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>What is Pokémon Masters EX?
A mobile Pokémon game that's real-time instead of turn-based and focuses on collecting trainers instead of Pokémon.

>Pokemon Masters EX Links and Guides

>Sync Grid Simulator

>Sync Pair Tracker

>Model ripping/datamining project (3vp) FAQ

>Upcoming Events

>Pokémon Masters EX soundtrack with the latest tracks

>/pmg/ Clears Repository

>Trainer Lodge Interaction Charts

Previous thread: >>55967116
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Goodbye forever...
Cynthia and Volo kissing
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Soon Soon
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I love my cute wife Whitney!
>Cynthia thread into Karen thread
I remember when the first post was useful
It's useful because now you remember that Karen is in the game and have no alt outside a dogshit BP pair
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Cheren veni, Cheren vidi, Cheren vici
Only took a single reroll. Sent from my Google Pixel 6 Pro.
How come there are no good Med waifus? Only that come in mind are Shelly and Sina but they are unavailable still
Give me three more Bianca alts DeNA
The fuck is a Med?
Should've said Med-looking because I can feel the shitposting approach
You should've just not said anything since you look stupid.
You keep saying that, but you're still here.
A female Terran unit from Starcraft: Brood War
You know, even if they'd add Shelly to the game, I don't think I would roll for her looking at how horrible her model is
Even Med-looking is just dumb. The first thing you think first about med is medic/medicine not a fucking part of the world.
To answer you I think Sina and Shauna are the only girls from kalos that look like that. They can be arabic too but it's the same thing/part of the world.
Paldea have quite a lot of (light-)tanned girls. If you want one from Masters then your only choice is Nemona
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They should try a different approach yeah
He wants you to know how cool and not embarrassing he is though
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Every Paldean girl is technically a Med
Cute prince for your consideration
And they all have something weird going on for them either in design or personality(almost all of them are hyperbolical characters)
Dendra or whatever her name was could be done better(very ugly hairstyle and very hyperbolic personality)
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>very ugly hairstyle
She's a black haired Korrina
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I think he's cool and you're embarrassing
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>waifufag mettdown over absolutely nothing
For the Pasio Special Stadium chartanon
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One of the newer events has a guy "taking a new step" with his female childhood friend
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Now nurse him.
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Sharting. Was going to put Volkner on the podium but Rebuff is a cringe mechanic
Still an ugly hairstyle
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Cutest and strongest wife Whitney on the chart!
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Was too lazy to think about things so I did 2 toxic clears lol
Fagren is a canon homosexual
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Late af chart, this shit was bullshit, they just had to lump all the tanks from all the CSes together didn't they
Schedule please
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this SCS's stall clear is dedicated to my favorite pokemon aron
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Man, it's one of the pokemon line I expected to be here quickly (with Alolan-Ninetales )

Anyway. Like last time, my fucking job.
So see you in ten hours for the chart !
Cheren 15k clear for chart. Feature Ice team because fucking Aaron.
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Starter Pika ? Egg one ? Please ?
Skill issue, flinch was a negative status change.
One more reason to never add this shitmon line.
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I keep forgetting to do this.
>gauntlet starting this week
hasn't even started and i am already tired
life energy draining mode
If they release the last paldea E4 and champion stadium before Malva i'm gonna SCREAM.
Might as well scream now. They're holding onto Malva for a later Pokefair like what they did to Kabu which is why he looks like a renovated general pool.
People used to say at least it doesn't give gems because it used to be the only "end game" but was terrible and no one enjoyed playing it. But at this point fuck it I'll take gems for first clear of each one if they won't give them for legendary arena anymore. I legitimately don't understand how anyone says the gameplay of this game is good when this is what you are working toward. The shittiest unfun mode since conception and has never once improved from the probably 3 years it existed.
I'm not a big fan of gauntlet either, but be honest. How much of it is hate for the gauntlet overall vs hate for Moltres (due to repeatedly being in the gauntlet the first few times)? Fuck Moltres
No, he's made for me and me only!
ok bianca
NTA but it’s for gauntlet overall.

Once you get into the groove of it I actually do think Gauntlet is kind of fun (as long as you are using the Google doc) but I literally NEVER want to start it and always put it off for about a week.
*also adding in the caveat that I would not bother doing Gauntlet past 10 clears at all if it weren’t for the change allowing you to bank lucky skills

It's the starter Pika, sorry for forgetting to mention that
>but I literally NEVER want to start it and always put it off for about a week
Literally me and I used to optimize and maximize my LG runs, now I do already feel stressed when I find it in the datamine as some sort of nightmare.
I just drop some teams that don't have to rely on resets and call it a day quickly collecting all those coupons.
>even the teambuilder gets extra laggy the more you advance in gauntlet
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Chart is here ! We have a tie today ! Blue and Zapdos show that they still are the kings of the CS and Iono is here to take her first Top spot !

Side notes :
- Jolteon was the only Eevee eggs with no use. This is not the case anymore
- No "surprise" because it's a one type CS but I'm surprised that SS Hilbert didn't get one use since it can act as a "support" with the rebuff and Metal Sound.

See you next week !
And as she says :Ciao, bye, au revoir, sayonara,adios
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Dirty two-timer
We need to find his fire, normal and grass wives (not leaf)
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>who has the best wife?
Ash + Ash (forma female)
Whoever else used Lodge Volkner is a good person
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What can we say? Red loves him his blond arayan queens, he understands their perfection and irresistibility (although elesa is more like a Saturday night booth call, he is madly in love with his ice princess)
Yknow ive never thought of it that way but yea nemona literally is just a gross sweaty femAsh
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Another cute power couple, shes so much smaller than him tho, does she even walk straight afterwards?
I hope she reruns soon
Maybe she'll get one with Penny whenever Arven comes
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It will always be Leaf!
Oh he does lmao
It was weird to me that a limited support has Haymaker
who is this middle aged slav manlet looking tranny?
Lodge Volkner is fun. Probably top 5 lodge pairs

Wonder if there's a chart maker for them
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it's so over....
It's unironically my favorite mode
Offline full unlocked patched game when?
Elesa grooms Scottie only
Agreed. AoE, paralysis, random debuffs, a good nuke, good on guage. My only complaint is they made him feel a little too similar to NY Volkner with the focus on paralysis and super effective damage. My top 5 is probably Serena, Volkner, Leaf, Steven, and Morty.
Eggdex sisters, hold on
>gauntlet is back
Sigh. Even doing the bare minimum 10 is like pulling teeth.
Are you supposed to beat every Legendary 10 times or have 10 victories total to get all the “good” rewards?
Because I sweep through them 3-4 times each and call it the end
10 wins
So 3 rounds + 1 battle of your choice

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I had a streak of 6 stages that I kept using Serena Greninja in. Never gotten that lucky before. Usually it's just
>2 stages
>Got LUCKY stage the first weeks when the mode was introduced
>Never got it again
I miss these Happinys...
Uxiebros, it's that time again
The devs are malicious with the fake-out Lucky sound effect that sometimes is made when the next stage pops up.
>shes so much smaller than him tho, does she even walk straight afterwards?
idk ask irida
>area 1 was sprint/support
awful layout but no particular hard fights, last boss was very hard palmer or hard argenta with sprint/tech, only had to buy extra sinnoh buffs x1 for 100 pts and crit buffs for 50 pts, could have been much worse
Nothing fun to do in this game
That's a good thing you see. The best part of this game is that you can skip ticket everything. That's what I'm told whenever anyone says the game is good.
If only mainline pokemon games had skip tickets
Or skippable cutscenes
Or anything else that could salvage their quality back up to a casual phone game's level
>salvage their quality back up to a casual phone game's level
Your photo mode?
the rendering on this pic is insane
>their quality
>up to a casual phone game's level
The absolute state of today's "gamers".
Is it just me or is this Cheren Champion Stadium a little bit harder than the ones in the past? Like, maybe it's just because I haven't been able to get any of the actually good Electric units that have come out in the past year but even using my good units going off-type they feel like they have way more bulk than what I'm used to.
The E4 is ripped straight from their usual CS battles, but the 3 of Phoebe, Aaron, and Siebold all happen to have the highest base HP possible for E4 - plus Phoebe and Siebold both have Healthy Advantage 4, and Aaron has x2 Physical Defense, so dealing with all 3 at once can be a pain if you have not been rolling rats or Zapdos, or have to save one for Cheren.
NTA but I'm pretty sure they're doing way more damage than they should. Siebold queueing surf meant at least one of my team died
My best Electric type by a league is Ash, basically every other actually damage dealing trainer aside from, I guess, Iono (who barely counts for battles like these where one big Zap Cannon every few turns will not be enough) does diddly squat.

Eventually I just had to admit defeat and massively tune down the difficulty, as >>56007446 said Siebold in particular was a real headache to deal with since I was saving Ash for the finale and even when I was using pairs that was getting him to -6 Def on the "everyone gets a Phys Atk buff" stage alteration he was STILL out-tanking everything I could throw at him on the usual difficulties I was playing by a good margin.
That's just Siebold being Siebold, he's basically always the hardest one in Kalos, if not the hardest one overall in CS.
He has 33% more base attack than the typical CS opponent and Tough Cookie means he's hitting even harder still if you don't drop his Def.
What's going on here?
With Larry soon and Hassel probably next month. Do you think we are gonna have Paldea CS next month or some shit like Johto but 18k pts ?
They can add a "lvl2" (lol) to the CS and stay at 15k but really I don't think they can add that many points (Field/Sprint will probably be 50 pts and the only thing I can think of are No Rebuff and No EXRoles and of course more Attack/Def/HP)
They also tend to add a gimmick to each new CS like Kalos with the Zone before sync so do you think they can just let a pokemon rebuff you for free before sync? Or each boss have a EX Role ?
I doubt they’ll do this but it would be interesting if they use Terastalization and changed type after their sync move.
I got master rank in electric high score event and this champion stadium is killing me.
Siebold always did that much damage. I think the skill that changes his damage based on his defense is bugged so that it only goes up, even if you lower his defense (or maybe even is permanently stuck at max).
It just so happens that Cheren's gimmicks essentially require Blue to be there, which robs you of the premium electric support you'd usually use for Siebold or Aaron, and that makes those two even more difficult than they are in a normal CS.
Siebold isn't just tanky thanks to the high HP, his offensive stats are also inflated.
holy skill issue

just offtype, its just CS, nothing more
>Do you think we are gonna have Paldea CS next month
Its coming Annie, together with SV protags and raidons
What if we only get one SV protag, who looks completely neutral and nobody can tell whether they are a boy or girl?
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I love my husband and hope he gets a summer alt or OG soon
Playing around again, was trying to think if anyone had something detached from their trainer. Then went down a net rabbithole
Who is the third character there that allows for this effect?
Bugsy net
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I love my cute husband Victor!
Ooh that's good
SC Emmet good for anything at 1/5? Got him off the mix scout today
I have occasionally used him at 1/5 and he’s decent for DPS.
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I love mix scout
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why would they hold on to hassel for that long, satan
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They have to make his Baxclibur good since he'll be a Pokefair like every Paldea pair
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Kanto CS. Charting with Iono. Firefly and Iono love.
eos soon
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Irida chart
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CharTina !
>Pick Cheryl because Lorelei will use special moves for sure
>Dewgong used Liquidation !
Bianca's power is intoxicating. I love it.
Weekly Kanto CS 15k clear for da Chart. "thanks for remembering us" edition.

Kanto CS is a great opportunity to put rarely used pairs on the chart.
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For the chartanon
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Two Tyranitars!
3 Candice, 2 Roxanne, 2 Phoebe, 3 Diantha and 4 Hilda, 4 the chart!
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Triple Acerola wife.

Also when is Acerola & FlutterMane pair coming out?
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Triple Lyra and Kali on the chart
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Cute Wife Whitney! Cute Wife Whitney! Cute Wife Whitney! Cute Wife Whitney! Cute Wife Whitney!
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>stage 1 is fieldsprint
>kalos upgrade
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Chartanon check archive
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Chart. All males.
Without checking archive, predict the chart content
>lusamine getting facefucked with each screenshot covering the dick
Flint, Royal, and the Sinnoh Pokemon League on shart
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Whoops forgot the pic lol
Too bad it was Naomi and Mina. A rare pair but a nice surprise
I hope NPC pairs will have a 6EX poop/yellow Naomi can be fun for the photo mode and if they use the shiny a red dress can be pretty
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korrina's cs & chart
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>it's a "revolving door" battle rally
I'm in agony
Hope you can at least have a LUCKY battle
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Posting my clears like the autist that I am.
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>lodge boi at 96
>hot topic doesn't come up
>interaction ends at high 80s attention
>lodge boi at 98
Every time
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Chart is here and, listen I don't know if it's pure luck or something but this week, after so many attempts, Courtney takes the top spot for the second time this year ! (first one was week12)

Side note :
- Marshadow got a great usage for EXRoles., we have to go back to week13 to see it at 7 uses.
-Purrloin is now in the 0 jail.
-Clay at 2 who can stop this man?
-Wally and Gardevoir beat Diantha for the 4th time

>Next week first ranks :
Larry (Normal)
SOON (Fire)

As always you can still post your clear if you want and see you next week !
I imagine most people don't have lodge cheren unlocked yet, but will for next week. We have a dark round next week too, so he'll probably see some good usage.
This, I planned to use Lodge Cheren but fell just short of unlocking him today, so next week will have to be his debut
* fell just short of unlocking him yesterday
I mean
Thanks for charting, fun to see Victrier and SSRC tied
>neither Allister in
we just need Clair next
Had him unlocked for two or three days.
Not charting with pairs unless I put all of them at once and I don't have the MF Cheren.
>unova and dilf month
>they decide to unlock ex sophocles
i wish the ex were on theme with the events or the incoming month hse/lg
next month it's 2 summer alts or summer special costume with 4 pairs, if it is beach themed anything between ex marlon, brawly and flannery would be nice or else molayne for the twins event rerun, optimally it should be both ex tate and ex liza but dena forbid them to even have their sync grids unlocked on same month back then
normally next month should be a female ex unlock and female lodge pair (my bets on zinnia or lisia or anabel because it's been a while for hoenn, else i'd like to see lyra or caitlin, anything but penny)
can almost feel summer raihan or sygna raihan and sandaconda in july, alola red and green are prob ore anni august pairs
would not mind sina and dexio banners either in july
They can do Tate in July and Liza in September (like they did with kanto E4). The only ones I can see getting the 6EX at the same time are Rachel and Sawyer because it would be too weird to have two Lear rerun in a year just for them.
>alola red and green are prob ore anni august pairs
retard fujo
cope, regardless they'll destroy any bikini flop banner
Compromise: Alola Red and Blue in a Swim Suit
>Compromise: Alola Red and Blue in a Swim Suit
Males are allowed to be lewd in this game
So brassius is the faggot behind the siloute right? This almost confirmas Hassel
its larry, sis
>Males are allowed to be lewd in this game
So why half naked Chuck is still just a punching bag for the battle rally?
Trust in Chuck Month 2025!
Finally cleared electric CS.
I used both versions but I can't be fucked to chart 99% of the time
I have him but I don't have the 4* or 5* PUs to level him up. I'll probably use him for the HSE though. I got this today though.

>Chuck appeared in recent event
trust in chuck July
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Why couldn’t they just let the winners choose their shirt, I don’t think I’m brave enough to wear this in public
That would look better if the shirt was white.
Because these prizes are probably surplus merch they can’t sell
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aoki chan…
goodbye cheren icon
>chuck July
I refuse - Pallentine Chuck is one of he cornserstones of Chuck Month!
I don't know what's worse
The timing? The Sandstorm at 80 and 50%? This fucking Hippodown that can use sandstorm at the end ?
Or just that I have a fucking smile during all my attempts because it was fun
>Lodge Bianca and Lillipup next month
Don't get my hopes up. Thank you for charting!
I despise the French
The shirt giveaways are sold at pokemon centers already. I'm still scooping up rare prizes, just bought my 2nd JP twitter exclusive galar clear file yesterday.
At least it's not a m*le on that shirt. Consider yourself extra lucky.
>His innocence. Lost.
But what of what he gained in big tiddy
So what if Gloria did turn out like Chuck after following the method of "You've just got to eat a lot, move a lot, and sleep a lot!"
Girls generally don't want to look like Chuck.
Checked and sad
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Kabu san…
So how are you guys going around Regirock? I'm at a slump
I'll figure it out when I start the gauntlet.
The fresh prince of Hoenn!
Really makes you think
old man yaoi effect
Not too surprising given how popular Larry is right now
The decline of waifus has been a disaster for the Pokemon franchise.
If only they made Bianca dress up slightly cuter... Oh well. OLD MAN SEXO RULING THE WORLD
Yume/Fujo game ;))
pray for lodge husbando one day
It's still Bianca so it wouldn't have accomplished much. They needed to ditch her hat and glasses and probably touch up her hair. Look at how much of a glow-up SS Korrina was from regular Korrina for example.
Cheren is Bianca’s boywife
i feel bad for the people who play this game in english and have to listen to yong yea's unfitting voice for Larry. i watched the english trailer and immediately got taken out of it when he started talking
I play in JP but I don't hear what your problem with him is, since I watched both EN and JP trailers. His voice is far better than some of the other VAs like the ones that are faking their British accents.
it's more he does the exact same kind of nasally asmr voice for every character he plays no matter the personality. i'm not a fan of it, also he just doesn't sound like an old tired salaryman type. I don't know why they keep hiring him for old man roles when people keep saying he doesn't fit them.
It’s weird because he’s clearly capable of putting in more effort, I probably wouldn’t have recognized that Pucci was voiced by him if I didn’t know going into it. But Larry is literally just his normal speaking voice so it’s really distracting.
No it doesn’t. This is entirely unsurprising
Kabu's Eng voice is worse.
The Japs got the right tone appropriate to their age and personality, Eng Kabu sounds like a 90yo granpa on his death bed.
bianca is a literally who whore
not even the borts that spam rosa/hilda 24/7 care about her
>feel bad
If you're choosing the dub then you probably like that shit or don't care. If you think it sounds bad you can choose to listen to less garbage voice acting at any time
>when xhe choses japanese va but doesn't even have an idea of what the characters are saying the whole time beside ganbatte and watashi wa naruto
He literally sounds exactly like how I imagined he would in my head, all the japanese voices are samey and annoying
>cheren doesn't have a voiceline with lear
Not that surprising but still lame
>Guzma referring to himself as Guzma-sama and saying thank you in a thick Japanese accent because he's an "English is so cool" dumbass
Worth it
I play in English but this is just wrong
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6EX with husband
This might just be the smallest list of applicable trainers with bonus multipliers in the game's entire history
Bro...your old people?
Fag and ugly clothes on a cute girl vs meme men gee I wonder who will win
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I love this story…
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Why is she so smol?
Easy transport
Perfect size for kicking
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holy manlet. either this guy is a midget or the scaling in this game is fucked
Newfag here, is there any upcoming events I should save my gemmies for? Or decent upcoming 5 stars worth getting for us f2p fags?
Kabu has always been tiny (erotic…) in swsh I think. Also everyone in SV are super giants
Anniversary banners are in August if I'm remembering right so may as well save for it since it'll likely have super game breaking shit

shit taste
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Shut up nigga
when I saw Lilly on screen I reactively hit the skip button
people are tired of unova
Yeah it's a lot of fun, glad they're filling out the Paldea league so quickly, I really like the interactions between the Paldea E4/Champ.

Kabu is from Hoenn (originally) while Larry is from Paldea so it makes sense the Japanese/Asian guy is shorter than the Spanish/European guy.
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I love my cute husband Victor and our son Allister!
Damn, didn't know Victor and Allister were so incompetent that they needed help from decrepit old men.
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Yes. Leave him alone, he fucked up in the Neo Champion event :(
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larry is one of the taller characters in sv, but it’s the scaling of paldea trainers in master’s
Oh no, I’ve finally found a P*ldean that I like…
you only like Larry because he's hates his job
I like how they still will not use the Paldea theme in the Paldea events because they continue to not want to drop a single F2P or even spotlight Scarlet/Violet character
Hassel or Saguaro are gonna be giants if there's no scaling.
larry is at or around hassel’s height in sv
imagine the absolute unit eri would be
I work corporate, hating the job is the only way to stay sane
even nemona is a giant
paldean models are huge
>he doesn't watch anime every day in japanese
I learned english as a kid by watching cartoon network in english, I can do the same with japanese.
how is it "just wrong" its literally a subjective opinion it cant be wrong you mongoloid
OK then
Good snipe
But he cannot a fag, did you see the event
That XY twink appeared again. I'm starting to think characters like Ryuki take so long to become playable because DeNA genuinely forgets they aren't
Lodge Allister someday..
You might be on to something, Lar.
They look like they deal with old men a lot
Their other coworkers are both old men so it checks out
Limited Kofu....
They’re not gonna drop a Paldea spotlight before anniversary
I still want to fire a missile at whoever greenlit this thing as a Dunsparce evo
>did an average team with Leaf and Lysandre
>get the respective titles
>did an average team with Sophocles and Jasmine
How does it work? They're all on the "Hard" fight
What title?
Secret titles from the VA story fights
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First multi let’s goooo
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Two on the first multi, hell yeah
I'd ask you to save some for the rest of us (me) but I got Larry in two multis, and even though I want him and Kabu both carnally I can't say I'd be too upset if I didn't end up actually rolling him since I already have the one I like better. I'm still mad I didn't get him after like four multis. Gachas are such shit.
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The "I hate you " title? If so it was Jasmine for a while because it was a bug you have to use Silver
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>kabu can have a crossing arms pose and other cool ones in the dex viewer but not in the photo mode
fuck off afroman
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Soon is now. I won the game
I bet they didn't add that because of characters whose poses have them face away from the camera like FRLG Misty. Still dumb
worlds only gay grandpa fan
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Kabu-anon….I kneel
I'm so happy for you, kabu-anon. Your sheer dedication to your cause makes me weep
>Kabu-anon won
>Bianca-anon won
Based month
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Kabu water…
Old man yaoi get
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Now that Kabu is now and not soon, who will be soon now?
Are they related?
Hassel since they want a new CS because of Sword and Shield being a backwards country not having their own Elite Four.
Some would say Chuck, but I believe in Chuck Month 2025.
So maybe Wattson or Juan for more Oji-san moe and worst region panderig.
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Hmmm sweaty, actually Kabu-san may be approaching the Top 50 app ranks right now. He is known for yume Gloria self insert ships fanbase, several fujo ships with Raihan, Leon, Peony, Piers, Victor and now Larry plus some bisex triangles with Melony, he has his own ojisan trios with Nanu and Larry and can interact with cooks and Hoenn character and sometimes Opal, he's got a cool bug Pokemon for non shippers and in general hmis a good personality.
I can see both Larry and Kabu getting seasonals or other alts, Larry because he is also a Flying Elite 4 member but comfy Kabu for winter or fall or some SC would be great, especially if dressed like Sycamore. He even has a canon younger design.
Chuck or the Aqua/Magma Admins.
Waifufags can SOON Malva too
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Elio alt soon. Summer Elio next month trust the plan
It's the old man era bro, he'll never get an alt at this rate.
Twist in the stone chapter:
Elio falls into a time whoopsie and returns aged up 50 years.
Old man Elio alt for Ani
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Kabubros, we are so back.

I believe. I'll keep waiting for him to have a great alt.
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i'm now putting kabu's water bottle in the lodge shrine ToT
Not reading all that schizo babble gay faggot
Now that Slopu is out pokémon masters can begin the healing process although I fear it may be too late with all the rampant homosexuality added this month
It's fucking over bro. EOS will be announced on the next pokémon day (25th)
A little Pikachu will personally deliver the bad news
>Kabubros (plural)
LOL! It's literally one guy here that likes him
You cared enough to reply, closeted homo.

Three males and one female are not homosexuality, tranny.
You will never pass
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I love this girl so much!

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