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Best brawler and her skin edition

Starting with this question: how do you get trophies past 45000? It's just super hard. Any way to cheese trophies for bad unupgraded brawlers? (duels doesn't count, it's not as easy as people make it sound like)
I don't push trophies at all, there's no reward and no point in getting them for individual brawlers. I'm just trying to get to masters some day and I play showdown to farm mastery rewards
More total trophies gets you a spot in the better clubs, and meeting new people is arguably more of a reward than anything else in the game
You need to get gold for upgrades. Go push ranked. baseline 500 for each one puts you at 41000 and that can be done by pure grinding with really no skill at fairly low levels

Then it's what, 50 per brawler to 45000? You don't need cheese to get there. Just mastery and ranked should be getting you very close to parity .
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new to the game, which brawler do I upgrade to 11 next if I wanna jump into ranked?
>baseline 500 for each one puts you at 41000 and that can be done by pure grinding with really no skill at fairly low levels
this is where you are wrong, past like 40k it becomes super fucking annoying to win a match no matter how many trophies your individual brawler has because all your opponents will have 40k+ trophies too meaning much like you they played this game for a bit more time than they should have
meta constantly changes

so not really sure, you can check jewtube videos with the pros to see what they think
Ehh anon ranked requires you to have dozens of level 11 brawlers. It's a very long term thing. You can bring lower level brawlers for the earleir ranks just fine.

And then it gets complicated. For example, Jessie and Nita, both level 11 and with hypercharges, will allow you to stomp in Heist. The thing is that they are frequently banned and/or picked, so even if you have them, it is likely you won't be able to play them in many heist games.

Also the meta changes really fast. Like, the current meta didn't exist at all until 1 month ago. So it's hard to recommend brawlers, you need to check tier lists.

What I recommend is for you to focus on getting lots of trophies with every brawler. This will allow you to join better clubs where you'll meet people that can carry you in ranked.
I guess that's fair but I don't talk to my clubmates and I don't like playing with them because I actually play better with randoms
>actual good nuanced answers
t-thanks. I'll grind some trophies. shame the low trophy match ups are filled with bots though, first hour with a new brawler is a snooze fest
nita and jesse 11s are good for ranked. your colt should be 11. rico is insane right now hes a great 11. Collette is busted, shes a good 11
Anon you have 5k trophies. Your clubmates are likely scrubs. Once you get in the 50k range the clubs that take you in will be full of nolifers.
Max whatever you like. You don't need to worry about gitting gud until much later on. I spent nearly all of my noob time playing Bibi and Mortis and those were the best years. Once you have lots of trophies or are aiming for Masters you'll have to play the meta, don't rush it, enjoy the game while you can play everything
play whoever the hell you want. as long as you are having fun, there is no meta
Getting resources in this game is so shit. And pushing for high trophies alone is even worse.
Colt is well-rounded in most modes and is never banned usually
Rico is busted rn with his hypercharge/gadget that shoots a ton of bullets (he might get nerfed)
Collette is very strong against tanks
Shelly is good up close, and Byron needs range to stay away from enemies due to his health, so i'd pick one of those three damage dealers that can fill a role to attack in the mid-long range.
After you've picked one then go for a thrower, Barley is very good with his hypercharge and is alot less likely to get banned/taken as Dynamike.
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What's your prediction for the next brawl talk? I think they're going to rework gears yet again.
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I’m a 2024 newfag and im clueless. I’m not a noob though
Which one would be the best one for me in the current meta?
Leon seems sort of boring to play
Metas changes every two months mostly revolving around the new broken characters and their counters.
Amber and sandy are the most versatile
Leon, Sandy or Amber. I would go for either Leon who is really good in some maps and has a lot of solo carry potential, or Amber who is as situational as leon but will prob get a hypercharge in the future so she can get stronger.
I think Sandy is getting nerfed again and he is not that good at solo carrying.
Surge or kit for my next unlock?
Sandy and Leon are the best ones in the current meta. Viable in all sorts of maps.

Crow is garbage, but he is pretty fun anyways.

Amber is great in some specific maps and against some specific comps, I wouldn't get her if you are a newbie because you won't know when/how to use her. With Sandy and Leon on the other hand it's hard to screw up (especially with Sandy)

HOWEVER, please notice that both Sandy and Leon need their hypercharge to be good. Especially Sandy.
surge, duh. this is a no brainer
Dyna's super is actually too strong
Kit is overall better. And he is vastly superior to Surge if you enjoy Knockout and Showdown. If you prefer Brawl Ball and Hot Zone then Surge is a better pick.
kit is stronger
I’m assuming Amber is most effective on maps like Belle’s Rock right?
FINALLY mythic 3, the next hypercharge batch should launch me to legendary
You still need LESS than a 1:1 win loss ratio, and don't lose trophies at the end of the season. 40k is absolutely brute force territory. Especially with mastery coins alone getting you to level 7 or 8 by itself. Are you really that carried by your teammates that you're getting a 40 percent win rate at 400 trophies for the character? Especially when you know more than half your games will have the new brawler that you can pre counterpick?
You are so bad at the game that I have no words anon.

>with mastery coins alone getting you to level 7 or 8 by itself
Retard, by the point you got the second mastery coin reward you would be waaaaay past level 7/8 territory. The first reward is meaningless, it's not even enough for a star power.

>You still need LESS than a 1:1 win loss ratio
Yes, and to achieve that ratio past ~40k trophies you need an upgraded brawler. This is the problem.

>Especially when you know more than half your games will have the new brawler that you can pre counterpick?
How the fuck is counterpicking the new brawler going to help me raise trophies for brawlers that are NOT the counterpick to said new brawler? One thing is being bad at the game, another thing is not being able to maintain coherence within one single paragraph
That you have an offer like that tells me that your brawler selection is noobish. You'll get there. All 4 are very viable.

LEON: Best for solo and duo showdown.

CROW: Most recently nerfed. Area control on wide open maps. I'm going to disagree with anon that he's garbage. He's just not dominating like he was for so long. Still good on open solo showdown maps.

Sandy. : Tanky short range area control. I suspect his place in the meta is unstable, especially with all the clancys you will be seeing at high levels soon.

Amber: Anti bushes. Can scare people off of choke points with super, or plink from safety like a thrower.

I'd vote against leon because fun is the most important stat.

Belle's rock favors throwers and long range, and Edgar/mico a bit too much. Aside from solo, something like double swoosh or local buisnesses.

Surge, unless you are a furry who likes solo showdown. Or if you have REALLY bad skills and die all the time. Both are very viable though.

You are SO new it doesn't matter. Just see who you like the most. You can sort of control which star powers and hypercharges and gadgets you get eariler by having the character at the minimum level to unlock it, so having a pool at level 7 and 9 makes some sense too.

Just make sure you have something for every type of map going in. Eg, your mid range fighter options are a bit weak as well as your long range options.. Try a few of those guys out and see if anyo of them click.
Maybe. But I'm well above your trophy range, with less struggling and less leaning on teammates to cover for me. I think focusing on trophies for progress, and buying star powers is really not the best way to go in your position.

>How the fuck is counterpicking the new brawler going to help me raise trophies for brawlers that are NOT the counterpick to said new brawler? One thing is being bad at the game, another thing is not being able to maintain coherence within one single paragraph
LOL. Understanding when you have an advantage and when you don't isn't so hard of a concept anon. Do you really expect to push whoever you want whenever you want to whatever level you want?

You're getting served a bunch of clancy. You can get a lot of quick trophies on his hard counters. What's so alien about that?
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A fucking rat.
Apple leaking stuff early.
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is doug worth it? the limited costume is cool but i don't wanna drop 30+ bucks on a character that will be ass
ok, so I took all the brawlers that I hadn't tried because they look like boring shit played them unupgraded. there's a very clear line at 100 trophies where your opponents stop being bots and instead start being actual people, with brawlers upgraded to ~5 or so. it's pretty much stomping bots until 100 trophies and then getting stomped yourself. not very good game design imo
I'm trying to to trophy push Bibi in solo showdown but I'm stuck at rank 23, I use Vitamin booster, Home Run, Damage+ and Speed+
Any tips? Does my build just suck? Am I supposed to find different tips for each maps in which bibi does well or should I just wait for an Edgar nerf?
Edgars kill me consistently in solo showdown, if my big swing isn't fully charged there's no way to defend against them.
>I'm well above your trophy range
Post a link to your account.
First off Speed is useless on Bibi because in Brawl Stars speed buffs don't stack. It would only be active while your Home Run is inactive and that's a very niche case. Heal brings way more value, especially in Showdown because you can't afford to spend too much time with low health.

Second of all you need to understand that Showdown is a terrible game mode where only a few brawlers are viable, and Bibi is currently not one of them. For example the king of showdown is Kit, who can dodge your knockback by using his own super with good timing, leaving you with no counterplay whatsoever. I'd only play her in showdown if you have low total trophies (less than 40k).

With that said you definitely shouldn't be dying to Edgars as Bibi. You are faster than him (with Home Run), his only way of approaching you is with his super which can easily be knocked back. You also have more range than him. This is a skill based matchup where you have the upper hand. You are not necessarily going to be able to kill the Edgar if he is good at staying out of your range, but you also shouldn't die, and you dictate the pace of the encounter.

Bibi requires understand how every matchup works. There are matchups you can win by popping Vitamin, charging towards the enemy and just facetanking their attacks (like Berry). There are matchups where you must dodge when approaching, but once you are close enough you can pop Vitamin and facetank (like Brock). There are many matchups where you need to play passive and just knock them away from you. And there are matchups where you should just turn around and get the fuck out (like Kit or Primo).

By the way she is dogshit in open maps
fuck post sent too early

She is dogshit in open maps AND bushy maps. Especially the later. In open maps snipers will bully you (although in low total trophies you can weave through their attacks and win consistently). Bushy maps are impossible for bibi. You have a delayed attack, meaning you can't react fast when you meet an enemy in the bush. I am talking specifically about maps like feast or famine which features immense patches of bush in the center o the map, and revolves around controlling that bush. Bibi can't do this.
he is ass, although his skin is bugged and gives extra heal
I bought his new skin and he is hilariously broken, you can keep your teammates at full health 24/7 with this

This doesn't mean easy wins with randoms though because they are too retarded to even be aware that the bug exists, so they will keep running away from you, but it's still worth buying him and the skin if you want to enjoy ~1 week of absolutely broken heals

Once he gets fixed however he remains as one of the worst brawlers in the game
>bugged skin
How badly are they coding this game?
His bibi's almost to emerald, is total trophies going to make that much difference? Either way, I don't think he gets too far in emerald right now with kits running loose everywhere.

He's got a niche, but don't expect him to be viable on legendary with randoms. You can use him anywhere Jackie is usable, and for some counterpicks.
>I'm trying to to trophy push Bibi in solo showdown but I'm stuck at rank 23
Just hide in the bush until 6 people die
>His bibi's almost to emerald, is total trophies going to make that much difference?
Yes, even a r30 is much easier if you have low total trophies.
all of these guys are retards >>1545978
Sandy is complete dog shit, crow is ez cheese in heist and knock out. leon rapes the roster. Amber is really good if you know what your doing. The real choice is between crow, leon, and amber.
if you dont know how to play bibi, primo, rosa, etc then dont bother with doug
Not sure if you are trolling or if you are a retard.

>croz is ez cheese in heist
If you charge your hypercharge you can deal like 40% to the safe. This is awful and far from a cheese, the game is full of brawlers that can deal 20% damage to the safe just by walking into it.
this guys an idiot, bibi smashes kit, tf am i even reading?
your just gonna have to get gud bro, if SD is to hard for you do an easier mode like Brawl ball
This poster is an underaged retard:
>game is full of brawlers that can deal 20% damage
amber leon and sandy dont
>40% to the safe is awful and far from a cheese
your the retard
are you the pokemon retard? post id
Who said that leveling brawlers to max level is not that important? Leveling Melodie from 10 to 11 changed my life
that's placebo, 10 to 11 isn't too meaningful
it completely changed my life for the better. And its no placebo, this game works really tight on their hp/dmg numbers so it does make a difference.
Squad busters is way better than this shit heap
I'm one win away from legendary and I have been forced to dodge non stop. Supercell does NOT want me to win.
Aim/Movement tips?
For aim the less you think the better. Regarding movement try to combine reaction with irregular movements, try to not have a pattern.
In this game if you have sufficient range and if the enemy brawler isn't one of the few that has great projectile speed, juking makes it impossible for your opponent to reliably hit you, they'll rely on luck

As per most games if you have little to no health and are trying to escape someone it is safer to do bait-and-switches and walk towards the opposite direction of the exit, this allows you to survive for enough time to heal (especially if you have the healing gadget)

When hiding in bushes and someone is trying to find you walk towards where they just shot at, people never shoot at the same location consecutively when bushchecking
Brawl Talk is out:

New hypercharges for: Poco, Mortis, Nani, Squeak, Tara, and Surge.
kenji super was giving me a headache.
the trio showdown was the best part
>another fucking legendary
Holy based :) fuck f2p chuds lol
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Buy the pass, goy.
I may unironically do it this time..
boring hypercharges except poco and surge
The Mortis one is broken as fuck.
This game is fucking dead, goodbye
Great balance changes. Lawrie, Barry and Max were kicked right out of the meta. Meg will still be absolutely broken though.
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LET'S GO, got carried by clancy tho. I guess Ill need a duo to get to master right? Even more with the small f2p brawler pool that I have.
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These new skins are absolute shit. These color schemes make want to gouge my eyes out.
The redditbob skins are way worse, the mandy one is sex
>that max nerf
absolutely undeserved, RIP I will never forget you.
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I just found out that Dani canonized that Shelly is argentinean. What the fuck? that makes zero sense. For starters, she has no accent. What did he meant by that?
You need to be 18 to post here
They make shit up all the time. One of them said nationalities didn't exist in the game's universe. Don't take anything the say seriously.
why did they completely neuter max and berry?
why did they give meg a completely meaningless nerf?
>Tara hypercharge
this gona be an expensive update for me
the mandy and collette skins are sexy, best skins for each of em
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>Footfag skin
Meh, I already have Alice Maid Colette, which is by far her best skin, so Colette in white does nothing for me. Mandy is the one skin I like because I'm a gross coomer.
>Maid Colette
That skin is uncanny AF. You need some taste coomerbro.
7 megaboxes+47 starr drops=Belle unlocked and Primo's hypercharge
That's based. I got nothing but recently I pulled 3 hypercharges in a row so probably my luck is low
It sucks that hypercharges are so useless in showdown.
>playing showdown
>tfw saturnian Fame 1
So many credits on that useless shit. .
It is the ultimate brag feature. Saturn profiles are already more valuable than Masters, now just wait until you get to Sun or Alien. Bragging rights are the ultimate objective in any game like this.
Darryl looks so strong https://youtu.be/OXuRyaYrOMs?si=c-T4DpUKrAun4jgy
Only Mortis, Surge, and Squeak hypers seem good. The others take too long to charge.
Well, Poco is probably fine too, but Nani and Tara are worthless.
i got kit from starr drops is kit any good? funnily enough all the characters i got from starr drops could be household pets.

i should buy a cat.
>Willow buff
>Penny buff
I'm in heaven
He's kinda fun but has limited use, you can push him to very high trophies in showdown tho
Kit is getting severely nerfed in the next patch so get him some trophies in showdown while you can
>severely nerfed
Lol, theyre nerfing the healing on his gadget by 10%. He’s still gonna be top tier
Moe sneak peeks are out.
Just got r30 with doug thanks to the bug

Get it now or never get it again. Might push for r35 idk tho
Wrong, they are nerfing his damage from 2000 to 1800. Kit already had problems in showdown ever since the last damage nerf, this will make him garbage.
When do the balance changes come in?
Yeah, like Inspector Colette.
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Warhammer crossover when?
How do you like the new hypercharges and Darryl's rework?
Maybe I'm bad but I'm not finding success with Mortis, looks too situational.
Gonna hate fighting against Surge's. Poco's is great. Darryl rework is great.
It was a false alarm. She didn't actually get nerfed in the patch.
Meant to quote
I'm not who you're replying to, but Mortis is a very difficult character to use, and you should only use him for Brawl Ball (sometimes) and other modes where you can use his speed. He sucks at killing unless the opponents are bunched up to get the super up instantly or the opponents are using actually good characters that can put down Mortis in less than a second, especially when bunched up.

I highly recommend different characters, if you have a choice, if not, then you're gonna have to bait out attacks and try to get a jump on characters when they use up their attacks. The shield gadget and the heal gadget will probably get you up and going a lot faster, instead of having to hide or duck behind obstacles when low on hp.
Do NOT take Mortis to brawl ball just to ""take advantage of his speed"", Melodie beat him in that department a long time ago anyway.

Mortis is pretty good, you just need to understand your matchups and when you rely on enemies gathering up to be effective. He is not a brainless brawler that plays itself like most others, but he is also far from having any meaningful difficulty if you consider the standards of MOBAs
It feels like playing non hypercharged brawlers is an actual disadvantage now
Retard take
Not an argument
The blue and gold variant of the surge skin looks better imo
would moe be worth getting early?
Don't give superjews money.
Tell that to GODryl
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I can't believe anyone still plays after gadgets were released. The gears were bad enough.
Gears were completely inconsequential. I doubt anything would change if they were removed from the game tomorrow.
One interesting thing about Moe's super is that if you aim it, it will always travel the maximum distance. If you auto aim it instead, it will stop immediately after reaching the nearest enemy even if it was just a single tile away.
cus everyone kept shilling speed gear when that was the most useless gear all along
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I was considering buying that one gamer rage colt skin which is p2use but refrained. Now looking at state of the game, i'm glad i didn't, i'll still play the game since it's the most enjoyable game on phone (besides Limbus Company) but i'll probably never enjoy it as much as i did before, balancing is too bad.
Darryl chads we are so back
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hmm hypercharge bros? we suck!?
I fucking LOVE team wiping with mortis
hottest brawler ever in your opinion. it can be the guys, gals, or robots if you want your dick to be blended in half. go go go!

Buster I guess

Berry makes me feel very confused, especially when you turn him around and see his back
Colette my bride

maybe Leon, I'd gladly lick his cute smooth feet while coming inside his ass

they're all fucking ugly
Lola, sex with her and her ego would be rad
Im not gay so im just choosing my favorite, which is Sam
Pearl, my autistic robo gf
dunno probably kenji
nani I guess
Tara easily. infinite clones to fuck too
bibi or bea
might as well share my list



maybe the big evil robot you fight
Colette, Charlie, or Emz

Bull, Fang, or Biron

Nani or surge
After leveling Poco I realized how ass is to push trophies as a support. I wish randoms werent so retarded.
are any of the new hypercharges absolutely essential to obtain?
If you're a mortis player yes
how is this acceptable match making? what the fuck
I might actually not login for three days and only collect the megapig rewards after moe is out.
I got masters for the first time
With randoms or actual teammates?
Randoms, I have no friends above 40k
Meant for>>1557360
It doesn't matter for matches below 500 trophies. Try again when you keep getting brainlets choosing level 9 brawlers in Ranked
Which brawlers did you tend to rely on the most? Especially for bounty, I stuggle with that one the most rn
For bounty I typically use Brock if we need a sniper and gene with vision gear if we need a support or if I'm first pick. Otherwise I used meg and gale (mostly pre-nerfs), stu Darryl and spike (post-buffs) and barley as my thrower. I sometimes use Rico or Colt if the matchup is right, I don't trust my aim. Also had Jessie and Bo in the mix
Thanks for the insight! Funnily enough I just pulled Brock's Hypercharge just now, I'll make sure to give the vision gear a go since I tend to avoid picking it over the others
I don't have brocks hyper charge I've heard mixed reviews. And the pros love vision gear and especially for Gene. It's good on canal grande, flaring phoenix and double swoosh
are (you) guys buying the spongebob pass? im a big squidward fan so i have to give into superjews a little.
>paying money for mobile games
test test?
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Might as well, since these skins gonna be gone within a year from now
Don’t care about Spongebob and despise Mortis, so no
I haven't played this shit in years then I see an advertisement with SpongeBob. What the fuck happened to this game?

Free $1000 event currency.
thanks senpai
mandy and janet
byron, fang, draco
can anyone help my club do the event for the skin.i would appreciate it thanks. #2RY0Q2LRP
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just maxed out Bibi did I screw myself? whats her best build?
fortnite syndrome
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>"Crustaceo Cascarudo" (Brown spanish dub) instead of "Crustaceo Crujiente" (White spanish dub)
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>quejarse del doblaje castellano (inferior) al doblaje latino (superior)
en serio negro?
How did supercell even get the rights for SpongeBob for this update? It seems so bizzare
>first british brawler
>a literal sewer rat
what did they mean by this
>how did a billionaire corporation get the rights for spongebob
I wonder
>first british brawler
Bea, rosa, and sam exist
HOLY SOULL. WE ARE SO BACKKKKKKKKKKKK but why would you be playing it in spanish to begin with?

wtf is GX and why are they the worst players ever
ibb dot co/gVMR6vL who are the last 2 for next ranked season?
Wouldn't hurt to have a really long range brawler in there like Nani, Brock, or Piper.
>White Spanish
Spanish people aren't white and crujiente means crunchy/crispy not crusty
SpongeBob update is extremely AIDS
Looks like Nickelodeon is expanding its brand through gaming more than ever. They've done collabs with several games lately.
eh there is one annoyance i have
like did they have to make the main theme of the menu the spongebob intro on loop
its annoying
>turn off the music in settings
dont want to , i really just quickly go though the menu
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This update is the new fucking low, it's so fucking bad. I feel like my eyes and ears rust at looking at these cringeass afwul "le memey face" animations, my ears being raped by blackest jews ever. I hope you all will enjoy listening to this fucking brainwashing theme which will make you be obsessed with this retarded cartoon for mentally disabled.
This update was actually fun. Until people found who the broken brawler was. Now I'm just getting flashbacks to the Godzilla event.
who is the broken brawler?

I play with no sound but yes its still trash for f2p players
Colt, though that meatball powerup seems fucked on multiple brawlers. If he hits you with like 1 bullet. He's next clip homes onto you, heals him, and boosts his speed. I got an enemy Colt with a maxed out powerup 5 games in a row. Kicked my ass each game.
did spongebob rape and kill your family or something
Lou Chuck Willow or Eve for my next unlock? I'm not picking Willow
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good for heist, thats about it
really good for most modes, his hypercharge instantly freezes anyone inside (its massive)
dogshit in almost everything but brawlball
niche pick on maps that have water. not the worst
Bibi's a weird niche because she needs to be close range but her home run bat knocks people of of her range. She does terribly against lobster boy and you see him everywhere.

If you're really clueless, order is lou, eve, then chuck because anon is right.
You do know you can just.. play with no sound right?
but muh auditory reaction times
No kidding, not only are you not guaranteed free drops every day, but some abilities are straight up super overpowered. Colt/8-bit/Rico with chum in duels beats everything and it will continue to autoaim through bushes. Then in trio you can just have Berry heal up and reuse his super to get a ton of power cubes using the level 3 ability. It's a shame since trio showdown is much better than the other event modes they've made, but the shop and broken abilities make this event suck ass if you dont get any good offers for either.
haven't played ever since meg dropped and i maxed her out. every other brawler is maxed. someone want my account? i'd say it's a solid 3-4 years behind at this point.
maromi6 my discord gimme
I'm surprised people play with sound. I turned it on once and thought it sounded like a kiddie casino going off. Never again.
You sound autistic
You'll get used to it
I'm ready for the SpongeBob bullshit to be over. This shit is too much.
>A Legendary Starr Drop(aka a pin) and a power meal for 3900

Absolute kikery.
Just trying to get the patrick, mr crab pin and sandy skin.

I do like trio show and the map design so I hope that stay. Just need to get rid of the power cubes
>if you don't get a free SpongeBob meal you have to wait two days for another chance
Such a bizarre system. If you get lucky you only need to wait one day. It's like a double punishment
How do I get Patrick buzz out of my shop I want plankton Darryl please help
You need to wait, every two days it refreshes with new deals. I've gotten Darryl for a week straight now
health gear or shield for piper? im using the vision one and dont know if the +1 gadget use is even worth it

I just got a hypercharge+meal for 5k and have only 2k krusty sh8ittles
Shield for sure.
Finally, a decent deal. The hyper was bibi's.
health gear is only good for bonney, i wouldnt even use it on frank.

vision gear is for noobs, your supposed to run damage gear always always always always. if for some strange reason damage gear doesnt help you, maybe your playing a really retarded character like kit, stop playing kit.
>5k event currency for 5k gold item
>decent deal
>5k krusty blibles (its like 200gems) for a 70 gem hc

why? how is damage gear going to help a character that stays in the back at full hp like piper?
The event currency is worthless outside the progression it can buy. At least in this deal, the cost comes mainly from the hypercharge, not some ugly-ass cosmetics.
I just realized we will end up with a sum of unused Krusty cash at the end of the event. How would be the best way to min max it if the deals are quite random?
Spongeboob event has killed my interest in this game. Can't wait for the season to be over.
>vision gear is for noobs
>t. mythic player
I got this one for 4k. Shelly hypercharge sadly
Try to get cheap deals so the store can refresh more faster, the deals usually lasts 2 days, they can bring free skin bundles too
They are giving a power meal for free daily so dont bother to max them up msot players will max them in a week more
vision gear is for noobs, im masters

how is damage going to help piper? This is really a question.
>help a character that stays in the back
so you dont know how to play? just say so next time.
post id
What the shit, people are getting free hypercharge offers in the store. I've had nothing but free power meals.
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It has been 4 years since she was added. Say something about her
Terrible at blowjobs.
Horrible at finishing kills. Extremely overrated overall and only decent in some specific heist matchups
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Most fan-art of her she's EXTRA THICC
She's fun to play as with hypercharge, glad that she is somewhat meta
Honestly they should rework a star power so you can finish kills, the gadget is too shitty.
The spongebob event made me realize that shelly needs speed in her kit
You'll take your gadget dash and you'll like it.
I agree
dash gadget was always the better gadget
Should I spend 2.99$ for Brock hyper charge? I can't tell if it's actually better than his regular super
Eh, I wouldn't pay real money for it.
this game doesn't deserve a penny
you cant be serious.. Do I pay for the 30 gem pack? its 10 star drops I cant just "wait" for tomorrow cause this is not my account and the person that owns it will probably waste the krusty bills in something else
>spending money on gems to get 10 RARE rolls on a shared account plus a temporary buff
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I need a fun little game to play when I take a dump for 5 mins or the kids are occupied for 10-15 minutes.

This looks pretty neat. I also like quite a few of the characters.

Is this just a battlepass simulator or is it remotely fun to play for the sake of playing. NOT for the sake of grinding repetitively for a small reward.
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It's 50/50 on the stuff you said.
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Downloaded. Let's fucking gooooooo!

Also any newbie currency, gameplay, or character tips to start?
I forgot to ask.... from a new player perspective: Is rerolling beneficial or desired?

If so, current general aims for someone looking to have some fun?
Nah, don't reroll. Unlocking characters is your first goal and this will come with Starr Drops which is essentially the loot boxes of this game. You get 3 free a day by winning games but there's tons of ways to earn them. Find a character you kike and power them up. Try not to spread yourself thin early on.
upgrading a character to max level 11 costs about 3.8k of the pink upgrade points and 7.8k coins, but upgrading to level 5 only costs 180 points and 270 coins. This is the point of diminishing returns early on. Upgrade all your brawlers evenly to 5, then figure out which ones you like and focus upgrade those to 11.

Also, when a brawler has less than 100 trophies, all your matches using that brawler will be against bots. They will move like robots, shoot infrequently, don't aim, and send ":D" chats. Learn how they move and use it to your advantage for ez wins. The game gets a lot harder when you make it out of bot country, especially since matchmaking works on trophies rather than upgrades, see
Don't get divorced, lads.
I know it's probably too late now but in the future you can get 10 gems for free from the supercell shop every season
this games shutting down sooner then we thought?
yes but not with a shared account cause it asks for a confirmation email

I started playing this because my girl wanted to play together and its literally the best phone game Ive ever played, I didnt even know a phone game could be this good. best tip would be to upgrade shelly to power level 11 to get the free hypercharge they give every beginner account, and then when it makes you choose between darryl or the pink haired bitch just get darryl and get him to 9, then after that dont upgrade any other character past 9 till you get to diamond rank where u need 12 level 9's and then you could get other brawlers past that level once you know the ones you like or what is meta if you are playing ranked at that time
at a point the game will give you a choice between edgar and griff as a free character, do not pick edgar when you get this free choice, do not ever unlock edgar or play edgar. Theres a bunch of other brawlers like Hank, buzz, surge, rosa, mortis, kit, etc that honestly you should avoid unlocking and playing as well.
As soon as you unlock colt, its in your best interest to master playing him, try to reach r30 with him FIRST. If you are talented with colt then you can probably play this game more seriously.
New accounts are capped at diamond rank until they have 12 brawlers at level 9 or more
Not yet, we need that Persona 5 collab.
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have fun, reminder that large amounts of currency are available in mastery which you can see in each character. starr drops are easy to get, and be sure to log in daily with how often free shit is given out in the shop or event.

and remember to HAVE FUNNNN
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>Those sticker thingies from Korea
>Transformers (if you count Squad Busters)
What is Supercell collabing with next?
Is the sandy bundle going to keep increasing in price? It was at about 7g, then 8g, now it's around 9000 kursty dollars
which sandy bundle?
Yea, that one. That's how it started, but everytime I get more dollars, it goes up. For me, it's fuckin 9000 krusty dollars.
then why u not buying it at 4k or something?
just get lucky with your sales dipshit
I would've if I had the 4k at the tike lol. The price gradually increased as I collected more money.

Is this guy wort unlocking? it took me fucking AGES to get the credits required to get him, WHILE A BATTLEPASS IS ACTIVE, and then people tell you to "just play and brawlers rain from the sky as you play", do I get him and then have time to get the fomo samurai too or will it take me decades to get both and then someone like sandy like pic rel shows? I might let moe at power level 1 or idk just cause resources are scarce af now in my account. is he even being used in ranked and shit like that?

his attack seems broken as hell just because it splinters and shit
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cancer broken, will likely be nerfed soon
>will i have enough time to get the samurai
no, he will be legendary (3600 credits iirc)
>will it take decades
yeah. sandy too, since hes ALSO a legendary.
sandy sucks so dont go for him. moes great right now cus of his insane iframe but they gonna nerf the fuck outa it real soon so maybe skip moe to and save for the new guy or get someone whos actually good
The price is dependent on the crap they add in. That Legendary Starr Drop alone adds 5.6k to the price.
He is going to get nerfed in the next update, but he will most likely still continue to be good.
which one better? (not getting none of them probably xdd)

so u think nerfed moe will be better than nerfed clancy(ive got him at power level 10)+sushi ninja or not? I dont even really know what clancy is good for anymore
Correction: It's 3.9k. I mixed it up with Hypercharge.
If you care about progression only get the legendary drops or hypercharge drops. Otherwise get the skins.
>Which brawler is better
The meta changes every two months, just pick whatever you enjoy playing
So you think it's worth it? I'm new to the game so idk if I should.
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Mortis's hypercharge is the most game changing one ever released for a brawler. They way you can just win a game by sniping is insane, Mortis is suddenly usable.
>Mortis is suddenly usable
>when he already was the strongest, most braindead assassin in the game
I share my board with these retards
First legendary from a Starr drop, thought it was a myth. Unfortunately I only have 300 gold so I'm not leveling him up soon.
>>when he already was the strongest, most braindead assassin in the game
double retard
mortis is the original pokemon brawler, the fuck drugs you smoking omega retard?
dont play him, hes another mortis type character that sucks big donkey dong
shit bait
>pokemon brawler
this is who some of you faggots are agreeing with
Even a broken clock is right twice a day.
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what kinda scam is this?

the fuck is a pokemon brawler?
I'd pick a high number of regular Starr Drops over 1 Legendary drop starting off since you can unlock Brawlers from as low as an Epic Starr Drop. Legendary drops contain a lot of shit that isn't necessarily beneficial for new players like skins or Hypercharges.

Tl;dr Save your Krusty Kash for starr drops or a skin you like. Hypercharge and Legendary drops inflate the price too much.
Any brawler that changes the way the game is played in a very negative way for the team who has the pokemon. If both teams have at least one pokemon, then you are not playing brawl stars anymore.
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drop the ball by not doing this
>pokemon brawler
No matter how much you force it, it will never catch on
We prefer the term spic pick.
Teach Pokémon to understand

they gonna have a pokemon collab, bet your life on it
I'm trying to play the event but it doesn't load for me. Am I the only one?
Nah, the matchmaking is fucked as usual. They're going to again blame it on "servers being busy" instead of fixing their shitty programming.
nope same problem with me
you can "steal" free wins if you keep trying to que and restarting the game. im on stage 2 now cus of this. i think what happens is 6 ppl go into a game but the game just shows you stuck in endless que, so ppl are turning off phones etc and bots are playing the matches
i got squeak from a random starr drop. is squeak any good?
I think he's alright now with his new hypercharge. Not broken by any means, but probably above average.
Not very good
>Any way to cheese trophies for bad unupgraded brawlers
solos just camping u can get to 500-600 easily.
>shitty KK store
>store refreshes
>offers are even worse

Will the Kash exchange for gold after the event?
which ones do I get for progression?
For late game players, the answer is always bundles with hypercharges. For newer players, any bundles with mostly Starr drops or credits is probably fine too.
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Save for better bundles. Something with more Starr Drops and credits.
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is there even a better bundle than these? I just dont know which ones to get. I dont really want a "free" hypercharge for primo or tick, cause I barely have enough brawlers for playing ranked, and only a few 11s
why pokemon unite already exists
theres no need for one
if anything im betting on a cookie run collab cause these two fan-bases are sorta merged already so ive been told cause i dont play cookie run (not by choice i would be playing kingdom if my phone supported it)

if there were be a pokemon collab
the most realistic thing i want is a piplup mr p skin
the most unrealistic thing i want is a meloetta melodie skin (meloetta is only somewhat popular not one of the elites and the massive size difference couldn't make this work)
off the top of my head i could see
a buzz charmander/charazard cause of course
a kit meowth
a max pikachu
i dont think they would make a gus skin having spooky be driftbloon
Has anyone experienced a drastic decline in the quality of randoms ? I feel like this last year I play with nobody but actual lobotomized children. I was bas before but now nearly unplayable.
70% of the time people just go in a straight line and die over and over again the entire game or go afk after a couple of deaths doing that. What the fuck ?
Haven't played in like four years, think I stopped really having fun and completely fell off after switching phones.
Saw the Spongebob event, mild autist so decided to hop back in fresh.
...I had completely forgotten how sex some of the designs are. I'll play for at least a little longer, Supercell, nice work.
Colette my beloved forever, nothing could come close to how perfect her release was.
I always thought Janet and Rosa were pretty cool though.
Melodie, Lily, and Mandy are very interesting new characters.
Jessie and Bonnie were always cute and "cute"
Only a low-tier faggot, so I mostly dunno. Think I'll second Berry for new chars, not a furfag though, I swear. Other than that, Sandy and Leon. Gus is very "cute" new character.
Larry and Lawrie, maybe Lou and Surge.
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reminder that mandy canonically has a dumptruck and she isn't wearing puffy pants
Not a big decline, but I see some of those dudes at the lower trophy levels. I assmume they're bots or botish trying to sell spongebob accounts in the future.

Star drops are weak as hell for progression, but what else moves you forward. Late game is hypercharge. Not so late game, hypercharge, or if you feel like gambling, legendary star drops. Only complete noobs get helped by star drops, but they get helped by anything and any halfway decent clan will give more than enough of those to progress. Don't ignore the discount.

My thinking is what good are credits if you can't afford to gas up the characters?

Squeak is an off meta situational brawler, like Mr P, Pam, Nani. He's like a thrower, squishy, with great area control, but can't handle direct confrontation or rushdown very well.

Even after nerfs, he's amusing for trolling solo showdown, once you get his supers up. As a support he's got the problem that you need teamates that undersand how the fuck to play with him, eg to follow your pounces, or to take advantage of you in backpack mode.

With a solid teammate he's fucking amazing. He also is dependent on his star powers. Try him out of 5v5 brawl ball as your chances of finding ONE person who gets how he plays is higher.

Early server issues.

I'd skip all of those personally. They look terrible.

Wild guess. It's foolish to chase the meta. Samurai dude will take a while to unlock.
I dropped it hard when the beginner login event was one where if you miss just one day it locks you out forever. It seems things have changed a lot for it and Squad Busters since then. Also yeah I've had Colette in my account for about ten minutes and not only is she sex but her playstyle is fun
what bout these? the last one seems kinda good but dont know if I get to buy darryl plankton if I spend any more. kinda wanted gura leon but remembered leon is male
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k I got these 2. was it worth it? with the 10 stars one. as u can see I have only 13 epic brawlers, dont know what that means as of progression
Brawlers are the best thing you can get from star drops and Hypers are a good Legendary drop. You could have got a shitty Rare skin or an icon. Plus Bonnie is fun.
I haven't played since they first introduced the augments and a glitched 99x mega boxes for $1. Is the game any better or is Subpercell still a bunch of money grubbing goblins?
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I only had the Mr. Krabs skin show up for me ONCE at the highest possible price way back, now that I have enough event credits to purchase he refuses to show up again.
same for both the Mr krabs skin and sandy skin
as in the only two i actually want
like i got 15% off on the plankton skin but i dont play darryl
theres little point in buying a skin for a character you dont play you know
Hypercharges are the equivalent of 5 thousand fucking gold, and even if it's not one you like, it pulls it out of the draw pool. That's a good one. Jackie is a niche player only vialbe on certain maps and certain pick positions.

Bonnie is a hoot to play. Not meta, but is great at suckerpunching fools who don't get her mobility.
Finally got them all maxed out.
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how to save this account? who to upgrade for ranked/onetrickponying? is darryl to 11 the way to go or will he get nerfed to the ground because of these changes/its all bait..
also why is this place literally dead? if I asked this on reddit I would get 7000 answers in an hour but this place¿¿¿ where else can you discuss this game without being a redditor? that website is dogshit when it comes to posting shit or asking literally anytinhg
There's millions of games out there and only so many players. Only a fraction of those players seek out online communities, and only a fraction of them seek out 4chan of all places to discuss Brawl Stars. Despite its massive popularity(all spics) this just isn't a game with much to discuss. The meta changes often so go with who you're good with and get good with at least 10 brawlers. I personally like Buster but he's heavily team dependent and has no HC.
Haven't gotten a single Patty power up, Wild.
I can not wait for this season to be over. Haven't played shit since the SpongeBob AIDS took over
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Finally Tick getting the recognition he deserves.
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i know supercell is desperate for money but holy shit.
What did supercell mean by this?
>join a gem grab with a Kenji
>he has the fruit skin

Oink Oink.

I do not recognize the illegitimate state of Starr Park.
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This guy is literaly me
I can't believe people actually spend money on this crap
Bibi is supposed to be a joke character right? I cant imagine them being serious about a brawler with such a retarded design, tied with Penny for worst brawler in the game
Anyone care to spoonfeed me the best Jessie, Rico and Colt builds please? Either that or a trustworthy meta website
SP: The turret repair one.
GA: Either one. Faster turret is good for heist, the slowing one may be a bit better in other modes.
GE: Pet power buff and either Shield or Damage gear.

SP: Either one, I prefer the one that boosts damage.
GA: The one that shoots balls around him.
GE: Reload and either Shield or Damage gear

SP: The one that increases range and bullet speed.
GA: Both are good, but the wall breaking one is only good on certain maps.
GE: Reload and either Shield or Damage or Gadget+1 gear.
And for hypercharges, you should prioritize getting Jessie's first, then Rico's, and finally Colt's.
has the twitterbob shit ended? only reason im not playing. im feeling like grinding gold 3 on my beloved janet.
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spen stop shilling your shitty videos here I will dislike it
Colette in general is uncanny as fuck. She creeps me out
when will they collab with something i care? Do the fucking bs x valce games or something, they will probably do some capeshit next...
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The freakin' chinks whitewashed Nita
chink skins are so ugly and forceful, i only have guardian colt because he looks nice
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you want her to be a black chinese girl?
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I'm gonna miss the SpongeBob event.
I liked the event because it gave me three free hypercharges.
>New brawler is a pokemon
When will they stop doing this?
Let’s all give appreciation to Brock, the best sniper in the game. A sniper and controller in one.
As soon as you stop forcing this term
do I get this hyper now or wait and gamble to get a skin/hyper or whatever for 6/7K points in the few days remaining? it will probably be a tick mr krabs skin for 12k points and get me fuked
get it now
If you need the hyper, get it now. There's no guarantee you'll have a hyper available at all.

Moe and Kenji don't summon at all. Don't be an idiot.
I got it, got Rico's Hyper.
Rico is good for noobs and great for skilled players and his hyper is a very straighforward more rico for your rico.
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Why do women love this ship so much?
They can do a case study on Brawl Stars to show Mexicans / other spics have 80 iq (high end avg)
The power ups made it easy to push lower power level brawlers but were rape early in the event for f2p, better than godzilla event power ups, also way better gamemodes than the godzilla game mode. God that was shit. I enjoyed the event, just wish the shop was better
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I was playing nita and then switched to jessie for heist and then opened the hypercharge and got nita's. letsgoo111 won the 1/84
Turns out that unlocking Kenji isn't difficult at all when you get 2500 credits from 3 legendary drops.
>no rank boost
Thank god the cancer if finally over
the good think about no rank boost is that I get to play in masters lobbies
>final balancing patch before worlds
wtf is worlds?
>penny nerf
they better hurry up with her hypercharge then, superjews
How is increasing her range a nerf?
i missread it, time to kms
They keep slightly buffing Penny every update but i still feel like it's not nearly enough for her, in a meta of Kenjis and Moes and other brawlers that get up close and personal to deal damage her only defense is her 2nd SP, which is only meant to be used as a last resort anyway since it guarantees that your cannon will get destroyed since you're dropping it right on top of someone, she's been in the game for 6 years now and simply can't keep up with everyone else consistently
Penny is going to need ANOTHER rework, because they forgot the most important thing with her: her moveset.

Buffa will not help Penny because she's shit.

Although, I am surprised that Squeak got a buff. Squeak already does so much, that more is insane.

Kenji getting a slight nerf explains alot. I hope none of you spent money in him, as he'll probably get nerfed even further as it seems the shit devs don't know what balance is.
Surge only avoided nerfs because he has a silly brawl pass skin. He deserved a nerf just as much as gale chester and rat. They killed my maxed out brawlers this time
>no rico nerfs
Shit patch.
who in here is getting their level 11 or hypercharge? I dont even know if its worth it for someone that just got their 12 9's for ranked to upgrade a brawler if they are not unlocking their hc, so idk. maybe just jessie cause its obvious, and dont know if piper is better than gale now. maybe I should upgrade moe or unlock and upgrade sushi guy for ranked instead¿ or sandy
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This is a Silver 2 reward? did they just gave this skin away?
Level 11 is only worth it if you already got a hypercharge waiting to go, otherwise level 10 works just fine
Each season has a ranked skin. The skin has a 10% drop rate from those rank reward Starr drops.
>All of Mandy's skins have bugged projectile speed
>Except the one skin they added for ranked drops
What retard on the programming team keeps assigning attributes to each skin? Melodie just had the same issue
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Today i got a Brawl Pass discount offer (from 7€ to 3.49€), how often does this happen? I've never seen it before
Maisie still absolutely sucks I hate using her for quests
Only happens if you haven't made a purchase in game before I believe, or haven't bought bp before
Imo penny's kit could work well her primary just needs to split more often so it can be effective, and the cannon could use a faster projectile speed. Kenji isn't broken, powerful but there are better assassin's out there, I guess if you like Edgar Kenji is a much better alternative but other than that play mortis or something lol
she is absolute garbage
aiming doesn't help when her projectiles are so slow anybody over 14 years of age will be able to react
he wasnt talking about moe, moe is a brawler. kenji is the new pokemon
both of you are big retards, but im not against a penny buff
the gale nerf didnt change anything about gale at all, hes still your best bet for next 11/hyper
shes the best sniper in the game when you are good at aiming with her
Intermediate term Gale because he's a kenji counter. Piper requires aim, and you either slay with her or you don't. Very different role than gale. Darryl is a flexible tank in a meta where tanks are iffy ,but reasonable.

Jessie is safe for safes.

I'd go with Gale or Jessie. EIther is fine.

Erattically, and rarely. If they think you REALLY need a push to get a pass.
People still play this buggy unbalanced mess?
what's another good mobile game to play instead?
I dont know any other MOBAs for mobile but brawl stars is probably the worst out of the 4 big supercell games right now (CoC, Squad Busters, and Clash Royale being the others), all of those are way more fun to play than the current state of brawl stars
>more fun than Squadbusters

C'mon man.

BS is the least grindy/p2w out of all of those, except maybe squad busters, but I haven't bothered much with it so I can't speak on that. Cr is in its worst state ever, balance is trash, evos are unfun + heavily anti f2p, new cards are always broken and level 15 is still in the game. CoC is just a waiting sim lol. BS hasn't been well balanced in a long time but a game with this many characters isn't easy to balance. I can actually just play and enjoy this game whenever I want to without being raped cause I didn't drop tons of money on resources
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So am I upgrading gale, moe, kenji or jessie to 11?
Gale or Jessie because they have hypercharges. Choose the one you like playing more. If you don't intend to buy their hypers, then don't bother upgrading any of them to 11.
Both are pretty stable. Moe and Kenji will be unstable I'd take them to 10, unless you're full of gold anyways.
are there any 2 brawler combos that you can use with your girlfriend or something like that ? how come theres like no videos or posts about this anywhere? I just want one of us to not have to use any braincells maybe even some modes that are ez for teaming
It tends to be map specific. Just look at the 3 man teams. One obvious one is tank and healer. Thrower and anti assasin.
Opened t50 legendary star drop, got the good star power for Jessie. Not a hypercharge but it could have been worse
Like a camwhore, but fatter and takes more of your shit.

>not have to use any braincells

As in playing casually in Map Maker events? Then I'd suggest Mandy and Chester (If both of you have either already unlocked those two) in Duo SD 'cause that's what me and my younger sibling did exactly a year ago back when we were returning back to the game temporarily for old time's sake.
Lots of tryhards are pissed about the new trophy system changes.
the new system removes any reward for playing the game
It actually gives more rewards than before.
2025 roadmap
Should i claim all my trophy road rewards now?
No, they're not changing trophy road now.
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Based on new event announcement video, Penny and Ruffs are getting their hypercharges in the next update.
just the disgusting wintraders as it will be more difficult to get matched
gib bo hypercharge
I got the Leon hypercharge is it any good?
Who is a good complement to bibi? i main bibi and basically only play brawl ball and sometimes the map just sucks for her. what brawler should be like my "second main"?

If you want a thrower, then Dynamike or L&L. For a mid/long range, Surge, Gale or Stu, maybe.
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Apple leaked the next update's loading screen. It's going to be an Angel Edgar vs Devil Mortis thing.
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all these skins look like crap

>spike ?
Gene, probably.
By sucks I'm guessing you mean maps with lots of long range, and no cover.

Colt, Rico, Surge and gale are fairly long range, and farily viable.

Chester, max, and lola and are mid range fighting generalists, that are versatile, rarely the top pick, but viable in a variety of situations.
the promise of limited rewards finally convinced me to try hard enough
guess I won't be having any regrets now!
still extremely scummy, super$ell
Who cares? They're only ugly cosmetics anyway.
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The talk leaked again.
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Classic Siege format, but Angels & Demons will fight against each other by summoning spirits to fight for them

Players must collect amulets which are similar to bolts from Siege, the more you collect - more spirits will spawn!
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>Mythic Artillery brawler with 3 DIFFERENT MAIN ATTACKS: Grass (increased range), Earth (more damage) and Water (slow downs enemies).

>Super spawns a voodoo doll that will attack nearest enemy.

>Released on October 30th.

This is really fucking racist and it's going to get Supercell in trouble.
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Final member of Ghost Train trio, one of the Gus's friends,
He's an assassin that FLIES through WALLS! He has a wide
attack range, but if you aim directly at the opponent you'll
get extra damage (attack also goes through walls)

Nov. 29th
New hypers go to:
>both new brawlers can move across water
Pennybros... it's finally our time...
I can afford to buy three hypers. Thinking of going with Darryl, Stu, and maybe Penny/8-bit/Ruffs. It all depends on what the hyper charge rates are. I hope that Penny could charge her hyper as fast as Jessie does.
She's still hot
The new brawlers are both honestly pretty meh.
>This is really fucking racist
No. No more than Kenji or El Primo or Pam or Bull or Poco or a bunch of other cartoon characters.
>and it's going to get Supercell in trouble.
That depends on the bitches and how much they bitch.
best skin
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siege is better than knock out
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>This is really fucking racist and it's going to get Supercell in trouble.

what are you going do it about it chud
Hell yeah. We MOBA again.
ok just got my darrel to 11 pw but dont know what gear to put on him cause only damage seems decent
Is this worth it or am I going to get 2 bad randoms while playing poco in bounty and waste my gems? I only care about the star drops but ill probably get 50 coins anyways so idk
Free Hypercharge
Don't bother if you're going to play with randoms.
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How do I get any other brawler aside from sandy? can I just not reclaim any credits and hopefully get any of the new ones or are them million of months away?
I think you can just wait for Juju and not claim anything, that's what I did with Kenji at least
You can't. If you want to get a new brawler, there will be an option to switch or transfer credits to that brawler when it gets released
dmg is ofc the best, then health to survive the early game while you charge super without having to give up your position, then speed for grassy maps.
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>Cartman Lou is 199 gems and not for sale with bling
>First they add Dr. Goblinstein who has a big nose and is protected by a golem
>Then they add Eric Cartman, a famous antisemite
What did supercell mean by this?
You can now send in your predictions for the first day of WC.
I think they could fix Nani's hypercharge by increasing the explosion radius of her super the bigger it gets.
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I beat it and only continued twice. Not bad for 18 gems.
I had 2 more wins to get it. Fucking random are garbage. Who are you guys predicting for the event?
I just vote for whoever has the best stats
Yea I did the same
Some people have already been opening the new hypercharges from boxes even though they were not supposed to come out until after the world finals. Do the players at the finals use their own accounts? How is supercell going to prevent them from using the new hypers during matches?
>12 coins
>62 coins
>28 coins
>108 coins
>shitty pin
>shitty pin
>shitty spray
>103 double xp

who the fuck cares? Are you really worried about a competitive event for a fucking toilet game? I hope everyone participating gets raped to death by a nigger, and you as well for supporting this trash
yes :) you want me to care about your opinion instead or what? fucking attentionwhore
your fucking lucky one of my boxes were literally
coins and 1 spray
I saw someone in my game has the Penny hypercharge already how??? Are they gonna put em in the shop for 79 gems again?
How does the new trophy system work? Do I just need to get 1 character to 1,000 trophies and trophies after that with said character turn into the rainbow trophies?
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every. single. update. game wont open after update drops. nice
bluestacks gives me just a grey screen ldplayer is impossible to set the controls/doesnt work the same way as bs
Usually they would be in the shop already, but this time they're going to wait until world finals are over. Because of their shitty coding, some people opened them from the dead boxes, though.
Damn, the most I have is 650~ on 1 character. Unrealistic for the time being.
The rewards are shitty anyway. Just some cheap cosmetic stuff, no coins/gadgets/starpowers/hypers. You're not missing out on anything.
>4500 projectile speed (faster than any sniper) feels weird and unnatural to dodge as well as being lightning fast
> damage rivals piper
> shots mark enemies so they take double damage from everything
> has a gadget to execute anyone marked beneath 1400 hp that you’ve shot in the last 5 seconds, hits multiple targets
> super 2 hit kills everything and one hit kills most brawlers
> gadget charges this super instantly
> all cheese brawlers like kit and Edgar are on suicide watch
> 10000 hp
> normal move speed except with super
> no hypercharge to steal from characters power budget.
> fly over water
So rt is simultaneously a great sniper, support, close range insta kill team wiper, melee counter, and kills you through walls in 2 ways. I’m saying it here the only reason he hasn’t been nerfed is because his projectile is weird and chuds don’t take the time to learn it. Also he’s sort of unsightly
Oh yeah I forgot he can also steal groups of cubes remotely the second the game starts
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Spike is thicc
The 10 free dead boxes finally dropped, had any luck with them anons?
No, not really. Two skins and a starpower I'm never going to use anyway.
4 Halloween skins and a star power. Better than expected 2bh
It's available in training grounds. And no, the gadget doesn't fire two cannonballs per target, just one.
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i want players like these be inflicted with "daisy's destruction" type of the pain. This nigger got 0 kills and 9 deaths on the fucking bounty map as the mortis
Bro it's just a game bro
World Finals start tomorrow. Now's your last chance to go insert your predictions for free hypercharge and some starr drops.
I had two dumb shit that went 1/7 and 1/6 on gem grab

all this before leveling up on rank as well
Unfortunately I have to unlock swaths of mid brawlers to get to him
First match is underway. Do you think we'll see Kenji even a single time today?
Huh, looks like they're allowing players to use the new hypers in the world finals. The players didn't have much time to get used to them.
>3 out of 4 picks wrong

Once I get my 1000 points I can stop watching right?
NEW THREAD >>1596574
Why do you even bother trolling people in a dead general on a dead board?
why does your post glo?
Pushed Mico to nu-rank 30 from 0 trophies in one day, i feel like they did something to matchmaking
His projectile is awful and there is nothing to "learn", it just has a very small hitbox. It doesn't feel "weird and unnatural to dodge" at all, you just need to juke. When it comes to ease of hitting an enemy projectile speed is not the only factor, the projectile's width is even more important. See Byron: he is notorious for being the sniper with the easiest time hitting people, and his projectile speed is awful, but it is compensated by his projectile width. R-T is the exact opposite because although his projectile speed is stellar the width is so atrocious that it can enter the brawler's red circle and still not hit them (the hitbox is smaller than the projectile itself).

In Kairos's test his auto aim range was 4 tiles which placed him in 31st position (of 65 brawlers released at the time). Do you have any idea how awful it is to have 4 tile auto aim for a brawler with the greatest projectile speed in the game?

This makes R-T an unreliable brawler, especially when played at a high level where people know how to juke. The main reason people pick him is his super. It obliterates tanks without any room for counterplay.
I forgot to fucking vote for round 2 fuuuu
Have you been living under the rock? They changed that until you reach 1000 trophies for a brawler, you hardly lose any. When the seasonal resets happen, any brawler over 1000 trophies will be reset to 1000, but nothing else resets.
>Zeta lost

Fucking shitters

If you vote for the MVP after each match, you get 400 points from that alone. You can get another 300-500 just by pressing the emote cheer button during games.
Yea I figured that out. I can also vote for the teams right before the match, plus trivia questions after the round.

Yes, the matchmaking changed. Up until now the game took total trophies in account, so if you were over 40k trophies you would only play against teams with at least one person with over 40k (and the other 2 would have at least 20k)

Now it only considers the brawler's trophies. Total account trophies are a non-factor. And from 1000 trophies on it doesn't even consider the brawler's trophies, it's 100% random.

Basically if you have a good account with lots of total trophies the game should be much easier now.
People kept complaining that Mortis is broken with his hypercharge, but literally no one is playing him in the finals.
Kenji has better lifesteal.
Sure, but they don't pick Mortis even when Kenji is banned.
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where are you people voting on trivia, mvp and shit like that?
also is this fine?
Mortis got nerfed
As someone who's been watching pro brawl stars since yesterday I think it's really anyone's game
I think Tara is pretty underrated right now. Her hyper can destroy so much grass and walls.
The trivia and MVP pop up live at the end of each match and you only have like 30 seconds to answer. You also get 10 points per game for posting a pin reaction while it's live.
for fucks sake retards
You're the retard. "Brawl Stars" in not written in anywhere on that thread. It won't come up when you search the catalog. You really shouldn't make new threads if you don't understand how this site works.
New thread since the other guy is an apex retard.

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