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>Current banners are bunny girls
>Next month bikini nikkes
>5 more months till best girl
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Guide how to use the new doll system
>mix 4 R dolls
>gets blue boxes
I hate this fucking system so fucking much
I hope those are 4 SMG or AR dolls
But yeah sad.
Thats why I wait until we get excess.
Blues are important in building up your R dolls
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i need this literal semen demon jesus christ
Treasure to fix her shit skills when
For fuck's sake, guys, we already had a thread:
>points to a dumbass who completely ignored the thread that was already up
>footfag and a dumbass question
Yeah naw
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mmm nyo
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Are we getting rapi ssr in summer?
>inb4 is Rapi ssr
But should is equip the R dolls to the nikkes? Can I upgrade equipped dolls?
Exactly this
And this
Well, fuck me
> Can I upgrade equipped dolls?
Yes. When you replace the R doll with the SR one, the exp carries over.
At least for now the dolls seem so rare, that you should honestly just equip every one you get, fusing them seems wasteful
why are there so many different currencies in this game
why not just have gems and gold holy shit
i just started playing who do i roll for?
Do other gachas try to do similar stuff to bonding and random encounters? I can't even play other titles if they don't
Bonding scenes are used pretty often especially if they have affinity values, since that's how they pad out side content. Random encounters are a bit rarer, and implemented differently according to the game
Blue Archive has something like those.
There are character stories and group stories.
It also has the phone messages, just like Nikke, and there are bonding stories inside those.
How do i play this game and edge at the same time?
kek, this is actually well thought
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>160 walled for about 2 months
>make progress here and there via gear and skill ups
>stuck at mother whale
>clear the 160 wall
>boost up to 180k power on my best team
>can beat hard mode 220k stages
>still can't beat 140k mother whale
some bosses require proper comps, it took me a while to clear SI: Gravedigger because I had ignored upgrading shotguns. Might need to study motherwhale mechanics and time your bursts properly, if I recall, having someone like harran or privaty burst when all the enemies show up is useful. Litre is always useful for CDR and cover repair.
>just downloaded for first time
>use all my starting credits too roll
>get mast
i win
I'd tried to time my screenwipe bursts but always had to deal with nikkes getting shot up by the first wave of ground spawns, screwing up the burst when the big wave of fliers come in.

But I guess you're my lucky star anon, I just gave it another try and cleared it!
>Been playing since 1st anniversary
>Have almost all nikkes
>Still no Modernia
>Still no Dorothy
>Instead I got 3 copies of Signal during the 1.5 anni.
Sar do not roll in pilgrim banners saaar. Also, I've been playing almost from start and still don't have more than a basic scarlet with not a single copy
Most gacha have scenes or lines that you unlock via affinity/affection/bond/whatever. Phone messages have also become common, like in BA, AL and even HSR.
You probably have mihoyo brainrot if you think that is not a standard thing in mobages.
>You probably have mihoyo brainrot if you think that is not a standard thing in mobages.
Lol, I only play nikke. Sorry for not being a gacha connaisseur fag
Took about 50 pulls but I finally got something
Are you guys spending money on this? I need so many more recruits
I started around anniversary and got lucky so no.
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Sorry, I sperged out and forgot to type out my comment. Help me with my comp? I use Privaty, Liter, Poli, Laplace and Helm
You need patience, I only bought a couple of skins so far
Isn't diesel better than poli? At least for history, also her skills are nice
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don't neglect bunny soda, she has pilgrim tier dps, litre is probably the best all around burst 1 in the game, helm is good for heals for burst 3, privaty synergizes with doro once you have her. Everyone else is just meh, holdovers until you get better nikkes.
I got mast from my free recruits, and that bikini skin is calling to me.
Honestly, I've got no idea, I just like butts and tits and I'm kinda along for the ride, that's why I'm seeking some guidance out here.
I've seen her do some crazy stuff. So I should be looking at something like Litre, Helm, B.Soda, Privaty and who else until I get Doro?
ehh using solo raid designed specifically for her as an example seems unfair.
Maybe build up normal Rupee if you need a 20s burst 2 until you get crown or blanc. Drake too for another shot gunner
I was surprised too, try her out in the union shooting range with non-iron boss, her output is consistently high, she's very strong. Also she should be compare to sugar, yet she out dps her by miles. This solo raid you can get away without shoguns, the time window for the circles is very long, the boss felt more like a dps test.

>something like Litre, Helm, B.Soda, Privaty and who else until I get Doro?
i'd use helm only if you need extra heals, otherwise use your strongest dps. i'd use either rupee for B2, because she buffs soda, or use diesel until you get a good burst 2 character.

full dps >liter rupee b.soda privaty laplace/maiden

more defensive team >liter diesel b.soda privaty helm/anne fairy for rez
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Teams for solo raid especially for those without meme Shotgun bunnies
Phase 1
Turn off auto aim
Those with Pierce Hit below the tip of the drill for core hit
Phase 2 and 3
Turn on auto aim
Get as much core hit at the center with pierce nikkes
Bought the Crown costume, thats it.
Buy it and report back if you get the gems and tickets
I'm f2p and I have >>1489484. I also had no issue getting over the dreaded 160 wall. Playing for free you won't have everything (like skins), but you will still have more than enough. As long as you play smart from the beginning, do daily stuff regularly, and have some patience you'll have no issue.
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>give exact teams
>still fail
Fuck I am dumb
Maybe just not invested enough like overload+5 and skills around lvl 9 or 10
Oh absolutely, of all the nikkes in the picture only three are like that
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Dont bother too much with the Doro team
I feel like they're getting replaced soon
Keep investing on Black Scarlet and Alice, you get alot of mileage with them.
Thanks man, will do
Also, I never understood the challenge part of the solo raid, do every single battle counts towards the final score or only 5 of one attempt?
Those 5 teams in a single attempt
yes, it's cumulative, all 5 count towards your final score. you are given 3 trys per day with the highest score counting towards your rank
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More doll analysis
Neat, do you have one without a fat ugly chink in my screen?
How come they never released this pic whit out the letters?
At least we got this then
Thank you sir, have the video that was below it as a recommendation for me as a thanks
Here you go
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I have no words
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>2x weekend
>no more 2x
What gives
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Summer soon bros.
normally i do my dailies around 4pm thursday EST when servers reset, but coop/raids/2x start around thursday night/friday morning, so I usually miss day 1. I hope they change this for global version, it's pretty annoying, seems it runs around korean server time.
Raids/co-op always start 7 hours after reset.
>randomly re-install Nikke after over a year
>bunny outfits everywhere

I did the quest and immediately surrendered funds to get this outfit. Then actually managed to pull Mary from the Gacha lmao. I got Folkwang from my last go-around so I plan to get hers as well.
I never play Nikke or any other mobile gacha before, is it censored on iphones?
There's a handful of games that have censored iOS clients, but Nikke is the same on all devices in all regions.
Chat gtp is soda bunny good for arena?
So is it true or not?
Dunno man, I'm asking the bot. Jk. I think she is great for it, shotgun with insane dmg output, I just don't want to roll for her because the event with limited characters is just around the corner and I won't have resources to upgrade and use to her full potential so what's the point no?
I meant if there is any censorship of the game on iphones but ok.
Fag kek there isn't Kys
Thanks for clarifying nigger.
No, I'm a pride f2p player.
Just clear the event and the daily weekly mission, in just 2 months I've got 240+ ordinary recruit (the blue ticket thing) for free.
Free to play, didnt even reroll
Ive been here since day one Im at level 404 now
This game is so easy.
>11pm thursday
yeah that's what i said, thursday night/friday morning
Today I did a measly 3 friend pulls, one standard pull, and 1 purple scam mold, and got 4 SSRs. It was a good day today.
>Used up your luck before the summer banner
Oh no anon
I spent money once in a moment of weakness for the golden bunny skin. Otherwise FTP but luckfag when it comes to pilgrims.
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Forgot pic. Scarlet always shows up in my free blue ticket draws, but she is getting less useful these days.
I am way behind on levels though. Not even 300 yet and I played since launch, less a month break.
Miring scarlets, I find it interesting that I only pulled one normal scarlet since I started playing
Its weird, I was getting scarlet and crown dupes every second pull but i have never seen more than a single isabel or Harran. Those are my rare pilgrims, and mercifully they are not useful.
Scarlet and snow white for me. Maybe it's the burden I have to pay for having a +4 Mariam :/
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So what's true damage do? I can't find an explanation online.
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The only general explanation is it ignores defense.
Lets say your attack is 100k and rapture defense is 60k
Normally you deal 40k damage cause its just basic substraction
With true damage you deal full 100k
Those buffs like in your image +6% means 100k + 6% = 106k when you hitting true damage.

Also if you are thinking of hard mode, think again
You are taking stat decrease, not the enemies gaining buffs.
Say enemy defense is 20k
Say your attack at blue digits is at 100k
Say you get a 70% penalty
So normal attack you be doing 30k-20k = 10k
With true damage its just 30k due to ignoring defense

I think at 49% pow difference you'd be taking like 90% pow penalty.
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No huevo?
Currently I'm stuck at the 160 wall with 4 nikkes left to phase 3 limit break.
Based on your explanation, is it worth to get Clay or better save it for another better banner?
Im missing alot of the new nikkes
Keep saving for upcoming summer banner in 2 weeks. I dig her design, but Im at a point of the game I dont need her. My goals on raid doesnt involve needing her atm.
Oh man I just remember speaking of Elegg >>1496961 here
Its funny when Elegg Rem Crown banners came out, they just powercrept each other immediately.
All the 3 banners in a span of 3 months I think or was it 2
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You can use her on the last boss I guess if you lack mg and electric
Yes sar, now redeem
Imagine the smell
>the more capable half of a two man group is injured
>instead of understandably cancelling events they're in and announcing a break due to injury, the remaining half pushes on by herself and apparently tells no one about it
This event story is dumb
You know whats even dumber, theres multiple cheerleader competitions
They're saving their human writer for summer event please understand.
The underboob really is going to be the only redeeming quality about this event, isn't it.
Why are you all complaining? Is literally the best event since the soda bunny event wtf
fuck off kim this is a sad attempt for a filler patch.
for me its the upskirt which was censored for Bay
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she's pretty shit, i was going to ignore with summer around the corner, but she made me pull 1 copy
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any opinion on a porn artist calling the game art mostly "gooner"?
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How are your respective guilds in this lovely raid season
cleared it in a day
what server is that
Global of course
oh the easiest server, just head to /vg/ and ask around for a union
we cleared on day 2, just join a platinum union, i'm probably one of the weakest in our union, so it's nice getting carried. i get to do the lowbie bosses so our big guys don't waste their runs.
isn't that some western leftist term from twitter, i disregard anyone who uses that term unironically
Touch grass fag
dont know leftist use it, im not ever sure where it came from exactly.
I assume they are "coomers" that are so lost that they are "gone" a gooner... or something like that.
Nobody on global here?
and most of them are annoying as fuck good luck with them. I hope you are ready to wake up at 4am for raids
That doesn't make any sense, I can do raids whenever I want
top 50 unions have excel sheets or else you get kicked
Thats the difference between some chill union and top union
As long as the minimum requirement is daily login I'm fine
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Whales or shills? What kind of retard actually write this
>easiest server
is there a different difficulty or gameplay in other servers??
Could be both cause whales are mentally ill.
Nah, it's just that other servers have more active players.
JP has more active players but its harder than both Global and NA
Global is just trash
care to explain wdym by harder?
yea that's my point...
you're pretty much pitted against the guys who keep the game alive.
Hey. im an /asp/ie from the VT board.
I played Nikke or any gachagame ever for the first time yesterday. Im completly clueless about the game. I pulled "Julia" yesterday from the starting gems. Is she okay and worth to keep ?
>Im completly clueless about the game
It's pretty straightforward, but if you are interested in reading advice for new players:
I personally prefer to experiment and discover things alone regardless of mayor fuckups
>Is she okay and worth to keep
I don't think she is good, but is not much you can do with nikkes you don't want to use. Have fun
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julia has to be the worst nikke, worse than SR characters, i question why she even exists.

.t heavily invested in her because i like her design
Alpha as fuck
Could some Chad drops the keys and skins from the stream? I'm at work and vg is too fast
Stream is tomorrow
Game said it was today, why are Koreans like this
can i make a team of assault rifer users and win the game? something about fully automatic weapons is erotic
You can make a fairly functional team, yes. 3 of the 5 members you need are hard to get however
doro and...?
Full team I'm thinking of is Dorothy, Blanc, Privaty, Snow White, and Scarlet
so what good are generic units?
The R none due to stats issue
Used to be Idoll ocean
The SR its N102 and Anis for PVP
blonk can't cover b2 on her own though.
Oh, I forget she only gets 20s burst when she's with Noir. Which means your remaining options for burst 2 would be swimsuit Helm or Rupee, and a fully offensive team probably can't handle the later story chapters I'm guessing (haven't gotten that far into story)
wtf is that even, never heard of it
They should have given us Ast Libra
Scuba diving roguelike where you dive and catch fish which you make sushi out of. Seems like they'll be converting the diving part into a mini game which I'm sort of looking forward to
I hope we get more maintenance kits
This shit is impossible
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They should have made the minigame without mentioning the game, a fat fisherman and his black drunk friend is not fit for a waifu game and I will NOT enjoy watching them with helm
>there is now a fat bastard and black weeb gigachad with shades in nikke
it's over, nikkebros....
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My wife trapped
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How did Nikke had bikinis while BA got no bikini and only got ugly burkas like one pieced swimsuits and rashguard(Kirino)? Was it just that Nexon being a coward or Korea banning bikini? Even youtube version seems better than BA's burka swimsuits in 2023-2024.
No CN server
Pooh hates skins / tits
But China has no feminists.
That's why Proseka has no bikini for body type Bs spite being Jap gacha which never gets censored for being irrelevant?
had to look it up, never heard of it, what a random collab, what in the fuck compelled them choose it, out of literally everything out there. The minigame does look pretty cool though.
Maybe cozing up for a BA collab soon
That game had a Godzilla collab the other day, so it's probably their PR team doing some super heavy lifting
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I love her so much
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Im almost there
Stupid rigged vote who the fuck wants a fucking dress
It has the same publisher as Nikke, that's why they're collabing
I don't care, I don't want that fatass near the nikkes, that should be clear by every player but you clearly don't care about that giant spit that shift up left in your face yesterday
Is he even in the game though?
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There's already a fatass banging your nikkes m8
i wanted neither honestly, so i chose the dress by default because it was the lesser of evils. I just wanted whatever was most revealing
You don't play the game, cück
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I feel bad for Moran
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Im not confident about the meta-ness of our 2 summer nikkes but its also possible we get a Blue Archive collab due to the Nexon collab with Dave the Diver
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Is this the meta cope to not ditch the game for such an awful collab?
Literally two more weeks
The actual collab is said to run on August.
Only seething dicklet chinks drop a game due to collab.
Just treat it as a dead weeks if you hate it
Fucking cuck
>thigh rubbing
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she looks great, let's hope she's not dead weight like her OG version
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BA and GKmas(spite being Jap gacha, it's censored) cannot have this nice bikini.
>Dead weight
>Good at pvp with Jackal and Centi and throw Scarlet at a different team
...so dead weight?
>easy 2k-3k gems every 2 weeks
>champion arena soon for more rewards
>have to log in every day to keep up with your shard just to make her useful
yep, still a dead weight.
>doesnt log in everyday
That applies to all characters in pvp doofus and its how the power system works
If you drop below rank 25 in your bracket just ignore pvp altogether
BA and GKmas cannot compete.
One character is not going to make much difference in your rank, either you stay in the 2k gems zone or still can't win against the whales, not forgetting that if you were behind from the beginning then it's gg
>He doesn't log in every day
Except other *useful* characters can also be used outside of pvp and you can survive in lower rank with power alone anyway.
I log in every new patch just to grab lgbtix and do rolls if the new nikkers interest me. I'm already at that point.
>already at that point.
What would be that point exactly? Past endgame?
Will the summer event Beauty Full Shot be voiced acted?
No cunny summer. Well, at least I get to save for some meta units.
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At least Nikke has bikinis unlike Blue archive, and GKmas(aka Burq@mas for having zero bikini and one pieced swimsuits, only having rashguards for every girl spite being Jap gacha) is "only Japanese gacha can have bikini while Korean gacha cannot" narrative broken?
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>let's go gaambling
>oh dang it
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This wheel fucking sucks. I only got x300 once. Everything else were all x10s and x50s and a couple x100s
Yeah, it's objectively a bad investment unless we get something good at 20 rolls.
question one of two:
where is the Burst thingy? do i need specific units to use Bursts? I am aiming to just have AR/SMG units because dakka
question two of two:
why the fuck does it say 3/6 attempts and i cant scroll to see the other 3?
you lack unit with (I) icon in your team.
you can see the refresh button on the right of each mission although it's not recommended.
Every Nikke has a Burst special that is categorized with roman numerals, I, II, and III. To use Burst in battle after the meter fills, you need to have a Nikki with an I Burst to start, and chain it to a Nikki with a II Burst, finally a III Burst.
welp my bursts are working now. thanks
also holy shit 50 gems per reset
>level 80s an idoll
how badly did i fuck up?
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i can't remember at which level, but you'll unlock the synchro device, then you can stick whoever you want in there. You only need 5 SSR nikkes max limit broken (3 dupes), everyone will scale with their level, so you don't need to level everyone individually. I think there is a reset too, if you want to take back idoll's materials, i remember resetting nikkes all the time.
>used my 10 rolls from the event
>get two Clays
>seriously debating on using my gems on more of her now
But why, summer nikkes are out in two days and those are actually limited
>summer nikkes
thank you, will save
Yeah the reset button is in the nikke's page, just 10 gems for a full refund of any XP, credits, core dust, and skill books consumed.
Skill reset is separate from level reset and needs a particular item I think
Oh yeah you're right. Just XP, credits, and dust then.
No need to reset a level 80 unit, honestly. That amount of used resources is pretty small.
Skills though, yeah, if you leveled up her skills then that was a big waste
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Happy Summer everyone
2nd anniversary and new year Pilgrim is between 3-6 months away.
Try building your 5 teams see if its good enough for 1-3% solo raid
SRosanna is with Miranda SRosanna Helm SnowWhite Yulha team
SSakura is for pvp if the numbers are good with her 2nd skill melting the top dps of pvp rival might be good pairing with Rosanna for guaranteed kill of the highest atk nikke.
>hurrr durrr Dave the diver
Fucking hate these people, nuke seoul pleae
Anyone else having issues with the desktop client freezing at 43 percent? Works fine on phone for me.
stop the spam already
>spongebob reference for the plankton description
Man they are just going full left field after the Dave the diver announcement
dave diver is a good game. until you get to the sea people
nope just reinstall if you have problems
reinstall 300gb? fuck that
stop trolling retard
back to zzz with you
sorry 11564 mb
So, are any of the three Nikkes worth rolling for? Who should I try to get?
w/e makes ur dick tickle and ALL pilgrims
We never know, just get 1 copy on all limited as much as you can, except for Summer Neon, she's trash.
Sakura is good
Rolling for pilgrims is objectively a bad move
The fuck you saying bout my wife bitch, also, I've seen her in solo raid lineups multiple times
will onepiece rapi come back at some point?
>The fuck you saying bout my wife bitch, also, I've seen her in solo raid lineups multiple times
Topkek stop lying
Only people that can make her good are leviathans and / or water weak bosses with 4x elemental lines
>water weak bosses with 4x elemental lines
Makes sense, never bothered to check the meta and I don't really understand it when I see it
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>Helm says "gate kepper" at some point
>Dave refers to Duff as "she" when giving the party the delivery drone before the final confrontation
They really need to proofread this shit better
>Rolling for pilgrims is objectively a bad move
they have really low rates, so it's better to use your pity tickets on pilgrims to guarantee them, instead of spending 30k gems and getting no pilgrim. If you're a whale just do what you want
Ohh I thought you meant don't roll for them because they're bad, gotcha my mistake
Its actually a short fun minigame
I thought I was going to hire waitress and cook every time.
>mfw got one copy of bunny Alice after spending 60k gems
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Jojo reference
>Its actually a short fun minigame
I never doubted that would be the case, nikke never fails on that, I just hate seeing Dave the diver on nikke to the point that if (You) tell me "it's not that bad" I will hate you on a personal level
is the fishing game required for any nikkes? i just realized im a 50 year old without rhythm and cant catch anything past a yellow tier
>is the fishing game required
It's a lot of res to just ignore
This fishing shit is such fucking bullshit.
I'm not particularly good at rhythm games but holy shit the timings are so punishing and don't feel consistent at all
>skipped on Bay's banner because i figured I'd get her easily from other pulls
>redeem body shop points to finish a gold mold today
>get that delicious piece of chocolate for my collection
You love to see it
Bro did you buy and equip the fishing rod?
Also turn off anti-aliasing that fucking shit gave me 1 second of latency
they patched the ddr part of fishing today, much easier
Does anything bad happens for going over the weigh limit while diving?
No, you just move slow, and then you hit another max weight cap after that one which makes you move even slower and unable to pick up anything at all. You would also be fucked if you bump into a hostile fish
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I can't dive, wtf
I heard you need to have system locale in en or jp on pc. Dunno what to do if mobile.
hold it.
I fucking am holding it.
It just fills up and doesn't do anything
Not reading anything of this summer event, am I missing much?
Not really, standard beach episode filler so far. Moran being a fugitive is also forgotten about for some reason
There was a patch that supposedly fixed the issue of not being to dive. I play on mobile though and never had the issue before or after
>No, you just move slow
Wait what, why do I move faster? WAY faster even
are new bikini banners and pulls just rumors? sitting on 30k gems and none of the currents speak to my dick
rosanna is the only one that hasn't been released, probably in 2 weeks, everything else are battlepasses or reruns. Don't know if we'll get a second bikini event, last year was anis/neon, then later helm/mary. Supposedly we're getting another collab too, might be stellar blade.
> Supposedly we're getting another collab too, might be stellar blade
Makes sense. Stellar Blade does also have a fishing minigame
Huh? If you reach the weight limit, you swim slower, then you have a black weight icon on top of your character. If you grab more stuff, you'll hit the actual limit and go really slow, with the icon changing to the yellow storage box in a red circle. Thats how the actual DtD game works as well. Unless theres some bug since i havent played the minigame in like a day or 2.
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60x recruit, 58 tickets + 600 gems
got Yulha, Sakura, and 4 dupe Sakura XD
I actually move faster
New player?
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Objectively false tho
i don't get it, what game is this referencing?
kek, based, nice buff. I move slow as shit though, hasn't happened to me, I normally use helm too.
either all the open world survival crafting games or
Wonder if wilds is the last thing they got before raptures pop in.
think the daily login 5/15 dollar things are worth it?
this thursday is summer rosanna
july 25 is summer anis and summer helm and maybe summer part 2 as well
No, I've played the game since available in my country
>burst 1
>machine gun
I will save.
Do we have any hints for who part 2 will have?
that's the regular rosanna, summer is ar
ar is fine as long as shes burst type 1
its burst 2 forgot about that
Monster hunter
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Is it supposed to be a One Piece reference? I know Whitebeard is stupidly tall, but they didn't really make much of a reference to his character, like his laugh maybe.
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tips on making more revenue? which sushi recipe makes the most income?
Hoard barracuda (T6 aggressive fish), cherry tomatoes and mayonnaise. You will need them
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Rest in Peace, Toriyama
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Wait, does the crown mean that I got the biggest version of that fish?
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good advice, you got me first in my guild
That's the pleb recipe. Either of the white trevally dishes make more.
Neat, 300 puntos more than >>1509323 but the other recipe was better to make clients happy that's why I focused on it. At the end of the event all members of the clan should have the same score unless they add new recipes

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