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GLB 9th Anniversary Part 2.
JP Tanabata Part 2.
Ganbare Son Gohan! Omae ga nanbā wan da!
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.. .----. -- / -... .- -.-. -.- / - --- / -.. . ... - .-. --- -.-- / -.-- --- ..- .-. / .- ... ... -.-.--
post burst mode teams pls
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Reminder EZAreas are shit
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When is Beast dropping? 27th?
>stackers and tanks
>choose every option except minus ki, rotation locks, and choose the lowest damage boost and don't select all of the additional damage boosts

I used
Y8 buu duo leads
teq ultimate gohan
teq transforming future trunks
broly cheelai and lemo
orange piccolo
phy godku
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>but but but the GLOBAL players!
Why GlobalGODs make him seethe so much?
beast and gammas dropped 17 days after broly and gogeta on jp - which means the morning of the 26th or 27th is most likely. could realistically be as early as thursday or as late as sunday with how global operates though
next year for sure with lr gotenks
>Y8 buu duo leads
Is Beasthan banner going to have the same 3 summons then free, then 2 more summons and the 6th is a guaranteed featured card like the current banners?
lr phy super saiyan 3 goku & super saiyan 2 vegeta from the 8th anniversary as leader and friend leader for the team
Z heroes category will save us.
we don't know until the news/banner drops.
Finally pulled Gogeta. Wew man. Fuck. Now I want a dupe. 55% is never enough.
I got 6390 with this. I forgot about gokus black passive so he didn’t really do anything, he didn’t get hit for much either though. Orange piccolo or LR Gobros would probably be better
For the conditions I just selected everything to the max points total except attack which I set to the lowest and I didn’t select the 10 point attack bonuses, the rotation locking or the damage on ki orbs.
Took 36 turns to get through as I didn’t realise it was 4 stages
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Reposting, this is important info.
> There is a legal feud going between Shueisha and the Capsule Corporation, over the use of Dragon Ball ip.
> If Capsule wins, we might actually get manga characters in Dokkan!

Also, seems like this legal battle is also the reason why we still don't have a new manga chapter.
Fuck Shueisha
Without manga characters Dokkan will EOS sooner rather than later. But manga characters suck fucking dick and I don't care about Moro at all.
Dragon Ball is dead without Toriyama.
Eh, I believe in Toyotaro. Toriyama spent years coaching him, it's fine.
Shouldn't they announce a Dokkan Now for Beast release? They're going to release the banners next week at this rate...
I like Moro's power disable gimmick and his designs up until he becomes Cell 2.0
Stacking UI with other SS forms is also neat enough to go with.
Everything else sucks though, The story arcs are very underwhelming, the designs are cringe and there's Heroes levels of form bloat
Moro was less cool than fucking Babidi
Granolah and Gas becoming the strongest through the Dragon Balls was shit.
Frieza should've stayed dead.
Oh, and they already wasted nuBroly's character making just another ally saiyan. But that was also in the SH movie so I can't blame the manga for that one really
STR LR Goku/SS4 Vegeta lead
PHY LR SS2/SS3 Vegeta/Goku
STR LR Bulma
PHY LR Broly Trio
SEZA PHY Goku Black

Took like 15 turns, easy 6200 for the full clear.
i hope capsule wins, the prequel chapters of super hero was fun
Huh I kinda thought that toryiamas family would’ve had the rights to dragon ball and shueisha would’ve just had to ask them or buy the rights of dragonball from them unless toryiama hadn’t already done so. It is a bit strange that someone who just works for shueisha has any sort of right or stake in dragonball beyond toriyamas death to me and even more strange that a company like Bandai really cares about the whims of one man.
I mean I would like to see dragon ball handled respectfully but having a devout like this dude might ultimately be a negative and could just leave it really stagnant and creatively bankrupt
Well I certainly fucking don't. All Toyotaco's ideas are awful derivatives of former villains. He's far too enamored with the Turles approach to a DBZ villain. i.e. someone who is loosely connected to the Saiyans enough to benefit from their genetic positives but also pull from another/greater source. It's unbelievably fucking boring. Zamasu was just Goku's Body + bullshit extra that didn't matter. Moro is quite literally just Perfect Cell 2.0 and with Granolah is swings right the fuck back to
>loose connection to Saiyan power structure/level, this time through literally fucking wishing for it
I can't stand it. He's quick to utilize whatever positives the Saiyan lineage possesses but then defaults to "Yeah, but this OTHER ADDITIONAL power source makes me unique!" And it doesn't. Gas had relevancy with Bardock for no good reason, he wasn't funny, and his fight was more like Toyopaco being inspired by Dr. Strange than anything organic. Why the fuck is Goku dodging train constructs in the middle of fucking space? It looks so stupid and out of place.

I honestly understand why they're dragging their feet with doing anything with Moro. It ends on an unpleasant note, he turns into a giant fuck that tries to absorb the planet because for reasons and he--and this the worst--he talks shit about Vegeta's Big Bang Attack.
>I's just a ball of chi. What a grandiose name for such a basic technique!
Yeah, no. You don't do that. Everyone and their mom knows that characters in Dragonball will fire beams, blasts or balls from the palms of their hands with VERY little visual distinction aside from like a technique name. Hell, every fucking villain busting out the Kamehameha past Frieza honestly gets under my fucking skin as well.
They could have done something interesting with the Granolah arch, and it was Toyotaros first solo arc, and what did he decide to do with it?

Create a new set of dragon balls that were used not once, but twice, to turn random jobbers into character stronger than Goku or Vegeta simply by wishing.
He also decided to throw in there that Goku and Radditz had divine protection that was only cancelled out because they died fighting each other.
And then, to cap it all off, fucking Frieza shows up and is like 'lmao check this out' and breaks out a new form that 1 shots both fully powered up MUI and MUE Goku/Vegeta who were quite literally just healed to full health and power and ki reserves.
Fuck the Granolah arc. Moro arc was okay until he turned into Cell 2.0 though.

Incredibly fucking awful arc when you look back on it.
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>nerver touched Omega and Zamasu red zones
>beat all the missions like a breeze
I will never get the sensation of those stages being hard.
I still don't like how at the end of the Granolah fight we have Goku in his new form but Vegeta is scrambling around trying to contribute in fucking Base as opposed to Ego. Just makes Vegeta look so fucking shit by comparison.
only use units that were out at the time like a real man
dragonball has mostly been reduced to incestuous call backs and HYPE HYPE HYPE HYPE without character development or nuance. it's still fun for me because i like to see aliens punch and kick each other and shoot laser beams but Toriyama was ready to be done with it 20+ years ago. everything from BoG onward is just having goofy fun with the IP
Moro arc was shaping up to be something worth reading. I really enjoyed the idea of the Old Supreme Kai, Uub, Galactic Patrol and Magic as a fighting form being expanded upon.
All Moro does with his "infinite and grand" magic is shoot flames that came from the ground. Nothing cool.
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>only use units that were out at the time like a real man
Cope and seethe.
>I will never get the sensation of those stages being hard.
You made it sound like you wanted to be challenged. Idrc if you want to cake walk old content and feel good about it. gratz tho
Shueisha is the publisher of Dragon Ball Super manga, so they owned the rights to it even when Toriyama was still alive, which is fucked up.
Similarly, Toei owns the Dragon Ball animes and movies, and Bandai Namco owns Dragon Ball videogames and toys. Or something like that?
So it's a splintered franchise that's currently suffering because one of the splinters, Shueisha, is being a bitch and doesn't want to cooperate.
Toriyama worked for Shueisha as a mangaka so obviously Shueisha will own the rights to DB. It's messed up but that's just how it works with any of them.
Shueisha is the highest level owner of the Dragonball IP. They own it in it's entirety at the top level. They license the anime and animated assets/rights to Toei - and license out those same rights to Bamco for games.
The licensing in place is for animated concepts and assets - and it excludes manga exclusive content or otherwise unlicensed portions.
Shueisha has a hate boner for dragonball and seemingly would love to mismanage it into the ground for reasons unknown so they are gatekeeping the manga properties and clutching onto the IP.
Toriyama and his estate technically don't have any claim to the property or rights other than payouts and stuff
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this dumbass won't have any boogieman to complain about after the sync. he'll go after literal whom twitter users again
>pull an lr
>feed it in
>revert the ssr back to its LR state
>pull the same lr again
>win a single, again
You didn't beat it.
>dragonball has mostly been reduced to incestuous call backs
This. Once you already come to the realization that Toriyama was repeating himself as early as the Android saga.
I don't have a single Entrusted Will leader. What the fuck man
it only has 2 leaders
one of them sucks (agl transforming trunks)
the other is not on global yet (teq ui Goku)
God, I hope CapsuleCorp/Iyoku wins. He seems to actually be a fan of Toriyama, and is the reason why Sandland got so much content lately
How do you guys approach team building?
Especially for restricted missions.
2 whises final stage
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fuck self imposed autism
Right now it's
>Can the Majin Power team beat this event and this mission?
>If yes, I do it
>If no, I don't do it
That simple. I don't give a fuck about random 5 stones here and there that require a full team of characters that I'm not going to bother summoning on, so I'll get to them whenever I can, which is usually a year or so later after new units have come out that completely trivialise it.
fill the team with as many tanky units as possible and pray
Fill the team with any Gogetas/Vegitos I have and lose
>keep getting fucked and oneshot in EZAs
8th anniversary is so fucking gay dude.
what about it
I was going at it with a team of Represenatives from Universe 7. My TEQ Goku/Frieza loves eating 200-800k supers.
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>Nice damage reduction weakling
>Would be a shame if I disabled it.
He disables his own DR, you idiot
He disables his own DR and raises his attack by 200% when he's hit by 5 SAs.
how exactly does leaving shueisha to make his own company give him the rights to anything dragonball? Is it not all under shueisha's contracts? I don't get it
>Fellow animearyans, we must let manganiggers into dokkan battle, or our video game will not survive
Hmm... deja vu...
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>got a 100k/year work today
>beast likely drops this friday
time to be financially irresponsible
how much is 100k pesos in real money
I kneel 1,816,275.50 mxn bro....
its euros actually lmao (civil engineer)
I, a disgusting burger mutt, PROSTRATE 108,512.80 usd Euro KING....
Buy me the dragon stone pass my bro
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>only make $60,500K a year not including overtime
god it's so over for me bros, I'm never getting Beast
I just realized the super attack details change when they're maxed level.... I've built tons of units wrong...
SA14 and 24, I think, but yeah.
in my lane
not making a 10x of any figure posted
no education
skipping meals
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Year 8 was insane because you had like 4 earth shattering meta units that would have been the best relatively in any other year.
>7th anni units alone bring a new age of powercreep never before seen
>Vegeta/Trunks come out as tank gods, you can't fucking die
>Piccolo Naranja, arguably the most meta impacting unit in dokkan history.
What a ridiculous year. Year 9 was tame in comparison, and year 10 feels similar so far.
midccolo orange
God goku still carrying
what degree do you have?

you too, whats your degree? (if you have one that is)
2023 was so lame that piccolo stayed on top the entire year. 2024 creep is massive, but balanced by ezas keeping up with the content, and units being so strong that the friend can carry.
Where the fuck is Beast? I want to summon..ahhh quickly Kotochan...fast hands...big mouth...summon....
The EZAs are a super strong point. in year 9, it's as you said, piccolo just stayed on top and was better than any EZA.
Year 10 is letting old units stay barely relevant, but we'll run out of shit to EZA eventually with how they keep pumping more and more per celebration to keep up with powercreep.
I'm still mad about Super Vegeta getting EZA'd early and being pretty shit.
close to bardock's eza, and the same problem of a 2023 tier condition on their defensive mechanic
That's why they started doing sezas.
civil engineering
that honestly sounds pretty kino, especially if I can find a WFH job in that field

I might have to look into this.
I failed/dropped out of a Psychology degree, I do metrology as a job technically though and got training in 6sigma which boosts my pay rate/puts me above other candidates if I were to apply anywhere else.
nice dubs

>I failed/dropped out of a Psychology degree
Well no wonder you dropped out, that's a worthless major isn't it?

>I do metrology as a job technically though and got training in 6sigma which boosts my pay rate/puts me above other candidates if I were to apply anywhere else.
Well, sounds okay enough, but do you consider going back to school or doing anything else to find something higher paying?
I'm also a CE. With beast, we feast!
>Well no wonder you dropped out, that's a worthless major isn't it?
sure is but what I was interested in was enough to keep me going until I realized that most university degrees are just debt farms unless you have connections
>Well, sounds okay enough, but do you consider going back to school or doing anything else to find something higher paying?
$60.5K/year is fine by me, I get crazy good benefits, free training/work related courses which'll just boost my normal hourly rate the more I take, and actually enjoy the day-to-day work as, if you're slightly on spectrum which I, and most people in here probably are it's fucking easy and fulfilling to work to do and get paid for it
Autistically disabled NEET.
Get a decently sized pension.
Eating pretty well.
Never spent money on free games.
No job, no responsibility.
Can just sit on my ass all day every day and play games... but don't, because Executive Dysfunction is a fucking bitch.
But have been playing Dokkan for 5 years now, because I tricked my brain by just playing Dokkan while I watch youtube, it's just a side activity.
as a field civil engineer you tend to do next to nothing most of the time except when someone higher up requires you to do some reports or some shit like that
if you are an structural civil engineer you will make ridiculous money but it requires quite a bit of work and you also have a lot of responsabilities, if you are in management it also can get kinda annoying dealing with a lot of project

thats why i am mostly a low level engineer, it gets pay well enough and i mostly just make sure people under me follow the blueprints and dont do anything stupid

Jiren is trash
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>get fired a week later
LR gammas don't get their own dokkan event, they just use medals from TUR Gammas and also phy ultimate Gohan and teq Piccolo
I don't know if the SH prequel was Toyotaro's idea, however for me the school arc and seeing new designs gave me much more excitement and joy than the Moro and Granola arc.
It was like watching the beginning of Buu's arc meeting Gohan's teammates.
In any case I just want more of Feyra and Goten.
Everything else that genuinely happens is no longer exciting to me.
Maybe an arc from universe 6 (I want more of Hit and Cauifla)
It's more refreshing to see DB characters doing mundane and simple things than fighting.
didn't read
skipped that part
>truth says TEQ SHITren is mid
It's over...
Fat fuck that doesnt know how to play the game misjudged TEQ CHADren? Nothing new I fear...
>It was like watching the beginning of Buu's arc meeting Gohan's teammates.
And then they do nothing with it. I don't know, man. As much as I like the idea of the Dragonball World being fleshed out and showing more detail I honestly fucking hate the way SH did it. Those chapters were utterly boring. Long exposition dumps to/from Krillin about what's going on in the world on top of the most ANEMIC fucking fighting scenes that's every been committed to paper. It honestly feels like Toyotaro does the bare minimum because he knows the anime studio will have to be the ones to do all the heavy lifting to make the combat, which is the bread and butter of DBZ, shine through. Seriously go back and watch Trunks and Goten have their "fights". Also the general...tone, man. I'll just say it isn't for me. Trunks and Goten are teenagers running around in the ugliest cosplay calling themselves some of the stupidest most uncool names I've seen. And they're supposed to be an homage to the Great Saiyaman or some shit? It's dumb. Cool if it puts a smile on Toriyama's face but the execution leaves so fucking much to be desired that I can't be assed to look at much of the positives. The entire thing comes off as a tremendous waste of time to me. Toriyama can''t make a compelling teenage superhero. I could forgive it all if the action was there but it just fucking isn't. Way too static and by-the-numbers. Everything from the panelling to...everything. Absolutely everything. I hate Toyotaro's fights so fucking much man.

Dude I'm 30 next year and have never had a job.
Got a pilot's license a few years back and haven't even landed an interview
Is it weird that I'm more excited for the gammas than beast?
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bested the god events all in one try with the universe 7 40milion DMG per turn at least team
what now?
why are people talking about that fossil event? did they add new stages or something?
>did they add new stages
>BEAST in the news
So he's basically confirmed for Friday
Do you guys finish your rotations or drop immediately once you got the main card you summoned for?
I stop if I need nothing else on the banner
I dropped Broly banner after getting him, I did 3 multies on Gogeta but decided to not try to chase him and save for beast instead
>beast in the news
>not the gammas
i finished these because of the gssr
because Gammas don't have their own dokkan event
they use medals from the TUR gammas, Gohan and Piccolo
Finished them off. The banners aren't good for chasing dupes on.
>ssj2 esbr
it's so over
It's because they know no one gives a shit.
i finished them both off and actually got a dupe of gogeta when i finished his. normally it might not be worth it but guaranteed featured is a really good deal
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>SSJ3 Super Battle Road
Fucking finally done with that horse shit.
>Gamma 2's scream
behold! the fruits of my labor
>Legendary Power has O N E lead
Good Lord why do they keep doing this?
the link skill?
Based Pilaf gang enjoyer.
I was ecstatic when I saw them as a F2P LR.
I stopped on Broly. Could do another 2 for gfssr but that's almost 100 stones for a 50% chance at either a dupe or 3 extra red coins since half the banner units are rainbow
>go to re-do mission
>never remembers the last Friend I had
Yeah I'm not happy to see you neither Z-Battle. Give me my fucking tokens.
>set aside enough for three rotations for Broly
>90% new Int Golden Freeza and a few dupes for shit I didn't have rainbowed but no LR Broly
Reminder to get your 130 bottles of Mountain Dew for 4 free single pulls and 4? Kais!
>Mountain Dew
Pan drinks only the healthiest of Mineral Water available (the minerals are microplastics from the bottle)
Pan drinks Master Roshi minerals.
Remember that time in the super anime roshi raped yamchas cat before the tournament of power
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This is cute.
Gohan sounds like a cringe 13 year old trying to be hardcore in the dub. Gamma's death scream is fucking amazing though.
how many dupes of Beast are you going for, anon? You are summoning right? You're not skipping and waiting like a cuck while everyone else is having fun surely
probably not going to go for dupes, maybe I will try to go for the gammas if I get beast
If I could have a team of Super Saiyan 3 Goku's I'm pretty sure that's all I would run.
I don't get it
those Vegetas are from his speech in the majin buu saga about how goku is number one and the number one place is Goku from majin buu saga
Depends on how far I would be into the rotation. I did a full rotation on Gogeta and got him on the first multi of the second rotation. Didn't bother finishing the rest of the rotation since I got Gogeta so early.
At the opening of Goku going SSJ3 against Kid Buu he fires what looks like a Kamehameha that blows the fucker completely apart. Kid Buu reforms and then the two titans continue going at it. SSJ3 Goku can casually shit out all of SSJ2's Vegeta's maximum output and keep fighting. Hell at the end of the fight he rips another Kamehameha into Kid Buu and blows him to smithereens again before he tanks a bunch of ki blasts, tries to power up but ends up falling over unconscious. Of course Vegeta has to give props to Goku. He was utterly outclassed at SSJ2.
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>Dokkan Ulimate Thrilling Battle Stage 1
>Jiren knocking around my U6 team like they're dummies
>Kale & Caulifla is hitting this dude for like double digit damage constantly
>mfw taking 100-200k slaps from Jiren
>STR Kefla dodges certain fucking death
>TEQ Caulifla & Kale duo floating but all that relevant since Jiren is INT
>round 2
>TEQ Caulifla dodges everything
>STR Kale tacks on
>AGL Kale finishes the fight
Pfftft. Now let's check out these mission prereqs--
>must use 6 Saiyan Saga units
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Every Beast Banner pull until you like it.
I did it with a friend Gohan and Piccolo, he revived and nuked him on the next turn
The what?
he's talking about the gods of destruction event from years ago, it got new stages on JP
I truly despise Android 18's sense of style and how fucking lazy Toriyama became it comes to female outfits and variety. Aside from her debut outfit there's really nothing she's ever put on that made me go
>Fuck yeah it's 18!
don't worry she really is shit tier
> Lotad
Oh hey, that's the guy who that team advice for WT, with Future Gohan
the short hair really doesn't look good on her, i hate that change
All these account suspension news and I keep wondering what they get banned for.
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dick punch incoming
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Ooof, right in the BWAK
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Really taking a beating
And her personality is honestly quite trash. Toriyama took a single aspect of her and then never really tried to showcase anything beyond that. In the anime she comes across as someone who honestly liked Krillin for his integrity and honesty. She's a loyal homemaker wife and mother and seems fully content with that role provided Krillin is working since you can't really raise a child let alone tend to your family in the home of another man. Especially one who makes it apparent that he can't cut his off his attraction to beautiful women. He's already groped her once and she pummeled him for it. But anyway aside from all that the only other aspect I get from 18 is how mercenary she is.
As an Android she passively gets stronger over time while doing virtually nothing [which really, truly, is honestly one of the most stupidest things in Dragonball] to keep herself or her power level up. I mean I like that she lets Krillin be the man because there's literally nothing he can do that she couldn't do 10x as fast and efficient...but she's only motivated to action through financial compensation and ever since extoritng Mr. Satan once it's like her one fucking signature.
>Oh, we're all going to be killed if he lose the Tournament of Power? Pay me.
>Oh, we're all going to be killed if we don't coordinate to stop Moro? Pay me. Also let me shit talk Vegeta while he's the only person on the face of the planet actually harming Moro during his fight.

18 has a great design. Everything about her being a sadistic bastard twin and ruining shit with 17 words. Her being a wife and mom and thinking Krillin is legitimately canonically cool is nice. Everything else leaves so much to be desired. If she was actually insecure about other women finding Krillin attractive that was played straight as opposed to a shit gag with Ribrianne then that'd be....something, I guess.
Cell Max is ugly. Second form Cell is already the ugliest transformation but making it into a screaming mindless kaiju blind with rage and an obnoxious Christmas Color scheme does not make for an interesting villain at all. Big goofy looking bitch. Cell Max? More like Cell Lacks.
he's basically just "what if bio Broly but it was Cell instead of Broly"
>Second form Cell is already the ugliest transformation
Toriyama liked it so he got the last laugh.
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>go back to main menu
>Pettan Battle end notification top right corner of my screen
>sigh that because I have to tap a few buttons and then do it again in like 6 hours time
The fact that they got rid of Chain Battle before Pettan Battle is astonishing.
Chain Battle quickly turned into
>Oh, why should I provide a great team for these fucking assholes when no one is doing it FOR ME???
I liked having old units be relevant toward a more significant bonus/score but the people playing the game would/could actively fuck up your enjoyment of that mode. Pettan, though? I just go through and use it to try to get more zeni, man. What would they even place Pettan with to make it better?
Chain Battle is fundamentally worse. The fact that your success was based on your FRIEND'S units and not your own was ridiculous. It was anti-fun. Pettan is just some tertiary mode where your units don't play any role, and the rewards aren't worth getting upset over.
what happened to that cat?
And there are still some anniversary missions I haven't done
Medical complications derived from "No Beast in Box Syndrome."
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You mean my stones for the Gammas? About 1k
3k but I want to end anni with at least 2.5k, I have a feeling WWC is gonna be crazy this year
They're included in part 2 retard.
I was mostly joking over the fact that I'm more interested in the Gammas than beast you fucking retard.
>post asks about stone count for part 2, no mention of beast other than a meme picture
oH YoU mEAn THE gAmMaS?!
Most disrespected characters by Dokkan?
My main vote is for Trunks. The vast majority of his solo characters are mid or unremarkable at best - and even if they are pretty good they typically fall of very fast. The only real exceptions I can think of are teq transforming soh trunks and vegeta and trunks which barely counts because it's a duo unit
why would anyone be fucking interested in the gammas? they weren't even good in their own movie nevermind how useless they are in dokkan
+ approx 170 farmable stones atm
2254. been playing since pre-first anni so I have very little in the way of farmable stones right now but I do have the most recent 2 boss rushes I've been hanging on to if needed
1500 so far for UI Goku. Fuck part 2
Because I like the characters. Am I not allowed to pull for shit I like?
3.3K I am getting The Gammas AND Beast
Raditz. Maybe Uub but that's to be expected really.
kid buu, even his SEZA was still trash in terms of being a viable slot
The saddest thing about Kid Buu is that when his LR finally does drop, no one will even care. He'll just be another shitty yellow coiner in a random month that'll be forgot in a week.
Sayian saga vegeta. Terrible linkset on top of typically a very off meta character whose only one very off meta teams
I kind of want them to start building my Ginyu a competent team
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I like their voice actors and designs. Personalitywise they're just copies of Super Goku and Vegeta.
>seconth anniversary
Japanese aren't known for their good english.
>WWC is GT
>TUR int Gogeta eza's
>Heroes will have more great ape + eza's
>Year 7 GT will EZA in a few months
>Lb SS4 vegito works on great ape team as well

Monkey domination soon bros.
Monkey domination until 10th anni's Z domination
I'm betting we get a Carnival Standalone SS4 Gogeta for 10th or WWC.
this is what I want

wwc GT
DFE ss3 kid goku - stanby ss great ape vs Carnival baby
DFE syn - omega vs canival base vegeta - ss4 vegeta

10 anniversary fusion vs potara
DFE super vegito vs DFE super gogeta
Carnival ss3 gotenks vs Carnival kefla
forgot to add that the great ape has a ss4 goku finish attack
Most likely gonna be what you said for WWC since SSJ3 GT goku has some code adjustments.
I hope so. Easy skip.
part 1
carnival cui
dfe nail

part 2
dfe transforming zarbon
carnival bulma krillin and gohan
Toriyama gave up on Dragon Ball years ago. He only came back to keep the franchise from Gaijin hands after they made Evolution.
This is why many characters just wear a tracksuit.
gamma 2's is so good
should have about 1500 by then hopefully enough to do 5 rounds or more
I hope so, but most likely Friday or Monday
THIS + 24 hours
27 hours 52 minutes and 30 seconds
not when they're as shitty as the gammas are.
grow up.
you can only summon for le heckin epic super saiyans and fusions, chud. know your place
> grow up.
You're playing a game where you have to pop bubbles to see animations of buff anime jpegs punching each other.
Nobody cares about age or maturity here.
really fascinating that they removed chain battle. they must have realized it was a shit and unfun mode that only whales with their faggy friends could have an easy time with.

the ost was amazing though.

kill yourself
Friends. I realized I had some old crypto in my coinbase account. Sold it and now I'm ready to fund the BEAST!
Them, Piccolo and Pan are the best parts of a movie ruined by Cell Saga pandering.
If you retards are gonna spend on dokkan, at least use a stone vendor, can save so much money that way

Buying stones at full price is brain dead
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You guys do have DBS cards right?
No because DB tcg are cheap cashgrabs.
I have a mint condition Charizard somewhere
I don't want to lose my account
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Oh- Oops.
so are we getting sync info in part 3 or never lol
i have old z ones at my parents house
All you need to buy are the Capsules.
is the next wt gonna have pilaf too? i just need 1 copy for the gold slot...
he's still the most recent WT LR even on JP so yes, the few next WTs will have him and then a new LR will get added
I think we should have 2 - 3 more pilaf WTs
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Worth coining LR TEQ Zamasu
Not for that shit team.
Do you like the character and like running the team and have surplus of coins? Sure.
Do you actually need him and is he a top tier unit at this point in time? No
If the domain update allows domains to overlap he will certainly go up the ranks in value but right now I don't think he's essential and you'd probably be safer saving coins to grab beast or someone more necessary if you don't pull them
They keep trying so hard with him. They'll get him right eventually. I like the Trunks/Vegeta duo but only have the new PHY Trunks at 55%. Friends' Trunks have saved me but MINE? Wew lad. I'm happy to have a meta unit to run in Vegeta's Family and another unit to bolster my Future Saga team without having to run Mai but shit man. Before Beast my clear cut answer would be Gohan.
The card game means less than nothing to me. But in all honesty? The card battle game in Kakarot was immensely fun when you weren't fighting against metafags. I wish they would've adapted that into it's own independent virtual TCG.
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No. You'll pull him 10 times on anni and WWC banners.

Gib Entrusted Will lead PLEASE.
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>waste your seed
My luck keeps accumulating
Trunks just gets cucked by goofy restrictions and coin flips all the time. They can never just make him good
>new banner trunks
hard locked to time travelers
>super trunks
high chance to guard, reliant on cell saga allies
>sword of hope trunks
"great chance to be a super attack"
>teq transforming trunks
raises defense for only 3 turns in base
>agl trunks
transforms on like turn 6, super saiyan is worse than base, cucked by red zone jump
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No, I don't want to waste my luck
>try one on Jiren's banner instead
>try teq UI banner
>Zeno first pull
best red stone units?
im missing a lot
seza units like goku black phy or teq gotenks ssj3
goku god teq if you dont have him, hes pretty good tank for movie bosses or pure saiyans
if you have these guys already i would wait until the last day to see if they release a new seza, the og gogeta str is 100% having his seza for the 10th anni
this summon simulator is pretty well made.

anyways, took me 15 pulls to pull beast. L or W?
he'll be back on the wwc and 10th anni banners. don't bother
if he has the new discount step ups like part 1 then that's like a little over 2 rounds with gssr so really good
not really a dub guy anymore but gamma 2's VA really cooked with the active skill. pure kino
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>DBS cards
Stopped buying those after a while.
The GOAT cards are the old japanese ones.
the art look kinda shit desu
There's hundreds of collections.
And there's alot of unique art on those.
I don't see myself doing ss2 sbr itemless
>already got every other LR in 3 multis that isnt Gohan
Yeah sounds about right
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2300 stones ready for beast
tickets for the gammas
and the rest save for wwc
I feel doing a multi even though I already have Broly and Gogeta. Heads or tails?
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When does the BEAST banner drop?
I dunno, tomorrow probably
thats art from the manga idiot

and if you think the manga art looks bad, you should kill yourself
I heard you a pedophile nigga

I heard you like little boys and girls nigga
>666 mb dl
aiieeeee beast
>666 MB
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>24+ hours for Beast
>midnight for my timezone
neat, im gonna go to bed crying or with beast no inbetween
show banner
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It's the same
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Repeat after me:
not that dogshit banner, show the only one worth rolling on, the gamma banner.
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Part 2 doesn’t have the banner format. It’s 3 with 1 free like JP
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I mean... nothing here competes with U6 ezas
You're retarded, beast's banner is 20x better than the gammas banner
jesus christ you two take it easy
>got my broly and gogeta on the guaranteed feature step
>no step up format for beast and gammas
It’s so over for me bros
>another week for the year 6 ezas
Dont have future Goku and Vegeta
55 GT spiritbomb
besides that I dont need more dupes
Need way more units from Gama fug
18 is so beautiful bros...
>100% (my dumbass bought 2 dupes back in the day)


So over, logic dictate I skip hard... but I'm not a smart person.
Are we getting the bonus tickets though?
>beast banner doesn't have the super step up
Told you Omatsu was only baiting you to summoning on the worst aging anniversary units of all time so you'd miss out on the real prize.
f2p here
still have a bit of stones to farm
one gogeta rotation? I dont like the step up format is gone
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nothing on the data download so far so chances are basically zero
Doesn’t seem like it. Not called out on the banner text.
Beasts banner is better than gogeta by a decent margin even without the step ups but summon for what you want
>Have everyone rainbowed except for Beast, 18 and 18's husband and the shitter blues
How many Super Mineral Waters do I need for all the Super Hero Skill Orbs?
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before someone posts it, these are almost certainly PAID tickets so dont get your hopes up
>doing SEZA that i've been slacking with
>no one ever evades and i get oneshot
>one of the 3 last banners before the sync
>get fucked
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If they're gonna double fuck the discount then I'll just get beast and ssbe on tanabata.
at least you global fags even get these paid tickets

jp niggers didn't get this
straight garbage minus 6th anni ezas and beast
gammas, gohan, bulma, the rest suck
And when I thought I wasn't summoning for the Gammas, now I'm definitely not lol
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Just to make sure people arent as stupid as the average redditor, these were the part 1 tickets

Gotta say, in terms of big celebrations, Global’s 9th anniversary is very easily the most embarrassing one. Every issue with it was caused by their incompetence.
Heads up you will need 626 mineral waters to buy all the good stuff from the shop, 921 to clear it out.
Uh fellas why does beast banner say 3 summons and gamma says 2?
whoops, they give 30 stones in part 3 instead of 20 so add an extra 30 bottles
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>retards beg for sync
>get exactly what they want, no discounts, no tickets
>wtf this is horrible
Wow, oh wow, who could have forseen this?
>They knew no one would summon for Underwhelmingly and Skipgeta
>Which is why they came up with the step up shit, just to entice some retards to summon on crappy banners
LMAO! 9th Anniversary keeps delivering blunder after blunder! Truly a fucking wetfart of a celebration, a last fuck you to Global
This would've been fine if we didn't have to wait 6 months
We'll see what people say in 6 months.
I already see mongrels saying
>I think they should keep the discount format for anniversary going forward
As if Japan gets discounts.
they know no one is summoning for the gammas
just not having to wait 6 months for the best units on the game is good enough trade off for me

>but m-muh foresight
you are retarded if you can guess what is worth summoning on
>but b-beast came in part 2 no one was expecting it!
we knew his kit before part 1 3+1 ended for jp and this is usually the same for every celebration, so maybe just dont blow everything in part 1 unless its some game breaking shit like beast
We are dokkan moment.
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9th A-Anniversary is great guys! I p-promise good things are coming!!!
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it says 3 in spanish
>spics have to do more summons
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SkipGODS were right once more
se acabo...
>just to entice some retards to summon on crappy banners
like you?
Gringoes are busy sucking Netanyahus cock...
Skiplords won, 9th anniversary trannies are crying in the corner rn
I thought about answering this, talking stone economy and how le hype has been a shit argument pushed to make the user experience worse, but surely you've had this talk before, and you just don't give a shit. Enjoy your shittier game, I suppose.
my user experience will be improved by not having to wait 6 months for content, ezas and friend units even if i don't summon (i will)
i play both versions and the enjoyment is exponentially greater on jp

penny pinching stones doesnt make the game more fun or the user experience better
Forget about him, sync trannies are retarded hype mongers, nothing more, they're trying to make Dokkan even more scummy
>wow an extra 30 stone sale pack
>be grateful peasants
kek nah. it's a scummy gacha. they could literally price multis the same as a trading card pack and probably make the exact same excessive money.
Fucking kill yourself anti-sync dorks

As another anon said, penny pinching stones and being a retard who only summons twice a year doesn't make the game more fun. The games being synced is objectively better and healthier and will generate more hype. You two dork ass losers can sit in your corner being contrarians while literally everyone else will be happy about the sync
when are the banners?
>le hype
>hype hype hype
>don't worry about the ability to get stuff
>get hype for this animation of a moment that happened before half this retard thread was even alive
You all baffle me.
>I don't summon and play the game for hype, I play for, uh.......
I wouldn't mind the sync because then I could skip quicker
like bitch I waited near 3 months for the anti hype of bitchditz and other mid cards, if they dropped then and there I would be less disappointed

less summoning anyway
the samefagging that dude did on your post is hilarious lmao
Pathetic and extremely retarded, sync fucktards have fried brains.
>I don't play the game for hype, I play for (synonym of hype)
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>anyone that disagrees with me is samefagging
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Pshh, I'm not excited for characters, content and gameplay. I'm excited to wait 6 months for discounts on the slot machine. I am enlightened.
why do you play the game?
Again, retarded argument coming from a fillerversary shill retarded hypemonger. There's no point of being excited about anything in this game after 10 years, they're cicling through the sagas over and over again, regurgitating the same bullshit over and over again so why bother being excited about X unit at launch other than their fucking kit that will get powercrept anyways down the line.
The sync is taking almost everything that makes this game one of the most F2P friendly gachas and turning it into a quick cashgrab.
>I'm not excited for anything in the game except waiting months to get a couple more rolls in the gacha
Most jaded soommonbrained shit I've ever heard. Anti-sync autists, everyone.
Imagine giving up the tickets, the foresight, the fact that we don't have to deal with shitty Anni powercreep right out of the gate because we have the post anni EZA's to deal with it.
Sync is just a worse deal for everyone, period, now we're at Bamco's mercy in terms of kikery, no more planning.
NTA, I'm the one who started the chain earlier, but it's mostly just become a social thing. A lot of my friends enjoy dragonball, and it's a casual way to be reminded of the cooler part of the series.
There's far better games, and if I didn't have real people who played the game, I would have left this shitshow long ago.
The gameplay is shit.
There is no original content.
The gacha is one of the worst in modern games.
I like DB, though, and unlike apparently half the thread, I can hold off to see the little animation they traced from 1996 on my own phone 4 months later, while still being able to look at it online for free.
>you will have less chances to summon what you want
>and you WILL be happy
Any arguments about only pulling twice a year apply even more under a sync because if you don't know what's around the corner you have to save in case.
Retards like yourself who cannot see larger pictures should do the world a favor and stop subjecting us to your fried dopamine low iq by never posting online ever again.
>because we have the post anni EZA's to deal with it
JP had the anni ezas to deal with it, months before you had 2024 teams or even got the content.
Who's everyone? Are they in the room with us right now? Don't even think for a moment that the majority of the people ITT are siding with a pathetic cumguzzler hypemonger synctranny like you, you fucking clown.
That's how you hypemonger fucks look like, so fucking deranged.
Post Anni teams are far more capable to deal with the content than Anni teams, including the EZA's you retard
JP gets two chances to summon units before global gets them at all.
Why would you not summon for what you want?
>have everything besides Beast and Krillin+18 rainbowed
>don't give a shit about the shitty jobber form anyway
Easy skip
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maybe just play something else, sparking zero is right around the corner, coming here to fight with other people that do enjoy the game seems insane to me
if you are soo content with watching it on your phone for free just delete the game then
>itemless phase 1 PBSS clear, with nothing from part 2 or 3
Kek. You're delusional. JP was shitting on buu zone effortlessly.
super heroes, the anni team, is still better than anything that came out this year
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That's actually my plan after this anni, gonna dump what I have left searching for my golden gooose who has dodged me for 2 years, then finish up anni and call it a day.
>seething buzzword salad
Looks like I hit the nail on the head.
I'm mostly just enjoying the comeuppance of telling people it would go to shit, then watching them be surprised when it does go to shit.

>look at me im so enlightened because I think waiting 6 months to have more rolls on a slot machine casino makes me smarter
You retards are fucking brain dead. Your brains are fried. Your IQ is in the negatives. You are autistic, retarded failures. Your whore mothers should've swallowed you. You faggots don't deserve to live. Kill yourselves and stop stealing precious oxygen you miserable, ugly worthless idiots.
Nope, USS>>>Super Heroes and Majin Power>>>Super Bosses, Super Class MBS isn't far behind either
No point in arguing with these hype trannies any longer
You just outed yourself for being a no-life loser where the highlight of your worthless miserable life is seething about the synced schedule of a mobile gacha game on a Mongolian basket weaving forum.

Absolutely pathetic. Kill yourself so no one here has the misfortune of reading your brain dead low IQ posts ever again.
>majin power in the same realm as SH
Schizo hours
>mentally retarded anti-sync autist has to resort to samefagging to make himself look less pathetic
Uhmmm then what is this you disingenous sync tranny?
Hypemonger cumguzzler throwing a hissy fit because he's being called out on his dopamine adiction and his fried brain, weak willed pussycat with no future.
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Honest question, have you ever read your posts out loud to yourself? Try it some time. You might realize you're fucking retarded.
But yes, I do enjoy retards (read: you) being blown out for being retarded. It's cathartic, a pretty common human reaction.
Majin power can barely damage goku and frieza, i rather not get in the argument but one team is a whole order of magnitude above the other and its not mbs
I said Majin Power>>>>Super Bosses you disingenous fucktard
You were saying? Synctrannies are so fucking funny and deranged.
>most retarded posts came from a majon glazer
no cap
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Look at this ass-blasted, seething cum guzzling, ugly, fat retarded anti sync autist throwing a mental breakdown because people are calling him out for the retard he is

I bet my post hit extremely close to him, didn't it? You ARE a worthless loser retard where the highlight of your miserable life is seething about the synced schedule of a mobile gacha on 4chan.

I once again strongly implore your fat ass to kill yourself. No one would care if you died right now. Just do it, so you can spare people the misfortune of reading your retarded brain-dead low IQ posts.
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>10% DR, up to 40, now becomes this.
Good lord. Only downside of this unit is he only guards if he's the one who revived, but fuck, do you even need that in current content?
Some anon with less patience for you than me.
>disingenous sync tranny Hypemonger cumguzzler throwing a hissy fit because he's being called out on his dopamine adiction and his fried brain, weak willed pussycat with no future
and more positively fuming buzzwords from you.
Sorry, I guess you don't get to wait 6 months for a couple more summons on things you don't care about. Guess you should quit.
>mentally retarded ass blasted, seething anti-sync tranny used inspect element to hide the fact that he's been samefagging

Oh, wait, it's just that the guard activtaes if his skill is triggered period. Nice.
Poor Mui isn't even bad, but that 23% chance of whiffing can be catastrophic.
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What are the consequences of just skipping Beast entirely?
I am at 1k stones so there is a big chance I can get him, but the banner format change left a sour taste in my mouth, I kinda just want to finish my Broly rotation to see if I get another dupe, give up on Gogeta and never touch any banner until Worldwide arrives, I have 1k coins, approaching 1.5k already, so I can buy whoever I want with ease, is even a single rotation worth it?
Rainbowed Evo Blue, the Phy Blue Duo and UI Goku, so I don't need anyone in his banner besides him btw
>I have 1k coins
Well, that's your answer. Wait to coin him on tanabata, which is effectively still guaranteed before anni.
a very strong str unit
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Take your meds, almost no one wants a fucking sync for Global because we know that we're getting fucked without the foresight and the goodies, unironically bending the knee for le hype machine and trusting Omatsu to not fuck you over in the process (considering his track records of fuck ups) is beyond retarded, truly cumguzzling behavior, you're making gargles with Omatsu's seed while begging for more you fucking dopamine junkie.
Majin Power won't get you killed unlike Midly
>Inspect element
>On phone
>In fucking Readchan of all things
Nice try, you're still a retarded schizo thinking that everyone disagreeing with your retarded hypemonger takes is just one guy.
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You might have to use an item to clear some missions for a while. Gamebreaking I know, you're basically bricked.
Bully the anti-sync trannies into submission. Keep bullying them until they shut the fuck up and fuck off and/or are too afraid to spout their shitty takes ever again

These dork losers think they're enlightened because apparently waiting 6 months to have more rolls on a slot machine casino is "better" for the game.

I'm certain these faggots don't even like dokkan, they're just here to falseflag and shitpost.
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Dokkan bros... Friend Summon is coming back!
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>it was this schizo all along
Lmao. Pretending you're not a dopamine addict when you:
Spend thousands of dollars on the game
Rolled on the banners despite months of screeching, even bought Gogeta tickets
Screaming this hard because you'll get a few less summons per year on things you're not excited for >>1523440

> almost no one wants a fucking sync for Global
Nuclear schizophrenia
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This is the last chance to repent and become a skipCHAD. You had a very small reason to summon on the power crept part 1 units due to the GFSSR meme. But Gohan won't have it, and he'll come back in 5 months on an infinitely better banner on the 10 year anni, which global will get 7 months earlier for the first and only time ever. Unless you're new and have nothing on Gohan's banner rainbowed, you need to skip. Use your stones to get UI Goku, Cell Max, Toppo or Jiren instead, who you will need more than Gohan's due to them buffing weaker teams. You have been warned.
I'm glad me and my brother summoned on part 1
We both got Gogeta and Broly
He still has 1000 left for beast, and I hope he gets him
But I might just save for Cell max
900? I only farmed like 300… guess i know where to dump my stamina
>The anti-sync brain dead retard is also the datruth dick sucker, the retard who's been crying about skipping the anni, and the anti broly retard
>The anti-sync brain dead retard is also using inspect element to hide the fact that he's been samefagging to make himself look less pathetic

Also, stop strawmanning me you dumb fat fucking retard. I don't give a fuck about the "hype" factor, it's just a simple fact that the games being synced would be better for the game.

YOU'RE the dopamine junkie, your entire argument is that you want global to be 6 months behind so you can pinch stones and have more rolls when the banner comes to global 6 months later. You stupid autistic cum guzzling faggot. I'd ask if you even proof read your posts before posting them but clearly you don't, you type them out in an autistic fit of malding rage you brain dead mentally ill anti sync autist.
Thanks for the replies Dokkanscholars, I am just gonna do my final summons on a non-circumcized banner and leave while I'm ahead, fuck SHARTmatsu btw
I've bought everything in the shop but the silver statues at the moment, just been always using a boost on the event whenever one comes up. No idea how many I'm at or need, but I think I have 50 some waters right now.
>loss of tickets
>loss of discounts
>loss of any foresight
>potential to summon on units that are good at first, yet instantly get power crept (FP SSJ4 Goku, PHY SSJ2 Goku, STR Super Vegeta) something that has only been relevant to JP
>leads to more risk aversion; save stones instead of summoning on multiple banners
>far more incentive to skip most banners and just wait for the big celebrations anyways
>you get the same exact units and same exact content, just earlier (lol)
>global doesn't even get all the units already out by the time sync happens (lol)
>having MORE summons with BETTER odds of pulling the unit you want in a GACHA game where it can make or break a team you can use or render an event impossible to beat is somehow a negative
Who wouldn't want a sync guys?
>far more incentive to skip most banners and just wait for the big celebrations anyways
So exactly how savecels play now? Except they get ezas and rainbow friends earlier, so it's easier to save.
>render an event impossible to beat
Doesn't happen unless you're a no item autist. We all saw that JP guy's U11 clear.
Part 2 brings a lot more shit to but
anti sync trannies on suicide watch
Figure, just means less time link leveling. I already cleared all the other content.
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When did you start dokkan? How old is your account?
agl super vegito
i doubt we are getting the tanabata banner until at least november. UI goku may come earlier but theres no way they will let us coin beast so soon after anni. and at that point you would just summon and likely get him during 10th anni
WWC is going to be GT themed.
The moment it dropped on global, but it looked so jank in the early days I was 90% sure it was one of those chinese clones with all the fake commercials that are still around.

Reinstalled around the Super Anime dropping in JP, maybe around Phy broly and the now free father son Kamehameha units that made his dokkan event easy?

Dark times.
Do they still bait gacha coomers with the free str 18 card on new accounts?
started at the first anni, dunno how I survived years of countless shafts without whaling but it was pain, the only thing that'll pull me out is gonna be EOS
I started during the 5th anni.
Not even close baby
Yep, I called it. Knew that that the jobber part 1 units would get the wellfare guaranteed featured only, but not Beast. Imagine summoning on this thrash anniversary.
>venezuelan anti sync, datruth worshipping, crying-about-anni, anti-broly retard is still going at it
I will only summon for Baby in that case. Maybe not even that since they come back in 4 months.
>too scared to reply directly
Yep, I'm just that powerful.
Sync means giga skip
>951 mineral waters
130 for stones and elder kais, 130 for stone and elder kai refresh, 396 for equips, 220 for statues, 50 for medals, 25 for training items.
>admits he's the autistic Venezuelan idiot who's been worshipping datruth, crying about anni, crying about lr broly and crying about the sync

50 ticket summon will save us.
The consequences are you can't use two copies of beast for a team that's already stacked as fuck anyway.
Guess I'm skipping all the way to 10th anni then.
When the Teq 17 and 18 banner released on global
This is my third account. Started it in like February of 2018. First account was made around the time int Trunks and teq MZ's banner was still up in 2017. I think Broly's banner was up too at that time.
When's the new banner?
>an error has occured
in 23.5 hours
I'm supposed to have 44 rainbow tickets right now, right? Including the twitter shill thing
>that wietnamese guy treating the game like a phd
>No discounts
>No tickets
Don't give a shit about what anyone says, we lost
>we lost
Of course we lost. We got 6 months old slop with no discounts.
Can't believe they fumbled Beast at the last possible moment. It really will just be a round or two and then waiting to get him with coins...
>Banner is full of old shit that anyone playing for 2 years should have 2 dupe or more
>No discounts
>No tickets
>People crying
>Yet amazingly tomorrow we will have plenty of retards summoning
This place will never change, full of people with zero impulse control and they’ll continue to make dumb decisions and blame everyone but themselves
nice I get to do 400 summons on this
So the wise decision is summoning on tanabata + 10th anni?
>So the wise decision is summoning on tanabata
No UI is barely top 5 Jiren is barely top 10. After WWC they'll be top 10 and top 20
now that the dust has settled I think we can agree this celebration has been a disaster
Fucking same. Though I quit shortly after clearing all the content. Then I would occasionally come back once or twice a year mainly to randomly login for stones or anniversary pulls. My teams are so fucked right now. I am still clearing shit using agl super vegito and str ssj gogeta. I only just got around to swapping out teq ssj4 gogeta for some str lr gogeta I managed to pull on broly banner.
these were my first units
INT UI Goku release. 2200+ days old
Should I coin SSBE or wait until tanabata in case I get him on discounts?
Maybe WWC will have something worth summoning for.
the japanese jew strikes once more
jesus wept...
... as he jobbed to wooden planks
>This moron still going on and on how the sync will be good when it's been a complete disaster for months and still is
Yes. Dokkan had a good run but it's time to put it out of it's misery.
Do I really need to pull this guy or can a friend unit just hard carry me. thinking about just summoning for Gogeta or Broly again
the sync hasn't happened yet, retard. they're bumbling their way to it, but once it's done, we know exactly what we're getting.

yes? we're still getting late tanabata, so discounts.
if you are considering skipping beast then why would you go back for the two worse units
Because beast is a lame form and gogeta and broly aren't? just a guess.
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So technically it is like last year. Part 1 had the global compensation, part 2 didn't. Also the banner art didn't show the first rotation discount, so we might get that again.
he's dumb, don't mind him
>Goku (Mini) is the official name, not Goku (Daima)
>So technically it is like last year.
What's that? You mean Beast;s banner was going to get nerfed sync or no sync?

HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM It's almost like anit-sync trannies had an agenda to push...
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just like shartku
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>... as he jobbed to wooden pl-ACK!
>but once it's done, we know exactly what we're getting.
>invisible schedules forcing you to save every stone for wwc and anni exclusively
>jp to still get exclusive top grossing stones because fuck gaijin peasants
So exciting!
>>invisible schedules forcing you to save every stone for wwc and anni exclusively
Everyone doing this anyway
>jp to still get exclusive top grossing stones because fuck gaijin peasants
schizo headcanon
free from p*ttan, lads
>forcing you
You can still wait 6 months no one is forcing you to summon
/our/ king truth says that the part 2 banners not having GSSR is a nothingburger and that ya'll are just entitled little brats. Get over yourselves, this is the best celebration ever and Omatsu deserves your praise, not your hate!
True, in fact i think Beast should be paywalled and only after you spent 1k dollars should you be allowed to trade him in
This is cool, but I mean, I'm already swimming in Kais so what's the point? I have literally 0 units to level up.
Why not release a new LR instead?
Started a couple of months before the LR Goku Prime battle released. Remember the threads on /v/ and the threads discussing sbr batch drops, were fun.
I dropped the game at some point though and only picked it back up with anew account when the broly movie celebration happened
Oratsu said the sync will start during the wwdc but thats already been a shared celebration for years so what did he mean by it starting during it? What exactly is going to be synced during it???
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Vegeta be like:
It's just an excuse, that has always been a joint celebration.
Kind of cute actually but Piccolo and Vegeta look a little too lanky.
Daima is just an excuse for new content, isn't it?
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Goku's and Piccolo's mouths are sculpted, but Vegeta just seems too have a drawn line
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>no free ticket either
Why are the JPcucks so butthurt?
>1 month before "sync"
>global version still not getting app updates at the same time as jp
global is still going to be 1 or a couple of weeks behind jp, can't wait for the meltdown when content comes out on the version that matters while global must wait in the cuck corner
Only way I can see us being synced is by the new year’s celebration. Even if we get cell max part 3 and toppo and the dragon carnival in august we’ll still be tanabata and the august part one dfe and tanabata behind.
I presume we’ll not be full synced until Christmas but we’ll maybe share the October and November dfes with jp as well as world tournaments and pettans. I also don’t see how they’ll sync battlefield unless we get a couple of quick ones back to back
>while global must wait
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> >global version still not getting app updates at the same time as jp
Uh, yeah, because we aren't synced yet, fucking duh
The actual new content and new updates will be fully synced after WWC, it's just that Global will also be getting stuff that jp already has in addition to that.
Get ready to having like 3 or 4 banners at the same time in some months.
>3 or 4 banners at the same time in some months.
Nah they're probably skipping every normal DFE "celebration" and put them on a synch banner and do something weird with Tanabata and call it a day
> synch banner
I doubt they'd be that generous. But it would be cool, especially if they make it GFSSR
>that generous
I think they'd make more money on that sync banner than all of them put together would. And they have a good excuse to do it as to not devalue DFE banners in general.
sync banner would be really cool, but it seems unlikely. I think the most likely outcome is they just squeeze these banners in. Toppo will probably be in between anni and WWDC, maybe they squeeze cell max in there because toppo's celebration content was completely stolen minus EZAs and then Jiren and UI for some kind of christmas banner while JP has a slight lull or something. Best case scenario they maybe squeeze some of these characters into new upcoming banners for global but unlikely
Wait a minute I'm a dumbass we're 0 DFE banners behind JP except Tanabata. There's no issue at all then.
we're behind on toppo and will be behind on whatever DFE they get after tanabata in a few days
Nah I don’t see that happening. We have dead periods in the latter half of the year that can fit a short DFE celebration. Octobers second part is usually just a banner of rereleases so we maybe could get the august dfe there.
The cell max thing I am finding strange though. Either he is part 3 (which is the strange part as they should be telling us he is coming) or we get him for Christmas on a rising dragon banner
4th anni, lost my old account cause the facebook account shit was retarded so my current one is as old as 5th anni
>movie bosses completely dead outside of Super Bosses units
>all these equips will therefore also be completely useless
Kek, best celebration in Dokkan's history btw.
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I think the actual account was created during the 2nd Anniversary, because I have coins from there... but I haven't really played at all back then, because my phone was too shit.
I started actually playing the game, logging in every day, during the GoBros banner, so just shortly before the 4th Anniversary
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originally started playing a few days after launch but couldn't really get into it and got busy starting college. picked the game back up around agl dragon fist/first anniversary.
Got my phone stolen at a party and lost my account and stopped playing for a bit.
Was incredibly demotivated to lose my account with str super gogeta, teq majin vegeta, the great ape bardock team, etc. so I debated dropping the game
Reinstalled when Super Vegito and Broly dropped and managed to pull both on my first multi and I took it as a sign and have been playing 95% on 5% off since then.
10th anni will probably be janemba. It doesn’t really matter though because skill orbs are pointless filler anyway
part 1 dfe kid buu and carnival super vegito with part 2 dfe super gogeta and carnival janemba would be pretty cool. only downside is janemba has like 3 categories
Skill orbs are pretty good if the unit you put them on has a good kit. They won't do shit for a mid unit, like KEKly, but can really elevate a great unit, like CHADren.
15 hours until BEAST
Skill orb buffs are so negligible l, I was hoping they’d powercreep them into something more fun by now. The only really good thing they now is giving extra defense to damage reduction units
>Started around the time AGL Blue Kaioken dropped (wiki says dec 2016)
>left shortly after the 5th anniversary
>came back for the 7th
sucks that I lost the old account, thankfully grinding shit is far easier now and that f2p PHY Goku carries hard at the start
Around this time.
Started like 4 months ago.
super hero chads...please...i don't want to grind anymore water bottles...
When UI first dropped, started playing seriously when Beerus and Rage Vegeta came out after seeing the 3rd year LRS on the JP side.
I remember LR 17&18 coming out after a while and I did that awful farming twice for SA20.
Probably tried it out for the first during the first year but the game honestly sucked and seemed like a waste of time.
>no discounts
>no tickets
0 reason to summon when it's even worse than regular banners
I think there were tickets though?
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Paid tickets, yeah.
Chances of carnival Cell max for the ex part?
cell max is a yellow coin LR, not a carnival.
with that being said, the chances are probably pretty slim but not 0.
>cell max is a yellow coin LR
yeah, I have no Idea why I wrote carnival
I hope he is because I want get him for Broly
And the sooner he releases the sooner he comes back for coins(hopefully)
agreed, he's probably the missing unit I want the most.
what do the flashy red damage numbers mean, not critical but almost with the same effects
Eza super damage
I see thanks
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dont worry fellas i gotchu
i will spend enough money to get top grossing so you will get those stones at least
Would you say beast gohan worth rolling for a newfag to get started?
Best unit in the game that can carry everything so far with a support beast gohan.

Not exaggerating, people have done runs for that stuff.

Though like with all meta, they're slowly escalating stuff now
Absolutely. He will carry you through every content
How many stones you get on a new account?
Easily over 10k
yeah, like the other anon said, beast is the strongest unit in the game, is on a ton of teams, and has a very solid leader skill. His banner also has some older anniversary units that are getting a new update that make them very very good as well. Once they get awakened, you can argue that Beast, Evolution Blue Vegeta, and MUI Goku are the three best characters in the game and they all work well together. Basically half of the best characters in the game on one banner. Super high value for a new account
You’ve got to be shitting me. Give me the fucking good Broly
Lmao I feel for you my dude. How many pulls has it been?
dont lose hope tonight fellas we still have the 50 ticket multi
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>Everyone: Save your stones for Beast Gohan. The discounts my boy the discounts. Step up banner galore!
>Omatsu: ...
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70% my ass you fucking fraud holy shit AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA just EVADE you SHIT
You dont even fucking need a sync banner. How fucking hard is it to just overlap a celebration during the dead week of another celebration, 3 times. Global incompetence is staggering.
12 hours...
i am sure they are deliberating and arguing with leadership about the best way to monetize these characters in limbo. 0% chance they are given the clearance to make a decision that would impact profits on hype, high dollar characters like UI goku
Please understand that the Frieza celebration needed to be 3 weeks long
Yeah, next time UI Goku and Jiren return, the Global version can just market them as "brand new units" and "look, this double-dokkan-fest has TWO new units per banner!", while in jp version they're just treated as normal returning DFEs
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me on my way to give a dislike to a datruth video and report it for child abuse
I regret buying the daily capsule a couple of days ago, back to f2p for the rest of the year
He's such a corporate bootlicker.
Everyone is not happy with the part 2 banners but he has to be the odd one out because he's a fucking porn site owning whale.
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Miss her yet?
She wanted to sync both version for a long time but they probably gave her shit because she a girl.
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My girl didn't deserve this.
No her era was dull as fuck. Omastsu is an incompetent buffoon but at least there’s end game content
>he's a fucking porn site owning
she was global producer, she didn't design content.
It's a joke since no one knows what he did before becoming a youtuber to fund his whaling.
So people joke that he runs a porn business since he's a big fat sleaze ball.
Right. She had to work with whatever Omatsu did on JP and could only ask and suggest for GBL content.
People would give her shit for content drought when her powers were limited.
How many hours till banner? Doubt it's at reset bc that'd make too much sense.
Learn how to timezone
No. It resets at like 7pm for me
5 minutes
i started around the time the original str broly dokkanfest came out. lost that account after i dropped my phone in the toilet a few months after the 3rd anni. came back to the game during the 4th and have been playing consistently since.
GT banners
>i dropped my phone in the toilet
Really nigga? For facks sake.
>dropped my phone in the toilet
Why do people bring their phones to the bathroom?
I dislike datruth just as much as the next guy, but how many times does it need to be stated that youtube ad revenue funds his whaling. That and he gets a lot of donations whenever he goes live from his retard fanbase.
glben.dokkaninfo.com/schedule GLOBAL SCHEDULE
jpen.dokkaninfo.com/schedule JAPAN SCHEDULE

whenever theres something new dropping here there will be a countdown to how long till it drops, we should start putting these links on the OP or some shit
the page is from some twitter fag but shit works so just use an adblocker if it bothers you
It's mental retardation. Imagine using your phone while taking a shit. Do retards really just sit there in the toilet still browsing their phones? Mental illness brain brain-dead insanity right there.
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i was pissing, cock in one hand, dokkan in the other, splashing my dark brown urine all over the bathroom. was playing in the 24th wt. i was licking my lips tasting that teq cell rank reward. my rainbowed vegito blue took a super and died, costing me time and stamina. i was so crestfallen and disturbed that time slowed down, and my samsung galaxy j30 slipped out of my hands, ricocheted in the bowl, knocking the back off, resulting in the battery falling out, and proceeded to make a splash equivalent to that of an Ultra Super Attack. Horrifying display. Bandai wouldnt give me my account back.
He's rejected donations for ever saying stuff like "I don't need it." but as you said, retards kept sending money so he just went with it
His fanbase is literal NPC cattle, that also don't know how to use an adblocker.
It was never confirmed or even an inclination there would be discounted or a step up for part 2.
People need to stop listening to clickbait Youtubers talking out of their asses.
i mean when they go out of their way to introduce a new format its not surprising people assumed, especially since they never bother to tell us "hey this won't be for part 2". cinsidering that each part has one carnival and one dokkanfest each you would also assume that they would be treated the same
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40 minutes until discount ends...
DO NOT summon if you got broly, especially if you also got frieza. everything else returns for WWC.
10 minutes left, dumping it all into gogeta and broly
Golden Frieza is on Cell Max's banner. They're not gonna make us wait that long for it, right?
golden frieza is unfeatured on any banner you will get him eventually
banner units are typically added to the general pool right away, so unless they do some nonsense (which has happened before) and port the banners over from JP unchanged or something, he should be on all the banners moving forward unfeatured
Yes but he's featured and it's gfssr.
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goodbye discounts.............
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>graded shit
But I do have a couple cards yes
Maybe the last ones ever
Based Vegito Chad
I hate beast with a passion.
Unfortunately he's too strong and I'm forced to summon for him.
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Bros, I have 650 stones and HIMhan is coming in a few hours. How cooked am I?
If you have a good jawline, all you need is 5 stones.
I think I'm fine with Broly and Gogeta. Hopefully the 10th anni Gogeta has his intro animation.
You have good odds with tickets but you're kinda fucked when WWC drops
Which returning characters are for sure coming back on wwc?
8th and 7th years, WWC 23 and 22, golden week 24 and 23, and whatever the ezas are (probably golden week GTs)
carnivals should have LR ginyu, ulthan and ss trio
>golden week 24
My coins are ready
Oh and new years ss3 and hirudegarn
OH and omega on the carnival
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Started on the second banner ever, Int Gohan and Phy Piccolo, on Global. Didn't get my first banner SSR until the release of Agl Blue Goku(fed him the Int Blue Goku, regret it to this day).
First Dokkan Fest Exclusive was FP Frieza, I think on Str Gogeta's release, or close to it. First DFE on release was Phy Broly, which released with AGL SV. First banner LR was Goku Black and Zamasu, don't recall if it was on release.
Have some neat stuff in the box. Bye Guys Goku Rainbowed, that Saibamen unit, the event Arales(no banner Dr Slump units, skipped, also regret it), some discontinued characters.

Looking at this old section of the box reminded me of some unfinished business.
only a couple more ezas left...im tired
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the 7th years are returning AGAIN?? i have them both rainbow
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Just before the SS2 Goku/Str Bardock banner.
Wait no, it should only be 8th years.
Ah ok, I have the 8th years rainbowed too but it is what it is. So, who will be in the 7th years slot?
A month from now we'll know what the WWC units are

I gotta strong feeling it'll be either GT or Cell Saga
Some dfe that's ezaing. Maybe int gogeta and something under baby's lead
drop them all on beast, if you get nothing, you use buu saga or the new ezas to beat content and save for the 10th anni, easy foolproof plan
Waiting for tanabata because the shitty format cucked the second DFE out of discounts. Also I usually skip saiyan day so I won't pull UI there.
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Last time wwc was gt themed was the first shared celebration so it would be a perfect way of starting off the sync... genius omatsu!!
Use your boosts, NOW.
>discounts are done
>beast still isn't up
what the FUCK is THIS bullshit bro, what the FUCK is THIS bullshit????? I need to fucking fly out tomorrow, where are my FUCKING banners
fuck that's right it resets to the weekend 5. thanks anon
5 hours
>beast is out at 7 AM for me
fuck YOUUU
>was planning on summoning for Beast, ToT tickets on the Gammas
>no step up, or banner tickets now
>now contemplating if it's just best to use the ToT tickets on Beast and not even summon
Omatsu I fucking hate you
this is it for tanabata? No seza???
So really 130am? Stupid shit
10pm for me MY BOY!
I four and a half hours the game will be flipped on its head, and there will be 2 types of people: BEASTS and beastless.
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>Part 2 anniversary units coming out in 4 and a half hours
>Less fanfare than a random monthly dokkanfest
Omatsu didn't even bother with a half assed producers letter.
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well check the threads when beast came out in jp
shit was cash
the unified 10th anni its gonna be insane
do people actually play this game? I'm assuming you're all hispanics and black "people" here
Wrong I'm a white boy(upper class of course)
Is lame and gay
Is the Strongest of the STRONG
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how many more minutes
Is the ticket multi out today as well or do we have to wait for next week's EZAs for that
10 more Freeza minutes
The EZAs I believe. Which is fucking retarded
I gotta save stones for cell max... aiiieee.........
why are all the good units cringe DBS shit
Glad all the GOD units are Super GOLD
There will be beastless subhumans in this very thread in just under three hours. Frightening to think about.
I can’t even remember 3-5 full cycles maybe? He’s the only banner I’ve been pulling on during anni
Do a single summon on the Broly banner. I dare you, BITCH.
There are subhumans in this very thread who need a crutch unit to clear anniversary content.
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Remind me how many events Beast is banned from? That's what I thought, the real strongest needs to be kept down.
Soon all of Dokkan will cry out in unison
Say it with me now: "BEAST!"
Also stronger than Beast
Why does it seem like there's more hype for beast than there was for gogeta and broly
Sorry but Jiren's just stronger
>S-sorry b-but
Yes, Beast is weaker than LR Jiren.
Glad you understand.
Months of metafagging has had him as the strongest and this is Dragon Ball so being the strongest is an important thing.
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30 minutes... i already feel the shaft...
Good luck bros. We stand at the dawn of a new era, only matched by Str Gogeta's debut. I love you all.

He is...BEAST!
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Beast doesn't match Str Gogeta's debut. I think.
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Where are the clocks for banner drops
24 more hours bro
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A warm kys to you if you pulled beast first multi
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KEKAFUCKINGPOOPYROO!!! Less than 150 stones btw.
Zoomies losing their mind over Super fanfic OCs
Got beast in 400 stones. Was worried I wasn't gonna pull him.
4 copies of gobros and 3 copies of agl mui. Both had been rainbowed. Seed is definitely real I believe after this.
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Got it on my free summon first rotation
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>Pull BEAST on first freebie
>keep pulling to get three ticket multis
>second BEAST, but still no Bejita
I'll stop. I'll coin him if I he doesn't come home on the 77 multi.
1k stones for 1 beasthan. it's fine considering I managed to max ui, evo, and year 8 gt
Only pulled on Beast to flex on people I knew would spend thousands trying to get one copy.
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>600 stones
>Blue boys went from 69%>79%
>GT duo went from 0%>100%
>UI Goku went from 90%>100%
>Krillin and 18 went from 0%>69%
>Got BEAST on the last multi
>didn't get a single fucking unit this anniversary over 2000 stones
I don't care what you have to say, they rigged the rates, shits unreal.
not all of us can be winners anon
1k stones left. Got 1 beast. Go for dupes?
Saving for anniversary and getting nothing is very cool.
>thought my phone was glitching like crazy and die
>actually gamma animation
>don't save
>pull everything
sucks to suck
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2300 stones left, dunno if i wanna do the first rotation on gammas. I have the worst carnival luck on the planet.
Is Beast good at 55%?
Sitting at a bit above 1.5k, so I'm debating between chasing dupes, going for the Gammas or going for USS stuff later on.
Bros, I got the shaft, 1k stones landed me everything besides beast, I AM BEASTLESS
Top 5 Dokkan characters:
Beast (100%)
Beast (90%)
Beast (79%)
Beast (69%)
Beast (55%)
Ermmm skipbros.... our response?
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>2nd multi
>only Krillin pulls up
>gamma 2 kamehameha
>ends up turning into a long kamehameha
>literally no other special animations
>pull beast
When Krillin pulls up by himself, you KNEEL.
He's not worth it to begin with.
nah. either use those stones for the gammas if you want but theres that 77 ticket multi. do that first before dipping again. finish the rotation if you want but its hold back
Holy shit, then got Gammas in 260 with a rewind animation. We are fucking dokkan guys.
Ok fuck you too dokkan
2k fucking stones and all i got was a single copy of beast i hope omatsu goes broke that fat fucking ricecel
>get gohan 69% in 600 stones
>get cocky
>try gamma carnival banner
>1k nothing
1.6k total but 1k down the dump. I hate carnival banners holy shit Gogeta blessed me before this absolute dumpster waste. Why's I do that
That this is still an extremely easy skip.
>got gammas and beast in 450 stones
thats it im not even gonna bother with dupes i know im gonna get shafted if i summon more
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>got literally everything
1k stones, 1.3k left
im really happy, i got beast and 3 copies of the ssj4 duo, dupes for the 6th anni units too
i will use the tickets for the gammas, if i dont get them i might do 2 more rotation and save for wwc
I've summoned on 3 carnivals and each one took over 1k stones. Shame on me, but fuck these banners, I'm done with them.
Never got baited by gold coin banners. Carnival are the same and yet I'm dumping stones there. Big mistake. Gogeta was my only time a carnival summon went well
Yellows are unironically better now, you can get Cell Max guaranteed in 1k stones or less if you sell dupes.
its funny how i got beast and even the gammas so fucking quickly but i also really wanted a couple dupes for the LR phy ssj4s. they have always been one of my fav units but they are still 69% for me lol
>he boosted?
>disable double drops from power level
>one rotation 69% Beast
Save chads never stop winning
rift animation on the last of my 600 stones worth of tickets
disaster celebration averted
they are kino, i hope the eza is broken beyond levels
I got everyone but Broly. Does he deserve the 77 ticket special summon?
>0 Ui Goku or Ssbe Vegeta
>rainbowed Gt duo and monkey duo
GT WWC save me...
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>Beast on 1st free multi
>do another round
>GTbros (only other unit I was missing)
>Beast dupe
>Also got the first 2 dupes for SSGSSE Vegeta
>went so well I figured I'd go for Gammas
>Gammas first round
same but i am just gonna use the 50 ticket multi for ssbe vegeta and mui goku dupes lmao fuck broly
i started during cooler WWC and them as a friend lead singlehandedly got me throguh all of the beginner content/ dokkan events. i will always have a soft spot for them. im going to use my 77 ticket multi on beast so hopefully i get at least a dupe for the 79 bc i know they will be busted as fuck
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two kids in a trenchcoat
Over 1k stones.. I am.. beastless...
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>Got one copy of Gogeta and BEAST
Should I use my tickets on Broly or the Gammas?
You didn't beat the event.
why does the pan event give movie heroes equips instead of super heroes???
I got shafted hard, I'm sad, man.
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I haven't gotten a thing, nor a special animation in this entire anniversary in 1200+ stones. I think it's time to leave Dokkan, bros. Farewell...
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Bros.. at least wait for the ticket multi...
>3 Zamasu in 4 reps
I may be the only anon in this thread elated for this happenstance.
I genuinely think the gfssr was a better deal so fuck omatsu.
It mathematically was, yeah. Insert someone replying about lucklets here.
>summoning for broly now
Are you a psycho
no gohan

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You're mistaken, anon.
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OH. Right. I genuflect.
I'm sorry, I tried my best but Lord Beast didn't grant me his blessing. I'm forever ... Beastless.
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i rainbowed my LR int zamasu with the final dupe and im glad. he's my favorite unit esthetically
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they might have shafted me when they dropped and i had no self control but if anything having them is making these dokkan events go WAY faster. easily the best unit for any kind of auto grinding
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Globaryans WON
AnniversaryGods WON
Skipsissies LOST
JPsisters LOST
Extreme Dokkan Awakenings when
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>200% Leader Skill
>Linked with PHY LR Least
>INT Pan on rotation
>0% HP
>All link Level 1
I don't know man, he doesn't seem THAT good.
Can't even break 1 mil
>Less SA damage than the average modern red zone boss
Shitterhankeks... what will our new cope be?
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>flophan was actually a skip this whole time
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Lord Omatsu... The ticket multi... I need it now
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Got 2 beast but no gammas. Should I honestly use my rainbow tickets for a chance at 55% gammas or chance my luck at a 79% beast with the tickets?
Zeno is the true king nigga.
If you're like me and need a 6th year, Beast. Otherwise gammas.
Just give him some dodge, my boy
go for the unit you do not have ie gammas. 69% is good enough and he will be on 10th anni so you are certain to get more of him. thats just my opinion though. also im just going to assume you have less dupes on the featured carnival units since they appear less also
Gammas obviously
Used my link skill orbs for the first time in a year on Beast to level 7.
2000 stones between all of these new banners and the only unit I could get was 1 Beast. My luck has been incredibly shit.
content is up bros go get them stones
wait theres content?
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>got beast
All you need.
sbr, esbr, movie memorial battle stages
1100 on Broly and Gogeta for only one Broly
500 on Beast for 2 of him, some other useful stuff and also the Gammas
Might still get Gogeta on tickets.

Crazy to think I spent that many stones but
>can't even coin the 15+ dupes I have since they were all on a free/ticket pull
I miss the old format so much
>summon once
>literally once
just realized this is my first anni having at least a copy of all 4 units. only other celebrations i did that for 2022-23 WWC
1k+ stones and not a single fucking beast. Can someone do the math as to what are the odds of that happening?
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>decide to summon for the CHADmmas on a whim
>get them first try
Feels good being a luckchad. Skipping SHIThan btw.
around like 5%
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>sworn enemies SBR
>in a post INT Buu world
This is funny.
I'm gonna use my tickets for the gamma banner and just coin beast during tanabata.
>he wasted his seed on SHARTgeta and DOGly (not even z broly!)
Imagine being a gogetacuck or a brolybitch instead of a luckCHAD like >>1524727 >>1524734
I wasted 1200 stones on Broly and he keeps getting one shotted before he can transform...
Way overspent on Gogeta, but got Beast in 1 rotation. Karma is real.
is beast fine at no dupes?
Need at least 1 dupe
time to save for wwdc
I'm just salty I didn't pull him and will have to wait to coin him, sorry.
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55% BEAST is better than every other character at 100%.
Having two target characters on your team is broken as fuck. Trunks fight is a joke now
its okay anon
I'm legit crying right now. I waited so long for beast and now I'm sitting with 0 stones and no beast. I'm fucking livid and genuinely feel like shit.
>decide to do gamma rotation after all
>2 birdkus, rose, zamasu, agl nappa
I mean, they needed dupes, and I didn't have nappa, but another carnival shaft. My fault.
You still have the tickets
Honestly I don't even care anymore right now I just closed the game. I'll go do something else and come back later with a refreshed mind.
>3 rotations on Broly and Gogeta
>4 Brolys 3 Gogetas
>4 rotations on Beast and Gammas plus tickets
>1 Beast
Saving the last of my 1000 stones. Older format was way better than this shit.
Gfssr is always the best thing possible. Part 1 was simply better for that.
>almost $500
>no beast and almost (literally) everyone else rainbow, 69% Gamma, broly and gogeta
>1600 coins of each type
>bank refuses to update in real time

Hahaha, the absolute state of me.

Surely the tickets will save this lucklet; time to clear all this content with a support beast and clear my seed for tomorrow.
thats fair anon. go cool off. you still have tickets just remmeber that. if anything you could always get a private server and play with beast there too if you want
Do we get the rest of the rainbow tickets on the 30th? Guess that's the last chance for beast.
... before tanabata
>Xeno first multi on Beast
>2 Future Gohan, 1 Bulma and my final Merged Zamasu in 1 rotation on the Gammas
That was my first Future Gohan as well and Bulma is now sitting at 2 dupes, thanks Omatsu
>he whaled on a unit thats coming back in 6 months
i'm not even the skipfaggot but seriously why rainbow beast
To support Dokkan of course
>SSBE Vegeta still 55%
And I even coined the only one I have, never pulled him
>SSBE Vegeta still 55%
I almost forgot the ultimate team is here soon double Beast SSBE Vegeta and MUI Goku
my EB Vegeta is mostly crit and a fair amount of dodge. is that going to be the way
>built him as wrong as possible
Bro... he autocrits at 24 ki and needs to get hit 5 times to become a God with his revive...
dang, if only I had known
Went from 0 ss4 duos and 0 MUI to rainbowing both
I only had 15,000 hp left in the kid buu red zone after phy least gohan did two normals with a fully built up kid buu. Beasts active was up and I knew he’s good but I thought I was dead for sure.

He ate the super for double digits

I’m sorry I doubted you beast…I kneel…you are truly the greatest of all time….
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Beast? BEAST.
>ssj2 ESBR
nigger how this team is somehow worse than ssj3 now
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>1800 stones + 100 tickets
>no beast
>pull every other unit on the banner + 5 times
every year the same shit
>broly in 1 rotation
>2 beasts in 3 rotations
>gogeta in... 5.5 rotations
fucking shit i didn't wanna spend that many stones this anni. why did my most wanted unit dodge me so hard
>1700 stones 1 beast no gamma
I'm sorry my friend...
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hey at least beast will be back next month in world wide and due to the sync I can just use coins to buy him.
right? haha
*omatsu raughs*
>pull 2x Broly within the first full rotation
>pull 1x Gogeta within the first half rotation
>pull beast on literally the first multi

lmao guess it's time to dump 750 stones into the gammas
>down to 1 stone
It's over for me, my boys...
>750 stones into the gammas
WWC the sync 10th anni?
Annnnnnd done.
Shit I spent less than like 500 stones total this anniversary and got at least 1x of all 4 new units.
>Zly is too irrelevant to headline an anniversary as an extreme unit (which hadn't happened in 8 years btw)
KEKAROOOOO!!! Please keep coping so I can laugh at you more!
When is the special friend summon?
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>discover I've been using SS3 majin buu Goku at 0%
>he cleared everything anyway alongside my Majin buu Gohan rotations
Legit surprised, but also not really.
The team cooks, my cope until tickets give or do not give me beast.
I hope they lose cause I don't WANT Toyo's shit anywhere near real DB media
holy shit....I-I haven't been shafted on a banner like this since 2022
All my Dragon Stones....like dust in the wind
My discounted round on the Beast banner was probably the worst round I ever had.
All 4 dead multis.
At least on the Gammas I got them, other LRs and saw some new summon animations.
>0 stones spent
>no Beast
Yep, Beast is shit.
Why the fuck did they remove the gfssr? Holy shit the amount of dead multi is revolting.
>first pull got beast
>spend 1000 stones and no gamma

i can only blame myself
This, the Beast banner seems fucking rigged. At least Gammas still give you LRs.
>spend 1000 stones and no gamma
Why are you dumbasses dropping all these stones on Gamma? It's ok if you really like them but so many pulled for them right before WWC?
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>right before GT spic celebration
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Wait so we're getting the 77 multi before discounts end?
>600 stones
>no Beast
Go on without me...
is full additional best on beast
Pulling Beast would be preferable.
pulled beast, now it's time to save for teq ui
>zhu yuan in one 10 pull in ZZZ
>beast on the first free 10 after the discounts
yeah i'm a luck chad
>teq ui
Does that fraud even tank normals in his pre domain form at 55%? WWC and 10th anni is going to make him look even more dated
Just run a U6 team. STR Kefla solos the stage.
Let me guess super ezas barely give stones?
I got 2 of the featured units on beast banner rainbowed and all the others at least at 55%. Should I just wait for beast your come back and coin him or should I keep chasing him?
I don't feel like grinding stones im discouraged
When are we getting the last thank you tickets?
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>AGL UI Dupe
I don't don't want to over-react like some spastic but...dude. Dude. Fuck this guy. FUCK this guy. I don't need dupes of him. I don't. The game doesn't care. It doesn't motherfucking give a shit. Clearly. So fuck it I'll just raise another UI Goku. Suck my dick Dokkan. SUCK MY DICK. FUCK YOU.
>Defenders of Justice
Go play in traffic.
Sounds like me and the monkey duo. I don't want to see those fuckers ever again.
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2 Beasts, 1 SSBE. No UI so far so I'm tempted to keep going.
why does beerus have the dogs out
Debating if I should try and go for my first Gogeta dupe to get him to 69%, go for my second beast dupe to get him to 79%, or use them on broly to potentially pick up golden frieza and get broly to 79% when the tickets drop
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>4985 dragon stones
Beast, here I come!
post results
I meant specifically with the ticket multi. I'm not spending anymore stones, I had much much better luck than usual this anni. Gonna take my wins and run with them
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retardbro here. does beastboy want AA? i see he has built in crits so i assume so...
straight raw attack
There's a good chance WWC will not have the 9th anni carnivals on global.
Which WWC unit will eza next?
umm I just got cooked by trunks even with gohan. you told me I couldn't lose
Bro, your orange piccolo giant form, gogeta active, and two beast actives?
Goku and Frieza
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Wow, nice pull
Dragonfruit-ass hair
What units throughout your time playing have been your biggest disappointment and biggest surprise favorite?
My biggest disappointment has to be the AGL Metal Cooler Movie SS Duo. I love how desperate and reckless their attacks are in the movie and how it's the first time Goku and Vegeta actually team up. In Dokkan, even from day 1, they were an unremarkable slot 2/3 mid-tier option with an unrealistic to get transformation and they fell off very quickly.
My biggest surprise favorite(s) are probably the teq nuking blue vegeta and phy nuking blue goku that awakened out of the blue alongside bergamo a few years ago. They were just trash general pool SSRs that were so disappointing to pull that I'd had rainbowed twice over and then all of a sudden they became insane nuking stackers that dominated LGE and most of the content in the game. I remember running them together and loving every minute of it. Hope they get solid EZAs sometime in the near future
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>got the gammas from the tickets
Daseething must be malding right now.
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>and ribrianne and gammas again doing single tickets
I'm done.
I didn't pull Beast, what's the best team I can use with a Beast friend?
run orange piccolo as leader and run super heroes. team is still crazy strong, especially once the y6 LRs EZA.
Orange Piccolo
Friend Beast
MUI Goku
SSBE Vegeta
or PHY Ulthan
or y5 ezas
or teq godku if against movie bosses or saiyans
or gammas
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>8th anni battle still not updated
Friendly reminder that INT Fat Buu is a top 5 character in the game
>unconditional revive
>insane DEF, infinite stacking, reaches 2mil post super by turn 5 if on rotation for turn 1
>HP regen out the ass
>survives KO
>literally hits 2 million raw defense + guard in longer fights, which is actually 3.5mil defense post super
>has a fucking ghost usher that also acts as a full HP heal

He's an absolute god, the likes of which stands next to the Y7 EZAs, Beast, and Cell Max. And he's a DFE TUR. Pure insanity. If they made him a DFE LR instead he would be the uncontested god of the game.
>>unconditional revive
There is a condition: HE has to die.
Thank you friend, I ended up using Broly as a leader for the rainbow mission against the Gammas.
That left me with 50 stones, and then it finally happened. Zeno on the Beast banner.
Additional + attack is the play
So what's the best banner to use those 77 summon tickets?
I got Broly, Gogeta, Beast and Gammas.
The only featured units I'm missing is the new Golden Freeza and STR Future Gohan.
I was thinking of chasing after Gohan with the tickets, since I only have enough teal coins for 1 unit and I'd rather trade those for the Saiyan Trio whenever returns.
I know SSBE Vegeta is the better EZA, but it really sucks pulling him when he's already rainbowed while my MUI Goku is still at 55%.
>unconditional revive
when every other revive works on everyone this seems pretty conditional lmao

also dont forget the piss poor damage he does
what about the rest? dodge or crit?
did all ezas
finishing up boss rush
bro my stones...
holy fuck 4 units one of them is Whis i get nothing!
>79 percent Teq Broly
>Get a dupe from red zone tickets
>Get two more unfeatured from carnival banner

Based, he's EZA ready now.
I want Teq Broly
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1300 stones used for beast
>900 stones left
>1 gohan 1 broly
i still feel the itch bros. To either go for gohan dupes or sink it all into gogeta
when do you think all the Fusion Reborn stuff will EZA
WWC will be year 1 Gogeta SEZA + teq Gogeta EZA
just watch
revive is conditional, damage sucks, pre-SA Def sucks, and he lacks a real agl and str under his lead for extreme missions
what is with the absolute dogshit rates on these banners
>no discount carnival
Get a grip. NOW.
How to get the 77 tickets?
>wake up
>summon for beast
>1100 stones later two int SSBE one MUI agl, three agl SSGSS duo, one str GT duo
>"whatever dude i'll coin gohan in a few months"
>close game and come back a few hours later
>clear gift box
>40+ dokkan festival tickets
>summon with tickets
>I get beast second multi
>1700 stones
>rainbow BEAST
>rainbow UI Goku and Blue Vegeta
>two gammas
compared to not getting Broly with a similar amount this was extremely nice, will use rainbow tickets for him
2400 stones and all I got was 2 copies of Beast. Omatsu is a fucking nigger.
>Intensifying fight
>Thrilling Battle
>conquer the assasin
>supreme magnificeient battle
I need some help i never done any of these which is easiest?
Yeah I got one with 1200 so that adds up
Also went from not having 8th anni monkes to having them rainbow, I wonder if they are still any good
Putting and removing gfssr is the biggest scam ever. The thing is so fucking scummy that the great rabbi of Jerusalem himself is jealous.
Intensifying fights but there's a gimmick to getting the real final phase for each stage, so look it up
Thrilling battle is easy but some of the category missions suck ass
Assassin is a gimmick mission stage, you need a domain for stage 1 and domain + nuking item for 2
SMB is the "real" challenge but easy if you have a recent team
Why is there no pity system?
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gigantic W luckchad anon
>mui goku
>ssbb vegeta
who else would you add to the team?
game is evidently doing well enough fiscally and in terms of engagement that they don't feel pressured to add one I suppose
depends on the content you're doing but:
orange piccolo
teq godku
gamma 1
5th year blue fusions ezas
phy ulthan
lr soh trunks
banner krillin & 18
str ui
phy beerus
I'm running those plus:
Gamma 1/2 LR
Evoken LR
Orange Piccolo for the Beast unit super.
And absolutely dominating everything in the game with it.
Gogeta is genuinely dogshit compared to the other anniversary units. He is useful for exactly 1 (one) turn, 8 turns deep into the fight.
Every other turn he's a massive liablity that will take 200k from normals and not dodge a single fucking thing despite having 50 or 70% dodge.
Carnival units are just worse than dokkanfests. Time and time again. There are exceptions but overall it feels like they're designed to be worse.
There is but not always.
SOME banners have pity tickets, where you get 10 tickets per multi (or I guess per 5 stones spent) and then exchange 200 of them for the new unit. So that's 1000 stones t guarantee that unit...
It's could be fine except that: 1 - only some banners have it, it's not every banner. And 2 - they don't carry over between banners, which makes them kinda useless for f2p players.
Nikke has good pity.
>not dodge a single fucking thing despite having 50 or 70% dodge
This I can't comprehend about the unit. Holy fuck he NEVER evades, not even normals.
gogeta is cool and I really like him but I agree. I can't count on both hands the number of times where my rotations were locked or not great so I slide blue gogeta into slot 1 or he's stuck there and he eats 3 normals in a row for 370k a pop and I lose
Lucklet filter.
If you summoned for b*ast you're reddit.
Yellow coin banners have the pity system of 1000 stones = enough coins to get the new unit.
But you can only exchange it once, so it's not like you can just pump 5k stones into the banner and rainbow the units regardless of what drops.
skill issue. mine evades just fine. does damage, changes orbs. 2nd best feature next to beast.
beast chadhan really does dogwalk the rest of the game. there's no competition
some units just decide to be like that sometimes, for me it's the eza str kefla, I still haven't seen her dodge once, I just stopped using her entirely after seeing her getting oneshot 200 times
The biggest fraud is STR UI sign
Ultra Instinct my ass holy fuck I don't think I've seen a single evade from it
Agreed. he fucking sucks.
agreed. I've got him rainbowed with maxed out dodge hipo, my best dodge equips and he still gets hit nonstop. usually gets like oneshot by normals too lol
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>cool art
>hype part of the anime
>fuck load of categories
But he's built around "evade or die" and NEVER evades
Atleat we're getting a new UI soon
>Atleat we're getting a new UI soon
spoiler alert he's pretty mediocre and will get folded by normals until he transforms into MUI. once he's mui he's a fucking god but those first couple of rotations with him are brutal.
Got him second multi. Did I do a good?
Do you think they just lie about what's written on the passive?
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2 EZAs, 2 blue zones, Cell Max 2, 9th anni battle, movie boss rush,
With clears and missions that's 188 stones, plus 30 more from Pan shop, plus logins and maybe top grossing.
They intentionally don't tell you the actual % of dodging and use words like medium/high/great instead. I have no idea where the data comes from that great dodge = 70%, high dodge = 50%, etc etc.
you beat the game.
>locking units
they don't lie, I just think STR UI feels exceptionally bad because he's a dodge or die character with parts of his passive restricted to slot 1 dodges. You're pushed to put him in slot 1 and in front of a million attacks but his dodge chance is at best 84% + hipo and if he eats a normal you're probably looking at at least 150k+ so it he just feels pathetic
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Pardon me, add 6 stones for the LR EZA missions.
I got Beast in two rotations. (I only had 350DS)
I am tempted not to throw away the discounts on the gammas and only use the rainbow tickets.
Frankly it is horrible that the WWC is in a month.
Fuck you I just used 4000 with 0 Beast. Rainbowed literally everything else on his banner.
What's wrong with that?
WWC is likely GT shit. Skippable.
not even that, teq mui after his free dodge turn has sold me runs more than once probably because he is 55%..., 60% dr and 300k defense isnt tanking any strong super

i dont even blame the game or the unit at this point i just have terrible dodge luck
at least it comes back in 4 months. the golden weeks on it won't be back until next may though, unless you count ny step ups.
I feel that. I'm excited to be on the JP content schedule because anni into wwdc with very little downtime is stressful. When I have dogshit luck on anni the dread is double because I know wwdc is right around the corner
wait no i'm bugging, gws are on the december ddf as well
>not locking units
low IQ retard
On the bright side, global neegers won't have to wait 11 months for the WWC units to return anymore. Another reason why the sync is a good thing. Where's that ugly, fat, venezuelan idiot that was crying about the sync earlier?

WWC being GT is the greatest possible outcome. GT is kino. You can take your opinion you got from a youtuber and kill yourself
Oh sweet I got 4 SSRs on this pull!
...and they're all shit.
>WWC being GT is the greatest possible outcome. GT is kino. You can take your opinion you got from a youtuber and kill yourself
It's 100% going to be cell saga w/ Gohan v Cell as the headliners, just like the WWDC was 5 years ago.
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...and they're all GREAT!
three have no eza yet
Hopefully, I need a skip after getting graped hard this year.
If it's this I'll have to drop another K, big if true.
I theorize that WWC is going to be either GT or Cell Saga.

But if they do Cell saga, what would the headliners even be? They'd have to give cell and ssj2 gohan what if animations if they do them again.
I think it will be GT (unfortunatly) but I honestly hope on a Namek saga Final Form Frieza LR and the EZA of most LRs from that saga, AGL full power fieza, Int LR SSJ Goku, Gohan and Krillin, Goku and Vegeta.
That'd be neat.
it's not cell. what would the part 2 even be?
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When do we get beast skill orbs?
Bye Guys Goku.
You just make them the stand-alone versions of the 2019s second forms - SS2 and Perfect Cell (Perfect) or whatever he's called
There's plenty of random shit they could pull from that fight to throw in there, and they can always just reuse a move they've already done, wouldn't be the first, won't be the last, Especially since it's been 5 years and they can make those attacks really look good compared to the current animations.
Z-Fighters, or Goku from his fight against Cell, or a Piccolo, or Future Trunks, or Vegeta...there's a lot they could use.
2019 was the PHY Android Trio for part 2.
If they did Cell saga, I could see

part 1
carnival super saiyan 2 gohan who's intro is gohan going back into ss2 when cell revives with some slight what-if animations and then an active that's the father son kamehameha with voice acting, different camera angles than the existing agl LR and then more of a focus on the Vegeta hitting the enemy from behind part (or maybe even the piccolo, tien, yamcha, and krillin blasting the enemy too from the anime)

dfe perfect cell whos intro starts with the revive and power up with some more animations taken from throughout the fight with super trunks/goku/gohan. maybe a beam counter where he tanks it in a cloud of smoke and does the trunks death beam as a counter and an active like super buu's where he does the perfect barrier or whatever and heals

part 2 would be a bit trickier but maybe a dfe future trunks who goes super saiyan from the fight with the droids/cell in the future like the agl LR/int f2p unit with a better heat dome animation and a carnival 1st form cell or bye guys goku or something with the target mechanic or an absorption standby or something
Agl vegeta EZA will hit like crack if they give him def & atk stacking and extra dr alongside the supereffective he gets for 5/10 attacks
Eh he'll be super niche on one or two teams, just like the AGL Super Vegeta that recently EZAd.
31st when part 3 starts
I feel like either WWC or 10th Anni might introduce the "Z Heroes" Category
He will fit perfectly on TEQ Vegeta and Super Vegeta. Let's hope that powercreep gets under control by then and we can still use them.
LR future androids, LR future trunks and vegeta. lr goku from the fight with cell, maybe an L z fighters unit

The sky is the limit if they go crazy with what if animations
I think teq vegeta has what it takes to hang around in the meta for a long time. he'll age out of being the slot one tank but I think he'll be able to handle slot 2 and 3 very well for the foreseeable future. super vegeta's clock is already ticking, sadly. he's not bad but he's already fish food if he takes supers early or especially after his guard is gone
>8 Gohan&Goten
i pulled them twice in the same multi 2 times. Fucking hell
neat, thank you
they are my curse, too, anon. I'm so sick of pulling those smug degenerates. been keeping a tally and since their debut (where I didn't pull them) I've pulled them 29 times
feel that. i have pulled enough agl ssj4 goku cards over the years to rainbow 3 copies.
So do you guys actually use the tag system?
Do you select your battlefield characters from your whole box?
Yes or I use the filter
Do you also pour the milk before the cereal
Cereal with water
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A gokubro I see
I cant grind enough for another rotation today
This is my favorite part of an anniversary shaft. Log in and log out.
>my entire friends list putting their 55 and 69% copehans as friend leaders
>CHAD Gelk still with his rainbowed android 21 lead
i kneel gelk sama...
I was wondering if I should swap her out
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i've seen enough, beast clears
18 is so beautiful bros...
>tfw only 3mil power level
here's a team you could use to clap all content if you got shafted and didn't pull a single anni unit

phy beastless
teq orangecolo
str ui
agl mui
int ssbe
phy blue duo
friend lead beast
Anyone else feel like the idea of pulling major celebration units is more enjoyable than the reality? Kinda like how the build up to Christmas is more enjoyable.
major celebrations suck because low IQ zoomers on the stream of a dokkan tuber pull the new units on their first multi while I get shafted
at least some of them are lying for attention
No I totally pulled 4 all anni units in the first multi
>part 3 next week

You know what that means. You ready? 6 million points here.
probably, i was on toonrami's stream last night and it's ridiculous how many shit eating zoomers were flooding his chat saying they pulled beast or gammas on their first multi
>agl mui
>int ssbe
In a week
Replacement for Phy Gohan?
Fuck these 3 units holy shit I want to build them for collection and autism but they take so long. I even made mspaint charts for myself to track everything I need to farm to max them out.
iirc you need to pull 24 copies of each if you want to do it optimally and not waste any kais

the medal grind for the androids and gohan and videl is ass

for lr hercule you need to buy those usher thingies from the shop, but I think they removed the daily limit for those
I started them after clearing everything in the game. If power levels were a thing at the time, I probably still wouldn't have them since all the stam would go to link levels.
29 copies because of SA 25 from EZA or just use kai for the last 5 SA levels
They need to revamp the medal grind for those medal events
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>just blasted my link level orbs into beast
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/kekkan/ kneels to me
Beast is shit.

Source: the guy who pulled him in 70 stones to clown on you
Phy Gohan sucks too much for modern content
Nice anon. It reminds me of CHADcolo's banner pulling a double.
Rainbowed Evolution Blue Vegeta. Is he any good?
>he doesn't want a SS4 Gogeta LR

That man deserved a stand alone LR by now.
What would base form gogeta look like in GT?
Like Z Gogeta but with black hair
DBS Broly but 90's artstyle
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Why is he so smug
It's the Vegeta in him.
Keep in mind that base Goku is a kid in GT, would Gogeta still look the same?
what's the beast team before eza ssbe and ui?
Is LR ssj2 gohan still good?
>tfw actually pulled beast on the first multi >>1524727
>dumped 500 stones into the banner and then got completely shafted
I guess this is par for the course
Kid Goku couldn't fuse with Vegeta so SS4 is the base
Probably not. The Agl one just stacks too slow for today's content.
Maybe this?
Replace shithan with Broly
No, I think not.
>fuse while SS4
>revert to base while fused
Now what?
futurehan instead of leasthan
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>I thought my Santa Roshis were my teq grand kais
how do I use the 5th anni eza lrs? they feel like bums. can barely stack with them before they transform.
>he didn’t pull him
Why the fuck are we not able to lock the special Kais in the first place
Stacking isn't important for them. You wanna transform as soon as possible.
they job to a gust of wind after their guaranteed dodge turn is over
float them off like the little dodge cucks they are
>The Agl blues are ba-
>Turn 1
Put them in slot 3
>Turn 2
They transform and you put them in slot 1 with 100% dodge
>Turn 3
You put them in slot 3 and continue doing this and hope they dodge
eww man just don't run them then
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>quoted wrong post >>1525432
My posting career is OVER
>14 mil on a wank set up
>hard to transform
>even when transformed is a pretty shit slot 1
just let him go anon agl vegito sucks
I actually use str Vegito
It was vs MUI Supreme battle spectacle. It doesn't get more real than that. MY BOY!
No, I think not.
He attacks a million times so it's fine if they don't have a damage barrier. But:
- intro should've lasted 5 turns
- they should've used the ball crush or the sword (f2p 18ki) as super counters
12ki* i mean. Shit they could give him both, chance to nullify ki supers and chance to nullify and counter unarmed.
>he didn't set his VPN location to Japan before summoning
This does zero damage to GODku and LORDza
We shall see!
Bros the Gammas are really fun to use, I'm surprised
He's about to be the #2 best unit in the game behind Beast once his eza drops. UI goku is #3
2nd best character in the game next week after his eza.
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Oh, that's cool then. Glad he kept showing up for me.
Gokek wishes he was as fun as the Chadmas
goku only wishes to be bejita's nugget baby
carnival Gogeta's my goat. he dodges everything and does a shitton. funner than mrbeast
SSJ4s EZA when??
what are your favorite rpg games?
I like this one RPG called Elden Ring
Legacy of Goku 2
Attack of the Saiyans
>no guard
>can tank goku & frieza's super
Lunar 2.
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the only good pull I've had this whole anniversary but I'll take it I guess. I didn't even look online to see which unit was better this time, is Beast the good one?
lucklets... don't look...
first rotation free multi btw.
I hate you but also congrats
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love this guy
>tickles the enemy
>gets one shot with that terrible def
it's so over...
only the above 50% hp super
I won though? Uh...hello? My boy?
What's the hipo for AGL MUI? No beasts so far but I got this dude almost rainbowed so I'm feeling fine.
additional and dodge
Nope, both. She gets 50% on hit and has 35% damage reduction. The hit puts her defense up to 3,797,540 and her DR reduces their damage to 3.70 million.
200 stones got me 2 beasthans. Now I'm trying to get the gammas. When is red cell coming back so I can coin him?
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I didn't even use all my points last year because cleaning the box was a chore
I have 900 kais, I'm not even gonna summon
9 years
9 fucking years
And this game still doesnt have an auto sell/baba/enhance feature.
>3 rotations on beast: gobros, piccolo dupe, ssj4 duo already rainbowed
>1 rotation on gamma: only bulma (third dupe which is kinda meh)
>last rotation on beast: holy shit, 2 beasts
>use tickets: motherfucking zeno
I was so close to being omegashafted, but I finally caught the moment when the rng is stuck on the giving the same unit but this time it's the one you want
based. I'm a gammas fanboy so I chased them hard. 1100 stones no copies - despair setting in - got a zeno and then my last 10 tickets got the gammas rewind and got them to 69%. honorary luck chads rise up
red cell? you mean cell max? he hasn't been to global yet so he could come whenever. as for a return on jp, I'd guess probably dec-jan-feb time frame
cell max hasn't been on global. i think there's only one banner between anni and wwc, which should be toppo. cell max in october.
what? ok nevermind then lol sorry
What the ACTUAL FUCK? I pulled INT LR Rose TWICE IN A ROW. Is he even featured?
Oh okay. Still pretty ridiculous ngl.
how many stones for this second part? I only have 22 lol
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how do you switch to global in dokkan info? it disappeared from the settings
the flag
>british flag is jp
>us flag is global
this is so retarded
Hes terrible. Broly is the best one
i was looking info for the ssj cooler duo and holy shit this theme is so good
How many more stones can we expect before BEAST Banner leaves? I burned through my tiny f2p stash
At least 66 for Goku and Vegeta's EZBs.
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>Got the Gammas on a single ticket
I somehow got everyone except Bitchly and Slurpza, do I use my tickets on their banner or go for BEAST dupes?
Looks like I'm waiting to coin beast if the tickets don't plan out.

No more stone sales of any kind, minus the packs numbering 10 and I'm not that desperate.

Will cope with my 69% Gamma and everyone else rainbow super team + beast lead
They have to differentiate between JP (English) and Global (English) somehow.
Also you can just go directly to glben.dokkaninfo.com.

How do you build LR INT Rose?
one rotations worth
How are you getting those numbers? I have them rainbowed and i always get 15 mil on USA and 10 on SA (still insanely good numbers lmao)
Just use the 50 tickets
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best anniversary ever
It almost looks like Kami is flipping you off. It would make sense considering how shit his EZA was.
then why not put (EN) next to another jp flag, I'm not a UX designer but it seems they picked the least intuitive way to do it
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I fucking need those 6th anni EZAs to hurry up already bro.

Beasthan's team feels incomplete until they arrive. Goddamn, why couldn't they put the EZAs on the day that Beasthan got released?
enjoy the anticipation bro, it's secretly the best part of life
Is that actually how you build him or are you memeing?
Never try to make units outlive their meta with dodge. It's a fool's errand. You'll only use him in midgame shit like battlefield, and with a Whis for missions.
How do I stop being a lazy bum and finish these LRs and all the Dokkan Fest units I have?
are you missing out on missable stones like battlefield and burst mode? if not then it don't matter
I'ma be honest and say that I haven't touched Battlefield in eons. I probably should start again.
anon those are 30 stones each..
I haven't touched Battlefield in eons cause I haven't played Dokkan in eons lol. Just decided to pick it back up for the anniversary.
use the bot haha
What bot?
you know... the one that auto clears all stages for you and can farm stages for you and you can awaken units in the bot and farm link levels in the bot... you know that one...
it costs $2 per month. activate it first month to get your account up to speed. name is 16 bot on discord
I've never heard of this until now. I'll look into it.
bitch it's the first discord link when you search dokkan 16 bot
>want GT Duo dupes
>black rift
>immediately convert faggothan to Baba points
average grosstedium L

>no pic
>coping so hard with all these LR dupes, building a 2nd copy of Rainbows like the gt bitches with a different HP build like crit for active memes or full dodge for floating 3rd slot blue transforming fusions.
Only AGL Vegito bros and Gogeta/Janemba (for their future EZA) are worth it
Man, tanabata is funny. All you need is teq jiren, banner teq androids, and any 3 ToP ezas with friend UI. Clears everything.

LR frieza 17 is very worth it
will 3+1 go away before the 77 ticket multi
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I hope he loses his account
full additional the rest dodge, he gets crit chance after he gets a final blow
We will never be refunded.
Fuck dafatfuck btw
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We all did it yesterday bro. Don't tell me you missed it
>1700 stones
>1 beast
>0 Gammas
>17 stones left
Welp. Time to farm the 40 Z-battles and all the IDBH stages I've been saving for a shaft as monumental as this.
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I wanna coin Vegeta. But man y-you never know when AGL SSJ3 Gohan and AGL Mystic Gohan will come back.
Just bottomed out on stones to finish a rotation. Saw another anon mention 188 left in the celebration, so that means one more rep. I'm at 5 tickets, so I guess I could just do 4 singles now but we'll wait and see if some magic happens.
>AGL SSJ3 Gohan and AGL Mystic Gohan
you mean ss3 goku? they both come back for wwc on global, and gohan is on the carnival, not red coin.
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>buy stones against better judgment
>get shit on
My check comes next week. Then you'll be sorry you ever made me feel this way.
>STR Piccolo in 2024.
which banner should you use the 77 multi on if you only got 1 copy of beast and nothing else?
I cant believe omatsu took away 217 stones I could have used on beast...
he would be fuming, smoke coming out of his ears and nose, if it was the other way around and global could eza or rainbow the battlefield units and he had to wait in the cuck corner
Is 45% enough?
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>Intensifying Fights 3
Vegeta keeps dodging me. Am I supposed to kill faster or something?
>no content for days
Nice anniversary, Least
>grinded through the last 200 levels in dokkan all stars I was saving
>pulled beast on a zeno animation
lets goooo
Bros HE WON'T COME!!!! :'''''(
Guys should I use the 500 coins on AGL LR Blue Goku and Vegeta, I didnt manage to get a copy
gee i wonder...maybe the units you dont already have. (broly, then gogeta, then gammas btw)
the one that becomes vegito? Absolutely fucking not. Frustrating unit when it came out, frustrating and unusable nowadays
Broly in my opinion.
AGL LR Blue Goku and Vegeta at 55% have the amazing ability to do barely any damage, and get absolutely fucking murdered if you don't meet their fusion requirement by turn 5!
And nowadays they'll get absolutely murdered as Vegito anyway!
Ye it was that one, thanks, I'll keep the coins for a dupe of beast gohan
i completely kneel and submit to beast gohan, holy shit
>no item run? i got you bro
>want to bring fodder unit? no problem
I'd say go for beast dupes, it's what I'm gonna do
I keep grinding way more than 1k stones I lost count and no beast
Since Vegeta is adult and Goku is a kid, Gogeta would be a teenager

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