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>What is Pokémon Masters EX?
A mobile Pokémon game that's real-time instead of turn-based and focuses on collecting trainers instead of Pokémon.

>Pokemon Masters EX Links and Guides

>Sync Grid Simulator

>Sync Pair Tracker

>Model ripping/datamining project (3vp) FAQ

>Upcoming Events

>Pokémon Masters EX soundtrack with the latest tracks

>/pmg/ Clears Repository

>Trainer Lodge Interaction Charts

Previous thread: >>55993896
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Make Pokémon Masters Straight Again
Go back to /vg/
GYATT DAMN and I thought the previous thread was SEXOOO this one is probably even better!!
Go back to /lgbt/
What characterfags are left now that Bianca and Kabu have been blessed by DeNA?
Damn Nate is a lucky bastard!
fuck, that espeon...she is doing things to me
Seriously guys how the FUCK is Dena going to recover from this shit month?
I think the only way to make a profit now is a j-cup Cynthia in a micro bikini
Yiff in hell
lost again, this time to volo, irrelevant
Holy mother of based. I fucking kneel, bro.
I'm thinking of quitting too. It's clear afro ma'am drank the rainbow juice
No matter how much you screech this it'll never be true, troony toon
Hassel is coming next month and uou can't do nothing about it.
Aren't they actually doing pretty well this month?
Anger and denial are the first steps leading to the acceptance that Cynthia is a fraud and weak trainer. As shown multiple times in the game and anime.
It's not a Masters thing, it's a mandate from the Pokemon Company itself bro and all the Western partners they have. Just look at SV. Basically, YOU LOST.
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Why would you still reply to the ritual screenshot shitposter from /vg/?
Why not? You shitpost gays and men constantly and shit all over the place.
Surprised they haven’t done a Wiglett Egg event yet
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You're a weirdo
More like surprised we still aren't done with Kanto eggs.
If July has some Wallace & Tentacruel or whatever, even Misty & Kingler we could at least grab those eggmons too, all of the Kanto base forms are now in the game files I think.
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Lost what? My heterosexuality? Nope, I haven't been pozz'd. Sorry "sis"
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She flopped her massive milkers onto my cock
This picture goes hard
Queen Cynthia stomping on Larry's and Kabu's faces.
How many of them aren’t in the game as playable units? They should hurry up though I thought them adding the Paldea and Galar starter Eggmons meant we were getting closer to an end for Kanto mainly but guess not.
Not according to sales and her terrible performance against Volo.
Without checking I already know Cynthia banners sell better than gay slop so it doesn't matter what you say
She's only a queen if you play card games.
When are they adding my wife Lacey to this game so I can make another bad financial decision?
Next year
After all the men.
Considering all the fujoid characters from Paldea are being released, I'm not surprised if Kieran and the BB league come before characters from the base game.
Imagine DLC characters from SV arriving before DLC characters from Sword and Shield. The absolute fucking state.
Wew, Cyntrannies actively admitting to not caring about evidence.
keiran and carmine ended up being the most popular gen 9 characters iir
Yes please. We need both Kieran designs ASAP.

Good. SwSh don't deserve anything nice or any representation.
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I love my cute wife Whitney!
>No matter how much you screech this it'll never be true, troony toon
I'm still waiting for Valerie and Courtney to get actual alts.
I imagine there's still people screaming for Lucas & Elio to get alts

Klara and Drayden are still missing, and Striaton trio has been in npc hell for years despite showing up in the first trailer years ago

I think that's about it for now if you don't count gen 9 since it's still new. Everyone else is either in npc hell or characters almost no one cares about.
Been 16 days since Cynthia was brutally mogged by Volo in battle, you'd think her schizos would heal from that but they went even more mental.
been 16 days since >>56040027 transitioned!
Thx bro
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>leave for like a week
>people are still seething about the datamine
These anons are VERY insecure about their sexualities. Any man is a threat.
American trannies in this general have never stopped seething about Cynthia since 2020
Waifufags seething now that the franchise focuses on women and LGBTQ+ now.
>American trannies in this general
case in point >>56040260
None of this matters, Liza is a cutie pie
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Still waiting for Flint. Will probably be a Variety/BP alt but I will keep staying on the copium
shut up bitch
Women lost
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Oh cool, Gold posts on here. Didn't know that
Women won. It's coomers and trannies who lost.
>t. delusional tranny
Im glad they put more males characters, that makes me save gems for more valuable banners
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Hugs for Whitney!
But no lewd!
I regret saving gems for Irida to see her being a sidegrade to egg Lapras honestly.
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I won. /thread
wow you're definitely a seething tranny
Holy SEX. New Sabrina alt when?
>iridakeks struggling to win ontype vs nita
>random lapras egg with red appear in the replays
huge historical L for shitnoh
>the seething mindbroken trannoid was also shit at the game
I got her pregnant
>STILL being mad Irida was bait for Egg Lapras freebie
Shitnoh moment
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>Irida and Kinnoh mindbroke the tranny this hard
The 1% or the egg one?
>Kinnoh mindbroke the tranny
Many such cases

Ugly trannies love to seethe at beautiful blonde Sinnoh pokegirls
Wait, egg Lapras can do both ice terrain and hail while extending their duration, protecting the rest of your party from hail damage, healing, accelerating move gauge, lowering enemy special defense and dealing enough damage to actually kill stuff?
Hail and speed debuffs are enough to make Irida a sidegrade, masterscam exposed.
After all it's mostly pokeboys carrying these battles.
Oh no, suddenly it's Sunday night again and I still have to do weekly rally and stadium.
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It’s been several weeks since you first had a spergout and you’re still here. At least follow through on your threat you jackass
Doesn't count as lewd if it isn't straight, right?
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Yeah makes sense
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>Coomer calling others weirdos
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My cute wife loves her friends!
why are you surprised, i've seen you with the older gym leaders like Flannery and Skyla.
make this guy anon of the week; he notices that all coomers are weirdos.
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For the chartanon
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Larry on the chart tonight
Irida on the pedestal
+1 for magnet thorton
Caitlin mistress....
>leave for a week, manage to pull double larry and come back to irida drama
Shit if I knew I would've cleared with all three iridas just to spite
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super effective chart
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CharTina !
Need a good Fighting Support.
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Chart, Hottsui Hoenn Podium
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Chart time

Kabu was actually really fun to use, blue got burned and trapped to death while he healed every turn. N provided a decent chunk of sync damage too. Adaman is there for potion purposes and because I wanted all Adamans on the chart
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Chart. All males again.
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>randomly got Geeta title without even trying
That's the best way to get titles. It's not fun if you go all tryhard.
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Actually found enough motivation to CS on a Monday...
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This becomes less and less based the more you repost it. Show some principles, dude.
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Hmmm sweaty, those teams don't seem capable of clearing 15000 points stages, I demand more proofs for that.
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You have to also post the proof that you beat the CS with 15k points

Deleted clear was also added. Hau is a lucky one
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Triple Candice into Quad Hilda and Quintuple May, 4 the chart!
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Triple Acerola waifu ft. Blue vs Blue finals
>He doesn't own his waifus best alt
>If he does, he's too bad at the game to get her in chart
Weekly Kanto CS 15k clear for da Chart. Happy underused Kalos units :D

Sadly I've been playing for less than a year, and had no gems or knowledge for Fall Acerola.

Saving up for my finushed Acerola harem this fall.
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So is there a youtube channel with all the story bits for the shit so I don't have to install and play this?
Whoever made this is the most homosexual faggot who ever sucked a dick.
If the game survive fall you only need 30k gems to pity. Seasonal units only rerun as a pack so your chance to get a specific unit is really low and each year it will be lower (fall 2024 add Coffagrigus and Runegrigus for exemple)
If you don't mind to pay just grab the anni Tech scout at the end of August/September. You can secure your choice for a little money/gems. I think last year it was 5000 pairs gems. I think you can also get her with the 100 free pull before the anni but again you have to be lucky
Yes. Try searching it up
Damn if only I thought of that. So let's pretend I have done that and google and youtube have shitty search engines?
Weird just searched it up and found a playlist of all the events?
I apologize then. I had hate in my heart when i replied. Hope you manage to get her soon to join chart
Anni has a select scout for each type?

Thanks for the heads up.
In that case I'll rather paypig for select scout, but I'll do both most likely though.
well then what did you search for
Last year we've got Seasonal Scout A,B,C for the three roles. Don't know how they will handle Field/Sprint pairs but I guess they just add them to one scout or add a D one for like... 5 pairs at best?
Pokèmon Masters story event
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phoned-in chart
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Flint, Volkner, and Royal on shart. This week’s picture: Dawn finally made a breakthrough to Cyrus but what did she say?
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I love Kanto CS, I can actually crank out a clear using whatever units I feel like in like 5 minutes
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Been trying to avoid some of my best pairs to even out the counts with the prime waifus
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All male chart.
Kabu is actually super fun to use. I'm glad with his kit.
>doubts this
>doesn't call out the guy who apparently solos all five battles week to week

If anything, these look entirely expected
That anon meant that you need to post a screen of your total points too.
You can’t just follow the basic rule that literally everyone posting charts is following?
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My cute wife Whitney on the chart!
Any way of 3K'ing Agatha with these dorks?
Sure, but I mean you can fake any of this. Clear it for 15K, redo with 0K, post a mixed screenshot comp (or vice versa). Just saying that >>55995439 is complete bullshit for 15K
I'm a double retard
Can't see Serena level but probably enough to flinch and debuff to hell. Karen Houndoom with boosts to low SpAtk targets (and flinch too) would synergies well. Then probably a support, doesn't have to be dark
Karen is all but designed for it; nab the grid node for -2 special attack after every move and you'll have Ag's down to -6 in no time with snarl and offset her boosts, while houndoom gets damage bonuses for the lowered special attack. Royal and Nanu can also go together if you have a support that can boost their critical hit rates, Nanu can shred Gengar's defense while Royal powers up to eventually take it out, and Royal can debuff the sides with Brutal swing until Gengar gets in KO range. Sydney is also a self contained spread damage beast.
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Fan-fucking-tastic image anon, very based taste
Shit anon, why tf you got sidney abandoned, he's literally your best dark type attacker there, tf you doing
Not a cute girl plus hair makes him look like a giant baby
Thank you for the tips, took her Gengar down to red health then it hit itself in face for the win.
Will do Blue tomorrow for my first 15k since I started playing.
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x5 Serena and Lillie clear
Okay so you know how if I've never played this game I wouldn't know they're called "Story Event"s? anyway thanks that put me on the right path.
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Ok so you know how there’s this magical tool called Google that gives that same term just by searching “all Pokemon Masters stories” and scrolling for 5 seconds? But you’re welcome
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>all those random lvs
You’re killing me anon…please make them lv140/150…
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Here I'll just spoonfeed this to you because I don't think anyone should actually play this game either. Especially for just the story. The voices are even in Japanese. If you wanted to play this for the story you wouldn't even be able to see pretty much any of it because of how the game handles reruns.
This channel exhaustively has everything but the organization is shittier and there's no voice acting. I can't seem to find the arc 1 main story cutscenes on the other channel so maybe you can just find them here.
>then it hit itself in face for the win
Of course it did
Why is Agatha like that
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Chart is here ! This week our favorite brat Acerola (and Tapu Bulu) takes the top spot !

Sorry, the chart is in a weird order because I didn't had time for this today.
Side notes :
-After a 10 CS break Serperior is fucking back
-Nothing amazing about Kabu (on type first CS) Larry, at least, have a good first rank for a normal type.
-Zapdos got it's worst rank today (previous was 4 Week18)

Next week first rank :
>EX Roles
Red and Snorlax (Sprint; 252+Speed Snorlax is meta now !)
Anabel and Snorlax (Field)

Next week is week 26, the middle of the year but also the end of June. Don't expect an early chart. I want to finish all the recaps (weekly, monthly and mid year) and post them in one time.

You can still post your clear as always. See you next week !
Red Snorlax also have a Grid update sorry
Thanks for charting, good 1st showing for Larry
Bluesisters… it’s over…
It's never Zapdover
>-Zapdos got it's worst rank today (previous was 4 Week18)
Because the true meta queen is NC Rosa.
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Why bother, the original guy may not even have the balls to actually send the message, and the reposter likely is a falseflagger or a script anyway.
Soon™ has fallen
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Because other posters might think we agree with that retardation in these threads.
Kabu, Adaman, SS Morty...imagine the heals...
>oak at the bottom
He used to rule the world...
>one acc is enough to ignore evade
>one debuff per attack
He aged
>on type
>SS Red 5
>Mix Blue, with a full mega move and is "better" in most ways, still has less uses

grim, although I don't know if people have gotten him to the degree I have. I have him at 5/5 despite not candying him, just rolling on the banner. I might hold off until they bring the next mix banner
most people are not rolling the mix banner
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F2P since day one and i don't intend to break any time soon
I'm mostly f2p but I'm waiting for a waifu Mix. Even if no alt outfit.

But I'll probably skip next because it'll be Leaf. I've stopped using her for Champ Stadium because she's tainted. We STILL get a schizo post or two in every thread
Summer Swimsuit Lusamine, Summer Swimsuit Oleana and Sygna Suit (Ultimate) Cynthia will save this game.
He mostly posts on twitter, namely replying to the official pomas posts. I'm skipping for a Mix Lyra, which we may or may not get. I mostly throw extra x3 rolls hoping to get some older fair pairs
Stop coping coomer, is Hassel
Kek they're still mad at this post
Curently it's something like Zapdos 234 uses and Meloetta 232 uses
So yeah poor guy is on the decline.
But it's interesting, i wouldn't lost hours of my life to do that if it wasn't
In this fucking era? I don't think so, chief.
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>Summer Swimsuit Lusamine, Summer Swimsuit Oleana and Sygna Suit (Ultimate) Cynthia will save this game.
>all females
Yikes, it's like you want this game to flop
>Rosa sold more than Nate
>Bianca sold more than Cheren
>Irida sold more than Adaman
>SC Irida sold more than SC Adaman
gays and fujos lost bigly
>all old hags
Yikes, it's like you want this game to flop
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>this idiot actually thinks we’re getting swimsuits
The best they can have are alt like Gloria/Marnie
>July alt are Lifeguard Marlon and (really) old fashioned Swimsuit Bertha
>Kabu sold more than all of them
pokemen game
This. Men in speedos are more likely.
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Cool…..again. Wtf is this luck.
>gays and fujos lost
And that's a good thing. They're insufferable

>lying gay retard coping with his flops
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Your summer pairing: Swimsuit Lillie and Swimsuit Elio
next week
Cute, but I would rather they get matching NC outfits.
Crabblin based off a crabapple? Lemme guess, evolutions based off of cider and jams.
Should I sprint role Snorlax, Chase or Elesa
Snorlax or Chase
Elesa doesn't have the nice Support bonus
I would say Snorlax just because Chase has more competition with NC Blue
>They're insufferable
I wish. That'd be amazing.
Holy based
Solo 15k is not that hard especially when you’re using modern Master Fairs
Chad anon, I imagine it involved a lot of rng and retries.
can a f2p get the kanto hard what should i focus after story event dailies ?
When did you start? We’d need to see your roster. Focus on the Legendary events. Make sure you get the upgrades for Mewtwo from the two Kanto events (next one drops in a few days)
Kanto CS no less
Don't forget GS Misty.
No, in reality it will be some literally who in a kimono with Celesteela.
Do forget GS Misty
Shiny Celesteela Ingo (Steel Sprint)
Shiny Jirachi Emmet (Psychic Field)
Archie is still an altcuck and help to wake up jirachi just for it to be paired with another trainer
>Psychic Field
It should be a steel field to compliment ingo (their butler alts compliment each other too)
Would they really use the same idea again that they did with Liza and Tate already? I know they're running out of ideas or whatever but they're not THAT desperate. Besides, Ingo and Emmet's next alts will be Halloween, mark my words. But I guess Sygna Suits would be fine, too. It just seems weird to have alts of characters that are probably getting vanilla reruns for the month they were released initially, but I also can't remember if that's something they've done before.
Happened plenty of times
Celesteela is just a weird Pokemon. Maybe it can be paired with a space pokemon but I had no idea so I went for another Jirachi like Liza with Celesteela.
The brothers (and Liza and Tate but who care sadly) can be paired with any pokemon that work well together/version exclusive so they have a ton of choice left. The only pokemons that I guess they can't use are pokemons that hate eachother like Heatmor and Durant or Zangoose and Arbok but shit. But they can use them with Team Magma/Aqua alt I guess.
It's why it's weird that the monkeys are in hell since they learn the pledge moves but also Simisage can make use of Rain (less fire damage) and Sun (Solar Beam/Blade). I can understand no Plusle/Minun because it's two Electric type and this is probably the strongest type in the game with Psychic.
>Zangoose and Arbok
You mean Zangoose and Seviper.
They already made two, there's nothing stopping them from making more.
Yes it's a shit version of arbok in any games
Everyone cares about the cute handsome prince.
Let me have a Team Skull Liza my prince... no my king ! I beg you !
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Are there any other desired pairs like this that have come from in-game dialog?
Zangoose does not live in the same areas as Arbok, so the two species never met outside of pokemon battles.
The closest you can get is Zangoose and Ekans both being in the same underground areas in BDSP, but BDSP is not canon.
>Pairs based on Masters Events/dialogues that we got +In games knowledge
Eusine &Suicune
Silver x Egg was obvious
SS Morty (Johto VA)
BrycenMan/Bellelba even before April
Brendan and Latios (because May and Latias)

>That we don't have
Tina and Dratini
Team Skull Liza
Lear/Paulo/Giovanni Hoopa Unbound
??? And Torchic/Blaziken was kinda wanted at first since you just found the egg like that.
Archie and Jirachi (?)

>Based on other games/one cameo in Masters
Flanneary and Heatran
Swimsuit Cynthia
Nemona starter I guess

>Lol nobody want them
Blaine and Moltres
Oak and Nidorino
Ask Mr. Guzma.
Prince Tate + Princess Liza soon
>Would they really use the same idea again
Yes. The special concert battle or whatever the fuck they called it was just a recycling of the first summer event.
I love them so much you guuuuys
>Male indeedee, Gothorita, female indeedee
Boring costumes but it could work
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Wanted cute interpol agent but got 3 copies of Elaine, is she any good
Idk but she is one of those units that can solo all LAs
If Poppy is 9, how old are the twins? They're taller than her, but look like they're 7-9
Did Sabrina get an Alt recently?
Yes, Bellelba outfit from BW2
Did I miss her banner?....
you tell us
>Bellelba Costume Scout (May 2nd 2024 - May 27th 2024)
>Ended almost a month ago
Damn. Thanks for the info.
She'll rerun in 6 months or so now?
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Old enough to fuck.
>start masters a few hours ago
>run into the gyaru women at the beach
please say they are regulars
can i recruit them?
No you can’t recruit them but they show up in events often
>not groping
I look forward to the followup

Love them
Idk, ages are all over the place in this franchise. All I know is they are tiny and adorable.
I saw this to and also liked them.
That Iono one looks awesome and now I' pissed it'll never be real
I like the story the guy made along with it too
>Iono has a live stream reveal of her bikini
>reveals its just her in a different coat
>fans are butthurt
>fans spot wild bikini Cynthia in the distance and simp
>Iono gets butt hurt and tries to prank her off the beach
>Cynthia never notices any of this
>Larry gets caught in the crossfire and beats Iono's ass
Actually surprised they never started making seasonals go beyond duos. I guess featured spotlights like Allister and Darach kind of fill that role though.
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Iono's dialog is god tier.
Sadly the best we got was the black kid and a Cottonee for like two battles in a very old event
That's actually something Ghetsis Eelektross would wear as print, but I'd rather have BW Ghetsis with the spooky mummy, mentally eel or Hydreigon.
Oh it's that time of the year again, the ever so elusive swimsuit Cynthia
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Has anyone else gotten this power up before?
It's kinda rare, but one of best.
The power to price ratio is good and let's you cheese some battles with sync nuke.
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Cynthia in a bikini would break the internet.
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too late for having nothing impressive to show
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Still added anon. Lucky you !
That one and Crit Up always tempt me. Pretty universally helpful.
no for some reason
>clicking a link to a discord server you've never heard of is better than playing a gacha
Cute twins reminder #6782
>doesn't run on emulators
>requires you to hide root on a rooted phone
>no milotic
bullshit they are real
Eelektross will never be in Masters because everything needs to have a weakness
Welcome to the world of Nintendo kusogames
I'd be surprised if the next update doesn't come with even more restrictions
They will ignore the double type when picking a weakness, already happened before iirc
I had to fuck around for a while but I got it to run on real hardware despite root.
Absolutely no luck on emulator.
Are there any examples other than Barry’s Empoleon?

Either way they’ll just give Eelektross a ground weakness and maybe toss Ground Guard into its 1/5 grid.
Also adding to this, it was literally harder than actual banking apps.
What the fuck is wrong with these guys
Not really. They’ll just give it Ground Guard.
>not summer olivia
being a oliviachad is suffering
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as an artist, im really ashamed that I haven't noticed its an art. but also im really sleepy rn
You needed an emulator thats 64bit. And thats not a lot of those.

Best you can do is install Android 64bit on your PC as a Operating System. I used to play a 64bit os with FGO before and it was better than emulation.
>you now remember that the first VA had only two fairs and two pool units
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Make it weak to Normal. That'd be hilarious.
>the first VA had only the usual amount of units we get in a month outside of kit swaps
The fuck are luxurious missions?
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It's actually already weak to normal funny enough.
Guzma's so lucky...
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Luminous missions?
>Be me
>Log into kusomas
>Dumb notification that tells me who liked my shitty picture pops up
>It's from "that guy"
I was shocked but I gave him a like back to be nice.
Palentine with Stufful/Bewear
I want a spiritomb pair in general so this would be a win for me
I hope the summer pairs don't suck monkey fuck
Don't worry. Bug Catcher Kukui and Beautifly (Bug) and Toxic Mask Masqued Royal and Dustox (Poison) are not only meta but also hot
Sabrina finds your perverse fantasies bland and unoriginal.
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What summer pairs? These two were our summer pairs mate.
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Stupid faggot
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I got even more of the sync move power ups. They were so strong I had swanna’s sync move take away 1/5 of regigigas’ health and red pikachu do 999,999 dmg.
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did you loot the store or something?
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Hello? Master sex?
And with EX'd SSKris
For what purpose
EOS soon
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My cute husband Victor deserves another alt
No he does not
Data mine will save us from EOS

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