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What do you think of this year's CYL units?
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Love fonse
>Felix gets the Levin Sword before both Robins
Holy lol.
>Alfonso supremo is a steel wall on a horse with a rocket launcher
Most boring CYL
Please god, don't lock Fortifications to melee units, it's perfect for Oliver
>my two favorite Engage girls are free and easy to merge
I beat the gacha
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>Pannete being a GHB is odd
IS loves its infantry axe freebies
but i'm happy for it
Hard to say at the moment. Alphonse appears to be borderline indestructible without extreme shenanigans.
Robin has disruptive terrain manipulation which frankly may just be required to deal with some shit in the near future, and seems like it will be fairly evergreen (though it is already hard countered by teleport shenanigans which already exist.
Felix is a generically good godsword type guy. He'll be fine until the next one comes in next month.
Bernadetta seems meh, but I don't feel like doing the math to know for sure. She will probably kill most things you point her at I guess.
They’r also garbage until you invest 6+ premium units into them.
I'm gonna fodder Alfonse to Walhart.
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>panette will be fighting laguz
Divine Vein Stone weakens AOE's right? This could lead to further Ike domination
honestly robing placing the ice 2 squares away in a diamond sort of protect her from celica and ranged warpers really well
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Well that's the point of playing this game isn't it?
Brave seliph refine waiting room
Only 2 years until Brave Alfonse gets his refine bros
so hypothetically what male would have won if alfonse wasnt supposedly botted?
At this point I wish they'd give us +2 per Dragonflower if we're going past 30
I'm excited for Alfonse.
I don't think he was, that sounds like a weird schizo headcanon, like "Everyone I Dont Like is Botted"
An engage character
I believe the theory gained traction because he "suddenly" gained a whole bunch of votes compared to last year.
That can be a lot of things, I particularly remember people voting for him because his VA was blacklisted or something. Gatekeeper and Gullveig were meme votes, I could see Alfonse being one too
>going past 30
I was really hoping we wouldn't. And they already acknowledged the fact of how expensive it is to max out older units with their "just merge the latest 8% unit for 600 flowers, bro" solution, so they obviously have no further plans of lending a hand.
On the bright side, most old units I care about are already flowered, so I only have to give them 600 flowers a year. Only fresh unit I'm kind of thinking of giving flowers is Linde, but I'm waiting for the day I +10 her from Arena tickets, which will probably be never since I've yet to get a single merge since the arena ticket feature was added.
>bottling in this stage of the game
why do people still push this schizo theory that people care enough to bot post-brave edelgard
You didn’t beat the gacha because you still have to pull…
Who knows honestly. If he was, he was. If he wasn't, he wasn't. Not like it'll change the fact there's now a Brave Alfonse.
I really hope enough people complain about how boring the choices of clothing and theming were so IS listens and changes it up a bit next year
Yeah, I'm in the same boat but with Gharnef (and maybe Veld). I'll max out my current units and give him the leftovers
you're about 7 years too late for that
It's that time of year again bros. Which of your old units is getting purged because you can no longer justify the dragonflower cost of keeping them current?
None of them? Why would you axe a unit you've invested in like that?
For me it's her hair.
her hair is very cute, yeah. I bet it would be so silky smooth and feel great to get a hair job
because character they don't like won over character they do.
I will go back to saving for Ice tribe Marianne who will also have the divine ice effect on her weapon
Wait so real quick, with a Marth ring Felix basically can have 1 CD AOE specials sonce he has -2 in his weapon alone right? Wonder if that will be useful or just a meme
Honestly I could see it being pretty good. Gust isn't actually crucial to his gameplan.
Shitphonse was rigged fuck off with your retardation
yeah but I might fuck around and give him galeforce instead
Not like precharging AoE specials is anything new, unless his weapon does something to make them absurdly strong or something. Haven't read any of the weapons.
Would Fortifications be good on someone like Eikthyrnir?
He initiates, sets Divine Vein Stone and gets to tank through DC
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Are any of these characters worth adding to my Mozu team?
his built in B slot galeforce will make it cool though
Well don't see much from his weapons but his PRF gives him galeforce and a non combat move
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these are
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>tfw more excited about the GHB
This is not a jab at any of the CYL units, I'm just really happy Pannette is in and I get to have her at +10, finally some use for all the expensive infantry fodder I've been hoarding.
Also, I'm keeping her engaged with Ike at all times for the full Panette experience
Okay okay, one Alcryst for Etie and that new axe Eirika for Pan I guess were needed to build them
the racket of solm...
The next Emblem unit is absolutely gonna have Brave Alfonse's gimmick, isn't it?
>4 action felix
And here i thought 3 action edelgard was disgusting
>permanent stat ups
Roy I guess.
duo sharena and duo gullveig?
She's one of the few Engage characters I was amicable to, so it's good to get an easy merge project.
I still don't understand her outfit choice.
Okay let's see
>Felix is just a Galeforce cav
>Bernie is a bow nuke (and bow nukes always suck) but with some nice support skills
>Robin is nothing but a new Divine Vein gimmick, albeit one that promises to be annoying as fuck
>Alphonse is an uber tank
I guess Robin and Alphonse are the most likely to change the meta, and in terms of longevity Alphonse will probably be the most useful for the longest time. Wonder if I should +10 him.
Watch it stack somehow
dia de los muertos
why does it exist in elyos? who knows
So the Solm banner is gonna be Timerra, Fogado, Merrin, some random ascended/rearmed/Attuned, and Seadall demote?
Also, >>1539307
Dis you?
Same, her character is that she wants to act refined but she is rude and likes creepy stuff, yet she dresses like how she acts in reality and not how she would like to act
Berniebros we won.
If previous Engage banners are anything to go by, Timerra and Fogado are going to be the Attuned/Rearmed combo. They could add Pandreo as a 4* healer since they just can't help themselves.
Sandalia already got a demote on a seasonal banner last year
I actually forgot he was on the Halloween banner...
It's probably also the defacto best A slot for most armors without a prf there already
E!Ike, too
I think some things depend on how she works. Being a brave dual phase vantage unit has been a historically strong archetype, and her ability to confer vantage/desp onto your other units has some interesting implications.

But the proof of her strength is in the pudding, she slaughtered E!Ike with Nergal support, and being able to circumvent Essence Drain as a bonus centric unit is huge
E!Ike doesn't need Fortification because he has DC in his weapon already
Yeah, Merrin won really hard tonight, she was probably going to be left off in favor of Panette otherwise
That's not why you're running it. You run it because he can now innoculate himself from AoE damage as well as flat DR from specials and extra Def/Res. It's an upgrade from Finish in every way
Fair enough
What the fuck determines the value of Great Talent???? I must have read that fucking skill 10 times and I'm still not getting it
>divine vein stone is only applied after a unit enters combat
Was worried for a second that anyone could have it at any time. That's not too bad.
Yeah, it's not like Ike needs the 5 extra damage (or the healing, most Ikes are running BoL4 anyways now). This just means he doesn't need to be on a team with Gotoh or Lumera or Corrin anymore.
>initiate combat
>enemy dies
You get +2 base stats at the start of each turn, and an extra +4 for triggering your special. So, if Alfonse gets danced and triggers his special twice, he gets a total of 2+4+4=10 to his base stats that turn. However, you can't stack more than 20 in one map (or if you somehow hit 99 in any stat before you stack 20 in additional stats, probably only there to clarify how it works in Binding Worlds).
Weirdly enough, I feel like this is Alfonse's mildest gimmick seeing as pure stat totals generally haven't meant shit for a while now
Very cool how Ike keeps on getting new horrible toys
I'm glad they showed that Bernie manages to delete him because Jesus Christ otherwise
Do you seriously think Bernie is going to beat Ike? The Ike in the trailer wasn't properly supported and didn't have Breath of Life 4 on it at all. He's surviving and nuking the hell out of her.
What >>1540513 said. She only just barely beat Ike by like 3 points of damage, and trailers typically skew situations in favor of the one being showcased.
I don't even think she can do it reliably, I doubt Trailer Ike was is as invested in as can be
Most E!Ikes are coming fresh out of the box with no changes. Hell, I've even seen some that are self sabotaging by running Emblem Marth or Celica, or changing his A skill to anything else at all. Sure, you'll still get blown up occasionally by a sweaty player, but it's nice to know there's finally a unit that will handle his base kit without support of their own OR having to kill the rest of his team
I mean, Ike did have Essence Drain in the trailer, which she prevented from activating
Oh yeah i forgot about them. Felix still has an edge in that his 4th action isn't locked behind a duo button, which gets banned in certain game modes
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Is this (30% of Def) + Great Talent or is it 30% of (Def + Great Talent)?
The former
Well that's even more busted then
i somehow never noticed the jester boots during my playthrough
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Not the same skills, weapons and accessories, not me.
I dont recall those being there
IIRC her shoes had a curve, but they weren't as pronounced as this art has them.
Probably his mildest gimmick, though I'm sure I'll quickly run into some situation in GC or VG or something where his entire team scaling or no attrition on him allowed becomes super obnoxious fast
Can't wait to see the Infernal PvE map with him hiding behind dozens of reinforcements stalling the clock with bodies so he can abuse giving the entire map +10-20 for existing, like the Eliwood bonus doubler one
I'm more looking forward to trying to get the hardest 80 divine codes I'll ever put in the effort in getting. I hope it's Heroes, Echoes or Blazing Blade. I don't think I'll be able to kill Ike with other teams.
I think it's Archanea
Oh no.
Bro, your Emblem Marth and Attuned Caeda?
Ghosts can't fight. He's a ring and a ring only.
>Ghosts can't fight
Explain Sigurd then
Not even surprised that the one character IS forced to win a CYL spot got the yugioh weapon and skill.
Don't forget to equip Hardy Bearing on the unit you think has the best chance
Should we expect -2 Special weapons from here on out now?
It would sure help units that rely on Arcane weapons if they started having it.
Which is the best pick for the freebie? All of them seem mid t b h
Bernie is clearly the worst since her entire gimmick gets shut down by hardy bearing and damage reduction (which every modern unit has by now)
Felix is just generic sword unit #115252 which will be powercrept within a month
Idk what Robin does but it doesn't look like much + no Levin Sword
Shitfonse is a slow axe cav (lol) which IS clearly wants everyone to pick as the freebie
Try reading the skills
You couldn't torture me to make a post this stupid
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I caught that too kek
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>I wonder what interesting dialogue Bernadetta will have
Hardy bearing isn't that consistent of a counter considering it's still locked as a seal and in a handful of units like Leg Lilina, her ability to take debuffs and throw them at the enemy is also a strong selling point, imagine her doing that against a V!Lyon and his team doesn't have that new canto curb skill.
Robin is also the closest we have to an emblem celica and 2 range users of the celica ring counter right now, as her ice essentially block those units from attacking her if they haven't broken her ice first (not flawless to, as 1 range users of the ring can bypass it, and if you manly play PvE you won't care about celica anyways)
Yeah, I was just thinking that, you could have her eat the end turn effect and reflect it on Lyon and anyone within 2 spaces of him. Fucking demented
>forging bonds about her getting scared out of nowhere of someone and screamong like a rerard to reference every single support she has on 3H
So this is it, huh? The final CYL lineup before EOS. Shame that FEH is going to go out on such a weak note but we had a good run for a shitty gacha.
Anons I need your advice. Tell me which CYL character to go with. I suck at this game.
Alphonse is going to give her even more stats and has BOL 4 to heal her if he is near
Okay, I'll choose Alphonse. Thanks anon.
Why are there so many people complaining about Robin not having a levin sword? It's not a weapon exclusive on Awakening nor it's a prf for Robin either so why?
Smash made people associate it with Robin
Plus it was one of Robin's engage weapons
Robin is also associated with thunder spells giving any of them a thunder sword makes sense
And FemRobin has never been Red
Robin had it in Smash Bros
Oh right and Robin used a Levin Sword in Codename S.T.E.A.M. too
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I think Felix breaks ARO in half, but a lot of units e.g. EMBLEM IKE, already broke ARO in half.
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I don't know if this is laziness or a neat detail
>like father like son
it's just a little detail that is conveniently easy to work with. IIRC Lif also shares similar poses to Alfonse because of obvious reasons.
Free pulling Alfonse to fodder to Selena woo
A bit of column A, a bit of column B I'd say
ARO is a total shitshow anyway and what really broke it in half is the ludicrous skill bloat which requires you to keep track of way too many effects and conditions. That and the eternal one-shot meta.
Is Bernadetta the only unit with NFU in their basekit this CYL? Even Alfonse doesn't have anything follow-up related.
Bernie and fRobin have the more usefull support for mozu, while Alphonse has the better fodder (mostly BoL the other skills aren't good enough to make up for the lack of spd).
L.Ike had the same thing if I remember right.
The Dragonflower increase happens tonight with the banner drop, right?
Sweet, thanks. Fucking +35, how even?
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>Why are there so many people complaining about Robin not having a levin sword?
Awakening babies are super whiny and think because they weren't catered to this once that equals mistreatment. Same sort of behavior was on display when Lucina got her first resplendent.
Thoughts on PekoMama?
she seems fun. it's a shame book 8 has a lot of characters that seem to show up and hardly get used.
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is it going to be fun playing this from the beginning in 2024 or nah? is there multi-player that's p2w?
another great support that i theorycraft teams with that i won't actually use because i only use my favorites
so all in all another fotm on my TT / forging bonds team. she's cute though
There PvPAI and live PvP, neither mode gives any good rewards to justify keeping up with power creep or investing in. I mean, pulling for the new broken unit and watching them curbstomp PvE content on auto starts to not be fun after afew months.
This is the most uninteresting CyL for me
Gonna grab fonse and fodder his ass
Can Mars 1v1 Hyperbuff Ike?
I highly doubt it, but Caeda might be able to
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Post the first unit you raised to the new flower cap.
He's first every time
Seliph will be able to solo on auto battle, right? Don't care to Forma any of them.
For fucking out load, what a shit lineup.
You already did, but this spoiled cutie
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Her and the rest of my Corrin entourage
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>Fortifications is Melee-locked
God damn it
now we just gotta wait for the still water version
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great weapon
I wanted this one, though. It's perfect for tanking
Does she have Spd?
Who do I pick?
so true bestie
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Superboons: Atk, Spd, Res
Superbanes: N/A

Superboons: Spd, Res
Superbanes: HP, Atk, Def

Superboons: Spd
Superbanes: HP, Atk, Res

Superboons: Spd, Def
Superbanes: HP, Atk, Res

Superboons: Atk, Res
Superbanes: HP, Spd, Def
fug. do I want to get rid of my gold stars and replace it with blue stars so I can get a better Sigurd…? tempting
>all those superbanes
is this their shitty way of balancing
Who is the best pick here?
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Pretty cool art
Does he open his eyes on his special art?
His transformation sprite looks cool too.
full damage reflect? that's fun
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Is he a Mythic or Legendary?
Mythic, probably. He's basically the lord of Yggdrassil, right?
>Who invited my man arthur
>Bro thinks he's on the team
Meh, i was expecting him to turn into an ent or something more monstrous like Embla
all of the other healing hands have half human half animal sprites. It seems reasonable his would be too.
A treant would be cool, but his lower half being roots also looks neat.
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>grinding forging bonds
Fuck OFF
By the skin of my ass
I skipped the Black Eagles in 3H, if this is how she is in game Bernie is really insufferable.l
>give Selena all of Alfonse's fodder
The no damage brick with twintails
First hour 2x is nice.
>killing robin gets rid of all the ice as well
That's nice at least.
40 rolls, only got one Alphonse. Was hoping to at least get two of the four so I could spark and free pick the other two. What now, do I keep rolling? I wouldn't say no to another Alphonse for fodder or better EVs but I also want to save orbs for the next Emblem hero.
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Fuck off.
Chipping away with double Savage Blows and Blazing Light really helps. Glad I never foddered that Tiki, she’s a keeper now.
>initiate combat against brave alfonse with my emblem ike in new story chapter
>alfonse actually lives
okay this guy is tanky as FUCK. did zero damage to me but hey, he can survive a turn.
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what the fuck the main story took a hardcore turn
i'm honestly intrigued
meanwhile i keep looking over the CYL fodder and none of it particularly improves my favorites. it's unfortunate that fortifications requires combat activation to make a vein, not just acting in general
Wtf I can't beat the last story map
Wtf I didn't know you're not allowed to spark the same unit in a row
This is ass
Literally what's the point of multiple sparks if I can't get merges
When are they going to let us feather or move to reserves more than 10 units at a time, it makes mass summoning so tedious
>Blazing Light
I don't know why that isn't on a general pool demote yet. I went with the more available version.
Oh neat one of B!Alphonses lines is I am going to kill you too, heard it when entering a map wonder if it's a skill quote or if it's a movement one
what does it do? please translate for readlets
>introduce Heidrun as some miracle doctor that cured the summoner from lethal unknown poison in an instant
>completely ignore her power and don’t bring her to Henriette
>Ana unironically asks us “Summoner wielded magic gun that summons dead people, how are we supposed to bring back this guys dead family????”
Is this the point of the Book where the writers just completely give up?
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>Treenigger gives asign decoy to your frail units
So that is where their creativity went
I saw an interesting theory about Treesus, and why his family has strained relationships with him, and it makes sense with Stag-man's dialogue.
The book has holes, like ever book, but it's still enjoyable in a way.
>Summoner wielded magic gun that summons dead people, how are we supposed to bring back this guys dead family?
It's been established for a while that the gun kind of acts on its own for summoning and 99.9% of the time always summons someone from another reality.
Knowing that, there is a high chance of error and angering the treeguy.
>saved orbs for CYL
>don't need any of their fodder
am i going to fall for my usual trap of "i'll surely use it later"
They brought the wrong purple haired mage, lmao
...and Arthur
Is Seliph still good for FE4 PvE stuff like Abyssal Limiteds?
I might grab a copy
Two more years and she'll finally reach 50 Spd.
Arthur was legendary in my run.
I guess this is my new chain challenge team. Glad Bride Catria is still good. I was worried they were going to start introducing new counters after Ruse 4, but it looks like they stopped caring about her.
Is it true infantry archers still prefer deadeye over curved shot?
>he got in as an infantry prflet instead of a godly cav
The disrespect
Meh, I'd be more interested in the story if it wasn't so terribly told, every single new chapter has felt like an asspull so far.
Depends, curved shot is more of a dual phase special due to the DR while deadeye is more focused on killing the enemy in a single battle
If your unit uses arcane darkbow they'd prefer deadeye
If your unit uses arcane nastrond they'd prefer curved shot
>Arthur spending time with his inlaws
>curved shot cant be inherited by mages
I'm gonna cry. I just wanted a ranged DR% special
>a new Special with the word "shot" in it
>introduced on an archer
Mages shoot mage dont they?
>fortifications cant be inherited by mages
I wasted like 30 orbs on this banner. I really shouldve looked these skills up before rolling.
Of course it was going to be bow locked, Curved Shot is the name of a combat art in 3 Houses that anyone that raises their level in bows can use
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Well thanks game for Tiki and Syrene I guess.
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Please redeem Arthur from hof, he's the best fe4 unit...
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Welp let’s add Geoffrey into the mix too I guess. I’m pretty sure this is the quickest I’ve ever gotten a focus charge.
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>get the story and mission orbs
>go roll for more Gullveig
>one colorless
>one colorless
>no colorless
>one colorless
>down to 12 orbs again
>no Gullveig
I was still at a red flower deficit and then they raised the cap again. Oh well.
Forgot pic
>cav mage
>character who are infantry only in main game get cav alt with two prf
Awesome accessory
Oh neat got an Edward while rolling for Felix, I think this is the first time in a while that a pity break doesn't piss me off
Emblems are fun to use but unfun to fight against.
so who's the best unit of this batch?
Alfonse or Felix
That Ike map is so fucking demented and the reward is a joke in relation to the absurd difficulty. How I wish I could force the devs to play their own trash fire of a game for once. If there is a hell, that's going to be what awaits them. Playing FEH for all eternity.
I feel like people are sleeping on felix. His ability to run 80% of the map to gun someone down might make for some annoying defense set ups, even if you can already kind of do that with Celica ring.
Alfonse or Robin.
It's kinda hard to tell when they have little overlap, it honestly feels like it will take a few days to really figure out the best one
Probably Felix
>Emblem Ike LHB
Yeah fuck this my FE1/3 selection isn't remotely good enough for this shit if ACaeda can't even trade with the motherfucker.
Try refined FKris instead. ACaeda's problem is that she doesn't have any true damage, so she struggles even with HB.
It's not all that different to just repositioning a Galeforcer into range
Unfortunately do not have her.
>doing lunatic maps
>felix just runs 6 tiles across the map because...he feels like it
what the hell
Thankfully with fliers I was able to position myself to be out of his range despite his 6 mov, but him breaking not one, but two rules of the game (-2 cd on weapon and 6 mov) is pretty ridiuclous.
Had the same thing happen to me since i didnt bother reading all that text. I just put bridal Sharena in front of him and he killed himself.
i had to waste like 2 teams on the CC final map
Hero fest looking good
Dude why?
Felix is definitely the winner. He gets to step on traps and still gets his extra action
Really starting to seem like Brave Alfonse is the worst of the four.
Ultimately, he's just... stats (and Divine Vein Stone ig), unless there's something else I'm missing
A lot of stats, but just stats all the same
I was at least expecting him to grant both Resonance statuses just like his nation's namesake
>rolled Bernie and Felix with - SPD, Bernie even had +DEF
Luck giveth the units before spark, luck giveth bad IVs
I hope Galzus gets this when he gets his refine 10 years from now, since that was his thing in fe5
>can't create the divine vein without attacking
>cav mage runs up and deletes him first
>guard stops nothing that matters these days
I have absolutely no clue on how to clear the chain challenge. Also I wish that they kind of shown the actual movement units have, it would be fair than having the surprise of Alfonse having 4 move and Felix being able to cover the entire map.
It's weird to make his gimmick be "he gets stronger the more turns you take" when in pretty much every FE game, this one included since 2017, the best strategy is always "clear everything as soon as possible"
>cav mage runs up and deletes him first
Which one? My Lyon does nothing to him and he has BoL4 so no aoe's doing it either.
I still get plenty of utility out of him
They kind of already do that when they have the movement buff, things like Galeforce and dancing is probably beyond the games capacity to calculate all the possibilities that or IS is to lazy to do it. Although it's not that hard to keep in mind.
For the CC, you'll just have to play perfectly until the last map where you'll probably have to sack a team or 2. I would recommend running down Robin on turn 1 and take out Bernadetta turn 2 if you can. Felix I don't know a consistent way of beating him aside from being faster with a precharged special, but he's not immune to prebattle damage.
god i want an interaction between these two in feh, or even a harmonic
we also need more berserker friendly skills
>hp+dual stat seals
>firestorm boost etc in A
>pulse skills in C to mimic their high crit
>pitybroken by Ced
>thought panette's damage bonus was damage reflection
>it's actually like vengeance instead
oh huh, time for vantage memes
since bernadetta's paranoia is a combined desperation/vantage icon instead of its prf, it makes me think they'll add paranoia to other sources later, so that'll be fun. maybe vantage 4 soon
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>decide to grab felix because why not since pulled alfonse normally
>discover how batshit OP he is
so this . . is true power
I feel your pain. Galzus did the job for me. It's so fucking demoralizing. All those saved up orbs gone poof for one spark, Galzus and a random assortment of mostly 3* shitters who don't even come with ANY fodder you might still use in 2024.
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Big win for little Tiki
Vantage 4 needs to come with a Seliph Miracle effect.
i bet it'll be <99% condition and gives cd -1 before your attack
From what I get is infantry archers still want to run laguz friend and curved shot’s countdown is too low for that.
I could see them combining it onto a wrath 4.
Is Legendary Caeda gonna get a refine and remix any time soon?
Because I think her Distant Storm would actually be pretty nice on Panette
caeda is ver 6.2 so there's at least 8 other legendaries before her
however distant pressure is in manual 3, could combine it with fury seal
it baffles me as to why they gave her guaranteed follow up instead of NFU
I think there's got to be some kind of hidden system with the pitybreaker traffic lights because it feels like every time I pull one, it keeps feeding me off focus 5 stars until I light up all three.
>using Panette in a fight with Reopening and her axe crashes the fucking game
>she is flat
No apology orbs
>see this
>remember the -spd one in my barracks from ages ago
>fuck it, let's try
Thanks a bunch anon
>hop into arena
>heidrun lead sure whatever
i have made the mistake of forgetting just how annoying she is
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No problem Anon, I’m glad I could help.
And then when you do get all three, it feeds you circles with none of the colour you're going for
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At long last she is finished, after 2 years of rolling colorless
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Congratulations, Now what do you plan on building?
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I wanted to build her husbando Merric but I don't have the flowers...
>People are using her as bait in SD to win by crashing the other person
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Grats. I'm not particularly in a rush to finish her, but I'm still only at a +2 Lara despite her being released 7 months ago. Meanwhile I could be at a +8 Inigo who was released only 1 month earlier.
Sounds pretty fitting for SD as a mode
Does it crashes the other person's game too?
What if two opponents crash at the same time, who wins
>Saber is still the only normal shield pulse fodder
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You mean you didn't want Fire Boost (again) and Panic Smoke (again)?
Though to be fair, her having shit fodder is the deciding factor that made me merge her.
Any reason to not just swap most old tanky units' kits out with new Alphonse's kit? Can inherit all the new skills with minimal prereqs and some flat reduction + BoL4 seems generally better than the guaranteed follow-up/follow-up deny/% DR that old tanks have that gets completely ignored by everyone nowadays.
Seems like it'd be a strict upgrade for all but more recent armors like Byleth/Myrrh who don't normally initiate and who already have DC/Guard in their kits, and even then it seems like the new B skill might be better since it can't be pierced as easily as Weaving?
They're still pretty conditional, I'm not completely sold on them. Fortifications needs you to initiate to get the full effects, Alfonse has his extra movement range to trigger it but they need to be able to attack on player phase or have Celica's ring to trigger it so it's not useful for most armors in particular. It has the upside that any divine vein will trigger the DC though so overlapping effects should still keep that up. Reopening is just Guard 4 with Def based flat reduction instead of the 30% DR, which is better as long as you can't double or have a guaranteed follow up that can trigger otherwise it drops to 10% which doesn't sound great and Guard itself has been dropping in value for a while. It's not movement locked at least so there's surely some slower units that can use it decently.
>gamebreaking bugs are the ONLY time we hear a reaction out of the devs
Where's my compensation? I demand a free Brave Alfonse
It only crashes the game of the person who initiated combat with panette, so if you used panette to attack someone, you will crash, but if the other player attacks your panette first, their game will crash.
Idk what would happen if there's a reopening panette mirror match, my best guess is that the above applies as well, and if it didn't I'd guess it would count as a draw
>Panette Mirror Match
Your phones explode
>Smite Panette in the middle of everyone
>They are unable to do a thing
Finally, we reached the point in powercreep where just initiating combat will lose you the match
>united warfront bosses weapons are refined
Was that the case last time? Guessing it's probably just an Abyssal thing.
Oh, even the generic units actually have updated T4 skills and shit now. No wonder these seem to be harder than usual.
Hard PvE is nice, but it would be even nicer if I wasn't forced to use units from other random players.
What's the point of armored mages?
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They're cute.
They're cool. I want armored mage Arvis and Hardin with the Darksphere or something
you give them celica ring so they can actually do something for the first time in years
I NEED THEM FOR Pawns of Loki
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I'll have you know that the Celica ring is the rightful property of Edelgard von Hresvelg. She keeps it firmly clenched inbetween her ass cheeks at all times as restitution for the crimes of all so called "divine dragons" and their servants, including the whore-priestess Celica and her ilk.
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>I'll have you know that the Celica ring is the rightful property of Edelgard von Hresvelg.
Are you sure about that?
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reject braves, embrace duplicators
i loaded up my attuned caeda but now anytime i fodder her it's like watching so much other good fodder go to waste
I was surprised when one of them pulled BoL4, not that it really mattered in the end
Foddering felix for endless tempest doesn't seem good, Gust is higher priority imo.
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>sees you on the other side of the battlefield
>instantly appears next to you and shanks you
>instantly fucks off to shank another of your allies
Wait, but you can't pass Arcane weapons unless it's inherited from it's original owner or did they changed that?
now imagine him in arena with celica ring
>The year is 20XX and SD matches are determined by Panette priority.
Thank you Panette for the free 5 orbs
Alright how well would this work? I know Fortifications is for player phase and Mordecai would probably benefit more from Stronghold but I think Reopening and Breath of Life 4 would be good for him and it would be a waste not to inherit Fortifications.
Plumy always first
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daughter grows stronger

you can't, that Arcane weapon was because Fallen Chrom was my previous Distant Ass Solo storage and Triandra could grab it from him
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Shez gets stronger
Yeah, might as well, you can make it work on enemy phase with someone else's Divine Vein. It works on enemy veins.
this game has armored mages?
Yeah, and they're all seasonal. I believe the only relevant armored mage in the entire mainline series is Arvis, and IF he ever gets a timeskip alt, I'm 99% sure they're gonna make him infantry
I kind of hate how Lloyd ended up being pretty good since now I feel very little reason to use my old Prfless infantry swords. I'm not using him for meta reasons or anything, I actually like him, which adds to the feeling of having no need to use my weaker swords.
Nobody uses them because they have no niche and that's why you never have seen one out in the wild. Hyper mobile canto cav glass cannon mages are just infinitely preferable over shitty armors who can't tank a single hit anyway. Feh is all about one-shotting your target and then getting the hell out of range before you get one-shot in retaliation, unless your name is Ike who, ironically enough, isn't an armored unit either.
...sigz? is that you...?
How is Fortifications on armors?
Pretty bad on anyone without the celica ring or winter edelgard since you need to initiate to get the veins
I usually give armors Celica's ring, it's a godsend for them
I don't think I'd use it on Edelgard since spaces where her DV Flame and Stone overlap would cancel out. Plus I just wouldn't want to neuter her Atk.
It's really difficult to find a unit that wants Fortifications. I wish it would activate without combat if I was using it, but I'd hate for it to activate without combat if foes were using it.
Problem is it's too mixed phased.
>visible def/res only useful against Ploys and AoEs, so enemy phase
>DC only useful on enemy phase, but need to initiate on player phase to get it without support
>in-combat stats and terrain only activate on player phase
So you need to be a mixed-phase melee unit to get all the effects, and one with enough range to initiate to get the vein effect, on top of losing 5 atk and not getting any spd. Probably best to keep it on slow melee cavs/fliers, although B!Seliph could make it work.
>Slow melee cavs/fliers
I was considering giving it to Ashnard if I got another one. His prf helps him survive initiating a lot
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I was thinking of giving it to Thea and spooky Myrrh. I only really use Myrrh in Pawns of Loki where she'll likely be taking multiple hits since she's a Save tank, so adding DV Stone to my brigade after the first combat would be pretty handy.
The only problem is I gave it to Peony since she's the only unit I have like 4 or 5 copies to dupe out, but flying melee units don't really have a lot of options on skills to dupe to an armor dragon.
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>Laerathr thinks we can bring back the dead
>threatens us by... threatening to kill your friends
>which if he were right we could just bring back, thus rendering his threat meaningless
Is he stupid?
Please don't make me feel unimaginable pain just because you can bring me back to life, anon.
>If unit has entered combat during the current turn, after unit acts
>after unit acts
I don't think it works with save skills.
Oh, so it seems. Just tested in training tower. Glad I didn't pull the trigger on Myrrh yet. Thea's a better candidate anyway if I'm giving it to her from Peony so I can give her more relevant skills.
that's what anna has the order of heroes do every day
Always be careful with expensive inheritance. Gave Plumeria Soaring Echo when Ivy got added and I still feel dumb about it.
Book 8's been a mess of filler and stupidity.
Like every other book but really feels worse this time.
>two versions with fantastic art
>a resplendent
>and a harmonic lead
how does nephenee do it?
what the fuck why is atk/spd mastery fliers only
One of the very few lance infantry in the series and female so she gets special treatment
I wish they'd add Brom too, I used the both of them as a two person wall in the Tellius games
Farming is no joke.
You can remove the duo backpack sprite, right? Is that universal or can I do it to just one unit?
It's universal
Booo! Thanks anyway
Are you really expecting logic from a deranged nigger that has lost everyone he loves?
>Is he stupid?
he's mentally unstable
Because they're the most frail unit type so they need extra inheritable options to run out of danger. I guess. Inheritable "Dist.+1" Canto when?
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Treeman implies that Kiran can't resurrect people nilly willy, but some special spring water is needed for the procedure. Treeman is still in a bind regardless (even if his assumptions are correct), but he has that as his bargaining chip.
>time's pulse 4 on vantage panette squanders her weapon's TP3
almost want to try a miracle build instead
>Take the water to bring back Surtr instead
Checkmate, Woody
...you know technically, laeradr's dead family is just in hel somewhere, and we have in fact summoned people directly from there so it could be his actual original (undead) family and not ones from another world
why didn't surtr come back as a zombie though while gustav did, they're both definitely their posthumous versions
I assume that Surtr, Lif, and Thrasir's resurrections were different, Gustave was Hel being a bitch
>why didn't surtr come back as a zombie though while gustav did, they're both definitely their posthumous versions
Its possible that when characters die, they're just wandering souls in Hel's realm, still looking the same way they did on death. Hel purposely brought back Gustav, so she took his wandering soul and gave it a form to use him to fuck with Alf and friends. Same goes for Lif and Thrasir, they probably would have looked like an older/edgier Alf and Sharena if they had got brought back properly, but Hel formed them to be part of her little army. This reminded me of the chapter where Hel used a bunch of furries to fight us.
Sorry, meant Veronica.
>fjorm shows up for NO fucking reason in bernadetta bond 2
>absolutely no relation to the other characters involved and wasn't even introduced in part 1
>sharena comes by and pulls her away
thank you sharena i was about to fully skip this
Even base anna mentions that Kiran can bring back the heroes he summons, but dying still sucks a lot of ass and is painful.
>sharena comes by and pulls her away
They know. They fucking know.
There really is a rule or something that Fjrom HAS to appear in one of those, really hope it gets broken
Neph Neph is a sweetheart. You can't help but like her in your Tellius runthroughs
Might as well have skipped it anyway unless you like Bernadetta.
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It's wild how Fjorm can show up for 5 seconds in a FB and people start frothing at the mouth in rage, even if she doesn't do anything offensive.
It's deranged.
Shut up, Fjorm
Get a Bernie to free her B slot
You now remember Helbindi's summon quote implies he was pulled right after his death.
She's got a nice helmet
You're wrong, it only takes an instant of her showing on the screen for me to tap Skip and completely ignore the rest of the conversations.
Surprisingly, no that wasn't me.
I did get fucked on the Eirika banner tho.
I don't get mad
I'm just tired of her because she's boring a character.
I still wonder what exactly the fuck is going on with Lif and Thrasir (and by extension Hel and whatsherface). Are those their actual bodies but changed to be glowsticks? Did Hel like chop their heads off and put them on those bodies?
I regret merging these Fjorms. Could have 3 more shield pulse fodder instead of 1.
We love Fjorm here
You sound like an apologist faggot,
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>Fallen Hardin
Thank God, I actually wanted him
I got someone I already spent precious orbs on +10ing. Always sucks to see.
+10 her twice for the flex
shoulda kept them as not-manuals, and given them a matching combo of weapon+accessory for winter lene, summer lene, bunny lene, etc
What an unironically useless character. No prf, no good fodder, shit stats.
I literally would've preferred anyone else.
Next week arena is gonna be cancer isn't it? Assuming people haven't put their brave units on their defense team yet.
>brave Felix on one of those anti-cav maps
Oh boy
>Brave Roy
Into the fucking dumpster
Got Evil Evil...
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What's the worst that could happen?
Remember when people were losing their mind over L!Sigurd and Nott/Dagr combination? Yeah...
Where's his Galeforce
>get my second off-banner, free roll edward
S'pose I can't complain about BoL4 fodder. But it is a bit weird.
>+10 Emblem Ike with BoI4
>+10 Duo Byleth with Ike ring
>+10 Felix with +10 Celica ring
>+2 Legendary Guinivere with +9 Marth ring
Fuck man, why do people tryhard in Arena defense, this is completely anti-fun
Soulful team, this guy really likes Fire Emblem and +10'd his favorite characters.
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and you sound like a faggot.
lol zero self-awareness retard.
Nuh uh.
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What's a quick budget build I could give Doot for the arena?
Death Blow/Fury, Desperation, Threaten spd/res or a atk/spd rouse or oath skill, Luna. Miracle if you have her refine
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When is the best time to sub to feh pass if I want Tharja, Haar, and two more resplendent outfits?
IIRC it's supposed to be 5 minutes before the reset/release of a resplendent. I could be wrong, however.
As the other anon said, you'd have to sub 5-10 minutes before Tharja 's tenure as pass reward ends. Theoretically that gives you a 10 minute window of opportunity at the end of your subscription period to collect one more resplendent than you're supposed to get. Allegedly it requires that you're logged into the game BEFORE the last reset happens, but that you aren't idling on the home screen during reset. It didn't work for me when I tried it though. Could be that the trick only works in certain regions, otherwise I wouldn't know what I did wrong.
Do you like United Warfront?
It because 90% of the time it shows its going to be boring as shit. They could do interesting stuff with her in these FB, but they always choose the blandest milquetoast approach for her and they use her a lot for that. This overexposure is tiring.
>0 (ZERO) orbs for the Panette bug
It's not bad.
Only big tits give orbs
It was fine.
Where did the meme of feh being the generous gacha come from again? I forget
I mean, compared to most gachas it's absurdly generous
I’d say it being “absurdly generous” was true years ago but now it isn’t. Still arguably better than most other gacha, about 140ish orbs to get a unit you want isn’t too bad and this game is totally doable f2p. Pretty good pricing for whales too imo
Thats been a flat out lie since anniversary events were incredibly pathetic, like 2-ish years in.
2 orbs
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The amount of orbs we get each month which can roughly give 1.5 new heroes per month is extremely generous compared to other gacha with awful rates and much less summoning resources given per month.. At least that is what I've heard. I've heard games like FGO were way more bullshit to summon for with lower chances to summon max rank characters, or something, and you also get way less resources.
usually when someone complains FEH isn't generous, they complain that they're not being drowned in feathers, or dragon flowers, which are secondary resources.

I don't play other gacha so I can't say for certain, that's just what I've heard and seen from conversation here. IMO people have a habit of blowing things a lot of things out of proportions. Even if something could be a negative or a problem, the way some people talk about it they make it come across as the end of the world.
>The amount of orbs we get each month which can roughly give 1.5 new heroes per month is extremely generous compared to other gacha with awful rates and much less summoning resources given per month.

Compared to Blue Archive we get a healthy amount of resources to get new units every month. But the analogy is false equivalence to me because FEH rapidly pumps out new units (we're over a thousand) while Blue Archive has like 60 or something students. In addition, you need to pull for fodder to make your old units decent and the new characters powercreep each other every other month.

I admit, I got super lucky on Blue Archive's BlueFes banner, our HeroFest equivalent so I'm good till the next Bluefes. It does seem like it takes at least a couple months to save up back to a Spark.
>feh rapidly pumps out new units
While correct, you can still get 1.5 new unit a banner a month, even if you're unlucky. There are generally 3 banners a month, 2 if you exclude summoning on 8% as it really only tends to have 1 new character which limits who or what you might want on it. Banners are also up for around a month after debut so you can generally always at least get one character.
While FEH pumps out characters, most people haven't played half the series which severely limits the amount of characters they would roll for because they like them, and then you just have fodder. Contrary to popular belief, you don't always need the latest and greatest fodder, a majority of the playerbase probably doesn't as most of them would be below whale tiers where you find outdated teams using a mishmash of non-optimal abilities and set ups. to this swathe of players, having the latest and greatest fodder isn't as necessary. I would actually argue that Emblem heroes are more urgent to roll for than fodder for these players because they can give their effect to anyone repeatedly and are usually busted units.
Even if you feel compelled to roll for the latest characters because they are broken, few of them are as uber dominant as people make them out to be. In the past year, who has really been meta defining/breaking levels of BS? Off the top of my head, It's VLyon, E!Ike, and E!Celica. That's 3 characters in 8 months that one could argue are NEEDED because of how OP they are, but I could be forgetting someone.
There is also Rearmed heroes being fodder banks, and being designed to shift a large part of their kit to someone else. It might not be BIS, but usually it can suffice.
IMO the amount of heroes we get per month isn't as much of an issue, as most people are interested in a limited amount of characters, and most players dont NEED every premium BIS fodder that people think they do because of what they're fighting and how forgiving the pvp has become.
If you look at it from a raw currency to unit perspective FEH seems good at a glance, but it's very insidious in hiding the real cost to keep up with the game behind that.

With how out of control the powercreep has been this year there are meta defining units almost every banner, but because of the way SI works you also need to just delete assholes from your barracks to improve others, and god help if you want to build a favorite who doesn't come with top of the line stuff out of the box.

Sure with the orbs we get you can pull a strong unit or two and run their base kit, but it's nowhere near enough if you actually want to engage with other aspects of the game.
>this game is totally doable f2p
As far as PvE goes.
If you're a new player looking to engage with PvP modes, you're flat out denied to ever win a crown because you can never hope to catch up to the veterans and whales who got their arena core set up years ago.
>In the past year, who has really been meta defining/breaking levels of BS? Off the top of my head, It's VLyon, E!Ike, and E!Celica. That's 3 characters in 8 months that one could argue are NEEDED because of how OP they are
And all 3 of them essentially paywalled. Tells you all you need to know about Feh.
It used to be a very generous gacha, it had a high 5* pull rate for its time and we were getting almost 400 free orbs per month. Nowadays? Good luck trying to pull for the unit you want because they are hidden under several layers of randomness, between the usual pull rate, hoping that you get the orbs of the color you need and, god forbid, hoping that they're not colorsharing with a shitter who will inevitably poison your rolls and kill your pity rates. And let's not forget them locking sparks on seasonal banners behind their Feh Pass. And even if you get the unit you want, it will be made useless just a few months later to the point even story maps have become an absolute pain to beat.

FEH right now is one of the scummiest gachas in the market.
If you are a new player you can just farm like 2k orbs and +10 the latest powercreep mythic, and maybe get another +10 on your way
>wanna roll for the mandatory pvp unit
>whoops looks like the unit id colorsharing with some useless gay shitter ;)
>whoops no spark for you, gotta pay up lil piggy oink oink ;)
Nevermind that no actual newbie is ever so cynical and coldly calculating. Actual newbies think they can use their favorites to kick ass and take names, no problem. It takes some time for the realization to set in that it might actually be a huge problem. By then those 2k orbs will be severely depleted.
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>It's wild how Fjorm can show up for 5 seconds in a FB and people start frothing at the mouth in rage
She is a dev favorite and is shamelessly shilled by Maeda.
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I dumped over 400 orbs for Dragon's Roar, Sparked the Fellstone (I got lucky with the Dragon's Stone), and admittedly got lucky with Laguz Friend (and yes, I duped all these skills) though I still need to throw down in the B8% gambit to Engage her.

When I tested a few builds with her, she got nuked in friggin Voting Gauntlet and secures no kills in the Arena.

The powercreep is out of hand, which ties into the amount of units being pumped out because IS needs a way to sell us on these new characters over our favorites. So in regards to your conclusion, I respectfully disagree. If you don't roll for premium fodder then you're not going to get a chance to use your favorites. They'll be deadweight and easy targets in Abyssal LHBs (Adrift tanked the heck out of Heidrun because of this build) otherwise and will hold you back in VG. And this isn't even the competitive PvP modes.
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>And all 3 of them essentially paywalled.
Valentine's Lyon is on a Hero Fest right now.
E! Ike and E! Celica will rerun probably every three to six months so I don't see what's thje problem. The name of the game is patience. Some people need to learn it.
Lyon was annoying in his story missions but I never really encountered him in PvP and never particularly felt like I was missing out for not having him. Ended up freerolling him on this Hero Fest banner and he just collects dust in my barracks. Ike and Celica though, yeah, they're cancer.

Speaking of which when is Celica getting rerun?
Hell, for this latest Chain Challenge, how many of you guys used your favorites? How many of them were at least 3 years old?
>Valentine's Lyon is on a Hero Fest right now
which has a paywalled spark, ya silly billy. Besides which, by the time this hero fest rolled around he already has become old news since Canto Curb hard counters his gimmick now.
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>since Canto Curb hard counters his gimmick now.
Which is also locked behind a paywall but I would much rather deal with a five percent rate up than a three percent one. I guess all the Summoner Duels try hards will have the skill but I don't really take that mode seriously yet.
this. I hardly ever encountered him in Arena, but AR tier isn't the highest so perhaps that is why I didn't see him.
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>actually defending Emblem units
people who had the misfortune of playing other gachas
It’s better than SMTs gacha where you have to save for months to spark one unit and roll only shitters.
I will defend Ike to my death because he's the only unit that still stands up to the monsters this game has been pumping out since his release. He's the only thing between me and uninstalling desu
Brave Bernadetta also counters lyon and she is free
>complaining about Marth
They help make my favorites even stronger.
What's not to like about them?
Lyn Emblem SOON.
I am saving for Emblem Lyn but I know that with my luck she is going to be terrible.
There is no reason to think that she won't be utterly busted at release. If she's merely as busted as Marth was, but not as busted as Ike or Celica, that won't make her "terrible."
No emblem hero will be terrible
I wonder what her effect will be?
A bit lame with the so many anti DR skills and all
If Celica can have anti warp bubble baked into her warp skill, Lyn can have anti anti DR baked into her dodge skill or a suitable equivalent for whatever it ends up being.
potent makes the most sense
>20 orbs away from first spark
Okay anons what do? do I grab a merge for felix, a merge for alfonse to fix his bane, bernie or robin as new picks, or alfonse to fodder his skills to attuned peony so she can be whored to my shez and one other unit?
Depends on what you need exactly, but I'd personally go for Robin tho.
Do IVs even matter nowdays?
Every unit gets like 10+ stats just by existing, surely 3 attack won't matter most of the time
>realize i somehow mistook the glory i needed to stay in comfy zone while doing bare minimum
>demoted in AR
you know what, I've been looking for an excuse to stop bothering with it, I'll just leave it at that
Every little bit helps, but most of the time the +3 probably won't make a break anything.
beyond the first merge and for scoring purposes, merges also don't really matter. Better off saving your orbs for fodder or for someone else you want.
I can see her granting a Potent effect
And, though I feel like I've pitched this at least once before, she herself will likely strike twice, so with Potent she could strike five times, just like with Astra Storm
If you have a unit that compares speed against another unit that compares speed, that +3 or +4 is going to matter.
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>I wonder what her effect will be?
Paizuri Prodigy
>only missing two merges for a +10 L!Deirdre, will get one with the Forma
>let's see if I get lucky on the free roll
>no blues

Fuck you too IS, I'm seriously getting tired of your bullshit. Anyway, best skillset I can give to her Forma?
Lost count of how many orbs it took but I finally got my 11th B!Alphonse. None of them are +Def, do I go neutral, +Atk or +Res?
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>haven't seen a single new festival mia in any pvp mode
I thought building a team around her to get her -46 flat damage reduction would be pretty neat, but I guess nobody else feels the same. I'd roll for a +1, but I'm a bit low on orbs right now and need to save for the next Emblem unit.
Cute whore though?
I would fuck Celica yes.
We know, Alm
Inheritable NCD on non-infantry when?
I got like 3 people on my friends list with her at +10. They're probably using her on offense instead of defense
>I've heard games like FGO were way more bullshit to summon for with lower chances to summon max rank characters
FGO is bottom of the barrel on gacha system, comparing any other gacha to it is unfair.

>I got super lucky on Blue Archive's BlueFes banner
There are also double 3* rates on that banner, and free 100 rolls on the previous one as well
How can I use him to clear the last chain challenge? I can't find away to clear that shit and I want those 6 orbs
Never ever
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>all 3 alts are armors, units that are completely dead by now
>2 of 3 are pretty much the same unit
I hate it, and if she ever gets a fourth unit she is going to be a sad armor again because IS aren't known for their creativity
To be fair, she is kinda just a big dragon.
For you
>had access to save skills at their peak relevancy, and whenever T4 saves happen
>melee unit that can ignore ranged nuke powercreep
>access to Scowl for shutting down E!Ike
Two units being effectively the same sucks, but it could be worse.
Are there any other skills I should look for? I don't know if she actually wants LF since her inherent special is only 2 cooldown but it's the best B skill I've gotten so far
Atk/Res tempo is also a good pick
How good is BoL4 on her? I read the skill and it scales on Def, so I ignored it when I got it. And I'm currently on C Bonus Doubler.
Funnily enough I just got that.
It's not bad since obviously other units around her can use it but not as good as it could be. It's another slot I haven't seen anything better on.
I nooticed that non-Duo/Harmonic seasonals in general aren't very common in any pvp mode, regardless of how popular or strong they are.
It's not like her unique Special is any good anyway, considering all the anti-Miracle effects we have now. Glacies + Laguz Friend will probably serve her better.
Noticed this month is legendary and not Emblem, so I decided to roll to spark. Mia a cute. I gave her No Quarter/Fortifications/BoL4/Oath Echo from a Peony, but she ended up not needing them and did it with her base kit instead.
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these guys go into 99% of my teams when playing through single player modes to this day (Plumeria is normally the only supported one). It's harder to have a full team of favorites in something like AR since required mythics often force you to use specific weapon or movement types to compliment them. I suck dick at the game but I think if a shitter like me can make it to vault of heaven with some of these guys then so can others.
>There are also double 3* rates on that banner, and free 100 rolls on the previous one as well

Dude, I did 3 sparks worth of pulls and collected like 34 or so 3* students. I chatted with a guy who only got 3 in his first spark. I'd rather not get complacent thinking I'm not lucky.

Alright lads, Resonance or Tempo 4? Both will give you DR% shred, Resonance inflicts 5 HP hit and gives you flat damage while Tempo 4 gives Tempo. I'm leaning toward Resonance since I could run a Tempo seal.
I mean it still has a refine so it could end up being worthwhile in the future
That's not Alm
That's Revolverwing
I've waited all this time for a Rebeccca resplendent for this mediocre shit...
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Sweet, I could use more feathers
Cute style but design wise this is barely Jötunheimr themed, wish they were a bit more creative in general with jötun resplendents
I need red Nino for a Nino team.
I, for one, am very excited. Though it might be time to update her build though
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Forgot to post her
LMAO this fucking sucks
cute and simple, though i don't know why it had to be jotunheimr
Hey, literally anything is better than her original art
Dude, E!Ike is back this month, that's way more important than whatever dipshit legendary they crank out
LF on player phase mages is a very bad meme
Is there anything else I can give her? I'm even considering removing BoL for Atk/Res Oath.
Doesn't she come with Oath?
No, she has Menace.
Just checked and no she doesn't, my bad.
>access to Scowl for shutting down E!Ike
What's the best build for that?
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Yay my wife!
Already have him and I have no desire to +10 him.
>back at the age old story of "i don't have anyone who immediately needs this skill, but it'd be nice to have"
>gonna end up having it rot for a year as usual
Story of my FEH career.
And by the time you find someone who could make good use of the skill, it's already been powercrept by a new skill you don't have
My manual collection is very depressing for this reason
And this is why I stopped bothering with the yearly manuals. By the time we get new one, almost all of the skills available will be powercrept by the time you gather enough codes.
>Have the unit and the skill I want
>Am petrified at the thought I'm fucking up so I don't fodder it
I just want to build Hardin, brain
>Look how many 5 star units the game hands out like candy! I have so many 5 star units in this game compared to any other gacha, you can even evolve your 3 and 4-star units into 5 stars!
>Skill inheritance? Wow, an amazing idea, now even my favorite shitter can keep up with the latest powercreep!
Of course this disregards merge requirements and the relative value of each SSR unit between games (as well as how many each game pumps out), and it was obvious that Prf Yugioh essays was the endgame the moment inheritance was announced
But first gacha for a lot of Nintendo/FE fans I suppose
I always use a team of "favorites" but none of the ones older than the last year or two contributed anything besides cheerleading in the back. Most of my old faves are mixed/tanky melee units like the Corrin in >>1546104 so I have the same issue on all of them, even with full 2024 premium kits it's reaching the point where they can't meaningful damage new units in PvE.
>Tink tink off tanky units like Ike or Heidrunn then get massively chunked in return on both phases
>Tink tink off "glass cannon" evade tank melee then get one-shot in return on both phases
>Can't tank any player phase unit anyways of course, eat shit even with BoL4 and something like FMaria support
My couple of ranged faves are doing way better though, they may not one-shot the latest powercreep, but as long as it doesn't shoot back there's still little in the AI stopping them from nuking and dancecantoing backwards while using the latest Swift Sparrow evolution.
No I mean, as another possitive aspect compared to FEH, that's never gotten double 5* rates, at most there's the hero fest that only increases the focus rather than the entire poll.
>can't be bothered to save orbs anymore
>just impulse them constantly
The thing is merges just don't fucking matter for the most part these days except in arena. For everything else the only thing that really matters is having the latest powercreep which basically invalidates even the most well built units of old.
Why bother +10ing your seasonal waifu when you get the jpeg anyways and she will be borderline unusable no matter how well she is build anyways?
Because of the update next year that'll give +10 units a significant boost if they're from book 5 or older. ;_;
I don't even have anything to impulse on half the time because I'm apparently only capable of liking unpopular characters who never get anything. 90% of my yearly orb spending is only because Miccydev makes sure she gets an alt every year
>Why should i waste orbs on +10ing my jpgs
You shouldn't. You should be happy that merges have lost value in the long run and now you can throw orbs at fodder to build other characters or keep ones more up to date.
Unless you're competing for pvp ranks in a gacha, which most dont and will admit its a silly thing to do, then merges don't matter. The only other benefit is to brag to strangers on the internet about how dedicated you are to your jpg and get some sense of self satisfaction for something overall insignificant.
I wish I liked Micaiah so I could stock up on Far Trace Echo. So far the only +10 Attuned I'm interested in is Nino, and Fleeting Echo is kind of meh with most things having at least 50% DR pierce now.
Then you just run into the problem of not actually having enough characters you think are worth passing the skills on to so she just sits unmerged
But I'm sitting on +4 and currently waiting to roll another since the Summer Mia I got from the 20 ticket event would like her skills.
I think it's weird that you need 11 copies to max a unit, that's such an odd number
Instead of +1, +2 it should be x2, x3 etc
One thing that I still find fun is trapping 2-range units.
bonus points if it's a flash troubadour
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When is Rearmed Ingrid getting a rerun? I'm in desperate fucking need of another recharge for her inheritance.
Does anyone have any recommendations on how to build Seteth? I’m doing this on a whim because of his refine and I needed something to throw feathers at.
All I threw on mine was Smite and Link since all I use him for is AR. There's not really any good support C skills for units at 3 spaces that aren't premium like Crux or Cross Spur. I guess Ploy is another option if you're maxing out his merges/flowers and giving him a Res boon/Phantom Res to Ploy a decent amount of things, but I'm just keeping mine at +0/+0.
If you were hoping to actually use him for combat instead of pure support, then I guess something generic like
No Quarter
Flared Sparrow or Atk/Spd Mastery
Flow Desperation
Atk/Spd Oath
would be fine.
Is Axe of Devotion still the best inheritable axe for slow axe shitters? Or is BoL too widespread now? If not Axe of Devotion, what would be the better alternative?
she just ran at the beginning of this month, I don't think she'll be back soon
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>Why bother +10ing your seasonal waifu

I just want Mythic Gullveig at +5 but the stupid Hero Fest keeps giving me the middle finger. 80 summons and only two copies, I'm still missing two but instead it gives me two copies of Brave Corrin one after the other, I'm so pissed off. I swear the pull rates have never felt this bad until a year ago.
How good would it be to give Magic Gambit to Deirdre? She has Resonance right now so I have no idea if it would be a good trade or a bad choice.
I think it is the best option if you wanna run Laguz friend with a 3 CD special and don't want to get screwed by the rearmed axes
I don't have Darkbow
What's the best weapon for an offensive archer nowdays?
It's weekend and orb week
Go do your Allegiance battle now.
Playing even a single round of SD for the shitty rewards is bad for my blood pressure. Who exactly is having fun with this shit?
What if I don't have Laguz Friend to pass around?
Magic Gambit has no synergy with her prf special, and her cd-1 makes it impossible to utilize gambit at its full potential. Stick with Resonance.
Probably the Golden Yule bow that gives you a special jump if the enemy is debuffed. Winter Claude has it
The NFU bow (either from Wind Catria or from Candace) is also a decent option, same with Whitecap Bow
>free roll rosado
Glad i have him he's really troublesome to take down
I was going to kill him off to my Thea but then I figured what's the point when Pegasus Rift is better. I don't have any high def + mediocre spd + low res fliers that I use off the top of my head.
This has made me realize I don't have anything good for Flying units. But I'll keep this in mind thank you for your advice.
Don't those skills require you to have both high Spd AND of your respective defensive stat?
For the most part but if the defensive stat is high enough, which I would argue is more important, you can get away with medium speed.
It's just that it checks for both, unless the point of these skills is to like, help make up for a lack of Spd (thus why average Spd is okay since the defensive stat would do the rest)?
>change my +10 lead to a +1
>friend deleted me
Maybe they deleted their account.
It was one of my JP whale friends with a bunch of modern +10s including all the Emblems, so probably not. LIkely just didn't want any non-+10s on their friend list.
It's jarring how that mentality can still exist.
Exactly, both skills give auto follow-ups, prevents enemy follow-ups, and increases requirements for enemy follow-ups. Also the defensive stats gives the unit a little extra raw damage. There's probably some optimal threshold for each stat but slower melee fliers will benefit more from it than speedy ones. Of course there's S!Maria and Fiona that get to say "This was made for me".
Fiora* Dammit.
Only add /feh/ggots or /feg/gots

I only delete people who haven't logged in for like 4+ weeks

Friend list went from 200 to like 140, this game is dying
i know infantry get everything ever, but i wish their DR special wasn't tied to speed
If not then the rearmed axes are probably better, and if you don't have them either then yeah it's probably the best inheritable axe
bold fighter 4 that gives brave and DR piercing when
Just pulled an Arlen. Should I give C. Bonus Doubler to Validar?
>E!Ike is back this month, that's way more important than whatever dipshit legendary they crank out
I would like a copy of Laguz Friend to fodder to my fodder factory before they somehow make it obsolete by the end of the year.
>have to wait until next month to try getting Celica again
Hope I can skip this month and save
>marth shares with the faggot and Hinoka
fuck me
but anon think of all the hexblade users!
it's a shame that hinoka lost her gimmick twice already, but at least she has catch 4, deadeye, and is cute
It's kinda funny to think about how Hinoka's Charge and Special accel were basically split and given to free units (Arion and young Minerva respectively), the latter also being a redhead with the same VA
>Ike with Lumera
At least I can get the arcane for the 2 or 3 speedy prflet dragons in the game
How possible is it to go from 0 orbs to spark on a legendary banner? Not sure if I should keep going for Gul merges on the hero fest for the rest of the week until it ends, or save to spark a merge on the lego
I don't think the game would give you enough orbs for a spark on a b8 banner considering how long those run for
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I want to spark Peony, but ios won't let me purchase orbs.
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Don't forget to do your SDS.
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Whats your rank, bro?
Thanks for reminding me to do my surrender duels
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>man i would love a gamemode where i could use my favorites in a battle of attrition and rollover health or something
>remember this is what TT is supposed to be but it's just OHKO central now
take me back
Where is my forging bonds event for the rerun ISIS
Do your Allegiance battle
Last warning
>heidrun heroic ordeals
>man this is going to take a million years isn't it
nevermind, thank you heidr for carrying as always
Thanks, orbs and feathers procured
I appreciate the reminder, anon
These in combat debuffs are insane
I have to wonder how far those debuffs can go. I know Attuned Micaiah can get up to like -60 Atk/Res on the foe if you stack enough debuffs and Sabotage and stuff.
>got no one on the way to spark
>used the free pull to fodder Alfonse off to a fodder bank
Who should I use my spark on between the other three?
>Bernie: grants NFU, Desperation, and Vantage to herself and allies, can magic bounce any penalties back onto foes at the start of the turn
>Robin: blocks foes from advancing with the ice terrain, grants Canto to herself and allies, inflicts Hush Spectrum and Panic to debuff and deny foes from their Specials (notably halting Emblem Ike)
>Felix: three Mov player phase monster with extra actions and -2 Special weapon, can be excellent for AoE spam or Galeforce
It really depends on what you want or need, I think all three have something good to offer in some way
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Should I change anything?
Get a Ploy 4 or BoL
>collected all my orbs
>spent them on Gullveig
>two Azama and one Saul

85 summons and only two Gullveig, I'm just numb at this point.
It's Legendary!
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I'm not sure where their brains are with increasing the number of random event modes instead of improving their existing ones. Tempest Trials would be a more fun mode if it was similar to United Warfront where each of the 7 stages were crafted with some thought in mind to clear, granting bonus stats to characters from entire entries instead of the usual 8 choices, and possibly limiting the use of characters to only those from the selected series like Limited Hero Battles. The fewer choices, the more the stages can be sort of designed with those units in mind as much as you can in a gacha.
forgot to mention additionally that since the stages would be more difficult in nature, that after clearing it once per season or once per day, all players can sweep any additional attempts.
the more i think about it, the more i realize that seer's snare is the improvement to TT
...if it fucking existed and wasn't one of the mythical thrice yearly modes
The funny thing is that after fucking everything, nothing really generates as much interest as tempest trials because it is the only one that really comes with interesting rewards.
People would probably give a lot more of a shit about united warfront if it wasn't just another annoying set of rules you have to learn to get 5 orbs, 2000 feathers, and some toilet paper. Meanwhile TT still has both a new free unit AND seals.
It is the most loaded event type of any of them by far in terms of actual rewards.
I wish IS didn't feel they had to stick so adamantly to their 300 orb/month payout leading to said events running once a year.
I was kind of just thinking you're never rewarded for using characters from more than 2 different titles at a time. There's no game mode that'll give you bonus for having characters from 4 different games, like Thracia/SS/Awakening/3H. It might be harder on F2P but I think Limited Hero Battles are pretty rough for them too. We need more things like CHOP or, to a lesser extent, the Heavy Plate Corps.
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>Fallen Mareeta
Fuck it, I'm starting a Thracia collection
Actually managed to pull brave eirika from the arena ticket like I'd been hoping since I started pulling blue at the start of the year.
at this rate it'll only be five more years until she's +10!
What are the use cases of Duo Neph whn compared to other flying mage nukes like DByleth, LCamilla, and AtIvy?
She has a sweep effect which flips alot of matchups and special jump effect for support.
>two weeks in a row
I fucking love arena tickets
>got my first Eyvel
I really wish she showed up more cause I don’t want to spend orbs in such an old unit but I really like her.
>ascended Joshua
Awesome, i hadn't gotten his floret yet
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Dang, she tanked this seemingly difficult AR defense better than I thought she would. (Duo loli Robin, Attuned Micaiah, Emblem Celica, Kvasir). Glad I rolled for this new Mia. I wish I could get her NCD somehow. I had to try to play around a staff with Celica ring which ended up being the most annoying part.
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>get to spark with no 5*s
>now compelled to keep going to not waste the built up pity
you will get an off banner shitter who tanks your pity an entire percent
then you will feel unsatisfied and say fuck it, let's keep going
then you'll get off banner'd again and you're back to 3%
I have no PoR unit for resonant battles but fuck it, I’m not rolling until they put Calill in the game, she’s the only female playable character from PoR not in FEH.
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Oh yeah, yearly flower update
Evil Evil
I wish this gacha would just hand me the shitters that I'm actually merging, like Eldigan
Piss off
I got another smol Tiki, again
PoR's selection feels really limited in general, like, RD gets all the cool fun units.
I think we could use another PoR banner, basically. Hell, perfect excuse for like, Ascended Nephenee or whatever.
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>remember that i haven't done my TT quests
There's 0 reason for her to be 5* locked, even when she initially released, she was 4* material
So far I haven't been able to get either but I got Def/Res Pledge, it seems to work just fine.
>for a Bernadetta
No Felix, sparked Robin and used freebie Al for fodder
Could've been worse
>usually check skills for all enemes.>one time dont
>die because they had celica ring
They should really add some visual effect for characters with engage effects
Say that in summoner duels and see what happens.
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>Oh it's just a GHB, I don't need to look
>flies across the fucking map
>Oh it's just a unit that's usually a save armor, I don't need to look
>flies across the map
Who would you use in a 1v1 mode?
My Mia, but I'd have to get her Endless Tempest.
bing bing wayu
Not sure. A!Eirika really needs that Seteth/Micaiah support and E!Ike would get counterpicked
to be fair, celica ring is probably the first thing in years that actively and accurately updates pre combat info, the danger zone updates before you commit to a move. unless they get danced
Worth a forma?
I've never really been a fan of Formaing units with an exclusive A/B/C skill that are better than anything else you could put in the slot.
Did they abolish the lowered flower cost for units who can go to +30? Had to pay 600 regardless of unit age. This sucks.
I'm hoping they come out with an item that maxes out flowers on a unit when used.
That unfortunately is the Otherworld Bond
That's only a thing for infantry units pre 3.2, I think they could go to +10 DF as a sort of catch up since they might have been the worst movement class at the time.
Unless you already have him at maxed merge, then I would have to say no
Like, his B skill is already perfect for him, the one skill he'd rather have in the A slot isn't available yet (Atk/Def Excel) and you're really just getting Breath of Life, which might not even be that helpful if he's too far away from his allies, being a cavalry and all
Legendary M Shez
Kind of ironic that (yet another) counter to Emblem Ike is sharing with him
What a ridiculous red selection though in any case
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Kinda want to try him out with Brave Felix, one guy runs up from the other side of the map kills two people then another teleports besides him and kills another without any HP shenanigans
pulse smog is just funny
>guard + scowl + guard smoke
i wonder what restrictions it will have
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Also the weapon is called dual swords but isn't a sword
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luv shez
That sounds pretty fun actually, I wanna try that now.
It's Shez
I was expecting Pulse Smoke 4 to come with Scowl, but kind of unfortunate it's player phase only, but I guess it makes sense so A slot Scowl still has a use for people to roll for.
So, how long until we get a real hard counter to warping?
Kishuna drops and blocks all warping
The LHB will be kinda funny. If you don't 1 round one of the reinforcements, he'll just warp right on in and snipe someone. Unless he's not too ridiculous of a player phase nuke, anyway. Haven't bothered reading his weapon.
l.hinoka kinda had that in her LHB already
So is just L!FShez but with Celica's ring.
> Invested early in anti-warp technology
> They made it F2P
> Every future warp unit will have Pass built in.
How do I recover from the venture?
only celica has guaranteed warp, and if they do come out with pass 4, it'll be on B which is a highly competitive slot
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>By the way, do you have a girlfriend?
Uh, Rossbros, how do we respond to this without sounding upset?
I have a +2 Robin now. I wanna try for 1-2 more copies, but I'm unsure if I should just wait and save.
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I think I might make it
No ones gonna fuck with you, Satan
shame that you're not in t20, that would've been an easy t21 for you
So did Alfonse end up becoming Ike 2.0 like initial reactions implied?
So next few Legendaries are 100% going to be the engage royals but then what is left that could work for Legendaries? Unless by then they release a new game I don't really see anything left
We have a decent bit left that could qualify for legendary status as it currently stands.
Engage royals
Fates royals
GHB characters
background literal whos
gen 1 Jugdral parents with major holy blood
The warriors OC twins
Minerva, maybe
Laguz/beorc royals
We still have the other Engage and Fates royals (probably the former first).
At the very least, that's twelve Legendary units right there (Alfred, Celine, Diamant, Alcryst, Ivy, Hortensia, Timerra, Fogado, then Takumi, Leo, Elise, Sakura). If you REALLY want to stretch it, either Kana so that the Blazing and Shadow Yatos would finally
If the Black Knight doesn't get one I'd be shocked
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>Legendary Kanas
I would be okay with this.
Shigure could also be legendary as he is basically the leader of the kids in the DLC with Kana, right?
Yeah sure, why not. We do have Legendary Azura and it'd be an excuse to actually give him a singing alt too.
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legendary sothe
>flowers give you more stats than +10'ing for most units
I don't know what this means, but it should mean something.
>Legendary Tsubasa
Fuck yeah, give her glasses and her wedding dress
>99,99% chance of happening
Missing fates siblings
Laguz Royals
Engage Royals
>Very likely
Seteth (Could also be a Mythic as Cichol instead though)
>IS forgot about them but could happen
Get my precious boy away from Corrin, he's a bad influence
how is corrin a bad influence?
There will never ever be another fe# banner
not until they make #FE2
He's dumb and gets everyone around him killed. That said, Goomy Garon would be sick
In corrins defense, they did tell everyone to stop fighting, yet everyone else ignored it. They can't be morally, legally, or ethically liable for anything after that.
Maybe not, but I don't want to chance him dying because of Corrin. Plus he's still very dumb
Veyle was already a mythic, doubt we will see her as a leg too
I don't know how I forgot base Veyle was a mythic
I hate accidentally 1 rounding the entire enemy team in AR and missing out on pots.
Why does Alear have a bagon? I thought this was supposed to a FE game and pokemon entry that released at around the same time?
No it's pseudos that fit then somewhat
Salamance shares the blue and red color scheme
Byleth has a dragon ghost in his head
The goomy line needs water to complete their evolution
The Deino line are all dark dragon and have their eyes covered for the first two stages
The Arctibax line has quite a bit of weapon theming in their name and attack and Kris is most commonly a simple weapon user
That's pretty cute then actually
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what the
Nice. I'm working towards second spark to try and get Bernie myself.
Lucky bastard, gimme those Robins!!
Damn, nice
What'll you do with the extra Robin?
I want to rape Tsubasa...
>Laguz Royals
A Legendary Tibarn or Caineghis isn't that farfetched.
If anything I would expect Nailah to get it.
I wish warping a very die
Non merged brave units clown on this map.
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I still prefer F!Shez and her boob armor.
I got a Robin for foddering. Which are the best options to fodder her Creation Pulse? I was thinking to give it to one of my dagger units.
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I don't think I'm going to make it
>He doesn't have NFU
Big mistake IS.
>3 Fallen Lumeras and 0 of the other two with 100 Orbs
What weird luck
Emblem Ike.
Man, she's so hot. Especially that damaged art... I wish she was a better unit though.
I slready have BoL on him
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Can't spell Shez without EZ
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Achievement unlocked: 0 damage taken.
If that camilla is +0 it might be better to swap her out if you have other +10 characters.
her art's definitely among the hottest in the game, but refines are around 4.9 and she's 5.10 so it's not too far i guess
Busted out the Emblems real quick on this map. The worst thing about warping is how you can't plan for it, one dude moves and Shez's movement options go nuts
Worth rolling for an Emblem Ike for duping LF4? I already have one but I don’t want to kill him off.
>sitting here wondering why my rein snap isn't working
>forgot dancers can't activate it
Doesn't hurt to have options
Who do you want LF4 on?
That was probably the tamest Legendary Hero Battle yet, lol
They really stuck Shez in a corner and the fear of him warping to you is just a non-issue if you just make sure you leave nothing alive for him TO warp to
Off the top of my head Brigid and Eyvel and I’m sure a bunch of other units would like that skill.
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Is Emblem Ike worth summoning for to put on my +10 Mozu?
If you lack any of the emblem heroes they are all worth summoning for at least one copy. But Emblem Ike will help make any tanky unit bulkier to ranged attacks so yes it will help your Mozu a lot.
Okay, I got him. Here is my Mozu...
Is there a unit that would particularly like to have Breath of Life or can i just give it to whatever support i want and just pair a unit with it?
Ice veins are such a fun little gimmick
>Roll for Kid Emmeryn
>Get Bridal Embla
God damn it, her fodder is kinda meh
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Looks good Anon!
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>one of two (2) units in the game who say fuck you to saves
>also very cute
use her
Are saves relevant these days?
Last minute ideas on what his refine will do? I'm thinking he'll get DR pierce and maybe gets another action when rallied like with Baby Robin and Chrom.
Not really as most nukes deal way too much damage and very few save armors are built to survive. It's a good counter to brave soren shenanigans, and she is still a solid unit...and cute.
rather than think about a v.myrrh sitting in an AR, i just let embla solve it instantly for me
Anyone know when Glen is hitting the grail shop?
Should be next update, if not the one after
Eh. Boney chicks creep me out
Wonder when Finish is going to get powercrept, and how. Seems like every fast infantry has come with it for the past 2 years.
Does anyone have any good Edelgard builds? She keeps showing up for me and I thought I might as well build her.
When is the refine coming again?
In this upcoming update
Should I swap her TP4 or keep it and fodder Creation Pulse to someone else?
My guess is that he'll get Tempo at the very least, the 40% DR will extend to first attacks (ie, Brave hits), and barring that, I'm not actually sure
I don't actually think he NEEDS anything other than that, really
Yeah, Chrom is somehow still very good. He doesn't really need much to make bim continue to be good.
Do you think we need a Speed based Laguz Friend for the fast and frail infantry units?
No. Speedy units get enough
What do they have now? Dodge tanking is dead now thanks to all the DR piercing everyone has in their kits now.
They got Godlike Reflexes and Gust
I just said "enough", it's time for the high HP units to shine
>all those gen one units with odd stat distributions will shine because they have a fuck ton of HP
It wouldn't be the worst thing to happen.
My grail unit stocks are going to the moon
Do note that Laguz Friend will only work with specials that have a Cooldown of 3 or more OR defensive specials (I.E. that get an activation pop up when the unit is hit, like Pavise)
Do you have any specific builds in mind to use LF with?
It can exist on any support unit, you mostly want it on someone who will be on the front lines or near the front lines
Only Winter Byleth and Valentine's Myrrh are
IS will find a way, and it'll be premium for a little bit before releasing on every fast Infantry Melee unit
She does very well at being an AR-O initiator with an AoE special
I think Creation Pulse is better for the instant Lethality. If you get the 2 Pulse then your first hit will be a Lethality.
Besides TP4 has anti synergy with the TP3 in Arcane Tempest.
Please no more true DR
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I ran out of torches looking for A/R ploy 3, is BoL4 good with this build or should I look out for a third skill the remaining days?
how much premium fodder are you willing to spend on her?
She'll never proc BoL4 for herself since it's Defense based, definitely keep trying for Ploy 4
Well I don’t have any bol4 user to support E!Ike, I will keep looking for a/r ploy but the question was, is there any other better skill to get while looking for the ploy in case I don’t find it?
A lot.
Nothing else jumps out to me, specifically. Maybe one of the Odd Waves, if they're in the pool yet.
BoL4 or DefWave on LSeliph
>want to build a unit
>don't have 3000 flowers
Ironically, the only way to reasonably build an old unit these days is to pay up for an Otherworld Bond and hoping to find an already built version of the unit in Binding Worlds.
With the amount of orbs you need spend on fodder you might as well just roll a modern unit.
Too bad nobody leads with a perfectly built Linde or Summer Mia.
BoL4, his innate healing is good but doesn't help versus pre-combat damage or AoE
Only go def wave if he has an ally that'll give him BoL4
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Here you go, your very own bootleg Brave Felix.
I wasn't too sure what to put on there, but her statline and prf allows for some flexible building, and her speed is just high enough that she could be salvageable but because of how bloated current characters are she would still want a lot of things like NFU, tempo, CDR, DR pierce, etc.
An alternative idea is to give her Bonfire, Time's Pulse4, and a Marth ring and she should be able to get two bonfire procs off either in combat or in two separate attacks from her PRF galeforce, if she lives through a combat.
All of this being said, I'm a shitter and there is a good chance she gets clapped against modern units regardless of what you put on her. You could also look up max favor Edelgard users for SD and see what builds they run.
She doesn't have +1 special charge in her weapon so I guess I'd replace Clash with Heavy Blade? Either way, thanks for the build idea.
She might not need it. Her PRF gives her another action anyways so if she survives the first combat, and then gets into a second, then the second one should proc Galeforce, assuming they don't have guard. There should be a few other allies or skills that can give her a heavy blade effect, but those might be outdated and hard to work around.
Atk/Res Oath is her next best option.
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It's TIME, anons
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Lol this sucks
>bait everyone to spend their formas
>just kidding! their main value is gone
But their main value is gearing up that 3* shitter I like.
Not for me since they never pick my 3* shitters
>Fucking useless alfred forma over Etie
New Year Keaton gives me hope for NY Kaden.
Is NY!Keaton the first seasonal grail unit to get a refine?
Loli Minerva off the top of my head. I imagine we've had more.
I was thinking about the prflet seasonals, my bad.
Wow, absolutely get fucked if you ever invested in an old legendary huh?
Not that any of them can get kills in the modern meta anyways, mind you. Hell, I bet half of the last 10 legendaries couldn't even stand up to be able to beat modern meta threats.
I've said it before and I'll say it every chance I get
Fuck arena
Not that it isnt a dick move, but How often do older legendary units even get to be the arena bonus legendary to make this an issue?
I've never payed attention but it doesn't seem like a lot of value is actually lost to people, even those who built a legendary. Assuming you like that character, you'll probably still be using them.
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>How often do older legendary units even get to be the arena bonus legendary to make this an issue?
Infrequently; I only deployed legendary Dimitri and Byleth bonus twice in the past 20 months in arena and I used Byleth bonus with his refine for ARO recently. I believe. It's a strange decision because it's a giant "Fuck You" to any remaining players who merge and invest little into older legendary units who will never rotate in now, but it also affects feh profits lol. I presume forma soul packs and remix banners are gonna sell even less after this and accelerate this game to closure.
Sounds like a desperate attempt to get people to pull for legs
>are our rates, character choices, and powercreep terrible?
>hm, no, it's the formas' fault
>gut em
remember mythic ordeals? IS has never ever known just why people find legendary/mythic banners so undesireable
>every competitive mode in the game is miserable to deal with at this point
I mean, this certainly is a heavy loaded left to my face, but I also kind of feel unnaffected since I just always run the same legendaries/mythics in arena with two +10 shitters, or one +10 shitter with Alphonse. My old favorites never getting a bonus season again certainly is a retarded move though.
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Don't forget to roll on Constance's banner before it ends today! Also, 5get
I struggle to think of what reason there is to this change beyond IS just being randomly choosing to be petty. It's almost nonsensical.
Waiting for a alt
Please no backpack
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I already have her at +10!
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>Gave Eitri Flared Sparrow and later Deadly Miasma
>They gave her Deadly Miasma as her refine
>I wasted those skills for nothing

Alright I’ve waited long enough who do I choose from the Weave of Fate free summon between Byleth and Seliph? I don’t really care for either of them but they’re the only two that I don’t have so I’ll let you all tell me who to get.
Go Seliph.
I predict reginn's tt unit gimmick will be to give the player an item that will allow them turn a unit into a manual without destroying the unit, however this type of manual can't be used as a merge.
Call me weak, I don't care, but Felix and now Shez have made PVP unfuckingplayable
It was already unfuckingplayable, where have you been?
>Not Duo Seithr/V!Lyonlocking you out of playing the game
>Not V!Sharena getting 10,000 turns every turn
>Not Heidr turning every unit into Brave Chrom with a free 20 start of combat heal and 10 true DR per hit
>Not Emblem Celica and her ring
And that's just this year alone, forget everything in the past. Surprised it took you this long, anon.
IS has me constantly astounded how much worse they can make this game and how fucking fast they go at it. Can you believe that WEdelgard released only nine months ago? Ever since then they have subjected us to a relentless barrage of cancer units, beginning with Lyon to Ike to SGullveig to Celica to Heidrun to Felix and now Shez. And I'm probably forgetting some who were only allowed to rule with an iron fist for two weeks before they immediately got discarded. IS is in total powercreep overdrive yet they never seem to bottom out.
I'd also go with Seliph, hopefully he gets some decent effects
>you summon for the newest Emblem Hero because of the super overpowered effects helpful for every mode
>you summon for the newest Mythic because they're also on rotation and they help you beat (or are) the newest bullshit
>you summon for the newest Legendaries because no one's summoning for them anymore so please summon, please please
is it worth to give C doubler to Ashera?
There's probably better options for her; whatever tries to initiate against her would likely kill her anyway.
lol and its only going to get worse
>better options
like what?
Like what, "if this unit triggers special just crash the game?" tier? How could it get worse
Didn't Panette do that? There were reportedly SD teams set up so you either crashed the game or surrendered
>How could it get worse
Back in the day, we thought Fallen Edelgard with 40% DR and insta Bonfire was 100% busted. We didn't know how good we had it.
If you want a real answer, expect Save 4 to be in a 3 column or 3 row formation on a unit that has a special that reduces damage taken to 0 if the first hit of combat would reduce their HP to zero (this is not considered a Miracle effect since damage is reduced to 0 instead of unit being left with 1 HP).
Which of these units do you have at +10?
I've literally never invested in a legendary
emblem hector. will be emblem ike but better
emblem edelgard/dimitri/claude raging storm/dimitri effect/claude effect all in one
emblem micaiah might actually just straight up let you revive a unit
emblem lyn lol
emblem leif +++vantage and +++WTA
emblem byleth dancer refresh everyone and give buffs but also ++divine pulse
I can T20.5 without legendaries and sometimes stay in T21. I don't see a point in throwing 1500 orbs to +10 legendaries for the sole purpose of Arena rewards.
I never cared about legendary heroes, even less so now.
FAlear and Robin
I got 19 Alear while going for MU
Hah, I got Alear to +8 when going for +10 Camilla and then got 4 more Alear on the Green Dream.
Camilla and Alear are my only +10 Legendary
As far as PVP goes Celica is easily the worst of the bunch. All those roided out Galeforcers are bad enough on their own, but they become a thousand times more frustrating to deal with when equipped with Celica's ring to give them nigh infinite range on these tiny ass maps.
soren bros I dont feel so good
Should I roll for Shez? How good is he? I already sparked for Ike
hes really good when paired with B!felix or E!celica
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This answer your question?
>start arena map
>there's literally nowhere i can hide from felix
this really sucks, actually
Use your Felix
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My queens <3
I don't know why i think that this unit is much older than she actually is
Being able to survive the most of the counterattacks isn't too bad. Amelia got huge though.
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Not killing them is the issue.
Usually refine banners are sparkable right? Thinking of getting a few Eitris since I never roll on b8% banners
Reeks of desperation to milk the whales one more time before the whole house of cards comes crashing down. EoS soon, unironically.
With FEH Pass
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Remix banners can be sparked without the pass.
All right Seliph has been chosen thank you all for making my decision for me.
who do you guys think we're getting for next year's ahr banner?
Hopefully an Attuned unit.
Emblem Ike and Attuned Micaiah 10000%
Huh, whaddaya know about that
All Emblems if the playerbase has any sense
Remember how this year Emblem Marth launched directly after eligibility for AHR closed but before the AHR banner even went up? It'll be something like that again. Whoever wins AHR will be already irrelevant by the time the distribution of the freebie happens. God forbid f2p players might get any mileage out of it.
*Checks the fandom's history for the past decade*
I don't think we have any sense.
I bet it's gonna be Ike, Celica, whatever emblems come out between now and AHR, a few of the broken seasonals which are gonna be 3H fuckwits or Engage fuckwits, and some attuned or rearmed hero with good fodder.
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Edelgard gets in again somehow
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It really triggers me that it could be a 5/5 instead of a 4/4/2 with black space
Call it autism if you want
Emblem Edelgard is absolutely gonna be a thing lmao.
Don't care about her, but I'd appreciate using her ring to give any 1-range unit free Galeforce.
Isn't her Emblem bracelet shared with Claude and Dimitri? I wonder how that'll work
It is, but they could absolutely split them up. I guess we'll see how they treat Eirika (since hers is also a packaged deal).
If they DID want to keep them together, maybe it's like
>melee units get Galeforce
>ranged units get Fallen Star/unpierceable DR
>both get to do true damage and then debuff foes in a wide range afterwards
Yeah, but splitting them means more 3H lords alts
>on turn 1, edel's effect
>on turn 2, dimitri's effect
>on turn 3, claude's effect
iirc it did that in engage
Engage did not switch through them in a specific way, it seemingly randomly swapped to whichever lord it wasn't currently on.
Good point, that's more money in the bank
Impulsed all my orbs for two copies of Mareeta
Was it worth?
Based beyond belief.
His ability will get stolen by a OC or a dev favorite
>create two types of 8% units that utterly btfo legendary units
>don't make newer legendary units as good as mythics and emblems because arena boost
>legendary units become bait trash
>wHy Is NoBoDy PuLliNg FoR lEgEnDaRy UnItS???
The logical route would have been
>year old+ legendaries without a refine or year old+ refines are always bonus heroes
I'm on my second hero's fedt spark and I gotta choose
>atk/def prime for Mauvier
>death blow echo for Gullveig, the only one she can use as a sad cav
Which one should I go for?
There is a hundred ways they could have solved this better
Like just fucking expanding the number of bonus units in general.
Gully can't equip the Echo skill together with her prf special.
How long do you figure it'll take for Atk/Spd Mastery to show up on a sparkable unit?
Technically it is right now, if you have FEH Pass. Otherwise, I wager it'll be on a New Heroes banner within 3 months.
How's my wife looking lads
Boobs too big.
These things are a total crapshoot. Atk/Spd Mastery is way to good of a skill, any flying nuke would like to have it right now. They'll only hand it out for free when it has become obsolete already, I bet on it.
Boobs not big enough
Big the Cat
IS probably doesn't value Canto that much considering they released Firm Canto Curb on the same banner.
I wonder what's the next cancer gimmick going to be
I'm betting it's gonna be something like completely disabling one of your units so it's game over if your other 3 units die even if the disabled unit still has HP since it's basically "dead"
emblem lyn will have actual mapwide range, imitating her astra storm in engage
Somehow I wouldn't put it past IS at this point to powercreep Celica's warp by giving Lyn a prf special that acts as a pseudo-warp that lets her attack from anywhere and return to her original position afterwards to function as a mapwide range.
Can sort of already do that anyway with Duo Nina and Celica ring.
Emblems should have a prf skill limitation like Arcane weapons and X Skills
Well fuck I just find out about it. Prime it is then
The main benefit of Canto Curb is curbing Lyon. Regardless, IS is almost forcing you to run Canto or some flavor of Galeforce on half your units anyway, given that FEH is the kind of game where you usually cannot risk leaving a unit in enemy range at turn's end. So getting Canto 2 built in your A slot is a huge boon as it frees up either your B or X slot, depending. Just look at this build here >>1556573 which enables anon to use Aerial Maneuvers instead of Near Trace and still run away after swooping in for a kill. This build right there is pretty much what EVERY meelee flier wants to have now or at least something damn close to it. A/S Mastery is the chokepoint and IS is going to keep it that way for f2p fags.
We just need to wait for Near Trace Echo*
*coming soon**
Warp or the kidnap staff from engage....maybe berserk staff.
It really is something to see how Duo Lyon went from being an unstoppable nightmare to just being washed up and harmless in the span of like, months
Sell a problem (Duo Lyon), then the solution (Breath of Life 4, Null C-Disrupt Echo, Heidrun, then Canto Curb as the final nail in the coffin)
Which makes it all the more wack that they put him on the Hero Fest banner anyway
Counter and counter magic that work exactly like in fates or awakening(aka reflect the exact damage taken to the opponent 100% of the time as long as the unit didn't die from the hit), first unit that have those also have miracle built in in their weapons
Then we get an Azama alt with Divine Retribution and they make it stack with counter/countermagic
What's the best A skill to try and get for Seliph? I want to keep distant counter but I don't remember if there's a better one cavs can equip than the one he already has
Entrap would probably just be ranged drag back so that's not so bad. Berserk would be kind of hard to balance depending if they just make it random move and attack if there's an enemy in range or if it's attack the closest unit which would be brutal in GHB's and the like since it's not hard for an enemy Troubadour to roll up on your team and hit someone.
Fog of War. No warp shenanigans and it'll be countered by the Torch staff that'll clear up a small patch and apply Divine Vein Flame
Berserk could just be coded as "before unit attacks, give savior to nearby allies and for enemies".
They already kind of do this with treesus Nd slightly editing savior's code cant be that hard.
You can use Distant Counter as his seal, so there's loads of A skills to choose from. Probably Atk/Def Excel.
Atk/Def Excel isn't available in HoF yet, the alternatives would be Atk/Spd Excel if you really want the special damage reduction or Fireflood/Earthfire Boost.
You mean as in needed two copies or as in got 2 copies?
>missed out on 50 aether this week from missing pots
>collected every single possible orb I could get before Hero Fest ends to try for more Gullveig
>first was a 3 colorless, nothing
>then two rolls without colorless
>then two rolls with only one colorless
>zero Gullveig
>after 103 summons, I only got a total of two Gullveig and two pity breakers

I seriously fucking hate this game so much.
What's her current merge count?
I still have my free summon, who's got the best fodder? My heart's saying Alfonse
is that including Spark?
+3, my aim was to get her to +5.

Feh Pass only, and I'm not paying IS for this bullshit.
What if someone was feeling generous?
I dunno, I think Endless Tempest is the best fodder you can get out of this batch, but of course it won't do you much good if you'd rather build a cav or, God forbid, an armor.
It's pretty much Alfonse, yeah
>should we give the one-move class additional movement?
>nah, the infantry need it more
Armored Stride 4 soon.
Assault Troop 4 soon.
Armor March 4 soon.
boots echo would be pretty good, but we're never gonna get an attuned armor
>Armour March 4: At start of turn, grants +1 Mov and Orders warp to unit, and if there are any armoured allies in two spaces the effect is granted to them two, then both the unit and affected allies also get the Incited status
>Armoured Stride 4: If the number of allies adjacent to unit are equal to or less than 2, grants +1 Mov and the Incited status, also, at the start of either player phase or enemy phase, cleanse any movement debilitating statuses (Stall and Gravity)
>Assault Troop 4: If unit's HP -> 75%, or if there is a foe within three rows or three columns of the unit, grants Charge, Canto 1; unit can pass through opponent spaces
How's that
Man, and I thought I had it bad with somewhat below average 3 Lyons with 80ish summons
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I ended up with 1 Hortensia in 80 pulls on her debut banner. That sucked.
Should I go with Resonance, or keep Tempo?
>Alfonse is the only CYL8 winner to lose coin flip mode
Pretty funny.
Resonance for beeg damage
>+10 a unit
>look up top player builds on SD for ideas
>all of them have basically the same build with minor tweaks here and there
Where's the creativity
It died with Arcane weapons and every skill working in both phases.
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What are you talking about?
Spring Palla
what about her?
just freerolled shez blast. he seems cool and has sick art.
what do you guys think of him?
He's cool but at the end of the day he's just another combat Legendary
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What's currently the best inheritable bow out of Golden Yule Bow (Winter Claude), Lucrative Bow (the fat lady), Harp Bow (Groom Alcryst) and Stall Game Bow (latest Takumi) if I want to build some shitty old archer? I suspect it has to be the most recent one, the Stall Game Bow, due to GFU and raw additional damage, but I'm unsure. I recall Golden Yule Bow being considered busted for a freebie weapon and nothing else seems to have replicated its effect in the meantime, much less added to it.
Golden Yule or Lucrative Bow
Stall Game Bow kinda sucks, lol
Golden Yule Bow can give you Special charges to help you fire off Deadeye, but you also have to make sure you have enough debuffs and penalty effects to take advantage of such an effect
Meanwhile Lucrative Bow gives you NFU and Null Panic, so you can't go wrong with that
GFU doesn't do anything in a game where everyone has easy access to NFU.

Golden Yule Bow for a high investment build, Lucrative Bow for a half-assed build. Or for Nina if you're actually building her, because it's more fitting visually.
Surprisingly mediocre. I think he's only saved by the fact he has a brave weapon.
He's ok if the enemy team actually doesn't have a Far Save armor
>because it's more fitting visually
People don't actually do that, assign weapons based on looks, do they?
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One month until the new Reginn!
One year until the new Ash!
Two years until the new Seidr!
Are you looking forward to any of them?
No reason to redeem blue star legendary units or roll for old or new legendary units now...
Not really
I wouldn't mind a new Eitri though.
No. I’d be interested in a new Eitri if they make the past version a LotR looking dwarf
New Reginn's still only gonna have Canto for a few turns anyway, so
Silhouettes tonight?
Tomorrow night, I believe
Then Wednesday for the trailer
Gotcha, thanks
The update is tomorrow too or tonight?
From what I understand the update should be on the 5th?
Meaning Wednesday night -> Thursday is when that would be, after the trailer, before Thursday's reset
She better not. It's already crazy that they made Seiros keep Wings of Light on a time limit AND restrict it based on mythics.
I'm looking forward to the new reginn and have been for a year, but I don't have enough orbs to +10 her. This year has been a kick in the dick for my orbs count.
I hope she at least is fun or has a cool/cute art.
This year didn't start asking me for orbs until like June, with the Book 7 reruns, the AHR Bottom 8, Summer Gullveig, and Emblem Celica.
Finally rolled again for Shez, and it cost me 600 orbs for one copy.
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This CYL banner has been fucking my ass, 3 fucking off banners, the only CYL units I got was the free Fonz and the Felix spark
I'm angry they made egawa akira draw his base form only and not also his legendary form because goddamn that bastard can draw.
I personally don't think his current legendary artist did him justice.
He seems designed to compliment the warp meta which could be aids to people that run into that stuff.
As for a character, I haven't played the games so I can't say for certain, but the way Shezfags act and speak of them certainly doesn't put either version in a good light.
My headcanon is that whatever mcguffin needs to be retrieved in Seidr's extra story will cause her, Gulliver's Travels, and Kvasir to fuse from within her mind and give me long haired chunni Rainbow Seidr with snakes made of light prisms for weapons. She will also ride a magic snake instead of a horse too.
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>mcguffin needs to be retrieved
She respawns soon.
>FEH in two years
Not to be a debby downer, but it's horrifying to think what other cancer might be introduced in two years.
Part of the issue is being a gacha IS is incentivized to be a bit slower with releasing counterplay to cancer that is probably already released, but if characters can already warp around the map and get 4-5 actions then what the hell will they look like in 2 years?
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>what other cancer might be introduced in two years.
Reminder that in exactly two years from now, we're going to have
>Seidr remix
>Heidr remix
>Gullveig and Kvasir remix
>new Seidr
>new Heidr
>new Gullveig
>new Kvasir
complete with all of the bells and whistles of that year's creep.
I'm more looking forward to Sindri
Can't wait to have my turn taken away from me by Seidr, watch my enemies get infinite buffs and null panic from Heidr, then get swept by infinite galeforce Gullveig. But that's OK becuase we'll have "Stop refresh 4" that made dancers useless a year earlier.
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>"Are you fucking sorry?!"
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>Minerva from arena ticket
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I got a Karel (again), which is... absolutely nothing
God damn, quit giving me this bitch
Hmm, dunno if this is good or not...
Man, Breath of Life 4 is fucking nuts. Being able to tank 3 enemies in one turn in Arena with L!Corrin feels pretty good. Sucks for my L!Camilla though, she's gonna have to work harder for her kills now.
Kind of regret +10ing Alphonse instead of Felix
Not sure what to do with this.
Do you like Alfonse?
>another Brave Claude
I have him and his base form almost +10'd, but still lack a single merge for several colorless units like Flayn.

She's why I stopped rolling red on my tickets. Her and her base form are all that hide under red.
Give him to me, dude is carrying my Thracia run
>all that BoL4 fodder
I'd regret it too
to this day the AI finds ways to surprise me with its 10000 iq warp, rally, and dance combos
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>there are people who put stock in the "tank" unit of CYL
>there are people who merge Alfonses
Leif, he's at +8 now, if i get him to +9 im buying his resp
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If you +10'd him purely for meta reasons and not husbando/"i just like him" reasons well that's on you for being too impulsive
>"in the next Voting Gauntlet"
Dude should have taken her advice. Because he's now at 9 consecutive losses!
I wish I had Weaving Fighter so I could build Surtr, the man is just so huge
>there are people who put stock in the "tank" unit of CYL
We'll see about that on a few hours when her broken meta refine drops
Reminder they only made Marianne's refine decent because she was crept by Kvasir a few months later.
Dumbass, Seliph is the tank
What does she need to help her tank nowadays? She's gonna need one amazing refine
What's she realistically going to get?
40% true DR
Okay this is actually pretty funny not gonna lie
Edelgard and Dimitri aged like fine wine though
Edelgard is not good, and Dimitri is only "good" because Laguz Friend is a busted skill.
Edelgard has absolutely not aged like a fine wine, lol
All she's got is mobility and movement and that's about it, her weapon doesn't really offer any damage reduction, her own B skill's damage reduction is fully piercable
Dimitri aged a bit better thanks to Laguz Friend being a thing and his B skill being completely worthless, at least
But it also still bugs me that his weapon only gives him +5 Spd/Def/Res and no Atk boost, for whatever reason
So what are we thinking for this year's odd September seasonal? It's gotta be Ice Tribe, right? Have some cute gals in maid outfits and stuff, obligatory butler TT and demote, maybe a Duo Felicia and Flora or something, the Frozen status, stuff like that.
>maid outfits
The maid outfits are because Felicia and Flora were forcibly taken to be Corrin's maids. someone said that the ice tribe dressed closer to fates dark mages so maybe we will get a dark mage-like outfit.
Dimitri didn't exist until his refine, and Edelgard died to year 1 units like Selena and Hana. She also needed her refine.
Alfonse won't be good until his refine.
Enough Fatesshit, it's bad enough Nephenee got saddled with Sakura
It should have been Neph and Mozu.
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If it's Ice Tribe, then I hope we get Felicia or Flora as a freebie, since the only other Ice Tribe rep would be this dude who's barely a character. Fuga was at least playable in Revelations.
I mean it's still Fatesshit but at least it makes sense. Pair her with the farmer from Awakening instead
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>IS giving Nohrians seasonal Alts
Enjoy Ice Tribe Caeldori and Hinata
Felicia and Flora are most likely going to be the duo unit
why stop there?
>shiro and ryoma alts
>takumi duo
>felicia demote
>flora tt
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Should i grab?
Felix for fodder
Alphonse for Fodder
or Robin for merge project +2
Edelgard and Hreselvgr duo unit when IS?
Why does IS have to be so fucking stingy with prerequisite skills. For months now I'm sitting on an unused Hortensia because I can't get a hold of Wrathful Staff fodder, a skill from year fucking One. By the time I finally pull a spare Genny or whatever, Arcane Charmer will already be supplanted by something else, I just know it.
Did you get the manual in Divine Codes?
He gets -5 def on enemy instead of +5 atk because it helps him win def checks better, and generally speaking -def/atk/res is better then +stats.
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So some chick and Ewan? I'd be fine if he was the freebie, I liked him in Sacred Stones
It's Ice Tribe alright
Left chick has gotta be Felicia for sure, but I think her appearing is kind of a given.
Aw, fuck, people are saying its Nils not Ewan. Fuck this banner and fuck Elibe
holy shit IS acknowledged feedback for once
We did it, reddit!
For real? Damn, the backlash must've been pretty fucking bad
I still don't get it. unless you have an ass ton of old legendary units built it doesn't really affect you because of how rarely a specific legendary would rotate in. It seemed like a change targeted at whales anyways and yet everyone freaked out like they lost thousands of orbs.
The hair does check out, and he is an ice dragon (alongside Ninian)
Shit, I guess that means Ninian too then
I think the idea was that it really made redeeming Legendaries through Hall of Forms completely worthless, like, why bother getting Legendary Sigurd if he's never even going to be useful?
Thus, no one would have a reason to buy Forma Souls, and thus, they'd be losing money on that front. Maybe that's the idea?
Can an ummerged legendary even get you to tier 21 and let you stay there?
Is this the first time feedback actually works?
>>it was to make HoF legendary units worthless
That seems more of a side effect and not an intentional thing.
>Why bother getting legendary sigurd
because you like him? Why Forma or roll on any character?

My guess is IS thought that with how little certain characters appear in HoF, and how most people aren't whales or even have fully built legendary units, it wouldn't be missed much and that by changing the pool it made it newer legendary units more valuable and made it easier to stay in higher tiers as you don't need to +10 every single old legendary. They didn't expect the massive backlash to what they thought might have been helping some whales.
>unless you have an ass ton of old legendary units built it doesn't really affect you
Make modern Legendaries I wanna roll for.
Fuck, I have 6 of the 10 in rotation, but four of them I got as pitybreakers from rolling for the other two.
Get in, yes. Stay in, no
EN was livid on twitter, JP was barely a peep, and that maybe reflects people who would complain in-game too
it made me realize that JP probably eats up everything IS does and that's might be why we've been stuck with so much shit over the years
Are you just asking for them to cater to you and make characters you want to roll for?
The legendary pool is bloated with characters. It's not like they're going to reprint characters outside of a refine.
Damn, guess i was wrong about Felicia and Flora being the duo then
>The legendary pool is bloated with characters.
Yeah, and it didn't need Male Corrin or Male Alear.
Gimme some of the CYL winners who don't have one yet, like Marianne or ATiki.
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>like Marianne or ATiki.
lol. lmao, actually
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>It didn't need [Two Main Characters], gimme [Two Side Characters]
Yes. MCorrin and MAlear will never win CYL, because nobody likes them.
I would rather characters whom people like get Legendaries from now on, instead of dead skips like MCorrin, MAlear, etc.
that's the clue that it's just schizo/shitposter's baiting.
Had to check here after seeing this. The FEH community actually stood up for itself for once? Shocking. Well done gentlemen.
>Japan didn't care
Good little cucks they are.
>IS was trying to make Arena easier for newer players
No no no, they were thinking in pure greed as they always do and forcing more players to buy every new legendary until the game dies and speeding up the rate at which Arena players have to +10 new legendaries to keep up. When Legendary Ryoma shows up as a bonus the 5 people who +10'd him get their value and everyone else can simply ignore the Legendary slot, score normally and do just fine. When every week is one of 10 obnoxiously high scoring shitters that nobody cares about you're either bored because you have the character and automatically win or you're miserable because you don't and thus you have little to no chance. Most of the whales are sunk cost retards like myself, we don't want our previous investments to disappear and never have any value ever again. Why bother refining Eitri and FByleth in a couple days when they're gonna be removed from the bonus rotation of the gamemode you bought them to be useful in? FEH devs aren't just scum they're fucking idiots that still have no clue what they're doing (besides stealing money) 8 years in.
tank this tank that, you all better look out when Brave Tiki's refine reworks her into the best player phase dragon with 3 movement, damage reduction piercing, mega scowl for defensive and offensive skills, built in tip the scales, super en garde that protects from AoE and start of combat damage, inflicts super exposure, super discord, and ignores any canto control.
>player phase dragon
who even sets that bar right now? i swear all of them are meant to be defensive these days
The Alears, ig
Is there even any way to salvage old "defensive" dragons these days? Can't spec into player phase and canto away, can't scratch modern defensive units in melee range and die to instant-special procs, can't scratch evade tanks from a few metas ago while getting wrecked by NFU on both phases in return, and of course the usual playerphase modern cavnuke that you'd want to "tank" is a lost cause
>MCorrin and MAlear will never win CYL, because nobody likes them.
You just gotta make a "they deserve it" campaign on Reddit and the Redditor will vote them in droves (just to not pull for them lmao)
Only way i can see to "salvage" them is to give them a super annoying skill, or an skill to counter said annoying skill, that IS will proceed to outsource to other units, making them lose their niche and turn them worthless again
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-1 CD weapon + Marth Emblem + Special charge +1 + 80% stat special + special spiral 4. At least that's how I've made my spooky Myrrh get a decent amount of kills in, but thanks to Ike, everything seems to be coming with Scowl now which is putting a dent in her usefulness.
bold fighter 4 will have reverse-scowl, like creation pulse
Fuck yes, I have about 600 orbs saved, if Flora is somehow not there I swear I’ll blow up ISIS.
i hope felicia is a staff, her maid heals came in clutch during my fates playthrough
When is Arcane Grima being rerun? I'd like it for a base Adult Tiki I'm building.
killing myself if theres no Marianne
Its Revelation, not Revelations
Marianne is two steps ahead of you.
My initial reaction was Clarine and Nils, but it's probably Felicia due to the banner theme
>Everyone saying Felicia
>The hair style is more like Flora's, but with Felicia's hair volume
Would be pretty cute
That’s Felicia’s ponytail, while the hair does look thinner like Flora’s.
I wasn't trying to imply it wasn't Felicia, just that Felicia with Flora's hairstyle would be cute
>2 bonus legendary slots
>old bonus legendaries still get the same score maxing bonus
We did it reddit
shes just like me fr fr
>No no no, they were thinking in pure greed as they always do and forcing more players to buy every new legendary until the game dies and speeding up the rate at which Arena players have to +10 new legendaries to keep up. When Legendary Ryoma shows up as a bonus the 5 people who +10'd him get their value and everyone else can simply ignore the Legendary slot, score normally and do just fine. When every week is one of 10 obnoxiously high scoring shitters that nobody cares about you're either bored because you have the character and automatically win or you're miserable because you don't and thus you have little to no chance. Most of the whales are sunk cost retards like myself, we don't want our previous investments to disappear and never have any value ever again. Why bother refining Eitri and FByleth in a couple days when they're gonna be removed from the bonus rotation of the gamemode you bought them to be useful in? FEH devs aren't just scum they're fucking idiots that still have no clue what they're doing (besides stealing money) 8 years in.

I'd rather have consistency in the legendary units as opposed to them having random weeks of years old legendary units that most players aren't going to bother to use. Whales like you will have options to use more recent and obviously stronger units, F2Players like me will have less choices and will already be deploying our legendary merge projects regardless of whether or not they'll be on the bonus line up or not and will continue to finish merging them up on HoFs.

But whatever, the feedback outrage got us a super good deal in a dedicated bonus slot for old legendaries.
>But whatever, the feedback outrage got us a super good deal in a dedicated bonus slot for old legendaries.
We got the best of both worlds, honestly.
>IS acknowledged feedback for once
Feels good doesn't it.
>FEH devs aren't just scum they're fucking idiots that still have no clue what they're doing (besides stealing money) 8 years in.
I don't understand why they made such a stupid fucking decision in the first place to only walk it back. This is some Tony Khan levels of retarded.
>, why bother getting Legendary Sigurd if he's never even going to be useful?
>Thus, no one would have a reason to buy Forma Souls, and thus, they'd be losing money on that front.
They need to fire the higher up who would make such a careless decision.
They did walk back the Ayra method of introducing units after Rhajat, they just don't do it too often.
I wish all these "deploy and wait for results" modes would fuck off. I didn't put year 8 skills on year 1 units to not play the game.
I'm so grateful to the FEH development team for adding Ice Tribe Nowi (not pictured here). I can't wait to see her tonight.
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My assumed narrative is that whichever people are leftover working on FEH are just sick and tired of this game and trying to accelerate EoS so they can go back and work on mainline. I wouldn't care if this happened if Cipher wasn't fucking dead. But hey could also just be total incompetence.
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>"Oh, Summoner! It's been over a year! Time for my next alt!"
>same friend and same random 2 times in a row in VG
i will destroy you
I dont have orbs for your alt. Please come back after october.
Go away, I want Surtr
>duo surtr and flora
>duo surtr and rinea
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Finally, a duo I can get behind
In a fight right?
Giving one to Tiki would make total sense, considering that the young one has a legendary instead of a mythic, it would be a good change to give the adult one that instead. Though that would mean IS giving ATiki something so it's not happening.
Adult should get Mythic for becoming Naga in the Future Past
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Who are the best users of Resonance 4?
Units that don't have access to easy damage piercing
Units that get Brave attacks, especially if they have access to Vantage and can ORKO
Units that want to kill without getting hit
Units that have Far Trace Echo
I heard it's best on Flyers and Cavs because they don't have easy ways to cut DR did you accidentally write on your screenshot?
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You're both right.
>did you accidentally write on your screenshot?
Yes I did.
I'll have to fix that later.
Thanks for pointing that out.
>Shez has Pass built-in.
Alright, fuck you buddy.
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No, you can't make me play Three Hopes. Now get out of my personal space.
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You WILL play the bimbo's game!
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You're done!
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I do it all the time I have the grace of a meth addict, lol
So probably Felicia demote huh?
Ninian + Nils Duo
>nifl backpack
That was close. Almost had to roll.
>Nils as the TT reward
>Fjorm + Milf duo
>Nilf TT
There is no way this banner isn't just filler and they don't actually expect it to well right? There's like, 0 characters people give a shit about here. I wonder what their reasoning is.
When's the last time we had a female TT unit?
You know, I probably shouldn't have been surprised
I mean... she IS from the ice kingdom, and there IS an ice god
i thought thea was catria for a moment and almost got upset
then i saw the duo and got really upset
also why is felicia an axe cav of all things? i swear that role is oversaturated as is
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>Another Fjorm alt
Fuck you, you got my hopes up.
>reduces an iceberg from veyle to 0 damage
Sounds fun.
Gomen, Flora it is
Mega-Skip, easily the worst banner this year so far
...Wasn't she last year? Surely we've had a girl since then right?
Is the update out already or its just next night?
NY Kana was the last one according to the grail shop.
Kilmabros, was it fair?
Kana, actually
From this year
>Fatesshit again
>discount pegasus sister
>you frickin moron you just got Fjorm'd!
>free male TT

Whoever's in charge of the unit selection in seasonal banners should be fired already.
So nearing 8 months huh
New year Kana, actually
>Ice Tribe banner
>No one has [Frozen]
>Legendary Hinoka and Bridal Catria dead in a ditch
>Fire Tribe banner doesn't have Laevataeinn or Laegjarn
>but of course Fjorm gets forced onto the ice one
>grand total of 2 female TT units on 365 days
At least we've been getting GHB girls
Is that all for the Fates tribes? Flame, Wind, now Ice
As fair as Henry/Aversa not appearing on Plegian
We got a pretty decent one recently too, which is nice.
technically the kitsune tribe could be one
It's small, but I'm really hating the speed focus. You couldn't let that armor skill lower Atk and Def?
ugly outfits, hardy fighter 4, fjormdev shilling his wife
this banner is just awful
I suppose that could be considered a tribe, although Selkie and Kaden (the TT, of course) aside, who else could even be on it?
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Wait, did you doubt me? Did you not think IS would try and cram in more Fjorms?
Fjorm now as 6 units. More than even many CYL winners.
New thread:
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>Yet another expected Fjorm alt
>She stole BFRobin's gimmick
I'm sick of seeing this women, nothing IS does will ever make me summon for her, unless i fodder her ass to one of my favorites.
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She's never gotten to top 40 on any cyl by the way
Neither have half the girls who inexplicably have more alts than CYL winners
What a joke
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I'm glad these recent banners suck so I can save the orbs for my merge projects. But honestly another Fjorm instead of Nifl alt? Honestly wish another FEH OC got shilled because I'm getting tired of her appearing too much.
More movement is always better
I wonder if Lilina will get a horse when she promotes in the remake

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