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>What is Pokémon Masters EX?
A mobile Pokémon game that's real-time instead of turn-based and focuses on collecting trainers instead of Pokémon.

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Previous thread: >>56082273
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She won BIGLY
Take 2
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>my daughterwife
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Fuck off AI slop. Acerola is better like that
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>Thread got nuked because softcore loli porn was posted
>"Let's just post more anons, nothing bad will happen this time"
Do /vp/edos really?
Stop ban evading
I cannot be ban evading because i wasn't banned to begin with retard. Try harder
Report and ignore. It's never going to stop shitting itself so there's no point in trying to talk to it.
post your premium 5/5 pairs, not malicious or anything I just wanna see cool investments
Kabu won
The least scouted trainer award
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Not sure how I got this fag to 5/5 I think I was rolling on a mixed banner and probably gave him like 1 candy
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I love my cute wife Whitney!
the hottest ojisan award
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I like little girls and latinas
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Just this one. Can't remember the last time I used her.
I have N, bede, zinnia, sc nate, emmet and ingo all 5/5
im gonna max out klara and avery too
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Is Gardenia physically incapable of covering her midriff, does she have to show her tummy at all times in order to survive?
Her fat rolls need to breath, please understand
She takes in sunlight there for food.
It's mainly the Alola girls I like that get the 5/5 treatment. Wish there was a way to filter out gen pool trash
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Holy based, I'm still only 75% of the way to both of them myself, but I'm getting there.
Can we talk about how the new brat is insanely strong.

She can buff every stat, debuff stats on enemy, has built in status immunity + impervious, aoe healing and double type rebuff.

She'll see play in CS, guantlet solos and even UB.
Haven't even looked at her kit. I see cunny, I pull. Simple as.
SSBlue but it's been against my will
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I have some 4/5 pairs and 3/5 pairs I eventually want to max but that’ll have to wait. Putting Tina because she’s trapped in limited hell so I consider her premium

In the triple banner got a 5/5 SS Mina....but I just wanted SS Acerola and had to pity for my daughter-wife.
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how many versions of this bitch you need? fucking dena
They got Lillieblocked.
This game still exists?
Wait for NC Acerola with Necrozma Dawn Wings
yeah, but they are still shilling the aether family with gladion
yeah it would be hilarious if she got that before the MCs, selene just got scizor for some reason
they felt bad that she had to wear rags as her only clothes in the main series so they compensated
They might settle on making sure she keeps getting twice as many alts as losermine has
What the flying fuck happened in the previous thread? I thought the schizos were on /vg/, not here
yes, somehow
but last way had the worst earnings since at least mid 2020
Not enough, only one alt shows her cute tummy.
Acerola got an alt way before Lillie thobeit.
I have been believing they come here more often because there's more activity here and they want to be a part of it.
Tina is in the Top10 units we use so she deserve to be limited she is just too strong. Kinda dumb that Rachel and Sawyer never got 6EX with a Lear rerun. It don't really hurt to have a month with two or three units to 6EX. It's less dumb to do that than doing a recoller of Lear two time in a year just for them
>d*na pushes 1 (one) swimsuit alt
>it's a microbikini for acerola
>refuse to elaborate
I actually want a study of why Acerola doesn't feel anywhere near as present to us as Lillie even though the former was introduced earlier and that both have 5 alts each
Worth it.
These are the schizos
Oh look who's ban evading again.
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Progress. Who are you waiting for?

I swear, we will get all the popes before Drayden comes out.
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Heterosexual men won. You lost.
Reply five hundred times.
Because Lilliedom is present in the games and merch as well, and arguably the anime. Lillie overexposure bleeds together.
fucking acerola got three alts, meanwhile Im still waiting for at least one for olivia,
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I've had problems with Iris's TM and sync crits before and I was pretty pleased with her update patching them up.
So far she's the only one with an actual 5/5 grid who I was willing to commit the candies to.
Can’t happen yet, they still have to release Hat Lillie.
The ones I want the most are Kieran, Carmine, Shelly, the two main Ultra Recon Squad members, Team Star and Benga
The Lillie year(s)was horrible that's why. Two alt in 2021 and Polteageist in march 22.At least Acerola got an alt in 20,23 and 24 with the lodge one just here for free.
Skyla is like that too. She don't really feel forced when she have many alt unlike Blue or Steven
Still want Fennel and Yancy regardless of how many layers of shafted they probably are.
Everyone else from gen 1-7 feels like fair game to me though. It's still weirdly impressive how hard they've been trying to dodge AZ in particular.
Hat Lillie doesn't know how to Pokemon.
because acerola is that irrelevant to the fans that they are probably thinking this alt is the first one
I've got a lot at 1/5 and 2/5, and a few at 3/5 and 4/5, but she's my only 5/5. I saved resources for her for like two years.
>Debut: Sept 2020
>NY: Jan 2021
>Anni: Aug 2021
>SC: Mar 2022

>Debut: Aug 2019
>Fall: Oct 2020
>Sygna Suit: May 2023
>Summer: July 2024

It’s really not that complicated… Lillie got 3 alts in a span of 18 months after her debut, while Acerola’s alts are spaced far apart. As a matter of fact all three of Lillie’s costume alts were released between Fall Acerola and SS Acerola.
Even Morty has five alts and nobody even noticed how well he was eating until he somehow shat out a shiny Ho-oh.
Thankfully, with Kabu and Larry being added at the same time, I don't have anything to wait for anymore. Besides my faves getting alts or being added to Lodge, anyways. I'm satisfied for now... okay, well, that's not entirely really true. Ingo is in the game, but Warden Ingo isn't. They're the same character but they're so drastically different, they kind of aren't. I have my doubts as to if he's going to be added anytime soon, if at all considering the can of worms that would open up. Also possible that Emmet might appear in PLZA which is probably also why they're waiting, but that's just cope.
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>2023 and 2024
>I am forgotten
What the fuck happened to the legendary heroine of Pokemon?
Fennel seems like event freebie material to me, like Naomi and co.
Also, I didn't notice how little Kalos units we've gotten so far this year, with only Tierno. I suppose they'll splurge it whenever more ZA info drops
Don't forget that the Chatelaines have been added each year during Anniversaries as BP pairs. Morgan is guaranteed, since she's the last one that needs to be added.
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She got too /comfey/ in (You)r lodge
>but lillie got more!!!
lillie is the real main character of sun and moon dumbasses
Because the only important ones are already here and have an alt. The Flare girls are gonna be a Variety hell at some point and outside Clemont and Malva (one day) I can't really think about a popular NPC that can have a first alt outside Lodge or a free one. But like an anon said we have a chatelaine each year and a Kimono girl for free each year now
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>Because the only important ones are already here
Again, AZ
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>End of Month
I'll do YtD since I typically don't respond to these posts and the list is pretty short thus far in 2024.
Grusha, NC Rosa, Palentines Candice, Riley, Dancer Irida, Lodge Skyla, Bellelba, Poppy
And tomorrow I'll have my select scout NC Bianca
>5/5 premium pairs
These are the most meaningful 4 to me but I also have Anniversary May, Easter May, Steven, Summer Steven, Diantha, Champion Iris, Halloween Iris, and Sygna Suit Lana at 5/5 as well.
nobody fucking cares about AZ
Quality over quantity… BP and lodge have no costume, and Fall Morty despite being a great outfit suffers from the dogshit kits they gave early seasonals and is incredibly forgettable as a consequence.

Rather than just counting alts we should assign point values for different types of units
>no costume: 1/2 point
>costume (non-MF): 1 point
>costume (MF): 2 points
>dock 1/2 point if the unit is terrible, e.g. Anni Steven
This is stupid
Anon they can't use AZ with an """"unreleased"""" pokemon even if this one already have a model
>the alt doesn't count because it's bad
Every alt is going to be bad because of power creep. This is completely retarded
>Klara confirmed hag
holy kino
We have like a million poison DPS
Should i do the pledge and the trick for Acerola, Klara or Gardenia?
You should be pledging your allegiance to the flag
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grown woman theme skill is basically the hag skill
That's a mistranslation THOUGH?
Funny how poison went from one of the worst types to one of the better ones in such a short timespan
It is usually translated as "Beauty" in Pokémon because character limits, but Grown Woman is closer to the literal meaning.
The literal meaning is "onee-san" which in Pokemon just means any female that treats people younger than them like kids. This doesn't make them all old ladies. Stop bastardizing the term "hag"
>Ariana only has the required Poison, Johto, and Villain
>Melony is in both Grown Woman and Veteran.
>Drasna isn't in either one
What did Dena mean by this?
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Acerola should have the grown woman skill
Misty deserves a premium alt
>Kabu gets added to the Lodge
>but not Larry
Nigga WHAT. I'd rather Larry than the midget
Im right there with you, brother.....
>no pleated skirt
That's a skip.

I'm surprised more people don't know how Acerola is a legal loli in the sun/moon games
She sure is older than pre-schoolers.
>finally acknowledged the DLC characters
So we can expect Kieran and Carmine in like 2 years?
You're still in pre-school
Silly anon, those are the anniversary pairs!
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Kek based
>just shat out abunch of alternatives for abunch of Rivals
>and its not Variety Banner slop
>for fucking free
Whoa whoa whoa, whats going on here?
>Bulbapedo says she is 19 so she is 19
Anon, Bulbapedia is literally ran by a known pedophile, of course he is gonna claim the loli is 19. She is canonically 10 and no amount of coping will change that
It's a prelude to the next big power creep.
Enjoy the freebies while you can.
>She is canonically 10
Post the in game evidence to this. You can do that, right?
It was a sneaky way to add a new Blue alt later. Get ready for Alakazam or Gyarados !
Most Pokemon characters don't have a canon age, you bumbling retard.

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Valerie Alt when?
For you, my finest variety scout!
Why do schizos get so worked up over fictional character ages?
If Flannery said she was 12 would that suddenly stop you from jerking off to her? If so then you probably suffer from brain worms.
Post the in game evidence that she is legal then you retard
They’re just padding out the sprint/field pool to make BR slightly less miserable
I feel like the mind image of Klara I have as been replaced from the official one to someone who smokes frequently and has a habit of slipping non-lethal levels of toxic materials into the food and water of people she doesn't like.
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Right here, sis
Kek based
Acerola gave me a nursing handjob
Is there a point cap in the HSE?
In the game it's a mystery and joke about Acerola's true age, She's weirdly open yet vague about her royalty past and family.

Popular theory was she was a ghost herself, nintendo won't ever clarify her age.
You're still describing the canon one.
before I thought she was a teenager because I thought ''I dont think they will make a kid an elite 4''... and then poppy came out
Poppy is a football for kicking
You're saying this when a champion was as young as 10 in Red and Blue?
Smoking was phased out as soon as the global release of Gen 2. Meaning it died before the real world animals died.
elite 4 is a job, that's the difference, champions can be literally any one
No it's a status
championship is a status, that's why nobody in games cares about you being the champion in the post game
Bzzzt wrong
>2 years
nope, 3+ years
Galar DLC released in june 2020
Even bulbapedo says 11-19, because that's the age range for trial captains
Her and Lillie are literal princesses, Acerola by royal heritage while Lillie by coming from a 1% family. They have n9 limits when it comes to alts potential.
Huh my chart didnt get me a 3 day this time? W/e alola GODS we fucking won WE FUCKING WON!!!
yeah, you are wrong, I accept your concession
Your concession was used to wipe my ass
Write up for ppl that dont like to read
Shes a sleep locker, but unlike Serena or SSCyrus, she cant hit everyone. And obviously trying to lock anyone is useless nowaday since every somewhat threatening boss just gets an immunity shield, which completely invalidates her second passive. With a grid, you can build her like NC Serena, and nerf stats with bullet seed in the same vain. Her biggest selling point is having both Sprint and Field roles together. I legitimately think they did that on purpose because no one would pull.
His selling point is having Galar circle and also field. He needs help to max his spAtk but he is built for damage if your lacking in Psychics. His grid is split between making him good for Psy Terrain, Hail, or his circle, so theres that constant grid swapping. Despite his BM only being one use, its pretty good nerfs which help fit him together with def or spdef main DPS's. A team for fun would be with Christmas Leon and Vday Bea.
She's basically a shotgun with a knife at the end. Very versatile, infinite BM that switches between physical or special. You basically load her up by either spamming Bomb or Jab, and than BM pocket nuke when you feel like it. Can max her spatk with ease, but needs alil help if you want to go physical. And this is without grid help.
I dunno, she has 2 zones, and the problem is that they'll easily overwrite each other or just get wasted if your not paying attention. Her TM gives ghost zone, using any status gives steel, her BM gives ghost, and her sync gives ghost too. You obviously want to use her TM first. I feel like theres enough ghost zoners, and they should've prioritized the steel zone instead. I understand her passive is buffing the team because of the constant zone applying, but its random stats, it aint worth all that effort chief. She doesnt really look like a support role, and more of a Tech. She's a weird one, grid provides the basics which is typical of them for seasonals.
True. Though it might be a pain fitting 5x lillie 5x acerola 2x lusamine every CS. Was kinda hoping for another lillie so you could do 2 lillie only clears.
I'd say she looks just almost as good as Tea Time Lillie, who has just been so good as a support tank for all these years. But she falls too short. No Potion, can only recover herself. Gives the team a regen at least and heals the team on every attack. You wanna use both BM uses immediately. Applying rebuff to oneself just feels incredibly niche, i dont think i've ever used Christmas Sycamore for that at all. Cant buff crit unless you want to go deep on the grid, and also gamble with an MPR, can flinch as well with it. Another very basic bitch grid.
Me not care. Me pull for favorites only
As long as there's other Ghost Pokémon for her to use, not enough.
>Lillie literal princess
The word "literal" has no meaning. Zoomies ruin everything
She's basically Trumps daughter.
Cringe, ill figure out what they do 1/5 not EX'd headfirst on a 4k CS stage.
Trump wasn't addicted to beans.
He was addicted to beaners for awhile
Modern princesses are gorillionaire's daughters, the oil, tech and steel families around the world are much richer than let's say the British Royal family.
I think that fag is thinking in ''ojou'' he thinks ojou and princess are actually the same
oh, I was right, you are thinking in ojou. even then that's not what '' literaly'' means
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Wait wtf happened last thread? Why so many deleted? And how did we go through 2/3 threads? Are alola cuties this powerful?
I would say why but...
literally means "factually or almost" nowadays

Acerola saved the game from EOS and united all the different fans together.
Acerola is my mommy and I love her
Some seething troon got mind broken and posted CP to try and "gotcha" the civil cunnyrola posters. I like acerola now.
Hopefully Gigantomax Machamp Noland pokefair will cuck Bea in the future.
She's a direct descendant of a king from a region that bordered Kalos, but that region turned into a parliamentary democracy by the time the game is set.
>troon anti has CP and proudly shares it
why does this keep happening

either way, is klara any good? i saw her kit and she just seems like a generic "tech but only for the 1.5x EX buff" unit
Mixed attacker poison DPS.
If you already have the other poison DPS trainers then you probably don't need her
So it depends on if you need more toxic bitches.
Didnt know who Greta was until today. I just really didnt care much about the Frontier Brains, but i did recognize the other brains.
Anabel (Classic) when?
Why is lodge Kabu so bad? Its just a really bad version of the original. Trap, burn raise stats. The original does it all better, other lodge pairs atleast do diferent stuff than the original. What were they thinking?
The funny part is that you need the good Kabu to unlock the shitty Kabu.
Fake news.
I'm glad this list has Gabby and Ty, I like them but in most missing character lists people forget to put them for some reason. But I also noticed that there are no Hisui (LA) characters on this list. Why?
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If i wasnt a hoarder id level up some other faves but cant beat my autism
aww god damn I dropped this kuso 4 months ago and now the hit one of the two characters that would make me wanna come back.
Lodge May is also just a shittier version of normal May.
>She's a direct descendant of a king from a region that bordered Kalos
sauce or fuck off
All Aether related names are German in origin.
LG fodder for when you use up one of them first I think
again, sauce or fuck off
So you think Lillie's people are actually from Paldea then?
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This is legit the only service Greta ever got since Emerald.
>you think
that's the thing, it's not about what you think is about giving the official source
For good reason.
And its much needed
Don't care if kits Is meh, I'm rolling cuz I like all the fro tier brains
Aren’t all lodge pairs just cheap downgrades? Also it isn’t the worst kit, at least most support pairs have some sort of usefulness
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I'm rolling cause I've been in love with Greta since I fought her in Emerald two decades ago
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Here are the month's events. Gem count for the month is a pitiable 22,770.
She is really cute and one of the first spunky fighting type specialists
I’m not putting Hissui in the tier list until DeNa drops someone that isn’t a Cinthia relative or the Main Characters.

So far we got decent amount of Paldea characters, but I don’t see any signs of getting people like Gaeric, Iscan, Calaba, Meli or Clover. At best we will get just Kamado and Cogita, but as for the rest, I’m unsure.
I just assume they are being picky about when they drop since the way they arrive can't be as loose as with other regions
They did modern alts for the clan leaders, so it's not like they're avoiding Hisuians
floating timelines are in the pokemon universe is messed up. we all know that the OG cast would be 20 years older than what Acerola is.
something really stupid about making her Breloom a grass type though instead of fighting
That Burnet is too damn good at hiding
weren't birch and elm showcased in the first trailer years ago despite not being in?
I’ve got thomething thpecial for you!
I just realized, when was the last time we had a gem rally? free giveaways is nice and all but id much prefer gems, coins, etc...
It's time to accept this is not a generous game anymore after the 4th anniversary.
That vore guy will never stop...
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>another summer seasonal with no characters in swimsuits and/or beachwear
Is it too much to ask for Sandaconda and Lucy in a one-piece or Alolan shirt Crasher Wake and a Palafin? Jesus Christ.
lol. lmao
Trump's daughter is not a princess, though. At best she's a daughter of a bitch.
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June chart
It's just the half year one minus some twist. July should will probably the month where Meloetta beat Zapdos in usage total for the rest of the year
Sorry for the wait I can now sleep until Monday. Hope the neww free rivals pairs aren't easy to get I don't want to add a billion pairs in the chart
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At least you got bellybutton, sailor fuku* and a cute fighter girl this time, this summer is factually the lewdest one outside of Gloria/Marnie
Man I didn't even read again before posting. I'm a lazy ass
She's just being kept in my rape room. That's why she's been gone for a while. DeNA hasn't forgotten about her, in fact, they are frantically searching for her as we speak.
it's lilover
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>Still two units in the top 16 despite nothing new in two years.
>Going to be critical in the upcoming HSE
It's barely lilgun.
I only have 2k gems and I NEED to pull the brat, Gardenia and Klara.
Shouldn't have rolled for the fags then.
If you really loved Klara you’d take out a mortgage to enough gems to 5/5 her
Brat will always win

True brat lovers will paypig for the tier scout.
call the medic, i think i'm dying....actually if i die i become a ghost...CAPTURE ME ACEROLA!
Lillie was BETRAYED and TRAPPED by Acerola in the Hyperbolic No-Alts Chamber.
I love this new alt but I wish it was a sailor skirt rather than another dress
For the best, Acerola and Lana are better.
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This Brandon talk was fun. Looks like we have another potential sync stone ultimate pair? They’re doing champions it seems (Alder next please)
Yeah so far Cynthia and Steven are in line with getting one, probably for anni. They usually like to do 3 anni pairs, so the next chapter will tell us whose next. But i feel like Rei already has a spot, and possibly Volo.
It's not going to be new units it's going to be upgrades for old units since Cynthia talks about improving with Garchomp and Steven talks about improving with Metagross. The third will be Lance since they are the original trio of pokefairs.
Finally, Gardenia alt
They're going to sell the upgrades thru a banner one way or another. Whether its getting them to 5/5 or using a special item in the same vain as candies/cakes that you collect pieces of to make one, or both, where pulling for them gives you pieces. They're going to make a profit out of it.
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>Acerola and Lana are bet-
You will be EXECUTED for spouting blasphemies.
Last FUCKING warning.
Is it weird that when I played through SM I assumed Acerola was one of those creepy short old hags that are often involved with ghost stories? Was surprised she was actually a kid.
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>She was actually a kid
She isn't though, she's just a pettanko teenager.
>A site run by a known pedophile said she was 19 so she is 19
She is 11 anon. Sorry to break your pedo fantasy but that's the truth
That depends, what did you think Hapu was when you first saw her?
What different things would a talking doll of Klara say when squeezed?
I think I also thought she was a midget lady.
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Imagine all the sweat under her bodysuit
I think I got up to 27 sync moves on this last Rally battle. Only buffs were x8 Poison Type Stat Up. Usually I just go Medium difficulty for the last as I just want the rewards but the types lined up.
>known pedo
Silly anon, every website is run by them. Your point is nil
You say she's 11 with no more corroborating evidence than that other anon saying she's 19.

The only information we have in regards to her age is that it is stated in-game that Trial Captains are a role taken by people between the ages of 11 and 19.
Avery and Klaras voice lines are so cute…
Big sis strong..
>Buy my album!
Anti Acerola Schizo is NOT happy that she's about to trample all over the gay banners
I got reminded of the fact that Gardenia and Hilda share the same English VA because the Gardenia alt does sound a lot like Hilda in some of her voice lines
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Why is she like this
Bulbapedia even updated it to "unknown"
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>Gardenia had to earn her bond with Dhelmise
>It wasn't just some random "I received this Pokémon as a gift" one off paid little mind
>She and Dhelmise had to overcome a personal roadblock and that was the story.
She knows what she wants
jesus its gonna take forever to get 3/5 on all the new "freebie" pairs.
"freebie" indeed. Whales will get them much faster
All this shit for a bunch of shitters BRAVO DENA and they're all 5* trainers so you can't use the worthless 4* candies on them
Conclusion: new mode sucks
Can these stupid faggots make more BP pairs?
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There will be more BP pairs during anni. We will also finally get Morgan
There is a single 4* candy you could use on any of them, and it was given back during Gloria’s event as a ranking reward. No Sprint/Field 4* candies in the game.
Acerola is homeless and lying, and Lillie is homeless and abandoned by her (based) mother. Both are Oliver Twist tier characters.
Obviously they would make some in this case DOOFUS the point is that these shitters are annoying to get merges for
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I hate all these ugly ass Chatelaines.
I hope they add their 6EX. For (You) it's easy because it will probably be like the Variety pairs : No change at all
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Gardenia’s hairy unwashed bush smells like seaweed and that’s a good thing!
This is literally the prestige event again.
c'est horrible
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Tights are the only thing they have going for them
Man how the fuck can you go above 1000000 points. With Mushana/Necrozma/Genesect (for Metal Sound) my best was 600000 pts (Ace trainer 3 stars or something like that)
I can't believe the end of the summer event is literally this kek https://youtu.be/V7WPrddIXGA
I went with

NC Rosa (Her TM Spam + her one use BMove) andd Anni May (Psychic Terrain + Gauge + Sync Accel) and SS Lusamine 3R

Managed to hit 1.1million.
Without locking rewards to the actual ranking/PVP aspect, and without telling you to go fuck yourself if you didnt pull for Gloria dupes for the exclusive score multiplier.
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Awful taste
Its still really stupid how long NC Rosa's BMove animation is. I used her too but basically use it for the rebuff and then gotta hold off on it to ensure there is enough time for another sync move.
Which of these two should be added in first?
Sadly I don't have NC Rosa and SS Lana ( everybody use her in the YouTube video I watched). Guess I have to wait either a Mix pull or the next battle
Ok so how are you supposed to gain more points for this damage challenge?
Apparently replaying the battle does not grant extra points.
I tried NC Lana and SS Lusamine with Chase and SS Steven(attack) and the highest I got to was like 140k(with Chase) so like???? I only have 109 tickets and to get ONE of the new sync pairs you need 300
Sync move with your damage dealer and like Time Trials, don't use moves that has a long-ass animation.
i kinda want avery, luved that he was a cunt but idk if id ever use him...
Got her on the 2nd step up. Thank fucking god, only had 29k gems. Cunnyrola is coming home for sure.
You don't. It resets twice a week and we will have to grind points on it for a good while.
Which of the event sync pairs should I get first? I'm thinking Nemona or Marnie, they aren't bad, and are cute girls. None of them seem exceptionally good, so I'm thinking of appealing to my dick.
>Roll for Gardenia not because she is useful or a strong attachment to the character, but because I wanted to use her in the photo mode
What the hell is wrong with me?
>picking favorites in a game where the meta barely matters
Sounds like a chad move to me
She's not a favorite though. Just a prop for the main subject.
>every high scoring team uses NC Rosa
Wowie I love modes where you're bricked if you don't roll the shill pair
She only has Breloom because Umbreon is rather well-covered already.
It says *between* 11 and 19
>Sorry to break your pedo fantasy but that's the truth
Makes no sense. A pedo would want her to be 11, not 19
Nita and Evelyn in my bed
They're all mediocre Fields. If you're missing one of their zones from your current pairs, consider getting that first, but otherwise really doesn't matter.
Why does everyone from Galar have a weird accent? They kept the other regions to just like Koga, Fantina, and Viola.
Nemona seems like the best one
You don't need NC Rosa, I own her and didn't even use her, I got my 1 million using Red Snorlax
Sadly there’s no way to make Britoid sound palatable to the human ear
Stop giving the retard attention. Anyone complaining about "pedos" on /vp/ has brain damage
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Acerola is a full grown woman.
>Got myself up to 1.5 Million points and around 600th place
I just know this will get overshadowed at some point in the future but I'm still pretty proud of it. Not sure how much higher I can go without using candies, as it stands right now my NC Rosa is at 3/5, my SS Lana is at 2/5, and my Necrozma Lusamine is at 3/5.

I've also been running a strat where I do Rosa's sync first to buff up all the other attacks as well as get the Ex Sprint boost to get the next sync faster, which even though the way I'm doing it does no damage because it's the Fighting type sync I'm pretty sure it makes up for it later.
That's two rich guy statues of Lear that Steven owns. Whoever wants to hook up with him has to keep this in mind
Been fapping to Acerola's tight ADULT cunny since the announcement with no worries.
I WILL roll for Avery and nobody is gonna stop me.
Is there any hope for me? I've only been able to get 250k thus far. I can candy Lana up to 3/5 if need be. If that'd help a lot.
You need Steven or Lusamine. Basically you're fucked
Just because you want to have sex with her doesn't mean she is an adult you porn addicted tranny
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What a jerk. Klara addresses him by name for their battle against twerps, and Avery just addresses Avery.
I used Geo&Mewtwo since he's the only fully maxed psychic I have and a 1/5 lvl140 Olympia. Olympia was surprisingly fun and fast. Highest I could get though was 167,000
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Unfortunate, I'll have to wait a bit longer to unlock Marnie then it seems
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I assume you're a new player as well. Seems this event was not made for us. Used Lana as DPS while Bianca and Mix Blue supported her. Happy with 250k as a two month player.
It's a whale mode but the good thing is that the rewards suck and will just take you longer to get so it ultimately doesn't matter
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Where does Steven keep his Lear statues?
And how many will be have by EoS time?
Steven will have enough to become the new ruler of Pasio if he felt like it.
ftp clear but you need 3/5 lucian (dont ever candy a spotlight pls)
Interesting. Getting way more damage output than I was.
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Post this all you want, it won't change the fact that Acerola is underaged and that you are a pedophile for wanting to have sex with her
Bonnie when?
never, she is not even a trainer
This story was nice. Acerola and Lana being cute friends together made it better.
And no cringe Lillie to sour it
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Lillie was a bad girl so she will NOT be allowed any more alts.
>And no cringe Lillie to sour it
Friendship with Lillie ended, now Acerola is my new best friend
This was the most heavy handed story yet.
>I’m starting a treasure hunt for no particular reason
>Golly gee I better dress as a fucking pirate even though I have never displayed any fondness for treasure or pirates
>Well I guess I’ll dress up as a sailor even though that doesn’t even make sense and also we’re not even working together
show her team or stop masturbating to pedo shit
Got a good score (900k+) with Jacq, NC Rosa and SS Lana.
Rosa eats so much time but her sprint allows Farigiraf to sync and nuke hard with Stored Power.
The order of operations definitely is fucked.
I used NC Rosa and I only got 330k.
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But i just sync'd with SS Lusamine twice. NC Rosa is there for using her BMove AFTER using her TM twice/thrice.

Anni May is there to setup PT and Sync Accel for -1
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will these two characters interact?
Neither is Oak

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