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Previous: >>1571840
Your source of the juiciest dramas about gacha games. Anything goes---your sentiment about the gacha industry, schizo takes, conspiracy theories, MTL screenshots from obscure Chinese forums, or just random gacha related topics that don't fit in a specific general.
nice general faggot
r/gachagaming 2.0 general
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BIG GACHA DRAMA!! (Very creditable)
b-b-b-but snowbreak makes 500% more than what they say
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we live in a society
It's really funny that they dug their own graves.
>high paying career
>not having to deal with retarded kids
>not having to deal with moids
>near infinite amounts of money to spend on husbando
yeah it sounds terrible
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Women are still criticizing the March 7th figure. Men aren't allowed to enjoy anything apparently.
>turns out womyn were advising for martiarchy instead of equality
Whoa really churns me nogging.
I told you it was a bad idea to give women the right to vote
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To hate femoid is one thing, to feel oppressed is something else
So true, sister! Becoming crazy cat lady is a dream to all female, that's why cat lady is always full of smiles and having fun.
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>mogged by a 2d png collector
shitbreak bros...
OK but seriously, how the fuck did HSR beat Genshin Impact during a new region release? Is HSR just the undisputed king of Hoyo now?
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I found an interesting post on the contradictions of mixed toilet games, and since the chink MTL is somewhat readable I'll post it

Second-game = Anime games, in this context refers to anime gacha games
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>Mixed toilet games, meaning games that have no explicit target audience and try to pander to everyone, are inherently contradictory because they demand the coexistence of players with incompatible demands
>The biggest source of conflict in mixed toilets is between male and female players, because overall men and women have very different tastes, and it's impossible to produce content that pleases both at the same time
>In mixed toilet communities there are also groups who cannot coexist with male players no matter what, such as women who just want to destroy everything that panders to men, but the mixed toilet company will listen to them regardless
>Thus, mixed toilet communities inevitably fall into endless conflict, because groups of players will fight for the right to be heard and make the company pander to them more over other groups
>Men may think they will be pandered the most to because they spend the most money, but in fact companies treat them as obedient animals who will spend money no matter what, so companies instead seek to pander to more unknown groups to try and get them to spend more money
>Due to this, mixed toilets are inherently fraudulent: men will pay more but enjoy fewer services, while women and sexual minorities enjoy more services while spending less
>In the end, to try and control the community and hide their fraudulent nature, mixed toilet companies often engage in animal husbandry, raising dedicated players who suffer from sunken cost and will thus attack anything they see as a threat to the game and the company
>play it safe(12+ age rating)
>made to attract normalfags
>spend more on advertising rather than the game itself
>attract normalfags
>didn't pay homage to the culture they trampled over
>attract normalfaggots
Women couldn't handle having to share some of the pandering with men, and started obsessively shitting on everything men like, leading to a huge divide in the fanbase for the games. Both sides got more and more extreme, and now either side throws a bitch fit whenever it's not their turn to be pandered to.
It has been ever since they left genshin in dead months to shill HSR to their players.
I'm suddenly reminded of how old and former fans of companies like Blizzard and Bethesda who always bemoan how their games became more casualised as they became more popular.
When you think about it, Mihoyo basically speed run how such a game company explodes into popularity by making games that have more and more mass appeal over serving their niche fanbases. It's still evident now if you look at how much safer their games tend to get from their early days (GGZ) to their initial big hit (HI3) to mass success (GI), and it all happen within a decade.
>make mmo
>slowly over the years remove social aspects of the game and replace them with LFG
Game unironically went to shit if you didn't gave a stable guild to raid or do other things in.
>openly normie game
>targeted for normies
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the gacha market was so niche back then that FGO and GBF were considered high quality games that people would eat up every shit practice the devs implemented
Because the devs know how to balance the pandering
Are you fucking serious?
GBF is no longer one of top jp gacha games anymore after full fujo pandering.
once again proving that straight male gachaniggers have legitimate shit taste since they dont want to support a game that is apparently heavily pandering to the straight male audience and also has actual gameplay instead of mindless button mashing
Ah yes, the “gameplay” where I press auto clear?
>gacha drama
>it's all just chink being drama queen
Laughing at the absolute state of china gaming industry who keeps self sabotaging itself
despite everything china gaming is still thriving more than the west and jp
Buying your way to the top and keep burning money to keep your soulless slop going with fake popularity is not the definition of thriving.
concord burnt more money than the whole cn gachaslop scene
Said the guy who never even played the games
The real question is why do they HAVE to make as much as they do.
>Said the gay who never even played the games
greed is good
lol, the more they try to recruit from genshin leavers the harder the shitstorm will be on the devs when they learn how much the higher ups hate them.
you have to understand that fate was always a woman's franchise. nasu made it for women, as opppsed to tsukihime for men. this was back when "mixed toilets" was the meta in VNs, so we had a male mc. the three women were intended to be inserts: two still are, the last one became the waifu of one of the devs so nasu toned things down for her.
FGO otoh was meant as a datesim for males from the start. things changed when they noticed a ton of females joining of course. then you have femoids with agendas eating at it from the inside but a jap wouldn't notice.
the reason it elides controversy however is because women in japan don't freak out over female sexuality anymore. at least not the ones who obsess over a decades old porn franchise. the devs deserve flak, but there's no reason to be mad at women.
as for granblue it's fucking dead.
how can you both have a desire to cull undesirables and keep it going with capital at the same time? trick question (on your part), they're not the same thing, midwit.
obviously capitalist devs are retarded wherever you go.
holy schizo babble
Back when those games released the majority of their audience was still male otaku, so the contradictions from being omnipandering weren`t yet so evident. Now nowadays GBF is the prime example of the contradictions that arise from trying to omnipander.
they arent ready for this truth bomb
Where even in the charts is that?
not mobile game
Once again, Azur Lane is a fucking phone game bro. This meme chart is only for iOS 'estimate' with made up android number. Snowbreak has been consistently toping Steam chart every time a new patch is dropped. No one is paying for Azur Lane on fucking emulator. Same thing with LnD, almost all games with a PC/PS4/5 version mog it.
Most PC players aren't even playing on Steam. Snowbreak has a separate PC client.
You're literally replying to a mentally ill homosexual that got mindbroken by Genshin only releasing two male characters a year. He doesn't even care about Love and Deepspace, he'll never play it since it's a game for straight women that bans all gay shit. He's just using it to vent his frustrations over the reduction of gay shit in his favorite games. Same about Snowbreak, he only gives a shit to it to the extent that he can cry about "incels", as if him being a gay incel is any better.
I think the problem starts when they're doing at the expense of male players. Genshin with its censorship for female characters (no receipt from CCP), long period of no new female limited characters, recent wanking of douchebag and/or faggy looking male characters, mandatory lesbian baiting, treating the main characters like shit, female protagonist. Genshin was the boulder that broke the onmipandering camel's back.
I can't speak for FGO, but omnipandering in GBF played a massive role in killing that game. Back when the game was in it's prime, it had one gay character, and she wasn't even gay, she was bisexual, a yandere in love with one of your teammates that you could fix and have her fall in love with you. Now compare that with modern GBF and multiple annual LGBT gay couples that get added.
woah slow down with the projection...
It's a well known schizo in /gig/, feel free to ask there about him.
>unironically browsing /gig/
It seemed like Naruto would remain glued to the top, what gives?
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Don't forget to spend.
Spend on what? Every game there is in a dead week.
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its so over
r/gachagaming worships MHY though
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>Snowbreak has been consistently toping Steam chart every time a new patch is dropped
>Snowbreak has been consistently toping Steam chart every time a new patch is dropped
Snowbreak has less peak players than RTS games. The fuck do you think they are topping?
You don't need a reason to spend. The store is open all day.
>S-Snowshit is a PC game
Explain why Genshin had no issues topping mobile charts despite being shit to play on phones.
genshin has been flopping all day
Still makes more money than Snowshit. Your point is?
>game with more players makes more money
wow, still flop tho
>Game has less players less revenue less fanart less clout less content creators less views
Snowshit flopped harder kek
still makes more than enough to trigger genshit's director lmao
Take your meds, no one cares about Snowshit. The very nature of the game already sabotages its chances of making it big and becoming relevant.
There's no need for outside intervention.
>no one cares about Snowshit
Tell that to Peng Bo
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>Take your meds, no one cares about Snowshit. The very nature of the game already sabotages its chances of making it big and becoming relevant.
>There's no need for outside intervention.
Man, you should have seen the stage of GBF lately, they're leaning a bit too heavy in the fujo buck that it's starting to backfire on them.
yes. It keeps hitting #1 in Japan and top 20 globally on the Top Sellers chart every patch even with that tiny player base.
you care enough to spend time here shitting on it
>open thread
>nothing but ceemonkey seethe about snowbreak
Did usual chinese faggots all get banned for racism?
makes me wonder if PS store is exactly the same, anything can top the chart cause no one spends in game that much
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>Original post is about Azur Lane vs Snowbreak revenue on mobile meme chart
>Get told Azur Lane is only mobile and Snowbreak is cross platformed.
>suddenly moved the goal post to Genshin
Post more, clown (singular). Thread is livelier when we're all here to laugh at you.
>in reality
>#152 in top sellers
Dunno. I know the Snowbreak devs have mentioned in the past that about 70%~ of their revenue comes from PC. So their own client and steam.
ToF revenue comes exclusively from PC now.
Console is a easier medium to get into since it is cheaper, but wouldn't it also be competing with CoD and shit with their microtransactions?
Not sure why he brought up emulators, I almost exclusively play AL on MuMu and only really log in on my phone to do researches and commissions while I am at work.
>Take your meds, no one cares about Snowshit.
He said, in his eleventh post in this thread crying about Snowbreak and his three hundrendth and seventy fifth post on /vmg/ in general crying about Snowbreak LOL
Today isn't a new patch and I see >>1585170 shared a screenshot of the August patch release in Japan.
It doesn't stick up there for more than about a day but it does get there just as the other guy claims.
They're funneling all the revenue into their normalfags game(mecha break), please understand...
hitting #1 for one day in a single region on a chart that includes games with different business models (microtransactions vs no microtransactions) doesn't mean your game is making a fuckton of money
snowbreak in its entire lifetime will never make as much as wukong despite your chart implying otherwise
Why does this guy keep changing the game he is trying to compare Snowbreak too?
>look my game isn't flopping it's higher than wukong!!!
Dont clown on him too much for seethe endlessly at snowbreak or he will cry to janny again.
Why is he seething so much at a game that he considers irrelevant? I'm pretty sure he's in other threads too doing the same shit.
>can't accept the fact that its game is flopping and has to make up excuses and copes to defend it
>"n-n-no u mad"
stop pretending your game is bigger than it is if you don't want it to get mocked
>anti gbf schizo disappeared
>anti snowbreak schizo showed up
im noticing
>I'm pretty sure he's in other threads too doing the same shit.
That would explain a lot, there was a wuwa thread on /v/ about a week or so ago, someone brought up snowbreak(the topic at the time was (You)-pandering and other examples besides Shorekeeper), this one schizo started ranting about snowbreak for at least an hour afterwards
You don't actually think getting top on fucking JP is worth noting, right?
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Don't mind me bros, just waiting for the opportune moment to dominate the gacha market.
Don't tell me that the anti-waifu Revenoopag that was mass shitposting both /vg/ and /vmg/ was Shay all along.
>fate was always a woman's franchise
Yeah that's why nobody gaves a shit about Prototype including TM.
The only time I hear that thing mentioned is when a gay wants to beat someone down for claiming Yuel or Societte as a waifu when the website itself calls them friends. https://rising.granbluefantasy.jp/en/characters/detail?char=yuel
But you're wrong since it has apps for both Google Play and iOS.
Neptune and Varuna were showed off as a couple last summer.
I know nothing about that. What do you think I was arguing?
I didn't say it was a good idea
thanks for the intel, I never would've known.
Azur lane dev, Manjuu, said they make at least 85% of the revenue in merch, seems like Snowbreak lost anyways.
Why not get an actual girlfriend?
>roastie hands typed this post
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I can't. Plain and simple.
Real women are expensive and 90% a huge pain in the ass.
t. girlfriend haver
I'd rather avoid the very awkward conversations for shit like "I'd love to meet your friends", etc. Way cheaper just to buy a costume for a gacha girl and call it a day as well.
More expensive than any gacha.
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alright, lets settle this on what gacha you play. Lets find out of your words match your action
same reason why femcels dont get bf
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>omni gacha wont sell!!!!
>makes less than genshin, hsr, zzz
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I prefer my virtual harem and ascetic lifestyle
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I don't get it. Why is AL being antagonized over? Manjuu is doing fine with their pandering, and I'm happy with the current state of the game.
Snowbreak shizo in CN think Manjuu is now part of the "Consortium" to take down snowbreak
I tried but I'm a 3/10 at best.
Uhh this is the same Manjuu that has been forced and censored countless times and fucked over by their competitor right?
Reality can't beat fantasy
AL censors are faked like genshin's is faked: no official evidence.
they've also added cuckold insignia to character art using the contrast trick.
of course these are more points of ridicule; nothing to antagonize over. that's a different issue altogether
eversoulbros, not like this...
trash wanted play integrity and I'm not about to play a phone game on a PC. it also bans vpns and excludes many countries.
When an uppity AL tard comes to the thread to argue about revenue against another game without taking all the variables into account he's asking to get pummeled in the mouth.
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>ablu blu blu muh variables so thats why im gay and your game is doing le bad
how compelling
>genshin that low
Lol. Lmao.
Everyone in here is a closeted genshinplayer.
takes one to know one
>my invisible numbers are better than your invisible numbers
zoos and kurokeks said 90% of their revenue came from pc.
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Infinity Nikki beta test will start tomorrow...
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... AP needs to speed up their work unless they want to lose lots of potential female customers
It looks fun desu. I wonder why there aren't more dress up games, that sounds like an untapped market.
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>Infinite Nikki
>female customers
me on bottom right
which reddit thread did you steal this from
Me on the left.
Yeah, it's a funny cope, lol. Especially in ZZZ case. Because it's easy to play it in smartphone.
Good. I don't want tourist invade AP fanbase like WuWa. Imagine getting angry because MC is the center of the world.
>he doesn't know
Imagine thinking all story focused fiction needs to make the protagonist the center of the world.
>No!!! MC should be ordinary/camera!
KYS, troon. Imagine unable to self-insert as an important person. How much of a loser are you?
Me on the top
Eh in their previous games like 95% of their player base are women
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This isn't factually true. I've played this game since its launch, so take that as you will. The game was at its peak around 2020-21 with the release of Formidable, and it was becoming more lewder before it got reported, if not by AK, then by another competing ship game. The sentiment was shared by YZ (the GFL developer), who also had to remove damaged lewd skins from their game. It got to the point where two bitter fanbases found common ground. AL had the opportunity to expand better into JP and globally if not for the censorship issues. They had to remove Akagi, not to mention Kaga's VA controversy, and since launch, Axis-aligned ship names have been censored in China. It's been downhill ever since, and only last year did it seem like the restrictions were lifted. Now, they don't seem to care what the CN player base thinks, and designed stuff globally first before thinking about CN since there's uncensor patch anyway. Bit too late for that honestly.
I followed their social media and it seems the developer were a bit frustrated every time they released stuff around 2023 where they often had to place an actual cat between girls crotch as some sort of in-joke and form of censorship and released the actual design draft few days later regardless of backlash. To me, it's quite clear they do not want to do that.
This game has PC version with fairly high system requirements so they're aiming for the male market as well.

Infinity Nikki is a mixed toilet which is why I don't recommend anyone to touch that game unless devs explicitly say they will only pander to males.
developer or contracted artists?
I don't know why you're trying to dismiss my points. none of what I said is directly refuted by any of your blogposting.
Dev, they also included in their anniversary artbook. If the artist who did it then they already got the permission. All I'm saying is that it's not by their own volition to censor stuff, also I've had never heard of this cuckold symbol other than the occasional nipples if you squint hard enough. It's fucking stupid they blamed Manjuu for something out of their control.
I play Snowbreak. I have nothing against AL and hope AP ends up being a good game. I just disagree with the notion that AL outsold Snowbreak because 70%+ of Snowbreak's sales come from PC. If AL actually did outsell Snowbreak, I would have no issues with it. Someone said 85% of AL's sales come from merchandising. If that statement is actually true, then good for them. I assume whoever tries to pit two games against each other that have no reason to fight is a third party falseflagger.
NTA and I am not sure where the 85% number came from, but considering how much merch they sell and how often they release it, I would be more willing to agree with maybe 40%. Either way more money being in harem style games be that Snowbreak or AL is better.
The only time I remember merch sale members being directly mentioned is the Kashino mousepad that started a silicon shortage. Just the mousepad alone made nearly $1m
>Just the mousepad alone made nearly $1m
That can't be real lol, they announced a life-size mousepad last anniversary.
>i'm not mad
>b-but my game's better!
yeah definetly a falseflagger
>Infinity Nikki is a mixed toilet
Are there males in the game?
>not sure where the 85% number came from
5th CN anniversary stream. Manjuu stated that they spend lot of money on other shit like merch, anime, blu-rays, etc. because it's more profitable than the game itself.
NPC only.
Calling the game mixed toilet just because you don't like it is stupid.
The mousepad cost somewhere around $500, they said they got nearly 2000 sales from it.
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It's a mixed toilet because Infold games is trying to expand Nikki's audience towards male gamers, just look at the game having a PC version that requires a fairly good computer to run well and the kind of memes they're advertising on Reddit with. Yet they also want women to play the game, so unless males organize a takeover of Infinty Nikki's communities, expect them to be completely filled with women, and the company will only ever listen to their suggestions.
You can play it if you want, but don't try going into the communities to ask for something like sexier clothes for Nikki because women and trannies will stop you immediately. And any money you spend will not go towards content that panders to men.

I'd suggest just waiting until Roco Kingdom release instead or waiting for Infold's next game Ballads of Antara which clearly has male audience in mind.
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The game was clearly not meant to pander male only - it's a dress-up game first. I guess the anon who posted it just want to stir stuff but I also don't get it why you are so ass-mad that different kind of game also exists. Roco kingdom is also mixed slop by your definition. At least Nikki has cute PC you can dress up with I guess, though the genshin combat doesn't really enthuse me.
He's one of those rabid fags who spend too much time translating chink rambling on nga. Waste your bandwidth somewhere else.
You need to go back to r*ddit
I'm not mad about anything I'm just speaking the truth, I plan to give Infinity Nikki a try myself but again don't expect Infold to listen to anyone but women and trannies. And Nikki's combat is just mario fireball spam from what I've seen, it seemed very basic off the trailers

>Roco kingdom mixed slop
Pokemon has always been majority 90% male players so no I don't expect the game to pander to women.
>don't expect Infold to listen to anyone but women and trannies.
I don't think anyone expects that, your ramble is meaningless
I mean everyone expects that
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>Le girl game listens to girl
No way
everyone is you and the voices in your head lmao
Unless I can dress her like a total slut I'm not interested
>it's a dress-up game first
so can my girl run around in pantyhose?
The problem is not the MC at the center of the world but the way Kuro writes the story and the lack of interactions between the playable characters, apart from the scenes with Chixia, Yangyang and Baizhi, the rest of the playable characters are practically non-existent, especially the 4*.
1.2 was a perfect opportunity for the characters introduced up to that point to interact and Kuro didn't know how to make the most of the opportunity.
1.3 is not a bad quest but Kuro focused more on the ML than on the plot so much so that 2/3 of the quest seems more like a companion quest than a main one and essentially making Shorekeeper a character totally dependent on the Rover.

There are players who want playable male characters but it is not their fault, Kuro's marketing has always been oriented to both genders and their first limited character was Jiyan and during the main quest there are characters like Skar and Geshu Lin who have the appearance of future playable characters.
I'm surprised so many are playing BA, that game is seriously garbage
peak story tho
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glad we agree
>It's a mixed toilet because Infold games is trying to expand Nikki's audience towards male gamers
delusional nigger they aren't gonna pander to an unprofitable audience.
the entire nikki series is for women
>those fucking trannies are going to get in the way of me playing a barbie dress-up game
I just want a gacha that sexualizes lolis.
look through fanza, you'll find some
>Pokemon has always been majority 90% male players so no I don't expect the game to pander to women.
Raihan is the most popular character barring Ash.
I used to play Magicami JP. Akisa was great ngl.
And? Akechi is the most popular male character in Persona 5 besides Joker and the most popular among women but that doesn't mean Persona isn't a overwhelmingly majority male series.
And I'm talking about the entire franchise including female characters. Raihan and Leon mog every single female in Pokemon.
Nigger even Vaporeon is more popular in porn and quality art than Raihan, Ash and Leon. I know you are the yumetranny spamming this thread but at least try to coherent
>Raihan and Leon mog every single female in Pokemon.
HAHAHAHAHAHA, Sure bro lol
her NTR porn is hot
>b-but the porn
BA isn't popular.
By that logic neither is Genshin
Genshin is relevant outside of porn and gooners aren't the ones carrying the game either.
>Genshin is relevant outside of porn
Maybe in 2020 at best.
>gooners aren't the ones carrying the game either.
They're the only ones who care
And BA is still doing successfully for what it is, being a popular gacha. What's your point?
>gooners aren't the ones carrying the game eithe
Honestly I don't even know who are carrying the game now.
>What's your point?
That female gacha characters don't make money and that only male gacha characters sell millions. So every game needs to become love and deepspace in order to make money.
Honestly, this is how I rate the story Good story>>>>>Story that wanking MC(me)>>>(Bad) Well written story. For games, I don't have high standard, but Chink story is really bad, that they aren't passable for me. Too much random jargon that doesn't need to be there fucked up my understanding of the story.
>Lack of interactions between the playable characters
Yup, you're a woman alright. Good story for me is plot driven, not character driven. I agree that "romance" between MC and other should be in the side story(companion quest).
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Limbus is objectively the only gachashit with good story, the rest is bad or just right.
>woke feminist gacha
Fuck off
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>azur lane release at minimum 100+ figures each year
It's shit
Wasn't there a massive drama a year ago when they fired a woman that worked for them because she was a feminist and Korean incels send death threats and threatened to boycott the company? Then after that happened all the Korean female fans of the game started boycotting it instead and it's now seen as a toxic incel chud game over there?
i know you can't handle the truth.
Still not playing the woke garbage.

Figures are shit. Save your money.
>/pol/tard is a poorfag
that explains a lot.
>muh /pol/
Haven't been there since the 2020 election
>Chixia, Yangyang and Baizhi
All three of them took a notable step back into the plot which is my problem with WuWa is that instead of telling a story with a strong central cast they are going with Genshin's regonial pump and dump.
I bet the trannies that seethe over Snowbreak at every opportunity are pissing themselves now.
>snowbreak finally won at something
>it's the most schizophrenic community award
sure they are...
>Search archives
>Poll only posted here
>The local chink schizo containment thread
It's not the win you think it is.
It's not popular.
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Genshin Inspat!
That's just shorts isn't it? Better than their low effort spats and diapers.
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>B-but genshin is for troons! Oh, my narrative! Save me, snowshit!
Don't worry Snowshitbros we are still making 500% more than them on TI86 platforms
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this looks fucking horrible
when otaku devs want to lure male players back but the female manager is hardcore feminist
is she made out of stretchy putty or whats going on there lol
>otaku devs
The only thing they care is pushing homosexuality.
I'm saying who added the cats, not who let it through. who the fuck cares if they let it through? do y ou just have no capacity for logic? what does it matter to the artists if china or the devs were the one to do it?
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New Snowbreak cosplay drama! Already Snowbreak players are asking Seasun to just not hire cosplayers anymore.
coswhores are truly the cancer of otaku culture
they can keep releasing these shitty waifubait characters for all i care, it's not going to make me go back and play their shitty games while i can just coom to their porn
genshin has no straight porn
>we don't need ads!
why not prove it by spending moar?
Feminists aren't humans
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What went so wrong for ZZZbros? They literally have the sexiest designs compared to GI and HSR
It's not ML like LADS.
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>Western fans are dissatisfied with the heterosexual setting of the character in "ZZZ": She should be a lesbian
>give them 2 erotic lesbian videos with the rat
>still complain
This is why omnipandering doesn't work. One side will always be upset the other side gets something and then proceed to bitch and whine about it.
>homos ruin another game
Funnily enough before the rat ZZZ had no shipping or yuri or anything of that sort, the devs had even removed yuribait dialogue from the beta between Nicole and Nekomata. It was such a shame, really.
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>(((Western fans))) are dissatisfied with the heterosexual setting of the character in "ZZZ": She should be a lesbian
mihoyo is healing.
No, Jane was shipshit and yurishit and her story had you as a cameraman, she also flirted with a female npc and the female MC(not the male MC), ZZZ reverted to the standard homoverse agenda.
>but it has some straight pandering
So do their other two games.
>chinkcels tell you to hire non feminist cosplayers
>you hire Lily European Prince
...and what does it have to do with caesar?
Well Jane came before Caesar so Mihoyo cant be healing because I am schizophrenic
You said mihoyo is healing because of Caesar's straight pandering when that's not the case, their other games have some straight pandering too despite being homofests.
>What went so wrong for ZZZbros
Overall tries too hard at everything.
>Tries too hard with its animations
>Tries too hard on being a coomer game
>Tries too hard to pander to the western audience
>Tries too hard to have the "best combat" of all hoyo games
>Tries too hard with its "humour"
And fails at everything in the end.

That's why I never even gave it a chance. The game just feels like "look at me! I'm le based!".
The ads for the game turned me off of it. I watched a friend play and a lot of the music didn't mesh with me either.
what the fuck were they thinking
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don't do this to yourself
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Seasun won't be hiring cosplayers anymore.
Being social manager for ML game must be suck
Everyone just wants to eat you alive for every single mistake
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The cosplayer's response to this drama
They just need to survive long enough until most of the mixed toilets are dead.
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Personally don't care for cosplayers, but this whole think seems overblown.
Plus if she means what she is saying >>1586483 then what is the actual problem?
I dislike mixed toilet but I also hate ML extremist. They do more harm than good to the game.
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Get woke, go broke
snowshit is already broke without the woke however
The SB dev willingly went for that demographic since it was the only one that would accept his game, there's no reason to pity him.
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This is just plain pathetic. I guess I'm finally buying that horseshoe garbage theory.
sorry but your bobs and vagene game is flopping saar
No one wants wokeness in their games.

Male feminist hands typed this post.
*brown male feminist
>Jiaoqiu and Feixiao took down Mualani and kazuha and natlan turned into snorelan
Even though I like Star Rail more I genuinely liked Natlan content, I'm surprised too
Next month should be a dip though Star Rail has 2 boring characters upcoming and Genshin has Kinich and Raiden and then Xilonen and Chiori (kinda meh)
this reminds me of that nikke commercial ad situation.
I really, really hate how shit-eatingly eager DeepL is to blatantly hallucinate about a translation as soon as something doesn't have a rock solid translation in its dataset, but some ad hoc translations sounds even a tiny bit plausible.
Like more than Google Translate, ChatGPT and others, DeepL is mortally afraid of just saying "here's my best effort. It's probably shit". No, it invents "second-tier games", inserting the "-tier", because only THEN does the Chink phrase "second games" make sense.

I no longer use DeepL exclusively. I use ChatGPT comparatively more now.
The tip games are mixed toilet games. Fate has the most dogahit gameplat abd outdated system yet still sells
Neither is Genshin.
Seeing this phrase being tied to snowshit now is hilarious
>nigger music
Jesus christ, mihomo
I would rather say that it's because mihoyo modern policies. Before their characters where unambiguously gay, now they are homo in the trailer but are asexual in the games. There is no romance, no lust, no nothing in the games. They bait idiots with sexy designs and trailers, but nothing happens in the game.
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Seethe more
Without them you have shit like genshin festering and ruining the genre for everyone. If there are ML extremists now is because the industry has been actively trying to kill them, they CANNOT allow even the smallest mistake (look at how much the GLF2 devs fought back before bending the knee, if the so called ML extremist didn't kept the momentum raymond would still be in the game).
This kind of behavior didn't exist pre 2020, yet the players are the same. It's the devs who changed.
The game isn't coomerbait.
The MARKETING is coomerbait.
The game is PG-3 at most, there's more edge and sex in dora the explorer than in ZZZ, much less in shonen anime or phineas and ferb. And I put it on PG-3 because of the latest chapters have an inkling of subtle adult humor.
The plotlines are extremely simple and harmless, dealing with children's themes, while the villains are episodic comic relief. The characters completely lack any sex drive and there's not even references to sex beyond a couple good natured extremely subtle jokes that are put in children's content as a nod to the parents. Yes, with Jane too. She could feature in Phineas and ferb without issue.
If any character shows a romantic inclination it's portrayed as a childish crush or an established, committed relationship so a child can understand.

The plot and characters in game feel like an AI was given the task of writing a children's video game, and it referenced Totally spies and the newer scooby doo. And totally spies is a LOT edgier and sexier.
It's a classic case of bait and switch, with marketing that doesn't reflect what's in game.

TL Dr: there's no ships, no relationships, no sex, no romance, harmless violence, no death, not even references to even a slight disfunction in society such as corrupt cops or politicians. It's a Disney Channel children's cartoon masquerading as a shonen anime game, marketed as a coomer game.
Blatantly false since there's a corrupt cop that's also a politician.
Now that the dust has been settled, will you spend more?
How mature, I've never seen that before
But of course. The devs are giving us what we want, while pushing away the undesirables. What's not to love?
>will you spend more?
You can't multiply by 0. It still gives 0 dollars.
Only if they keep making stuff for the girls I like.
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Please do it right now and post the receipt, thank you.
Catering to incel schizos doesn't sell because people who only care about gacha games in terms of culture war also don't spend money. That audience doesn't grow and print money forever. It's the exact same reason they don't pander to twittertard either. The loud majority on 4chan just want to see projects fail as revenge, they don't spend money.
More like they don't commit to anything and that's why they failed at everything. They even remove their vision(TV section) lmao.
And now ZZZ shows how they have both become more niche (just a straight up brawler) and less safe (sex appeal with literal prostitute characters advertised as faces of the game). It's almost like there's no trend you are painting at all here, you dunce.
>and less safe (sex appeal with literal prostitute characters advertised as faces of the game)
You fucking wish Hoyoslopper.
Please understand. He's a muslim. That's why safe horny shit from Homoverse is too spicy for him.
zoofag dabbing on homo is the least thing i expected from this kusothread.
>people made a mod that decreases her bust
Not playing your woke game
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>less safe
>Censors gore, thighhighs, panties, cleavage and nerfs bust sizes
zzz only looks unique because of waterkuma. itll be no different than generic hoyoslop otherwise if not even worse.
>>Mixed toilet games, meaning games that have no explicit target audience and try to pander to everyone, are inherently contradictory because they demand the coexistence of players with incompatible demands
Normalfags gachas? Those are normally franchise based
Mihoyo is pandering to trannies
holy shit they went from this
to this? mihoyo is truly healing!
Spats are hotter than bare panties/buruma bro
Always has been.
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>no one cares about male charact-ACK!
Waifutrannies lost
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Reminder that all of these are self-censoring
if anything this proves that waifutrannies are idiots for spending on a game that doesnt even pander to them
I'm curious bro. Which snowbreak character did she cosplay as and what did her snowbreak cosplay look like?
it proves you're a forever online gaslighting trannoid out of touch with anything that isnt a walled garden social media circle
but so are the devs of this trash you play so i guess you're in good company
They don't spend. Why do you think all waifufaggotry is flopping across the board and why a (You)pandering female with a revealing outfit like yoimiya flopped?
Those are all sales from metafags because raiden was the most broken dps if you get 2 dupes. Her banner was flopping until the second or third day when people realized how broken she was.
>ZZZ hit a new all time low after this
caeSAAR flopped lmao
more proof that people with money don't give a fuck about le bobs and vagene gachas
>popular characters are meta
>most of the popular characters are also female
Gee, i wonder why
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>(You)pandering female with a revealing outfit like yoimiya
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Homo banners soon, are you rolling xister?
The only "popular" females are archons. Yelan is the best-selling banner but nobody gives a shit about her.
The most popular characters are male.
If these fucks make more money than the previous females of their respective games...
Oh boy, waifufags will be on suicide watch forever

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