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Did you summon for anyone on the newest Sacred Stones banner (ft. Nidavellir)?
Yep. Got all of them except the OC.
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Free rolled Amelia. She couldn't tank her own story chapter, so I probably won't invest in her beyond +1.
I free summoned for reginn's grandpa and eirika, but didn't get either.
The wiki needs to update nidavelllir's quotes.
I got her and fallen ursula through tickets, which i am glad since my teams for those 2 games suck balls, especially sacred stones
>Four Star Special Duo Dorothea.
How is that possible?
Got an Amelia for BK and an Eirika for BB. I kinda want another Amelia for Christmas BK, but that'd probably be pushing my luck
God I love these whores
How good would be Nabata Altina with Laguz Friends?
Bad. It doesn't work with her special
They are the gift that keeps on giving.
Laguz Friend will not work with her Special
It only works if you have a defensive Special (like Godlike Reflexes, key words are "if foe's attack triggers unit's Special") or an offensive Special with a charge of 3 or more (stuff like Luna or Iceberg and more)
>put laguz and bol4 on attuned caeda
>realize i can't grab both and guard echo all together, and that's not even counting d bonus doubler and def res pledge
Here ya go, Champ.
Guarda Echo is outdated anyway, infantry tanks want NCD echo now
That’s a shame, any skills she could want besides NCD echo?
You can't give her an echo skill, she has an exclusive special
For Nabata Altina? None, because using an Echo skill means giving up her unique Special (the reason why you'd use her in the first place)
Well fuck, any upgrade to her base kit?
You could probably just give her Null C-Disrupt itself as the B skill
I’ll look into that, thanks.
thanks, will kill trillions now with the enbarr whore
Same, needed another artichoke
>got Ranulf for the second week in a row
Fucking dire, this dude is ass
it has been 6 years since I've gotten a Nephenee
Welcome home, Nephenee number 2
did you not want her enough to chase weekly revivals?
>did you not want her enough to chase weekly revivals?
Sometimes it's best to let your favorites come to you.
>Doesn't roll for then
Bullshit, lmao
No, didnt get red orbs so i went for blue, just thought it was funny that i got neph no. 1 when valentines roy came out
Not rolling for them. Never.
However, knowing when to roll for them is the key to getting the most from Fire Emblem Heroes.
Keep forgetting Ginnungagap inflicts "no counterattacks". Thanks, Escape Ladder.
Nothing that the new Null C-Disrupt E can't fix! Buy now!
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There is when my tank was a Cavalry.
It's Attuned!
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Let's go
can I put an X skill on B!Marianne? or no because of her special?
No, you have to use a different special.
I like how all this Tactics Drill does is show how fragile Amelia is.
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SDS is fun
I feel like 2 and 4 are doable but 1 and 3 look like intentional ban bait. I do not play sds.
I will bet cash fucking money on that Wedelgard having a Celica engaged
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What this game desperately needs to introduce is a function that just lets you open a combat forecast for any two opposing units on the field regardless whether they are currently in range of one another or no. I'm really fucking tired of having to take a gamble every time I'm unsure whether my tank will actually be able to tank something. What the fuck are these retarded devs expecting me to do? That I'll sit here with a calculator next to my phone to play their shitty mobile game? Yeah sure, just let me type that in real quick: Atk minus Def, and then you need to account for a dozen buffs and debuffs triggering at start of combat, and then a slew of boni and penalties, and then you need to account for damage reduction, and then for the piercing of said damage reduction, and then for that special, and then for that skill that stalls the special, and then for the skill which disables the skill which... FUCKING ASSHOLES. LITERALLY AND I MEAN L-I-T-E-R-A-L-L-Y NOBODY CALCULATES ALL THAT SHIT.

It's beyond asinine that I have to jump through all these hoops if I actually want to plan ahead a turn in this supposed strategy game. At the very least they need to extend the combat forecast functionality if they insist on driving up the complexity like they have done.
Stop taking PvP so seriously. IS doesn't.
Send IS feedback, they'll listen :)
The funniest thing is that FE used to be about easy to predict combats that let you play a larger battle, now FEH is genuinely one of most convoluted games calculation-wise.
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Alt never
There's something impressive about FEH being both absurdly convoluted yet braindead easy at the same time. You could spend hours calculating your way across a battle, but all you really need is a couple rules of thumb plus the most recent units in the game's roster.
What actually this game needs is an Unit hunter function. Select a 5* unit from the available roster and it has a certain percent to show up more often than the rest, regardless of it being a focus unit in a banner or what.
Another good idea is an unit trade function between players.
i should've added embla to my AR offense teams ages ago, it's so comfy now
i guess i was stubborn about using my favorites, but embla's very cute too
How are bride Sharena and summer gullveg compared to wedelgard as galeforce units?
Both Duos are cavalry, and thus both are at the mercy of trench tiles and other tiles that impede movement, while Edelgard doesn't have to worry about that (because of course she doesn't). Although both of 'em get Canto in exchange, and their DR piercing is limited to No Quarter (for Sharena) or only up to 50% (for Gullveig), while Edelgard can potentially bust through it entirely without any help.
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>Amelia and Duessel enjoying a nice chat

Surtr killed the wrong sister.
Get Fjormjing Bonds'd
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>unlock B conversation
>Fjorm is the first thing I see

I got Erika's S rank dialogue but Forde still hasn't given me his ticket, this lazy bum better hurry up
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Oh hey he listened
It's amazing that giving spear lessons would have been more interesting with literally any other FEH OC than it was with Fjorm. I know the writers are more to blame for the boring conversations but they're really bad when it comes to Fjorm.
You WILL love Fjorm, every forming bonds until you like her
You just debuffed his Spd and then that made him come to you all the faster.
The only book 2 character I like is Surtr
conversely, edel is completely shut down by v.myrrh, who is more prevalent thanks to celica ring
i tried to give it a chance, for amelia's sake
i really did
but as soon as >>1517979 happened i skipped the rest completely
While true, she still gets +1 Mov which Myrrh can't shut off, so it's not like she guts her movement entirely, she just makes it a bit more annoying. Though yeah, with the Celica Ring being a thing now, anti warp measures are more important than ever.
Haven't play this game in about a year and I decided to get back into it, and holy fuck there's so much new crazy shit. There are X skills now? What the fuck are those ring skill things? There are all these new crazy paragraph skills I don't understand, and Engage Ike seems literally invincible. What's next, you're gonna tell me there are tier 4 Saves now?
>What the fuck are those ring skill things?
Rolling an Emblem unit grants you Emblem skills which you can swap off and on any unit you want at any time like a Sacred Seal. Marth gives you slaying (-1 special CD), Celica lets you warp to attack any unit within 5 spaces, Ike grants you 40% DR against ranged units. You can only use them if an Emblem unit is in your barracks, so if you roll one then kill them off for skill inheritance, you lose your Emblem Ring also.
>Engage Ike seems literally invincible
He is with the right skill/support combination.
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HAGs ere inevitable...
>X skills?
There's a new type of Hero called an Attuned Hero, who you can inherit skills from but they remain in your barracks
X skills are the new, fancy skills they come with that you can then give to any of your units (provided there's no restriction, and at the cost of not being able to use their own exclusive skills)
>ring skill things?
There's another new type of Hero called an Emblem Hero, who allows you to Engage with any unit (aside from a copy of themselves exactly), which changes how a unit's Special functions
Marth grants you -1 Special for faster Specials for instance, and all of them have so far proven to be very helpful to have around, so even just one copy of them goes a long way
>Engage Ike seems literally invincible
He's got absurdly ridiclous amounts of damage reduction and you almost always have to play by his rules
At present no way to directly cut through said damage mitigation, other than directly depleting his HP through some skills like AoE Specials (one of his few weaknesses, although even that's not entirely foolproof)
>Tier 4 Saves
Not yet, although Saves have fallen off quite hard because of how ridiculously powerful units are now
However, I'm sure they'll think of a way to bring them back; they'd have to provide even more effects and probably flat damage reduction, but I know they'll bring them back
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If your special activates, you win, if foes special activates, you lose.
this game is so fucking dumb lol
Lucky PoL run. Everything was under 20 combo aside from the last 2-3 rounds.
Going off ascended units, if Amelia is canonically a general, is Joshua canonically an assassin?
It has pretty similar design elements and the silhouette would be pretty close so I'd say it's probably an intentional nod to his Assassin promotion.
It's just one version of Joshua from one world/time that decided to promote to assassin.
Amelia is supposed to be Dussel if female, but Armour Amelia is a fairly popular meme from the olden days.
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>play PoL on Intermediate
>Emblem Ike
>Emblem Ike
>Emblem Ike
>last round had TWO
>went so bad I actually lost all of my units and the opponent kept all 8 of his

Jesus Christ this is beyond unplayable.
If it's not emblem ike then it's gulveig or edelgard destroying half your team in one round. I am so glad i got the tier 11 trophy before that game mode went to shit.
I hate this map so much
unironically how do you beat emblem Ike? he's fucking immortal, not even f!edel at her prime was this bad
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Anything worth summoning here? I know the rerun of the ascended fairies are coming but is this banner better than the rerun?
I tried to free roll Ced for the floret, that's about it.
Ignore "bonus units". Fight cancer with cancer, anon...
There's usually cancer to be found in the bonus units anyway. Such as for this round I threw all 3 Gullveigs in my brigade.
>Got Peony to +9
Could've been worse, got 2 Ced as well... Fuck him
They share with Ced and Chrom respectively, and they're still pretty good (in terms of fodder or unit capability)
Aside from that, the bows are fine if you need to give a bow to an archer you've built up, and Plumeria is also really good but unfortunately shares with Alfred (who I of course got from a free summon instead)
Basically, the fairies are worth it, just at the risk of a dud sharing with Plumeria, the other colour shares are good, and the bows are good if you need 'em
All but Ced can dupe skills so it’s a matter of what do you want to build.
Double Alear action
the 7% focus on these banners is a fucking lie
Where did this game go wrong?
Somewhere in the timeframe between book 3 and book 5.
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Just bring your Summer Gully to snowball the shit out of the mode
I'm absolutely certain that none of the devs play FEH themselves in any capacity and in all likelihood they consider the remaining playerbase to be tools and retards.
Do any artists (still) play?
Some of them do
Holy shit, pol is not that fucking hard
God, I have wasted so many orbs on YOLO rolls recently and not once has it paid off. This game flatly refuses to give me anything nice unless I commit to sparking what I want.
Im tired to summon book 1 heroes and seeing them as potential rewards
>skidaddle skiderric your next sole green orb will be a 3 star Merric
holy fuck this is my first one all year, even after dropping 400 orbs on red recently
coupled with the combat manual one, she's finally +5
Meanwhile I started playing during the Nergal banner and I was swarmed by her when rolling for E!Ike and E!Marth, I am not even a fan of Engage characters wish I could give all these copies to you
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>All this time and she still remains forgotten
Whats your "never fucking ever" units, /FEH/?
I thought Japan loved the bratty ojou-sama archetype.
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Which is a shame, Serra is a fucking gold mine of humor. Such a snarky bitch, I love her
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You posted her, I still have a glimmer of hope that she'll get something, anything, but I just went and spent all of my savings on Gullveig because I'd rather spend them on someone I like instead of wasting them on units whose only purpose is becoming fodder for Nowi, and I sure got sick of sparking for one single unit for four months in a row. But IS drank the west kool-aid a long time ago, Nowi's tummy is too much for western sensibilities.
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She hasn't been seen since fucking Y1 unless you count her Resp (which was shockingly well designed, though she looks like an FGO character more than a Fire Emblem one), so you might be on to something about her belly being too much. Tourists fucking ruin everything, they bitched about Bridal Sanaki too when the characters explicitly state "it's just a fucking costume, don't be weird"
Jill and Volke have appeared exactly once and now it's been so long that both are gonna get refines within the next like, few months
Although it's not like main game prowess = viability in FEH, otherwise Frederick and Seth would also actually be good
But like, at least those two DID get new versions
A Cormag alt. IS would never give him an alt, given hes not Lyon/Eirika/Ephraim.
And also, they would need to replace the ENG VA since the first one suicided which's too bad since that VA had the perfect voice for him.
3 more hours to do your SDS.
I already surrendered, thanks.
>do a quick surrender
>guy sends me a friend request
Second time that's happened. What weirdos.
Don't forget to do a follow-up match since it'll be against AI for a free 100 points in rank.
>Don't forget to do a follow-up match since it'll be against AI for a free 100 points in rank.
I don't care at all, but thanks for the advise.
I somehow passed the threshold where i get bot battles so I actually did it legit for once, only got a reward tier higher than i usually got for surrendering
this game is pretty funny sometimes
>dozed off while preparing teams
I really shouldn't wait til the last day to do this stuff but I keep doing it. Luckily I managed to wake up in time and snuck in a win before reset.
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I remain hopeful
Spd/Def Ploy when?
No, I'm not going to +10 her. Stop giving me her from tickets.
Same but Kana. I wish they'd let us choose
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This chick. No one even remembers when she made CSAM website, Tumblr, seethe.
Olwen. I know most people don't even know her, but it sucks that her brother has twice as many alts as her just because he's a meme. Ascended Holy Sword alt is such an obvious choice, but they keep fumbling
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I already claimed my 7300 glory rewards.
Anyone promoting to T21 Arena or staying T20 arena? I'm looking for scores.
3876. Don't remember what I was getting per fight, so you can math it out. Was using +10 Linus for my bonus unit.
>763 average
Exactly what I needed. My highest possible score is 766 and 764s are frequent. My bonus unit is Sharena
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her refine's not that far off
but she'll still surely be inferior to her legendary version
>Effective against magic foes. Grants Res+3. If unit initiates combat or if unit is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants Atk/Spd/Res+5 and Def +4 and disables foe's skills that "calculate damage using the lower of foe's Def or Res" during combat. Restores 7 HP to unit and allies within 2 spaces after combat.
>skill refine:
>if unit's HP > 25%, grants +4 Atk/Spd/Def/Res during combat, unit deals damage = 20% of unit's Res (excluding AoE Specials), and if unit's Res > foe's Res, reduces damage from attacks during combat by percentage = difference between stats × 4 (max 40%).
Did you like it?
I'm pretty sure everyone who was there 9 years ago remembers. Infact, I think people cared about the controversy more than Soleil herself.
Thanks to you, I was able to slot in a dancer and know I could still promote. Thanks, anon!
I think Odd and Even Recovery should be Seals
Then they'll make Odd and Even Recovery 4 which basically just works all the time and on either phase but if it's an odd or even turn then it inflicts like, -4 Atk/Spd/Def/Res on foes within whatever range
If the arcane green tome sucks what green tome do you guys use?
Teatime Ferdinand's solely for the Canto
Canto and also NFU
Ok Tumblr troon
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She raped every pirate in Zofia...
Just got annihilated by celica's bullshit warp engage effect in arena, again :)
So much fun :)
lmao just pull her
Those thighs weren't made to be pure.
identify who has the ring, determine who on your team they'll target, bait them away from their team, and utilize your movement to take them out first
arena maps are designed for you to manipulate ai and benefit from terrain, and the smaller team sizes encourage that
The NFU part is also very helpful, yeah
the july legendary is usually garbage thrown out before CYL, right?
i should probably start saving orbs
I think it's a Mythic this month, innit?
Is Gust better or worse than GLR?
I feel like it's a sidegrade
Are you ready for the dragonflower cap increase?
I'm uhhhh... hurting a bit on infantry.
Forgot pic
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>Playing AR
>Wait why are not my ladders working
>Turns out I changed my defense a few days ago and I forgot to put a ladder

oops actually I might not put a ladder at all, less battles to do thank God
No. I never am. give me your armor flowers
Surely IS doesn't simply intend on making you have to dump 50 flowers on year 1 infantry in a few years.
God I love how cute and petite she is, she looks so fragile too, so you need to rape her gently or you might just break her. Why are pega sissies such wonderful rape slaves? I love them so much and Est is the best.
I can't even bolster half the units I'd like to because ISIS are such niggardly niggers, but such is the FEH experience. Stingiest gacha known to man.
Oh yeah, i'm ready for dumping again flowers on my useless y1 shitters, just like all my fellow retardos!
Why yes, Serra is getting my first 600 flowers. How did you know?
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Gib red flobers plz
another fucking lief
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I would, but I need them. Most of my units are infantry and I have some on standby for Gharnef
64 hp vero was pretty fun in arena
even without DR, she still survived a number of things that she probably shouldn't have
>do arena run today since last week was a drop week
>every fucking team has something with Emblem Celica's ring
I am so fucking tired of competitive modes in this game.
I got yet another Helbindi
I guess I can't say no to Infantry Pulse, but blah
I got a Laevatein again. Thats the second one in a roll. They should let us choose whoever we want already.
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Marianne touching some orange pussy
Bait 'em out. Get them alone and take out their teammates or take them out first. That or get Gatekeeper, V!Myrrh, L!Myrrh, or High Dragon Wall. Pretty sure those block the ring effect but not Celica herself.
Yeah, Celica has Pass to be extra annoying, but some skills can help against anyone using her ring at least.
It's odd how everyone technically has a warp counter in the form of ratatoskr but almost everyone (me included) forgets about her.
What the fuck, I just got my third Brave Alm in a row. Get the fuck out.
My wife... and Marianne I guess...
>duel sim still not updated with the latest banner
Her anti-warp is janky since it has shorter range than normal warp bubbles and can also be deleted off the field fairly easily by one of the million units running Flared Sparrow by now. You're even at risk of doing it by yourself if you're not careful.
>anima that can't be used in light season
>mythic that won't score high in arena
>too weak to be useful in SD
>not sexy
Besides AR anima, none of the pvp modes where you'd find celica rings encourge you to bring her.
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>not sexy
but she's cute.
You forgot
>hates having trees in the map
Can't even be an animal right
Got the pass to spark a goldmary and a gullveig.
I’m ready.
>not sexy
Don’t bully my rat :((
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Anons what skills should I be rolling for for Mila of the non-maxwell variety?
so far she's got dragon's roar, spd/def clash 4, brash assault 4, her unique skill and refined prf. oh and rally spd/res+.
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Well the Clash skill definitely isn't gonna be that helpful since that's a combat skill and she's a support unit
Try Fortress Def/Res 3, because her unique skill is a Def check and more Res never hurts either
B skill could be High Dragon Wall solely for the utility (as it has anti warp measures for ranged units)
It's Pekomama!
Did these two just die in the story or something?
Sex with the Deer Man's beast form, but if I roll him Excel is going to Ashnard
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>beast special with DR piercing
[Happy Cow Noises]
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So anons, will you summon?
Sure, there's decent options on Colorless
Not Legendary so it doesn't matter

Only Legendaries matter since they give orbs in Arena

The green and colorless lineups are wild though, that's the best group anyone can ask for
BoL4 already powercrept, lol
Also kind of mean to powercreep Fort D/R while Mila's HoF is running since she's the only other unit who would ever use it
Oh cool, removing Deep Wounds means Ike gets another weakness covered
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His Meta
Do you really spend hundreds of orbs for the sake of earning 1 more orb a week from Arena?
Would both Divine Nectar, Breath of Life 4 (if it stacks), AND Gotoh's AoE protection status make Ike basically invincible?
Im saving orbs because CYL is right around the corner but damn, colorless looks extremely tempting
I was waiting for a Beast special to give to Eitr to dupe, but I'm kind of low on orbs right now. Fingers crossed for free rolling.
I swear, I kept facing literal shitposters on /vg/. It's way worse than /v/. Yes, I will pull for both of them because there are no Emblems.
I wish people would commission me to draw FE girls in awful situations already goddammit
I think so, yeah.
I'm so fucking tired of mythic OCs
jahn's never getting in anon
I might summon for Heidrun. Her C skill seems handy.
I noticed a fun little detail with each of the book 8 healing hands characters, they are all sort of representative of different medical fields you might see in a hospital.
Eikbyrnir- Physical therapy
Heidrun- seems to be a pharmacist as she delivers medicine/nectar which is apparently her main thing
Ratty- outfit seems to be similar to an older nurses outfit
Nidhoggr- Sexy doctor you see to get an annual check up.
Hræsvelgr- Surgeon, maybe? she feels like the biggest stretch, but her large talons feel like they representative of scaples
I am not.
Really need to rebuild my orb stash after last month but Heidrun looks like a nice support unit.
No, Hardy Bearing still chops his balls off. He needs the enemy to attack him first (ideally twice) to kill anything. That's why, ironically, the Celica ring often completely ruins him. You can stick a relatively bulky 2-range unit (like Merlinus, hilariously) in his path, and because they can't hit him at all, he'll just attack once for like 30 some damage and completely fail to kill them.
>playing FE7 music when Athos has the most obvious non-OC mythic candidate for years
I have never wanted to do harm to anyone more than the person who put this trailer together
I can't understand why people really care that a character is/isn't mythic.
I'm fine with them because they aren't taking up banner space. Remember that Echoes new heroes banner that was two OCs and fucking Sonya?
Investing in mythics is fundamental for doing well in AR and I'd rather spend thousands of orbs for characters I care about that also lets me score higher than roll for bland FEH OCs just for better scoring.
I forgor there was a banner tonight
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>caring about ranks in AR
>characters I "care" about
I'm not even sure where to start with this.
Kindly elaborate or don't reply to me at all
Tharja is the next resplendent by the way. I wanted it but not like this. I hate it and I will be killing myself.
As much as homos love to bitch about fairy resplendents this looks good, purple would fit better than the pink but what can you do.
Mid, but free feathers
Special attack
Hel jelly skelly would've been so much better than this faggot fairy shit
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I want to dump a fat load of cum on her fairy tits.
Same but I also want to dump endless fat loads in her fairy cunt
>ANOTHER fairy
>Rhajat was also a fairy
Can IS stop fucking around
>they introduced vanaheimr resplendents
>they go back to fairy shit
would’ve preferred that or a hel one, last one we got was soren and that was forever ago
I kind of hate these duo banners becuase all I can think of is how much of a pain in the ass the MHB is going to be.
Hard Abyssals are fun, though. Except when you're forced to do them with your weakest game title anyway.
Oh, you just reminded me that it's going to be both of them in one map, so we only get one set of orb rewards
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Not a stretch at all. She has surgeon equipment on her waist
I honestly never notice the equipment on her waist and only thought she had the big ass goggles and talons.
her long ass goggles just throw her design out of balance IMO.
>>if unit's HP > 25%, grants +4 Atk/Spd/Def/Res during combat, unit deals damage = 20% of unit's Res (excluding AoE Specials), and if unit's Res > foe's Res, reduces damage from attacks during combat by percentage = difference between stats × 4 (max 40%).
wtf no gimme my flat DR

Tharja's art looks dope. Sorry bros who wanted another theme though.
Well, it's an upgrade over her original art
Good for the Tharja fans ig, but she'll just be a free 1000 Feathers for me when she arrives
>Lucia and Geoffrey BHB
>banner has the aforementioned
>the third unit is not Ascended Elincia
What the heck.
servants of elincia does not mean elincia.
Sure, but they put Alcryst on the last BHB banner alongside Lapis and Citrinne. I just thought they would do something like that again.
>In T21
>Version bonus unit, so I've got a plethora of decently built +10s to choose from
>Wind/Earth season, the only season I don't have a +10 Legendary for
Guess I'll demote
I think anon is saying that they'd rather invest in a character they like as a Mythic instead of OC Mythics
I feel like I'm in the minority because I love the fairy Resplendents. I'm getting Tharja because I've already got the Pass since I needed to spark Emblem Celica, so at least I'm happy about 1/3 resps I got.
I don't like tharja but the fairy logo looks like a womb tatoo which is neat i guess
That's a diaphragm tattoo
>I think anon is saying that they'd rather invest in a character they like as a Mythic instead of OC Mythics
I'm the one who said that.
I asked that other anon to elaborate on why "caring about ranks in AR" and "characters I care about" would be yikesworthy according to him, since that's what his post implied but apparently he didn't feel the need to justify his opinion.
>Sumia+Marianne fusion
Of course I am, I feel like I'm personally targeted here
Should my Ascended Mareeta nab gust? Getting tired of deadeye mogging me. I think she'd want Special Spiral 4 and TP4 as well with it?

not a big fan of the artist's oomf factor, too plain. Say what you will about Zis not finishing the legs on the original, but the face, expressions, boobs, and body were well rendered.
Just call the anon gay and be done with it.
This looks like shit
Godlike Reflexes is still good on her but requires Laguz Friend for DR piercing (and even then it's not like her Def or Res is spectacular)
SS4 and TP4 with her prf and Gust should ensure near permanent uptime though, and then the Emblem Ike ring would add a bit more DR to that for good measure
So that doesn't sound like too bad of an idea
As an addition: since Mareeta does not have a prf skill, she'll be able to use Eirika's NCD Echo too
haven't played in like a year
is the game good rn?
always has been.
For once I'm happy she doesn't got one. Thank you, anons!
Only if you make sure to spend to keep up with powercreep.
Never worse, and it's only getting even worse tomorrow when the next Mythic drops. And I'll STILL keep playing.
it was good for a while but we looped back to "one unit kills all and you're fucked without a very specific counter"
still, as mentioned just get some new units or fodder and you can get by
>is the game good rn
powercreep is at an all-time high, it's never been worse
Define "good". I'm having fun building big guys, I gave Fargus some new toys, but I usually avoid PvP content
I see tits, I pull, simple as
>down for maintenance
New weapon skin update incoming. I hope
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Kinda related but holy shit
did they make another figure or is this someone's personal project?
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neat. I looked on Goodsmile but it didn't show up strangely.
>it's a full scale figure for 217$
the face looks a bit off for it, but I'm not too picky.
When is it releasing? Did they announce anything else?
On the English goodsmile site it says that it’s being shipped out 2026 but I didn’t read into it more
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We’re also getting more popup parade figures Yuri when
forgot how much i hated three houses' artstyle
I'm so sick of 3H, I'm so sick of Sylvain, holy shit.
I do not understand his appeal. I did some of his supports and he just seemed like a giant douche and his gimmick about hating women because they wanted his crest dick didn't make sense for some reason.
>Sylvain to go with Felix
expecting to see a bunch of shippers posting photos when he drops (Claude/Hilda shippers too)
hot glueing dorothea
Muscle Man is kicking my teeth in, Jesus
You know who else is kicking my teeth in?
Is it Jesus?
I don't know about this one, anons
None of my units do any damage to 'em; they feel kind of unkillable
>L!Deirdre will be available again next month
Holy fuck please let her be on the HoF
Daddy goes down pretty easy to AoEs. Mommy I'm having a tough time killing.
Atk/Def Crux never
The game is in a horrendous state, skill bloat is out of control, yet despite the novel length skill descriptions the game is utterly braindead regardless since all you really need are the newest shiniest unga bunga units (most of which naturally have their sparks paywalled). I wouldn't recommend present day FEH to my worst enemy and I don't know why I haven't uninstalled yet. I don't believe there exists a worse p2w hell in all of gacha to languish in.
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Well that was fun.
i didn't notice heidrun's fucked up perspective when she was introduced but now i can't unsee it
Took a few tries but I finally managed to clear it with Nergal, E!Ike and Bridal Sharena. Had to manoeuvre my way around picking off all the other enemies until I could get the two bosses alone.
>Nergal, E!Ike and Bridal Sharena.
Soulless team
I make no apologies for doing whatever it takes
Arguably fitting for a soulless game.
>Throw Emblem Ike, Marth, and Celica on a team
I'm disgusted in myself, but fuck those two
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I like my Catria.
Just run him with Galle.
I don't have one, I turned them all into feathers. My grail reserves are reserved for other projects
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I had to bring out the big guns for this one
Free rolled a L!Camilla, pretty happy ngl
>no new nendoroids
galeforce playstyles always look fun until I remember I'm not clever to use them well enough like this.
If the distant counter seal for beasts existed, one of them would have had it.
>Legendary soulgurd singlehandedly tanked most of the mooks, solo'd heidrun and left eik on critical state
Truly the most soulful and strongest lord...
Celica Emblem has made WoM Galeforcing super easy.
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it brings me great joy to see neutered saves in AR
nuke + 3 dancers never fails
>spent 26 turns luring heidrun around a pillar
>fucked up
son of a bitch
3x3 cross dual phase debuffs definitely weren't made with abyssal stats in mind
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>swap, nudge, attack, reposition, repeat
turned out surprisingly comfy in the end
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They gave her Fortress def/res just to drive the point home, they know exactly what their doing.
Eemblem Ike + Summer Duo Gullveig + Nidavellir + Peony = Ez Sweep
Emblem Ike, Loki 2.0, Axezura 2.0, and Azura duo. Loki did all the work, Ike was just there to kill the new bitch and distract some of the mooks.
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I had to spark for Eikþyrnir but on the way I got two more copies of Camilla, one copy of Caeda and two copies of Heiðrún which both showed up in the first summoning session.
You're a butthead.
what mode is this thing supposed to be good on?
Thanks, Beavis.
I dunno, I just like Ashnard
I tried to do it with other themed trams but most aren't up to date. The two new mythic are a pain for them to beat.
So, like a shitter, I resorted to powercreep and newer characters. Heidrun was still a pitch to kill and kept healing after 99% of combats and ginny was one of the only characters o had with anti-healing so the final kill goes to her.
It would be cool for her to get a cute festive alt, just to see what they do with her.
dam, this Abyssal isn't possible without a strong recent mage, huh
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Give someone a fairy harem.
Fuck that bat, holy
It just becomes a red flying Chrom
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I know about this one now, anons: it's doable, but man, Hedrun was such a big pain in the neck
Just had to divide and conquer, then very very slowly play keep away with Hedrun
Akariss, please go back to taking care of your wife's son...
the fuck is wrong with you
fuck Heidrun
So, how do I take him down? Becausevif Ike can't tank or kill him it's safe to assume no other unit can.
Call in the Dawn Brigade. I killed him with Miccy fairly easily actually.
He's the easy part. Seeing if I can do it with free book units, but Heidrun unfortunately is walling me pretty hard.
Damn, new OCs are kinda fat fucks
Normally can still clear with 4 old faves and no supports/dancers but this time I had every enemy dead but the OCs and my entire team still couldn't do more than tink tink 0x2 vs 50x2 on them
Finally gave up and pulled the Ninja Sanaki out of storage and even she struggled with it, took her a good 3 rounds or so to kill the green one

Kinda jealous on behalf of all my old year 1-2 unusable armors and dragons just collecting dust, if the yugioh card shit making these OCs bulky as fuck was inheritable IS would have had my rolls in a heartbeat
I killed him with F!Lyon and my +2 ascended Grima tanks him pretty easily, even on Abyssal. Heidrun is the hard part
Did it. No skill inheritance aside from Reposition on everyone except Peony and Glacies on Seidr.
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Try to separate him from others and attack him with a range unit.
He go down in two rounds with Noire and support.
If anyone's still having trouble and is interested, here's my f2p solution.
Base kits, Glacies on Seidr. Reposition on Seidr and Rat (I have it on Reginn also, but she never uses it). Still Water seal on Seidr. Any Atk-boosting seal on Reginn.
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so fucking tired

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