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PokeMas is Saved Edition

>What is Pokémon Masters EX?
A mobile Pokémon game that's real-time instead of turn-based and focuses on collecting trainers instead of Pokémon.

>Pokemon Masters EX Links and Guides

>Sync Grid Simulator

>Sync Pair Tracker

>Model ripping/datamining project (3vp) FAQ

>Upcoming Events

>Pokémon Masters EX soundtrack with the latest tracks

>/pmg/ Clears Repository

>Trainer Lodge Interaction Charts

Previous thread: >>56070472
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Fags and fujos in shambles
Lolichads won again
>another Pedo (and possibly Homo) summer
pls be paired with Lillie or Lana.
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Fantina alt when
Where datamine?
I hate this general sometimes.
>kabu anon won
I kneel
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Hope its a sizzlipede
ok, pedos got their shit, what else more is for this month?
You got more of the gay old man in the gay lodge so shut the fuck up
>more cringe faggot lodge shit
Dead fucking mode lmao
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Interesting choice at least.
Cool outfit, shame its on her
>3 women
>1 token faggot
Based month. My gems are in danger.
Scratch that. 4 women now: >>56082390
Lodge is so dogshit. I'm running out of pairs to play the stupid mini game with and materials. If they're going to do this gay premium shit they should at least have the decency to put a free one per month.
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Variety pairs maybe

ugh, I hate whenever gachas go this theme instead of usual summer stuff
Not Fantina, but I'll take it.
### New Sync Pairs:
- **Gardenia (Summer 2024) & Dhelmise** (Ghost): Field
- **Gladion & Weavile** (Ice): Field
- **Wally & Altaria** (Dragon): Sprint
- **Hugh & Unfezant** (Flying): Sprint
- **Marnie & Scrafty** (Dark): Field
- **Nemona & Lycanroc** (Rock): Field
- **Acerola (Summer 2024) & Jellicent** (Ghost): Support
- **Kabu & Torkoal** (Fire): Support
- **Klara & Slowbro** (Poison): Tech
- **Avery & Slowking** (Psychic): Field
- **Greta & Breloom** (Grass): Sprint
### New Ex Roles:
- **Gardenia (Summer 2024) & Dhelmise :** Support
- **Acerola (Summer 2024) & Jellicent :** Tech
- **Sygna Suit Cyrus & Darkrai :** Field
- **Klara & Slowbro :** Striker (Special)
- **Avery & Slowking :** Tech
- **Greta & Breloom :** Field
- **Sygna Suit Brendan & Latios :** Sprint
- **Sygna Suit Lyra & Celebi :** Field
### Expanded Sync Grids:
- **Jasmine & Steelix (48 54)**
- **Sygna Suit Cyrus & Darkrai (48 54)**
Fuck you, pirates are always based, at least they show off her midriff and succulent navel
I mean its good and all to see Gardenia get an alt but why did the give a tummy alt to a character that already shows tummy by default. Save the already scarce tummy alts for the ones that cover them dammit, like they did with Korrina and Irida
>pirate gardenia
Weird move
>based wally with a useful alteria
>greta and breloom with most likely spore spam
My gemmies are in danger...
They're heeeeeeeere.
another edgelord and Weavile
File deleted.
I can't believe bikini Acerola got in the game before swimsuit Cynthia.
Uh oh, the pedo groomer tranny is mad again…
Interesting, good to finally see Weavile.
Most excited about Lyra Field Ex and Jasmine expansion.
why the fuck is this literal who a pokefair. Do they not know what a popular character is?
Yes I'm very mad that Acerola is the app icon lol
Even weirder is that she's the Dhelmise user.
Thats the joke my daft little anon kun, with the number of ghost/grass pairs it was bound to happen, since she is grass trainer with a fear of ghosts
>Sygna Suit Brendan & Latios :** Sprint
>Sygna Suit Lyra & Celebi :** Field
oh yeah.
That's the stuff.
And yet you throw a tantrum that Kabu is in the lodge
Sounds like someone’s insecure
Don’t worry though I’m sure your 12 year old discord kitten will console you in voice chat
This post stinks of projection lol
>Gladion, Hugh, Marnie, Nemona & Wally will release at the same time as Gardenia (Summer 2024), maybe they are just new scouts? There doesn't seem to be special banners for them
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>Dena confirming we’re getting DLC pairs for real this time
MY MONTH. Im unironically very happy DLC characters are getting a chance
I like how Gardenia's alt could have very well covered her midriff and it would have looked fine but DeNA actively chose to let it be exposed. It's like they know she's the franchise's premier tumslut
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Will roll for Acerola
Will roll for Gardenia
Will roll for Klara
PokeMas is finally bank to catering to hetero men.
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until next month when there’s a few male characters (such as Brandon) and you insist that DeNA is doomed and the game will EoS
And then the cycle repeats the following month
As per usual
>On 4chan
You are so fucking mad for no reason lmao.
>calls a bunch of people homos and trannies several times
>gets called a tranny once
>throws a fit
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Troon repellent
im so fucking happy bros
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Oh so that's why you were crying? Lmao.
No chance to pull for summer marnie...?
They will run it back but they'll shove the other past summer units on the banner making your odds to pull her really shitty
>afroman cut absol-utely's internet
What is he hiding
I'd but every single outfit swap pair
so are any of the kits good enough to pull for beyond just whichever characters you like?
Kek based
I literally have to have her so looks like I'll be going to pity. Shame cuz it's only my third month and I've not got many gems.
Corviknight unit coming within a few months?
>update drops
>check thread
>half the posts are about trannies
you should all honestly kill yourselves it's so over for you at this point
Seasonal reruns (most reruns really) have always been dog shit for this game. It's pretty much why you have to get them the first time they're around. It's a fucking mess.
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I cant believe dena saved this dying game in a single update, straight hetero CHADS we NEED to outspend the gays and fujos
I’m so excited , Galar has been treated well recently
Watch it be Lodge Poppy's pokemon.
Nice photoshop troon
Not too hyped for the new pairs, but I gotta roll SS Lyra so still something for me
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Looks like this is the banner she'll be on
>I cant believe dena saved this dying game in a single update
Brycen-Man was released 2 updates ago, you're late anon
I never liked gloria but every time I see her summer alt my heart starts racing... maybe I finally give her banner a go..
How am I ever going to afford SS Lyra. She's too cute too. I guess I could buy the story bundles.

Fuck yeah, I also get a chance for a cute twin and an ok Hilda. Wish I had Hilda's base though so I could look at her butt in photo creator.
The five rivals are freebies you earn from the damage event. Nemona is the first free Paldean.
So, Brandon in NPC purgatory?
Is there even a 2D art for him, or is he on the same boat as Faba?
Post your 5/5 Brycen Man please
That's very generous.
Are you fucking joking I just spent 20k gems pulling Marnie from her spotlight thing.
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do they normally release lodge pairs for fairs several months after their run? i'd guess a hop alt since it's his gmax, which is basically a second ace
We've had DLC and Legends characters and they even dusted off Kabu.
It was way easier to justify rolling for SS Acerola, costume alts are cringe
Not even pirate Gardenia is enough to make me roll for a costume that might not even be worth using
I’m Krazy 4 Klara though so I will be on that day 1
Absolutely bonkers that Greta is a PokeFair, they’re not getting any money on that
Not sure why there’s like seven variety-esque alts that don’t seem to have a banner attached
Overall pretty much 100% pre-anni bait but they hooked me on one at least
>Not sure why there’s like seven variety-esque alts that don’t seem to have a banner attached
See: >>56082543
Lemme guess. You can only pick one.
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Yeah that's what I thought, faggot.
Post your 5/5 Sygna Suit Acerola
Klara and Avery seem pretty good, hopefully I can gather enough gems to get them both
How old are the twins if Poppy is 9?
I have him EX'd and got 2 copies of him in 1 multi. Sorry I don't have 3 Tech Candies
pretty hard choice but I had already good poison pairs, so Im going for gardenia
Poppy is a "forever baby"
I feel like Hop is more likely to get his Dubwool before Corviknight
Where was Acerola mentioned in that post? Did someone hurt your feelings?
Oh so you don't have one maxed out then? Seems like that's a recurring theme for shit characters!
Where was poppy confirmed to be 9??
I bet it'll be like the Alcremies and you can only pick one
>he doesn’t even have SS Acerola
Yeah that’s what I thought
Guaranteed not even gonna pull for her SC either
>doesn’t even pull at all
Every single time
I don't even max out my good characters because usually they're fine at 2-3/5 so I don't see your point here
>Brycen-Fag saved PokeMas!!!
>Nobody rolled for him
>W-W-Well you don't have Acerola!!!
>(nobody brought her into the conversation)
Truly mind broken
Yeah I know you're a fraud your earlier post proved that lol
Lodge Kabu fucks
Gladion and Weavile are...interesting.
Offensive based stats, but no way of boosting his own crit or offenses, completely reliant on support for it. Usually don't see that anymore
Just say you didn't play SV or reach the Elite Four, it's fine.
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Oh now 5/5 maters?! But when I showed off my 5/5 here I got called stupid, fuck you guys
Answer my question, faggot. In what part of SV does she say she's 9? If it's some trivia bullshit muttered by a one off NPC then you need to kill yourself
What’s wrong? You’re telling me you DON’T roll for the cute girls, Anon-kun?
You some kind of homo faggot or something?
Seems like it should be very easy to prove you roll for the cute girls by posting your collection of every single one of them at 5/5. What’s stopping you?
Man I haven't stepped onto /vp/ in a hot bit and only came back to post here since the datamine is out, good to know I can still argue with tards like always. Thanks man, I see the experience lives on
>/pmg/ is one person
Anyway 5/5 has always mattered. You were likely accosted by jealous fags
Love alola, simple as.
>decide to do some multis because acerola and gardenia are boring and i already have oleana to be my galar poison tech
>don't get any of the fairs
>get t**rno
it's over
Fragile ego babies will tell you whatever narrative makes them feel better that day. Don't bother. But you should 5/5 your absolute favs.
She literally says it herself you retarded nigger monkey
did you just not even play the game or what
You got buttfucked.
Princess banner!!
Super ironic post. See you tomorrow, stupid kid.
So post the screenshot then. Can you even do that? Probably not. Sounds like your parents still change your diaper too
>here's all the sprint/fields you wanted fuckface, leave us alone
At this point, shouldn’t you coomers just give up on wanting swimsuits already?

Try this
"I'm sorry anon, I didn't know"
i haven't finished the league club yet, but I think it's confirmed in an interaction she has in the club in the indigo disk if you invite her, not sure who else you need to invite if you do
Thanks! Just pretend one of the many anons here is me that day. Then you can let your fantasies play out, 'kay?
You should give up on being a woman.
No amount of pills will help you
I want Belelba to transform me into whatever she wants!
Nobody gonna notice Brandon appears in there
Of course you need to be spoon fed because you didn’t play the game at all
Here you go faggot
Now hurry up and livestream your suicide already
The day I mentally raped you will live on in your memory for the rest of your life. But for me it was just another night on /vp/
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>Trivia locked behind paid DLC
You are waste of sperm cells. Your mother should have tossed you in a dumpster years ago.
>mentally raped
Actually he was wearing a mental Rape-aXe so it didn’t work
Also he teleported behind you before you could do it and used +10 Mega Death Blood Blade on you
Nothin personnel kid…
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Fuck yes my blue bodysuit wife is finally in
>admits he didn’t play the game
Btw admitting you didn’t catch ‘em all violates Rule 1
Battle! Klara

Battle! Avery
I'm boring so I'm just gonna go for the Akari/SSCyrus rerun and Kabu lol
Kinda odd how they put him at the lodge and not the more recent Larry though
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>He slurped up the paid DLC slop
Embarrassing. You probably begged your parents for it too.
>another month without olivia alt, malva or shelly
why am I still playing this shitty game for pedos and fujos?
>Gladion, Hugh, Marnie, Nemona & Wally can be obtained for 300 Training Ticket for a maximum of 5 times each.

>You can obtain Training Tickets in the Damage Challenge event, based on your score
i wonder why the VA retired?
damn why does AI make acerola so hot?
I am about to vomit, ugliest possible outfit on an already ugly sinnoh who and worse of all Dhelmise was wasted on her without even having its signature move.
>but yeah we need another ghost zone setter and for sinnoh which clearly lacks ghost pairs
Damn that sucks for you
>pedo AI slop
kill yourself twice
Buy the DLC, it's great. That said getting Poppy for the League Room requires a lot of boring ass grinding. Doesn't surprise me one bit anon made sure to put in all that effort.
have some respect for yourself and post actual acerola art please
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>Gladion, Marnie, Nemona can set up zones
And they're just giving this away for free?!
>Training Support Log-In Bonus
Fuck yeah easy super fan grinding for me
See? This anon gets it. Anyways, "Brycen-Man Strikes Back Even Harder" premiering in theaters soon, can't wait!
Pokefair has been the new regular pool since 2021
Nah, SV's campaign was garbage so I'm not going to pay more for the "good parts" of it. The only reason I turn it on is to play casual battles with friends. I did get a kick out of that retard making an ass out of himself so at least that was enjoyable.
>not NC nemona
you have one job dena
>Brycen-Man 2: Flop Harder
Its clear the intent is they want to give a F2P source of basically all the field effects now.
And finally a F2P Paldea so they can start requiring them for missions and eventually Extreme Battles
Dena saw the abysmal numbers for June and wanted to apologize to the players. July is a great month for Masters fans.
Do you think once Brandon is out of NPC hell they’ll give him regidrago/regieleki/shiny regis?
I don't care
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Pokefair regi regardless since all the Regis are in the BP hell.
Just heard the news. Based month. Glad Dena reduced the faggotry to one fruity nigga on a banner. We can do better next time though.
The Saviour of Pokémon Masters EX
That’s not gardenia
I know. That's why I said saviour and not failure LMAO
>ugly who
at least it is not maylene i guess
you said it like Klara or Gardenia alt with midriff are not good enough... i do love the idea for the ones you mentioned tho, i want Wicke too
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>Kabu Lodge
>mfw been trying to roll for him daily despite having no gems after all my luck with rolling Larry with ease
>mfw I prefer Larry but Kabu is also a top tier ossan husbando so I want him too

Guess I'll die. Or oink.
File deleted.
Acerola is our new queen after saving the game and scaring tranniy fujos away.
>pedos acting like if they are not the same cancer as fujos
go figure it
What's the most efficient way to buy gems each month? How do I know what a good deal is?
>buy gems
now that's actually your problem
The best deals are the daily login ones for the sync orbs and the candy coins. After that are the masterfair deals they have for masterfair events and masters day.
The only good gem deals are the cheap ones that give you 300 gems for a dollar
>Dhelmise was wasted on her
That hideous shitmon definitely deserves someone like Molayne instead
I can afford it. I'm a new player and I'd like to reward the Masters team for adding hot girls to pull for.
July is the most hetero month this year
So the daily login reward can repeat? I've already bought it and it's about to run out.
is anyone else having problems downloading the update from the game?
every time the download bar almost reach 3/4 it resets back to the start
yes once it runs out it tells you to refresh it so you get another chunk of gems immediately and then the 20 days of login.
Dhelmise mogs trash like Gholdengo, she's a beautiful possessed anchor.
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Now that I’ve been successful at 15k Kanto CS maybe I can clear Alola CS? Maybe…
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Try clearing your cache
Gardenia is way hotter though
Even her kit is better too
Let's just agree to disagree.
Whoops, meant to reply to this
>dhelmise has a signature steel type move
>lol let's give it flash cannon
fucking retards
also klara's kit is insane, mogs oleana who will now be reduced to a rebuff/debuff slut
>doesn't come with Dojo Victor
>mogs oleana
>Open it
>Empty space
How long has this been a thing and why didn't it got removed?
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It is nothing but an anchor with seaweed and a helm wheel inexplicably stapled onto it.
It and the reddit gold thing and the slime tea thing are disservices to Ghost as a type and make the idea of objectmons look far stupider than it already did when everyone dogpiled the trash bag.
Works fine on my end? Its a little slow to load though. I'm on my laptop though so maybe its different on mobile
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I love my cute wife Whitney!
With lodge Kabu my streak of perfect attendance ends
should have been Larry
or Klara, though I suspect her and Avery will both be added next month like Adaman and Irida were
Dena still has LGBT devs so they will likely add Avery to the Lodge
>all these potential lodge characters that I like
how am I gonna lv1000 them all without going insane...god id love to see how a Klara and Avery lodge story would be like
Klara's model is so cute, shame Dena needed to FOMA + gave her such a generic nothing kit
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off topic but it feels weird seeing the OP image from somewhere that isn't my own collection, cause I've had that image saved since like 2019.
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Why was this deleted? Zero nudity.
Are bikinis verboten now?
>Generic kit
Are you stupid? She covers both physical and special. She'll likely be the best poison type DPS for a long time. She also gets Strike role with her Tech role so damage output is going to be insane
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because it was AI and probably designed to look pornographic
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is this you brother?
you sure love your buzzwords, you fucking wasp.
>DeNa adding the Noland UB:
For me it's Beedrill (forma de mega)
>AIslop got deleted
how old are they? I mean gardenia should be over 15 I guess, and I dont think klara is that old being a rival
What weakness ?
>tfw still haven't done Nita and Argenta
It's so fucking over.
I want Klara to spit on my face
avery thighjob. klara titjob
It's Flying weak, but get this:

It has Piercing Gaze Machamp with unlimited uses of both Fissure and Earthquake. He uses Fissure turn 1.

On the bright side, it looks like you may be able to sleep/flinch/freeze chain him.
>summer lodge theme
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Wtf he has an ice move. Seems pretty good
avery footjob
i need it
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>biancabro, kabuchad and klarafriend got their pairs
Who's left?
it took way too long to add avery. fucking finally
Flannery and Elio.
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End of month roll call, who did (you) have 6EX with?
Be careful, anon. She likes transforming people into chairs, for some reason.
Don't you remember when they did the same for Agatha? Wait, no... Hagatha? No, umm..... old lady with Skarmory, that one. Very literallywho
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Who are you still waiting for?

I’m still dreading for Drayden, best cope I got is thinking he will come paired with Hassel soon.
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Not much. Saving.
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Now that Klara is here I only want Shelly and Dendra
I really like these summer alts but Bianca drained me dry and their kits look kind of mid so I’ll wait til they’re on a select scout or something
>NC Cheren
>NC Bianca
>Mix Blue
>SC Emmet
>SS Cyrus
bro I'm boutta teach myself odor sleuth to beat the crap outta these ghosts, creeping on my waifu like that.
Where is the Schedule?
What is the gem count for July?
Are the 4 event units given to us permanently or are they just “rental” units we get for the event? 4 freebies in one month just feels too good to be true.
brother all I care about is if you ask for consent and she willingly gives it.
>gf spent like 150 bucks in anticipation of the update
my eye is twitching
Don't worry, she orgasms in the rest
As long as I can make her come, that counts as consent~
i need to hear avery's voice
Boring if true
Hoped he was Psychic weak so I could try Tapu Lana, Chase and SS Lusamine or Steven.
Only UBs I have beat so far are Darach and Lucy(the easiest ones) because I didn’t want to roll for the Kanto NCs, Irida and Lucario Cynthia who can basically beat everything
Miss this guy's Pokemon work like you wouldn't believe. Sad that he didn't do any Acerola doujins.
So is “SS Cyrus + Any Flying Strike” enough to deal with him?
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>Summer Outfits
>ESG approved shit
Remember what they took from you.
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Acerola already got her summer outfit so a cute sailor fuku is fine by me.
The hat is a little tacky but otherwise it's fine. I noticed that she painted her nails
thanks god Marnie does'nt have to carry that dead character called Gloria
>it looks like you may be able to sleep/flinch/freeze chain him.
you cant
full immune like Palmer and Leon
Whenever UB datamine doesnt list Resilience among the passives - it means full immune to disruptions (theres no point giving resilience when they're immune anyway)
But if you see Resilience listed - that means no immunity (like Nita)

And it would be way too easy to flinch of sleep the Fissures. They want to make it harder to deal with it
Fortunately flying is immune to ground
not.. really, no.
don't rape her anon, not cool. IDC if this is some kinda power fantasy, but the most powerful people take restraint. if she says no, then accept it. always ask first. don't be weird.
Pretty sure this is wrong, if it was full immune it would be listed in the passives. It seems like the whole point of this UB is to flinch/sleep him and make sure he never gets a move off.
>if it was full immune it would be listed in the passives
no it wouldnt
Leon UB was full immune and none of the passives (wide awake, antifreeze, unflappable) were in his fights datamine

Noland will be immune 100%

>It seems like the whole point of this UB is to flinch/sleep him and make sure he never gets a move off.
thats baby difficulty
you will need to bring supports with Fly or other 2 turn evade moves (yes, Falkner)
or rely on damage guards
>thats baby difficulty
Not like there isn’t precedent for that, Lucy’s whole gimmick is negated by a basic lucky skill.
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An amazing month for 6EX but a terrible for my gems
Why do these threads always devolve into fat losers ERPing
you are in a thread about a game that people play only for pokewaifus, what exactly do you expect from such a playerbase? not defending, it's just expected
most of the waifufags are faggots in the closet, is funny how at the same time they complain about the series being "pozzed".
>most people are actually [projection]
90% of this board is autistic, that's the real answer
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>Implying Acerola would want to date or fuck a brownoid
Sorry Paco, Acerola is white and japanese men only
>japanese men only
Are british ones acceptable
Her TM ghost zone and her steel zone are really just there to trigger her passive and passives like SS Mina. So you do TM then metal sound twice and start actually attacking after a support does the first sync. Then starts attacking with her buddy move which triggers another zone.
Your parents hate you and wish you were dead
you're the one writing stories so another men can get off, must be sad living in the closet.
Only if they are white, not a mutt
We're just sharing cooms with the bros, nothing gay about that.
The fuck is the stupid faggot even saying?
Anybody here speak schizo?
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Sheesh is the troony toon still mad that Acerola stomped on its skull repeatedly until they were a stain on the sidewalk?
>no one made the monthly propaganda post before I did
One job
I liked this image. You did that? Who is the penultimate female character in the Johto line?
It pretty much boils down to this
>if you state you like the female body, that makes you either a homo, a transexuals, or part of the DEI Jewish globalist state
It makes perfect sense if you don't think about it for even a millisecond.
can we get another cheren alt? i miss having a normal person here
>Gardenia's English voice actor won't change
>Alt sounds different
Nobody on 4chan is normal. Sorry you had to learn this way, little tourist.
Fags aren't normal, actually
Why do poketards feel the need to tell other retards what they like fapping to? Are you homosexuals? Nobody care that you busted a nut to poorly drawn Bonnie porn, take that shit to >>>/trash/ where these fapping together threads belong
Go back
more normal than having a massive schizo meltdown every time a datamine comes out
Being disappointed with LGBT pandering is a normal human reaction hope this helps
Idk voicelines recorded almost 5 years apart can sound differently
Seemingly not the case with people like Leaf and Mina though
I don't normally do this, but I think it's one of the rare cases that it's extremely warranted.
Find a rope, find a chair, and make your parents smile for their first time in the last 20 years.
You've been a failure your entire life, I only hope that you succeed one time.
They are most likely going to put more of the rivals in the new dps check shop later on. Cheren could get Liepard or Gigalith from it since those are what he uses.
thinking adding male characters is "lgbt pandering" and spending weeks having schizo meltdowns about it is not normal hope this helps
Well excuse me for being a heterosexual man
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Nobody 5/5'd Cheren
One person 5/5'd Kabu
One person 5/5'd Biance
Nobody 5/5'd Larry
Embarrassing flop month for PokeMas. I'm glad it's almost over.
most heterosexual men don't shit up the general with autistic tantrums every datamine regardless of what's actually in the datamine
Stop crying
Oh good, he's basically an inverse mutt
I think Bianca looks better in the green than the white. But I'm just very happy to see her finally get an alt. Hope she gets more soon.
That was stupid
acerola slop is enough to make jannies do something... i kneel to GODcelora
Based mods, whoever deleted that other thread deserve a promotion
Cunnybros, what happened?
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>Dawn threads with her panties in full view are okay
>Bunny Suit is apparently too much
Maybe if you fags didn't post softcore AI loli porn as the thumbnail it wouldn't be deleted. You brought this unto yourselves
Zero dollar pay raise to zero dollars
Meant for >>56084836
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>He thinks jannies and mods are the same thing
>He thinks /vp/ still have jannies
My bad, bro. I just really really like Acerola.
They both do it for free
All one person unsurprisingly
Arven, for the love of god
It’s a “kimono girl”, they are more than one but they got little relevancy as they prepare you to meet the legendary bird.
Fuck off, Cheren is too simple, yuck and much of a stick to be fags’ material, he is for scrawny and shitty no-life women.
Nooooooo, I wanted a ghost physical striker!
People wanted her to have a ghost pokemon for a while now, but most were going for Trevenant instead.
>not a pleated skirt
Yep, that's a pass.
They can take our life, but we will never give up on swimsuits!
Chuck (previously Sneed)

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