Cum with me little swimmers, time for power level 12.ight bois we here we knew it was gonna happen, whos your top 10 plvl 12s. Shelly p12 shes bringing in both gadgets and both star powers her super is gonna be map wide. Nita both bear star powers both gadgets her bear is now has two baby cubs with him just smaller weaker bears but its op af for nita p12.Bull p12 holy fucking shit both gadgets both star powers now his super is as wide as gales and hes gonna grab who ever the fuck he runs into and put that barrel right to their fucking faces. Tick p12 holy shit he throws six bombs at you.Grom p12 hes no longer gonna throw + shape shit at you now its gonna be # shaped get fucked.
>>1596574make sure wen you read this post you read it in billy mazes voice, also stupid cell needs to make a character that sounds like billy maze cus everyone knows billy maze is the funniest commercial guy around, shamewow guy aint got shit on billy maze.
>>1596583shit im sorry bros i couldn't help it
>>1604691uh I forgot we got new bread op had one job no wonder people arent posting in here
>>1604705>>1604732literally me >>1604731this guy is braindead
FBI: "Stand down NPPD!," "President Polaris is CIA Level!"