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>What is Pokémon Masters EX?
A mobile Pokémon game that's real-time instead of turn-based and focuses on collecting trainers instead of Pokémon.

>Pokemon Masters EX Links and Guides

>Sync Grid Simulator

>Sync Pair Tracker

>Model ripping/datamining project (3vp) FAQ

>Upcoming Events

>Pokémon Masters EX soundtrack with the latest tracks

>/pmg/ Clears Repository

>Trainer Lodge Interaction Charts

Previous thread: >>56039561
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Make Pokémon Masters Straight Again
I like big boobs. That is all.
The data mine will save us
So bored of this kusoge
Dendra needs to enter.
Imagine the interactions with characters like Hilda or Bea.
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I love my cute wife Whitney!
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I want to milk your wife
File deleted.
So who's the next furisode? Or do you think they'd do some other NPC
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>Only relevant for two more days
Volo and Cynthia kissing in the datameme
Why would they do selfcest though?
Based OP image, this is how you save POMA
Oh God I'm gonna cum
with flop banners?
Is it selfcest if 63'ed and centuries removed?
They have sex with shotas.
Black men*
Remember she canonically never met Bugsy
I’m willing to bet there’s some strong overlap here with this thread >>56065675
>He thinks using "loser" as an insult is hurtful
Are you 12? Just call us faggots and move on retards, no need to use childish insults on this site.
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You're sure taking that comment like a loser
God I want Winona so much...
I want a Winona alt so bad
6EX Flannery
Alt Flannery
Lodge Flannery
I beg you afroman just one thing....

>July 6EX is Wulfric so you can have a chubby male 6EX team
He may not be 12 but he has the mind of a 12 year old boy. going through puberty >>Hurr durr me want to jack off to children's game characters,.
Pathetic. Absolutely pathetic.
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Same here Winonafriend. What kind of alt would you like her to have?
she canonically fucks blacks
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a nice sexy swimsuit winona like these, with the cap and goggles of course
>with the cap and goggles of course
Based. That's one feature of Winona I always like.
I just want more Winona at all. She's so criminally underated
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Please Afroman
I'm begging for any Winona alt at this point. I will pull and coom.
Winnona and Flannery alts next
Digits confirms next pairs will akari and irida summer alts
Its clearly gonna be lillie and elio
I've never heard of this person in my life
whence the datamine
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Newfag here, who from each element should I focus on for Champion Stadium? I still don't get how team building works in this game. Also does this sync pair tracker site let you display current levels too?
Hau, elesa, sonia
Skyla, nate, maybe darach
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First for irida on da chart, Barry also sweeps pre mega
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CharTina !
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So long Kanto, your easy sharts will live on in our hearts
Chart, beeees
>final level of battle rally
>Super Hard and Ultra Hard are both Norman and Regigigas
How am I meant to survive the max move he does, it always wipes all my best units even if I heal after his sync move
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Team Aqua wins
Thats some creative stuff
Wish I had the luck to get Brycen Man back then
Question. Which elesa and what about ghost?

Ghetsis. The basic layout for teams is typically 1 Striker and 2 Support. Change tactics so that the enemy hits the supports first. Check if the striker is a physical or special attacker and pick your Supports that will best help them.
Also, prioritize Rotom Elesa and Morty for Ghost
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Can someone send a scrnshot of palentines candice facing sideways? I wanna see how big-... I mean, its for a research purpose.
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Thanks. Also I'm a retard, I picked ice instead of bug.
sEX Bugsy
Nolan and guzma are your best bets
As general advice, when building a comp you typically only care if your striker does super effective damage. The supporting characters aren't there to put up numbers, so look across all of your characters to find who will help the striker the most.
Imagine having your lust provoked by humans
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Weekly Kanto CS 15k clear for da Chart. New bug team formed.
This is what your parents said to you when they saw you pop out of your obese mom vagina
I make his wife milk me!
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Going to copy AlolaAnon's style, but more SFW so chartanon can it.

Triple Acerola clear
Skyla x Tina x Skyla
Heracross saved bug types
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>She already know the mid year ranking
Thank AcerolaAnon hope your daughterwife is happy
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Cute wife Whitney on the chart! Always so loveable, huggable, and adorable!
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>but more SFW so chartanon can it.
I meant so Chartanon can see it, before jannies delete it.

DaughterWife(Sygna Suit) will climb even higher once she gets her EX role.
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Jannies were so butthurt they killed the Alola post but also every reply to it too
It was like that last week too
Nude alt?
Just imagine Tina in a high cut racerback swimsuit.
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ethan zone chart
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Do you get b& for replying to it? Lmao. The absolute state of this board.
Remember to not skip those "luxurious rewards" thing because they each get deleted the day after, I already fucked up
3 Candice, 2 Viola, 2 Phoebe and 4 Skyla, 4 the chart!
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For the chartanon
Non Master Fair Edition
Did you buy the apple cup in the store? Final battles are always impossible without it, you're forced to spend 500 tickets for it
Unless you use on-type and bonus buffed perfect teams those are one of those stages that apple cup is can be used without regrets. For shit like Palmer you might even want an extra cheap item in addition to the already retarded apple cup cheese.
The problem with the Apple is if you’re not using 2 dude with x1.5 rewards and one with x2 you won’t break even
>Final battles are always impossible without it
Bruh, just just don't skimp on buffs. You only need one kind of +stats buff (you will usually get one for free when you start), the other three should be +100% damage buffs that match what your best team can do (these are also cheaper than +stats). Depending on how many you buy of each, you should be able to at least presync the final fight.
>Day 1 and 2 have the same battle
>it's gonna be the same for the rest of the week
>They delete the previous day
>When they can just put a "1 fight per day" like other event
This is retarded
But if you don't clear the final fight you will get even less out of the whole thing. You need to know how much you need to invest in buffs before you get to the last fight.
Why do you fake these? Its so pathetic honestly. I know what youre doing. You clear the shit on normal mode then clear on master with 15k regular teams. Post a video of you clearing 3k solo on each to prove me wrong.
That is still Palmer who gets +5 sync buff with +100% base stats buff, he is not exactly like the other battles, getting just some bonus buffs into your team base stats won't always reward if you also get awkward role bonuses for the points like Field + Support or Field/Sprint + Tech.
>anon can't do the maths with the kits + stage + parameters
why would anyone fake one of these
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You can try samefagging to deflect, but it only makes you more pathetic. Post video of the clears.
>if cynthiascam sync pairs can't do that than nobody else can
the only thing thats pathetic is you having a hissy fit over some clears, who cares, why would anybody fake that
You know this thread is never this active right? You can try to pretend its real all you want, but I had a feeling it was you all along. Especially after what you try to pull a few threads back. It all makes sense.
This thread is crazy active bro, we go through at least a thread per hour here, it's stupid.
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I mean the evidence is there to say he did do it but it could be edited yeah. There's no way to prove he didn't do it though. Some of those slop pairs are probably strong enough to pull it off, dunno and don't care. Frankly I see posting clears as a way to get as many characters as you like onto the chart as possible not as few as possible so I just scroll past silly shit like that. Anyways I just play this game casually but it's clear the best players can get baffling results by abusing who knows what.
Caring about CSMM in mid-2024 is a sign of mental illness
Most of them are just luck based either with a statut or evasion. Like it or not but it's possible you just need luck and it's the same for Legendary battle

The fact you had "3 anons" attack you in under 7 mins in a very slow general shows how obvious the samefagging is.
I'm curious, which chart is yours?
Yep, im not the only one to notice this. I think it was last thread someone tried calling out the solo clears but no responses like todays thread. Almost like a certain posters ban finished or something. Just noticing small details.
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>Implying the thread was good to begin with (coomer OP)
Do you realize how easy is making deepfakes with AI nowadays? Just like screenshots of Cynthia losing to Volo that eventually got debunked.
I can't wait for anon to make videos of each one and still be called a faker.
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If they can just post something like -10 or so it will make my Monday easier. I no longer count how many times I had to redo the chart just because I was like "Fuck I missed 5 pairs where are they" and no it was just a week were they used two pairs each battles.
That or a Tina meatshield from time to time so she can have an usage even higher
Not blurry enough, also wheres my Smash bros never ever pick?
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>try cs last week
>”I guess Kanto CS isn’t to bad”
>try it this week
>flying, ghost, dragon
Yeah I’m completely filtered, my roster isn’t as good as I thought…
Show your roster
Are you trying to do 15k? Just lower it dude
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With dragon I may be stupid but for the rest I’m a little stumped
But I want all the rewards :((
Anon you have Zerena, Cyrus, and Anni Raihan. Even Zinnia and Lisia. Dragon should be easy work for you. Blue or Elesa are more than enough for Flying. I’m sure Victor could clear Ghost but Fantina could also clear it. Also consider Gio and Mewtwo with Shadow Ball.
Ghost fuck you hard with only Spectrier 6EX. Maybe try offtype with an other type.
For Flying and Dragon you just need Blue and Zygarde
Champion is weak to Bug but it's Alakazam so just use Masquerain/Vivillon
Ahh okay, I may have to readjust my parameters then if that’s the case
Seems I need to invest in more ghost pairs in the future then..
What parameters are you using now?
Dont beat yourself up, only the rewards up to around 10k are worthwhile. Aint a big deal if you cant now.
Its alright anon, this general has some ungodly strong players compared to the general public that plays this game. Just pace yourself and dont spend money like crazy. Focus on EX'ing supports like 1 of each type and then go for damage dealers. You can do it anon I believe in you. You should be doing the battle rallys too even if you cant do it optimally yet, just farm those badges and power up units faster.
Is this event with Penny and Soph supposed to tease something? Like some kind of UI update or an update to the trainer dex (possibly to get rewards for completion rate)? Just feels really random
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All you fuckers doubted me. Now look at me, bitches
For on-type the red parameters at the bottom should always be turned on. Then add on like strength and other useless stuff. Try not to add on stuff like attack up or supp/tech/strike damage 3x because the difficulty increase is not worth the points.
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This is what I have for bruno, putting tech damage may have been a mistake. I cleared Lorelei with these
>crit hit defense
damn dude, thats not helping you in the slightest with those HP ups
>Asked "Are you a boy or a girl ?" At least 11 times.
Grats grampa
Datamine tonight perchance?
Here are mine, too lazy for a pic sorry
Phys Dmg Reduc
Special Dmg Reduc
Max Sync -1
Atk&Sp Atk up +1
Def&Sp Def up +1
Strength up +1
Sync Buff + 5
Ally Healing - 5
Atk or SpAtk Damage Reduc 8 (Toggle depending on fight)
Grad Healing
HP Up +4
Strength +3
Ally Gauge -2
Standard Dmg Reduc 8
Max HP +8
Strength +6

Obviously my pairs are more up there. Other optional ones you should use are Cant change terrain/weather if your not using a pair that needs it for a fight, you can half your MP, turn on no Status or Interferences for the same reason as the terrain one.
Agreed. Only time I ever do crit block is poison murder.

I'd swap in
>phys defense (crit to get through)
>spatk defense (again, crit, but only one matters)
>sync buff up (unless a slugfest, usually doesn't matter too much)
>turn weather/zone off (either turn on this or stack a few)
>interfere/status block (on or off by team and need)
>hp up
>crit def
Do you like pain?
>no crits
Maybe they finally add the Eggdex….
Nah too early. Almost certain it’s going to be on Thursday reset
For me? I always turn on max attack, strength and shit like that. 0 HP bonuses or healing. I will straight nuke them every time because im that fucking good. Only thing I ever change is the phys and special debuffs, and the off type debuff if I wanna have fun.
That was my first thought, eggdex but also Anniversary overhaul of something.

But this isn't a new event. It's for Gadgeteers, same as the Grown Woman event from a while ago.
I figured. I just thought it was weird about how it was about upgrading the Pokecenter and making a catalog to browse thru trainers. When it could have been another event about Volkner trying to nuke the island's power again.
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Royal twins on the chart
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I’ll try this out too
Turns out Lisia really was the meta pick after all
You never want to ignore your crit stat in this game. Its pretty much the only way to do significant damage to most of the games hard content, outside of this mode included.
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Crit is kind of a silly mechanic in PoMa because 100% crit is pretty much mandatory and very easily achievable with most supports.
Kanto CS has the hardest beat though. Really feels like you are facing the best in the world.
Good for you for replying, I would have just ignored him
He spliced the video. When he clicks on "hall of fame" it shouldnt transition instantly. Try it on your device, there is a slight delay and shows the white shimmer around the badge before it pops up. Clear as day I was spot on about him clearing in normal mode solo then clearing 15k with reg teams. Fuck it I might start "solo" clearing next week too lol.
kino photomode edits
still waiting

This is the classic splicing trick they use for cheating in speedruns, those transitions are an easy tell.
wait holy shit this niggas right
Really? I looked closely and the "noise" in the background scrolls down just fine. The clear dates look normal, too
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Charting with Iono. Abit late this time. Have been testing my newly aquired E6S5 Firefly. Iono and Firefly love like always.
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full Serena/Lillie/Skyla chart

(with NC Blue because a bit reluctantly I needed him to make it work)
Data mine tonight denwa?
Datamine bros....
Datamine doko?
>Regarding the future of Pokémon Masters EX
>absol-utely is kil
You don't even know what you're trying to say anymore. You can see the literal timeline of his successful clears after that transition anyway so what you're insisting doesn't make sense and sounds like stubborn desperation.
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Bribing with Tina clear so chart Anon will count my entry.
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Chart. Glad I waited until I could cake Ethan
Two weeks in a row my rally has been shit up by tech/support almost every stage. LET ME GET MY FUCKING 2x BONUSES
>Try it on your device, there is a slight delay and shows the white shimmer around the badge before it pops up.
No there isn't, I just tried it and it's instant. You sound like a schizo going on a rant because you have a shit phone.
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Now if I could just pull Larry…
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Hello again
Weekly chart is done but I have to do the monthly and mid year ones. You can still post your clear it will be added (I think only the Volkneranon is missing)
See you in two hours at best !
Dammit I forgot Tina. I need a must-use list so I don't skip anyone
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I did it anons :). I tried doing on type for Agatha but I got impatient and just tried doing off type. Bruno took a bit of trial and error and dragon was way easier with the parameters recommended
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Grats !
Nice quads
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Volkneranon here. I’m almost finished I just have to combine the screenshots. Had some surgery over the weekend and spent most of Monday sleeping. Sorry for the wait
Told you to EX Volkener & Raichu, now look at what you made me do...
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I’m sorry anon. My autism won’t let me EX characters without the color swap.
My autism doesn't let me EX more than one unit of the same character
So your friend requests count for your number of friends in terms of amount you can register, but not your total amount? Seems like a hassle to reach 100.
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Solo legendary arena tier list based on how many they can solo.
You think we’ll get more PLA characters this datameme? Or maybe the rest of the SV Elite 4? Rika, Poppy, and Larry were pretty close releases so Hassel?
I definitely think we will get something.
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Yeah, sure, I hope you're ready.
We got the Paldea E4 in the order you battle them in SV, so it does feel they're building up to Hassel being next. Even if he doesn't come in July, I think it would be August or September at the latest, and then they'd drop the Paldea CS update to coincide with 5th Anni.
He’s my favorite asshole character so I will roll
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>absol-utely is kil
>chart anon is kil
This is it .....the death of /pmg/
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Im still just hoping for malva, it's just ridiculous how is she the only elite 4 of the first seven gens who is not playable yet. do nips hate her or something?
>waifufags are kil
End of an era
The new site that popped up last datamine should have the info posted quickly since it seems like they have some kind of automated process in place to extract and organize everything instead of doing it all manually.
What site? I haven’t heard of jt
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Chart is finaly here and today Serena and Zygarde take the top spot !

Reaaaally late and the last two chart didn't really help since I had to change everything

Side notes :
One pair is either missing or at the wrong rank. There is 514 pairs in total and I need 515. I don't really care for today but if you find it please tell me.
- Good rank for Cheren on an on-type type but Tornadus Skyla and now Lugia EX Role lead the Flying type.
-Nobody care about Field Snorlax

Next week first Rank :
Sophocles (fuck Penny daily but only in MMO)
>EX Roles
Lugia (Field)
>Grid Update
Morty and Drifblim
>New Pairs
SS Tierno and Espathra, Lilie and Alolan Ninetales (Fairy because fuck you), Wulfric and Iron Bundle

No Monthly recap today but I'm gonna post the mid year ones later.
See you next week anyway !
brybry or something like that, sure someone will post it after the new update drops
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Irida bros...
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Top spot for the first half of the year.
Usage by weeks
No I will not post the list of unused eggs
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>missed 3 weeks with Abomasnow Candice
Oops, I know I skipped 1 or 2 weeks, still pretty good results.
I want to fuck Liza while Tate watches.
Then fuck Tate while Liza watches.
Then fuck them both at the same time.
And then now that I have your attention, do you think keeping the last week of the month completely barren and releasing trailers before the update drops are DeNA’s way of trying to ward off datamining discussion on social media?
Nice on you, Volkneranon. And pleasantly surprised to see Xmas Jasmine missless. Poor Whitneyanon was sick 5 weeks so he doesn't actually love his cute wife.

Complained a second too soon, eh?
>>absol-utely is kil

Once she gets her Ex Role she'll dominate every chart until EOS.
Thanks for charting.

>-Nobody care about Field Snorlax
I think it was also bad timing. I wanted to give her cake but I can only cake so many units and preferred to use my Field cake coins for SS Ethan instead.
Datameme wishlist: Malva, Beach babes Flanery/Bugsy. New improvs for photo mode. Sync grid expansion for Lisia. EX Roark.
I wonder if they are going to keep her until PLZA
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And at least the usage chart for the first half of 2024.
Top 10 :
NC Blue
NC Rosa
SS Acerola
NC Marnie
NC Serena
SS Serena
NC Red

Yes a 4 stars is in the top 10. Tina is adorable so it's not a surprise.

Outside her Skyla is the highest 3 stars and Evelynn is the highest non EX pair

Scizor and Swoobat are probably the pairs with the best "growth" right now

First time I got the "Error: Image resolution is too large." Hope the image is good now
JOIN THE TINA CLUB and see you next week ! or in a few days for the June chart
>beach babe Bugsy
Yes please
No way V Bruno sits at 1 usage probably got Brock and Bruno Onix swapped.
Oh yeah it was an error fuck doing 5 charts in one day I guess, sorry.
I change that for the full year version
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Neat, but I'll stick with the Hilda Club.
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>Keep making banners that no one but homosexuals would pull on
>All the heterosexuals leave
Wow! How strange!
>>avoid making banners that no one but coomers are asking for
>>game still exists and shows no sign of stopping
Wow! What a surprise!
>Flint higher than Cynthia
Idk how but I kneel
>they're not making content for heteros anymore!!
>been trying to roll Bianca all month
Funny how that works, the good news is I'm like 2 daily single rolls away from the guaranteed copy.
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It's very haha funny
actually Im ok with that, that gives more time to save gems for actually important bannrs
Get Tierno
You too? Gooooood times.
>made it just past the meme cutoff
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I dont know what is funnier, that you faggots forget this franchise was supposed to be for little boys (who usually are not interested in girls until they are pubsecent) or the fact that you are acting like girls never had more sync pairs than boys for years
Could you at least ask reddit to update your image
[citation needed]
we all know you faggot coomers can’t back up your retarded statements anyway
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She's so strong.

>no missed weeks
Hell yeah

>just above OU cutoff

Thank you for all the charts!
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Cry more you fat ass roastie
eww, what else are we getting?
Take a bath, fatty
touch grass, pedo
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Thank you anon. Always dedicated to Volkner.
Based. Afroman finally putting a bullet to every fujo bitch and tranny faggot's brain
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>saying this shit on a pokemon board
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Based skip month
>Sailor gear
I can already tell she's going to be cute cute cute!
I wonder what mon she'll have? Maybe that ghost jellyfish?
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Yikes! Looks like catering to the gays was a BIGLY mistake and Dena is in dire need of funds!
Sorry Afroman, but thanks to all the gay homo slop banners I have a BIGLY amount of gems saved so I will not be buying any gem packs!
Thanks for the cute and funny 'rola banner though!
Kek, based. Lolichads stay winning.
Another summer child, why is it actually impossible to get an adult woman summer unit. I'm not even asking for lewd fan service bikini alts like some people.
Off the top of my head, Nanu with Krookodile or Allister with Cursola
i've been looking into so much content of acerola it's like PokeMasters knew.
seriously, Summer Lusamine, Cynthia, or Diantha would sell like hotcakes but DeNA's more focused on catering the loudass pedos that lust over fucking Acerola
This, not even a good loli like lana
False flag or retard?
The last two updates added Dhelmise, Male Jellicent, Mienshao, Galarian Rapidash, Alolan Ninetails, and Galarian Slowbro, and Florges.

So the update is almost certainly going to be Sailor Acerola/Jellicent, Pirate ???/Dhelmise, Klara/G. Slowbro, Avery/G. Rapidash, and Trevor/Florges. Then Mustard will be used an Isle of armor npc for now.
all the hot ADULT women in Pokemon and you you go for the child
Call me retarded all you want
Me, they're catering to me. I knew Afroman would reward me for buying that dollar pack last year.

My cute daughter-wife has another alt!

Makes me happy to see Afroman give so many alts to her, now I just need to summon fall Acerola to complete my collection.
Definitely a false flag LMAO
>meanwhile gays and fujoshi focused sync pairs these last few months
Nice try.
>"Pokemon fan" thinks anyone gives a fuck about the "adults" in the franchise
You're not fooling anyone, troony toon. You had your gay slop. Now it's time for men to feast.
>arguing over a boring loli like acerola
I really don’t see the appeal
This is why you don't give fags a single good thing. They'll continue to kick and scream for more until the game dies and then act ignorant on why it failed
Im not even trans
Try again
No one is expecting a faggot to understand and we don't care enough about you to educate you.
>not Galar Slowking
>not Single Strike Urshifu
Dropping the ball
sorry I don’t appreciate mediocrity
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Maybe they're saving Single Strike for a Victor alt
he is Galar's golden boy after all
They wouldn't burn a legendary on Mustard when Mienshao is his true ace and nobody else uses it.
>implying both pedos and homos weren't on DeNA's agenda every single summer
DeNA hates money so much they ultimately lost the sex drive to ask for Cynthia or Elesa in a bikini.
Zzz boring bitches Zzz don't care Zzz slop banners Zzz
He does have 2 outfits in the games. Maybe Mienshao is his normal outfit and down the line he can wear his outfit when he's fighting seriously. The Rapidash thing there's no real excuse though. Unless the problem with Slowking is they just gave up on how to get Eerie Spell to work in a game without PP. Just like how Raihan's Duraludon doesn't Gigantamax and they never have to worry about how G-Max Depletion works.
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>Klara finally
>Mienshao is his true ace
>nobody else uses it.
Neither of these statements are true
>pedo troon tries to pretend other people are troons
Go back to discord, child rapist tranny.
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You lost, homo
wasn't mienshao marshal's original ace in bw1 before they changed it to conkeldurr for some reason?
Datamine tonight?
Yeah. They changed it to Conk in the BW1 rematches iirc. Bianca also uses one.
Almost certainly so
I checked and it's literally the weakest member on Mustard's final team
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>porn addict calling other people trannies
lol, real men are saving gems for Klara
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Acerola is the app icon and Klara isn't.
'nuff said.
Haha eat shit homofaggots
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unless she is flying or fairy, Im gonna skip this one
Quit being a faggot. I'm saving gems for both, I'm so glad the homo season is over.
She's ghost and it's either Dhelmise or Jellycent.
If Lana doesn't get a summer unit with her there is no justice in this world
then Im gonna skip this, I already have good ghost pairs
We don't care man
This. Waifu chads don't fight with other waifu chads. Posts like that are tranny false flags
Bro... your NC Rosa?
Surfer Guzma/Plumeria & Mantine can still save us from this acerola flop
>it's still crying
Love it. Acerola broke this troon's mind
Alola wise it would have to be Olivia or Lana to appeal to me. I'm fine saving since Bianca has taken all my gems but would be nice if Jellicent got paired with a good character.
then why did you respond pedofag

rosa dont need more alts, you coomer
>it typed as it shoved more estrogen down its throat
How can you unironically post this shit and be a Bianca fag lmao.
Not only are you a cuck but you're also a faggot.
>Thinks adding a nigger would be an improvement
I feel bad for Bianca fags. They waited years for that ugly ass alt. At least she's a strong character, kek
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Fantina alt
It's okay, her event taught us to marry and reproduce

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