure you're logged in
I'm not that retarded, please give me some credit.

People on spectrum have the same issue so I assume it's a website under load issue. Should be fine in an hour or so.
I've been telling my friends how good 4.0 is and that CIG actually pulled something off for once.

Now contracts are completely fucked and apparently so is QT.
hey, i only say it because i was that retarded :^)

i claimed today's just fine a few minutes ago so idk, you might see if you've got some script blocking extensions that are trying to stop it. otherwise yeah just give it a bit
To be fair, I've never seen a server go below 35fps so that alone was enough for me to go "they did it boys."
However I've also held off on telling them to buy buy buy because a patch this large will not be enjoyable to play until 4.1 at the least.
I've been seeing closer to 15 FPS but everything was working well, until now. I played EPTU for awhile and it was fantastic.
so what happen when you can't put any fucking fuse in the fucking cz doors?
is the server fucked?
tried both by hand and tractor for 30min it never worked on any doors on my cz
I aint reading all that. Get a trip so I can filter you schizo.
Morozov Redshift is available as a full set from the personal weapons store in Area 18 (Cubby Blast?)
Star Goyim.
yeah, i found that out last night after trying to buy it piecemeal at the stations. still annoying, especially in light of pembroke just fucking disappearing.
Shabbos Goyim
I think putting complex AI on player rep would be pointless, but I do think the game should track PvP hostlitiy separately from Crimestat. Selling a crate of widow off a PvE bounty shouldn't be the same crime as blowing up another player's ship.

At the very least the game should log which players have personally attacked you, so you can open a kill list and see "Ice420xsex shot me. I'm gonna tell my friends to shoot him if they see him."
There will be trust ratings by 1.0
With a rental Hull-A you can earn about 300k an hour stacking Planetary Small Cargo Runs that go to the same location.
It'd be perfect. Then Chris can take out all the NPCs on stations and reduce server load while being able to populate stations with real players.
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gimme my SHIIIIIT
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Kinda similar here. My org's background is in Battlefield and ARMA and we've got around 100 people in SC specifically, though we usually only get 10-20 online at once. A lot of our lapsed people are trickling back in with 4.0 out though and we're gonna start pulling more from other parts of the group and doing some recruiting once it gets more stable.

Looks like kinda similar thinking in the fleet comp too, though I don't have the really huge stuff.
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>cig spying me
>if they hit the targets they laid out for 1.0 it'll be enough for us
So it won't be enough for you then
Get rekted at crimestat 5 or twice in a row within 24h with 3 or 4 and you get max sec confinement where you are forced to do full time in a box without chance of escaping.
There: problem solved, conventional pvp remains and gankers get fucked. Its literally that easy.
You carebears use so many words to describe gameplay you don't personally approve of that sometimes I think I'm reading the paper trying desperately to cover up crimes of niggers.
>Pulling up to Lorville in your Polaris to get some day labourers for turret duty
God that sounds bleak and yet very fitting for the setting.
>With a rental Hull-A you can earn about 300k an hour stacking Planetary Small Cargo Runs that go to the same location.
If you think that's good pay you should kys
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Yeah that's what I was thinking.
I'm whaling with a single capital ship and two fighters. Even if AI crew works, you won't be able to captain a merchantman AND a polaris AND whatever the fuck else.
reaching so hard to sound 4chan that you circled back around to being reddit
>pilpul posting about other people using reddit
Given your autism have you been banned from both plebbit and spectrum and that's why you post here?
Go back.
Go back where niggerfaggot retard?
Shouldn't you be going back, I'm not the one making autistic posts about how I'm the sole arbiter of what sort of gameplay is good or not.
I'm not the one posting hundreds of words about how any unapproved combat is griefing, ganking, murder, murderhoboing, sociopathy, psychopathy, or whatever other faggoted newspeak words you want to use to make your bad opinions more palatable to spacedad pussies.
You really should go back.
My man
Let me tell you a secret. NPC crew is never ever coming.
>most edgefags are boomers who never grew out of it
You should spam your head canon more, it would really help game development immensely, faggot.
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I'm thinking of offering security services for industrial players. 150k/hour seem reasonable? Refund if you get killed in that hour. Clock starts when we rendezvous
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>spacedad so impotent he spams reddit thinking he fits in better on 4chan
150k/hr is way too low, you can make that in 15 minutes.
If you want to actually make money you need to be charging at least 1,000,000aUEC per hour.
I don't really care about the money, honestly. I know I could make more just running bounties and merc missions. For me, the action is the juice.
Return whence you came.
Well, it has to, otherwise Star Citizen (mmo) isn't going to exist.
You original post was the truth but anon is right to tell you belong on reddit, that is to say, /pol/ in 2024
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You can just get other players to help crew your ship as it is an mmo like you said. Lack of NPC crew mates wont kill the game...

Chris Roberts will kill the game if his magic Jesus tech server meshing doesn't pan out.
No I mean that Star Citizen is going to have an economy primarily run by NPCs.
If CIG can't get NPCs to sell quantanium to outposts, instead of having it restock magically, then the MMO portion isn't going to exist.
Bro where have you been the last year? That's gone. There's no universe run by npc's anymore. They've fully transitioned to the player sandbox ala eve.
My group is fucked because my brother's best friend who was the hypersocial butterfly we were counting on for recruiting had an epileptic seizure in the bathtub and drowned, and the rest of us are middle aged men who never talk to anybody.
It's good pay for starting from an Aurora. There's nowhere to rent a vulture in the game yet so no way to make big bucks risk free.

Bunkers take at least 15 minutes to a half hour and pay 40k+whatever guns sell for which isn't much.
Where are the pictures of the cute goth traps that gank in SC? I mean the SFW stuff ofc.
Im asking for a friend.
the idea behind the "90% NPC 10% PC" split ahs always been that those 90% npc would be back end economic simulation npcs.
They only get instantiated and become in game interactable entities if you encounter them. and that system has been working for a while. The quantum system has been driving random encounters for some time. Its not like when you fly up to a station theres going to be 9 npc ships there doing something its for every player there are 9 simulated barebones npcs in the backend economic sim carrying out some sort of activities the effect the economy of the region.

99% of the time those npcs are going to exist only as a datapoint anda set of choices on the backend of the server.
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Quantum was supposed to be mostly invisile back end stuff. There'd be server pulses of buy and sell and raid traffic you wouldn't see in game but would inform NPC ship spawning. Like an outpost would have dozens of scu flowing back and forth on the back end but what players would mostly see is a single RAFT landing at the outpost loading and unloading, and any "Ship under attack" missions generated would be on a route between stations and carrying cargo traded between those stations.
Watch the last citizencon. The 90% NPC shit is gone and dead.
Literally none of that was mentioned at all in citcon.
The entire run time was spent trying to hype everyone into liking the rust-in-space vision they have for 1.0.
also, is there a way to lower sensitivity for vertical strafe? Like its going from 0-100 all the time making it seem and feel like theres no weight.
that was talking about NPC crew, and its not gone its just been pushed out post 1.0 along with a great many other things all that really changed its that we finally got a picture of what 1.0 looks like, and what will come before it and after it.
I believe he meant 2023, as they did talk about it being scrapped there iirc.
you know, CCP already did FPS EVE, and it died. i don't think round two with a longer development time and no attachment to an existing franchise is going to do any better
>NPC crew will come after 1.0
If you believe that you're actually stupid.
woah what ship is this?
what control scheme are you using?
we have AI nowadays boomer, go gen some yourself
you can use the acceleration/speed limiter
>Take of sip of rust.
>Black out and hit the floor the second it touches my lips.

Is this a joke, or a bug?
The ROCK, specifically the Living Under variant.
So is anyone getting contracts anymore? Seems like every server I join is complaining about no contracts. Is it server based or character?
no contracts for me earlier today
I think the way it works is that the server pushes a list to your client based on your location, and then the client caches it until there's a change or update. I'm wondering if the contract generator is overwhelmed by the higher player count and dropping update packets.

I'm judging this based on behavior I saw last night where I had contracts but I was still seeing Hurston area contracts after travelling to ArcCorp and Microtech.
mine slowly dried up over the course of last night
>decide to make trading money via commodity updates (also fucked and hardly showing anything btw)
>bud's growery & bountiful harvest the only overstocks listed
>hit each in sequence
>no terminal, no freight elevator, not even a pad
the fuck am I supposed to do with that?
i got some earlier but they spawned like, half as much cargo as i needed and apparently didn't give me the correct destinations.
I'm using the basic t1600 hotas set up and changed some things around.
I wanted to ask because even with larger ships like Taurus or Starlancer the vertical strafe feels similar to a smaller ship.
I do, if I limit it to 10, it feels the same as a 10 on big ships.
do they articulate when you put the gear up or do you have to do fucking right alt+k or whatever?
Gear up
I'd recommend using Buzzkill's T1600 hotas setup, though you'll have to tweak things a bit since he wastes button slots on things like FOIP
if you wanna be annoying you can sneak easily inside anyone hangar, steal his stuff and camp kill him, he wont be able to play the game at all
and you don't even get crimstat for that
pic related
there is a strange bug that spawn enemy npcs inside stations so they all gather to fight while you try to walk to your hangar peacefully
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that's probably one of you playing on aus servers
abbo fuckwit
are you sure it's not a player? I was mystified when I saw the dead nakeds all over the stations, then I saw a guy get gunned down coming out of the elevator and realized there's probably some disconnect between ATC permissions and faction rep, allowing people to land at stations that they are hostile with, and get rekt immediately.

that should not be possible, if you get on the elevator with a stranger you get teleported instantly away from their hangar
For Stanton, yes, but Pyro's personal hangars are broken, and you can fuck people up in their own hangar.
>are you sure it's not a player?
yes I checked the name while looting him
also that scene repeated a few time with other npcs
so, you can use curves to reduce sensitivity on small movements.

personally, I don't like them, because I like a linear response across all axis but lots of people use them. I'd recommend starting with 1.3 and scaling up from there. It'll be under controls, "Joystick Sensitivity Options"
What did you do to raise your imprint viability score anon?

The sphere beckons.
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>Take bunker mission.
>Gearing up before leaving.
>Inventory bugs out, see helmet still in backpack, when I already stored it in a crate.
>Put on cloned bugged helmet to see if it was real.
>It's clearly not, weird black box pops up where item description should be.
>Can't take it off.
>All inventory breaks, can access it.
>Don't want to relog so just head to bunker.
>Kill guys outside from ship.
>Try to loot one. Pull arm armor off the body.
>Screen goes black, wake up at hospital.
>Claim ship and head back.
>No death marker, no body, I was atomized, just the arm armor I pulled off and the looted enemy there.
>Whatever, finish bunker.
>Go to leave in my old ship, since it has all my other gear and loot.
>Bunker blows me up for tresspassing on my old ship.
>Wake up in prison.
>Can't get out.
>Go deep for escape contract.
>Isn't appearing.

This blows dude.
my experience is less greentext worthy, but i basically wound up failing enough hauler missions due to no cargo or them straight up killing themselves that i reset my convalex rep.
I finished setting up mine and its pretty simple and have most of it memorized so I'll check it out in a few days.

thank you, this is what I was looking for. I just need to try it on the up and down strafe because it's throwing me off. Maybe it's because I played Elite or something but these thrusters are really sensitive imo.
Okay, I thought I was in for a character reset, but switching servers, I did find one where the elevators worked.
So my guy just blacks out every time I eat or drink now. Anyone know a fix, or am I just living of IV drips till the next patch?
Not sure now with pyro and increased activity.
But since 3.23 pirates and griefers have been kinda rare, might be boring job.
Otherwise a good idea, it creates content for 3 people, you, your client and any possible hostiles.
Sorry for your loss anon.
>had an epileptic seizure in the bathtub and drowned
Vax status?
Dude had a long history of epilepsy and refused to use his prescribed medication because he felt it turned him into a zombie. He'd been self-medicating with marijuana but stopped using it because he'd just started a new job.

Also the whole "Vax status?" thing marks you as a shithead. Had an aunt die of COVID and we couldn't even throw a fucking funeral.
I like the guardian but it's so fucking hard to hit anything with the stock loadout.
Well no shit just replace the cannons with repeaters or gatlingshaving 2 laze cannons on a fighters is just a shit plan and sets you up for the ares ion problem, if you hit it hurts but every miss is a huge chunk of lost damage.

I pulled S5 Galdereen repeaters off my loaner conny
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>tfw theres another reality where the Guardian is TIE Striker instead of a fat TIE/IN Larping as a TIE/D
Fuck off boomer. No one gives a fuck about cuck wars.
The one on the left looks so good.
where's the retard who was gushing about how amazing and bugfree the ePTU is now
In your walls.
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there he is, lmao
Ptu running well and the live release being abysmal dogshit aren't mutually exclusive.
Support still haven't responded to my ticket in 22 days so I'm not buying the Guardian.
Bros a massive shill. Can't keep roberts dick out of his mouth.
What causes the Stations in Pyro to go hostile? Just got blown up by Gaslight heading into my hangar.
Targeting a turret in missile mode will cause it to go hostile.
>engines on the wings
I'm glad we didn't get this.
Imagine being shot on the wing and having to deal with major torque imbalance for the rest of the fight
NTA, but EPTU was actually running amazingly well with multiple servers of 500+. Two days as live and this shit is unplayable. I don't understand the technical incompetence.
>there's more players on Live than PTU
Well, that shouldn't matter, if we're being contained on separate servers?
What else do we need besides character database updates at login/logoff and periodic validation? Why can't that scale from a thousand+ EPTU players?
Switching to missile mode for any reason outside of firing a missile salvo at a particular target is actually retarded and there's essentially zero reason you ever target a turret in missile mode.
>target enemy ship
>switch to missile mode
>switch back
If you're trying to preheat an opening salvo, activate missile mode and target accurately, but don't run around with that shit on.
they do physics updates and apparently UI updates server side.
Retarded, I know
Rep. All the Freedom outposts are hostile to me because I've been doing Headhunter missions
Is the rep system actually in game? I thought they'd done the usual and just dumped pyro without any of the systems to make it work.
It's not that, I basically never target anything in pyro if I can avoid it.
All the Stations are Rough and Ready though, and as far as I can tell you never fight them, unless these random pirates that aren't named are them.
Not the stations, but the planet outposts, like on Bloom
It's kind of there. Seems they try to force you to side with CFP or Headhunters. They're contracts often have you fight the other. Not sure if it's possible to stay neutral, I've been trying to get CFP back on my good side, but the contracts they give where I'm not fighting head hunters keep breaking. Its says I'm neutral, but all their bases attack me on site.
A side note, I hate how the only way to get info on a ship is by targeting it.
I shouldn't have to make people twitchy to know "this is a reliant piloted by John McCumface"
Yeah I know, but my original post was asking why the station was attacking me. I don't even have rep with Rough and Ready, and they're the ones who own most of the stations and said station blasted me after assigning me a hangar..
You may just have an invisible crimestat/invisible hostility.
It was a major bug a whole ago and im not sure if its still around/resurfaced due to some eldritch spaghetti code
Scanning actually doesn't require targeting. When you get the crosshair on a contact, that's the one that will scan. It seems like scanning is back to super hit or miss though
The scanning UI is dogshit though, it doesn't show you who owns the thing and the cargo manifest barely works.
they are actually selling samurai armor already
completely worthless until they rework the clothing system
This shoot looks so fucking stupid and out of place, there's more ugly nasty way too OTT designs in game now than there is just normal space gear.

It's giving "we're going to put this in SC to cover up the Soulsinger leak that it actually was"
The scanning UI is certainly dogshit, but the scanning MFD page will show owner/pilot once you've scanned and without targeting. The problem is we're back to 3.23 tier scanning where it doesn't work despite trying over and over until it finally does.
Biggest issues I'm having are with menus.

Inventory is buggy as hell, drag and drop inventory management is a dice roll on if it'll work. Was having issues in Pyro where if I set something down it would just cease existing.

The flight services screen is also buggy. It seems to have a very low success rate on displaying properly when I'm landed anywhere and I have to click in and out of it several times to successfully repair or refuel.

Still having the occasional QT weirdness as well. Jumps putting me 10Mm away from the station instead of towards it, jumps to surface locations not patching right and needing to be canceled and manually routing around orbital nab points.

The UI doesn't highlight objective locations effectively, making finding the right QT point a pain in the ass. Both in the maps and the navy HUD. In the map there should be an option to set route to a tracked mission objective, this is basic stuff.

I had one mysterious jank death while trying to land on Microtech. Some kind of invisible trees nonsense or something.
that was me actually, and I stand by it, bugs aside it's been quite smooth server-wise, which is what I meant in that post
same. 4.0 would be a godsend if the menus and inventory fucking worked.
Yeah, when it's working it's working incredibly well. I got on a server a couple of nights ago that was amazing, felt like playing a real game with everything working seamlessly and fluidly, responsive NPCs, missions actually working, etc. There are 5-10 totally busted servers, black screens, server errors, etc. for every one like that though.
This shit remotely working yet?
We went from EPTU and first day or so of live to
>random freeze to black
>unresponsive terminals
>desync'd players in the same area
I had never been so hyped for a Star Citizen patch and I went from "damn, CIG actually did it" to "these clowns are still incompetent" in 24 hours
for me, it's being stuck with everus being entirely unusable because i cannot spawn a hangar at it.
Where do I sell stuff like Dolovine or the presents in Pyro? I only see the normal cargo commodity stuff at the Admin.
is that what you do with the presents? I thought you could open them or something
only ruin station buy them in pyro but half the price of stanton it is a joke
this is a drug star sir we don't do industry here. you think we're making watch crystals and shit?
It is very very important that MISC ships have awful visibility.

I was amazed flying a hull A the first time and realizing the bottom glass of the cockpit is completely useless because the dashboard is so huge.
In PvE 4xS3 or better is good since it means you can pop an S1 shield in one hit with alpha damage. Means you can kill light fighters at the start of a bounty fight before they start moving around too much.
>go to outpost listed as having overstock
>no terminal at all, no cargo elevator
>go to outpost listed as having ship parts, ships for sale, full services, basically everything
>no pad at all, no shops, no terminals
is this just a shitty half implemented version or did they actually forget to put the fucking shit that makes it a game in, every outpost is a bunch of wreckage and maybe some nice houses with absolutely no gameplay reason for existing.
Is Rough and Ready owning 90% of the Stations how it's supposed to be, or is it a place holder till the get the other gangs in? I assume it's a place holder since Xenothreat is supposed to own Ruin Station right? I mean how the fuck is there a station called Rat's Nest and it's not owned by Firerats?
There's a few with shops, but most of them have the same 6 items copy pasted between them all. I found one shop on Bloom sells the Headhunter skull helmet, and there's a big shop at Sacren's Plot on Pyro IV that sells all the Microid armor sets and the new Sticher armor. Sticher is my favorite armor, but sadly CFP own it and they hate me.
Why do people choose to miss shots all the time to instead of using gimballed mode for slightly less damage but almost always hitting?
No good pilot is on gimballed. Skill issue.
>t. Shit pilot
Because most of these boomers are larpers. They buy the sticks and throttles and can't use gimbled mode because it lends itself more to mouse aiming than sticks.
Tldr: boomertard brain disease
Reading comprehension brain damaged retard, only shit pilot use gimbals.
Wish these hacks would add new items for new content not just restrict old items that have been in game for years
Like how hard would it be to design a new environment suit you can only get in the Starkov maps
They can't add ship recolors without charging as much as a full game so who knows.
No reading comprehension mistake behind it you fat larper. You're a shit pilot and you don't use gimbals hence good pilots do. Now sit your fat ass down before you have a stroke lardass.
>You're a shit pilot and you don't use gimbals hence good pilots do. Now sit your fat ass down before you have a stroke lardass.
Not a single good pilot in this game is on gimbals, it is well known. You shouldn't post about star citizen since you clearly know nothing about the game. Every good pilot uses sticks, and 0 of them have gimbals.
>seething reply from the lardass
Love it. Fatties are so easily triggered. Meanwhile here you are a shit pilot, who doesn't use gimbals. Kind of defeats you entire post doesn't it fatso. Less posting, more lifting fatty.
Are there any servers with chat anymore, or are they all dead?
Crazy how on an anonymous board I can still tell when it's this one faggot
No one uses gimbal dude, he's right. They used to be okay but now they're useless. No one uses them.
can you dupe ship parts like shields / powerplants like with weapons?
Yep, works the same way. You can't swap out certain capital ship components though like shields or power plants though. If you can't get the ship component out from inside the ship due to a too narrow pathway, you can dislodge the component and blow up the ship and the removed component should drop to the ground like off-grid cargo. Should, anyway.
Crazy how on an anonymous board I can still tell it's this one fatty.
Keep seething fatso. Keep wobbling those double chins around while you get shit on 24/7 in combat because you're garbage at the game lmao.
Why is that one anon so obsessed with fat people.
Like buddy, I too browse bbwchan but I don't project it onto the people I'm talking to.
No one uses gimbal dude
>t. fatty
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Why would you admit to browsing bbwchan? Was that your best retort?
Letting him know he's in good company.
Gooners are not good company. Seek help. Seek salvation. Have you prayed to Chris Roberts today? Absolve your sins by buying a Guardian QI and an Intrepid starter pack.
I'm still really annoyed at how they took 2 S5s away from pilot control on the Corsair and gave them exclusively to the copilot. It's such a bizarre way to balance a ship, these are forward facing fixed/gimbaled weapons. It's awkward and stupid, and makes planning a loadout weird.

Even with just 2xS4 and 2xS5, there's very little real competition, but it's just such an awkward solution. I would have preferred almost any other way to address the balance they were trying to achieve.

>Drop all nose guns to S4, make the wing guns S5
You lose total firepower, but retain a more sensible distribution of control over the hardpoints.

>Change bottom S5 nose mounts to a 2xS4 remote turret, change wing hardpoints to S5.
You retain the same total frontal firepower, still split firepower between the pilot and copilot, but the pilot gets to retain control of 4xS5 like the Connie.

>Leave all hardpoints as is, give all nose guns back to the pilot, give the wing guns to the copilot.
Similar to the current state, better for the pilot.

I still love my Corsair but damn CIG you really fucked me here. I don't want a shit ass Connie with its retarded interior and anime ass exterior design, and I don't want some pure gunship that's unusable solo. There's no alternative.
It's a humiliation ritual.
The reason is because Corsairs (a multi crew ship) were overpowered when used by single pilots and could solo almost everything else.
Lowering the gun size wouldn't fix the problem because the issue is the pilot had too much firepower available as a solo player.
The fix was to make the multi crew ship that was dumpstering all the other ships require two players to use effectively.
Hopefully they pull in the same fix for constellations.
>multicrew but solo
>accounted for 40% of all kills in the game
>best ship out of all the others by a mile
>a literal can do everything ship
They didn't nerf it enough in my opinion.
The Corsair was defitively a multicrew ship even with the original balance. It flies like a tub and any small craft could just stay completely out of your field of fire while chipping at your shields. The frontal firepower is what make it a real threat to Constellations and other medium->large ships that were completely untouchable by basically any other solo ship. Bounty hunting is my preferred gameplay, but when you start getting Constellations and shit as targets they're impossible to kill with a fighter.

Lowering the gun size achieves the same thing, so that statement proves you're retarded. If a fucking F8 can have 4xS3 and 4xS2, that's not far off the sustained DPS of 6xS4.

I get that it was an outlier for solo pilot firepower, but it wasn't some godlike thing. The change to gimbals not dropping a weapon size was a huge buff for it which is part of the problem. I was running gimbaled S4s on the nose before that change. It has never been especially nimble and fast targets give it trouble. Even a Cutlass can be a huge pain.
>accounted for 40% of all kills in the game
>Ship which is best suited to PvE combat is purchased by combat oriented players
Gee I wonder why it accounted for so many kills. Hull series needs a buff obviously.
Corsair is 6.5mil ingame while the Taurus is 8 and an andromeda is 10. Starlancer will prolly be in the 14-15 range easily. Thats what Drake is: cost effective toyota tier shit that doesnt excel in anything.
Also theres still no word on ingame computer blades or even if its possible to slave maned turret positions. The one ship whose price is super weird is the MSR (expensive as hell).
*Also they may implement in the future S3 bombs (they already exist ingame but I think its not equipable yet). A corsair or freelancer can use them, but a cutlass/andromeda cannot.
I wonder how it'll fare in post 4.0 pve where the AI actually has real server fps and not the geriatric 3-6fps they used to have.
I understand you're trying to say it wasn't overpowered originally but again the corsair almost had more kills than every other ship combined. It's a multicrew ship that was overpowered for solo players and they forced you to play multicrew with it. Not sure why people are so hung up about it.
>lowering the gun size achieves the same thing
How does lowering the gun size turn an overpowered solo ship into a balanced multicrew ship?
Much like luddites, they're seeing the writing on the wall that they can't solo massive spaceships and are trying to keep the good old ways.
Engineering will be a fun one to see implemented because it'll pretty much end the solo freighter playstyle.
>The one ship whose price is super weird is the MSR (expensive as hell)
They need to allow those turrets being slaved in the future otherwise the ship will be dogshit.
I think you're right.
Engineering being implemented I think will be the biggest meltdown for solo players using big ships.
>respected by CFP
>do one job for headhunters
>job is 'this psycho is killing our dudes, go take him out pls'
>hostile with CFP and get the 'one last chance' job immediately
I see why nobody likes these fags. the fluff in the mission text should matter when you've got factions at odds with such different values, not just "do job for other guys you lose all your rep" like these plucky colonists are just the crips to headhunters bloods.
six size 3s is still kinda weak for how fat it is and how little HP it has. it's just not really a combat ship though, but it makes for a halfway decent ground mining ship. you can fit three 8 SCU crates + another six SCU in the smuggler compartment, and a ROC in it. once we have the arrastra it'll be less relevant in that role though.
I'd put money on the msr getting a full rework at some point.
I'm pretty sure even CIG admit it's a bloated mess of a ship that's twice the size it needs to be.
i think the size is fine, it can fit an ursa with no other cargo or a roc with some cargo, it could maybe use an HP buff or the turrets getting boosted to size fours though. i guess you could shave off some of the sides and bottom of the ship, the little tunnels are pretty much entirely pointless
There is the possibility that people dislike CIG needing old ships to sell new ships. You think they won't do this to fighters? Oh sweet summer child
Why would I care if they do it to fighters?
I'd welcome it actually, the last 5 years CIG have power crept everything to absolute fuck. The starlancer and guardian are actually well balanced for once and I'd like to see other ships get cut down to size instead of CIG just slapping a gorillion size 4 and 5s on everything because it just *has* to be more powerful than what came before.
>the last 5 years CIG have power crept everything to absolute fuck
This is true for sure. I have appreciated that this years releases seem more balanced - Zeus, Guardian, Starlancer, all seem positively sane compared to shit we were seeing.

Fighters have had insane powercreep too though. Shit like the F8 and Scorpius is out of control. No fighter should have more than four hardpoints. 3xS3 is pushing it for a fighter.
>cost effective toyota tier shit that doesnt excel in anything.
Toyotas are overpriced and overrated as fuck though. Drake is really Dodge - shit build quality, criminal/lowlife reputation but also used by cops, and typically fast in a straight line.
it really does seem like they fell of the cliff with the guns sizes the last few years. Once upon a time the freelancer at cutlass were well armed ships for their size and handily outgunned most fighters in a head on fight, forcing the fighters to outfly them to win, which wasnt hard, but if you just tried to gunfight the lancer you'd get blasted, now the lancer is 100% only suitable for pve cus it did not benefit from the gimbal weapon size change.
They should either alter it to quad S4s or take all the fighters back down to S3s.
>take all the fighters back down to S3s.
I think this is the answer. The only fighters with S4 should be heavy fighters with 2xS4 like the Guardian. Anything else should have 4xS3 at maximum on heavy fighters. Medium fighters should be up to 3xS3 or some combination of S1-S3.

The Buccaneer was the harbinger of the gun size retardation era. A light fighter with
What the fuck were they thinking? It really should have the S3s or the S4 taken off entirely. If you really want to keep the big gun, get rid of the 2xS3 and bumb the S1 to S2. 2xS2+1xS4 is still good firepower for a light fighter and fits the whole Drake theme.

My original pledge 325a has been powwrcrept to oblivion and it was supposed to be a serious combat ship able to outmatch light fighters but be competitive with or just slightly outmatched by dedicated medium fighters.
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Personally my biggest issue with the MSR during freefly is the front bottom half of the ship is completely worthless. Blocked off entirely so it feels like a waste of space.
Maybe soft buff some ships by making it so certain hardpoints don't lose ROF from active gimbals.
Yeah the Paladin is OP as fuck and the only reason I'm not more upset about it is that it really is a minimum 2 player ship. When you compare to other ships with 2 crew, it's not as outrageous, but it's still an outlier. A quad S5 turret mount? What the fuck CIG.
Reminder that AI blades will make it a one person ship when those are out since the turret is remote.
>spend 45 minutes loading cargo because it's all 1scu for some reason
>fly out of hanger
>die instantly because the outer hanger doors have glitched closed just as you're half way through them
This game is a joke.
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You deserve it and will not be missed when the purge comes.
I know it's kinda a lot to ask, but could someone check if you can sell Cambio SRT canisters in 4.0, if it works?
>Get in fighter
>press LMB to fire energy weapons at target
>press LMB to fire again but energy weapons do not fire despite being at full capacitor
>power cycle weapons which allows me to fire energy weapons again
>same shit happens immediately after I try to fire another burst
>Alt f4
The Taurus actually has less HP in the body. Its not that bad really.

Fatlancer is the type of ship for players who literally wont spend any time on the surface and do nothing but ERT's, possibly storing and taking the drugs to the salvage yard in another ships. Speaking of which, any significant loot nerfs in 4.0?
But muh Millennium Falcon!
I have a starter account from years ago, Mustang Alpha account.

Coming back to the game today for the new star system and spend some time in space.
Whats the recommended thing I should do?
>Well Pyro might be crawling with assholes who blast you just for existing within 80kms of their location, but at least the missions payout is better so it's kind of worth the risk!
>Go back to Stanton.
>Basic bitch bunker is 50k payout.

This game is developed my literal retards.
Bring lube.
take some screenshots and log off before you see how there are nothing to do
>that one guy who is absolutely obsessed with the idea that people might have fun if they don't need to spend 45 minutes of an hour session finding a "crew" and "escorts".

I WILL solo the Perseus with blades and I WILL deliver 700 SCU alone in a C2 and you WILL seethe and respond to this with empty threats that will never come to fruition
Anyone know if the headhuner armor is in the game or where to get it? I've found the helmet for sale in some of their outpost, but nothing else.
Chris literally doesn't want you to do that so tough shit bucko.
>blades will allow you to solo the perseus
Monkey's paw curls:
>you have to give up the use of the PDCs and the guns are fixed forward
>gets damaged
>component dies
>has to get out of his chair leaving the ship defenseless
>repairs component
>another component dies
>repeat until death
lol engineering is actually based
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the seething at this post proves that it is correct, not a single post has a compelling argument
>every posts proves he's incorrect
Not him, you. Seethe and cope you slimy fuck.
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i got a better one for you, blades cost 2 energy segments each
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Let analyse the posts:

Doesn't know what he is saying, they've sold almost a billion $$ worth of ships under the promise of NPC crews, so this is lying, literally. NPC crews have been on the roadmap and they delayed them, not removed them
this is literally fake and gay, secondly, you can still solo a ship if you don't put the blades into pdc instead of turrets
>this is good gameplay somehow
this post proves engineering is actually just shitty gameplay, but let's see what happens when this gets added and fuses start to go out and the anti-pvp retards start seething, like they always do.

>Not him, you. Seethe and cope you slimy fuck.
Every single anon on these SC threads recognizes your posts by 1st grade insults and exceptional low quality, plus your writing is 9th grade tier. I seriously hope one day you get tired of coming to these thread so normal discussion can resume.
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Retaliator bros, not like this...
1. press tab when flying up to any asteroid bases and/or lagrange points in pyro
2. set your spawn locally before using any of the elevators past the signs that say 'contested' on the big three stations
3. look at the bar graphs on your ship HUD and figure out how to allocate power before getting into combat
4. try RMB if and when LMB doesn't work on your tractor beam
PvP fighter adhd fags are gonna have a worse time with engineering than space dads. Pve players are used to slow gameplay and even seek it. This threads ADHD ritalin junkie kids are going to pop a fucking blood vessel having to jump out of their (insert current strongest hornet) to remove and repair component.

If that's not enough to kill most of them, they will have to prostrate themselves in ingame chat to get help where ever they are stuck in. Then their only copium is to come here and boast how tough kids they are
Cant even power its own shields all the way even without that, it may as well be a fancy suicide bomber at this point.
Reminder that everything to do with blades is complwtwt theorycraft as no one knows what they will require.
The only known fact is that "they will have some kind of use penalty compared to just having a guy in the turrets."
What this means is completely unknown but a bladed ship will 100% not very as effective as grabbing a random and pressganging him into the turret.
What about Blades+Npc crew?
>npc crew
Hasn't even begun napkin concepts. Anything around npc crew is literally fanfiction.
>Anything around npc crew is literally fanfiction.
anything regarding treating this game like it isn't 5 years away from being an actual game and not a tech demo is literally delusion
>promise of NPC crews
>NPC crews are not coming for 1.0 and are not planned or in development
Lmaooo wrong on the first point.
>engineering makes ships require multicrew
Like I said seethe and cope you slimy nigger. Engineering pretty much hard gates big ships for multiple crew. Cope about it to CiG and on spectrum you stupid fuck.
I absolutely dumpstered you with that post.
>posts the exact same way every post he makes
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people are right about you, even im starting to notice this is the same guy
>uses the NTA defense
>just drops the capitalization
>still uses the same 2013 reaction images he has saved
You aint fooling me fatso.
>screeching at multiple anons
not the 1st time you've done this
Merry christmas you obsese nigger. Hope your family gets you a treadmill you greasy chunkster.
>gets mad when called out
lmao, it's so fucking obvious.
Every time someone posts literally anything in these threads, you immediately come in and seethe while samefagging. Do you not have a life?
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you niggers are so fucking tiresome. merry christmas anyway
pretty sure we're the only 2 posters who give any (you)s
checked and merry christmas
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>anon, how was your christmas?
>well I spent it making the same tired arguments against the same tired anonymous also making the same tired arguments on a star citizen thread on 4chan
You can buy weevil eggs and it crashed their value to 20k
Thought I was done with this shit after the big pivot but here I am wholeheartedly considering a Warbond Guardian.
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Don't do it. It's too sluggish. What other ships do you have? Do you need a heavy fighter?
Do it. You need a heavy fighter.
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Do it, anon. It has a comfy interior and has 2xS5 guns.
Don't you want to troll haulers, anon? Get a Qi, make them cry.
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Don't listen to the "Yes Sayers" brother. They only want to see you in pain.
Life is tough because I've been waiting ages for a single crew heavy fighter with no bullshit gimmick just a couple big guns.

I have like 40 bucks store credit and an LTI Fury, might just make up the difference instead of buying the WB. Am I nuts or does the Qi seem like the objectively better pick? I heard the normal one has more missiles but with missiles costing so much I'm not sure that matters.
>I heard the normal one has more missiles but with missiles costing so much I'm not sure that matters.
I'm pretty sure both have the same hardpoints, they just come with different racks and missiles installed. The only real downside to the Qi is being a bit slower.
The 2 variants just have different default missile racks, but technically they both have the exact same missile loadout capabilities should you wish to change them at some point. As to your question of the QI being objectively better, the only real difference is slightly less manoeuvrability for the QI and higher signature, but nothing that drastic (and the price increase ofcourse). IMO, the QI is just an obvious choice if you where to pick them.
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>i live a slow life devoid of excitement
>muh pacemaker
>what's a bit coin?
>internet toughguys
It's a pile of shit right now, cockpit has a grand total of 1 single HP and you will die to a single size 1 missile
lol, ran into that same troll box placement. I wasn't brave/stupid enough to even try getting it.
Why do paypigs play this game? Earning money for new ships is 90% of the game. What the fuck do you play for? Sure it's fun for a while, but without any kind of grind and saving up I can't imagine playing for more then a couple of hours every major patch.
Because they're Captain Picard/Luke Skywalker, didn't you know?
They didn't do it for the money so neither does the space boomer
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Merry christmas Anon
Im going to enjoy so much when you realize what I said is true, and you have to exit the fighter and physically remove the component, then repair it and put it back. Making you completely impotent if you take one bad hit.
>until they roll it back since everyone is crying
I dropped down from above, I think there was some ok loot in it, nothing amazing or unique but better than fruits and shit
Huh, didn't see any spot to get to it from above, looked like the platform above was bigger and covered the whole thing. Either way those boxes are all over, so you can find whatever was in it in other boxes that are less suicidal to get.
>Chris Roberts is obsessed with theatrical space fighter battles and is going to allow fighters to be nerfed into oblivion and out performed by space mack truck
Wait master modes sucks?
holy shit this patch is the most unplayable trash they've released in the past year, even worse than the dumpster fire of 3.24
I've had a far better experience with 4.0 than 3.24. Far better performance and actual social dynamics, plus less broken elevators.
nta but i'd just like to be able to complete a single fucking hauling loop. closest i got was gear down on the return trip to everus and one box off before a black screen ate the game.
So you have the one server that doesn't crash within 10 minutes or you tried 4.0 a few days ago when it released before the wheels came off?

Fuck, I can't believe I paid for this garbage. Billion dollar company with zero concept of server stability or 24/7 netops teams
Yeah I've been hearing cargo is a nightmare currently.

I never said that it worked, just that it was better than 3.24. I mostly do combat and salvaging and once you figure out the yellow waypoint for salvage doesn't work and you need to scan for the blue salvage QD point instead, it's been pretty smooth.
anyone have any success with hauling missions? I deliver to destination and move cargo to warehouse but missions stays at 0/10 delivered.
bad luck with server updates in general, done a couple bounty missions where a marker stays on the hard dead ship remnants no matter how small I chunk the pieces
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Maybe I'm being fucking stupid because for YEARS I've felt this Scorpius was dead weight that I couldn't upgrade out of into another ship (had to be a fighter, didn't want this pledge to be a huge ship) because it cost more than any other fighter. I'm now doing this, which makes this pledge even higher in price and therefore making the problem worse.

But hey, free Guardian and cool paint and if I don't have to give these hacks more money that suits.
>Maybe I'm being fucking stupid because for YEARS I've felt this Scorpius was dead weight that I couldn't upgrade out of into another ship (had to be a fighter
Ion/Inferno, Eclipse, Vanguard series?
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guardian have been my fav ship

put some proper gats on this bitch, nice interior, you can carry a crate, its great i just wish it had bigger shields like 1 s2 woulda been better

plus it just looks fantastic
I already have an Ion, it sucks and has since 1 patch after release, you should feel bad for recommending it. Eclipse is too niche, I didn't want a gimmick ship just something with heavy shielding and guns. Vanguard WAS the pick but I have this autistic thing about the Vanguard's paint and shape.

You scared the shit out of me, but it does have a single S2. It should probably have Dual S2s like the Vanny has, or maybe used to have since I know they fucked up a bunch of ships parts with 0 regard for actual physical component locations and sizings.

What paint is that?
red skies on the QI
Ion is being unfucked next patch which is why I even remembered it existed. There's also the Blade.
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I need a paint for the blade to look like this
is there a fucking hope of cig selling old best in show paints again?
white and gold looked so cool but I didn't play the game back then
and all newer best in show have been ugly as fuck
they are 500-1000$ on the grey market of course so I'm not paying this price
Never say never, but there has been no inkling that they ever will.
Not a chance in hell.
Forever grateful that my carrack BiS will always be a rare sight. I get why you'd want it though, 2950 BiS are the best looking skins in the game by a lightyear.
what warframe enemy is this?
Not when Meridian exists.
Am I cooked or does anyone else think new Lorville is a bit much? Too yellow.
lorville remake was supposed to be a massive height overhaul with level of building for different social class etc... (mid level commercial, low level industral,...)
all the concepts arts and all were made nicely but the final guy who was in charge putting the things in the game did a fucking slop with this yellow paint bucket and went home like this
also the colors were supposed to become yellow only from the building reflection with the sun
>not even the best 400i paint
Get some taste.
Nah it took me a while to get used to it but I think it's pretty good actually.
It's a bit rough right now, looking forward to seeing how stable it is by the end of January.
Why do you think the Scorpius is dead weight?
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>Ion is being unfucked next patch
source? fuckin luv me ares fighters but they did them very dirty
the initial ion debacle was hilarious.
Don't let anyone tell you light fighter basedboys don't have the most fragile egos in this game
What is, then? If you say Penumbra you're getting spaced out the airlock.
Because I owned it since release and managed to get a gunner a total of 2 times, as a solo ship it's obscenely mid.
Penumbra is one of the few actually good looking concierge paints CIG have made, I won't stand for its slander.
Matte black and gold looks far better than the high school kitchen stainless steel of meridian. I've never seen a screenshot where that paint doesn't look like shit.
Meridian is timeless and classy, it can be anything it needs to be. Penumbra is nice, but it works for only one look: I'm rich, and probably a dick.
I will admit I am a little pissed I missed out on it because I wasn't Conc when I bought the 400i.
Dude it looks like a smudged spoon. It rivals the red BiS skins as some of the worst in the game
the fulcrum of problems in this game is the fact that Chris is a light fighter basedboy who wants to blow up an ISD using only and X-wings blaster cannons by "staying in a its blind spots and hitting its weak points"

A thought process which rests upon larger ships being intentionally poorly designed. Its a trivial matter to give ships all around turret arcs and bury components in the hull. But instead we have turrets designed with intentionally limited arcs and poor overlap. With hull bumps who whole purpose is to limit turret traverse, and with critical ships systems exposed to fire so that Chris Skywalker can hit them with S3 fire and cripple the ship.

And then when someone turns its around and evaporates his Glad-wing with an anti cap weapon since the anti fighter fleet defense picket ship is shit at killing fighters he throws a fit.
sounds based. stay mad paypiggies. ill fuck you up in my gladius.
>Scorpius sucks without a gunner
Why, yes, that's the whole schtick? If you're a strictly solo dude then yeah, it's not a good fit.
>curated clips of one shotting lazily drifting NPC space bots
When the whole inferno nerf happened in EPTU and people started yapping about it, a dev came in and specified that they had made no intentional balance changes to the overheat mechanic and that it was simply an oversight as they were unifying various backend mechanics and that the Ion has also had the charge mechanic removed but it had been done right before the 4.0 build went live and thus didn't make it into the live build and will be seen in the next patch instead.
That explains why the inferno also lost 700 ammo capacity at the same time, it's just a value bro
Lol, lmao even
CIG and not making any announcement of any kind about changes to anything are a match made in heaven
>removed the charge mechanic
so what, it'll just insta overheat then? ngl, I kinda liked the charge mechanic, felt like one of the more skill based combat ships because you had to make long predictions and then actually follow them up with your shot placement, especially if you're going for full charge
cry about it fag
so when can we expect CIG back at work? the week after new years?
they will go back to work mid january
first patch will drop a week later
4.0 is the patch that they worked on for years
(and it's completely empty and bugged)
now they lay off half of the employees
and the other half are back to work on sq42 to finish it in 2026
(only the first chapter is "done", it's so bugged that it crash 5 times in citizencon and the cutscenes characters glitch)
so basically we're getting no content at all in 2025 except new ships because they need money
should I upgrade my Corsair to a guardian? I have Max loaner atm from the TAC. I'm waiting for TAC release so I get some discount for a Reclaimer upgrade
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this is perfectly normal
Really can't wrap my head around why you questioned me, got my reasoning agreed with me but replied in such a way that makes it seem like I said something that opposes your own take.
Even with a gunner it's just okay. You're better off with 2 guys in Guardians.
I had no idea the scorpius even had a copilot seat
I'm feeling like the Guardian needs 2 shields or better yaw and pitch.
AVOID BUGS for the 4.0 no-fix period:

Don't spawn at or travel to New Babbage, hangar doors not working
DO NOT go to jail, you cannot leave, go to Pyro if you end up with CS or use character reset
ALWAYS turn off vehicles (at least engines = I key) before leaving them at the whims of physics
Non-contract mining and salvage are doing OK
ROC mining is janky, you have to transfer the gems into your backpack, then into a container, then into the warehouse, then move them out of the container to be at the top level at the sale location. this gets more difficult if your sale location doesn't have an inventory kiosk (ie surface outposts). if you're selling to a location with a hangar, then you can unload directly to a storage kiosk using only a backpack but you may not be able to sell to all stations or you'll get a worse price.

If you are otherwise somehow stuck, character reset - there were certain sharts that had corrupted some people's characters a few days ago
Many reports of combat contract targets not spawning and cargo contracts not being available but cannot confirm
Some report losing cargo hauls to a bug, cannot confirm
Cheers for the list, I'll add this to the next OP if there's no hotfix till then.
>ALWAYS turn off vehicles (at least engines = I key) before leaving them at the whims of physics
I've been doing this out of habit since ships used to just shoot straight up in the air if you left the engines on after getting out of the seat, but that was a long while ago now. Is this still the case, and can anyone confirm that leaving the engines on still fucks with the physics?
I think nowadays it's more that if you ship gets punted a little and you have the engines on, it's not going to fall back down and you'll be stuck.
Based IFCS
Learning the hard way why you should turn the engines off is a rite of passage that every scam player has to go through.
Honestly I just turn them off because it's supposed to be a sim and if you park your car and get out to go somewhere you turn it off.

Currently most people play the game like an FPS with ship loading screens though so I'm not surprised.
If you're going to do contract salvage in the Yela asteroid belt, do not go to where the mission waypoint is and instead scan the belt for QD jump points titled 'Salvage' which may be on the other side of the asteroid belt from where the marker is. Larger ships also overshoot QD jumps at shorter ranges due to it being bugged so try to be at least 800km away before jumping directly into a waypoint. Alternatively if you're between 300-600km away you can initiate the jump and swap nav modes immediately after the jump to reduce the distance a bit.
Based chris rewarding larping players and punishing filthy fps transplants.
laffin daily
Kill all non-larpers.
Yeah the propagation of this thinking and CIG support of it is concerning really.
LMGS stuffed into backpacks, people being allowed to just spawn directly into their hangar, people being allowed to respawn magically right where they died thanks to the stupid rover, being forced into these dumb zones for ship parts.
It's pretty clear they're gearing up to release a pretty standard and uninspired game that won't have much more staying power than your average FOTM.
I agree with you on everything except for hangar spawn. IMO the Hangar complex should absolutely have an Apartment attached directly to it and going into town should be something you do cus you want to not something you are mandated to do every time you log out at an LZ.

Like renting a nicer apartment in town should be an RP choice you make vs just using the studio apartment thats built into the corner of your personal hangar at the spaceport. We are independent space pilots whose job is flying after all, not burrito stand workers. We are wealthy above average individuals and our profession is directly linked to spacecraft, our downtime is going to be spent customizing and refitting our vehicles, not phone scrolling in our goy pod. Having us like is a hab apartment in a high density housing tower on the wrong side of town is actually not muh immersive. Being space-gearhead with a your crash pad build directly onto the side of your garage is.

From first concept hangars were going to be our hub and living quarters and the LZ towns were going to be where you went to find work and shop.
I would be willing to accept this if CIG weren't hacks and actually put a room in hangars or some sort of hotel at the spaceport concourse but instead we just magically poof into existence stood at the ASOP so we can immediately start murdering things.
Unless something drastic changes in the game's direction over the next few years, I can see or becoming just arma rp but in space.
It seems the OG vision of your ship being the main character and you just being some mook making his way in a galaxy far too large for you to influence are long gone.
Server Error. Please wait...
CR doesn't give a fuck about the MMO.
they should also let you bedlog in your hanger
Most people have accepted this in some way for a while.
It causes this if you store your ship engines on. I only had this happen to me once when I left engines on and it may be coincidence

Also when refining at a station you can't collect the refined materials to the warehouse inventory. You need to have a ship with cargo space and that must be big enough for at least one load - around 20-32 SCU depending on materials chosen + yields.
So jail is still a permanent sentence?

Unrelated can the next thread have a more obvious star citizen pic? Something easier to find it when scrolling.
backend just seems completely fucked, there isn't a decent shard to be had right now
Is the pulse bugged? Every time I bring it somewhere with my ship it just stops working. It flies around my hangar, but when I get planet side I can't get it to move. It powers on, engines on or off, it just sits there.
Just keep switching servers, I server hopped until I found an AUS server that let me out.
Okay it was in SCM mode, which I guess means it can't fire or move, but NAV mode makes it move. I don't what this thing's deal is but at least I can move with it now.
So the Pulse can fit like several full sets of heavy armor in the glove box...
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>shoot some shit in my hangar
>quick switch between weapons works like a charm
>get into an asteroid base
>game STRUGGLES to recognize inputs
>takes 7 seconds to register my urgency to pull out my firearm
>have a hemopen in your hand? fuck you, put it away first
Because everyone needs to be able to LOOT bro I gotta fucking LOOT this place man I don't open containers in my own ship I LOOT them I fucking love LOOTING and ships only exist as a way to travel between places I can LOOT so they need to be able to hold all the LOOT I LOOTED
>Connie and 600i now both have superior pilot firepower to the Corsair.
>And superior missile loadouts.
>And superior HP.
>600i has double the shielding.

I fucking hate you people that whined about the Corsair so much it's unreal.
That's not really true for the 600i, it has 3x S5 whereas the Corsair pilot has 2xS5 2xS4. The 600i is also more than twice the size of of Corsair.

The Constellation has always been a blatantly overpowered heap of shit since they gave it an S3 shield and them giving it 4xS5 weapons in their most recent "balance" pass basically solidified my believe that Yogi and his team are unironic retards thoughbeit.
Connie packs
>same shields as the Corsair
>double the HP (without the fragile wings)
>24xS2+28xS1 missiles
>24SCU more cargo
>better pilot firepower
>twin 2xS3 turrets instead of triple 2xS2 turrets
>snub fighter
>somehow weighs less
>same manueverability
>shorter claim time
>cheaper expedition

So it's better with 1, 2, 3, or 4 crew. Especially since the Corsair cannot have the remote turret and all frontal guns manned at the same time. Remote turret is only controllable by the copilot, same as the other 2xS5.

It's blatantly OP and completely outrageous. It has a shit design inside and out and I will not fly it.
Connie Mkll soon
balancing by pick rate/kill rate is usually a retarded idea, players will tend to gravitate towards strong options, yes, but you need to actually evaluate if something is too strong compared to other options instead of just saying "40% of kills lol"
and even with all that it still flies like a 3D printed car crash and is utterly fucking mogged by ships with the same crew reqs like the starlancer
>hmm looks like 4.0 is unplayable garbage
>guess ill just fly my new ship in some arena commander
>AC menus all fucked and make it impossible to equip stuff
>finally get into vanduul swarm
>after the first wave no more enemies spawn
>ship also has a gaping hole in the back where the QI should be
I fucking hate these fucking kike devs fucking FUCK
You forgot pdt
The Connie cost almost twice as much and the 600i is like 4 times as much, shut the fuck up already. Do you expect an Aurora to have the same firepower as a Polaris?
the Aurora can one shot the Polaris tho
This patch is an absolute shit heap.
>The Connie cost almost twice as much and the 600i is like 4 times as much, shut the fuck up alread
>Corsair $250 standalone.
>Connie Andromeda $240 standalone.
Ok retard.
I might get a 500 series if they don't fuck it up. Seeing how they fucked my original Kickstarter pledge ship in the ass (325a) and, after 10 years I bought another ship after finally seeing some progress and they fucked that in the ass too (Corsair) I'm not feeling very optimistic.
I'm thinking of melting my Andromeda for a Taurus and pushing that $40 into something else, like maybe a Hurricane or Guardian.
I bought the Andromeda for group play but it's rare I've had more than one turret manned and the snub seems like more trouble than it's worth.
I've been saying this for years. The idea people will sit in a turret and shoot things for you is retarded. No one wants to do that while playing a video game org or not.
Well, not true in my case. I have two kids that enjoy being turret gunners, actually. I have a Hurricane in live that a buddy of is a regular gunner for, plus the kids. I just never seem to have all three online to have both turrets manned in the Constellation.
And this is why Cutlass sized ships are the ideal daily driver size and should constitute the largest overall group of ships in the game. It's also severely neglected.

It makes sense for there to be a large number of starter and single seat fighter choices, but we have too many two seater fighters and FAR too many larger multicrew ships. Ships that are designed around a single pilot, but can support a second crew member or passenger are ideal. Even things like the 300 series aren't quite versatile enough. The Cutlass should have been the design brief around which we got a whole bunch of options. The sort of thing that you upgrade to from your starter after grinding out enough money, and it becomes your daily that you upgrade over time. There could be a fairly high upgrade potential, as you get it to a really capable state while getting established in game and building rep and eventually figure out what types of gameplay you want to specialize into or what sort of multicrew activities you're going to get involved in.

Cutlass, Freelancer (still a bit large), 400i, Zeus, this is the type of 1-3 player ships that should be the core. I say all this as a Corsair pilot, but the only reason I got a Corsair was that there is a lack of good options a size down. Give me something Zeus size or a little smaller with two beds and heavy fighter firepower (2xS5/3-4xS4) that can hold a small ground vehicle (cyclone or smaller) and a couple SCU or cargo. If they're selling single seat fighters with QED and 2xS5 this isn't too much to ask. I just think the Cutlass is ugly.
>have to get kids that literally don't know any better and probably resent you for playing this broken ass game
Have you guys seen Foxhole? People enjoy playing the cuck role.
>other completed game that is nothing like star citizen
>thinks it translates to someone doing this dumb shit
Turret gameplay isn't fun. it's clunky and fucking horrible. That doesn't even account for the fact you have to fucking get out of bed, go on public transport to the space port then go and meet the guy wherever he is or get picked up. Wait another 30 to 40 minutes for whoever else is manning a turret and then when you get blown to shit you have to do all that shit again! Each time! No one's going to be arsed to do that.
You want turret gunners you better be willing to pay 3 to 4 hundred thousand every hour.
>it's rare I've had more than one turret manned and the snub seems like more trouble than it's worth.
This. I just want a ship that has enough shields and firepower to survive yellow/orange ship in distress beacons and bounty fights against medium size NPC targets without needing a second crew member.
Nigger cuck trucking in Foxhole isn't fun either but it still has hordes of retards doing it. Some people just like being in the cuck role.
Bullshit. Never heard of foxhole, sounds like a boomertard game and it's probably old fucks like you who press gang their kids into doing it. No one's going to do turret shit. And I have a good source of information about that.

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