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Is anyone going to summon on the Ice Tribe banner?
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>2 female TT units
>365 days
You good? It's just one.
I also just realized that Thea just put Legendary Hinoka out of a job, jeez
Since the effect of giving Charge can now be given to any flier
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>She stole BFRobin's gimmick
While she's still up on a banner and introduced the damn effect no less. How rude
When was Tailtiu released?
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>Eir outranked Fjorm on her debut
>IS buries her, turns her into a grail, and only lets her out of the box for the "mandatory" ascendant
>Lif still got the music video, and it was the last one
The day in the picture: August 8th, 2023. "365 days ago" would be September 9th, 2023. Tailtiu is a month older than that.
I dislike Hinoka so this is entirely fine by me
>ice theme
It's fucking september.
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going up to spark for Fjorm.
>boring retarded ass edgy jobber version of Alfonse who was a complete fucking joke the entirety of his Book and the whole Book 3 revisit
I'm still mad
What an absolute stinker of a banner
hall of fjorms
fjorm tribe banner
fjrom fjorm fjorm fjhorm fhjorm
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>could have had Eir singing an Evanescence song, with a montage of times Hel snuffed the life out of her
>instead, we got screamo of a guy who has lost literally every single fight he has ever fought
Is it just me or did Nifl's bazongas get bigger since her last alt? Meanwhile it seems like Fjorm's tits deflated and she's back to her OG size.
>Is anyone going to summon on the Ice Tribe banner
Shield fighter fodder would be good to have but I can live without it. I bet my favorite prflet armor would still croak to modern nukes even if I gave it to her.
It's also just straight up better because it makes more pillars and lasts for two turns instead of one
IIRC Her chest is sizeable in her summer alt, but I'm not sure if it was ever given a full frontal view.
It's a Hardy Fighter upgrade, so it'll make regular units hard to kill, but they'll hit like noodles in return because they don't have a damaging special. You really have to have Fjorm's damage reflection to make it worthwhile
On the bright side, she can't use it in AR defense, so Robin still has that going on (until they take that away from her too)
Robin summons pillars every turn, Fjorm's is a duo skill she can only use once. It's a bit of a trade-off, in fairness.
>it lasts for two turns
Damn, what the heck
Yep, 2 turn divine veins are now a thing, prease pull for Halloween Gullveig and divine vein flame 2 cumming soon :^)))
>nils gets seasonal grail'd again
lmao wtf
And is the same colour as his regular version too
They just gave us regular Nils this time
Dared to have a penis. His sentence: death.
Against a special ike ring fjorm will have 87% special DR from her special
It feels needed with how powerful nukes are.
Fjorm is at least Micaiah-proof, right
Since she neutralizes the penalties that Attuned Micaiah would inflict
Yeah, you pretty much have to take her out with an AoE axe or dragon, huh? In gonna throw Haar at her and see if he gets anywhere
How butthurt is intsys that fjorm hasn't won a CYL yet?
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She just might win...eventually.
Either Azura or Fjorm will suddenly spike in votes next year.
50th place, lol. Fjormdev and Karladev must be the most insufferable people on the FEH dev team
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>Nils is a grail unit again
That is some bullshit.
I seriously doubt Fjorm will ever win because of how much she gets spammed. Such a large portion of the fanbase tastes bile whenever she pops up
I would not be upset if either of them do.
fjorm: Highest placement in CYL: 39th
-Included in basically every forging bonds event to the point where "Getting fjorm'd" is a derogatory comment about a character's forging bonds conversation, because she is so fucking boring that it makes every conversation involving her boring by extension
-Getting her 6th unit, not including backpacks.

Veronica: Highest placement in CYL: Second place winner of women's division, year 2
-Almost never included in forging bonds
-Has 5 units

What's wrong with this picture
Based IS for making a horrible banner so I can save for the Emblem (probably) coming later this month
Only good fjorm convo i can think of is the one with Python, where she uses reverse psychology and Python's hatred for nobles to prevent him for slacking off
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vero's gotten some good main story content, she's not fit for forging bonds
Apologize to Book 7.
Book 7 should apologize to me for deleting my orbs every 6 months.
Why? Book 7 sucked
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>over 200+ orbs into the HoF deirdre banner
condolences, Anon.
ah, the freeing feeling of spending my orbs elsewhere now that i know the banner has nothing for me
So you spent on Heidr and Summer Shez, and then Gullveig/Winter/Camilla?
Don't do it anon, emblem lyn is coming up next!
Is it bad if I like Fjorm, Eir and Gullveig/Seidr?
Yeah, you need to ditch Fjorm from that list.
too late i just dumped 160 orbs and got literally no 5* or even 4.5* from the DSH banner
I still can't clear the last map on the chain challenge
It's rough, I had to use all 3 attempts to get rid of fucking felix.
Well you gotta at least explain why
No. I like all of them too. A lot of the OCs get shit on or ignored by people here for silly reasons.
lol this banner fucking sucks
I usually try to beat every PvE map just playing normal-ish FE with melee units and weapon triangles and trying to bait and separate enemies instead of just dancing a spastic nuclear missile around the map,
Ended up saying fuck it and pulling out the cav mage and dancer on this one, couldn't get even 2024 tanks to survive baiting for a turn or two solo against the shit the boss does that gives Save to your supports

Each year's CYL is usually a pain in the ass to fight head-on with older units at the time, but the OC tagging along will keep this one especially annoying for a while I think
But I don't want to.
Fjorm because of her petite body, Eir because of her sad past and Gullveig/Seidor due to the snake motiff and well endowed "personalities" if you catch my cold.
Wow…this is an unbelievably bad line up of characters. At least the Flame and Wind tribe banners somewhat mixed it up a bit with the variety
I've been WAITING for this, anons
Heidrun is such disgusting cancer it makes me want to puke. I see her on an AR map, usually paired with Ike or Alf, and I might as well surrender on the spot. I fucking hate the unkillable tank meme with the burning anger of a thousand suns. May the FEH devs get raped to death for how they treat this series, fucking scum.
Sothis will arcane fellstone, good idea or bad idea?
Should I redeem Forma L!Seliph with DF and BoL4 or L!Deirdre with Flare, Crystalline Water, Resonance 4 and Def/Res Pledge?
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Wow they made her super cute with this one
It's... eh
The bare minimum was getting fixed DR based on Res and she did get that
50% DR pierce is fine, DC is like, sure, okay
Could've been better, could've been worse
That's it, I'm not spending more orbs until I get her.
Should I build Keaton because of his new refine or go for Glen instead?
Yay Deirdre
She looks really nice with blue stars and border too
marianne bros.... we lost.....
I don't care about these frigid losers, where is my goat wife
Pretty meh banner apart from Thea and Fjorm.
And of course the freebie is yet another shitty moid. What was the last free female unit? Tailtiu?
Also we already got Nils as a halloween banner freebie
Fucking hell
I want to mate with Nifl to create another village in Nifl.
She looks nice.
I don't feel like reading who won the refine roulette?
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Nils' weapon will be fine for base Adult Tiki that i'm building in lieu of Arcane Grima.
up your butt.
Seliph, Keaton got BoL4 on his weapon too.
Chrom got literally everything he could've wanted. He even gives other people the Half DR Pierce status
I’m so glad Felicia has another alt after 5 years and it wasn’t as a backpack in a Duo or Harmonic that was one of my biggest fears. But I will say I’m conflicted on her outfit it’s cute but to me it feels a bit too similar to her original design and that goes for Flora too.
It, and her prf, are a reference to her being Corrin's maid. It's catered to help speedy dragons.
Brave Gull with AoE should be fine to take him out.
> Resonance

My brother of african descent. What prompted you to choose that B skill when Tempo 4 is all the rage?
New type of hero probably
fer feck's sake
Can these retards stop making new unit types FOR 5 FUCKING MINUTES?
We are already stuck in ascendant floret limbo because they tied a currency to a unit type exclusively and then stopped fucking making them in favor of 3 other new unit types! Goddamn.
Is it an asset unit? If not it can fuck off
is +3 to a unit really that detrimental in this day and age?
where my gremlin bros at
do you think she has the res to run a ploy with a res ascension and a squad ace seal?
I'm a tierlet so take this with salt.
it would put her at 45, right? it would hit most targets, but a lot of atk/res statted heroes have around 40-48 base res and might be able to ignore it if Ploy doesn't have a stipulation that increases their res check. Usually 50+ is where you want to be to be safe, and 55-60 if you want everything bar another ploy-bot, but mid-high 40s is probably fine on most of the cast as it relies on visible res and not in combat res.
Doesn't Miasma create tiles in spots not hit by Flared, or does it jut overwrite flared entirely and not cause fire tiles to appear?
It might not be the worst to just have both as Miasma still gives +5 to all stats, right?
Well I already have a ploy on her (got it at the same time she picked up flared last year) but I completely forgot about the terrain overlap, so yeah maybe I should just give it a swing so miasma doesn't cause overlaps.
Really starting to hit that more a chore than an actual game feel with Heroes.
Still gets instakilled by this year's braves, but I like the refine. Which skills would be better to improve her? Got both legendary Alears for the specials but I don't know if they would be better due to the higher cooldown.
atk/res tempo seal coming soon brah
>Pulled for Brave Soren
>Just remembered he's on the manual list

doubt it.
shes just the TT final map unit
>doubt it.
The only time the returning lead oc wasn't a new unit type was Eir, and that's because they wanted to shill Lif.
Nice, I went for Oath instead since teleporting is always useful and Ploy never showed up. Now I'm debating between rolling or not for the last merge since it would only increase Spd and Def and this gacha has been fucking way too hard during the entire year.
It's funny since Rearmed Lif himself was basically dead on arrival with a mediocre at best sword
Yeah, but his bad sword was the first one, so people rolled to "fix" their old units.
Then, prf weapons started getting even more insane, making Arcane weapons worthless.
ohhhh oh that's cute
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>have to roll on Solm New Heroes for this
I don't think there are any clear winners but they're all at least good
Even Keaton, he basically gets BoL 4 built into his weapon, which for a free unit, that's something
Get that last merge, Deirdrebro! You'll need it for better scoring.
>Ploy never showed up
are there any grail units with atk/res tempo?
My thoughts exactly, anon, what a healthy body she has. Fertile where even the best farmers would become jealous.
Not a one, that's still considered a sort of premium skill
Was she always that stacked? Jeez
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No a/r ploy but this will do, keaton’s refine arrived just in time too.
Are Flora and Nils's weapons the first time we got inheritable weapons that grant +5 to all stats rather than +4?
>can't merge forma into a unit with a unit with traits already
>Have to blow a 2nd ascendant item to give her the 2 traits again
The fuck?
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What's the matter, anon? Surely you can just summon for another Ascended unit to get another Floret, right?
She had pretty noticeable mounds through her coat even in her original art.
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Why doesn't NY Keaton get any Atk? Why does he get Spd and Res when those are his LOWEST stats?
If she's color sharing with Timerra, I'm also gonna be pissed. I don't hate Reginn or anything, but just another IS dick move.
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> year has been awful for saving orbs
>hoped I would at least have 1k orbs for her to get her to around +5
>IS releases a Fjorm alt right before her release
This sucks. she looks super cute in that art too.
She'll be back on a Double Special Heroes banner, surely
Idk where they're at rn tho
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>If she's color sharing with Timerra, I'm also gonna be pissed.
Yeah, I also had this intrusive thought.
I expect IS to fuck me over.
>Deirdre at +4
>Get no deirdres from the legendary banner
>Get no deirdres from HoF banner
>Still only at +6 due to forma and spark
>Have to kill an evil veyle for crystaline water since it never showed up to boot
can't remember the last time i needed more them one team for CC
i certainly don't like it
Man now I am torn between saving gems for the emblem or using up gems to get Pirate Surtr
Go for the Emblem, then save up Orbs for when Surtr reappears on a banner when he's up for getting a refine (whenever that will be)
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>free roll had no blue
>collect 20 orbs
>no blue

I'm about to go get my passport for the first time just to KyoAni IS's offices.
How can you say no to that smile?
minus Eir your tastes are so shit
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>what a healthy body she has. Fertile where even the best farmers would become jealous.
The women of Nifl are all built like fertility goddesses.
Is Solm coming up next?
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>fertility goddesses.
So, these two?
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>Died midway through her Book
What a waste of a perfectly good ara ara
Solm was going to be either July or September. So yeah, it's almost guaranteed that Attuned Timerra and Rearmed Fogado are the next banner. And Reginn will probably colorshare with Timerra, since both use lances.
Guess Fjorm was the exception. I wonder if Ylgr will grow up like her big sister.
Nah, he meant the Goddess of Love. Both A goat, and THE GOAT
Why IS forces me to choose... both are my favs...
Those tiddies are long,
I guess it would be time for another Arcane bow. We've only had them in sets of twos so far, right? One general purpose with a guaranteed follow-up attack, one for speedier builds with NFU. Would it just be another NFU bow but more?
>Fjorm was the exception
Maeshima draws her a bit thicker when they do her art. other artists probably just take personal liberties with it. It's strange Maeshima didn't do Fjorm's art this time as they normally do for all of her alts. Maybe they were busy?
Will ISIS ever remember that Valor exists? We haven't seen that shit in years
Lucky you, then. Just roll blue and you'll get to spark both around 300 orbs.
Giant, milky goat tits
Probably, yeah.
I have the off focus meter full and I just know I'm going to get broken when there's all greens and reds.
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You will be rolling Fjorm's new alt, yes?
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Saving for Seidr.
>Cucked by a chick with 3 personalities
Sucks to suck Fjorm, should have had Kiran put a baby in you
No. (You)pandering units are shit by default
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getting up to spark for her and then maybe waiting for double special heroes. I hope to get her to at least +1.
I'll free summon blue then finish summoning on CYL instead
The Focus Charge things are lit up and I just want my damn Felix
>Hrid and Gunnthra are completely unbothered by Fjorm about to murder Ylgr
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Well that was fun. Seteth really helps make almost any unit shine.
If there aren’t colorless sure, I could use shield fighter.
They give it out for free via red toilet paper sometimes
Yes you can? You have to use Trait Fruit. It'll let you choose the Boon, Bane, and Ascended stat all at once
That sword WAS the best inheritable sword at the time
As funny as it sounds nowdays
It sure was the one retard with working legs at the special olympics
It worked out better for Eir because Eir didn't turned into a character with a weaker PRF literally designed to be foddered.
>the first and only Arcane to just do a -6/6 stat swing instead of +5 then eventually +14 to all stats
>has the most nothing effects of them all now
>guaranteed follow-up attack? everything has NFU
>follow-up denial? lmao
>Guard? everything also stops that
It's just so bad. But given that he was the first of these new types of heroes, the first is always gonna be rather meh, like how Attuned Triandra just came with Death Blow of all things. Makes me feel like the new Reginn will follow suit.
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>Eir didn't turned into a character with a weaker PRF literally designed to be foddered.
You mean like Temari+ fodder?
What are you implying?
They're implying that Eir had an alt that was designed to be foddered since she had an inheritable weapon
That's retarded and not even a comparable situation.
triandra had no excuse because she launched alongside prony with oath echo which included a warp
Oh right there's a voting gauntlet going on.
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So uh

Is B!Tiki worth giving Laguz friend to with her new refine?
keep in mind if you give her laguz friend dragon roar won't work, if you foddered it

so it's dragon roar vs laguz friend, your call
Yes, but you have to use Glacies or something instead
>don't have Feh pass so can't spark
>Emblem Ike refuses to be summoned
I hate this shitter, I want his goddamn fodder
>Tiki's 50% reduction ignore clashes with Laguz friend
>dragon roar also clashes with laguz friend

>...laguz friend is STILL her best B skill option
Gullveig wins time wasting mode yay
How does the skill clush with those?
It's year of the dragon, so where is Nowi's new seasonal? The year only has a few months left.
up your butt.
She already has halloween so that isn't it, what other banners do we have left besides Christmas, and Ninja?
Surely this year we'll get halloween Hel and Thrasir
I want Ninja Nowi. Or Legendary Nowi.
The latter isn't happening, but good luck with the former.
No wonder there were no posts saying what the seals or Nils' skills were.
Heidrun makes me want to uninstall. Not even Ike was this fucking bad, at least I had counters for him. How do non-whales put up with this shit? It's just fucking miserable to look at an opposing team comp and know that I might as well surrender without even attempting to do anything. Why is IS committed so badly to make this game anti-fun for small time players like me? I'm not even purely f2p but I BADLY regret I ever spent so much as a dime on this trashfire.
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>Turn 1-4 shit
To whom it may concern. Also dies to Laguz Friend, although she's probably not at full power for the TT.
>15 rolls
>get Nothing
welp. Time to save everything for Nidhoggr, surely she'll be busted right?
Rolled to spark and managed to get fjorm to +1 and some copies of flora.
I am content.
I YOLO'd away so many orbs on the festival banner and only got utter garbage out of it. Don't even wanna think about how bad my orb to useful pulls ratio is. I really wish they at least jacked up the special 4* rate a bit. Why do I have to spend 4-5 orbs for a year one 3* shitter in 2024. It's asinine.
I got pity broken by Severa...
Why's Mech Midget have a floating eye robot?
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Isn't Sindri the first body of Eitri? "She" was a guy all along????
The original Japanese text probably doesn't indicate any gender and the translation only uses male probouns because the original Sindri from Norse mythology was male.
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She’s so beautiful, what skills should I give her, A/R ploy 3? What else?
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The Fjorm and Nifl duo feels like this comic
I'm happy that IS made best boy good. It might make me consider ascending him.
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No no no you motherfuckers this was my last chance of ever getting anything even close to an Eitri alt give me back my hopes and dreams
I guess he's like Cagliostro from GBF. I hope they show him and he's cute
Why not Def? His weapon has true dr and damage based on Defense.
I gave him the asset when trait fruits first became a thing and +Atk was his superboon so he would score higher. Obviously now I'd swap to +Def or at least ascend it to better work with his weapon.
Yeah, but people I passed the idea through brought up leaving money on the table with not keeping the seal slot open for solid water seal or something else.
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Gentle reminder:
/feh/ is back.
You're welcome.
Why would anyone ever go into that schizo infested hellhole?

>>Tiki's 50% reduction ignore clashes with Laguz friend

Doesn't clash but is generally redundant for most enemy phase battles. LF gives 100% DR shred when your O-special triggers or on the attack after the D-special triggers. If she's running Glacies, that's a 3 charge special with her slaying so on defense, it should proc from the special charge on LF and her Prf Pre-pulse alone.

>>dragon roar also clashes with laguz friend
Dragon's Roar is 2 charge with her slaying. LF mandates that your special be at least 3 charge and proc in combat or be a Defensive special else all you're getting is -5 ATK inflict on foe in combat.
Good, now stay there and don't come back.
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Don't be like that.
All the schizos have gone to /feg/.
Just come home!
>Stupid Gullfags
>That one Tharja guy
>Constant Discord bullshit
Got Felix, but that's because I hit 80 summons-- now the CYL banner is at like, 10.50%
Alfonse is the last one I haven't gotten and that rate's gonna annoy me
How good is the 'Fonse anyway? Is he actually good or is he just good fodder?
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>>That one Tharja guy
There is no more Tharja-anon or guy.
Tharja is for free use!
He has transitioned to a new waifu.
Now come back home, Dear!
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>Stupid Gullfags
We don't use that language around here, Dear. That's for people who abandoned their original waifu short haired dyke hussies.
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I could have sworn we were getting an HOF featuring Nn at some point, whatever happened to that? It's why I put off giving her any skills when Lumera came out and I had a second dragon RA
>I could have sworn we were getting an HOF featuring Nn at some point
It's a revival. It will show up eventually along with the new Hall of Forms Revival poll.
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God damnit
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Best underappreciated Goth Girl in Fire Emblem is on it too. Gonna have to pick her up.
Tharja would've hated his guts, he never gave a shit about her.
I don't like nifl or non-gunnthra ice OCs but the fucking cleavage on nifl is tempting me.
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>One of the most popular characters in Awakening
Are you fucking retarded
This is why they don't deserve rights
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>>One of the most popular characters in Awakening
Then why hasn't she won CYL yet?
It has been almost ten years since Fire Emblem Heroes has been active.
Because you're ugly.
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Gues I am just Just an average little Tar Soul..
Nonetheless, we can all admit Tharja has been mistreated BIGLY. She deserves to win CYL now that Robin has won twice.
Because awakening isn't the most popular game anymore.
So, Tate doesn't come with an A skill, so what would her best option be? Prime could be an option, since she sets up 4 bonuses with ease, but I feel like she's more of a player phase unit, so clash or excel would be better, right?
Excel would be best on her, I think
>Fargus solos the whole banner
The Ice Tribe is full of wimps
Any panette build?
I know Fjorm dies easy to 1-range units, but has anyone had any success killing her with a ranged unit?
Her attack after the AoE is literally 1 damage, so she probably can't kill a player one with more Res.
I got her with summer gull after some buff/debuff that I cannot be bothered to check.
Got all CyL units
Who should i grab as the free 5*
Robin for +2 (eventual +10)
Fonse usable copy (foddering the one i have)
Felix fodder
The AoE put in work
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It can be done
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>eventual +10
The answer is obvious then.
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And faggots like you deserve a bullet, but we can't all get what we want
You need 9 copies of Robin and 1 copy of Felix (0 if another unit comes out with Endless Tempest). Alfonse isn't that great honestly, so 0 copies of him as well unless you just want him because you like him. You always have the possibility of rolling them as an off-focus pull anyway. Just go Robin.
Rude. Apologize to anon right now
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Tharjafags deserve nothing but utter scorn
So when does it arrive? I want that Anna.
Clearly, every armor from now on needs to come with free DV Stone.
Based foxy grandpa enjoyer. Can you post your build?
He's actually really great, sexo aside. I'm considering replacing D Bonus Doubler with Fortifications
>Then why hasn't she won CYL yet?
Because Camilla, Ivy, and Gullveig are all objective upgrades of her.
Get that man an Echo skill
Probably NCD Echo ig
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>Formas can't get arcane weapons or echo skills
I fucking hate this stupid system.
I'm actually sitting on an Attuned Caeda, his weapon would work well with Guard Echo. I put NCD on my Brigand Boss, it's sick
what are the best dagger skills she can get ?
Flared mirror, Sothe's disarm trap potency-thing, and maybe Arcane Void ?
is potency even good on slow units? There is also Canto 4.
Ploy is probably a fine skill to have on her.
Cristalline Water/Flared Mirror
Far Trace
That should do
I have the skills to do this >>1560941
build but this is the first time I build someone from the ground up, I have an arcane void but I have seen multiple people saying her dagger is already better than that one due to the dr piercing and hexblade, but is there any skill that gives her true dmg? or what’s the best way to spam glacies ? or due to hexblade is d/r ploy better than a/r ploy?
Convenient Atk Spd Finish 3 fodder when?
Bro your smol Rebecca?
I don't have any particular complaints about him but I do find it strange that he's meant to be a tank but has Canto (Dist) so he just ends up doing hit and runs because why would you ever take the risk of letting the enemy initiate on you if you don't have to
Guessing someone had BoL4.
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There are no words to express how much I hate SD and every players using the latest powercreep
Yeah, Micaiah did
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>Velouria supporting Camilla
+0 base kit Ullr btw (with remix and refine)
Here's how it goes without BoL and only a +1 instead of +10
>63 HP on a +1
Guess that Summoner Support saved him.
>Combat forecast left her with 8 HP
>She has 8 less HP without Summoner Support and probably a legendary bonus
They really memed me
Why are Nifl's tits so fat?
Fuck, that double special banner ended before I could get Emmeryn. I don't even want her, I just want Magic Shield on my Whoretensia
>Fuck we need this banner to sell
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for me
No idea but I hope someone makes a nude edit of those saggers
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If Nifl was the lead I would've picked up a +1. Maybe.
They keep not so subtly increasing breast sizes and have been for a while.
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need milk to make ice cream.
God bless them for this
Well, it was a different artist. Are there any real instances of breast size changes for a character when drawn by the same artist?
Now when are they gonna do the same but for asses
They definetly did that for Summer Fjorm and all of the males drawn by Suekano
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Like 5x the breast size is a bit more than just "different artist"
Offhand, Kozaki did it for Vero, and Maeshima made Fjorm's summer version look a bit fuller. She's never been completely flat, but definitely small. even her base alt has cloth lifting off her chest where her breasts should be, but It's hard to tell how much bigger Maeshima made her chest from Bridal to Summer because Bridal Fjorm's chest is squished by her dress.
Whether Maeshima did it because he wanted a sexier summer alt, was inspired by Kozaki with Vero, or just forgot is anyone's guess. IS is apparently fairly hands off with their artists.
Cuboon does it with his art when he can get away with it. The Duo Laegjarn had Fjorm's largest chest, and his summer Goldmary tripled her chest size, right?
On another note, Femui got a lot of bust size upgrades in early FEH from Sencha alts, and even the art Kozaki did for her Figure has her chest looking way larger than I remember in fates.
Summer Caeda's chest is way larger than every version she has, including the ones that come after.
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>Summer Caeda's chest is way larger than every version she has
Kiran or Marth must of had her visit the best plastic surgeon money could buy.
I am absolutely fine with this, give armors some spice. The best armors are the special tailor made ones, it sucks for older more general units
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Reminder that with her resplendent version, Lyn has stopped wearing underwear completely and no longer wears bras in addition to not wearing panties like the godless barbarian she is
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Lyn has a leotard
>paralogue has Ogma get put into a dream so he can rest and take a break
>Caeda is packed next to plum, the wet dream fairy, and now suddenly she has massive tits
This is the one time I'm inclined to believe something akin to "It was all a dream", and that Caeda secretly wants a massive chest.
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Nah, she's just used to freeballing (freecunting?) it
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Whoa, a free Nils! If he refreshes you, you can get Def/Res +4!
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Best Lyn boobs are Resplendent Brave's.
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>Half covered by her armor
Nah, you're just wrong
Leotard is canon
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I bet you think her stupid fucking shorts from Warriors are canon too
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No Koei Tecmo are incompetent idiots who don't know what a leotard is.
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I'm telling you, she's been freeballing it since 2003. The leotard is just a meme
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Rate my harem.
Kek, that's a bit fucked up, anon.
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Fe7 remake, when?
I want to be able to marry lyn this time after she carried my first run.
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Fuck FE7
Jugdral remake fucking when, 4 and 5 have NEVER seen a release overseas since they came out almost 20 fucking years ago
i love sigurd! my favorite game of his is fire emblem engage
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someone help me please even penismasterwon couldn't help me understand.
What the fuck does Brave Alphonse making of a kind do?? They get stacks based on how many times it triggers????
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I would rather they skip 6 and 7, and just go straight to 8. Maybe get Wada to be the art lead one last time.
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>Modern localization teams would no doubt remove any and all incestous implications from both the Jugdral games and SS
Hard fucking pass
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Fuck both of them, where's the Tellius duology remake? The Strongest and Most Popular Lord Ike deserves it
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The only possible fucking reason I would support a Tellius remake before Jugdral is becase trying to find a physical copy of any Tellius games without breaking the bank is impossible
>incestual implications in fe8
Besides weapon names, which arr mostly just references to them being twins if anything, I don't remember any incest implications in FE8. They can't even marry each other, which IS doesnt seem to care about as they let you do it to your little sister in engage.
There aren't any in FE8, incest weirdos have fucked up brains
Why does IS keep hyping Ike up as "the strongest"? The recent avatars have some stupidly powerful lineage that you would think gives them the edge.
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Nothing confirmed, but the twins are unusually close, can S Rank each other, and rule together as King and Queen in their S Rank ending. It's a pretty common theory
>Somehow still have my PoR disc
Thank God for being a pack rat

I don't know, but it's funny and nice seeing just some guy stroll in as the Strongest. Fuck the dragons and the gods
He gets +2 Atk/Def/Res (permanent 'til the end of the map) each turn, or +4 after his Special triggers, to a max of 20 for him
He gives +1 Atk/Def/Res (permanent 'til the end of the map) to his allies each turn, or +2 after his Special triggers, to a max of 10 for them
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>Ike is supposed to be "the strongest" still
>Dimitri literally cannot eat dinner without accidentally breaking his cutlery
>Edelgard is even stronger than he is
>Byleth and Shez possibly go further beyond that
>>>>>whatever the actual fuck Emblem Alear counts as
I don't like Ike being "the strongest." His appeal is that he's just a dude.
From his C support with Myrrh
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It's AAAAALL over the fucking place if you look
Ephraim played Japanese Fates. Based.
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Sisters are his weakness after all
Nino is the strongest.
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>Can't even read
>The strongest
Lmao. Lol, even
English Localization had text that could be considered incestuous if you squint and have never dealt with twins before.
I wonder if people into incest understand close siblings at all, really
The strongest at being weak. Lmao, gottem
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Ah, the classic "if you're into incest you don't have siblings" argument
But I didn't say that?
Probably not.
>His appeal is that he's just a dude.
Doesn't that make him being "the strongest" even more appealing? You've got all those imperial lineages and dragon blood and here you have... just some guy, he's big, and that's it
>Doesn't that make him being "the strongest" even more appealing?
No, because he still was never the strongest. He was just a merc who got an anti-deity sword.
Even just compared to older characters, Jugdral holy blood people were objectively stronger than him.
IS just pretended Ike was the strongest because... he's in Smash? They didn't even bother putting him in Warriors, when he should have been the first pick after Marth.
Even some of the more basic lords like Chrom and Lucina have trouble regulating their tard strength and break shit all the time. The whole "The Strongest" thing is really just them jacking him off
>Lucina and Chrom have a long history of breaking training equipment, that like half their Heroes alts have lines about it
>"but Ike is stronger, somehow!!"
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>rying to find a physical copy of any Tellius games without breaking the bank is impossible
I thought it was only Path of Radiance that was worth the big bucks.
Had a good SDR match. Was nervous to see a BoL4 Emblem Ike, but thankfully I could just play around him
The whole "Ike is the strongest" thing came from IS dialogue in awakening and heroes that was probably just a reference to smash bros
that first combat against Caeda felt silly to watch. There also needs to be more anti-warp abilities.
The best part of that was that Camilla's Celica ring didn't even matter since she had Charge. Dude should've seen it coming.
But, yes, we need more anti-warp because the Warp situation is absolutely out of hand now. It's wild to think that Hinoka's Prf is basically an inheritable C now and it's just "meh"
So if Tiki's best options are Dragon's Roar or Laguz Friend (mutually exclusive), which B skill should she use with Dragon's Roar?
Or which Special for Laguz Friend?
Post your Nino if she's so strong.
Glacies, Aegis, or Pavise with LF4. Otherwise keep her prf or use High Dragon Wall but with the latter you could use the NCD attuned skill. She could almost use Reopening as a janky alternative with her low speed for the true DR but her weapon's guaranteed follow up kind of messes that up. A lot of issues could be fixed if they released a Res equivalent of GLR like Dragon's Roar is to Gust.
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Does anybody know when Rearmed Ingrid will get a rerun? Preferably sparkable.
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Next Revival will probably be some combination of Rearmed Reinhardt, Attuned Caeda, Attuned Ivy, Ascended Amelia and Rearmed Ingrid. Next Revival banner should be at the end of this month, then end of November. You honestly might be stuck waiting until January but there's also two montly Legendary/Mythic hero refine banners which can include Rearmed units like Ingrid so could be sooner than that. She was on several banners between January and June this year but they've since added Caeda, Ivy and Amelia to the blue pool which will slow down how often she repeats.
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>might be stuck waiting until January
Fuck. But thanks for the breakdown. I need another copy, better yet multiple, because there are just way too many pegasissies I want to spoil with premium skills. I know the last rerun wasn't that long ago, but I seem to recall it was sparkless and I abhorr rolling on sparkless banners. If I could've sparked her in July, however, and missed it then I'm an inattentive dullard I guess.
Holy fuck, put that away dude
Her last banner was in June. I assume it had spark but maybe Pass exclusive, dunno.
I want to go back...
>rule together as King and Queen in their S Rank ending
Play in japanese, Eirika's ending is not "queen" but "princess"
Like I get it, incest fetish is hot but there's no need for the mental gymnastic and try to force it as canon when it's clearly not in this case.
I miss when fury desperation was enough, and getting furyman for fodder was a good summon.
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I forgot that they gave Saber’s pecs an upgrade with his Resplendent art.
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We now understand why a "video game journalist" wanted to pair Saber and Celica so bad...
It's crazy how one guy who saw Sigurd in Engage gaslit everyone into believing there were Jugdral remakes.
In the trash bin where it belongs
That journalist sure had guts to admit wanting to pair them together in her "review".
What’s this about ?
When 3* units in general were good summons sometimes. Now they refuse to give them good fodder so all 3* units are worthless
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I rolled for Nifl's tits
I will make Tanith and Sigrun my wives.
Is Ninja Sanaki still good?
Yeah, she's still good, but she'll have a hard time dealing with Fjorm due to all the true DR
She still does good damage if she's facing units that are debuffed enough, but the problem is that penalty/debuff neutralization is a lot more prevalent now, and with some effects that cleanse them on either phase, like with Freyr and the new versions of Life and Death and so on
But on the other hand, you also have stuff like Attuned Micaiah and other units that also inflict debuffs without any range requirement, Sabotage is a bit easier to come by
And, I think Sanaki can also get Resonance to help her damage output
So... case by case, there's more things that can stop her but there's also more stuff to help her out
They are married to Sanaki's feet
What's better on Felix, Gust or Godlike Reflexes?
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The proper term is going commando
Gotcha, thanks. It feels so long since I used her and Zelgius, that banner was a fun time
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I wonder if FE riders have hardened thighs or something, because the amount of Pegasus Knights wearing nothing in the thigh area is slightly concerning. The chafing must be unbearable
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The secret is that pegasi have incredibly soft and fluffy backs, but only for virginal females
IS basically reintroduced 1* units through the back door and about 95% of all summons might as well be 1* for all their utility. Including a few 5* units.
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>The woman who will do anything for money
Lol. Lmao
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Pure as freshly fallen snow.
Is base Catria the only unit that presents her ass in her default portrait?
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Summer Loki, even though she's just the backpack unit here
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Not her default portrait, but Summer Fjorm does in her damaged one
>in her damaged one
A lot do, which is why I specified default.
Farina does in fact have hardened thighs due to having been railed by an ungodly number of johns.
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Do not stare!
FEH butts.
Whose is the biggest?
>this is the self-insert for your female players
>flat faces and fake looking plastic tits that are as hard as rock
Yep, it's a cuboon art.
You act as if women aren't ecstatic to be playing as some average-height 10/10 that every troubled boy fawns over.
What's the most recent unit your dick rolled for?
Eikþyrnir but I only find his transformed form hot
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Everything else has been grails
Her tiddies beeg
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Summer, I mean Spring Triandra.
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Would have rolled for Goldmary if she didn't have the fire alarm attached to her.
So it's Gullveig.
wrong, this shows a clear sign of a lack of control of their strength. Ike is stronger because he can use muscle memory to prevent him from outright atomizing Mist's body whenever he pats her head. None of you understand what it takes to become the strongest.
>Dimitri literally cannot eat dinner without accidentally breaking his cutlery
skill issue, Ike could just bite into flesh and cook it as the impact of his teeth scorch with the force of 100 bullet crabs. He chooses to eat meat on the table to not burden society.
>Edelgard is even stronger than he is
Edelgard does not respect Hubert the way Ike and Soren bromance. Can never compare.
>Byleth and Shez possibly go further beyond that.
Byleth teaches algebra or something dumb like that. Ike uses his entire brain for his friends. Shez bathes sometimes.
>>>>>whatever the actual fuck Emblem Alear counts as
sleeps too much
>Jugdral holy blood people were objectively stronger than him.
spend all day doing paper work and diplomacy like Elincia and da Micky, no time to properly train their bones and meat like Ike would.
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The Fire Emblem community's collective seethe made it extra delightful!
Summer goat mommy.
Worth every orb.
>only for virginal females
if we ignore the fact there are multiple peg knights who have given birth or are married i guess that can be true.
>>Edelgard is even stronger than he is
We're talking in terms of lore.
I doubt Ike is the strongest in terms of stats.
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>Trying to use in game stats as an indicator of strength
Rinkah would like a word with you
They are painted on
That's the point. Using variable stats to try and paint an argument about the actual power of a character is fucking retarded when you have an instance of a beefy, muscular fighter having a lower Str growth rate than a fucking healer
How can one twink be so strong? I wish his default art wasn't trash, I like his resplendent, but his original look is so good
>dragon genetics
Doesn't count
pure dickrolling is probably summer freyja. I liked Freyja in book 4, but rolled for her and her alt for two obvious reasons.
Okay laguz fren + aegis/glacies or her prf B + dragon roar, which one is better for B!Tiki to kill and avoid being killed? I'm merging servant Ike but I'm willing to give up on a copy to make her stronger. Also I suppose that BoL4 would be her best C?
LF4 + Glacies or High Dragon Wall + Dragon's Roar
Her refine is overall pretty good it's just a struggle of still being slow and not being able to use an easy cookie cutter build so there's an inevitable tradeoff. I'd say LF4 and Glacies overall, either way trading out the B skill opens up the attuned slot so High Dragon Wall might still be better than New Divinity just for that and the warp blocking which is pretty relevant with the Celica ring. The primary issue there is that DR piercing is pretty prevalent nowadays that just stacking true DR with her prf and LF4 would be the most reliable and with how slow she is it might be harder to rely on Dragon's Roar's 1 time DR, but Aegis and Pavise can end up feeling limiting if you're not using them on a save armor and she could use the damage. Probably best to pair with Ike ring. For the C skill if you have any support that you can use to outsource BoL4 then Atk/Res Ploy would be a solid option on her. Even Res Wave D could maybe be an option? But it might be a little redundant since she has a built in Scowl as it is.
>I'd say LF4 and Glacies overall,
Nta but with her weapon and Laguz Friend, that would mean she mitigates damage taken equal to 40% of her Res, right? Meaning if she had say, 50 Res (just as an example), she'll take 20 less damage from attacks?
I've given her Dragon's Roar and I have Special Spiral 4 for full DR piercing and to keep Dragon's Roar looped, but Laguz Friend can also do full DR piercing too
I guess it just comes down to whether Dragon's Roar or LF + Glacies offers more protection, and it's a bit lame that Dragon's Roar just doesn't work with LF; as another anon pointed out, a Res equivalent to GLR would be perfect here
It also includes any in-combat stats from her weapon, other skills, and supports for the true DR calculation so it's potentially better than that. She should be able to get a flat 30 at least pretty easily.
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Outside of freeing the echo slot, HDW doesn't seem that much of an improvement, wonder if just getting the skill to counter Celica would be worth it. Think I may go with LF instead, as for the C either get a free Fonse for BoL or keep the menace around. As for the A the finish she comes with is still the best one I believe.

Mine gets around 70 res with combat buffs so 30 is pretty accurate. Seems pretty nice actually, though I can picture her getting killed by any modern red that may get released anyways.
Maid Ayra, specially because i got cockblocked out of her when she ran on that banner with Fjrom, Linde and Shez
Pure "this art is kinda hot, so I'll roll for this unit I'll probably never use" would be Fallen Rhea.
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I'm convinced, I will now try out Laguz Friend Tiki
I did too tbqh
It's worth it. Though I wonder which C I should get her.
Try Atk/Res Ploy, maybe? Or Breath of Life 4, whichever one you have access to
Why Astra? Wouldn't you be better off with Aether or Glacies since you still proc Laguz Friend with one of those?
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Should I refine my unmerged Eitri or my +5 Chrom?
Por que no los dos
Gotta get more refine dust then

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